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Form 14R


Directions for questions 1-25. Youwill hear questions on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b,c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

1. a. He left his unit. 8. a. last

b. He assumed control. b. secondary
c. He found his unit. c. wrong
d. He lost control. d. most important

2. a. Do you know when it left? 9. a. "I am."

b. Were you there when it b. "I see.'1
left? c. "I stand."
c. Were you on it when it d. "I can."
d. Did you miss the bus? 10. a. farms
b. residences
3. a. It's about a ten minute c. factories
drive. d. parks
b. I always walk to work.
c. I go to work by car. 11. a. begin
d. I ride to work with Bill. b. stop
c. finish
4. a. Can you help me paint d. improve
Room 240?
b. Can you help me find 12. a. his dues
Room 240? b. his bill
c. Can you help me clean c. his billfold
up Room 240? d. his room
d. Can you help me put a
lock on Room 240? 13. a. delighted
b. hungry
5. a. Yes, 1 go. c. afraid
b. No, I haven't. d. pleased
c. Yes, I have to.
d. Yes, he has to. 14. a. well done
b. good done
6. a. fast c. nice done
b. light d. best done
c. dark
d. heavy 15. a. It is expensive.
b. It is boring.
7. a. at noon c. It is enjoyable.
b. just at dark d. It is bad.
c. at 2400 hours
d. tomorrow night
ALCPT Form 14R
16. a. so as not to seek a cold 21. a. A prize was gave to him.
b. so as not to bring a cold b. He gave a prize.
c. so as not to cure a cold c. He gives a prize.
d. so as not to catch a. ctold d. A prize was given to him.

17. a. reduce them 22. a. a list of men

b. increase them b. a group of women
c. improve them c. a list of the food available
d. eliminate them d. a list of members

18. a. tense 23. a. He is broken.

b. nervous b. He has no money.
c. at ease c. He is sick.
d. tired d. He is thirsty.

19. a. stormy 24. a. besides him

b. threatening b. opposite him
c. damp c. in front of him
d. fair d. beside him

20. a. bumpy 25. a. inoculated

b. wavy b. insulated
c. smooth c. live wire
d. tough d. coiled wire
Directions for questions 26-50. You will now hear statements on the test
tape. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer

26. a. Don't wait for class. 29. a. His temperature is above

b. Don't be early for class. normal.
c. Be on time for class. b. His temperature is below
d. Be alert in class. normal.
c. His feet are cold this
27. a. She forgot her lesson. morning.
b. She didn't forget her d. He has eaten this morning.
c. She wasn't a member of 30. a. I don't need toothpaste.
b. I must get some toothpaste.
her class.
c. I have two tubes of
d. She forgot to go to class.
28. a. d. I just bought some
Hal completed his
31. a. I don't want to know it.
b. Hal was late for class.
c. Hal finished highest in b. I don't care about it.
his class. c. I'm not happy with it.
d. Hal had an accident in d. I don't know it.
ALCPT Form 14R

32. a. The brakes are operating 39. a. Allow him to stay inside.
properly. b. Keep away from him.
b. The brake system is not c. Be friendly to him.
functioning properly. d. Keep him warm.
c. The brake system has a
foul odor. 40. a. It was very delicious.
d. The brake fluid is flowing b. It was too tough.
freely. c. It was well cooked.
d. It was not cooked enough.
33. a. Stop what you are doing.
b. Lie down over here. 41. a. It was reinforced.
c. Go back to work. b. It was successful.
d. Continue working. c. It was fought off.
d. It was ordered.
34. a. The restaurant is opposite
the library. 42. a. He taught his friend the
b. The restaurant is around right answer.
the corner from the b. He wanted his friend to teach
library. him the right answer.
c. The restaurant is across c. He believed his friend had
town from the library. the right answer.
d. The restaurant is at the d. His friend taught him the
other end of the library. right answer.
35. a. It was a short run to the 43. a. It can be combined with gas.
bank. b. It can be added to gas.
b. He ran a short distance. c. It can be changed to a gas.
c. He had spent almost all d. It can be collected with gas.
of his money.
d. He had just cashed a check. 44. a. He is trying to design a fast
36. a. They took part in sports. b. He is trying to design one
B. They watched sports. that makes no sound.
C. They were partial to sports. c. He is trying to design one
d. They were partly interested that lands vertically.
in sports. d. He is trying to design a
plane that is cheap to fly.
37. a. I interrupted John and Paul.
b. Paul was interrupted. 45. a. He cannot hear.
c. Paul interrupted us. b. He cannot see.
d. John interrupted us. c. He cannot talk.
d. He cannot walk.
38. a. The price has been
increased. 46. a. He was tired of hearing
b. The price has been reduced. complaints.
c. The suit has been sold. b. He was tired of hearing music.
d. The suit is not to be sold. c. He was tired of hearing the
d. He was tired of hearing the
ALCPT Form 14R
47. a. She doesn't want to. 49. a. He explained the progress,
b. She doesn't object. b.. He explained
c. She doesn't like to do the procedure.
them. c. He explained the dialog.
d. She isn't paying d. He explained the enrollment.
50. a. He didn't hear the question.
48. a. We heard an argument. b. He couldn't answer
b. We heard the band. the
c. We heard the bell. question.
d. We heard a talk. c. He couldn't read the
d. He thought the answer was
Directions for questions 51-tO. You will now h'-ar dialogs on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d, and mark your answer sheet.
51. a. remove a tire 56. a. a different religion
b. do the job immediately b. a different telescope
c. take his time c. a different opinion
d. check the air pressure d. a different location
52. a. only a quarter 57. a. He'll be there in a few
b. less than a quarter minutes.
c. more than a quarter b. He wasn't going.
d. none at all c. He was leaving immediately.
d. He'd take a long time.
53. a. waiting for his laundry
to dry 58. a. by staying at the seashore
b. getting his laundry b. by staying at the pool
c. delivering his dirty c. by using a man-made light
clothes d. by exposure to the moon
d. putting his laundry in
the machine 59. a. as soon as possible
b. the next day
54. a. It was broken in small c. in a week or two
pieces. d. at some time in the future
b. It was dirty.
c. It was locked tight. 60. a. a ticket to Houston and
d. It was full of paint. back
b. a one-way ticket
55. c. a ticket purchased on
a. a good box of vegetables credit
b. a good price for d. a ticket paid for with
vegetables cash
c. only one or two
d. a good selection of
ALCPT Form 14R


Directions for questions 61-100. Choose the one correct answer a, b, c,

or d, and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

61. The instrument was of European origin.

a. It was destroyed in Europe.
b. It was made in Europe.
c. It was played in Europe.
d. It was sent to Europe.

62. He ought to go today.

a. He can go.
b. He will go.
c. He might go.
d. He should go.

63. I would rather have tea.

a. I prefer tea.
b. I refer to tea.
c. I dislike tea.
d. My tea is rather hot.

64. When oil is pumped from the well, it is ......__.

a. used immediately
b. brought up from the ground
c. burned
d. left in the ground

65. They tied the boat to the....... _.

a. sand
b. rope
c. sails
d. pier

66. I learned to swim by myself.

a. by being selfish
b. with assistance
c. without assistance
d. without resistance

67. Petroleum has been known for many centuries.

a. hundreds of years
b. thousands of years
c. several years
d. many decades
ALCPT Form 14R

68. The weather is getting colder now.

a. taking
b. going
c. making
d. becoming

69. Allen got a good deal of static on his radio

a. much
b. some
c. no
d. very little

70. I go to town frequently.

a. occasionally
b. often
c. seldom
d. alone
71, The electrician performed his job
a. liked
b. got
c. did
d. ignored
72 This is the place the accident
a. where occurred,
b. when
c. which
d. why
73, Peter is six feet tall. His brother is five feet tall. Peter
________ his brother. is
a. tallest than
b. taller than
c. as tall as
d. more tall
74. If we lose our money, we to you immediately.
a. wrote
b. will write
c. are writing
d. would have written
75. The doctor used a to take my temperature
a. stethoscope
b. barometer
c. microscope
d. thermometer
ALCPT Form 14R

76. ......._ you like to visit us Friday evening?

a. Could
b. Would
c. Should
d. Will

77. They work....... _ in the classroom.

a. good
b. well
c. slow
d. careful

78. He is neither rich _______ poor.

a. and
b. but
c. or
d. nor

79. Electricity is _______ by a copper wire.

a. conducted
b. conductive
c. conduct
d. conduction

80. You can't swim,.......?

a. can't you
b. don't you
c. do you
d. can you

81. You should use a pen........ .

a. to writing
b. of writing
c. for writing
d. for write

82. You studied hard,......?

a. don't you
b. haven't you
c. weren't you
d. didn't you'

83. I've ________ for three months.

a. am studying
b. will have studied
c. studied
d. had studied
ALCPT Form 14R

84. Have you met the person....... _?

a. who will teach our class
b. our class who will teach
c. who will our class teach
d. our class will who teach

85. Mary is not as beautiful as Stella. Stella is .......__ than Mary.

a. more beautiful
b. much beautiful
c. most beautiful
d. beautiful

86. Bob and Thomas are not as intelligent as Bill. Bill is .......__ the
a. the most intelligent of
b. intelligent of
c. more intelligent than
d. intelligence of

87. "It is getting late, " said the Lieutenant. "I'll......___. "
a. have going now
b. have to be gone now
c. will have go now
d. have to go now

88. At the end of his visit, Lt. Smith left the hotel. Lt. Smith

the hotel.
a. registered at
b. checked out of
c. returned to
d. checked into

89.Before ________, he locked his door.

a. he leaves

b. left

c. leaving

d. to leaving

90. He______ there before.

a. is been

b. had been]

c. should been

d. was been

91. Ernest threw the ball. The ball .....____ by Ernest

a. was throw
b. did thrown
c. have thrown
d. was thrown
ALCPT Form 14R

92. Do you want me...... ___ the letter?

a. do mall
b. for mail
c. mailing
d. to mail
93. Here is my phone number. Please give me a when you get back,
a. visit
b. talk
c. care
d. ring
94. When the volcano emits smoke, it smok
a. mixes e
b. draws
c. takes in
d. sends out
95. How long have you been here? I'll here three months next
a. been
b. will be
c. would be
d. have been
96. Leon is poor. He has mone
a. few y
b. small
c. little
d. less much
97. I ride the bus nearly every day. ride the bus
a. always
b. sometimes
c. usually
d. seldom
98. He went to college the age of nineteen,
a. during
b. in
c. at
d. between
99. Can you tell me ________?
a. where is the train station
b. the train station is where
c. is where the train station
d. where the train station is
ALCPT Fora 14R

100. Choose the correct sentence:

a. He wore his raincoat-because it was raining when he left.
b. It was raining because he wore his raincoat when he left.
c. Because he wore his raincoat it was raining.
d. Because of his raincoat it was raining.


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