Types of Cerebral Herniation and Their Imaging Features

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Types of Cerebral

Herniation and
Their Imaging
Monro-Kellie hypothesis

– the sum of volumes of the brain, CSF, and intracranial blood is constant
– An increase in the volume of one component will result in a decrease in the
volume of one or both of the other components
– When there is a change in the intracranial volume that exceeds these
compensation mechanisms, brain tissue will be displaced from one
compartment into another
– A decrease in ICP can also produce herniation, as in paradoxical herniation
Brain herniation types

– Brain herniation can be classified into two broad categories: intracranial and
extracranial. Furthermore, intracranial hernias can be subdivided into three
basic types: (a) subfalcine hernia; (b) transtentorial hernia, which can be
ascending or descending (lateral and central); and (c) tonsillar herniation.
Approach to Diagnosing brain
Herniation Syndromes
– Clinical Information • Displaced Structure
Identifying the displaced structure is
Pt history and symptoms
necessary to classify the type of hernia.

– Anatomic Landmarks
• Indirect Signs
help determine if a specific brain structure is evaluating other potentially involved
displaced structures can provide valuable information
by showing indirect signs of the herniation
– Direction of Mass Effect
• Herniation-related Complication
establish its location and determine the
direction of the vector force it creates. This will
point out the brain structures that may be
displaced or involved.
Herniation-related Complications

– Stroke of the anterior cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery, or posterior

inferior cerebellar artery occurs owing to vascular compression.
– Hydrocephalus manifests when there is involvement of the foramen of Monro
or aqueduct of Sylvius
– Cranial nerves may be affected when there is involvement of the brainstem and
basal cisterns.
Relevant Anatomy

– The main dural reflections are the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli, which
divide the cranial cavity into right and left cerebral hemispheres and the
posterior fossa, thus defining the supra- and infratentorial compartments
– The midbrain and cerebral peduncles pass through the incisura. The uncus and
hippocampus are located just superior to the medial edges of the incisura.
– . Basal cisterns are involved in almost any hernia type, making them a key
anatomic landmark.
Structures at risk of compression by
the herniated tissue.
– The posterior cerebral arteries, anterior choroidal arteries, and basal veins of
Rosenthal pass around the midbrain through the perimesencephalic cistern,
close to the free edge of the tentorium.
– The oculomotor nerve exits the midbrain anteriorly and courses medially to the
uncus on its way to the cavernous sinus.
Subfalcine Hernia

– also known as midline shift or cingulate hernia, is the most common type of
cerebral hernia.
– It is generally caused by unilateral frontal, parietal, or temporal lobe disease
that creates a mass effect with medial direction, pushing the ipsilateral
cingulate gyrus down and under the falx cerebri.
– The anterior falx, although rigid, is displaced secondary to the mass effect. On
the other hand, the posterior falx, wider and more rigid, will resist the
displacement. This explains why subfalcine hernias occur anteriorly.
– The septum pellucidum deviates at the level
of the foramen of Monro, which serves as a
landmark for quantification of the degree of
midline shift. This shift can be measured on
axial images by drawing a central line at the
level of the foramen of Monro and measuring
the distance between this line and the
displaced septum pellucidum.

In subfalcine hernias, the degree of midline

shift correlates with the prognosis; less than 5-
mm deviation has a good prognosis, whereas a
shift of more than 15 mm is related to a poor

– In more severe hernias, the displaced tissue may compress the corpus callosum and
contralateral cingulate gyrus, as well as the ipsilateral ventricle and both foramina of
Monro, causing dilatation of the contralateral ventricle
– There may also be focal necrosis of the cingulate gyrus due to direct compression
against the falx cerebri
– Compromise of these structures manifests clinically as hypobulia, apathy, and
– compression of the anterior cerebral artery, specifically the pericallosal artery, with
consequent infarction of the corresponding vascular territory (most commonly
manifisted by contralateral leg weakness (
Descending Transtentorial Hernia

– Descending transtentorial hernia (DTH) is the second most common type of

cerebral hernia. It occurs when brain tissue is displaced downward through the
tentorial notch
– DTH may be divided into two types: lateral (anterior and posterior) and central
– In this type of hernia, the pressure caused by the crowding of tissue within the
incisura compromises the third cranial nerve, posterior cerebral artery, and
– Hydrocephalus develops because of the compression of the cerebral aqueduct. In
cases with severe and abrupt downward displacement of the brainstem,
stretching and shearing of perforating branches of the basilar artery occur,
resulting in ischemia and hemorrhage in the brainstem
– the effect can be multiple or even extend into the cerebellar peduncles. This is
called Duret hemorrhage; it is a late finding and portends a poor prognosis,
usually death
Lateral Hernia

– Lateral hernias occur when the medial temporal lobe is displaced downward
through the tentorium incisura. They can be divided into anterior and posterior
hernias, depending on the portion that is displaced.
Anterior Hernia

– Usually, a unilateral supratentorial lesion (particularly in the middle cranial

fossa) causes an inferior and medial mass effect that pushes the uncus over the
free edge of the tentorium
– It is the first event in most cases of DTH, usually followed by herniation of more
posteriorly located brain tissue. However, the distribution and sequence of the
DTH will also depend on certain factors, such as the location of the disease and
the size and configuration of the incisura
– The initial displacement of the uncus results in effacement of the suprasellar
cistern, the earliest finding in this type of hernia. Often, that is all it effaces. As
the herniation progresses, there is widening of the ipsilateral
perimesencephalic cistern, with displacement and rotation of the brainstem .
– With more advanced herniation, the midbrain and opposite cerebral peduncle
are compressed against the tentorial edge.
– Descending corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts may be affected above the
medullary decussation, resulting in motor weakness on the same side as the
lesion, known as the Kernohan notch phenomenon (false localizing sign).

– Compression of the posterior

cerebral artery, third cranial
nerve, and aqueduct of Sylvius
may result in medial temporal
and occipital lobe infarcts,
blown pupil, hemiparesis, and
Posterior Hernia

– In patients with occipital and posterior temporal disease, the herniation of the
medial temporal lobe occurs more posteriorly .The parahippocampal gyrus,
behind the uncus, is displaced downward into the posterolateral part of the
tentorial incisura. Larger posterior hernias may also include the isthmus of the
fornical gyrus and the anterior part of the lingual gyrus.
– This brain tissue will impinge on the lateral part of the quadrigeminal plate
cistern and cause displacement, rotation, and compression of the brainstem.
– It may involve the tectum at the level of the superior colliculus, resulting in
Parinaud syndrome, which is commonly present in this type of DTH. There is
relatively less compression of the oculomotor nerve and posterior cerebral
artery than in other types of DTH.
Central Hernia

– It usually manifests along with other types of DTH. Bilateral supratentorial

disease causing mass effect, midline masses, severe brain edema, or
supratentorial hydrocephalus may cause this type of hernia.
– Effacement of the perimesencephalic cisterns is the most useful and consistent
– Caudal displacement of the basilar artery and pineal gland, flattening of the
pons against the clivus, and inferior and posterior displacement of the
quadrigeminal plate are other useful indicators of this type of hernia

– Hydrocephalus and infarction of the posterior cerebral artery territory are

common complications .
– Progressive central herniation can lead to oculomotor palsy, progressive
alteration of consciousness, decerebrate posturing, coma, and eventually death
Ascending Transtentorial Hernia

– occurs when a mass effect, coming from the posterior cranial fossa with an
upward direction, displaces the cerebellar vermis and hemispheres superiorly
through the tentorial incisura.
– It is more likely to occur when the mass originates near the incisura, like in the
cerebellar vermis
Tonsillar or transtentorial?

– In the context of increased intracranial pressure, brain tissue is displaced

toward the site that offers less resistance. When the tentorial incisura is small,
cerebellar tissue will slide through the foramen magnum, causing tonsillar
herniation. On the other hand, when the tentorial opening is large, upward
herniation of the superior cerebellar vermis will occur before tonsillar

– As there is upward herniation of the cerebellar vermis, anterior

displacement of the midbrain and cerebral aqueduct takes place.
The normal concave configuration of the quadrigeminal plate
cistern is distorted, taking on a flat or convex morphology. If the
posterolateral aspect of the midbrain is compressed bilaterally, the
classic “spinning top” configuration will appear .
– Hydrocephaly may be present due to compression of the
– Hemispheric branches of the superior cerebellar arteries, as well as
posterior cerebral arteries, may be compressed. This causes
ischemic infarction of the superior portion of the cerebellar
hemispheres and occipital cerebral lobe
– Clinically, signs of cerebellar and brainstem compression, as well as
increased ICP, may be present
Tonsillar Hernia

– Tonsillar hernia is inferior displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the

foramen magnum into the cervical spinal canal. It may be congenital (Chiari
spectrum) or acquired.
– Normal tonsillar position relative to the foramen magnum varies with age
– In the 1st decade of life, the presence of cerebellar tonsils more than 6 mm
below the foramen magnum is considered abnormal. In the next 2 decades, the
reference value is 5 mm; for the 4th to 8th decades, the threshold is greater
than 4 mm; and at age 80 years or older, 3 mm is the limit
– The McRae line is used as a
reference for this measurement.
It is obtained by drawing a line
from the basion to the
opisthion. The degree of
tonsillar herniation is the
perpendicular length from the
McRae line to the tip of the
displaced tonsil

– The most common cause is an infratentorial mass creating a downward mass

effect. It may also be secondary to a supratentorial mass, in which case it is
usually associated with a DTH. It can cause severe neurologic damage followed
by sudden respiratory arrest.
– Visualization of tonsils extending below the foramen magnum, anterior
brainstem displacement, and loss of CSF surrounding it are common features

– The fourth ventricle may be compressed, producing obstructive supratentorial

hydrocephalus .
– Compression of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery by the herniated tonsils
can lead to cerebellar infarcts .
– Transalar hernia is an
uncommon and less described
type of hernia. It is usually
associated with subfalcine and
transtentorial hernias
– Identifying anterior or posterior
displacement of the middle
cerebral artery is useful for
suspecting this type of hernia
Extracranial Hernia

– They are most frequently caused by postsurgical and posttraumatic cranial

defects that allow brain tissue to pass through.
– A large craniectomy defect allows the brain to expand without constriction. If
the defect is too small, swollen brain may herniate with a “mushroom cap”
appearance. This can result in compression of cortical veins and lead to venous
infarction and contusion of the brain at the craniectomy margins.
Paradoxical hernia

– is a rare and potentially fatal complication of decompressive craniectomy. It is a

neurosurgical emergency.
– Atmospheric pressure exceeding ICP at the site of the craniectomy causes a
pressure imbalance and consequent subfalcine and/or transtentorial hernia.
The brain tissue is displaced from the craniectomy defect .It is often triggered
by an acute imbalance of ICP secondary to CSF drainage or lumbar puncture
– Symptoms include a depressed level of consciousness, autonomic instability,
signs of brainstem release, and focal neurologic deficits
Intracranial Hypotension

It must be suspected in patients without an intracranial mass or edema or when

the degree of herniation is out of proportion to the degree of mass effect
It is caused by iatrogenic or spontaneous CSF leak. The loss of CSF volume results in
downward descent of the brain secondary to a negative pressure gradient between
the cranial and spinal compartments
DTH and tonsillar hernia may manifest Also, blood volume will increase to maintain
the intracranial volume. This results in pachymeningeal hyperemia and edema,
which can be identified at MRI as diffuse pachymeningeal enhancement

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