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BHEDAMS – Movements, Gestures & Positions from the Natya Shaastra


Shiro Bhedam – Head movements

Samam udhvahitam adhomukam alolitam dhutam

Kampitam cha paravruttam ukshiptam parivahitam
Navadha kathitam shirsham natyashashtravisharadaihi ll

Samam - level
Udvaahitam - raised up
Adhomukha - down-cast face
Aalolitam - rolling
Dhutam - shaken sideways
Kampitam - nodded
Paraavrttam - turned round
Utksiptam - thrown up
Parivaahitam – tilt head CW & CCW

Greeva Bhedam – Neck movements

Sundhari cha tirashchina tathaiva parivartita

Prakampita cha bhavagne gnyeya greeva chaturvidha ll

Sundari - to & fro horizontally

Tirashchina - upward movement on both sides
Parivartita - right to left like half moon
Prakampita - backward & forward movement

Dhristi Bhedam - Eye movements

Samamalokitam sachi pralokita nimilite

Ullokitanuvrutte cha tatha chaivavalokitam
Ityashtou dhrishtibhedhaha
Syuhu kirtitaha purvasuribhihi ll

Samam - level
Aalokitam – rolling eyes
Sachi – right side
Pralokitam – left right left
Nimilite - closed (/down)
Ullokitam - looking up
Anuvrutta - quickly up & down
Avalokita – looking far away
Hasta Bhedas – Hand Gestures

Asamyuta Hasta – Single Hand Gestures

Patakas tripatako ardhapatakaha kartarimukhaha

Mayurasyo ardhachandrashcha arla shukatundakaha
Mushtishcha shikarakhyashcha kapittha katakamukhaha
Suchi chandrakala padmakoshakaha sarpashirstatha
Mrigashirshaha simhamukhaha kangulashcha alapadmakaha
Chaturobramarashchaiva hamsasyo hamsapakshakaha
Samdamsho mukulashchaiva tamrachuda trishulakaha
Ityasamyutahasta hastaanaam ashtavinshatiririta ll

Pataka – flag Tripataka- Ardhapataka - half- Kartarimukha -

a flag with three flag scissors

Shukatunda -
Ardhachandra – Arala - bent
Mayura – peacock parrot's head
half moon

Kapittha –
Mushti – fist Shikhara - peak Katakamukha -
opening in a bracelet
“ (Mushti) “ (Shikhara) “(Kapittha)

Katakamukha 2-
opening in a bracelet
“ “ “

Katakamukha 3-

Suchi – needle Chandrakala – Padmakosha – Sarpashirsha –

moon’s rays lotus bud snake hood

Mrigashirsha – Simhamukha – Kangula - bud Alapadma –

deer head lion face bloomed lotus

Chatura - square Bhramara - bee Hamsasya – Hamsapaksha - swan

swan beak wing

Sandamsha - pincers Mukula – blossom Tamrachuda - cock Trishula - Trident

Samyuta Hasta - Two Hand Gestures

Anjalishcha kapotashcha karkata svastikastatha

Dolahasta pushpaputa utsanga shivalingakaha
Katakavardhanashchaiva kartarisvastikastatha
Shakatam shankha chakrecha samputa pasha kilakau
Matsya kurmo varahashcha garudo nagabandhakaha
Khatva bherundakakeshcha avahittas tathaivacha
Ityete sankhyatasamyutaha karaha
Chaturvimshatiriityutaha purvaghaibhartadibhihi ll

Anjali - salutation Svastika - crossed

Kapota - pigeon Karkata - crab

Dolahastha -
Pushpaputa - Shivalinga –
hanging hands Utsanga - embrace
handful of flowers Lord Shiva

Katakaavardhana -
Kartaisvastika -
bangles / bracelets
crossed scissors
Shakata - cart Shankha - conch
Chakra - discus

Samputa – Pasha - rope/cord Kilaka - bond

covered box

Matsya - fish Kurma - tortoise Varaha - boar

Nagabandha - two
Garuda - eagle

Khatva - cot Bherunda - mythical Avahitta – open

bird with two heads
Pada Bhedas – Feet & Leg Positions

Samapadam Ekapadam Nagabandham

Aindhram Gaarudam Brahmapadam ||

Leg Positions
Sama padam Standing with feet together

Eka padam Stand with one leg

Nagabandham In aramandi position, the right leg in front swastikam (touching the
ankle of the other leg)

Aindhram Standing on one leg in aramandi position

Garudam Sitting, with one knee bent and the other foot flat on the ground
Brahma padam Padmasana
Mandala Bedha – Standing Postures (Feet Positions)

Sthaanakam cha aayatha aaliddham prenkhanam prerithaani cha

Prathyaalidham swasthikam cha motitham samasoochika
Paarshvasoochithicha dashamandala neerithaaniha

There are ten standing postures:

Sthãnaka Standing with feet together (Samapãda) & hands on hip with
ardhachandra hasta

Aayata Aradhamandali position

Aalidha Right foot facing front & left foot perpendicular to it (left foot in aramandi
position). Body faces front

Prenkhana Putting one foot at the side of the another heel and having kurma hands

Prerita Putting one foot violently on the earth at a distance of about 3 feet from
one another ;standing with knees bent and left hand in Shikhara hasta near
chest and right hand in Pataka hasta stretched out

Pratyãlidha Tha hands and legs are interchanged in the Alidha posture

Swastika Right foot is put across the left left and the right hand is put across the left

Motita Sitting in muzhumandi and touching the earth with each knee alternatively
and with Tripataka hasta on both hands.

Samasuchi A posture where in the earth is touched with toes and knees .

Parshvasuchi Muzhumandi where in the earth is touched with toes and by one knee on
one side

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