Sac305 Lead-Free Solder Alloy: Features

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Liquidus 220°C (428°F)
Compatible with all Flux Types
Excellent Wetting Speed
Excellent Solderability and Spreading
Reduced Bridging Versus Sn-Cu Alloys
Manufactured with AIM Electropure™ Technology

SAC305 lead-free alloy contains 96.5 % tin, 3% silver, and 0.5%
copper and is RoHS, REACH and JEIDA compliant. Applications HANDLING & STORAGE
include Wave, Selective, Hand and SMT Reflow Soldering. AIM Parameter Time Temperature
Electropure™ SAC305 bar solder offers reduced dross production Shelf Life Indefinite Room Temperature
and superior wetting and fluidity as compared to other solder
Indefinite shelf life applies to solid solder. For other product
brands. AIM’s SAC305 bar solder is alloyed using our proprietary
categories, refer to those specific TDSs. Consult AIM
Electropure™ method resulting in a low drossing, high wetting
SAC305 SDS for additional handling procedures and
solder. AIM Electropure™ SAC305 may be used with all existing
lead-free compatible equipment, processes, coatings, and flux
SAC305 bar solder is compatible with all major brands of no-
AVAILABILITY clean and water soluble electronic grade fluxes.
SAC305 is available in 1.1 kg (2.5 lb) triangular bars, hanging
AIM Safety Bar and Solid Wire. SAC305 is also available in AIM
flux cored wire solders and solder pastes. SAFETY
Use with adequate ventilation and proper personal protective
equipment. Refer to the accompanying Safety Data Sheet for
TYPICAL ALLOY COMPOSITION any specific emergency information. Do not dispose of any
Typical Alloy Composition hazardous materials in non-approved containers.
Sn: Balance Ag: 3.0 Cu: 0.5


Typical Melting Temperature
Solidus: 217°C (423°F) Liquidus: 220°C (428°F)

Document Rev # NF2

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