Degaussing N Magnetic Mines
Degaussing N Magnetic Mines
Degaussing N Magnetic Mines
curse of the
in the home. The same system was also
widely used in public ibra. as until recently,
where details of a book's oan was recorded
on a magnetic strip, which was cancelled by
Mine technology
Degaussing in a mi tarv sense - on a vastly
Degaussing technology has saved greater scale but stil f o o,,^/' ng the same
basic ideas - arose out ol rrecessity with the
thousands of lives since World War l, development between the two World Wars of
blitzing a ship's hull with elect'o-magnetism.
al;*- Applying too much bias cc";:t or-. or
..]*s*r reversing the polarity by eve' a mcdest
.w amount, could have verY se' c -s
consequencesforthefuture saf::r' of the
vessel. When the vessel visitec:-e cegaussing
station the first step was to esI33 sn the ship's
existing magnetic'fin gerPr; n:'.
This was ach ieved by sa i n g :-: vessel over
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