5 Non-Action Verb Questions

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3. Mastering of knowledge.

Task A

5 non-action verb questions.

1. Are they going to jungle trekking?
No, they are going to an expedition.

2. Is it Pulau Ubin is dominated by a dense forest?

Yes, Pulau Ubin is dominated by a dense forest.

3. Are military or school groups whose only goal is to toughen up their recruits?
Yes, the military or school groups whose only goal is to toughen up their recruits.

4. Were they took the whole afternoon to reach to the supposed haunted house?
Yes, they took the whole afternoon to reach to the supposed haunted house.

5. Is it the house opened up to a room meant for only one person?

Yes, the house opened up to a room meant for only one person.
5 Action verb questions.
1. Have they going to an expedition?
Yes, they have going to an expedition on Pulau Ubin, Singapore.

2. Does Pulau Ubin is infested with numerous haunted story?

Yes, Pulau Ubin is infested with numerous haunted stories.

3. Did the house was in good condition?

Yes, the house was in rather good condition.

4. Did the simple furniture made out of wood were scattered around?
Yes, the simple furniture made out of wood were scattered around in that haunted

5. Had they managed to open the window wide enough for the smallest person in
their group to climb up?
Yes, they had managed to open the window wide enough for the smallest person in
their group to climb up to open the door
5 tag question.
1. This story is about an expedition on Pulau Ubin isn’t it?
Yes, it is.

2. Pulau Ubin is an island off Singapore isn’t it?

Yes, it is.

3. Pulau Ubin is infested with a numerous legendary stories isn’t it?

No, Pulau Ubin is infested with a numerous haunted stories.

4. They took the whole afternoon to reach the supposed haunted house, didn’t
Yes, they did.

5. they scrambled as fast as their wobbly legs that could bring them to the
window, didn’t they?
Yes, they did.
10 wh- questions.
1. Where is Pulau Ubin located?
Pulau ubin is located at Singapore.

2. Why Pulau Ubin was not suitable for camping and vacation?
Pulau Ubin was not suitable for camping and vacation because it is infested with the
numerous haunted stories.

3. How much the time taken to arrive to the haunted house?

It took us the whole afternoon to reach to the haunted house.

4. What type of smells occurred at the certain corners?

It smelled musty with a heavy layer of dust.

5. When were they decided to leave?

They decide to leave after satisfying their curiousity.

6. What is Singapore well known as?

Singapore is well known as tropical paradise country.

7. Why were they started to shiver uncontrollably?

They started to shiver uncontrollably because the temperature drop very fast.

8. How they managed to open the window?

They pushed with all their might and prayers in their mind.
9. When were they rushed out and basked?
They rushed out and basked in glorious warmth of the sun.

10. Where is the destination that was twice fast?

The destination is back to jetty to mainland Singapore.

1 evaluation question.
Do you think they could get out from the haunted house?
Yes, because they only trapped in the haunted house just for awhile but after one of
them managed to open the door, they can get out.

1 appreciation level question.

If you was one of them, did you supposed to go to the haunted house?
No, if I was one of them, I would not supposed to go to the haunted house that were
many trouble and dangerous that waiting there.
Task B

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