Defense Language Instiiule English Language Center: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
Defense Language Instiiule English Language Center: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
Defense Language Instiiule English Language Center: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
N2 1229
Time Limit:
PART I -25 Minutes
PART II -29 Minutes
Directions for questions 1-25. You will hear questions on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. DO
1. a. They weren't home. 9. a. open the view
b. We weren't home. b. improve the view
c. I wasn't home. c. change the view
d. He wasn't home. d. block the view
35. a. Joe went to bed early the 41. a. The students gave the librarian
next morning. their assignment.
b. Joe plans to be awake early b. The students forgot their
the following day. information at the library.
c. Joe is planning to go to c. The students left their
bed early tomorrow. assignments at the library.
d. Joe is not going to bed d. The students obtained some
tomorrow. information at the library.
ALCPT Form 20R
42. a. The Lieutenant told the men 47. a. Jack worked on the report.
to leave now. b. Jack is working on the report.
b. The Lieutenant wanted to see c. Jack is talking to his friend.
the troops before their d. Susan is working on the report.
c. The Lieutenant told the 48. a. He will finish his work today.
troops to change uniforms. b. He doesn't want to finish it
d. The Lieutenant told the today.;
group to report for drill. c. He is able to work today.
d. He will not finish his work
43. a. She looked for her friend. today.
b. She saw her friend.
c. She didn't like her friend. 49. a. Yesterday Martha was present
d. She talked to her friend. for her birthday.
b. Martha gave us a birthday
44. a. He is liked by everyone. present yesterday.
b. He has a lot of ability. c. Martha received a birthday
c. He studies very hard. present from us yesterday.
He is disliked by many. d. Yesterday Martha gave a birthday
45. a. The noises disturb me.
b. Noises increase ray attention. 50, a. I want you to be next to me when
c. The studies make me sleepy. we graduate.
d. I am studying noises. b. I expect you to have a good
time before graduation.
46. a. He continued because he c. I will call you immediately
was tired. after my graduation.
b. He was tired but he d. Call your friends and let them
continued. know about my graduation.
c. He was tired so he stopped.
d. He was not tired so he
Directions for questions 51-60. You will now hear dialogs on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer, a, b, c, or d, and mark your answer sheet.
51. a. The instructor wrote the 52. a. Captain Johnson asked Mr. Hill to
information. read the orders.
b. The instructor determined b. Mr. Hill understood that Captain
the reason for the student Johnson did not want him to
failures. fold the orders.
The Instructor could not c. Captain Johnson would not give
arrive at the reason for the orders to anybody except
failures„ Mr. Hill.
d. The instructor was ^orrited d. Captain Johnson wanted Mr. Hill
because the students did not to have a clear understanding
pass. of the orders.
ALCPT Form 20R
53. a. His mother called him 56.
long distance. a. They were leaving the city.
b. He drove a long distance I. They were touring the city.
to see his mother. c. They were enjoying the city.
d. They were getting near the city.
c. His mother will be
charged for the call. 57. a. The line was straight up and
b. The line was lying on the ground,
c. The line stretched very tightly.
d. The line was visible.
d. His mother collects
money for phone calls.
61. The commander asked the radio operator, "Can you pick up that
message?11 The operator said, "__________. "
a. Yes, I can send it
b. Yes, I can hear it
c. Yes, I can lift it
d. Yes, I can delay it
62. Jack gave a definite answer to the question. His answer was __________.
a. happy
b. firm
c. . not clear
d. long
ALCPT Form 20R
65. "Would you please switch the plates?" "Certainly, I'll _________. "
a. change them
b. turn them over
c. break them
d. clean them
66. Jan used caution while driving in the rain. She drove __________.
a. as usual
b. happily
c. dangerously
d. carefully
67. The visitors got the picture after the Lieutenant explained what was
a. The visitors understood the situation.
b. The visitors took notes.
c. The visitors took color slides.
d. The visitors were confused when they left.
69. Barbara ought not to help the rest of the students with their lessons,
a. The students do not need any help.
b. Barbara should help the rest of the students,
c Barbara needs he. Ip from the other students.
d. The rest of the students should not receive help.
70. The mechanic asked his helper to hand over the pair of pliers.
a. The helper took the pliers from the mechanic.
b. The mechanic gave the pliers to the helper.
c. The mechanic asked his helper to look for the pliers.
d. The mechanic asked for the pliers,.
ALCPT Form 20R
71. In spite of the bad weather, scheduled flights departed on
a. The planes were grounded because of the bad weather.
b. It's good weather for flying.
c. Bad weather caused the schedule to change.
d. The weather did not affect the schedule.
72. Candy always tastes
a. sweeter than
b. more sweeter
c. sweet
d. more sweet
73. The students will study the words for tomorrow.
a. follows
b. follow
c. followed
d. following
in one place for such a long time was very uncomfortable,
a. Sitting
b. Sat
c. Sit
d. For sitting
That student all the new words very well now.
a. is known
b. knowing
c. knows
d. knew
It was wonderful our old classmates again.
a. to see
b. to seeing
c. seen
d. for seeing
a. Clark for that company for ten years.
is working
c. -
been working
has been
working is
being working
The student has been in this school one
a. since year,
b. until
c. in
d. for
ALCPT Form 20R
74. _________ in one place for such a long time was very
a. Sitting
b. Sat
c. Sit
d. For sitting
75. That student _______ all the new words very well now.
a. is known
b. knowing
c. knows
d. knew
77. Mr. Clark _______ for that company for ten years.
a. is working
b. been working
c. ^has been working
d. is being working
78. The student has been in this school ________ one year.
a. since
b. until
c. in
d. for
ALCPT Form 20R
82. Patricia finished her homework sooner than Dick. Patricia completed the
task ________.
a. more quickly than Dick
b. most quickly for Dick
c. less quickly than Dick
d. as quickly as Dick
84. When do you suppose you can come back to visit us? *.
b. believe
c. propose
d. support
89. The temperature during the day went below the _______point.
a. frozen
b. freezing
c. freezer
d. froze
95. Who ________ the food for the party next weekend?
a. furnish
b. will furnishing
c. are furnishing
d. is furnishing
97. Not much _______ about the matter since that time.
a. to say
b. is saying
c. have to say
d. has been said
100. Bill: "This is the car that John bought from Mr. Smith. "
Tom: "I didn't even know that he had bought a car. "
a. Bill is showing John the car that Mr. Smith bought.
b. Bill says that John bought Mr. Smith's car.
;. T^m knew that Mr. Smith had bought a new car. d. Tom
is telling Bill that Mr. Smith bought a new car.
A L C P T 20 R
1 D 26 B 51 B 76 A
2 B 27 B 52 D 77 C
3 D 28 B 53 C 78 D
4 C 29 B 54 B 79 C
5 C 30 C 55 B 80 A
6 A 31 A 56 D 81 C
7 C 32 B 57 A 82 A
8 C 33 A 58 A 83 C
9 D 34 A 59 A 84 B
10 A 35 B 60 D 85 A
11 B 36 A 61 B 86 C
12 B 37 D 62 B 87 D
13 A 38 B 63 D 88 D
14 B 39 C 64 D 89 B
15 A 40 C 65 A 90 D
16 C 41 D 66 D 91 A
17 A 42 B 67 A 92 A
18 C 43 A 68 D 93 C
19 D 44 B 69 D 94 D
20 C 45 A 70 D 95 D
21 B 46 B 71 D 96 C
22 C 47 B 72 C 97 D
23 C 48 D 73 D 98 B
24 A 49 C 74 A 99 A
25 C 50 C 75 C 100 B