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International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science (IJDOS)

ISSN: 2377-8075

Bulk Fill Resin Restoration: Clinical Considerations and Case Report

Research Article

Feitosa FA1*, Esteves SR1, Crastechini E1, Ferraz Caneppele T2, Bresciani E2

1 Department of Restorative Dentistry, São José dos Campos School of Dentistry, Univ Estadual Paulista, Unesp, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, São José dos Campos School of Dentistry, UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, São Paulo,


The objective of this paper was to present a case report of bulk fill resin restoration, discussing treatment planning and clinical
protocol, presenting the follow-ups, and discussing the available literature on the issue. The case report presents a resolution
for an extensive carious lesion on the distal surface of the second left maxillary premolar using bulk fill composite. Cavity
preparation was made with diamond and carbide round burs. After rubber dam isolation was performed, sectional matrix Uni-
matrix system and rubber wedge were positioned. Cavity conditioning was performed by etching enamel for 30s and dentin
for 15s with 37% phosphoric acid. Cavity was further washed with air/water spray and water excess was removed with cotton
ball. The adhesive system was actively applied for 20s, followed by a 5s air blast and light curing for 10s. A single 4mm resin
composite (SDR bulk fill – Dentsply) increment was inserted into the cavity being dispensed at the deepest cavity portion
and light cured for 20s. Approximately 2mm room was left to allow the insertion of a layer of nanofilled resin to finish the
restorative procedure. Finishing and polishing of restoration were performed after 7 days in service and the restoration was
evaluated according to Modified USPHS and FDI parameters. After 6 months and 1 year, new assessments were performed
following parameters previously cited. No changes in parameters from baseline were detected. The restoration was rated as
successful at both evaluation periods.

Keywords: Bulk Fill Composites; Class II Restoration; Clinical Evaluation; Posterior Restoration.

Introduction with increasing cervical length, and they are highly susceptible to
poor polymerization [5, 6].
Durable resin composite restorations are still challenging in Den-
tistry. Factors like resin contraction and polymerization stress, and The initial indication of flowable resin composites was intended
thickness of increments and cusps deflection in composite resin to assist the dissipation of masticatory forces in deep restorations,
restorations are issues constantly discussed and reviewed by re- being the restoration shrinkage/expansion also less aggressive to
searchers and clinicians, but they still lack a satisfactory solution the interface tooth/restoration. That technique was recommend-
[1-3]. ed as a more flexible liner is used to intermediate the contact be-
tween resin composite and tooth substrate [7]. The use of flow-
Resin composite restorations in class II (MOD) cavities, accord- able resin composite relies on its less filler content, adequate flow
ing to Black´s classification, seem to be more subjected to failure characteristics, low elastic modulus, and proper adhesion to tooth
[1, 4]. Additionally to previously mentioned problems, such resto- structure [8].
rations undergo a great incidence of masticatory forces, the con-
tact point/area is difficult to be reestablished, during restorative Despite the large number of advantages, the first generation of
procedure there are restricted access and vision, they are weaker flowable resin composites, presented in 1996, was not well ac-

*Corresponding Author:
Fernanda Alves Feitosa,
Department of Restorative Dentistry, São José dos Campos School of Dentistry, Univ Estadual Paulista, Unesp, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
Tel: +55 (12) 99738-9265
Fax: +55 (12) 3947-9010
E-mail: fer.feitosa@hotmail.com

Received: July 26, 2018

Accepted: August 28, 2018
Published: August 29, 2018

Citation: Feitosa FA, Esteves SR, Crastechini E, Ferraz Caneppele T, Bresciani E. Bulk Fill Resin Restoration: Clinical Considerations and Case Report. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci.

Copyright: Feitosa FA©2018. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Feitosa FA, Esteves SR, Crastechini E, Ferraz Caneppele T, Bresciani E. Bulk Fill Resin Restoration: Clinical Considerations and Case Report. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2018;5(8):655-660.
OPEN ACCESS https://scidoc.org/IJDOS.php

cepted by clinicians due to lower mechanical properties compared outcome. Currently there are restrict in vivo studies and clinical
to conventional resins, and still the presence of high degree of case reports to assist clinicians on proper technique and employ-
polymerization shrinkage, possibly resulting in premature failure ment of bulk fill resin composites. Based on that, the objective of
of restorations [9]. this paper is to present a case report of bulk fill resin restoration,
discussing treatment planning and clinical protocol, presenting
Currently, flowable resin composites, known as flowable bulk fill the follow-ups, and also discussing the available literature on the
resins, were updated. They present increased filler content (ap- issue.
proximately 60% in volume), by combining nanosized and larger
particles. The use of nanoparticles resulted in lower polymeri- Materials and Methods
zation shrinkage and therefore lower stresses generation [2]. It
has been reported in literature the marginal adaptation in cervi- Diagnosis and Treatment Plan
cal enamel region is similar to restorations performed with bulk
fill resin or using conventional incremental technique [10]. The A 24 years-old female patient was admitted for dental treatment
improvements in bulk fill resins were also possible by modify- at the Dental Clinic of the Institute of Science and Technology -
ing resin components such as diluents and photo-initiators in its Univ. Estadual Paulista - UNESP in São José dos Campos, Brazil.
composition [2, 10]. Her main complaint was the presence of stimulated pain and sen-
sibility on the second left maxillary premolar. Medical history was
One of the main benefits of restoring teeth with bulk fill res- noncontributory. Clinical and radiographic examinations of target
ins is the reduced time of the procedure and the maintenance tooth were performed (Figures 1A and 1B). An extensive carious
of treatment quality. The conversion degree of resin composites lesion was detected on the distal surface of that tooth, leading to
during light curing gradually reduces with depth, decreasing resin the need of tooth restoration. The choice for resin composite res-
physical properties and leading to possible premature failure and toration was based on her good oral hygiene and also due to pa-
pulp damage. ISO 4049 regulates the cure depth of resins by set- tient’s esthetic requirements. The use of bulk fill resin composite
ting 2mm as the maximum thickness suitable for proper polym- relied on the possibility of proper matrix contouring during the
erization. However, bulk fill resins are reported to light cure in restorative procedures, adequate wedge adaptation and possible
thickness up to 4mm, once they reach hardness properties similar reduced time procedure.
to conventional resin composites after polymerization [11]. The
possibility of light curing layers up to 4mm leads to reduced clini- Tooth Preparation
cal time, resulting in more comfortable procedure for patient and
dentist. Tooth prophylaxis with sodium bicarbonate jet was initially per-
formed to remove dental biofilm (Figure 1A). Tooth color was
Moreover, considering the thickness of resin increments, studies assessed with classic Vita scale (Vita Zahnfabrik. H. Rauter Gm
have reported cusp deflection of teeth restored with bulk fill resin bH & Co BädSackingen, Germany) under natural light, prior to
was reduced compared to tooth restored using conventional resin rubber dam isolation to avoid tooth dehydration. Color A3 color
composite and the oblique increments technique [2, 11]. was selected.

Although presenting adequate in vitro results and numerous struc- Cavity preparation at the distal part of the occlusal surface was in-
tural advances, the clinical procedures directly influence the dura- itiated with diamond round burs at high speed to remove enamel
bility of resin composite restorations. Thus, operator skills, and and access dentin lesion (Figure 1C). Upon reaching the carious
the choice of materials and techniques might favor or impair the

Figure 1. Tooth Preparation A) Baseline picture; B) Interproximal radiograph showing radiolucent image on the distal
surface; C) Opening cavity - occlusal enamel removal; and D) Cavity preparation finished after complete carious dentin



Feitosa FA, Esteves SR, Crastechini E, Ferraz Caneppele T, Bresciani E. Bulk Fill Resin Restoration: Clinical Considerations and Case Report. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2018;5(8):655-660.
OPEN ACCESS https://scidoc.org/IJDOS.php

dentin, around carbide bur at low speed was used to remove cari- • FDI world dental Federation - Parameters: Contact point, radio-
ous tissue (Figure 1D). The leather consistency was the parameter graphic examination, and periodontal response adjacent to resto-
used to determine the complete removal of infected dentin, fol- ration were evaluated.
lowing the minimum intervention in Dentistry philosophy.
After 6 months (Figure 4) and 1 year, new assessments were per-
Restorative Procedures formed following parameters previously cited. No changes in pa-
rameters from baseline were detected. The restoration was rated
After rubber dam isolation was performed, sectional matrix as successful at both evaluation periods.
Unimatrix system and rubber wedge were positioned to provide
proper cervical adaptation and adequate proximal contour and Results and Discussion
contact point (Figure 2A).
Conventional resin composite restorations are usually performed
Cavity conditioning was performed by etching enamel for 30s through the incremental technique, inserting 2 mm thick oblique
(Figure 2B) and dentin for 15s (Figure 2C) with 37% phosphoric increments. That technique was developed for proper light pen-
acid. Cavity was further washed with air/water spray and water etration and to reduce the harmful effects generated by polym-
excess was removed with cotton ball, avoiding dentin dehydration erization shrinkage, one of the biggest disadvantages of resin
(Figure 2D). composites. However, the incremental procedure is time consum-
ing, it increases the risk of contamination, if rubber dam is not
The adhesive system, Single Bond Universal (3M/ESPE) was ac- employed, and empty spaces may exist between increments.
tively applied for 20s (Figure 3A), followed by a 5s air blast and
light curing for 10s (Figure 3B). Bulk-fill resins are practical. Resin increments can be up to 4mm
in thickness, and its fluid characteristic allows proper resin flow
A single 4mm resin composite (SDR bulk fill - Dentsply) incre- and complete filling with no empty spaces. It presents great trans-
ment was inserted into the cavity. Resin insertion was performed lucency and incorporated photoactive group that enables light
according manufacturer instructions, being dispensed at the deep- curing at greater thicknesses [2, 12]. SDR technology has a polym-
est cavity portion. The applicator tip was submerged for even erization modulator to help monomers to form a more flexible
resin distribution (Figure 3C), avoiding bubble occurrence within polymer network in slower mode, which compensates the effects
the increment (Figure 3D). That single increment was light cured of volumetric shrinkage.
for 20s. Approximately 2mm room was left to allow the insertion
of a layer of nanofilled resin (Filtek Z350) (Figure 3E) to fin- Investigations showed that bulk fill resins present acceptable me-
ish the restorative procedure. This layer is required due to better chanical properties compared to conventional resin composites.
mechanical properties of conventional resins in comparison to [2, 9, 13, 14].
flowable bulk fill resins.
One quality of bulk fill resins is to significantly reduce cusp de-
Finishing and polishing of restoration were performed after 7 flection during light curing compared to conventional resins res-
days in service (Figure 3F) and the restoration was evaluated ac- torations performed by the oblique incremental technique [2,
cording to the following parameters: 15]. Moorthy et al., 2012 [2], used bulk fill resin in class II as the
present case report, and observed reduction of cusps deflection
• Modified USPHS - Parameters: retention, marginal discolora- in comparison to restorations performed with multiple oblique
tion, marginal adaptation, caries recurrence, anatomic form, and increments. The authors believe that reduction was due to deflec-
post-operative sensitivity were evaluated. tion of horizontally inserted material at gingival-occlusal direc-

Figure 2. Cavity Conditioning A) Sectional matrix system – Unimatrix, in position; B) Enamel etching with 37% phosphoric
acid for 30s; C) Dentin etching with 37% phosphoric acid for 15s; D) water excess removal with cotton pellet



Feitosa FA, Esteves SR, Crastechini E, Ferraz Caneppele T, Bresciani E. Bulk Fill Resin Restoration: Clinical Considerations and Case Report. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2018;5(8):655-660.
OPEN ACCESS https://scidoc.org/IJDOS.php

Figure 3. Restorative Procedures A) Application of the adhesive system; B) light curing of adhesive layer for 10s; C) Inser-
tion of SDR Bulk Fill resin composite; D) Cavity filled with SDR Bulk Fill after light curing; E) insertion of nanofilled resin
composite Filtek Z350 in the 2mm remaining cavity; F) Final aspect of the restoration after finishing and polishing.



Figure 4. Restoration after 6 months in service.

tion, reducing the length of cusps and promoting their deflection manufacturers recommend inserting up to 4mm bulk fill resin
[2]. The authors however, did not report the amount of material increments for proper polymerization, the present clinical case
inserted (in volume), and if similar amount of resin is placed hori- followed those recommendations. The cavity depth was checked
zontally or obliquely the authors conclusion proceeds. A consid- with a periodontal probe to assure the bulk fill increment did not
eration on the comparison between oblique and horizontal incre- exceed 4mm in thickness. An impression of the cavity with addi-
ments should be stated on the volume issue; as bulk-fill resins are tion silicon was performed to determine cavity depth and volume
horizontally inserted in greater volume, that fact might negatively for possible future failure correlations.
influence the deflection cusp. Cusp deflection of oblique resin
increments is also supported by finite element studies. Versluis et Light curing for thirty seconds has been reported to be effec-
al., identified by finite element analysis oblique incremental tech- tive for bulk fill resin polymerization [17]. Czasch P and N Ilie,
nique produced higher stress concentration at tooth/restoration 2013 reported the conversion degree and mechanical properties
interface compared to the horizontal filling techniques [16]. of 4mm bulk resin increment are adequate with only 20s light
curing [18]. In this clinical case light curing of restoration was
Zorzim et al., 2015 compared the polymerization shrinkage and carried out for 40 seconds and after removal of the interproximal
curing degree of bulk fill resins compared to flowable conven- matrix, light curing was complemented by 20s light exposure on
tional resins according to their volume. All investigated bulk fill both buccal and lingual aspects. According to the manufacturer's
resins presented sufficient polymerization with 4mm thick incre- instructions of the currently employed flowable bulk fill resin, 4
ments. Most bulk fill resins had lower polymerization volume mm increments should be light cured for 40s, while 2mm incre-
shrinkage and lower stresses comparing to conventional flowable ments require only 20s of light exposure. As there are contro-
resin composite, corroborating with other study findings [12]. As versies in the literature, the more adequate approach is to follow

Feitosa FA, Esteves SR, Crastechini E, Ferraz Caneppele T, Bresciani E. Bulk Fill Resin Restoration: Clinical Considerations and Case Report. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2018;5(8):655-660.
OPEN ACCESS https://scidoc.org/IJDOS.php

the manufacturer’s instructions as performed in the present case In a 3-year study comparing the same flowable bulk fill resin as
scenario. used in the present case, the anatomical form, marginal adapta-
tion, color, marginal staining, surface roughness, and the presence
For obtaining adequate resin polymerization in depth, there is a of secondary caries were evaluated. Failure rates were 1.3% for
minimum required energy, fact that might influence the quality conventional restorations and 0% for bulk fill restorations, lead-
of restoration adaptation due to formation of increased stress ing to a conclusion bulk-fill restoration showed acceptable clinical
at interface. The mechanical properties of resin composites are results comparable to conventional incremental technique [26].
compromised when lower polymerization rates in the deeper ar-
eas of resin are detected [19]. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the Regarding postoperative sensitivity, the present patient reported
amount of transmitted energy by light curing units. The manufac- discomfort at the first days, which had ceased at the one-week
turer recommends the use of a halogen or LED lights at power follow up. This fact has been also detected in a clinical trial, where
density equal or greater than 550mW/cm2. In the present clinical only one out of 138 patients reported postoperative sensitivity
case we used the radii-calunit (SDI - Australia) with 1200mW/cm2 during the first three weeks, as a result of temperature changes
of power density, which is considered a high-power LED curing and occlusal forces [26]. The reason for sensitivity after restora-
light. This ensures the polymerization of deeper layers of flow- tive procedures is not completely known and, besides being sub-
able bulk fill resins. jective, it may be related to lack of irrigation during tooth prepa-
ration, to excessive drying of dentin during bonding procedures,
Effective polymerization in depth is related to greater translu- and might also be related psychological condition of patients.
cency of bulk-fill resins [20], fact that help maintaining their me- Due to the short-term sensitivity present in the clinical case and
chanical properties [9, 12, 18]. It is known that light transmission the low incidence previously reported [26], this fact might not be
is strongly linked to the opacity of materials [21], and also that a concern for employing the bulk fill resin approach.
increased translucency can be achieved by reduction of resin filler
content [22]. More studies are required to improve bulk fill resin mechanical
properties and to increase depth of cure, in order to allow their
Bulk-fill flowable resins have less filler content than the con- use in wider/deeper cavities. More long-term clinical studies are
ventional resins but greater content than conventional flowable necessary to support evidence-based employment of bulk fill res-
resins. By reducing the filler content the mechanical properties ins.
are reduced (tensile and compressive strengths, and resistance to
abrasion), and water sorption is increased [23, 24]. Those con- Conclusion
cerns might explain the manufacturer’s indication to perform a
2mm occlusal layer of conventional resin when using a flowable Bulk fill flowable resin restorations seem to be promising as they
bulk fill resin. It has also been reported the elastic modulus and present acceptable mechanical properties and simplified clini-
surface hardness of flowable materials are also lower than con- cal steps. Cavities receiving bulk fill resins can present 6mm in
ventional resins [25]. depth, and would be filled with two increments opposing to at
least 3 increments using the conventional oblique technique. On
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able bulk fill resin is not covered by conventional resin, so there tablishment of contact point/area is not facilitated and the use of
is a risk of long-term loss of proximal contact due to material covering layer of conventional resin composite is required.
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OPEN ACCESS https://scidoc.org/IJDOS.php

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Feitosa FA, Esteves SR, Crastechini E, Ferraz Caneppele T, Bresciani E. Bulk Fill Resin Restoration: Clinical Considerations and Case Report. Int J Dentistry Oral Sci. 2018;5(8):655-660.

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