Month Wise Diet Regimen in Pregnancy: Iii. S T
Month Wise Diet Regimen in Pregnancy: Iii. S T
Month Wise Diet Regimen in Pregnancy: Iii. S T
Abstract – According to ayurveda pregnancy and child diet from 1st to 3rd month. He furthermore advised that
birth is indeed a holistic condition. During pregnancy she is with above diet, specially cooked shashti rice should be
like “A cup filled with oil right upto brim is carried without added in 3rd month.
spilling even a single drop, every step has to be taken with
care”. She needs extra care with regards to the health since
there is another life depending on her. Ayurveda emphasis III. SECOND TRIMISTER
on the importance of caring of the mother before, during and
after pregnancy. Improper diet and malabsorption can lead Maharshi Charaka has advised butter extracted from
to growth retardation and congenital anomalies. To milk in the quantity of 1 aksha (2 tola=20 grams).or milk
overcome such hazards and to keep her vital pure, our with butter in 4th month, ghrita prepared with butter
stalwarts prescribes month wise diet regimen for pregnant extracted from milk in 5th month and ghrita prepared from
woman starting from conception till delivery. Proper milk medicated with the drugs of madhura group in 6 th
garbhini parichrya i.e. diet, conduct of behavior and
month respectively.
medications ensure normal pregnancy with normal delivery
of healthy baby from healthy mother. While maharshi Sushruta has mentioned cooked shashti
rice with curd,dainty and pleasant food mixed with butter
Keywords – Ayurveda, Month Wise Regimen, Garrbhini and meat of wild animals in 4th and 5th month. Ghrita or
Paricharya yavagu (rice gruel) medicated with gokhshur in 6th month.
proteins (2.3-4.4 %) organic acids and other miscellaneous pregnancy and lactation.
substances like vitamins, etc. which plays vital role in the Ghrita prevents constipation and aid digestion which are
nutrition of both mother and fetus. It offers rich source of the common problems arises during pregnancy due to high
calcium and minerals which are essential for healthy progesterone (described earlier), diminished physical
bones. During pregnancy there is increased demand of activity, and pressure of gravid uterus on pelvic colon by
calcium by the growing fetus to the extent of 28 grams, 80 stimulating secretion of gastric acid by its deepana
% of which is required in last trimester. Adequate calcium property .
intake prevents osteoporosis. Adequate vitamin D level The fetus develops body tissues in the 4th month, so
supports the production of serotonin, hormone associated swayoniwardhan dravyas i.e. jangal mamsa (fat content)
with mood, appetite and sleep its deficiency has been has prescribed for sufficient growth of fetal tissues. It
associated with depression, fatigue. It is a source of contains rich amount of proteins vitamins. Milk, curd,
potassium which regulates the body’s fluid balance and butter also advised as they contain GABA (Gamma Amino
helps in vasodilatation. Potassium intake with decrease Butyric Acid) that is essential for brain functions. Butter
sodium reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is contains water (16%), carbohydrates (0.19%), sugar (1-
also needed for muscle activity and uterine contractions. 9%), omega 3, 6, vitamins like A, C, D, E, K, B, B2, B5,
Rich amount of protein helps to maintain muscle B6, B12, folate 3mcg, minerals like iron, calcium,
development. It is utilized for building up the strength of potassium, magnesium. It protect against fungal infection,
uterus as well fetal tissues. Its deficiency can cause several calcium content helps protecting against decay of teeth.
health problems in fetus including low birth weight baby. Vitamin D, E, K absorbs other minerals like calcium,
It prevents neonatal rickets. magnesium, iodine, selenium which in turn provides
Milk is excellent source of vit B2 (Riboflavin), helps to energy. Vitamin E helps in proper development of fetal
convert food into energy i.e. process crucial for exercising brain. The flavonides present in same kind of butter helps
muscles, niasin is important for normal function of several in reducing the oxidative stress during pregnancy. Vitamin
enzymes in the body, phosphorus helps to strengthen the K plays a key role in blood clotting. This is important
bones and generates energy. A result published in particularly during labor and just after delivery. It inhibits
European journal of clinical nutrition , shows that vascular calcification and thus may protect against
teenagers of both the sexes were generally taller and less cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
at risk of getting type II diabetes mellitus whose mother Shasti rice which mentioned in classics is sweet and
had drunk at least 150 milk/day during pregnancy. It astringent in taste, easy to digest, soft having cool potency.
boosts there IQ level because of protein content which It pacifies tridosha and helps in protecting circulatory,
helps to produce the hormones made by thyroid gland , has respiratory, and digestive system. It is ideal for anemic
the direct effect on the development of fetal brain. patient to induce blood generation (erythropoesis). It has
Ayurveda also describes it as a complete food which very low glycemic index and contains proteins (16.5%)
promotes immunity, acts as rejuvenator, improves satva thiamin (27-32%) riboflavin (4-25%), niacin(2-36%). It is
guna and tends to enhancement of positive characteristics. beneficial in bleeding disorders, emaciation, hemorrhoids
Honey is a natural sweetener and possesses natural which a common complaint during pregnancy, diabetes,
antibiotic and analgesic action. During pregnancy the skin disorders, UTI, stomach ulcers and helps to increase
natural defense mechanism of the body weakens therefore mother’s milk(galactogouge).
chances of infections are more, here honey acts as By the end of second trimester most of the women
antibiotic and improves defense mechanism. During this suffer from edema on feet and other complications of
period, due to high progesterone level, muscle tone and water retention. There is active retention of sodium and
motility of the entire gastrointestinal tract are diminished, potassium Gokhshura may prevent it as it is natural
cardiac sphincter is relaxed and regurgitation of gastric diuretic. It eliminates excess of water from body. It has
content into oesophagus may produce chemical antihypertensive effect ( The stasis of
oesophagitis and heartburn, honey helps to reduce ureter is marked between 20-24 weeks which may lead to
heartburn and discomfort in the gut. It is rich source of difficult urination. Also there is inflammation of bladder
dextrose, dextrin, sucrose vitamin B and C which mucosa due to venous and lymphatic obstruction
maintains adequate blood glucose level of mother required especially in primigravida in late pregnancy .
by fetus through placenta for metabolism . It reduces Medicated enema with oil and the tampons with the
morning sickness or nausea and vomiting, and sense of same soften the birth canal and increase its elasticity. It
unwell caused by hormones . regulates the apan vayu which plays important role during
Ghrita contains fat 99.5%(saturated 61.9%, trans 4% , pregnancy and labor. It may not help in complications
monosaturated 28.7%, polysaturated 3.7%), vitamins like such as cephalopelvic disproportion, contracted pelvis
A, E, K, high amount of DHA (decosahexaenoic acid, ante-partum hemorrhage but in same extent helpful in
omega -3 fatty acid) which is vitally important as they are prolonged labor due to vitiated vata. In other study Devraj
critical build blocks of fetal brain and retina. Ayurveda T.L., and Chaturvedi G.N. reported that it increases Sr.
also describes that it is ssmritivardhaka (enhances protein, Hb %, and reduces ESR thereby suggesting that it
memory) and buddhiwardhaka (augmenting intelligence). arrests the disease process and improves metabolism of
Consumption of DHA and EPA (eicosapeaenoic acid) protein.
improves childhood development when ingested during
Ayurveda describes garbhiniparicharya i.e. antenatal
care. The diet during pregnancy should be adequate to
provide: 1) the maintenance of maternal and fetal health,
2) The strength and vitality required during labor and 3)
Successful lactation. During pregnancy there is increased
calorie requirement due to increased growth of maternal
tissues, fetus, placenta and increased metabolic rate. The
diet should be light, nutritious, easily digestible and rich in
protein, minerals and vitamins. Ayurveda advices such
type of diet under the title garbhiniparicharya according to
requirement of mother and fetus.
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