Consumer Behavior Syllabus For MBA 3 Sem 2016 Scheme - VTU 16MBAMM301 Syllabus

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Consumer Behavior syllabus for MBA 3 Sem 2016 scheme | VTU 16MBAMM301 Syllabus

Unit-1Introduction to the study of Consumer Behaviour5 hours

Introduction to the study of Consumer Behaviour: Meaning & Definition of CB, Difference between consumer &
Customer, Nature & characteristics of Indian Consumers, Consumer Movement in India, Rights & Responsibilities of
consumers in India, Benefits of consumerism.

Unit-2Role of Research in understanding consumer behaviour9 hours

Role of Research in understanding consumer behaviour: Consumer Research: Consumer Research Paradigms
(Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods) Developing research objectives, collecting secondary data,
designing primary research, data analysis and reporting research findings.

Models of Consumer Behaviour: Input-Process-Output Model, Nicosia Model, Howard Sheth Model, Engel-Kollat-
Blackwell Models of Consumer Behaviour, Internal Influences: Motivation, Personality, Perception, Learning,
Attitude, Communications, External Influences: Social Class, Culture, REFERENCE Groups, Family members.Levels of
Consumer Decision Making – Consumer Buying Decision Process, Complex Decision Making or Extensive Problem
Solving Model, Low Involvement Decision Making or Limited Problem Solving Model, Routinised Response
Behaviour, Four views of consumer decision making. On-line Decision Making: Meaning & Process/Stages
Situational Influences- Nature of Situational Influence (The communication Situation, The Purchase Situation, The
usage situation, The disposition situation) Situational Characteristics and consumption behaviour (Physical
features, Social Surroundings, Temporal Perspectives, Task Definition, Antecedent States.)

Unit-3Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour and CRM: Part 110 hours

Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour and CRM: Part 1

A) Motivation: Basics of Motivation, Needs, Goals, Positive & Negative Motivation, Rational Vs Emotional motives,
Motivation Process, Arousal of motives, Selection of goals. Motivation Theories and Marketing Strategy - Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs, McGuire’s Psychological Motives (Cognitive Preservation Motives, Cognitive Growth Motives,
Affective Preservation Motives, Affective Growth Motives).

B) Personality: Basics of Personality, Theories of Personality and Marketing Strategy (Freudian Theory, Neo-
Freudian Theory, Trait Theory), Applications of Personality concepts in Marketing, Personality and understanding
consumer diversity (Consumer Innovativeness and related personality traits, Cognitive personality factors,
Consumer Materialism, Consumer Ethnocentrisms), Brand Personality (Brand Personification, Gender, Geography,
Colour), Self and Self-Image (One or Multiple selves, The extended self, Altering the self).

C) Perception: Basics of Perception & Marketing implications, Elements of Perception (Sensation, Absolute
Threshold, Differential Threshold, Subliminal Perception), Dynamics of Perception (Perceptual Selection, Perceptual
Interpretation, Perceptual Organization ,perceived price, perceived quality, price/quality relationship, Perceived
Risk, Types of risk, How consumers’ handle risk. Customer Relationship Management Meaning & Significance of
CRM, Types of CRM (Operational, Collaborative, Analytical), Strategies for building relationship marketing, e-CRM,
Meaning, Importance of e-CRM, Difference Between CRM & e-CRM

Unit-4Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour: Part 28 hours

Individual Influences on Consumer Behaviour: Part 2

A) Learning: Elements of Consumer Learning, Motivation, Cues, Response, Reinforcement, Marketing Applications
of Behavioural Learning Theories, Classical Conditioning Pavlovian Model, Neo-Pavlovian Model), Instrumental
Conditioning, Elaboration Likelihood Model.

B) Attitude: Basics of attitude, the nature of attitude, Models of Attitude and Marketing Implication, (Tri-
component Model of attitude, Multi attribute attitude models.

C) Persuasive Communication: Communications strategy, Target Audience, Media Strategy, Message strategies,
Message structure and presentation.

Unit-5External Influences on Consumer Behaviour12 hours

External Influences on Consumer Behaviour Social Class: Social Class Basics, What is Social Class? (Social class &
Social status, the dynamics of status consumption, Features of Social Class, Five Social-Class Categories in India

Culture and Subculture - Major Focus on Indian Perspective Culture: Basics, Meaning, Characteristics, Factors
affecting culture, Role of customs, values and beliefs in Consumer Behaviour.

Subculture: Meaning, Subculture division and consumption pattern in India, Types of subcultures Cross-cultural
consumer analysis: Similarities and differences among people, the growing global middle class; Acculturation is a
needed marketing viewpoint, applying research techniques

Cross-cultural marketing strategy: Cross-cultural marketing problems in India, Strategies to overcome cross-cultural

Groups: Meaning and Nature of Groups, Types Family: The changing structure of family, Family decision making
and consumption related roles, Key family consumption roles, Dynamics of husband-wife decision making, The
expanding role of children in family decision making, The family life cycle & marketing strategy, Traditional family
life cycle & marketing implications,

Reference Groups: Understanding the power & benefits of reference groups, A broadened perspective on
referencegroups, Factors that affect reference group influence, Types of reference groups, Friendshipgroups,
Shopping groups, Work groups, Virtual groups, Consumer-action groups, referencegroup appeals, Celebrities.

Unit-6Consumer Influence and Diffusion of Innovations12 hours

Consumer Influence and Diffusion of Innovations(08 Hours)

Opinion Leadership: Dynamics of opinion leadership process, Measurement of opinion leadership, Market Mavens,
Opinion Leadership & Marketing Strategy, Creation of Opinion Leaders

Diffusion of Innovations: Diffusion Process (Innovation, Communication channels, Social System, Time) Adoption
Process: Stages, categories of adopters Post Purchase Processes: Post Purchase Processes, Customer Satisfaction,
and customer commitment: Post purchase dissonance, Product use and non use, Disposition, Product disposition.

Case studies in Indian context only (04 Hours)

Retail Management syllabus for MBA 3 Sem 2016 scheme | VTU 16MBAMM302 Syllabus

Unit-1Introduction and Perspectives on Retailing8 hours

Introduction and Perspectives on Retailing World of Retailing, Retail management, introduction, meaning,
characteristics, emergence of organizations of retailing - Types of Retailers (Retail Formats) - Multichannel Retailing
-Customer Buying Behaviour, Historical Perspective, role of retailing, trends in retailing, FDI in Retail - Problems of
Indian Retailing - Current Scenario

Unit-2Theories of Retailing5 hours

Theories of Retailing Wheel of retailing, The Retail Accordion, Melting Pot Theory, Polarization theory.

Unit-3Retailing strategy for Setting up Retail organization and planning14 hours

Retailing strategy for Setting up Retail organization and planning: Retail Market Strategy - Financial Strategy - Site
& Locations (Size and space allocation, location strategy, factors Affecting the location of Retail, Retail location
Research and Techniques, Objectives of Good store Design.) – Human Resource Management, Information Systems
and supply chain management & Logistics.

Retail Pricing and Promotion: Factors influencing retail pricing, Retail pricing strategies, Retail promotion

Unit-4Store Management and Visual Merchandising10 hours

Store Management and Visual Merchandising: Store Management: Responsibilities of Store Manager, Store
Security, Parking Space Problem at Retail Centres, Store Record and Accounting System, Coding System, Material
Handling in Stores, Management of Modern retails –Store Layout, design: Types of Layouts, role of Visual
Merchandiser, Visual Merchandising Techniques, Controlling Costs and Reducing Inventories Loss, Exteriors,
Interiors Customer Service, Planning Merchandise Assortments -Buying systems -Buying merchandise and Retail
Communication Mix.

Unit-5Relationship Marketing & International Retailing9 hours

Relationship Marketing & International Retailing: Management & Evaluation of Relationships in Retailing, Retail
Research in Retailing: Importance of Research in Retailing, Trends in Retail Research, Areas of Retail Research.
Customer Audits, Brand Management in retailing, Internationalization of Retailing and Evolution of International
Retailing, Motives of International Retailing, International Retail Environment – Socio-Cultural, Economic, Political,
Legal, Technological and issues in international retailing

Unit-6Retail Audit and ethics in Retailing10 hours

Retail Audit and ethics in Retailing (6 Hours)

Undertaking an audit, responding to a retail Audit, problems in conducting a retail audit. Ethics in retailing, social
responsibility and consumerism

Case Studies (4 Hours)

Services Marketing syllabus for MBA 3 Sem 2016 scheme | VTU 16MBAMM303 Syllabus

Unit-1Introduction to services10 hours

Introduction to services: Concepts, contribution and reasons for the growth of services sector, difference in goods
and service in marketing, characteristics of services, concept of service marketing triangle, service marketing mix,
GAP models of service quality.

Consumer behaviour in services: Search, Experience and Credence property, consumer expectation of services, two
levels of expectation, Zone of tolerance, Factors influencing customer expectation of services.

Customer perception of services-Factors that influence customer perception of service, Service encounters,
Customer satisfaction, Strategies for influencing customer perception.

Unit-2Understanding customer expectation through market research8 hours

Understanding customer expectation through market research: Key reasons for GAP 1,using marketing research to
understand customer expectation, Types of service research, Buildingcustomer relationship through retention
strategies –Relationship marketing, Evaluation ofcustomer relationships, Benefits of customer relationship, levels of
retention strategies, Marketsegmentation-Basis & targeting in services.

Unit-3Customer defined service standards10 hours

Customer defined service standards: “Hard” & “Soft” standards, challenges of matching supply & demand in
capacity, four common types of constraints facing services, optimum v/s maximum use of capacity, strategies for
matching capacity & demand. Yield management-balancing capacity utilization, pricing. Waiting line strategies-
four basic Waiting line strategies.

Leadership &Measurement system for market driven service performance-key reasons for GAP- 2service leadership-
Creation of service vision and implementation, Service quality as profitstrategy, Role of service quality In offensive
and defensive marketing.

Unit-4Employee role in service designing8 hours

Employee role in service designing: importance of service employee, Boundary spanning roles, Emotional labour,
Source of conflict, Quality- productivity trade off, Strategies for closing GAP 3.

Customer’s role in service delivery-Importance of customer & customer’s role in servicedelivery, Strategies for
enhancing-Customer participation, Delivery through intermediaries-Keyintermediaries for service delivery,
Intermediary control strategies.

Unit-5Role of marketing communication8 hours

Role of marketing communication-Key reasons for GAP 4 involving communication, four categories of strategies to
match service promises with delivery, Methodology to exceedcustomer expectation.

Pricing of services-Role of price and value in provider GAP 4, Role of non-monitory cost, Priceas an indicator of
service quality –Approaches to pricing services, pricing strategies.

Unit-6Physical evidence in services12 hours

Physical evidence in services(6 Hours):

Types of service spaces- Role of service scapes, Frame work forunderstanding service scapes& its effect on
behaviour-Guidance for physical evidence strategies.

Case Studies in Indian context only (6 hours

Principles & Practices of Banking syllabus for MBA 3 Sem 2016 scheme | VTU 16MBAFM301 Syllabus

Unit-1Banking system and structure in India10 hours

Banking system and structure in India- Evolution of Indian Banks-Types of banks - PublicSector, Regional Banks,
Performance of Public Sector banks, Private Sector Banks. Commercial banking: Structure, Functions - Primary &
secondary function, Role of commercial banks in socio economic development, Services rendered. Credit creation
and Deployment of Funds.-Role of Reserve Bank and GOI as regulator of banking system – Provisions of Banking
Regulation Act & Reserve Bank of India Act.

Unit-2Banker and customer10 hours

Banker and customer – Types of relationship between banker and customer – Bankersobligations to customers –
Right of lean, setoff, appropriation–Bankers legal duty of disclosure and related matters.

Customers` accounts with banks – Opening- operation – KYC norms and operation –Types of accounts and
customers – Nomination – Settlement of death claims.

The Negotiable Instruments Act 1881: The Paying Banker and The Collecting Banker- Negligence-Bills of exchange
and promissory note-Discharge of Negotiable instruments- Hundis.

Unit-3Banking Technology10 hours

Banking Technology- Concept of Universal Banking-Home banking–ATMs-Internet banking– Mobile banking-Core

banking solutions–Debit, Credit and Smart cards– Electronic Payment systems-MICR- Cheque Truncation-ECS- EFT –

Unit-4International banking9 hours

International banking–International Banking: Exchange rates and Forex Business, Correspondent banking and NRI
Accounts, Letters of Credit, Foreign currency Loans, Facilities for Exporters and Importers, Role of ECGC, RBI and
EXIM Bank.

Unit-5Banker as lender8 hours

Banker as lender – Types of loans – Overdraft facilities – Discounting of bills – Financing book dates and supply bills-
Charging of Security bills- pledge – mortgage – assignment

Unit-6Asset Liability Management (ALM) in banks9 hours

Asset Liability Management (ALM) in banks: Components of Liabilities and Components of Assets, Significance of
Asset Liability management, Purpose and objectives. Prerequisites for ALM, Assets and Liabilities Committee
(ALCO)- Activities of ALCO

Investment Banking & Financial Services syllabus for MBA 3 Sem 2016 scheme | VTU 16MBAFM302 Syllabus

Unit-1Investment Banking10 hours

Investment Banking- Introduction-Functions of Investment Banks- Types of Investment Banks- Investment Banking
Services- Merchant Banking Services-Issue Management-Pre issue and Post issue obligations-Changing landscape
of Investment Banking. Regulation of the Capital Market- SEBI regulations for merchant bankers, brokers and sub
brokers, intermediaries and portfolio managers.

Underwriting: Concept – Devolvement - Business model - Underwriting in fixed price offers and book built offers.

Unit-2Depository System9 hours

Depository System: Objectives, activities, interacting systems, role of depositories and their services, Advantages of
depository system -NSDL and CDSL. The process of clearing and settlement through Depositories, Depository
Participants. Regulations relating to Depositories-SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations 1996-
Registration of depository and participant- Rights and Obligations of depositories and Participants.

Unit-3Housing Finance7 hours

Housing Finance: Role, Types of housing loans, Institutions and banks offering Housing Finance, Procedure and
Interest rates. Income Tax Implication. Reverse mortgage loan.

Non-Banking Finance Companies: Types, Growth, Functions, RBI Guidelines, Prudential Norms.

Unit-4Factoring9 hours

Factoring: Origin, Types, Factoring mechanism, advantages, factoring charges, International factoring, Factoring in

Forfeiting: Origin, characteristics, benefits, difference between factoring and forfeiting, growth of forfeiting in

Securitization of debt: Meaning, Features, Special Purpose Vehicle, Types of securitisable assets, Benefits of
Securitization, Issues in Securitization.

Unit-5Venture Capital9 hours

Venture Capital: Concept, features, Origin and the current Indian Scenario. Private equity- Investment banking
perspectives in private equity

Microfinance: The paradigm - NGOs and SHGs - Microfinance delivery mechanisms – Future of micro finance.

Credit rating: Definition and meaning, Process of credit rating of financial instruments, Rating methodology, Rating
agencies, Rating symbols of different companies. Rating agencies for SMEs.
Unit-6Leasing12 hours

Leasing: Concept, Steps in Leasing Transactions, Types of Lease, Legal frameworks, Advantages and disadvantages
of Leasing, Contents of a Lease Agreement, Matters on Depreciation and Tax, Problems in leasing, Factors
influencing Buy or Borrow or Lease Decision.

Hire Purchasing: Concepts and features, Hire Purchase Agreement, Comparison of Hire Purchase with Credit sale,
Instalment sale and Leasing. Banks and Hire Purchase. Problems related to outright purchase, Hire purchase and

(Question Paper: Case study-Problem on financial evaluation of leasing and hire purchase.)

Investment Management syllabus for MBA 3 Sem 2016 scheme | VTU 16MBAFM303 Syllabus

Unit-1(Theory)Investment6 hours

Investment: Attributes, Economic vs. Financial Investment, Investment and speculation, Features of a good
investment, Investment Process. Financial Instruments: Money Market Instruments, Capital Market Instruments,
Derivatives. Mutual Funds: Functions of Investment companies, Classification of Investment companies, Mutual
Fund types, Performance of Mutual Funds- NAV.

Unit-2(Theory)Securities Market6 hours

Securities Market: Primary Market - Factors to be considered to enter the primary market, Modes of raising funds,
Secondary Market- Major Players in the secondary market, Functioning of Stock Exchanges, Trading and Settlement
Procedures, Leading Stock Exchanges in India. Stock Market Indicators- Types of stock market Indices, Indices of
Indian Stock Exchanges.

Unit-3(Theory & Problems)Risk and Return Concepts10 hours

Risk and Return Concepts: Concept of Risk, Types of Risk- Systematic risk, Unsystematic risk, Calculation of Risk and
returns of individual security, Portfolio Risk and Return

Unit-4(Theory & Problems)Valuation of securities10 hours

Valuation of securities: Bond- Bond features, Types of Bonds, Determinants of interest rates, Bond Management
Strategies, Bond Valuation, Bond Duration. Preference Shares- Concept, Features, Yields. Equity shares- Concept,
Valuation, Dividend Valuation models

Unit-5(Theory & Problems)Macro-Economic and Industry Analysis12 hours

Macro-Economic and Industry Analysis: Fundamental analysis-EIC Frame Work, Global Economy, Domestic
Economy, Business Cycles, Industry Analysis. Company Analysis- Financial Statement Analysis, Ratio Analysis.
Technical Analysis – Concept, Theories- Dow Theory, Eliot wave theory. Charts-Types, Trend and Trend Reversal
Patterns. Mathematical Indicators – Moving averages, ROC, RSI, and Market Indicators. (Problems in company
analysis & Technical analysis) Market Efficiency and Behavioral Finance: Random walk and Efficient Market
Hypothesis, Forms of Market Efficiency, Empirical test for different forms of market efficiency. Behavioral Finance –
Interpretation, Biases and critiques. (Theory only)
Unit-6(Theory & Problems)Modern Portfolio Theory12 hours

Modern Portfolio Theory: Markowitz Model -Portfolio Selection, Opportunity set, Efficient Frontier. Capital Asset
pricing model: Basic Assumptions, CAPM Equation, Security Market line, Extension of Capital Asset pricing Model -
Capital market line, SML VS CML.

Arbitrage Pricing Theory: Arbitrage, Equation, Assumption, Equilibrium, APT AND CAPM.

Portfolio Management: Diversification- Investment objectives, Risk Assessment, Selection of asset mix, Risk, Return
and benefits from diversification. Portfolio Management Strategies: Active and Passive Portfolio Management
strategy. Portfolio Revision: Portfolio Revision Strategies – Objectives, Performance plans. Portfolio Evaluation:
Holding period’s returns, Measures of portfolio performance. Sharpe’s, Treynor’s and Jenson’s.

(QUESTION PAPER- 50% Problems, 50% Theory)

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