Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Tr i g e m i n a l N e u r a l g i a
Sarah K.B. Bick, MD*, Emad N. Eskandar, MD
Trigeminal neuralgia Microvascular decompression Percutaneous radiofrequency rhizotomy
Percutaneous glycerol rhizotomy Percutaneous balloon compression
Microvascular decompression offers superior long-term pain outcomes for patients with type I tri-
geminal neuralgia; however, it is associated with the highest rate of serious complications.
For patients with recurrent pain after microvascular decompression or who are poor operative can-
didates, percutaneous radiofrequency rhizotomy is the best option among the percutaneous
Percutaneous radiofrequency rhizotomy offers the best initial and long-term pain response rates
and has the advantage of being able to selectively target affected trigeminal divisions.
Stereotactic radiosurgery may be useful in patients who fail multiple operative procedures or who
have multiple sclerosis–associated trigeminal neuralgia.
and stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), including had partial pain relief.7 Another study with very
gamma knife radiosurgery (GKRS) or cyberknife. long-term follow-up found that at 15 years 73.4%
Fig. 2. Percutaneous procedures. Percutaneous radiofrequency rhizotomy (PRR), percutaneous glycerol rhizot-
omy (PGR), and percutaneous balloon compression (PBC) all involve entry of a needle through the foramen ovale
to introduce injury to the trigeminal nerve. A needle is introduced 2.5 cm lateral to the labial fissure. (A) The nee-
dle is advanced medial to the ramus of the jaw into the foramen ovale using oblique view fluoroscopic imaging.
(B) A lateral radiograph is used to confirm the location of the needle. Once positioned, trigeminal nerve injury is
performed via radiofrequency ablation (PRR), glycerol injection (PGR), or mechanical compression (PBC).
4 Bick & Eskandar
Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Aseptic meningitis occurs in 0.12% to 3% of pa-
tients34,35,37,39 and bacterial meningitis in 1.5% to Success rates
1.7%.37,39 Carotid puncture occurs in 0.77%.39 After GKRS 79% to 91.8% of patients have initial pain
Penetration of buccal mucosa occurs at a rate of improvement.49–53 Pain improvement after GKRS is
1.5%,39 and cheek hematoma in 7%.39 Hypesthe- delayed, with 10 days to 3.4 months weeks until
sia occurs in 23.3% to 72%,30,34,37–39 with higher pain relief.49–57 Duration of symptoms is associated
rates in patients undergoing repeat procedures.38 with latency of response.52 Earlier response may be
Decreased corneal sensation occurs in 6.3% to associated with durability of response.57 Median
15%.32,34,37 There is a 1.9% rate of hearing loss.39 duration of pain relief is reported at 32 months to
4.1 years.49,58 At 1 year, 75% to 90% have BNI I to
Percutaneous Balloon Compression IIIB pain scores.57 At 3 years, 70% maintain improve-
Success ment in pain, with 34% pain free without medica-
There is a 82% to 93.8% initial response rate.30,35,42 tion.53,56 At 5 to 5.6 years, 44% to 65% of patients
At 1 year, there is a 25.4% recurrence rate.32 At a retain pain relief.49,57 Another study reported 76%
mean of 4 years, long-term pain control is 69.4%.43 are pain free at 7 years.54 At 10 years, 30% to
Another study found a 20% recurrence rate at 51.5% maintain good pain relief.51,59 In a large cohort
5 years. At a mean of 10.7 years of follow-up, there of TN patients who underwent GKRS, 29% ultimately
is a 31.9% recurrence rate.44 Time to symptom required further procedures for pain control.51
recurrence may be related to balloon compression Patients who have not previously undergone
time and to duration and extent of hypesthesia.40,45 surgery have more durable pain relief.49,50,54 Initial
Repeat PBC for recurrent TN may be effective medication responsiveness is also a positive
with 83% to 93.8% of patients having immediate predictor of outcome.54 Some studies report no
pain relief.45,46 At a median of 64.8 months of difference in response rates between different ra-
follow-up, 54.5% remained free of pain.46 diation doses.49 With a constant radiation dose,
the dose rate may be associated with pain relief
Complications outcomes after GKRS.58 Older age may also be
PBC has a high rate of hypesthesia, with 89% to associated with better outcomes,51,53,56,58 as is
100% of patients having initial numbness14,44 and shorter duration of symptoms.52 Postprocedure
Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia 5
facial numbness is associated with pain out- proximity of the target to the brainstem.53,57 Anes-
comes.50,51,54,57,60 Although neurovascular thesia dolorosa has been reported in 0.2%.51
compression does not predict response to After repeat GKRS, there is a higher rate of hyp-
GKRS, dose to site of compression and distance esthesia at 11% to 80%53,64 and a 6.6% rate of
from isocenter to site of compression are associ- corneal dryness.60 A cumulative radiation dose of
ated with pain relief.61 Type I TN patients are more than 115 Gy may be related to hypesthe-
more likely to have initial response and less likely sia.64 A reported 1.3% of patients experienced
to relapse after GKRS.51,53,57 In bilateral TN anesthesia dolorosa.60
GKRS has 80% pain control rate at 12 months When GKRS is performed after initial failed
and 65% at 36 months.62 MVD, GKRS, or PRR, there is a 9.3% to 26%
Repeat GKRS may be effective in patients who rate of new facial numbness,66 which is associated
have recurrence after initial GKRS, with 60% to with radiation dose.67 Anesthesia dolorosa occurs
100% with initial pain response after repeat pro- in 0.5%.66
cedure,63,64 with 75% maintaining pain freedom
at 1 year64 and a median duration of response of SUMMARY
3.8 years.60 Patients who have a good response
to initial GKS have better response to repeat pro- Available treatment options for TN have different
cedure, as do those with hypesthesia after initial risks and benefits stemming from their differing
procedure.60 Radiation dose may be correlated success rates and complication profiles (Table 1).
with response to repeat GKRS.64 In patients A careful consideration of these factors will help to
undergoing a third GKRS procedure, 47.1% had determine which procedure is more most appro-
initial BNI I scores and 47.1% BI II to IIIb scores priate for a specific situation.
at a mean of 2.9 months after the procedure, MVD offers high initial response rates as well as
with 35.3% maintaining BNI I and 41.2% BNI II the longest durability. Studies directly comparing
to IIIb scores at a mean of 22.9 months of MVD with other treatment modalities have found
follow-up.65 the most favorable pain outcomes after MVD.
Patients who underwent GKRS after failing pre- PRR and MVD have similar initial response rates,
vious surgical treatment for TN had 81% BNI I to but there is a significantly longer response after
IIIb rates of pain control at 1 year.66 In another MVD.20,71 PRR patients are more likely to require
study, patients undergoing GKRS for recurrent a subsequent procedure for TN-related pain than
pain after initial MVD, GKRS, or PRR found 66% those undergoing MVD or SRS.72 A study of a na-
with a BNI score of I to IIIb at a median of 3 years tional discharge registry from the Netherlands
of follow-up.67 At 6 years, there is a 58% rate of comparing MVD, open partial sensory rhizotomy,
BNI I to IIIb pain control.66 Hypesthesia is associ- and PRR found that MVD had the lowest 1-year
ated with better outcomes,66,67 as is fewer previ- readmission rate73; however, PRR had the lowest
ous interventions.66 In patients who had complication rate.73 PRR does have a higher rate
previously undergone MVD, 77.8% achieved initial of hypesthesia than SRS or MVD.72,74
pain freedom after median 14 days, significantly Several studies have reported that cost effec-
faster than in the general TN population.68 At tiveness is best for PRR, followed by MVD, fol-
10 years, 44.3% remained pain free without lowed by SRS.72,75 However, this calculation
medication.68 does not take into account the cost of multiple
After cyberknife radiosurgery, 61.9% to 87.2% additional procedures that may be required in
of patients have initial pain relief.69,70 There is a young patients with TN given the higher recur-
19-month median time to pain recurrence.69 At a rence rate after percutaneous procedures, consid-
median of 24 to 28 months of follow-up, 72% of ering the relatively short follow-up of the studies.
patients have good pain outcomes.69,70 At 2 years Another study found that patients undergoing
of follow-up, 72% of patients had good pain out- MVD followed by SRS followed by PRR required
comes.70 Hypesthesia is associated with better the fewest number of procedures to achieve pain
outcome.69 A higher initial pain score may be relief.74
associated with better pain outcomes.70 In a group of patients who underwent GKRS or
MVD based on their own preference, a significantly
Complications greater percentage of those who underwent MVD
There is a 6% to 42% rate of hypesthesia after had initial BNI scores of I to III, and additionally
GKRS, with similar rates after cyberknife radiosur- MVD provided more immediate pain relief.76
gery.49–52,54,56,58,69 Hypesthesia may be delayed, Recurrence rates were similar between the 2
occurring at a median of 12 months.50 Hypesthe- groups.76 A study in patients over 65 years of
sia is dose dependent and may be related to the age found similar results.77 Other studies have
6 Bick & Eskandar
Table 1
Success rates and complication profiles for TN treatment options
Initial Long-Term
Response Response
Procedure Rate (%) Rates (%) Predictors of Response Complications (%)
Microvascular 80.3–96 1 y: 84 1 Type I TN, arterial CN V: 1.6–22
decompression 5 y: 72–85 neurovascular CN VII: 0.6–10.6
10 y: 74 compression, CN VIII: 1.2–6.8
preoperative trigger Anesthesia dolorosa:
points, shorter 0–4
disease duration CSF leak: 1.5–4
- Bilateral TN, MS Cerebellar infarct/
associated TN, hematoma: 0.075–
type II TN 0.68
Mortality: 0.15–0.8
Percutaneous 97.6–99 1 y: 61.8 1 type I TN CN V: 3.3
radiofrequency 5 y: 57.7 - Bilateral symptoms Decreased corneal
rhizotomy 10 y: 52.3 sensation: 5.7–17.3
20 y: 41 Keratitis 0.6–1.9
Anesthesia dolorosa:
PGR 71–97.9 1 y: 53–63 1 High preoperative CN V: 23.3–72
5 y: 43.5 pain score, Decreased corneal
postoperative sensation 6.3–15
hypoesthesia, CN VIII: 1.9
presence of pain-free Aseptic meningitis
intervals 0.12–3
- 3 previous PGRs Bacterial meningitis
Percutaneous 82–93.8 1 y: 74.6 CN V: 4.6–40
balloon 5 y: 69–80 Decreased corneal
compression 10 y: 68.1 sensation: 0–3.1
CN VIII: 2.4–6.3
Aseptic meningitis: 0.7
Bacterial meningitis:
Stereotactic 79–91.8 1 y: 75–90 1 Earlier response, no CN V: 6–42
radiosurgery (delayed 5 y: 44–65 previous TN surgery, Anesthesia dolorosa: 0.2
10 d–3.4 mo) 10 y: 30–51.5 medication
postprocedure facial
Abbreviations: 1, positively correlated with response; , negatively correlated with response; CN, cranial nerve; CSF, ce-
rebrospinal fluid; MS, multiple sclerosis; PGR, percutaneous glycerol rhizotomy; TN, trigeminal neuralgia.
reported longer durability of pain relief after MVD the procedure, with 78% retaining significant relief
compared with GKRS.78,79 Patients treated with at an average of 1.2 years of follow-up.71
GKRS have a higher incidence of facial numbness Although MVD has higher rates of serious com-
and corneal anesthesia,79 whereas patients who plications, including facial weakness, hearing loss,
underwent MVD had higher rates of facial weak- cerebellar infarct or hematoma, and CSF leak, as
ness and hearing loss.76 well as higher mortality than other procedures, in
A systematic treatment algorithm whereby MVD experienced hands the incidence of these compli-
was performed in patients younger than 70 years cations remains relatively low. Given the superior
of age and PRR was performed in older patients long-term response rate of MVD, it remains the
or for those in whom MVD had previously failed initial treatment of choice in patients with type I
had good long-term outcomes, with 93% experi- TN, including older patients who are acceptable
encing significant pain relief within 1 month of operative candidates.
Surgical Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia 7
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