Handy Book
Handy Book
Handy Book
Learning Outcomes
The Brief
HORLICKS has always been a familiar household name, with many Malaysians
growing up with the brand. Having sustained the brand over the last 50 years,
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Sdn Bhd (GSK), the manufacturer of
Horlicks in Malaysia, is committed to turning the malt drink into the most trusted and
preferred brand in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)/health drink segment.
“We are the second biggest brand in this category. We have a strong presence within
the Malaysian household,” says managing director Katherine Chen. Earlier this week,
GSK launched a new Horlicks product: Horlicks Chocolate, which contains 23 vital
nutrients that help support overall growth and development.
“We are quite confident that this product will be well-received by both adults and
children as it is power packed with 23 nutrients and has a delicious chocolate taste.
It’ll give the brand and the company robust growth,” she tells StarBizWeek after the
launch of Horlicks Chocolate.
With the launch, GSK is optimistic of growing its market share within the
FMCG/health drink segment. “We want more Malaysian consumers to enjoy this
product, which can also help to fill their nutrition gap and especially for children who
are still growing,” Chen says.
The company is planning to go all out in its promotional campaign for Horlicks
Chocolate. Besides launching the television commercial for the product, GSK will be
kick-starting a series of roadshows to engage consumers.
She now plans to diversify into offering other foods and drinks, all within their main
product category of “health food.”
Source: The Star Online 2014), Horlicks Chocolate set to create ripples (online)
Available at http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2014/05/24/
[Accessed on 8 October 2015]
The task
Ms. Katherine Chen, the Managing Director of Horlicks has agreed to recruit you as
the Marketing Executive. Your role is to prepare a marketing plan that provides
specific strategies and ideas on how to improve Horlicks current business so that it
will be a market leader. To date, Horlicks product has been focusing only on drink
thus, Ms. Katherine feels that the company should plan to diversify into offering other
foods and drinks, all within Horlick’s main product category of “health food.” The
new product is expected to be launched within 6 months and the company has
allocated RM1.0million to promote the new product. This amount should cover the
cost of launching and any related promotional activity.
The Assignment
You are expected to work in a group of 3-4 people. Your group is required to develop
a comprehensive marketing strategy to effectively market your client’s product. Apart
from considering the various segmentation variables (demographic, psychographic
and behavioural), you are also required to examine the marketing planning process,
appropriate marketing objectives and strategies for implementation.
A group meeting will be held to discuss the allocation of duties for the assignment and
to determine the role of each team member.
Your group is required to fill in a Task Allocation Form and submit the form to the
lecturer. The task allocation between the group members should indicate how the
tasks within the assignment are allocated.
Assessment Criteria
You are required to undertake Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four and Part Five
as a team (group) and will be assessed accordingly out of a total allocation of 70
marks (70%). An individual component of 30 marks (30%) is allocated to Part Six,
Part Seven and Part Eight.
The assignment must adhere to standard academic documentation standards:
Please use appropriate citation and reference according to the Harvard Name
Referencing System in order to avoid plagiarism.
Font type should be Times New Roman.
Font size should be 12 pts.
Vertical / line spacing should be 1.5-line spacing.
You must use enough of your own words to convince that you understand
what you are writing and are not just “cutting and pasting”. Normally your
own words should be no less than 80% of the total word count.
The assignment should be a formally written document and the contents of
which should be about 2,000 words (excluding appendices) for Group Task
and 1,000 words for Individual Task. You may include diagrams, figures,
tables etc without word penalty.
A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the
amount by which the limit has been exceeded.
Documentation Requirements
Cover Page- The assignment cover page should contain information as stated below
in order:
APU Logo
Module Name and Code
Assignment Title
Assignment Description (Group Assignment)
Intake Number
Hand out and Hand in dates
Group Members’ Name
Lecturer’s Name
Table of Contents.
The table of contents should follow the title page. It must list the sections and the page
on which each section starts. The table of contents may be one or more pages long.
The table of contents page(s) will not be numbered.
An appendix is optional. Include in the appendix any exhibit appropriate to the written
entry but not important enough to include in the body; these might include sample
questionnaires used, newspaper articles, general background data, etc.
Assessment Criteria
The criteria below detail the areas, which will be taken into account when the
assignment is marked. Each piece of assessed work will be awarded a percentage
between 0 and 100%. The grades awarded will be marked according to the following
65 – 74% This will be equivalent to a Credit. This will represent extremely good
work demonstrating an in depth understanding of material and sound
analysis and conclusions.