Journal by Ayrilmis
Journal by Ayrilmis
Journal by Ayrilmis
Composites: Part B
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Article history: The objectives of this research were to investigate surface characteristics, physical (thickness swelling)
Received 25 August 2011 and mechanical (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and internal bond strength) properties, and
Received in revised form 14 October 2011 formaldehyde emission of particleboard composite, as affected by moisture content of wood. Three-
Accepted 28 October 2011
layered particleboard panels manufactured from wood particles at five different moisture contents
Available online 7 November 2011
(20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 95%). Roughness measurements, average roughness (Ra), mean peak-to-valley
height (Rz), and maximum roughness (Ry), were taken from the sanded samples along and across the
sandmarks using a fine stylus tracing technique. Contact angle measurements were obtained by using
A. Wood
B. Mechanical properties
a goniometer connected with a digital camera and computer system. Statistical analysis showed
B. Wettability significant differences in the surface roughness, contact angle, formaldehyde emission, physical and
D. Surface analysis mechanical properties of the panels following moisture content. Based on the findings obtained from this
study, an increase or decrease in the moisture content of wood beyond a certain limit, before chipping
operations, negatively affected the wettability and smoothness of particles, and formaldehyde emission,
physical and mechanical properties of particleboards.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction particleboard, the most of them being wood species [4], hot press
diagram [5], amount of adhesive [6], panel density [7], dimensions
Particleboard is a very popular wood based panel product used of the particles [8], formaldehyde/urea mole ratio and waste screen
as a substitute of wood in almost all woodworking projects, such as dust usage [9], moisture content and temperature of particleboard
furniture, cabinets, subflooring, home constructions, mobile home [10], waste sanding dust usage [11], density profile [12] , acidity of
decking, door core, dinettes, case and sporting goods, counter tops, the particles [13], hot press conditions [14], needle litter usage
kitchen frames, interior fitments, wardrobes, mill work, interior [15,16], press type [17], average moisture content of mat [18],
decoration, pool tables, shelving, toys, cupboards, stair treads, join- shelling ratio [19], impregnation with bark extractives [20], surface
ery, veneered panels, signs, and wall linings. It is manufactured coating applications [21,22], lamination technique [23], residue
from particles, such as wood chips, sawmill shavings, discrete type and tannin content [24].
wood scraps, recycled wood, agricultural residues or even saw Urea formaldehyde is the major adhesive for particleboard
dust, and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder an held together manufacturing due to its short press time, low cost, excellent
under heat and pressure [1,2]. The forest resource is depleting, and adhesion, intrinsic cohesion, high reactivity and water solubility,
the price of wood is increasing. The demand for particleboard has and lack of color in the finished product. However, it has high
been growing due to the uniform smooth surface, density and reversibility of the amino methylene link, which also explains the
thickness, ability to stay flat, strength, machine ability, screw- low resistance of urea formaldehyde resins against the influence of
holding capacity of particleboard and agricultural wastes usage water and moisture. This is one of the reasons for its formaldehyde
instead of wood in manufacturing [3]. emission, when hardened and in service. Formaldehyde is one of
Many researchers have studied the effects of some processing the world’s most ubiquitous chemicals. It is a simple chemical
variables on the physical and mechanical quality properties of made of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. It is produced from metha-
nol using a catalytic oxidation process. Formaldehyde based glues
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 462 3772868; fax: +90 462 3257499. are used to manufacture composite products used extensively in
E-mail address: (G. Nemli). moldings, furniture, cabinetry, counter tops, shelving and stair
1359-8368/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Baharoğlu et al. / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 2448–2451 2449
most sensitive to formaldehyde exposure. It causes health prob- Panel types Moisture contents of woodsa
lems such as asthma and cancer [25–28]. A 20
Particleboard is widely used as substrate for thin overlays such B 40
as laminates, resin impregnated papers, foils and direct finish to C 60
surface uses including furniture, counter and desk tops, cabinets, D 80
E 95
floor, wall, ceiling panels, door skin and office dividers.
Roughness is a measure of the fine irregularities on a surface. Before chipping process.
The surface roughness of particleboard plays an important role
since any surface irregularities may show through thin overlays
reducing the final quality of the panel. When particleboard is used (TS) after 24 h immersion of the samples were determined. Twenty
as substrate for surface coating, its particleboard surfaces must be samples were cut from test panels to measure physical and
capable of having resistance stresses to peeling. Fine irregularities mechanical properties. Mechanical tests were performed on a Uni-
on the board surface will show through overlays and, this affects versal Instron testing machine with a 2000 kg load cell. Moisture
products grade, quality, finishing and gluing. contents of woods were conducted according to TS 2471 standard
Wettability is defined as a condition of a surface that deter- [35]. The samples used for wettability and surface roughness tests
mines how fast a liquid will wet and spread on the surface or were sanded with a sequence of 100 and 150 grit sand papers. The
whether it will be repelled and not spread on the surface. Wettabil- perforator value of the formaldehyde emission was determined
ity is crucial for good adhesion in bonding between particleboard using the EN 120 (European Committee For Standardization
and coating. Liquid surface coatings or adhesives have to wet, flow, 1991) method [36]. Three specimens were used for formaldehyde
and penetrate the cellular structure of wood in order to establish emission measurements.
intimate contact between molecules of composite surface and The surface properties of the samples were determined by
coating. Contact angle (CA) method has been commonly used to employing a fine stylus profilometer (Mitutoyo SJ-301). The sam-
determine wettability of particleboard. When the CA is zero, per- ples with dimensions of 50 mm 50 mm 18 mm were condi-
fect wetting of a surface occurs. Liquids wet surfaces when the tioned in a climate chamber at 20 °C and 65% RH. Ten samples
CA is less than 90° [29–31]. were used from each type of the panel for the surface roughness
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of measurements. Three roughness parameters characterized by ISO
moisture content of raw material (wood) on the physical (thick- 4287 standard (1987), respectively, average roughness (Ra), mean
ness swelling) and mechanical (modulus of rupture, modulus of peak-to-valley height (Rz), and maximum peak-to-valley height
elasticity and internal bond) properties, surface roughness, wetta- (Ry) were considered to evaluate the surface properties of the pan-
bility and formaldehyde emission of particleboard composite. els [37]. The surface roughness parameters were calculated from
the digital information. The vertical displacement of the stylus is
converted into electrical signals by a linear displacement detector
2. Materials and methods before the signal is amplified and converted into digital informa-
tion. Ra is the arithmetic mean of the absolute values of the profile
Low-quality Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaerth subsp. Barbata trees with deviations from the mean line and is by far the most commonly
diameter at breast height ranging from 15 to 20 cm were harvested used parameter in surface finish measurement. The surface rough-
in Trabzon, Black Sea Region of Turkey. The bark was removed be- ness of the samples was measured with a sensitivity of 0.5 lm.
fore the chipping. After the foliage was trimmed, all the trees were Measuring speed, pin diameter and pin top angle of the tool were
chipped using a ring type flaker before the chips were reduced into 10 mm/min, 4 lm and 90°, respectively. The length of tracing line
smaller particles using a hammermill. The particles were dried to (Lt) and cut-off were 12.5 mm and 2.5 mm (k), respectively. Mea-
3% moisture content in a dryer. The dried particles were classified suring force of the scanning arm on the samples was 4 mN
into two sizes using a 3.0–1.5–0.5 mm openings vibrating screen (0.4 gf). Measurements were done at room temperature and pin
for the core and face layers. In the next process, resin was applied was calibrated before the tests [38].
with a pneumatic spray gun. Based on oven dry weight of particle The wetting behavior of the particleboard samples conditioned
weight, 9% and 11% urea formaldehyde resin (formaldehyde/urea at 65% RH and 20 °C was characterized by the contact angle meth-
mole ratio: 1.20) with a solid content of 65% was applied for core od (goniometer technique). The contact angles were obtained
and surface particles, respectively. The ratio of the face thickness using with a KSV Cam-101 Scientific Instrument (Helsinki, Fin-
to the total thickness of a panel known as the shelling ratio was land). Using the sessile drop method, which is the most widely
0.40 for all samples. Ammonium sulfate (concentration: 25%) was used procedure; the contact angle is determined simply by aligning
used as a resin hardener during the blending process by about a tangent with the sessile drop profile at the point of contact with
1% based on the solid amount of adhesive. No wax or any other the solid surface. The drop image was stored by a video camera and
additives were used for the panel manufacture. Mats formed man- an image analysis system calculated the contact angle (h) from the
ually in a frame with a size of 55 55 cm were pressed in a hot shape of the distilled water drop at room temperature. An imaging
press at a temperature of 130 °C using a pressure of 25 kg/cm2 system was used to measure contact angle and shape and size of
for 10 min. All panels were pressed to a nominal thickness of water droplets for the tested surfaces of the particleboard samples.
18.0 mm and an average target density of 0.70 g/cm3. The five dif- The image of the liquid drop was captured by a video camera and
ferent panel compositions are outlined in Table 1. Duplicate panels the contact angle was measured by digital image analysis software.
were made for each group. After the 5-lL droplet of the distilled water was placed on the sam-
The panels and woods were kept in a conditioned room with a ple surface, contact angles from the images were measured at fifth
relative humidity of 65% and a temperature of 20 °C until they second. Ten samples with dimension of 50 mm 50 mm 18 mm
reached equilibrium moisture content. Particleboard panels were were taken used from each type of formulation for the contact an-
then cut into test samples based on EN standards (EN 310, EN gle measurements [39].
317, EN 319) [32–34]. Modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elas- One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for sig-
ticity (MOE), internal bond strength (IB) and thickness swelling nificant difference between factors and levels. When the ANOVA
2450 M. Baharoğlu et al. / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 2448–2451
indicated a significant difference among factors and levels, a com- the roughest surface and highest contact angle were found for pan-
parison of the means was undertaken a Newman Keuls test to els made from wood at 20% moisture content.
identify which groups were significantly different from other Increasing moisture content of wood from 40% to 60% signifi-
groups at 95% confidence level. cantly decreased the formaldehyde emission, improved thickness
swelling, increased mechanical strength properties of the panels
3. Results and discussion and caused smoother surfaces and low contact angle. High mois-
ture content in wood causes rising free water presence in wood cell
The mechanical and physical properties of the panels are shown lumen, and behaves like oil, and provides easy and anti-friction
in Table 2. The significant differences between the panel types are chipping of wood. As could be seen in Table 3, increasing moisture
presented by letters in Table 2. content of wood from 40% to 60% caused smoother surface and de-
Based on EN 312 (1993) standard, 11.5 and 13.0 N/mm2 are the creased contact angle. The meaning of decreased contact angels
minimum requirements for MOR of particleboard panels for general and smoother surface are increasing adhesion between wood par-
uses and interior fitments (including furniture), respectively, while ticles. Increasing adhesion between wood particles causes strong
the minimum MOE for interior fitments is 1600 N/mm2 [40]. The pa- bonds. Strong bonds increase mechanical strength properties and
nel type C had higher MOR and MOE for general purposes and make difficult water diffusion into particleboard and formaldehyde
furniture manufacturing requirements. The panels made from A. releasing from panels [41].
glutinosa (L.) Gaerth subsp. Barbata wood at 40% (panel type B) mois- However, increasing moisture content of wood from 60% to 80%
ture content satisfied the required level of MOR for general uses. and 95% statistically increased formaldehyde emission, contact an-
The IB data ranged from 0.14 to 0.40 N/mm2. The minimal gle and thickness swelling, decreased mechanical strength proper-
requirements of internal bond strength for general purpose and fur- ties, and caused rougher surfaces. If the raw materials are at high
niture manufacturing are 0.24 and 0.35 N/mm2, respectively [40]. moisture content, the water breaks the wood cells during chipping
According to the test results, while panel type B had only the re- operations. Breaking wood cells causes wooly and rough surfaces.
quired level of IB for general purposes, C type panels met the re- As could be seen in Table 3, increasing moisture content of wood
quired levels of IB either general purposes and interior fitments. from 60% to 80% and 95% caused rougher surfaces and increased
Twenty-four-hour water soaking resulted in thickness swelling contact angel. Increasing contact angle and roughness decrease
ranging from 17.43% to 25.58% as shown in Table 2. A maximum TS adhesion between particles. Decreasing adhesion causes poorer
value of 15% is allowed for particleboard panels used in load-bear- physical and mechanical properties and increases the formalde-
ing applications in dry conditions [40]. The results showed that any hyde releasing [42].
test panels had the required level of TS due to no usage wax or The worst physical and mechanical properties and highest
other water repellent agents in the manufacturing of test panels. formaldehyde emission values were obtained from panels made
The maximum permissible formaldehyde content for E1 quality from wood at 20% moisture content. At below fiber saturation
is 8 mg CH2O/100 g dry sample [36]. Any test panels had the re- point, approximately 30% moisture content, there is no water in
quired level of FE due to usage of urea formaldehyde adhesive that wood cell lumen. Absence of water in lumen causes friction be-
has high formaldehyde/urea mole ratio (1.20). tween wood and cutters during chipping process. Heated cutters
Table 3 shows result of the surface roughness parameters and produce rough particles. Low moisture content increases the brit-
contact angles of the particleboard panels. Statistical analysis tleness of wood. Roughest particle surfaces are produced from brit-
showed significant differences between the average roughness tle woods during chipping operations. As could be seen in Table 3,
and contact angle values of the samples at 95% confidence level. roughest surfaces and lowest contact angle were obtained from
The differences between the groups are given in Table 3 as letters. particleboards from wood at 20% moisture content. The contact
The panels made from wood having a moisture content of 60% between the wood particles cannot be proved due to presence of
had the smoothest surface and the lowest contact angle, while roughest particles and poorest wettability compared other
Table 2
Properties of experimental panels.
Panel types MOR (N/mm2) MOE (N/mm2) IB (N/mm2) TS (%) FE (mg CH2O)
A 8.05 (a) (1.58) 987.64 (a) (50.36) 0.143 (a) (0.013) 25.58 (a) (1.14) 15.89 (a) (0.05)
B 12.78 (b) (0.75) 1513.32 (b) (75.18) 0.286 (b) (0.025) 19.01 (b) (1.08) 11.48 (b) (0.03)
C 14.15 (c) (1.06) 1845.78 (c) (62.21) 0.399 (c) (0.018) 17.43 (c) (1.36) 10.02 (c) (0.08)
D 10.39 (d) (0.48) 1398.01 (d) (42.36) 0.220 (d) (0.036) 21.16 (d) (1.01) 13.66 (d) (0.06)
E 9.20 (e) (0.25) 1104.56 (e) (83.02) 0.184 (e) (0.022) 23.75 (e) (1.11) 14.71 (e) (0.04)
Note: Different letters in the parenthesis represent statistical differences at 95% confidence level. Numbers in the parenthesis are standard deviations.
Table 3
Average surface roughness and contact angles of test panels.
Note: Different letters in the parenthesis represent statistical differences at 95% confidence level. Numbers in the parenthesis are standard deviations.
Contact angles from the images were measured at fifth seconds.
M. Baharoğlu et al. / Composites: Part B 43 (2012) 2448–2451 2451
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