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Determiners - 02 Word Order - PDF

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Word Order: Using Pre-determiners / Central Determiners / Post-determiners


In context
5 min

What is a determiner?

Determiner Noun
the road
A determiner is a word used before a noun to give more information about the

What are pre-determiners, central determiners, and post-determiners?

Pre-determiner Central Post-determiner Noun

all the many roads
Depending on its position before the noun, a determiner can be: a central
determiner, a predeterminer or a postdeterminer.

A phrase like this example is rare. We usually only use one or two determiners.
Pre-determiners / Central Determiners / Post-determiners
10 min

There are different types of central determiners. The main ones are:

Main Central Determiners Example Words Example Phrases

articles a, an, the all the time
demonstrative adjectives this, that, these, those half this page
possessive adjectives my, your, his, her, its, our, their both my parents

Pre-determiners include:

Main Pre-determiners Example Words Example Phrases

multipliers twice, three times… twicethe money
fractions half, one fourth… half an hour
intensifiers what, such, rather, quite What a mess!
other words both, all bothmy legs

Post-determiners include:

Main Post-determiners Example Words Example Phrases

cardinal numbers one, two, eighty… the three eagles
ordinal numbers first, second, twenty-third… the first time
general ordinals last, next, previous… our next meeting
quantifiers few, several, many… his several

Language Tips about Determiners

5 min

Some words can be determiners or post-determiners, depending on the number of

determiners in a sentence and their place.
‘two’ is a determiner in: I need tworackets.
‘two’ is a post-determiner in: I need thetworackets in the garage. (‘two’ is placed
after the central determiner ‘the’)
‘many’ is a determiner in: We knowmanyuses for these products.
‘many’ is a post-determiner in: We know their many uses. (‘many’ is placed after the
central determiner ‘their’)

Usually, we only use one pre-determiner. However, it is possible to use two post-
determiners, as shown in the 2 examples below.
his next two projects
the first three days

Writing Exercise
5 min
Place the following words in the table below, in alphabetical order:

all, this, second, such, both, five, her, the, previous

Central Determiners Pre-determiners Post-determiners

Writing Exercise
5 min
Complete with the correct determiner.

1. I make__________ his salary! (half/all)

2. We brush our teeth__________ a day. (two/twice)
3. __________ the customers were satisfied. (all/both)
4. Are you available for the __________ meeting? (last/next)
5. __________ myuncles live in Switzerland. (both/twice)
6. __________this amount is enough. (all / one third of)
7. __________ a great invention! (What/How)
8. This is __________ an amazing story! (so/such)
9. I never want to speak to those __________ crooks again. (both/two)
10. He explained his __________ projects. (much/many)

Writing Exercise
5 min
Reorder the words and underline the determiners.
1. only / ate / plate / she / her / half
2. colleagues / amount / get / get / the / we / double / some
3. proud / many / of / is / achievements / he / his
4. lost / three / first / here / got / the / I / I / came / times
5. such / is / difficult / a / this / exercise

Writing Exercise
5 min
Tell your teacher which is the correct phrase: A, B or both?

1. the first two hours 1. the two first hours
2. a such good investment 2. such a good investment
3. several his objectives 3. his several objectives
4. my both ears 4. both my ears
5. two-fifths of the candidates 5. two-fifth candidates
6. twice the money 6. double the money
7. my two eyes 7. both my eyes
8. the all day 8. all the day
9. their few friends 9. few their friends
10. the last four days 10. the four last days
Reading Exercise with the Teacher
5 min
Read these sentences to your teacher. Then, say which words are
1. Most days, Jack speaks to Jennifer at least once a day.
2. He earns twice her salary.
3. Last week, he took her to quite an expensive restaurant.
4. That evening, he spent three times the amount he had anticipated!
5. What a gentleman!

Speaking Exercise with the Teacher

5 min
Listen to your teacher’s questions. Then, answer.

1. How often do you go to the cinema?

2. What part of a vacation do you usually enjoy most: the first few days or the last
few days?
3. Do you have the same vision level with both of your eyes?
4. Do you check your emails all the time?
5. What have you been working on these last few days?

Watch the Video!

5 min
This video, about the More Birthdays Campaign of the American Cancer
Society, will allow you to practice using pre-determiners, central determiners,
and post-determiners.

Watch the video:


Watch it again and complete the phrases from the video with the correct pre-
determiners, central determiners, and post-determiners.
1. Timing 1:50, post-determiner:
On someone’s birthday, let’s say they’re celebrating their ____________
birthday, just a normal birthday

2. Timing 2:30, pre-determiner:

They can do ____________ those things that they already do

3. In the name of the video, post-determiner:

More Birthdays – Behind the Scenes of Our ____________ Step
10 min
True or False?

1. Usually, we use several pre-determiners. true false

2. ‘next’ is a pre-determiner. true false
3. Some words can be determiners or post-determiners. true false
4. It is rare to have a pre-determiner, a central determiner and a post-determiner
in one sentence. true false

Match the determiner on the left to its category on the right.

1. all a. pre-determiner
2. second b. central determiner
3. mine c. post-determiner
4. the d. not a determiner

Put the words in the correct order:

1. three / first / failed / the / attempts

2. difference / their / a / quite / contributions / made
3. our / engineering / both / study / sons / chemical
4. several / we / successes / admire / his

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