Fuzzy Logic For Elevators
Fuzzy Logic For Elevators
Fuzzy Logic For Elevators
3.0 Design Criteria and Constraints
Actuator Actuator
In traditional control system design, there is
usually only one performance criteria to be met, such as the
optimum speed, position, minimum-time, etc. Due to the
limitation of the configuration of the traditional control
algorithms, it is difficult to design a system to meet multiple
objectives. However, in fuzzy logic control systems, multiple
Elevator 1 Elevator 2 Elevator n objectives can easily be included in the design. The
structure of the fuzzy logic controller makes it possible for a
Fig. 1 A general structure of an elevator group supervisory number of important objectives to be met simultaneously. In
control system. the design of our elevator group supervisory control
system, the following objectives are considered :
• To minimise the waiting time of passengers at
In the system as given in Fig. 1, there are two types
a floor
of controllers, one is the car controller and the other is the
• To minimise the time passengers need to
group controller. A car controller controls the motion of the
spend in an elevator
individual car and transfers information about its states to
• To minimise crowding in an elevator
the group controller. The states of each individual elevator
• To minimise travelling distance of each
and hall calls from each floor are considered by the group
controller. Based on this information the group controller
determines the optimum car to answer the hall call which is
However, the objectives mentioned above have several
usually based on a single criteria, i.e., the distance of the
conflicting problems. For example, shortening of waiting
elevator from the passenger. Such elevator operation that is
time must be sacrificed to some extent for the sake of energy
based on “up and down hall buttons” and “up and down
saving and also crowding in the elevators. Thus, the group
hall lanterns” has been in used since the beginning of this
supervisory control system is required to optimise the
century. However, this type of system provides some
multiple design objectives with time and traffic flow
disadvantages such that the supervisory system of the
elevators does not receive complete information on the
destinations of passengers before they board the car.
Similar to many practical elevator systems, the following
Consequently, car assignments are based on far less than 50
constraints were assumed in the simulation of the proposed
% of the traffic information that passengers could supply
intelligent elevator control system :
earlier to the system and therefore assignments are
i) An elevator will not reverse direction if there is
obviously poor in quality. The inherent disadvantages of
a passenger inside.
such present conventional system can be improved by
ii) The capacity of each elevator is 14 people and
using a better elevator technology which is not only
when capacity is met, it will bypass hall called
destination oriented, but also improves waiting time,
comfortabilty, and other factors.
iii) Each elevator travels at a constant speed of
Instead of using the simple up and down hall
0.5 floor per second.
buttons as in many conventional elevator systems, a
iv) Serving a floor requires 4 seconds to
keypad similar to that found on touch-tone telephones is
accomplish. During this time a person may
used. This keypad can be conveniently located in the
simply walk into or out of the elevator. To
elevator lobbies of each floor. This system requires the
serve more than 4 people, 6 seconds is
passengers to enter their desired floors on the keypad
before they enter the car. The system then immediately
v) An elevator must not bypass any car call.
assigns to the passenger the designated car through a
display on the keypad.
This system should have the capability to accept
boarding of unbooked passenger and also a group of
passengers travelling together which tend to register one
4.0 Fuzzy Logic Algorithm
where, wi and wj are the weights of rules Ri and Rj ,
respectively. µi is the truth value of Ri in the premise. Ci and
Fuzzy logic is a combination of both numerical and
Si are the central position and the area of the membership
symbolic techniques. It excels in producing exact results
function with fuzzy variable Bi, respectively. The structure
from imprecise data and is especially useful in computers
of this ordinal fuzzy model is shown in Fig. 2.
and electronic applications. Fuzzy logic differs from classical
logic in that statements are no longer black or white, true or
false, on or off. In traditional logic an object takes on a value
of either zero or one. In fuzzy logic, a statement can assume
any real value between 0 and 1, representing the degree to
which an element belongs to a given set. The human brain Input 1 A1 m
B1 m
can reason with uncertainties, vagueness and judgements. Input 2 A12 A2 m W 1m
Computers can manipulate precise valuations. Fuzzy logic is A11
B 11
B 12
B2 m W 2m
where the destination of the new hall call is generated. Fig. 3 Membership functions of the elevator system inputs.
Priority :-
Small Medium Big
• Output of the fuzzy controller, where the elevator with 1
highest value will be assigned.
0 0
Waiting Time Riding Time
Close Middle Far Small Medium Big
1 1 Fig. 5 Simulation of the intelligent elevator control system.
New Hall Call Area-weight (Hall Call)
white circle, respectively. For example, in the same figure, it
can be observed that elevator 1 is currently located on the In the third simulation, a hall call is assigned to elevator 1 at
3rd floor and is moving upwards. It has two car calls on the the 7th floor and the rest of the conditions are the same as
8th and 9th floors. A new hall call is then initiated on the 5th the previous case. For this case, elevator 2 has been
floor where its destination is the 14th floor, however no assigned to answer the new hall call instead of elevator 1
elevator is assigned yet to it. even through elevator 1 already has a car call to the 14th
floor (see Fig. 7). As we know, elevator 1 will stop three
14 times before it arrives at the 14th floor, thus it is not
economical to use this elevator. On the other hand, elevator
2 will move non stop to the 14th floor after picking up the
9 new passenger. Here, it means that the riding time of the
passengers is shorter if they travel using elevator 2
compared to elevator 1.
4 7.0 Conclusion
1 In this paper, a fuzzy control algorithm for elevator
group control has been proposed and evaluated. This new
Elevator Elevator Elevator
elevator supervisory control system was developed to
Fig. 6 Initial condition of case 1 simulation. improve multiple control objectives. The performance of the
Using the conventional elevator system which is
proposed elevator system is simulated through an
distance oriented, the elevator closest to the new hall call
interactive graphic simulator that have been developed. It
would, thus, be assigned which in this case is elevator 1.
was observed that as compared to conventional system, the
However, the proposed fuzzy system assigned this hall call
proposed elevator system performed better in terms of
to the elevator 2. As we find from the initial conditions in
minimising waiting time, travelling time as well as
Fig. 6, elevator 2 has a car call on the 14th floor. It means that
comfortability in terms of loading. The ordinal structure
elevator 2 will serve that floor instead of elevator 1. Thus,
model of fuzzy logic algorithm provides a simple mechanism
the destination area weight parameter of elevator 2 will
for the configuration of rules than conventional fuzzy
contribute a higher priority in the evaluation function as
given by inference rule no.16 in Table 1. In terms of
travelling distance, there is a reduction as compared to the
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