Latihan UN B.inggris

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Tryout 1 – B.

Inggris SPH lippo Village

The following text is for questions 1 and 2 I hope this solution is satisfactory to
you. Again, I am so very sorry this happened. I
ATTENTION will bring you the bowl soon.
To apply for a new drive license, come to
the BRI to buy a form. Then bring the Your friend,
form you’ve completed to the license Michael
office Monday through Friday between
8.00 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. You will take a 3. What is the purpose of the letter?
written test and a driving test after you A. Diego and Michael are best friends
fill in other forms from the license office. B. To tell Michael that Diego’s bowl had
There will be a fee but not much. been broken
C. To tell Diego that Michael had been
1. The announcement mainly informs … to get used his apartment
a new driving license. D. Michael thanked and asked apology to
A. What requirements should one fulfill Diego for his fault
B. What kinds of test should one take E. Diego thanked to Michael for helping
C. Where should one buy the form him kept his apartment
D. How much should one pay
E. What one should do 4. Why did Michael ask apology from Diego?
Because ....
2. What must be done before taking the A. He broke his promise.
written and driving test ? B. He stole Diego’s bowl.
A. send to the license office Buy the C. He broke Diego’s bowl.
license form D. He used Diego’s apartement.
B. pay a drive license fee E. He was dusting his beautiful bowl.
C. Buy the license form
D. Come to the BRI The following text is for questions 5 to 7.
E. fill in the forms

The following text is for questions 3 and 4 A Biography of An Internet Enterpreneur

Dear Diego,
Thank you very much for letting me Jan Koum is an American internet
used your apartment while you were away. I enterpreneur and computer engineer. He is
tried to leave everything just as I found it. You the CEO and co-founder with Brian Acton of
will unfortunately, find one thing missing. I Whatsapp, a mobile messaging application
wanted to do you a favor by cleaning the which was acquired by Facebook Inc. in
living room. While I was dusting that beautiful February 2014 for US $ 19 Billion.
bowl you keep on the office table, it fell out of Koum was born in Kylv, Ukraine on
my hand and broke. February 24, 1976. He is a Jewish. He grew up
I am terribly sorry about breaking in Fativ, outside Kylv, and moved with his
your bowl. I know that it was a present from mother and grandmother to Mountain View,
your grandmother and that it means a lot to California in 1992, where a social support
you. Things like that are irreplaceable. I think, program helped the family to get a small two-
however, that the bowl can be fixed. It broke bedroom apartment, at the age of 16. His
into just three large pieces. I have a friend father had intended to join the family later,
who is an expert on valuable chine, and I have but finally remained in Ukraine. At first
given her the bowl to repair. You should have Koum’s mother worked as a babysitter, while
it back in a few days, and I think it will look as he himself worked as a cleaner at a grocery.
good as new. By the age of 18, he became interested in
programming. He enrolled at San Jose State
University and simultaneously worked at Ernst
Tryout 1 – B.Inggris SPH lippo Village

and Young as security tester. A. a mobile messaging application which

In 1997, Jan Koum was hired by Yahoo was acquired by Facebook Inc.
as an infrastructure engineer, shortly after he B. Application that Jon found in iPhone
met Brian Acton while working at Ernst & first time he had that phone.
Young as a security tester. Over the next nine C. Words taken from the expression
years, they worked at Yahoo. In September “What’s up? “
2007 Koum and Acton left Yahoo and took a D. Jon’s and Acton’s place of work
year off, traveling around South America and E. Part of Facebook program
playing ultimate frisbee. Both applied and
failed to work at Facebook. In January 2009, 7. They will improve the road and electricity
he bought an iPhone and realized that the power of this city soon. What is the word
then-seven-month-old App Store was about from the passage above that can
to spawn a whole new industry of apps. He replace the words underlined in the
visited his friend Alex Fishman and the two sentence?
talked for hours about Koum’s idea for an app A. simultaneously D. spawn
over tea at Fishman’s kitchen counter. Koum B. entrepreneur E. industry
almost immediately chose the name C. infrastructure
WhatsApp because it sounded like “ what’s up
“, and a week later on his birthday, Feb 24, The following text is for questions 8 to 10.
2009, he incorporated WhatsApp Inc. in
California. How to supply power in your cell phone
WhatsApp became popular in just a
small amount of time, and this caught First, open the cover of the cellular phone.
Facebook’s attention Facebook’s founder, Then insert the SIM card after being installed.
Mark Zuckerberg first contacted Koum in the Next, insert the battery inside. Before you
spring 2012. The two began meeting at a connect the lead from the charger to the
coffee shop in Los Altos, California, then bottom of the cellular phone, close the
began a series of dinners and walked the hills battery with a cover of it. Connect the charger
above Silicon Valley. to an AC wall outlet. Charging the battery
On February 9, Zuckerberg asked Koum supplied with the phone may take four up to
to have dinner at his home, and formally six hours. When the battery is fully charged,
proposed Koum a deal to join the Facebook the bar stops scrolling. Then disconnect the
board. charger from the AC outlet and the phone.
His mother died in 2000 of cancer in the Finally we are ready to make a phone call.
United States, while his father died in Ukraine
in1997. 8. what does the text mainly about?
In 2014, he entered the Forbest list of A. Tips how to activate a cellular phone
the 400 richest Americans at position 62, with B. Instruction how to make a cell phone
an estimated worth of more than seven and C. Explanation how to get a cellular
half billion dollars. He was the highest-ranked phone
newcomer to the list that year. D. Description how to insert a memory
5. What does this passage talk about mostly? card
A. Jon Koum’s life E. Instruction how to charge the phone
B. Mark Zuckerberg battery
C. WhatsApp and Facebook
D. Jon Koum and Brian Acton 9. What should we do after inserting the
E. How Mark Zuckerberg approached Jon SIM card?
Koum A. open the cover of the cell phone
B. close the battery with a cover
6. Jon Koum found WhatsApp with his C. disconnect the charger
partner Brian Acton. What is WhatsApp? D. insert the battery inside
Tryout 1 – B.Inggris SPH lippo Village

E. turn the cell phone on first shot but not the second. They tied the
game. We had OT but neither team
10. “...close the battery with a cover of it.” scored. We went into a penalty shoot
What does the word it refer to? out. Our team got all our shots in, and saved
A. the phone D. the AC outlet. three of the other team’s shots. We won the
B. the battery E. The cellular phone finals. We got medals and t-shirts saying that
C. the charger. we were the champions.

The following text is for questions 11 to 13 We won the Souh Portland tournament.

Soccer Story 11. How were the writer and his team
going to the finals?
When I was nine, my soccer team went to a A. they won the second game
tournament in South Portland. The only B. they won the third game
reason we got there was because we didn’t C. they won the first game
lose a game during the regular season. The D. they got penalty kick
first game was easy for my team. We beat E. they played Saco
Biddeford five to one. I got one goal and one
assist. My friend Patrick got a hat trick, and 12. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
Bailey got a goal also. A. The writer’s soccer tournament in
South Portland.
The next game was a lot tougher. We played B. The writer and his team played
Westbrook and beat them one nil. I played Westbrook and beat them one nil.
goalkeeper for the entire game. My C. The game was tied until the final
teammate Josh is the one who scored the minute when our best player scored.
only goal of the game. We barely made the D. The writer and his team played
playoff. We were tied with two other teams, Bonny Eagle, and the final score was
but we had more goals than they did so we four to six.
got to move on. E. The writer and his team got medals
and t-shirts saying that we were the
The third game was the hardest yet. We champions.
would get a goal then they would. This went
on for about four goals then finally my team 13. From the text, we know that the writer is
scored two in a row. This game we played … of the team.
Bonny Eagle, and the final score was four to A. A striker
six. Our team won, so we went on to B. A captain
semifinals and played the Massabesic C. A goal keeper
team. We tied them, so we went onto D. A Middle player
sudden death. In sudden death they took out E. The best player
one of our midfielders in the box. We got a
penalty kick. Our best player took the kick The following text is for questions 14 to 17
and put it right in the top corner.

We won, and we’re going to the finals! We GIRAFFE

played Saco. It was the toughest game I had
ever played as a goalie. I saved eighteen Giraffe is the highest animal in the world.
shots. The game was tied until the final Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and
minute when our best player scored. It was its weight about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has a
one to zero with 56 seconds left. The other unique characteristic. They have a very
team set up for an attack play. They had long neck and two small horns on its head.
seven on offense. They rushed up the field, Giraffes have big brown eyes and
got past the defense and shot. I saved the protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her
body is covered with a unique pattern that
Tryout 1 – B.Inggris SPH lippo Village

is attached by brown spots all over their B. The mature female giraffe is in the
body. age of six
Just like camels, giraffes can survive C. Giraffe is the tallest mammal in the
without drinking for long time because world
giraffes can rely on the water contained in D. Giraffe needs a big amount of water
leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in E. Baby giraffe bears in all position
choosing food. They always eat young leaves
that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue The following text is for questions 18 to 20
shaped like a knife help them to cut
branches which are very hard.
Female giraffes can start pregnant at the Laptop as Teacher’s Best Buddy
age of five years, with a gestation period of
15 months. Commonly female giraffe bear Traditionally, teacher brings text book, ruler
one baby, but sometimes two babies at and such other stuff. Moreover, in this
once. Giraffes bear its baby with a standing multimedia era, teachers need more to reach
position. When the baby is about to be born, their teaching goal. Teachers need power
they just drop it to the ground from a 1.5 point to present the material easily. Of course
meter of height. Baby giraffe can stand with it will need more time to type but it will
about 20 minutes since being born, and deserve for its function.
begin breastfeeding within an hour of birth. Additionally, modern teachers tend to apply
fast transferring knowledge to the students
because the teachers need to catch the target
14. The text tells us about …. of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be
A. Giraffe’s reproduction given in demonstrative method. Consequently
B. The strange animals teachers need extra media to present the
C. The heaviest animal subject gratifyingly. Since there is a laptop
D. Baby giraffe used by the teachers, it will help them to
E. Giraffe create some teaching aids for the students to
get better understanding.
15. The unique characteristic of giraffe is …. Finally, finding an appropriate laptop which
A. Two horns on its head has gigabytes of memory is not difficult as it
B. Their long neck was. Recently there is an online shop which
C. Brown spot provides comprehensive information. The
D. Their food best is that the shop has service of online
E. Their life shopping. The teachers just need to brows
that online shop, decide which or laptop they
16. Why can girrafes survive without drinking need, then complete the transaction. After
for long time? It because.... that the laptop will be delivered to the
A. when the girrafes born the baby, they teachers' houses or office. That is really easy
they just drop it to the ground from a and save time and money.
1.5 meter of height Based on the arguments above having
B. female giraffe can bear one or two laptop is absolutely useful for teachers who
babies at once want to reach the best result for their
C. they consume water containing leaves teaching. Buying laptop online is advisable
D. they are selective in choosing food because it will cut the price. This online way is
E. Their tongue look like a knife recommended since online shop also provide
several laptop types. Teachers just need to
17. From the text above, we can conclude decide which type they really need.
that ….
A. The gestation period of female giraffe
is 5 months
Tryout 1 – B.Inggris SPH lippo Village

18. Why do modern teachers need a laptop? immediately brought to Cipto Mangunkusumo
Hostipal (RSCM).
A. To help them to apply fast
transferring knowledge to the 21. What does the text talk about?
students A. A bus accident
B. To reach their best result for their B. A motorcycle accident
studying C. A man killed in a collision
C. To present power point in front of D. The accident in industrial area
them E. The victim was immediatly brought to
D. To make the students feel awesome RSCM
E. To make them proud of us
22. Who was immediatly brought to RSCM?
19. The main idea of paragraph three is … A. The man on the street
A. It is easy to buy laptop. B. The police officer
B. Laptop is easy to find. C. The bus driver
C. We can buy laptop online. D. AKP Turyono
D. Laptop is very useful device. E. Toni Saptian
E. Laptop is cheaper thing to buy.
23. What is the main idea of the second
20. Traditionally, teacher brings text book, A. There was an accident in Plumpang.
ruler and such other stuff . What does B. The accident happened due to a man
the italic word mean? slipped.
A. pen D. pencil C. The witness was surprised to hear the
B. book E. eraser loud crash.
C. things D. The accident in Plumpang attracted
people’s attention.
The following text is for questions 21 to 24 E. The chronology explanation from the
local police officer.

Jakarta: A man was killed in a collision 24. What was the cause of the collision?
between a bus and a motorcycle. Toni Saptian A. The bus didn’t use its light.
(49) was found dead at the site after the B. The brakes of the bus malfunctioned.
scene of the accident. At that time, he was C. The motorcycle slipped on the busway
driving a Suzuki Skywave motorcycle. D. The rider carried more than two
The accident, occurring in industrial areas, people.
Plumpang, Jakarta Utara, attracted people’s E. The motorcycle tried to overtake the
attention while they were passing by. An bus.
eyewitness said, “I was surprised to hear the
loud crash and the sound of tires screeching. The following text is for questions 25 to 27
Then, I saw a man lying on the road suffering
from severe injuries to his head. He died then The Centres for Disease Control ( CDC )
and there.” The local police officer, AKP recommends getting 28 doses of 10vaccines
Turyono, explained the chronology of the for kids aged 0 to six. No US federal laws
accident. “He went through the busway lane. mandate vaccination, but all 50 states require
Then, he slipped because the separator is too certain vaccination for cildren entering public
high. A bus came from behind. It was too schools.
close for the bus to stop.” Most states offer medical and
This incident is still under investigation by religious exemptions; and some states allow
North Jakarta police. The victim was philosophical exemptions. Proponents say
Tryout 1 – B.Inggris SPH lippo Village

that vaccination is safe and one of the C. The disadvantages of executing

greatest health developments of the 20th vaccine for kids.
century. They point out that illnesses, D. The against issue for beneficial of
including rubella, diphtheria, smallpox, polio, vaccine for kids.
and whooping cough, are now pevented by E. The proponent issue for beneficial of
vaccination and millions of children vaccine for kids.
‘s lives are saved. They contend adverse
reactions to vaccines are extremely rare. Complete the text with the correct words.
Opponents say that children’s
immune systems can deal with most The last day of school is a fun time but also a
infections naturally, and that injecting little sad too. It is an exciting time because
questionable vaccine ingredients into a child you are officially on summer break, but you
may cause side effects, including seizures, have to say goodbye to your friends until you
paralysis, and death. They contend that get together over the summer. The locker
numerous studies prove that vaccines may area is crowded with people (28). …. and
trigger problems like autism, ADHD, and saying goodbye. People are also packing their
diabetes. bags full with everything from their lockers.
The blue lockers are left to stand empty just
25. Why do CDC recommend getting 28 as they were in the beginning of the year.
doses of 10 vaccines for kids aged 0 to six Backpacks are full of everything from pencils
? to textbooks and even notecards from
A. The numerous studies prove that the beginning of the year. I am glad my
vaccines may not a trigger problems backpack has wheels, so I did not have to put
like autism, ADHD, and diabetes. strain on my back. I am (29) …. to go on my
B. The adverse reactions to vaccines are family vacation and have my birthday party.
extremely rare. As I look back on it now, I feel just the same
C. The vaccinations are very important way as I was at the time, happy but sad. As I
for people. said (30)…. to my friends I walked out the
D. All diseases are prevented by door rolling my backpack behind me. As soon
vaccination. as I smelled the fresh warm air I knew it was
E. Vaccinations for children is a going to be a great summer!

26. What is the reason of people that 28.

vaccination is not important? A. Hug D. was hugging
A. Vaccination is safe. B. Hugged E. being hugged
B. Certain diseas cn be prevented by C. hugging
C. Vaccines ingredients may not cause
side effects. 29.
D. They point out that illnesses are now A. sad D. jealous
prevented by vaccines. B. scared E. anxious
E. Children’s immune system can deal C. excited
with most infections naturally.

27. What does the third paragraph tell about 30.

? A. goodbye D. good afternoon
A. The important of vaccine for kids. B. good night E. good evening
B. The advantages of executing vaccine C. good morning
for kids

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