Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem: Thiagfest 2K13 - National Level Technical Symposium

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[Govt Aided | Autonomous | NBA Accredited : CIVIL, MECH, EEE, PRODN & TEXTILE]
Post Box No.523
Salem–636 005 (TN)
Thiagfest 2K13 – National Level Technical Symposium
[In association with Students Chapters of IE(I) and ISTE]
[4TH January 2013]

Congratulations !
We are happy to announce that the following candidates have been selected to present their technical papers in
Thiagfest 2K13 – National Level Technical Symposium to be held on our institution on 4th January 2013.

Title : Water Management & Landscape

S.No Name of Student Author(s) Branch & Year of study Institution

1. 1. P.Bharani Dharan DME Sakthi Polytechnic College, Sakthinagar,
2. M.Sankar Appakudal-638315
2. 1. K.Kathiravan DME /III Paavendhar Polytechnic College, Attur-
2. K.Manikandan 636121
3. 1. B.Paneer selvam DPE /II Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem.
2. S.Sabareesh
4. 1. K.Sentahmizhan DPE/II Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem.
2. P.Kadhir

Instructions to Student Author(s)

 The selected students are informed to assemble in Sona Auditorium at 8.00 am for registration on 4 th January 2013.
 They should bring Power Point Presentation for a duration of 7 minutes and discussion for 5 minutes
 The Cash award/Certificates will be distributed to the students during valedictory function on the same day.
 The outstation students are informed to contact the respective Coordinators for hostel accommodation.
 All the students are informed to maintain highest order of discipline
 Students are informed to wear ID Cards
 Lunch and tea will be provided by the institution
 The invitation will be available in the institution's website :

Name of Coordinator : G.Selvi Dr.V.KARTHIKEYAN

Mobile No : 9443514759 PRINCIPAL & CONVENOR

Date: 21 Dec 2012

[Govt Aided | Autonomous | NBA Accredited : CIVIL, MECH, EEE, PRODN & TEXTILE]
Post Box No.523
Salem–636 005 (TN)
Thiagfest 2K13 – National Level Technical Symposium
[In association with Students Chapters of IE(I) and ISTE]
[4TH January 2013]

Congratulations !
We are happy to announce that the following candidates have been selected to present their technical papers in
Thiagfest 2K13 – National Level Technical Symposium to be held on our institution on 4th January 2013.

Title : Green Energy Management

S.No Name of Student Author(s) Branch & Year of study Institution

1. 1. M.Dhinesh DME/ III Jayaram Polytechnic College, Trichy-
2. G.K.Bhalajhi 621014
2. 1. M.Balaji DAE /III Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College,
2. S.Jayaram Coimbatore-641022
3. 1. L.Saravanan DEEE /III Jayaram Polytechnic College, Trichy-
2. M.Senthil Kumar 621014
4. 1. C.Gokul raj DME/III The Salem Polytechnic College, Salem
2. S.Muthukumaran
5. 1. Mohamad Farid DPE /II Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem
2. V.Dinesh kumar
6. 1. G.Subbulakshmi ECE /III Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem
2. G.Radhika
7. 1. S.Ebenezer Raj DME/ III Shanmuga polytechnic college,
8. 1. M.Pugalagiri ECE /III Sri Krishna Polytechnic college,
9. 1. K.Sankereshwaran DEEE /III Virudhunagar S.Vellaichami
2. P.Saravana kumar Nadar Polytechnic college,
10. 1. C.Aravindh DME/ III The Seshasayee Institute of Technology,

Instructions to Student Author(s)

 The selected students are informed to assemble in Sona Auditorium at 8.00 am for registration on 4 th January 2013.
 They should bring Power Point Presentation for a duration of 7 minutes and discussion for 5 minutes
 The Cash award/Certificates will be distributed to the students during valedictory function on the same day.
 The outstation students are informed to contact the respective Coordinators for hostel accommodation.
 All the students are informed to maintain highest order of discipline
 Students are informed to wear ID Cards
 Lunch and tea will be provided by the institution
 The invitation will be available in the institution's website :

Name of Coordinator : G.Selvi Dr.V.KARTHIKEYAN

Mobile No : 9443514759 PRINCIPAL & CONVENOR
Date: 21 Dec 2012

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