Slope Movement Processes and Characteristics

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D.N. Swanston
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
Forestry Science Laboratory
Juneau, Alaska


D.E. Howes
Recreational Fisheries Branch
B.C. Ministry of Environment
Victoria, British Columbia
The mechanics and rates of slope movement are controlled by
many factors: slope gradients, overburden depth, structural rock
properties, water content and soil pore water pressure, and
certain engineering properties of overburden and weathered rock,
such as cohesion and coefficient of friction. Geomorphic,
hydrologic, and vegetative factors determine the occurrence,
frequency, and relative importance of such processes in an area.

1.1.1 Classification
Six dominant groups of landslide processes are encountered
on steep forested terrain in the Pacific Northwest: falls, creep,
slumps and earthflows, debris avalanches and debris flows,
debris torrents and bedrock failures. These groups have been
categorized according to depth of movement, rate of initial failure,
failure mechanics, and water content of the moving material. As
well, each category is distinguished by zone of initiation (slope
source) rather than by transportation and deposition zones, and
by composition of its material.

The terms "soil" and "overburden" refer to any surficial material

overlying bedrock, and include alluvial/fluvial sands and gravels,
marine and lacustrine silts and clays, colluvium and rock
fragments, weathered bedrock, and glacial till. The term "debris"
refers to any mixture of soil, rock and organic material
incorporated into a landslide mass. "Debris flows" are rapid
downslope movements of a mass of predominantly soil and
organic debris mixed with water. Within the Pacific Northwest
the rapid downslope movement of channelized floods of water
with high concentrations of soil, rock and organic debris are
called "debris torrents."

1 .1.2 Description of Forest-Landslide Categories

Movement takes place
mainly through the air by
free-fall, leaping, bound-
ing, or rolling. Falls are
very rapid to extremely
rapid mass movements
(from meters/minute to

The slow downslope
movement of overburden.
Rates of movement are
very slow (centimeters/
year) to extremely slow

Slumps and Earthflows

These often involve
combined processes of
earth movement (rotation
of a block of overburden
over a broadly concave
slip surface, or slump),
and result in the down-
slope transport of the re-
sulting mass, either by

a flow or a gliding displacement of a series of blocks (earthflow).
Creep activity is a common precursor to slumps and earthflows.
Rates of movement range from extremely slow (millimeters/year)
to rapid (meters/second).

Debris Avalanches and

Debris Flows
Debris avalanches are
rapid, shallow landslides
from steep hillslopes.
Movement begins when
overburden slides along
bedrock or along other
layers within the overbur-
den having higher
strength and lower per-
meability. If enough water is present, debris avalanches become
debris flows. This results in the rapid downslope transport of a
slurry of soil, rocks, and organic material (collectively called de-
bris) directly to the valley floor and occasionally to stream
channels. Debris avalanches typically begin on open slopes or
within shallow hillslope depressions where groundwater is con-
centrated. Debris flows commonly follow existing drainageways
or linear slope depressions created by past landslide activity, al-
though not necessarily. Debris flows tend to increase in volume
downstream. Rates of movement range from rapid (meters/min-
ute) to extremely rapid (meters/second).

Debris Torrents
Where debris ava-
lanches and debris flows
enter steep gullies and
canyons during high flow
periods, debris torrents
or debris floods occur.
These torrents involve
the rapid movement of
large volumes of water-
charged soil, rock, and debris. Rates of movement are very
high (meters/second) and damage can be extensive.

Bedrock Failures
Bedrock slumps typically occur as a displacement of one or
more blocks, which rotate backward along a curved basal shear
surface which may cross several rock units. Movement rates are
extremely slow (millimeters/year) to moderate (meters/day) and
take place well beneath the surface of the earth.
Bedrock slides typically occur as movements along a planar or
nearly straight basal shear surface which follows a structural dis-
continuity within or at the boundary of rock units. Movement rates
of bedrock slides range from rapid (meters/minute) to extremely
rapid (meters/second) and are usually initiated below the surface.

Bedrock Slumps Bedrock Slides

Slide controlled by bedding

1.2.1 Mechanics of Movement
The infinite slope model is a common framework for discussing
the mechanisms and complex relationships between the factors
active in development of landslides on steep forested slopes.
Although this model applies predominantly to shallow planar
slides, it is useful in illustrating the mechanics of more complex
failures. It describes the stability of a block of material in terms of
the ratio between its shear strength, or resistance to sliding along
a surface of failure, and the downslope gravity or shear force. This
ratio defines the “Factor of Safety” of the block. As long as the
shear strength exceeds the pull of gravity, the Factor of Safety is
greater than 1 and the block of material will remain in place. By
analogy, the block becomes a surrogate of the material and terrain
conditions prevailing in an area. Landslides result from changes
in the “Factor of Safety” of a block of overburden in the vicinity of
The geometrical relationship of the forces acting on a small
block are shown below.

Diagram of force acting on a vegetated slope

Increases in shear force or the pull of gravity on a block result
from increased sliding surface inclinations, such as those pro-
duced by undercutting slope, or from increased weight of the block
of rock or overburden. Shear force can also be influenced by:

WIND FORCES transferred to the surface through the

stems and root systems of trees
quakes and blasting

Three principal forces are active in maintaining shear strength.

These are:

COHESION or the capacity of particles to stick or adhere

FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE between individual particles
and between the overburden mass and the sliding surface
RESISTING FORCE generated by the anchoring and rein-
forcing effect of tree roots, provided the failure surface is
within the rooting depth of vegetation

Shear strength can be significantly reduced by:

• presence of zones of weakness in overburden or
underlying bedrock produced by bedding surfaces, frac-
tures and joints, and local layers of silt and clay;
• removal of downslope support of the mass, as a result
of undercutting, commonly by stream cutting or roads;
• development of a temporary water table above a
potential failure surface; and
• progressive creep producing a strain-dependent drop
in strength.

1.2.2 Factors Affecting Slope Stability
Undisturbed, steep mountain slopes have adjusted to the
various forces acting on them and have developed a delicate
“static equilibrium” between gravitational forces tending to pull the
overburden materials downslope and the various resisting forces
comprising shear strength. Slopes in such a state are highly
sensitive to modifying factors which change the developed
strength/stress relationships over geologic time. The table below
lists these modifying factors for both shear strength and gravita-
tional force in terms of their influence on the Factor of Safety at a
site. Road construction and logging activities strongly influence
these factors by undercutting of hillslopes, increasing surface
weight, altering surface and subsurface drainage, and reducing
short-term anchoring and reinforcing effects of tree roots.
Texture and mineralogy (both of which govern cohesion), angle
of internal friction, water content of overburden, pore water
pressure, and gradient of the potential sliding surface are control--
ling factors in determining the stability of a steep forested slope.
These controlling factors are interactive, and the importance or
effectiveness of each in controlling the type and degree of insta-
bility is dependent on local geologic, vegetative, and hydrologic
Factors modifying slope stability
Increasing Gravitational Force (Shear Stress) Reducing Shear Strength
Inherent (internal) External (variable) Inherent (internal) External (variable)
1. composition 1. undercutting (increas- 1. composition 1. weathering
(increased es local gradient, (reduce cohesion, (disintegration,
weight) removes lateral support) reduce internal clay alteration,
2. structure 2. surcharging friction angle) permeability)
(downslope dip of (increased surface 2. structure 2. intergranular
fractures and beds) load) (downslope dip of forces
3. slope geometry 3. shocks and tilting beds and joints) (pore water
(increased gradient) (earthquakes, 3. slope geometry pressure)
blasting) (increase gradient, 3. vegetation
4. lateral pressure concave slopes, removal
(frost wedging, slope depressions) (loss of anchor
heaving) 4. creep deformation and reinforcing
5. wind stress (reduces cohesion) effects of roots)
(prying, loosening,
lateral pressure from
swaying trees)

Influence of Geologic Conditions
1) Overburden Debris avalanches and debris flows
Materials dominate in non-cohesive materials. Slope
angle is a major indicator of the stability of
Non-cohesive these sites. Slopes at or above the angle of
materials low In internal friction of the overburden material
clay-sized particles) indicate a highly unstable natural state
• Colluvium even in the absence of excess water. The
• Sands
• Gravels development of a temporary perched water
• Weathered sur- table or the disturbances produced by
face of most tills timber harvest and road construction
• Residual soils
greatly increase the probability of failure of
such slopes.
Cohesive Stability in cohesive materials is con-
materials) trolled largely by clay mineralogy and mois-
• Lake silt/clay ture content of overburden. When they are
• Marine silt/clay dry, clayey materials have high shear
• Some residual
soils and tills strength with high cohesion and angle of
internal friction (>30 degrees or >58%). In-
creased water content mobilizes the clay as
it is absorbed into the clay structure. Thus, clay-rich materials
have a high potential for accelerated deformation and ultimate
failure in the presence of excess water. Under these conditions,
failures do not depend directly on sliding surface gradient as in
shallow, cohesionless materials, but may develop in slopes with
gradients as low as 2-3 degrees (about 5%), with creep, slump and
earthflows being the dominant processes.
2) Bedrock Under moist upper mid-latitude climatic
conditions, many materials are susceptible
• Silt/claystones to rapid weathering: medium- to fine-
• Mudstones grained sedimentary rocks (siltstones,
• Soft shales
• Graywacke mudstones, claystones, poorly indurated
• Sandstone shales, sandstone, graywacke); welded
• Welded ash-tuff
• Serpentine-rich
ash and tuff; and serpentine-rich rocks.
rocks Such materials develop a high degree of

cohesion and mobility. They are prone to slope movements of the
creep, slump and earthflow types.
• Granite/diorite On slopes underlain by more resistant
• Hard sedimentary
• Metamorphic
coarse-grained intrusives (granites and
rocks diorites), hard and dense sedimentary
and metamorphic rocks (massive shale,
graywacke, sandstone and conglomerate, greenstone and lime-
stone/marble), shallow overburden derived from these rock types
are usually coarse grained and low in clay-sized particles. Such
materials have low cohesion and are most likely to develop slope
movements of the debris avalanche and debris flow types.
• Andesite and basalt Fine-grained andesite and basalt flow
rock also develop thin, coarse-textured
overburden on steep surfaces, with resul-
tant debris avalanche and debris flow failures. On flat-lying
surfaces underlain by such rocks, deep weathering is common
due to retained water, and slumps and earthflows are the domi-
nant types of slope movements. On near-vertical outcrops of this
rock, rockfalls are most common.

3) Structure and Highly jointed or fractured bedrock

Stratigraphy slopes with principal joints and fracture
(internal character of surfaces parallel to or dipping with the
the rock) slope provide little mechanical support
• Highly jointed or to overlying materials and create ave-
fractured bedrock nues for concentrated subsurface water
movement. Jointing also provides ave-
nues for deep penetration of surface and
ground water. This results in the devel-
opment of springs at remote sites on the
slope, and of excess hydrostatic pres-
sures locally because of confining rock
and overburden layers. At near-surface
locations, joint and fracture planes are
ready-made zones of weakness that

provide potential failure surfaces along
which overlying materials can slide.
• Dipping bedding Downslope dipping surfaces between
surfaces units with different composition, per-
meability, or degree of alteration serve
as boundaries to subsurface water
movement, as layers restricting penetra-
tion and development of root systems,
and as potential surfaces of failure. Con-
Parallel versely, horizontal bedding surfaces and
(less stable)
those dipping into the slope frequently
produce natural buttresses that may
actually increase stability of slopes lo-
cally. Care must be taken in assessing
the stabilizing influence of horizontal and
in-dipping bedding surfaces, however,
because jointing, which is always pres-
ent to some degree, frequently cross-
Perpendicular cuts the bedding planes. When this
(more stable)
happens, it becomes the major determi-
nant of a slope's ultimate stability.

• Alternating bedrock Flat-lying, resistant rock units cap-

units (Stratigraphy)
ping incompetent rock, commonly play
an important role in shaping complex
Resistant Basalt
slump and earthflow features. Steep
headwall scarps of slumps and
earthflows usually occur at these con-
tacts. Water is frequently trapped and
Weathered 1
Volcaniclastics transported laterally along bedding sur-
faces and joints or within more perme-
able rock units and fed directly into more
incompetent materials, where failures

4)Topography Shallow, linear depressions or
"swales" on hillslopes are common
• Shallow, linear
points of origin for debris avalanches
depressions or and debris flows. Such linear depres-
"swales" sions are created by the weathering of
bedrock along zones of weakness.
Subsequent and recurring slope proc-
esses result in periodic stripping and in-
filling of these swales. Converging flows
of groundwater into these depressions
during periods of storm precipitation or
rapid snowmelt cause the buildup of
temporary perched water tables. Later generation of pore-water
pressures in the in-fillings of the depressions reduces the strength
of the material and greatly increases the instability of the site.
In local areas, subsurface water accumulation in these depres-
sions may be substantially augmented by seepage from
downslope-dipping bedrock units and joint systems. Midslope
springs are indicative of this type of augmented flow and may be
important indicators of potential failure sites. Jointing also con-
ducts surface water considerable distances downslope under
confined conditions, resulting in the local buildup of excess
hydraulic head and the explosive failure of overburden.
• Deep gullies and Deep gullies and canyons (V-notch
canyons drainages) dissecting the slope fre-
quently serve as collectors of debris
avalanche and debris flow material from
adjacent hillslopes. They also tend to
have very steep, unstable side slopes
with frequent rockslides and small debris
avalanches that dump additional soil,
rock and organic debris directly into
these confined channels. If the quanti-
ties of debris are large enough, or if flows
are too small to mobilize debris initially, temporary dams may
develop. During major storms, these dams may fail, producing
large volume, high velocity debris torrents. Torrents may also be
produced during high-flow periods by the mobilization of stored
channel materials. In general, debris torrent activity increases
with increasing gully density.

Influence of Vegetation
Tree cover influences the amount and intensity of rainfall
reaching the surface, the amount of water stored in the overbur-
den, and the strength developed along a potential failure surface.
• Interception The direct effect of interception on the
water budget in the overburden material
is probably not large, especially in areas
of high total rainfall or during large
storms, when most slope movements occur. Small storms, where
interception is effective, probably have little influence on total
subsurface water available for activating slope movements.
• Evapotranspiration In areas of low rainfall (<750 mm), the
effect of evapotranspiration is much
more pronounced, but it is particularly
dependent on region and rainfall. For
example, in areas characterized by warm, dry summers, eva-
potranspiration significantly reduces the degree of saturation re-
sulting from the first storms of the fall recharge period. This effect
diminishes as subsurface water deficit is satisfied. Once the over-
burden material is recharged, the effects of previous eva-
potranspirational losses become negligible. Conversely, in areas
of continuous high rainfall or those with arid or semi-arid climates,
evapotranspirational withdrawals are probably negligible during
the time period when most landslides occur.
• Depth of evapo- Depth of evapotranspirational with-
drawals is important, also. Deep materi-
als may require substantial recharge of
the groundwater deficit, delaying or re-
ducing the possibility of saturated condi-
tions necessary for major landslide-pro-

ducing events. Shallow materials, however, recharge rapidly,
possibly becoming saturated and reaching an unstable state
during the first major storm.
• Root systems Root systems of trees and other vege-
tation may increase the shear strength of
unstable overburden by anchoring
through the mass into fractures in bed-
rock, providing continuous long-fiber
binders within the overburden (a fiber re-
inforcing effect) and tying the slope to-
gether across zones of weakness or
instability. In shallow materials, all three effects may be important.
In deep materials, the anchoring effect of roots becomes negli-
gible, but pore water pressures and soil strength parameters
remain important. In some extremely steep areas, root anchoring
may be the dominant factor in maintaining slope equilibrium of an
otherwise unstable area.

Influence of Hydrologic Conditions

• Recharge of subsur- Recharge of subsurface water is the
face water
result of water entering the overburden
materials. It is influenced by vegetation
cover, management practices, and
shape of terrain, as well as by soil physi-
cal processes affecting water move-

• Discharge rate The discharge rate of water from un-

of water
stable overburden is probably the most
significant hydrologic factor affecting
slope movement. If subsurface flow rate
is less than infiltrating rates (from rainfall and/or snowmelt) for ex-
tended periods of time, a perched groundwater table will form
within the overburden. The height and persistence of the perched
water table above an impermeable layer depends largely on rain-
fall or snowmelt intensity, duration, and antecedent conditions,
infiltration rate at the site, slope gradient, subsurface configuration
of the bedrock, and flow rate within the overburden. Because the
infiltration rate often does not limit recharge of unstable slopes (in-
filtration rate is more than able to absorb incident rainfall), the sub-
surface flow rate becomes the controlling hydrologic variable dur-
ing most rainfall and snowmelt periods.

1.2.3 Factors Affecting Downslope Transport

Once failure occurs, movement of materials downslope is
determined largely by the morphology of the hillslope and associ-
ated flow path.
• Open slope On the open slope (outside of a
(debris avalanches
and debris flows)
confining drainage), large failure vol-
umes, steep hillslope gradients, and un-
obstructed flow paths generally encour-
age greater transport distances and
greater impact in the deposition zone.
Sharp reductions in gradient caused by
intervening bedrock benches, valley
floor interception, or the buttressing ef-
fect of trees standing within the flow path
can cause rapid deposition and signifi-
cantly limit landslide runout.
• Channelized The channelization of landslide mate-
(debris torrents)
rials, such as in a gully, provides an es-
tablished, less obstructed flow path and
may significantly increase velocity of
movement, distances traveled, and vol-
umes of debris delivered to the valley
floor and associated channel systems.
Once landslide debris becomes chan-
nelized, fluidity increases due to con-
verging groundwater and surface water
flows. The volume of materials trans-
ported also increases as a result of in-

creased channel erosion and mobilization of debris temporarily
stored on and adjacent to the channel banks. Much of this stored
debris is the direct result of local slumping of channel banks and
deposition from earlier landslide activity.
The gradient of the channel controls the rate at which landslide
debris is transported and the dominance of erosion or deposition
processes during a particular flow event. Scouring and mobiliza-
tion of debris in and adjacent to the channel generally occur at
gradients above 10 degrees (about 18%). Major velocity reduc-
tions and significant deposition of materials occur when channel
gradients drop below 7 or 8 degrees (12 to 16%).
Preliminary research on landslide transport distances sug-
gests that behavior of channelized landslides is determined by
a combination of geomorphic and hydrologic factors, including
junction angle, channel gradient, and magnitude of stream dis-
charge. Channelized landslides that reach tributaries at a low
angle of incidence (70-90 degrees) tend to deposit debris at the
tributary junction. At this point, channel gradients are decreasing,
channel widths are increasing, and an abrupt change in flow
direction occurs. How long this deposit remains in place is a
function of the drainage area above the deposit and the volume of
flow in the tributary at the time of deposition. It is possible that
during major storm flows, the deposit may be almost immediately
remobilized. Channelized landslides that enter tributaries at a
high angle of incidence tend to travel farther initially and may pass
through several tributary systems before final deposition occurs.
In small first- and second-order channels with gradients greater
than 10 degrees (about 18%), scouring and lateral erosion domi-
nate, resulting in a major portionof the mobilized material originat-
ing in this portion of the flow path. Below that gradient, erosion
rates are reduced. Significant deposition begins below 8 degrees
(14%). As debris flows into larger, higher-order channels, depo-
sition and erosion are reduced as magnitude of the streamflow

Further Reading for Chapter 1
Benda, L.E. 1985. Delineation of channels susceptible to de-
bris flows and debris floods. In International Symp. on
Erosion, Debris Flows, and Disaster Prevention. Sep-
tember 3-5, 1985, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 195-201.
Schuster, R.L. and R.J. Krizek (editors). 1978. Landslides:
analysis and control. Transportation Research Board,
Special Report 176, Nat. Academy of Sciences,
Washington, D.C., 235 p.
Sidle, R.C., A.J. Pearce, and C.L. O'Loughlin. 1985. Hillslope
stability and land use. Am. Geophysical Union, Wash-
ington, D.C. 140 p.
Swanston, D.N. and F.J. Swanson. 1976. Timber harvesting,
mass erosion and steep land geomorphology. In
Geomorphology and engineering. D.R. Coates (editor).
Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross Inc., Stroudsburg, Pa.,
pp. 199-221.
Terzaghi, K. 1950. Mechanics of landslides. In Geolog. Soc.
Am., Berkey Vol., New York, N.Y., pp. 83-124.
Thurber Consultants Ltd. 1983. Debris torrent and flow haz-
ards, Highway 99, Howe Sound. Rep. to B.C.
Min. Trans. High., Vancouver, B.C., 24 p.
Wilson, D. 1985. Techniques for identification and hazard as-
sessment of unstable terrain. In Proc. Workshop on
Slope Stability: Problems and Solutions in Forest Man-
agement. D.N. Swanston (editor). NW For. Range Exp.
Sta., Portland, Oreg. Gen. Tech Rep. PNW-180, pp.



D.E. Howes
Recreational Fisheries Branch
B.C. Ministry of Environment
Victoria, British Columbia


D.N. Swanston
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station
Forestry Science Laboratory
Juneau, Alaska
Steps for identifying both potentialand existing landslideareas
are outlined on page 24. After following these steps, the user
should be able to recognize that a landslide problem may exist
within a specific development area. Having recognized the
problem, the user should seek the expertise of a specialist for
further analysis of the problem, assessment of risk, and recom-
mendations for control and correction.

The procedure for recognizing unstable terrain involves:

Part A: an office evaluation of existing information

Part B: a field evaluation
Part C: a simple method of assessing stability hazard


Information used in a landslide evaluation may come from
single or multiple sources including maps, reports, and aerial
photographs. The table below identifies the kinds of information
one can expect to obtain from these various sources. A data card
for this exercise is presented on pages 22 and 23.

TOPOGRAPHIC MAP indicates slope gradient, terrain
configuration, drainage pattern.

TERRAIN MAP identifies material, depth, geological

processes, terrain configuration, surface and subsur-
face drainage, slope gradient (also called surficial geol-
ogy or Quaternary geology maps).

BEDROCK MAP/REPORT identifies bedrock type, sur-

face and subsurface structure, surficial cover (overbur-
den), age.

SOIL MAP identifies surficial material (overburden)

type, drainage, limited engineering characteristics, soils
characteristics, vegetation cover.

FOREST COVER MAP identifies surface vegetation,

topographic features, surface drainage pattern, soil
drainage character.

AIR PHOTO REVIEW identifies vegetation cover, to-

pography, drainage pattern, soil drainage character,
bedrock geology, surficial geology, landslide type and
relationship to other factors.

RESEARCH STUDIES may provide information on all

of the above, plus quantitative data on controlling factors
and possibly local stability risk assessment.

Site Name: Date:
Map Sheet Number: Map Scale 1 :

Slope Stability Map Data ❏ No Data Available

Rating on Slope Stability Map
Recommended Land Use

Landslide Data Derived from Resource Maps/Air Photos

1. ldentify if Landslides Present (check box)
Landslide(s) occur in area/ similar terrain nearby
Landslide(s) impacted a stream
2. Identify source of data (check box)
Forest Inventory Map ❏ Air Photos
Terrain Map Air Photo Year
Soil Map ❏ Air Photo Number
Landslide Inventory Map ❏
Bedrock Geology Map
3. identify Type of Landslide (check box) Fall ❏ Creep Slump ❏
Earthflow Debris Avalanche/Flow ❏ Debris Torrent
4. Describe Character of Landslide initlation Site
Slope Angle: (°) (%) Location: Gully ❏ Open Slope
Material Type: Till ❏ Colluvium ❏ Fluvial Fluvial/glaciofluvial ❏
Weathered rock (residual soil) Marine/Lacustrine Bedrock
Drainage: Rapid/Well Moderately Well-Imperfect Poor
Land use: Natural Clearcut Road
Physical Character of Study Area
1. Identify Source of Data (check box)
Forest Inventory Map Air Photos
Terrain Map Air Photo Year
Soil Map Air Photo Number
Landslide Inventory Map
Bedrock Geology Map Topography Map
2. Slope Angle (°) (%)
Shape: Concave Convex Straight
3. Overburden
Type: Till Colluvium Fluvial/Glaciofluvial
Weathered Rock (Residual Soil) ❏ Marine/Lacustrine ❏
Depth: Shallow (<3 m) Deep(>3 m)
Texture: Coarse-Grained ❏ Fine-Grained
Drainage: Rapid/Well Moderately Well-Imperfect ❏ Poor ❏
Dissected by Gullies ❏ (check if yes)
4. Bedrock Exposed ❏ Subsurface
Type: Intrusive ❏ Volcanic Sedimentary ❏ Metamorphic
Specific Type:
Structure: Bedded ❏ Dip Parallel to Slope Joints, Fractures ❏
Dip Perpendicular to Slope ❏ Massive (few beds)
Stratigraphy:Massive, hard beds overlying softer rock ❏
Steep outcrops present ❏

Field Check Required ❏ (Yes)

Office data card (information derived from existing sources)

Site Information
Site Name: Identify the site by geographic name, drainage basin, cut block number,
Map Sheet Number: Indicate topographic number and name
Map Sheet Scale: Enter map scale

Slope Stability Map Data

If no slope stability map is available - check box [ ✔ ]
Slope stability rating: Enter rating of the area from the map
Recommended land use: Many slope stability maps are accompanied by legends that
detail different land use practices in landslide prone terrain; note any of these rec-
ommendations made for the area of concern.

Landslide Data from Resource Maps/Air Photos

1. lndicate if landslides have occurred in area/near the area after review of all re-
source maps and air photos - check box [ ✔ ]; also indicate if these landslides
have entered a creek - check box [ ✔ ].
2. Source of Data: check box(es) [ ✔ ] to indicate source of information used to
determine landslide activity.
3. Check box(es) [ ✔ ] to indicate type of landslides in area; use definitions pro-
vided In Section 1.1.2 (p. 3-5).
4. Describe the Character of Landslide Initiation Site (where the landslide started):
Slope Angle: enter slope angle in degrees or percent
Location: check box [ ✔ use definitions provided in Section 1.2.2 (p. 12 and 15)
MaterialType: check box [ ✔ use definitions provided in Section 2.3 (p. 50-51)
Drainage: check box [ ✔ use definitions provided in Section 2.3 (p. 68)
Land Use: check box [ natural refers to forested

Physical Character of the Study Area

1. Source of Data: Check box(es) [ ✔ ] to indicate source of information used to
determine character of area
2. Slope angle: enter slope angle in degrees or percent
3. Overburden:
MaterialType: check box [ ✔ use definitions provided in Section 2.3 (p. 50-51)
Depth: check box
Texture: check box [ ✔ use definitions provided in Section 2.4.2 (p. 75)
Drainage: check box [ ✔ use definitions provided in Section 2.3 (p. 68)
4. Bedrock:
Type: for specific types use rock classification chart in Section 2.3 (p. 63)
Structure: check box(es) [ use definitions provided in Section 2.3 (p. 64)
Stratigraphy: check box(es) ✔ use definitions provided in Section 2.3 (p. 65)
Steep Outcrops: check box [ ✔ if these are present

Summarize the information available; indicate if a field check is required.

Explanation notes of office data card

Flow diagram of procedures for recognizing unstable terrain

2.2.1 Maps and Reports
There are several types of geological, geotechnical, and
biophysical maps and reports from which data can be extracted
for a landslide evaluation. These include topographical maps,
terrain (surficial geology) and soil maps and reports, slope
stability maps, landslide inventory maps, forest cover maps,
and bedrock maps and reports. The maps vary from large to
small scale (e.g., 1:10 000 to 1:100 000) and the reports, which
may accompany these maps, can be regional or site specific.
In British Columbia, information from terrain classification
(Appendix 2) and mapping is used as a basis for deriving slope
stability classes (Appendix 3) with regards to forest activity.
These classes are portrayed on stability maps (e.g., page 96).
The types of information available from maps and reports
listed in the table below and on page 27 note the various agen-
cies or locations where the maps and reports may be obtained.

InformationAvailable from Maps and Reports

Information type Topo Terrain Soil/ Soils Slide Bedrock Forest

landform inventory cover

• Data may be obtained from a map.

•• Data may be obtained from a report (if available).
••• Data may be obtained from a map and a report (if available).
These reports only discuss large rock failures.

2.2.2 Limitation of Map and Report Data

QUALITY AND SCALE of photographs and experi-

ence of the mapper strongly influence the reliability of
data. An experienced mapper and good quality photo-
graphs result in a more accurate map.

A FIELD CHECK is a prerequisitefor final judgment, no

matter how detailed a photo interpretation may be.
Areas mapped strictly from air photographs are gener-
ally less reliable than those that have been field

INFORMATION that can be obtained from these

sources is presented at a regional scale (e.g.,
1 :100 000) and should not be used inappropriately in a
detailed landslide evaluation study (e.g., at a scale of
1:20 000). For example, a 1:50 000 terrain map may
indicate that a certain type of material occurs on a
particular slope (e.g., till). At this scale of data presen-
tation, however, local variations in material type may
occur on this slope (e.g., 15% of the slope may be made
up of lacustrine silt).

FINITE BOUNDARIES in mapping terrain, soils, and

bedrock conditions must be drawn for some conditions
that do not have finite boundaries. Thus, there is a
certain degree of error built into these maps, even the
most detailed. For example, groundwater levels can
transgress different types of material.

Sources of Maps/Reports

Source of data Topo Terrain Soil/ Soils Slide Bedrock Forest

landform inventory cover

Maps B.C. (Ministry of • • • • •

U.S. Geol. Survey • • • •
Geol. Survey of Canada • •
B.C. Min. of Energy, •
Mines & Pet. Res.
B.C. Min. of Forests • • • • •

U.S. Forest Service • • • •

U.S. Bureau of L. Mgmt. • •
Forest Companies • • • •
Agriculture Canada •
U.S. Soil Cons. Serv. •

• Map/report available

2.2.3 Air Photograph Analysis

Careful study of a given area of terrain with the aid of oblique
photographs and vertical stereo pairs can yield significant infor-
mation on landslide type and frequency, and the effects of man-
agement practices. A review of recent and past air photographs
of the area should be undertaken whenever possible, as older
slides may not be evident on more recent photographs. The table
on page 28 outlines the various agencies or locations where aerial
photographs and other remote imagery can be obtained.

Features discernible on air photographs can help users identify

landslide type and develop a reasonable assessment of overbur-
den characteristics. These, in turn, provide a means for estimating
the landslide hazard at a site.

Sources of Remote Imagery

Source of data Aerial Photos EOSAT (LANDSAT) SLR

Canada, Department of Energy • •

Mines and Resources
Maps B.C., Ministry of •
B.C. Ministry of Forests •
U.S. Forest Service •
U.S. Geological Survey
EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD •
Earth Observation Satellite Co. •
Landau, MD
Washington State, Department • • •
of Natural Resources
(Photo Sales Division)
Oregon State, Department • • •
Natural Resources

Air photographs can also be a valuable aid in identifying

“potential” landslide terrain. A skilled air photograph interpreter
can identify numerous ground conditions (type of material, drain-
age, and so forth) indicative of potential or developing hazards by
observing various elements on the photograph.

A number of features discernible on air photos also aid in the

identification and interpretationof landslide processes. Some of
these are: scarps, irregular or hummocky topography below
scarps, bare linear tracks oriented downslope, fresh rock expo-
sures, and fresh rock accumulations at the slope base. Air
photograph examples and a list of basic features useful for
identifying landslide types and terrain that may be potentially
unstable are outlined on the following pages.
Features of rockfalls or sediment falls
AREAS of steep rock outcrop with large blocks or boulders, or of
talus deposits (fans or cones) resting at the foot of the slope.
RECENT rockfallat the above sites may be indicated by fresh rock
accumulations at the base of the slope or exposed rock on the rock
face (both would have a light tone on the photo).
ESCARPMENTS of unconsolidated sediments with large coher-
ent blocks of sediment at the base of the escarpment.

Rock cliffs subject to rockfall processes. Note fresh accumulation of large rock
blocks at the base of the slope (talus deposit).

Features of bedrock landslides
HEADWALL and sidewall scarps that are straight or concave.
TOPOGRAPHY below scarp may consist of large blocks of
bedrock, or irregular mounds made up of large bedrock frag-
SURFACES may display tension fractures, benches and ponded
STREAMS at base of landslide may be displaced laterally towards
opposite valley sidewall.
OLDER bedrock landslides may display some of the above
features, but they are not as sharply defined.

Hope landslide, B.C. Note well-defined headwall scarp (arrows) and irregular
topography on the valley floor

Terrain susceptible to bedrock instability
Steep bedrock slopes (cliffs or escarpments) that exhibit the
following features are common sites of rockfall or deep-seated
bedrock landslides. Wet sites are particularly prone to failure.

ALTERNATING parallel dark and light bands on hillslopes and

straight, nearly parallel ridges or escarpments usually indicate the
presence of tilted, interbedded sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
NARROW, linear, intersecting features (joints) highlighted by
darker photo tones than surrounding areas.
DARK-TONED, narrow linear or curvilinear lines (faults, scarps)
interrupted by standing water (ponds, lakes); or curvilinear lines
creating a banded pattern on the photograph (folds or benches).
NARROW linear features on cliffs or steep hillslopes with a distinct
tonal difference from the surrounding area (tension fractures).

Escarpment consisting of volcanic flow rocks

Features of slumps and earthflows in
HEADWALL and sidewall scarps that are straight or concave.
Scarps may be rectangular or horseshoe-shaped.
TOPOGRAPHY below scarp may consist of a large intact block
or series of blocks with scarps, or chaotic irregular-shaped
mounds and hummocks, or mixes of both.
SURFACES of slumps and earthflows may display tension frac-
tures, benches and small scarps, and ponded water (sag ponds).
STREAMS along the base of these landslides may be diverted
laterally towards the opposite site of the valley.
OLDER landslides may display some of the above features but
they are not as sharply defined.

Slump in glaciolacustrine materials, Fraser River, B.C. Note headwall scarp

(arrows) and bench-like topography downslope .
Terrain susceptible to slumps and earthflows
Slumps and earthflows commonly occur in exposed lake and
ocean bottom sediments (silt, clay); in wind-blown deposits of silt
and fine sand (loess), and fine-textured till; and in residual over-
burden derived from fine-grained sedimentary or volcanic rocks.
Features that aid in the identification of these materials are
outlined below.

Slumps and earthflows typically occur at escarpments under-

cut by streams and ocean waves, and in moderate to steep slopes.
Wet or poorly drained locations on these slopes are particularly
sensitive to these processes. Shallow drainage channels appear
as narrow, linear features above steep pitches, whereas seepage
sites tend to be irregularly shaped patches. The photo tones of
both features contrast sharply with the surrounding area.



FLAT or undulating surface topography.

GENERAL absence of surface drainage and local ponded water
with associated organic deposits (bogs).
SMALL STREAMS or gullies with steep sideslopes and flat bot-
toms (U-shaped profiles).
DISSECTED AREAS, with connected gullies forming intricate
feather-like (pinnate) drainage patterns.
UNIFORM, drab, dark gray photo tones over broad areas.


REGIONAL TOPOGRAPHY of low, softly rounded hills and

rounded ridge tops.
TREE-LIKE DENDRITIC drainage patterns with local springs and
HILLSLOPES with lobate bulges, terracettes, swales and short,
shallow, intermittent gullies.
VEGETATION cover of trees interspaced by open prairies indicat-
ing local surface disruption.

Raised marine silts, northern Vancouver Island, B.C. Note flat topography
absence of surface drainage and escarpment along shoreline (potential site for

Features of debris avalanches, debris flows
and debris torrents
BARE, narrow, linear tracks in forested terrain oriented down-
slope; denuded gullies and canyons.
DEPOSITION of material at slope toe, or some distance down-
slope in fan-shaped or hummocky forms.
OLDER TRACKS indicated by vegetation differences (species
type or age - see page 71).
SNOW AVALANCHES and debris flow tracks may be separated
by their point of origin (alpine zone vs below treeline).
ORIGINATE in gullies and canyons displaying steep, unstable
side slopes and steep channel gradients or steep open slopes.

Oblique photo of debris avalanches, Vancouver Island, B.C. Note bare linear
tracks in contrast to an older revegetated track (arrow).

Terrain susceptible to debris avalanches,
debris flows, or debris torrents
Debris avalanches and flows develop on steep slopes and in
coarse-grained, low cohesion overburden. Debris torrents (debris
floods) result from rapid discharge of debris-laden water from con-
fining gullies during high-flow periods. Failures that indicate
terrain susceptible to these processes are:
STEEP, smooth, slopes (>26°); lighter tone, irregular or narrow
linear patches indicate wet sites and are prone to failure.
SHALLOW OVERBURDEN indicated by frequent bedrock out-
crops and minor surface irregularities.
SLOPES DISSECTED by gullies or canyons; usually indicated by
linear features whose tone contrasts with the nearby area.
DEBRIS FANS and cones at foot of the slope.

Forested, steep, gullied (arrows) slopes overlain by shallow overburden

2.2.4 Sources of Support Research
Published reports from various public and private research
organizations charged with developing knowledge of landslide
processes and the influence of management practices on them
are excellent sources of technical information. The output of
public agencies is generally available through government publi-
cations or as reprints from professional journals obtained from the
particular agency involved. The output from universities, govern-
ment departments and private organizations may appear as
internal reports, or consultation reports, or in professional journals
available from departments, companies or authors. Several
federal agencies in British Columbia and the U.S. Pacific North-
west have active slope stability research programs and are
primary sources for most available research information.

2.2.5 Office Assessment

A preliminary slope stability assessment may be made on the
basis of the information collected on the office data card.

STEP ONE: Review slope stability map data

If the area in question has a moderate to high slope stability


• Seek outside expertise of a specialist; or

• Proceed to Section 2.3 (field evaluation).

If no stability maps exist for the area, proceed to Step 2.

STEP TWO: Review resource map/air photo data for

If the resource data indicate that landslides have occurred in

or near the area of concern in similar terrain:

• Seek outside expertise of a specialist; or

• Proceed to Section 2.3 (field evaluation).
If the resource data indicate no landslides have occurred in or
near the area of concern, proceed to Step 3.

STEP THREE: Review physical character of the area

as established from the resource map/air photo data

If there is sufficient information available, review the physical

character of the area for the presence of indicator factors, (as
reviewed in Section I), such as slope angle, character of overbur-
den, moisture status, and presence of geological processes that
can influence slope stability. A simple guide is presented below,
although it can and should be adjusted according to the various
regions in the Pacific Northwest.

If the area consists of non-cohesive1, shallow (<3 m in depth),

coarse-textured materials on slopes >33 degrees (>65%), or on
slopes >20 degrees (>36%) that are wet2 or dissected by gullies:

• Proceed to Section 2.3 (field evaluation).

1,2 For definitions of these terms, refer to Section 2.4.1, pages 75 and 80.

If the area consists of cohesive,3 deep (>3 m), fine-textured
materials on slopes >30 degrees (about >58%), or on slopes >10
degrees (18%) that are wet or exhibit progressive deformation:

• Proceed to Section 2.3 (field evaluation).

If there is insufficient resource data available to assess the site:

• Proceed to Section 2.3 (field evaluation).

3 F o r a definition of this term, refer to Section 2.4.1, page 7 5 .

An integral part of the procedure for recognizing unstable
terrain is being able to identify and interpret certain "indicators" of
controlling and contributing factors in the slope stability model de-
scribed in Chapter 1 . This requires a working knowledge of how
these factors operate and interact, and sufficient knowledge at the
site to discover what kinds of indicators of instability are present.
The resulting information can be integrated with support data to
provide a final stability assessment. Some of the field information
can be obtained from air photo analysis. This may be all that is
required for general planning.

2.3.1 General Procedure

Six major groups of known characteristics should be investi-
gated to supply information adequate to characterize unstable
conditions on forested watersheds. These are:

1) Landform
2) Overburden
3) Geological Processes on the Slope
4) Bedrock Lithology and Structure
5) Hydrology
6) Vegetation

For each of these groups, there are diagnostic indicators which

identify factors controlling stability. A data card has been devel-
oped for compiling information according to these six topics
(pages 42-43). The information provided on the data card, in turn,
can be used for the stability hazard assessment outlined on pages

Click here for next page 40

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