Green Aviation Fact Sheet Web PDF
Green Aviation Fact Sheet Web PDF
Green Aviation Fact Sheet Web PDF
Passenger air traffic continues to grow in the Spread across NASA’s existing portfolio of aero-
U.S. and around the world and shows no signs of nautical research, green aviation is not considered
slowing down. More than 815 million people flew part of a single project or program. Green aviation
domestically on U.S. carriers in 2012, up 1.3 per- represents an aim that has guided many of NASA’s
cent from 2011. Worldwide, forecasts predict 3.6 research goals since the earliest days of aviation,
billion passengers will fly in 2016, of which almost and especially after the environmental awareness
Wind tunnels, simulators and other testing facilities help answer key, early ques- 500 million will originate in the U.S. and the energy shortages of the 1970s required in-
tions about the promise of technology options. Image credit: NASA venting innovative ways to quiet airplanes, reduce
Accommodating such growth will require new air pollution and burn fuel more efficiently.
aircraft and more flights, plus new runways and
airports. Without intervention, the likely conse- In addition to aircraft-related improvements, green
Within the Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project, quences are a significant escalation in harmful jet aviation touches on air traffic management, which
research toward achieving the simultaneous goals described engine emissions, unprecedented traffic jams in focuses mostly on enabling aircraft to move more
earlier is organized into three main areas: the sky, nonstop noise near airports, and more efficiently through the national airspace system,
citizens unhappy about the effects on their health thus reducing noise, emissions and fuel burn.
1. Airframe Technology: Addresses areas such as lightweight and their quality of life.
structures, flight dynamics and control, and drag, all with A greener future for aviation holds the promise of
the goals of reducing noise and fuel burn. In order to eliminate as much potential harm to new life for airports, because people will be able
the environment as possible and make air travel to enjoy the convenience and commercial benefits
2. Propulsion Technology: Focuses primarily on high- as efficient and economical as it can be, NASA is of living near an airport without enduring the
pressure engine-core components and propulsion working closely with its government, industry and racket and fumes that are so aggravating today.
technologies, with the goals of lowering harmful emis- university partners on a number of environmentally
sions and fuel burn. beneficial, or “green,” aviation initiatives. NASA’s goal is to reduce aircraft fuel consumption, emissions and noise simultaneously. Image credit: NASA
NASA Facts
Goals for Green Aviation Solutions for Green Aviation
NASA has a set of research goals that can be described NASA is working on ideas to deal with the environmental Other concepts may include capitalizing on the potential
as “green” because they relate to mitigating environmental issues of fuel burn, emissions and noise. Some ideas have to of advanced electrical power technologies such as batter-
impacts of aviation. NASA’s goal is to reduce aircraft fuel con- do with improvements in technology; others have to do with ies or fuel cells to reduce the amount of fuel needed.
sumption, emissions and noise simultaneously, which using new technology in new ways.
is a much more difficult challenge than working to reduce Green Aviation Research Begins with Fundamentals
them individually. Here are some examples: NASA’s green aviation research takes place at all four of the
• Changes in the way an airliner’s transit through the na- agency’s aeronautical field centers, including the Ames Re-
Fuel Efficiency tion’s air traffic control system is managed, by allowing search Center at Moffett Field, Calif., Dryden Flight Research
The challenge: In 2012, U.S. commercial air carriers burned pilots to take off and climb directly to their cruising altitude Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Glenn Research Cen-
10.6 billion gallons of jet fuel at a total cost of $31.6 billion, or descend directly to touchdown, without leveling off pe- ter in Cleveland, and Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va.
while international carriers spent another $18.8 billion on riodically to check in with air traffic control along the way.
6.5 billion gallons of jet fuel. The Department of Defense in
This graphic illustrates that, with no improvements, carbon emissions grow
FY2011 used more than 3 billion gallons of aviation and jet dramatically through 2050. With technology developments, operational improve- Data from the top 27 airports in the U.S. indicate this
fuel, costing another $10 billion. ments, additional technology advancement and low carbon fuels, carbon neutral operational improvement could reduce the amount of
growth could actually be achieved by the year 2020 and, by 2050, a baseline
reduction of 50 percent. Source: Federal Aviation Administration. Adapted fuel burned each year by 188 million gallons with di-
The goal: Develop aircraft technology capable of reducing fuel with permission. rect climbs, and 218 million with continuous descents.
burn significantly. This technology should enable the design Similarly, by integrating new satellite-based air traffic
of new aircraft that burn 33 percent less fuel than today’s Noise information and communication systems into existing
airplanes by 2015, 50 percent less by 2020 and at least 60 The challenge: Aircraft noise continues to be regarded as the cockpit instrumentation and displays, new procedures Advanced technologies that help make aircraft more environmentally friendly are
first likely to show up on tube-and-wing aircraft. Image credit: NASA
percent less by 2025.1 most significant hindrance to increasing the capacity of the for managing the flow of air traffic may allow airliners to
National Airspace System, largely because of nuisance noise fly more efficient, direct routes to their destinations. This
Emissions near major metropolitan airports. Although the Federal Avia- could save 200 million gallons of fuel each year.
The challenge: Fuel consumed by the U.S. commercial air tion Administration has invested more than $5 billion in airport The work is managed by the Aeronautics Research Mission
carriers and the military releases more than 250 million tons noise reduction programs since 1980, the problem persists. • Changes in aircraft design, such as the use of lightweight Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, which is or-
of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere each year. CO2 composite structures and means to increase laminar, or ganized into five programs that oversee a number of projects.
is a greenhouse gas and a contributor to global warming. The goal: Develop aircraft technology and airspace system smooth, air flow over aircraft surfaces, can increase over-
Other major emissions are nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen oxide operations to shrink the nuisance noise footprint around each all lift and reduce drag. The programs are the Fundamental Aeronautics Program,
(NO2), which together are called NOx and contribute to ozone airport until it is about one-third of its current size by 2015, Airspace Systems Program, Aviation Safety Program,
creation; sulfur oxides (SO2); and particulates (often referred about one-sixth its size by 2020, and contained within the These improvements require less engine power for an Aeronautics Test Program, and the Integrated Systems
to as soot). Forty of the top 50 U.S. airports are in areas that airport property boundaries by 2025.3 aircraft to fly at the same speed and altitude, and thus Research Program.
do not meet Environmental Protection Agency local air quality represent important contributions to achieving the goal of
standards for particulate matter and ozone. Reducing NOX reducing fuel burn rates by as much as 50 percent over Research into green aviation technology begins at an el-
emissions also reduces SOX emissions. Reducing the amount current rates. An example of a “green” design change can ementary level in the laboratory. For example, a new air traffic
of fuel burned reduces CO2 emissions. be seen in the blended wing and body of the subscale, management or aircraft vehicle concept is first identified and
flying X-48B aircraft prototype. matured within the Airspace Systems Program or Fundamental
The goal: Develop aircraft technology and air traffic manage- Aeronautics Program. The overarching goal of the Fundamen-
ment tools capable of cutting NOX emissions at landing/ tal Aeronautics Program is to achieve technological capabilities
takeoff (LTO) 60 percent by 2015 when compared with today’s necessary to overcome national challenges in air transportation
best engines, 75 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2025; including reduced noise, emissions and fuel consumption, and
cutting NOX emissions during cruise 55 percent by 2015, 70 increased mobility through a faster means of transportation.
percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2025; and transfer those The Airspace Systems Program is responsible for developing
technologies to industry.2 concepts, capabilities, and technologies for high-capacity,
1 The reference aircraft for the NASA’s fuel efficiency goal is a 300-passenger, long-range
efficient, and safe airspace and air portal systems.
transport with GE 90 engines, manufactured in 1997 or 1998. The goal dates represent a Looking to the future, the ultimate goal is to confine any objectionable noise
technology readiness level of 6, which is considered ready for flight testing. This is the point within the boundaries of an airport. Source: NASA
at which NASA traditionally transfers a new technology to industry for further development
Future aircraft designs that generate dramatic reductions in noise, emissions and Should a particular concept or technology demonstrate poten-
fuel consumption could look like this hybrid wing body.
toward operational readiness and certification by governing authorities such as the Federal
Image credit: NASA
tial for success, it may be matured further within the Integrated
Aviation Administration.
3 NASA’s noise reduction goals are related to current Federal Aviation Administration
Systems Research Program, where research is designed to
2 NASA’s emissions reduction goals are based on a standard known as International Civil standards for aircraft in service today. NASA’s goals are to create technology that can enable test more mature concepts with others as a system in real-
Aviation Organization’s Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection Sixth Meeting, or a 32dB reduction in noise by 2015, a 42dB reduction by 2020, and a 52dB reduction by
CAEP/6. Most aircraft engines in use today meet or exceed CAEP6. Related to this standard, 2025. The goals relate to Stage 4 of those standards, whose acceptable noise limits within
• Changes in engine design or operation might include world environments. This higher level research is clustered
NASA’s goals are to create technology capable of enabling engines that emit 60 percent less specific geographic boundaries vary by an aircraft’s size, weight and number of engines. The ultra-high bypass turbofans, open rotor engines, use of in the Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project, which
NOx, by 2015, 75 percent less by 2020, and greater than 75 percent less by 2025. The goal limits are sum of three acoustic measurements taken as the aircraft takes off and climbs, and
dates represent a technology readiness level of 6, which is considered ready for flight testing. approaches and lands. The goal dates represent a technology readiness level of 6, which is
alternative fuels or locating engines on the body of the is part of the Integrated Systems Research Program.
This is the point at which NASA traditionally transfers a new technology to industry for further considered ready for flight testing. This is the point at which NASA traditionally transfers a new aircraft in such a way that deflects engine noise upward to
development toward operational readiness and certification by governing authorities such as technology to industry for further development toward operational readiness and certification
the Federal Aviation Administration. by governing authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration.
keep it from reaching the ground.
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate 2 NASA Facts Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate 3 NASA Facts
Goals for Green Aviation Solutions for Green Aviation
NASA has a set of research goals that can be described NASA is working on ideas to deal with the environmental Other concepts may include capitalizing on the potential
as “green” because they relate to mitigating environmental issues of fuel burn, emissions and noise. Some ideas have to of advanced electrical power technologies such as batter-
impacts of aviation. NASA’s goal is to reduce aircraft fuel con- do with improvements in technology; others have to do with ies or fuel cells to reduce the amount of fuel needed.
sumption, emissions and noise simultaneously, which using new technology in new ways.
is a much more difficult challenge than working to reduce Green Aviation Research Begins with Fundamentals
them individually. Here are some examples: NASA’s green aviation research takes place at all four of the
• Changes in the way an airliner’s transit through the na- agency’s aeronautical field centers, including the Ames Re-
Fuel Efficiency tion’s air traffic control system is managed, by allowing search Center at Moffett Field, Calif., Dryden Flight Research
The challenge: In 2012, U.S. commercial air carriers burned pilots to take off and climb directly to their cruising altitude Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., Glenn Research Cen-
10.6 billion gallons of jet fuel at a total cost of $31.6 billion, or descend directly to touchdown, without leveling off pe- ter in Cleveland, and Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va.
while international carriers spent another $18.8 billion on riodically to check in with air traffic control along the way.
6.5 billion gallons of jet fuel. The Department of Defense in
This graphic illustrates that, with no improvements, carbon emissions grow
FY2011 used more than 3 billion gallons of aviation and jet dramatically through 2050. With technology developments, operational improve- Data from the top 27 airports in the U.S. indicate this
fuel, costing another $10 billion. ments, additional technology advancement and low carbon fuels, carbon neutral operational improvement could reduce the amount of
growth could actually be achieved by the year 2020 and, by 2050, a baseline
reduction of 50 percent. Source: Federal Aviation Administration. Adapted fuel burned each year by 188 million gallons with di-
The goal: Develop aircraft technology capable of reducing fuel with permission. rect climbs, and 218 million with continuous descents.
burn significantly. This technology should enable the design Similarly, by integrating new satellite-based air traffic
of new aircraft that burn 33 percent less fuel than today’s Noise information and communication systems into existing
airplanes by 2015, 50 percent less by 2020 and at least 60 The challenge: Aircraft noise continues to be regarded as the cockpit instrumentation and displays, new procedures Advanced technologies that help make aircraft more environmentally friendly are
first likely to show up on tube-and-wing aircraft. Image credit: NASA
percent less by 2025.1 most significant hindrance to increasing the capacity of the for managing the flow of air traffic may allow airliners to
National Airspace System, largely because of nuisance noise fly more efficient, direct routes to their destinations. This
Emissions near major metropolitan airports. Although the Federal Avia- could save 200 million gallons of fuel each year.
The challenge: Fuel consumed by the U.S. commercial air tion Administration has invested more than $5 billion in airport The work is managed by the Aeronautics Research Mission
carriers and the military releases more than 250 million tons noise reduction programs since 1980, the problem persists. • Changes in aircraft design, such as the use of lightweight Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, which is or-
of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere each year. CO2 composite structures and means to increase laminar, or ganized into five programs that oversee a number of projects.
is a greenhouse gas and a contributor to global warming. The goal: Develop aircraft technology and airspace system smooth, air flow over aircraft surfaces, can increase over-
Other major emissions are nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen oxide operations to shrink the nuisance noise footprint around each all lift and reduce drag. The programs are the Fundamental Aeronautics Program,
(NO2), which together are called NOx and contribute to ozone airport until it is about one-third of its current size by 2015, Airspace Systems Program, Aviation Safety Program,
creation; sulfur oxides (SO2); and particulates (often referred about one-sixth its size by 2020, and contained within the These improvements require less engine power for an Aeronautics Test Program, and the Integrated Systems
to as soot). Forty of the top 50 U.S. airports are in areas that airport property boundaries by 2025.3 aircraft to fly at the same speed and altitude, and thus Research Program.
do not meet Environmental Protection Agency local air quality represent important contributions to achieving the goal of
standards for particulate matter and ozone. Reducing NOX reducing fuel burn rates by as much as 50 percent over Research into green aviation technology begins at an el-
emissions also reduces SOX emissions. Reducing the amount current rates. An example of a “green” design change can ementary level in the laboratory. For example, a new air traffic
of fuel burned reduces CO2 emissions. be seen in the blended wing and body of the subscale, management or aircraft vehicle concept is first identified and
flying X-48B aircraft prototype. matured within the Airspace Systems Program or Fundamental
The goal: Develop aircraft technology and air traffic manage- Aeronautics Program. The overarching goal of the Fundamen-
ment tools capable of cutting NOX emissions at landing/ tal Aeronautics Program is to achieve technological capabilities
takeoff (LTO) 60 percent by 2015 when compared with today’s necessary to overcome national challenges in air transportation
best engines, 75 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2025; including reduced noise, emissions and fuel consumption, and
cutting NOX emissions during cruise 55 percent by 2015, 70 increased mobility through a faster means of transportation.
percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2025; and transfer those The Airspace Systems Program is responsible for developing
technologies to industry.2 concepts, capabilities, and technologies for high-capacity,
1 The reference aircraft for the NASA’s fuel efficiency goal is a 300-passenger, long-range
efficient, and safe airspace and air portal systems.
transport with GE 90 engines, manufactured in 1997 or 1998. The goal dates represent a Looking to the future, the ultimate goal is to confine any objectionable noise
technology readiness level of 6, which is considered ready for flight testing. This is the point within the boundaries of an airport. Source: NASA
at which NASA traditionally transfers a new technology to industry for further development
Future aircraft designs that generate dramatic reductions in noise, emissions and Should a particular concept or technology demonstrate poten-
fuel consumption could look like this hybrid wing body.
toward operational readiness and certification by governing authorities such as the Federal
Image credit: NASA
tial for success, it may be matured further within the Integrated
Aviation Administration.
3 NASA’s noise reduction goals are related to current Federal Aviation Administration
Systems Research Program, where research is designed to
2 NASA’s emissions reduction goals are based on a standard known as International Civil standards for aircraft in service today. NASA’s goals are to create technology that can enable test more mature concepts with others as a system in real-
Aviation Organization’s Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection Sixth Meeting, or a 32dB reduction in noise by 2015, a 42dB reduction by 2020, and a 52dB reduction by
CAEP/6. Most aircraft engines in use today meet or exceed CAEP6. Related to this standard, 2025. The goals relate to Stage 4 of those standards, whose acceptable noise limits within
• Changes in engine design or operation might include world environments. This higher level research is clustered
NASA’s goals are to create technology capable of enabling engines that emit 60 percent less specific geographic boundaries vary by an aircraft’s size, weight and number of engines. The ultra-high bypass turbofans, open rotor engines, use of in the Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project, which
NOx, by 2015, 75 percent less by 2020, and greater than 75 percent less by 2025. The goal limits are sum of three acoustic measurements taken as the aircraft takes off and climbs, and
dates represent a technology readiness level of 6, which is considered ready for flight testing. approaches and lands. The goal dates represent a technology readiness level of 6, which is
alternative fuels or locating engines on the body of the is part of the Integrated Systems Research Program.
This is the point at which NASA traditionally transfers a new technology to industry for further considered ready for flight testing. This is the point at which NASA traditionally transfers a new aircraft in such a way that deflects engine noise upward to
development toward operational readiness and certification by governing authorities such as technology to industry for further development toward operational readiness and certification
the Federal Aviation Administration. by governing authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration.
keep it from reaching the ground.
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate 2 NASA Facts Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate 3 NASA Facts
Green Aviation: A Better Way to Treat the Planet
Passenger air traffic continues to grow in the Spread across NASA’s existing portfolio of aero-
U.S. and around the world and shows no signs of nautical research, green aviation is not considered
slowing down. More than 815 million people flew part of a single project or program. Green aviation
domestically on U.S. carriers in 2012, up 1.3 per- represents an aim that has guided many of NASA’s
cent from 2011. Worldwide, forecasts predict 3.6 research goals since the earliest days of aviation,
billion passengers will fly in 2016, of which almost and especially after the environmental awareness
Wind tunnels, simulators and other testing facilities help answer key, early ques- 500 million will originate in the U.S. and the energy shortages of the 1970s required in-
tions about the promise of technology options. Image credit: NASA venting innovative ways to quiet airplanes, reduce
Accommodating such growth will require new air pollution and burn fuel more efficiently.
aircraft and more flights, plus new runways and
airports. Without intervention, the likely conse- In addition to aircraft-related improvements, green
Within the Environmentally Responsible Aviation Project, quences are a significant escalation in harmful jet aviation touches on air traffic management, which
research toward achieving the simultaneous goals described engine emissions, unprecedented traffic jams in focuses mostly on enabling aircraft to move more
earlier is organized into three main areas: the sky, nonstop noise near airports, and more efficiently through the national airspace system,
citizens unhappy about the effects on their health thus reducing noise, emissions and fuel burn.
1. Airframe Technology: Addresses areas such as lightweight and their quality of life.
structures, flight dynamics and control, and drag, all with A greener future for aviation holds the promise of
the goals of reducing noise and fuel burn. In order to eliminate as much potential harm to new life for airports, because people will be able
the environment as possible and make air travel to enjoy the convenience and commercial benefits
2. Propulsion Technology: Focuses primarily on high- as efficient and economical as it can be, NASA is of living near an airport without enduring the
pressure engine-core components and propulsion working closely with its government, industry and racket and fumes that are so aggravating today.
technologies, with the goals of lowering harmful emis- university partners on a number of environmentally
sions and fuel burn. beneficial, or “green,” aviation initiatives. NASA’s goal is to reduce aircraft fuel consumption, emissions and noise simultaneously. Image credit: NASA
NASA Facts