Power Quality Presentation Singam
Power Quality Presentation Singam
Power Quality Presentation Singam
Prepared by
Asst Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg.,
2. Customer demand
3. Distributed generations
• Wind Energy
• Solar Energy
• Co-generation plants
• Transformer energisation
• Capacitor or feeder switching
• Power electronic loads (UPS, ASD,
converters etc.)
• Arc furnaces and induction heating
• Switching on or off of large loads
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 15
A manufacturer of load
equipment may define power
quality as those characteristics of
the power supply that enable the
equipment to work properly. These
characteristics can be very
different for different criteria.
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 19
❖Power quality is ultimately a
consumer-driven issue, we define
power quality as,
PROBLEM Measuremen/ts
cs DataCollection
- EquipmentImpacts
System System Interface System s
EvaluateTechnical Analysis
SOLUTION EvaluateEconomicsof PossibleSoultions
1. Impulsive
2. Oscillatory
❖ High
❖ Medium
❖ Low frequency
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 38
❖HF: Primary Freq component >
500khz mesd in MicroSec duration -
Local sys response to Imp Tr
1.load switching (e. g. , switchingoff a large
load or energizing a capacitor bank)
2. Incorrect tap settings on transformers
can also result in system overvoltages.
❖The overvoltages result because either the
system is too weak for the desired voltage
re0g4/0u6/l2a01t2 ion or voltag e controls are inadequate. 45
❖ Decrease in the rms ac voltage to less than
90 percent at the power frequency for a
duration longer than 1 min.
1 . Instantaneous,
3.Temporary, depending on its duration as defined in Table 2.2.
1.Fault conditions
2. The energization of large loads which require high
starting currents
3.Intermittent loose connections in power wiring.
Depending on the fault location and the system
conditions, the fault can cause either temporary voltage
dr0o4p/06/20s (1s2ags), voltage UrNisITe.1sPOW(sEwReQUllAsLI)T,Y or
a complete loss48 of voltage
2.Equipment failures
•Fault location
•System impedance
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 58
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 59
Voltage Imbalance (voltage unbalance)
–DC offset
–Inter harmonics
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 62
DC offset
The presence of a dc voltage or current in
an ac power system is termed dc offset.
• Harmonics are sinusoidal voltages or
currents having frequencies that are integer
multiples of the frequency at which the
supply system is designed to operate.
Fundamental = V 1 = 1 1 4 V
3rd harmonic = V3 = 4 V
5th harmonic = V5 = 2 V
7th harmonic = V7 = 1 . 5 V
9th harmonic = V9 = 1 V
XL =2*Π*f*L
XC =1/(2* Π *f*C)
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 112
•Capacitors can cause two types of resonance:
parallel and series resonance.
(1) Wiring
(2) Grounding
Static electricity
– Clothing
• Euronorms
• Principle of EM applied in
• Electrical Machines, electromechanical
energy conservation, Satellite communication,
remote sensing, fiber optics, electromagnetic
interference and comaptability.
• EM Devices
• Electric motors & Generators, Transformers,
Electromagnets, Antennas, Radars,
Microwave ovens, super conductors, Electro
04/06c/20a12rdiogram UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 148
04/06/2012 UNIT.1 POWER QUALITY 149
Other domestic standards organizations
• SARFIx is defined as
Harmonic standards
• The primary standards for wiring and grounding are IEEE Standard
446, Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and
Commercial Applications (The Orange Book)
• a device or system that does not • removal of a primary component • a customer is no longer supplied
operate as intended from the system eg: TF outage or with electricity due to outages (a
generator outage zero-voltage situation).
2 types
• forced outage (failure)-directly
due to failures
• scheduled outage- are due to
operator intervention- typically to
allow for preventive maintenance
Causes of Long Interruptions
• Long interruptions are always due to component outages. Component outages are due to three
different causes:
• I. A fault occurs in the power system which leads to an intervention by the power system
protection. If the fault occurs in a part of the system which is not redundant or of which the
redundant part is out of operation the intervention by the protection leads to an interruption for
a number of customers or pieces of equipment. The fault is typically a short-circuit fault, but
situations like overloading of transformers or underfrequency may also lead to long interruptions.
• 2. A protection relay intervenes incorrectly, thus causing a component outage, which might again
lead to a long interruption. If the incorrect tripping (or maltrip) occurs in a part of the system
without redundancy, it will always lead to an interruption. If it occurs in a part of the system with
redundancy the situation is different.
• 3. Operator actions cause a component outage which can also lead to a long interruption. Some
actions should be treated as a backup to the power system protection, either correct or incorrect.
But an operator can also decide to switch off certain parts of the system for preventive
maintenance. This is a very normal action and normally not of any concern to customers.
Difference between planned outage , forced outage, load shedding, black out
• planned outages. These interruptions are prearranged and necessary for routine maintenance,
inspections and improvements on various electricity infrastructure like generators, powerlines, or
other associated equipment on either a transmission or distribution network.
• Planned outages at the street level will be managed by your local power distributor, who will
usually notify you in advance if work has been scheduled.
• An unplanned or forced outage: on the other hand, forced outage is an interruption to the
generation, transmission, or distribution of electricity that is unscheduled. At a distribution network
level, more often than not, unplanned outages result in a loss of supply to certain areas.
• These can occur as a result of damage to wires caused by storms, lighting strikes, falling trees (or
branches), motor accidents, bushfires, equipment failure etc.
• load shedding:
• This action is the deliberate shutdown of electricity supply to parts of the power system to protect
the failure of the entire power system, and typically occurs as the result of a supply/demand
imbalance. This measure is a last resort to protect the power system and avoid a system black.
Once the system is secure again, electricity will be restored to areas affected.
• A blackout event is defined as the complete interruption of energy supply that cause outages
across major parts of the system.
Origin of Interruptions
• Additional data is required to interpret the main cause of origin of interruption. A first step is to obtain data on the voltage level at
which the outage occurred which led to the interruption.
• Table 2.4 gives this data for Great Britain over the year 1995/96
• The table shows that the major contribution to the No. of interruptions and Unavailability, comes from the MV network (6.6 and
11kV). –(81 min)
• Reason 1: These networks have no redundancy so that a component outage immediately leads to a supply interruption. The 33
kV network is partly operated as a loop, hence its lower contribution.
• Reason 2: An additional factor is that a larger part of the low voltage network is underground, which accounts for a lower failure
• These figures again confirm that an increased
reliability of the supply can only be achieved
through investment at distribution level.
• An important conclusion from Table 2.4, Fig. 2.6,
and Fig. 2.7 is that the longest interruptions are due to
1.) Scheduled outages and
2.) Outages at low voltage level.
Survey in Netherlands
• Surveys in other countries confirm that the majority of
interruptions(58%) is due to outages at medium voltage level. Table
2.5 gives interruption data obtained in The Netherlands over the
period 1991 through 1995.
• "High voltage" is typically 150kV and 380kV,
• "medium voltage" 10 kV, and
• "low voltage" 400 V.
• Interesting phenomenon is that about one third(29%) of the interruptions for
urban customers are due to outages in HV networks.
• This is due to the large consumer density in the cities, and due to the fact that
all low voltage system is underground.
• The high voltage networks are mainly overhead, which makes them
comparable to the U.K. situation.
• Figure 2.8 shows the contributions of the three voltage levels to the
interruption frequency, between 1976 and 1995, for the average low
voltage customer in the Netherlands.
• The contribution of the low voltage and medium voltage systems to
the interruption frequency is rather constant.
• The contribution of the high voltage network varies much more
during the year 90’s. Reason may the bad weather condition on HV
n/w compared to LV, MV n/w.
Probability density function
• Figure 2.9 shows the probability density function for the duration of interruptions
originating at different voltage levels in The Netherlands.
• For interruptions due to high voltage component outages, the majority of durations is short:
about 75% is shorter than 30 minutes.
• Outages in the medium voltage and low voltage networks (typically 11kV and 400 V,
respectively, in The Netherlands) lead to longer interruptions.
• For medium voltage only about 15% of the interruptions is shorter than 30 minutes, for low
voltage this value is even lower: about 5%. Reason for this is mode of restoration of power
Restoration of power :
• Outages in the high voltage networks are normally restored via operator intervention from a
central control room.
• In medium voltage and low voltage networks there is no such control room and both fault
localization and restoration of the supply has to take place locally. From the density functions
in Fig. 2.9 it is clear that 30 minutes is about the minimum time needed for this.
• Almost 100% of medium and low voltage networks in The Netherlands are underground.
Restoration of the supply takes place normally via switching in radially operated loops.
Limits for the Interruption Frequency
• Long interruptions are by far the most severe power quality event; thus
any document defining or guaranteeing the quality of supply should
contain limits on frequency and duration of interruptions.
• The international standards on power quality do not yet give any
limitations for interruption frequency or duration.
• The European voltage quality standard EN 50160 (see Section 1.4.3)
comes closest by stating that "under normal operating conditions the
annual frequency of voltage interruptions longer than three minutes
may be less than 10 or up to 50 depending on the area."
• The document also states that “it is not possible to indicate typical
values for the annual frequency and durations of long interruptions."
Limits for the Interruption Frequency – contd…
• Many customers want more accurate limits for the interruption frequency.
• Therefore, some utilities offer their customers special guarantees, sometimes called "power quality
• The utility guarantees the customer that there will be no more than a certain number of interruptions per
• If this maximum number of interruptions is exceeded in a given year, the utility will pay a certain amount of
money per interruption to the customer. This can be a fixed amount per interruption, defined in the
contract, or the actual costs and losses of the customer due to the interruption.
• Some utilities offer various levels of quality, with different costs. The number of options is almost
unlimited: customer willingness to pay extra for higher reliability and utility creativity are the main
influencing factors at the moment. Technical considerations do not appear to play any role in setting levels
for the maximum number of interruptions or the costs of the various options.
• For a customer to make a decision about the best option, data should be available, not only about the
average interruption frequency but also on the probability distribution of the number of interruptions per
• Contractual agreements about the voltage quality are mainly aimed at industrial customers. But also for
domestic customers, utilities offer compensation. Utilities in the U.K. have to offer a fixed amount to each
customer interrupted for longer than 24 hours.
• In The Netherlands, a COURT has ruled that utilities have to compensate the customers for all interruption
costs, unless the utility can prove that they are not to blame for the interruption. Also in Sweden some
utilities offer customers compensation for an interruption.
Limits for the Interruption Duration
• The inconvenience of an interruption increases very fast when its duration
exceeds a few hours. This holds especially for domestic customers. Therefore
it makes sense to not only to reduce the number of interruptions (which
might be very expensive) but their duration.
• Limiting the duration of interruptions is a basic philosophy in power system
design and operation in almost any country. In the U.K., as an example, the
duration of interruptions is limited in three ways:
• 1. The Office of Electricity Regulation (OFFER) sets targets for the
% of interruptions lasting > 3 hours & for the % of interruptions lasting >24
hours. These are so-called "overall standards of service".
• 2. The distribution company pays all customers whose supply is interrupted
for longer than 24 hours. This is a so-called "guaranteed standard of service"
• 3. The design of the systems is such that a supply interruption is likely to be
restored within a certain time.
• The OFFER regulations contain, for each distribution company, a
target for the percentage of interruptions that is restored within 3
hours, and a target for the percentage restored within 24 hours.
• At the end of each year the distribution companies report back to
OFFER, which publishes the targets together with the actual
• Table 2.7 shows targets and achievement over 1996/97 for some of
the utilities. We see that most utilities meet their targets.
• The maximum duration of interruption is also an important part of
the design of systems
• To achieve a certain reliability of supply, the power system should contain a certain amount of
redundancy. A common rule in the design of public systems is that the larger the number of
customers that would be affected by the outage of a component, the more redundancy there
should be present and the faster this redundancy should be available.
• Table 2.8 summarizes the way this is implemented in the U.K. [119]. These rules used to be part of
a so-called engineering recommendation, and it has been in use in the U.K. for many years.
• Depending on the load size, maximum durations of interruption are given. The larger the amount
of load affected, the faster the restoration of the supply.
𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑖 𝑑𝑑
and is constant under the assumption. The cost per kWh is expressed in
4. Cost per interruption(kwh) for a group of
• For a group of customers the cost per kWh not delivered is defined as
∑𝑖𝑖 𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑖 (𝑑𝑑)
𝑑𝑑∑𝑖𝑖 𝐿𝐿𝑖𝑖
• Some utilities obtain an average cost per kWh not delivered for all
their customers
5. Costs of interruption rated to the peak load
For industrial and commercial customers the peak load is much easier to obtain, as it is typically
part of the supply contract. The cost of an interruption can be divided by the peak load, to get a
value in $/kW.
For planning purposes the cost of interruption rated to the peak load can still be a useful value.
The design of a system is based for a large part on peak load, so that rating the cost to the peak
load gives a direct link with the design.
• Short interruptions in the public supply are due to attempts by the utility to
limit the duration of interruptions.
• The duration of an interruption is an important aspect of distribution and
transmission system design.
• By using automatic reclosing the duration of an interruption can be
brought back from typically about 1 hour, to typically less than 1 minute.
Definitions used in the European standard EN 50160 and in three IEEE standards
The definition of short interruptions used for this chapter is not based on duration but on the method of restoring
• EN 50160 the supply.
- Long interruption: >3 minutes.
- Short interruption: <= 3 minutes.
• IEEE Std.1159-1995
It distinguishes between momentary, sustained, and temporary interruptions.
• - Momentary interruption: between 0.5 cycles and 3 seconds.
• - Sustained interruption: > 3 seconds.
• - Temporary interruption: between 3 seconds to 1min.
• IEEE Std.1250-1995
This standard was published at same time as IEEE Std.1159-1995. The difference is especially striking for
• - Instantaneous interruption: between 0.5 and 30 cycles (half a second).
• - Momentary interruption: between 30 cycles and 2 seconds.
• - Temporary interruption: between 2 seconds to 2 minutes.
• - Sustained interruption: longer than 2 minutes.
• IEEE Std.859-1987
This standard does not give specific time ranges but uses the restoration method to distinguish the types.
• - Transient outages are restored automatically.
• - Temporary outages are restored by manual switching.
• - Permanent outages are restored through repair or replacement.
origin of short interruptions-basic principle
• Fig shows an example of an overhead distribution network. Each feeder consists of a main feeder and a number of lateral
conductors. Most faults on overhead lines are transient: they require operation of the protection.
• A typical cause of a transient fault is a lightning stroke to an overhead line. The lightning stroke injects a very high current
into the line causing a very fast rising voltage. The lightning current varies between 2 and 200 kA in peak value. The typical
lightning current has a peak value of Ipeak = 20 kA which is reached within 1µs after its initiation.
• If the wave impedance Zwave of the line is 200Ω, the voltage can theoretically reach a value of
• The voltage will never reach such a value in reality (with the possible exception of transmission systems with operating
voltages of 400 kV or higher), because a flashover to ground or between two phases will result long before the voltage reaches
such a high value. The result is an arcing fault between one phase and ground or between two or more phases with or
without ground. Soon after the protection removes the faulted line from the system, the arc disappears. Automatic reclosing
will restore the supply without any permanent damage to the system.
2.Transients due to external objects
Also, smaller objects causing a temporary path to ground will only cause a transient short circuit. The object (e.g., a small
branch fallen from a tree) will either drop to the ground or evaporate due to the high current during the fault, leaving only an
arc which disappears again soon after the protection intervenes.
The duration of an interruption due to a transient fault can thus be enormously reduced by automatically restoring
the supply after an interruption. In case of a fault somewhere on the feeder, the circuit breaker opens instantaneously and
closes again after a "reclosing interval“ or "dead time" ranging from less than one second up to several minutes. There is of
course a risk that the fault was not a transient one, but permanent.
Lightening phenomena
Transients types
Fuse saving
• Fuse saving is a common protection strategy that prevents nuisance fuse
blowing during transient faults by fast operation of the recloser located at
the head of a feeder before the blown up of its downstream fuses.
• After a predefined time, enough for the fault clearance, the recloser
reenergises the feeder and restores the power supply. Since 50% to 80% of
faults occurring in electrical distribution networks (EDNs) have transient
nature [1], the fuse saving strategy can improve the system security and
• Selectivity between feeder breaker and downstream devices is normally
expected in typical distribution systems.
• The fuse saving scheme typically uses a low set INSTANTANEOUS
OVERCURRENT ELEMENT which will trip the feeder breaker before
the fuse branch can blow, and the breaker is then immediately reclosed.
• The low set elements are automatically cut out of service after the first
tripout, so that if the fault should persist the inverse time elements will have
to operate to trip the circuit breaker.
• This gives time for the branch circuit fuse of the faulty circuit to blow if the
fault is beyond the fuse.
• Instead, a permanent fault is cleared by an expulsion fuse. To achieve this,
the recloser has two settings: an instantaneous trip and a delayed trip. The
protection coordination should be such that the instantaneous trip is faster
than the expulsion fuse and the delayed trip slower, for all possible fault
• A permanent fault can also be cleared by the main breaker, but that would
lead to a long interruption for all customers fed from this feeder.
• In this way the cost of replacing blown branch circuit fuses is minimized,
and at the same time the branch circuit outage is also minimized.
Voltage Magnitude Events Due To Reclosing
• The combination of reclosing and fuse saving, as described above, leads to different voltage magnitude
events for different customers.
Figure 3.2 shows the events due to one reclosing action as experienced by a customer on the faulted feeder
(indicated by "1" in Fig. 3.1) and by a customer on another feeder fed from the same substation bus (indicated
by "2").
• In Fig. 3.2, A is the fault-clearing time and B the reclosing interval. The
customer on the faulted feeder (solid line) will experience a decrease in voltage
during the fault, similar in cause and magnitude to a voltage sag.
• The difference between the two customers is in the effect of the fault clearing.
For the customer on the non-faulted feeder, the voltage recovers to its pre-
event value. The customer will only experience a voltage sag. For the customer
on the faulted feeder, the voltage drops to zero.
• The customer on a neighboring feeder (dashed line) will see a
voltage sag with a duration equal to the fault-clearing time.
The moment the recloser opens, the voltage recovers. If the
fault is still present at the first reclosure, the customer on the
nonfaulted feeder will experience a second voltage sag.
Customers on the faulted feeder will experience a second
short interruption or a long interruption.
• Figure 3.3 shows an actual recording of a short interruption.
The top(left) figure corresponds to the dashed line in Fig. 3.2
(customer on a nonfaulted feeder).
• The bottom(right) figure is for a customer on the faulted
feeder (solid line in Fig. 3.2). The fault-clearing time is about
two cycles, the dead time about two seconds.
• The first reclosure is not successful, the second one is. The top
figure shows a voltage sag to about 75% of two-cycle duration,
the bottom figure a voltage reduction to 50% for two cycles
followed by zero voltage for about two seconds.
• When comparing Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.3, note that the horizontal axis of Fig.
3.2 is not to scale, B is much larger than A. This is the typical situation. The
fault-clearingtime (A) is only a few cycles, whereas the reclosing time (B)
can be up to several minutes.
• Another example of the initiation of a short interruption is shown in
Fig. 3.4.
• We see that the voltage magnitude initially drops to about 25% of
nominal and to almost zero after 3 cycles. The spikes in the voltage
are due to the arc becoming instable around the current zero-
crossing. Apparently the arc gets more stable after two cycles.
3.3.4 Voltage During the Interruption
• The moment the circuit breaker in Fig. 3.1 opens, the feeder and the
load fed from it are no longer supplied. The effect of this is normally
that the voltage drops to zero very fast.
• There are, however, situations in which the voltage drops to zero
relatively slow, or even remains at a nonzero value.
• The possible reasons are:
Some cases
• Induction motor load is able to maintain some voltage in the system for a short time. This contribution is
typically rather small because the motors have already been feeding into a short circuit for a few cycles; thus,
part of the rotor field of the induction motors will be gone already. Most induction motors will thus only give
a small voltage contribution and only for a few cycles.
• Synchronous motors maintain their field even when the supply voltage disappears. They will be able to
maintain some system voltage until their load has come to a standstill, which can take several seconds. If
there is a significant amount of synchronous motor load present, its fault contribution could make fault
extinguishing difficult. Typically synchronous motors will be tripped by their undervoltage protection after
about 1 second, after which they no longer contribute to the feeder voltage.
• Synchronous and induction generators connected to the feeder (e.g., wind turbines or combined-heat-
and-power installations) are capable of maintaining the feeder voltage at a nonzero value even during a
long interruption. This could be a potential problem when large amounts of generation are connected to the
feeder. This so-called embedded generation is often not equipped with any voltage or frequency control
(relying on the grid to maintain voltage and current within limits) so that an islanding situation can occur in
which voltage and frequency deviate significantly from their nominal values. Especially overvoltage and
overfrequency can lead to serious damage. To prevent such a situation, most embedded generation is equipped
with a loss-of-grid protection that disconnects the generator when an unusual voltage or frequency is detected.
All this assumes that the short-circuit fault is no longer present on the feeder. As long as the fault is
present, all above-mentioned machines feed into the fault so that the feeder voltage remains low.
• As short interruptions are due to automatic switching actions, their recording requires automatic
monitoring equipment.
• Unlike long interruptions, a short interruption can occur without anybody noticing it. That is one of
the reasons why utilities do not yet collect and publish data on short interruptions on a routine
• One of the problems in collecting this data on a routine basis is that some kind of monitoring
equipment needs to be installed on all feeders. A number of surveys have been performed to obtain
statistical information about voltage magnitude variations and events. With those surveys, monitors
were installed at a number of nodes spread through the system.
• As with long interruptions, interruption frequency & duration of interruption are normally presented
as the outcome of the survey.
• Again like with long interruptions much more data analysis is possible, e.g., interruption frequency
versus time of day or time of year, distributions for the time between events, variation among
• For voltage sags and other short-duration events an automatic recording method is needed. A so-
called power quality monitor is an appropriate tool for that, although modern protective relays can
perform the same function.
• For each event the monitor records a magnitude and a duration plus possibly a few other
characteristics and often also a certain number of samples of raw data: time domain as well as rms
values. This could result in an enormous amount of data, but in the end only magnitude and duration
of individual events are used for quantifying the performance of the supply.
3.4.1 Example of Survey Results
• Figures 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 show some results of analysis of the data obtained by a North
American survey.
• Figure 3.5 gives the interruption frequency as a function of the interruption
duration. Each vertical bar gives the average number of interruptions per year, with a
duration in the given interval. The average number of interruptions has been obtained as
Probability distribution function
where N is the number of samples per cycle and Vi are the sampled
voltages in time domain.
• The algorithm described by (4.1) has been applied to the sag shown
in Fig. 4.1.
• The results are shown in Fig. 4.3 and in Fig. 4.4. In Fig. 4.3 the rms
voltage has been calculated over a window of one cycle, which was
256 samples for the recording used. Each point in Fig. 4.3 is the rms
voltage over the preceeding 256 points (the first 255 rms values have
been made equal to the value for sample 256):
One cycle duration half cycle duration
• We see that the rms voltage does not immediately drop to a lower value but
takes one cycle for the transition.
• We also see that the rms value during the sag is not completely constant and
that the voltage does not immediately recover after the fault.
• A surprising observation is that the rms voltage immediately after the fault is
only about 90% of the pre-sag voltage.
Half cycle duration of rms voltage
• As voltage sags are initially recorded as sampled points in time, the
rms voltage will have to be calculated from the sampled time-
domain voltages. This is done by using the following equation:
• In Fig. 4.4 the rms voltage has been calculated over the preceeding
128 points, N = 128 in (4.2).
• The fundamental voltage is obtained by taking the Fourier transform of the following
• This algorithm has been applied to the voltage sag shown in Fig. 4.1, resulting in
Fig.4.6. The transition from pre-fault to during-voltage is clearly faster than in Fig.
• Note that this method assumes that there is no de voltage component present. Peak Voltage
• The peak voltage as a function of time can be obtained by using the following expression:
• with v(t) the sampled voltage waveform and T an integer multiple of one half-cycle. In Fig. 4.7, for each
sample the maximum of the absolute value of the voltage over the preceding half-cycle has been
calculated. We see that this peak voltage shows a sharp drop and a sharp rise, although we will see later
that they do not coincide with commencement and clearing of the sag.
• Contrary to the rms voltage,
the peak voltage shows
an overshoot immediately
after the sag, which corresponds
to the overvoltage in time domain
One-Cycle Voltage Sag.
• Another example of a voltage sag is shown in Fig. 4.9; contrary to Fig. 4.1, all three
phase voltages are shown.
• The voltage is low in one B phase for about one cycle and recovers rather fast after that.
Observation: The other two phases show some transient phenomenon, but no clear
sag or swell.
• The latter is also evident from Fig. 4.10 which gives the half-cycle rms value for the sag
shown in Fig. 4.9.
• We see in the latter figure that the voltage in the two non-faulted phases shows a
small swell.
• Due to the short duration of the sag the rms voltage curve does not have a specific flat
part. This makes the determination of the sag magnitude rather arbitrary.
• If the monitor takes one sample every half-cycle the resulting sag magnitude can be
anywhere between 26% and 70% depending on the moment at which the sample is
taken . In case a one-cycle window is used to calculate the rms voltage, the situation
becomes worse.
4.9. Time-domain plot of a one-cycle sag, plots of the three
phase voltages .
4.10 Half-cycle rms voltages for the voltage sag shown in Fig. 4.9
Alternative methods
• The two alternative methods for obtaining the sag
magnitude versus time have also been applied to phase B
of the event in Fig. 4.9
• The shape of the latter is similar to the shape of the half-
cycle rms. The half-cycle peak voltage again shows a
much sharper transition than the other two methods
• we will assume that the pre-event voltage is exactly 1 pu, thus E = 1. This results as
• Any fault impedance should be included in the feeder impedance ZF' We see from (4.9) that the sag becomes
deeper for faults electrically closer to the customer (when ZF becomes smaller), and for systems with a
smaller fault level (when Zs becomes larger).
• Equation (4.9) can be used to calculate the sag magnitude as a function of the
distance to the fault. Therefore we have to write ZF = Z x L, with z the
impedance of the feeder per unit length and ‘L’ the distance between the
fault and the PCC, leading to
Sag Magnitude As A Function Of The Distance
• The sag magnitude as a function of the distance
to the fault has been calculated for a typical
11kV overhead line, resulting in Fig. 4.15. For
the calculations a 150mm2 overhead line was
used and fault levels of 750 MVA, 200 MVA, and
75 MVA.
• Observation:
as the sag magnitude increases (i.e., the sag
becomes less severe) for increasing distance to
the fault and for increasing fault level. Influence of Cross Section
• O/H lines of different cross section have different impedance,
and lines and cables also have different impedance.
• It is thus to be expected that the cross section of the line or
cable influences the sag magnitude as well.
• To show this influence, Fig. 4.16 plots the sag magnitude at the
PCC as a function of the distance between the fault and the
PCC, for 11kV overhead lines with three different cross sections:
50, 150, and 300 mm''.
• A source impedance of 200 MVA has been used.
• The smaller the cross section, the higher the impedance of
the feeder and thus the lower the voltage drop.
• For overhead lines, the influence is rather small as the
reactance dominates the impedance.
• For underground cables, the influence is much bigger as
shown in Fig. 4.17, again for cross sections of 50, 150, and
300 mm2. The inductance of cables is significantly smaller
than for overhead lines, so that the resistance has more
influence on the impedance and thus on the sag magnitude.
• . Faults behind Transformers.
• The impedance between the fault and the PCC in Fig. 4.14 not only consists of lines or cables
but also of power transformers.
• As transformers have a rather large impedance, among others to limit the fault level on the
low-voltage side, the presence of a transformer between the fault and the PCC will lead to
relatively shallow sags.
EX: To show the influence of transformers on the sag magnitude, consider the situation shown
in Fig. 4.18: a 132/33kV transformer is fed from the same bus as a 132kV line. A 33 kV line is fed
from the low-oltage side of the transformer. Fault levels are 3000MVA at the 132kV bus, and
900 MVA at the 33 kV bus. In impedance terms, the source impedance at the 132kV bus is
5.81Ω, and the transformer impedance is 13.55 Ω, both referred to the 132kV voltage level.
• We can again use (4.9), where Zs =5.81 Ω, ZF = 13.550 +z . L
• where z is the feeder impedance per unit length, and
• L the distance between the fault and the transformer's secondary side terminals.
• The feeder impedance must also be referred to the 132kV level:
• In a similar way the whole of Table 4.2 has been filled. The zeros in this table indicate
that the fault is at the same or at a higher voltage level. The voltage drops to a low
value in such a case. We can see from Table 4.2 that sags are significantly damped
when they propagate upwards in the power system.
4.2.4 Sag Magnitude In Non-Radial Systems
• Radial systems are common in LV & MV networks (distribution N/W) Local Generators. The connection of a local generator to a distribution
network, as shown in Fig. 4.23, mitigates voltage sags of the indicated load in
two different ways.
The generator increases the fault level at the distribution bus, which mitigates
voltage sags due to faults on the distribution feeders. This especially holds for a
weak system.
The installation of local generation requires a
larger impedance of the feeding transformer.
• Local generator also mitigates sags due to faults in the rest of the system. During such a
fault the generator keeps up the voltage at its local bus by feeding into the fault.
• An equivalent circuit to quantify this effect has been drawn in Fig. 4.24:
Z1 the source impedance at the PCC;
Z2 the impedance between the fault and the PCC; and
Z3 the impedance between the generator bus and the PCC.
Z4 is the impedance of the local generator during the fault
The voltage drop at the generator bus is times the voltage drop at the PCC, The voltage drop becomes smaller for
larger impedence to the PCC (weaker connection) and for smaller generation impedance (larger generator).
EXAMPLE An example of a system with on-site generation is given in Fig. 4.25: the industrial system is fed from a 66 kV, 1700
MVA substation via two 66/11 kV transformers in paraJIel. The fault level at the 11kV bus is 720 MVA, which includes the
contribution of two 20 MVA on-site generators with a transient reactance of 170/0. The actual industrial load is fed
from the 11 kV bus, for which we will calculate the sag magnitude due to faults at 66 kV. The feeder impedance at 66 kV is 0.3
• The calculation results are shown in Fig. 4.26. The bottom curve gives
the sag magnitude at the 11kV bus for faults at a 66 kV feeder,
when the 11kV generator is not in operation.
• The top curve gives the sag magnitude at the 11kV bus with on-site
generator connected. Due to the generator keeping up the voltage at
the 11kV bus, the sag magnitude never drops below 26%.
• 4.3.1 Fault-Clearing Time
• W.K.T, the drop in voltage during a sag is due to a short circuit being present in the
system. The moment the short-circuit fault is cleared by the protection, the voltage can
return to its original value.
• The duration of a sag is mainly determined by the fault-clearing time, but it may be
longer than the fault-clearing time.
• Generally speaking faults in transmission systems are cleared faster than faults in
distribution systems. In transmission systems the critical fault-clearing time is
rather small. Thus, fast protection and fast circuit breakers are essential.
• Also transmission and sub-transmission systems are normally operated as a grid,
requiring distance protection or differential protection, both of which are rather fast.
• The principal form of protection in distribution systems is overcurrent protection. This
requires often some time-grading which increases the fault-clearing time.
• An overview of the fault-clearing time of various protective devices is given in reference [8].
• current-limiting fuses: less than one cycle
• expulsion fuses: 10-1000 ms
• distance relay with fast breaker: 50-100 ms
• distance relay in zone 1: 100-200 ms
• distance relay in zone 2: 200-500 ms
• differential relay: 100-300 ms
• overcurrent relay: 200-2000 ms
Some typical fault-clearing times at various voltage levels for a U.S. utility are
given in. reference [9].
From this list it becomes clear that the sag duration will be longer when a sag originates at
a lower voltage level.
4.3.2 Magnitude-Duration Plots
• Knowing the magnitude and duration of a voltage sag, it can be presented by
a point in a magnitude-duration plane. This way of sag characterization has
been shown to be extremely useful for various types of studies
• An example of a magnitude-duration plot is shown in Fig. 4.42. The numbers in Fig. 4.42
refer to the following sag origins:
1. Transmission system faults
2. Remote distribution system faults
3. Local distribution system faults
4. Starting of large motors
5. Short interruptions
6. Fuses
Faults in remote networks, cleared by current-limiting fuses, lead to short and shallow sags, not indicated in the figure.
Finally the figure contains voltage sags due to motor starting, shallow and long duration (see Section 4.9) and short
interruptions, deep and long duration.
• Consider the general system configuration shown in Fig. 4.43.
• A short-circuit fault in the local distribution network will typically lead to a rather deep sag.
This is due to the limited length of distribution feeders. For a fault in any distribution
network, the sag duration may be up to a few seconds.
• When the fault occurs in a remote distribution network, the sag will be much more shallow
due to the transformer impedance between the fault and the PCC.
• Transmission system faults are typically cleared within 50 to 100ms, thus leading to short-
duration sags. Current-limiting fuses lead to sag durations of one cycle or less, and rather
deep sags if the fault is in the local distribution or low-voltage network.
Balanced & Unbalanced Faults
Phase Angle Jumps (PAJ)
Phase angle jumps (PAJ)
• A short circuit in a power system not only causes a drop in voltage magnitude but also a
change in the phase angle of the voltage.
• In a 50 Hz or 60 Hz system, voltage is a complex quantity (a phasor) which has magnitude
and phase angle.
• A change in the system, like a short circuit, causes a change in voltage. This change is not
limited to the magnitude of the phasor but includes a change in phase angle as well.
• The change in phase angle associated with the voltage sag is referred to as phase-angle jump
• The phase-angle jump manifests itself as a shift in Zero Crossing of the instantaneous
• But power electronics converters using phase-angle information for their firing instants may
be affected.
Causes of phase angle jumps
• Phase-angle jumps during three-phase faults are due to the difference in X/R ratio between the source
and the feeder.
• A second cause of phase-angle jumps is the transformation of sags to lower voltage levels.
• Figure 4.74 shows a voltage sag with a phase-angle jump of +45°: the during-fault voltage leads the pre-
fault voltage. A sag with a phase-angle jump of -45° is shown in Fig. 4.75: the during-fault voltage lags the
pre-fault voltage.
4.5.1 Monitoring
Fig.4: Double line-to-ground fault (a)RMS voltages of phase A, B(pu) (b)PAJ of phase A in degrees (c)PAJ of phase B in degrees
• 3) Phase to Phase Fault
• Phase to phase fault is occurred when any single phase is
shorted with other phase. This type of fault is also simulated on
load terminals.
• The RMS per unit voltage and phase angle jump (PAJ) are
shown in Fig.5.
• After the occurrence of fault phase-A has 0.55 pu while Phase-
B has sag of 0.45 pu.
• The Phase Angle Jumps of Phases A, B are -56 deg. and +56
deg. respectively. However, the remaining Phase-C is healthy
due to proper grounding.
Fig. 6.: Three line-to-ground fault (a) RMS voltages of phase A, B, C(pu) (b)PAJ of phase A in degrees (c)PAJ of phase B in degrees (d) PAJ of phase c in degrees
5) Phase Angle Jump Due To Unbalancing
• Unbalancing in the power system disturbs the symmetry
of three phase balanced system. Especially in
distribution system, where local consumers are
• There is always some amount of unbalancing in system
and practically it is impossible to get balanced secondary
distribution system.
• Due to unbalance in system, the phase angle between
alternate phases have no more 120 deg electrical
symmetry but are disturbed by the uneven loads on
distributor or even the line parameters of the distributor
are unsymmetrical.
• In simulation, distribution system is unevenly loaded to
find out the phase angle jump. Phase-A is overloaded to
23.5 MVA and Phase-B has a load of 15.5 MVA and
finally Phase-C has a load of 8.5 MVA.
• Total voltage unbalance is 25.87%. The Voltage sag of
each phase and their corresponding phase angle jump
(PAJ) are shown in Fig.7. Fig.6: Unbalancing Iin distribution system (a) RMS voltages of phase A, B, C(pu)
• Phase A, B and C have per unit voltages of 0.695 pu , (b)PAJ of phase A in degrees (c)PAJ of phase B in degrees (d) PAJ Of phase C in
0.899 pu and 1.153pu respectively and have a phase
angle jumps of -21.73 deg , -11.96 deg and 2.01 deg
B. Fault impedance versus PAJ
• It is observed that phase angle jump (PAJ) changes
when impedance of fault is varied. When impedance
of fault is very low, the PAJ is large, increase of fault
impedance greatly reduces the phase angle jump
(PAJ) and non-linear effect is observed. Fig.7 shows
the graph of fault impedance verses PAJ. The result is
obtained from single line-to-ground fault.
Standards requires that various processing equipments tolerate voltage sags connected to their AC
power line. They must tolerate sags to 50% of equipment nominal voltage for duration of up to 200
ms, sags to 70% for up to 0.5 seconds and sags to 80% for up to 1.0 second.
The first curve is ITIC curve, was formerly called the computer and business equipment
manufacturer association (CBEMA) curve. It represents the voltage variation tolerance requirements
of information technology equipment as defined by the information technology industry council,
formerly known as CBEMA. On the other hand, the second curve specifies the voltage sag immunity
of semiconductor manufacturing equipment (SEMI).
Tested Computers Specification and Test Procedure
• Three different computers are test to study the effect of voltage sag with
specifications of them are shown in Table I.
• The supply voltage is generated to determine the maximum duration of an interruption for which the PC
would still operate with starting 5 ms second to 600 ms in step 10 ms. The PCs were considered to
malfunction when the computer performed a restart of the operating system.
For sag of depth 90% to 55%, there are no effects on the three computers
observed during period. However, for sag of depth 50% with duration of 0.1
second or above, two computers (computers A and B) were show to restart.
Computer C is less than sensitive computers A and B. It restarts with the
sag duration 500 ms and above.
• While describing equipment behaviour through the voltage-tolerance curve, a number of assumptions are made.
The basic assumption is that - a sag can be uniquely characterized through its magnitude and duration.
• The values in Table 5.1 should be read as follows. A voltage tolerance of “a” ms, “b%” implies that the equipment
can tolerate a zero voltage of “a” ms and a voltage of “b%” of nominal indefinitely. Any sag longer than “a” ms and
deeper than “b%” will lead to tripping or malfunction of the equipment.
• In other words: the equipment voltage-tolerance curve is rectangular with a "knee" at “a” ms, “b%”
5.1.2 Voltage-Tolerance Tests
• The only standard that currently describes how to obtain voltage tolerance of equipment
is IEC 61000-4-11.
• It defines a number of preferred magnitudes & durations of sags for which the equipment
has to be tested.
• The equipment does not need to be tested for all these values, but one or more of the
magnitudes and durations may be chosen.
• The preferred combinations of magnitude and duration are the (empty) elements of the
matrix shown in Table 5.2.
• It only defines the way in which the voltage tolerance of equipment shall be obtained.
Procedure of tests:
An informative appendix to the standard
mentions two examples of test setups:
Use a transformer with two output voltages.
Make one output voltage equal to 100% and
the other to the required during-sag
magnitude value. Switch very fast between
the two outputs, e.g., by using thyristor
Generate the sag by using a waveform
generator in cascade with a power amplifier.
• The power supply of a computer, and of most consumer electronics equipment normally consists of a
diode rectifier along with an electronic voltage regulator (DC/DC converter). The power supply of all
these low-power electronic devices is similar and so is their sensitivity to voltage sags.
• television : A television will show a black screen for up to a few seconds;
• a CD player will reset itself and start from the beginning of the disc, or just wait for a new command.
• Televisions and video recorders normally have a small battery to maintain power to the memory
containing the channel settings. This is to prevent loss of memory when the television is moved or
unplugged for some reason. If this battery no longer contains enough energy, a sag or interruption could
lead to the loss of these settings.
• Microwave oven : The same could happen to the settings of a microwave oven, which is often not
equipped with a battery.
• The process-control computer of a chemical plant is rather similar in power supply to any desktop
computer. Thus, they will both trip on voltage sags and interruptions, within one second. But the
desktop computer's trip might lead to the loss of 1 hour of work (typically less), where the process-
control computer's trip easily leads to a restarting procedure of 48 hours plus sometimes a very
dangerous situation.
5.2.1 Typical Configuration of Power Supply
• A simplified configuration of the power supply to a computer is shown in Fig. 5.2.
• The capacitor connected to the non-regulated DC bus reduces the voltage ripple at the input
of the voltage regulator. The voltage regulator converts the non-regulated DC voltage of a few
hundred volts into a regulated DC voltage of the order of 10 V.
• If the AC voltage drops, the voltage on the DC side of the rectifier drops.
• where Vo is the DC bus voltage at sag initiation and P the loading of the DC bus.
Expression (5.1) holds as long as the DC bus voltage is higher than the absolute value of
the AC voltage, thus during the initial decay period in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4. Solving (5.1) gives
an expression for the voltage during this initial decay period:
• During normal operation, before the sag, the variation in DC bus voltage is small, so that
we can linearize (5.2) around V = Vo, resulting in
• where t is the time elapsed since the last recharge of the capacitor. The voltage
ripple is defined as the difference between the maximum and the minimum value
of the de bus voltage. The maximum is reached for t =0, the minimum for t =T/2,
with T one cycle of the fundamental frequency. The resulting expression for the
voltage ripple is
• The voltage ripple is often used as a design criterion for single-phase diode
rectifiers. Inserting the expression for the de voltage ripple (5.4) in (5.2) gives an
expression for the dc voltage during the discharge period, thus during the initial
cycles of a voltage sag:
• where f is the number of cycles elapsed since sag initiation. The larger the DC
voltage ripple in normal operation, the faster the DC voltage drops during a sag. Voltage Tolerance
• Tripping of a computer during a voltage sag is attributed to the DC bus voltage dropping
below the minimum input voltage for which the voltage controller can operate correctly. We
will refer to this voltage as Vmin .
• We further assume that in normal operation, before the sag, both AC and DC bus voltage
are equal to 1pu.
• A sag with a magnitude V will result in a new steady-state DC voltage which is also equal to
V, if we neglect the dc voltage ripple. From this we can conclude that the computer will not
trip for V > Vmin
• For V < Vmin the DC bus voltage only drops below Vmin if the sag duration exceeds a
t .
certain value tmax. The time max it takes for the voltage to reach a level Vmin can be found
by solving t from (5.5) with Vo = 1
• When the minimum de bus voltage is known, (5.6) can be used to calculate how long it will take
before tripping. Or in other words: what is the maximum sag duration that the equipment can
tolerate. The DC bus voltage at which the equipment actually trips depends on the design of the
voltage controller: varying between 50% and 90% DC voltage, sometimes with additional time delay.
Table 5.3 gives some values of voltage tolerance, calculated by using (5.6).
Thus, if a computer trips at 50% DC bus voltage, and as the normal operation
DC voltage ripple is 5%, a sag of less than four cycles in duration will not
cause a maltrip.
Any sag below 50%, for more than four cycles will trip the computer. A voltage
above 50% can be withstood permanently by this computer. This results in
what is called a "rectangular voltage-tolerance curve," as shown in Fig. 5.5.
Each voltage regulator will have a non-zero minimum operating voltage. The
row for zero minimum DC bus voltage is only inserted as a reference. We can
see from Table 5.3 that the performance does not improve much by reducing
the minimum operating voltage of the voltage controller beyond 50%. When the
dc voltage has dropped to 50%" the capacitor has already lost 75%, of its
5.2.3 Measurements of PC Voltage Tolerance
• Figure 5.6 shows measured voltages and currents for a personal computer. The
applied voltage sag was one of the most severe the computer could tolerate.
• In Fig. 5.6 we see the DC bus voltage starting to drop the moment the ac voltage
drops. During the decay in de bus voltage, the input current to the rectifier is very
small. The output of the voltage controller remains constant at first. But when the
de bus voltage has dropped below a certain value, the de voltage regulator no
longer operates properly and its output also starts to drop. In this case a new
steady state is reached where the regulated de voltage is apparently still sufficient
for the digital electronics to operate correctly. During the new steady state, the
input current is no longer zero. with a very large current peak charging the dc bus
capacitor. This current could cause
• an equipment trip or even a long interruption if fast-acting overcurrent protection
devices are used. Upon ac voltage recovery, the DC bus voltage also recovers
quickly. This is associated with a very large current peak charging the dc bus capacitor.
This current could cause an equipment trip or even a long interruption if fast-acting
overcurrent protection devices are used.
• The voltage-tolerance curves obtained from various tests are shown in Fig.
5.7 and Fig. 5.8. Figure 5.7 shows the result of a U.S. study [29]. For each
personal computer, the tolerance for zero voltage was determined, as well
as the lowest steady-state voltage for which the computer would operate
indefinitely. For one computer the tolerance for 800/0 voltage was
determined; all other computers could tolerate this voltage indefinitely.
We see that there is a large range in voltage tolerance for different
computers. The age or the price of the computer did not have any
• The experiments were repeated for various operating states of the
computer: idle; calculating; reading; or writing. It turned out that the
operating state did not have any significant influence on the voltage
tolerance or on the power consumption. Figure 5.7 confirms that the
voltage-tolerance curve has an almost rectangular shape.
• Figure 5.8 shows voltage-tolerance curves for personal computers
obtained from a Japanese study [49], in the same format and scale as the
American measurements in Fig. 5.7. The general shape of the curves is
identical, but the curves in Fig. 5.7 indicate less sensitive computers than
the ones in Fig. 5.8..
• Summarizing we can say that the voltage tolerance of personal computers
varies over a rather wide range: 30-170 ms, 50-70% being the range
containing half of the models. The extreme values found are 8 ms, 88%
and 210 ms, 30%.
5.2.4 Voltage-Tolerance Requirements. CBEMA and ITIC
• As mentioned before, the first modern 'voltage-tolerance curve was introduced for mainframe
computers [1]. This curve is shown as a solid line in Fig. 5.9. We see that its shape does not
correspond with the shape of the curves shown in Figs. 5.5,5.7, and 5.8.
• This can be understood if one realizes that these figures give the voltage-tolerance performance for
one piece of equipment at a time, whereas Fig. 5.9 is a voltage-tolerance requirement for a whole
range of equipment. The requirement for the voltagetolerance curves of equipment is that they
should all be above the voltage-tolerance requirement in Fig. 5.9. The curve shown in Fig. 5.9
became well-known when the Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (CBEMA)
started o use the curve as a recommendation for its members. The curve was subsequently taken
up in an IEEE standard [26] and became a kind of reference for equipment voltage tolerance as well
as for severity of voltage sags. A number of software packages for analyzing power quality data plot
magnitude and duration of the sags against the CBEMA curve. The CBEMA curve also contains a
voltage-tolerance part for overvoltages, which is not reproduced in Fig. 5.9. Recently a "revised
CBEMA curve" has been adopted by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC), which is the
successor of CBEMA. The new curve is therefore referred to as the ITIC curve; it is shown as
• a dashed line in Fig. 5.9.
• The ITIC curve gives somewhat stronger requirements than the CBEMA curve.
• This is because power quality monitoring has shown that there are an alarming number
• of sags just below the CBEMA curve [54].
5.2.5 Process Control Equipment
• Process control equipment is often extremely sensitive to voltage sags; equipment has been
reported to trip when the voltage drops below 80% for a few cycles. The consequences of the
tripping of process control equipment can be enormous.
• For example, the tripping of a small relay can cause the shutdown of a large chemical plant, leading
to perhaps $100000 in lost production. Fortunately all this is low-power equipment which can be fed
from a UPS, or for which the voltage tolerance can be improved easily by adding extra capacitors, or
some backup battery.
• Tests of the voltage tolerance of programmable logic controllers (PLC's) have been performed in
the same way as the PC tests described before. The resulting voltage-tolerance curves for some
controllers are shown in Fig. 5.10. It clearly shows that this equipment is extremely sensitive to
voltage sags. As most sags are between 4 and 10 cycles in duration, we can reasonably assume that a
PLC trips for each sag below a given threshold, varying between 85% and 35%. Even more worrying
is that some controllers may send out incorrect control signals before actually tripping. This has to
do with the different voltage tolerance of the various parts of the controller. The incorrect signals
could lead to dangerous process malfunctions. Additional voltage-tolerance curves for process
control equipment, obtained from another study, are shown in Fig. 5.11. The numbers with the
curves refer to the following devices:
• 1. Fairly common process controller used for process heating applications such
• as controlling water temperature.
• 2. More complicated process controller which can be used to provide many
• control strategies such as pressure/temperature compensation of flow.
• 3. Process logic controller.
• 4. Process logic controller, newer and more advanced version of 3.
• 5. AC control relay, used to power important equipment.
• 6. AC control relay, used to power important equipment; same manufacturer
• as 5.
• 7. AC control relay used to power motors; motor contactor.
• This study confirms that process control equipment is
extremely sensitive to voltage disturbances, but also that it is
possible to build equipment capable of tolerating long and
deep sags. The fact that some equipment already trips for
half-a-cycle sags suggests a serious sensitivity to voltage
transients as well. The main steps taken to prevent tripping of
process control equipment is to power all essential process
control equipment via a UPS or to ensure in another way that
the equipment can withstand at least short and shallow sags.
Devices 2 and 3 in Fig. 5.11 show that it is possible to make
process control equipment resilient to voltage sags. But even
here the costs of installing a UPS will in almost all cases be
• Here are some other interesting observations from Fig. 5.11:
• Device 2 is the more complicated version of device 1. Despite
the higher complexity, device 2 is clearly less sensitive to voltage
sags than device 1.
• Device 4 is a newer and more advanced version of device 3.
Note the enormous deterioration in voltage tolerance.
• Devices 5 and 6 come from the same manufacturer, but show
Many adjustable-speed drives are equally sensitive to voltage sags as process control equipment discussed in the
previous section. Tripping of adjustable-speed drives can occur due to several phenomena:
• The drive controller or protection will detect the sudden change in operating conditions and trip the drive to
prevent damage to the power electronic components.
• The drop in DC bus voltage which results from the sag will cause maloperation
or tripping of the drive controller or of the PWM inverter.
• The increased ac currents during the sag or the post-sag overcurrents charging the de capacitor will cause an
overcurrent trip or blowing of fuses protecting the power electronics components.
• The process driven by the motor will not be able to tolerate the drop in speed or the torque variations due to the
5.3.1 Operation of AC Drives
• Adjustable-speed drives (ASD's) are fed either through a 3-φ diode rectifier, or through a three-phase controlled
rectifier. Generally speaking, the first type is found in AC motor drives, the second in DC drives and in large ac
• We will discuss small and medium size AC drives fed through a three-phase diode rectifier in this section, and
DC drives fed through controlled rectifiers in the next section.
• The configuration of most ac drives is as shown in Fig. 5.12. The three ac voltages are fed to a three-phase diode
rectifier. The output voltage of the rectifier is smoothened by means of a capacitor connected to the de bus. The
inductance present in some drives aims at smoothening the dc link current and so reducing the harmonic
distortion in the current taken from the supply.
• The DC voltage is inverted to an AC voltage of variable frequency and magnitude, by means of voltage-source
converter (VSC). The most commonly used method for this is pulse-width modulation (PWM). Pulse-width
modulation will be discussed briefly when we' describe the effect of voltage sags on the motor terminal voltages.
• The motor speed is controlled through the magnitude and frequency of the output voltage of the VSC. For ac
motors, the rotational speed is mainly determined by the frequency of the stator voltages. Thus, by changing the
frequency an easy method of speed control is obtained. The frequency and magnitude of the stator voltage are
plotted in Fig. 5.13 as a function of the rotor speed. For speeds up to the nominal speed, both frequency and
magnitude are proportional to the rotational speed.
• The maximum torque of an induction motor is proportional to the square of the voltage magnitude
and inversely proportional to the square of the frequency :
• By increasing both voltage magnitude and frequency, the maximum torque remains constant. It is
not possible to increase the voltage magnitude above its nominal value.
• Further increase in speed will lead to a fast drop in maximum torque.
5.4 Adjustable-speed
DC Drives
• DC drives have traditionally been much better suited for adjustable-speed
operation than AC Drives.
• The speed of AC motors is, in first approximation, proportional to the
frequency of the voltage.
Nr ∞ f
where Ifo is the initial current and τ is the time constant of the decay in field current.
The voltage sag leads to a direct drop in armature voltage, which leads to a decay in armature current. The decay
is somewhat different from the decay in field current. The armature current is driven by the difference between
the armature voltage and the induced back-EMF
• Because the motor speed does not immediately drop, the back-emf E remains the same. The effect of a drop in
armature voltage is thus that the current drops toward a large negative value (Va - E)/Ra.
DC motor
Events occur upon balance sag appears- conclusion
• The drop in armature and in field current leads to a drop in torque which causes a drop in speed. The drop in
speed and the drop in field current cause a reduction in back-EMF.
• Sooner or later the back-EMF will become smaller than the armature voltage, reversing the drop in armature
current. Because speed as well as field current have dropped the new armature current is higher than the pre-event
• The more the speed drops, the more the back-EMF drops, the more the armature current increases, the more the
torque increases. In other words, the dc motor has a built-in speed control mechanism via the back-EMF.
• The torque becomes higher than the load torque and the load reaccelerates.
• The load stabilizes at the original speed and torque, but for a lower field current and a higher armature current.
The drop in field current equals the drop in voltage; the armature current increases as much as the field current
drops, because their product (the torque) remains constant. Simulation of Balanced Sags.
• The drive was operating at nominal speed , thus with zero firing angle for the rectifiers. In
this system the time constant was 100ms, both for the armature winding and for the field
wind ing . A supply voltage of 660V was used resulting in a pre-sag motor power of 10kW
and a speed of 500 rpm . The moment of inertia of the load driven by the motor was 3.65
kgm/s" ,
• The simulations were performed by solving the differential equations with a step-by-step
approximation [154]. The voltage dropped to 80% in all three phases during 500 ms (30
cycles). The plots show two cycles pre-sag, 30 cycles during-sag, and 88 cycles post-sag. Intervention by the Control System.
• The control system of a DC drive can control a number of parameters:
• armature voltage, armature current, torque, or speed.
• In case the control system is able to keep armature and field voltage constant, the drive will not experience the
sag. However, the control system will typically take a few cycles to react.
• If the motor aims at keeping the motor speed constant, the drop in speed (as shown in Fig. 5.61) will be
counteracted through a decrease in firing angle of the thyristor rectifier. For a deep sag the firing angle will
quickly reach its minimum value. Further compensation of the drop in armature voltage would require control
of the field voltage. But as we saw above, the field voltage is kept intentionally constant so that control is
difficult. Intervention by the Protection.
The typical reason for the tripping of a DC drive during a voltage sag is that one of the settings of the protection is
exceeded. As shown in Figs. 5.58 through 5.61, voltage, current, speed, and torque experience a large transient.
The protection could trip on any of these parameters, but more often than not, the protection simply trips on DC
bus under-voltage.
DC drives are often used for processes in which very precise speed and positioning are required, e.g., in robotics.
Even small deviations in speed cannot be tolerated in such a case. We saw before that the motor torque drops
very fast, even for shallow sags, so that the drop in speed will become more severe than for an AC drive.
Unbalanced sags
• One of the effects of unbalanced sags on DC drives is that armature and field voltage do not drop the same
amount. The armature voltage is obtained from a three-phase rectifier, the field voltage from a single-phase
rectifier. During an unbalanced sag, the single-phase rectifier is likely to give a different output voltage than the
three-phase rectifier. If the field voltage drops more than the armature voltage, the new steady-state speed could
be higher than the original speed.
If the field voltage drops more than the armature voltage, the back-emf will quickly be less than the armature
voltage, leading to an increase in armature current. Also the new steady-state speed is higher than the pre-event
speed. Overcurrent in the armature winding and over-speed are the main risk.
If the field voltage drops less than the armature voltage, the armature current's decay will only be limited by the
drop in motor speed. It will take a long time before the motor torque recovers. As the new steady-state speed is
lower than the pre-event speed, under-speed becomes the main risk.
5.4.4 Phase-Angle Jumps
• Phase-angle jumps affect the angle at which the thyristors are
fired. The firing instant is normally determined from the phase-
locked loop (PLL) output, which takes at least several cycles to
react to the phase-angle jump.
• A calculated step response of a conventional digital phase-
locked loop to a phaseangle jump is shown by Wang [57]. His
results are reproduced in Fig. 5.70, where we can see that it
takes about 400 ms for the PLL to recover.
• We can reasonably assume that the phase-locked-loop output
does not change during the sag. The effect of the phase-angle
jump is that the actual voltage is shifted compared to the
reference voltage. Because of this the thyristors are fired at a
wrong point of the supply-voltage sine wave. This is shown in
Fig. 5.71 for a negative phaseangle jump. The during-sag
voltage lags the pre-sag voltage; thus the zero-crossing of the
actual supply voltage comes later than the zero crossing of the
PLL output. In Fig. 5.72 the sine wave of the actual voltage is
used as a reference: due to the negative phaseangle jump t!¢,
the thyristors are fired at an angle t!¢ earlier than intended Balanced Sags.
• For balanced sags the phase-angle jump is equal in the three phases; thus the shift in firing angle is the same for all
three voltages. If the shift is less than the intended firing-angle delay, the output voltage of the rectifier will be
higher than it would be without phase-angle jump. This assumes that the phase-angle jump is negative, which is
normally the case. A negative phase-angle jump will thus somewhat compensate the drop in voltage due to the
sag. For a positive phase-angle jump the output voltage would be reduced and the phase-angle jump would
aggravate the effects of the sag.
• For a firing angle equal to α the pre-sag armature volt age equals
• The voltage is rated to the armature voltage for zero firing angle. For a sag with magnitude V (in pu) and
phase-angle jump Δ φ, the during-event armature voltage is
• If this is less than the actual armature current, a commutation failure occurs: both thyristors will continue to
conduct, leading to a phase-to-phase fault. This will cause blowing of fuses or damage of the thyristors. The risk
of commutation failure is further increased by the increased armature current during and after the sag.
5.4.8 Overview of Mitigation Methods for DC Drives
Mitigation of Interruptions
Voltage Sags
Mitigation of Interruptions and Voltage Sags
• This chapter gives an overview of
• i) methods to mitigate voltage sags and interruptions.
• ii) Also on mitigation equipment to be installed between the power
system and the sensitive equipment.
7.1.1 From Fault to Trip
• To understand the various ways of mitigation, the mechanism leading to an equipment trip
needs to be understood. Figure 7.1 shows how a short circuit leads to an equipment trip.
• The equipment trip is what makes the event a problem; if there were no equipment trips,
there would not be any voltage quality problem.
• The underlying event of the equipment trip is a short-circuit fault: a low-impedance
connection between two or more phases, or between one or more phases and ground.
• At the fault position the voltage drops to a low value.
• The effect of the short circuit at other positions in the system is an event of a certain magnitude and
duration at the interface between the equipment and the power system. The short-circuit fault will
always cause a voltage sag for some customers.
• If the fault takes place in a radial part of the system, the protection intervention clearing the fault will
also lead to an interruption.
• If there is sufficient redundancy present, the short circuit will only lead to a voltage sag. If the
resulting event exceeds a certain severity, it will cause an equipment trip
Less possible cases:
Admittedly, not only short circuits lead to equipment trips, but also events like capacitor switching or
voltage sags due to motor starting.
Most possible cases:
But the large majority of equipment trips will be due to short-circuit faults.
Figure 7.1 enables us to distinguish between the various
mitigation methods:
• reducing the number of short-circuit faults.
• reducing the fault-clearing time.
• changing the system such that short-circuit faults result in less
severe events at the equipment terminals or at the customer
• connecting mitigation equipment between the sensitive
equipment and the supply.
• improving the immunity of the equipment.
Power engineers have always used a combination of these
mitigation methods to ensure a reliable operation of equipment
The interface between the system and the equipment is the most common place to
mitigate sags and interruptions.
Most of the mitigation techniques are based on the injection of active power,
thus compensating the loss of active power supplied by the system.
All modern techniques are based on power electronic devices, with the voltage
source converter being the main building block.
Terminology is still very confusing in this area, terms like "compensators,"
"conditioners,“ "controllers," and "active filters" are in use, all referring to similar
kind of devices.
7.4.1 Voltage-Source Converter
Most modern voltage-sag mitigation methods at the system-equipment interface contain a
so-called voltage-source converter.
A voltage-source converter is _a power electronic device which can generate a
sinusoidal voltage at any required frequency, magnitude, and phase angle.
The principle of the voltage-source converter is shown in
Fig. 7.26.
A three-phase voltage-source converter consists of three
single-phase converters with a common DC voltage. By
switching the power electronic devices on or off with
a certain pattern an AC voltage is obtained. One can
use a simple square wave or a pulse-width modulated
pattern. The latter gives less harmonics but higher
The same voltage-source converter technology is also
used for so-called "Flexible AC Transmission Systems" or
FACTS and for mitigation of harmonic distortion and
voltage fluctuations .
7.4.2 Series Voltage Controllers-DVR Basic Principle. The series voltage controller consists of a voltage source converter in series with the
supply voltage, as shown in Fig. 7.27. The voltage at the load terminals equals the sum of the supply voltage
and the output voltage of the controller:
A converter transformer is used to connect the output of the voltage-source converter to the system.
A relatively small capacitor is present on DC side of the converter. The voltage over this capacitor is kept
constant, by exchanging energy with the energy storage reservoir. The required output voltage is obtained by
using a pulse-width modulation switching pattern. As the controller will have to supply active as well as
reactive power, some kind of energy storage is needed.
In phasor terms: the argument (angle, direction) of the injected current is the
argument of the injected voltage minus the argument of the source impedance.
The source impedance is normally mainly reactive. In case of a sag without
phase-angle jump, the injected current is also mainly reactive. A phase-angle
jump causes a rotation of the injected voltage as indicated in the figure. This
leads to a rotation of the injected current away from the imaginary axis. From
the figure it becomes obvious that this will quickly cause a serious increase in
the active part of the current (i.e., the projection of the current on the load
voltage). The change in the reactive part of the current is small, so is the change
in current magnitude. Disadvantages of the Shunt Controller.
The main advantage of a shunt controller is that it can also be used to improve the current quality of
the load. By injecting reactive power, the power factor can be kept at unity or voltage fluctuations due
to current fluctuations (the flicker problem) can be kept to a minimum. The shunt controller can also
be used to absorb the harmonic currents generated by the load.
• The series controller, as discussed before, uses an energy storage reservoir to
power part of the load during a voltage sag. We saw that the series controller
cannot mitigate any interruptions, and that it is normally not designed to mitigate
very deep 'sags (much below 50% of remaining voltage). There is thus normally
some voltage remaining in the power system. This voltage can be used to extract
the required energy from the system.
• Series-connected converter injects the missing voltage, and a shunt connected
converter takes a current from the supply. The power taken by the shunt
controller must be equal to the power injected by the series controller.
• The principle is shown in Fig. 7.47. Series- and shunt-connected converters
have a common de bus. The change in stored energy in the capacitor is
determined by the difference between the power injected by the series converter
and the power taken from the supply by the shunt converter. Ensuring that both
are equal minimizes the size of the capacitance. Advantages and Disadvantages.
The main advantage of the shunt-series controller
is that it does not require any energy storage. It
can be designed to mitigate any sag above a certain
magnitude, independent of its duration.
This could result in a relatively cheap device, able
to compete with the UPS (see below) for the
protection of low-power, low-voltage equipment.
The shunt converter of a shunt-series controller
can also be used to mitigate current quality
problems, as mentioned above with the discussion
of the shunt controller.
The main disadvantage of the shunt-series
controller is the large current rating required to
mitigate deep sags. For low-power, low-voltage
equipment this will not be a serious concern, but it
might limit the number of large power and
medium-voltage applications.