Scheme Hidraulics Fiat Kobelco 90.2
Scheme Hidraulics Fiat Kobelco 90.2
Scheme Hidraulics Fiat Kobelco 90.2
Specification Ambra Multi G API GL4, ISO 32/46
Capacity Total System 137 Litres (36.3 US. gals)
Reservoir Capacity 75 Litres (19.8 US. gals)
Change Interval 1200 Hours
Oil Filter Change 600 Hours
Tandem Gear Pump Operating Steering and Hydraulic Circuits
Rear Pump (Steering Pump)
N/ASP New Pump 75.5 L/min (20 US. gals/min)
@ 2200 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Worn Pump (minimum) 63 L/min (16.6 US. gals/min)
@ 2200 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Turbo New Pump 79.5 L/min (21 US. gals/min)
@ 2070 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Worn Pump (minimum) 67 L/min (17.7 US. gals/min)
@ 2070 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Steering Circuit Relief Valve Not 4WS 136.5 – 150 bar (1980 – 2175 psi)
Steering Circuit Relief Valve 4WS 177 – 190 bar (2566 – 2755 psi)
Steering Circuit Standby Pressure 7 bar (101.5 psi)
Rear Pump Relief Valve Pressure
(Located in Stabiliser Valve Section) 196 – 202 bar (2842 – 2929 psi)
Front Pump
N/ASP New Pump 75.5 L/min (20 US. gals/min)
@ 2200 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Worn Pump (minimum) 63 L/min (16.6 US. gals/min)
@ 2200 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Turbo New Pump 79.5 L/min (21 US. gals/min)
@ 2070 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Worn Pump (minimum) 67 L/min (17.7 US. gals/min)
@ 2070 rev/min @175 bar (2500 psi)
Combined Output (minimum)
N/ASP 151 L/min (40 US. gals/min) @ 2200 rev/min
Turbo 159 L/min (42 US. gals/min) @ 2070 rev/min
Backhoe Control Valve Assembly
1. End Plate with Sideshift Clamp Cylinder Solenoid
2. Stabiliser Valve Section
3. Stabiliser Valve Section
4. Dipperstick Valve Section
5. Bucket Valve Section
6. Swing Cylinder Valve Section
7. Boom Control Valve Section
8. Extendible Dipperstick Control Valve Section
9. Inlet Housing
10. Swing Cylinder Cushioning Circuit Relief Valve (Left Swing) 205 bar
11. Lift Cylinder (Piston end) Circuit Relief Valve 204 bar
12. Extendible Dipperstick Cylinder (Piston end) Circuit Relief Valve 240 bar
13. Load Sense Limiter (System Pressure Relief Valve) 210 bar
14. Load Sense Return to Reservoir Control Orifice
15. Pump Flow Balancer Valve
16. Lift Cylinder (Rod End) Circuit Relief Valve 315 bar
17. Swing Cylinder Cushioning Circuit Relief Valve (Right Swing) 205 bar
18. Bucket Cylinder (Rod End) Circuit Relief Valve 220 bar
19. Dipper Cylinder (Piston End) Circuit Relief Valve 240 bar
Steel Tube Outside Diameter
(mm) Nm lbf ft
10 36 27
12 54 40
14–16 85 63
18–20 122 90
22–25 162 120
Quick Release Coupler New Holland Part No 291924
Universal Pressure Test Kit New Holland Part No 292870
Pressure Test Kit PT 100–45 Procure from Webster Instruments
0–300 bar Pressure Gauge Procure Locally
Flowmeter 0–200 Litres/min Procure Locally
Oil Pump and Loader Control Valve Installation
1. Hydraulic Pump 6. Supply to Backhoe Control Valve
2. To Steering Test Port 7. Load Sense Line to Backhoe Control Valve
3. Loader Control Valve 8. Front Pump Supply to Hydraulic Circuit
4. Rear Pump Supply to Hydraulic Circuit 9. Steering Load Sense Line
5. Return to Reservoir 10. To Steering Motor
The location of the principal components shown in hydrostatic steering system with remaining flow sup-
the hydraulic circuits in Figure 8 and Figure 13 are as plementing the output from the front pump to the
follows. loader and backhoe hydraulic circuits.
A more detailed description and operation of each
component follows the circuit diagrams. Loader Control Valve
The loader control valve is mounted on the right hand
Hydraulic Pump Assembly side of the machine adjacent to the pump.
Mounted on the rear of the transmission the pump The valve assembly consists of a maximum of three
comprises of two pumping elements. spool operated sections and provides oil flow to the
A front pump suppling oil for operation of front loader loader boom, bucket and auxiliary services where
and backhoe. fitted.
A rear pump which incorporates a load sensing flow
divider valve to direct priority flow to the load sensed
Located within the inlet cover (3) of the backhoe con- cess flow back to reservoir. The valve also maintains
trol valve are the load sense limiter (system pressure a back pressure of 17 bar in the circuit when all valve
relief valve) (2) and load sense return to reservoir ori- sections are in neutral and engine speed is 1000 rev/
fice (1) which allows load sense pressure to vent to min.
reservoir when hydraulic circuits are in neutral or Back pressure will increase to 23 bar at an engine
load sense pressure exceeds the 210 bar maximum speed of 2200 rev/min
value due to a malfunction in the system.
The pump flow balancer valve, items (4–8) controls
the flow of oil from the hydraulic pump and diverts ex-
HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT leries of the loader and backhoe control valves as-
The hydraulic circuit is a load sensing flow sharing semblies.
system working in conjunction with a fixed displace- Flow from the rear section of the pump passes
ment gear type hydraulic pump. This system has the through the load sensing flow divider valve mounted
advantage that at any time the distribution of flow to on the pump and gives priority flow to the steering cir-
the services being operated is in proportion to the cuit with remaining flow directed to supplement the
openings of the control valve spools. flow from the front pump for the loader and backhoe
The flow distribution to the backhoe and loader con- circuits.
trol valves is load independent and it is therefore The centre gallery of both the loader and backhoe
possible to satisfactorily operate two or more spools control valves are blocked by the end plate. Pressure
at the same time. in the supply circuit is controlled by the pump flow ba-
The principal components of the load sensing flow lancer valve in accordance with the pressure in the
sharing system are the pressure compensator load sense line. Consequently the higher the load
valves in each control valve section, refer to Fig- sense pressure the less flow is returned to reservoir
ure 15, together with the load sense line which con- with corresponding increase in flow/pressure to the
nects all the spool sections in both the loader and hydraulic circuits.
backhoe control valve assemblies. Maximum system pressure is limited by the load
Because the hydraulic pump is a fixed displacement sense pressure relief valve which relieves pressure
gear type pump it should be noted that the load sense in the load sense line when it reaches 210 bar. Be-
line only connects the loader and backhoe control cause the pump flow balancer valve is influenced by
valve assemblies and does not have any connection load sense pressure the valve diverts sufficient flow
to the hydraulic pump. back to reservoir to maintain the maximum system
pressure of 210 bar.
The hydraulic pump draws oil from the reservoir and
flow from the front pump is directed to the centre gal-
Hydraulic Circuit Schematic
Hydraulic Circuit Oil Suction Oil
1. Front Axle
2. Boom
3. Crowd
4. Boom
5. Swing
6. Bucket
7. Dipper
8. LH Stabiliser
9. RH Stabiliser
10. Clamps
11. Pump Output–
38+38 for Machine with Turbo Engine
34+34 for Machine with Normally Aspirated Engine
Hydraulic Control Valve Section
1. Spool Cap 8. Plate
2. Centralising Spring 9. ‘O’ Ring Seal
3. Spool 10. Plug
4. Plug 11. Pressure Compensator Spool
5. Spring 12. Pressure Compensator Metering Element
6. Check Valve 13. Valve Section
7. Wiper 14. Relief Valve
Reference should be made to the above illustration ponents shown in the colour diagrams on Pages 25
to understand the location and function of the com- to 29.
All Loader/Backhoe Circuits in Neutral Because there is no load sense pressure being
Each control valve section within the backhoe or applied to the rear face of the flow balancer valve the
loader control valve assemblies contains a spool, valve will move against the spring and off its seat
two check valves and a load sensing pressure when pump pressure reaches 15 bar. Pump flow is
compensator. now diverted back to reservoir and the balancer
valve maintains a standby pressure of 15 bar while
A load sense gallery connects the compensators in
the circuits are in neutral.
each control valve section.
When all control valves are in neutral the spools
prevent the flow of oil in each circuit and pressure in
the load sense line can bleed to reservoir through the
1 litre/min load sense return to reservoir orifice in the
backhoe control valve inlet cover.
Flow Balancer Valve Operation – All Spools In Neutral
Load Sensing Flow Sharing – All Spools in Neutral
Pump Pressure Return to Reservoir
Trapped Oil
Flow Balancer Valve Operation – Hydraulic Circuits Operating
Pump Pressure
4. Load Sense Line
1. Load Sense Bleed Orifice – 1 ltr/min 5. Pump Flow Balancer (Unload) Valve
2. Load Sense Limiter (System Relief Valve) 6. Pump Flow IN
3. Return to Reservoir 7. To Backhoe Control Valves
Load Sensing Flow Sharing – One Spool Operating
Pump Pressure Return to Reservoir
Trapped Oil
Two or More Hydraulic Circuits Operating operating pressure to be sensed in the load sense
When two or more hydraulic circuits are operated gallery.
each circuit will operate at a different pressure. Pump pressure will rise until it overcomes the
If pump flow to a specific circuit is not controlled the pressure behind the load check valve of the heaviest
circuit requiring a lower operating pressure will work loaded circuit and the pressure in the load sense line
faster than that requiring the higher pressure is similarly at this high pressure.
because flow will take the path of least resistance. The pressure required to operate the lower loaded
To overcome this situation the pressure circuit is now too high and if not restricted will result
compensating valve regulates the flow of oil to the in the lower loaded circuit operating in preference to
circuit operating at a lower load. and faster than the higher loaded circuit.
When two spools are operated simultaneously pump To compensate for this condition the load sense
pressure is applied to the metering element of the pressure moves the metering element of the
pressure compensating valve in both valve sections. pressure compensating valve in the lower loaded
Both metering elements therefore move upwards circuit downwards and restricts the flow to the circuit.
allowing oil to flow to the load check valves. At the This balancing of flow and pressure according to load
same time the drilling in the spool portion of the ensures that both circuits operate simultaneously
pressure compensating valve is uncovered to allow and at a balanced flow rate.
Load Sense Relief Valve Operating
Load Sensing Flow Sharing – Two Spools Operating
1st Spool Operating Pressure Trapped Oil
(Op No 35 701)
1. Lower loader to ground and position the dipstick
in the vertical plane with bucket positioned firmly
on the ground.
2. Stop the engine and relieve any residual pres-
sure in the backhoe and loader circuits by moving
the loader and backhoe control levers through all
operating positions.
3. Disconnect the battery
Hydraulic Pump and Loader Control Valve Installation
1. Hydraulic Pump 6. Supply to Backhoe Control Valve
2. To Steering Test Port 7. Load Sense Line to Backhoe Control Valve
3. Loader Control Valve 8. Front Pump Supply to Hydraulic Circuit
4. Rear Pump Supply to Hydraulic Circuit 9. Steering Load Sense Line
5. Return to Reservoir 10. To Steering Motor
7. Installation is removal procedure in reverse.
(Op No 35 702)
1. Position the unit on hard level surface.
2. Lower loader to the ground
3. Lower stabilisers
4. Offset swing frame on sideshift models to the left
or right.
5. Position dipstick in the vertical plane with bucket
positioned firmly on the ground.
6. Stop the engine and relieve any residual pres-
sure in the backhoe and loader circuits by moving
the loader and backhoe control levers through all
operating positions.
7. Disconnect the battery
13. Support the weight of the valve using a suitable
14. Remove valve retaining bolts which are located
on the rear of the control valve mounting plate
and carefully withdraw and lower valve from ma-
15. Installation is removal procedure in reverse.
Control Valve Disassembly
Disassembly of the loader and backhoe control valve
assemblies are similar.
For reference the individual valve sections and relief
valves are identified as follows.
Loader Control Valve
1. End Plate
2. Loader Arm Control Valve
3. Bucket Cylinder Control Valve
4. Auxiliary Circuit Control Valve
5. End Block
6. Loader Bucket Relief Valve (Rod End)
7. Loader Bucket Relief Valve (Piston End)
Hydraulic Control Valve Section – Typical
1. Spool Cap 8. Plate
2. Centralising Spring 9. ‘O’ Ring Seal
3. Spool 10. Plug
4. Plug 11. Pressure Compensator Spool
5. Spring 12. Pressure Compensator Collar
6. Check Valve 13. Valve Section
7. Wiper 14. Relief Valve
Backhoe Control Valve Inlet Housing
1. Exhaust Regulator Valve 5. ‘O’ Ring
2. Load Sense Circuit Relief Valve 200 bar 6. Spring
3. Inlet Housing 7. Spring
4. Plug 8. Flow Balancer Valve
1. Wash all components in an approved degreaser.
2. Inspect spools and bores for scoring and dam-
age. If spool is badly scored or worn the valve
must be replaced.
1. Re–assembly follows the removal procedure in
2. Progressively tighten spool tie rods to a torque of
25 Nm.
Preliminary Checks
If fault finding, pressure and flow testing is carried out EXAMPLE:
in a systematic manner and the results analyzed, the Backhoe lift circuit slow to raise, all other circuits ap-
malfunction can be readily and accurately identified. pear to work normally.
If short cuts, assumptions and guesses are made,
Listed in the column under “Malfunction” in the “Fault
unnecessary strip-down or component replacement
Finding Chart”, the description would be “lift fails to
could result. Follow the step-by-step procedures out-
operate, is slow or has loss of power”.
lined below.
The column headed “Malfunction” lists the ob-
As a first step in the fault finding procedure, several
served malfunctions when the backhoe or loader
preliminary checks should be made. These checks
is operated.
are important in that once performed, they need no
longer be considered as a possible cause of the im- The column headed “Possible Cause” lists all the
mediate or reported malfunction. items in the circuit which could cause the ob-
served malfunction.
Check that the hydraulic oil is at the correct level
and of the correct specification. The column headed “Test/Repair” lists the test
which should be used to determine the item
Check the loader, backhoe or any additional ac-
causing the observed malfunction.
cessory such as hydraulic bucket, hammers etc.,
for correct assembly or installation and addition- Refer to “Test/Repair” column and perform the rec-
ally for signs of external damage that might ommended tests. Systematic and logical testing will
cause gross misalignment of structural reduce the time required in locating the cause of the
members. malfunction and provide a more accurate indication
of the malfunction. If adequate test equipment is not
Check in more detail for other mechanical dam-
available, disassembly and inspection of the items
age such as kinked, twisted, worn or decayed
listed under “Possible Causes” must be undertaken.
hoses, damaged cylinders and bent elements.
Do not forget to check underneath the unit for Before pressure testing the machine ensure the hy-
damaged steel tubes, particularly if the unit has draulic oil is at normal operating temperature of
been known to have operated in arduous condi- 75 C.
tions, been grounded, or bogged down. Pressure testing is performed using the two pressure
Ensure optimum operating temperature of the test ports on the left hand side of the machine.
hydraulic oil is achieved. The upper port tests the hydraulic system and the
The preceding preliminary checks assume that the lower port the steering system.
engine performance is not in question. Having per- Install 0–200 bar (0–3000 psi) pressure gauge in
formed these checks and failed to locate the cause this port using quick release coupler, Part No
of the malfunction, the following procedures should 291924, when pressure testing the steering system.
be adopted:
If possible, operate the backhoe and make notes
of the operating characteristics. Cycle each con-
trol lever to operate each of the cylinders to the
fully extended and retracted positions.
Compare the operating characteristics in the pre-
ceding stage with the malfunctions listed in the
“Fault Finding Chart”.
Steering Standby
3. install 0–40 bar (0–600 psi) pressure gauge into
the lower test port on left hand side of machine.
4. Set engine speed to 1000 rev/min
5. Ensure no turning force is being applied to the
steering wheel and observe pressure on gauge.
The pressure gauge should read approximately
17 bar (250 psi) and is the steering standby pres-
6. If pressure incorrect remove and examine flow
divider spool on end of pump
Steering Circuit Relief Valve
1. install 0–200 bar (0–3000 psi) pressure gauge
into the lower test port on left hand side of ma-
2. Set engine speed to 2000 rev/min and fully turn
and hold steering on either full left or right hand
turn and observe pressure gauge. The gauge re-
ading should rise to 175–183 bar
(2560–2660 psi) and is the steering circuit relief
valve setting.
3. If reading is not to specification stop engine, re-
move blanking plug on pump flow divider and
using screwdriver turn relief valve adjusting
screw to increase or decrease setting.
4. Retest steering and when pressure correct peen
end of adjuster to prevent movement and re–in-
stall blanking plug.
4. Hold the loader bucket control lever to the left
causing the bucket to roll back.
5. Observe the reading on the upper gauge which
will display the system pressure relief valve set-
Pressure reading should be 210 bar
(3040 psi)
6. If relief valve is away from specification adjust to
3. Observe the upper gauge which should read
160 bar (2300 psi) minimum and is the operating
pressure of the loader bucket, piston end, relief
valve. Values up to 190 bar are acceptable
4. Adjust valve if not to specification.
5. To test rod end circuit relief valve hold lever to the
left and curl in the bucket. If pressure reading is
210 bar the system relief valve is operating and
it is an indication that relief valve which is set at
230 bar is set correctly.
Extendible Dipper Relief Valve (Piston End)
1. Set engine speed to 2200 rev/min
2. Fully extend the extendible dipper and continue
to depress the control pedal.
3. Observe the reading on the gauge in the lower
test port (3).
4. Pressure recorded is the extendible dipper relief
valve setting and should read 165 bar (2375 psi)
minimum. Values up to 200 bar are acceptable
5. Adjust valve if not to specification.
6. Observe the reading on the gauge in the lower
test port (3).
7. Pressure recorded is the extendible dipper relief
valve setting and should read 165 bar (2375 psi)
minimum. Values up to 200 bar are acceptable
8. Adjust valve if not to specification.
Dipperstick Bucket and Boom Relief Valves
These relief valve are set to a higher pressure than
the main system relief valve setting of 210 bar.
To test these circuit relief valves operate each ser-
vice until the corresponding relief valve operates.
If pressure reading in each incidence is 210 bar the
system relief valve is operating and it is an indication
that relief valves are set correctly.
Dipperstick bucket circuit relief valve (rod end) seci-
fication is 220 bar.
Dipperstick boom circuit relief valve setting (piston
end) is 240 bar.
To accurately test the dipperstick bucket (rod end)
and boom (piston end) relief valves the main system
pressure can be temporarly increased to 240 bar.
Do Not increase pressure setting to higher than 240
bar and reset system relief valve to 210 bar on
completion of test.
NOTE: Dipperstick boom circuit relief valve setting
(rod end) is 315 bar and can not be checked using
this system. Replace this valve if considred faulty.
Flow Testing