Intasc Standards

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Standards Esther Boner, Regent University

Standard 1: Learner Development I focused my attention from the start of my

student teaching on student centered
The teacher understands how learners grow environments and lessons. This careful
and develop, recognizing that patterns of planning provided students with the ability to
learning and development vary individually engage in their learning through their
within and across the cognitive, linguistic, strengths and motivations.
social, emotional, and physical areas, and
designs and implements developmentally Evidence of the above lessons can be found
appropriate and challenging learning under Student Centered and Differentiated
experiences. Instruction and Developmentally Appropriate
Standard 2: Learning Differences While studying at Regent I have had the
opportunity to create lessons that work across
The teacher uses understanding of individual the curriculum. These Interdisciplinary lessons
differences and diverse cultures and provide the ability to teach students the skills
communities to ensure inclusive learning and foster an understanding of content far
environments that enable each learner to beyond factual knowledge. These allow the
meet high standards. student to put a real-world emphasis on the
content through each area of study. I also
incorporated lesson plans I created for
multiculturalism in the classroom through a
Flat Stanley activity. This also fosters an
environment at home that is inclusive of the
whole family and their values.

Evidence of these lessons can be found under

Content Knowledge in Interdisciplinary
Curriculum and Developmentally Appropriate

Standard 3: Learning Environments Collaboration happened every week in both of

my placements. I had the opportunity to
The teacher works with others to create participate in lesson planning as well as
environments that support individual and environments that helped me understand the
collaborative learning, and that encourage curriculum and how to set forth what I was
positive social interaction, active engagement learning in the classroom. I also had the
in learning, and self-motivation. opportunity to sit through professional
development in the schools with the teachers
in my teams to learn how to implement
strategies of performance based assessments
as well as guided reading strategies.

Evidence of collaboration can be found under

Effective Communication and Collaboration.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge Knowledge of the Standards of Learning and

the curriculum for each grade level in
The teacher understands the central concepts, important to lesson planning. Each lesson I
tools of inquiry, and structures of the have created includes objectives, SOL’s and in
discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates the unit plan there are essential questions to
learning experiences that make the discipline help learners master content.
accessible and meaningful for learners to
assure mastery of the content. Evidence of the unit plan can be found in the
Appendices included in the unit plan are
lessons, assessments and rubrics.
Standard 5: Application of Content I have created lessons that apply content to
the real world during my studies. Each of the
The teacher understands how to connect lessons has been relevant and engaging and
concepts and use differing perspectives to requires students to think critically.
engage learners in critical thinking, creativity,
and collaborative problem solving related to Evidence of these lessons can be found under
authentic local and global issues. Content Knowledge in Interdisciplinary
Curriculum and Developmentally Appropriate

Standard 6: Assessment I created Pre and Post Assessments and

monitored the data throughout the unit to
The teacher understands and uses multiple engage and differentiate for each of my
methods of assessment to engage learners in students. In the unit I also used exit tickets
their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and discussion boards to allow students to
and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s express their understanding of the topics in
decision making. more than one way.

Evidence of the above assessments can be

found under Student Centered and
Differentiated Instruction
Standard 7: Planning for Instruction During my time at Regent I have had the
opportunity to create many lesson plans
The teacher plans instruction that supports including ones that incorporated Standards of
every student in meeting rigorous learning Learning that were across the curriculum.
goals by drawing upon knowledge of content These Interdisciplinary lessons provide the
areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and ability to teach students the skills, and foster
pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners an understanding of content far beyond
and the community context. factual knowledge. These allow the student to
put a real world emphasis on the content
through each area of study.

Evidence of these lessons can be found under

Content Knowledge in Interdisciplinary

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies In both of my student teaching placements I

have used both technological resources as well
The teacher understands and uses a variety of as worksheets, crafts and manipulatives.
instructional strategies to encourage learners Students have the opportunity to learn
to develop deep understanding of content through many strategies that may fit each
areas and their connections, and to build skills learners style.
to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Evidence of this can be found in the
Appedicies-YouTube and Student Centered
and Differentiated Instruction
Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Collaboration happened every week in both of
Practice my placements. I had the opportunity to
participate in lesson planning as well as
The teacher engages in ongoing professional environments that helped me understand the
learning and uses evidence to continually curriculum and how to set forth what I was
evaluate his/her practice, particularly the learning in the classroom. I also had the
effects of his/her choices and actions on opportunity to sit through professional
others (learners, families, other professionals, development in the schools with the teachers
and the community), and adapts practice to in my teams to learn how to implement
meet the needs of each learner. strategies of performance based assessments
as well as guided reading strategies.

Evidence of collaboration can be found under

Effective Communication and Collaboration.
Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration Through my time in student teaching I made it
my mission to ensure the families of my
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles students not only knew whom I was but that I
and opportunities to take responsibility for was present their students learning and
student learning, to collaborate with learners, growth. I communicated with parents about
families, colleagues, other school their students through classroom
professionals, and community members to management resources.
ensure learner growth, and to advance the
profession. Evidence if this can be found under Effective
Communication and Collaboration.

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