Poverty in Haiti - Final
Poverty in Haiti - Final
Poverty in Haiti - Final
Poverty in Haiti
Andrea De Leon
Table of Contents
References ........................................................................................................................... 7
Poverty in Haiti
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the word. In this paper, we will analyze what the
effects of poverty are on Haiti. Poverty affects a country in many different negative ways. We
will also review the reasons why Haiti has reached such an extreme level of poverty. Finally, we
will learn how to, not stoop but reduce poverty in Haiti and in other countries that have been
going through the same difficult situations. Taking action against poverty will help reduce it not
Literary Review
Currently, Haiti is the poorest county in the western Hemisphere, with 59% of the
population living below the national poverty line ($2.41 per day) and 24% living below the
national extreme poverty line ($1.23 per day). (Overview, 2018) Its per capita income is $250,
which is less than one-tenth of the Latin American average. (The World Bank, 2016) Poverty is
affecting millions of people in many ways. Haiti citizens are affected heath-wise, economically
and through education. These consequences of poverty come mainly because of political
instability, corruption in the government and underinvestment in human capital. Natural hazards
are also causing Haiti to fall more into poverty. Even though it is impossible to completely
extinguish poverty, there are many ways to reduce it. Controlling the government and stopping
corruption is one important action that need to happen to reduce poverty in Haiti. An
improvement in education and a fair income distribution is also necessary for poverty to
decrease. Haiti is suffering from severe poverty, but with actions and sacrifices the country can
Poverty is affecting Haiti in more ways than anyone can imagine. First of all, people
don’t have purified or clean water. Only half of the population can rely on and have access to
improved and cleaner water. The other half of the population depend on lake, river, water. (The
Borgen Project, 2018) This may lead to diseases in the community, which will not be cured
immediately due to the lack of resources for medication. Another way poverty is affecting Haiti
is the lack of education. Fifty percent of the children in Haiti go to school and only thirty percent
of those finish only up to 5th grade. (The Borgen Project, 2018) About 10% of children repeat
and 2-6 drop out of the primary grade. (Adelman, M. Et al.,2015) Students who finish school are
counted. The lack of education makes a great majority of the population in Haiti illiterate, which
makes it harder for Haiti to leave her state of poverty. Poverty is also making many children
homeless. Many children and families live on the streets and are unable to afford a decent home.
Poverty is having all these effects on Haiti. These will keep the country from having any
Such an extreme poverty like the one in Haiti has to have some reason behind it. There
are many reasons why poverty is immense in Haiti. Corruption and political instability are one of
them. Haiti has been unstable when talking about politics. Several public funds have been wasted
and stolen from the people. A corrupted government will not lead Haiti out of misery, but on the
contrary: it will leave them right where they are or even worse. Underinvestment in human
capital and the poor use of money affects Haiti’s economy. More than two thirds of the country
live in the rural areas, where only 20% of the human resources are being used. Another factor
that has increased the poverty in Haiti is natural disasters. Haiti, being a very vulnerable country,
receives many natural disasters. In 2010, the country suffered one of the strongest earthquakes
since 1970, which increased poverty immensely because of the lack of caution and preparation
There will always be poor people in Haiti and in every part of the world. It is impossible
to get completely rid of poverty but there are various ways of reducing it. First of all, a clean-up
public sector institutions would help reduce poverty. The government should focus on
maintaining public order and economic stability, securing property rights, building a regulatory
role for some sectors, and designing a framework to help increase provision of primary health
and education services and for investment in and maintenance of infrastructure. The government
has to control that the spending does go to the country and helps, instead of it being robbed by a
corrupt official. By controlling the money, the government has to buying only necessary things,
the country will increase economically. Another critical factor for decreasing poverty would be
education. For the country to persevere, people and citizens should at least finish high school.
Ignorance is a big factor of poverty. Without a proper education, Haiti will not leave the poverty
cycle. Thus, besides the pervasive nature of poverty, income distribution also emerges as a
potential stumbling block to growth prospects and should be of high concern for policy makers,
let alone be part of a global policy to tackle the poverty scourge. (Jadotte, E., 2007) Many other
ways exist to try to reduce poverty. Getting engaged in the poor society and personally helping
will make a difference. Also, providing social services and creating jobs will slowly help Haiti
Haiti has severe poverty and has had it for many years and it has been affecting its
citizens severely. Health, economic, and educational issues are flooding citizens. These happen
because of many factors including political instability, corruption, poor money use in the
government, and natural hazards. Many of these factors can be prevented but some, like the
natural hazards, can’t. To reduce poverty, Haiti can first change its government and stop
corruption. Also, education need improvement, and fair income distribution need to be implied.
Following these improvements and taking actions will help Haiti come out of the ashes of
The Borgen Project. (2018) 5 Shocking Facts about Poverty in Haiti. (2018, February
27). Retrieved November 5, 2018, from https://borgenproject.org/top-five-facts-about-poverty-
The Word Bank. (2016) Haiti: The Challenges of Poverty Reduction. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 5, 2018, from
Adelman, M., Baron, J. D., Blimpo, M., Evans, D. K., Simbou, A., Yarrow, N., & Bank,
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