Instruction: Answers Should Written in English Only
Instruction: Answers Should Written in English Only
Instruction: Answers Should Written in English Only
Answer any eight sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (8x2=16)
1. a) Give the meaning of money-market.
b) What is Right Issue ?
c) What is Housing Finance ?
d) Who are under-writers ?
e) Who are financial advisors ?
f) What is a financial market ?
g) What is Mobile Banking ?
h) Give the meaning of DEMAT A/c.
i) What is Hire Purchase ?
j) What is meant by Growth Fund ?
Answer any three questions. Each question carries eight marks. (3x8=24)
2. What are the features of Primary market ?
3 List out the differences between Financial Lease and Operating Lease.
4. List out the differences between Debit card and Credit card.
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Answer to Q.10 is compulsory and any three out of the remaining questions.
Each question carries fifteen marks. (4x15=60)