Instruction: Answers Should Written in English Only

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UN - 447

V Semester B.B.M. Examination, Nov./Dec. 2015

(2014-15 and Onwards) (F + R)
5.7 : Elective Paper - II : Financial Markets and Services

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : Answers should be written in English only.

Answer any eight sub-questions. Each sub-question carries two marks. (8x2=16)
1. a) Give the meaning of money-market.
b) What is Right Issue ?
c) What is Housing Finance ?
d) Who are under-writers ?
e) Who are financial advisors ?
f) What is a financial market ?
g) What is Mobile Banking ?
h) Give the meaning of DEMAT A/c.
i) What is Hire Purchase ?
j) What is meant by Growth Fund ?

Answer any three questions. Each question carries eight marks. (3x8=24)
2. What are the features of Primary market ?
3 List out the differences between Financial Lease and Operating Lease.
4. List out the differences between Debit card and Credit card.

5. Discuss various roles of SEBI in marketing of securities.

UN — 447


Answer to Q.10 is compulsory and any three out of the remaining questions.
Each question carries fifteen marks. (4x15=60)

6. What do you mean by listing of securities ? Describe the listing procedure.

7. What are the functions performed by SEBI ?

8. Explain the marketing aspects of Mutual Fund.

9. What do you understand by venture capital ? Explain its significance.

10. Explain the benefits and limitations of credit-cards.

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