w5 Graph Coloring
w5 Graph Coloring
w5 Graph Coloring
COMP 215 Lecture 10
● Similar to the knapsack problem, except we don't worry
about cost, and we want to find all subsets with total
weights that equal the weight limit.
● Before we get started... How many subsets are there of a
set containing N items?
● Let's design a brute force solution...
Backtracking for SumofSubsets
● First sort the items so that weight is nondecreasing.
● Two conditions that allow backtracking:
1) At level i, if the total weight is not W, and adding wi+1 would
bring the total weight above W.
● (because all weights after wi+1 are >= wi+1)
2) At level i, if the total weight is not W, and all following
weights can't bring it to W.
SumofSubset Pseudocode
//i = index of current item.
//weight = summed weight of items included so far.
//total = total weight of notyetconsidered items.
void sum_of_subsets (index i, int weight, int total){
if (promising(i, weight, total)) {
if (weight == W) {
cout << include[1] through include[i];
} else {
include[i+1] = true;
sum_of_subsets(i+1, weight + w[i+1], total w[i+1]);
include[i+1] = false;
sum_of_subsets(i+1, weight, total w[i+1]);
SumofSubset Pseudocode
void bool promising (index i, int weight, int total){
return ((weight + total >= W) &&
(weight == W || weight + w[i+1] <= W));
● Before this code is called we need to do some prep work.
– Sort the items by weight.
– Compute the total weight of all items.
● What is the maximum size of the search tree?
● Can we guarantee that the portion searched with
backtracking will be much smaller?
● What is the maximum size of the search tree?
– 1 + 2 + 22 + ... 2n = 2n+1 1
● Can we guarantee that the nodes visited with
backtracking will be much smaller?
– No. Consider a set of items with weights such that
∑ wiW w n =W.
● Whether or not a solution can be found efficiently
depends both on n and the specific weights.
Map Coloring
● Color a map such that no two countries that share a
border have the same color.
– Easy if we have as many colors as countries.
● We may want to know the minimum number of colors
required for a given map.
● Or, for a given map we may want to know if it is 2
colorable, 3colorable, or mcolorable.
● The problem is easier to work with if we think in terms
of graphs...
– Maps lead to planar graphs.
● There are many applications...
The mColoring Problem
● Find all ways to color an undirected graph using at most
m colors.
● Let's think through the brute force algorithm...
● How can this be improved with backtracking?
mColoring With Backtracking
//i = index of current vertex.
void m_coloring (index i){
if (promising(i)) {
if (i == n) {
cout << vcolor[1] through vcolor[n];
} else {
for (int color = 1; color <= m; color++) {
vcolor[i+1] = color;
mColoring With Backtracking
void bool promising (index i){
for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) {
if (W[i][j] && vcolor[i] == vcolor[j])
return false;
return true;
● Size of the complete search space:
2 n m −1
1mm ...m =
● Backtracking might not save us much.
01 Knapsack
● We construct the search tree as we did for the sum of
subsets problem.
● Two things to notice:
– This is an optimization problem, so in some sense, we need to
search the whole tree.
– Every node represents a possible solution.
● Any ideas for backtracking?
01 Knapsack
● Again we have two possibilities for backtracking:
1) We do not need to explore a node's children if we have hit the
weight limit.
2) We do not need to explore a node's children if there is no
possibility that the profit will exceed the best profit found so
● In order to determine two we first sort items by
● We then use the greedy (fractional) approach at each
node to compute an upper bound on profit.
● Once again, we can find a worst case scenario that
requires us to explore almost all of the tree.