Fresh Start: No End in Sight? Stock in Trade Lives On The Line
Fresh Start: No End in Sight? Stock in Trade Lives On The Line
Fresh Start: No End in Sight? Stock in Trade Lives On The Line
January/February 2014
Fresh start
UK helicopter upgrades progress apace
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Front cover: Two RAF Puma HC2 aircraft work together with
the Chinook force during Exercise Agile Spear in Norfolk, UK
in November 2013. (Photo: Crown Copyright)
3 Comment
Tony Skinner,
Tel: +44 1753 727020 4 News
n Israel, Japan to acquire V-22
Staff Reporter
Jonathan Tringham, n Spending bill to fund USAF CSAR
Business Reporter
Joyce de Thouars, n Libya interested in T129
n DoD helicopter spending to decline
Patrick Allen, Gordon Arthur, Pieter Bastiaans, by half
Peter Donaldson, Jim Dorschner, Scott R Gourley,
Neelam Mathews, Alexander Mladenov,
David Oliver, Richard Scott, Matthew Smith, 8 Home improvement
Alan Warnes, Jim Winchester, Tom Withington
The UK is currently carrying out a number
Production Department Manager
David Hurst,
of military helicopter upgrade programmes
to meet the recommendations outlined
Adam Wakeling
by the government in 2010. Defence
Helicopter visited RAF Benson to see the 32 Stock in trade
Commercial Manager
Jane Smith, work in progress. As Western defence budgets continue to
Tel: +44 1753 727004 stagnate, helicopter OEMs are looking to
Junior Sales Executive 13 No end in sight? other regions to keep their order books in
Sara Sheperia, Shrouded by alleged business a healthy condition. Defence Helicopter
Tel: +44 1753 727003
wrongdoings and a history of delayed examines the sales prospects in Asia-Pacific.
Tony Skinner
programmes, India’s acquisition of military
helicopters is a hot topic. 36 Centres of attention
Managing Director
Darren Lake As the drawdown gathers pace in
19 Lives on the line Afghanistan, the shape of the helicopter
Nick Prest The Portuguese Air Force’s 751 Esquadra MRO industry is changing to reflect new
has a long and rich history of successful and emerging operational requirements.
CDS Global, Tower House, Lathkill Street, SAR operations. Defence Helicopter
Sovereign Park, Market Harborough,
Leics LE16 9EF, UK
visited Montijo Air Base to see the unit 40 Theatre experience
Paid subscription contacts: in action. Lt Col Ulf Landgren has been acting
Tel: +44 1858 438879
Fax: +44 1858 461739 head of Sweden’s Helicopter Battalion
Email: 23 Waiting in the wings since June 2013. Defence Helicopter spoke
Defence Helicopter (USPS 023-352) is published The Italian Air Force has been actively to him about the challenges facing the
six times per year – in January/February, March/April,
May/June, July/August, September/October and
updating its SAR helicopter inventory force as well the nature of its current
November/December– by The Shephard Press Ltd, following the fatal crash of an HH-3F in mission in Afghanistan.
268 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK.
Subscription rates start at £65. Subscription 2008. Defence Helicopter provides an
records are maintained at CDS Global,
Tower House, Lathkill Street, Sovereign Park, overview of the upcoming changes.
Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 9EF, UK.
Air Business Ltd is acting as mailing agent.
Articles and information contained in this publication 28 Transmission control IN THE NEXT ISSUE
are the copyright of The Shephard Press Ltd and may
not be reproduced in any form without the written Voice and data communications are a Latin America focus
permission of the publishers. No responsibility can be
accepted for loss of or damage to uncommissioned
vital aspect of plugging helicopters into Scout/light attack helicopters
photographs or manuscripts. the modern networked battlespace. Naval mission systems
Defence Helicopter looks at the latest Missiles and rockets
DTP by Vivid Associates Ltd, Sutton, Surrey, UK
Printed by Williams Press, Maidenhead, UK
technologies for connecting airborne
© The Shephard Press Ltd, 2014 assets to other force elements.
ISSN 1741-6043
Shephard’s aerospace and defence publishing portfolio incorporates seven titles:
Defence Helicopter, Digital Battlespace, International Maritime & Port Security, Land
Warfare International, Military Logistics International, Rotorhub and Unmanned Vehicles.
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Singapore Air Show 2014 Defexpo, India 2014
Sequestration eases,
but the budgetary future stays uncertain
SO IT SEEMS THE POLITICAL WRANGLING Investment in R&D and procurement
over the US budget – a process that is currently amounts to 29% of the top-line
largely unfathomable to those outside the defence budget, which is below the 35% the
Beltway – may finally be subsiding, allowing AIA believes is necessary to maintain a healthy
some measure of longer-term planning to industrial base.
take place. There are also significant pressures on the
The deal that was signed by President supply chain, with those in the lower tiers of the
Obama on 26 December was unsurprisingly industry harder hit by the decline in defence
welcomed by aerospace and defence revenues than the bigger players, who have a
companies, given the uncertainty that has more diverse portfolio.
lingered over the industry in recent years However, even prime aerospace
due to the budgetary self-immolation that is companies are searching for export growth
sequestration. to offset the decline in US spending, as we
Automatic spending cuts will now be eased, discover this issue with features on India (p13)
allowing expenditure to rise by $63 billion and the Asia-Pacific market (p32).
over scheduled levels in FY2014 and 2015 –
although defence spending, now set at $498 NO MORE KIOWA?
billion, is still $30 billion below the requested For the US military, which has long had access
budget, with FY2015 not yet mapped out. to funds that have long made it the envy of
Congress is now being urged to create more others around the world, the budget realities
certainty beyond the coming two fiscal years. also seem to be finally hitting home. Handing these missions over to the Apache
‘We hope Congress will use this time wisely The OH-58 Kiowa Warrior now looks likely to seems an expensive and overly complex
to develop a long-term plan,’ Marion Blakey, be put on the chopping block, and the armed solution to the reconnaissance mission, even if
president and CEO of the US Aerospace scout role handed over instead to the army’s some of the burden is taken over by unmanned
Industries Association (AIA), said in December. AH-64 Apache. aerial platforms.
‘Our number one priority will be to ensure While a final decision had yet to be officially Conversely, however, the proposal is
stable and predictable budgets for national made at the time of writing, the level of detail also an indication of the army’s determination
security, civil aviation and space.’ about the proposal provided at the recent to reshape itself to address prevailing
Such comments reflect the depth of feeling AUSA Aviation conference by army officials budgetary realities, even if that stance means
of industry executives over the past two years, suggests the plan is well advanced. losing a much-tasked aircraft and potentially
several of whom have bitterly complained I must admit the news that Kiowa may be reducing the number of active combat
to me that if comprehensive cuts were removed from service altogether – a move aviation brigades.
unavoidable, the government should just that will also likely sound the death knell for Despite the unfortunate personnel
move forward and enact them so that suitable the Armed Aerial Scout (AAS) programme to upheavals that will come as a result, the army’s
business strategies can be put in place. replace the OH-58 – did not initially sit well. consolidation of its helicopter fleet is one way
That’s what doing business is all about – The army has frequently stressed over the to better position itself for the future, much as
judiciously reacting to what is in front of you. It last decade that the Kiowa Warrior has had the it did when it divested itself of the Cobra and
was clearly the uncertainty that has been the highest operational tempo of any of its aircraft Huey in the 1990s.
killer, limiting the ability of companies to plan in-theatre in Afghanistan. With details of the plan now emerging,
and invest in infrastructure, personnel and R&D, On average, the type has maintained a industry will be hoping that the army is
or alternatively to reduce head counts and monthly operational tempo of about forthcoming with the particulars, so
restructure. 75 hours – that number was more than 100 companies don’t keep spending money
So while this latest progress will be hours a month in 2012 – accounting for nearly chasing procurement dollars that suddenly
welcomed – allowing the Pentagon to invest 50% of all army reconnaissance and attack vanish, as has happened with the AAS project
in some much-needed capabilities – real missions flown in Iraq and Afghanistan from in recent years.
concerns remain. 2001 to 2010. Tony Skinner, Editor
US Army helicopters
DoD helicopter spending get enhanced
to decline by half warning system
There will also be a number of new US ARMY HELICOPTERS ARE RECEIVING
programmes as some aircraft are overdue for a hostile fire indication capability as part of
replacement after continuous deployment upgrades to the AN/AAR-57 Common Missile
and operation in harsh environments in Warning System (CMWS), currently produced
recent years. by BAE Systems, it has been confirmed.
‘New programmes will favour modifying The company announced on 14 January that
commercial off-the-shelf aircraft rather than it had received a $39 million contract for more
developing aircraft from the ground up,’ than 300 third-generation (Gen3) CMWS units,
said Michael Blades, aerospace and defence which provide warning of small arms and RPG
senior industry analyst at Frost & Sullivan, on fire, as well as new data-recording capabilities
17 December. for post-mission analysis.
When selecting new platforms, life cycle The order is the first part of a planned
costs will be increasingly important. ‘In both $500 million procurement that will see Gen3
the civil and military markets, end users will systems fielded to more on 1,000 army
Photo: Boeing stress total life-cycle costs rather than helicopters over the next two years. In-theatre
acquisition costs,’ Blades said. installations have already begun on Apache,
US SPENDING ON MILITARY HELICOPTERS The CH-47 and UH-1 fleets will reach the Kiowa Warrior and Black Hawk aircraft stationed
will fall by almost 50% from $12.4 billion in end of their service lives between 2030 and in Afghanistan.
2012 to $6.7 billion in 2018, Frost & Sullivan 2040 after having been used for combat, Speaking to Defence Helicopter at the AUSA
has predicted. combat support and humanitarian missions exhibition in October, BAE Systems director of
As a result of tightening budgets, the over recent decades. threat management solutions Bill Staib noted
majority of expenditure will be on upgrading In addition, the UH-60 Black Hawk and AH-64 that, in addition to the new software upload,
and remanufacturing existing platforms, with Apache will be replaced after 2030 under the US upgrades to the CMWS sensor and processor
OEMs increasingly focusing on efficiency of Army’s Future Vertical Lift programme. unit also promise a seven-fold increase
maintenance in order to reduce costs. By Joyce de Thouars, London in sensitivity.
By Tony Skinner, London
O ver the past three years, the UK’s Joint
Helicopter Command (JHC) has been
implementing the recommendations outlined
in the government’s 2010 defence review,
alongside conducting operations in
One of the recommendations for the Strategic
Defence and Security Review Future’s Force
2020 was to ensure the country’s helicopter
capability remained up to date, with the
upgrade and purchase of new aircraft.
It includes the retirement of the RAF/Royal
Navy’s (RN’s) fleet of Sea Kings in March 2016
and the transfer of the former service’s [$19.8 billion] to ensure our helicopter capability support helicopter force and is one of the busiest
AgustaWestland AW101 Merlin HC3/HC3A remains up to date.’ stations within the JHC.
fleet to the RN’s Commando Helicopter Force This has also included upgrading the Boeing Over the past four years, the RAF Merlin
(CHF), plus the upgrade of the RAF Puma HC1 Chinook HC4/5s, purchasing new HC6s and the Force has been overseeing the transition of its
fleet to HC2 standard. introduction of the new AgustaWestland AW159 fleet to the RN’s CHF and preparing for the
Wildcat AH1s and HM1s, as well as the upgrades introduction into operational service of the
STAYING CURRENT to Merlins and Pumas. Puma HC2.
Philip Dunne, Minister for Defence, Equipment, Both the Merlins and Pumas are operated by In his role as Merlin Force commander, Puma
Support and Technology, noted: ‘In 2012, the RAF, based at Benson in Oxfordshire, which Force commander and station commander of
we committed to spending £12.1 billion is currently home to two thirds of the service’s RAF Benson, Gp Capt Nigel Colman has been
responsible for implementing all the changes as range as the HC1, which first entered service
outlined in Future Force 2020. with the RAF in 1971.
‘The key change demanded at RAF Benson The upgrade also includes a digitised glass
has really been the necessity to change our cockpit and upgraded LCD instruments, as well
mindset, from one which was largely based as improved ballistic protection. The HC2 is ‘They also not only
around a fixed routine of providing support to capable of carrying up to 16 fully equipped outperform the engines
Operation Herrick in Afghanistan to one which troops, while twin cargo doors and low rotor they replace in power, but
will see the station on a contingency footing downwash make it ideal for transporting
where we could be asked to deploy anywhere personnel and equipment in and out of also in fuel efficiency.’
at any time,’ explained Colman. confined urban environments.
‘Any such deployments could well be at very
short notice, meaning that our people, and COMPREHENSIVE REWRITE
importantly their families, will need to have a The RAF will eventually operate a fleet of 24
very flexible, responsive and expeditionary Puma HC2s – the remainder will be handed over Further enhancements include a new digital
outlook on life operating support helicopters. during the next two years ahead of entering cockpit and state-of-the-art autopilot. This
‘An example of this is that we can load two operational service in 2015. integrates the aircraft communications, navigation
Puma HC2s and all their supporting personnel ‘Because the Puma HC2 is so different from and flight control systems, which greatly reduces
and equipment very quickly into an RAF C-17 the Mk 1 version – from both engineering and pilot workload, enabling crews to concentrate on
transport aircraft and have the aircraft flying aircrew perspectives – all training packages have managing the mission rather than the aircraft.
within four hours of landing at their destination – been comprehensively rewritten for the Mk 2,’ Additionally, the aircraft complies with all civil
this is a fantastic capability which would be explained Colman. navigation and communication regulations,
extremely valuable, whether in a warfighting ‘Indeed, while the aircraft is still called a Puma, allowing it to self-ferry throughout Europe.
scenario or for humanitarian and disaster relief/ and externally looks almost identical to the ‘Importantly, while the equipment is new it
non-combatant evacuation operation.’ Puma HC1, the HC2 is a fundamentally different is not novel, and this has greatly simplified the
helicopter. The modern, more powerful engines introduction into service as the aircraft has
INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS provide a step-change in capability and deliver a commonality with existing civil and military
Colman said another key initiative that has been significantly enhanced safety margin. types,’ added Colman. ‘Therefore, with all this
taken is a shift to more ‘intimate relationships’ ‘They also not only outperform those they new capability in mind, we have grasped the
with the force’s key ‘users’ across the British Army replace in power, but also in fuel efficiency – opportunity to review how we have done
and Royal Marines. with the same fuel load, the aircraft has a 35% business in the past and implement new,
‘We are already spending significantly more greater endurance, meaning greater range sometimes innovative, approaches to not
time working alongside them, ensuring that the and more disposable payload. When this is simply replicate but to improve.
skills gained through Iraq/Afghanistan are coupled to an extra fuel tank it gives nearly ‘In so doing, we have consulted widely
maintained and improved,’ he continued. ‘This is three hours endurance.’ with other users of modern glass-cockpit
being done through better and earlier planning,
a more flexible approach to the user’s requests,
while also trying to think smarter about how the
training needs of our aircrew and those of the
ground units we support can be coordinated to
mutual benefit.’
In November 2013, the first RAF crews
began training on the Puma HC2 at RAF
Benson following a £260 million ($425 million)
upgrade programme.
Crews from No 33 and 230 Squadrons have
already started undertaking training flights from
the base. This has included using a simulator at
RAF Benson and participation in a number of
JHC exercises.
The Puma HC2 improvement programme
The RAF has been busy training
included the upgrade to Turbomeca Makila RN CHF crews to operate the
turboshaft engines, which provide 35% more Merlin HC3/3A at Benson.
power and improved fuel efficiency. This will (Photo: author)
allow the type to fly faster and have twice the
aircraft with advanced autopilots, both within for its contribution to UK defence with the Sea
the rotary- and fixed-wing communities, King HC4.
military and civilian. This has enabled the most ‘Although we will not see the physical
expeditious training route to allow us to return departure of Merlin aircraft, crews and
a greatly enhanced capability to UK defence at engineers even begin until 2015, we are
the earliest safe opportunity.’ now deep in the preparation phase to ensure
that we will be in a strong position to see Merlin
CONVERSION TRAINING depart RAF Benson and indeed leave the RAF
The RAF Merlin Force has also been busy inventory in style, having made a consistently
preparing the RN’s CHF for the transfer of 25 valuable contribution to operations in Bosnia,
Merlin HC3/3As. Iraq and Afghanistan over the last ten years,’
Over the past two years, RAF personnel from Colman said.
No 28(AC) Squadron’s Operational Conversion ‘But looking to the future, the Puma HC2
Flight based at Benson have been undertaking is a truly exciting development of the JHC’s
conversion training for CHF aircrew and capability, and we are already witnessing the
engineers on the AW101. This year will see RAF and RN CHF Merlin crews introduction of a far more capable aircraft than
training in Arctic Norway. (Photo: author)
The Merlin Force is now busy mentoring the Puma HC1. In this regard, the crews now
and training CHF aircrew and engineers on environmental training package not only qualified on the HC2 are reporting even better
the operation and maintenance of the prepares JHC personnel – including aircrew, performance than expected, which will provide
technologically advanced Merlin, while also ground crew and support personnel – for a step-change in the capability offered by the
providing a UK contingency capability. operating in Arctic conditions, but also helps Puma Force.’
‘We have been engaged for some time now provide aircrew with pre-training for a range of RAF Benson is also home to the Medium
in training mainly ex-Sea King crews on Merlin global contingency operations. Support Helicopter Aircrew Training Facility
HC3/3A, while also gradually replacing RAF By early 2014, more than 50% of CHF with Puma, Chinook and Merlin simulators.
engineers with RN maintainers as we work engineers will have completed their conversion ‘One of the lessons that has been reinforced
towards the transition of the Merlin capability course as training is ramped up at RAF Benson over the past few years has been that simulation
to the CHF,’ the group captain explained. before the first fully qualified CHF crews and is best located alongside the aircrew and the
‘While RN crews receive the same training as aircraft depart the base for RNAS Yeovilton in units it supports, and I expect RAF Benson will
RAF crews new to the Merlin, we have ensured early 2015. continue to be home to a number of simulators
that this is done not only through the Merlin In addition, 846 NAS is planning to stand up into the foreseeable future. Hence, we will
Operational Conversion Course, but through the as the first CHF Merlin HC3/3A squadron in late work with JHC HQ to ensure that whatever
delivery of environmental training exercises in 2014 followed by 845 NAS as the second in synthetic solutions we have in the future –
the testing – but controlled – environments of August 2015. they offer best value for money and the best
Jordan and El Centro in the US to ensure the RN By 2016, the CHF will have completed support to our aircrew.’
capability grows rapidly through transition. conversion to the Merlin and the number of its
‘As you would expect, the liaison between the support helicopter crews will have reduced from FUTURE FOCUS
Merlin Force and the CHF is detailed and pretty 43 to 37. Regarding the future of RAF Benson, the group
constant, covering all aspects of the transition, and The next phase of the programme under the captain noted: ’While there are a number of
there are inevitably areas where the RAF takes the Merlin Life Sustainment Programme (MLSP) will outputs on the station, not least 606 Royal
lead and others where the RAF is very much in a address obsolescence issues with the aircraft and Auxiliary Air Force Squadron, which contributes
supporting role. But it is important that after over develop its maritime capabilities. to defence’s growing reliance on reserves, the
ten years of operating Merlin, we don’t lose the MLSP will deliver increasing maritime two key outputs we contribute are the four
corporate experience present in the force and capability from September 2015 through to squadrons of the Puma and Merlin Forces.
instead pass it on to our RN colleagues.’ the delivery of the Merlin HC4 and HC4A, which ‘Right now, we are in the midst of fielding the
will deliver a further increase in embarked Puma HC2, which is a real boost to the JHC’s lift
COLD RESPONSE capability. The latter will begin arriving with the capability and sees an exciting future for RAF
As part of this training and transition, RAF/CHF CHF from September 2017 and the programme Benson, while we also maintain the contingent
Merlin crews will deploy in February/March 2014 is currently due to be completed by March 2022. capability provided by the Merlin Force as we
to the JHC ‘Clockwork’ cold-weather and progress through the transition to the RN.
mountain-warfare training facility based at REPUTATION INCREASE Clearly, as to any future moves, we remain alive
Bardufoss, a Royal Norwegian Air Force base This increase in maritime capability is a to the fact that the geographic lay-down of
260km inside the Arctic Circle. significant advance for the Merlin and will defence is changing and we will accommodate
With the airmen working alongside CHF see the airframe continue and further any additional units we are asked to in due
Sea King crews, this extreme cold weather develop the reputation the CHF has gained course.’ DH
No end in
elicopter procurements continue to
make the news in India, but unfortunately
often for the wrong reasons.
The forthcoming national elections have
resulted in a policy paralysis, with the falling
rupee and a slowed economy putting the brake
on funds being released by the finance ministry.
Awaiting the delayed decisions is a
military that urgently needs to fulfil its force
requirements, including procurement of an
estimated 1,000 helicopters by 2020 to include
light utility, attack, medium transport, heavy-lift
and multirole types. By comparison, there are
around 600 rotorcraft of various vintages
currently in the military. Shrouded by alleged business wrongdoings and a
While the delivery deadline may be optimistic
given the long gestation periods of contract
history of delayed programmes, India’s acquisition of
decisions, the potential and urgency cannot military helicopters is a hot topic. Neelam Mathews
be waved away. reports on current activity.
NEGOTIATING PHASE fire control systems, with India becoming the control to the army a ‘family problem’.
Commercial negotiations with the Indian MoD second international customer of the AH-64E Retired IAF ACM N A K Browne has since rejected
for 15 CH-47 Chinooks worth around $1 billion (Block III) after Taiwan. the army’s suggestion to operate all the
and 22 AH-64E Apaches are taking place, The Chinooks will replace India’s ageing helicopters. He questioned the ‘duplication of
according to Dennis Swanson, VP of Mi-26 fleet. Given that the clearance process assets’, and noted: ‘We cannot afford to have our
international business development at Boeing will require a few more months, it is unlikely own little air forces.’
Defense, Space & Security, speaking last year. that both deals will be signed by the end of However, a decision was made to allow the
The Chinooks will be a direct commercial this financial year, according to an MoD official. army to operate attack helicopters, with service
sale between the MoD and Boeing, while the The Indian Army operates around 250 light leaders insisting the move would give land
Apache proposal, which was chosen over the helicopters and has, until now, seen its attack forces greater tactical ‘power and reach’.
Mi-28, also includes an FMS component. The and medium-lift types fall under the control of The army has now drawn up plans for
FMS contract for the Apache includes munitions, the Indian Air Force (IAF). its aviation corps that includes a mix of
training and aircraft certification, as well as Last year, Defence Minister A K Anthony reconnaissance, utility, tactical support and
components, such as engines, EO sensors and referred to the IAF’s unwillingness to give up attack platforms. ‘A roadmap is required to
Broadband Network
Data Link
HAL’s enthusiasm for providing all assets to roles, including patrolling from the Gulf of Aden
the military – despite its obvious shortcomings to the Malacca Straits.
manifested in delays across every project the Expected to serve for 30 years, the MRH needs
services undertake – could prove responsible for to have the capacity for 10% weight growth
the official cancellation of the RSH should it be ‘The expanding role of the throughout its service life without impairing
announced, a private industry official said. Indian Navy has resulted in performance. The helicopters must also be
There is some speculation that due to the the need to augment its able to fit in shipboard hangars with a length
‘misdeeds’ pointed out in the RSH competition – of 15.5m, width of 5.5m and a height of 5.3m.
and the subsequent delays to that project – HAL helicopter capability.’
may be appointed to take over production for FURTHER BIDDING
the complete requirement (ie both the 197 RSHs The Indian Navy is seeking 56 Naval Utility
and the 187 LUHs). Helicopters (NUHs) in the 4.5t class to replace its
The company, which recently signed a $75 ageing fleet of HAL Chetaks. Of the 85 the navy
million deal with the Indian MoD for 20 Cheetal the NH Industries (NHI) NH90 and Sikorsky S-70B, received up to 2002, approximately 60 remain in
helicopters, is also working on the Light Combat to replace the navy’s ageing Sea King fleet. service. In addition, the coast guard operates 17
Helicopter (LCH) – the first indigenous attack The rotorcraft are to meet requirements for – all are unable to undertake ship-borne ASW.
rotorcraft designed and built in India – for use by ASW and anti-surface warfare as well as secondary The NUH bid requires a four-seat, twin-engine
the IAF and army. roles such as SAR, transport and casevac. helicopter (for two pilots and one assistant/
Currently at the second prototype stage, the The delay in opening commercial bids winch operator) with foldable rotor blades
LCH is expected to be in service in 2015, with 65 was due to complaints by NHI, alleging non- and an MTOW that does not exceed 4.5t.
aircraft scheduled for delivery. The LCH uses ALH compliance and pointing out irregularities in It calls for a range of 370km with a maximum
technology, barring a fuselage modified for the field evaluation trials. payload of 500kg – offensive capability for ASW
tandem seating. ‘Whenever a company is about to get a should include a light torpedo or depth charge
contract, the competitor raises an alarm,’ then and a mount for 12.7mm machine guns or two
AERIAL AUGMENTATION Chief of Naval Staff Nirmal Verma stated at rocket launchers on either side, to be supplied
Meanwhile, the expanding role of the Indian the time. by the lead integrator.
Navy (IN) and an ageing fleet has resulted in An RfI for 123 navy MRHs in the 9-12.5t class AgustaWestland, Airbus Helicopters,
the need to augment its helicopter capability. – the largest requirement for naval helicopters Bell, Boeing, HAL, Kamov and Sikorsky are
Looking to replace its legacy aircraft, the – has yet to be released, possibly due to lack of contenders for the bid. The navy’s hopes that the
IN has been assessing new utility and multirole funds. The request had indicated that the helicopters would enter service in 2016 will
helicopters. helicopter could be assigned to missions probably be dashed, as the project is already
A decision is pending on the much-delayed related to anti-surface warfare, logistics, SAR, running a year late.
16-aircraft Multi-Role Helicopter (MRH) amphibious and commando operations. The The coast guard, meanwhile, has a
programme, with the final bidders comprising navy also needs the MRH for an expansion of requirement for 14 Twin-Engined Heavy
Helicopters (TEHHs) that will be optimised for
The ALH-WSI Rudra is an both SAR and combat operations.
armed version of the Dhruv The navy has been on the lookout for an
equipped with a FLIR, a 20mm upgrade partner for its existing fleet of Sea
gun, rockets and missiles. Kings since 2008, when a proposal to use Israeli
companies was opposed by AgustaWestland.
The IN is also viewing upgrades for six Kamov
Ka-25s being equipped with the indigenous
SV-2000 radar.
Sustained terror-related homeland security
threats are also creating a requirement for
surveillance and SAR helicopters.
Around 40% of India’s large, diverse
landmass faces regular violent threats by
Naxalite or Maoist radical groups, controlling
large portions of remote and densely forested
areas known as the ‘Red Corridor’. External
security threats from neighbouring countries,
has also accentuated the need for helicopters
by state police departments. DH
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Merlin in February 2005, retaining the Puma
the unit in action.
nickname and continuing the tradition of daring
maritime exploits, including the rescue of five
crew from the MV Kea off Galicia, Spain, in
March 2010, which resulted in the crew being
decorated by the Spanish authorities. Another
included six fishermen from the Virgem do
Sameiro rescued in December 2011, who had
spent 57 hours in a life raft.
on the line
In February 2013, 751 Esq saved capsized
Portuguese Vendée Globe race yachtsman
Javier Sansó at a record distance of 670km from
the Azores. To achieve this extreme range, the
Merlin was filled with 5,000kg of fuel and
stripped of all unnecessary equipment.
With the six standard aircraft – manufacturer’s
designation AW101 Mk 514 – the squadron’s
primary missions are SAR, emergency medevac
and tactical air transport. In the latter role,
the Merlin can carry up to 35 troops or
16 stretchers.
The Portuguese Army has a requirement for
The unit transitioned to the
NH90s, but until an order is signed, the Merlin is
EH101 Merlin in February
the country’s only tactical transport helicopter, 2005. (All photos: author)
supporting ground forces as well as undertaking
government tasks such as VIP transport – the
type carried Pope John Paul II on his three visits
to Portugal.
Two Mk 515 aircraft are assigned to the
fisheries protection (Sistema de Fiscalizacion
de Pescas (SIFICAP)) mission and are fitted
with external loudspeakers. In the cabin, there and Lajes in the Azores, maritime RCCs at Lisbon The dummy and buoy are recovered aboard
are modular stations for a radar operator and a and Ponta Delgado and a maritime rescue by the swimmer and winchman onto a tray lined
loudspeaker operator in this role. sub-centre at Funchal. with absorbent material to protect the structure
One Merlin crew is on 24-hour, 365-day from the effects of salt water. When the Merlin
IN COMBAT standby at Montijo and at Porto Santo in returns to Montijo, it is hosed down to remove
Four Mk 516 Merlins are dedicated to CSAR, with Madeira, with two crews at Lajes. At Montijo and salt picked up from the rotor wash. The
tail folding and extra countermeasures including Lajes, the stated response time is 30 minutes by manufacturer has modified the Portuguese
chaff and flare dispensers. Up to three general- day and 45 minutes by night, and 45 minutes examples with extra drains in the tail area to
purpose machine guns can be fitted, as can and 60 minutes respectively at Porto Santo. reduce salt water pooling. The same training
ceramic armour plates. Both the CSAR and The crew on SAR missions usually consists mission is also flown at night using NVGs.
SIFICAP aircraft can be used on SAR missions, of a pilot, who is the aircraft commander, a first Budget difficulties in Portugal, one of the
while the SAR rotorcraft can be re-roled for CSAR, officer/co-pilot, a systems operator/winchman, countries hardest hit by the Eurozone financial
albeit without tail folding. a rescue swimmer and a flight nurse. A civilian crisis, led to a reduction in annual flying hours
The intent had been to deploy the CSAR medical team can be embarked if needed. across all FAP fleets by about 500 hours
Merlins on a planned Portuguese Navy on average.
amphibious ship, but this fell foul of budget cuts. UP TO THE CHALLENGE? The SAR helicopter fleet was less savagely hit,
Probes were acquired for inflight refuelling, but A typical SAR training mission, as observed by with hours reduced from 2,000 to 1,730, mostly
are seldom if ever fitted, not least because the Defence Helicopter on a recent visit, lasts up to in training time – about 55% of hours flown are
FAP has no tankers. three hours and tests the crew across a number still spent on training. The reductions have not
Hover inflight refuelling can be employed to of challenging scenarios. The first is to go out lowered the required crew qualifications for SAR
allow a long-range CSAR mission to be staged over the Atlantic and hail merchant ships for or the missions themselves.
via a navy ship. Normal range is 570km, but with winch training.
ferry tanks this can be stretched to 730km. The Although not every captain wants to take part, FLIGHT TIME
Merlin has more than twice the mission radius there is plenty of traffic in this busy shipping lane In 2011, 608 hours were flown on SAR missions,
of the Puma. that heads northwards towards the English with 173 people rescued. In 2012, 157 lives were
All the Merlins are fitted with Nightsun Channel, and a cooperative tanker or freighter saved across 430 flight hours, and a further 116
searchlights, which restrict their maximum speed can usually be found. The ship maintains its hours were flown on SIFICAP missions.
to 150kt. Further limits include 100kt with the speed and course as the Merlin keeps pace, Initial Merlin operations from 2004 were
doors open and 120 with the ramp partly down. lowering the rescue swimmer and a stretcher hampered by a lack of trained crews and poor
Other mission equipment includes the FLIR for several simulated rescues. aircraft availability, requiring the FAP to briefly
Systems Star Safire II EO/IR sensor and Selex ES The next stop is Cabo Espichel, south of Lisbon re-introduce the SA 330. A support agreement
radar with a maximum range of around 300km. on the Atlantic coast, for cliff rescue practice with AgustaWestland was signed in 2008 and
The squadron’s area of responsibility is about before heading back out to sea where the rescue this full in-service support scheme (FISS) has
six million square kilometres. Missions are tasked training dummy is lowered into the water, then a since greatly improved availability.
by rescue coordination centres (RCCs) at Lisbon buoy is dropped to mark its position. Required serviceability is now approximately
97% for the single Porto Santo aircraft, 96% for
the two in the Azores, and 70% across the five
at Montijo.
FISS looks to accomplish the operator’s aims
of ensuring airworthiness, achieving the required
flying programme and guaranteeing the desired
When a Merlin returns to outputs of the fleet for the Portuguese MoD
Montijo, it is hosed down through an integrated team of customer,
to remove salt picked up
operator and industry, including
from the rotor wash.
AgustaWestland and local suppliers.
To this end, the Joint Aircraft Availability
Management Office (JAAMO) located in 751
Esq’s hangar at Montijo employs 23 technicians
and eight managers and office staff, a mixture of
FAP, AgustaWestland and OGMA (Portuguese
MRO) personnel.
The JAAMO is the local version of
AgustaWestland’s fleet operations centre at
Yeovil in the UK. It lacks the ‘mission control’
for all
wheeled Helicopters
with a gross weight up to
60 t
(132,270 lbs)
The CSAR and fisheries protection aircraft can be used on SAR missions, while the SAR aircraft
(pictured) can also be re-roled for CSAR.
layout of that facility, but works in the same way, on by the JAAMO, but two were handed back to
constantly monitoring aircraft usage, overhauls the unit the same day.
and technical support requirements and Another two were unserviceable and awaiting
coordinating all the information about the their turn, at least one of them for engines, the
No strap – no winch – no crawling under the
aircraft with AgustaWestland in the UK and Italy, availability of which has been a problem for the
Helicopter for mounting a towbar. Just drive
as well as the FAP, according to the company’s Montijo operation. the mototok towards the nose gear and push a
full in-service support manager Nick Green. The FISS excludes the Merlin’s RTM322 button on the remote control. That’s it.
With this information, the JAAMO implements engines, which are repaired in France • Fully automatic engagement of the
the fleet plans agreed by all parties to achieve by Turbomeca. nose wheel in seconds
the required operational outputs. The FISS contract guarantees a date for each • Up to a week operating time
before recharging
The squadron conducts first-level aircraft’s in-depth servicing to be completed, but
• Circumferential visibility
maintenance and clears the aircraft for flight. delays in completing and returning overhauled due to the remote control
AgustaWestland and OGMA conduct second- engines have left the JAAMO with otherwise • One device for all helicopters and
level or in-depth maintenance, which on an FAP serviceable aircraft that cannot be test flown. aircraft with wheels
• Ready for operating on aircraft carriers
Merlin is scheduled every six months or 150 In early September 2013, Turbomeca’s joint
flying hours. As of September 2013, the fleet had venture with Rolls-Royce was ended with the
flown between 802 and 1,595 hours for a total former’s acquisition of the UK company’s 50% Want to know more? Visit
of 16,291 hours. stake in the RTM322, and Turbomeca has
and watch the video.
Both types of maintenance source spare promised to improve customer service and
parts from the FISS warehouse at Montijo. The turnaround time for the FAP.
Portuguese Navy’s Lynx squadron, which is As of the end of 2013, 751 Esq had saved
based just over the road, but is not under a full- 2,933 lives, approximately 1,100 of them with
service contract, is known to call up the JAAMO the Merlin.
requesting common spares. ‘We [the JAAMO] go beyond the FISS
Mototok International GmbH Mototok America LLC
boundaries very often to help the squadron Hohenzollernstr. 47 3028 Peacekeeper Way
AVAILABLE AIRCRAFT achieve what it needs to,’ said Green. ‘We are D-47799 Krefeld / Germany McClellan, CA 95652 / USA
Phone: +49-2151-65083-82 Phone: +1-916-580-4977
At the time of DH’s visit, six Merlins were very much an integrated part of the squadron, Fax: +49-2151-624-673 Fax: +1-916-641-8969
available across the three bases – one was under so when we see the successful missions that the rs
unit maintenance and three were being worked air force achieve,we feel the same satisfaction.’ DH 10+ ofYea
Enginueality. Volume 33 Number 1 | January/February 2014 | Defence Helicopter 21 and Q
of eight lives.
The episode dramatically brought the state of
the air force’s rotary-wing fleet – in particular the
HH-3F Pelican, which had been in service with
in the
the 15th SAR/CSAR Wing for almost 30 years –
to the attention of the Italian government.
The helicopter was introduced into service in
two separate batches, all produced in Italy by
Agusta at Vergiate. The first series of 20 aircraft
was delivered between 1977 and 1982, with a
second of 15 between 1991 and 1992. The latter
batch was directly produced to ‘Bravo’ standard,
optimised for the CSAR role, and the former
were gradually updated to the same standard
during major overhauls.
As a result of the tragic accident, some
modifications were introduced during the
servicing of the machines. However, the
progressive withdrawal of the type from the
fleet was also planned, with the adoption of The AW139 (HH-139A) and
new helicopters and a reorganisation of the AW101 (HH-101) were chosen
AMI’s entire CSAR/SAR structure. as replacement aircraft.
The AgustaWestland AW139 (HH-139A)
and AW101 (HH-101) were chosen as are located here, together with the rotary-wing SAR CENTRES
the replacement aircraft, and at the end fleet’s major overhaul centre. The other flying units subordinate to the
of 2010 a contract was signed for the Among the flying units is the 81st Crew wing include: the 82nd SAR Centre at
purchase of ten of the former, with three Training Centre (81° Centro Addestramento Trapani-Birgi with three HH-139As; the 84th
more on option. A total of 12 AW101s are Equipaggi (CAE)), currently equipped with a SAR Centre at Gioia del Colle, also with three
also being acquired, with a potential option single TH-500B (NH-500E), two HH-212As (AB AW139As; and the 85th SAR Centre at Pratica
for three more. 212Es) and four HH-139As. It is in charge of di Mare, which operates the remaining HH-3F
The 15th Wing has a complex structure, with training personnel, pilots, onboard operators and Pelicans, although it is awaiting new
flying units spread across Italy, covering most of air rescuemen. machines under option.
its territory. The operational unit at Cervia is the 83° Each SAR centre will then operate a fleet
From October 2010, the control unit was Gruppo CSAR (83rd CSAR Group), which has of three HH-139As, while only one will
transferred from Pratica di Mare (Rome) to Cervia three HH-3Fs. It is in the transition phase to the remain with the CAE for training duties.
(Ravenna). The 15th Wing’s command HH-139A and, by year-end, will start receiving the Each SAR centre also has a single TH-500B
and the main support and logistic structures new helicopter from the CAE. available for liaison tasks, except for the
84th at Gioia del Colle AB, which has two contributes to such public benefit activities as over 600 examples produced to date. As such,
examples. emergency medical transportation. it is not a machine specifically developed for
The HH-101 Caesar, meanwhile, will be a From its inception to the present day, the military use, but represents an adaptation. In fact,
specially equipped version for CSAR and special crews of the 15th Wing have saved around 7,000 it was acquired by the air force as an ‘interim’
operations missions, with advanced avionics, people. In addition, its helicopters often respond solution because the final platform is intended
active and passive self-protection systems, to natural disasters under the control of Italy’s to be a mission-specific version of the new
onboard armament, more powerful engines civil protection agency. multirole AW149, currently under development.
and an inflight refuelling probe. Regarding military activities, the wing has The AW149 programme was launched
The HH-101s will be optimised for high- deployed machines and crews abroad many in 2006 and there are four prototypes and two
precision, long-range and low-level navigation in times, most of these as part international machines in pre-production configuration, with
close contact with the ground to take advantage missions, such as the detachment of four HH-3Fs a total of 2,000 flight hours performed to date.
of the terrain. to Cyprus during the hijacking of the ship Achille The multipurpose helicopter is capable of
The first of 12 machines on order is expected Lauro, Operations Restore Hope and Albatross in performing transport missions, tactical SAR/
to be assigned to a unit at the end of 2014 – Somalia as well as Antica Babilonia in Iraq. CSAR, special operations and close air support. It
or beginning of 2015 – and the last one three can carry 18 equipped soldiers (or six stretchers
years later. NEW COURSE in standard NATO configuration) with a payload
It is not yet clear which unit will be assigned The arrival of the first HH-139A at Cervia in of 3t.
these machines first. However, it is likely that January 2012 marked the beginning of a new The AW149 is currently being offered by
some will equip the 21st Gruppo at Grazzanise, chapter for the 15th Wing and the start of the Polish company PZL-Swidnik against a Polish
which is still flying HH-212s in the CSAR role. modernisation of the AMI’s helicopter fleet. MoD requirement, which also foresees
The 15th Wing provides SAR missions for The HH-139A is based on the AW139M, which CSAR missions.
flight crews in distress 24 hours a day, 365 is the ‘militarised’ version of the now ubiquitous The Italian Army is interested in this model
days a year, over land and sea. The unit also medium-size AgustaWestland helicopter, with for the replacement of its of AB 212s and
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The cockpit also features a four-axis digital for terrain control and target monitoring and
automatic flight control system with SAR modes allows night-time recording.
and flight management system SAR patterns, These helicopters also have a ventral
weather/search radar, TCAS II, a nose-mounted cargo hook for payloads of up to 2,200kg,
advanced FLIR, health and usage monitoring and are equipped with an external winch
system, digital video recorder, video downlink, capable of lifting loads of up to 270kg using an
moving map on flat display, auto-deployable 80m-long cable.
emergency locator transmitter and enhanced The introduction into service of the HH-139A
ground proximity warning system, was carried out with the full assistance of
The HH-139A is based on the AW139M, as well as a secure communications suite. AgustaWestland, which initially made a standard
the militarised version of the ubiquitous The aircraft also features an integrated AW139 available at Cervia for a period of 1,000
medium-sized helicopter.
defensive aids suite, hoist, searchlight, wire flight hours, ensuring a fast transition for a
cutters, loudspeaker system and emergency number of crews.
AB 412s. However, the acquisition schedule for flotation gear. The theoretical training of personnel is carried
the SAR variants will depend on available For the CSAR role, the HH-139A can be out at the company’s academy in Sesto Calende,
economic resources. equipped with an external stores system for where pilots also perform flying activities with
70mm unguided rocket pods. the simulator.
PROVEN PERFORMANCE Navigation information can now be viewed
In any case, the AW139 is a highly regarded on the five screens within the MFD cockpit, TRAINING RESPONSIBILITIES
solution for SAR activities due to its proven rather than dispersed across a multitude of Operational training is carried out by the 81st
reliability and flight performance. In a typical panels. A central monitor is connected to the CAE. Specific procedures for SAR HH-139A
configuration, the helicopter has a crew of two GPS data to complete navigation and directly were developed by the 15th Wing with the
pilots, an onboard operator and a single air shows the location on a map. assistance of the Reparto Sperimentale Volo
rescueman, and can accommodate a maximum In addition, full night operations are possible staff at Pratica di Mare. The CAE is also
of three passengers. through a latest generation Star Safire III from responsible for SAR training of aircrew within
In transport configuration, the helicopter has FLIR Systems equipped with HD camcorder and other Italian parapublic units, such as the Coast
a maximum capacity of 14 passengers, or for tracking function, a searchlight from six million Guard, State Police and Carabinieri.
medevac missions can be equipped with four candles and full compatibility with NVGs. The 15th Wing was founded in 1931 on the
stretchers. The HH-139A can support a The AMI aircraft have also been fitted with new eve of a troubled and dramatic period for Italy
maximum cruise speed of 160kt, with low heavy-duty reinforced raised landing gear to and the whole world. The unit therefore
vibration levels. Endurance is around 2.5 hours, allow landings on rough and steep terrain. prides itself on its warrior traditions, but also its
which can be extended by 30 minutes using an Unlike the HH-3F, the HH-139 does not humanitarian missions.
internal auxiliary tank. possess amphibious characteristics, but can In the words of one 15th Wing SAR pilot: ‘Air
With an MTOW of 6.4t (4.5t empty weight), operate in the hover at a minimum altitude of rescue is an extraordinary discipline that pays only
the helicopter has a power/weight ratio that 15ft above water. with the grateful and pleased look of people who,
allows safe use even in operations at high The FLIR camera, controlled by the second having believed to have come to an end, thanks
altitude in mountainous terrain. The HH-139A is pilot and the operator in the cabin, can be used to our work can have a second chance.’ DH
powered by a reliable pair of Pratt & Whitney
Canada PT6C-67C turboshafts, rated The HH-3F offers a
at 1,679shp each. spacious interior
In comparison, the Pelican’s T58-GE-5 engines and an endurance
of up to 5 hours.
can offer only 1,521shp against an MTOW of 10t
(6.2t empty). On the other hand, the HH-3F can
offer greater internal space and an endurance of
up to 5 hours, albeit with a lower cruising speed.
The standard crew of the Pelican consists of two
pilots, two operators and one air rescueman.
The new HH-139 helicopter represents
the transition from an analogue technology
to a fully digital machine. The new aircraft is
equipped with an integrated NVG-compatible
glass cockpit featuring 8×10in displays, with
advanced graphics capabilities and cursor
control devices.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is estimated to have the fourth largest defence budget in the world following USA,
China and Russia valued at USD $ 52.9 billion in the 2013 andKingdom of Saudi Arabia's is at the 7th position
among the top 10 countries when it comes to the defence expenditure
Nispana Innovative Platforms as a company has identified that the Defence Summit is an Exclusive Gathering
for Key stakeholders and Global Suppliers in the booming defence sector and is hosting it on the 15th -17th
April 2014 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Media Partners
Voice and data communications are a vital aspect of plugging helicopters into the
modern networked battlespace. Jonathan Tringham looks at the latest technologies
for connecting airborne assets to other force elements.
of December 2004, and an operational readiness The SCIDM hosts VMF and AFAPD message hampered efforts to effectively utilise this
date of mid-2005. protocols, so it can receive data reports technology.
transmitted from the Apache via its modem and In March 2013, Washington-based Hughes
APACHE CAPABILITY secure ARC-201D SINCGARS radio, operating in Network Systems cracked this particular puzzle,
In 2003, the contract parameters were extended ‘non-hopping’ mode. and demonstrated the loss-free transmission of
to include the Apache Bowman Connectivity The messages are transmitted to an ABC high-throughput data and video over a SATCOM
(ABC) programme, at an additional cost of gateway vehicle – within a 25km radius – terminal installed under the main rotor blades of
£29 million. fitted with KY-99 appliqué crypto and a a helicopter.
According to GDUK, ABC was designed to Bowman VHF radio (also set to ‘non-hopping’ According to the company, during a series of
provide ‘secure voice and data communications mode) and an SCIDM-equipped BNAU. The tests with military and commercial helicopters,
between the British Army’s attack helicopter and Apache message is then re-transmitted via a its new communications-on-the-move (COTM)
its related land-based operational units’, without second Bowman radio into the system’s system ‘consistently transmitted full-motion
the need for cockpit or mission system tactical internet. video beyond line of sight through the aircraft’s
modifications. rotors in both static and in-flight environments’.
This was achieved by ‘adapting some of the CUTTING BLADES The COTM microstat system utilises an
Bowman network access units to provide an Elsewhere, with the increasing availability of advanced waveform technology developed
integrated communications network with advanced satellite constellations offering internally to ‘achieve zero packet loss on
previously under-utilised facilities within the ubiquitous coverage and reliably high data rates, transmission and reception through rotor blades,
airborne weapons platform’. manufacturers of communications systems are over both Ka- and Ku-band satellite channels’, a
ABC utilised a modified Bowman Network seeing an uptick in demand for SATCOM Hughes representative said in a written statement.
Access Unit (BNAU), incorporating a single-card solutions for helicopters. Meanwhile in Europe, Pascal Augier, SATCOM
improved data modem (SCIDM), developed by However, until recently the disruptive effect segment manager for Thales, told DH his
GDUK in partnership with Innovative Concepts. of the main rotor blades on satellite signals has company had developed a new offering for
SATCOM, called Antares-H, which was also It’s an anti-jam modem that is also able to
capable of transmitting high rates of data transmit and receive through the blade very
through a helicopter’s rotors. easily, and basically at full capacity.’
‘The way some of our competitors are doing According to Augier, Antares-H was
this is with some kind of synchronisation of burst developed to take advantage of the new satellite
transmission, but we don’t do that,’ said Augier. resources that are becoming available in the
He explained that Antares-H was a derivative Ka-band, offering worldwide coverage with
of the Antares terminal that has been dedicated very high data rates.
to helicopters, UAVs and large mission aircraft. ‘This is a pretty new offer – the reason for this
According to Augier, the anti-jamming is that [until now] there was no real market
Thales’ Antares-H uses a side-effect of its anti-
capabilities built into the modem of the for this kind of system in Europe. Most of the
jamming capability to transmit data through
system had the unintended but useful side- turning main rotor blades. (Photo: Thales) market was in the United States, and not really
effect of conferring an inherent ability to accessible to us,’ he said. ‘This data capability is of
transmit data through the rotors of a ‘Antares-H uses a frequency-hopping modem, more interest now because you have the ability
helicopter without interruption. and so from time to time during jamming you to achieve data rates in the realms of megabytes
‘It is quite unusual to have the possibility will have some elementary “outs” that will be per second over very long distances.
to install the [SATCOM] terminal on the top of jammed, but this will have no impact on the ‘Basically, we felt the need for some countries
the main rotor, which means it must be placed [transmission] overall. What we found was to maybe own for themselves the satellite
more or less below the main rotor. [In this that when the blades of the helicopter’s rotor resources, but available more as a commercial
configuration] the blades will obstruct the blocked the signal to the satellite, the modem business. An analogy would be mobile
availability to the satellite and it has a huge treated it as though it were a jamming, and was telephone networks, where you pay for the
impact in terms of the data rate that is inherently capable of overcoming the signal communication, but the terminals themselves
achievable,’ he said. block by virtue of its anti-jamming capabilities. are not expensive.’ DH
Japan is set to be the first country
in Asia-Pacific to order the V-22.
(Photo: US DoD)
in trade
As Western defence budgets continue to stagnate,
helicopter OEMs are looking to other regions to
keep their order books in a healthy condition.
Tony Skinner and Joyce de Thouars examine
the sales prospects in Asia-Pacific.
With an eye on such regional needs, aerospace/
defence primes, as well as several second-tier
suppliers, have been vocal about their efforts
to capture more business across Asia-Pacific –
with varying degrees of conviction.
Nearly 300 Surions have been ordered
by the Korean armed forces, and KAI is Boeing, for example, has now set itself a
also targeting export sales. (Photo: DH) target of generating around 30% of its defence
revenue outside the US in the near term.
The head of the company’s defence division, Yusgiantoro, Hagel underscored the importance Sikorsky announced the sale of two S-300C
Dennis Muilenburg, revealed last year that in of military cooperation between Washington and helicopters with an option for four to IPTN North
2012 the company closed at 24% international Jakarta in order to promote regional stability. America, a subsidiary of PT Dirgantara Indonesia
revenue – up from 7% five years earlier. ‘Progress on security includes increasingly in 2012. The helicopters will support the
‘And in the first quarter [of 2013] we were complex exercises between the two militaries, Indonesian Army’s requirement to train more
at about 28% so you can see that progress and growing defence, trade and high-level than 100 new pilots over the next few years.
continuing,’ he told reporters in June. policy engagement,’ he said.
In recent years, Boeing has doubled the size Hagel explained the two militaries had NORTH-SOUTH DIVIDE
of its operations in Australia, where it has been recently launched an initiative to share best Meanwhile, on 23 August last year, the Pentagon
shortlisted for the government’s Helicopter practices in defence planning and management announced the award of a contract to Boeing
Aircrew Training System programme to increase Indonesian military capability. for the 36 Apaches for South Korea, with the
to meet the future rotary-wing training needs Senior defence officials have indicated the US complete package, including airframes, support,
of the Australian Defence Force (ADF). will train Indonesian pilots to deploy the newly training, spares and additional materials, worth
Media reports suggest that Boeing acquired Apache in defence of the country’s some $1.6 billion to various US suppliers.
Defence Australia and partner Thales Australia borders, conduct counter-terrorism and counter- Competing against Bell’s AH-1Z Cobra and
have been selected as preferred tenderers for piracy operations, and control the flow of TAI’s T129B, the AH-64 was selected as the
the programme, but this had not been officially shipping through the Strait of Malacca. winner in April and the helicopters are all
confirmed at the time of writing. Previously, the US had refused to sell military scheduled for delivery by 2018.
Boeing has also had some recent regional hardware to Indonesia due to reports of human Seoul has previously harboured plans
successes with its AH-64E Apache, with a contract rights abuses in the country. This stance was for an indigenous attack helicopter, for which
awarded for 36 by South Korea and its selection revised under President George W Bush, whose Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has proposed
by Indonesia, which plans to buy eight aircraft. administration lifted most of the restrictions on a modified version of the Surion platform
US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel trading with the Indonesian military, and by developed under the Korean Utility Helicopter
announced in Jakarta on 26 August an 2010 full rights had been reinstated. (KUH) programme. However, these plans now
agreement for the $500 million sale of eight The Indonesian MoD confirmed the seem to have stalled.
AH-64Es with Longbow radars country’s intention to double its military Han Nack Hoon, senior analyst at the Institute
Speaking at a joint press conference with helicopter strength in March 2012, which of Defence and Strategic Studies at Nanyang
Indonesian Defence Minister Purnomo also increases the need for training. Technological University in Singapore, told
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The new HPS GEN II gives helicopter pilots invaluable
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Centres of
As the drawdown gathers pace in Afghanistan, the shape of the helicopter MRO industry
is changing to reflect new and emerging operational requirements. Peter Donaldson
explores how service providers are adapting to meet them.
Agusta Aerospace Services’ new repair and
overhaul centre in Zaventem, near Brussels
airport in Belgium, is a case in point. It represents
an expansion of an existing facility and of
AgustaWestland’s support in Europe for civil and
military customers, such as the Belgian Army
and the Dubai Air Wing. Plans for the 2,016m²
plant, which opened on 23 September, hinge on
turning it into a centre of excellence for AW109
transmissions, while preparing to support the
ENERGY RECOVERY the power drawn from the grid need only be with a new regional MRO centre set to open in
Based in San Antonio, Texas, SwRI has built enough to overcome parasitic losses. the first quarter of 2016 and be capable of ‘major
many test rigs for US military aircraft and Russian Helicopters continues to extend its operations’ by 2018.
has variously incorporated mechanical and international MRO presence through joint
electrical energy recovery. ventures (JVs), opening a new service centre in BUSINESS MODEL
In mechanical systems, four gearboxes – test Johannesburg in March, in partnership with Boeing Sikorsky International Services (BSIS),
rig components, not items under test – form the Denel Aviation, to offer services for Africa’s 600 the JV formed to compete for support work on
corners of a square, coupled to form a closed-loop or so Russian-built helicopters. The facility’s Saudi Arabia’s AH-64E Apaches and UH-60M
and driven by an electric motor. This spins all the initial focus is on civil aircraft, but in June the Black Hawks, could become a model for other
gearboxes without applying a load to the test companies agreed to extend their services to operators of both companies’ machines,
article. Connected between separate pairs of MRO and upgrade Mi-8s and Mi-17s, both according to David Adler, Sikorsky’s VP of
gearboxes are the test item and a pre-load device, military and civil. strategic partnerships.
which applies the required torque loading. The Closer to home, the company extended ‘Both our companies have significant
power circulates around the loop so the drive its cooperation with Turbomeca through an experience in the full spectrum of rotorcraft
motor only needs to overcome frictional losses. agreement signed on 27 October to establish a training and support, so the JV really does
In an electrically regenerative rig, the four new maintenance centre in Russia. Plans call provide a best-of-industry solution that offers
corners are occupied by an AC electric motor, for the facility to look after Arrius 2G1 and our customers streamlined, affordable services,’
a generator and two variable-frequency drives Ardiden 3G engines that power Kamov Ka-226Ts he said. ‘Drawing on our joint expertise, BSIS will
(VFDs), which can act as rectifiers to turn AC and Ka-62s respectively. exemplify a single-source provider of local and
into DC, as regulators to control voltage and as Kamov aircraft were also the subject of an comprehensive sustainment for rotorcraft
inverters to turn DC into AC. agreement signed on 23 October between platforms worldwide.’
The AC motor drives the gearbox being Russian Helicopters and Aircraft Repair Plant Also competing for integrated helicopter
tested, which in turn drives a generator as the No 405 (ARP 405) in Kazakhstan, which already maintenance in Saudi Arabia is a team led
load. Generator output goes into the first VFD, services Russian-built helicopters operated in by Northrop Grumman. On 6 December, the
which turns it to DC and onto a common DC Central Asia. company announced its own JV with Vinnell
bus, and then feeds it to the second VFD. This in Peru’s purchase of 24 Mi-171s for its armed Arabia and Northrop Grumman Aviation Arabia,
turn feeds AC back to the electric motor. Again, forces, announced on 18 December, is to come plus AAR, DS2 and Qinetiq North America.
Vinnell Arabia began supporting Saudi Arabian with software provider Ramco Systems has acquired rights to distribute a technology
National Guard aviation with the introduction, and deliver MRO applications to PCs, tablets that is making a concerted assault on the
integration and operational support of and smartphones. problem.
helicopters in late 2012. Meanwhile, Sikorsky’s new phase-maintenance The Intermittent Fault Detection and Isolation
Streamlining support for aircraft is the focus kits for the Black Hawk, including the UH-60A, L System (IFDIS) from Universal Synaptics, for
of a ground-breaking deal signed in June by and M plus the S-70i, are proving popular. The kits example, combines patented intermittent fault
the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) under are intended to provide all the parts to the latest detection circuitry with an environmental
which the OEM will integrate spares and standard and in the right quantities for the 360- chamber that can shake, freeze and bake suspect
maintenance for the service’s Chinooks and and 720-hour preventative maintenance modules and LRUs to make them misbehave.
Apaches. Supply chains for the two types inspections. Feedback from field service personnel IFDIS simultaneously monitors every electrical
will merge under the $60 million integrated has informed the contents of the kits, grouping path in the unit under test while exposing it to a
contractor logistics support contract. components required for specific maintenance simulated operational environment.
Delivered in the Netherlands and Fort operations. Sikorsky’s aftermarket team has built up
Hood, Texas, support will be based on the ‘Sikorsky has received very favourable experience with IFDIS in general line
expected number of flight hours. RNLAF responses from its international-based maintenance of several helicopter types,
commanding officer Lt Gen Alexander customers who were instrumental in prompting including the RAF’s Chinook fleet on which the
Schnitger characterised the deal as more the development of these kits,’ Adler told portable Ncompass version has diagnosed and
than a support contract – he described it as Defence Helicopter. ‘These kits have streamlined pinpointed previously elusive faults with the
a long-term partnership that will increase their inventory and maintenance inspections.’ wiring and circuit breakers in both mission-
aircraft availability at lower costs. critical and safety-critical systems, some of
which have led to fleet-wide modifications
ON A ROLL and further testing contracts.
While the Boeing deal with the RNLAF
consolidates support for two types from the BREAK WITH TRADITION
same airframe manufacturer, the six-year ‘Traditionally, aircraft maintainers have scrapped
contract between the UK MoD and Turbomeca electrical components where the source of
signed in September covers the RTM322 intermittent faults could not be identified,’ said
engines on RAF and Royal Navy Merlins and Brian Holt, president of Derco Aerospace.
British Army Apaches. Claimed to be worth ‘IFDIS’s capability to easily detect faulty
£367 million ($602 million), the deal is designed wiring, inter-connections and aircraft electrical
to provide a guaranteed level of availability components offers our commercial and military
while reducing repair costs. customers a savings in both time and money
Eurocopter – or Airbus Helicopters as it has while improving aircraft availability. Defective
Sikorsky’s phase maintenance kits for the Black
been re-branded as of 1 January – has also Hawk family group together the components components can be repaired and expedited
launched new MRO-related offerings over the required for specific tasks. (Photo: Sikorsky) back into reliable service – at a fraction of
past year, announcing cloud-based maintenance replacement cost.’
information services and the Eurocopter – The future evolution of kits may be While feedback from IFDIS tests can lead to
Helicopter on Theatre Services (E-HOTS) ‘total influenced by the company’s integrated vehicle more reliable designs, it raises the question
support solution’ at the Paris Air Show. health management systems (IVHMS), Adler of whether the capability could be built in,
E-HOTS offers modular packaged services noted. ‘Sikorsky is deeply invested in IVHMS Sikorsky’s view is that, in the short term,
in partnership with logistics expert Daher, technology, a pathway forward to condition- incorporating this feedback is the best way
specialist support and training provider DCI, based monitoring. Future plans may include to improve the aircraft without committing
consultancy firm Eurotradia International and tailoring the kits accordingly.’ extra space and weight to an onboard system.
in-house MRO provider Vector Aerospace. However, ‘additional R&D capabilities are being
Operators can choose among modules covering RELIABLE DIAGNOSIS examined to consider the feasibility of directly
scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and If replacing exactly the right parts during integrating IFDIS technology into the aircraft’.
even battle damage repair. There is also a range of each phase of maintenance is a major driver Holt noted: ‘This revolutionary new
logistics packages supplying transport, spares, of efficiency in MRO operations, so is the technology gives us a capability above and
tooling, consumables and maintenance facilities – ability to diagnose faults reliably. The most beyond any of our competitors. In just two
operations packages encompass dry and wet difficult and frustrating are intermittent years, the USAF repaired more than $50 million
leasing, including crews and specialised faults in electrical systems – glitches that of avionics components that had been taken
equipment. show up in flight, but result in no-fault-found out of service due to their high NFF rates. This
The cloud-based maintenance information (NFF) reports in subsequent testing. is an exciting new opportunity for us in this
systems will be delivered in partnership Sikorsky’s subsidiary company Derco Aerospace niche market.’ DH
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full_pg.indd 1 39 27/01/2014 15:03:092:28 PM
Lt Col Ulf Landgren has been acting head of Sweden’s
Helicopter Battalion since June 2013. Alan Warnes spoke to
him about the challenges facing the force as well the nature
of its current mission in Afghanistan.
B:279 mm
S:254 mm
T:273 mm
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