Individual Performance Profile PN Nursing Care of Children 2011 Form B
Individual Performance Profile PN Nursing Care of Children 2011 Form B
Individual Performance Profile PN Nursing Care of Children 2011 Form B
NOTE: Means and percentile ranks are not presented for sub-scales with fewer than five items.
Please see page 4 for an explanation of the Scores and Topics to Review sections Page 1 of 4
Please see page 4 for an explanation of the Scores and Topics to Review sections Page 2 of 4
No of Individual
Priority Setting Items Score Description
5 40.0% Ability to demonstrate nursing judgment in making decisions about priority
responses to a client problem. Also includes establishing priorities regarding the
sequence of care to be provided to multiple clients.
No of Individual
Nursing Process Items Score Description
Data Collection (PN 2011) 21 66.7% Ability to apply nursing knowledge to the systematic collection of data about the
client¶s present health status in order to identify the client¶s needs and to identify
appropriate assessments to be performed based on client findings. Also includes
ability to ask the client appropriate questions, listen carefully to the client¶s
responses, and respond appropriately. Nurses must continuously use appropriate
methods to safely collect comprehensive client data.
Planning (PN 2011) 6 83.3% Ability to participate in the development of an appropriate plan of care for clients
with specific health alterations or needs for health promotion/maintenance.
Includes the ability to contribute to the establishment of priorities and desired
outcomes of care that can be readily measured and evaluated.
Implementation/Therapeutic Nursing 22 68.2% Ability to use clinical judgment and critical thinking to select and implement
Intervention (PN 2011) appropriate therapeutic interventions based on nursing knowledge, priorities of
care, and planned goals or outcomes in order to promote, maintain, or restore a
client¶s health. Also Includes the ability to appropriately respond to an unplanned
event (e.g., observation of unsafe practice, change in client status) and to
routinely take measures to minimize a client¶s risk.
Evaluation (PN 2011) 11 72.7% Ability to evaluate a client¶s response to nursing interventions and to reach a
nursing judgment regarding the extent to which goals and outcomes have been
met. Also includes the ability to assess client/staff understanding of instruction,
the effectiveness of intervention, and the recognition of a need for further
No of Individual
Clinical Topics Items Score Description
Nutrition PN 2011 6 50.0% Ability to apply nursing knowledge to normal nutrition and diet therapy. Topics
include the collection of data regarding nutritional status; implementation of
actions to promote normal nutrition or dietary modification in response to illness;
and evaluation of the client¶s response to diet therapy.
Please see page 4 for an explanation of the Scores and Topics to Review sections Page 3 of 4
Adjusted Individual Total Score: The adjusted individ- Level 1 - Scores meeting the Proficiency Level 1 standard
ual total score is a function of the number of questions answered may be considered to meet the absolute minimum expectations
correctly divided by the number of scored questions on the as- for performance in this content area. Scores at this level were
sessment. This percentage-correct score is then adjusted to judged by the content expert panel to indicate a student as likely
account for differences in the difficulty of the form taken, produc- to just meet NCLEX-PN® standards in this content area. ATI
ing the adjusted individual total score. For example: advises these students to develop and complete a rigorous plan
of focused review in order to achieve a firmer grasp of this con-
Number of questions answered correctly =
Total number of scored questions on the assessment Below Level 1 - Scores below the Proficiency Level 1 stand-
ard can be considered below minimum expectations and may be
50 Adjustment indicative of significant risk in this content area. ATI strongly
= 83.3% advises these students to develop and complete an intensive
60 (for form) = Adjusted Individual
plan for focused review and remediation, including the use of
difficulty Total Score ATI materials, textbooks, class notes, reference materials, and
assistance from nurse educators.
Pretest Items: There are 5 unscored pretest questions Topics to Review : Based on the questions missed on this
throughout the assessment, and 60 scored questions. The pre- assessment, a listing of content areas and topics to review is
test questions are used for research purposes. provided. A variety of learning resources may be used in the
review process, including content, images, animations and vide-
os in select components of ATI’s Content Mastery Series® Re-
Criterion-Referenced ATI Proficiency Levels: view Modules, and online practice assessments. Tutorials such
as NurseLogic, Pharmacology Made Easy and Dosage and Cal-
These classifications were developed as the result of a na- culations are additional resources available through ATI.
tional standard setting study conducted by ATI, involving
nurse educator content experts from across the U.S. Norm-Referenced Measures: Means and percentile
ranks can be useful for comparing performance to other nursing
students, both nationally and within the same PN program type.
Level 3 - Scores meeting the Proficiency Level 3 standard They are reviewed annually, and may be periodically reset as
may be considered to exceed most expectations for perfor- more students take the assessments.
mance in this content area. Scores at this level were judged by
the content expert panel to indicate a student as likely to exceed Mean - National: The national mean is the average of the
NCLEX-PN® standards in this content area. ATI advises these individual scores of all PN test takers (within a specified sample
students to engage in continuous focused review to maintain from the ATI data pool) for this assessment.
and improve their knowledge of this content.