The Sublime Girls Academy of Science Rajanpur: Long Questions

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Short Questions 20 marks

1) Can visible light produce interference fringes?Explain?

2) How would you distinguish between UN-polarized light plane polarized light?
3) Could you obtain Newton’s rings with transmitted light?if yes ,would the pattern be different from
obtained with reflected light?
4) An oil film spreading over a wet footpath shows colours.Explain how does it happen?
5) Why center of Newton’s ring is dark?
6) Define wavefronts?
7) Define diffraction?
8) Define Huygen’s principal with diagram?
9) Condition for interfernce effect?
10) Path differnce in interference in thin filom depends upon?

Long questions 20 marks

1. a)write a note on Michelson’s interferometer? (5)

b) light of wavelength 450nm is incident on a diffraction grating on which 5000 lines/cm find order of spectra
only? Angle 90 (5)

2. a)write a note on diffraction grating ? (5)

b ) blue light of wavelength 480nm illuminates a diffraction grating.the second order image is formed at an
angle 30 degree from the central many lines /cm of grating? (5)
Physics (9 chapters, 1st year) Objective Total marks: 10
Name ____________________
1) Net force on a droplet is equal to =

a) Weight -Drag force b) Weight +Drag force c) Drag force - mass d) Mass+Dragforce

2) law of conservation of mass is given by

a) Equation of continuity b) Bernoulli’s equation c) Torricelli's Theorem d) Venturi Relation

3) 1st maxima occour at m=

a) 1 b) 2 c )0 d)3

4) phase angle tells us about the

a) Displacement b)direction of motion c)only angle d) both (a) and (b)

5) 1st minima occour at m=

a) 1 b) 2 c )0 d)3

6) grating have how many lines per/cm

a) 400-500 b) 4000-500 c) 4000-5000 d) 400-5000

7) Bright fringes are termed as

a) Maxima b) minima c) black d) dark

8) The center of newton ring is ------------------ for transmitted light

a)dark b) bright c) both (a) and (b) d) no center in newton ring

9) 3rd order image formed at m=

a) 1 b) 2 c )3 d)4

10) in micelsone interferomer if mirror M1 is displaced through distance of  then path diffrence produced
a) 2  b)3  c)  /2 d)  /3

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