Theories of First Language Acquisition

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Theories of first language acquisition


 Tabula rasa
 Stimuli: linguistic responses
 Conditioning
 Reinforcement

Mediation theory

 Mediating response


 Innate predispositions (LAD/UG)

 Sistematic, rule governedacquisition
 Creative construction
 Pivot grammar
 Parallel distributed procesing


 Constructivism
 Social interaction
 Cognition and language
 Functions of language
 Discourse

The behavioural approach

Focused on the immediately perceptible aspects of linguistic behaviour, the publicly

observable responses and the relationships and associations between those responses and
events in the world surrounding them. A behaviourist might consider effective language
behaviour to be the production of correct responses to stimuli. If a particular response is
reinforced it then becomes habitual or conditioned. Operant conditioning refers to
conditioning in which the organism in this case a human being emits a response or operant (a
sentence or utterance) without necessarily observable stimuli. That operat is mainteined
(learned) by reinforcement (for example a positive verbal or nonverbal response from another
person). According to skinner verbal behaviour is controlled by its consequences. When
consequences are rewarding behaviour is manteined and is increased but when consecuences
are punishing the behaviuor is weakened and eventually extinguished.

Chellenges to behavioral approches

In an attempt to boarden the base of behavioural theory some psychologists proposed

modified thoretical positions. One of these positions was mediation theory. The linguistic
stimuli elcits a mediating response that is self stimulating. Charles osgood called this self
stimulation a ‘representational mediation process’ a process that is really covert and invisible
acting within the learner. It is interesting that mediation theory attempted to account for
abstraction by a notion that reeked of ‘mentalism’. Mediation theories still left many questions
about language unanswered. The abstract nature of language and the relationship between
meaning and utterance were unresolved. All sentences have deep structures these deep
structures are intervowen in a person’s total cognitive and affective experience.

The nativist approach

Nativits believe that language acquisition in innately determined that we are born with a
genetic capacity that predisposes us to a sistematic perception of language around us resulting
in the construction of an internalized system of language. Chomsky claimed the existece of
innate properties of language to explain the child mastery of a native language. This innate
knowledge according chomskey was embodied in a methaphorical ‘little black box’ in the
brain, a language acquisition device (LAD). McNeill described the LAD as consisting of four
innate linguistic properties:

1. The ability to distinguished speech sounds from other sounds in the enviroment
2. The ability to organize linguistic data into various classes that can later be refined
3. Knowledge that only a certain kind of linguistic system is posible and that other kinds
are not
4. The ability to engage in constant evaluation of the developing linguistic system so as to
construct the simplest possible system out of the available linguistic input.

More recently researchers in the nativist tradition have continued this line of inquiry through a
genre of child language acquisition resaerch that focuses on what comes to be known as
universal grammar. Assuming that all human beings are genetically equiped with abilities that
enable them to acquire languagtie researchers expanded the LAD notion by positing a system
of universal linguistic rules that went well beyond what was originally proposed for the LAD.
Universal grammar research attempts to discover what it is that all children, regardless of their
enviromental stimuli bring to the language acquisition process. Such studies have looked at
question formation, negation, word order, discontinuity of embeded clauses and other
gramatical phenomena. Research has shown that the child language

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