Nitrogen Metabolism: Nitrate Assimilation

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Nitrogen is one of the most important plant nutrients. Tyler (1967) and Pigott (1968) have observed
that nitrogen and phosphorus availability may be important factor in determining both distribution and
the growth of some salt-marsh plants. Seedlings growing in the upper marsh are nitrogen and possibly
phosphate deficient while those growing in the lower marsh may receive adequate supplies of both
nutrients. Strogonov (1964) suggested that high content of chloride in plant tissue causes change in
the nitrogen / metabolism of plants. Such disturbances resulted in accumulation of free amino acids in
leaves of corn, barley, sunflower and beans growing under saline conditions.

Plants can store high levels of nitrate, or they can translocate it from tissue to tissue without
deleterious effect. However, if livestock and humans consume plant material that is high in nitrate,
they may suffer methemoglobinemia, a disease in which the liver reduces nitrate to nitrite, which
combines with hemoglobin and renders the hemoglobin unable to bind oxygen. Humans and other
animals may also convert nitrate into nitrosamines, which are potent carcinogens. Some countries
limit the nitrate content in plant materials sold for human consumption.


Plants assimilate most of the nitrate absorbed by their roots into organic nitrogen compounds. The
first step of this process is the reduction of nitrate to nitrite in the cytosol (Oaks 1994). The enzyme
nitrate reductasecatalyzes this reaction:

NO3–+ NAD(P)H + H++ 2 e–→NO2–+ NAD(P)++ H2O

The nitrate reductases of higher plants are composed of two identical subunits, each containing three
prosthetic groups: FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide), heme, and a molybdenum complexed to an
organic molecule called a pterin(Mendel and Stallmeyer 1995; Campbell 1999).

Nitrite Reductase Converts Nitrite to Ammonium

Nitrite (NO2–) is a highly reactive, potentially toxic ion. Plant cells immediately transport the nitrite
generated by nitrate reduction from the cytosol into chloroplasts in leaves and plastids in roots. In
these organelles, the enzyme nitrite reductase reduces nitrite to ammonium according to the following
overall reaction:
NO2–+ 6 Fdred+ 8 H++ 6 e–→NH4++ 6 Fdox+ 2 H2O

where Fd is ferredoxin, and the subscripts red and oxstand for reduced and oxidized, respectively.
Reduced ferredoxin derives from photosynthetic electron transport in the chloroplasts and from
NADPH generated by the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway in nongreen tissues.

Chloroplasts and root plastids contain different forms of the enzyme, but both forms consist
of a single polypeptide containing two prosthetic groups: an iron–sulfur cluster (Fe4S4) and a
specialized heme (Siegel and Wilkerson 1989). These groups acting together bind nitrite and reduce
itdirectly to ammonium, without accumulation of nitrogencompounds of intermediate redox states.
The electron flowthrough ferredoxin Nitrite reductase is encoded in the nucleus and synthesized in
the cytoplasm with an N-terminal transit peptide that targets it to the plastids (Wray 1993). Whereas
NO3– and light induce the transcription of nitrite reductase mRNA, the end products of the process—
asparagine and glutamine—repress this induction.

Plant cells avoid ammonium toxicity by rapidly converting the ammonium generated from
nitrate assimilation or photorespiration into amino acids. The primary pathway for this conversion
involves the sequential actions of glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase (Lea et al. 1992). In
this section we will discuss the enzymatic processes that mediate the assimilation of ammonium into
essential amino acids, and the role of amides in the regulation of nitrogen and carbon metabolism.

Conversion of Ammonium to Amino Acids Requires Two Enzymes

1. Glutamine synthetase(GS) combines ammonium with glutamate to form glutamine

Plants contain two classes of GS, one in the cytosol and the other in root plastids
or shoot chloroplasts. The cytosolic forms are expressed in germinating seeds or in the
vascular bundles of roots and shoots and produce glutamine for intracellular nitrogen
transport. The GS in root plastids generates amide nitrogen for local consumption; the GS
in shoot chloroplasts reassimilates photorespiratory NH4+ (Lam et al. 1996). Light and
carbohydrate levels alter the expression of the plastid forms of the enzyme, but they have
little effect on the cytosolic forms.

2. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) catalyzes a reversible reaction that synthesizes or
deaminates glutamate


Free-Living and Symbiotic Bacteria Fix Nitrogen

Some bacteria, as stated earlier, can convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium (Table
12.2). Most of these nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes are free-living in the soil. A few form symbiotic
associations with higher plants in which the prokaryote directly provides the host plant with fixed
nitrogen in exchange for other nutrients and carbohydrates. Such symbioses occur in nodules that
form on the roots of the plant and contain the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. The most common type of
symbiosis occurs between members of the plant family Leguminosae and soil bacteria of the genera
Azorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Photorhizobium, Rhizobium, and Sinorhizobium.

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