Repeat Situations in Cycle Chemistry Control
Repeat Situations in Cycle Chemistry Control
Repeat Situations in Cycle Chemistry Control
Barry Dooley
Leading Chemistry Influenced Failure Mechanisms
• FAC in Conventional Fossil Feedwater Systems
• Steam Turbine Damage
– Corrosion Fatigue of Blades and Disks in the Phase
Transition Zone (PTZ) of the LP Turbine
– Stress Corrosion Cracking of Discs in the PTZ of the LP
– Pitting
– Copper Deposition in HP Turbine
– Flow-accelerated Corrosion (FAC)
– Deposition of Salts on the PTZ Surfaces
Repeat Situations in Cycle Chemistry Control
All cycle chemistry-influenced failure and damage can be
related back to multiples of the following repeat situations
in fossil plants:
* High levels of corrosion products
* High boiler waterwall/evaporator deposition
* Non-optimum chemical cleaning
* Contaminant ingress (with no reaction)
* Drum carryover
* High level of air in-leakage
* Lack of shutdown protection
* Inadequate on-line alarmed instrumentation
* Not challenging the status quo
* No Action Plans for repeat situations
A few examples:
Examples of Repeat Cycle Chemistry
Situations in Conventional Fossil
and Combined Cycle/HRSG Plants
Hydrogen Damage in Fossil Plants
Requires deposits and contaminants. How and why are they allowed?
Typical Repeats which Lead to Hydrogen Damage
All have been observed in numerous case studies. Do you recognize any?
HP Evaporator 2,000psi (14MPa)
Optimally for protection: a thin layer of magnetite plus a thin layer of deposit
Drum Waterwall Rifled Tube
(87,800 hrs since chemical clean)
HP Evaporator Tube with Heavy Deposits
HP Evaporator 1800psi (12.4MPa). 11K hrs.
(AVT(R), DEHA & MOPA, TSP/NaOH in HP Evaporator. pH 9.4-9.8)
Deposits (~27g/ft2 )
Indigenous Magnetite
HP Evaporator 1900 psi (13MPa). 30K hrs
(Reducing Agent, Blended Amine and Phosphate Blend)
Magnetite Deposits
~35g/ft2 (~38mg/cm2)
Indigenous Magnetite
Typical Repeats which Lead to Deposits
All have been observed in numerous case studies. Do you recognize any?
* Corrosion products
- In HRSGs the levels exceed SI’s “Rule of 2 and 5”.
- Non
monitored feedwater corrosion products
- Measuring only soluble corrosion products
* Not challenging the status quo
- In HRSGs continuing to use reducing agents, amines and blends
- In fossil plants not using the correct feedwater AVT(O), AVT(R) or OT
- In fossil plants not changing chemistry with age or change of materials
* Not removing tubes for analysis
* Delayed
y chemical cleaning g
* High level of air in-leakage
- Especially in mixed-metallurgy units
* Inadequate on-line instrumentation
- Especially ORP in mixed-metallurgy units
Corrosion Fatigue and SCC in the PTZ
Leading Steam Turbine Problem Worldwide
Recent Pits which Initiated Blade Failure
* Repetitive
p contamination above Action Level
* Contaminant ingress above shutdown limit
* Lack of on-line instrumentation
- No steam monitoring
* No knowledge of carryover from drum boilers
* No steam turbine shutdown protection
* High level of air in-leakage
Examples of Repeat Cycle Chemistry
Situations in Conventional Fossil
and Combined Cycle/HRSG Plants
Typical Repeats which Lead to Deposits in the PTZ
All have been observed in numerous case studies. Do you recognize any?
* Repetitive
p contamination above Action Level
- Sometimes > 2x “normal” level at EI
* Contaminant ingress above shutdown limit
* Lack of on-line instrumentation
- No steam monitoring
* No knowledge of carryover from drum boilers
* No steam turbine shutdown protection
* High level of air in-leakage
* No challenge of status quo
- Changing chemistry, but keep part of the old chemistry
* No Action Plan developed
5. FAC
FAC in Fossil Plant Drains
Typical Repeats which Lead to FAC
All have been observed in numerous case studies. Do you recognize any?
* Not challenging
g g the status quo
q chemistry
HRSGs continue to use reducing agents and “low” pH
HRSGs using AVT(O) don’t have enough oxidizing power
Fossil plants continue to use reducing agents and “low” pH
No change of chemistry when feedwater materials change (Cu to SS)
* Corrosion products
In HRSGs the levels exceed SI’s “Rule of 2 and 5”
Not using excessive feedwater corrosion products as key indicator
Non monitored feedwater corrosion products
Measuring only soluble corrosion products
* No Action Plans developed
* High level of air in-leakage
It is well established that a World Class BTF/HTF
Program is one that not only addresses the
availability loss (EAL) but also:
Characteristics of “World Class” BTF Programs”. J.P. Dimmer and R.B. Dooley.
EPRI International Conference on BTF and HTF and Inspections. November 2004.
Introducing “Repeat Situations” into the
Corporate Directive
• VP/Managing Director (MD) Operations- Personal commitment
• Programs personally driven by the Plant Managers.
• Roll down of the directive to Plant specific Policies and Documents.
• Target setting and benchmarking.
• BTF “Repeat” failures have been redefined and will be measured.
• CC “Repeat” situations have been introduced and will be
• The concept of “Damage” has been introduced for BTF and CC and will
be measured.
• Decisions that affect the system will be taken by the VP/MD until
stability has been achieved. E.g. permanent versus temp repair.
• Near-term and longterm goals have been introduced.
Near-Term Goals in BTF/CC Program
• Corporate and Plant teams and monthly meetings held.
• Train management, engineering, operations and maintenance
• Identify and list “Repeat”
Repeat failures.
• Compile procedures and guidelines.
• Implement Documentation within Program.
• Define, quantify and prioritize BTF and CC problems.
• Each Plant will develop a listing of its repeat cycle chemistry
• Establish optimum cycle chemistry for each unit
• Establish cycle chemistry limits.
• BTF Action plans for Mechanism Root cause and Damage
Plant Repeat Situations
• Repeat situations relate to the basics of power plant
chemistry and thus plant reliability
• More than two or three repeat situations means the
plant has or will have a problem in the near future
• Recognize the negative impact of repeat situations
and develop action plans to correct them in a timely
• Repeat situations should be an integral part of a
corporate chemistry directive within an overall
BTF/CC PProgram
• Repeat situations have been incorporated into the
revised benchmarking process at more than 20