Ask The Experts: Longevity of Posterior Composite Restorations

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Ask the Experts


Guest Experts
Vishnu Raj, BDS*
Georgia V. Macedo, DDS†
André V. Ritter, DDS, MS‡

Associate Editor
Edward J. Swift Jr., DMD, MS

QUESTION: What do we know use. During the last several years, bulk fracture and secondary caries
about the longevity of posterior however, resin-based composites (or at the margins.
composite restorations and the rea- simply “composites”) have become
sons for failure? an increasingly popular alternative Historically, posterior composite
for the restoration of the posterior restorations failed because of exces-
ANSWER: The longevity or durabil- dentition, owing to their excellent sive wear, tooth sensitivity, recur-
ity of a dental restorative material esthetics and other favorable rent decay, pulpal death, open
is an important factor in determin- characteristics. contacts, or restorative material
ing its efficacy as a treatment for fracture. Analysis of the perfor-
dental caries and other defects in The use of composites for posterior mance characteristics of an early
the teeth. Yet despite the large num- restorations often initiates compar- posterior composite in Class I and
ber of restorations placed annually isons with the proven track record Class II restorations estimated a 10-
by dental practitioners, the of silver amalgam restorations. year failure rate of 40 to 50%.2
expected lifetime of a given restora- Collins and colleagues analyzed the Another study reported a failure
tion remains a matter of conjecture. 8-year clinical performance of three rate of 26% after a longitudinal
Amalgam has long been the most types of composites, using amalgam assessment of 62 posterior restora-
extensively used material for the restorations as controls.1 At the 8- tions for 10 years.3 Similarly, a 17-
restoration of posterior teeth, year recall, 13.7% of the composite year longitudinal study of
because of the simple handling pro- restorations had failed, as opposed ultraviolet light (UV)-cured poste-
cedures, well-tested physical prop- to 5.8% of the amalgam restora- rior composites demonstrated an
erties, and clinical success tions. The principal modes of excellent success rate of 76% of the
documented for over a century of restoration failure appeared to be restorations.4

*Resident, Operative Dentistry Graduate Program, Department of Operative Dentistry, The University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
†Resident, Operative Dentistry Graduate Program, Department of Operative Dentistry, The University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
‡Associate professor, Department of Operative Dentistry, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

DOI 10.1111/j.1708-8240.2006.00055.x VOLUME 19, NUMBER 1, 2007 3


The impact of advances in compos- the inlays/onlays to be unacceptable situation and is also a determinant
ite research and technology on the after 11 years.7 The main reasons of clinical performance. A review
longevity of posterior restorations for failure of both types of restora- by Brunthaler and colleagues found
is evident in the retrospective study tions were fracture, occlusal wear that filler size had a significant
conducted by Baratieri and Ritter in contact areas, and secondary effect on failure rate, specifically
on the clinical performance of Class caries. Both types of restorations that failure rates were shown to be
I and Class II composite restora- exhibited a higher rate of fracture higher for conventional compared
tions after 4 years.5 Although 2.5% in molars compared with premo- with hybrid composites.12 On the
of the restorations had clinically lars. Another 11-year randomized other hand, as reported previously
detectable marginal fracture, none clinical study compared direct and in this article, Wilder and col-
required replacement. A meta- indirect composite resin restora- leagues reported a success rate of
analysis on the longevity of restora- tions, and estimated a 1.5% annual 76% for UV-cured posterior com-
tions in posterior teeth reported an failure rate for both types of posites after 17 years of clinical
annual failure rate of less than 9% restorations.8 One disadvantage of performance, which is an outstand-
for direct composite restorations.6 indirect resin restorations is the ing figure given the unfavorable
However, any practical application challenge of obtaining adequate properties of this type of
of longevity data is somewhat offset adhesion between resin-based composite.4
by the fact that composite products cements and laboratory-processed
are being modified or superseded composites.9 Composites have certainly come a
almost constantly, thereby mitigat- long way from their inception to
ing the benefits of long-term Composite restorations are tech- their present-day use as the restora-
studies. nique-sensitive, and success may tive material of choice in a multi-
often be contingent on operator tude of clinical situations. Future
Indirect resin-based composite skill and attention to detail. Opdam research is poised to further
restorations are often assumed to and colleagues, in a longitudinal improve the clinical applicability
have better clinical performance study of over 700 posterior com- of resin-based composites, but at
because of the reported improve- posite restorations placed by dental present, keeping in mind the
ments in mechanical properties students, reported a 5-year survival limitations of bonding and poly-
(decreased shrinkage, increased rate of 87%, with an annual failure merization, it is the practitioner’s
wear, and fracture resistance) with rate of 2.8%.10 The main reasons responsibility to make the prudent
prepolymerized resin. However, the for failure were caries, restoration choice of material on a case-by-case
meta-analysis previously cited fracture, endodontic treatment, lack basis.
reported an annual failure rate of of proximal contact, and defective
under 11% for posterior composite margins. It has been proposed that
indirect restorations, which is com- with average or superior clinical REFERENCES
parable to the failure rate reported ability, posterior composite restora- 1. Collins CJ, Bryant RW, Hodge KL. A
clinical evaluation of posterior composite
for direct restorations in the same tions can be expected to last 10 resin restorations: 8-year findings. J Dent
study.6 A longitudinal study of 96 years or more.11 1998;26:311–7.

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1999;11:135–42. 8. Pallesen U, Qvist V. Composite resin fill-
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5. Baratieri LN, Ritter AV. Four-year clini- Clin Oral Investig 2003;7:71–9. Longevity of direct resin composite
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2001;13:50–7. J Dent 1997;25:459–73. ©2007 Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

Editor’s Note: If you have a question on any aspect of esthetic dentistry, please
direct it to the Associate Editor, Dr. Edward J. Swift Jr. We will forward ques-
tions to appropriate experts and print the answers in this regular feature.

Ask the Experts

Dr. Edward J. Swift Jr.
Department of Operative Dentistry
University of North Carolina
CB#7450, Brauer Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450
Telephone: 919-966-2770; Fax: 919-966-5660

VOLUME 19, NUMBER 1, 2007 5

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