Intasc Standards

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The Learner and Learning 

Standard #1: Learner Development To meet this competency, a teacher needs to

ensure that lessons are engaging for the level
The teacher understands how learners grow of the learners. I created several lessons that
and develop, recognizing that patterns of engaged learners of many backgrounds
learning and development vary individually (including SPED and ELL). These lessons
within and across the cognitive, linguistic, included physical movement and cooperative
social, emotional, and physical areas, and learning strategies that keep students engaged.
designs and implements developmentally
appropriate and challenging learning

Standard #2: Learning Differences I differentiated my lessons to meet the needs

of students with a variety of learning
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences. I was careful to ensure that
differences and diverse cultures and whatever I assigned my students was an
communities to ensure inclusive learning authentic representation of their learning. For
environments that enable each learner to meet example, I would record myself reading
high standards. directions for a social studies assignment to
ensure students of a lower reading level or
ELL background would not misunderstand the
directions. Differentiated lessons means that
every student, regardless of background or
ability, can understand what is being taught.

Standard #3: Learning Environments I fostered a learning environment in the

classroom that frequently required students to
The teacher works with others to create engage with each other. This social interaction
environments that support individual and forces students to grow in their empathy,
collaborative learning, and that encourage understanding, and communication. When
positive social interaction, active engagement difficulties arose in the classroom, I modeled
in learning, and self-motivation. problem-solving and reconciliation skills with
the students.

I further encouraged students to be engaged

with the material by making lessons fun (with
call and response, interesting stories, fun
pictures, etc).

2. Content

Standard #4: Content Knowledge  I demonstrated content knowledge by aligning

  my lessons closely to the Virginia Standards
The teacher understands the central concepts, of Learning. To ensure students fully
tools of inquiry, and structures of the understood the content they were expected to
discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learn, I created engaging lessons with several
learning experiences that make these aspects activities and cooperative learning strategies.
of the discipline accessible and meaningful
for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Standard #5: Application of Content I demonstrated how students can apply

content to their everyday life by connecting
The teacher understands how to connect my personal experiences and the experiences
concepts and use differing perspectives to of others to the content I taught the students.
engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, By doing this, I modeled how a person can
and collaborative problem solving related to synthesize their learning with their real-world
authentic local and global issues.  experiences.

3. Instructional Practices

Standard #6: Assessment I assessed students both formally and

informally, using a variety of assessment tools
The teacher understands and uses multiple such as exit tickets, quizzes, projects,
methods of assessment to engage learners in worksheets, and “thumbs up or thumbs down”
their own growth, to monitor learner progress, to quickly gauge student understanding. I let
and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s this assessment guide my lesson planning as I
decision making discovered what I needed to re-teach or which
students I needed to meet with for

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction I planned lessons for each day that provided a
detailed explanation for every activity (to
The teacher plans instruction that supports include whole group, small group, and
every student in meeting rigorous learning independent instruction). I followed the
goals by drawing upon knowledge of content pacing guide of the school district and aligned
areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, each lesson to a specific learning standard. I
and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of used creativity to ensure that the students
learners and the community context. would enjoy each lesson and stay engaged.

Standard #8: Instructional Strategies I used several instructional strategies that

engaged students with each other throughout
The teacher understands and uses a variety of the day, helped maintain an orderly
instructional strategies to encourage learners classroom, and solidified the content in the
to develop deep understanding of content students’ minds. Some of these strategies
areas and their connections, and to build skills included anchor charts, slideshow
to apply knowledge in meaningful ways. presentations, “Turn and Talk,” “Think-Pair-
Share,” “Ask Three Before Me,” and a variety
of call and responses to maintain the attention
of the students.

4. Professional Standards 

Standard #9: Professional Learning I reflected on my lessons after each day,

and Ethical Practice noting areas of growth and planning my future
lessons to adjust for these growth areas. I
The teacher engages in ongoing professional worked with my cooperating teachers and
learning and uses evidence to continually other school staff to ensure I was engaging
evaluate his/her practice, particularly the with students, parents, and staff members in a
effects of his/her choices and actions on professional and appropriate manner. I
others (learners, families, other professionals, practiced fair discipline with my students to
and the community), and adapts practice to students, focusing on positive behaviors but
meet the needs of each learner. also giving natural consequences when
necessary (for example, a student who throws
mulch on another student at recess will sit
with me for the remainder of the recess time).

Standard #10: Leadership and I took initiative in my student teaching

Collaboration placements to plan lessons for the planning
team and involve myself in meetings and
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles events. I collaborated with my cooperating
and opportunities to take responsibility for teachers each day to ensure the learning
student learning, to collaborate with learners, environment was the best possible for the
families, colleagues, other school students. I further worked with students to
professionals, and community members to help them learn to problem-solve and take
ensure learner growth and to advance the initiative themselves.

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