Baldin Guide English

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Who is Lou Baldin ?

Lou Baldin has reached the public through threads opened on

the American website Above Top Secret (ATS). He has written
several books, most of them are about UFOs and

Under the username Sleeper, he opened those threads in order

to voluntarily answer questions from internet users who had
read his first books (A Day with an extraterrestrial and In
League with a UFO) and to widely develop the information of his "alien
contact" that Lou baptized Milton.

His two major threads, "Are ETs as real as the nose on your face?" and "I'm
coming clean on extraterrestrials" met certain success on ATS, also attracting
many skeptics who vainly persisted to debunk his words and tried to make a
crook out of him.

His various treads and blogs exceeded two thousand pages of questions and
answers to this day. This guide is an attempt to concentrate the vast majority of
his answers and revelations under themes.

Happy reading

Note: This guide only contains about 50% of all Lou Baldin's answers that can
be found on treads and blogs, and nothing from his books. It will be completed
over time by other answers but already contains the bulk of it.

 About me
 My Life
 ETs and me
o Milton
 My Family
 My Story & Mission
o About A day with an ET
 About the Truth
 About Skeptics


1. Universe
2. Our solar system
a. The Sun
b. The Moon
c. Jupiter
d. Saturn
e. Mars
f. Uranus
g. Pluto
h. Venus
i. Mercury
3. Big Bang
4. Black Holes
5. Black Matter
6. Time
a. Time Travel
7. Dimensions


1. Good & Evil

2. Integrity
3. Hate, Envy & Ego
4. Destiny
5. Déjà-vu
6. Guardian Angels
7. Animals & wilderness




1. Extraterrestrials / Aliens
2. Alien conflicts & Renegades
3. Hybrids
4. UFOs
5. About the book "In league with a UFO"
6. Alien bases
7. Area 51 & Roswell
8. Dulce
9. Army, Government & Aliens
10. Men in Black
11. Crop Circles




1. Subconscious
2. Meditation & Enlightment
3. Dreams
4. Psychics & Channelers


 Magic, Witchcraft, Esoteric


1. Human Science
b. Ufology
2. Alien Technology


1. 9/11 & Middle-East

2. New World Order & Secret Societies
3. Secret societies
4. Black Ops & Secret Ops


1. Ghosts & Poltergeist


1. Monuments and Ancient sites
2. Dinosaurs
3. Wars


1. Prophecies
2. Planet X / Nibiru
3. 2012
4. End of the World
5. Future of Mankind
6. Climate Changes & Natural Distasters


1. DNA & Blood

2. Drugs


Lou Baldin's Books


About me

Why the username Sleeper?

When I signed up I entered many words and names the one I have is the one that took.

I don’t consider myself psychic, I don’t meditate or go into a trance or use chicken bones, nor
do I read the star charts to predict the future.

I have a political slant, I am the opposite of aliens, i am very political in my views.

I’m not straight line conservative politically speaking, mostly in the commonsense issues like
personal responsibility, standing on your own two feet, and things that count for the long
term, like eternity because life is forever and we carry our baggage with us wherever we go.
That’s why some of us sink into the bottomless quagmire of hopelessness. Know any people
like that? This world is filled with them.

I’m not a religious person so that’s not where I’m going with this.
I was a Catholic, and when I married I changed my religion to one of the protestant ones----
the one my wife and children belong to-----I even thought my children to be good Christians--
--yet I do not adhere to any religion or secular beliefs.
My mother was very Catholic in her beliefs and I did believe in Christianity but I never was
good at it----I went to church as a child but stopped when I became a teenager----I started
back up when I had children just to give them something to chew on.
I was never afraid of going to hell----it never made sense to me that a loving father---god----
would send his children to eternal damnation----I never discussed religion with my parents----
they had their beliefs and I had mine.
I respect Christians----my family is Christians---I raised two children in the Christian beliefs--
--they go to Church every Sunday.

I would say my Christian beliefs have been upgraded to a higher operating version---
I did three or four years in Catholic grade school---the best education I ever received,
discipline goes a long way in the learning department---lol
I was raised a Catholic and my Christian confirmation name is Michael.
I did go to the church while my children were growing up to give them a sense of community
and love for others.

I am not a Scientologist, nor do I prescribe to any earth religions or beliefs---but I’m also not
against most of them.
I’m not Scientology; they have attacked me many times as have others

I did not dabble in the occult.

I don't meditate.
While in college I did some bio feedback that helped me relax, but I don’t have the patience to
meditate anymore---

If you are asking if I take drugs----I do----an aspirin once in a while, and I have a glass of
wine with my meals---one glass.
I am not allowed to take drugs.
I don’t know my IQ

I’m not concerned about the army tracking me down and putting me out of commission, I’m a
veteran, and not in hiding, they “know” where to find me if they want me.
I have experience aliens many times since my army days-----if the military or anyone else is
watching me I am not aware of it. Maybe after this they will.

I have never been regressed-----and personally I know it would be pointless----since they can
place whatever they wish in our minds.

I have been shown a few things [of what is to come] but for the most part I have to take one
day at a time.
I will not returned to this planet for a long time, unless I am sent back or certain other
circumstances pull be back
I am planning a long vacation before deciding on my next assignment.

I have no concern about dying----that would be the end of my exile----I came from a truly
cool place to this planet---not that I have it bad but it’s a whole lot less than what I had.

In my previous existence I have seen much but nothing as I have been shown while in this
life----forgive me if I don’t give details---I don’t have the time---I have to make a living like
everyone else.

I have an optimistic outlook on existence and my life.

Life to me is like school there are good times and bad but overall I enjoy the learning curve
and look forward to graduation.

The only thing I worship is a good cup of coffee in the morning

I am not a scientologist. I'm a contactee, perhaps I should see it that qualifies as a tax exempt

I don’t share this stuff with those in my social circles.

I have normal dreams---find myself in crowded places in my underwear---so embarrassing---

My health is great; I'm not concerned about anything--- implants and other objects inside of

I’m going back to that uninhabitable planet I came from---, but I will take a break first and
hang out in a very bright spot near the center of this galaxy, in spirit form---for as long as they
allow me.

I was going to be taken at the age of fifty but asked for an extension because I didn’t want to
put my children and wife through the anguish---at the very last minute they extended my stay-
--don’t know for how long but I can go anytime I want, my family is what is keeping me here.
I’m not going to take my family with me, they are on different paths and we are not due to
cross paths again for some time, so they cannot go with me.
I did know the date of my original departure which was a few years ago, but it got extended
for reasons I’m not complete sure about. Don’t know my next departure window yet.
I don’t know when I’ll be departing from this earth.

I have my occasional cup of Java, and a drink of wine at dinner---that’s about all my head can
As far as raising my vibrations I use to do it with regular coffee---and have since switched to
decafe---I don’t like the higher vibrations---

I love nature and spend many hours walking in it---preferably alone.

I like nonfiction and history books.

I never liked sci-fi books, and may have read one or two my whole life. I like true stories and
history books.
I buy all my books and literally have hundreds of them, many I have yet to read---very few
are fiction

My source is me and Milton and I hold the Copyright.

Once everyone gets their cut there isn’t much left over for the writer, only those that make it
to the top of the sellers list make a living doing it---but I’m not complaining I didn’t get into
writing for the money because I have been doing it for many years and have yet to make any,
I write because I was asked to write---not told---and I enjoy writing.

About my “soul category”: I’m in voluntary exile---lol

I have a shop in my basement, it’s filled with old radios, something about vacuum tubes and
old circuitry gives me goose bumps---lol

I love crusty bread and eat it all the time.

I used to be in construction, built houses, and those glasses and several other pairs have saved
my eyes from flying nails out of nail guns and wood splinters and other shrapnel in the heat of
battle at constructions sites.
The pair I have now are much smaller but they too have been marred by molten copper when
I was doing some rewiring in my basement and I cut into a live wire.
So my eyeglasses have served me well---

What question do I most want the answer to?

Why do any of us merit being born into this magical universe?
Milton tried to explain it to me once and my mind went blank from overload---it’s such a
strange deal the brain locks up---Milton said I had to upgrade my spirit-ware before I could
run that advanced program, concept---

It’s no secret that there are people who don’t like me---lol

There are a couple of possibilities for my next hangout but they will not tell me until the last
minute--- I’m on borrowed time since my stay here was extended a few years ago by my
request. Therefore my options have changed, and now my time of departure will determine
where I go from here.
Don’t let my lack of enthusiasm and casual sentence demeanour fool you---I write this way so
as not to appear hyperbole in my descriptions because I’m already way out there for most
people’s taste.

I have no collaborators, or links to substantiate my claims, experiences, or points of view. My

info is from my perspective and no one needs believe any of it. I’m not here to change the

I am emotionally comfortable in my life and I don’t have anxieties.

I have to get out and earn a living; Miltie is no help in that department.

I’m 54, and my last human physical was in 1973 by the military when my stint was up. I don’t
have a physician; never have other than when I was in the service. As a teenager and a young
adult I smoked and drank with the best and worst of them, but two years before my first
daughter was born ETs told me to stop smoking and reduce my drinking. I did. Now a glass of
wine or two is all I do.

I don’t want to write fiction, and I’m working on how to get way out there while remaining
within a degree of respectable reality---if there even is such a thing.

I have lots of trees on my property, my neighbours on both sides of me have none---they told
me it’s because they don’t like raking the leaves in the fall---yet they end up raking more
leaves than I do because most of my leaves end up in their yards---
Yet they still talk to me---lol

I’m not coming back here on earth to live, but I will visit now and then in one of those ufo

I expect nothing [from people to believe in me]

I don’t have the time to read every book out there, I’m doing good if I can read two or three
books a year, I’m not a speed reader and it takes me awhile to get through a book.
Besides I don’t read books about ET and UFOs because I have firsthand knowledge.
I read plenty, just not as much as I would like, I have hundreds of books but books are only
one avenue for the printed word---we have this thing called the internet, journals, newspapers
and a host of other media to keep people like me busy---on top of that I have written and
published books, have written countless manuscripts that are still first drafts, dozens of other
half completed manuscripts, and a first draft screenplay which is my ATS blog.

I have sold hundreds of books all from word of mouth, I have never advertised, or did
seminars or talk shows, therefore very few people know me.
I self-published and the libraries in my state bought many of my books---that was the only
time I actually made a profit because they paid list price and they ordered directly from me.
One of my books has been on for ten years regardless of the sales numbers---and
I often find my books in book stores.
There is also something called POD print on demand, which is the way many books are going
in the future, I sell quite a few of my other books that way through Barns and Noble and other
I have shipped books around the world and I’m not concerned about them making me
immortal---I’m already immortal---so are you btw.
I have never made a penny on a book yet I have sold thousands of them. Making money from
selling books is a myth; only 3% of writers make a living selling books---the rest like me have
to earn a living so that we have the money to spend on publishing our books.

I’m human, with a thirty year mortgage, who fills up his gas tank with the same expensive
fuel as everyone else. I raised two children that are grown up now; I have a sweet wife, and
the extended family on both sides, I mow the lawn once a week and take frequent walks at the
local park---this morning after typing this I will get my car inspected and renew my license
tags---afterward I might meet the wife for lunch---if she’s lucky---lol

I have no obligation to tell my experiences or answer questions, I can stop anytime I want.
Truthfully I don’t look forward to finishing all those books I have started, or writing more---
this is hard work especially since I don’t have to do any of it.

I’m not the poster child of integrity, I am human and have to deal with all those things
humans have to deal with----and I sure peddle that “integrity” thing a lot on this thread don’t
Anyway I do the best I can when it comes to integrity, even though I was only a boy scout for
about a week when I was ten, until they arrested our scoutmaster for racketeering and shut the
whole thing down---and we ended up roaming the streets----looking for trouble----and found
plenty of it----sorry for that side anecdote---
Where was I---oh yeah---not only have I told the truth but I haven’t even scratched the surface
of most of the truth that remains hidden from most humans--- scout's honour.

Me personally, I like hot weather but I’m sure glad that the “gods” created air-conditioning
for us monkeys down here!

What level of human Am I?

I’m many notches below the janitorial crew---or more appropriately known as maintenance

Do I know who or what I will be when I expire here on earth?

I’m still negotiating that---so are you.

I have been around a few and then some.

I have been on this planet more than once.

My serenity doesn’t perturb easily------but my serenity certainly perturbs others---

I’m neither a psychiatrist nor physician therefore not qualified to speak on such matters.

Why were I picked to be enlightened about this true true reality that I speak of?
Certainly not for my peachy personality------my uncle Guido got hold of one them flying
saucers that landed in his back yard----back in Italy when I was still a kid, and when ET came
out of the ship and asked “take me to your leader” he took him to the local Don, who made
the two ETs in the ship an offer they couldn’t refuse---and the rest is history.
Some of them like Uncle Guido have a purpose and a job---it takes a special kind of guy to be
able to stuff a bloody body into the back of a car trunk still alive and then sit down to a huge
plate of pasta and bottle of wine, and then a noon nap before finishing the job of disposing the
body later that night.
Why do I think their brains were hardwired with cruelty in the first place?
To entice others to cruelty---notice that movies and shows like the Sopranos are number one.
All of us crave blood and power---all we need do is delve deep into hate and envy and we can
have it all---right?
Lots of sting operations going on as we speak.

Were my construction skills and writing talents from previous existences? I got them while

You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt what awaits after death. You have the knowledge to
keep yourself on track.
I do have that “unfair advantage”, that’s why I do what I do even knowing that “most” will
laugh at me and think me a kook---
I was born with my eyes wide open----which is both benefit and burden.

I’m not vegetarian, although I like vegetables too---

I'm am Libra.

I remember my trip to earth in a ship as if it happened yesterday, I have always known to one
degree or other about the other side, and there are many other sides to the galactic coin

Do black ops still keep tabs on me?

Oh yeah

I’m allowed some info on my own “family”.

I’m not ready for primetime, or perhaps primetime is not ready for me---
Prime Time is not ready for a "broad brushed drip", nor does anyone really want it, or need it
for that matter.

I’m not very good at making money and have only lost several thousands of US dollars----
since I got in this crazy get rich quick money making scheme, back in 1997 when my first
book came out.
I wish I could do it for free, or at least break even, but apparently nothing is free, and it is
costing me plenty to get this free info out.

I still have dreams, not much but yes.

Are you untouchable since you know Milton and retribution would follow?
Hey, I’m Italian, we don’t believe in retribution.

I’m discouraged from taking any drugs even prescriptions. And my wife and children do the
same for the most part.
Do I fear the unknown? Well if it’s unknown then what is to fear?

I know some about my past but not all---there is a lot to know but I don’t need to know it all.

Let's say you work for a big company and have several bosses, how would you look at them
knowing what you know?
I have worked for bosses and I did the job I was paid to do. I don’t feel superior for the simple
fact that I know I’m not----
I’m actually a regular Joe and not the “sleeper guy” that I am on this thread.

We can change gender, but it never occurred to me to do so. I don't recall ever being female in
the few lives that I do remember.

I'm human and I have to roll with the punches, which is not easy since Milton is short and hits
below the belt.

I'm not much of a psychic

When you lived in ancient Roman, maybe you were taken to visit places in our solar system
and beyond, is that right?
These planets were related at the Roman style living?
The Roman style living as was true with Greek and Egyptian was far superior than most
realize today.

My name is not sleeper or Lou, those are temporary names. Earth names are temporary.

I would never do regression and I never have.

How many past lives can you recall?

A couple (can’t say anymore).

What do you consider yourself?

I'm simply one soul out of endless bazillions of other souls, and I go by Lou or Luigi for now.

Is this your first time in America? If it's not, when were you there last time?
It's not my first time in America, that's all.
How does it feel to remember all those things? Do you recognize yourself or do you feel that
they are completely different people altogether?
I'm only allowed a few peeks.

My dad had a wine press in the house and grapevines in the backyard. We were poor but we
had wine lol. I visited Italy in 2001, the first and last time since we moved to America, and
got the grand family tour. Wine, fantastic food and more wine and more fantastic food day
and night for a month. It took me a year or more to recoup and re-acclimate when I came
back. They certainly know how to live over there, but considering how reckless they drive,
must be all that wine they drink.

My first language is Italian, and was so up into my teens. I still speak Italian but my dreams
are in English. Apparently English is a universal language.
Can you name three politicians, past or present, that you really respect?
Truman, Kennedy, Reagan.

What do you enjoy the most here in 3D?

The four seasons are really cool.

Have you ever been to England?

Technically no.
My life

I was born in 1952 and I did a three year stint in the US army, not sure if that qualifies as ex
civil servant.

I am Italian, born in Italy, grew up in the states. US citizen.

I was born at the end of the Korean War.

This should stir the pot; I was dropped off on this planet on Oct. 7, 1952, in a small Italian
village---where I lived in dirt poor poverty for several years----wasn’t I special---
More like punishment---

I was born in Italy, my parents move to America a few years after WW2 and became citizens.
I was a US citizen through them and eligible for the draft----I choose to enlist.

I have some college.

Those hands have not had it easy, I have been in construction for 35 years as a carpenter and
have built many houses in freezing winter weather and roasted during the hot summer months.
I have also built lots of free houses for Habitat for Humanity-----those were the hardest on
me----working with amateurs can age you before your time.

Once upon a time I was in the United States Army and I not only seen alien space ships
UFOs, but I was in one.

The military never told me why they gave me access to the ship---my guess they didn't know.
My military rank and clearance had nothing to do with my involvement with the aliens; it
came about because of my previous contact with aliens from childhood. My clearance to enter
the ships was from the aliens, not the military. I was not a military experiment taking drugs
and having hallucinations. The military was curious of my involvement with the aliens ----
they know aliens are real. The military brass never gave me permission to enter the ship even
when it was on a military installation----it wasn’t theirs to give, they accepted it.
The military knows more than I do, they also know how helpless they are in comparison to
the aliens-----the worst part they only have contact with a few of the visitors to this planet.

While in Italy during my early years of life, post WW2, I was in ships that flew into space in a
blink of an eye and I saw earth and the other planets from these ships----looking through
portholes. Those were my first experiences----Italy was like a Third World country at the
time, devastated by war----the village I lived in had no radios, televisions, or any concepts of
space travel----bicycles and horses were the main form of transportation.
Years later in American I was in the military in the early seventies----I was privy to much of
the leading edge technology we had, ----the SR-71 spy-plane used for reconnaissance over
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, and the USSR was secret and leading edge technology at
the time----the general public wouldn’t know of it for many years after the war was over.
The SR-71 was a toy in comparison to what I was flying in back in the early nineteen fifties,
many years before the SR-71 was even on the drawing board.

I never made it into Vietnam.

While in the military overseas I was in a severe car accident ET stepped in and fixed me and
the other occupant up and left before the police and ambulances came----we were in perfect
condition without a scratch----the car was a mangled twisted pile of metal----I was the driver
and it was my fault----the passenger didn’t remember anything that happened but couldn’t
believe we were alive and unhurt.

I lived in a small village with no modern conveniences, televisions and radios and books of
fiction didn’t exist for us-----there is no way my mind could have created what I experience
without having some reference-----like TV, books and stories. My parents didn’t and don’t
believe in ET, so they didn’t tell me stories. And how would they have described a fantastical
ship when the bicycle was our main form of transportation.

I never had a near death experience-----I experienced it while alive----in a ship----those things
call UFOs.

I was involved with some secret military stuff, many of us were during that war but it had
nothing to do with the aliens that I was aware of.
I was in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos [wars]; I never said where I was sent to----or what I
did, for reason I would rather not elaborate on.
I was never debriefed by the military because I never entered the ships on behalf of the
military or the government.
Besides, they didn’t trust me to tell them what they wanted to know.

There is nothing spectacular about my military service, I enlisted in January of 1970 and my
tour ended three years later in 1973. My rank was spec 4, primary mos was tank crewmen,
secondary mos was supply. My basic training was in fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

I was stationed in Fort Knox, Kentucky, Fort Ord California, Fort Hood, Texas, and did a tour
in Okinawa.
I was stationed at several military installations, I received my joy rides more than once and at
more than one base. I was able to observe the exterior of the ship on a military base----not
going to mention which one for obvious reasons.
But entering the alien ship took place mostly away from military bases, and I found myself
inside them, in other words I didn’t walk into them, I was taken into them.
The ship I remember the most about had corridors.
There was a main corridor that circled around the main compartment like a hallway separating
the portholes or viewing area from the interior of the ship.
I was able to walk around the interior circumference and look out of the ship from the many
portholes. Never noticed it they were tinted, the view was crystal clear.
The ship was not a large open space, there were rooms or compartments.
I never seen the engine or propulsion system, I’m guessing that it was magnetic because in
certain parts of the ship I could feel a strong energy force around my body, electrical or
something like it, difficult to put into words.

During my military days I was involved in a near fatal accident, someone ran me off the road
while stationed somewhere overseas.
My car was a mangled heap of junk with the doors crumpled shut---by the time the authorities
arrive I was standing outside of the car without a scratch---before the local authorities could
question me the military showed up and took me away---without any questions---and returned
me to my off base apartment.
I’ve had a hard life but overall I have been blessed big time---lucky bugger works for me---lol

Back in 1957 we moved to America and Paterson NJ was the first place we lived---moved
away two years later.
I was very young when we lived there but I remember a convent behind our apartment. My
brother, cousin and I spent many days driving the nuns’ crazy; we got into their flower
gardens and they didn’t like it. There was also a waterfall near us because I could hear it even
from inside our house. We hunted for frogs and turtles at the lake. I have many good
memories of Paterson and a place called Midville?
The preacher that married my wife and I is named Paterson---he retired afterward---come on
there is some mysterious meaning here---lol
Patterson is only reserved for those bad asses I talked about earlier---

In 1970 I was in the army training for combat, not for Vietnam but here in the US, thousands
of us were on the tarmac in Fort Hood, Texas waiting orders to load up on military cargo
planes and be shipped off to Chicago.
Those orders never came and they sent us overseas instead.

When I lived in post war Italy food was hard to come by and we ate pigeons now and then---
people actually came around selling them---chickens were for the wealthy and rare in our part
of town.

I grew up in poverty in Italy, and when we came to America my dad’s business failed and we
were back to square one, I had to join the army to get three meals and some shoes without
holes in them. Until I joined the army I went to bed hungry for seventeen straight years.

I’ve had two of my own business fail---but overall I still consider my life a blessing---my
point, a lot of us get dragged through the hot coals of life---I didn’t think I was sent here for
punishment or to learn a lesson yet I got both.

I missed out on the Age of Aquarius back in the sixties due to poverty and the rough
neighbourhood I grew up in. I joined the army as a way out of it. Didn’t do the hippy thing,
pure survival was my goal. I was never much of a dreamer because life was hard and real. But
unlike many of my friends, and later army buddies I never feared death, and ironically I
outlived most of them.
I have always been aware on one level or other of extraterrestrial beings in my life but didn’t
quite understand why until later in my years. I’ve never been regressed never needed to
because my experiences have been clear and memorable, the few they allowed me at the
As I got older more memories were left intact and that’s why I decided to write about them.
Still, I’m not a new-ager trying to bring enlightenment to the world, I tell my real story, and
answer some questions that I’m privy to.
I find it curious how many people can’t make the mental leap that souls, extraterrestrials,
afterlife and what we see as magic----as real. To me it’s so obvious, and I’m as straight and
level headed as they come with zero flights of fantasy.

I’m not sure that I’m here to learn anything but I definitely had to endure plenty.
I came down to earth from utopiaville what more could they do to me? I should have read the
fine print---
I was dropped of in war ravaged Italy after the Second World War, we moved to the states
where I grew up in poverty in a part of town that the police feared coming into, where people
were shot and stuffed into car trunks over unpaid gambling debts.
Where on more than one occasion walking home from school I found myself dodging bullets
from gun fights between gangsters. My first job I was nine years old and whatever I made I
gave to my mother, I have worked ever since. I joined the army at seventeen to avoid going to
jail because of the thugs I hung out with, and for a pair of shoes that didn’t have holes in
I had a hard life, and some of my friends were the spawn of Satan, criminals looking to outdo
each other just for kicks. It was in those days that I received my first assignments, because I
was on the inside of the gang I was able to keep certain crimes against individuals from taking
place, I did the same while in the army.
The hate and evil that swirled all around me never rubbed off on me and I remained above it
while in the midst of it---but I had plenty of reason to fall, I was always hungry, always cold
in the winter, in grade school I was made fun of because of my language differential, and my
clothes were shabby, there was no shortage of people trying to hurt me or bring me down to
their level.
I trudged through plenty of darkness, the real stuff, because my memory of who I was was

I spent a year at a Jesuit college, but moved on to one that wasn’t so expensive. I had
veteran’s benefits that paid for my schooling but I still couldn’t afford to pay that tuition. I
have regretted it, the teaching was superb.

When our bakery went under all our utilities were turned off except for the water. We lived on
stale bread and coffee heated with a candle for more than a month. We were poor in Italy but
we had family for back up over there, but here in the US we had no friends after we lost
everything, not even welfare because we were not citizens yet---nor the money to go back to
Italy. I lived in poverty until I joined the army.

I was raised by clueless parents, clueless teachers, in a clueless society that views anyone who
has invisible associates as a menace to society------my life has never been a cakewalk.

In Europe starvation and sickness was an affliction of the aftermath of the First World War,
Germany suffered more because they lost that war---and were cut-off economically by the
other countries---which was the seed planted for the Second World War.
Both my parents lost all of their teeth shortly after they moved to America from Italy because
of malnutrition and hardship that was rampant in Europe after the second war.

On your Viet Nam stint: Were you black op?

I was regular army with a side order of the covert---black ops like the mafia doesn’t exist.
Any chance you could tell us about some of the things you did in there? Or is it above top
Let’s put it this way, they don’t give out medals nor punishment for those involved---because
they don’t exist---

My parents were very smart but neither of them picked up the English language until their
latter years. Not soon enough to be helpful to me. Many in the neighbourhood spoke Italian so
the need was not immediate.
Although my dad was given a book by immigration so that he could learn enough English to
take the citizenship test, and he would sit at the dinner table reciting “How now brown cow”
over and over again that I had nightmares about brown cows even though I didn’t quite know
what a brown cow was at the time.

When I lived in Italy as a young boy, my dad devised a way to keep me out of the basement,
where he had his tools. He had me follow him to the basement door, and he would open it and
a hand reached out and grabbed him and pulled him down the stairs. He would yell and beg
for help. I was five at the time and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a broom and hit the hand
that was holding my father until it let go of him.
Years later he told me that the hand was his, and they use to get some good laughs with me,
even inviting the neighbours over to watch. But at the time I was horrified by that beast in the
basement, and the hairs on the back of my neck still stand up whenever I think about it---
Dreams are real places, just as real as the stunt my dad pulled on me---he did it to make a
point and leave an impression, and they “ETs” do likewise.

My kids are grown up and on their own for the most part.

When I was a young lad of ten to fourteen years of age my dad dug a basement under our
house and he had me carry buckets of dirt out into the yard. He always told me just ten
buckets and then you can go play. After the ten buckets there was ten more and by the end of
the night I ended up carrying more than a hundred bucks of dirt, two five gallon buckets at a
time. In grade school, my arms looked like those of Popeye the Sailor Man.
ETs and me

I have no idea why I am involved with the aliens-----but it began from the first day I was
born----and possibly before-----I have vivid memories of my early contacts----not sure what I
can talk about. The military did not select me----they knew about me----before I knew about

My experience began before I was born on this planet. I don’t know if I came from another
planet or if they took me out of my mother’s womb during her abduction (no one in my
family believes in aliens including my mother). My mental awareness was not that of a child
but near to that of an adult. The ship I was in was all over the place like I was being given a
tour of the solar system before they dropped me off or returned me to my mother’s belly.

I remember leaving this solar system and then returning. It was like a train ride I could see
planets in the distance some shrouded in the haze of the sun as we made our approach to the
earth----at that time I did not know that the planet I was looking at was earth and my new
home? The glare of the sun did not bother my eyes---presumably the glass or whatever it was
blocked out harmful radiation.

I haven’t had any bad experiences while I was young, I played with others my age inside the
ship, sometimes it was parked above earth other times it flew around the solar system and we
got to look out thought the portholes.

My ET knowledge came mostly while out of the military----in other words my military
service didn’t interfere with my ET contacts.

English is not my native language but that’s the medium ETs use with me.

I saw earth from space more than once-----not a dream, not an illusion. When I was very
young some fifty years ago before the USSR and the US put people into orbit, before any
television shows like Star Trek, and many alien movies, and books-----I was running around a
space ship with other children----I often looked out the ship and saw huge globes hanging in
the darkness of space.

My experience that I described while in the military happened thirty-five years ago, I have
advanced a tad since then---a few more privileges have been made available to me.

I have been aware of ET for all of my life----I even remember then dropping me off on this

Nevertheless, for the first four decades of my life I didn’t want to know about them and I did
my best to block them out of my life----totally impossible.
They have literally taken me kicking and screaming into a life I didn’t want----in short they
forced me to clean up my act----I wasn’t always the nice guy I am today…..

Evil beings wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble to make me respectable…..or would they?

What these ETs have shown me leaves no doubt in my mind that they are on the same level as
deities-----they are not out there trying to figure things out-----their cities are beyond fantastic-
---everything is magic-----and love radiates from everything including them----when they
don’t have their bad face on----which they only put on while on earth.

I didn’t want to divulge this but here goes----I get their communications from my bowl of
cereal every morning----just like Gonzo did in Muppets from Space-----well, maybe not. We
are in the same place when they give me the info.

Maybe I am a mixture of whatever concoction the aliens implanted in my mother's womb and
taken on several test runs around the solar system before being let loose on this planet, and
they bring me in for an occasional tweak, or checkup, or perhaps to clean the bathrooms on
the ships---I don't know.

Once it was over we were split up and sent to new units, names were aliases, but it didn't
matter I had no desire to get back in touch.
I’d be surprised if anyone came forward to collaborate, if they are still alive----they were a
rough bunch anyway----doubt that they cared about anything.
Aliens can hypnotize anyone, any place, at any time-----those soldiers on the ship were being
trained for other things----not sure what.
Others that have seen the ships one would presume would be a few select scientists,
government officials, and certain military people.

When I entered the ship there were a few people standing behind what was a protective?
Glass partition, no guards near the ship, they were posted outside the building.

Everything is on a need to know basis----if it didn't concern me I wasn't told. It's the best way
to keep secrets.

I’m not visited by only one race.

But I don’t know much about the others yet.
Other entities have the fun jobs and my interaction with them remains obscured, I don’t have
all the details on them but when they drop in it’s party time and we are off to some exclusive
and mysterious destination, I hope they open up to me with more details some day.

They come mostly in the early morning hours (Usually between 2-6 AM)-----I am usually
awake in bed. When they enter the room my whole brain becomes electrically aware similar
to a florescent bulb when placed in the vicinity of a high energy field----it picks up the energy
and lights up, and a loud sound fills my ears----no one hears it but the intended----my wife
sleeps right through it, they keep her sleeping.
I have met them during daytime and they were garbed as humans and their energy field
affects me---sometimes causing stomach cramps. They affect certain electrical things
including my car when I took them places.

There is no preparing that I am aware of-----I have known them my whole life and they still
scare the heck out of me, although, I also have comfortable encounters.

I don’t have details but when I have a question in my head they give me round-about answers.
The way they do certain things makes it obvious they are bound by rules and policies----those
I have contact with are not a band of outlaws----however, alien outlaws probably are out
there----humans are not shooting down alien ships.
I don't know which aliens are dealing with me-----I do know that nice friendly ones have-----
and some very ugly personality types too.

Overall, I don't feel they are malicious----even the ugly ones-----because I believe I leave with
a bit more of something after each encounter.

I have experienced more than one alien----don’t know how many-----for some reason I cannot
retain what they look like. Most of the time they are not near me but at a distance, and they
communicate with me----I don’t ask them questions they know what is on my mind and
sometimes they answer.

It faded but I was always aware of my extraterrestrial rides. When I was young my mental
state was not altered while in the ship. I was not a prodigy child, I hated school, did bad in all
my subjects.

I never ask or know when Milton or others stop by---they come day or night---always
unannounced as if this was some kind of clandestine program---lol. My visits are fairly
frequent, and they usually end up off earth.

I can ask but don’t always get answers---I have asked about others and only received vague
replies on a few---privacy issues---lol

They can make things happen at a faster rate if they want to---I think it's still up in the air
what they will do.
They give it to me and others to put out there.
They definitely have a spaced-out sense of humor---which is a good thing believe me; you
would not like them if they were mad---lol

I’ve been off planet recently, yes, and every so often---some places are still blanked out.

If I did saw Mars, it remains blocked, but I did a flyby.

I assumed most people understood that ET fixed me, I didn’t fix myself, ---at that time I was
not aware that I was repaired by ET, that fact was revealed to me many years after.

I have all my human memories---and overall I have been blessed with two fantastic children
and wife---and fantastic times with them----all intact, and many ET memories—the ET ones
are equally as real.
What else do we have to go on?

When I was young about a billion years ago---lol, a hole opened in my bedroom wall and they
came out of it---talked with me a bit and they took me into the hole---which led into a ship,
and then we flew into space---and I wasn’t even allowed to cross the street on my own---lol

I have always been aware of ETs on some level but they started getting busy with me around
1995, and then again in 2004 at the age of fifty. Every time we meet they open up more stuff,
the human brain has limits and that’s not where they put the bulk of the info, a lot of it is in
the ship, and I have access to some of it via some kind of telepathic hook up---kind of like
dish network---lol
I don't remember ever asking for physical contact---they happen out of the blue, day or night--
-sometimes I’m directed to go for a walk at a park, or nature trail---like in my screenplay.

Two Blue beings came over one morning and rushed me out of my house in a big hurry---put
me into their vehicle---ship and took me to a city I was not familiar with---blanked me out and
an hour later returned me home---one of my most enjoyable abductions---but I don’t
remember why.
I’m a little familiar with them. There are blue entities ---they were small (less than two feet
tall) with reptilian and human features, and radiate blissful energy.
They move rapidly like hummingbirds and when they, there were two of them that visited,
took my hand I moved at the same rate they did. They took me and brought me back two
hours later---I don’t know who or what they are, or why or where they took me.
Blue entities are shy and very hesitant to enter anyone’s private space if they detect the
slightest bit of resistance for an encounter.
Even though many don't believe this stuff, they asked me to clam up on certain things they are
involved in.
Their heads are large in proportion to their bodies, their eyes are smaller than that of greys.
Skin is blue with iridescent white spots.
The blue beings ooze magic and joy and they are still around, really short, not like the tall
ones in Vegas.

I have never seen a dark figure---in the beginning they were small and playful beings that
simply appeared in my room---as I got older and I tried to block them out of my mind---but
they would hit me over the head with a beehive---and take me away. They then started
meeting me in human form and we often had lunch at a local restaurant, or met at other public
places, or at my home---now anything goes---

Personally I never look for them---and have in the past tried to avoid contact---it is them that
intrude into my life---but I’m not complaining now---especially since they opened up things
like they did in my blog !

Helping me is secondary [for ETs]

The relationship is extremely complex and becomes more so the more they open up to me.

When I was young and even while in the military I knew just enough about ET to scare me---
they were doing things I didn’t quite understand and then they blocked things from me. I tried
to drown them out by partying and drinking---then they warned me to cut back---I didn’t
listen and they took me behind the shed---so to speak---and it took me a few years to get over
that one experience---however, I had changed my reckless behavior soon after that encounter.

I see both worlds, ET’s world and human’s world---which would I choose? Hands down ET

Me and Milton are not Illuminati, Satanist, wife beaters, or child molesters, etc
Milton and I do not belong to any secret society or empire or whatever else.

Have the ETs in involvement with me, looking back, only been a positive force in my life or
are they still at times disruptive?
They have been one hundred percent positive, even the ones I perceived as negative turned
out positive---I’m positive---lol

Most of the time ETs are specific with things I need to do.

They sometimes speak in parables when they want an element to remain ambiguous, that’s
what I love about them---not---but I find myself doing the same thing too, will it ever end ?---
ETs talk in parables because a lot of info is transmitted in small bites---for those astute to read
between the lines that is. So I do the same---

Some [abductions] have been very strange and difficult to relay as I did the one in the blog,
that’s why the next one isn’t written yet. The rest of the encounters remain mostly blocked
except for a few moments at the beginning. There are many people going on similar trips yet
so few talk about them---cowards! ---lol
There is no rhyme or reason on when they stop by, but they do frequently.

All the ones I have seen are small below four feet.

The story I wrote "A day with an extra-terrestrial" is a fraction of the experience that
happened to me.

The tin foil hats are to keep aliens from reading our minds and influencing our thoughts---
granted, they will keep microwaves out and tin foil is cool for roasting corn in and it has a
million other uses, but believe me it don’t stop ETs from reading our thoughts.
Ok I have tried it once, I wanted to block Milton out for a short time just to see if I could but
the burger appeared next to me---mocking me and wearing a tin foil hat too---both of us in tin
foil hats and he still talked to me telepathically while drinking a glass of water---shot those
theories all to heck---

The ETs I know about don’t eat food unless they are in human form and then they only do it
to be sociable and not stick out.

I get more tours [with Milton and ETs] but I don’t remember all the details other than they are
more mind blowing fantastic each time---and my little human brain can’t handle it all.

I’ve had some harry scary encounters, plenty.

I get unwelcomed visits, comes with the territory.
Unwelcome visits can get hairy [raises a few hairs] and seldom cordial; also there are some
that have tried to discourage my big yap.

I don’t have any implants in me, I did but Milton took them out, nevertheless, they still keep
on eye on me---if only I could get them to mow my lawn----

I was always aware of the ET critters on some level, and then around 1995 they dropped a
bunch of info in my lap and told me to make sense of it. I put what I could down on paper and
then into a box in my closet where it remained for two years. I forgot about it then got a call
on the phone from some dude and he wanted to meet with me at a restaurant. Normally I
might have hung up the phone instead I got in the car and met him and we talked over lunch
about my writing. I had written a few things but nothing anyone knew about. I went home
took down the box that had the first draft of my manuscript in it and rewrote it a dozen times
then had it published in 1997.
What a waste of time and money, my money and my time. My advice, if some weirdo
stranger calls and tells you to write a book, tell him or her where to stick it---

This thread is about extraterrestrials. I know that many people can’t get their minds around
that possibility.

I don’t contact aliens if I can help it. They seem to know where to find me even though I have
moved often.

Milton tells me things even if I don’t want them, and I can share them if I wish.

Do you get all your information from Milton and the ET's directly or is some of what you say
your own personal beliefs?
Some of it is what I remember and know.

If you go for a walk or a drive are you able to see cloaked UFOs?
No, but I know they are there.

Do you have contact with any other ET's? Where are the ET's from that you are
communicating with?
It's kind of a "we will call you don't call us" deal. I don't know where Milton is from, I don't
think he knows either. He looks lost most of the time.

I have lived with the knowledge of these beings from before I came to this planet. Those
memories were not erased or implanted. I have always been aware of them on some level.
Time is an illusion as is much of this life. But those things are peeled away on the other side
of the curtain where there is no illusion, time, or memory implants.
Yes you can claim that too is an implant. In that case believe what you will.

Milton is not his real name, I gave him that name.

I have access to “Milton” now as I did in the blog---but he is not always available.
He contacts me telepathically every other day more or less.
His real name is---nah, it sounds way too silly so I’m not going to say it, trust me Milton is
much better. All perceived sarcasm is unintentional.
My contacts usually take place both physically and telepathically
He is not my only contact---can’t yet go into the rest of them.
He has some sense of humor... Many of them do---they love their work.
We go way back, me and him. (Connected since a long time)
He involved me in disclosure, that’s his job, and at a late stage, not sure why.
Entities like Milton can do it at will, I was taken out off my body and then put back in---I felt
an inexpressible freedom coming out and the reverse going back in---I immediately felt the
burden and weight of my body---the body is truly a ball and chain, at least the ones we have
to wear here on earth.
I didn’t call Milton my guide---he is a slave driver---lol
We talk in person and telepathic, I can’t describe telepathic other than words and concepts
appear in my mind.
I don’t think Milton is helping me, heck I’m the one doing all the work---lol
I’m not sure what his range is, or how many people he has under his charge.
Milton knows, that’s his problem he is a know-it-all---lol, but Milton doesn’t share much,
also, he can’t interfere outside his domain---sort of like the mods talking between themselves
and not stepping on each other's toes---lol
I don’t think Milton controls me much because I sometimes don’t listen to his advice. For
instance My wife and youngest daughter took a vacation to Denver two years ago and my
wife wanted to go to Colorado Springs since it was nearby. We had been there when our
children were younger and climbed Pike’s Peak, and visited the Garden of the gods.
I was told to enjoy my vacation in Denver and to stay away from Colorado Springs.
My wife insisted that we should go because it might be a long time before we came back there
as a family---I didn’t tell her about Milton or his advice because at the time I didn’t know it
was Milton giving me certain info.
We spent two days in Denver and I decided we would spend the rest of the vacation in
Colorado Springs about three days.
No sooner that I enter the city I was pulled over by a traffic cop and he wrote me up with five
violations---I had a perfect driving record for thirty years until that day.
Needless to say that ruined the vacation---my wife and daughter were crying and could not
believe what had just happened---they both lost a lot of respect for the law that day because I
had done nothing wrong. We headed home.
Once home I contacted the city and the prosecutor dropped the charges.
My wife has a high security clearance---she is a civilian who works for a company that deals
heavily with the military, and she travels to many military bases, and often to those located in
Colorado Springs---so I thought we would be fine---not so for me.
Milton will not tell me why the military is uneasy with my being there.
The police officer was only following orders---when I didn’t take the hint from Milton to stay
out of that town they took evasive action.
I had been to Colorado Springs twice before in earlier years and we always had an escort. The
first time I was not sure why two air force officers had a room next to ours, and then they
happened to be at all the attractions we went to. My wife has been to the base many times, she
works for a medical company that supplies most military bases, she also has been to CIA head
quarters, she has a high up security clearance---not easy to attain---they not only investigate
the person but also the spouse---me and they still gave her the clearance---lol
Also my female cousin is married to one of the officers on that base---my cousin does not
know about me and my off world connections---we were going to visit them until we got run
out of town by the cops.
The reason they dismissed the trumped up charges so easily was because they had achieve
their objective---they didn’t want me near their air force academy---I have no idea why.

Was Milton created as is, by some even loftier being, at a certain point in time? Did he evolve
gradually to its lofty position? Or did he simply always exist as it is now, neither evolving nor
having been created?
Milton has yet to reveal that to me, but he is middle management right now and can ascend to
higher realms.

He does not drink coffee nor does he swear.

That’s one thing about Milton; he is so clear on things that it completely confuses me at
times---if that makes any sense.
The pebble thing is what I believe Milton has in mind.

Who are the employers of the Miltons and what is their role and nature?
I report to Milton---that’s all I know for now

Milton is lower management; he doesn’t get invited to those highfalutin parties at the center
of the universe, so he is kind of out of the loop about the big guy that plays with the pearly
dice---should there be one.

Milton is occupied by genres not of this earth [not like Sci-fi]---how many of us would be
entertained by reading material suited for 3 year olds?

Milton has yet to put fear in me as the nuns at my school did--- I still have ruler marks on the
palms of my hands---I guess I was no angel---
You can say there are similarities minus the fire and brimstone, and no worship is required.

Milton has a message for you: take good care of yourself---

Milton is much older than a few hundred earth years---way older.

But he looks really good for his age---his body suit doesn’t age.

He is from many planets and a few other dimensions---he has been around the block quite a
few times.
At his level goals have no meaning; he has assignments for lack of a better definition.

Don’t know what exactly he does, I assume he has a cadre of people like me he works with.

I’m not aware if Milton listens to music---if he does it’s nothing like what we have.

Nothing except Milton knows how much I like to walk through forests---he highly
recommends it---but he has not given me the time or means to do it--if he has it remains
blocked---much of everything with him is business oriented---and if he can't write it off he
doesn't let me do it---lol

Milton’s mode of communication: It is given to me as instantaneous knowledge, verbal

sentences, mental pictures, subconscious feelings-- morning memories, and in person.

Milton is a lot of things but not a linear “Time Lord” ---lol

Milton, in ET form: I wouldn’t say he was naked, we don’t consider our dogs and cats naked.
Nevertheless he wasn’t wearing anything other than his skin that I could tell---yet there was
no sense of nakedness about him---there are male and female facial characteristics but I was
not aware of things below the waistline---especially while in the fluid kind of reality inside an
alien ship.

Milton rarely spills the beans on others ---mainly because if I open that door there would be
no way for me to handle all the requests.

I have made plenty mistakes while on this planet so if he is my guide he has dropped the ball
several times----he insist that I dropped the ball---lol

I see Milton often enough, and class trip maybe, but if so it will be early in the morning
between 3 and 4 AM. And only those that pay attention will remember.

Milton is pretty scary.

Milton is a free agent.

Milton is not Lucifer.

Milton doesn’t have any teeth.

I did take six hours of art in college but my painting and drawing skills would do no justice to
what Milton looks like nor anything else I recreate through that medium.
And for some reason I hate to draw, I would rather chew on nails---

Milton is high up the food chain, and is free to go anywhere he wishes inside this galaxy. He
still takes me places but blocks out some of it because he doesn’t want me talking about it.

Milton knows there is right and wrong in human hearts.

Milton is not me from the future, we are individual entities, and the future and past is not play
dough that can be molded or manipulated by mortals, or even those at Milton’s level.

So Milton's creative abbreviated process is an idea...boom...there it is?

Instantaneously? He wishes---lol---those higher up than him yes.

Milton and those higher up only indulge in one emotion, joy

Milton has my home phone number I never give out my cell phone number, especially to
Milton; otherwise I would never get any rest.
I'm tempted to talk more but Milton could pull the rug out from under me and turn the egg
shells I'm walking on into hot coals. He's a character that goads me to push the envelope of
believability---the things dreams are made of, yet those are the things that get scoffed.
So until I get things packaged properly, tone things down, or Milton backs some of it with a
bit of substance I will continue walking and talking like I'm on egg shells.

Miltie lets me fall when he thinks I’m telling too much or hanging with the wrong crowd.

This is a collaborative effort and although Miltie keeps the lid on some stuff he many times
insists that I reveal more, in other words stick my neck way out there---I don’t want to---lol

Does Milton have anyone one else he watches over? Yup, but specifics are lacking.

Milton is one of the members of the board of directors overseeing planet earth, and he is in the
minority concerning certain operations taking place here and perhaps even a bit on the
rebellious side with some of his ideas.

If I believed for a second that Milton (ET) is just as much a pawn, actor or involved in our
polarity, dual, right/wrong movie as we humans are, I wouldn’t waste my time doing this.

Milton and those in his league neither gain nor lose doing what they do here on earth---earth
is not about them and all about us.

How they or others continue to rise into the hierarchy is way beyond this thread.

Milton is not messin' with us neither he’s being messed with us also.

Milton shows me way more than I want to know believe it or not---lol

He is more of a friend/slave driver kind of ET.

Milton can take on human form at any time and does while on earth sometimes---does he
want to be human---? Do we want to be Neanderthals? Same difference---

I did ask Milton for a glossy, they can take their own pictures even though we can’t.
But he said his picture would be worth millions to the tabloids and he doesn’t think I’m worth
that kind of money, besides he thinks that money would go to my head---I can’t believe I put
up with him! Money would not go to my head---silly alien, it would go to my bank account---
It’s those little things they just don’t understand about us humans---anyway I will keep
pestering him for a picture----but certainly not for the fame---strictly for the fortune----

Does Milton read this?

That slave driver does pop in every now and then unannounced to check-up on me but I’m a
step ahead of him, I have a word document screensaver I click to when I’m goofing off like
this stuff.
I’m suppose to do the reading and give him a report of any interesting materials that might
surface---concerning anyone getting too close to sensitive ET stuff that the clean up guys
didn’t get too fast enough---
Milton doesn’t do much abducting.

I don’t know who else he associates with---

He answers my questions by Telepathy or in person over lunch.

He still uses the freaky alien costume in many of his visits.

I can’t refer people to Milton to get taken.

Did you pick the name 'Milton' because it was William Cooper's Real name?
I picked the name “Milton” out of a hat---but Milton could have filled the hat with that name--

What would I call my communications with Milton?

Nothing like channelling or voices in my head---the only voice in my head is me. Not even
telepathy, our communication method is a secret
I don’t hear voices in my head nor is it telepathy, it's something humans haven’t yet heard
about and I have no way of describing it or comparing.----well maybe I do but I don’t want to
reveal it---my bad

Milton takes lots of time off.

Do I feel anything physical when in communication?

Nausea--- ----no, nothing at all---as I once did.

Milton is like a CEO over several franchises, planets, and mostly lives out of a suitcase, his

Milton is without a home planet, he simply exists and goes wherever he wishes when he
That is the reality of countless billions of entities, and a reality that beckons all of us.

Milton is not political, I am, and we disagree all the time but I usually give in because I
learned long ago to never piss off a space alien---they have the temperament and strength of

Milton keeps carping about I don’t have insurance---the same thing my dad used on me when
I was sixteen and wanted to borrow the car to take my friends out for joyrides---

Who knows why Milton does what he does? He is not on any diplomatic duty.

Milton's alien form is not related to the Zeta aliens in any way.

Milton and his cadre have no subconscious thingy---it’s below them highbrow types.

He loves Mexican food.

He shows up every now and then and we have lunch or some other activity---in human form,
and we talk normally.

Milton is a straight arrow, he wanted me to point that out. He is not homophobic. Matter of
fact he doesn’t have any equipment at all, he is a eunuch.
His body was designed without the family jewels; they don’t need them because they don’t
procreate like humans do.

He don’t need to log on to ATS and create an account, he has me doing it for him.

Is he enjoying this thread as much as we are?

Perhaps more so.

He is not sexual in the human sense but they have a higher version of what we might associate
as sex---and like birds of a feather higher entities stick with their own kind.

ALF, Milton’s favorite show.

He looks about sixty, claims he is thirty, but I know he is much much older than those two
figures, perhaps as old as dirt---but that kind of talk can put you on his bad side---

Why does he get to communicate with me?

I had written some profound reason but he made me erase it and insisted I write “his streak of
bad luck” in its place.
Which is totally untrue, he is the luckiest funny looking thing from outer space I have ever

Milton said he is no genie and no way is anyone going to stuff him into a bottle. Thought I
would throw that out there---

Milton knows a whole lot more than he is telling---he keeps telling me I’m not ready---he is
so condescending!

Milton is both physical and ethereal and he comes and goes without ever saying good by.

He thinks we need more coffee breaks---I think he watched the movie “Office Space” one too
many times.
He thinks food is our biggest weakness and we don’t get enough exercise.

Does he think your thread is having a positive influence on those of us who read it?
He’s beginning to wonder
Is there ever going to be a point where he would like to ask some of us questions via you?
That’s not on his agenda
What are his curiosities?
That brings out the snobbishness in him---he has none---

His appearance could and do change per a situation.

He thinks I’m too ugly, so he would never use my appearance ---
Would he make an appearance to a child as another child?
I remember very small beings when I was a child perhaps two feet tall, much shorter than

He goes invisible a lot so I never know if he is coming or going---he has a very tight schedule.

Milton is pretty fearless for a small fry, and he can be a tad intimidating even at a tea party.

He puts on a human suit now and then. He said he was something like a human once upon a
time but never a human.

He has always been in the background [of my life] and made his appearance a few years ago--
-now it seems I can’t get rid of him.
Others have come and gone, mostly remaining hidden.

He says they threw away the mold after they made him and he “defies” description---he is
pretty proud of the word “defies”. I told him maybe they should have kept the mold and threw
him away------he’s trying to figure out what I meant by that----

What dimension is Milt from?

The freeloader’s dimension, every time I go into my kitchen the fridge door is wide open and
he’s rummaging through it like a shark having tasted blood. Yet he never gains any weight---

Put Milton in front of a television and give him the remote control and there is no need for a
baby sitter---he likes every movie, every sitcom every commercial---then he makes a long list
of things I need to go out and buy to keep the refrigerator well stocked.
But he hates football, the way they handle that pigskin gives him the willies
You would think his voice was squeaky but he sounds more like “Lurch Addams” in the
monster shows.

My family don’t get to see my “imaginary” friend--- And they have no desire to---

Is Milton helping with this thread because he wants humans to learn and grow and the higher
ups are loosening the strings for him to do that?
He likes that.

His family is huge as is true with all of us humans here on earth, the difference is he is always
aware of them where we humans are barely aware of the ones right in front of us---how sad.
Milton is family.

Milton doesn't like his human Dude body? Does it just suck kind of like driving a GEO metro
compared to a super comfortable standard class Ford Crown Victoria Taxi?
I’m sure a Crown Victoria is a fine car, but it doesn’t work for comparison. More like going
from a Lamborghini to a GEO.
But there is more to it than that.
His fuzzy ball of energy [appearance] can’t be beat [it’s his favourite] and he spends most of
his time in that state---he only puts on his alien suit when he wants to raid my refrigerator---

What is Milton’s favourite earth dessert?

It was ice cream until he watched that “My favourite Martian” movie with Christopher Lloyd
playing the Martian---and saw what ice cream did to him---

Milton doesn’t need clothing, there are no private parts to hide, nor is he affected by
temperature and perspiration, and he doesn’t have any human type bodily functions---I don’t
know where the heck all that food and drink goes--- ---he certainly doesn’t burn it off, the
lazy bum---

Milton has no sense of smell, nor much of a sense of humor because he never gets my best
jokes, come to think of it few terrestrials do either---I know it's not me---

Government know about Milton, but they haven’t met him, nor will they according to him.

Milton can stop a bullet, stop time in a localized area. I don’t think he could do the whole
world, but sometimes he acts like he can---

Entities like Milton are not from anywhere specific, they just are.

He kind of reminds me of that angel in the movie “Michael” starring John Travolta, good
movie btw.

Milton enjoys the questions and the people, he even will visit with some in their dreams---it
will be real but they will think it a dream.

It’s not lonely at the top, nevertheless Milton likes working alone.

He is luminescent, like a light coming into a dark room in our mind.

Could Milton for example create a table in your room just by thinking about it?
He can do many things including creating a table but he is best at making things disappear,
especially in my kitchen---he’s also not good at creating money for me.

Milton types are formidable to say the very least, like superman times a thousand. But they
have an almost childlike quality like Clark Kent.
Milton is extremely comical and laidback because he can be---he has no human type hang-ups
to weigh him down.

Milton never was at our stage; he came from a different angle. He didn’t intern on earth.

He won’t say how many Earth years more advanced he is to us.

What percentage would run and what percentage would stay and or attempt to make contact
with Milton?
100 percent would freak out completely, some would run others would be too paralyzed with
fear to run or move.

If we were as highly evolved as Milton on another level we wouldn’t be here, not even the
Since Milton is giving you your info, is his race more advance than the other ETs that are
involved with Earth?

Milton likes all animals including the human ones.

How many times a week on average does Milton appear to me?

One too many.

He is not a pleiadian.

Milton is able to travel to the other Universes quite easily.

Do Milton and Ra know each other?


How do you perceive / view him…usually?

He tries to make himself presentable and not freaky, but it doesn’t work, he sometimes takes
on the appearance of a small quirky looking Albert Einstein.

Milton originates from a place near the center of the galaxy, but he will not say.

He is not alone, there are many more like him.

Milton loves the Wizard of Oz, especially at the end where they trade the broomstick for the
human qualities that they already had deep inside of them.

Milton happens to be gregarious, more so than most higher entities.

Milton doesn’t follow any human concept of spiritualism and neither do I.

Milton doesn’t talk about himself much.

Milton type entities can access higher dimensions.

Milton is not from Uranus nor from this solar system, he only works here, well, work is a
relative term, distant relative.

Yes, Milton is on the side that wants us to progress technologically.

He is a Capitalist at heart----sorry I know most people have been misled about Capitalism and
that it is a very dirty word around here---but that is how it swings.

Milton’s ship moves through time and space as if it didn’t exist---how he does it he will not
tell me.

Milton doesn’t drink booze of any kind.

Milton and entities of his stature are more real that both you and me and the rest of the human
race on this third rock from the sun.
He will continue to be on earth and other places when most of us are far away from this planet
and doing hard time on other rocks or taking vacations across the Milky Way Galaxy,
enjoying the good life.

He likes Pat Metheny, I think he lifted that CD from John Lear’s collection.

Milton be real, the real deal in a world filled with confusion and illusion, but he is not
available for signing autographs or making personal appearances to prove himself. He could
care less about the skeptics and what they think because they live in illusion and they only
understand illusion type things.

Milton can’t sustain damage of any kind, the dude is unbreakable.

Has Milton ever been to prison in a human life form? If so why?

Milton is perfect in every way like Mary Poppins, and doesn’t admit to being in prison or in
human bondage so I’m not sure.
He has been to earth many times in the past but not as a student or prisoner.

Milton is not a god.

He hangs around this star system a lot.

He doesn’t belong to any particular race he is a free agent, or perhaps he meant freeloader.

Milton will upgrade at some point. The galaxy and a bunch more stuff he has seen and tasted,
a mere grain in the scheme of things.

How many Earth years has Milton been visiting this rock?
Milton is Millions of years old?
He can wad up a million years and get two points hitting the basket every time, the show off!
Time is tricky stuff for 3D land.

He liked this place when it was a real zoo, the Dino era. Now he has to go to another star
system to see them.

Are we not to know the true name of Milton, or are we not to know the true name of God?
As far as names go, as Shakespeare once said "A rose by any other name is still a rose. I
suppose that goes for Milton or god or Joe blow down the street for that matter.

Milton is not androgynous.

Is there any special reason you give him the name 'Milton' on the boards?
No reason at all.

Though he's blue, is he with you in human form a lot?

Not that much anymore.

When you decide to leave this prison planet and go back home to Utopia what will Milton do?
What he always does, not much.
Is Milton one of your spirit guide?
Yes and no, mostly no.

Milton does seem to make his own rules, a rebel searching for a cause.

You describe Milton as a very strong, powerful entity. Is he messin' with us through your
messages in order to wake us up?
Kind of.

Are you one and the same as Milton?

Not really.
When you drive by one of those road construction sites and fifteen well dressed people are
standing around drinking coffee, eating donuts and trying to look important while one or two
guys sweating and smelly are in the ditch doing the work. I'm one of the guys in the ditch.
Milton is drinking coffee snickering down at me Woe is me!

Milton doesn't negotiate terms of the visit, should he make a house call.

Milton is not a guide; he is more of a freeloader.

Did Milton ever being child?

He never stopped being a child.
This kind of ET’s developed themselves the same as us, babies, child, adolescents, etc?
He never would say.

Milton has many dimensions under his hat and he doesn't even wear a hat. The higher
dimension rules and those dimensions under fall easily into place. It's really cool to see them
on one page.

Would there be a source of intel that is above even Milton’s level that he wouldn’t know
More than likely, but he says I wouldn't understand.

Do you think it is possible that we all have our own Milton’s who cater to our personal
Yes, they are known as our guides and know our hearts desires.

The 'factions' Milton represents wishes, a more progressive approach to conditions on our
little prison planet. This 'beneficent' approach requires a covert approach - can we consider
Milton's 'faction' the good guys?
Yup, Milton is the good guys, he don't wear a white hat though.
My Family

Has anyone in your family ever seen this unquestionable evidence that you claim to have?
They have but they are not aware of it now.

My dad while he was still alive never believed in extraterrestrials but told me that when he
was a boy he saw huge flying disks, had no explanation for them but adamantly did not
believe they were aliens.
He didn't know it but he was being abducted. So there is evidence that many abductions run in
the family.

No one in my family believes in ETs.

My family likes terra firma, they don’t like it when I occasionally bring up the subject around
them----so I don’t.

It took me a long time to come out of the closet, my wife knew (She believes-----there’s been
a few things she was able to see to convince her), but I never told my offspring until they
were older.
My wife wants to believe, she has seen things that have no explanation yet she is not allowed
to know, same with my children they are involved yet they don’t know nor do they want to
My family knows about my connection with ET.

My wife was curious like most people about ETs, I told her they will scare the hell out of you-
---she didn't believe me, and was positive she could handle it.
She got her wish and caught a glimpse of one in our living room one night. They were there
for me and they decided to let her see one of them, knowing about her wish they granted it----
she’s been a firm believer since and does not want to meet any of them again. I never seen the
women so frightened in my life, I thought she was going to have a heart attack. Debunkers are
going to say I played a thick on her----I didn’t.

One day my daughter came home from school, she was in the fourth grade and rode the
school bus. We lived in the typical neighborhood in one of the suburbs that were sprouting up
all over the place.
While on the bus ride to school a boy older than her came over to her seat and told her that he
saw a UFO hovering over our house the night before----he lived three houses up on the other
side of the street and had a clear view of our house.
She didn't know what a UFO was, but she was in shock that an older boy spoke to her, she
didn't respond to him and he returned to his seat without saying anything else
She asked me what a UFO was and why was it over our house---- I told her it was an
unidentified flying object, I didn't elaborated and she shrugged it off.
I was tempted to get her to ask that boy more about it but not wanting to put her into a
position of talking about "those kind of things" I decided not to. I don't regret my decision;
stigmatizing young children with strange phenomena can be detrimental. High school and
above is a different story.
My children are much older now and I have mentioned a few things about ETs to them----
however they don't seem that interested, if and when they become curious I will tell them
whatever they wish to know.
I have two adult children and they have no such stories---their memories remain blocked.

My children both of them are part of the program-----but they have no idea or any memories
of their contact with ET.
I have several brothers and sisters-----none of them are involved----that I know of----none
have shown the least bit of interest in the ET phenomenon.
There is a notable difference between myself and my siblings----we get along very well, yet I
see the world differently than they do, I often wonder if I am related to them.
They, as most people, are fixated on this planet and can't imagine the existence of
They are absorbed in the 9 to 5 everyday existence that makes up the grand allusion many live
out their lives in.

My wife thinks I’m an ET but I’m not.

Does your wife believe you?

She tries.

My wife likes fiction, thrillers, and romance novels, but I hardly ever touch the stuff---

What did your wife say about the sperm donations?

She is fine with it, as long as I don’t stay out too late---lol
I'm kidding, I'm not sure she believes it completely or at all

My daughters when they were young would come into our room at any hour of the night when
they got scared and stand by our bed---not wanting to wake us up but hopping we would wake
I usually sensed them and woke up with no problem but my wife jumped out of her skin every
single time especially if they touched her.
She walked in on ET once and nearly died of a heart attack---so they don’t do that to her

When my wife walked in on my meeting with ET, she didn’t get a chance to talk to them, they
left and I calmed her down, she remembers the fear but not them.

My mother is a saint and I’m not the one who said it, everyone who knows her say it---yet she
believes she is not worthy of heaven---she is a devout Catholic and nearly goes to church
everyday because she believes herself a sinner---yet she has never had a bad word for anyone,
she doesn’t even know the meaning of hate, ego, or envy.
Hate, envy and ego were issues she resolves in a previous life, she in fact is not here to learn
anything, she is here to assist others whose lives she touched---certainly family members but
mostly people who she remains in constant contact by phone as they languish in nursing
homes now---I have taken her to visit them and they light up and come to life when she enters
their rooms and nearly drop to her feet.
When we moved to the city in America that I grew up in we were looked down on by most of
the people in the community because of our poverty, “there goes the neighbourhood” was
often heard---the parish priest at the beckoning of the community tried to get us to move out
of the area and into public housing---we rented a house that was due for demolition but my
dad fixed it up and eventually bought it---people continued to treat us like dirt for many years
after---but things changed and many of the people whose noses were turned up began treating
my parents like royalty, my father has long passed away but my mother still gets that
treatment, and she still lives in that old house but not able to get around as much---she is a

My mother believes she failed because some of her children are not practicing Catholics ---the
steadfast Catholics in my family believe the rest of us lost souls---I don’t speak much about
this subject with them because they are not ready for it.

I have told my stuff to my wife, but like many people she gets a chuckle---this info is not for

The extra marital sex too is justified?

There are some benefits that offset the laughing we have to put up with---but hey, someone
has to do it---

There is no greater joy than having dinner and discussions with our children---I’ve had many
of those blessings while they were growing up---and still do---the good memories are keepers
and we take them with us forever----glazed eyes and all---

I was one of the lucky parents that never had to tell my children who to hang out with they
made those calls on their own---and as far as them shunning anyone they never did---but some
of the other kids did shun them.
As they got older they were appreciated more---or should I say used---as designated drivers
for their friends who did smoke and drink. I guess we all have a purpose in this life.

My mother is still alive and I visit with both of my parents.

I warned my father when he was alive about his anger problems but he was unable to resolve
them while here. He is now working on them elsewhere.

My wife will not read my thread because she doesn’t want to have nightmares.

My mother is very much into Christianity, and so are all her friends. They know nothing else
and every time they hear about an apparition of the Virgin Mary they are on cloud nine with
excitement. There are millions of people in the same boat, and that boat will be kept afloat.

Why would Milton show himself to your wife?

She walked in on him one late night, and he let it happen.

My mother believes in the Virgin Mary, and so do many in my family. I would never take that
away from them and is not in my power to do so, thank God!

Was your wife jealous after reading your book?

She doesn't want to have anything to do with space, go figure.
Was your wife jealous about the nurse?
If she was she didn't say anything.
My Story and Mission

This thread is for those curious souls who want a peek behind the stage doors.

I tell what I know to be the truth: free will, reward and punishment, a galaxy filled with earth
type intelligent life, extraterrestrial visitors and overseers, and eternal life.

Most have difficulty seeing the little picture---the big picture is out of our reach completely---
-but we can see bits and pieces of it if we dare to look.

I’m not selling anything and I’m not interested in making ET believers of anyone

I’m telling it because I was told to tell it----regardless of whether people believe or not
information is being put out there----people talked about flight way before it became a reality.
I take my orders from ET----they decide if and when. [ETs told me to write about all this]
about eight years ago-----what do they achieve by having me do it?-----They can handle just
about anything but rejection and ridicule-----obviously that stuff doesn’t bother me or I would
have abandoned this thread long ago-----I could have said they chose me because of my
superior intellect but that probably wouldn’t go over very well.

My answers are sincere and from a higher source than myself----when my connection cuts me
off I hang.

I don't post to change anyone's mind about the subject, but to tell what I have experienced.

I don’t write fiction----I get my information from the horse’s mouth---ET

My experiences are genuine.
My material equals dozens of manuscripts.

I’m not much of a new age follower even though many accuse me of being one---lol
It may sound strange but I have little desire to read spiritualistic books.

I know because I have seen it------believing me or anyone with those kinds of claims is
simply a choice each of us have to make-----if they have nothing else to go on.

ETs know that I’m writing all this, it’s their way of communicating information to those able
to hear it.

I don’t intend to mess with people’s belief, that’s not my job.

But I think I am free to express my opinions and share with those who might be interested----
some of my experiences.

I have no problem with people believe in hell, or Jesus----I only tell what I believe.

I don't meditate----everything that I write that inspires readers is from ET----they refuse to
claim the rest.
No intentional paradox in my story, however I’m only human, and humans are the essence of

You can presume what I write is fiction---no law against that

I don’t speculate or do wishful thinking, I write what I have experienced and seen with my
own eyes.

I can talk about my experiences and nothing more, at least for now----I continually ask them
to let me show a few things, I’ve even had the nerve to ask that they let me land a craft in a
large city----they thought that was cute.

If the aliens were concerned about this story getting out they would stop it. Perhaps they know
most people will not believe it and are unconcerned.

Things on my thread can be hazardous to the beliefs which are standard issue from our
learning institutions. Unfortunately we can’t have it both ways, you either believe in one or
the other----its oil and water, they don t mix well.

I don't know what my role is, perhaps I'm the dishwasher on the ship and when I leave they
blank that part out. Maybe to tell this story.
I have read books, magazines, and the internet, hoping to find something like my experience--
---I haven't yet.

I put off telling my story for 52 years, that’s how old I am. I had alien contact from day one. I
haven’t talked about it because of the stigma place on those who have-----at my age I have
decided that what people think doesn’t matter anymore----I know what’s out there.

My account (all true) and those of others are harmless because the vast majority will remain
unconvinced---as it should be.

After all it’s only my word----it's not in my power to provide proof.

I’m not blowing smoke for the simple reason that where there is smoke there are firefighters
to put it out before anyone discovers the fire.
I’m telling my story and will be allowed to tell some of it as long as I keep with the no
smoking rules---
There are lots of hints dropped in my stories and those of other contactees, but for now no
fire, no proof, and no smoking.
No psychiatrist, no hallucinations, or mental issues. The strongest drug I take is an aspirin
now and then. I am married have two children, started two businesses, live in a nice
neighborhood, own four cars, and several rental properties.

I know the difference between a dream and real life-----I suppose there are those who don’t---
--which is tragic.

Everything I have written is mine----my experiences----if not I put quotes on it, if it is similar
to someone else’s experiences, then I can’t help that.
This is not a run of the mill tale; it’s to say the least very complex phenomena. There is a
reason people like me don't tell their stories, much cannot be told, and what is told has to be
done delicately.
I visited a star system much further than Alpha Centauri----don’t know which one and it
didn’t take more than a few weeks, if that. I don’t know how long the journey was, but it was
under a month that I was away. It was like taking an ape into New York city and showing it
the town and taking it back to the jungle and letting it tell the other apes what it saw.

I have been placed into an area that was underground like the Dulce caves, in a large cavern
filled with strange machinery enclosed in huge metal containers. I was left there for a long
period, day or more----alone. Why? Don’t know but it was not a fun time.
Inside the cavern was a huge metallic room. The room had machinery as that seen perhaps
under a large city, like a power plant or water treatment, don't know but it was completely
silent. No city was on the surface only desert.
The machinery or equipment had metal skins or casings covering them. No gages, pulleys,
wheels, levers, valves, only large odd shaped things. I call them machinery because that's
what they reminded me of.
I like having my three squares a day, yet I don't recall ever eating or drinking while I was a
possession of the aliens.
The place was lit up but I don't recall the light source, whether it was florescent lighting
(human stuff) or alien.
There were no doors that I could see or find, I was in the cave and then I was in the metal
building, compartment, cube, or whatever it was. Once I was in I couldn’t get out. I wasn't
panicked but I had a bad feeling about it the whole time I was in it.
I walked and explored it for hours---it had no end to it. I wasn't punished it was like I was
misplaced or left behind by accident. It felt like a void, I never felt that alone, like I was the
only human alive.
Inside that container the energy we humans give off could not penetrate it; nothing could
penetrate it, not even superman’s x-ray vision. It wasn’t like I felt alone----I was alone----
there is no worst feeling than that. It could be they were testing me to see how I would handle
being away from other humans for any length of time----like a mission to another planet.
Perhaps the military or NASA, needs certain “volunteers” before they subject their astronauts
to long voyages----like Mars.

Like I said, the nearer I get to telling the truth the more bizarre it sounds and the more people
that will think me nuts----so how the heck do I tell my story and make it believable short of
dragging an extraterrestrial out into public?
So I tell my story for those who are interested in knowing the fantastic possibilities that are
out there----no one has to believe it, but it’s true.

Isn’t this a great country, we are free to share our ideas, theories, and personal experiences. If
I have done anything less than that let me know---I have never lied, or fabricated, and never
will. But I do tell things that are hard to believe, that I’m guilty of.

I’m sharing my experiences and nothing more, until or unless the figments of my imagination-
--ET---tell me otherwise---

As we have all heard “the truth is stranger than fiction”. Well my words will test those waters.
The truth is also hard to swallow and will be discarded easily by those living happily in the
status quo. By the way, nothing wrong with living in the status quo, and nothing wrong with
taking a peek behind the big curtain either.

I’m not sure what my role is----if anything.

One would think, however take a look at how well we humans communicate with each other--
---there are wars all over the place----always have been.
We have problems communicating with our children (not bragging but I was lucky and had
few problems with mine) but I was a pain as a teenager and so are most kids.
Try changing someone’s mind about anything-----communication is not what its crack up to

I entered UFOs on military bases (walked in).

However, I have a clear memory of something like a worm hole opening up in my bedroom
wall, and an alien came out of it, we talked for awhile and then it took me into the hole and
we were in the ship.
This did not occur from a sleep state----it happened before I went to bed. I was one hundred
percent awake and cognizant-----until I entered the ship.
Once in the ship I have patches of memory----with many empty gaps. They took me places
away from this planet-----much of the time I was asleep or knocked out.
I talk about what I remember-----they obviously don't want me or others to come back with
more detailed accounts-----but just enough to know that there is something big going on in our
solar system, and that the galaxy is swarming with civilizations millions of years ahead of us.

The military never “officially” gave me more time off than the thirty days per year-----but
since there is missing time, at least in my mind perhaps they allowed extra leave. I could not
come and go as I pleased during “normal” duty.
I can't recall being debriefed-----it may have happened I don't remember if it did.

My early encounters were casual almost friendship like. As I got older they became distant,
they were around me but not face to face while on the ship.
I have had some horrific encounters but it may have been my misinterpretation-----they may
have been showing me some type of disaster----or something in the future-----like an
earthquake or battle scene-----I’m not physic, and can’t predict things but I have felt the pain
and fear and seen some strange things like I was watching a movie while on the ship.
Perhaps it was only movie night with ET and the feature film was some horror show----
otherwise why expose me to situations I can’t do anything about?

The only reason I can give this information is because most people will not believe it-----most
people shouldn’t believe it----distracts them from the life they need to focus on here on earth.

How come other people don't tell stories that are similar to mines?
Maybe they don’t have the real hookup.

True heroes don’t go around hocking their war stories like confetti-----those who do all the
taking are usually the ones that had the easy and safe jobs far from the fighting. The real
heroes didn’t come back and brag about their service----they died fighting a war. And they
didn’t die so that people could come back and throw their arm out of whack patting
themselves on the back.
I didn’t get picked up for a book deal because I haven’t looked for a book deal.

What I say is 100% true or I wouldn’t say it.

I don’t play off anyone’s fantasies-----nor do I feed off of peoples curiosities----a large
number of people who respond to my thread are not nice----they call me all kinds of names
and have insulted me left and right------I don’t feed on people constantly questioning my
integrity----but I recognize that many of them have agendas that have nothing to do with
UFOs or ET and their sole purpose is to stop me from telling the truth.

I never said that I was the only one [with the knowledge of life, and everything about it].

I don’t believe it [what I say] : I know it.

So where do I keep my stuff? If you don’t want the food to spoil you keep it in the
refrigerator, if you have ET stuff you keep it in the ship.

As we all know everyone able to read is invited on the internet and on boards like this one----
whether everyone is capable of digesting what they find is another matter----certainly there
are dangers physical and more so physiological----should we protect our children from
threads like this one?
Can young minds handle some of the stuff that is written and discussed?
There is only one answer-----yes they can----in many cases more so than mature, set-in-their-
ways adults.
I put my disclaimer----you’re better off not knowing----for those who need to keep their
existing belief system intact to get through the day. All beliefs have value, and no matter how
you view the world you will get through it one way or another regardless of the validity of
those beliefs.
But most people are looking for new ideas and realities, hence the popularity of Hollywood
and writers willing to fill every need and desire.
Nevertheless I am not here to cater to the lost souls desperate to find the holy grail of their
I simply tell my story, my experiences with the supernatural----not to entertain, not to
enlighten, but because they are true and real----if by doing so entertains some and enlightens

Am I aware of others that have shared my experience(s) but have chosen to stay mum? No.

What is it that makes me believe what the ETs tell me?

How do you know that your mother, father, preacher, president, boss, closest friend is telling
you the truth? Sometimes you don’t----but family members are less likely to lie.

The feelings change over time, I don’t know if they fine tune themselves to us or how it works
In my early years they seemed normal to me and I don’t remember feeling any different
around them verses around my family and friends
Once I became a teenager they dealt with me differently and fear came on me when they
showed up---even when they were invisible
As an adult their powerful energy effected me and I knew it was coming from them, also if I
was asleep when they came my brain lit up like a lightning storm and my eardrums buzzed----
and then they made their appearance as if they came through a vortex and permeated into my
Now I get a mild buzz whenever they show up----sometimes nothing-----and they emanate
euphoria----and as I stated in an earlier post that feeling rubs of on me and lasts several days
If only they could bottle up that stuff!

Unless you work for some clandestine government project where mums-the-word no one
could care less about stories of ET coming from the general public.
Heck, other than a few posters trying to shut me up few know and care that I exist----and I
have often talked about UFOs on military bases that I personally witnessed----no one really
cares because they know few are going to believe this stuff-----and for those that do believe---
-so what?
The government knows about me and if they are reading my email----cool----I’m flattered that
they would take the time.

Yes, ET "discuss" with me how I’d deal with the experience, most people think I’m just a
smart as-s with nothing better to do, but the fact is this is part of my job on this big rock called
earth during my exile.

I can only share what they give me to share.

They are not keeping it a secret they have told and showed thousands of people what they
have and can do---I’m one of the few who talks about it.
Why should I get the glory for something I have no control over----the fact that they let me
talk about it is ground breaking.

I suppose that if they wanted me to have a bigger audience they would make it happen,
otherwise this is it...

Just because I’m privy to fantastic things don’t mean I hold the key or the cards to that

They give me new stuff all the time and they tease me about letting me show things but so far
its only been talk and no action---I can’t imagine what they would let me put out there
because anything from them would be earth changing----I'm not sure I would be up for that
kind of challenge or assignment.

Do your experiences depressed you in any way?

Not in the least, I wish I could go full time with them.

I feel like the Lone Ranger----but he had Tonto.

I have only recently been able to get a good look at two of those who are in contact with me---
-for the last fifty some years
They have incredible powers it’s hard for me to imagine that they could lose control of what
they are doing here on earth.

My purpose is low keyed if that, I contribute to this thread but not sure what effect if any that
I’m not the one true contactee I’m only one of them.
Why would I run to Whitley Strieber when I have contact with the horse----ET?

There are some things that defy learning-to-live-with and are best left in the shadows----
granted I often give more information than is asked but I’m also accused of not giving enough
The problem with information is that it’s never enough---it’s like heroin the more we get the
more we want and need----It’s a vicious cycle----and I’m only human.

I’m not a psychic that does predictions---they sometimes show me things but not material for
the tabloids
They let me talk on this thread with certain messages that are subconscious friendly, whereas-
--the rational mind, the conscious mind, needs physical proof---touch, see, and taste---as a
bare minimum.

I don’t like to be teased and therefore I don’t like to tease---now on the other hand ET is big
on teasing----so I’m going to use the age-old copout---ET made me do it.

If ET wants it out there it will be put out there, I’m not hogging information for my own
consumption----what would be the point?

I am a voice for ET but I have to adhere to protocol.

First rule of protocol is to not let the ego of the messenger subvert the message.

ETs said why I am allowed to post on here : to answer the big question, “is this all there is”
with scraps and bits of information for those who know how to use them---no this life is not
all there is, most only see the small tip of the iceberg and not the massive structure that lays
underneath it.

What do I get out of it? Perhaps nothing more than the privilege of having this connection---
and all the good and bad that goes with it.

ETs intervene often especially with those they are in contact with---I have been in two car
accidents where no one understood how I walked out alive, I have fallen off a cliff over a
hundred feet high while in the army, I have fallen off scaffolding at a construction site, and
fallen off a roof, and never broke a bone---and I don’t get sick.

From what I have seen that’s impossible [for me to have been used by them].

I did have witness to my account, but I had to kill them---they were going to bring proof and
everything--- lol

I provide info for a few who want this info---those that don’t want it need not throw tantrums
because it shakes their world or other beliefs---the info is coming whether they like it or not

There will be many new sci-fi blockbusters coming out---but if mine gets done it will not
come out as sci-fi.

I’m not looking for galactic brownie points; I’m simply telling what I know.
My job is not to enlighten anyone---only to tell my experiences.

I tell my experiences, what I have seen, what I learned, what ET tells me-----that’s my story
and I’m sticking with----it’s never going to change----if it’s too crazy or ridiculous to believe-
---then don’t.

Because I offer no proof for my statements I have little credibility to loose, however, what
little I have would be forfeited if I self-promote my books from this thread.

I apologize if I sound condescending with some of my statement, it’s unintentional

If I sound crazy then I am on the mark because describing things people can’t see, feel, or eat-
---is crazy talk to them.

“Anyone can claim anything, with near impunity, on the internet”

Let people claim away, and then let the chips fall where they may. One hundred percent of
what we humans believe as real is perception.
Most chose to remain in the illusions they were thought at school and in churches---nothing
wrong with that.
For those wanting reality they will have to take a chance and push that envelope with their
minds first---everything else comes later.
Or they can remain safe in their core delusion----nothing wrong with that.

I’m not here to convince anyone of anything---it’s simply my .02

A bleak scenario? If anything it’s less bleak than what is being peddled by many other belief

I’m talking stuff you can’t possibly understand---I apologies for that.

How many times have you roamed around outside of your body?
No way of knowing because many things remain blocked.

Have you been able to have a telepathic communication with your Grandma since you last
met her?
Not that I’m aware of---but some of those encounters are blocked because they can break our
focus on things we have to do while here.

According to Milton I have good defense system in place as long as I don’t go to certain
places here on earth, where the other guys have the advantage---makes my vacationing more
challenging---and that’s my biggest concern---
Am I worried about other groups that don't share my optimistic approach towards this
subject? Not in the least.
I think they exaggerate the danger, I have been to places they have advised me away from and
nothing happened. They have opened up this info so that I can post it; the military knows
where I am because they have sent people to my house---for tea---lol ---they have followed
me without making any attempts to hide the fact and renting rooms near my room at motels---
sometimes they even tip their hats---they are often in uniform.
I’m usually not aware of them until they make it obvious---they go about their business and I
go about mine.
I think if these entities really wanted me they would eventually get me---I don’t believe deep
down inside that I’m that important.

Clandestine government officials most certainly are watching and following me but as long as
I don’t cross certain lines they leave me alone---I know when I’m pushing the envelope, and if
I forget they remind me---for instance John Lear is hitting some nerves and I have been told
not to back him in certain areas---

I have only seen so much and not everything has been made available to me yet.

Even thought I have toned my story down, it’s still too much for most to handle.

I do know that all the insanity is temporary and for a purpose---and I feel privileged that I can
tell my true experiences---regardless that many will refuse to believe them.
If my story only helps one billion people out of six and a half billion people I will feel I
accomplished something---

What has Milton instructed you to do here?

Simply to tell my story and let the chips fall---others are telling their stories too, eventually
more people will come forward---and some day this ET reality will be mainstream instead of

A school friend of my daughter---in grade school---who lived across the street from us told
her he saw a flying saucer over our house the evening before while riding the bus to school.
After school she asked me about it---I don’t remember what I told her but she shrugged it off.

Is the "experience" you're describing something that all persons should read and be aware
Absolutely not---we don’t give first graders college level books to read---and you may see
this as a slam on non believers but it’s not---I really don’t mean any disrespect but most
people regardless of their academic credentials are simply not ready to believe that
extraterrestrials are on earth---

I have no such plan to present this information to the masses, if the powers that be want them
to get this info they will receive it---I’m not the “powers” I just work for the company---and at
the lowest level---lol

I’m certainly not here to make the world a better place---the world is perfect, it's the people
that are not.
I am here to let a few people know that they can make their lives a better place---because that
is why they were flown here in a spaceship---for that very purpose.

Childhood: I have vivid memories of my “imaginary” friend---except there was nothing

imaginary about him---he opened a hole in my bedroom and we sat and talked for minutes
sometimes hours---we even played jumping on the bed or with some very interesting toys he
brought with him. I was dirt poor and had no toys, books, television, electricity and hardly
enough food---but I had my friend and he brought me candy and took me on rides into space.
I never told anyone, I assumed it was normal even though I lived in a world that had been
reduced to Third World conditions because of the war.
I’m the loose lips that they can shut down anytime.

I don’t know the full picture and it could all end tomorrow---I may only be one revelation
away---the straw that breaks the camel’s back thingy---I’m surprised I haven’t gotten there

Some of the stuff was not unlocked---my memory was not altered completely when I was
inserted into this world---I remember my trip to earth and being placed into the baby’s body
and fully conscious of my reality while a baby---I was not left alone and they continued to
hang out with me and take me off planet---otherwise I would have gone insane---can you
imagine being stuck inside a baby as an adult?---it took lots of nectar and frequent trips of R
& R off planet to get me through it---oh but the nectar was so sweet I can still taste it---pure
heaven !

I’m not trying to save anyone’s soul---there are plenty already trying to do that here on this
thread and in the billions of churches, Synagogues, and Mosques, not to mention all those
other fringe religions out there. I’m simply telling my experiences.

You mentioned one time that you got to speak to your father after he passed. were you
allowed to see him or just speak with him and was it in this dimension or were you taken to
where he was. Does he know it's you talking to him?
We were on some neutral ground inside a ship, sometimes we talked and other times didn’t
say a word---that I can remember.

I have not travelled backwards or forwards in time.

Not sure if primetime is ready for what I have---lol or even if I’m ready for primetime.

Yes, I meet loved ones again but I have those memories blocked---home sickness and all that

Funny thing I never asked or even looked to get involved in this crazy stuff, I was drafted---
and running to Canada was not an option.

I’m not here to tell people what to believe in, I’m telling my experiences and what I have
learned about the galaxy we live in.
What people believe doesn’t change any of that---and it will not affect them in the big picture
unless they take their beliefs to the extreme and become martyrs.

I was allowed to have some memory of my past lives when delivered to my mom at birth,
because ETs intended on keeping the lines open from that point on---but soon after I went
dormant, until they picked me up---on a frequent base throughout by early years.

There is a lot of info coming my way and condensing it is a full time job.

How do you know that which you claim to have experienced is real or is an implanted
Fair question but how do you know your experiences are not implanted memories---how does
anyone know?
The only time I get into trouble is when I don’t listen to the wisdom of Milton.

Why are you talking here and now?

Because a few people need to know that there is more to this life than super bowls, the
drudgery of work, and the illusion that the world is going down the tubes.

From childhood, my imaginary friends visited often when I was growing up and have never
stop coming around, it wasn’t for my toys, I didn’t have any, but they had some cool ones.
Now I suspect Milton comes over because he has a thing for my wife---but she doesn’t’
believe in Milton so I’m not worried.
Please don’t confuse my attempt at humor with sarcasm.

Things I saw while in the military that has nothing to do with ETs and everything to do with
pure unadulterated hate from both sides of the color line makes me wonder how we humans
have managed to last this long.

For now the information is for the few who know there is a bigger picture, and want some
kind of confirmation no matter how diminutive. For the purpose of baby steps---the vast sea
of humanity is nowhere near ready to give up their comfort zone.

Most of my experiences are not sieved out of dreams they happen in real physical time---like
face to face meetings in my house, at a park, a restaurant, coffee shop, etc.

Why Milton allowed me these memories and why I have been given permission to share my
experiences with you?
Because---lol---there is no one answer or reason to why other than there are some people that
need and want that info even if it’s only delivered rhetorically.

After reading many threads on ATS and other boards one thing stands out for me when it
comes to extraterrestrials, the carrots I dangle have little lure, in other words I’m not selling
what most want to buy. If I was in this business for the money I would write what people
want to read and believe.
My mission? To dangle carrots in front of carnivores---

I have received information from sources belonging to different sides than that of my spirit
guides, but they remain anonymous.

Are you convinced that everything your spirit guides says is the truth?
What else do I have to go on? The media, Hollywood, our elected officials, our scientists, one
of the hundreds of religions or other belief systems, our educational institutions, my first
grade teacher Miss Miller---lol
We live in a world were few if anyone knows anything of substance---outside the meager
workings of our simple lives here on earth. Which is fine and by design, and does that rhyme?
When ETs are around me they are not spirits, they have physical bodies too. These beings
have been around me even before I was born on this planet; they dropped me off here after a
tour of the solar system in a ship. They continued visiting me in physical bodies on a regular
basis while I was a child bringing me toys and things to eat. Whatever they are, I’m a good
person and I know they are also.

I measure my responses to try and keep them in the somewhat acceptable zone.
This stuff is not for everyone---most are fast asleep because that’s where they are most

Wouldn't this info alter the missions for some?

Only for those who take notice and then take advantage---a hard and difficult life is not
written into stone for everyone.
Good and bad information is available to everyone, and it comes from many sources and
outlets, and like in a grocery store we pick what we put into our basket and take home with
us---to use as we see fit for our good or our detriment.

About my extended time here with earthlings:

Actually I was not buying time for myself, my wife, two daughters and other family members
have made leaving earth a difficult proposition for me---I really like them and they seem to
like me---lol---otherwise I would have been off this planet when my tour was up. Earth is a
great place to visit but pales big time to what is out there amongst those billions of stars in our
night skies.
So yes, Miltie increased my workload in return for that privilege---

The fact is I held back way more stuff that I could have added to the blog because I am
already pushing the believability factor as it is---
If I ever add to that blog or write another one I may push the envelop a little further, but I
really don’t need to because most believe this stuff is fiction, and I’m not interested in being a
fiction writer---I hate fiction---
I have done my darndest to minimize how big and fantastic it really is, and I’m not joking!

There are many people who feel bad [due to my info], and I often wonder if telling my story
has done more harm than good---

The vast majority likes their bubble of illusion that is this life, my blog is still looked upon as
fiction---most cannot make that kind of leap in their thinking---life can’t possibly be that
fantastic---lol---and it will not be for those that can’t think it.
Plenty of bullsh-t in this world to burn through, but no one need wallow in it like a hog in
heaven, or hell for that matter.

Most of us have been burned in this world by falling for something that was “to good to be
true” trap, and unfortunately that is a sound measuring device for those that don’t want to get
burned over and over again.
But the things I talk about are not in the category “to good to be true”, most of it is simple
common sense tools to get through this life and remain standing rather than letting this life
grind us into the ground, only to be recycled again and again.
And for those who remain standing, metaphorically speaking, they will see for themselves
what this kick-ass universe has to offer.

I try to be politically correct---but then again that is one of the big problems in this world we
don’t want to hold anyone accountable.

My assignment is to rock the boat and piss off some people while doing so---lol
My reason for being here was on many different levels from day one on this planet, I haven’t
really gotten into that much of it because some involves my military time and remains off
limits. This is only my latest stage and it required that I remember more details than the other
ones, it's all need to know basis

This stuff is for that minority that knows it to be true simply by hearing it, the rest will get
there in their own sweet time---there is no deadline to beat.

I’m of the opinion that anyone intelligent enough to read this stuff or other stuff on the
internet are also intelligent enough to make up their own minds---otherwise we will have to
give people tests before we let them out into this big bad world by themselves---

Not everyone who reads this thread respond with a post---many read it and know---others get
a laugh---because this message if one wishes to call it that is not for them.

I do care [whether people believe me or not ] otherwise I would not waste my time here.

I don’t want people to believe anything they are not ready to believe---everything in its time is
a good motto.

All of us fear ridicule, we don’t want to be anyone’s fool therefore most will remain with the
crowd with the prevailing and acceptable beliefs---currently belief in ET is crazy talk---so
even those that do believe or want to will remain quiet and wait for more of the crowd to cross
that line before they do---I have been inside ET ships and have known all my life yet have
done the same thing---this ET stuff is way too strange for the human brain, and I have one of

The message is “that we are not alone” for those requiring a peek behind the curtain---you
would be surprised how many people only need that little bit of info and no more to get it.
Understandably there are many that need that joyride fix every day, they are sick and tired of
this life and want to fly off into space and live in utopia---and who the heck can blame them ?
Certainly not me.
That’s why I do what I do to let those people know that those things are real, they do happen--
-but not for everyone at the same time, and not for everyone in this lifetime
Personally I’m in disagreement with Milton, I think too much info is going out, especially if
more people are not allowed to remember more of their trips---what’s the point of telling
anything ?

The best stuff is in this thread and my blog---yet most don’t want what I offer---they much
prefer all that other garbage because it doesn’t come with silly-goose ethics and uncommon
sense junk.

I didn’t have preconceived notions for this thread other than for it to be informative for some.

If you find it difficult to handle this current reality do you believe you are ready for the next
challenge ?

Certainly Milton could be pulling my chain and if my info is perceived as evil, then I humbly
advise not taking it.

The infant body was built exclusively for me---it is my body----same with everyone who
enters this planet and gets placed into infant bodies.
Some of my purpose is to subtly release this info---whilst being the laughing stock---
What the heck.

I came here voluntarily---I did a lot of volunteering in the army too. ---lol
Mostly mine choice, not “theirs”, but you are expected to fulfil a certain quota of duties.
I knew what the assignment was in advance, but I only knew a fraction of the gory details; I
don’t believe many would come down here if they knew the whole enchilada.

In 1970 while in the military they showed me a vision of me hunched over a computer
keyboard, twenty-five years in the future. They told me I was going to write stuff.
The way they operate is classic clandestine, a shell game of sorts. I received info sometimes
years in advance, and other times only moments before I need it.

I have an idea where I’ll be going from here, but now they are trying to convince me to piggy
back on this assignment, so I don’t know whether I will or not---I was looking forward to a
long vacation. It all depends on when they pull the plug on this one.

The reason I don’t mind answering the same questions over again is because there are many
facets to any question depending on the perspective the question is presented.
There is no such thing as pointless questions, now, pointless answers is another story---

My answers come from both me and Milton----And his don’t come to me through telepathy,
it’s more conventional---

I don’t have to disclose anything at all----I know I said this was my job, but it is voluntary, I
could spend all my time fishing at the lake.
I don’t get any brownie points for spending hours like a Borg in the matrix wired to this
internet thing---

I am free to enjoy my life here anyway I wish---and so too can most who are stuck down here-
---I just thought it would be cool to let “some” who may be interested, in on that little obscure

Do you have another purpose other than to give us this info?

Yes I do.

Did you go through a phase of exhaustion when the reality of your ET past experiences came
to your awareness?
No because I was always aware at some level.

I get new info on a regular basis but I have to sift through lots of it.

It’s really not for me to tell anyone what they should believe, or what they know to be true in
their lives.
But if you ask for my opinion or perspective then that is what I give.

My stories are all true and I have yet to scratch the surface and not sure that I want to---way
too much stuff and info---which most people don’t really need anyway.
I admit I have been caught off guard by how reluctant some can be to this stuff.
Naturally those glued to their religious or “scientific” realities are the ones who would suffer
the most problems because of the identity crisis they would have should those “solid”
foundation liquefy under their feet.

Very few respond to my thread and many don’t because they have the same quandary. And
with good reason---why upset the apple cart when the apple cart serves them well? Really
there is no need to.
Take from the cart what is useful---if anything--- and leave the rest in the cart. This world is
filled with bazillions of ideas and there is no way to swallow many of them---take what makes
sense in your life and no more.

Don’t talk ET stuff with people who think it a nutty subject otherwise you come off looking
the fool and some people don’t want to be around fools.

The fact that I have taken the time to answer all these questions speaks volumes about me---
could be suicidal for my career here on ats.

Not many notice the zip files beneath the surface of simple statements and words. Sometimes
words are worth a thousand pictures because words can’t be touched up only blotted out. As is
the case for sensitive information released via the “Freedom of information Act”.
Another testament that nothing is free unless you value blacked out pages that hide the simple
words from those who know. Should those words ever come out into the open they would be
more proof than all the ufo pictures combined, simply because of the stature of the persons
who wrote those words.
Now I can write some of those same words---for free, as I have been doing here, but few
would believe a fellow named sleeper---

Sometimes it's hard to figure out when you're joking and when you're being serious?
That’s because ETs and UFOs are such serious subjects that far too many people simply laugh
them off, because of deep rooted fears from childhood boogiemen---I’m only trying to lighten
up on the fear factor---

I might be tempted to think that your jovial replies to tough questions were examples of the
psychological defence mechanism of humor (one of the healthiest, if you are going to use
one!) to tough questions that you really don't have answers for.
I also get many people who are a tad envious that I answer so many darn tough questions.

I’m not above being an a-hole, but I don’t always intend it. I forgo giving details for
numerous reasons---concerning what people experienced or may have experienced or are only
looking to trip me up---oh yes it does happen---
Anyway, for those who have real experiences my telling them---even hinting might cause
them undue distress because some ordeals are samples of what’s to come in their lives---
should they not make certain changes---I’m not allowed to tell what those changes need to be-
--so in essence I can’t help.

I don’t change anyone and certainly not the world---it’s for each one of us to change ourselves
with any information that may come our way---or via hard knocks.
I do this strictly to get schmoozed not to change the world---I guess I will have to work on my
ego thingy---
How people interpret information they receive is part of the conundrum.
I didn’t communicate with symbols and I don’t know why that is.

What makes me so sure that I haven't been taken on a big ride of lies and deception?
They tell me to do the right thing in every situation---if that is bad advice then we are all in a
bad situation.

Did you have a say in choosing this earth gig?

I picked this gig.

No one need to go with my humble or not so humble perspective of things---

"A sane man in a insane world would appear to be insane." (Spock in Star Trek)
So true, the insane believe themselves sane, and make up the majority of the population that
has full control of society, the people that put them there.
But times are a changing and UFO nuts are a tad main stream now and at least tolerated more
than before.
But integrity nuts that’s a whole different and far too strange an animal, and such nut jobs are
certainly square pegs in a round world. Try talking integrity at work and see how quickly
people’s eyes gloss over and they point the finger in their mouth thing---friends stop calling
and you find yourself isolated---and looking for acceptance on internet chat boards---but
enough about me---
My two children were stigmatized as goody-two-shoes while growing up in suburban schools,
in so called good neighbourhoods, where many of their classmates were into drugs, drinking
and smoking. Although they were shunned by their peers they managed to turn out just fine.
I seem to go from bad---UFO nut---to worse---integrity nut job----have I no shame---

How I get the info I don’t know---I just know it when I need it.

Most have no clue what we are dealing with behind the curtain; it’s not child’s play by any

The last time I said something really profound a disgruntled poster slapped me down, so I’m
trying to cut back on my profoundness a bit, I don’t want to appear like “I’m all that and a box
full of chips”---even though it’s Milton who says these things I end up getting the flack.

What reason should anybody believe what you have to say?

Good question, why should anyone believe me---they certainly don’t need too---it’s not
required that I’m aware of.
Why should anybody believe your comments to be the truth?
The vast majority doesn’t believe my comments to be true.

I retain the right to stop participating out of the blue---in other words when my unemployment
checks run out and I have to find a stinking real job---

At this juncture they [government] don’t see me as a menace, and if and when they do I will
cross that bridge when I get there.

To which extent can we unlock that info? Up to us or up to them?

They only unlock what we can handle or what we have merited.
The info is off-limits because it would detract from our purpose here?
Some are allowed a cheat sheet, most are not.

A lot of what I have delivered is politically incorrect.

Your memories of your past existence has you somewhat jaded about what most of us are
That’s why they spared no expense in rubbing my nose in the dirt of this planet during most
of my growing up years. They did their dandiest to break me, and have gotten really close
many times---but the game is not over yet.

You have a base, a memory that we do not have--at least that we are allowed to remember.
Very true, but I have attempted to paint a sliver of the big picture with the very few tools they

I’m not the only one on earth that has been places.

I hardly think my story will change the course of mankind.

If I was mainly here to sell my "story", I have failed miserably, since the word on my book
got out a few months ago I have sold 15 books---

I entered after the birth, I came here in a ship, was shown the baby and then I was the baby in
a bassinet at the foot of my parent’s bed. I continued to interact with those who brought be
here until my sixth birthday and then they faded into the background.

Sometimes we think we have a grasp when it is only a glimpse...

That was Mike's problem.

Do you know why you took on this task?

They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse----

It's a long story and not many have the stomach for it.

Did you complete your mission? In your blog you said to Neppti "Earth is a tricky gig". Were
you referring to travel?
It’s more of an adventure than a mission. It’s a tricky gig because of the high numbers of
vultures flying in with the influx of undesirables.

Writing is part of my assignment.

I grew up under unpleasant conditions, poverty, gang violence, hate, envy out the wazoo, and
created some baggage along the way. I failed to read the fine print when I signed up for this
gig! And was taken on a few "correction" trips off planet.
Most people choose not to believe this stuff; even many that hang around my forums and
make comments are only here to find cracks or weaknesses in what I say.
Gaga has billions of followers and I have 3 and a half, more or less.
That too is no accident. The illusions in this world "must" stand! A heck of a lot has been
invested to create all these illusions and some freak dog and pony show by a certifiable ufo
nut like me isn't going to change that. Good thing I like the attention, otherwise I wouldn't
waste my time typing on internet forums.

Buy or give my books as gifts, it will be the best gift they ever get. They'll either get a big
laugh or a rude awakening.

I have manuscripts of other non ET subjects I would like to get done. I do most of my writing
when the weather sucks.
Writing is hard work and I avoid it as much as possible, hence it takes forever for me to get a
book out.

Are you experimenting with a new way to build ideals for the future world to follow?
My ambitions are not that large, assuming I even have any ambitions; I'm doing good to
answer a few questions now and then.

I was dropped into the lion's den lol. It was part of the training for this particular assignment.

Why have you been shown/told certain things that are really not fit for general human
consumption? What is the point?
It's all about having enough time, "desire" to tell. My job was done with my last book.
Everything else is extra. If the higher ups wanted me to crank out more info and books they
would have given me more resources.

Do you find it personally enjoyable or do you feel duty bound to answer these questions?
I was asked if I wanted to do it, I said no, but then relented.

You say you 'tone down' some parts of what you say - which parts are these?
It's a time thing, I just don't have the time. Every little bit I let out opens up more questions.
Therefore I tiptoe through the tulips.
I wish I could just download everything into the computer but They prefer I didn't. If I had the
time and ability I would anyway. I should stop answering questions and write books nonstop,
or go to Cancun and lay out on the beach sipping margaritas.
I'm the weak link in this whole deal. Imagine a cup of water, now imagine the ocean. So far I
have dripped perhaps a cup or two of the ocean water.

I believe that you are not lying about it and telling the truth, BUT is it also possible that you
were being deceived yourself?
Anything is possible.

Why do they give you the answers to the test and have you hand it out to us?
Do they think no one will believe you anyway?
Most will ignore things that are difficult or painful, and more so if there is no clear prize for
making those tough changes.

Do they let you tell us all this because they can hear and understand our thoughts and would
know if we were faking being good?
They can't be fooled.

Are "vessels" like (y)our body essential for the playpen or just for this stage of human
Matter, the dense pixie stuff our bodies is made of is used for lower level realities, even a few
notches above us.

I struggle with what I should put out there. I control the drips, sometimes I let out more than I
should. It's not easy being me :-( But guess what, no one need believe any of this stuff, and
since I can't prove it, it's all opinion, so there. My wife will not read my stuff because she
can't handle it. Please, if what I write is disturbing and painful don't read it, don't believe it. It
really is that simple.

I did need to work on a few things/flaws.

When your ET experiences started being in the military all the way down to your day with an
extraterrestrial experience did you question what role God plays in all of this?
Yes, I even attempted to become a minister/pastor. I was raised a Catholic, but never
practiced it much.
Became a Methodist in my later years and wrote a book to try and prove the reality of Jesus.
After starting the book I was shown the real story behind the story. I finished the book
anyway, explaining many of the miracles Jesus performed and some of the meanings behind
many of the stories in the New Testament.

Did you ever pray to God about all of your experiences seeking answers of why?
I did, I liked that part about "Seek and the door will be opened to you". That's what I did.
Did you ever second guess yourself and question or even pray about it before believing
everything you were being told?
I asked for the truth and demanded to be destroyed if there was any chance that I could
deceive anyone or cause any soul harm.

Even after the day with an extraterrestrial did you ever second guess or wonder what if you
were somehow being deceived or not being told the full truth by your contacts?
I certainly was visited by demons/renegades and taken places I did not want to be. I was

In some of your answers, you mention staying or being politically correct. Is that because it
would be hurtful and would not really be of service?
You have to admit many of us humans are anal in our beliefs such as equality, racial and
gender issues, superiority as a species, that our "rights" get violated, our positions or stations
in life, etc. Some stuff you just can't talk about.

Since you remembered that you came here in a spaceship and you remember having contacts
with extraterrestrial beings wouldn’t that be completely against any religions theology?
Angels and demons fit perfectly in the extraterrestrial realms. I was aware of many things but
not everything. They continue to feed me information now and then.

Were you very confused at the time and searching for answers to everything?
No, I thought that I was on some kind of mission but wasn't quite sure what that mission was.
I'm still looking for it lol.

Can you be in a higher dimension here on Earth and does it have to do with the "energy field"
that accompanies you since before birth?
How have you been made privy to historical events on this planet and in the solar system?
I have great Internet connections!
Is it all things that you've been told or remembered somehow? Or is there an element that
something was opened in your mind that allowed you to see the truth in events when focusing
on them?

Why communicate to such a small number of people and in this manner?

The echo is much larger than it seems and neither Milton or I get much of the credit for the

Do they favour the English-reading, Internet-accessing, book-buying people of the world to

receive this information?
They certainly haven't favoured the book buying on my end. I should have delivered this
message via romance novels and science fiction books like the DaVinci Code, that's what
sells. For the most part, people prefer fantasy to reality.

If we are on this planet to rectify our past failings, then why are people such as yourself
allowed to disseminate the truth? Surely this would be counter-productive if everyone knew
the purpose?
The laws of the land are not hidden. Those who obey the law usually have an easier time/life
than those who don't obey the laws. Information that helps us is all around for those who
choose to pay heed.

I don't meditate, I don't channel, I don't mind meld nor do I use telepathy, I just type a few
answers here and there for the heck of it.
How does the tool work? What is the experience like?
There is no tool and no experience or special feeling unless I have more than one glass of
wine, which I rarely do. John can back be up on that.

The Sleeper info/trip is not for the weak.... but, I guess by noticing this stuff, I may be on to
something better...right?
Not mine to answer.

Did you talk to your friends about these memories all your life when you were a child?
Never told my friends.
If it happened to me when I was a kid I think I would explode if I didn’t tell people!
I was not your normal average kid and I didn't speak English very well.

Did you tell your parents about your abductions and memories?
Only recently.
Did you tell your army buddies?

Can you please open up the box a little on the stuff you say you can't talk bout.......
The box is wide open, the mind on the other hand is timid, shy and cautious as it should be.
We need all the help we can get even if we end up hating you for it.
We have our cake and some get to nibble on the their dreams, or so they think.
There are a LOT of different stories out there from a lot of different people who all claim to
have experiences with ET's and UFO's and abductions and know these things that we seek.
What makes it hard is that a lot of things they say are different and contradictory. How are
we supposed to know who to believe?
Good question.

How do we pick the 'truth'?

Very carefully.
Do we listen to the person who seems to be the nicest to us?
I'm not that nice, have you seen me on ATS!
Do we just pick the one we like the best based on our own personal life experiences,
prejudices and desires?
That's how we pick our presidents, our spouses. Don't always work out though.
What makes your story different from all the rest and why should we listen to you rather than
all the others?
Another good question. There is no reason to listen to me.
What is the right way to determine who is right?
That's the 64 billion dollar question due to inflation. It use to be only 64 million dollars for
that question.

Will reading this forum in any way affect the process we go through at death?
Yes, we have the ‘go to the head of the line’ clearance.

What actually did make you tell us what has happen to you and the ET's, what was the thing
that ring you in the hear and said, ok I will tell my experience online or to people? Did Uncle
Milton have something to do with that or was by free will (Uncle Milton pushing of course)?
It is part of my gig on this planet, not a large part. Milty does most of the work.

You mentioned the idea that one of your experiences was of a planet or space ship city within
our solar system doing a scenic cruise ship "watching the whales" sort of thing.....Please,
elaborate on that cruise?
I wasn't ready to spill that, I need someone to edit my stuff before I release it to the public
(can’t say anymore).

Does the government monitor all of us who visit this website?

Are they concerned we know the truth?
That's what they are looking for too.
I don’t want to end up in a FEMA concentration camp.
No one on this thread will end up in such a place. They are looking for people who wish to
over throw this country, not people wishing to do the right thing in life.

I have read a lot of things written by a lot of people, but none who wrote things that totally
agree with what you say, so they must all be wrong.
Well, yeah!

I have never heard of one other person who has been chosen to share this knowledge with
humanity. How does it feel to be charged with that task?
I still manage to live a normal life, well, somewhat normal lol.
This isn't something that you chose to do right?
I was hoping for more money.
Is it a burden? A blessing? A joy? A weighty responsibility?
No more than reading the newspaper every morning, it has its ups and downs.
How do you feel about the information itself?
The info is solid yet watered down more than a tad.
Do you feel that it is vital that people know this literally Earth-shattering stuff?
Not really, but if more people knew that doing the right thing had real value, this hellhole
would be a better place to live.

It really has the ability to change the course of people's entire existence! Do you have the
urge to tell everyone?
Who or how many hear this message is not my call, I just work here.
Do you not care whether people know or not?
I do care.

How much do you know about these "fiction" worlds?

Fiction? What’s that? lol there is no stinking fiction except on sleepy planets like Earth. I
know a lot more than I'm willing to talk about.
I have plenty of books in me, most will remain there. The cat is in the bag for a reason. Can't
make things too easy, that would spoil all the fun and purpose of life.
Has Milton shown some of that stuff?
With friends like that, you don't have to go to movies!
Movies hint at what really is out there, even the horror ones.
Or is it just too hard to explain on a forum?
Time consuming.

For a large percentage of the population of Earth the little that I have shared is totally nuts.
This is not an easy subject to breach for the sleeping masses who love their sleep time.

In your Viet Nam tour, your experience with that vehicle accident where you survived...was
that a near death experience for you or just a spontaneous outside the box watching it
That accident happened on a small Island called Okinawa, which was given back to Japan
when I was stationed there. I didn't have a NDE. I experienced the whole thing as it happened,
albeit in slow motion.

How much of the concepts/intel you refer us about is from Milton?


I did drip some of your stuff to someone and he was physically reactive, but blew it off by
changing the subject.
Once something is placed into the mind it don't get blown off; like a seed it grows into a
flower or a weed.

Ambiguity is the name of the game, orders from the top.

Why? Because.
Even the one called Jesus used parables. Very little in the bible and other ancient texts is
straight forward. Much of the knowledge available to us today in our universities and labs is
way off and theoretical mumbo jumbo.
The truth is hard to swallow for those that stumble on it, and unwanted by those happy inside
their bubbles. Many people are coming out or being forced out of their bubbles due to the
economic storm, only to jump into other bubbles or safe havens.
Like I said many times, the more I push the limits of this illusion the more incredulous the
info, and people flock back to their bubbles. Nothing wrong with that. Ambiguity allows
leeway and possibility of other possibilities to chew on.

I'm not here to change the world, or anyone in it for that matter.

You might find this hard to believe but I am not privy to some of the information I freely give
out to others. Why do ETs use a middle man for dispensing info? Because the chatter inside
most peoples' heads is so loud that they don't hear the important things.

Slowly I am starting to get a different slant on your writings. The initial stuff was mind
opening. The second wave hits the internal or personal aches....Can't really put into words...
The third wave could be a doozy or not.

I'm sure due to your time in the military you have been to many third world countries. But
have you lived in one outside of a military base?
Yes I have, but I'm not telling, so there.

It's no sin not to believe in ET’s and certainly it's not something you want to put in your
resume' if you do believe lol.
Our beliefs, whatever they may be, don't add up to a hill of beans, only our actions do.

How many who are asking questions of you on this board are, understanding what you are
telling them?
How many are actually here for personal development, and how many are ATS'ers and others
intending to catch you slipping up, force you into a lie, or whatever?
Don't know if anyone is here for personal development, most are here hoping for a joy ride
with Milton. More than 2 and less than 100 are trying to slip me up.
To what extent is what you teach influenced by your current experiences as a human and your
current ego?
Oh, it's all ego, 100% lol.
Are your words the pure, refined wisdom of Milton or Milton's wisdom as interpreted by Lou?
Wisdom? From that freeloader Milton? LOL

I can talk about anything I want to talk about. Time is the problem. Every can of worms I
open requires more time and explanation.

Were you allowed to remember (in bits and pieces) your past lives because (aside from this
life experience this time on Earth) you asked to be put here on earth now to drip out info--to a
select few on board...who you know are reading it loud and clear?
Or I had the short straw.

Is ET making a statement about you and what you are doing with all the drippings?
In a subtle way.
Is this a possible signpost of things to come in the near future?
It's a sign of things that have been going on for a long time, right under our noses.

Just how absolute is the information you reveal, and how do you know it is such?
I'm just guessing that it might be.

The military is a well oiled machine, and highly bureaucratic. Every second of every
member’s life is accounted for-----you don’t sneeze without a requisition order. Nevertheless
of my three years of active duty nearly eight months of it is unaccounted for----totally blanked
out of my mind-----most of that blank space was while I was overseas.

I was fetched by an NCO, dropped off at a hanger and told to go inside----I was mentally
briefed by ET beforehand.
Most of the time I never saw the ship, I walked through plywood corridors that led into the
ship. Sometimes there was no one around----not even guards-----that I could see.
Much of what goes on in the ship stays in the ship----sometimes I have a clear understanding
of everything I did but when I try to put in on paper----I can’t make it happen, nor can I
verbalized it.

Believe it or not [my day with an extraterrestrial] was all in one day, during that trip they
opened up a few more projects I was involved in and I will write them down some day. Also I
have the rest of my life before that visit, things while I was growing up, and then the military-
--which I have been told to keep quiet about for now.
I know why I am here, and personally I’m looking forward to moving on---off planet---I
know you like it here but things move so dang slow for me on this planet---

I have entered into the alien's body, a live body is simply a vehicle, a car---Milton could
easily drive my car—body, but I would have to get a learner’s permit to drive his---if I went
into his, it remains blocked---but it seemed so alien that I doubt I could simply go into it
without having some wine first.
It would be like going from a basic car cockpit to that of an airplane cockpit---you would need
some initial instructions to operate it. ETs have more bells and whistles---in other words more

Does the fact that you were born in Italy have something to do with your past life as a roman
It does.

How do we know that you are not being fooled?

You don't.

Do you ever get tired of answering the questions that are posed to you?
Yes I do.
What questions would you rather discuss?
Politics, religion and human sexuality. The three scourges of humanity.

If we are not supposed to know, why are you telling us with their blessing?
Most teachers give the answers or a variation of the answers before the test---no one needs
pay any attention.
About "A Day with an extraterrestrial"

About the “hot alien space babe”:

She looked human, and she was in a human colony but she also had powers that the average
humans on earth lack, she healed my sore head instantly. Not ready to divulge other
experiences on that colony other than to say there were more super humans like her there.

The cities I speak of in my blog were built by a race exponentially more advanced that what
human are.

The cluster of stars is one of the thousands of similar places in this galaxy.

The "earthly" men found in on Uranus are part of a black ops thing, most have volunteered to
go but they are from a human mixture a tad more advanced and they are learning new
technologies that they may bring back to earth or other places. They are supplied via ET ships
by other humans such as them that are in the program.

The "nectar for the gods":

As far as a recipe we don’t have the kind of vineyards here on earth that would produce that
kind of wine---and that sucks !
The nectar had a purpose other than bring me to ecstasy, it was bubble wrap for the items she
put into my mouth.

I was never completely blocked as far as memories go, I remember some of the trip here, and
entering this planet, and waking up fully conscious inside of a baby’s body---my
consciousness faded thankfully but they kept in touch with me throughout my life leaving me
with many sneak peaks of the big picture.

My escapades as in the blog are not under my control, therefore I have no moral quarrel with

Milton transcribed what he wanted me to remember and I put some of it in the book.
The book was a first draft and I did not put in all the details because it was written as a
screenplay. I originally wrote it as a screenplay because screenplays are much easier and
quicker to write.

When Milton dropped his suit he was an orb of pure energy, and when he popped me out of
my suit I was a smaller orb---but there was no mirrors around so I could not see what I looked
like---I felt normal but seemed to lack my extremities---yet I was able to pick things up as if I
had arms.

I didn't give blow by blow details of everything that happened otherwise the book would be
more than a thousand pages---I don't have much patience for writing every detail---have you
noticed how brief my posts are---

You spoke about your partner who took the assignment on Earth (as did you). Do you mean
that your current wife is this same person or that the one you knew before Earth is somewhere
else on this planet? Have you met up with this other partner since and did you immediately
remember the love you had for this person?
That person is not my wife, and I have not met up with her nor will I while here. ---the
dimensions of love above what we have here on earth is so vast and difficult to explain---but
the love we have for each other is the love of mother, father, child and spouse all rolled into
one---for everyone we come into contact with---that is for entities higher up than what I have
mentioned so far. Only pure love exists at those levels---and the shades of it diminish as we
ascend higher.

The scenario is only a hint of what is going on in this solar system---not even touching on
what is happening in this galaxy---reader’s brains would melt---

The scenario is my dumbed down version---and still many don't buy it---but then again I'm
not selling---only telling a sliver of the big picture of what exist behind the fog of this
existence---for those interest.

The pool table had pockets and was part of a demonstration/ test, one of many tests and
demonstrations I participated in. Btw, not stuff I will expand on or talk about on this thread.

The blog is written as a screenplay, and kind of gives a three dimensional feel to the story---

I know that my blog comes off as fictional fantasy but I did all I could to make it believable
by not including the really far out stuff---the things we are forced to do to avoid being laughed
out of town, or put into a straight jacket.

You mentioned something secreting special enzymes. Was the object animate or inanimate?
Do these enzymes that you spoke of have to do with information?
The objects were animate, and were coded to react with certain specific enzymes---and if the
balance of enzymes is off by a smidge the things rip out of my chest and eat me up like a
Praying Mantis. Well not really but Halloween is right around the corner---

Why was it necessary to conceive & collect new samples of sperm and ova?
Basically they want the DNA to create other humans, hybrids and clones, for earth and other
planets or areas in space.

Why humans were taken to populate other places if there were already other species living
there, such as in the case of Uranus.
For many reasons, some similar to why we have Americans, French, Italians, etc, living in
countries like China, Africa, Japan, etc.

Yes, I have heard from Neppti but briefly.

I certainly do remember something else besides what I wrote in my blog, but they haven’t
given me the time to write it all down yet.

There was plenty of intrigue in Milton’s ship hallway, more than I care to mention.

Who was Milton referring to when he said "we have made you difficult to track you down"?
I'm not difficult to track down anymore, well, for some. He was referring to humans and ETs.
The first few decades I was here finding me was near impossible, I left little if any signature.

Who are others like you?

I don't need to know

"Each member has unique information": Member of what?

And that info is confidential for a reason.

Is it possible that we are in danger too because of seeing this information?

In danger of ridicule.

What did he meant with "you are a code, so we keep you people scattered all over the solar
system"? Are we part of this code?
The code is not traceable by human means and those on this board are not part of the code...if
they know what's good for them.

Your current incarnation on Earth was an option. What other options did you have?
I could have remained where I was, in a utopia existence, coming to Earth is like a stint in the
Peace Corps except that you fully immerse into the tribe and become one with them.

Are Terrans on Uranus being trained for black-ops duties? Are they doing time, quarantined?
Some are black ops, all are quarantined and controlled to where they can go. Some are doing
Do they mingle with Uranus beings, ET's and other entities there?
They have intermediaries.

When Milton took you across the galaxy as an orb, you said you were the size of a quarter: do
you actually remember visiting your grandmother until now?
My memories are clear, the ones I'm allowed to remember. I felt like I always feel, legs, arms,
body, yet I was out of my body and had no body. Plenty of energy, light as a feather and flew
like superman and could go much faster. There is no describing the excitement of flying.
Many dream they are flying, and they really are but think they are dreaming. The exhilaration
is much more intense than a dream state remembrance.
Overwhelming and then bliss.
Showered with inexhaustible love and positive energy is beyond human comprehension. Here
on the rock we get very little of that, we really are stingy with our love down here.

You mention that you remember being on a spaceship and brought here and placed in a baby
so does that mean you came from somewhere else in the universe or was it a direct flight from
It wasn't a direct flight from Uranus, I took the scenic route out of this star system and then to

Does that all seem real to you or is it more like a dream now?
Dreams don't seem real because they take place in higher dimensions. This took place in this
dimension, it was real, and I remember it as such.

Are you sure it happened?

I know it happened, it happened many times during my time here. I have yet to write many of
my encounters while growing up and those in the military and after. I remember the locker but
not everything that was in it. Most of my encounters remain blocked.
How come you are not in the "shell game" anymore, you are out in the open, exposed and
exposing all these things. Why do the other side of the ET forces let you do what it is you do?
I'm not much of a threat at this stage.

Are they, the other side, weaker than Milton's?

Much weaker but they have much power on this lower planet.

Are they evil ET, renegades? Do they want us down for dark reasons?
They cater to the majority, they pander to ignorance.

I thought both sides wanted the best for us, even if they wouldn't agree on "the treatment"?
That was my politically correct line.

When you were on Uranus in the tube city did it feel like a 3D reality or was there something
There was a higher consciousness. No confusion of what is real and what is not real.
This book is a watered down version of what is going on in this solar system.

Did you happen to see any bug-like creatures? Or Bigfoot perhaps when in the space station
or Uranus?
I didn't see any bugs or walking carpets during that trip that I recall.

When you were in space, was it still dark like seen from Earth or did the stars light it up much
more than we can imagine?
Some places in space are darker, but not dark matter, something else is going on. Inside the
ship the glass makes everything brighter and magnified. Outside the ship, for me anyway the
stars seemed to light things up, but the sun also made things brighter.

When you were out-of-body and went from Uranus; the panorama vision is actually reported
by people who have OBEs here. Did you live on that planet before you were a legionnaire
here in past lifetimes?
I did live in that city but the city moves around and orbits other planets.

Did you mention that everyone there is bald - or did I misread that?
Depends where they live in the city, there are other entities including hairless apes with hair
like here on earth.

Do you know much about the unfortunate people that were taken from the crowd into the
separate ship by greys? Were they to do with that operation you were in?
I don't know what happened to them.

You were on some family planet where you saw you Grandmother...could she see your
Grandpa where he was? Does she get to stay there for however long she wishes?

Were you, in your previous life in that utopian city, also within a level of illusion, although
much more aware of the "real" existence?
That existence was not illusion.
Has anyone ever approached you about making "A day with an extraterrestrial” into a
Not really.

The human colonist on Uranus, Joe, mentioned there was black op's upon black op's working
there, who did all these groups belong to? Countries? Renegades? And what are their
Yes, yes, and they do have a purpose.

Milton said your purpose was to drop hints to those who are ready for a bigger view; your
message obviously helps our souls and development (by us doing the right things in life) but is
there something more to it than that especially the stuff you drip that raises the mystery
curtain a little bit?
There is a lot more to it than that, mystery and intrigue are part of the mix that I have yet to
touch on, if I ever do. I love my coffee breaks you know.

What was the activity going on in Mars? Milton said he would share it with you later, what
did he tell you?
He told me to keep it to myself.

Milton said the Renegades might try and put you into storage....what is that? What happens?
It would involve removing me from terra.

Milton said you and others like you contain pieces of a code? What is this code? And what
are all of you to the greater picture of things? What is the difference in the information you
I'm not telling.

That book scratches the thick surface of what is going on in our galaxy. And yet many people
believe it fiction, the very people who believe Darwinism's shit just happens theory. LOL,
what are people smoking on this planet anyway.
About the truth

Here on earth as we all know the truth is difficult to come by----and most of us wouldn’t
know the truth if it fell on us like a brick wall----the truth is a tough concept down here. But
it’s not on the other side.

There are people making lots of money selling books about alien stuff that is completely
wrong yet many flocks to buy their books, fiction sells very well.
People can make a great living selling gloom and doom---for some reason many people enjoy
hearing about the dark side of things.
btw, I have lost thousands of my hard earned dollars with all of my books and writing
endeavours---few writers make money unless they are on the payroll of some newspaper or
they have best sellers---the vast majority of writers do not make money selling books---some
will not admit it fearing that it would reflect on their credibility---lol
I had to get that off my chest because I hate it when retards accuse me of writing for the

Not everyone can comprehend the idea of extraterrestrial life and sometimes its best not to try
and convince them -- the vast majority of normal people are not ready for the big picture----
and that’s OK.

I know because I was told and shown, why----that I don’t know----------------but you will have
to decide for yourself what you know and are willing to believe-----everyone has the capacity
to know the truth-----however, knowing the truth is not requisite to achieving a fulfilling and
productive life----knowledge is a two edge sword-----too much and it can disrupt things.

I want to share the proof but the proof is not mine to give----it’s patented and belongs to ET, I
have asked----they said no---so you are free to ask them---maybe they will give it to you.
ET hardware is proprietary and not mine to give or show, also if they want themselves to be
known by the general public that’s up to them.
For now proof is dealt out to individuals---one human at a time.
There is no solid proof because they run a tight ship with zero tolerance for breaches in the
system. I can get around some of that because of Milton

It’s not mine to give I didn’t create their stuff----even if I wanted to their stuff obeys them.
How do I give proof to someone who is looking at proof in front of them and all around them?
If I took a microchip and showed it to anyone 75 years ago they would have thought it was a
If I showed you something out of Milton’s world it will be the same---incomprehensible---it
would fly in front of you and you would think it an insect.
Any tangible evidence would be considered hostile without a full disclosure. ---it would
create more questions, more confusion and ultimately paralyzing fear.
Everyone wants proof, and why not, but proof requires something in return, one has to be able
to get their mind around a thing before they can grasp what that thing is.
Your pet dog will never understand your computer or why you spend so much time on it
because its mind can’t penetrate human concepts and contraptions.
Some of us have a difficult time crossing a similar barrier, therefore what good is proof? If a
UFO landed at the White House most would believe it was human black ops or some
Hollywood stunt.
I don’t appreciate when others plagiarize so I don’t. I do not read science fiction books. My
experiences are real.

I understand that it is difficult if not impossible to believe that Extraterrestrials are here
without being able to see them----but the true mystery is not why many don’t know about
them, instead it is why so many do.
BTW most that know about ET will never admit to it.

Adults don’t want to know the answers [to some stuff]---nor could they handle the answers----
Some of this stuff can be a burden if you chose to believe it----because you still have to live in
a world that is fast asleep---and being one of the few that is awake----is a challenge not suited
for everyone----especially as a teenager.

As long as you keep this stuff in the realm of philosophy you’ll stay out of trouble.

There is something wrong about writing fiction and claiming it’s the truth----I wish people
would stop doing that---but if they did much of what’s on the internet and written in books
would have to be discarded.

There are several possibilities, perhaps life never ends and we continue forever----we go
somewhere or come from somewhere else when we die or get transferred, or relocated or
stationed like some kind of covert military garrisoned on earth. Oops, I let the cat out of the

The truth is as clear as the nose on your face, but we can't see our own noses very well unless
we look in the mirror.

You've heard the old cliché "truth is stranger than fiction." Most people don't want strange, or
truth, they prefer fiction, it's easier on the digestive system.

Sightings prove nothing----people want the meat and potatoes before they will believe-----ETs
have to land and come out and ask someone to take them to their leader. If that's about to
happen I have been left out of the loop, darn!

I can't prove god, ETs, the tooth fairy or Santa Clause.

However-----there is a tooth fairy I have seen her on more than one occasion----she had a
strange resemblance to my wife and put money under my daughters pillows when they lost
Santa Clause was more difficult but he exists too----I once had to fit myself into one of those
red suits and bring gifts to put around the tree while the children peeked from the other room
with my wife.
Everything on this level of existence (earth) is an allusion-----something or someone is behind
the allusions-----children don't know who is behind those fairytales-----they don't care-----they
are real----the presents are real-----the money under the pillow is real.

Even scientist has problems with the proof thing, that’s why they are full of theory---to put it
A few words are worth a thousand pictures---hence how many pictures have been debunked---
every single one of them---but words and experiences are not so easily discredited.
Reality? Which reality, the one that kept people believing for thousands of years that the earth
was the center of the universe----like many still believe today.
The one where for thousands of years everyone believed earth was flat?
I know those analogies have been over used and apply to everything including grandma’s
secret cookie recipe, but they are hard to beat.
You live in the world that makes senses to you----what else do you have to go on?
Some people have more to go on----or different experiences-----and therefore their reality is
You can’t project your reality to anyone else-----some people live sterile existences and wear
the blinders prescribed by the particular society they happen to live in.
There are six billion people on this planet----ETs have removed the blinders from a few
million of those people.
You may say that I am brainwashed or delusional-----however, I’m not the one who believes
trillions of solar systems are devoid of life-----I know better.

In this big bad world you have to get your own proof-----no earthling has the authority to hand
it out.
I have proof but I can't share it so I look the fool-----still, since I am able to remember many
of my experiences I take that as sign that I can speak about some of them. Many know
something is going on-----so I tell a few things to validate that there is something going on.
What is proof for me? I have listed some in this tread, I have been in ET ships----most of the
time I find myself inside them with no idea how I got there----I leave the same way.
ETs gave me proof----and I never asked for it-----they give proof to thousands of people----
most will never admit to it, and many will take what they know to the grave with them. It took
me fifty-two years to talk about my involvement.
The proof is not "out there" it's here on this planet-----for thousands, maybe millions of people
that have tasted it.

It is forbidden to show evidence----not a copout, it's just the way it is, but I do have a stone,
it’s a meteorite that was given to me many years ago when I was younger. I even tried to
break it open to see what was inside it when I had one too many drinks, again many years ago.
Obviously the stone is not proof of anything, meteorites are everywhere but they never told
me if it’s from this planet or some other planet or moon---or other star system.
The rock is cold and hard, it is 2 ½ inches by 2 inches. Weighs about a pound.
I’ve had that rock for a long time and I never gave it much thought until last week.
I don’t remember if I asked for it.
I'm sure I will get lots of flack for posting that I have a meteorite from an extraterrestrial but
ET would not let me video tape or take pictures of their ship
So bring on the laughs and snickers.
The rock is a meteorite-----testing it will only prove that----which proves nothing.
If they wanted me to present proof they would have given me something more believable, a
rock is a rock even if it’s from another planet or solar system.
This rock is not proof of anything; it’s only part of my story.

Fiction holds more truth than what people call reality.

Fiction talks about space travel, other inhabited worlds, magical star ships---all true
Reality talks about what can be observed----for thousands of years humans observed the sun
going around the planet---so that was reality.
Today those with both feet firmly planted on reality believe that billions and billions of star
systems are void of intelligent life simply because ET hasn’t picked up the phone and called

My little stories and those of others are thrown into the mixture of the alien scenarios----
which is mostly slanted towards the frightful aliens from science fiction books and movies----
-strangely more people are comfortable with those types of aliens because they can be
defeated, unlike the real ones.

The reason why people hate to admit to believing in god or a higher being is because it makes
us feel foolish and weak---and no one likes those feelings.

Some know about this curtain [behind reality]----most don’t----even many that have seen the
curtain----have not seen the curtain---or have failed to make the connection
For those of us that know about the curtain we have to live with ridicule should we chose to
speak about it----by those who are oblivious to its reality.
It’s a tough job but someone has to do it----

Only one hundred years ago everything that we call common today was pure magic and crazy
talk back then
What I talk about today is pure magic and crazy talk----but it will not be in a few decades.

The only truth most of us are looking for is why our team never makes it to the super bowl? Is
it the players or management?

Lots of people write books and sell them I have written and posted hundreds of pages of
fantastic material all for free and in so doing have stirred up a hornets nest of jealousy, hate
and lies against me---I doubt Hitler was so despised---lol
Even my blog is free of money making adds---

Every little bit of info helps someone get a glimpse of the big picture, some will get it faster
than others, some will never get it and remain stuck in the egoism, war mentality and evil.

The truth is out there, and has been under everyone’s noses for a long time.

I have told things that have blown people away---and they refuse to believe because it’s too
So instead of exaggerating my experience as some suspect---I have instead toned them down
big time---the truth is so much more mind boggling.

It’s not called the big picture for nothing, we live in a universe whose size remains undefined-
--where physicists and astronomers remained dumbfounded by its perplexity, and have yet to
come up with good enough theory that is satisfactory to any of them. It’s that good!

The real truth as we have seen throughout the ages here on earth usually brings with it a major
shift in belief systems---it's never abrupt, but it slowly trickles in for months, years and
sometimes decades and many people are not even aware it happened.
Stories like mine are subtly penetrating into the public consciousness---some will take notice
others will take an Advil and hope it passes---

Some of the leading ufologists should be called “sandmen” instead because they perpetuate
the status quo by debunking the real stories in favor of the “scientific method”
Nothing wrong with the scientific method, especially with the moon pictures, but the meat
and potatoes will not be found with that method---the mind will have to go there first.

The minute I tell anyone I’m going to provide proof you will not hear from me again---funny
how some people on ATS want me gone---lol
They can't kill me but Milton will pull me out.

It’s “common knowledge” for most people that extraterrestrials can’t possibly be visiting
earth. As you know there is no such thing as common knowledge, now common illusions
there are plenty of.
The truth about anything?---no one can handle the truth, or more likely they don’t want the

It’s so strange most humans can’t take that much enlightenment in big chunks.
Look how much resistance I get from spoon feeding it here---most spit it right out---lol

Even though most know this basic truth, truth stated in certain ways can be shocking for
some, however, this thread is about revealing things hidden away in our minds due to

Truth becomes more evident when those that detest it stink with hatred for those who reveal
it, when truth is not the concern few who are against it make any noise.
Make no mistake the stuff I reveal is the truth.

The flower follows the sunshine; those looking to improve can see the signs more clearly all
around them, and are less likely to stray off the path.

Persons who are always looking for pieces of the big picture (or the puzzle) and have been
contacted or have had "weird" unexplainable occurrences:
It’s because they have too much time on their hands---
Or, they simply know that there is a bigger picture, in the same way that birds and Monarch
butterflies know there are warmer places to hangout during the cold months and head south.

Truth can never be compromised or minimized by any guild---but most are not looking for
truth, they are looking for “what’s in it for me” and that’s what the guides deliver.

If humans could see the big picture they wouldn’t be here wallowing in the little things which
hold many of us down. Unfortunately and by design all we humans can expect to get while
here on earth are crumbs of the big picture, nevertheless, only few are resolute to partake in
such feasts.

Even before I was given the opportunity to reveal more details [about the sun being pregnant]
two mods scoff at the breakthrough idea and moved it to skunk works---granted that concept
is way out there and perhaps they put it where it belongs.
Some are ready for the big stuff but far too few, so I will continue to drop small clues now
and then, I don’t like giving away good stuff to rabid sceptics, you know pearls before swine
kind of thing---lol---it offends to see pearls trampled, belittled, and dragged through the mud
by the hateful, the envious and especially the fools.
The free flow of information is not an easy task because there are too many that don’t want
the real stuff out there---and why put stuff out there that so few are ready for?

Certain truths in this world do not necessarily set people free---because truth is subject to the
twists and turns of people’s tendencies for bigotry.

Tabloids have at least on occasion, the real stuff. The movie “Men In Black” for instance, gets
their best tip-offs from tabloids---lol. Nevertheless a fascinating story filled with solid
material and un-provable truth.
Some are searching for more info for a variety of reasons and all who seek will find “some”
of what they seek. Some will find more than they can handle and go into denial or simply
dismiss what they don’t want to be true, because it may require them to change a lifestyle.
Truth is not for everyone and most can and do live without it just fine---

There are many paths to the truth; they only differ in their complexity to finding it.
Like in a rat maze, the smell of the cheese always throws off those who are led by their nose,
rather than their intellect and their heart.

The nearer the truth the higher the ridicule factor---because things get way too strange for the
human mind.
We can’t fly so we created steps to reach high places---the higher up we go the more steps we
have to make to get there.

Every dimension has its own truth and there are many dimensions.
In our reality one truth does not fit all----and it never will---have you ever tried to change
anyone’s truth for them?

Are you answering questions for the sake of answering questions, or should we let you open
your Pandora's Box?
Because a few “think” themselves ready is it right to subject others who are not ready or even
aware, to the potential horrors they may perceive from the opening of a Pandora’s Box?
The lid of that box remains tightly sealed, and has not been opened yet.
A few alleged crashed ships and dead alien bodies that few people have seen means nothing
but speculation for the masses. Pandora’s Box is not open.

Most cannot or perhaps should not grasp a lot of the concepts or knowledge that you and
even more so Milton, posses. Why not try us?
People get tried every now and then, the searching stops for those who pass---they are few but
they also have conditions they will abide by.
There is a heck of a lot of stuff going on yet most walk right on by because there is no crowd.
We want what everyone else wants----the drama, lights action and end up missing the real
stuff in life.

If you think that, using human logic, something is not so right here, that’s a sign of waking
up---which could make things easier or more difficult depending on one's point of view---
most people prefer to sleep though this life---“wake me when it’s over” kind of deal. To each
their own.

Truth is a double edged sword---to get it we must give something up---like cherished
illusions---most will not make the trade off. Most would argue that they would make the trade
off but when given those options in dreams on real alien ships they don’t.
The human mind is a strange animal we think we know what we want; we believe the absurd
and easily discount what is right in our hands.
Making the trade off is a complicated affair for most, and there are stipulations to making
those tradeoffs---nothing is given for free. Certain tradeoffs require certain actions to take
place first.
A soul embroiled in turmoil has a weak hand at the bargaining table.
Family is of huge importance in our lives here on earth---if souls can’t be family friendly how
can they possibly handle bigger issues---spiritually speaking.
Family is extremely important to our wellbeing while we are here and doubly so when we
return to the other side. All of us should remember that no one owes us respect, but we owe
everyone respect. Enjoy the family as often as possible!
Why sympathy, people do and believed what they want or can, no rules or galactic laws
against it. We will all get stamped with the truth at check out time. So no biggy.

Are there times you think you have pierced the veil, just to find another behind it?
Those who have it can see their way through the hall of mirrors we call life with little
difficulty, but it’s not a trait we acquire over night if at all.
When you know without a doubt what is behind the curtain there is no excuse.

Isn’t life scary enough without trying to pry open Pandora’s Box?
Pandora’s Box is open but things don’t fly out of it like in the movies, they creep out slowly
otherwise they would disrupt the order of the universe, and we don’t want that.

The truth is not the same for everyone, just take a gander at the myriads of truth on this one
planet concerning politics and religion---which one of them has the truth ?---they all think
they do.

Yes, the truth would crush us.

Truth only comes to those who are pure or at the very least going in that direction---not many

It would be rare that anyone got hold of info that would make top dogs nervous, besides they
have ways of dealing with those who do way before leakage happened.
You need only worry if you have tangible proof and threaten to bring it into the open, then it
becomes more work for the missing person’s bureau.

Is it just a sick game where things that actually happened are released in a way where they
are easily debunked, so the truth is told but it isn't kind of thing ?
Everyone processes info at different levels so a lot of different type of info is thrown out

What is the religion or way to truth?

It’s not really hard at all---simply do the right thing in every situation and slowly things will
fall into place, including understanding.

All the secrets in life are available to everyone who wants them and are ready for them, for
those who find them in this thread so be it.
On old saying is that “the truth hurts” and people are killed for much less than the truth, and
I’m not talking about stuff on silly conspiracy boards like this one. I’m talking political and
religious truth around the world.

The only truth most people can handle is the truth that they can agree with, or favors them---
no other truth is accepted.

The problem with truth is that if we find it then we have to change to conform to it---most on
this planet don’t want nor intend to conform to it, therefore the truth is not for them.

The truth doesn’t set anyone free, it binds us---in other words once you know the truth you
can’t take the “Fifth”, in Fifth Amendment speak.

There are many truths. The individual true concerning each one of us exclusively that
concerns why we are down here on earth. And then there is the truth that concerns places of
hemorrhage like Iraq and other countries in distress across the world.
Those truths are not for human consumption. And then the ancillary truths like communism,
capitalism, republicans, democrats etc. They all believe to be the bearers of truth---but that’s

Since few will ever know the truth, and fewer still will ever become enlightened there is only
one thing left to do.
Our actions speak louder than any truths or knowledge we may think we have attained. In the
checkout lane of life the only thing that will matter is our actions, or lack thereof.

Seeking information that is useful, if and when found, is not envy, it’s just plain smart. Life is
an Easter egg hunt.
Should we be just focusing on what is in the plate in front of us instead of wanting to know
these things?
If these things are interfering then yes.

You know how when you wake some people up from sleep they jump and look confused, and
some get mad that you woke them up, and then go back to sleep. That's kind of the same
situation with ufo nuts, and the people who are too smart to believe in this stuff. They don't
want to be waken up from a sound sleep. Everyone will wake up "on their own" when they
are ready. Most will go to the grave and then wake up. That's cool too.

Few want the truth, because it hurts, hurts the ego. Truth is much stranger than fiction, but
fiction is fun and tangible when sold as truth in a 3d environment. Like any commodity in a
free enterprise system, demand creates supply. Real truth is not a commodity that is in

The sleeping masses don't know and in many instances don't care about the "bells and
whistles", the diluted human versions. The stranger the info the less believable it becomes.
The honchos have nothing to fear that their little secrets will be believed, even if they did get

If your family don't believe you, don't tell them anymore. Most people have not reached the
level of UFO nut. Their loss.
Most people will find the answers they seek in their own sweet time. If they have no interest
in what you tell them, talk about things they are interested in.

Why the deception? Why not just keep it real and let the people of those worlds find things out
on their own?
Why do we tell children about the tooth fairy? The Easter Bunny? Santa Clause? We tell them
and show them the things they can grasp. As they/we get older we are given bigger fairy tails
to make us happy. We have to graduate from 3D to get the real meat and potatoes.
But at the same time, you can tell a two year old the truth about the Easter Bunny and they
would believe you because you didn't tell them the lie in the first place and it won't affect their
What is truth for a two year old? Whatever they are told by the parent. What is truth for an
adult? Whatever they are told by the society they are raised in.

Most know we are not alone; admitting to themselves or others is a whole other story.
For the ego to feel its worth we need to believe we are it, number 1, a bag of chips. Funny
thing is we are number 1 under all the baggage we carry around.

There is a point that most of us will reach where we "know". The moment we die no matter if
we go up or down we "know". Granted just because I say I "know" don't mean diddly squat to
those frozen in 3D mode. So, you either believe me or you don't. Those who haven't
experienced supernatural stuff can't really know about the supernatural. They either believe or
they don't.

Most of us believe what we want to believe, proof or no proof. And what is proof? Is a tree
biological, or a machine? Or is that the same thing? If machine then that implies something
created it, if biological implies it created itself via the pond scum theory of the origins of life.
How can one or the other be proven? Can't while in 3D land. We simply believe whichever
life "concept" is nearest to our way of thinking and seeing the world.

The truth is filtered by our prejudices; therefore few people will ever see the "truth". We are
not here to impress the higher beings we are here to prove to ourselves what we are made of.
Every ordeal is a testament to what we are made of.

We all seek for truth at our own unique level of understanding. That's why attempting to
change other people's perceptions about anything is nearly impossible.
For one it's not our job. But we can certainly share ideas. I'm not here to change or alter
beliefs, only put out some weird info, people can do whatever they wish with that info.

Compassion/unconditional love, are the only truths that count. Everything else is stage props.

Truth is a gift, it cannot be given, borrowed, stolen or acquired by any human means. In other
words we only know an apple is an apple because we are allowed to know that. But is it really
an apple? And what the heck is an apple anyway?

A taste of the big picture is beyond explanation, it can only be experienced by those who have
tasted it.

Sometimes knowing too much information will make us crazy. After all, we are only human.
Answers to good questions are for anyone who reads them, not directed to those who pose the

The problem is that we try and mesh those few great truths we stumble over with the great lies
all around us. The two puzzles don't fit together well.

There so many people that if given a tiny micro peek at the big picture, could change their
lives and so make this world a better place ...well kind of.
If that were true the world would be a better place. Everyone gets more than a micro peek,
over and over again and yet little happens to wake them up. That's why they have drill
sergeants with army boots looking for butts to kick.

The truth is some wicked stuff that most of us only think we can handle. The "truth" is
peddled by everyone and their grandmother on the Internet, Hollywood, politicians, and
academia. The so called truth bombarding us every minute of every day is much easier to
swallow than the real stuff. The real stuff gets little press for a reason.

Everyone wants the truth. And everyone receives their own truth. The problem is we are not
here to get the truth. The truth is none of our business. We are here to do the right thing in
every situation we are "put" into. And that's the truth.

We are blocked from seeing and grasping the big picture. We can peek under the curtain now
and then but that's all.
If we know we cannot know, then what is the purpose of this life?
A prison for most, a learning experience for others.
There are many beliefs and theories out in the world but none of them can be proven. That too
is part of the obscurity of the learning process.

How do you know that your "truth" is relevant or transferable to others?

My truth is irrelevant.

Truth is persistent and will eventually breakthrough the toughest barriers----some people find
it early and therefore move forward sooner others take longer and require more life times on
planets like earth before they make contact with the truth.

We only see what we are ready to see. Some want to be ready, most do not.

For those who get this individual wake there a specific reason for this or just a
stumble into it for a heads up? Or, is this a wake-up job interview?
This and the next few generations will get some glimpses behind curtain number one. The
reasons for this "temporary" glimpse remains a secret.

There are plenty of curtains, we are in one now, and yet most remain behind it due to their
own blinders.

Many people walk around like zombies because they don't know how fantastic existence is.
The leaders don't know either.

Information from the gods is privileged info and has never been a right---nevertheless seek for
the right reason and you will find everything you need to know to get “your” life in order----
those who do that may then get additional info afterwards---impatience is not a virtue but a
stumbling block for those who drink too much from it.
About skeptics

I tell my story----granted----a little at a time----for free, and for some reason it really bothers a
lot of people.

As far as I know no one is forcing anyone to read this stuff----change the channel if you don't
like what I am saying. When the questions stop----I will stop.

I do use humor sometimes - I know the level of skepticism so I try to accommodate with
humor: not everyone gets my humor as is evident by the childish attacks.

I know that skeptics think I am making all this up because my mom neglected me while I was
growing up and I compensated by creating these imaginary friends. Well my life was not that
bad, and my mother didn’t neglect me. My life has always been fairly good, and sometimes
great----so far I have been fairly lucky, if one wishes to use that word.

Many fundamentalist believe there is a hell and they want to save people from hell----and
apparently from me---because I know that hell is a story to frighten people----to control

Only an infant mind can believe ETs don't exist. Billions of planetary systems equal billions
of inhabited planets. Inhabited not by microbes but by people like us----some less advanced
and some far far more advanced.
Wake up little children.

People that believe we are alone in the universe need to see a psychiatrist. Then again lots of
psychiatrists believe we are alone in the universe----that fact alone should tell you something.

It’s understandable that some people need proof of things unseen. But much of what millions
of people accept with little hesitation, natural selection (Darwinism), has no proof.
Darwin had many good ideas about the origins of life yet he never came up with proof. To
this day none of what he espoused, theorized and believed strongly towards----is provable,
although much of it makes sense. His lack of proof doesn’t receive the same criticism from
the scientific community that other disciplines and philosophies seem to garner.

Nevertheless, unlike religion and its secular counterpart (Darwinism) both pretty much based
on conjecture, thousands of people have experienced extraterrestrial contact----real physical
contact----yet those who haven’t experience this physical contact refuse to believe them.

How can one prove they hugged their child last week, the hugging can be recreated but that
does not prove you hugged your child last week----can we take the child’s word for it? How
do we know that the child wasn’t having the same delusion----perhaps their deep need for a
hug is behind this delusion?

Not believing in something because one lacks personal experience is not rational.
If that concept was applied across the board there would be few things left to believe in. Just a

Many see authority figures as real jerks, police, school principal, parents, the boss and ET.
A diagram proves nothing, there are hundreds of diagrams out there and anyone can draw
whatever they want.

Why am I on this thread? Because I enjoy all the insults by people who believe themselves
They have dug down deep into their endless bag of wisdom and proclaimed with absolute
profundity that sleeper is wrong because they say so----
So far that has been the best argument against me---

Too bad if they can’t push the envelop a bit and stretch their mind around stuff like that-----I
guess they’ll have to wait until it happens to them before they can believe-----nothing wrong
with that.

Unlike some skeptics I don’t look down on non believers but I sometimes respond to them
when they attack my integrity, which happens often.

In my first thread I was still putting together pieces of the puzzle, every day more pieces are
added, should I withhold them if they contradict things I have said in the past?
Some people would poop their pants if they ever met an alien---most do, and would remember
nothing about their experience because of the fright---yet they talk big on these threads---
Some skeptic’s eyes are wide shut to the UFO phenomena and therefore anything I say is
going to be goofy for them.

Many people don’t become physicist because it’s a difficult science to comprehend and
therefore they don’t waste their time with it.
Many people can’t get their heads around the idea of extraterrestrials and they don’t waste
their time with it.

So why do skeptics come here? For the attention, or just to pester those they don’t agree with?
They may be an intellectual and even a scientist but they are sometimes acting like a spoiled
They are party crashers that bring nothing to the party; they come for the free food and drink,
kind of like leaches and fleas---lol
If you notice many of them have little luck with their own threads so they go to the hot
threads and try to look cool---
If you are looking to amplify a few minor discrepancies and there will be some, then you are
not open to the big picture---the one I have been giving away free of charge vie the
graciousness of ATS. ---I would give you your money back but you and no one else has given
me any---you take my mind boggling information for free and still complain.
Is your life free of discrepancies?
Try living in parallel lives and see how well you do.
My blog unified many of the fractured things I talked about in my first thread---I wrote the
blog six mounts ago when the story was clarified for me and I waited for word to put it out
there and that’s what I did.
I know a heck more now than I did a year ago and I will know a lot more in the days, weeks,
months and years to come---info is ongoing.
They told us the world was flat---they lied! They said man would never fly---they lied! They
say that it’s impossible that anyone can cross the vastness of space---they lie!
The vast majority still believe that last one.
Just like books are updated when more or new information becomes available this new thread
and blog supersedes the last thread.
If and when I do another blog should I hesitate to publish it if some new revelations in it
contradict this one?

I wrote it as I remember it, and what you find between the lines stays between the lines for
those able to pick up on it. Nevertheless the big story is “as plain as the nose on their face”---
The truly blind like some skeptics will never get it---
To all my venomous and hateful detractors thank you, you are good for one thing, you keep
my thread on the front burner---
And all of the lies you people come up with to stop me from putting the truth out there is
wasted time for you all---my blog is up and running and getting plenty of hits!
The blog can't get hijacked as threads do, so it remains untarnished truth.
It can’t be infested with publicity seekers attempting to peddle their superior intellect--
Certainly your lies to try and stop my words are somewhat useful---I guess I’m grateful---

Most of the crowd that run with certain skeptics are fast asleep and they wish to keep others
fast asleep---good for them---

There are skeptics and then there are firefighters only interested in putting out the smoke
before anyone can see the fire ---believe me it's not easy sneaking information out in a world
preoccupied with keeping the masses fast asleep.
For those who don’t believe-----everything I said is bogus.
Belief in my story is not integral to my existence.
What all encompassing secret to you think I am holding out on?
There are lots of people that would like me torpedoed----it’s what makes life worth living.
Obviously super duper technology doesn’t necessarily translate into high intelligence,
otherwise why would the aliens pick a bone head like me to indulge in their magic?
I apologize for putting so many people through my agonizingly cryptic, detail lacking, boring
and tortuous account.
I’m not peeved at the skeptic, they made fair observations of my lack of information sharing.

I understand everyone’s frustration with my hit and miss accounts-----my quandary is do I

keep torturing those who wish to know more about my “insanity” or have mercy on everyone
who has been snarled by this post and bring it to an end.
That’s where I am right now. If you think I’m doing this for attention think again-----I would
pay if I could undue what I have started on this post.

It doesn't take much education to be a skeptic; even a child can be one.

The level of skepticism [on this UFO board] tells me that the general public is not ready or
interested in knowing what is going on. People live in a cozy bubble and have no real need to
leave that make-believe world.
Can anyone really be proven sane? Or for that matter insane?
I have attempted to get my story out----no one is interested. So I post bits and pieces on this
The nearer the truth I get the more preposterous it sounds so I keep it toned down and
somewhat believable----still few believe.

I don't have a picture of ET handing it to me, and even if I did who would believe it?
I don't speculate or conjecture about extraterrestrials, I know they are real, and are here.
Because a lot of people don't know does not negate the fact that they are real.
You can go ahead and believe we are the center of the universe if you wish---you have lots of

Most people wouldn't know a diamond if it weren't polished and in a display case at a jewelry

What if I was to ask the ETs for the cure of major illnesses, and they gave it to me and I
posted it on this thread----once verified I would be considered a genius, a god, or possibly that
I was telling the truth about aliens.

If I didn't experience this stuff I would be the biggest skeptic and probably would never visit
UFO boards.

It's fascinating that some self-proclaimed experts on ETs are those that have admitted they
have no experiences with them.
Presuming to know what others have seen or not seen or experienced or not experienced is
arrogance in its purest form.
Because there is lack of proof for many does not negate the fact that thousands have the
proof----been there---done that.
Perhaps those of us that know about ET-----should have known better than to talk about our
experiences-----knowing how we humans get mighty envious of things we don’t have and
can’t get our fingers on.
There is a big difference between healthy skepticism and spiteful jealous tantrums.

I know I am only one in thousands that have this information but the so called skeptics have
outdone themselves in keeping most experiencers silenced, and they claim they want the

The naysayer are running scared as their world crumbles around them---the leak in the dam
has begun and there is no stopping the truth from flowing out---

Throwing that pixie dust metaphor out into the mass of unbelievers ignited a flurry of skeptic
rebuttals that I’m still smarting from---some people have no sense of humor.

Nothing happens by chance and even the skeptics have to admit that things are getting
interesting---albeit, slowly.

There have been and continue to be so called professional ufologists attempting to thrash my
threads---my info threatens their bread and butter.

Through unscrupulous and illegal means some members want to release my identity on this
internet site without my permission.
That info might actually benefit me because it would disclose a book about the Roswell
incident that I self published in 1997---I have not advertised that book and it languishes
mostly unread.
Should they release my identity they could be defeating their purpose to shut me up and get
me national exposure.
I have been misquoted so much by detractors on this thread that I would have to spend all my
waking hours just to prove them wrong---

I spend a huge amount of time defending myself against people that have not read my posts
and assume I said something that I didn't---either they don't take the time to actually read what
I write or they are only trying to gum up my threads with nonsense---most are trying to gum
up my thread by misquoting me intentionally. And other people come around and read their
intentional lies and believe them---it’s a free country and they are allowed to do that.

Most counterproductive people convince themselves they are being productive.

That’s evident with many of the skeptics on this thread---lol

Most can’t conceive in their wildest dreams or nightmares the 99.9% of existence that remains

Just because someone makes noise on an issue doesn’t necessarily mean they are part of the
solution, and often they may be the problem.

Some skeptics do have a purpose and that purpose is to keep as many people in the Dark Ages
as possible---and that is a legitimate purpose---there are millions of people in this world with
the same job as they have because a lot of people are not ready and they need sheep dogs like
them to keep them from straying away from the flock.

Nihilism is useful for the blind test thingy it’s also the skeptics’ mantra, where anything of
value must ooze proof---lol
The realities of others unlike some skeptics doesn’t really change how we live our lives
because as you know perceptions will always be slanted by the perceiver’s point of reference.
That’s the great thing about individuality we all advance or decline at our own rate regardless
of what the rest of the world is doing or perceiving.
If selfishness comes into the equation via perception by others, that too is a burden which
ultimately determines whether one advances to higher planets or declines to lower planes of
understanding and existence.

There is no debating with scoundrels and cowards.

All the good stuff in this universe requires either faith or experience---and neither can provide
proof to the skeptic.

There are two kinds of nuts in this world, the UFO nuts and the sceptic nuts, the sceptic nuts,
those in denial of the big picture, have always ruled the world and will always rule the world.
The UFO nut numbers are simply not there.

If you can't see “what your ball of light would benefit from your life experiences”, then
perhaps you should change occupations and find something that adds to you---otherwise you
are wasting valuable time.

I came clean with the blog and with my threads and was accused by many ufo believers of
writing fiction.
The category that is not on board are diehard believers of ufology, the Hollywood version and
who detest my coming on here and raining on their parade, and as I stoke their anger by
putting holes in their boats and sacred beliefs I create more ambassadors against the sleeper
guy---lol, which is counterproductive

You have to believe that there is a heck of a lot of information that can’t just be “dumped” so
easily. Things have to make sense, they have to be plausible otherwise they become or
remains in the fiction category even for those who are on board---no one wants to be made a
fool---even though Hollywood and politicians make fools of many of us every day.

For some of us it’s as clear as the nose on our face---lol, but we can’t see our nose unless we
take a look in the mirror---and when we do we may see other things as well, like flaws,
pimples, hair, blotches, etc, so we have to cover them up somehow because we don’t want the
world to see us as we truly are---naturally I’m only describing myself here---
It is that obvious but it’s also easy to ignore and pretend it’s not so, because to acknowledge it
means we have to change, and that takes work---it would be more preferable to most if
someone would just simply change the world instead---lol

I’m more concerned with those who believe me than those who don’t---I’ve already tasted the
wrath of one ATS believer who turned on me, and there have been others.
So my dilemma remains---and grows the more I push against the envelope of perceived
reality---some people’s minds don’t stretch as far and as fast as others and they snap.

It’s a real experience but it drives the sceptics nuts when people like me talk about this stuff,
that’s why most like me keep it to themselves I presume

Even if Milton and I did go on webcam would you believe it?

I seem to cause pain to many people who don’t get what I write---yet they follow me and my
threads for more of what they don’t get and gives them indigestion---I don’t get it---

I don’t have time to read because I’m always writing, most of what I write remains
unpublished and only a fraction of it ends up on threads like this one---whether anyone wants
to read my books or not I’m going to publish several, so even if you or others manage to stop
my threads my books will be in libraries and bookstores long after I’m off this rock---

For the vast majority non-disclosure is about all they could handle, that’s why when ufo nuts
talk about this stuff to non-ufo nuts the non-ufo nuts scream and put their hands over their
ears and say, “I don’t want to hear it”---lol---some of them don’t believe us crazy, they just
don’t want to go crazy thinking about that kind of stuff---its upsetting to them.

Too bad if you can’t push the envelop a bit and stretch your mind around stuff like that-----I
guess you’ll have to wait until it happens to you before you can believe-----nothing wrong
with that.

I think it has been proven that hypnosis requires a willing subject----in other words most
people can be hypnotized if they want to be----like quit smoking, or other human

Aliens do check the oil on skeptics too you know---

Heck, I’m not here to make everyone happy, the pay is just not high enough for that.

Anonymity can breed false courage and real stupidly---

You are not in the minority when it comes to laughing at me.

Do I exaggerate? Quite the opposite, I dumb down so much of the stuff I have seen and
experienced it’s hardly worth posting.
And still I have to suffer moronic insults from numbskulls ---I’m not sure why people like me
even bother---the biblical parable such as “don’t cast pearls for the swine to trample over”
certainly applies---

It only bothers me when a “book burner” feels the need to keep others from reading material
they don’t like---where do these people come from?
Most of the knowledge that eludes humans today had at one time been written down on stone,
papyrus, and good old paper----and now the internet. Yet meat heads of old and of new
continue to try and stop the written word.

Certainly this is not always the work of humans, but many humans willingly participate in
obstructing knowledge out of pure unadulterated ignorance, envy and hate.

ET sceptics are kind of like new babies when they come into this world and are faced with a
new reality---they need to be slapped on their bottoms to get things going----and some wail
louder than others---

There will always be children at the back of the room shooting spitballs at those in the front of
the class when the teacher is not looking. Makes them feel cool---

It's certainly convenient that although there are many different alien species none of them are
willing to divulge the universe's greater secrets to the thousands of people they contact.
If that were true we would still be eating moths around the campfire and grunting on how
much life sucked---I guess we really haven’t come all that far.

Not everyone is interested in knowing what’s out there because they are neck deep in this life-
--and some people’s past lives are baggage they need not carry while here.
For those that need to know there are plenty of hints if they care to look for them.

This thread represents a clear and present danger for certain cherished beliefs; therefore some
are not happy with it, plain and simple.

Most people who read this stuff laugh it off--- they don’t understand the concept of panning
for gold, nor do most have the tolerance for that tedious work that it takes---plus some are
perfect and don't need improvements------they have their hate and envy down pat.

Those that can’t get their way in the real world give it a shot in the virtual world of the
internet thinking that childish tantrums might be interpreted as strength and daring by their
The people who know are the ones that have come up with terms such as swamp gas to make
people feel silly so that they will go back to sleep with the rest of the sheep---it's very
surprising how well those tactics work.

There are people that don’t want the truth out and their job is to stop it by ridiculing it.

Sceptics don't understand Milton types, Milton types are real and not illusions.
Insects and animals don’t comprehend the human world, humans don’t comprehend the
human world nor the paranormal world.
And believe me it’s a tough curtain to lift up because of all the people standing on it and
keeping it from being lifted, they like their illusions---

Most people love their illusions and I have no right to wake them up or break their bubble---
when they are good and ready they can do it themselves.

Unfortunately it’s the logic angle many use to avoid seeing the truth about their nature, unless
they are forced to change. In other words, life after this one simply doesn’t compute, therefore
go for the gusto and screw anyone that gets in the way.

It's fun, cool, and popular to make fun of ufo nuts.

If my life is what one might call anointed then god help us all. I'll go back to ATS and get on
the gloom and doom bandwagon with the rest of the paranoids because there would be no
point in life or in living. If you want validity talk to the United States president, the Pope in
Rome, or any number of the World leaders, or better yet the scientific community. Don't hang
out on a silly ufo nut website. LOL.
Well, I certainly would not consider the words of the President or the Pope to be valid. Who
on earth tells the truth?
No human knows the truth, none, zero, nada. Milton does but he keeps most of it to himself.

I’m not here to teach or preach only to tell my experiences and answer a few questions to
those interested---those not interested need not drink from this fountain.
- II -

The Universe

There is no end to the universe ---the human mind cannot grasp these things.

There is one universe that is so forever that its edge will never be discovered, but there are
infinite dimensions---some may say that dimensions are universes, works for me.

This is a huge galaxy we reside in even our best cosmologist have no idea just how big it is.
Earth is a very small detail in the huge picture called a universe.
Can any mere mortal comprehend the size of a single galaxy let alone the size of a universe
with gazillions of galaxies in it?
Most of us have a difficult time managing two or three people.

The idea that the universe has always been is harder to swallow than the existence of one all
powerful god----or that ETs are real, or that we are intelligent apes.
We humans get comfortable with something and would rather die that give it up.
The idea of a perpetual universe would throw monkey wrenches into many beliefs (religious
and secular), overturning the whole concept of what matter is.

The body you reside in is like a universe----every cell renews itself and every few days you
have a completely new body-----the universe is the same it constantly renews itself.
And as far as why----no particular reason-----because there could be an infinite number of
reasons----and yet not enough to satisfy everyone.

In our galaxy there is no shortage of any material and those with the technology can harvest
whatever they need------indefinitely.

This universe is so large that the edge will not be found by human instruments, ever.

New planets and stars are created every second in every galaxy.
But there is no tossing the dice as Einstein once said of god. ET doesn’t toss the dice either.

Everything the human mind can imagine----and that is not much-----is being played out in
millions of star systems throughout the galaxies.
To say the least----galaxies are never ending wonderlands-----created for us.
Energy did not come into being-----it has always existed and it will never cease existing.
Energy existed forever-----we are energy-----energy can changed into many things but we
have always existed in one form of energy or other.

We have energy vortexes on Earth.

Stars and planets are being created by the billions as we speak----a process that has no
beginning or ending----new stars and planets replace dieing ones.

The nearest star to earth is only four light years away----no human will ever visit that star
while alive or in a human body----way to far----can you grasp the size of the universe? ----the
best human minds can’t-----the universe is thousands of times larger and more complex than
any human mind can imagine-----the possibilities are endless-----the ability to comprehend
those possibilities while residing in a human brain are finite.
The whole idea of random is nothing but a human toy----something to play with while in this
playpen called earth.

Many solar systems are isolated for many reasons, which would fill hundreds of libraries if
written down. Most solar systems have limits but that still leaves billions that don’t.

Everything is created by the life force that is made up of ET, humans and all other intelligent
beings in the universe.

There is no unexplored part of the universe

How do you describe something without end----infinite works but then how do you describe
infinite? ----the human mind will not accept concepts that are called infinite because there is
nothing infinite in our limited three dimensional existence on this planet-----so I use terms
like really really big, even a thousand times bigger than what we believe it is, is pretty dang
big----and nearly impossible to comprehend. It took hundreds of years for the reality that the
earth moves around the sun to sink in----and some people are still not convinced because it’s
obvious that the sun rises and sets, and if the earth moved we would feel it-----it’s a

There is a mysterious energy at the top of the heap but like the size of the universe is
unknowable so is this energy.
The energy at the top encompasses much of everything and remains indefinable, and if one
chooses to call that energy god it certainly is not the god clumsily portrayed by us humans in
our books and literature.
There is a lot of energy at the center of the mind-boggling universe that humans will never be
able to see from here on earth.
The center of the universe and the center of each galaxy emanates mind boggling positive and
loving energy---have you notice that earth and our solar system is in the outer reaches of all
that positive energy---it’s no coincident that we are so far away.
Is there a consciousness which looks or is aware of the whole world/universe/infinity?
It’s difficult to see the center of our galaxy because there is so much energy and other stuff
going on—the center of the universe is more crowded with mindboggling energy and it’s
difficult to see if there is only one power or billions of them having a good old time.
And those who know never give a straight answer---but they hint, and what I can make of it
there are many individual entities at the party.
Energy of love (center of the galaxy) is where all the souls come from; what happens in
The exact formula is kept in a secret vault.
Many of the ETs based around this solar system have not even seen the center of the universe-
--and yes there is a center---they know that much.
Whatever is at that center few at these levels know---we are free to call it god if we wish—or
not---we will not be judged on our beliefs.

Earth is only one of millions of penitentiaries in this galaxy, there are also holding pens on
some of the moons and planets in this solar system---from minimum security to extra
maximum security---there are some real monsters in them.
There is a heck of a lot of stuff in our solar system---how many of us can do Disney Land in
three days? There are several lifetimes worth of stuff in our solar system alone.
If you only knew just how many possibilities there are; just imagine an atom---what magic
keeps it going virtually forever?---all those electrons flying around a nucleus at mind boggling
speed---for those that can wrap their minds around that---they will get a glance at eternity---
that’s how long most of us will be around.

We humans have lots of theories and conjecture---but few if any facts, about our solar system.

Milton knows more than anyone here on earth that a massive amount of love emanates from
the center of many galaxies because that’s where many enlightened souls reside---and
certainly that would be true at the center of the universe as well---but the source of that energy
has not been explained to me in a way that I would do justice in my explanation of it here.
There is a very large energy that emanates from the center of the universe but Milton doesn’t
say one way or the other what it is.

If you look at your desk it seems like a solid surface to you---yet there is nothing solid about
it, the human mind sees solid---the Milton mind sees a variation of energy---and he can play it
like a piano----ultimately even what we perceive as energy---is not even that---we have
entered into the freaky zone----mind over matter stuff, the physical universe is missing a lot of
matter for it to make any sense to our scientists---our great minds.
Every galaxy in the universe is like a synapse connecting to other galaxies and dimensions---
the universe is a huge schizophrenic brain---yet it remains perfect in every way---it is us at
these low levels that are out of sync.

What is going on in the center of galaxies is beyond human comprehension, the center of the
universe and beyond is that much more so.
According to Milton there is no “pinnacle [of existence]’ ----can any human mind grasp that
little nugget?

Our galaxy is nearly twice as large today as it was a year ago---lol----no one knows how big
and fantastic it really is----we humans lack the technology to see our galaxy and assume and
speculate about its true size and shape, and the theoretical numbers change frequently.

The whole universe and its infinite dimensions is a heaven if you will, just because many on
earth don’t feel like they are is such a place does not negate that fact.
Earth is at one level of it, some can call it hell if they wish.

A large part of this galaxy is way beyond fantastic yet how many here on earth know that?

There will always be more questions than answers because of the immensity of this eternal
life in this huge universe. Most of us are in kindergarten and wish to understand college
The answers to all the mysteries in the universe are in plain sight of everyone---but so few
take the time to look.

Are we just incapable of seeing the existing dimensions of Saturn and the other planets or we
being deceived?
No one is being deceived most everyone likes the bubble provided for us.
The universe as far as physical beings “human types”, is concerned is infinite---there is no
edge to it and none will ever be discovered by humans, ever. But once we have moved out of
our human restraints and become pure energy we have access to many more dimensions and
can leave this universe at will, and some of us will find that there are infinite universes, and
dimensions a plenty.

A universe that has no ending or beginning yet there are endless universes and dimensions---
defies human logic---how do we bridge that relativity vortex kind of gap when most humans
can’t even conceive the obvious---that earth like planets populated with humans make up
much of the universe ?

Paradoxes exist in many places and especially in other dimensions because there are many
levels of souls in need of exotic learning centers and opportunities----that make our rat maze
here on earth a laughable joke.

“Fantastic” doesn’t begin to describe what’s going on out there while most remain unaware in
this big blue nursery hanging out in space---clinging to a star that is clinging to a galaxy that
is hurling through the universe at mind-boggling speeds without ever hitting a speed bump---
which would certainly stir up the millions of nurseries if it did.
The fact that we don’t feel any movement, and the night skies look the same with all those
billions of stars predictably where they should be---who is to say, and more so, why should
anyone believe that things happen that way ?
Scientists know that galaxies move, and move very fast but they cannot see them moving---
way too much space between them. But millions of people believe because scientists say that
it is so, at least that is partly how things work in the cosmos, and that is true.
The cosmos is like an ocean filled with mysterious bodies some moving like schools of fish,
others hiding in nooks and crannies but how big is this fishbowl anyway? That’s got the best
minds puzzled because in the human mind infinite does not compute.
It takes some knowledge and big leaps of conjecture for things to begin to makes sense in the
cosmos, and right now cosmologist are up against a very thick brick wall with no rope to
climb over it or battering ram capable of breaking through it----where to from here ?

No need to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes because space is a pretty thing to look at and not
much more for the vast collection of human minds that even bother to look up at night.

Is the planet earth expanding, getting bigger physically?

Most large bodies in the solar system get bigger by the oodles of dust, meteors and solar that
falls on them every second of the day and night.
There are no other forces at play, the earth is not expanding from within like a star going
supernova---although the interior does fluctuate creating volcanic and tectonic activity---and
expands and condenses from internal and external pressures depending on solar activity, the
wobble of the moon---and to a far lesser extent gravitational ripples from nearby planets like
that stunning Venus---lol

Just like Chinese goods, we import more than we export---in other words more stuff is
coming into our planet than is going out.

Many of us have trouble getting out of the right side of the bed every morning let alone be
part of some huge multiverse type schemes.
What is beyond the universe?
This universe is forever---but there are many forevers.

The universe is not an experiment, neither are humans---experiments are concepts and
practices mostly indulged by lower echelon dimensions as is wizardry and black magic, and
other types of matter worship.

Everything imaginable exists in the universe.

There are oodles of planets, dimensions, galaxies, races---no end to them.
Everything imaginable is real and everything unimaginable is real---somewhere.

What is the end purpose of creation?

The party has been going on forever---and keeps growing---why? Why not?

What about the new planet that they have found beyond Pluto?
There are more they have yet to detect----nothing we need to worry about.

Why are snowflakes unique? Out of the endless billions of galaxies not one is the same---or
so they say---

There really are bigger and better hamster wheels in this galaxy and some hamsters down here
don't like that idea.

Our solar system is moving out but eventually it will migrate back in.

Like shoes, solar systems wear out---but there are many shoe stores in each galaxy.

Is the physical universe/this dimension always growing and expanding?

The only thing that expands in our universe is our ego----and the physical universe is matter a
fact an illusion because it's matter and all matter is illusion---but it makes for a very cool
playground for our entertainment.

If a planet up and disappeared there would be some psychological mayhem, which almost
happened when Pluto went from being a planet to a moon. Planets don’t disappear they fade
away and get recycled at the furthest reaches of the solar system.

Matter repels and attracts just like we humans do via our personality, but matter does it with a
negative and positive charge which combine to repel like the solar wind, or attract like the
gravitational pull via electromagnetic force, the magic behind matter.

A comet is a heavenly body looking for a planet or moon to call home. Some of them bring
essential building blocks or other materials to places where they are needed like cargo ships.
Heaven's gate type.

The universe is not expanding or contracting and for all practical purposes it goes on forever,
and past forever are other dimensions that go on forever. Once on the other side this will be
clear as pie for many.
The only thing that begins and ends is our illusions when we are born and when we die.
Everything else has always been and always will be, without end.
All planets are way cool, or way hot, but I’m not onboard with some of the views that are out
there and since few humans will ever know there is no point in ruffling feathers.

Earth is not the lowest level planet in this Solar System, that’s all I can say.
Which is the highest level Planet in this Solar System?
Most of us here on earth would like to think it was earth, so why rock the boat?

Every planet in this Solar System has mind blowing spectacular scenery.

In this dimension there are no constant planets, they all get decommissioned and eventually
That only happens when an abandoned planet gets heavily infested with undesirables and
ceases to produce good seeds, earth is not in that category because it hasn’t been abandoned
Do people inhabitating them reincarnating on them?
That’s what happens.

There are multiple Universes.

In what way do Universes differ from each other?
Let’s say that an apple tree represents a universe, and a cat represents a universe.
They didn’t appear from nothing; they have always been and always will be.

Are all the planets in this solar system the same age?
Not a single one.

Our Universe doesn’t wrap.

Our Universe is infinite in size.

Dimensionally speaking, there is an infinite amount of Universes.

There are twin planets but not in this solar system.

The planet expands and also shrinks during and via celestial phenomena---the sun plays the
planets like a flute.

This solar system is typical and virtually identical to millions of other solar systems in this
galaxy, nothing special or unique about it.

The Milky Way is a typical galaxy with much the same stuff as most galaxies in its class.
The size of a typical galaxy is beyond human comprehension---and so are the wonders in
them---and there are galaxies that far exceed the never ending wonders we have in the Milky

Higher entities have access to other galaxies, the rest of us have our plates full with the mind
boggling little things on earth---not even the solar system----our galaxy----well lots of baby
steps to go yet.

Everything comes from a much bigger place than galaxies and dimensions, which all fit nicely
on a rolodex.
Are planets just super advanced space ships? or space stations ?......
They sure are, and moving through space at a pretty good clip, well the sun is, and all the
planets are cozily nestled in its invisible shield, which helps keeps the bugs out of our teeth.

The Doppler Effect is way off and inaccurate because it doesn’t show us the circular motion
that galaxies are moving in because it can’t. This is another bit of info that will go ignored-----
-but you can bet a cosmologist and perhaps an astrophysicist that reads this will run out and
see if they can prove it somehow and then get the coveted Nobel Prize.

The universe is like a hive of bees, the bees buzz around the hive or nucleus but some will
venture off and then come back.

That certainly is an understatement to say that it is a big universe(s).

Everything in the solar system, for the most part, came out of the sun. So the planets are
Much of what comes out of the sun ends up in the fringes of the solar system, and remains
unknown and a mystery, even to Astrophysicists.

Not a planet not a moon, but something new:

It is common. But so is human life all over the galaxy.

Where is it headed?
Not at a theater near you. Common stuff is not for common folk, just ask Nasa.

There is a rule that the planets orbit in a similar plane, kind of a centrifugal rule when
applying currently understood physics. All such rules are bendable when unknown physics are
at play. There are such bends going on in this solar system.

Do any planets in the solar system have libraries that provide information on everything
about the universe?
Does a cat, a dog, need to know or understand what a car is or that there are many countries
on this planet with cultural differences? People don't need to know but a fraction of what is in
the universe. Heck, most people freak when you tell them extraterrestrial are visiting this

Space and time are infinite for low-level thinking. In existence, such infinite places are not
even a grain of sand, a grain of sand in the entire known universe.

All solar systems don’t work by all the planets within revolving around the mother star.
Others work differently.

Is perception and consciousness EVERYTHING in this reality in the universe? What about
beyond? Concepts infinitely beyond?
How can we see the trees when the forest is always in the way? We can't.

Some big comets that hit the sun are not comets.

Darkness is not an illusion; it is real in the absence of light. Light is the illusion.

Besides Ego being the largest thing in the universe, other large objects can't be imagined until
we can grasp the size of infinite space, which holds a heck of a lot large chunks of
matter...that hasn't collapsed within itself from shear mindboggling size.

The universe has all the time in the world and can print out time sheets almost as fast as the
Federal Reserve prints money. People can snooze as long as they want and come back for

What’s the largest planet in the universe? How many earth size planets, would it take to equal
its size?
A few billion earths.

Our solar system is common but there are billions of solar systems much different, unique and
with their own version of astrophysicists and physics.

Is our meteor belt a blown up planet?

Yes. Some believe there is not enough material there for a planet, that's because a lot of it
didn't stay there and rained down on other planets, and moons.
It was no accident.
What the hell happened to have a Planet destroyed?
It was rotten to the core, and a direct hit.
Was it a war between Mars and that Planet, that left one Planet Destroyed and the other like
it is now?
The whole solar system was undergoing major renovation and upgrades.
Why do they make a decision to destroy a Planet over just wiping the people and starting
again as they have done on here and Mars?
Depends on the density of infestation. Destroying whole planets and moons happens in these
kinds of neighborhoods, solar systems.
Was it a Human type people that lived on the Planet that was destroyed?
They had human type bodies and some other strange stuff in the hybrid zone.
Will war type planets like Earth always exist in the universe?
Yes, they are parts of the machinery.

Comets and Asteroids: Do they hit other planets for certain reasons?
Planets and moons are sponges for much of the litter flying around in space.
Are they from a planet/star that has been blown to pieces?
They are debris from old planets and moons.
Are any of these coming for earth anytime soon, and what do they contain inside of them?
There are some big ones that will get close. Those on a direct trajectory [to earth] will be
nudged away. Iron, other minerals, water, and a secret ingredient. Secret being the key word.

Is something special going on near the Orion constellation?

There is much going on in Orion province and other places too. But don't blame Microsoft,
Google, or NASA. They do the bidding for others, mostly unknowingly. Like a child confined
to the backyard of his house we are.

Stars are ejected in mass, in clusters and individually, from the core of the
galaxy, and continue their formations and development as they travel away from the centre---
not toward the centre as many believe. Star birth is rapid, but we blink and miss it.
Stellar nebulae, which we can observe around us in this sector of our galaxy, mostly consist
of stars, normally in small, open clusters, sucking up part of that shroud of gas and dust we
can see in photographs. When these stars are ejected" from the centre of galaxies, are they
fully immersed in a gaseous nebular cocoon?
Yes the cocoon is like amniotic fluid sack.
Can stars be born inside those matter-rich environments, away from the centre of galaxies?
They grow there but are not born there, the star seeds comes from the core.
Why are stars inside nebulae so young, even if they are far away from the centre of the
galaxy, as this solar system is?
For us in 3D land it may look far. But like popcorn in a huge kettle stars are ejected outward,
some further than others.

Supernovas ignite new life onto old and new stars that have laid dormant, like placing seeds
into soil and watering them.
Are supernovae responsible for the "creation" of elements heavier than oxygen, thus playing a
crucial role for us 3d life forms?
They add an element or two to the 3D soup bowl.

Are elements heavier than helium produced inside stars via thermonuclear fusion?
Well kind of but not necessarily via thermo.

Are stars "giant balls of plasma" powered by fusion, or of an entirely different nature?
Neither electrical nor fusion, but a quark of both.

Are stars "birthed" at the core of the galaxy, set for a long permanence in orbit around that
core in the spiral arms or not, made to reach the outer rim maybe, and get recycled there, or
die within the body of the galaxy in the various known ways?

Star seeds are created in black holes at the centre of galaxies.

Are densely packed globular clusters the realm of very ancient stars and grand ET outposts?
You mean the exclusive stellar country clubs.

How do the Suns/Solar Systems manage to not collide with each other?
For the same reason that planets don't fall into the stars, stars repel matter not attract it---for
the most part.

Is there is a geometric pattern to creation?

In the physical realm most certainly. The soul however is not of that mystical realm. A watch
is a physical item that tells us how much time we waste. The information it imparts to us is
the sole reason for the watch, we don't want to be late for that meeting kind of thing. The
mechanics behind the mechanism of the timepiece is secondary and of little importance to that
meeting. In other words matter is not all that and a bag of chips when it comes to the big
picture, it's simply a small element, get it, a small element. lol I know, don't quit my day job.

Some ancient texts speak of 'spiritual planets' (namely the Indian epics). Does this mean there
are worlds which are not as physical in the sense that we understand it?
Many such worlds exist.

The universe is pure unadulterated love, and wishes to share this love with as many souls as

Is everything in the universe matter/different forms of matter?

And different forms of ethereal.

Is every universal creation a part of a huge tech data base, and at 3D we will never be
allowed to understand its complexity until we pass our own tests?
Yes twice.

Are most dimensions in the multiverse created, to a certain/large/total extent, by very high up
Everything is.

Were there, eternities of eternities ago, precursors, or much simpler, states of this universe or
the whole multiverse?
There are infinite modules.

Is ether sentient or only the entities in it?

It's alive! But unlike anything we could comprehend.

Are certain areas or dimensions in the multiverse "beginning to exist" and evolving, even
without ET intervention?

Is Energy/ether pervading most of the multiverse, except in certain areas or dimensions that
are "empty" or a real "nothingness"?
Yes, but does anyone really appreciate that fact?

How many planets are beyond Pluto [in this solar system]?
A bunch, but most are moon size or smaller, but not all.
All planets and moons grow via tons of new mass that falls on to them every day, dust,
meteors and such. Over time with the new mass comes pressure changes inside the core,
which pushes back creating changes on the surface and weather patterns.

"Creation is based upon the 'Three Primary Distortions of The Infinite One'." Free Will, Love,
Light - is this how the system works?
Way more complex than that.

The universe has order in its disorder.

Can't it be said that all planets and stars of our galaxy are in synchronicity with the Earth?
They are not.

Every moon in the solar system is a magical unique wonderland. But they are not all fun and

"The universe was created"? it has always existed? There is no beginning and no end to the
universe and if you say it was created, that would imply a beginning. Can you clear this up?
When I "created" a play area in my backyard for my children to play in I didn't "create" the
backyard, the trees, ground and such, I only "created" a play area by installing a kiddie pool
and sandbox. The gods create and destroy illusionary worlds like Earth all the time, but this
universe remains unchanged.

Is the Universe a Mathematical construct, in that the vibrational patterns/colors can be

represented numerically.. so its like a matrix (the movie) and we are plugged into it!?
Only in this "physical" realm. Which is really not physical at all.

What is the purpose of moons as opposed to the planet they orbit - is there any special reason
moons are there? Especially multiple moon planets?
Prime real estate. The views from moons are orgasmic to say the least. But they also have
other purposes (can’t say anymore).
Moons get shuffled around and eventually recycled in the boondocks. Some star ships cloak
as moons or other galactic mass.

Our solar system with all its planets is merely a single cell inside a human body, which is like
a galaxy filled with stars or cells.

Can you elaborate on the hiding process that is used to blur planets?
It's done with huge mirrors. There are planets and moons not seen or known about in this solar
system. And I'm not talking about only those out in the Kuiper boonies. Not all celestial
bodies have mass as we know it (can’t say anymore).
Are there more planets or huge structures that cannot be detected (by us) because their make-
up is only partially (if at all) connected to our lower 3D realm (or our perception of physics)?
Our physics has much to do with it. But there are covert human elements aware of some of
these invisible systems.

Moons, planets and stars were created to do what they do. Nothing simply "happens", not
even shit, or doodoo for those that don't like the work shit.
Are certain surface features in our moon and some of the planets camouflaged via optical
devices or is it achieved through complex ET dimensional magic?
Also sloppy photo shopping.

Neo, if you have been given the gift of seeing through the matrix, how do you know that your
superior position is not just another layer of matrix, and thus your perceptions as equally
useless or useful as a primitive tribesman sitting in a mud hut? How do you know that
Morpheus/Milton is real, Neo?
They don't like calling it the matrix after the movie came out and gave all the secrets away.
They prefer calling it what it is, dimensions and such. But even dimensions is not correct.

Would you say that it is possible that there are Planets out there that are the size of our Solar
Would people on Planets of that size be the same size as us or would everything be super up-
sized to a huge scale?

Considering that the very small area of the universe we are aware of, could fit on a gnats ass,
yes there is a lot of partying going on that we are missing out on with our bickering.
The Sun

Many believe that without the sun there is no biological life possible on this planet, which is
mostly true, but heat from the interior of the earth keeps a variety of creatures living around
vents at the bottom of the oceans.
That same energy keeps many believed to be barren planets and moons in the solar system
with of life.
Nevertheless, without the sun this would be a dark and gloomy place where all biological life
would cease to exist.

Few take the sun for granted because who doesn’t love a sunny day? Try and imagine living
on a planet distant from a sun and not having the magnificent sunny days we all love and
cherish----there are many such planets out there in this solar system and throughout the
galaxy---and without the artificial sunlight I talk about in my blog.
However, the sun is not god; God is much more radiant and infinitely larger, equivalent to
billions upon billions of our suns.
The sun does save us from frostbite, and lifts our spirits like nothing else can---it sure acts like
a god.
People have always worshiped the sun, in the past and the present, and many symbols have
been created for that purpose.

I won’t argue that there is a mighty intelligence permeating around us from many realms---
but the sun will one day expire----we will not.

The sun has cycles where it sends out lots of flare ups and heat and most of these cycles don’t
very that much during the ten or eleven years that they occur.
But every now and then there are extreme cycles when the sun gets real hot, and much less
hot than what we would consider normal. Both of these infrequent extremes are devastating to
life on this planet.
To state that a few of these instances "might" be supernaturally manipulated would get many
eyeballs a rolling like this------so I will not say that.

Most astronomers have the sun as a nuclear reactor.

If the sun was a nuclear reactor wouldn’t our skin being falling off by now?---lol
The sun is not a nuclear reactor---but my pregnant sun didn’t do well on my other thread so I
will not go into what the sun is yet---I don’t get paid enough to be a comedian to the sceptics--
-----so until I can make it sound reasonable I’ll keep it to myself.

You know the saying you can’t live with it and you can’t live without it---isn’t that a nice
It doesn’t necessarily apply to the sun---we can’t live without the sun period. Not only do our
bodies need the sun but so do our souls.
The sun has its tizzy-fits every now and then---and the earth shakes like a dog trying to rid
itself of fleas on a hot summer day.
The sun is all full of itself, perhaps it’s about to deliver something.
The sun is definitely in a mood---from all the hormones that were added to it in the past few
months. ----Oh yes they do tinker with the sun.
Our sun orbits around a partner star every 24-26,000 years. Is it the star Sirius?
Sol is solo.
The heat from the sun plays a major roll in the dynamics of earth's temperature.
Certainly there are people that would like a place in the sun, but the sun is very exclusive and
only the higher entities with an interesting vibration can warm up their heels and souls there.
There are “entities” that hang out in and around the sun, they have a higher energy field than
the sun and hardly tan at all.
Our star has H2o, oceans of it, and other oceans of elements. Everything and much more than
we have on earth is in the sun.

What other elements does the sun have? And how can it be?
Human physicists understand and know ZERO about the sun and about anything else
concerning physics. So how can that be, it be because everything is ZERO without the one.

The sun give birth to plethoras of things that will never be known to humans even as a smidge
are caught on video.

Most people believe the Sun is a huge nuclear reactor that just happened. It was created like in
a cotton candy machine in the centre of the galaxy, and spit out like popping popcorn, cooled
a bit and then began to shine and spit out planets of its own. The rest is history.

If there was no sun, would people stop aging, at least from their outside appearance?
Psychological damage would outweigh any skin damage.

It seems your holding back something about the sun.

Yes I am holding back. The sun/suns are multi dimensional things. Everything has life, but
life to us here in 3D land is 1D. It's a long big story and I don't want to give away the details.
Not sure that I can. There are entities within the sun and they have no tan lines. Wow baby!!!
Are they hot!!

Many people throughout the ages have worshiped the sun as a god. The sun is special, all stars
are, but they expire and souls don't. The soul is made of something much more mysterious
than the sun or anything else for that "matter". Matter, get it? The soul is not "matter" as is
light and everything else we see in 3D land.

Is the nature of its existence (other than a big heater) something we are not ready to
understand so quit asking questions about the sun?
That too.
What makes these concepts so difficult to understand??
They are not difficult concepts to understand, they are difficult to put into practice, and that's
the rub.
What makes me so different from people that I can handle these concepts and they can't?
Some people just know, even if they don't know for sure.

What is the average population of people who live in the sun?

The sun is not like one of the planets with habitation, it is something very bizarre.
Is there an inner sun as has been described?
We interpret what we see or are shown by what we know. A sun is a source of energy, or a
radiant being. I'm not saying that the sun in our solar system is a being, but there are some
similar elements.

I’ve read about the evil doing followers being put into the sun for punishment, and you've
stated that those who refuse to be redeemed will eventually get the shredder. Are the sun and
the shredder one and the same?
Many things going on in the sun, in fact everything, matter wise. But souls are not matter and
can take the heat.
Are these shredded souls actually being used to continue to power the sun?
Is it the life from ashes scenario all over again?
Some souls get reassigned from there or to there.

There is stuff about the sun that I can't delve into now.

The sun is not a ball of gas.

Better would be to send a space probe to the sun and measure its temperature.
The dilemma is how to measure temperature without affecting the measure by the reaction of
the instrument with the sun rays. But, obviously science already has made its mind and it
would seem silly to challenge the idea of a hot sun. The high photonic concentration emitted
as light makes believe that this light comes from combustion when in reality comes from
atomic excitation in the plasma.

What are we not being told about the Sun?

Those who think they know don't know, so they can't tell us more than they think they know
about it.

How it works, its functions, its nature, what’s inside it etc, etc, etc, etc ...
I am really curious about the real story on the SUN.
That's one of my projects stuck on the back burner for now, a victim of my multitasking
challenged abilities, or lack thereof.

What are pulsars?

Outside of the standard scientific definitions that can be found anywhere on the internet,
pulsars are matter stabilizers, and so much more. Milton says I wouldn't understand.

Saturn is a fantastic thing to look at from here on earth---there is absolutely no way of
describing the feeling seeing it up close---it’s truly looking into the face of god, your mind
literally melts at the awesomeness.
There are millions of things going on in and around Saturn, and all of its moons as well, but
Milton said he would kill me if I tell much more than that---perhaps in the next blog he will
allow more detail.
There is sentient life but to what extent I don’t know.
What are the strange Hexagonal formations on the poles of Saturn?
I will give my .o2 in a thread in skunk works.

Saturn has solid core.

The asteroid belt is that like a fence marking the bounds of the Prison planets?
The belt has a lot of living debris in it and it serves many purposes including protecting the
nest as well as the prison yard.

Some humans in the past and even now here on earth know lots about Saturn, but they aren't
talking for a reason.

Iapetus, is it real or fake if the latter then what is it?

Iapetus is real. Iapetus had a wicked spin when it was ejected from Saturn's womb and settled
out in the dark and cold boondocks of Saturn's orbit. Iapetus has life on it and in it.

In 1994 a comet named Shoemaker-Levy crashed into Jupiter.
The alien dudes zapped that shoemaker thingy with their ray cannons trying to deflect it, but it
broke up in many pieces and hit the planet hard killing bazillions of people on Jupiter.

I don’t know if there are humans on Jupiter. There are ETs all over that planet and on many of
its moons ---and they would not be affected by comets or anything else.

Jupiter is pregnant.

Jupiter has solid core.

What wonders exist on Jupiter?

Most of us would have a complete emotional meltdown from a mere whiff of the wonders. It
has a solid core, and the storms are like large cotton candy type devices collecting residue, the
things moons and dreams are made of.

What is the population of a planet like Jupiter or other large planets in this solar system?
It changes daily, earth days that is. Much of the population is transient.

The Moon
They asked me nicely not mention things about the moon---they are so picky---lol
Without the moon life on earth would be a calmer place, too calm for the indigenous life
forms that are on it now.

The moon is not hollow and it did not break off earth and distill into what it is today----the
moon was no accident or freak chance it was deliberately put there as a counter balance to the
earth's rotation and to stir the oceans----not to mention something to fill the night sky and to
look up at and marvel at the sight.
The moon is also a huge repository of minerals and metals that will be used to build cities in
space, and there might be some government cheese up there----well maybe not.

U.S.A and former Soviet Union suddenly stopped going to the Moon because ETs were
already there watching us and 'warned' us away.

They have been using the moon for a number of things, less than one hundred years ago they
had activity on the side facing the earth but with the onset of powerful telescopes they had to
minimize and camouflage their actions---they also have been cleaning up much of the
infrastructure and returning the landscape back to the way it was in preparation of human
I’m not allowed to talk about the moon but humans have been there more than the official line

There are ruins on the moon.

I’ve been to the moon, yes there are bases out there, yes there is gravity and a flag. The moon
and details is a forbidden subject for me.

Is the moon really an old space ship and it got "towed" into earth's orbit?
Well, yes and no, and perhaps something in that order.

The light of the moon affects the hunt of some nocturnal carnivores, wolves, dogs, foxes,
hyenas, man, etc. A full moon is also a focal point that draws attention like a campfire does
for both man and animal.
It is a rock but it was put into place via artificial means, it remains an ET outpost, and that’s
all I can say for now.

The moon remains an ET outpost so they limit what we can see or do up there until they
relocate some of their stuff.
Our view of the moon is much easier to manipulate [by ETs than Earth illusion], as are other
planets because we have no access to them other than telescopes and probes.

There are some humans on the moon--- not near the numbers I have seen tossed around on ats

What’s up with the back side of the moon?

Does “mooning” have any meaning for you----?

Plenty of things are going on up there on the moon, John Lear only touched on a few. But I
can’t elaborate.

The moon is not earth’s fetus.

They asked me “nicely” to keep my mouth shout about the Moon and Mars---the little info I
do provide has hit a nerve since I started posting.
There are bases on the moon with extraterrestrials and a few locals, but not like loco crazy
They are up there making preparations for humans who will be living “openly “on the moon
in a few decades.

Colonization of the moon is a given---given to us that is, and will begin sooner than most
people know.
Those up there now have been told to pack up and leave, not all of them but enough to give us
some space and a bit of freedom to explore and settled down in.
Many of the structures are like Winnebagos, only larger and they will simply move off into
the darkness of space and work from there as we arrive in larger numbers at the turn of the

Japan and China will find nothing with their satellites as most of the 'anomalies' have been
Much has not been removed yet, and what is left behind to be found will be used behind the
scenes for use on the moon by those who find them. Like the gold in California during the
gold rush.
If not everything has been removed, who prevents them to not disclose what they film?
It’s like an average guy finding a million dollars of unmarked bills, not likely to disclose that
fact---but all of a sudden he is doing things no one else is doing and driving some cool a_ss
Moon missions and other missions happen all the time. In the old days people were made to
believe they would fall off the edge of the world if they ventured to far in the ocean realms,
assuming sea monsters didn't eat them first, kept people from venturing too far from home.
Same dif.

Was our moon at one time a prison or currently is now?

Was and is.

Why the moon is the only "body" that doesn't spin?

The moon is a mechanism in synchronicity with earth, ecologically speaking.
Most things spin we simply don't see the spin as with the moon.
What caused the huge ridge estimated to be twelve miles high around the entire moon, it looks
like two halves stuck together?
Centrifugal force when it was created for high rise apartment complexes.
Can't go into life on the moons and planets, too much stuff.

What about that Richard Hoagland’s photo of "Data's head" how many of those dudes are
about the place. Or is his Data's head just an old outdated model
There is some "real" meat in baloney.

Did Armstrong receive a welcome or was he warned away from the moon?
Armstrong and other astronauts were allowed a peek but not much more. And that overt
program was ended.

Do the people living on the moon look like us?

Some do.
Do the majority of people living on the moon know about us and if yes what do they think?
They know, they think we are such snobs, big fat blue planet and all. I think they are envious
of us earthlings.

Is the crater Aristarchus on the moon really a reactor?


Mars hosted an abundance of life in the past, and still harbors life now but the diversity is less
and not as abundant, much of it is subterranean---it’s amazing the things going on on Mars
right under our noses---lol---Again the proof is overwhelming yet most people refuse to

Pyramids on Mars were built by the same type of beings but not the same beings were
involved in projects, with pyramids here on Earth.

Much of Mars is still off limits [to us humans], NASA likes to push the envelope to see how
much they will allow, and that’s why we and others lost probes.
The pyramids and face on Mars are Martian ruins. Mars is filled with surprises and many of
them might be exposed in the next decade.

Mars will be a fantastic adventure destination spot for many humans by the turn of this

Mars has life on it more advanced than what we have on earth but they are not very pretty or
sociable. They know humans are coming “officially” speaking, and so things are a bit tense.
The powers don’t want the details out.

When will life on Mars be officially declared?

Perhaps in the next decade [2010-2020], latter part.

Would they be more likely to announce that there was an ancient civilization there first and
confirm the ruins that are there?
There has been plenty of opportunity to announce that now and in the past but that would be
like admitting to alien life and extraterrestrials---would be discomforting to too many humans

The "face" on mars is an “alien” artefact in an ancient Martian city.

There still are Martians on Mars but they are ugly----and live underground---but can’t give
more details.

I’m not suppose to talk about Mars or the moon, but there certainly is pockets of nice people
everywhere we go, and there are also those other ugly types.
Some are hiding out there, those ugly ones I spoke of. And not all are free to come and go.

There is a reason that some of that planet is a wasteland, still they do have some above ground
structures. But no details allowed.
I saw activity on Mars, beings coming and going from that planet.
I don’t recall spending much time there, but they also didn’t want me talking in detail about
what I did see.

Mars: Total Recall?

Well not total recall, but certainly some disturbing recall, depending on what they allow to be

Mars is populated with a variety of life forms and entities some of it on the surface, much of it
below and in space around it.

Mars was a habitable planet like Earth sometime in the past.

The planet experienced a bit of fire and brimstone and lost a major battle.

Why and how did the war on Mars start?

They didn't invite the right entities to the party.
Mars is currently under quarantine.

What's going to happen to the renegades and other ET's on Mars, once they're defeated, if
they do get defeated?
Most will remain there, incarcerated, out of sight and out of mind deep in the interior.

Could we breathe unaided on Mars and survive provided we had the clothing for whatever
temperature there was at the time?

What are the tunnels / tubes that have been photographed on the surface or just under the
surface of Mars?
Martian infrastructure still in use.

Are the newly born people on mars, in the veil just as we are on earth?

Which race on Earth is the closest or most directly related to the last major civilization on
Martian and moon life will be explained away with the jargon that explained how life
diverged here on earth via continental divide. The planets must have nicked at one time and
shared some meteor semen. Yes there will be some DNA connection.

Why Mars is on quarantine?

It has a certain kind of undesirable galactic infestation.
They are Martian Aliens and they do mess with our probes from earth, sometimes destroying

Mars has more than one species.

There are many species of Martians. Look at the vast variety of plant and animal life we have
here on earth, and we only know about a fraction of it. Some we will never know about even
though it’s right under our noses. When we go to Mars "officially" most of the life forms will
remain hidden from us there too.

At one point did Mars have human life?

It had human type life mixed in with some weirdos and still has some.
Mars has undergone many cleansings and battles. The war is not over.

That subculture that Joe [character from A Day with an extraterrestrial] lives in has no
poverty, or open warfare as we have here on earth and they live much better lives there than
most humans do here---but they do have their problems because they are human---most from

The city I came from is perfect in comparison to earth life---but some of the intergalactic
intrigue comes from that place.

How do I put this gently---there is no way, even though I am a citizen of that city from a
previous life and will return to it, I cannot go back to it while in a human body---they don’t
have bathrooms for one---and we can’t be trained---lol
The tube cities I talked about are huge cylindrical vertical columns thousands of feet high and
many miles wide---and there are several stacks of them in patches.
Truthfully while in the sub city there was no way of knowing where the surface was, but there
was a solid core---how large I have no idea.

Uranus being gas giant doesn’t mean there is no surface---our scientists can’t even determine
if there is water on the moon and it’s next to us---do you really believe they know what is
going on in other farther away planets? Certainly they know some of the chemical make up of
them but they remain clueless of what the planets themselves really are.

Uranus has plenty of gas but also a dense core.

Uranus people are not born, they come "grown up"? How are they made?
Are they grown like pod people?
I was not made aware of that part of the operation but their handle on biological machinery is
far more advanced than anything we can imagine on this level. For us humans such things are
what horror movies are about, to higher entities it’s more in line with buying a new car from a
showroom---minus the pressure sales team---

Uranus people are in the same dimension we are here on earth.

They know everything that is going on in this solar system, they do travel out of this solar
system and they can access higher dimensions. They interact with all the other planets
including Earth.

Pluto like all the other bodies in this solar system except earth and the moon, remain
forbidden fruit---

If I ever get around to my next installment of the blog they might give me something on Pluto,
so far I have no go ahead to write more on it---

Pluto is a planet just a little shrivelled and compacted, it will eventually become a moon and
lose the remainder of its own satellites, but it could get busted up.
Promotions are much nicer than demotions and Pluto is not all too happy right now about
what earth thinks of it.

Is Pluto harbouring a deep dark secret?

Yes it is----but not anything that will affect earth or life on earth as we know it. The myth
must live on and the secret must remain intact.

NASA will send a probe to explore the Kupier Belt beyond Pluto.
What will the ETs do about it and what is the real purpose?
Some of them jokester ETs will throw snowballs at it and make funny faces at the NASA
people. However, NASA will not share those memorable Kodak moments with the rest of the
The real purpose is to take some pictures of extraterrestrials and a few of Pluto, so they will
have something they can show the public---the Pluto pictures that is.
The Kupier Belt is huge, and we are not invited to partake, our little probe headed there has
accumulated an entourage of delinquents and tricksters.
There are many central spaceships meeting place/docking port in the Kupier belt.

Personally Venus is not a place I would want to go.

Venus is no Aphrodite but certainly a seductress because of her proximity and visibility to
earth. Venus is not a destination point for those leaving earth for bigger and better pastures,
although some can visit Venus the same way we can visit Alcatraz except Venus is still in
operation. Venus is not all hell, but neither is it a tropical paradise. Nevertheless, it’s a big
planet with many hidden secrets above and below the surface. But they card, must be a
hybrid, a spirit, or ET to enter.
Venus is off my radar but I've heard that it has it's good districts as well as it's red light seedy

I haven't been to Venus that I can recall.

Mercury is one hot little planet, not one that the meek shall inherit.
Big Bang

It's a big universe trillions of times bigger then what is speculated---it will not keep expanding
and then like a slinky fall bank to square one and start all over again----the only big bang
happens on the fourth of July----it never gave birth to the cosmos.

The radiation [that scientists claim coming from the big bang] is from massive stars and
galaxies being recycled which gives off enormous amounts of radiation across the spectrum---
-this radiation comes from what scientist believe to be the edge of the universe because that is
the furthest their instruments can pick up these exotic particles, which is about thirteen billion
light years away----they think
They are so off base it’s almost embarrassing ---I’m not going to get into that here.

There was no big bang, the universe is not expanding nor will it contract and fall into itself----
it will never end. And because time and space are illusions so is Genesis.

There is no genesis in the literal term unless you are speaking about every time we are born
anew on this planet or another.

It didn’t really start with a thought or a Big Bang---everything coming out of nowhere in an
instant is grasping at straws when nothing else makes sense.
The Big Bang theory is way off base and never happened, and there is no need for Dark
Matter, which is a good thing because there isn’t any.
And because it wouldn’t be scientific savvy to declare ET said so, I will use scientific
protocol and call it a theory.

There was no Big Bang, the universe as we see it through the Hubble telescope has been here
forever---when talking human perceptions anyway. Galaxies are self perpetuating, they can
grow by combining and they can end by being swallowed by other galaxies---but it’s a
process that has no end---beginning is another matter and will be more of a challenge to
explain and I can’t do it in this thread.

The big bang theory satisfies for some the need for a beginning and ending, but there is no
such thing concerning the universe, the universe has always been and will always be, much
like we see it today---the very little that we do see.
Black holes

Billions of black holes-----the universe’s recycle bins.

Black holes can’t be used by any living entities including ETs -----those that are at our level
of existence-----which is way low in the food chain.

Black holes are not dangerous to any life forms because life forms have long become extinct
by the time solar systems enter into the gravitational field of Black holes.

Black holes are key to the remanufacture of matter and without them and their powerful
gravitation to stir the pot galaxies as we know them would be impossible.

Galaxies are self-perpetuating and can exist forever----the hearts of galaxies are Black holes.

Galaxies can merge and become bigger and parts of galaxies can breakaway by close
encounters with other galaxies.

If the breakaway star clusters are large enough they will eventually form their own Black
holes and become baby galaxies.
These baby galaxies get bigger as they journey through the universe sucking up matter of
failed star clusters----those that didn’t have enough matter to form Black holes----they also
merge with other small galaxies and grow bigger.

Black Holes are things dreams are made of---or was that the black falcon? Bogart can you
help me here---lol

On a less serious note Black Holes gobble up the wrenched refuse of old star systems and
recycles the matter into fertilizer for new stars and planets---nothing goes to waste.

They are not wormholes to other dimensions---I would give more detail but why should I give
Nobel Prize information out on an internet thread---

Black holes are what’s under the hood of every galaxy, they are the engine that is powered by
debris of expired suns. They are also dimensional vortexes---they don’t lead to hell.

A black hole is an extraordinary machine sucking up dead stars and at the same time spiting
out new stars. It certainly manipulates energy and matter---one and the same, in ways human
understanding cannot begin to grasp, because it defies the human concepts of logic and the
laws of physics.

Energy at the star level is a constant with no beginning or ending, it changes shape and form
and can be ripped apart but it will always regroup and become whole again. A black hole
manipulates and facilitates energy but it doesn’t create energy.

Matter is energy, energy is electricity, electricity is magnetism, magnetism is matter---it’s all

one and the same but on different levels.
Black holes don’t crush anything, especially matter, everything is stack and put into it proper
bins until it gets recycled back into the galaxy as new stars.

A black hole is like going through a car wash, old junky stars go in one side and shiny and
bright ones go out the other side, back into the galaxy.

Black holes do not create universes; they recycle old stars into new stars and spit them back
into this dimension.

They reconfigure old star matter and then spit it back out as new stars. Kind of like American

All matter spins more or less, but it doesn't collapse within itself as some people assume or
theorize. Black holes do exist and they are all around us in the cosmos and in the far down
reaches of quantum mechanics. How they truly operate is beyond 3D understanding, but
nevertheless it is very entertaining and exciting to chase those little buggers down the Higgs
bosom rabbit hole.

"Black Holes" at the center of galaxies? Some Vacuum cleaners for debris others spewing out
babies, or just suck and spit energies...? Creation/destruction at one time?
Isn't that how it works in the microcosm here on earth too? Thousands of babies are born
every day, thousands of people die every day. Life is an assembly line be it macro or
Black/Dark Matter

The theory of Dark Energy presumes that the universe is finite and not infinite---finite is a lot
easier to explain than something bordering an infinite.
Cosmologist believe that the universe is expanding and it is somewhat, and some scientists
believe that eventually it will collapse back into itself.
Dark energy is necessary to explain the expansion and the falling back of the universe
otherwise nothing makes any sense.
Well, nothing in this existence makes any sense if we run it to the nth degree----everything
breaks down and we enter into the land of Alice and her wonderland.
Although there are numerous exotic energies out there and in here Dark energy or matter is a

For the Big Bang to be true and the universe it hatched to be expanding---in which
theoretically would then have to collapse back into the hole it came from we need a whole lot
of Dark Matter, or any matter for that matter---lol---and they are looking for it so that their
theories about the universe will make sense and everybody would be happy and someone
would get the Noble Prize.

There is no dark matter or dark energy.

All the dark matter in the universe is hiding between the ears.

Time and space as humans understand it doesn’t exist.

Funny thing about time and distance, they are both illusions and things are not as far as they
"sometimes" seem to us earthlings.

Time is an illusion-----get out into space away from planet earth and what do you use to
measure time with? Our twenty-four hour system is based on the rotation of this planet, and
its movement around the sun-----I know that you know this, I only point it out to demonstrate
how fickle the whole idea of time is.
ETs are not constrained by the illusion of time-----they don’t have time clocks-----they don’t
have to be anywhere at certain times-----most of the life forms in this galaxy do not conform
to time and schedules. It’s a fairly new phenomenon on this planet; it became important with
the industrial revolution at the turn of the nineteenth century. Eventually it will not be
important for the vast majority once we enter the next transitional period-----possibly in the
next few decades.

Time is not what it seems to us---it’s a difficult concept to explain.

On earth we get old and our tomatoes rot---therefore we perceive some kind of linear thing
going on---how else are we going to sell wrinkle cream?
In the big picture where earth is not even one pixel on a screen gazillions of light years
squared---past and present are all one----there is no future and there is not past--- Ok drum
roll them eyes people----lol

We have the illusion of time, nevertheless, there is linear point A to point B in our 3D
existence otherwise everything bunches up---and that would throw a kink in the free will and
those monthly rent and utility bills---things would really get confusing---unlike what I just

Time stops when it doesn’t count, and is an illusion when it does.

Time is freaky stuff that keeps things from piling up on our end of existence---but things
don’t pile up on the other side like they do here---still looking for words and concepts to
explain the unexplainable.

There is no future or past, only segments of reality or illusions.

Time is real on this side of the fence, and we know that because we waste a heck of a lot of it
worrying about the little things in life.

We can’t interfere with time in any way shape or form.

The funny thing about time is that it doesn’t exist, but our minds can’t comprehend existence
without time, therefore we can’t comprehend how things are set up ahead of time.

Is the perception of earth time speeding up for all, some, or none of the above?
Those who are going through a hard time time has slowed considerably, and those who are
having a good time, well, time is slipping away too fast.
What is the purpose of time as we perceive it?
To let us know that time is running out.

Can humans understand the concept of what time actually is?

Time slows us down a bunch, that's why we never have enough of it when we want it, and too
much when we are bored. Time exists mostly between the human 3D ears. Only humans are
trapped in time, animals and insects are not.

I could not imagine life without time.

Disorienting for the 3D mind and an impossible situation, a fish out of water thing.

This 3D planet (as well as many other places) use a time frame. The more prevalent universal
dynamic is a timeless dream world state? We get glimpses of this state while recharging
through dreams?
Dang close.

Time is illusion and a place for delusion. But it helps us get to point A from point B.
Seconds only count in physics and the Big Bang. The biggest illusion of them all.

That has happened frequently with thoughts of the infinite and infinitesimal; I conceive of
ways that makes this planet disappear in terms of working out thoughts of the infinite and
If you want to make things disappear multiply them by zero. We are only ones and zeros

The thing about time is that there is never enough of it or there is too much of it. Those who
enjoy life for all the right reasons don't have enough of it, those who don't enjoy life and see it
as a burden, have way too much of it. For some, their next destination will be to a place where
time will no longer put limits on pleasure/fulfilment/ contentment. Being stuck in a time zone
is not the best place to be. But some don't mind it.

Time certainly seems to be necessary, it keeps us from not gagging on our food and gives us
ample time to tell off that jerk who thinks he/she owns the stinking road. And time helps us
grow old and enjoy all those great memories we made with family and friends, thanks to time.
What is a good wine without time? MD However, no time is the best time. But it's also
difficult to extrapolate from the 3D mindset such a concept. For now the Bubba version is all I
have to offer. No time clock, we are where we want to be when we want to be there. No
aging, worries or demands to deal with. We never lose loved ones and we always know where
they are even when they don't call. No highs and lows, love remains constant, pure.

Can one erase past? Can one predict future? Can one understand and do both in the present?
Does seemingly magical life stuff flip around? Is this ET generated?
The past can't be erased, but it can be built on like a foundation. The future is not ours to
predict, but it is known by higher ups. Everything flips around, everything is magical. ET’s
have many, many powers.
ET manipulation? Honestly, I still don't get that?
Do you get how DNA makes things happen in the make believe land of the physical world?
Same principle.
Time travel

Time travel is a mind boggling concept but I have been shown a few things before they
happened so it must work on some level.

As with Santa Clause, time travels with ET’s-----a concept without explanation.

In many respects something similar to time travel is possible because there is no real
movement through a time envelope as we understand it.
Milton has not offered to take me back into my past so that I can undo some minor
indiscretions---or even to look at my past as in the story of Scrooge---however---those things
do happen.

Humans have no access to time travel because time as we understand it does not exist---
scientists playing with molecules is not time travel.

There is no time as we know it here on earth on the other side, so it’s a difficult concept to
relate in mere words. Nevertheless humans can not travel from the future to the past, or the
past to the future---completely impossible.

No one [ETs or humans] goes back and changes time---it’s not allowed.

Have you ever travelled back/forward in time (our time)?

No, because time is “irrelevant” ---
Time is a vibration linked to matter as we know it and we don’t know matter. You must
understand matter to understand what time is.
Time travel is a misnomer---time comes in cubes and no human can access those cubes.

Time travel as we understand it doesn’t exist but we can be shown future and past events.

With ET help we can cross into certain dimensions that may appear to be time travel, same
with our quantum particles that act like supernatural phenomena during experimentations---if
we look real close at these particles they are giggling at us.

How do the ET's fix up things that the govt might have screwed up when on time travel
We can only do so much damaged in our playpen, nothing ET gets worried about.

It’s impossible for humans to manipulate time but there are minor exceptions that have no
major consequences that have been allowed.

Time travel technology is possible but not for humans.


There is no end to dimensions---the human mind cannot grasp these things.

The human brain sees multiple dimensions the ethereal beings don’t.

There is no set number of dimensions---they are infinite.

Dimensions existed even before the universe, and the universe has always existed---a paradox
beyond human comprehension.

How many more higher dimensions are there?

The human mind is not equipped to handle those numbers, there is no number big enough in
mathematics to describe how many dimensions we have---therefore, dimensions are infinite,
without end, as is the universe.

There are many levels and dimensions and how things amalgamate or not for various higher
up entities is anyone’s guess---way too much stuff going on and nothing can be pigeonholed.

Multiply universes and realities exist exclusively and independently of each other in a
quantum multi dimensional vortex of relativity.

There Are Millions of worlds parallel to ours that are mostly identical aside from minor
details. [Referring to The Milky Way galaxy---and other galaxies]

How many dimensions make up the multiverse?

Slightly more than every snowflake that fell from the sky since time began.

Dimensions are not numbered, they go by names, and those names are secret.

Would it be more correct to say they have harmonic identifications?

We understand our 3D world with up, down and depth---and we can look out and see 3D
because our brains have been upload the means of coordinates of physical things. But naming
and numbering things our perceptions can’t understand is meaningless. To say something is at
a higher vibration makes sense, but there are a slew of higher and lower vibrations in our 3
dimensions---and have nothing to do with higher or lower dimensions above or below our 3D
circus. So call them what you will.

In our dimension, are there laws that are completely different and unable to work in other
dimensions and vice versa?
Some things but not all things, you just got to be there for it to make sense.

Dimensions are more than speed. In 3d we are aware of speeds speed of sound, speed of light.
We also have trees, and the fact that the chair our butts sit on and the keyboard we type on are
alive with molecular/dimensional motion.

Dimension is a relative term and in reality exists not but in places such as this lower
illusionary dimension. What we experience as reality is a blurry figment of what is real.
Things become clearer as we become more in tune with the song of life. Eventually we will
permeate out of so-called dimensions, which we are filtered through as we mature or rot on
the vine.

Some dimensions interconnect, but things change the deeper we go and nothing connects.
Higher entities can make the connections.

Can you explain the 4th, 5th, 6th dimension?

Explaining 3D to a 2D entity would be impossible, they simply don't have the 3D perspective,
which is very important. Nevertheless, our 3D mind operates in higher dimensions, we just
don't know it. Our mind, our soul, can think outside the 3D box, however, verbalizing and
illustrating higher dimensions is a whole other story. When you're inside of their ships it's a
bit easier to grasp, until you leave and come back here and then everything turns to mush

How many Dimensions are available on Earth?

Earth and the universe exist inside of higher dimensions like Babushka dolls.

What's the most painful dimension to live in? What's the most pleasurable dimension to live
It doesn't work that way. Earth has much misery on it, it also has much happiness on it. It's not
the conditions or the places we are, it's who we are that determines our pain/pleasure level.
Even hell doesn't need to feel like hell, at least not the one at this level. But there are

3D is infinite as far as our human mind is concerned. Nevertheless it is contained, a paradox

in 3Dville.
What does infinite mean in terms of 3-D planets?
It means that they go on forever like television reruns. To understand we need be out of our
3D mind, literally.
Are the other, higher dimensions, "modules" that encompass the lower ones, being the
universe infinite modules with all possible characteristics?
Yes, but some entities can step out of the dimensional box thingy. Where a whole other ball of
wax exists.

3-D is an illusion?
3D is 3 dimensions inside of illusion.

In reality there is no physical anything, only another variation of ethereal.

Is the matter realm (or physical realm) the lowest dimension on the totem pole?
No, lower ones can be a combination of both physical and ethereal---and that can really be
- III -


Meaning & Rules

of human life on earth
Why existence does exist?
For pure pleasure and for no apparent reason----existence has no beginning or ending.

Why do we even exist at all?

No reason at all, life is a gift that can be rejected but not at this level.

Everything has a vibrations, humans, animals, insects, and plants. Humans like to be around
other humans, that’s why people gravitate to large cities. There is certain energy around
humans and their activities. The level of energy corresponds to the size of the crowd. But
even in a desert alone you can feel and know that there are other humans around, a few miles
away, in some town.

We are created and the reasons we are created would fill volumes of books---but the short of
it is that it’s the most fantastic gift in the universe, even though it may not seem like it to some
on this level at this time.

Humans are very generous-----do you remember the tsunami? Most humans would give you
the shirt off their back-----when they believe the need is real.

Everything on this level of existence (earth) is an illusion-----something or someone is behind

the illusion.

This planet is in the incubation stages---- ----humans share identical DNA because that is a
requirement of this planet-----but that doesn’t mean all humans originated from one place, but
from hundreds of places in the galaxy.

As I'm sure you know that not everyone agrees that humankind has progressed. Most people
consider anything less than utopia unacceptable-----especially if ETs are real and have the
means to solve all our problems.

Earth is an incubator-----and like any nursery there are lots of incubators----millions of them
just like this place. Good help is hard to find-----therefore there are good caretakers, and bad

Only those with a load of frequent flyer miles chose where they go, the rest are sent to planets
like earth, some kicking and screaming.

I'm inclined to believe that what we see as good and bad is not necessarily so-----when
looking at the big picture.
The reason I believe this is because I have learned more through adverse situations than
desirable ones.
Few of us will chose to go through hardship-------so all of us are thrown into it at sometime or
other-----some would call it chance or bad luck.

Everything already exists; there is no technology that we can imagine that doesn’t exist.

Sickness, poverty, war, pestilence, hate, prejudice and a host of other calamities, are simply
apparatus of planets as this one-----and not a permanent condition of mankind.
The only battles we are being thought to fight are the everyday battles of life.

Have you seen Star Trek the movie? That movie is a perfect metaphor for existence-----in the
movie it’s a space probe that collects infinite knowledge. We are containers of knowledge and
experience; the only difference is that after each life we are clued in to what we are.

The funny thing is we don’t bring people into the world, they are sent in or they volunteer to
come into our lives----most of the time they are life changing blessings.

Are [ETs] allowing our society to become more and more violent?
More violent then when----WW2----WW1, Napoleonic wars, Dark ages, the Romans, the
Crusaders, the Moslems, the Greeks, Vikings, etc.
Believe it or not these are very peaceful times compared to the insanity of the past.
Why do they allow belligerence? -------Several reasons,
1. Humans enjoy violence
2. it’s easier to take than create,
3. Successions of peoples and societies create a sense of history-----which legitimizes the
human allusion that we originated from this planet----savages evolving through the ages.
4. Because more than one ET is involved on this planet they introduced competition between
the races------for a reason.
5. Everyone on this planet chose to be here-----to be challenged by a void in their being,
greed, hate, and the need to quench a thirst for blood------are but a few of the reasons.
6. We use fertilizer to get healthy and beautiful plants and vegetables----the best fertilizer is
7. To appreciate love, peace and tranquility----some have to experience hell first.
8. ETs accommodate those needs and requirements.

Nothing goes wrong in a positive state of mind.

The illusion of what many perceive as life----is only that-----an illusion.

We all see the world from unique perspectives-----someone you think is suffering may in fact
be experiencing something pleasant-----it works the other way around too. However I am not
denying that suffering and pain don’t exist-----in fact it is rampant----but I can’t go there.

Free will comes with conditions we can’t choose to not pay taxes, or to earn a living, or when
we die. Ok we can choose any of those---free will---and pay the consequences.
Where is the free will? In choosing not to be controlled by bad habits, deeds, or desires---even
if they are from Milton type beings---remember the best way to catch a criminal is via a sting.
What about smokers? The addiction is punishment enough don’t you agree?
All humans have free will, they may blame it on booze, drugs, ex lovers, bosses, politics, the
black arts, or whatever but the bottom line is we all choose our poison.
We have free will-----although it doesn’t always feel like it.
Free will is principal to our development, and regardless of our lot in life we are completely
Free will is not a myth but a solid as steel reality that no one can connive their way through.

Planet earth is ET’s playground; humans are more alien to earth than ETs.
Are we humans very special and quite unique?
Not---in this universe.

You are free to choose any path to “enlightenment” you wish, they all lead to the same place.
Evil done for any reason leads to the same place also-----not to everlasting damnation as some
wish to believe----but everything will be made right-----the easy way or the hard way.
If you have done something wrong and wish to change your ways they can help you get the
encouragement you need without face to face contact.
They hear every thought you have and you can communicate your wishes to them that way.
Bottom line go about you daily business and don't worry----they will do whatever job it is
they have to do----and you don't have to be aware of it.

The ETs in charge of this planet have a mandate, and they are carrying it out.
The mandate involves each sovereign country and each country has their own unique
challenges and requirements, the mandate can also involved individuals and their problems or
inner needs----but they only facilitate people that know what they need to make the next step--
--there are six or so billion people on this planet---ET is busy.

ETs are not attracted to our personal spirituality, intelligence or good looks---ET works with
everyone on some level.

Most people don’t need to understand what makes the engine in a car operate---to operate a
car---ET works in a similar way---ET is the engine that makes thing go---hidden underneath
the hood.

It’s best that most don't remember who they are and why they are here, for one that
information would detract and add nothing to this experience.
Without the aid of ET there would be no escape from this planet, no moving forward, no
advancement in technology and no hope for mankind, earth would be a dead zone.
Humans helping humans is like the blind leading the blind, yet few people understand that or
are aware of that reality.
The vast majority need not know any different that's the way ET wants it.

Humans have a soul, the animal part----the body is only a vehicle, nevertheless because of the
soul every human has immeasurable value. People in prison have immeasurable value also yet
they are not treated well---they believe and in many cases it’s true.
Our situation whether bad or good is not a statement by ET that we are nothing but animals or
However, our lives are not accidents, or coincidences, everything we go through or
experience on this planet has a purpose.

The physical realm is an illusion and is only an extension of the spiritual realm.

Everything is spiritual or plain energy.

Considering that the universe is without beginning and will never end----and that souls have
the same inextinguishable qualities reincarnation is a vehicle for many kinds of adventures---
learning, vacation, growth, punishment, reward and a gamut of other motives.
Since there really isn’t any physical---everything we accomplish is through our spiritual
energy----the soul can tap into a vast energy source----some people like to call it god.
Everyone has the ability to tap into that energy----most deign it for a multitude of reasons.
Some faith/psychic healers have discovered it.
I think we can all agree that the state of mind is more than half the battle to any achievement.
However, most people will not buy it----it's far too simple a concept.

Aliens can make things a lot easier for many people but everything we go through is by
design---sometimes you can renegotiate a life change during abduction---most of the time you

We run into fake humans every day----figuratively and literally.

Unless you are here for some kind of punishment you chose to be here----you just don't
remember signing that contract

I go through the same stuff that bothers everyone----but I consider myself fortunate that they
let me know the small details. Same with philosophy it’s nice to have if you have nothing
I don't let many problems get to me because I know they are illusions and finite.
Since everything on earth is an illusion it's unlikely that your nose is going to take a hit from
something real.

If you wish to get a small peek at reality you will have to step out of the box that the vast
majority remains trapped inside of.
Stepping out the box is not easy---and very few people do it----those in the box call us crazy
for leaving the box. Imagine that....

You know exactly what you are signing up for----most of the time it is 100% your call.
Random is on a crap table or slot machine and is an illusion, if you win it was given to you if
you lose it was taken from you.

Earth has something for everyone but complaining will do you no good---chances are you
signed up for it.

If life as you know it suits you, you need not search any longer or at all.
The illusion of life was created for a purpose and it serves that purpose very well.
However, there are those who are allowed to know a few other realities and those people
know who they are.
The rest only see nonsense----nothing wrong with that.

Not all of us are here by choice. When you sign up to improve yourself for whatever reason---
-you sign up for the whole ball of wax----otherwise where is the challenge? If you come down
here and become a bum, a criminal or what have you then there are consequences.

Why do we sky dive, race cars, swim near sharks and do many other stupid things that can
and do get us killed or injured? ----- For the challenge perhaps.
Terminal illnesses is a huge challenge----assuming someone pick that----maybe its
punishment for a past life infraction.
Even the most harden criminals have compassion, but compassion alone will not clear you of
your infraction with the law.

Most souls while on earth don’t know they are illusions---we put up with speed traps and
sobriety check points because even good people will break the law if they get the chance to do
You can often get away with things on earth but nothing slips by ET and they will point out
your shenanigans.

You know that all radio and television signals are perpetually drifting out in space.
Vibration live on forever---every thought---every action----and though we can hide behind
names such as sleeper or any other moniker everything that is mine can be traced back to me
or whoever it originated from----for eternity.
Data is not collected----whatever you generate follows you where ever you are or go----and
whatever you are is known by ET and those at that level. The moment you die depending on
who you are you may be at that echelon.

Probabilities and possibilities are human level concepts.

When you talk to yourself in your head you can also talk to ET---in a conversational voice.

When I said to sit alone in the dark I was referring to the fear factor one will encounter when
they are face to face with ET.

Concerning people who pray, many believe that being in a church or on their knees or
spinning a prayer wheel will enhance communication with their deities.
Incantations, rituals and chanting not only annoys humans it annoys ET----straight talk is all
that is required----they hear your thoughts while you drive to work, go shopping, taking a
bath, while you are having dinner, etc
Humans have zero privacy.

Humans do have freewill and they can abuse or misuse their bodies---look at how some of us
treat our cars, houses and other things entrusted to us.
However, many things are programmed into the body----like a car assembly line----different
things go into certain cars.

Everyone is tested on this planet----to prove to themselves what they are truly made of.

There will always be wars, rumors of wars, famines, and natural disasters----otherwise we
will never get off this planet.
Life and death is one and the same----you die here and live somewhere else.
It’s been that way forever----and it will be that way forever.
But don’t despair----most of existence is really fun.

Suicide for no good reason is unacceptable---and those who do it will be returned and
presented with additional challenges----more difficult than what they ran away from.
If you commit suicide -----without just cause----- you will be returned back to this planet very
quickly and placed into much more difficult circumstances-----no ifs, ands, or buts.
Hardships are not the cause of suicide if it were there would be no people in Third Word
Countries----where BTW suicide is low compared to the rest of the world.
Many people commit suicide to get back at a parent or lover----they do it out of anger and
revenge----and it works----suicide is devastating for those left to pick up the pieces.
Many people have thoughts of suicide but the vast majority doesn’t carry it out-----there is no
suicide loop.
All suicide is not wrong----terminally ill, and other circumstances like honor---- Samurai
warriors and others defeated in battle----the reason behind it makes a difference.
Killing ourselves to get out is the quickest way to get thrown back in---and with the lights
dimmed a tad more.
Were not on the big rock to plan our escape---most are here to do their time and with good
behavior perhaps move up and eventually out.
Steps on soapbox.
If you are at a point where this life sucks and you want off this world---that’s not a good
thing----people in those situation need to change what they are doing and find something
meaningful----those that blow this life and any opportunities sent their way will only have to
come back and try again.
For my two cents---and you did ask for them---- I think it would be better to take the medicine
now than put it off and have to come back and do it all over again---and sometimes it’s a
crapshoot where they put you.
Look around the world---the bad places one can end up in far outnumber the good places.
Earth is a prison only few can choose to leave---the rest can only escape by killing
themselves---but if they do without just cause they are instantly returned to the big house---
Suicide for selfish reasons to get back at someone verses terminal disease, one is acceptable
the other not. Many young people who do it end up in a self-induced hell because they have to
endure the pain they cause to those they left behind. Some are sent right back to earth
instantly with a whole new situation to endure.
Those who do it for legit reasons are not penalized, besides no one is “judged”, we are not
here to be judged, but to learn and have as much fun as we can squeeze out of this life---or
Fun is optional, learning mandatory.
Suicide is serious business and not a loophole off this planet except for extreme cases, and
those cases are decided on the other side. The entities on the other side know us inside and out
more that we know ourselves, and they cannot be deceived, not even a little---in other words,
we can’t talk ourselves out of anything, there is no prosecutor and defence, like in the movie
“Defending Your Life”. It is a good movie because it gives a believable fun perspective that
there is something after this life. Plus, they could eat all they want and not gain weight!
The moment we do what we do it’s a done deal, the why and why not is known to them that

Why are suiciders so unmercifully treated (sent back into harder circumstances)?
Earth is a pain zone, we deal with it and try to move beyond it to a higher spiritual level. What
do we do when people, inmates, escape from the hellhole of prison?

Souls at school wouldn't/couldn't commit suicide?

They can and do.
Suicide crosses everyone's mind, some more than others.

Like souls that reach levels of awareness, their infringements get smaller and their life gets
better and with appreciation, an upward spiral once awake.
Those who come to the understanding that there is a bigger picture know better.
For healthy normal people suicide is a big deal and they are shown the agony they have left
behind---for some that torment is infinitely worse than the reason that cause them to kill
They always beg to undue (undo ?) the travesty but it’s not allowed---most are returned to
earth within minutes of killing themselves and given a whole new set of challenges---most of
the people on this planet don’t have it easy and most live in real hellish conditions---for those
who can’t handle the easy stuff---it don’t get easier.
There are exceptions for suicide---terminal illness, coma, honour, are a few.
Most suicides are done out of spite---to get even with a parent, lover, friend, society etc.
Suicide is mostly a selfish or vengeful act and not a sign of giving up. Some suicides are from
desperation, pain, and other reasons. Our guides know why we do what we do and always put
that into the equation.
The guides do attempt to derail the suicide with fear and guilt tactics, whatever they can do
they will do including placing other options into their minds, but they will not remove the
reason to do it---until the person makes the choice to abort their plan---then the reasons
usually melt away---as do all problems when confronted.
Suicides without a good reason are unacceptable and in some cases are returned immediately
after they are shown the pain they caused to others who may have loved them. They are not
returned to their old body but have to start over again as a baby. When we originally come in
we are destined to a certain life, if we try and escape vie suicide our next life could be in a
much worse environment, like third world.
Freewill allows for suicides by “some”---and some humans can make those calls. Once we
make decisions we deal with the consequences of those decisions. It’s a perfect system
designed for imperfect souls.
Suicides are seen for what they are and nothing more. Some suicides are legitimate. Most are
not. Breaking out of prison before doing our time does come with penalties and additional
prison time, not less.

Suicide bombers:
Souls are indestructible and survive completely whole. Most of them watch the explosion
while out of their bodies before it happens. Only those who cause the suffering will suffer the
full carnage of their own doing---over and over again----it’s truly a never ending hell for the
suicide bombers.
If these people had any idea what kind of hell they are going to enter into they would never in
a million years do such hateful and deranged acts.
Innocent victims assuming they are not carrying evil baggage of their own will be instantly
transported to a place we know as heaven---zero pain and surrounded by pure love.
Those who survive these horrendous attacks and remain on earth will have to work through
new challenges.

I paint a nice picture of what’s to come after here to encourage those who believe that life has
nothing to offer----but this life is very important and what you do with it will determine where
you end up next---use this life wisely.

Everything is a machine---plants, animals, even basic matter----souls are the only exception.

This planet is fine but it is way low on the intergalactic scale concerning things to do---like
comparing a small town of 200 people with a city like New York.
Most people living in the western world are clueless to how bad many people on this planet
have it, more than four billion people live way below poverty----
So the rest might count their blessing if they live above the poverty line.
Strangely enough more people in the west and well-off communities commit suicide, and sit
around waiting for death than those who live on the edge of hell in Third World countries.

One can say that the mode T Ford has evolved and split into many lines of Ford cars over the
decades----humans were behind that evolution---not luck or chance.
Humans haven’t evolved over the centuries----there were different species of humans
throughout the centuries and there still are.

The Homo sapiens of today were the homo sapiens of yesterday----humans haven’t changed
only their surroundings, cultures and technology have.

ET doesn’t do everything for us we are here for a purpose----but that purpose is not
necessarily the occupation we find ourselves in----but it may be.

Our purpose is anything that helps us move forward in this life

If you can get through the illusion of difficulties we all are presented with and remain happy
and content you have achieved your purpose
Everything else is filler.

We are not a civilization we are individuals living in a civilization-----we are not a colony of
ants or a herd, or robots, nor zombies-----we are each unique individuals with souls forged in
celestial furnaces by the gods.
We enter this planet alone and we leave it alone----we don t come and go as a society, herd or
No civilization acquire anything on their own, intelligence or technology----just like we have
children, and our children have children, each generation of parents takes care of their
children----otherwise there would be no children.

Individuals are free to get from point A to point B however they choose-----how they do it
will determine their next test and eventually their next hunting ground in the galaxy.

There has never been a day without wars in some corner of the world----
There are dozens of wars going on as we speak
The only wars that make headlines are the conflicts super powers get involved with----
because those are the ones with the most consequences.

If you manage to dodge all the bad things life will throw at you and maintain a healthy and
positive perspective on life-----you have achieve more than 95% of the world population----
and that takes some doing
Effective people are those that don’t lose their cool in the battle of life
Most people lose their focus at the first hint of trouble and never regain it----living the rest of
their lives as unproductive and cynical people-----in effect they have wasted their lives and
opportunities to help themselves and others----not a good thing in the big picture.

People on this planet are here because they are not perfect
The trip to perfection is a long and treacherous journey----and not achieve easily in one life---
--most people require many lifetimes to get there.
Much of the world is focused today on what they perceive to be the wicked witch of the west-
---sixty years ago ET used the west to stop Japan, Germany, and Italy in their tracks.
Now the West is the bad guy.
Anyway, there is no bad or good-----only learning experiences----it’s really that simple
What you do in any situation you find yourself in----determines what you are made of
The blame game is an earth level activity-----child’s play with no winners.

Reaching perfection on earth is a rarity----but you can move on from here to other more
challenging planets.
How many perfect people have you run into or read about throughout history? I’m not talking
about those who think they are perfect----that would be at least half the population if not

Do you think that the human mind is perfect? Evolution’s greatest masterpiece?
In the big picture the human mind is no more than a calculator----processes numbers and
probabilities----human minds are barely conscience----their only purpose in life is to ask
questions----who am I----what’s my purpose in life-----is this all there is-----what does that
remind you of?-----perhaps an inquisitive child----and I’m talking about adult minds.
I’m not denigrating----only pointing out facts.

Search and you will find----is a legitimate statement----everyone is searching and most will
not find-----and that’s not important----but they will get a big surprise when they wake up
from this life.

High IQ is a gift as is everything-----those who use it wisely are better equipped to deal with
this life----and therefore if they chose to, influence in positive ways other travelers on this
journey called life.

All life forms have consciousness but to what level I don’t know-----many machines that
accompany ETs have the same kind of awareness that animals display yet they are nothing but
smart equipment that perform services-----in a way similar to what pets provide-----
companionship, protection, entertainment, and helpful like seeing eye dogs, or beasts of
burden like horses, mules etc.
All life forms are sophisticated machines without souls, however a soul is a soul----and a soul
can enter into any machine including pets and insects-----for a verity of purposes including
entertainment or punishment----the machine one enters into determines what that soul can or
can’t do-----anything less than a human life can be a very boring and tedious existence for a
Most machines are autonomous robots and function without anyone at the controls-----the
human machine is the exception, it is designed specifically for a soul.
Most non human physical bodies are soulless they operate on a high level of intelligence what
we call artificial intelligence or instinct-----one and the same btw-----yet souls can enter them-
---but usually for a short duration
There is no such thing as soulless behavior you are either a soul or a toaster-----insects and
animals are complex forms of toasters.

Humans are wired to reproduce and have fun with sex----breaks the monotony of this life.
Lust is a form of love and it takes two people to create a baby even if it’s by accident or in-
Humans don’t create souls----and creating a baby is a no-brainer----some don’t even know
how it happens.
Not important, the body knows how to procreate without much human input.
Humans did not create the human body----the human body is self perpetuating----sex is the
Transsexuals are in the correct body, they are simply unconventional while on this plain of
existence---it’s not a soul issue, it’s more of a character choice that some get to make when
entering this world---some get to make---not all.
We humans were created with many sexual bells and whistles with lots of biological hardware
and software to run those sexual desires and fantasy programs, all normal humans have them,
like it or not.
For humans and some other higher brained mammals like dolphins, sex is more than a
procreation mechanism, it’s made for fun---and like drinking it should be done responsibly.
Sex as any human emotion can be abused and perverted. But we do more harm to others when
we over do the love emotion---how many lovers have fallen into zealous love traps? How
often do we spoil and ruin our children with love? ---love has done more harm than sex ever
Everyone is someone’s orgasm.
Sex is a pacifier for the lower level entities like humans.
There are two reasons why sex was created---procreation and fun---there are no restrictions on
either other than law and common sense.

Breeding is the cheapest way to get physical living stuff into this plane of existence and keep
it propagating---so insects do it, animals do it, plants do it, humans do it, and so do we.
Sex is a gift not a temptation---and is only evil if used for evil purposes----sex itself is never
evil---however, people can be evil with anything they think they have control over.

Is sex a bad thing when over used?

When we over eat we get fat---sex burns fat. Nothing wrong with sex or how much we have.
Sexuality is a large part of life on many levels above human, where it is pleasure without the
procreation angle. The higher up we go the less work we need to do and there is plenty of
time for the fun stuff, sex being only a part of the large pie of delightful diversions.
Sex is the most misunderstood and maligned human emotion in all of human history. Certain
religions have misconstrued the original writings and confused the sinful lust for multiple
pagan gods for human sexual relations---somehow that got twisted around and created havoc
in the minds and lives of millions of people in the past as well as today.
What we call sex is nectar from heaven, some of us feel squeamish about it because of
upbringing or other beliefs.
The fact is our sexual bodies were created by higher beings, beings who resided in places we
refer to as heaven or nirvana or whatever.
Our sexual pleasures are but a very small taste of what these entities exist in all the time---we
touch the hem of heaven while in sexual ecstasy
Can sex be misused and perverted---like all good things yes it can.

Why all the disease and danger created around sex? It is contradictory. Why has sex become
a cesspool for the germies?
Earth is not heaven, and is more like hell, and not everyone is allowed to touch the hem of
heaven just because they have the sexual equipment.
Sex is a gift for most and a nightmare for others. It doesn’t add anything to the soul other than
some temporary delight, like a candy bar. In other words lots of whoopee doesn’t earn us a
favoured place in heaven---- only a taste of higher delights.
Sex is not a sin, but what we do with it can be because many problems in this world are sex
related---jealousy, hate, envy, perversions, rape, and murder.
Two reasons for sex, procreate and entertainment
Sex is not the big deal some humans have made it out to be---it’s hardware that comes with
our bodies, and our desires is software loaded into us---some people have perverted their
software but overall most sex is natural---designed by those who created our bodies---the gods
are laughing at how complicated we make the simple things in life. Ok they are not really
laughing because it’s not funny, it is sad.
Sexual energy is not built up spiritually energy. Lust is normal human energy, nothing
negative about it unless we make it negative.
Far too many humans have taken sexuality the wrong way. Sex is only one more element in
the human tool box, not much more. There is nothing sinful about it.
Sex is not sinful it's a gift. We lose when we take advantage of others for personal gain or

Are all humans; males and females, genetically predisposition to being a bi-sexual? I'm
guessing yes. Considering that back in Ancient times, all humans' had was sex, kind of like
Yes, it's suppressed in most.

If the universe is balanced by polar opposites, positive, negative, male, female, yin and yang,
why does homosexuality exist?
The universe is not part of the neurosis of positive, negative, yin or yang, that's a 3D deficit.
Homosexuality exists in the animal world, and so do humans. It's a function, a glitch, in the
sex hormone software. But it does have some soul element/ issue, too. Hey, I'm trying to be
politically correct here.
Homosexuals move up or down the ladder of eternity for the same reasons as do all other
souls. I speak as a heterosexual, not bi, nor have I experimented. We 3Ds place way too much
baggage on sexuality because of misunderstood and deliberately manipulated religious stories.
When fornication was used in biblical times they were talking about fornicating with pagan
religions, had nothing to do with sex. But over the centuries sex was demonized because of it.
Now we have AIDS, which would seem like punishment for homosexuals. But the fact is
many homosexuals are not being punished by it and many heterosexuals are. It is a plague,
and like all plagues throughout history it serves a purpose. There is something more to AIDS
that I will not get into, but damnation is not what it's all about, well, maybe partly.

Porn is a reflection, a product of a sexually repressed society, Freud was correct. We can't
repress our love for sex, it's unnatural.
Sex is a toy as is work, hobbies, studies, learning, etc, they are all toys. And have little
meaning in the big picture. What carries meaning is what we do with the toys we play with.
Do we damage others with our toys? Are we hateful, jealous of other people's toys? Stuff like
that. Toys themselves are not the problem, how we act is.
Lust is software. How we use our software is where some of us get into trouble. Cheating on a
lover is bad, I think most of us know and understand that.

There are many people brought into this world who already know about what exists and what
the real truth is. But it will take many lifetimes for some to wake up.
No one can discover everything in a single life time----do first graders figure it all out their
first year in school? And even after college or high school learning is a constant requirement
to move forward in this life and all the rest.
Without ET’s help nothing happens----ET is the extended family
It’s a big universe and a very big consciousness----the higher you go the more you can grasp.

Humans are placed into baby bodies so that they have a new slate to work from without the
distractions of other lives or experiences.

Everything is possible----but not while a human.

This planet is not behind [anything] it is exactly where is should be----all the problems in this
world are here to be resolved----most will do good to resolve their own problems----if that’s
all they are up to doing then that is fine.

Perhaps the only thing you have to do while on this planet is finish school, find something
you are interested in and make the best of it, get married and have a family----enjoy this life
as much as you can----and stop worrying about all the details
Isn’t that what life should be about? -----not worrying about every little thing 24/7.

Everybody is full of questions about life-----relax and enjoy the ride-----you're not going to
know everything because human brains are blocked so take what you can use and move on
with your life----life really is not that big of a deal.

No one is stopping you from enjoying this life but if you screw it up you will get many more
chances to make things right
Just like in this life there are people that fail but they get back on the horse and keep going----
that’s what it is all about----never giving up.

Everything you say is recorded for eternity and you will have to make amends for your evil

The human race is not doomed----it is made of up hundreds of generations and each
generation gets to experience certain things----your children will venture further into space
than your generation----and their children even further----your generation will be part of
building the first structures on the moon and perhaps on Mars but the vast majority of your
generation will not venture into space at all.

Human bodies are what they strap the soul into like a seatbelt on a car-----so that we can
experience life on earth----the challenges and everything that goes with individuals lives.

We are here to learn and to prove to ourselves what we are made of-----and you can’t do that
in a perfect utopian world.

Nothing happens without ET’s knowledge or input----sounds cruel but no one said this planet
was heaven-----for some it’s like hell.

All humans have the capacity to know inside their soul, the first step to unlocking that
information is believing it’s possible
The only danger is that if you become too enlightened while on earth you also can become on
outcast because you still have to live around people that are not----and people are
uncomfortable around people that are different.
Your true life is here also----what you do on this plane of existence is part of what you are----
knowing the real truth is not essential but it helps.

Is there a common vision for the future of mankind that is shared by us collectively?
Peace and survival-----which neither can be achieved.

Are we destined to become spiritually self aware in our physical life?

Some want to believe that but how many of us see that happening in the people around us?

There is a lot of verity in music on this planet and a number of ETs from across the galaxy
here, however we are in a primitive state of being and our tastes are much different-----I don’t
recall hearing elevator music while going up.
Music is vibrations and so are we and ET too. All music and sounds hit a cord with someone.
The higher we move up the scale the more vibes we become aware of and interact with, for no
other reason than pure pleasure. We get but a mere taste of it with the music we love here in
3D land.
Music is a vibration, and so are we, that’s why we jive with it.
Is what we see as life a symphony to ET’s?
They love it when we finally tune out the distractions and tune in to the music of what life is
really about, which is joy---finding it and holding on to it is what it’s all about.
Do we as humans with our ears get a sorry tiny little taste of what music really is?
Many of us get a sorry little taste of what life could be, and should be.
Music is energy---and depending on what kind it is determines if it’s good energy or bad
Musical enjoyment is sometimes based on past experiences.

Yes, humans in a reincarnation type situation keep working at each life until they get it right
and then move on to the next level.

On this planet pain, fear, terror, and psychopaths are part of the program----it’s an incentive to
keep us moving forward and keeping our nose clean
Everyone will die it’s the only way to get to the next level----up or down.

Our situation is not by chance or just plain bad luck----which btw there is no such thing.
In ET’s world----which everyone is a part of----sickness and pain are tools
They know your predicament, and they know how to fix you-----and regardless of what you
think that is what they are doing----sometimes they incorporate the medical profession but not
everyone in this world has access to it.

We all are strangers in this land-----some have been here before others have been sent down
here-----until they get it right.

ETs do expect you to do well----and everyone down deep inside knows what that means
We are protégés, students, family----some of us have gone astray but no matter which road
you take they all lead home.
Have you met anyone who couldn’t use more money? Money is a gift and a curse----but
mostly a gift----life really sucks without it and billions on this planet know the sting of
Most that have money haven’t looked for it----those that look for it hardly ever finds it.
Money is a funny thing---no one really knows where the bigger part of it comes from----nor
where the bigger part goes. I wish some of it would came my way---

We are not here to impress ET or God, or anyone else for that matter----but if you do the
drinks our on you-----

It helps to have someone on the other side----family or friends that have passed away and
have achieved a level that allows them those privileges----they would be the tour guide.
But that’s a two edged sword, they could use that time to chew you out----they call it tough
You don't know why you are here-----they do.
We are not pawns for ETs; we are what they use to be.

.There are many false prophets, here is a short list: Stalin, Hitler, Jim Jones...
All these people promised that they would change the world-----and in fact they did-----but as
we know not for the good.
Proclaiming to love god doesn’t make one special, and in some instance makes them good
suicide bombers
They too are going to change the world.
Every time someone comes along and states that they are going to change the world what they
really means is that they want to rule the world.

Each time you come back even with a purpose you still have that pesky freewill to deal with--
--if you choose to smoke or jump in front of a moving car you will alter the original contract.
Remembering has nothing to do with anything----other than it can give you an advantage----
sometimes you get them but mostly you don’t.

ET never makes mistakes-----humans make a career out of making them

Most of us know----it’s called gut feeling, instinct or intuition-----all of those are gifts that
clue us into many things without giving us all the details of the big picture known as life.

If you avoid cancer causing things you may not get cancer, but if you did everything right and
still got cancer, then it was part of the deal-----death is an exit from this board game and we
don’t always get to finish the game especially if we have detracted from it to a point that
going further is pointless.

Nothing is wasted, all that we have, money included is given or taken from us----according to
our purpose in this life.
And millions die from cancer and a host of other things and reasons every day.

Everything in this game called life is an illusion-----what we do in this illusion is real and we
take that with us when we leave.

There is no pitcher, we enter and leave this stage alone.

Earth is precisely a romper room proving ground.

Many of the people you meet in this life you shared lives with them in other planets and other
times on this planet.

Life is a combination of fate and freewill----and there is no contradiction

We are pretty much all the same but at different levels of awareness----most that are free to
travel the galaxy don’t need to be controlled they know what is right and wrong
Nothing gets under the radar for humans or ET from the collective conscious.

Earth is a playpen-----try telling a child that the toy he is playing with is a useless waste of his
or her time
All the toys we get to play with do help us grow----so they are not a waste of time.

Most people don’t like the idea that earth is a playpen, they prefer to think of it as a hell-hole-
---it’s actually both----but no one has to believe what I write.

Life is not a reward for everyone, for some it is self-imposed punishment.

You choice is your choice, and what you do with those choices will determine if you return to
the hellhole you created for yourself or move on to something more to your liking the next
time around----assuming you don’t figure it out while you’re here now.

ET is not going to fix your problems for you or the Van Goghs of the world----they gave him
a talent----and they gave the world the painting he produced
No one grabs you and shoves genius into your head----you have to go out and work for it---
and you might get lucky and they will give you something----but happiness is elusive----that
is one thing you have to get on your own.

ET provides opportunities what we do with those fleeting opportunities determine who we


Our souls know that we are not alone and when we are in fear we cry out for this unknown
power to help us----and they do hear because no one is ever alone in this world.

Conquering fear is the reason for being down here on earth for most people----everyone has to
fight some form of fear
But fear and pain also have a purpose we don’t stick our hand into fire because it hurts, and
we don’t do stupid things like walking on a ledge of a high building for fear of falling----
unless those are specific things you wish to master
All fear is illusion and nothing can hurt our souls unless we are evil or pursue evil things and
thoughts---hate and envy are the two main stumbling blocks that get people into trouble
If you are a good person and have no hate in you then you have nothing to fear----including
silly spirits.

You have heard the term “life is a stage”----well life is a stage----so put on the best act you
can while you are here.

You are not part of an experiment and ETs are not tracking you---they can follow us around
and remain completely invisible.
We all belong to the same family----I know that doesn’t necessarily mean anything here on
earth----but it does in the big picture.
Life on earth for the vast majority is not pleasant, neither is boot camp.
For example take one classroom full of children----some children are disciplined more than
others---and some are not disciplined at all.
Same with life on earth.

Fully enlightened souls don’t frequent places like earth----not that they are “too good” for
earth but they are occupied at high levels----most of the people on earth live in Third World
countries-----do those humans higher up the food chain go live amongst them?----A few do
but they do it for their own spiritual needs.

Existence, as we humans obviously don’t know, it is far stranger than anything we can
imagine while in this life
Everything we call “physical realms” like what we have here on earth is really not physical
but illusion and everything we call or believe to be spiritual, ephemeral, apparitional is in
reality real and more physical that this existence or life.

Why ET shows things like the tsunami to some people before they happen yet don’t let them
do anything about it is because for one nothing happens by accident----nor via the so called
“act of nature”
Some people carry the burden of guilt perhaps believing that they could have done something
to warn before it happened----some think these things are warnings from the gods to get our
collective 6.5 billion people act together----like that is even possible----we all have our own
ideas and we all see things a little differently----and most of us see hype in the camps we
don’t agree with
ET shows these things as they do many other fantastic phenomena as a means to give a little
peek behind the curtain of illusion that this life is, which most of those stuck in this life are
clueless about.

Human brains are transmitters therefore every thought is picked up by ETs

They ignore most requests for obvious reasons; this planet is not a theme park and most of
them are here doing certain jobs.
They understand our individual situations and they know that everyone will get their invoice
or bonus points at the checkout counter.

ETs are behind our inspirations, our technology, and everything that makes the world what it

People are placed into certain situations----pain and suffering are secondary concerns to the
broader reality of life experiences.

Regret of opportunities lost is the end result for those clothed in the muck of arrogance and
stupidity----few escape the allure of those two great transgressions because down deep inside
we all crave to be bad----that’s why we are here----didactic me my unintentional nature.

It’s no accident that the human body is a pain machine it was made that way----today we are
fortunate, we can only take so much and the body dies----in the old days that was not the case-
---and the wardens could place an entity into a human body or even into the body of an
animal----and they could be killed or tortured indefinably
This planet remains a prison, some have it easier than others----and no one escapes----suicides
are returned immediately or sent to a similar planet elsewhere. But there are exceptions for
some suicides and for others
This planet is a prison because few can chose to leave it---but many people are here to learn
something----not necessarily to expand their understanding of the big picture----that’s not
important for the vast majority----countless humans are not here to learn anything they are
simple incarcerated, doing time and once they leave they will be returned to this planet
without knowing or vacation time in between the two lives
I can nonchalantly talk about things of this nature because most will not or cannot believe----
and that’s a good thing.

There is a fine line between punishment and proving ground----the best swords are those that
get lots of heat and pounding.

You are here for a different reason than me or anyone else so the answer to your personal
problems has to come from you----somehow you have to determine what is broke and try to
fix it----fixing it is secondary trying to fix it is primary----but most of our problems are
connected to some level of hate and some level of envy.

Some individual in this planet are free, many are not and most are simply doing time----one
might call that pre-destination.

Because the universe is generous with us it only seems right that we are also generous with
the gifts we have----not to say that we can’t reap the rewards of our labor
We can never be overly generous and each of us will reap what we sow---good or bad.

Here on earth the vast majority live no better than animals. The main difference is that those
on the other side know that resources of the mind are limitless, here many believe that they
came from slim and others believe they must live impoverished lives to appease the gods----
Each of us have the power of superman and each one of us is as wealthy as our brethren on
the other side----filthy rich with unlimited resources
No one can make a flower bloom, the flower must bloom on its own----no one on this planet
can hold anyone down---the power to shine or not too shine is within each of us.

Each soul came into this world alone and each soul will have to find its way out of the muck
on its own----some people appear to have advantages and that’s because they do---they came
in at a higher level.

Earth is not utopia, earth is a proving ground for those who want to get to utopia----however
everyone is capable of improving their own lives considerably while here on earth if they pick
up on the clues all around them.

When we begin to use our minds and not abuse them we become aware of the bigger picture--
--there is no need or lack, those are illusions to keep people in their place---wallowing in self-
pity and despair
We can break free of those chains or remain in them with the rest of the congregation.
We as humans are aware of many things----poverty, war, hunger, greed, loss of loved ones----
being aware of those things don’t make us happy---but those are things some have learned to
live with.

Careful what you ask for because we always get what we ask for----sooner or later.

ETs could end hunger and poverty and wars and diseases and make this planet a utopia---but
they are not going to----however they are going to slack up on it and make things better than
they are now but we still have a couple of speed bumps to pass over before that happens.
The religious wars are the main bumps----and like everything they have to play themselves
out---many weak souls will get the opportunity to show what they are truly worth. Weak souls
are not worth much and they will prove that to themselves by their actions---combat/terrorism
brings out the worst and the best in people.
The other main bump is the resistance to change, too many people fear the future and are
reluctant to let technology lead the way.

It’s a planet for many things as well as a prison and place for punishment for many souls that
did not come here of their own freewill, they are incarcerated here.

Everyone, regardless of the reasons they are here are free to get off the roller coaster---
mentally speaking if they chose to----but that can take a lot of will power for some.

Our experience here is extremely important.

Truth is persistent and will eventually breakthrough the toughest barriers----some people find
it early and therefore move forward sooner others take longer and require more life times on
planets like earth before they make contact with the truth.

Those who are here strictly for punishment are blocked from leaving and will depending on
why they are here have to do several tours before they can get out
Many are in their last stages of their reincarnation cycles and many are here for learning
purposes and will leave this earth once they achieved their goal, and some are on vacation.

If the horse your riding isn’t taking you were you want to go get on a different horse.

It takes power to restrain consciousness----once we are free of our bodies we become

infinitely more aware.
The body is the power plant that keeps the brain alive and the soul entrapped---and restricted.

We humans have the ability to love----we just don’t have a good handle on it----and we are
stingy with the little love abilities we do have.
Yes, we show our worth by displaying love to other Earthlings, if it true and only ET and the
person know.
Love is energy on to itself which few humans on this level have yet to truly experience---
because life gets in the way---lol
But we do “not” eventually become one large mass of love---we remain individuals.
Love is what we were made from, and we crave it because most of us down here don’t get
enough of it.
Love is a tricky substance, we are willing to give it only if we get it---but it don’t work that
way, we have to give it unconditionally to get it, and when we stop or cut back in the giving
department we in turn get cut off.
Love is what we want to receive in abundance, but stingy we are sharing it. Love is not
punching the lights out of someone that pissed you off, instead forgive them. Do that enough
times and your cup will overflow, and people will love you for it. Love is not about receiving
but about giving. Giving the little things to those around us, like understanding, forgiveness,
be an asset, not a burden. Whatever makes life more enjoyable, go to the park with the kids,
not the bar with the buddies kind of thing.
Love is something that develops over space and time. Infatuation is what most people get
initially. If it's mutual, then you start building a relationship, one brick at a time.
Love is knowing someone near and dear are temporary gifts. Love is the fear of losing those
precious gifts.
In 3D land love is more a selfish thing than a real deal thing. We love those who love us, and
or we love to fill a hole in our souls. Yes we do care for those we love... but often on our
terms and with conditions. Pure love on the other side is far different than the stuff we
embroil ourselves in down here. Much hate and despair comes from broken love, or loss of
love, or loss of a loved one. That could never happen in "real" love.
It's easy to give love, difficult to receive it. Focus on giving it and if you get some back it's a
plus. We are all soul mates but that don't mean we can stand to live under the same roof.

Killing for reward real or imagined is a good indication of what a soul is made of.

How can a person know if they are on vacation or if they should involve themselves in a
religious war?
Most are not aware consciously but down deep they know.

If you think you are on the right track then most likely you are.

Certainly America is the only super power and can be clumsy with other countries here on
earth but when compared to ET we are ants---the smallest ones.

Do we live in a fish bowl or a toilet bowl?

Depends on one’s perspective, the fish don’t think they live in a toilet.

For any of us to move to other levels in this galaxy we will have to prove we care about our
fellow man and woman---you don’t skate free---and if you do it will be into oblivion
The world is filled with Lego toys and we can play with them and construct things with them-
--and also be proud of our achievements if we wish
I understand that sounds demeaning and condescending but it’s a fact that will be apparent to
all humans before the end of this century---you find out now or later---that’s the way it is.

We learn about ourselves by the way we interact and treat others; everything else is
entertainment or whatever else we manage to make out of our life with what we are given.
External influences put us into situation that test us---but no matter how bad someone believes
they have it, it's all illusion---and someday that soap bubble of illusion will burst and you will
find yourself somewhere else, perhaps in another part of the galactic space we all live in

There is an advantage of knowing certain things like there is no death and life keeps getting
better the higher we climb that ladder.
If you were in jail do you think you would feel like you fit in?

Still, it's way better to know what is going on out there than remaining in a bleak life and
believing it will never get any better than this---man does it get better for most !

Nothing can easy the mind of a parent when it concerns the death of a child.

The whole gamut is available to people on this earth, only dependent on what level they are
at---many will not know until they expire
We are all spiritual beings even here on earth, our bodies---ball and chain—vibrates at a lower
frequency than our soul---we are being held in place by inferior matter---

You are free to achieve and pursue whatever it is you wish---but most of the work must come
from you---and there is no guaranty of success.
To be fair I will tell you that many come into this planet with certain talents, privileges, and
gifts that they have earned before hand---and they basically step into their privileged positions
as they grow up.
There most certainly are those that are “Gifted” and “privileged:” Einstein, Tesla, Beethoven,
Galileo, and the list is endless---they came to earth with their gifts intact---they only had to
unlock them with a little key, the rest of us need a much bigger key to unlock whatever it is
we have---lol
We are all free to reach for the stars, and many will catch a ride to greatness from shear blood,
sweat, tears and determination---that’s a gift we all have
But those that come in with their gifts---they don’t have to make the same effort---because
they have already earned it before coming here---
There is no free lunch, and everyone will earn what they have.
Talents and any advantage uploaded into our lives before we come down here is pure
privilege and a gift to make the best with while here. Some squander their gifts and deprive
themselves and the world around them of perhaps a new invention, prose, song, leadership,
Some of us come here with all the ingredients ready to go, gifts earned in other lives---but
they can be squandered. Others will need to work hard and long to do or achieve what they
want---not having earned it---until they make it happen, which is allowed.
Are we allowed to carry them over to another lifetime?
Depends if we are advancing or regressing
We humans in truth are in possession of preexisting gifts, talents, not of our own doing---I
like throwing around the phrase “there is no free lunch” which is true to a point, but the fact is
everything is free and for the taking, or borrowing---most just don’t know that.
You have full access to your abilities without entering into the machinery behind them.
Where is the line between inspired acts (creativity) and free will. If I consciously choose to
hit a sequence of piano keys, how is this an act which a higher form of life has
Did you build the computer---your brain that sends those electrical signals to your hand to hit
the keys? Did you or did your brain accumulate the info that got you to where you are now---
experimenting with the piano keys?
Who inside your subconscious mind provided you with inspiration, choices to pick from,
ability to know what sounds right and what doesn’t?
You are free to pick the good from the bad---that is free will.
Some do come here with past talent or are given talent when they come to good old planet
What's the scoop on kids and their talents...?
Some of us come here with most of the software pre installed and only need unwrap it to
expose it.
Are we given talents and gifts borrowed from our most recent past life to use or fix?
Yes and no, but most don’t, we usually get a whole new set of toys to challenge us, to make
us better or worse.
Talent is a gift we enjoy and share, even in hell. Like Bob Hope would take his troupe of
actors into battle zones to entertain the troops.
A gift from the gods is simply a job description, those who make music are not the “music”---
they are only doing a job. Same with all gifts and talents that help or affect other humans
A super star gets a rude awakening when they wake from this life, and realize that their gift
was simply a gift and a job, nothing more.

Are thoughts, the tools we are given in the toolbox of our minds?
Our capacity to love, hate or be indifferent are the tools of the brain. They are pre-
programmed into our hard drive, and we use whichever suits us at any given moment.

Stealing is another matter and comes with consequences.

I don’t advocate snitching. I grew up in a neighbourhood were turning someone in was a
quick way to get hot lead into your head. And most people look down on whistle blowers
unless it’s against a competing politician or corporate CEO---
In America those in need can get assistance if they want it---some people don’t want it---my
parents for instance---they refused welfare even though we were always hungry and our
clothes old. Interestingly enough, my friends who did live in public housing and on welfare
have continued to do so.
All my friends’ shoplifted candy and toys, things they didn’t really need, I seldom had toys or
candy but never felt the need to steal---yet it never bothered me that they stole---it was the
The bottom line we all have to draw those lines on how much we are willing or able to
tolerate in this life. Because there will always be a reason to do something if we really want to
do it, or overlook it.
We have to make these crazy tough calls---and depending on our level of consciousness will
determine how difficult those calls will be.
We are not here to judge and police every negative petty activity of others that cross our
paths---the big stuff is another matter.
Stealing is a funny thing unless it’s your stuff that’s getting lifted---
We feel it most when some thief has the audacity to enter our home and trash our treasured
valuables and personal belongings----for a few items that will be sold for a few dollars on the
streets for drugs or booze.
Even law abiding folk can justify stealing when it’s small like a paper clip from a filthy rich
CEO, or an apple from a small mom and pop grocery store for a hungry mouth.
Robbing Hood is popular more so in our day than in the past when the need was more real.
When I was growing up in my very tough and rough neighborhood some of the food on our
table was provided by one of the dons in a “social” club across the street from where we lived.
My parents didn’t take charity from the government but they did take it from some shady
characters now and then, perhaps they made them a deal they couldn’t refuse---lol
So where do we draw the line on the hot merchandise ?
That’s for each one of us to decide.
Buying hot stuff knowingly is worse than stealing it. Those who steal take certain chances
that those who buy, don't. Stealing comes with a high cost and few exceptions are allowed for
it. Many of us have stolen something, mostly little things around the office at work. That
doesn't carry the same penalties but it is dishonest, and that does. Catholics can go to
confession and say a few hail Marys, the rest of us have to make amends somehow. Best do it
while still alive.

The best way to happiness is making other people happy, but that’s not always possible.
Nevertheless happiness is contagious and it’s a good thing whenever we can create it for
ourselves and then spread it to others.
We are here to be happy and make others happy---if at all possible---even those under
sentence are free to be happy if they so wish---even if being burnt at the stake---the mind is a
powerful machine for those who figure out how to us it.

Earth is not our home, it’s a transition to other more fantastic existence---but our time on earth
is extremely important, otherwise we may not make it to the other neat places.

From what I’m told it’s impossible for humans to leave this solar system while in their
corporal bodies, and only ETs have the technology to do that on a large scale.

Earth is not utopia---people have to die and go through certain experiences---depending on

why they are here in the first place.
No one is on earth by accident---everyone was put here for a reason.

It’s much easier to handle before the teens, it's almost normal---but once the mind becomes
use to earth it blocks out much of reality and the past existence---and life becomes
intimidating---and the ETs equation that much more so.

Believe me my friend you have seen planets too, and will again---they certainly didn’t create
the solar system exclusively for my pleasure---lol

Certainly this planet could use a bit of shaking up---and in fact it gets quite a bit of shaking up
with all the wars, poverty, and the far to many people with that couldn’t give a crap attitude.
There is no easy answer for this quagmire, and I definitely don’t have one.

ETs mutate sperm/embryos to keep genetic generation weakness from happening---or to make
it happen---there are several variations of human bodies in this solar system---every body is
customized to fit the person or entity---even here on earth---

There is nothing unique about earth; there are bazillions of similar planets in our galaxy alone
Nevertheless, those that throw thrash out of their cars and pollute the streets of our cities will
be sent to garbage dump planets to live---well they should be---lol

The great thing about this planet is that no one can be forced to do what they don’t want to
do---tempted yes.
In the end we prove what we are made of by what we have done to, or for, others---in our
everyday lives---no one need become a missionary to accomplish the simple things. Have you
picked your colors for the new planet yet?

People have greatly under estimated what heaven is really about

Earth is part of heaven, one room in a mansion filled with bazillions of rooms---earth is like a
hall closet---once you get into the living room and kitchen---you will be blown away---that
where all the fun is

Taxes are earth base punishment---lol---and a means for inferior economic systems to operate

Inmates are free to lean, the smart ones get their college degrees via taxpayer dollars while
serving their time---the others only complain that it’s societies’ fault that they are what they
are and do nothing to improve themselves while they are in jail—most come right back once
they are let out---have you noticed?
Earth is a school and many will make something of themselves while here---others will only
complain about how bad they have it and not make any improvements while here---they will
be back----

As a matter of fact when we serve ourselves we miss out on upward mobility. Nevertheless,
our own well being is principal to the well being of those around us and those we touch.

Young children---some---remain connected to the other side and have frequent contact with
people they knew before being dropped off on this planet.

Why the human race is here?

That’s the 64 million dollar question---do I get the cash if I answer?---lol
It’s so simple that many will only laugh and I have said it many times before
We were all flown here some in huge ships cramped into them like sardines, from various
parts of the galaxy, tagged with work orders and provided with bodies and lives individually
designed for each and every one of us---all six and one half billion people---for only one
reason---drum roll please----
Not to prove anything to any god---wife, husband, children, parents, mother in law---wait,
scratch mother in law---
Simply to prove what we are made of to ourselves, let me say it again---ah forget it---

The meaning of life is simply to be good-for-nothin'?

How many people during your lifetime that you have met fit that description?
Obviously life is much more than that, but to know yourself is paramount---and it will
determine which planet you get to visit next.

Everyone of us have assignments, they are mostly personal assignments, and when they are
completed they---many get picked up by a strange craft and taken elsewhere for their next
assignment---some---most---will get “beamed” directly to another star system.

This earth experience is fleeting---best grab the important things in your life and make them
work---makes the next journey much easier.

Creativity doesn’t come from easy living, look at Van Gogh and other geniuses, some lived in
horrible conditions yet their craft thrived
There are many on the path to destruction---part of the free will [xxx] often highlights

Each physical body’s contract is a private matter, and we are not being exploited by anyone or
any entity---we rise and fall on our own.
None of us are here to lead anyone to anything, have you noticed how individualistic most
people are?
Some of us have stories to tell, about our lives or the lives of other people or situations---
history books are good examples---all anyone can do is give whatever information they have--
-and people will peruse the information and either discount it or take from it what they want
or need.

You are in the Twilight Zone now as are most humans here on earth, believe me your next
stop will be a much better place---nevertheless, no law against enjoying the Twilight Zone
while you are here---it will make Rod Sterling feel good---lol

There is no barrier around earth, it’s not needed. Humans can’t leave their bodies without

Earth is a stage, and we put on our best show---those higher up than Milton will review your
performance with you---like Simon

The massive lies/deception of the world's religions?

The true nature of world political leaders (evil, self-serving)?
The reality and scope of ritual child-sacrifices practiced today?
All those truths are self-evident for those inclined to understanding the reason for this life.
Unfortunately the façade of evil is necessary for certain sting operations for those not so
inclined to the purpose of this life. No one suffers needlessly more that fools.
Those doing are caught in their actions and some of those receiving have dues to pay from
previous indiscretions.
All of us will suffer on earth that is the price tag for being here---even those on vacation will
not slide completely by unscathed. Earth is filled with repeats from the first and second world
wars---repeats that have done unthinkable horrors to others---they are in turn being paid back
for past actions.

Everyone gets the best deal possible---no angels are sent here and the top brass allows for that

Only a fool doesn’t want the best for him or herself---a poor and broken man helps no one---
least himself.

Humans are, after all, just what God made them to be.
Well that’s the short and easy answer most of us want and will use as our defense while
standing outside the padlocked pearly gates---lol

Have you ever been to a prison? How many inmates believe they have been set up? It’s not
their fault they got caught hacking to death some old lade for the two dollars in her purse.

“That little kid starving in Korea”:

Even if and I say if, the child is here suffering for some past mistake---that does not preclude
us from offering to help the child---after all, humans showing love to their fellow humans is
one way to beat back darkness.
Shortly after my army days I was sitting in my apartment knocking down one beer after
another while watching television. During a commercial one of those organizations came on
showing starving children and pleading for people to make monthly commitments of fifteen to
twenty dollars every month.
I was not making much money back then and thought to myself I would have to cut back a
couple of cases of beer to make that payment---giving up my beer was not easy and I thought
long and hard on that one. Finally I decided that one or two six packs a week was worth
helping those children.
I’ve added several more to that list in the last 35 years, yet millions continue to starve.
Millions of people contribute billions of dollars every year to offset this seemingly growing
problem in the world to no avail
Do I advocate we stop trying because the problem continually overwhelms us? Of course not-
--nevertheless people are suffering not from lack of compassion but from lack of political
stability. And evil is perpetrated via politics---and my positions on politics in this world is
well known on this board---yet the world seems to be taking the side that perpetuates evil---in
my humble opinion

We should never do anything because it will win us points and grease our slide through
heaven’s door.
We should do things because it comes directly from the heart---if we become cold towards
those we deem unworthy of our kindness because they have been bad in this life or a previous
one---we demonstrate what we are made of.

Fingerprints serve a human purpose and lower level entities, higher ups know us via our non-
biological soul tag---which is also imprinted in our DNA.

A leaf is a machine, your body is a machine, and the cells in our bodies are machines.
The word machine has a negative connotation---perhaps because of the mob---lol
An atom is a machine and so is the universe and everything in it.

There is “a hidden, sleeping power that humans can activate in this life” and most of us hide it
between our ears

If you are aware of past discrepancies and changed you are free to put more tire on the road---
-but how much road to becoming normal depends on the gravity of the discrepancy---in other
words level of damage to other souls.

We all can sell our souls problem is their true value remains with the soul---there is nothing
tangible to say a Satan, in a person's soul.
Selling a soul in the literal sense of the word is not a possibility.
Now cheating yourself out of a good and prosperous life is allowed, but never encouraged by
the wardens---any warden abusing their powers will lose them immediately.

Life is our true education?

Like one grain of sand makes a beach---

There is maximum security and minimum security on this planet, many people are in
minimum security---and it may not feel like prison but they can’t up and leave without severe
There is a forth category but those in it are not asking questions they know why they are here.
Many want to know if they are working for ET in a subtle manor, or if they are being primed
for a future job---most of us are here to work out personal issues---slowly---over an
excruciating painfully drawn out time period---they say patience is a virtue---and a tough
puppy to earn, it is.

Awareness is gradual over time and depends on your level---the brain holds an infinite
amount of information yet most people cannot tap into it while in their bodies---same when
you are out of body. ---Info has to be unlocked for you---at this level.

There are humans on higher levels that are connected to a kind of solar system network. But
that’s a whole other can of worms I don’t want to go fishing in.

Belief in a god or lack thereof are not paramount to what we are and where we will go---a
shining soul moves up and a tarnished one moves down. It’s really that simple.

If you knew the size of your extended family on other planets and dimensions you would be
walking on cloud nine all the time---but then you might get distracted from focusing on this
Depending on if we are advancing or descending will determine who will be our family
companions---but not only family member are family many friends are true family from the
other side also----there are no coincidences.

We should treat everyone equally and love one another as our brother no matter what race,
religion, sex, etc. and love is the key...?
Seems like a great concept---but beware, if you talk such stuff many scoffers will attack you--
-few who try it will pass through those hot coals unscathed. The few that succeed will be
kicked off this planet, no longer worthy of being here---lol

We are all dying otherwise we never get off this crazy planet---lol

What is love?
Doing for others without expecting anything in return---nibbling on your spouse’s ear---
reading a book to your child when they ask you----when you would rather be nibbling on your
spouse’s ear.
Love is not something many of us get very often or very easily, it’s not a commodity to be
traded for, nor can it be bought at any price---at least not the real stuff. You say no one loves
you? Do you love anyone?
Tomatoes don’t grow without first planting the seeds. Btw tomatoes give me hives so I don’t
plant them anymore---lol

Those that don’t get to move on to better places often repeat another tour on earth or go to
another planet more suited for their particular situation. Some people linger in these lower
level type planets for long periods of time.
If I go into more detail everyone with a religious opinion will chime in and muck up this
thread more than they are now so I will not elaborate further on it.

ETs can see with our own eyes and witness everything we do. Kind of scary that every
biological optical device---eyes, including those mounted on insects and animals are
transmitting signals that are picked up by ET---everyone smile.
If the human has been on earth awhile he or she qualifies as native, perhaps.
These three basic categories of souls in humans on earth seem reasonable:
1. More advanced than human
2. Native human
3. Less advanced than human.

We are not all recycled souls, there are many fresh ones running around here on earth, you
may even have bumped into a few and wished you had not----

Can we commune with all of our earthly family/loved ones and settle scores before taking on
another body in another life?
Depends on what privileges one garners while stumbling around in this life.

You have a mission, and if it’s not a personal one it will make itself clear in time, but until
then it’s a personal mission and only you can figure out what that is.

Oh yeah, some of us are soulless machines, there is no shortage of humans that have thrown
in the towel because they believe the world cares nothing for them.
Unfortunately we are not here for the world to care about us----we are here to rise above our
personal feelings and perhaps show some concern for others---to plant seeds we have no
intention of reaping the fruit they yield---the more we do for ourselves the emptier we

Certainly there is plenty of gloom to go around and plenty of us hoping to be ruptured from
this dreadful place---and we all will be in due time---thousands will get there leave today and
every day more will follow.

It’s a smorgasbord here on earth concerning levels of awareness, many of us people like you
and others that already know there is something going on besides the puny things of this
world will retain these memories and more, and even have a choice on their next crib.

It all depends on the why you are here in the first place, volunteered, or sent. If volunteered
depends on your credentials---most volunteers have no idea until they leave that it was their
choice to be here.

People have always killed or sabotaged for ideals and beliefs---traits that go back to the bad
asses remain strong and desirable for many weak souls

Are they humans from the future on Earth?

The only humans on good old terra firma are those from the past---I’m here now in the year
2007 from the year 1952---and may or may not plow through a few more years into that
mysterious thing we call the future---

Some secrets must remain hidden, otherwise what purpose this life? Besides many answers
are between the lines for those so inclined.

I think some of us can guess what category [fun, punishment, etc] we fall under---
nevertheless, category means little because everyone is allowed to enjoy their lives regardless
of the conditions they find themselves in---every situation is 100% mental---and for those that
managed to access that power in their head---they can change the terms of the contract.
Nevertheless the picture I painted of Milton and the galaxy we exist in is accurate once we
upgrade to a higher version of mental software---however, ETs don’t give that upgrade out

Earth is a kind of soul plantation and as the soul grows it gets repotted in another container---

There are many ways to cultivate souls here on earth one only need look at the many different
cultures and standards of living we have on this planet.
Earth is not unique but it’s also not the only way it’s done---there is a lot of variation, some
more pleasant and some not---but not going further into other types

Be suspicious of anyone claiming to be you from another dimension, here on earth we call it
identity theft.

Each body all the way down to DNA is crafted to suit and fit each person---the ACLU is not
going to like that one.

Don’t think that those [souls] volunteering [to Earth] all live in beautiful healthy bodies---
many come in mangled up physically and mentally speaking---at least that’s how they are
viewed by other humans.

Why you are here has nothing to do with ETs and everything to do with you.

You have the power to rise to the heavens or fall straight down to places like earth or other
places that may be much worse---the key to the vehicle that will take you up or down is in
your hands alone.

You are here---and where you go from here is up to only one person---you
You may not believe that or accept that but nevertheless, it is true.
Until we force that finger to point away from everyone else and point it at ourselves the
problem will only get worse.

If you truly believe that the light side seemed like the bad guys if you looked deep into it, get
use to feeling the way you do because it could be a long and dreadful ride.

This life is more about our connecting in to and being more honest and forgiving of both
ourselves and others?
It’s so simple that the bulk of regret when we move to the other side is how much we have
wasted our lives in the small insignificant details, and needless worry.
There is no law against anyone enjoying themselves to the max---yet many of us feel guilty
every time we have a little fun (Within law and sound reason, this excludes evil intentions or
desires) ---go figure.

Your are being prepped, don't worry, be happy.

Why is that such a hard concept? Perhaps because misery loves company and those who have
it want everyone to have it too
A lot of people need only live well, and not step on other peoples' toes---not everyone is here
to prove themselves, they have already done it---you can tell by how your life has been and is
going---peace of mind is a key to where we stand in the scheme of things.

Is passive resistance to evil the right way to go against the overwhelming power of evil in the
world today?
Only if they have a better and workable economic plan than the one they are trying to replace,
which neither of them had---nearly a billion people starving to death is not a great legacy

There are several levels on this planet; there is no average time for the maturity of a soul, and
no way of knowing how long it takes to reach nirvana.

Death penalty : No one dies they go elsewhere therefore there really is no death penalty and
most criminals get sent right back---so they get a new start.
That’s a human issue and concept---death is not in the ET vocabulary---there is no death only
new situations.

Clarity is relevant to our stage in life---and at this stage we are clear on death and taxes and
everything in between.
If you are asking for clarity in Milton’s world you have to be at Milton’s level.

The only way to get something in this universe is to earn it---there are no deals or selling your
soul---no one wants or can have your soul.
Your soul is non negotiable and only has value to you.

There is no higher self, you are it, and if you want something you have to create it yourself.

Very few humans that are sent here are at the level of what we call ETs. The exception are
humans that volunteered to come here for one of a billion reasons or those on sabbatical---or
vacation for lack of a better term.

Humans mostly don’t know who or what they are, some are hedging their hopes on finding
the missing link to the apes to give them some assurance of where they come from.

I don’t think we need go as high up as Milton for that answer, most of us humans know, but
we like it when we are on the winning end of lies and deception.

There are many foods that make you feel good and are good for you but none that will lead
you to enlightenment, although chocolate nearly does---lol

At early ages we are not far from our past lives on other planets, and those that have come
here from other planets retain some subtle memories of space flight. Unlike many who have
been stuck on this planet for several incarnations they are the ones that have the toughest time
believing that anything of significance is out there.

There are no coincident, many come to this planet with advantages earned elsewhere.

It’s part of the deal you worked out when coming here---you know more than you realize but
being on this planet where such knowledge is frown on we subconsciously keep a lid on that
reality less we offend those “normal” people around us
Family and situation we find ourselves in are designed to suit each person on this planet.

A higher understanding can facilitate a physical act, and give it real meaning---sure sounds
like a fortune cookie answer---
A high school student can’t get into college without grasping concepts of advanced study; ok
they can but should they?
We can skate through this life without learning anything or much of anything, but that ends at
the exit door. On the other side, off planet earth, they expect and demand results. Higher
understanding is not an easy gig, but it’s more fun.
No one can cheat or nap their way up the ladder of illumination. Nevertheless, many will not
know or understand their level of enlightened while under the cloak of illusion here on earth--
-why we do the things we do determines our level of understanding---and that can only be
done in a blind test ---

Before we take tests at school doesn’t the teacher give us all the answers or many of them? ---
only those paying attention will remember them at test time.
The answers are given to those that ask for them by higher beings than those here on earth
like me---you know the old saying “seek and you will find”.---well sometimes the answers are
put under our noses by humans and many of them simply get sneezed away---lol

There is no endless loop---everyone gets off this planet eventually---it mostly resides in our
hands when that will happen---believe it or not

If we don’t learn from past mistakes we get to repeat them.

Many people do believe this life is futile and meaningless.

But the fact is this life is anything but nihilistic, every second in everyone’s life will be
accounted for and will be the measure of where to from here for each one of us.
There is no such thing as nihilism on earth let alone higher up.
Is it truly possible to find deeper meaning in life in this way [nihilism]?
Yes for humans on this level, because most thinking people of any worth would dismiss such
concepts as absurd.

Philosophy is the pacifier for the intellectual---but also a repository of wisdom

Flawed ETs have no power here on earth over souls---the ETs overseeing earth have
societies’ best interest in mind---but this is a very complex prison system, with many levels to
oversee or let be.

The definition of prison in the case of earth is that few can up and leave and go to other
populated planets on their own or at will. Most humans are confined here for a certain amount
of time---and once that time is up they can leave---some will travel from this planet in alien
ships to other parts of the solar system or other star systems in this galaxy.
Many are here on assignment, some are here on a kind of vacation, yet they may not know it
other than their lives run smoothly.
Some are here for things they have done in previous existences on this planet or other planets.
No one is here by mistake; everyone is here for a reason---and knowing that reason is not
important, and most will not know
You need not be in turmoil even if stuck in a turmoil ridden body---because it is the body that
is defective not you.

You are you no matter where they put you

Some info from past lives remains in your subconscious mind the rest is in your hall locker.

[this life is] certainly new but you are the same---humans experience new all the time---a
vacation in China is a very new experience for those that never been to China---but we remain
the same soul with each new adventure only adding a new facet to what we are.

For far too many people refuse for one reason or other to smell the roses, or look up at the
night sky and be awed by it---they are zombies, robots, lost in the fog of this life.
But they will wake up once they die and realize that they were the creators of their own stupor
here on earth, and wasted precious time---at that point they will know---and will wish they
didn’t---and perhaps beg that the memories they created be washed away---the only way to
suspend those memories is to come back and try again.

This is not a utopia planet---although it was millions of years ago---and may be again, but not
for awhile

Every smile cast onto the waters of fellow humans is sharing a part of the magic.
We meet some people that make our day and others that try and sink our boat---and
sometimes the same person will do both---many of us fit that mold---those humans of a higher
order do the heavy lifting on a regular basis---show-offs---

Miracles happen all the time yet how many of us notice?

I am because I think.
We are because a higher order granted us an opportunity to be---or not to be.

How many of us built the car we drive? We didn’t build it yet we can use it---how many of us
built the computer we design things with, write books with, waste time on the internet with?
Yet we take credit for what we accomplish using things made by others---which is fine and by
Likewise no human created the brain that helps him or her imagine, which also gives power to
the hands that making building things possible.
In other words we are supplied with the things we need in whichever playground we find
ourselves in.
And for those who find that demeaning they will have to work on their attitude a bit longer---

Are babies born with a soul or does a soul come after they're born?
We can’t drive a car until it is off the assembly line---same with babies.

Do people get a one month assignment like when babies or young kids get killed?
Depending on how young they are there may or may not be anyone in there. If someone was
in there it was strictly for the parent or parents. For young children that leave early they had a
short assignment---and moved on to a higher planet from here.
For many with long and prosperous lives it’s a blessing and a gift.
Is there a law of attraction?
Perhaps to a certain extent but in reality we live in a world where hippies from the Sixties
who loathed the corporate world, in turn became the CEOs of that same world in Eighties.
Sometimes our own negative energies propel us to do positive things, and it works the other
way too. You have heard the saying that until we hit rock bottom we can’t begin our climb
up---for many that is a true statement---that’s why they have rocky planets like earth---
Life on earth is more like an Alice in Wonderland contradiction---the more we try and make
sense of it the deeper inside the rabbit hole we fall---
Oh---you probably only wanted a yes or no answer, sorry---

We only gain true knowledge from individual effort and experience---blood, sweat, and tears,
and as much fun as we can squeeze in between those three constants---there are no short cuts
to enlightenment.

Is suffering (duality) our job on this planet?

No, we have to make sense of our life the best way we can---if not we look for guidance in
churches or political leaders.
Our beliefs are secondary to what we learn in this walk through life---what matters most is
who we are---not what religion or lack thereof we hooked our wagon to.
Is it our job to understand this duality enigma and rise above it?
We have no such duty, it doesn’t matter if we believe in God, Darwin, or the tooth fairy---at
the end of the day all that matters is what is in our heart---if we can keep that fire alive in all
our hustle and bustle we are ahead of the game.

Why did we choose to go through this mess?

It’s in the eye of the beholder whether we are on a mess of a planet or a perfect planet---this is
a perfect universe, and this planet is in the perfect universe---therefore this planet is perfect---
hard to understand certainly, yet perfect nonetheless.

We humans are definitely in a hall of mirrors but that has nothing to do with our purpose as
genetic incubators. A wise man once said “the Sabbath was created for man and not man for
the Sabbath”----same principle.

Sometimes choice is based on past experiences but not always---some people can erase many
things during each life, and build on their new found perspectives, and completely alter their

All experiences are stage props, we are the actors on the stage of life and it’s not the audience
that is naked for all to see, but the actors.

Do evolutionary factors related to geography and climate contribute to humanity's diversity?

That is part of the illusion geneticist cloak themselves in, geography and climate are minor

No matter why we end up on this planet once here the rules can change, sometimes towards
the good, sometimes towards the bad. There is little rhyme or reason that will make sense to
us because of the blinders strapped over our minds. Nevertheless, we do have a certain
amount of power to improve our lives while here, regardless on why we are here---millions of
people do it every day.
For most earth is what we make it, we can’t leave at will so it is a prison, but we are allowed
to squeeze as much enjoyment out of our stay here as we dare try---or we can live the
nightmare---it’s more a choice what our lives will be, more so than most people are willing to

There is no lesson learned in suffering, only wasted time, and those who do it for no reason
will pay dearly for their indulgence in it.
Suffering begets suffering, and for those sentenced to suffer they can’t do much about it, but
most are not here to suffer, and therefore they have no justification to suffer.

To remember [past live experiences] means compromising your quest, and the reason you are
now on this planet, you have been given the choice to compromise or not to compromise, and
so far you have chosen not to concede.

Some people, the “zombies”, are here to do time for the crime they committed in a previous
life or in this life---they inhabit every economic strata but some will get lucky and see the
light before their release date. However many will simply be sent to other places in the galaxy
to planets frozen in the Dark Ages---Gothic type planets where the sun doesn’t shine----much.
Once we are accountable to ourselves everything else falls into place
BTW, the zombies on the fast track back to square one seldom get reviews---ironically they
are the ones that need reviews the most, but even a simple review must be earned.

We live in a world where expectations are “someone owes me a living” “someone must take
care of me”, all the while demanding complete autonomy on how we live our lives. Many of
us are walking contradictions immersed in the blame game----as long as the blame is aimed at
Until we examine our own delusions---life will not be worth living.
How many take criticism from others without getting offended? Therefore it’s your life and
your responsibility to take a hard look in the mirror. Besides, that’s the prerequisite for a
ticket off this rock and into the real game going on in this galaxy.

Don’t take this life so seriously, and steal away as much happiness as you can get away with--
-but beware too much happiness can get on people’s nerves---

All human actions are motivated by love, hate, jealousy, or something in between---and why
we do things including fighting in battles will determine whether a soldier is a cold blooded
killer or simply doing a job.

Can being laid back and generous with an almost constant feeling of thanks and being
blessed go too far?
Few people have that problem, perhaps they are on vacation here on earth---lol----and heck no
they can’t go too far with it---the higher up we go the more awe we are in for about this whole
universe thing---as long as we are moving up it keeps getting better and better.

Everyone is free to use whatever stimulant they wish to try and connect with the other side
and make sense of this life.
My advice for whatever it’s worth----don’t go there

We have the choice to be master over the material world or slaves under it
It’s hard for those that can’t or will not get on the bandwagon to understand those that have.
The world can be everyone’s oyster as it is yours; strangely enough not everyone wants it or
believes they can have it.

Aren’t "special guys" that give a human race a good outlook, "seeded" souls to move the vibe
This is not a “special guys” deal or assignment; anyone can jump in and make this life a tad
better for the next guy or gal with minimal effort---it’s not rocket science really.

Everything on this planet is a challenge

Love for this world and its people is a hard task, that’s the challenge those sent here are
destined to bear and overcome if possible.

The human brain is not designed for the paranormal yet many find themselves entangled in it
But the fact remains that there is absolutely nothing in the paranormal world that can take us
down, we hold all the cards---mentally and spiritually speaking. Fear is not an entity and only
holds as much power over us as we let it. And I think you have figured as much.

Is the human lower-level planet phenomena time invariant, or has it had a beginning
It’s always been and always will be this way

Everyone on earth is on the clock---but the pay is not equal.

What is good without temptation? We are tempted by many things---food, drink, drugs, sex,
money, sick days, the list is non ending---we have to develop a sense of self-control, that’s
what this life is all about---the devil nor anyone else has control of those choices that we have
to make---and live with.

The only people that will be deceived are those that deceive themselves because it was the
easy way out for them.
There are no shortcuts to enlightenment only to failure.

Sure you can decide to do the vacation now ---for those that manage to do so they are ahead
of the game.

It doesn’t matter why people are here, or how bad or good their lives are, the fact that they are
here is a gift, a privilege that none of us have earned or could ever earn, we have been given
immortality and all the dazzling magic that goes with it.

We don’t suffer collective punishment, and if you did any [rape or killing in past lives] it
would have been several lifetimes passed, otherwise you wouldn’t have the opportunities you
have in your life now.

Choose to go through this life is better than being sent here without your ok.

All of us are unique, and our visas are from different places and for personal reasons.
Not everyone here on earth have been cast off other planets as degenerates, many are here on
vacation, administration, and a host of other duties or reasons---and they live normal human
lives---many unaware of the bigger picture from where they came, and quite content with
their lives on this planet. Some of them have innate advantages; some are here for the
challenge and adventure.
The concept of “Original Sin” is easy to understand in a world as violent and selfish as earth
has always been. And earth is not a destination point for enlightened souls high up the ladder,
nevertheless not everyone here is here because they are tainted. But have you met anyone that
fits that profile?
The paradox is that people that are tainted see things with clouded eyes and minds and seldom
see the goodness in others.

This planet is designed to bounce back from anything we could ever throw at it.
The earth was here before we arrived and will be here after we all leave, it will do just fine---
and so too will all the inhabitants on it once they realize this life is nothing but a theatrical
production with lots of drama, violence, sex, upheaval, and buttered popcorn for those smart
enough to sit back and enjoy the show---

Some emotions are amplified for a reason, they are part of the package, part of what we are
here to do. Certainly we can break free from those restraints---if that’s how we view them.
But most of the software programmed into us like shyness, fear, bravery, maudlin, keep us
from doing certain things and keeps us more focused on our strengths, rather than our
weaknesses---for those who figure that out anyway. Not all of us are here to be public
speakers, prime ministers, boxers, evangelist, soldiers, painters, etc, but we are all here to
exercise and develop whatever talents we do have.
We are free to go down fighting against our weaknesses or to find what we are good at and
excel from there.

Nature and nurture are excuses, and neither can hinder or override our initial program unless
we kowtow to those beliefs.

There are nearly seven billion people on this planet, everyone with a slightly different
perspective on life. Every one of us is unique, and want and need differently, so whose change
is going to fit the best for all mankind?
Millions of people want to change the world---to suit their particular ideas of the way life
should be---some of those people couldn’t stand to be in the same room with each other and
have very different ideas of what a perfect world is---some people are perfectly happy living
in mud huts, other in tiny apartments inside of skyscrapers.
And what about political persuasions or religious affiliations, or lack thereof? Some like
communism, socialism, capitalism, Darwinism, atheism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam,
Christendom, etc. Would you like to live under anyone of those? Many people don’t and
many people do.
Have you noticed how many conflicts are in the world at any given time?
Thousands of conflicts and outright wars because most people are not on the same page---and
many don’t want to be on the same page or in the same room with others that don't believe as
they do.
You want to change “your” world---by all means do so.

The best thing about this life here on earth is that it ends, therefore why worry about things we
can’t control?
We are not here to concern ourselves over every detail about living or dieing, but to live as
best we can while we are here, that’s how we grow.
Nothing more required of us.

This world was designed to function exactly the way it is functioning with delicate balances
of economies, or lack thereof---hence third worlds.

If we are not challenged on some level on a daily basis then life has no meaning---besides
what else we going to do with all those illusionary brick walls ?---lol

Are there humans without souls?

Heck yes, we’ve all met soulless people---lol
Their sole purpose is to get under our skin and make life miserable if they can.
All humans have souls, some threadbare but souls nonetheless.

Propaganda and fear mongering are two of the pistons that power the engine that makes life
what it is on this planet. Unfortunately most people respond better to bad and inaccurate news
and misinformation than they do to truth and good tidings. That’s why most are stuck in
neutral or first gear.

When I was in basic training I hated my drill sergeants, but I did notice that they pushed some
harder than others---those that could take more got more---in the end it worked out perfectly
for everyone

We are not all the same here on earth; we burn at different energy levels but we are orbs of
energy once out of our human body.

Many are simply doing time and have no mission or purpose; they may have a mission on
their next trip here.

Not everyone has a specific assignment; many are here in a living storage type situation.

Tramps or criminals: If life has no or little meaning to us we are moving in the wrong
direction and will be back for another round---again and again---until we make a concerted
effort to step off this merry-go-round.

That accomplishment thing is not the same for everyone, but those that score are those that
manage getting through this life by dodging everything that was thrown at them, with attitude
Holding ourselves accountable for everything rather than looking for excuses and scapegoats
is divine knowledge---and the payoff is true freedom.
The universe belongs to such.

Even though everything is an illusion in this life what we do is not and that is what counts.

This planet is nothing but a stage, and we the people the actors. It’s pretty much
improvisational and we have to at a moment's notice be ready to change costume and roles.
Out of this make believe stuff what we create becomes real, real pain, real happiness, for
ourselves and for those around us.
There is only one person running your show, you.
Regardless of our lot in life or the hardships we go through, it’s the choices we make that will
determine who and what we are in this life and where we go from here.
The world and those running it have nothing to do with anything other than create stage props
for us to role play on.
So, break a leg.

Any human can become a mover and a shaker, a leader in government and industry we don’t
really need androids running things at the top. We humans put people into leadership
positions and sometimes we take them out of them.

ET doesn’t need to be in absolute control the stage is self propelled and people are thrown
into situations almost randomly.

When we change course for the better that’s moving in the right direction
Those that are coming back for sure don’t even know they are leaving, they think this life is it,
and so they are living their lives as if there is no tomorrow.

ETs and humans are not illusions only perceived situations in this life are illusions. Human
bodies are machines and sometimes machines need tweaking, modifications, and repairs.

We make choices all the time out of fear, out of respect out of hate, out of love; we are a
culmination of those choices.
If you decide to be a bad person because of peer pressure that is your choice. If you do it
because you are afraid, that is your choice. Everything is a choice.
The straight and narrow path is the most difficult path to stay on otherwise there would not be
testing ground planets such as earth filling up a good portion of this galaxy.
Doesn’t matter why we do the crime against ourselves and fellow souls once it’s done it will
be made right, if not here and now then at a later time and another place---with interest tacked
on---those able to rectify their behaviour while here will be better off---earth is a minimum
security prison, they get a hell of a lot worse.

Humans can think on their own but unfortunately it has all been said and done on other
planets many many eons ago. A great philosopher once said “there is nothing new under the
sun”, but he got that from a space traveller who stopped on earth for a brief visit from a
civilization a millions years older.
Our future is some other planet’s past; our past is some other planets future---it’s a deep rabbit
hole we are in---

People are allowed to take the easy way out---that’s a trap far too many “fall” for
That road is a dead end and they will eventually have to do twice the work to backtrack out of

What we call matter---in this instance referring to our bodies, is pure energy, but it is energy
with a clause, it holds and restricts our travel and our knowledge of the universe we inhabit.
The clause I speak of as I’m sure you know is a play on words. Mass, matter the stuff we are
made of is pure energy as most everyone agrees on, but energy, the stuff humans are made of
is different from the stuff ET, souls, magic, and Bill Murray are made of. The energy field
humans are strapped into, our human body containers, are designed to hold tight the soul---
that thing you don’t believe exist. Anyway, the soul is placed into human body containers and
can only be removed by certain entities with special keys. Death is never by accident, always
by design, no one leaves their bodies permanently until their tour is up.

We all know that matter doesn’t matter once we put it into an atom smasher, particles break
down into smaller particles and then into wavy stringy things and then they turn into pixie
dust and become aware of us as we lose track of them---spooky stuff man!
So how do we stuff billions of universes into one universe when they are all equally infinite
without beginning and ending?
It’s a consciousness thing, a certain number of higher up entities join together and create
vortexes of illusionary reality---the funny part is the beginning and ending paradox, there is a
paradox but no explanation for how they fold out the beginning and ending---there is no
human way to elucidate it, even with two glasses of wine, my limit---

Everything has a beginning and ending because we are born and then we die---that’s how we
rationalize it and nothing else computes.
But say that being born is an illusion and so is dieing, which is true, just look it up in sleeper’s
If our being born is not really a beginning and our dieing not an ending then the concept of
beginning and ending is false.

The games whether by the gods or man are played for specific reasons, to teach, to punish, or
entertainment for us. There is no chaos or battles for domination in the land of the gods, only
in the minds and lives of humans.

You have heard the term “It’s not the destination but the journey itself that matters the most”.
Not so at the higher levels and lower levels of existence but very true for the vast majority on
this planet.
There is no way to put an ass kicking into a good perspective, and those who are undergoing
them will not see the light at the end of the tunnel even if they are near the end of that dark
tunnel. But everything has its purpose whether we can understand it or not.

If you don’t get your money’s worth while in this amusement park called earth they will not
refund your money, you get to do the roller coaster ride again---so try and keep from puking
and hands over your head is optional----

ETs supply the means when we supply the will to reach for the stars, and there are plenty of
reachable stars here on earth to try on for size. If we can make it here the afterlife will be a
Success is as much perception as it is physical reality; if we achieved it in our mind then it is

The crazy thing about this whole existence is that even those that don’t believe or can’t make
that mental leap concerning the big picture are nevertheless included in the big picture and
receive the same benefits as everyone else---eternal life in one fantastic playground known as
the Milky Way---no way around it.

Everything is real, our emotions are real even when they are not justified like in fear, hate and
Why do all of my friends and me agree about the reality of this illusion?
You and your friends share the same reality as most of us do, if you and your friends go on
stage and look over the props you will agree on the materials the props are made of and what
the storyline is that the props portray, for instance a play about Red Riding Hood would have
a forest motif
Yet we still see things a bit differently because we are not carbon copies of each other, chance
are you and your friends don’t agree completely on many things like politics, religion, love
and war, etc---
And why don’t we agree 100% if we all see the same reality in this life?---because it’s not the
same reality.
Why do five witnesses of a crime give five different accounts to that crime? Why is it that
juries of 12 people who are shown the same evidence come to different conclusions? Because
we all live in our own little world of beliefs

Why should it be important for us to learn lessons based on experiences that are elusive?
Because the canvas is easier to wipe clean after each use---

What happens when you start to figure your life out and start to take advantage of that
Depends on what you do with that knowledge, but most improve their outlook on life and
grab opportunities they may have passed up before their eyes opened.

Why some people are protected?

They earned their stripes in a previous existence, brownie points if you wish, and can only fall
so far or not at all.

Why are some families more open to this subject then others?
Why do some siblings in a family “get it” quicker than other siblings concerning attitude, and
life in general? Any number of reasons including advantages earned elsewhere, same
All families look out for each other, some more subtly than others.
What makes certain families keep things secret until they find out that their kids understand
what they have known about since before they were born?
It’s a judgment call and sometimes there is disagreement between members---most want little
to no contact if there is any possibility of compromising a member’s reason for being here.
They will not let you remember face to face contact but they know what you are thinking. So
ask away and then look for the answers, sometimes they are obvious sometimes not; it
depends on how bad you want them---which will determines if or when you get something. If
you try and pull their chain they will pull your chain

Everyone on this planet is from star systems in the Milky Way galaxy

The bad apples need to be around other apples and oranges, otherwise there is no hope for
them. There are good apples than can be corrupted by the bad apples---if so then they have a
flaw that has to come out and be dealt with---the system may not seem fair from our point of
view but it has been refined and tweaked over an incredible amount of time---even though
time is an illusion and does not exist on the other side, it is an element they use in this human
This planet is “The Best of All Possible Worlds” for those of us who are put here---this planet
has a spectrum that spans good to very bad, and most on this planet have it bad, only a small
fraction have it good. This planet of nearly 7 billion people is pure prison for 6 billion people;
most are in maximum security, third world countries where they have no opportunity to
escape their plight, the rest are in minimum security and they have more leeway to improve
their lives and have a fifty-fifty chance to escape coming back here. Those who have it good
are on vacation, or here to do jobs for the system, or have a few things they need to tidy up
before moving to higher ground.
But the demographics of this planet do change often as those who are sent here requires---
supposedly a better class of people are coming to live here in the next century and their living
conditions will be an improvement over what we have now.

Death is the only way off this planet and the grim reaper will take us out one way or other---
for most death will not be bad regardless of what it may look like to those that witness it.
Anyway, this life is not easy because the payoff is kick-ass fantastic for those that persevere
through all the bullsh-t.

On graduation day, high school for instance, the teachers, your friends and enemies, all the
highs and lows of those four years---don’t matter anymore, you are out of school and have
your diploma---that’s the bottom line, that is all that counts---but without all those elements
you wouldn’t have gotten to that point

Happiness is so solitary only on planets like earth, happiness is the elixir of the soul and is
what we are made of.
Technically everyone should be happy all the time---those that make it so are on the fast track
to enlightenment---the stuff not easily shared with others

Punishment and reward are human level and below contraptions and devices---they have no
real meaning at higher levels of existence
Punishment and reward are doled out to humans on this level and below---we spank or put our
little children in time out, or treat them to ice cream or some other reward---those tactics don’t
apply to older children and young adults.

Hitler as other leaders who made and make those kinds of calls are themselves following
orders---if we prosecute people who follow orders then all soldiers would be accountable for
their actions in war too
When Harry Truman said, “The Buck Stops Here” talking about himself he was mistaken, it
was not his call to drop the bombs on Nagasaki, and Hiroshima

If you have the most amazing luck in the world and your life is extremely fulfilling, no fear of
dying, no fear of being maimed, no fear of losing loved ones, no nightmares.
you may be one of the many who are here on vacation, and the clown, well there is a reason
besides early birthday parties and circus acts that they put fear into many otherwise rational
people---our extraterrestrial escorts like clowning around---and they look funny too.
Even those on vacation can’t wait to go home---and become inpatient and bored, but the
moment we wake up it will all be a dream, and it will be over---the checkout line really does
move faster than we realize, and soon we are home and remember there was something else
we needed to do or get before leaving the store.
So while waiting its best to check that list twice and make sure you got everything you want
before you get into the checkout line.
This life is big time important the blinders are made extra think so that the majority remain
fast asleep in their daily lives---and it is important that most remain fast asleep otherwise they
will fail at the reason they are here in the first place.
But there are many that this kind of info is not detrimental to, and will not affect their reason
for being here and may add to it.

The worst thing that could happen to us is that we fall in love with this life because it’s only a
temporary dream. You can feel the hole inside because there is one, our real lives are not here
and most of us who are half awake and aware know that---but we can't leave the battle in the
middle of the action less we lose the war.---not making a political statement just pointing our
facts of life that most should be able to relate to in their personal lives.

You are immortal with eternity to live out your life---if that’s not “some kind of experience” I
don’t know what is. For most it’s straight up from here.

Stories of people experiencing superhuman strength in times of distress and lifting cars, etc:
Not rubbish but it helps to have a helper nearby like what we call angels.

Wonder no more all but the worst cases get to choose their families. The reason we fall so
madly in love with our children the instant we see them after birth is because it’s a reunion of
a loved one from the other side.

Everyone is being watched---and I’m not talking about big brother---lol

Forget about locking the bathroom door, they see all---but it's no different than us watching
goldfish inside an aquarium---things we think is a big deal is not a big deal at all---so throw
modesty out the door, they don’t care.

Peace of mind---that’s the big trick in this life and it shouldn’t be, because we are immortal
and nothing can harm us---our bodies are disposable but we are not.
This life is a mind game, nothing more; fear and anxiety are illusions that exist only in our
minds—nowhere else.

We are part of something really big and we are made of primarily the same energy, some have
more others less, but nevertheless we remain individuals inside a nucleus or family, which is
part of a larger nucleus---and from there on up it gets really crazy in a mighty fine way.

A great philosopher once said, “The only constant is change”. On the other side constant has a
bit more consistency than here on earth, where change in attitude and character is the name of
the game---

We humans can’t magically imagine things into existence but we shape our very being by the
way we think. And the way we think is all that really matters---get it matter-s---

What if the most fun a person can think of is being falling down drunk....if they are drunk like
this all by themselves and not bothering anybody else?
You mean like people who injure themselves for fun or religious reasons?
Those are not actions of fun but of hidden problems.
What about in the case of a seriously demented person who's idea of fun would be torture &
or murder of innocents?
That’s why we have jails.
What is acceptable to us is a judgment call we all make, and that will determine what size
cage we are put into.

The vast majority on this planet are not free to do as they please, which in many ways that’s a
good thing, there are many nuts on this planet. Those that deserve more freedom will get more
freedom but not while on this third rock.

Emotion is built into the physiology of the human body and mind, it’s not a dimension, it’s a
chemical component with a purpose.

As one becomes aware faults become obvious, and we become painfully aware of them, so
change is inevitable---that is a primary reason, but only one facet of the total equation.

This whole deal is not like in the movie K-PAX, where only one person can grab hold of the
light beam, the real light beam everyone will ride sooner or later, but always and only when
the time is right for each individual---we are all unique and will reach our destination in such
a way.
I think it’s a good movie and it brings out some good points without having to be accurate---

Politics are influenced by guides---and yet ETs are politically neutral---ambiguity all over the
place here I know but few humans are politically galvanized in one belief, instead they expect
certain politicians more able for their causes than others---the problem arises when we vote
for our own personal interest rather than the right thing in general.

The earth is a huge mess because most are stuck in the egocentric mode, but Milton and
others like him can put into the mix additives that make things more clear, or more cloudy---
these things are not politics per say but sometimes that is how they come across.
Unfortunately I have to tip-toe around many things otherwise my info will be misconstrued.

Most of us have been around small children and we know that most of the crying and whining
that comes from them is usually over nothing at all---but they believe it a big deal hence their
tears and healthy vocal cords. The Miltons do what they can to soothe our booboos---

The universe is a library filled with everything we need, we check out what we need---and
most of us believing that it is ours---that has been allowed in the past but things are slowly
How do we cope knowing that we are not the geniuses our parents, teachers and society tells
us that we are ?---not very easy for egocentric souls to accept---and few will, most will go to
the grave clutching tightly to their ego.

This world will always need doctors, scientists, shrinks, religious and secular leaders,
plumbers, garbage collectors, philosophers, writers, painters, sculptors, and good deed doers,
plus a whole bunch more stuff.
Do what brings pleasure in your life, do it to the best of your ability, and never cut corners
like I do with some of my answers---lol
Everyone has a gift they can share, what you talked about in the above paragraph is your gift I
presume---it’s called a gift because someone or something gave it to you or us to use for
ourselves or for others.
We didn’t create this planet, the air we breathe, or the flora and fauna we feed off of---nor the
elements we use to build things with, nor the brain we use to think with, nor the hands and
feet that gives three dimensional illusionary reality meaning, or our blinded eyes to see only
what we want to see---yet most of us have free use of all those things---but we can’t claim
them as our own, except for our temporary blindness----that is truly our own----

You can go to a shrink and they can try and get you back into the protective bubble with the
rest of society, or to your Catholic priest and ask forgiveness for straying away from your old
beliefs and perhaps he will perform an exorcism on you and warn you away from internet
boards such as this one, where people like me lurk---
This world is filled with tough choices and plenty of hidden mental landmines.
Billions of people belong to one religion or other because they simplify things for them, all
they need do is follow a few basic rules and perform simple rituals, and that’s it---they can
then sleep at night knowing that the gods have been appeased.
The stuff you stumbled on in this thread freed your mind a bit perhaps---that is not scary in
itself, but those middle men, those ET guys and gals, they are fine while they remain fictional
characters in books and movies, but not if they lurk in dark places in our bedrooms.
Well, is it really that different than when our mothers tucked us in bed and told us angels were
watching over us so that we wouldn’t be afraid in our dark bedrooms? In other words there
were angels in our room hiding somewhere
That’s all ETs are, but if you prefer to call them guardian angels that works too.
Remember in the bible stories when angels appeared to the patriarchs---the first thing they
told them was “fear not”---because angels were scary creatures not of this world---and they
had to block people from the fear
We humans fear what we don’t comprehend be it angels, ETs, clowns or Nancy Pelosi---all of
us know fear.
Fear is inevitable but we need not indulge in it.

As for women having souls it depends if it’s that time of mouth---lol, for those not amused by
that comment, please forgive me, we men have our own times of the month when hormones
get all bunched up in knots too.
To suggest that women don’t have souls is absurd, not sure where he is coming from to make
that kind of statement.

Perhaps you wanting to bang your head against the wall is your test---everything else is only a
stage, all those people that are frustrations in your life only extras hired by the film production
Why are you being push so hard? Because they think you can take it?

The rest of the world will get along just fine without me, you or people like Mother Teresa.
Every one of us is here to face our own unique challenges without the aid of others.
If we happen to learn something from others that’s a plus for us but not a necessity, or
requirement in the big picture
Those who see themselves as caregivers are doing good work---but mostly for themselves---
that’s a tough one for most to swallow nevertheless it’s true
Your calling may be as a painter, golfer, or any number of things that might bring more joy in
your life---if you are frustrated in what you are doing it may be a sign that you should be
doing other things.
We are not here to make everyone happy, that’s an impossible job, we are here to make
ourselves happy---and when we are happy people around us are happy---and then the whole
world would be happy---unfortunately that is not the case because too many people get
frustrated doing things they don’t want to do.

Life should be a vacation regardless of your occupation.

Even if your job sucks, it only sucks because you think it sucks---what sucks is not being able
to see past the illusions we create in our own minds

You have heard the saying “if you don’t like where you are now change what you are doing”

A gift is just that, it brings pleasure to the one that has it and perhaps to others---a gift is a
good thing, otherwise it’s not a gift
Most of us can’t handle but one gift at a time, choose one and make the best of it.

This planet earth is one dynamic ride for most people ever since people were dropped off
here, it was created to be that way.

It seems like EVERYBODY wants to be in a movie.

Are these souls that don't get enough lifetimes and they need to act out additional ones? Are
actors souls with too many lifetimes trying to get out?
It must be for the fifteen seconds of fame and lifetime of bragging rights should they score a

None of us are in our present situations by accident, or by chance, we all earned our spot in
this long line here on earth.
I know most don’t want to hear that, or believe that and they certainly don’t have to.

Pointing fingers and being judgmental towards others is also a test many of us fail at. Most of
us are here because we also lack in the perfection gig, therefore if we can’t add or give help to
those worst off, best to move along and let those who can and will---do their thing.

Infinite realities, dimensions, earth tv reality and games shows... Hillary--damn !

Yeah, it’s enough to tempt a sober man to drink two glasses of wine---lol

Thinking can be over rated, and sometimes should be avoided if at all possible.

Why are we wired for this robot routine...sleep, eat, work, entertainment over and over and
For no other reason but to piss us off---at least those of us awake enough to realize how
monotonous this life can be---that’s the worst thing about this planet, and another movie that
sheds a bit of light on the why---“Ground hog day”

On our level we don’t have lots of lives happening simultaneously, but on higher levels they
Everything we could ever imagine has always existed, and toys can reduce drudgery on
planets like earth if put to good use, hence the computer many of us play on every day---they
are portals into the minds of millions of other humans---that’s some toy don’t you think ?

I get a headache if I sleep too much---but some get headaches when they try to grasp the big
picture---perhaps a happy medium somewhere in between the two extremes---we are all
different and we need different amounts of information to get through this life—

Struggling and frustrations may be indicators that we are trying too hard---if you can’t enjoy
the flowers and the other gifts all around us then we are wasting this life. This life need not be
difficult, should not be difficult, especially for those who are aware.

All but the worst of us get a vote in all of our lives to a certain degree including the one we
presently have to endure
No matter our perceived problems the sun will continue to shine---no law against enjoying the
sunshine, that’s its sole purpose---pun intended---lol
If we can’t enjoy the little things in this world how we going to handle the big stuff that
awaits on other worlds as well as on this one?

We must abide by human laws, other than that we are all free agents with exclusive dominion
over our destiny.
Our freedom of movement and achievements is totally in our hands alone regardless of our lot
in life, we rise and fall like a hot air balloon depending on the ballast---weight of our own

The rich poor game played mostly by politicians with an agenda creates more hate and aguish
than any other human malady in history.
They say money doesn’t bring happiness but neither does poverty.
Money certainly doesn’t buy peace of mind, and neither does poverty.
Peace of mind is only achieved somewhere between the ears
But it doesn’t just happen, it takes hard work, mental work, the mind must push out the
dynamic dual known as hate and envy, the two bums that have claimed squatter’s rights in our
mind and soul.

The paranormal is more real than the so called normal.

Spiritual experiences, cosmic consciousness, bliss are all pretty much one and the same,
spiritual awareness/ cosmic consciousness equal as much or as little bliss as we wish to take
Some of us cheat ourselves out of happiness because we feel guilty and believe that there in
only so much of it to go around---
The fact is bliss is as endless as the sun, it will burn nearly forever---and the sun is nothing
but a speck in the galaxy and the galaxy is nothing but a speck in the universe---and the
universe is forever---as is bliss
There is no shortage of bliss, only a shortage of takers

There is no picking those locks, or removing those anchors [put into our bodies from
achieving things such as heightened psychic abilities] without higher entities involved in the
We can hand over the car keys to a two year old but what good will it do them?
Negative numbers have no application in the big picture they are simple tools for economics
and certain theoretical sciences---there is no “theoretical” above this earthly plane. How’s that
for a paradox?
There are many planets in the universe at the same level and higher as earth and they use
these equations and principles. Other than that, zero is a zero, with absolutely no purpose---
but what’s really weird is that positive integers also have no real purpose other than to educate

We are unique individuals no matter where we come from.

They say there are two sure things in this world “death and taxes”, well death really doesn’t
happen, we only go someplace else, so taxes may be the only sure thing

We humans via ETs are not a conglomeration of minds creating this holographic existence we
have here on earth. We only have to live through this semi-nightmare created by “others” for
our personal growth or demise, and make the best of it.
“They”, I will call them ETs because I don’t want to elaborate on them yet, will facilitate our
desires be it good or bad for us---they are neutral—we hold all the cards on our destination
whether it be up or down.

For some human life is only a game for most it’s pure business with much to gain or much to

Not knowing gives credibility to our actions---and even for those who say they believe this
stuff there is still doubt in their minds---we can’t cheat because it only effects us, and it will
be us the individual that will make it up somewhere down the line.

There are no experiments going on, each has his or her own syllabus to work through.
This “human science project” is a single grain of sand on a seashore anything to write home

Do what feels right, and is right for you and those around you, it’s as simple as doing your
best, nothing more nothing less.

There is a lot of mess out there to clean up---some of the mess is on purpose, do what you feel
is right---but we are not here to change the world---that’s for the gods and the busy bodies to
do. You have heard that the road to hell is paved with good intentions---that’s because of the
“good for who” factor---many do things because of the benefits they believe they will derive
from them.
It’s not easy to do things strictly for the benefit of others and so many falls into that trap and
end up doing more harm than good.
For instance, a group of do gooders once paid an amount of money for the freedom of certain
individuals in an African country---the person was released but the next day two people were
abducted and held for ransom---the ransom was paid and the two released, the next day three
people were abducted---get the drift---sometimes the things we do create the problems we
wish to extinguish.
Everyone is being tested---do we look the other way or help? A little bit of both---but in the
course of it all why not smell the roses if we have the opportunity to do so?
Is anyone being "lifted" before point of death?
Many do, some will fade in and out especially terminally ill or those rotting in nursing homes-
--they spend most of their time on the other side coming back every so often for family and

Take off them shades and act like you are on top of the world and you will be---because the
best opportunities to soar are right in front of us.

There are many different political situations---and they range from ruthless, to not so bad.
We have minimum and maximum security prisons, some have more freedom than others
This is a subject that most humans cannot comprehend and it is a landmine to try and explain.

No human is equal, only machines, animals and insects are equal.

All of us have to create our own identities with blood sweat and tears---some more than
others---some are here for punishment only, and are not here to learn anything at all.

Even those who are here under punishment are allowed to be treated fair by truly benevolent
human beings.
How we treat others worse off than us reflects on what we are made of
If the rules of how we treat others were plain to see, then what is the point of this life?

All cultures need and want the same things, but there are those that do things differently and
are not acceptable to other cultures concerning a number of things---certain people require
certain situations to make them what they will ultimately become. Some need things that I
can’t mention on here because it would offend most

There is no human that is going to change the world, the world is the way it is because that’s
how it was created---some think it’s a zoo, and for them it is, some a hellhole, and for them it
is, and so on and on.
Cultural difference makes this planet interesting while also providing unique learning
experiences---all the perceived bad, and the real good are necessary gears in this complex
character building machine called earth---where we came to be changed, not to change others
and certainly not to change this world.
Make yourself better and you ad to a better world.

There are humans being fed things that do nothing to make things easy on this planet for other
humans----by pandering and promising things they are not equipped to supply, do or achieve.
Those who fall for deceivers are looking for the free lunch, the easy and quick way out of
complex problems, they want all their needs taken care of by others even though they are fully
capable of doing it on their own
Sure all of us want easy street because this is a tough and ruthless life, but the fact is if we
can’t hack this life we are not ready for the big stuff that comes after.

A majority of souls have yet to fall of the turnip truck but there are many souls here that are
above average and way above average---here to brush up on a few things before they go to
where no man or woman has gone before---yeah right, anyway that’s where they will be
Might it be possible that some here on vacation take the "wrong turn" even if they are on
higher levels?
Only those on the lower end can make mistakes and the consequences will fit the crime or

Some on vacation know who they are and can do whatever they want---except tell anyone
who they are.
Entities at those levels are not bothered by hurricanes or other human maladies because they
are immune to all human woes
Those who are not aware of who they are cannot leave until their tour is up---but they remain
above the fracas and need not abandon ship for any reason

Humans are not cattle, nor are we equal, we all need different merit badges, that’s why there
is so much diversity in cultures and gaps in the standard of living, this train wreck of a planet
is not an accident.

The gods will play any game we insist on playing---but until we stop playing games and get
down to business, we play with their rules---and those rules can be asskicking

No one gets anything they don’t deserve, and everyone gets what they deserve---when we
leave this earthly restaurant we are presented with a bill due in full, or a rebate check
The trick is not to fret over what the other dinners are feasting on, what is on their table goes
on their tab not yours.

100% of how we view this world is between the ears, everything else, all of our problems, are
nothing but smoke that will blow away with time.

If you are one of the lucky people that feel incredible joy when a child is born to them then
you can understand a piece of that mystery.

The monkey suit [Human corpse] amplifies what is inside of it---us---our irrational fears left
over or picked up from times long past---stuff we failed to deal with in other lives seeps
through to be dealt with in this one.

[Terrestrial life is] a prison of our making, and only we can unmake it, escape from it---most
of us keep putting it off because it takes work to face up to it.

Many choose the revolving door stuck on the small details because they believe it futile to go
on, besides it’s much easier going in circles repeating mediocre lives than to make real
change. A fudge may seem petty to us but it only takes a very small object in our eye to create
huge pain and blurred vision. The soul is like an eye, extremely sensitive to impurity

Some of us know this stuff to be true because we all lived it, we were brought here from other
planets and solar systems and placed into a virgin human brain customize specifically for each
of us---a new canvas was placed over the old, and the new canvas is not aware of the old one
underneath it. But it’s there and sometime bits of info permeate through---especially if our
memories are jiggled

Our souls are extraterrestrial in origin, we are brought here in many ways including ET ships
of sorts.
The bodies we are placed into are home grown here on earth and are tweaked via DNA and
other physical attributes to withstand the period in time and type of living conditions we are
subjected to
Is it even possible that they originated also from another dimension?

Each of us alone hold our destiny in our hands---the higher entities only facilitate our destiny
via whatever means they see fit for our particular situations---

There is no time limit to “get it” so yes, many that are slow to figure it out are doomed to
repeat their mistakes until they get sick and tired of repeating them---those who are above
these slow pokes have the ability to not be affected by them/dragged down---should they
choose to use those powers.

Our greatest burden/test in this life is that we are allowed to think anything we wish, and we
can wallow forever in our own stench believing that the stench is not our own but that of
others---until we point our own finger in the correct direction---back at ourselves, we will
remain lab rats lost in the labyrinth of the blame game.
The only way out of the maze is to realize we control every aspect of our lives and situations--
-I know that is too high a mountain for most to climb but it’s the only way out of the rat race.
Lab rat is a perception, so is the rat race---those who believe themselves in it are by default of
that belief

We are here to prove to ourselves what we are made of---those higher up than us have already
done that and continue their journey upwards, they have no time or desire to look back at
those below them and snicker
Some of the higher up entities do come down here and play the sheep dogs, but most never
come down to these lower depths once they ascend to higher ground---would you ?

Why are some people colour-blind/colour-deficient? Is there a purpose for this ?

There is a purpose for every nuance and irritation in our lives that will make absolutely no
sense until we get our walking papers off this rock, in the mean time it’s best to appreciate
and concentrate on whatever goodies we are allowed---take full advantage of what you are
given and learn from all the potholes we end up hitting---what more can we ask for?—

ET only build perfect containers [human bodies] ---yet we look out there at all the
dysfunctional masses of humanity, what gives? ---there is an answer but too few want it, need
it, or would believe it. So it gets put out there masked between all my rhetoric to be found
only by those ready and willing to hear it. Aren’t I an arrogant sob! Why do people put up
with me? ---lol

If someone picks up bad additional habits while trying to work off other bad habits he only
adds to his burden and will probably die of cancer---or not---and may have to come back and
work on more problems the next time around---unfair---absolutely---but it will be the same
someone who makes that call against---you got it---himself---for adding additional problems
to his itinerary
Sometimes they rip you open and put things in---they may do this for a billion reasons so
there is no one answer---but the soul is a highly complex substance and the learning process it
gets put through is nothing but a labyrinth of mind boggling complexity and proportions---
need I say more---I know the answer---lol
No one can know [if they will get off this rock after death], and those that think they know are

Treat others like you want them to treat you

We can’t make others that way but we can make ourselves that way---treat others better than
you ever expect to be treated in return. Those are the qualities the break the chains from this

For most it’s only a prison in our mind---we make it that. Certainly we can’t come and go off
his planet as we please, therefore it’s a prison---yet many manage to make this prison into a
vacation hot spot and end up enjoying their lives---that’s what this life is about, making
changes that will improve us and those around us
If you have family do you enjoy them? If not why not? Your job or occupation is it fun? If not
why not? Do you look forward to each day with anticipation? If not why not ?
If you can get through the whys without blaming “others” you might be on to a fulfilling life--
-and if we fail to do that we cheat ourselves and those around us of untold pleasures ripe for
the taking---

If anything many are de-evolving going in the other direction, that’s because of where some
souls hailed from and dropped off here on earth---there went the neighbourhood---

What percentage of the world population are 'soulless'?

Is there any way of physically identifying them?
Depending where one lives it would seem a lot of people are soulless, but most bodies have
souls---exceptions are people in comas, in nursing homes where they are barely conscious and
others that I will not mention because it would offend.
People in comas, nursing homes etc all had souls and the souls under certain circumstance can
return for short intervals for the sake of loved ones who find it difficult to let go.

The little knowledge we are allowed on earth is nothingness because of the illusion we are
draped in.
We can’t dare compete with the gods who hold truth and real wisdom.
However, here on earth we demonstrate our worth by appreciating the gifts bestowed on us---
small or large makes no difference, and to enjoy this life anyway we can---creating happiness
in ourselves and those around us while in the midst of madness that is this world---that is the
challenge and duty of every one of us.
Those who achieve happiness against all odds are truly wise and will move forward in this life
and the lives still to come.
Happiness is a gift we give to ourselves and requires no ego.
I rarely smile, and most people may think me sad or grumpy---happiness is not a superficial
face feature or giddy personality---happiness is the absence of gloom and doom---unless
gloom and doom is what makes you happy---and then that’s a whole other story.

Why is the average lifespan on earth seventy years why not make it shorter for those who wish
to move on sooner?
Because there is a process, a process that takes time---besides I’m not here to teach or preach
only to tell my experiences and answer a few questions to those interested---those not
interested need not drink from this fountain.
There is a very strong element on this planet that wishes to keep people in a constant state of
fear and ignorance about what life is really about---life is not as complicated as many wish it
Obviously as you have stated about your own family convincing them of the bigger picture is
an uphill battle---but the fact is we are not here to fix other people we are here to fix ourselves
first, and if we can accomplish that then we can concentrate on other things and be better
equipped to do those other things whatever they may be.

Information from the gods is privileged info and has never been a right---nevertheless seek for
the right reason and you will find everything you need to know to get “your” life in order----
those who do that may then get additional info afterwards---impatience is not a virtue but a
stumbling block for those who drink too much from it.

The problems on this planet are immense and thousands of higher entities are working on
them night and day---six and a half billion people is no small task and each and every one of
them---us---depend on personal attention from these entities, to get through their lives down
here, and only those “highly” qualified have those assignments
If there are three or four of them assigned to you alone------you are a challenge because
usually one entity handles hundreds or thousands of people---

The higher up the ladder the more horsing around there is---for those who don’t like
playfulness they will need to cool their heels down here a bit longer---

Everything in moderation is a good rule---and a place to start for those with detrimental
habits. Besides why be a slave to a weakness? Take charge of your own destiny---compromise
should never be an option when so much is at stake

The have and have nots---we are talking material goods---that stuff has nothing to do with the
big picture other than to create hate and envy---perhaps that’s the whole idea behind it---hate
and envy are flaws that need to be dealt with---who dies or lives with the most toys doesn’t
matter one iota in the scheme of things---only moral fiber.

Each one of us has the power to achieve anything we wish---that power has always been
there, and it has been put to good use my millions---who are now the envy of the rest of us
slow pokes---lol
Many of us worry too much about what others have and don’t concentrate on getting our own-
--whatever that might be
Get rid of hate, envy and ego and all the other problems will disappear---changing political
systems is a shell game that has been played since the beginning of time.

Truthfully the inner workings of a common earth television are too profound to understand---
by the very humans that watch it every day, and even those who are into electronics don’t
really understand how it works---it just does. Things here on earth are profound and they are
measly toys in the scheme of things.
Therefore the big stuff is not easy to understand nor easy to explain---hence, next time your tv
repair person comes over have them explain what is going on inside those micro chips---that
make pretty pictures and sound appear on the screen and speakers---they can’t, nor would
most understand if they did---the engineers that make them don’t even understand
The containers---human bodies, are not the problem, what’s inside them containers—the soul,
is the problem---and some human souls are slow to get it and end up gumming up the
machinery---it’s a lot of work cleaning up that mess---and humans are the ones who have to
clean it up and make it right.

Are we talking about the most profound thing that has ever happened, or will happen on
planet earth?
Not really, it’s old news, cut and dry, happens over and over again on millions of other
planets just like this one.

The meat and potatoes is reserved for those that get the job done---cleaned up their own act
before trying to clean up the acts of others.
It’s not a movie for sure---it’s a grand illusion, but it will have a curtain call, and when the
curtain goes up time for cleaning up your act is over.

What does race mean if it only relates to an engineered container?

Simple diversity, the few strains of race on this planet is but a fraction of what is out there in
this galaxy
What would cities like New York be like without the smorgasbord of cultures rich in their
peculiar traditions?---lol---on other star systems the diversity is often mind boggling
delightful---makes for superb gastronomical adventures---

The majority of people are happy where they are concerning their beliefs and are not
interested in changing them.----have you tried changing anyone’s beliefs ? If so you know
how impossible a task that is.
Now if you wake up and take a good look in the mirror and decide that the person you are
looking at needs changing then you are on to something---

if you are having problems directing that finger in your direction everything seems hopeless---
as long as your happiness resides in the hands and actions of others you will never be happy---
it’s your life---stop expecting others to make it better for you.
Quit the blame game and take responsibility for yourself---or stick with your predetermined
program and waste yet another lifetime.

It’s a big part of everyone’s reality. We are what we feel about the world and ourselves, and
we radiate negative or positive energy to those around us. This energy is way too potent in the
hands of mere humans and therefore it’s restricted, otherwise there would be more chaos than
there is now in the world, because we humans spew out far more negative energy than
positive, regardless that we wish to believe otherwise.
ETs can deflect bad karma and direct it back to the sender tenfold, happens often---

Life is no piece of cake, but neither is it the labyrinth of dead ends that many end up making

Some think they deserve all the hell in their lives---maybe they do and maybe they don’t---but
all of us have the key to escape it in our pockets.

Is there any way for us to find out what our souls mission is here on earth?
Yes, find what you are good at, what you like doing and do it.
Are our family members on earth also our family souls on other planes of existence?
We tend to follow each other a few at a time----but each of us have huge families to fall back

Money and power have nothing to do with being banished to prison earth; people in poverty
and every strata in between are being punished here too.

Are ET waiting for the rest of humanity to catch up mentally/socially etc before they allow us
to leap of this planet?
Humanity would never make that leap alone, we are being taken there kicking and screaming-
--it’s a slow and winding process---but everything in its time more or less

ETs will endeavour to amplify individual needs and desires to the fullest extent that the
individual wants to take their weaknesses or strengths to. Be it greed, envy, hate,
philanthropic, benevolent or whatever floats one’s boat.
ETs will let us indulge in whatever we wish to indulge in---if that be stupidity so be it
Are they entertained by our suffering?
Are you entertained when a child falls and gets a boo boo?

I was in the army and they threw all kinds of obstacles at us---hated every minute of it but it
sure as heck worked----they managed to turn a bunch of “lazy hippies”---that’s what they
called us back in 1970, into highly trained individuals capable of surmounting just about any
That’s what life is about---getting through obstacles---those who refuse to do it for whatever
reason will get to come back and try again---just like in basic training.
ET’s agenda is no different than that of a drill sergeant---get people trained and off this camp
so that they can fulfil higher duties in other realms.

Down Syndrome children (Trisomy 21) is one of those subjects that requires hundreds of
pages to explain properly but here is the short of it anyway.
Most of these souls are here short term and are not being tested at all, nor are they here to
receive much in the way of what we think makes life worthwhile---they are the
challenge/blessing for those they come into contact with.
To look at some of them it would seem like the worst kind of punishment but it’s not---for
most of them anyway. In many ways they are higher beings because they straddle both sides
of existence at the same time---they have one foot in heaven and one in hell---so to speak, hell
being earth.
Many of them are working off a minor indiscretion from a previous existence while tasking
others whose lives they were sent into---they are burdens for some and blessings in disguise
for others.

At these lower levels separation [with the deceased loved ones] is one of the painful realities
we have to endure---death of loved ones being the hardest---it’s only short term but it feels
like an eternity for those in it.

The planet is not going to change, people will, or will not.

No man had the right to make boundaries and do the things they did.
And no man or woman ever have placed boundaries on others, that’s only an excuse.
There is no “meant” in we, everyone has different needs and desires and everyone is free to
pursue those needs and desires at their own pace, we can lead a horse to water but we can’t
make it pee before the race

There are billions of reasons that everyone is not on the same page of physical prosperity, but
the main one has nothing to do with physical luxuries---it’s a spiritual thing---if your spirit’s
right then everything else will be too---that’s the only equalizer.

You lose money in Vegas? But did you and they get their money's worth of fun while you
were at it? ---if so then there were no losses, and if not you all gained experience, everything
comes out in the wash.

We can’t know what we truly are, most of us are not equipped to handle it all at once---not
without lots of wine from the gods---
But chipping away at some of the encrusted ego build-up around our edges is a good start.

We come face to face with most of our challenges everyday and how we work through them
or ignore them determines what will come at us the next day.
Sitting around trying to figure out the details before they manifest will only drive us crazy
Getting through this life for those who are aware to a certain extent should be a piece of cake,
or is that pie ?---complication is for those who are not aware and are hiding in their safe
bubble created by society to keep them fast asleep and deep into complications

Everyone is living the lives they are aware of but few are aware of why they are living those
lives---and would not believe it even if they were told.
Some of us have lives behind the curtain of so called “reality” but to what extant remains off
limits---most of the people aware of the kind of recall I talk about do not tell others for
obvious reasons---plus they don’t have the need or desire to come out.

How we go to a hire up place or we have to take another assignment if we didn't complete it

on earth?
It’s simple basic and cut and dry and no one gets away with anything like some do here on
earth---those who do the crime “will” do the time---no ifs ands or buts---even those who
believe they will be forgiven---which they will be---but they still have to pay the fine.

Great people never see the “greatness” in themselves but only see the potential in others.

If your parents are honourable people it would be dishonourable not to follow their advice.

If you’re just really confused about a lot of things, it sounds like a good start, most of the
great people in this world had that same problem.

We are unique and detached from one another as we are in our human bodies. But we are
bound, connected by a mysterious substance that allows us to remain in communication even
if separated by infinite space, and dimensions. Though much of the communication seems one
way to us here on earth it’s not.

We don’t generate our physical being; it is generated for us by higher ups for a multitude of
Mankind because of being infected with certain undesirable entities not of earth in past and
present history has been cleansed by higher beings not of earth but often disguise as human

All of us are here on earth to mature emotionally---but we can’t do it in mass, we are at

different levels, and we mature at different rates.

Intellect and intelligence are tools the same way a computer is a tool, some people are more
proficient with using them than others, but like computers they add nothing to our spiritual
achievements---they only add to our physical requirements.

We need to focus on our own faults, they are heavy enough to carry, focusing on others and
their evils is a distraction that keeps most of us from advancing.

Earth is not utopia, and “shared the resources we had” is not for lower planets such as earth.

Some need more adversity in their lives than others to get to the same place---we earn our
place in the sun---no one can bribe or cheat their way up the universal ladder as they can here
on earth.

Some are looking for a Messiah, a saviour, a new age to rescue mankind from his or her own
ills, it’s been that way for centuries---we want and need this to happen to pull us out of our
The reality is we can only pull ourselves out of our drudgeries---or fall deeper into them
Why wait for 2012, which is only a number on the calendar, to make this cataclysmic change
in our individual lives? do it today---I know, it’s easier said than done---and so people will
continue to wait for something or somebody to make this change in their lives for them---fine-
--the universe we live in has all the time in the world to wait---it’s not going anywhere, and
neither are those who wait for things to happen.

Most of us know why we are here however we would rather not acknowledge it because it
doesn’t seem to have glamour to it, so we keep searching in all the wrong places---mostly
because of that pesky envy thing.

Instincts can be good, keeps us on the right side of the road and out of oncoming traffic. But
then again they also tend to get way more attention than they deserve---our purpose in this life
is to take chances and not always play it safe---death will catch us in due time---its own time--
-we can’t escape it or certain fated disasters.
Most will not be put in those dreaded positions yet they will fret their whole lives away in fear
that they will be---the result is wasted opportunities and wasted life---why?---I say screw any
and all negative fears and feelings and live your life as if it was a fantastic journey---because
then it will be.
Physical or monetary handicaps are not excluded from the fantastic journey because most of it
takes place in the mind/soul.
Life is going to happen regardless of how we choose to live it---in fear or head on.

What attracts us to this crazy stuff is the fact that the crazy stuff is the only real stuff out there,
and down deep inside we all know that to be true---but few want to be the first to get on the
dance floor for fear of ridicule---btw I hate dancing.
This “theatrical production” is for no other reason but to gauge what we are made of.

Our brains are designed to filter out most everything but the illusion---that’s why it’s so
difficult to believe in the paranormal---the real stuff---
On a beautiful sunny day we see blue skies---an illusion which hides all the real stars that are
up there
Night stars are acceptable; few could handle that kind of disruption in the day sky.

Do we exist in other places, realities, dimensions at the same "time"?

Certainly feels like sometimes but no.

Something catastrophic has happened to every large body in this solar system repeatedly over
the long history of the planets, so?
Many people claim to have a purpose in this life “when the time comes” such people have
graced every generation for eons---if true, they should not require fanfare or publicity, they
need only show up at the appointed time and do their thing---the wise old phrased “actions
speak louder than words” applies
The problem with those concepts is that no one can save us from ourselves, that chore remains
the exclusive domain of each one of us.
We can learn from others but not be saved by others, unless we are talking about lifeguard,
police, fireman, lawyer, etc.
Prophets and prognosticators who come to save humanity as a whole---are the only constants.
Along with taxes, death and a few other items I have already mentioned---

All leaders have jobs to do like be mindful of the economy, protection from enemy attack, and
general welfare of those they serve---but their jobs end there.
Physical survival is a good thing but that’s not what this life is about, this life is about spit
shining your soul for the real life that will take place elsewhere.
I was in the military and some of us put forth the effort and hard work to spit shine our own
booths, some paid others to do the dirty work to spit shined their booths for them---well when
it comes to army booths it really makes no difference who shines them---but when it comes to
building integrity it can only come from your own effort.

Belief is a powerful tool, and many sick people are healed by plain old sugar pills, placebos---
and that’s the bottom line.
In the old days it was called snake oil---and people swore by it too.
The Catholics bless their water to give it supernatural powers to heal against demons---and for
those who believe it, it works
Aquaware manipulates water to give it supernatural powers and for those who believe it, it
The magic is real for those who believe without an iota of doubt---mind over matter---now
that’s ET technology.

There is no “ET evolutionary plan”, they simply provide the tools we need to fix what is
broken within ourselves.
The tools are integrity, empathy and good will.
Many of us buckle when the going gets rough---those never ending life challenges that can
come at us in rapid succession. Those who manage to succeed are those who steadfast use
their tools regardless of the blood sweat and tears that using those tools may bring.
It’s much easier to throw in the towel and blame someone else for our miserable lives
That’s why most shiny new tools in our tool boxes that come into this world with us end up
leaving shiny and brand new when we leave this place because many don’t even bother to
open their tool box.
Most neglect opening that tool box because they mistakenly believe they have some universal
cosmic rights protecting them---for them I suggest the movie “Groundhog Day”. Simply
waiting for those rights to kick in can get monotonous, and will never happen.
Tool boxes are a hassle---they demand so much of us----and the payoff is so far away.
Most tools remain pristine, shiny and new, they get very little wear and tear---most of us need
baby steps to get to where we are going.

Using hypnotherapy on past life is very inaccurate, they normally fill in the blanks with nasty
probing type materials, and stuff that scares the Bajeezus out of people.
When they don’t want people to remember certain stuff human hypnotherapy is not going to
undermine or reverse that
It can be dangerous if the hypnotherapist unintentionally introduced phobias into the person---
-furthermore, the human subconscious is not a trifle place to mess around in----there is stuff in
there that could melt steal and bring it to a boil---few humans are qualified to mess with the
mind, let alone check under the hood

To some degree we are all selfish assholes, that’s why most of us are here----to work on that,
or something else---but why let others who are further down the evolutionary ladder bring us
down ?---those further up the ladder of understanding should reach down and help those
assholes under us, that’s what it’s all about---

Tibetan monks have moved to higher and better places, those who persecuted them are back
on earth going through the ringer again and again----so who were the winners and losers ?

Those [ETs] running the show have passed the test, but the endurance test on earth is for us
not them.

Did we humans sign up for this tour of duty or did we f--k up or are we an experiment, or are
we here to discover all of the above without judgement?
All of the above, but that judgment thing snarls many in its sticky web---where most end up

Darwinism, Atheism, all the sciences and even political insanities are nothing more than toys.
Designed to amuse us and keep us out of trouble while we are isolated inside our
playpen/prison earth.
I don’t mean that as demeaning in anyway and for those who are offended by such slander on
the human “intellect”, they will be put in time out---

Those who are aware to any degree should sit back and let life happen---but don’t quit your
day job, the mortgage and other bills still need attention.

Everyone pays their dues, now or later. Even those rich snobs born with a silver spoon up
their rear-----and the poor snobs who drool with envy because they don’t have a silver spoon
up their rear.
That silver spoon thing is a rhetorical statement meaning that the size of one’s wallet has
nothing to do with why we are here and certainly nothing to do with where we go from here.
Yet most of us get hung up on those “small” distractions and end up with attitude.

ETs really do empathize with those who are struggling to truly understand the program, and
they never laugh when there is sincerity and determination to understand.
But they do get a lot of laughs at those people whose egos have bloated up like balloons and
have surpassed the force of gravity to keep their feet firmly on terra firma---lol

Some of us come to give our parents a reason for living. Some come for a specific lessen they
will learn from a particular family or the family structure. The reasons are as numerous as
there are people.
Many of us have crossed paths many times with those we are presently with---that includes
non family members like friends, neighbours, work associates, and even enemies.
Who we come to: For many it’s a choice but not all who are here had a choice on family or
anything else.

Those who are here for a specific purpose or reason other than to improve themselves are not
searching---they know what it is they are here to do.
The rest of us---the vast majority, are here to fix or rejuvenate ourselves. Once we do that we
become assets rather than drains on those we come into contact with.
We make the world a better place by being better people---if everyone on this planet was up
to speed in a good way, this planet would be a cool place to live for all.
Regardless of our lot in life we all can add our two cents towards a better world
It’s not rocket science or an impossible task to achieve; it’s simply the removal of hate, envy
and ego from our repertoire---dang, that big word makes it sound so painful---
There is a lot of positive material out there for people to read unfortunately most of us want
the gore, the dirt, and the gossip, and the media delivers what is popular.
What is worse than the media and our lust for the negative are some of our history books
which keep alive the atrocities of the past like slavery and the Holocaust of many different
peoples in the last hundred years.
People can’t live well together when those things are constantly kept on the front burner and
never left to cool off. The next generations of Japanese are now being primed and stoked over
the bombs dropped on their ancestors during WW2.
Certain world leaders get into power by stoking hate in their countries---Hitler and Stalin
brought massive destruction via hate using those simple tactics.
Many in American will not let the slave issue go away and continue to stoke racial hatred and
division with it. That tactic has driven a huge wedge between the races in the US---and it will
be the source of increasing unrest. For now it mostly simmers under the surface.

Does the fight against indulging in negative emotions still feel like crap no matter what and
that's what we have to endure?
Depends on how deep in the crap we are. Many of us have learned to enjoy the adrenalin rush
we get from making others feel bad. Capturing those feeling one at a time and analyzing why
we enjoy hate envy and ego should eventually break one free of the insidiousness of those
Once out from under that cloud life will be enjoyable and not something we have to endure.

To succeed you may need to run with a different crowd, whether that crowd is virtual or
physical they have equal influence on how we act and think. Peer pressure and all the other
influences we try to emulate in others so that we can “fit in” is our biggest obstacle to
cleaning up our attic.
This planet is a rat race and a “dog-eat-dog” world, if it wasn’t then what purpose would it
This earth is not utopia, it is a place designed to separate the rats and dogs from those who
don’t wish to live like the rats and dogs.

Does soul occasionally leave the body, or is removed from the body, from time to time, and
later returned into it, before and after use by these 'higher entities' ?
Souls can acquiesce to higher and lower souls for certain periods.

I want to be able to have total awareness of all I have read, heard and thought in my
consciousness at all times - even in this short lifetime. Is this something we can accomplish in
the here and now?
The brain is willing and has the capacity to perform what you asked but it’s not allowed---
without giving something else up---the trade off is not worth it and I advise against pushing
that envelop too far. There are mysteries that are not for us to indulge in at this level of
existence---and there are entities that break rules and deliver mischief---sometimes
irreversible mischief.

Many of our emotions are “hormonal”. Our physical bodies are affected by what we eat and
our environment to a certain degree.
But our core emotions are “software” loaded into our brains---our soul is also software loaded
into our brains.
Our emotions are software loaded into our hard drive. We chose what software to run, and
how much time we spend in those programs.
Emotions are simply soul software that we choose to access via our action.
Thoughts are not emotions, but how we think creates emotions. Sometimes we over do it in
the thinking department. Best to relax and find something we enjoy doing. Everything will
fall into place on its own, no need to bring it down upon us.

Most people fear death because it is “unknown”

What we don’t know we fear, we are suspicious creatures by design---the Tower of Babble

Every human since the beginning of time has been “chipped”, biologically chipped that is.

Not everyone wants to work together, we all have unique minds ideas and desires---so whose
ideas take precedence over the others?
We are created unique for a reason----to be different---we are not cattle or zombies, or worker

World peace is not in the cards for this planet anytime soon, although that idea sells because
everyone yearns for world peace---we can attain individual peace for ourselves but can’t give
it to others---it is an individual thing.

The only thing that “could” work in certain [desperate] situations is people asking which ever
god believe in to help a person or a family---- The more the better, it’s a numbers game.
People that have good souls usually have other good souls around them
This can work even if his number is up---but only if there are many requests to keep a person
Do what you can, every little bit helps.
Many of our situations are our own doing whether we see that or not---we pay for things we
did in this life and other lives.
The game plan is what you see unfolding---people are not alone, they have entities all around
them who understand the world much better than any human can.

Life on this planet has always been a hellhole for a large portion of those sent here----if we
could see why some of us were sent here we would understand better some of the atrocities
people find themselves trapped in.
We don’t see that because then few of us would step up and help others worse off than us.
And we are here to help anyone we can without judging them.

Most of us come into this world with an itinerary in place, but we can deviate from it by the
choices we make---all choices have consequences, some will shorten our lives others will
lengthen them.
Everything we experience be it good or bad is paid for in full by us----nothing is free we earn
our good times and our bad times.

Learning a lesson and paying for damages done to self and others can have carry over
charges. Many things are not settled at the exit door, sometimes people leave with a huge tab
that will be paid in full at some other point in their existence.

Has ET ever interfered with the outcome of a sporting event?

Well, don’t tell this to your bookie but yes they interfere frequently.

There is no learning process while we are 'dead' ---that’s why every second of this life or any
life is important---yet few believe that.
Squandering a life is a very bad thing---but that’s info that they don’t want out there, so keep
it to yourself.
Those who fail to give it their all by taking short cuts or cutting corners when they don’t have
to, those who have talent and don’t use it, those who let opportunities slip away again and
Most of us know what we are capable of, but we get lazy.

Earth as a war planet... for warriors to mend their attitudes or to play out the war game for
fun and profit?
To immerse in the stench of the blood and gore, left over cravings from times past. However
most of us are only armchair warriors for now---

Mind over matter brings things our souls yearn even when we are unaware of the specifics of
what we want and need.

People who are wasting their lives are unconcerned about it and remain mostly unaware that
they are.
Coasting and stalling is no biggie and neither is going from one failure to the next---because
there is no failure---unless failure breaks you and you stop trying.
Those who are happy and content and make those around them happy that they have known
them have achieved everything that is important in this life---and can coast away.
Not all of us are here to struggle---yet even those who are here to struggle, they can break
their chains with the tools everyone receives when they are dumped here, if only they would
open their tool box and use the tools.
The 'tool boxes' that all humans have access to:
We have every tool in the universe at our disposal between our ears---
With these “real” tools we can do and achieve anything our little hearts desire. We can build
and we can tear down, we can be virtuous or hateful to our fellow companions on this rock.
Unfortunately many leave this life without ever opening their tool box ----they were never bad
but never good either---they did just enough to get by each day and ended up wasting a whole
stinking life---
We are not here to walk on water and be the greatest thing since sliced bread---but the very
least we can do is try to enjoy this life and show some appreciation for it---yet for some even
that is asking too much.

We are all “good” at something, and most of us know what we are good at---that’s the clue on
what you should concentrate your efforts on.

We can alter anything about ourselves with pure will---but few believe it possible---the
stronger your will, the greater your success---all humans have super powers locked inside
their heads---and unfortunately that’s where they stay for most---unused.

Taking any assignment is a huge gamble but life is a gamble---we never know what we are
capable of until we jump into the water. If we knew what lay behind every corner there would
be no adventure no danger, no learning, no courage---and courage is important.
And we need do it all while keeping the flame of integrity from burning out ---that’s the
biggest challenge---and few make it over that one hurdle---
Without integrity nothing counts---courage, good looks, magnetic personality, aptitude,
success---and all the prayers in the world---will not put Humpty Dumpty together again---
without the glue of integrity that is
Forgive me for sounding like a broken record---

This planet is powered by the two pistons of hate and love---we chose which piston we wish
to fire behind---regardless of which country we live in.

Boundaries and countries are simply pens---earth is “one zoo” with many cages for different
types of animals---each with different diets and requirements.

Those who show appreciation get more of what they appreciate and enjoy having in their

The level of compassion determines the level we have attained to---true compassion is rare on
planets like earth because most of us down here are mostly interested in “what’s in it for me”-
---not what can I do for you-- with no strings attached---
John Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what can you do for
your country” ----those words made no sense back then and they certainly don’t make any
sense now.
Most people back then as most people today are only concerned in “What can my country do
for me”
The ability for us mere mortals to forgive other mortals is the greatest gift of all---when we
forgive we lift a load off our shoulders---something even god can’t do for us.
Forgiving helps the forgiver----hate is a cancer on the soul and is one of the few things in this
universe that can actually destroy the soul.
We humans don’t quite understand that forgiveness is a gift to us and not a gift to the person
or persons who are being forgiven.
When we hold a grudge of hate it's like holding a hot poker and it burns our soul and makes
us miserable
When we don’t forgive we are in fact punishing ourselves because we are the ones suffering
internal pain
Every wrong that is done will be paid in full, perhaps not in this life but definitely in the next
lives and there could be many lives for the slow pokes.
It is not our job to hold a grudge, nor is it in our power to deliver vengeance to those who
have done us wrong because if we do vengeance will have us for dinner.
Therefore let the steam rise, get it out of the system, and then let that lion go away before it
turns on you.
Forgiveness is part of the package of this life here on earth, and everyone receives it no matter
what they do---but we still have to pay the fine---and sometimes that can be a hefty price to
Forgiveness is not required but advisable.
The act of forgiving is a gift to the forgiver and they benefit by having a burden lifted off
them. If we don’t forgive we are harbouring hate, when we give hate a foothold in our lives
our lives become skewed and off balance. Hate in any form is poison to the soul. Enough
poison and the soul may never recover.

Humility is the purging of ego and arrogance.

Understanding is a rare commodity.

Valour is what we are down here to prove---to ourselves.

How can a person gain beauty and power?

What would one have to give up to have it all?
If you have it all you obviously haven’t given up anything. Milton has it all yet he still is
ugly---sorry Miltie

When you find friends, be sure to ask if they will be there when you really need them.

If you are trying to understand it all forget it. Earth’s so called greatest minds are spinning too
trying to understand the illusion of physics----bless their hearts, they know not what they are
up against.

We humans have cultures and there are many similar planets, and like earth they are not free
to stray very far from their playpen—planets.
We have this concept that we are at the center of the universe---and perhaps trailblazers---all
we need is Star Trek technology and we will save the universe from the Klingons----and then
perhaps hobnob with other intelligent life forms as ourselves as we travel across the galaxy.
That’s the grand illusion of us children inside of our playpen---and our leaders need to keep
that illusion alive---can you blame them?
Is not to become like the gods what we are meant to do, ie: graduate from this solar system to
the big boys?
Yes it is, but that’s not what they teach in schools and places of worship---those biblical
metaphors had their purposes and so does most of the illusion humanity continues to live
under today.

The reason life feels like punishment for many of us is because it is. Time only speeds up
when we are having fun---so try and have some fun whenever you can

The rat race has always belonged to the rats---but no one is forced to be a rat, simply step out
of the line and become human---it all starts in the head, we are what we think we are, we
become what we most despise in others---because of hate and envy.
Blaming institutions and leaders for our woes is a sucker's game---a trap---that keeps millions
of people enslaved to hate---and hate is what drags souls to the living hell that exists mostly
between the ears.

This planet wasn’t really seeded----containers (human bodies) were created and souls shoved
into them---to put it mildly---that slap on the behind is only part of the reason we wail after
our first breath of earthly air. It’s also the very moment our past memories are put into
Some humans on earth are from other star systems in this galaxy---and are brought here by
entities in the “maintenance department”.
Only entities that are way up the scale of existence can travel intergalactic.

All of us have a large amount of knowledge concerning the big picture and how we
individually fit into it----inside our subconscious minds; the rest is kept off planet.
We have limited access to that stuff mostly because our plate is full with the “now”, which is
more important
But they let out morsels now and then for those able to pick up on the clues. Which some of
us are drowning in and yet remain clueless---and I’m talking about the hardcore sceptics.

Fun never gets old---even here on earth---but comparing what we have here on earth to things
above can’t be done from this perspective---
We don’t need pain to appreciate not having it, I certainly don’t.
Besides, those higher up are aware of the turmoil that exists on planets such as earth---and
they are free to enter such planets and situations as they choose---and some do for a multitude
of reasons---mostly to help out.

Why call these lessons if you’ll forget them next life?

Because most lessons are for this life and past lives---nevertheless, everything we do and
experienced is stored away and some will have access to it all once off this planet.

We are given one soul one life to look out for---most of us couldn’t possibly handle more than
one. Those who concern themselves with how others live their lives are stepping into shoes
they have no knowledge about---and certainly have no ability or authority to judge.
No one gets a free ticket regardless of their lot in life---rich or poor---everyone will pay the
same amount in this life or other lives before they are allowed to move up.
Naturally things rub off on to us from our parents but our true abilities come in with us---they
are gifts---those who don’t have gifts or fail to discover them will have to learn how to do
other things while here.

Who are the creators of our containers?

There is no shortage of entities wanting to take credit for that---and there are many who were
and are still involved. Who made our containers is imprinted in our DNA
Each container is custom built for each soul.

There is no such thing as evolution.

What about the find, which show our progression from ape to man?
They found lots of ape skulls---and the gullible public don’t know any better but to take their
word for it---after all, they are the experts---
---and natural selection is nothing but a joke.
Evolution is a myth and a bad myth at that. Every creature has within it the power to adapt to
many situations in its designed environment----but they also have the lazy gene, and therefore
many do not adapt and parish.
Evolution is one of the big pillars holding up the illusions that make life worth living and is
not going away anytime soon if ever.

None of us can tell anyone what to think---everyone will make that decision on their own, it’s
part of the bureaucracy on this planet---most will go with the flow---the easy stuff, because
it’s easy.---religious institutions and governments have set up many easy to understand
concepts that any hairless ape can make their own.
What we believe makes no difference at all; if it did there would be no hope for this planet
It’s not what we believe but how we handle our life and the situation we find ourselves in that
is important.

Everyone has the telepathic chip in their head we are born with it. That’s how the “gods” hear
our thoughts.
Most of us can pick up hints of other people’s thoughts---most just don’t know it. Our brains
are like computers they have many capabilities that the average person will never figure out
how to use.
Some will notch up on consciousness a little while on earth.

Are we on a point system, do we get 'brownie points' while on earth?

Can we trade them in for goodies?
They have no redeemable cash value but they do add up for frequent flyer miles if you get my
drift ----there is only one catch those who think they have brownie points usually don’t---we
can’t do something strictly for the benefit of doing it---we must be better for the sake of others
and never for ourselves---and that’s a tough hoop to jump through.
If so, where do I go to find out how many points I have under my belt so far?
You have to go straight into the mouth of the hungry dragon---inside what we call UFOs. A
place where we can easily get chewed up and spit out from if not ready.

Are humans monitored 24/7?

They let us take potty breaks alone but everything else is fair game---we are never alone---
scary for those who believe all their evil thoughts remain hidden in their skulls.

Everyone’s enlightenment is different.

There is a theory that our earth tectonics happened because the earth increased in size...any
take on that?
The earth grows in size every second because of the tons of dust, space debris, and solar
energy that falls onto it nonstop. All that new mass puts more pressure on the interior and the
continents spread out like love handles.

Why is it that no good deed goes unpunished?

Are we upsetting some kind of balance?
Because we think it a good deed don’t make it so---

If you can see the stains on your own soul you are ahead of the crowd---but even though we
are forgiven for most of our faults past and present we still have to do the time---pay the price.
But how much hell you need go through while doing your time is left in your hands---it really
is not rocket science---grab hate and envy by the balls if you have to and get rid of it. Then
work on your ego.
I know it is easier said than done---so start out slow---but it’s your life---and you have to
decide how much hell you wish to live in and for how long.

There is a fine line between punishment and some other stuff that I can’t address now---but
skin colour or culture is not a tag of what people are made of or why they are here.

Aren't we all connected?

In a roundabout way like distant cousins but the immediate family have certain aspects---
energies that pertain to that nucleus in the here and now.

Everything has already been done; nothing we “discover” in our labs is new---just like a child
who draws a masterpiece believes that they are the first to do so.
But there is nothing wrong with believing we are the originators of our intelligence---it’s kind
of cute

It’s not popular to be nice---because misery loves company---lots of company.

The world doesn’t have any problems to fix---the problems are between the ears of many
humans who are down here---that’s why we humans are down here---the earth is like a
hospital for the mentally impaired---me for instance---
Once people are fixed up they get transferred to other places, but if they need more extensive
work they are shifted to other departments here on earth or sent back to other places who may
have the expertise that is not available here on earth.

Since I’m not talking with the rocks and the leaves but other humans I kind of try to focus on
what humans are doing here---the rocks, leaves, animals and insects are not being tested and
are not really an issue that concerns human souls.
The human pain and suffering is mostly due to the fact that most people don’t believe they are
any more important than the rocks---but we are.
Why do our bodies need the sun if they are just illusions?
Our illusions also need food water and air to remain alive---if we cut those things out our
illusion will cease and we die, and we will enter into a state of reality---at least for a short
time until some of us get stuffed back into another illusion.

If we all have a blueprint then why is it necessary to know that, we can carry on living this
existence non the wiser.
And most do just that---and will continue to do so regardless of what I or others write or say.
If we are not supposed to know, why are you telling us with their blessing?
Most teachers give the answers or a variation of the answers before the test---no one needs
pay any attention.
Hints are dropped all around us like rain---notice how we react when it rains?
The info has always been poured out but many are too busy in their own egos to notice.

Everything in the universe is for “our” pleasure alone---but no one has to like their gifts, they
can throw them away like the week after Christmas.

Some might say that it was barbaric to watch animals eat other animals---yes it was and is---
and we humans do it every day still---we are now at the top of that animal food chain and
loving it
Since animals are nothing but machines it’s not really a big deal---
But there are other reasons for our bloodthirsty appetites that I can’t go into yet---

Ultimately we decide which harrowing new rollercoaster we get put on---by our actions in the
here and now---so choose wisely the level of your poison.

Many past and present mystics are not human

Their consciousness can go wherever they desire---while maintaining a presence here on
earth---talk about two faced.

How many lifetimes until we are free of the human experience?

Not less than fifty---and the sky is the limit---but there is a cut-off and a really big dumpster.

Is there anything we can do to help each other with integrity, or it is entirely an internal
For the most part it is on each one of us alone to achieve---but sometimes an unexpected
kindness from others will spark us to improve.

Do you think that if we vote for say a politician that wants to give us health care for free that
it will probably earn us another go round in this "hell hole" or similar?
If a politician promises “free” anything and people vote them in they might get more than
another tour down here---
Certainly many people get a free ride but that’s only because others have to pay for that free
ride---nothing is free on this side of the fence.
Can we ask for a free ride from time to time and get by with it?
Able bodied and mind people can get free rides but they will have to make up for it
somewhere down the line
We all know how difficult life down here can be---carrying a double load is not advised, there
are many on earth now that are doing just that---and they are not very happy.
Times around [reincarnations] are not consecutive and they don’t all take place on this planet-
--for the good little boys and girls there are nice long vacations in between

ETs can put a soul into a piece of wood it they wanted to---and I’m not talking Pinocchio.
There is no number that would suffice to describe the variety of “containers” in this endless
and borderline sadistic universe---some would make you puke for the rest of your life---and
talk about being scared straight---if people only knew how much worse it can get for those
thick of skull.

Souls here on earth are guilty until they prove themselves innocent---and worthy---zero

People are born---they enter this planet every second of every day---and the only way off this
planet is via death---we humans have two openings in our bodies where things go into one
and out the other---otherwise we wouldn’t be able to fit into our cars for very long---because
few of us are going to stop stuffing food into our mouths regardless.
In short life and death are the only constants---and requirements
Will the whole world go bald---no way, no how

In most cases what we did in past lives will not affect those who try and do what is right while
in this life.
The problem is people come here with attitude carried over from other lives and then only add
to it as if the universe owns them something------the universe has a big dumpster for those
All that is required is that we actually become caring human beings---the proof is in our
First and foremost we have to learn how to sit at the table and mind our manners

No one cares two cents about the toys we choose to play with---earth is not career day---what
people choose to do in this playground or prison is up to them---how they carry themselves
while playing is what it is about.

Have you ever heard the term “sting operation” ----that’s when they catch you with your hand
in the cookie jar---there is no defence---you are guilty ---same principle.

Blaming others for our problems and then using those reasons and excuses to do others
wrong---doesn’t fly with the higher entities
We humans will dig up every excuse in the book to get out of something---it may work with
mere mortals but certainly not with the enlightened ones.

Most will be shoved back down here---and they will be given clue after clue after clue---
spelled out to them over and over again---and many will still not get it. For them there are
other places of learning not of this world.

Earth would be utopia if it were filled with upright souls---and there are millions of utopias in
our galaxy for souls who prefer being around such silly do-gooder types—
If you learn the rules and are ready to be promoted, can you stay to help your loved ones,
even if your mission is done?
Very rare that they would let you stay because once your time is up if you remain here you
may complicate things for those you wish to help.
Unfortunately pain and suffering are part of the lessons on stinking planets like earth.
Anyone on earth other than higher entities are subject to all the pitfalls on this planet and will
be downgraded if they revert to being and acting like asses---

No human knows how many lives other humans have left---and those who do know don’t tell
you until you are between lives---but your friend sounds like a good and smart person.

Most will know the secrets of their desires---and how to achieve them, and a few of the
secrets of the universe as well.

For a human mind to “awaken” and still be on this plane of existence would be quite a shock--
-that’s why it doesn’t happen.
Leaning a few things is not being “awake”
I’m certainly not awake thank god! ------my one glass of wine a day would not be enough---

Is there such a thing as human creativity? Are true artists inspired from within, or from
Who created the hands and the mind that facilitates creativity? Souls borrow everything
including creativity.
We do in fact call these things “gifts” because they are gifts.
Most everything we do is for nothing---but it helps pass the time away---nevertheless we need
to put effort into what we do otherwise nothing at all will happen.
The effort is what is important. And if you get some enjoyment from doing it that’s a bonus

Humans are in constant contact with otherworldly entities---you can’t spit without hitting one.

Is there such a thing as "luck", and do ETs influence it?

You have heard the saying that “we make our own luck”, lot of truth in that---but then again it
seems like plenty of slackers sure get lucky without ever trying or deserving it.
There are things going on behind the curtain and stage props to evoke hidden emotions in all
of us---and luck is a tool used by ET
Random is not random even in drive by shootings.

We own “all” of our choices---if you make the home run your coach doesn’t get the credit you

We use tools to build things with, a hammer and saw to build a house but the tools don’t
become the house.
Without wood we don’t have a desk to write on, without a forest we don’t have the wood to
build the desk.
Therefore we should be prudent with our material things---but things make life easier that’s

No offence to the Chinese people but reincarnating in China where living conditions for the
vast majority are at best miserable and therefore not on anyone’s wish list, so I doubt anyone
would pay for that privilege.
It’s kind of like buying redemption from sins; the papacy of old did very well selling
redemption coupons to their wealthy patrons---still do
Is this kind of thing common on other worlds throughout our galaxy? In other words, do other
'governments' (or alien authorities) on any other planets also follow Chinese policy?
Well let’s put it this way we are not the only bad apple in the basket.

Why the hell wait 50 lifetimes when you can enjoy life starting now?

Humans have a lot more freedom than they realize---there are many motivations and desires
that will be allowed---part of the finding out what we are made of---and what our true desires
are---be they good or evil.

Is there a real "Fountain of Youth" here on Earth?

Exercise and good attitude works best
Will we ever have a 'Fountain of Youth" here on Earth, and do such things exists elsewhere in
the galaxy?
The galaxy is filled with utopia planets, no aging, no sickness, no wars etc. One need only get
through a few tough spots like we have here on earth.

About dealing with the problems of old age:

Those with the right attitude will fare better, but we are on the assembly line here on earth and
when we enter a certain age we are put on notice that the end is near---and we are given a
final chance to clean our room before getting kicked out.

Not many of us would go to work if it weren’t for that cookie in our pay envelop every other
week or so. Why should our children be any different?
Truth and knowledge are tools we use to get what we want because “human” truth and
knowledge are simply commodities to exchange with others. Then there is wisdom,
supposedly it comes with age and experience but some get it and some don’t.
But the fact remains that all the wisdom and truth in the world don’t add up to a simple act of
kindness---and that’s the real cookie we all want at the end of a hard day.
I know, some of us would prefer a cold beer, a good game on the big screen, and some old
fashion cold hard cash--------me too

We learn a ton about ourselves by our simple deeds and interactions with others---and how we
deal with our own frustrations.

People can easily create large mountains from small mole hills and get the mind all confused
for no good reason.
Step back and re-evaluate why you have a mountain of useless stuff in your head---and clean
There are only two big chains holding most of us down, hate and envy---but if you don’t have
those hang ups then you are free to do whatever your heart desires---with a certain amount of

As I’m sure you know the answers to how a car works could fill hundreds of books---and still
how many people would take the time to read and understand---much simpler to take the car
to a mechanic and hope they don’t stick it to you.
Life is a tad more complicated------plus how many people really take me and my answers
When humans are easily whipped into a hatred frenzy they will ultimately pay the price for
that hatred tenfold during their lifetimes---brutal punishment is a learning experience to say
the very least. Or one might think---but that’s not always the case and many of those people
are back on earth today living some of the horrors they so willingly lavished on others even
though they too had suffered plenty during those horrible wars.
Some people are inmates here for atrocities done in previous lives---many of them can
improve their lives during their confinement while here---many can’t and are simply doing
hard time---but they may get a chance the next time around.
Many are students here for a variety of juvenile reasons, children confined to playpen earth
who are not yet ready for bigger and better things---mostly because of attitude, over enlarged
ego and lacking in true integrity.
Insane asylum works too.

Is it possible for one higher entity to transfer its soul into multiple humans?
Does it ever happen on Earth?
Yes and yes but only under extremely rare circumstances.

Most of us here on earth are here because of that very flaw---we all expect something in
return for everything we do---and what’s worse is that few are even aware of that flaw inside
of them---and will deny it to the very end of their lives.

Fear mongering is a human level affliction.

Are exact copies of DNA ever used (same body type, appearance, characteristics), for another
Yes---not often.

Are the elections for real?

Yes they are real---sort of, we choose our own medicine.
All the candidates are real people---and they even have human souls---
Who to vote for?
Vote for the one that isn’t promising to do something for you personally---people with
integrity vote for people with integrity---ask not what your country can do for you but what
you can do for your country.
We have stooges running for president because most of us want our own stooge in office---
because elections are more in line with “what can my country do for me” mentality.
To say that the people choose their rulers, is like saying the lunatics are running the asylums.
Well this planet is an asylum of sorts---who else is going to run it?
People are not dumb or stupid---they are smarter than they often let on---certainly many of us
act dumb---for the reason of getting what we want
The last I looked every one of us would like to put our hand into that cookie jar---that’s why
we bother to go out and vote.
A lot of people lacking in integrity no doubt about it.
Eggheads are not only in Washington there are plenty of average folks that are eggheads too--
-now now don’t you be calling me names---
The best candidate for president would use John F. Kennedy’s line, “Ask not what your
country can do for you but what you can do for your country”
Problem is few of us would vote for any fool that suggested such nonsense---
We tend to vote for the person that promises us something tangible in return for our vote. We
are the "what's in it for me" generation.
Do we really have any choice in our presidential elections or is it a big illusion?
Each and every vote counts and we share in the consequences of our bad votes.
Do any of the candidates have the [big] picture?
If any of them do know about the big picture, they have withheld comment on it so far.

My advice is do what is important in this life---the one you are in now---focus on what you
want to achieve in your life and do the best with it---that is the ultimate message from ET.
ETs will do their job but you have to do yours in the here and now.

Messing with us is their [ETs] job---and most of them are pretty dam good at it---that’s why
they were hired
If most of us look back on our lives and see how much we fretted over things that really were
no big deal---but at the time we certainly thought they were---well everything is like that---
when it’s all said and done we are going to wonder why we made such a big deal out of
everything---many of us are going to feel silly.

What does 'acting class' mean in ET thought/language?

Have you checked with the actor's guild?
Fascinating story, that’s the first I’ve heard of “acting class” concerning ETs.
Now Milton certainly could stand to brush up on his “class” ever since picking up his drag
tendencies from hanging around John. If you know what I mean---

Considering the huge amount of info is not even noticed...the old hypnotise the witness of a
crime for the incredible detail they thought they didn't see?
That’s the place tapped during life reviews---but there is a backup copy that holds every
second of your life as well.

The physical body is secondary---but it’s primary if we wish to feel good because we are
locked into our physical bodies for a long time---best try and keep the place tidied and in good
repair---as you are obviously doing---too bad you can’t share common sense easily with

The world changes one person at a time not the other way around--- That is the problem on
this planet---everyone wants to change it to suit themselves---that’s’ why there are hundreds
of wars and disagreements in the world every year since time began.
Those who want to change the world have no intention of changing themselves---they would
prefer to change others instead---and we know how that works---
You fixed more than a computer; you fix a little corner of your world with some diplomatic
elegance that reached across borders.
Certainly you are outnumbered in this highly pessimistic world so I hope you can hold on to
your ideals because many will try and take them from you---or belittle them.

True passion for something cannot easily be restrained----and only you know if you have it.
Also, there is no such thing as failure---only a new set of challenges.

Suppose a powerful entity asked you what you wanted to do in this life and it would, like a
genie, grant your wish?
The only catch is that you must put forth the effort---after all you will be the beneficiary of
that effort---or lack thereof.
It don’t matter what the world is up to---the world is always up to something crazy---those
with a mission will succeed and those without one might.
No matter what we achieve here integrity is what allows us to advance to higher and much
better fantastic places and situation that would blow your socks off.

Life on planets like earth is therapy---the hard way.

Isn't it true that our planet is constantly being 'transformed'...?

Our perceptions change but not much else.
Many of us would love to see some real change---in others---in our daily situations but few
are willing to make changes in themselves---change is not constant in that respect.

Certainly we all want the same things out of this life--- booze, donuts and lattes---yet we all
have our own unique ideas on how to get them.
And that’s the big problem, we all what to be line leader, we want to change the world to suit
our special needs and requirements----and everyone else will just have to live with what we
That’s why we have wars and hate and envy---because all of us have different opinions of
what makes a perfect world.

There is a purpose for every situation they put us through---for those up for the challenge, and
for those who aren't.

We are not here to sit and wait for surprises we are here to get personal business done---and
I’m not talking reading a newspaper or romance novel while in the can---

Many people changed the world to suit their own egos, a few of them in our own life time,
Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Bernanke, etc.
We can do whatever makes our boat float but our purpose is not to change the world but to
change ourselves while we are on this world.
You have heard that phrase “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Believing you
have good intentions certainly don’t make it so
The problem is that few if anyone who thinks that their britches are so big that they know
what is good for other people are usually egocentric----and that is a flaw not an asset---so

I never said that you needed to change your ways----that’s for each of us to decide alone.
What we did in the past is secondary to what we do in the here and now---if you truly believe
your life in on track then stick with what you are doing and don’t change---most of us know if
we are on track---many don’t want to be because it’s not cool or fun.---
Please don’t take this as a lecture I’m only trying to address what you posted and I do get
carried away sometimes---

Life on earth is very simple yet so many walk around like zombies because of the
interpretation conundrum. So why the conundrum in the human minds? ---Why can’t we just
all get along?
Perhaps because we come from different levels and background of understanding even before
our birth here on earth.
We also have differing motivations and attitudes which often clouds how we view the world
around us. Notice how some people are always cynical? Even when their situations are similar
to people who are always content?

I don’t tell anyone what they should do---everyone is free to do and go where they desire.
That’s what life is all about, pitfalls and all.

All of our situations are based on previous decision we made while here or before we came to

The ball and chain resides between the ears of every human being---and I’m not talking bling
bling hanging from the earlobes.

Most of us are clamouring in the open or within our minds for a quick and easy change---
works sucks, the rat race sucks, our bills and mortgages suck, taxes suck.
We want the Age of Aquarius, we want Rapture, we want 2012 for the aliens to land and set
us slaves free. ----What happened when the slaves were set free in America and other
countries? They had to get jobs struggle with bills, debt, pay taxes, become part of the rat
race, find the elusive equality---life did not get better or easier only more challenging
Freedom and peace of mind are not outward but inward---we will always be slaves to our
fears and our ignorance until we realize the brutal truth that all of us don’t want anything to
do with---we are our own slave masters.

Climate change, population increases, the world is going to hell in a hand basket mentality,
are stressing out many people like never before.
Some of these people were good people and hated and envied no one while things were
running smoothly for them. But people change when they are put into different environments
and challenges.
Heck, it’s easy being good when life is good, and safe and secure, so in realty what real value
is that in a soul that has yet to prove its worth?
Are things going to get bad and hot and heavy for most on planet earth? Not much more than
they already are.

Don’t we all get a constant stream of new info in our jobs in our lives?
But the things that matter most are not new and exciting, they are the same old boring stuff
like integrity---that’s what ET seems to be pushing a lot now days---for those who haven’t
noticed--- ----Perhaps they received a volume discount on the stuff and they need to get it off
the shelves.
But the big message is that integrity is not a one shot deal to be given up when it becomes
And some people who have it will be tested to see how easily they turn loose of it should the
going get tough.

Hollow Earth & Bermuda Triangle:

There is mucho underground space probably enough to put all of humanity into. But is the
earth hollow, no.
A lot of folklore is real stuff, at least to some degree, but those who know for sure aren’t
allowed to talk, nor do many of them have the opportunity to talk.
Is there people living below the surface of Earth like in Uranus?
Kind of.
The surface, the interior and the space above are all busy places for humans, hybrids and
outright extraterrestrials. Some of the people who disappear have stumbled by accident or
curiosity on things that will remain secret and they therefore become part of the mystery and
The Bermuda triangle as well as other places on this planet is hot spots of activity and
sometimes people get burned---curiosity kills more than cats---and so do accidents.
The Bermuda Triangle is like Area 51, it gets lots of press but the fact is they harbor no more
unexplained phenomena than many other spots on this planet----and many are terrestrial in
There is a tad more ET traffic there, below the waters, and mishaps intentional or otherwise

There is a tad more ET traffic there, below the waters, and mishaps intentional or otherwise
There are many large caverns in the earth but the earth is not hollow.
There are large open spaces down there---but not for human habitation, well maybe a few.
The earth is not hollow but there is lots of room inside it, like Swiss cheese.
Can we travel to the inner earth in this reality or dimension we currently reside in and see
other beings or animals that may live there?
It happens under altered states, they don't want it to become touristy or for people on earth to
know about it, would mess them up not to mentions the fragile mentality of humans who need
solid footing to stand on, not Swiss cheese.
There is a big black hole in the South that is heavily guarded by military in Antarctica.
The hole leads into parts of the planet, not another dimension. Things inside are from other
Does earth really have an opening at the north pole like described by Admiral Byrd and his
encounter? If so I guess there are prehistoric creatures living in some parts of earth that we
don’t know about?
Yes. His story is a little off base but it happened. There are lots of creatures on this planet that
remain hidden.

The human enigma has something for everyone; we have Santa Clause yet is Santa real or
only a fairytale for our children? Or is the whole thing only a ploy a means for us to spend
money during a certain time of year in order to keep people employed, and our economy
Well, both actually. But the fact remains that many people and children do get the gifts and
the magic that the myth promises---because behind the big curtain in our mind the spirit of
Santa is not a myth---it is the real deal.
But not for all---why? Because that is the way of this world---fairness is the real myth---or so
it would appear to the human mind.

The fact is machines, androids have no need for modifications why not turn the human
machine into such a creature, a zombie---programmed with all the good things and not the
bad and awkward stuff?
Most human modification are done to undo what we willingly did to ourselves---the lesson for
those who might be interested is that undoing something is much more complicated than
doing it.
The choices we make have bigger consequence than most of us believe to be fair. Stealing a
pen from a boss or company is justified in most people’s minds because the boss is greedy
and makes lots of money and never pays us what we are worth---no matter our justification---
stealing is stealing and it has consequences that most would deem unfair.
It’s not about the pen or the value of the pen, or the greed of the boss, or our bad habits, it's
about personal integrity---bad habits are part of that package----I must sound like the biggest

Is that the weather somehow affected by the collective emotions of humans?

If that were true we wouldn’t have so many beautiful and perfect sunny days in my large city.

If 100 people got together and prayed for an event to happen or not happen, it increases the
odds only.
“Gods” may grant it---but will deliver up the consequence should any be merited afterward.

We are individuals and will always be individuals---with access to a huge pool of knowledge,
which kind of ties us together but not everyone has the same access---there is no uniform
doling out of info---and no automatic right to any info.

People frequently escape justice on earth---or so they think---like interest on a credit card the
penalties for every crime build up exponentially the longer a person carries those charges. ---
Best fess up as soon as possible---those carrying charges are literally pure hell come payback
No one escapes paying for misdeeds---no one at all.

Just before [lethal accidents or brutal death] happens many are taken out of their bodies----
away from any pain---and they see what is happening but don’t feel anything. ---- Same with
car, plane, train, and boat accidents.

Every single day people on earth break away from the chains of hate envy and ego and join
the ranks of the truly free and when they die they go from here to other dimensions and other
planets---and to very sweet new realities.

Those who are here doing time and nothing else will never grasp any part of the big picture
and could not even ask the question you asked.
So you are not here doing time exclusively, you are able to move up---but doing the jitterbug
with right and wrong prolongs and slows down our accent off planets like earth.----
Every single time we let go of integrity for one reason or other it becomes harder to hold onto
the next time---so those who manage to grab hold of that sucker---don’t let go whatever you
do because you never know when and if it will waddle by again----can be like catching a
greased pig.
And your determination will need to increase substantially to nail that hog---in other words
you can find yourself way back at the end of the line---again---and a much bigger pig to
harness--- if and when your next chance comes along.

We can empathize with other people, feel their pain, their joy and stuff like that because we
are made of the same material----more or less---but our material does change and it doesn’t
change uniformly with others.
In other words what distresses a child certainly doesn’t distress an adult.
Children will cry and moan over every little thing----we adults don’t do that---yeah right---
Maybe we will always be individuals, but we can have the experience of being an individual
that is one with all within his/her awareness. In other words, the concepts of who and what
one is can fall away leaving the experience of being that unknowable aware mystery that is
not separate from the conditions within that mystery. Although it may be experienced from
that individual's perspective.
Does any of that make sense to you?
Sure does----and the way you put it sounds good to me---

The fear is part of the deal and few are able to overcome it regardless what they may claim.
It’s part of where we are in the pecking order, children are subordinate to their parents and
teachers, soldiers are subordinate to their commanders, we humans are subordinate to
extraterrestrials---who have complete authority, access and control over our entire being while
we are here on earth---yet few know about that reality, nor could they handled it if they did---
that’s why most of humanity is kept “asleep”.
Only those who dare poke a hole through the membrane of so called reality have an inkling of
what is going on----that little bit of info itself is very scary stuff and very few could handled it
as well as you have---but the water does get much much colder before it warms up a tad---if it
warms up at all---
For those inclined to swim with the dolphins, who are not always lovey-dovey---beware,
because there are also sharks in those waters.
My blog didn’t talk much about the sharks because not everyone needs to be concerned about
them, especially those covered in the shield of---you guessed it---pure integrity---a rare
achievement for earthlings---nevertheless many do achieve it.

I ordered takeout pizza the other night, my three block drive to get the pizza was like
negotiating a DMZ of crazed drivers with attitude. Road rage is the new fascism craze that
even little old ladies indulge in---
It’s a troubling trend that many of these neo fascist drivers are generally good people---when
they are not behind the wheel of their suburban mini battle tanks once known as automobiles--
Our cars enlarge our egos considerably---have you noticed the smaller the person the bigger
their wheels tend to be? Why work out at the gym when you can buy a muscle machine and
be the big bully on the road?

It makes my blood boil to see some kind of acts and wrong doings.
What’s the alternative? ----The hogs can’t smell their own stink---and unless we become pigs
too how will we survive the smell?
These people may deserve the hate---but hating those who deserve it only hurts you---you
suffer the stomach pain, the mental anguish---so hate hurts you not them.
This crazy life is over in a blink, eternity will be around for a long time---keep pushing that
car up the hill, and let the pigs have their fun now---because the fun will not last for them, and
that hill may not be as high as it looks for you.

The only way to control us is to make sure we never find out the truth?
There is an element of entities that are doing just that because they have many willing human
participants. And free will opens up doors and provides more legitimate power to them.
If most of us on earth weren’t lost what the heck are we doing down here in a war planet?
The only way to find yourself is stop looking---and get busy helping those around you. When
we focus too much on ourselves and our petty problems they end up looking much larger than
they really are---so move your focus elsewhere---and then---some day---you might find that
you are not lost at all.

How can we understand pure love down here? ---few on this plane have any idea what real
love is. If we did true integrity would be easy and not icky.
And as far as hierarchy we are somewhere in the dark basement looking for the light switch.
We get a taste of pure love on the other side---and it’s literally hell to leave it behind when we
are sent away again. Until we begin to radiate our own love outward rather than inward we
will never understand it.

Everything you learn while on earth applies to what you will do on earth and for the most part
remains here. Look back a hundred years---any useful stuff there that would apply now? Even
what we learn today becomes obsolete in a few months, years.

Nothing is in human hands other than where we go from here.

Everything we can possibly do has already been done somewhere else; we will never break
new ground concerning things that have already been done in other places in this galaxy.
That idea might be depressing for some---but no one has to believe it. We are primarily here
to change ourselves for the better---and have fun doing things we enjoy doing---and for those
ambitions souls they can reach into the cosmic gravy and pull out a new invention---new for
earth that is.

The mind tether is the tough one to break away from and keeps most people here on earth fast
asleep concerning the big picture.

Some of us have to provide the elbow grease and perseverance before they let us dip into the
gravy train of our desires. Those who didn’t earn their reward elsewhere that is.

It takes much more than three dimensional thinking to grasp how big things are behind the
curtain, and how many of us are even up to 3D thinking speed let alone additional

We need master the little things in our lives before venturing into the big stuff.

You mention that there are other ET life forms that visit us or even live here, why were they
given the rights to hop on to this planet or explore to us, yet humans are given a solid "no" in
any attempts to go beyond the solar system ? I guess I could be making a mistake in thinking
that we were on this planet before other ET species that are here currently, but the point
about exploring still stands.
Many humans had those freedoms and lost them, and are now back to square one or such.
Some have never had them and are slowly and excruciatingly working their way up to those
kinds of privileges. Some here on earth have them and keep those secrets to themselves.
We are all on our way off this rock and out of this solar system---some sooner than others---
the wait will be worth it, guaranteed
Unless you are an astronaut chances of seeing space---and remembering the trip are slim
But the final frontier awaits us---
It is we with our undeveloped attitudes that keep us grounded to the illusion of reality here on
earth---instead of the reality which we call fantasy that resides in the stars.

Time is not simultaneous on this side, and the book is not written “for us” until we write it
one page at a time----the fact that everything is predestined---somewhat---means nothing until
we do the deed---it don’t count.

I wonder, would I recognize my soul in a picture from a previous life

Only if you are on a ship with ET, and going through a photo album with them.
Is it possible that there's a picture (or video even) of our previous form here on this earth that
we may come across some day, and would we recognize us, or have a strange feeling of
remembrance or Déjà-Vu?
More likely a heart attack, at the very least a big shock.
I used a broad brush on that statement and not everyone would be affected that way. But
many of us here today where here hundreds or thousands of years ago when times were more
savage---and very creepy---seeing ourselves as monsters in past lives takes getting use to. But
we are not here to look back but forward. Those who had perfect picture lives are likely not
on earth now, unless they are here on vacation.

On Earth, you must have fun, that’s the only way time speeds up.

If something makes you happy and don’t hurt no one why not do it?

Why have "they" taken away our rights?

Rights are privileges, and privileges are earned.

Who we are will be determined after we had been put through many different situations, lives.
Our individual existence is a huge gift that we could never have earned on our own.

It’s all about attitude, those who maintain a good one rise higher than those that don’t.

People in prison seldom like the guards---but the guards are doing their job, and will continue
to do it.

Many of us came here from other star systems, and where you go from here is up to only one

Not everyone is on assignments; some are here to prove what they are made of, or simply
doing hard time until their next chance to make things right in their lives.

Infant mortality is a test not for the infant, and a very complicated way of releasing powerful
and painful emotions---or lack thereof, and that’s the threshold being looked at. Those
situations are way above human comprehension.

There are planets where the people on them know why they are there, this is not one of them.
On this planet your past is not important, what you do now is important---and what we do
now is what will determine where we go from here.
This planet is higher up than that other planet---we have more opportunities and challenges
thrown at us---to see what we can handle---and keep a good attitude regardless.

Some people chose to come here, many where sent here for various reasons.
Even if you live to be a hundred years old---that is nothing compared to eternity and that’s
how long we will be in this universe---the great part about it is that most of eternity will be
spent in mind boggling fun stuff for most.
How soon we get into the fun stuff depends on how long it takes us to get sick of all the crap
we create for ourselves and for others around us.

The American Constitution is a wonderful document and it grants “inalienable rights” to its
citizens---something that is unfortunately taken for granted and taken advantage of by far too
many who don’t deserve it.
Nevertheless for most Americans the Constitution is a blessing few others in this world have.
But I’m sure you noticed “alien” in there---
The universe doesn’t operate under any constitution or human concepts of right and wrong---
have you notice how few people even understand the concept of right and wrong?
In this universe there are no “rights” inalienable or otherwise---everyone earns their place in
the sun, or solar system or galaxy or universe---there are zero "rights" granted in the big
picture for those who haven't earn them.
But the payoff and benefits are huge for those that do earn their stripes----way beyond human
comprehension to appreciate what the heck I’m talking about---

It should go without saying that those who know more are by that fact alone more accountable
for their actions.
We hold children accountable mostly by their age and maturity level---we are all children at
some level of maturity.
And they know what we know and understand---therefore no excuses will do.

Some of us are being planted here for the first time as we speak---birth.
But many races were shipped here many thousands of years ago when they reactivated this
prison planet. It has since been expanded to a learning institution too.

Are there people out and about walking around that are soulless?
Androids that look human---a few---chances of running into one extremely slim.

For those who embrace evil and hate for extended periods it’s terrifying
For those who don’t this life shouldn’t be a big deal.

Plenty of past baggage gets through to the next life, no lost luggage with ET air.

If you want to see a bad case of attitude put an ex world leader in a menial job in their next
life. ----But most people with menial jobs are not ex world leaders---

“Getting it” requires the biggest sacrifice a person can muster----one must bring to the altar
their cherished beliefs and slaughter them---many people truly love their beloved beliefs and
will defend them to the end. And that is their god given right to do so.
What about a soul that has been murdered? Is that something that is planned before they
arrive here?
Sometimes but not always---our lives have a beginning and an ending.
Do the murdered then become a murderer in the next life to say, even out the score?
No, but it does happen. There is no score to even out---and those who try will fall fast and
hard down the pit of personal hell without a parachute.
What an awful cycle to be stuck in.
Awful times X thousand maybe.
Notice how many of us don’t have any idea if there even is an afterlife? And many of us are
not really all that bad---those who are really bad do not get more advantages than the rest.
Is this saying that most of us are nearing a last chance sort of speak?
Only a few million and I think we all know some of them.
Most of us are not facing a last chance right now

Many of those who have it good are on vacation---not being tested or in prison.
Not everyone that is on vacations know it, most just have very good lives---not laying on
some beach their whole time while here----but they are well off and do pretty much what they
want with few low spots.
Earth is not a high level vacation destination, but that’s all some can afford.
For those given the means earth can be the next best thing from utopia.

We have people here from both world wars that were not bad people until a little power was
put into their hands and then their true ugly self came out.

Many people on earth came here voluntarily in order to expose a hidden weakness in
themselves---earth is the place for that.

Total independence is a cat chasing its tail, it will never happen in this world. All we can hope
for is individual independence, and we achieve that by our attitude towards life regardless of
the #hole we might find ourselves in.
Would I fight to change my circumstance, I certainly would, both physical and spiritual
circumstances, in the here and now and for other times and places in this galaxy.

ETs have the power to create as much time as we are willing to waste---time is cheap ----
wallowing in it indefinitely not so pleasant but certainly allowed.

When we fall in love for someone and/or end up in a relationship, is there something to do
with a past life? Assignment?
There are few coincidences and we often do meet up with people from our past---but that
don’t mean we will stick with them.

People who likes people of the same sex and are engaged in a relationship is normal and
happens in other planets?
It happens on all planets like earth

Family values are not BS.

There are many ideas of how one should live their life---one is not more right then the next---
but we tend to always think our way is the right way.
The only thing that counts is that we treat others with respect---especially went we don’t think
they deserve it.
Those who try and live with integrity are not normal---so if normal is important that might be
a problem.

Is abortion wrong?
It's not right when used as a contraceptive---

No matter what we done in the past the only thing that counts is what we do when we wake
up and know our mistakes---and change

Intellect is highly over rated and those who think they have it are mostly on ego trips---Mensa
for instance.
Our knowledge---and that’s how most of us gage intellect, is but a tool that helps us do or
achieve whatever it is we want from this life. And knowledge is nothing more than being able
to find information via libraries, internet, learning institutions, and research---
We take, borrow, what we need in order to do what we think we need to do---mostly to
improve our lifestyle---which is why it is there
However, true intellect or wisdom, is rare on this plane of existence---because earth is not the
place for it.

We are not in human colleges where many can get a degree without doing the work.

Those in the know are using stupidity against us right now and we don't have a clue - Note:
Perpetual formula keeps humanity in the dark ages.
A testament to the power of illusions that make up human concepts, religious and secular----
how easily the mind is fooled by trickery and yet reality the real stuff in life---like integrity, is
often scoffed at.
The sad fact is that the mind always chooses the illusion it wants to live under----there is no
exterior mind control---that’s a scapegoat used by those who don’t want to pay the piper when
its’ all said and done.

We are at a point where we in fact can build Rome in a few days, but a souls is a whole
different matter.
Out tinker toys help keep us busy but they don’t fill the deep hole inside the soul if we don’t
understand the basics----and why are the basics so difficult to understand?
Religions and philosophers have attempted to fill in those holes for us---some have succeeded
with their own versions of illusions.
We watch a building going up, we understand the concept, perseverance, people power and
material, and things happen.
But on personal levels things are not so black and white---no clear cause and effect, regardless
of how much effort we think we have applied---nothing seems to happen
We demand and expect a tangible return on our spiritual good deed investment---gotcha

Besides all the obvious reasons for hair on our bodies some bodies retain remnants of heritage
that no longer serve a rhyme or reason other than to irritate. Higher purpose? Why not---

While many of us live impoverished lives and some hold others accountable for it----justified
or not---our minds need not be in such poverty, nor our integrity.

Many people come to earth for a short time, mostly to tie up a few loose ends like that, if they
succeed they move on.
For the rest there may be other reasons they are kept here even if they managed to get right
with integrity. Remaining with children and spouses or other people who may need them
down the line takes priority.

There are many stages in other lives that will be mastered before all the venom is squeezed

Every second of our existence is mapped and recorded for eternity. Although some things can
be scratched from the record and hidden under certain circumstances. This record is reviewed
now and then while we live, in our dreams or what we think are dreams, and then again after
we die----which will determine our next place under the sun

Most people are burdened by things in this life; if they also had to carry some of their old
baggage from previous lives they simply could not do it.
This life if used properly will erase some things from the past---or add to them like the links
on Ebenezer Scrooge’s chain.
What about mistakes you have already learned from, or knowledge you have gained. Would it
not be useful to remember such things?
That’s assuming that a soul learned something in a past life that would be usable in this one---
many haven’t-----many have and have used those advantages.

If you believe in reincarnation that is what we all do we jump out of bodies when we die and
jump in bodies when we are born again----over and over---but time stands still on the other
“Life” is like a conveyer belt we step onto at birth and off of at death.

Some of us would like to believe that all we need is a good honest leader and then everything
will be peachy king.
Good leaders will make our comfort zone more comfortable but not much else. When each of
us get up from the table in this slop house of a restaurant called earth, complaining about the
crappy service and lousy food will not lessen the bill. We will get presented with the bill---
due and payable in full---else we go back in the kitchen and wash the dishes---no getting pass
the bouncer.
Problem is we all have different opinions on who is a good and honest leader, or what makes
such a leader.
Republican or Democrat, socialist, communist, or some other third party candidate
We usually make our selection based on what they promise to do for us “personally” and
screw everything else.
Therefore those who wish to “rule” over us schmooze us with promises to wipe every nose,
soothe every hurt and to protect us from all those other malicious frauds running for office---

The conditioned suffering experience based sub-conscious behaviour still has me wondering--
it's so negative...Why?
That’s what we are here to find out.

It’s not the situations we find ourselves in that matter, it’s how we handle the situations.

Some people need more “riding” than others, and sometimes they will be pushed to the
breaking point if they are stubborn and refuse to change their ways.
No matter whom we wish to lay blame for the spilt milk the bottom line is our grade point
average---for those who are enrolled in life 101, that is.

We do things for many reasons---and that’s what is being looked at.

Life is a generous gift beyond human comprehension and we need not worry what is on
someone else's plate as we often do here on earth with our envy problem. We don’t merit the
scraps under the table let alone be invited to sit at the table. Yet we have been invited to the
banquet as members of the universe.

Spock had it easy he didn’t have all these silly emotions humans “must” deal with---Spock is
at higher levels than humans are here on earth, he is proof that humans do move up, or down
depending on your perspective---
But Spock is as cold as a computer chip on a mega heat sink, lacking in all those warm fuzzy
human feelings, the things that make humans unique and fallible, and the stuff the egocentric
Captain Kirk, cherishes the most---yet the two extremes are the best of friends.

We think no one knows our deepest secrets and actions---that’s the biggest illusion of them
all---not everyone in the universe will know our business but those we affect negatively or
positively will be among those that do know.

Is the world changing any of us yet?

Every day, some are dragged kicking and screaming though

Life at these stages is like sifting dirt using finer screens each time.
Whether we come back for a hellish last bang depends on what type soul we are trying out
for, there are higher and higher levels---many choose to stop at a certain level, usually a few
notches above this one.

Few if any leave this planet “perfect”. Perfection is reached at other planes not offered here on

Will the negative always outweigh the positive in this world?

It certainly is not getting worse, throughout human history, the little that humans know about
it that is, life on earth has border on pure hell filled with hate and envy.
Things are actually not as bad now days for a larger part of humanity percentage wise.
Earth is a transition point for souls on several negative levels therefore it will always be a
place filled with bad attitude. But like pebbles forced by the waters in a creek to rub against
each other some souls smooth out their rough spots.

The point is to do things simply because it’s the “right thing" to do, not because it’s the
popular thing to do.
Some negative people coming to earth will leave positively good. Some good people with few
blemishes who chose to take a chance and prove something to themselves or others---to get to
a higher plateau will end up leaving with tainted souls after failing to repel hate and instead
joined with it.
Integrity is not an easy gig, nor is it for everyone here on earth---it’s reserved for those who
really really want it.
Soul Mates are real phenomena and those lucky to find them will have smoother sailing while
on this planet. But that easy ride is not to be for most of us and there are plenty of reasons for
that----and none of them necessarily good reasons. I will mention a few---jealousy and plain
chicken sh_t stupidity are two of the high up ones.
I was taught that we do have these exclusive relationships or connections with one other
being in particular, however that most on earth will never meet them while here.
Not true, we often botch it, sometimes the relationship seems too good to be real---and it’s not
too good, but by the time we figure it out----if we figure it out, it’s too late. The gods can
certainly be cruel in this department.
I was also taught that some 'other halves/twin souls/ultimate soul mates' could be spirit
guides or even working behind the scenes as an ET while we are incarnated on earth,
learning our lessons. Were those teachings true or a lie?
This is true, spirit guides can be very close to those they keep on eye on----but some of us will
complain that our guides are asleep most of the time---also true.
Soul mates is an inaccurate term but I guess it will do----soul mates are not restricted to
lovers, and there can be more than one. They can be business associates, good friends that go
above and beyond----people that you click with and can make good music with----like a group
of musicians in a band.
Sometimes we know these people instantly, other times it takes awhile---and then we know
there is magic in the relationship.
If they exist, when will the two halves meet again?
You are in the relationship for a long time---even if it gets botched and missed out on, it
continues to endure and grow.
Does the Soul Mate connection exist where 2 souls hook up each life time and spend their life
It happens.
It is more common than we think, even if the two don't get along.
How do two Souls even come to this agreement?
During break on the other side.

Marriage is a commitment to stay the course for two people. Marriage provides or should
provide a stable environment for children and the two lovers that created them. Marriage if
done right is the best gift of all gifts in this world---and can be highly rewarding for all
involved---husband, wife, children, community.
But marriage is not for everyone for many reasons---
Alternative families can also prosper if they have the same ingredients that make any
partnership successful---the attitude of “what can I do for you” and not “what’s in it for me”.
Why did the ET's introduce to us the concept of marriage?
For the children but also to put a bit of stability in our lives---obviously it’s not for everyone.
What is its purpose from a soul point of view?
For some it’s the best gift they will ever have on earth, but also the most challenging one.
Have the people that have multiple wives twisted the concept, or is that what was originally
In the old days it was the quickest way to raise an army, now days it has little purpose other
than smorgasbord.
Security is less a motivating reason now days as it once was and still is in some countries.
Divorce is a sign of selfish desires run amuck in one or both of the members.
When we do things for our own needs and gratification the party (marriage) can’t last, will not
last. It takes two to tango and sometimes one can carry the load for the two, but there are few
with that kind of power and energy, therefore many marriages end in divorce.
Doing the right thing does not mean the stupid thing. Be fair and reasonable. The worst thing
that happens in divorces is not the money distribution but the rabid hate that comes after and
the children end up paying the full price.
There is no simple way out of this if hate and mistrust has gotten into the mix and some
lawyers like to fan those flames.
Marriages are not sabotaged by ETs they are the result of many things including selfish
desires of the adults involved or not involved.
But since all our situations in life are calculated by higher ups we like to blame them for
Anyway, our lives are fluid and choices we make, make our lives and affect all those who are
connected to our wagons such as children.
Some of our choices create opportunities and challenges for all concerned---we can call them
punishments or learning opportunities---how we react to those things determine what they
will be.
The purpose is to not take it personally and do the best with whatever you have been given---
every situation is a gift---but we don’t always realize it at the time.
How much input does ET have with who we date/marry? It would seem that people who click
right away have a previous history and are a part of our soul mate network. On the other
hand, there's other couples that may seem like an odd match, but grow and learn so much
from each other in the long run.
It would seem that some marriages are arranged by renegade's lol, I guess it's really not a
laughing matter. There are many factors involved unique to each of us.

The gender thing is most mysterious at all levels and remains beyond mere human words to
explain properly.

We are all in the same boat to one degree or other, but not without a paddle, some of us can
overcome with mental attitude, some sheer will power, others with a slice of pepperoni pizza,
or a bagel.

The problem with some lines of thought is that we can blame others---demons or aliens, on
our problems---which lead to futility since there is nothing we can do about it.
Those that fall for that become hopeless and eventually zombies.
The fact is we need to continually push back on these negatives that pervade in our head like
Salmon swimming upstream---btw, why the heck do Salmon have to swim upstream to spawn
other fish don’t have to do all that extra work---

It’s not a race to the finish line; low mental energy is the norm for most of us unless we can
tap into something that brings us to life---the big picture is important but we can’t get there if
we don’t indulge in the little things in this life---or big things for that matter
In other words we are not going to hell if our room is a little messy and we have a lazy streak-
--lighten up and smell the roses---this life is a boot camp mostly for the a-holes---even if it
doesn’t seem so or you think they have all the luck.

Humility is that icky stuff no cool person ever wants to be seen around---and there is a real
shortage of it in this world---unfortunately that’s not going to change anytime soon.

Many who have been exiled here knew from where they came and tended to give certain
constellations and stars more reverence---a longing to return home some day.
That's the great thing about having children, you get to take them to all the neat movies you
otherwise would never go see---

Just to give you a glimpse of the level human minds operate at----we often try to make people
feel better by telling them that others have it far worse
So we feel better when we know someone else is worse off than us----talk about your catch 22
So buck up, many have it worse than you---
I know that you know that I’m making a general statement as most of my posts do, and
certainly not directing it at you or anyone else. I’m an opportunist, that’s my weakness; I seize
opportunities to make a point---

If you love your family here on earth can you bear being away from them before your job is
done here? ---Not that we have a choice in such matters.
Anyway, your fears are groundless---and heaven can wait, it’s not going anywhere for those
that are destined for it.
But this life cannot be discarded or abandoned because it’s difficult---life is hard for everyone
as I’m sure you know.
Those who sell out for an easy ride through life by being corrupt will pay dearly later.

Does the position of a solar system, planet, being, or particle in relation to the center of its
galaxy have any correlation with its “vibration” or level of awareness?
Not really but there is a larger concentration of vibrations and aware beings near and towards
the center.
Can the terms vibration, dimension, and awareness all have the same meaning?
I love multiple choice questions------on earth we are aware of three dimensions but can
speculate that there are more. The more aware the more dimensions we can see but there is a
cut-off somewhere as we worm ourselves through them.
There is overlap in all three phenomena but they are not the same thing.

Situations are just as they are. Not good or bad, they come and they go. ... Just an attitudinal
You said it in a nut shell there --

Don’t take this the wrong way, but mankind as a unit has no purpose other than to create
drama within itself. And we each play off that drama in our own lives.
The mankind that we are aware of down here on earth is but one grain of sand on a hundred
beaches of unique forms of existence and levels of understanding.
We here on earth haven’t even started school yet; we are eager, nervous, excited, and clueless
of what school is about.
Our existence is a gift to some a nightmare to others---why is that ?---Mankind is the vehicle
that will help us understand that---or not---those who do glimmer a bit of understanding will
move up a level.

What is it all for if mankind will one day be frozen or exploded from existence?
Our material bodies will cease to exist---what then? ---Well, freedom from the ball and chain
of physical reality---to the spiritual reality that never explodes or decays.

If you put us under a microscope there is nothing there---has lots of scientist scratching a hole
in their heads trying to make sense of that fact---but they soon get over it because what the
heck it all pays the same---
What exactly is our name as race of humans throughout the galaxy?
I couldn’t repeat it here without triggering obscenity filters, and violating PC decorum.
It would be handy to know just in case I am on the other side of the galaxy and someone asks
me where I am from and what race I belong
Believe me they will know, it’s written on our forehead---but humans can’t see it.

I believe ETs exist, but hasn't our world gotten itself into enough doodoo to constitute the
need for an outside help to have revealed itself by now?
Doo doo is not easy to clean up, not in the quantities we have here on earth, but they are doing
their best.

We rise and fall depending on the ballast of our true intentions----absolutely nothing more----
the good or bad entities facilitate our desires to the nth degree, whatever our desires may be---
good or bad
Example, if you do your child’s homework who learns? ---Neither you nor the child---now
you can help them with hints and such.
Who gets the credit? On earth the child does---it don’t work that way in the big bad universe
where everyone must do the work to get the credit---zero cheating allowed
Satan or evil entities can only do our bidding; otherwise they have no power over us and will
not be blamed for our fall.

If we elude observation we do not exist---it’s as simple as that because everything is

observable but not necessarily by humans.
Does a tree fall in the forest if no one is there to see it happen? Yes it does fall because
nothing remains hidden in this whole universe---there is nowhere to run---hide certainly, but
they know where you are and that a tree fell.
Even we mere humans affect matter by our observation as is shown in the double slit
experiment. But the cat and mouse game is for our entertainment only---should we manage to
stick our head through the curtain of existence---first we will not comprehended anything,
second it will scare the heck out of us.
Our brains filter out reality otherwise the illusions of life would decay like the nucleus in
Schrödinger’s cat

No one has ever pulled the wool over us humans, well we may have to go back a few
thousand years for that to be a true statement. And as far as denying ignorance, good luck
with that on this planet.

A very large part of humanity is afraid of things in this life---mostly stuff they shouldn’t be
fearful of, but nevertheless they have irrational fear.
While locked inside the human mind and peering through that reality curtain without higher
entity supervision to make sense of what is out there---fear is the name of the game.
We can’t get passed that fear without first getting over some of the silly fears we are faced
with everyday while here on this side of the fence.

So to exist one needs to be constantly observed?

As crazy as it sounds, yes
There is nothing, yet there is everything, just need a keen eye, right?
Not a keen eye just a good camera on every intersection---
Fun is a tricky thing down here on earth because earth is not a fun place for most of the
inhabitants---since most people on earth live in third world countries where fun is supplanted
by the need to survive.
Many of us on earth are “allowed” to have fun---that’s the best we can hope for, but we have
to create it ourselves.

The bad aliens eat the souls that are rotting on the vine.
We are not here to change the “status quo” we are here to change our "status", and improve
our soul---make sure it doesn’t rot.
The world will always be corrupt---some leaders are better than others but no matter who is
running the show at any given time people will not be happy and want to throw the bums out-
--the same thing every election year only the names change.
But the bottom line is not our leaders, we come into this world alone with a “blank” grade
card and we leave it alone with a “graded” grade card----everything else will not count one

What a 3rd Density being has to learn before they can move on to the 4th/5th Density?
They must have an inkling of the value of integrity and at least make an attempt at it.
Does the transformation happen during a lifetime or can you only be born into one Density or
the other?
One at a time is more of a handful at these levels, higher up they can do multiple ones.
The higher we go the more aware our standing becomes to us---knowledge is secondary to our
road to nirvana, integrity is primary, wisdom follows behind integrity.

ET will expand whatever illusions people choose to fit their expectations, desires or fears---
especially fears
For the most part the vast sea of people on this planet believe ETs are the real and only
And in that vast sea who have their illusions mixed up are some of humanities greatest minds.

Why do people like me dislike being in these human bodies so much?

Same reason most inmates hate those orange prison uniforms.

I nurture and make sure the lessons and the education opportunity is there for them. But, I do
not see this as genetic (yea, it's me...LOL) or DNA driven.
You are correct it’s not in the genes, it’s in the soul, and certain souls get to wear the cool
Do we pick our bodies when we come here?
Not necessarily our bodies or the genes but our parents sometimes. Human bodies are custom
made for each occupant whether they like them or not. My comment on the genes in that other
post was my attempt at being funny like in jeans the pants---my bad

So our good intentions are tested so we (the guy or gal or guy/gal performing the good
intentions) can understand if they are true or not?
We get tested from many perspectives.

So we humans have about a pitiful 10%-20% chance of being something else?

We have a 100% chance of being something better---but what’s the fun in that---
Just the thought of being reincarnated into a human for eternity is depressing.
That’s the point, if they wanted people to stay in this “public housing” of a planet they would
turn it into a utopia planet----but they don’t and they won’t
Prison sucks because they don’t want people to come back---yet many do---go figure.

If by some chance what you say is real then I would rather not exist at all.
Oh it’s real, the pain is real, the love is real, the hate is real, and everything lasts for a long
long long time---even those who want out completely---stop existing, are in it for a long time,
and because they hate it so much it makes it seem that much longer.
Personally I think souls should be taken off the meat hook much sooner but it’s not my

We have zero “rights”. The universe doesn’t abide by human concepts or fundamental laws
such as constitutions
So best enjoy whatever rights you think you might have while you are here on earth

The negativity can be banished, controlled, cut back, if effort is made to stop it, but it’s like a
cancer that eats at the soul and stops eating when the soul is gone or destroyed beyond hope.

Many of us were here during the Dark ages, and the Classical ages, and we picked up or
retained some of those handicaps during those lifetimes
If we manage to remove some of those burdens in this lifetime we will have less baggage
weighing us down in our next life.

Earth is a sting operation 24/7, and if people knew without a doubt that all their actions were
being monitored, right down to trimming their toe nails, they would put on an act for the
So why are they giving away freebees on this thread? They always give out hints to those who
pay attention.

No one suffers for no reason, everything life throws at us has a reason behind it regardless
that we hardly ever know what that reason is.
Most of us feel we are being picked on, or getting a raw deal in this life---the why doesn’t
matter anymore---not in the big picture---the "how" we deal with those raw deals is now all
that counts.

The big picture on earth is taken care of by others---nations, leaders, or whatnots

When in the food line the only plate we need be concerned about is the one in front of us.
When we look on what is on other peoples’ plates or what they are putting in them we end up
tripping on a chair and spilling our food onto the floor, while on our way to the table----and
have to return to the food line, if we want to eat.

A lot of people beat themselves up every day over the little things in life when they don’t
need too, that’s the main thrust of Milton’s message---free and simple---two very scary
concepts for some people.

No pain no gain---I saw that on a sign at some gym once.

Generally parents are both drill sergeant and certainly lovers of their children---at the same
time----some lean more on one or the other of the two more than need be, but that’s life.
This is a very free universe and we humans although incarcerated on this planet earth for a
time are still allowed many freedoms---freewill and such----which includes oobe, or exploring
the dark recesses of our subconscious mind.
For those who feel they have a handle on it and are not on a quest for evil they will often be
protected or stopped from going too far into the rabbit hole of other dimensions---but like
most things in this life there are no guarantees---what may be and easy and fascinating
adventure for some may also be a nightmare for others, depends on what stage of awareness
one is at.

Rip-offs and injustice are the only constants. We can spend our lives fretting and hating over
them and get nowhere or we can make lemonade out of those lemons---a wise old saying.
That is our only two choices
People throughout history have overturned governments for much less, but like turning over a
rock hoping to find a gold nugget---good luck

Earth is a training planet and we only can learn through some level of adversity.

My dad once told me that when he had teeth he didn’t have much food to chew on, but later in
his life when things got a bit better and he had food, he didn’t have any teeth to chew the food
Such is life for some people.

Many people know without a doubt that souls exist, they are tangible and they can sense their
existence. Some people can’t relate to the reality of a soul because they are stuck in the
illusion of taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound.
Those aware of their souls are not so much concerned with jail time, they know it’s short.

Ground hog day ends when Bill Murray finally gets it right---same with us---then we move up
to bigger and better things.
The infinite universe and the infinite dimensions allow us to never have to do the same thing
twice---unless we insist on doing things over and over again---we all get hints on how to get
out of that insane loop like ground hog day---however, some of us are slower than others to
get it.

We are all unique individuals who have been granted immortality.

The oceans and seas hide ET activity much better than land and sky and there is a
considerable amount of it going on down there.
The reason humans haven’t explored the waters more than we have is because the hassle of
pressure sickness not because of ETs---there is plenty of room for humans down there without
getting into ET space.
The need is not there nor the technology to make it practical for large scale human habitation-
--not yet anyway---but it will happen.

That’s what it’s all about---never expect things from others but do what others don’t expect---
treating them right---
And do it for the heck of it---not for the bigger tip------remember that if I’m ever in your cab--
----I’m not cheap but Milton squeaks when he walks, that’s how tight he is.
When you dance with the angels you hear and see things that are privileged delights. Beauty
is all around us but how many of us are “aware” of it?
Before we can have and enjoy material blessing, we must grab hold of spiritual blessings and
not let go of them---that’s the trick

Do twins have any kind of significance on a soul level?

Nothing more than having entered into this existence virtually at the same instant---birth time
means nothing it’s all about insertion time, when the souls are actually inserted into the
babies. Some twins are more in tune with each other because they made the jump together and
retain a physic bond.

As we age we move further away from our past---past life, which many of us never fully let
go of until we reach the age of reason and realize it’s not normal to communicate with beings
that other people don’t see.

ET entities are not the only ones who have access to humans; there are hybrids and humans
who do too, for a number of reasons that remain way above top secret.

Are the humanoids/androids here born from other people or humanoids or are they placed
here already grown and made?
There are places inside this planet where certain things like that take place.

I heard some presidential candidates this week who said they know who merits and who
doesn't (ie who needs to pay more taxes and who doesn't). Do you think they have been to
They haven’t been to Saturn, but they know the surest way to our wallets is by telling us they
will tax the other guy more---works every time.

If we do not remember what we did previously that put us here, how do we work towards a
better end this time around?
There are worlds where souls are aware of their past problems; for the most part this world is
not one of them. Those who are here are either doing time period or they have a clean slate
and what they do with this slate is all that counts---for the most part----
Those doing hard time are not aware enough to ask themselves questions concerning the big
picture---all they see is bleakness and whatever is in front of them.

There is no outright forgiveness for things we do because everything comes with a price, and
somehow everything will be made right in the here and now or later, even the little things we
feel shouldn’t have consequences, have consequences.
But when we realize our misdeeds or whatever we can stop adding to our tab and in certain
cases reverse some of the charges.

Everything about us is “alien” since we are “alien” creations.

There is nothing original to earth everything was imported and seeded and periodic
adjustments were programmed into them---some people call it evolution---however, no one is
sure about roaches and where the heck they came from---
Is there an "Alpha and Omega"?
Only in the physical world where time does begin and time does end. But in the spiritual
world there is neither beginning “Alpha” nor ending “Omega”

Everything we have is borrowed.

Our bubble of grandeur will burst and the bigger our pants the smaller we will be. That’s why
it’s best to leave as much of that ego here on earth so that we don’t look the fools when we
arrive all proud and filled with ourselves----
Nothing wrong with using our gifts or developing out talents to perfection if possible---it’s
when we let it go to our heads and feel superior that we tend to trip and fall on our face.

Earth is under quarantine at the moment, in fact most of our system is under quarantine, is
that true?
Kind of, no one can leave with their skins on, nor enter with skin other than a few exceptions.
Those taken off this planet by ETs get irradiated when they leave and before they are
returned. Many types of ETs are barred from this planet.
As human sanitation technology improves we will be allowed a bigger birth of space travel on
our own, but still limited to one nearby planet and our moon. Anything else is out of the
question for a long time.

The only true teacher in life is oneself ?

It don’t get much plainer than that ---
That’s where "all" the bucks stop---

Humans are not from Mars, nor are men from Mars, or women from Venus---

The reason for this life is to determine what slot we get put into next, plain and simple.

At what age are little kids subjected to the realities of why they were put here?
For many assuming they live that long, when they are in their eighties and nineties and enter
their second childhood---and can’t tell anyone---who would listen to a senile anyway---

Earth is simply an assembly line, we enter kicking and screaming at one end and we exit
mostly with a whimper at the other end----tagged and ready for processing.

Are we, Earthlings, something special to ET's and the big house?
That’s what they are hoping for, those diamonds in the rough, and when they find shiny ones
they act like they struck gold.

Blaming others for “anything” is a fool’s paradise.

Is that wireless network that our brains are hooked to equate to a matrix-like reality that is
actually fed to us via that invisible network?
Yeah, something like that.

Perhaps we don’t mean to encourage our children to be bad but we lead with examples and
they often follow our lead, be it good or bad.
Can we teach them the value of good and the detriment of bad by letting them experience the
two and or perhaps helping it happen ?---I think many good parents try and do that to one
extent or other---like “scared straight”.
But to go further opens up legal and ethical implications and subjects us to a charge of
accomplice to the crime----should a crime happen
The difference is ETs do not lead us, but they will provide the road we wish to walk on and
then rub our noses in the mess we make---heck, it works for dogs---

Many of us here now have died in past wars.

We often wonder why some spouses return to abusive spouses, they do so because we have
short memories of how bad it was, and or we don’t want to make the effort to find another
Same with jobs and occupations
I craved military life because I lived it in many past lives. So I joined it again in this life,
hated every second of it, but I did my time and then left.
Once I was out I wanted to go back in------but Milton wouldn’t let me, and finally I came to
my senses---or thereabouts----
Find something that makes you happy, and that’s a test and big challenge all by itself

Life certainly is a gift, or a nightmare, to be determined by the one who lives it, and only by
the one who lives it.

Why do some people live in pure hell in third world countries and complain less than those
who live in prosperous countries? Certainly a paradox.

We do invite pranks in our life when we are off track, they nip at us like pesky insects.

It don’t get easier for the bad guys, I can tell you that.
Is it really that difficult to drop a few bad habits, habits that you seem to be concerned about?
No one said we have to walk on water while down here.

Much of the small details we carry closer to home, our attitudes our reactions, we wear on our

I don't think it is possible to not have some thought of some reward, if one has time to think
that is.
It’s like any learned function, at first we are awkward but over time it becomes routine.

Few are going to get through college in a day, unless they buy one of those diplomas off the
If we turn it into hard work it many never happen, so a happy medium is better.
Enjoy every little moment that you can, and don’t be a burden to others---it really is that

The deal is to keep us guessing at why some seem to have it better than we do---and only the
compassionate ones will rise above that madness.
You made some accurate observations about people’s bodies---What we see in the world
around us is our own reflection of reality---good people see good all around them, and this
goodness manifests in whatever space they occupy.

A Buddhist teacher said: life is just what you experience, nothing less, nothing more.
Life is what we are willing to put up with---in ourselves---nothing more and nothing less.
This is not a timed test, especially for those willing to even take the test---that’s usually the
hardest part of the test, showing up---
The next step is take all opportunities to enjoy your life and don’t step on other people’s toes,
even when they step on yours.

Your ticket to a better tomorrow is already in your pocket, people that leave this planet awake
are heading up the stairs, it’s only those who keep the blindfolds on that fall down the steps.

Nursing homes---"some" of them are hellholes where the old are abandoned and left to rot---
metaphorically speaking, it’s sad that we put up with it, and it will get worse as the population

If you have ever worked on a car assembly line each car has a sheet that follows it from start
to completion with “options” for each particular car. Human life is a lot like that.

Unfortunately our young and stupid years do weigh on us and reflect on our overall picture---
but some never grow up and smell the roses---those who do are way ahead of the game.

Some of us do choose their parents.

What about abortion and miscarriages?

Abortions and miscarriages don't get souls inserted into them, it would be pointless.

Is there anything else off the top of your head that is alien made that is staring us in the face
that is not acknowledged by society?
Yes, the birds, the bees, and the trees.

This is not the Truman show, or the matrix---if it were life would have no purpose or meaning
We are not being manipulated by anyone, or anything----as much as we would like that to be
true because then nothing we do is really our responsibility.
Where in fact “everything” we do is our responsibility, no exclusions, no exceptions and no
excuses, nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Many of us would love to blame our problems on our circumstances and situations or evil
entities---that we had no control over, so that we can then justified our anger, our hate and our
But until we learn to control those three main items there can be little harmony in our lives,
nothing else works, well, drugs and booze maybe---
We fill our own plate with every single thing that is on it---no entity can slip anything onto
our "attitude" plate without our knowledge and a wink from us.

If every second of your life is monitored, is there a scorecard or what?

Evil intent is the main issue, everything else matters little.

Is there anyone who can cruise through this life unscathed and move on?
There have been a few----the show offs have no shame----

We are “down here” for a number of reasons, inability to let things roll off of us is one of
Our lives are not by accident, we are put into situations as a “blind test” of our integrity---in
other words how will we act if we don’t think anyone is watching?
If we come late to the integrity party we are allowed into the party---that in itself is big.
Do some souls choose a scenario like this just for the experience?
Would you?
Yes they do, but not for the experience unless you have a charmed life
Some of us come down here as an alternative to other proposals, to buy time, to prove worthy,
to fail or to exceed.

We have a soul not a seed of a soul.

Homosexuality, female soul in wrong body or vice versa? Does Soul have gender?
No one is in the wrong body---most of us don’t like our bodies for many reasons, some things
we can change some things we cannot.
Gender is mostly a sexual contraption, but some entities retain their gender qualities---and
that’s a department very difficult to explain in human concepts, because at higher levels of
awareness things really get different.

Does a soul enter the world with a clean slate?

If they are not here to do hard time. Most have a clean slate, kind of---

Many of us didn’t finish our business and some of that stuff spills over to this life, but we can
undue a lot of stuff with simple attitude adjustments, like a clogged drain, if we unclog it most
of that nasty water goes away.

It all boils down to why we do what we do---if we see the cop car we tend to behave, will we
if the cop car is nowhere in sight ?

What can a person do to "climb the ladder" and never come back to a place like this again?
Ride the magic carpet of integrity to the point where most of the souls you come into contact
with in this walk through life, thank whatever gods they believe in that you touched their
lives---piece of cake right ?
How many people achieve that?
That is certainly a plateful most of us could not handle, and was made in response to the
question of ending our endless cycles of reincarnations.
“Buddha was hated by many people during his lifetime, and envied of course by a whole lot.
Integrity raises negative reactions in others, too, not much we can do about it. And that's ok.
Because you can't attach expectations to behaving with integrity as far as the effect it has on
Those who hate have no vote or say in that matter, or any matter for that matter.

Would alcoholism or any addiction be a failure in terms of reason for being here on earth?
There are repeats here from the past because destructive addictions are welcome mats to
places of learning or not, from our mistakes here on earth.
Would ET ever influence someone to be an alcoholic to test others in a family situation, or
any other situation?
We sometimes have to unravel or live out the crap from a previous episode where the same
cast of characters do the encore together, but perhaps in different roles---we can be held down
and brought down by other family members, and it’s a tricky situation removing ourselves
from familial cesspools, our only hope is personal integrity to shield us and perhaps be
examples to the other members. Sometimes a chunk of the family ship breaks away and falls
deeper into oblivion, we can remain attached to it, or we can grab a life jacket.
Behind prison walls reside mostly criminals doing time, complaining and hating, but even in
those dark halls of misery there are libraries and schools, where inmates can go and learn a
few things to improve themselves---but there is never a line to get into those places of
learning---why is that ?

Should we just forget about having goals?

Heck no, goals are good for those that want them.

Should we forget about our dreams?

What’s the point of living if we did that?
Dreams and integrity go hand in hand, why do some of us believe that you can’t have one
without the other?

It’s not selfish to want a prosperous and happy life for ourselves and our families---the
universe is filthy rich---well not filthy---
Those who created this universe live in mind boggling splendour and would prefer that we did
too. For some strange reason many on earth believe that they don’t deserve the good life, or
they deluded themselves with hate and envy, and can’t see straight enough to fill their own
plates with goodies because they are too concerned with what’s on other people’s plates.

Do what your heart desires, and reach for the stars if you wish, nothing is off limits to those
with the perseverance to make things happen for themselves, assuming they live in a free
country that is.
We are as wealthy as our makers, yet so many of us live like paupers, beggars on the street
corners of life waiting for handouts---it’s all about self image and believing you are worthy of
a much better life---
Granted some countries put limits on our material freedoms and ambitions, but nevertheless,
we remain the masters of our happiness, or lack thereof.

We all need something to happen that will make everything Ok, and we look for that to
happen externally rather than internally.

This life is a type of virtual existence, most certainly is. But a Matrix kind of reality can exist
at lower and more bizarre levels,

Before a house is built an architect visualizes it in the mind, and then puts it on paper and then
it is constructed. ---from the mind to reality
We create the physical by first visualizing it----we also create our attitude via how we see the
world---and it’s that attitude that propels us to be great or mediocre.

Family sticks together, and often trade roles---some skip several generations, so we are not
with the same members much---families are huge, consisting of thousands of members.
But there are also many other situations, and not everyone is placed with family.

The more aware we become the more tolerant we are, the less aware, the shorter our fuse.
Do you think the soul that gets injected into my baby has anything to do with my past life or
current life?
Babies are pure “gifts” to the parents, or parent, and bring more joy than anything else earth
has to offer. They are fresh out of heaven and they bring that new heaven smell with them,
well not the diaper part---that’s the smell of earth---
Not all babies are from heaven, but many of them are. Those who fail to appreciate and enjoy
such gifts will suffer dearly or not so dearly for that matter---not to mention all the fun they
will miss out on.

If we were born into different families with thousands of relatives arent our souls the same as
you or me.
Snowflakes are all the same, pretty, cold, made of water yet unique in structure.
Like oak trees in the forest they may all be oak trees but they each have their own nuts.

Is it just a connection on past lives that you bond with that soul and become family or is there
a real difference between souls we don't know about
There are differences but knowing them is impossible in our 3D restricted mind.
Most of us have a human looking form here on earth, but we sparkle differently when out of

Most people spend a lifetime rejecting information they don’t like, don’t agree with, or don’t
understand. Very little information ever gets accepted by anyone. Hence, everyone has their
own ideas about everything; we argue about the taste of food and drink for crying out loud.

We need to stand by our principles and beliefs---unfortunately we tend to judge others when
we become zealots of our principles, and then we are back to square one with our hate,
attitude, jealousy and ego. In other words our principles in our mind can become better and
more virtuous than the other guys’ principles. So who is right?

Some people don’t realize that earth is hell for many and a bit of heaven for some.

The best learning is done via playfulness.

Those who have evil hate in any flavour or quantity in their soul best clean up their act or at
least be working on cleaning it up, before requesting to be in the presence of higher beings.
Otherwise our flesh will literally be flayed off us and then the clean up guys have to put us
back together again, it’s no picnic---thankfully they blank out most of it.

We humans have no idea how huge [all that] it is---but then again what’s that got to do with
our very small lives down here on earth ?---which seems to overwhelm most of us ?
Precisely---we have trouble with the little things.

The purpose is certainly not to recreate the universe in our own image, that’s where most of
us fall off the turnip truck at every turn.
The purpose is to show a little gratitude for every morsel of scrap that falls off the table and
into our lap. But that requires a humble spirit, and most of us don’t bend that low for anyone.
A powerful mind usually comes with a powerful ego---nothing wrong with that if it gets you
what you want---they will certainly provide you with your wishes and desires whatever they
may be.

Like snowflakes we are each unique.

Many are placed into those [war decisions / positions] and it’s really not the battle for fewer
taxes or more freedom that is the true issue, but how we each perform a difficult task and
maintain our integrity while doing so.
Do we become monsters for the blood, gore, and thrill of it? Or patriots of a just cause? Every
war creates monsters, or “real” heroes.
In real life we often elevate the monsters to heroes because we humans don’t have the
judgment gene and can’t really tell what is inside of a person. But when we die, they are not
fooled by our exterior appearances and can see right through us, and know why we do what
we do.

What you/he did in a past life can’t be undone, but you have an opportunity to show your true
colors again if you didn’t do very good in your last try---kind of like a two out of three deal,
but those numbers can have zeros behind them.

How to find out what we are here for?

It’s your life it’s up to you to make it worthwhile, there is no other reason for being here
unless you are strictly doing hard time on this rock, which even those who are not can end up
doing if they don’t start smelling the roses.
What if someone gave you a fantastic machine that could take you anywhere you wanted to
go, do anything you wanted to do and put you in the driver's seat?---for those who live in free
countries they have these abilities---but some complain that they can’t do anything because
they have to go to school or work for a living, and their leaders of the country suck.
Everything that frustrates us is an illusion to keep us from enjoying life---only those
determined not to let illusions ruin their lives get to enjoy that fantastic machine they are in
possession of.
So take the bitch out of park and enjoy the ride--

Why has there been so much focus and attention recently in genetic research regarding
genetics of red-haired people, like the Celtic cultures?
Aside from the skin factor associated with those genes which seem to leave people more
susceptible to skin cancer, they are looking to find an antidote to that redhead quick temper

To fully understand and appreciate this life one needs to know their last life. But that’s not
going to happen, because then this life will lose its meaning.
So to know would be counterproductive, not knowing the why and how is the only way to be
productive in this world of illusions, as is every religious shrine, or political institutions that
we are but slaves to.

There are no direct flights to where we are going---plenty of stops,

No final destination but plenty of turbulence, some can handle the turbulence others not so
Everyone has the psychic gene to one extent or other, some call it intuition or gut feeling, and
most of us know what other people are thinking. Some of us just don’t want to know and have
turned the flame way down because life is difficult enough without other mental distractions.
When we have control of life’s piddly stuff, then we are more open to the bigger things in the
universe. But first the head has to come up and out of the sand.

Many of us are law abiding because it’s the right thing to do, some of us are law abiding
because of the consequences if we are not. We are here to claim one or the other side of that

Why are people like that stuck here and Lower ET's out and about in the Universe?
Why do some criminals get to drive fancy cars and live in mansions? Because life is not fair
?---On the contrary, life is so stinking fair that most of us hate just how fair it is because we
are also called on that carpet.
Our largest stumbling block here on the rock is when we try and make those big calls like
who deserves what in this life---those are "not" our calls to make.

We yearn for the stars because that's where we come from, and will return to.

Do you believe that some people are just naturally attracted to the paranormal?
Some have those lingering magical feelings left intact from other places for many reasons.
Unfortunately some are attracted to the dark stuff like moths to a lamp, and get burned. The
paranormal world is not a toy.

Are capsules a reflection of the kind of ghost it contains?

Yes and no. Many of us are usually fooled by facades. We can’t “judge a book by its’ cover”
is a good old saying.

Everything we have is borrowed and when we leave a life we surrender everything. Each life
gets a new set of gifts, or lack thereof. If we are moving up we add to our gifts but in a much
more refined way than we can imagine.
A gift we have on earth many have no meaning to the next place. Life a notch above this one
is way different and a whole lot more fun than anything we can experience here.

Earth is a school/prison planet, there are millions of such planets in this galaxy all about at the
same stage as earth is now. And many more millions higher up and lower down too.
There isn’t one huge humanity thing; there are over 6 billion “unique” humans on this planet
all between those scales of incredibly bad, to really good.

Where is the furthest someone has travelled from the Earth in the physical form?
The place from where they throw dirty snow balls from.

Why does it rain frogs some times?

Well if it’s not a biblical curse on Egypt, then perhaps a water spout or tornado funnel sucked
up some surface critters from a pond and carried them a few miles before dropping them off.

The path we choose is not important, what we do on whatever path we find ourselves on is all
that counts. Walk in integrity and you can’t go wrong.

We all are masters of our own peace.

The earthly illusions were created for a good reason---so that people can feel safe.

Our human emotions are like software that we don’t take with us when we move up, the
upgrades are a whole lot better and not flaky.

follow your own heart and do what is right in every dealing you make with others----that’s the
bottom line and no one needs anyone to tell them that.

It’s sort of sad to think that not one of us has a unique, creative thought or idea to take credit
for. Also, if that is true, then we are prisoners. Not only prisoners, but prisoner on strings as
No more a prisoner than a child watched over by a parent or guardian, granted some parents
and guardian are not as nice as others.

We are not our emotions anymore than a tax software program is our taxes----the programs
help us do our taxes but any errors we make while using it we pay the penalties.

Some at the upper crust knew they were exiled to earth, and some religions preached that
when peopled died they returned to the pits inside of the earth and they were correct.

A very few people can remember bits of their past lives here but finding specific things is
rare, and not proof.

Down deep inside we all want off this rock---problem is most people don’t know that there
are other rocks and places to go from here.

Those who master or make a good effort to master their emotions are dealing with the nitty
gritty of why we are here.

If I were to isolate myself from those that cause me to stumble would it be a waste of time
spent here on earth?
Yeah it would be a waste, we have to play the game or else we can’t win. And you only win
by playing fair, regardless if the others are big cheats and punks.

This world is filled with people obsessed with fear of something yet 99.5 % of the time fear is
unjustified and nothing happens to the people filled with fear.
Fear is a waste of time especially if it concerns ETs because they are not allowed to harm
anyone even the dope heads and criminals---even those who crossed the line of no return are
shown mercy if they ask for it.

We don’t accumulate powers and talents; we kind of leave most of that stuff at the entry and
exits. There is no need to carry luggage, we get what we need or earned on our next

We are not one clump of humanity nor are we like a school of fish moving as one----we rise
and fall individually in this ocean of madness and ecstasy---mistakenly referred to as
Do things follow us from our past lives into our current life. For example, a person who
enjoys aviation both as a profession as well as a past time?
Did he do those things in former lives?
Possibly but not necessarily, many things we indulge in now are firsts even if they feel
Some people are breaking rocks because they think that’s what they should be doing because
others are doing it---they could put the sledge hammer down and enjoy life and stop feeling
guilty but many don't.
Some who were sent here to break rocks have tired of it and made changes in their lives and
are enjoying themselves via hang gliding and sky diving----it’s a crazy world because we are
crazy for taking life so seriously.

Everything we humans do is silly but that don’t mean we can’t enjoy our lives----and nothing
is extreme for immortals like humans because we don’t really die, but we can falter if our
doings are done out of selfish or egotistical desires.

That’s the end game to make life a big coffee break with some homemade pumpkin or apple
pie---the kitchen is open twenty-four seven---amazing how few people find their way to it.

Payback from the past lives do happen and are allowed as a way to make amends for horrific
past deeds.

For the most part our exit from this hellhole is predetermined and agreed to by all involved,
but the details are hidden from us otherwise the effect would not be the same.
Part of the price for being here is that we are tormented by the prospect of our demise and the
demise of those we love---but no one need be because most of our fears are way off the mark,
and the fretting way more painful than the actuality.

There are no rules or protocol that fits all situations and much depends on where the soul itself
leans to.
There are higher ups that monitor everything, sometimes they will let things happen---in other
words take the soul up or down a level for a brief time to see how it reacts---egotistical or

If someone gets pulled onto the "wrong" side of the fence, can they change sides? And how?
Yes, the rules and the power changes vie the soul’s remorse or egotistical defiance.
There are souls who play the game believing they can beat the odds but they only end up
deeper into the quicksand

The human mind is constructed to not understand meaning of life and these things; it would
interfere with the purpose of life if we did. But they like throwing out hints about the big
picture, not sure why

Is it fair to say that earth is what we make it in the consensus reality?

If that was true why haven’t we made it a better place? Everyone seems to want to do just that
but no one is able too.
Few have a firm handle on their own lives as well. Certainly the quality of our lives depends
on our attitude---but no matter the attitude we will be tested, now and then, and we have no
control over that.
Are the rules or protocols different at different levels of development?
Not only that but with each and every individual situation---that might not sound fair to our
human reasoning, and that speaks volumes of our human reasoning.

A few sentenced to breaking rocks just up and get it sometimes and are then free to move
forward in this life---not everyone is sentenced to pound their head against the brick wall for
the duration of their existence while here, and hints and opportunities are dropped into their
paths---to be kicked aside or grabbed hold of.
Most of us are here to break a few rocks, mostly the real hard ones between the ears---
We have to eat what’s on our plate or dump it and fill the plate with something else.
Is the operation going to fold if you leave? Do people depend on you? If this is destroying you
will it make things better for them? For you?
How do we know if we are here to break rocks? If we can’t make peace with ourselves or
those in our lives, then we will be breaking rocks until we do.

The universe has something for everyone. Even those crazy do gooders.
So true----
But I have a story about crazy do gooders. Which I’m not against btw but things are not so
black and white when attempting to do good as most of us wish they were
I once belong to a Christian type church while my children were growing up, and the church
and other congregations around the country were told about a kidnapping of two or three
Christians in some African country. So they were asking for donation to get the money to pay
the ransom for the release of these Christians. It worked, and the Christians were released, but
only a week went by and then more Christians were kidnapped, more money was asked for
their release.---do you see where I’m going with this ?
A small problem turned into a huge problem because the kidnappers found a way to make lots
of money, all they needed to do was kidnap Christians. This ended up going on for several
years before the Christians figured out that they were the cause of the misery.
An old proverb states it very well, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”.
When I was a builder I helped build free house with habitat for humanity, made me feel all
good inside---for the most part I still believe the program is a good program and helps
thousands of people get into homes that they otherwise could never afford.
But I quit doing it when a neighbourhood we built some of those houses in became infected
with a couple of undesirables, which did serious damage to the whole neighbourhood.
So doing good doesn’t always translate to good, hence the world around us that seems to be
coming apart at the seams is due to a large part by meddling do-gooders
Some of the top dog do-gooders from the last century are Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler; they
promised their people utopia and delivered them to hell instead. Today we have a bunch more
and the leader of the pack in American’s backyard is Hugo Chavez.

Whatever we wish for they will do their best to make it happen. And if our heart is not true
blue, neither will be the results of our desires.
Many people want to be controlled, they may not admit it but they believe they will be taken
care of if someone or some institution is controlling their lives. Hence religious popularity.
Rouge ETs have been summoned and they do in fact provide a service, hidden agenda if you

The world got this way because it’s filled with inmates from other places and planets. And
those inmates have hate in their hearts, envy in their souls, and greed in their ego. All
wrapped up in bad attitude for their fellow inmates.
We create gods with our human image---vengeful gods, hateful goods, but they can be good
too, if we treat them right.
Well we are doing the same thing with ETs.

Milton has deluded me into thinking that we take life too seriously and that we should stop
and smell the roses now and then, and that I should treat everyone fairly.
Perhaps we should all be so deluded---

Fear is a much better way to control people, and they have the upper hand big time, they can
enslave this whole planet without firing a single shot, why waste their time playing a shell

We are not what we think, definitely not.

When we come here we are issued the traditional prison garb, custom fitted to our particular
needs, even those on vacation.

Consensus reality is pure illusion.

What is reality?
The very one you have at the moment---but it will change by leaps and bounds, or like a snail,
depending on how much or how hard we push that envelope we live in.

If we are here doing our time we got to feel the end of the stick?
Only those on vacation don’t feel the stick, everyone else regardless of their perceived status

There are many evil people with a lot of cash and easy ride here.
There are many evil people having an easy ride straight to hell, not a ride I would envy or
recommend btw.

Is there really a curtain over us like a real matrix?

The only difference is that the food and life on the other side is heavenly, for those moving in
the right direction that is.

Everything is an illusion with in an illusion, and life doesn’t really suck half as bad as our
illusions make us believe.

The only harm [about cheating] is when we hurt other people with little regard for their

Is there going to be a UFO mass landing that sets the earth free from control?
We don’t need a mass landing to set us free, just go to the mirror and talk to your warden, and
tell him or her your situations, maybe they will go easy on you.

We humans would love to be brave little soldiers but heck look at all the things that spook us-
--public speaking, embarrassing moments in public, creaky floor boards in the dead of night
when we are alone in our homes, endless conspiracies where the “man” is out to get us, and
the list goes.
Why are we so jumpy?
Perhaps too much caffeine.

We humans control our children in school and at home with a certain amount of fear. We
keep our prison inmates in line with fear, discipline in our soldiers with fear, and our laws are
obeyed because we fear the consequences.
ETs use fear to teach us things without our ability to object via fear.

Our human bodies are very complex advanced machinery yet they have good and bad germs
fighting it out every second of every day until we die. To try and explain the rhyme and
reason would take oodles of books.

All companies that have government contracts must jump government hoops if they want to
keep getting those contracts. Some people call it bureaucracy gone amuck.
We can’t legislate morality or integrity and expect it to mean anything.

If some people are here on Earth on vacation, are the movie, music stars and all those very
wealthy people classified under that?
You mean like their pleasure is our misery? Some of them are enlightened enough to pass that
mustard but many are not.
Much of what is coming out of Hollywood is certainly not helping anyone, quite the opposite.
What’s being belched out of some noisy celebrities is mostly egotistical balderdash, and some
are blatantly working overtime for the other side, the one that creates more pavement on the
dead-end road to nowhere.
Those on vacation don’t normally do any work here, they are on vacation

Zarathustra purportedly believed that the devil, out of love of God, took on the terrible
assignment or separating his consciousness from God as a part of an experiment to see if
God's seed souls would know how to find their way back to Him through abject darkness
(ignorance). Is there any truth to that according to what you have learned?
Sounds like the book of Job where god and the devil make a bet concerning Job’s love for god
and whether he would relinquish his faith if he were put through hell.
Many people are lost in this wilderness and are fine with it because they don’t like dressing up
for the prom, its much cooler to be a rebel without a cause.
Has nothing to do with the principle of the school.

The “whys” don’t matter, only the “do’s”.

Many are here to work on things they need, some come here on their own accord.

Wake up calls come from any number of entities and a few human companions too.
People who are waking up are not demanding anything; if they are they are still asleep.

Introspect can get ugly and that’s why we avoid it.

Paraphrasing someone’s wise words, “The only paranoia we need to fear is paranoia itself.”
Or something to that affect.
We fear death but there is no death for most of us, so what’s to stop us from grabbing life by
the tail and enjoying the ride?
There is no failure so why not do what your heart desires and see how high you can fly?
Fear and paranoia is a waste of time and is the evil that ruins so many people’s dreams.

Is the Earth really up against dwindling resources or is it a conspiracy to generate money for
special interests?
When the breast milk stopped we didn’t starve, our diets changed to something better and
Does recycling trash, goods, materials really help the world in a tangible way?
Nothing is as it seems and because we believe we are doing good don’t mean we are, it takes
huge amounts of energy to recycle---using that same fossil fuel that we moan and groan about
that pollutes our air.
If people really knew just how much resources are consumed to recycle they would freak out-
--you think they hide the ufo stuff from the public, they hide a lot more.
Are we really helping out future generations by taking these ideas to heart and doing what we
can while we're here?
If it was done sensibly and not rabidly that would be true, but many of the policies of the last
forty years have gummed up the works and prevented innovations that would have eliminate
many of the problems that we have now because of the politically motivated ideals.
Is going "GREEN" a path to a better world, or is it a ploy to make us feel good about
ourselves and have little to no impact on our future?
Oh it has an impact, a bad one---but at least we feel good about it---

Every time we do something “unconditionally” for anyone we have upgraded ourselves to a

higher grade of love potion.

Are Chakras in our body really everything they are cracked up to be?
If we could see some of the magic that souls have within them we would see some very rapid
moving spheres but to us they would appear solid because their movement is way to hyper for
human minds.
Some people seem to be in tune somewhat with these forces but like every belief system they
server those who believe in esoteric ways that have nothing to do with the end results, which
can be attained by anyone who grabs the tail of life and holds on tight with the glue of
It’s not necessary to understand the workings of the gears in a timepiece, a watch, or clock to
tell the time.

Inventing and making things is child’s play, things for us to do to keep busy while we grow
spiritually here on earth.

Little children often understand life better, it’s when we become sophisticated that things
become complex.
Many young children know things about their past lives until they are able to verbalize and be
taken seriously, and then they are cut off and placed into the pen with the other sheep.

We need information that fits our level of understanding.

That’s how it gets dished out, always has been.
Maybe people need to read between the lines---the fine print---where the meat and potatoes
are usually stashed.

The only problem is the one we hide between our ears.

There are some missing children every year that go unaccounted for, but not tons.

What people do with their lives is mostly up to them.

This universe is big, and there in never enough learning and expanding, but thankfully at
higher levels learning is great fun and not boring drudgery like it can be here on earth.
There are bazillions of levels above where we are here on earth if you can grasp that---can a
first grader grasp college? And then “life” after college?
Welcome to the first grade, well, that’s the cap we wear while here on earth.

Those with the most baggage are those deep into the blame game.

When you sit in heavy traffic there are always people who think they have the right to stuff
everyone else and go down the inside and push in further down.
Do people like this get sent to the back of the line in other areas of life or is it just a dog eat
dog world and we are just stupid for not taking advantage like they do?
Dogs don’t taste good---I imagine, I wouldn’t know and don’t care to know. So joining the
pack of mangy dogs may seem appealing because many others are doing it is certainly not the
best course of action to take.
Many of them dogs will be back to gnaw on each other again and again.

Many things go unpunished while down here on earth, and that’s too bad because it's much
cheaper to pay the tab after the feast than to pay later because of the carrying cost and interest
keeps accumulating ---and everyone will pay their tab.

The older we get the less likely we will deviate from our well worn routine, it really is hard to
teach an old dog new tricks, and in many cases pointless
Not calling you old just making a general statement
The different potential outcomes usually takes place in dreams or on a ship.

The innocent don’t come to earth unless they are on vacation. True, you may have done
nothing in this life to merit being screwed over but somewhere down the line a tab was not
paid in full or not at all, so now it has to be paid.
Therefore if you have no honourable recourse take your lumps and move on, everything is
temporary, and this life is over, and we are faced with another one, and that’s the bottom line-
--do we keep creating more tabs that will be paid for or free ourselves of the “illusions” of this
temporary existence and our perceived problems ?

Mind clutter is the culprit and unfortunately many contribute to that clutter by doing things
they believe will de-clutter via mantras and chants. Believe it or not but trying to quiet the
mind can and is often more taxing than a bar filled with noise and smoke.
Unfortunately there is no one solution that fits everyone; therefore we have to find our own
way to a mellow mind.
Try not to think so much and let life happen is the advice I can give---and find and do the
things you enjoy most, surprisingly it could be that simple.
Also, try and enjoy whatever you are stuck in doing until you find the things you enjoy---we
are allowed to enjoy everything we do even if we don’t want to.

When we are comfortable with the weight of our baggage motivation to change needs to come
from elsewhere
What is the benefit of making those changes? If we don’t see any we aint going to change
As far as knowing our choices, well depends on our age, if we are ninety and broke becoming
a real estate magnate might be out of the question.
Ability and desire determines our choices, the magic comes once we make them and stick
with them.

There are many of real bad souls here but they don’t get to know or understand much of
anything, and certainly wouldn’t be asking questions on threads like this one---their lives suck
way too much, and they don’t see any good in anyone, and don’t want to.
Could I have been one of the worst scum bags ever to come into existence?
If you were you wouldn’t be on earth.
Is being on earth sign of good progress?
For those going in the right direction.

Are the bad things we liked to do in past lives reversed into things that make us sick in this
We are kept from doing certain things for many different reasons.

We are sovereign and cannot be used as sock puppets, but there are exceptions to some rules
in a very very few cases (Nostradamus and Cayce).

There certainly is a lot of hero worship in this world and most of it is over inflated and
unwarranted. Life is not about becoming a hero in our own eyes or that of others, most true
heroes never gain recognition by others or themselves and will only know when it’s pointed
out to them on the other side.

We can accomplish anything that we wish and work to accomplish.

It don’t matter why we are here, if we are given the opportunity to improve by being allowed
to believe that we can then we can.
Yes, evil people can use power over matter too, and become less evil or more evil.

Why the governments are slaving us?

Some governments that is their job, others we give our souls over to them in hopes that they
will take care of us---never happens and we become their slaves.
We all compete for power that’s why we are down here.

I am correct that there are BAD ET SOULS from all the galaxy in prison planets like earth
incarnated in human bodies that's why there are very smart and intelligent ppl use their skill
to negative purposes?
That’s true.

Some 15 year olds are more mature than some 30 year olds, so age after a certain age will not
be an advantage or disadvantage per say.
Many of our screw ups intentional or otherwise we will pay for while in the here and now, via
fewer “quality” opportunities and perhaps a bit more misfortune depending on how much
harm we have perpetrated.

Anything worth having takes effort to keep. If what you have is not worth the effort then it
will go away.
The term “If it was meant to be” is used when we don’t want to do the work to make it be.

Life is not a game, but it should be fun nonetheless, but it is not fun on its own, we make it
fun, or let it be what it’s meant to be.

Plenty of top dogs have soft and meek hearts behind a fierce exterior. Most of us can’t see
inside a human heart therefore we are not qualified to judge anyone because we are usually
wrong when we do.

Competition is part of this life and it can be subverted by people who would subvert any
situation they find themselves in, which has nothing to do with competition itself, heck even
plants compete.

Sometimes it seems that people use a feigned aggressive happiness as a weapon to hurt, or
conquer others.
Most evil leaders use that system and their blind followers fall for that schmooze---sugar
coating works very well. Those who promise people the world are despots in the making.

Hierarchy is not determined by anyone, those with the less baggage rise higher than those
with baggage. So toss away all your dead weight and your step will be much lighter and

Temptations are real and those who dish them out like candy are real too.

What would my body be like if it did not have a soul in it?

Dead meat
Would it function like an animal and just blend in with the world?
What’s a car do without a driver? Nothing.

When did earth become a teaching planet and why?

Millions of years ago, on and off.
Because earth makes a great teaching planet.
Where they running out of good planets?
Earth is a great planet, and they are not running out, new ones come on line every day
somewhere in the galaxy.
How many human years has the earth been in existence?
A bunch.

What about TASTE? Our foods are losing their wonderful qualities of taste and texture. There
is a huge difference in quality on many levels. Gmf food seems to be devoid of SPIRIT or
CHARACTER. i don't understand how that can be a GOOD thing unless the ultimate goal is
to wean us off of food altogether.
Prison food is not that great unless we use lots of spices---
Also our taste buds as do all our senses don’t get better with age.
Food taste better the less of it we have---hunger really spices up the taste of crummy food, so
does wine for us gluttons.

Most of the people on this planet are here to learn a very simple lesson at this stage, which is
basically to love and support others, rather than manipulate and control them. What we now
are seeing in laboratory research is that the consciousness field is directly interfacing with
DNA. When a person feels love, their DNA actually unwinds and expands. If the person is
feeling hatred and anger, their DNA contracts and shrivels up.
Our souls may shrivel but not our dna, however, it will know and make life more miserable
via our bodies. So in essence that is a true statement, kind of.

Life on earth was not an experiment or mistake, it was deliberate and perfect.
Those who fail to see the perfection in life are here because of that internal flaw they have in
their soul.

Fewer hardcore prisoners and many who are here now will be back in the next century.

When souls are on a vacation here on earth do they chose who to incarnate into and choose
to have their human brain suppress memory of past lives?
Some do.
Any one of us could be on vacation right now without even knowing it - even those who are in
3rd world countries?
There are no long lines for those “voluntary” type assignments so anyone wanting them can
get right in.

It’s never too late to do anything you want, if you really want it.

Cleaning up our act, getting educated and expecting more out of life is a good start.

If we are suppose to come to our parents, and they in this life are unavailable, will our soul
just be put into someone next in line cause it's time for us to come, or do have to wait till our
moms are ready for us ?
Those we end up with are part of the program we will be put through, and they will be

We don’t all come in together and we don’t all leave together---most of the time.

Do these people like Prince, Madonna, Elvis have help in their mega success with a hidden
agenda? Or just a great PR crew?
No one becomes top gun on their own they are put there.

How can we be understanding if we don't even have the real facts with which to understand?
We tend to understand only the things we want to understand, even those of us with open
minds will shut them the moment we hear something that offends us.
And much of the hidden stuff is very offensive to our human delicate and fragile reality of
things that we cherish. I lose people every day who get offended by my simple words and
ideas, many have fallen by the wayside, and I’m not talking about the sceptics---they stick
with me like gum on my shoe----

Most of the crime in our streets is due in large part to the parents who chose to abandon their
children for their own selfish needs. Poverty is no excuse, many great people and leaders
throughout history grew up in poverty.

Freewill is very important and those who live without it don’t get full use of that gift.
Anytime we are expected or demanded to do things we give up our freewill. And certain
religions and political beliefs wish to take away freewill and individual identity---for the
greater good---yeah sure
For the greater good of whom? Certainly never for the individual.

To prove to “ourselves” what we are made of---we get an unbiased breakdown at the end of
each life showing us the ingredients of our lives and deeds, the good the bad and the very
ugly. Nothing gets held back.

We are here to become legends in our own pompous minds, or to shed some of our tarnish
and expose a diamond in the rough, one is achieve via humility the other via arrogance.

The funny thing is that the world owes us nothing because we have everything. Some indulge
freely in this horn of plenty called life, others despair believing they can’t have what they
want---yet we all belong to the same galaxy filled with endless abundance---poverty is a
temporary and painful illusion for those stuck in it---how temporary really depends on each
“capable” individual. Obviously some are not allowed out of poverty during this life time, but
many are free to fly from it, or stay in it and complain till they die---and then they will kick

Almost all of us here on earth are human beings. There are some ETs who look like humans
but chances of running into one is slim.

Giving names of those on holiday is against the prime directive rules---

If you notice those who are more in tune with the higher vibrations are much calmer than
others---because they stop taking life seriously and enjoy it for what it is.

We do most of our battles between the ears and within our souls while down here on earth

Many who have little will gain much, many who have much will lose what they have. There
are people that have every opportunity before them yet they fall into the bottomless pit of self
pity---and then there are those who have absolutely nothing but a simple appreciation for the
life they were given.
The lesson in this life is to never accept an invitation to a woe is me party.

Life on earth is like that “Etch A Sketch” thing, it gets tipped over and shaken every now and
It’s not war because it's one sided and we have nothing to say about it.
Why would you bother to build something up to that scale then dismantle it and start again?
For the fun of it for some, to learn and to play for others, and for punishment for the knuckle
All life on earth is temporary, the real life is elsewhere, where things don’t decay and die,
where people don’t have wars, where life is real and peachy.
But first we need to make our lives and those we interact with while here peachy---or at the
very least don’t drag anyone down.

The human race as we know it on Earth, Where we designed to be on this planet?

Did the out races have a lot to do with us being here on this planet?
There are renegade genes mixed into the population on earth.
Our race of human was started on Earth, or just put here long ago?
Some were started some are exiles from other stars who were allowed to mix into the gene
Many of us on earth have come from other star systems in the Milky Way.
I have to wonder if we humans didn’t come from such a place, and somehow get cut off from
our home worlds solar systems…
We are not cut off, and get to visit other star systems that people only remember as dreams.
Most that have been sent here were downgraded or up graded on purpose. We are not lost in
space, they know where we live---
Some are natives to this system.
Some are definitely stuck here with their wheels a spinning to nowhere.

We are souls, capable of being housed in who know how many different containers, or free
from all containers for that matter. Something like that?
Pretty much, life on planets like earth are not much more than sand castles until the next
really big wave washes them away---but the big waves are not in dog years, and the next huge
one is not due for a long long time.

Do we live in Holographic Universe?

As a matter of fact no because matter is a real illusion and not a Holographic one---

We humans are put here to learn to look both ways before we cross the neighbourhood street--
-so crossing the big highways is a no no.

What stops us from shape shifting like these other beings that have this ability?
Our mothers wouldn’t let us do it when we were young because it might put an eye out---so
we lost the power and the will to shape shift---and never put your tongue on a cold metal pole
during the winter time---no sarcasm here, I’m only trying to be funny---

On this "Plane", once we get a glimpse of the possible "good stuff", do we ever get over
wanting more?
Like in the movie Scrooged with the Bill Murray guy, when at the end he says when you get
the good stuff you get greedy for more---or some words to that affect. Sorry---didn’t mean to
spoil it for those who haven’t seen the movie.

Some souls really enjoy being bad and to heck with the consequences----know any humans
like that?
The lure to cross that line is very strong and many of us on this planet have a very difficult
time with keeping both feet on the right side of the tracks---being bad or a little bad is
adventurous and daring---and remains so at the lower levels and even a few notches above us
bad boy humans.

About the energy field that surrounds us and how it affects others:
We project our emotions like radio stations---and some people can accurately pick up on them
and some people can’t. First impressions are almost always wrong---

The higher beings look for true blue quality that can only be found deep inside the soul in a
secret place that’s accessible only to them. Many people spend their lives believing they are
racking up points that will please their gods and earn them a treat. People will do anything for
their beliefs and their gods. Heck, we train dogs to do tricks for the promise of a treat----and
we humans believe we are smarter than animals, yet we do the very same thing---

Why does it seem that opposites truly do attract in this realm?

The gods have to amuse themselves somehow---
Or, we end up with those we don’t like because we need to work on our people skills and find
out why we don’t like someone---and in doing so we usually end up liking those we didn’t
like and in some cases disliking those we did like---which is a whole other lesson---

We don’t all come here willingly in the same way people don’t go to jail willingly nor school
for that matter---

What we have here on earth is a tried and true system that is used in millions of other solar
systems in this galaxy----nothing unique or special about earth or those on it.

Royals often were higher entities in human bondage and special circumstance whose souls
came from other places in the galaxy. Not all were born royal but they came in with the
prepaid package to become royals.

On a scale of 1 - 100, (1=Lowest Demonic type Souls, 100=Creator) what level of vibration
do we live on?
Between 2 and 5.

I highly recommend avoiding any hellish situations for those able to do so.
People who are trying to do the right thing are not heading towards hell, or hell like places.
Hate no one even those that you hate for good reason--- and don’t cheat anyone.

How long is it before your average human on earth reaches certain levels and don’t have to
reincarnate anymore?
There is no average but millions here now are on their last trip and don’t know it but may or
may not feel it.
How many more lifetimes will most of us be spending in this solar system/earth?
However many it takes.
Will most of us even make it to those levels, where we reach equality with the gods?
No one will ever be equal unless they are cows or ants. But many will rise as high as they are
light and hang out with the gods.

What is in the mind is also in the soul concerning thoughts, and negative thoughts do count
even if not acted on. But no one expects instant perfection only a willingness in that direction.
Thoughts are baggage and they do weigh on us more than most realize.

It is not the memories that define who you are, but what you do.

Life is a paradox, we hate it and we love it and never want to leave it, especially if we are
healthy and happy. Well healthy and happy is one way to extend it---happy holidays.

How many aliens use lies and deception to get what they want/need from us?
Well here in the good old USA we are gearing up for a whole lot of lies and deceptions from
those who wish to upgrade their adobe to something big and white via our votes
Who will be telling the truth and who will be lying depends on which side of the fence we are
on---those who we agree with and want in office never lie------it’s always the other ones that
Therefore lies are subjective to our own prejudices---regardless if they come from evil entities
or from human egos.
If lies and deception are frequently used by higher beings doesn't that conflict with the
"Integrity Code" regiment they seem to want us on?
Double standards are earthly crutches we humans give to ourselves to make our
rationalizations feel better, when we should know better.

The higher ups don’t make people evil, we do that by ourselves.

Unfortunately wake up calls don’t take holidays off. Some will benefit from tragedy, some
will despair, most will “not” be affected in the least, and that is a testament to why we are
"down" here in the first place.

Is one of the reasons why people on missions get their memories blanked is to ensure you
don't think about your mission until the time comes so other ET's don't pick up on your
mission ?
That's the buzz.

We are not here to run and hide but to confront whatever it is that spooks us. We humans are,
after all, immortal. We play this mortal gig for a short time and hopefully grow in courage
during our short time here. Those who run from real or imagined fears---mostly imagined,
lose important opportunities to grow and evolve into higher beings.

Some of us have expectations---we expect things from others, things perhaps that these others
can’t or will not deliver, therefore we set ourselves up for disappointment and frustration.
There is only one way around that insane ideal and that is never expect anything from others,
especially if those expectations are for our own selfish needs and wants.
No one owes us anything---yet we own our understanding and love to everyone we encounter.
We are not here to take and to receive kindness, we are here to give it---and never expect it---
otherwise we will never be happy.
There is a movie called “It’s A wonderful life” by Frank Capra and staring James Stewart.
Might be worth a watch, even if you already seen it.

Some of us are blessed with good families and some of us are blessed with asshole ones.
Those of us stuck in the assholes ones have been put there for a reason---to help the assholes
get through this stinking life---or we can let them fall deeper into the hole. If we let them fall
deeper, or even help them to fall deeper into desperation, when perhaps we could have helped
even a little bit, then who are the real assholes?
Sometimes those who frustrate us the most are pushing the very buttons we need pushing,
challenging our weakness like a small leak in a dam---we can either fix it, or patch it up
temporarily so we can deal with it another day
Problems never go away unless confronted.

You have to fix your own messes, and for some that really suck.

No coin toss concerning our lives but if we stall and that’s all that will get us to move on, why
not. Our actions can speak volumes but what manifest in our lives is what is in our hearts---
and not all of us are willing to fess up to the things that reside there, which is the roots to our
real physical problems in our lives.

Sometimes we get to choose the mess we get placed into, other times it’s punishment or
In many cases we are miss-matched for a reason---which breaks some of us and makes some
of us.

Some children choose their parents.

What does it take to get off this planet and on to better stuff?
A lighter than air soul---we must let go of that heavy baggage that holds us grounded to this
planet---not the material things but the real stuff that scrambles our emotions and ties them
into knots of hate and envy. Our emotions are heavy stuff and often ruin perfectly good lives
over silly ideas.

Some of us are a bit timid expressing our true feelings to those nearest to us, and then they are
gone. Gone to another planet or realm that is---and no theories about it----you got to be a real
bad soul for them to revoke living privileges.
Those who have passed are more alive now than we are---and are very aware of those they
left behind.

Everyone in our lives no matter how brief has a connection to us from the past. That's why
doing the right thing is not only right but crucial in every encounter we have with other people
we bump into during our walk through this life---because we will see them again after this life
and possibly for all eternity----like it or not---those we hurt and those we help will be back----
as the Arnold Schwarzenegger would say.

Be generous with your love, even to those you hate and your life will be in perfect balance.

Things that bring us pleasure on this realm also bring pleasure on higher realms of existence
but without the hassles we have on earth. Also all our senses are dull down here in
comparison to higher places.
Every opportunity to enjoy whatever is around us is lost forever if we don’t take advantage of
them---check out the move “Click” with Adam Sandler.
Enjoying the moment is fleeting while here on earth---but those moments are important to our
building blocks on the other side.
We are in for an eternity of those “natural high” moments, we only taste snippets of them
while alive here on earth.

Facing your fears will help you be better in this life, but pure integrity will get you to better
places higher up the ladder.

Why we do things is written on our soul in a place even we don’t know where to look.
Most of us think we know ourselves until we are given a peek into our own souls---few can
stomach what they see.
A soldier has a duty, but how that duty is performed is what counts. All our actions are judged
at the soul level, and many of us will be surprised at what level we lived our lives.

Some people have to take the long and hard road to find what they are made of.
What’s the deal with ET’s only dropping hints?
Those of us with school age children know that we can give hints to help them with their
homework but doing it for them would defeat the purpose of homework.

Knowledge usually only comes with much blood sweat and tears, but some of it gets tossed
out there now and then for free.

Everyday someone sees the light and their whole world changes for the better---these things
do not happen in mass.

All that matters is what’s inside of us that makes us better humans, all that other stuff is
mumbo jumbo.

Life is a gift that is often thrown away and kicked to the curb by the prideful and foolish---and
what a gift they throw away---it’s the only gift that will take us to the stars.

We all have certain and hidden powers, to do good or evil. Most of us don’t know about these
powers and are kept from knowing because we would be dangerous without the discipline.
Lampposts tend to flicker, most people never notice.

Our real names are hidden from us while down here.

It’s a tough dark world out there and for light to happen we have to strike the match and then
keep the flame alive in the windstorm.

We come here from the stars above to push the buttons on the ones we love. How dumb is
The only road to happiness is never seek it out---instead seek to make others happy---those
who figure out that simple little rule are the happiest people alive.

Is growing old a part of our punishment/challenge here?

Or is it supposed to shift our focus to other things?
All of the above.

Perspective is 100 percent of our lives here---and that’s what we change or not.

There are various degrees of awareness while here.

Regardless of how we are treated by the warden and his henchmen they are still in charge and
we play by their rules or we will never get off this rock--- plane and simple.
They don’t have to operate by the same standards they're imposing on us, they are not the
ones in school or in prison. Nevertheless, like teachers and prison guards they are required to
follow certain standards
Is it really like we're chimps in a zoo and they're making faces at us and laughing?
Personally, I would prefer them making faces and laughing at me to some of the other things
some people on this planet are facing during their ordeal in this zoo.
What kind of penalties are there for ET and black ops?
Like anyone else who strays.
Zero favouritism is the rock solid no getting around it rule of the universe.
If the populous at large demands more austerity, more control then that is the direction they
are taken. If more people in one locality or country lean towards a certain beliefs then that’s
where their noses go to get rubbed into.
Via consensus, we choose our own medicine.
Nevertheless we are individuals and still retain control of freewill---even if we forfeited our
freedoms due to our foolishness and mislead beliefs.

Projecting positive is not the essence of why we are here, and in this world where the concept
is “misery loves company” not everyone appreciates it.

Each city is a vessel that moves independently like cells under a microscope.

Work is in the mind of the beholder and so are vacations.

There are no accidents or coincidences ---children are always planned and never a choice.
Children are placed into families designed specifically for them and the parents---it’s a mutual

Even though we have some input in the jalopy we end up driving off the lot much depends on
why we are coming here in the first place. Some of us are here to see what level of humility
we can stand or accept and our bodies may hinder or help in that respect.

What would change if we could understand the altruistic perspective?

Everything would change including our outward appearance---mind over matter would be a
Is it possible for humans to understand the altruistic perspective while here on earth?
Understand it perhaps, living it, rare.

Nothing wrong with thinking big like holding up the universe--- but few and I mean few have
any idea just how big this universe thing is---and those playing at those levels are not on these
levels at all. Are those highbrows too good for us? Yes they are.

Humans in their pure form are energy.

But where does that energy go once we enter these carcasses? ---

How does one raise their level of vibration?

Slowly eliminate things that make you angry by not letting things get to you.

We are not all from the same place. For instance, people who can conceptualize space travel
and space cities have been there in their recent past lives. Some people here today have come
from the Dark Ages here on earth or other plants and even thought they may have been to
more advanced places as we all have it has been a long while and they have no concept or
understanding of it.
Our families are huge and often we don’t see each other on the physical plane for eons---its
far more likely to bump into each other in the spirit zone---for brief moments until we mature
and make it to the everlasting zone.
Sometimes things seem familiar because they are, you may have been there and done things
and still long for it---just don’t tell that to your family and friends------they simply can’t grasp
what they know not of.

Everyone that crosses our paths do so via a predetermined journey that they are not aware of.
People in our lives are people we have rubbed elbows with before in other times and other
places on other planets if not this one.
That’s why it’s important to try and understand where they are coming from---and always
give them the benefit of the doubt. Botching things up between loved ones and associates only
creates more dirty laundry that will need cleaning up later

We cannot undo what we have done but we can stop adding to the pile of dirty laundry.
Considering that some people add to the dirty pile their whole lives you may be ahead of the
game if you stop now, and start adding to that other pile.

Half assed attempts get no soup---:---the real deal might, after some time, pay dividends, but
we are not puppies performing for treats.
We are immortals and we have to act like immortals
Doing the right thing is its own reward, if not, then to the back of the line we go.

Why did they create us with so many imperfections in the physical sense? Was it just sloppy
Defects and imperfections are emblems from the past, sewed on to our present uniforms.
Sloppy work? You could say that, but not on their part.

We own lock, stock, and barrel all of our flaws, from this life or previous ones---our flaws
stalk us until we deal with them.
What is our purpose in life? Whatever we want to make it---just do it well and hold no
grudges along the way.

Six and a half billion souls---every single one accounted for, not one thought is lost from
anyone, its beyond our human comprehension but nothing for aliens---they been doing this for

It does seem that those whose mouths flap the most have the least wisdom to share---yet we
elect leaders whose mouths flap the most and the longest---perhaps just to shut them up.

We only have a small taste of consciousness down here---for some that’s a blessing---because
the more of it you have the more aware of yourself.

Our emotions are who we are---depressing isn’t it---but they change as we mature.

Fate and heartburn don’t go well together.

Fate is what we make it, or it will make us by default---best if we put some effort into our
own fate.

Our choices make this life more productive or less productive---if we have a good attitude we
can do more with whatever life we have.
If one decides not to live their blueprint life that they have done a thousand times before and
makes changes in their attitude and positivity towards others, that would change who you
chose as a mate, friends, family, and where you would go live, work and play.
Yes and no, but if so there are many family members on this planet that we never encounter
unless we make significant changes in our predestiny thing.
Will we encounter all the same people anyway?
Not always but we would never know not having crossed the alternate paths.

We are not here to achieve enlightenment---most of us don’t need bigger britches---well,

maybe we do after the holidays and all that food we couldn’t pass up---
Enlightenment exists externally and we drink as much of it as we need for whatever situation
we are presented with, or choose to indulge in.
Once we move off this planet we will see the oceans of knowledge all around us, we will
swim in it. It is not the big enchilada of achievement everyone seems to think it is down here
because it's free for the taking.
Nevertheless, the amount of baggage we carry with us makes accessing the endless pool of
knowledge difficult---so put down the baggage and drink more freely from the fountain of

Earth is only one of millions of tough schools and certainly not the toughest by any means.

If we don’t master our emotions like hate and envy any challenge becomes more difficult on
this plane---and impossible on higher planes---that’s why we do the push-ups on planets like

I notice you always answer at each person's frequency of understanding. How do you
understand all these multiple realities and maintain your own focus? Is there a point of
No convergences on this climb up mount Everest of existence because those who reach the
summit do not kiss and tell.
Once we puncture through a certain level of consciousness, we all have a similar idea of
where we are and where we are going.
On these lower more difficult levels, we can reach down and help---not necessary further up,
yet no convergence either.
It’s kind of like here on earth, we understand and agree with people we meet on certain
things---and disagree on most other things---without admitting to it.
It all depends on how much we drink from the fountain during our climb---not all will climb
to the highest peak, by their choice.
Understanding is not the same for everyone and needs not be, and will not be---we remain
unique forever.

Which works better to get the mule to its destination, the carrot or the stick?
If we were talking mule but we are talking something much more stubborn---humans.

Why are we incarnated as certain ethnicities?

They do not want that out.
Are ethnic background symbolic of our soul?
Maybe, to a certain degree.
All wars are mainly one ethnicities vs. others and sometimes genocide.
Much more complicated than that.
Earth is a place we inhabit for now and definitely is not home---some people seem to know
that, most don’t.

In my town they spent several billions of dollars to build all new inner city schools and supply
them with the best that money could buy and still ended up losing accreditation ten years into
the new program---when parents are not involved all the money in the world will not teach the

If we lived in a perfect world it wouldn’t be much of a test of character would it.

Why were we created? For the heck of it.

I don't know what I want to do with my life.

What do you want to be ten, twenty or thirty years from now? How about a general in the
military, an astronaut, an airline pilot, a CEO of a large corporation, an actor, a senator,
school bus driver---whatever it is you want you can make it happen
First, it helps if you make a decision and then slowly work towards it. Go to college, if you
can’t afford it get student loans---most people do---or go in the military and let them pay for
Don’t want to go to college, start a business, any business---people does it all the time---some
fail and then start over again. Or work for some company and work your way up to CEO or
whatever level you want---happens all the time.
People who live in American can do anything they wish---just don’t listen to your friends they
get envious and will talk you out of doing things that will make you successful.

Some of us fall apart as we age, and some of us go crazy or senile---going out can be
humiliating---good thing few are aware of it.

The only constant is the change in perceptions of the physical world around us, and for some
that’s like pulling teeth without the tranquilizers.

Our purpose on earth is to find the answers that pertain to us---why do we do what we do, is
one of them.

No one on earth has experienced “blissful existence”, until they leave this place it’s not even
possible, and once you achieve it it will more than suffice

Certainly many people believe they get into heaven solely by believing on a certain deity’s
name and no other deeds are required.
Anyone who thinks that integrity is not prerequisite to moving into such heavenly quarters is
surely mistaken and fooling themselves.
We are judged by our deeds of love, kindness, and most importantly our integrity and without
those basic elements, our souls will not move to higher grazing grounds.
So tells us [xxx], how many other names have you used or hid behind?
Or is this too much of a probing question for you?

They say ignorance is bliss, and perhaps that’s why many of us remain there.
Knowledge is power they also say but power is only a short term ego trip and an illusion, and
so too is knowledge.
Some people equate good memory skills for knowledge but a cheap 3-dollar calculator or
memory chip can do a whole lot more.
Information is cheap and can be found anywhere and so is awareness and both take effort and
desire---and that’s what distinguishes us from each other.

No human has a grasp on reality, such is not permitted while here on earth.

Are the same bottom line "get along" dictates the same for ALL universes / dimensions?
Absolutely not, but to get glimpses of some of that other mind benders in the universes we
have to get through certain hurdles like “get along” first.

We are here to experience many levels of emotions and our deepest flaws and try to root them
out or at least acknowledge them.

Why are we on planet earth?

It’s the only place that would take us---

Besides love, kindness, and integrity, what else can one strive to get higher up?
Being happy as often as possible helps---not letting the problems of the world weigh you
down. People who are always bummed out and fearful are not assets to themselves and others
around them.

Physiognomy is only skin-deep and is separate from our personality; looks do not make us
who we are.

If we look good or if we think we look good it gives us something to look forward to when we
look in the mirror.

IS there a pattern for humanity?

Sure is.
Is our personality coding in our DNA?
Yes but we can override.
How many types of personality are there?
More that the few we have here on earth.
What more else you can tell about human psychology?
That we all have a price, and we can be bought, unfortunately, most of us sell cheap.

If there were a switch to flip and we could see all these things going on all around us it would
be so cool---

The species thing is a human misconception; we are containers of various shapes, sizes, and
colours. There is significance to that, but nothing we humans are aware of nor need to be.

This world is filled with lies and illusion to sift out those who are true to themselves, nothing
else matters. We humans are being sifted and the slag and other debris moved to other piles
and other places that will be more suitable for them.

Everyone will figure it out in their own time---how clear it all becomes depends on how much
baggage we are willing to let go of---not easy for most of us to do because there is some way
cool stuff in that baggage---
Is all matter conscience and aware of our true intentions?
As a matter of fact it is.

Do we get to look around the other side, for a bit, before they slap us back into another life?
Many do.

Earth is like grade school with many different grades. But for most it is pure prison and no
learning will take place for those souls.
Once they do their time they get sent back to first grade and given more chances and
challenges. We all get a bunch of opportunities before they give up on us.
First grade is not a nice place and is more like Marine Corps basic training that can last a
Most souls eventually get sick and tired of sucky lives and change their attitudes believe it or
It’s all in the attitude, good attitude regardless of life situation is the only way out----nothing
else is acceptable.

We are not in the Matrix, at least not like the one in the movie---but there are places further
down that are like the Matrix and much worse.
Things get bizarre on planets that are a few notches below what we have on earth. And some
of our worse nightmares including movies like the Matrix are played out as if real---but like
on earth those things are also illusions with an end date---however, those in the illusion don’t
know they are illusions just like here on earth, so they suffer as if they are real.

Travelling through space is a hard thing to picture in the head..........

Yeah, it’s funny we don’t feel a thing yet our sun is hauling-ass around the hood while we go
in circles around the sun chasing our tails---

Every situation opens up new doors, but sometimes we have to close doors from past lives, or
the past in this life, to advance in the here and now---we are allowed to do some of that work
in what we call dreams.
We can change our life journey but if we surrender completely to hate evil and envy to the
point that those vices own us, the quagmire is more difficult to extract from.

This life is very slippery and very deceiving, luring us to the flypaper of envy, selfishness and
hate---being good is not cool and very difficult to hold on too when everyone around us are
asses and we try and emulate them.
Misery loves company and we run to misery because that’s the cool thing to do
That straight and narrow road we often hear about and gleefully pass by is the only road that
will lead us away from the quagmire and into pure delight.

Physical bodies are a short ride in the big picture, and the physical we are familiar with here
on earth is only another level of ethereal.

No doubt, happy people don’t help pay overhead bills at the doctor’s office.

We are offered deals all the time whenever we are looking for the “What’s in it for me angle”.
And so many of us fall for that little trap.
We already have everything but lose it all once we lose focus and make ourselves the center
of attention.
There is nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of our labours, and indulging in the material
things in this life, but indulging our ego is a huge mistake.

Evil gets thrown at us all the time but why pay it heed? We are free to enjoy as much of our
lives as we dare too---yet some of us are timid when it comes to the simple pleasures available
to us.
When we squander such gifts they tend to fade away---the old "use it or lose it" thingy
Gosh dang it people get out there and enjoy this life and you will get more of it---these
entities that follow us around 24/7 love to deliver what we like the most---which includes pain
and misery if that’s all we will settle for.

Once we get that our purpose here is to get between the ears, in control of the cards after
being dealt, awareness of hate, envy, and selfishness and accepting the emotions they bring
through this grade school classroom...well???.
They must sink in and become part of our daily repertoire---many of us know these things but
don’t realize the value until we are on the death bed---too late.

We can’t have true happiness if we are burdened with baggage, and on the flight off this
planet they don’t allow carry on or any baggage unless we have a round trip ticket.

Everyone you meet in your life is real and you will meet them again and again in other lives
so be sure to treat them right.

There is no such thing as a normal human being, and some of us are more eccentric than
But there are some damaged individuals from drug use, alcohol abuse, accidents and birth
Most people really have nothing wrong with them, they are only different from those around
them----who in fact may be more messed up---which includes some in the medical profession
who don’t have the backbone to do the right thing.

We are here to make changes in ourselves wherever we can including mental copout.

You can’t maintain a true positive attitude and hold on to hate and envy, if you do you have
fooled one person.

Everything we do we do for ourselves---it’s really hard if not impossible to get around that---
that stuff is for higher levels and not the grade school level we have here on earth.
Treating everyone right is the important thing, and for some that is a huge challenge.

We are here to learn our manners, have fun, and make something of our lives.

This planet really is a school of hard knocks.

There is no way of knowing if another person is higher up the ladder than me or you. Position,
jobs or stature means nothing because no human can see what is inside of another persons’
heart or mind. In essence, everyone you meet can be far ahead of you, even if you perceived
them as buttheads.
Also, it is more important to treat people who are below us with upmost respect, if we are
unable to do that then we are not really above them, but below them.
Certainly most of us would love to show people up that’s our ego talking. But we can
compete without getting attitude. Never look down on anyone even if they are buttheads or
you just think they are..
Do your job and help them do their job, or at the very least do not interfere with them, or trip
them up.
Use your advantage but never despise others for any reason.

When we are put in or choose to be put into these experiences, all within one human lifetime--
are some of us on a fast track or getting the major woodshed routine or both?
We are all on the fast track to nowhere---those who slow down and smell the roses cut down
on the woodshed visits.

Freewill means we are free to make good decisions and therefore move forward or bad
decisions and move down.
We are free to choose heaven or more hell.
When we are asked to give account of our actions, we can’t blame anyone but ourselves
because of the freewill clause.

Why weren't we just designed to always do the right thing?

There are certain types of entities that were designed that way; Souls on earth have chosen
different paths, with consequences and rewards not available to the other entities.

Why does there have to be a bad side to anything?

Because some of us have tasted bad and we liked it, and indulged in it in other lives if not in
this one.

There are seven Levels of awareness on earth.

Most everyone we have contact with in this life has passed our path before, the good and the
bad ones too.

Those who rid themselves of all baggage are pulled off the planet----the good die young
thing---but obviously not everyone who die young are good.

Do you have any thoughts on the (non-biblical) idea of say, 144,000 (give or take a few
thousand or so, of course) self aware souls dotted around the planet, standing on the
sidelines, helping others see opportunities to grow? What is your take on such an idea?
144,000 is a biblical number concerning the chosen, but in realty the number of helpers is
much much larger and I’m "not" one of them.

No one dies before their time on this rock is up. We all die, and some of us even know how
and why---they agreed to it before they were born.
Nevertheless, the people who are left behind suffer the most and nothing will change that. The
loss of a loved one is the worst kind of punishment any of us can go through.
The only consolation is that no one really dies, they simply go elsewhere, and many of them
to far better places
Everything in this dimensional universe is perfect; it is humans that are off kilter, some more
than others.

Whatever you think that's what manifests, or matter knows your souls or brains true intentions
at that level and reacts accordingly? I think Richard Hoagland mention something like that.
True but at this level, we need to get physical and use some elbow grease in order for things
to manifest.
Not up on what Hoagland is talking about. Evolution, linear time, platonic’s, crystals,
vibrations are new age theology. To each their own.

There is no way knowing the age of the earth because the crust recycles and so most of the
evidence is gone. Nevertheless, billions is in the neighbourhood. Milton says it’s more than
three times scientist’s guesstimate (about 5 billion years).

Nothing is impossible and what we do with our lives is real---just make it fun, fun is real, love
is real, happiness is real---who cares if all the building blocks that make up the life we see all
around us is simply illusionary toys?

Many people have bits of memory that cannot be explained and some especially those born in
modern times may associate those memories with something they saw on television or
perhaps a dream fragment that persists. Well that’s what a psychologist would say---

Everything we do in this life is preparing us for the next one. That’s why getting and keeping
our house in order will pay big dividends if not here then there
Some people are also warned in their dream state to change course to keep them from a much
worse fate in the next one.
If we manage to make this life enjoyable regardless of our economic conditions then we go to
pleasant hunting grounds from here---the opposite is also true.

If you can handle the wild ride called life without falling apart at the seams and puking your
guts out then you get a ticket to some other mind-boggling rides
Some people get the kiddies rides and remember fragments of them via the dream world, and
still end up puking their guts out. They get cleaned up and their minds wiped and sent back
home to their comfy bed.
Often those trips will determine our next stage performance and whether we play a leading

Is our universe and reality the only one in existence?

The one we are scarcely aware of now is not even one of the important ones, shoot, it's so
dang scattered all over the place and billions of light years out of reach what fun is that---

We are free to look wherever it suits us and that gives meaning and contentment to our lives.

Every time we fall down in pure desperation and cry out to someone of something for remedy
or mercy we are giving permission for a change of course in our lives---can be good can be
bad. The substance of what is inside of our souls will determine who or what will respond to
our needs.

The physical realm is where the rubber hits the pavement.

Some people came from the same place, which often happens in calamities where several
people parish at the same time and are more or less at the same level.

Unfortunately, some human trials and tribulations do not completely pass until we pass.

"Time will heal" is true and happening for most of us.

What does this really mean?
It means something to hold on too and for some they do get over it.

Do certain ET agents get off by prolonging our emotional pain? Why?

It seems like that, but some of our pain is due to pain we may have caused or inflicted on
others in former lives if not in this one, and if so, we will make full payment on those issues
now or some future time.

I still am getting a powerful feeling of manipulation.

We are the dough, and if you want to see what the baker does with the dough go check it out,
they pound that dough quite a bit before putting it in the hot oven.

Most of us want to be good; it’s just not cool and sissy like around the friends and family.

Why does it seem that one person’s joy can only bring heart ache to the other?
That is life’s little horrible paradox and trap, if your are truly concerned about her problems
then you must stay out of them because she has a husband and things could get nasty for all
She may be at a point where she wishes for you or someone to ride in and rescue her but we
know life is never that simple.
I’m no Ann Landers, but two train wrecks don’t make for a happy ending at least not until
both parties have extracted themselves from their current wrecks---on their own
Tread lightly my friend.

Most are here to suffer pain and humiliation. How much depends partly on past and ongoing
karma. Nevertheless, most are allowed to steal some fun and enjoyment out of the jaws of this
existence, if they are so bold to do so. The problem with love is that for us to give it up, show
it, we want a bunch of it in return. Real love is unconditional, an item we humans fall way
short on.

No one said you had to be a woos to do the right thing. Sometimes turning the other cheek
only gets you two black eyes and a bruised ego. On the other hand, two black eyes and a
bruised ego are better than going to jail. Common sense helps.

Why do people believe in evolution? That the bankers are the ones that caused the last
economic crash? That people are born equal? Because the truth doesn't set anyone free, it only
complicates their lives. We need simple lies to keep us focused, not on the prize, but on why
the next guy has more goodies on his plate than we have on our plate, that way no one has
time to figure out the big picture and break free from hell. Hell loves people and wants to
keep them grounded. btw, Milton thinks I have more yoo-hoos in my fridge than he has on his
ship. That's a lie and he knows it!

Complaining is wimpy stuff. Problems are created for us and are illusions for us to blow
through, or get bogged down in. There are those who blow right through their problems, kind
of like "whistle while you work" and those that bitch about everything and everybody. Who
of the two types are pleasant to be around?

Is there anything interesting about language that we humans aren't fully aware of?
No connection.
Considering that linguist know nearly nothing about language or where it comes from other
than some root words here and there, that make up modern language, yes, language is cool
technology for these lower regions we exist in.

They don't call it prison for nothing. Those that have their egos on a tight leash have moved
up and out.

All problems are illusions and come with expiration dates! Yeah, I know they feel real and
painful, but that's the beauty of karma, it can be flushed out of our system with a foul taste of
Caster oil without killing us (poisonous Caster bean).

Whatever makes people happy and don't hurt others in the process, what the heck.
"All service" is to self. Everything we do helps or hurts the person "doing it". Many people
get a warm fuzzy feeling when they do something for "others". That good warm feeling is the
payoff, if people felt sick whenever they helped they would not do it...for long anyway.
Some people live to toot their own horns about all the good they do for mankind. They should
instead be eternally grateful if they receive the privilege, and ability, to be able to do for

The majority of souls on this planet are paying off some kind of debt.
Some of these souls are created with these flaws, most not so.
Many were perfect with a clause.
Are most of Earth souls flawed ETs/renegades reincarnated here until we completely get in
sync with the higher up plans for this galaxy?
There are several programs in play.

Steven Spielberg, JJ Abrams, JRR tolken, JK Rowling and other artists do bring to the big
screen past experiences. Not that they are aware of it. Even those that "borrow" stuff from
others and put them in bestseller books and movies.

There is nothing new under the sun. Everything has happened that will ever happen like stars
giving birth to planets, moons and other strange things. Cars, planes and trains are a fairly
new thing on earth but such have always existed on many planets in the galaxy while earth did
time in the Stone Age.
This planet is mostly third world, and that's where many people are sick and hungry. Such
places have little or no democracy and few if any corporations. There are a few first world
countries and they fair far better, because of democracy and free enterprise, which creates
corporations and a higher standard of living for the people. Corporations are made of people,
good and bad people.
Nevertheless, this planet is the way it is by "design". Renegades pretty much run the place
because people are no angels, and therefore attract evil renegades. Good people eventually
move to higher ground, other planets, and away from pollution, sickness and the ever present
plague of un-natural disasters, that are standard equipment in low level planets like earth.
The biggest illusion is that people can extend their prison time with life style changes. Many
people don't ever want to get off this rock, thinking it don't get any better than this life.
Nothing wrong with that.

Do you think that raising your kundalini, cleansing your chakras and astral projection will
help you understand better the big picture?
All that stuff is mostly for entertainment.

There is a whole bunch of magic under our noses but few see the magic and the wonder of it
all. The sun is not hiding under our nose and will burn our 3d eyes if we dare stare into it
without protection. But we lose something special with the human filters. When with ET we
see the magic as it really is...along with an unfiltered personal message. For most, the
message is too big to carry back into 3d land and remains in the personalized locker for future
Are fear and negative thoughts the reason for lower beings and positive thoughts and love for
higher beings?
Yes, but few humans can remain in the positive loop for long in this negative world we swim

Some people don't want to leave this planet because down deep they "might" know their next
place of residence may not be filled with sunshine. We tend to think that the sun shines above
wherever we go, not so. Nevertheless, some places like on distant moons the serenity of ever
present twilight is calming to the soul.

Everything about us is a shard reflecting parts of the soul. We get to see more shards as we
develop, and discard old shards.
Children exist in a kind of bliss before they mature into teens. A brutal process many have to
go through to gain even more maturity and conformity, into the adult world of delusions and
illusions, dictates of society, and our own need for a security blanket.

Everything in 3d land is software, how we use and abuse the software tells a lot about the

Do the controllers here think the goodie goodie two shoes and those working for truth and
progression are renegades?
Many people work their butts off, for a paycheck or other compensation, I might add, to make
the world a better place by stomping out hunger. More often than not, these same people
create more hunger and poverty by their political incompetence and ego.
Those incarcerated down here don't have much light to shine other than on themselves. It is
much easier to focus on other people and point out their blemishes with our little flashlights
than to look for a way out of our own dark cave with the little light we have.
We were not put down here on the Rock because of our exemplary souls.

For one, humans are not very good at being good. Good is a very tough gig, especially in a
world were bad means good, and to be "bad" a badge of honour.
That's why the "gods" don't like it when we horn in on their territory and try and judge others.
We can't, because unlike gods we don't know the "real" intentions of the people we think are
bad, I mean good.
Most people can't remember what they had for dinner the night before, let alone a week ago.
The human mind is a sieve when it comes to holding memories. We often enjoy vacations
more in memories than when we took them. And if it weren't for photos, pictures and video
most of us would forget the vacations completely. Hence the locker room. We are so caught
up, focused on this life that like a toddler we are easily distracted away from the unnatural
stuff and snapped back into illusionville. If that were not the case, the shrinks would be

Earth languages evolved but come from different places in the galaxy?
Considering that linguist know nearly nothing about language or where it comes from other
than some root words here and there, that make up modern language, yes, language is cool
technology for these lower regions we exist in.
Every single thought and idea including language is off-the-shelf. Like tinker toys we put
things and words together and claim them as our own. Never so.
Do some have higher/lower status?
English. It's no coincidence that English has un-toppled the tower of Babble, becoming the
universal language on earth that most world leaders pride themselves of knowing and is
taught in most countries.
Words have always held power, and can do more damage than all the tea in China if strained
through a typical urinary track.

Some people get to tack on additional challenges of their choosing, also known as
overachievers, whereas some people do just enough to get by, like me.
It almost feels like what she told me is just going a bit deeper and more specific compared to
the idea of generically eliminating envy, hate and greed from oneself in a lifetime. And i was
wondering your thoughts. Envy and hate hold back other things, they are crutches that hamper
and hinder. Having such on a tight leash helps people concentrate on other avenues to a richer

Many moons ago I did go to church and during the collections they sometimes asked for
special mission stuff, like money for drilling water wells in Africa. One year they collected
money to free Christians in Africa that were taken as slaves by Moslems. I never gave money
knowing how dumb an idea it was. Once the Moslems started receiving cash for the
Christians' release, they increased their raids on Christian villages. It became a moneymaking
operation and incentive to enslave more people. The do-gooder Christians created havoc for
many Africans by their so-called good intentions.

I grew up in poverty but my parents avoided taking crippling government handouts and
instilled the idea of earning your own way in life. I always lacked in candy and clothes when
growing up. My friends, who lived in government housing and received welfare, fared much
better. Better dressed than me and always had money for candy. Not once did they share with
me. They told me my parents should move into public housing and get on welfare like them.
My seven brothers, three sisters, and I, have done well on our own; Many of our friends
remain in public housing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and many people
slide willingly down that road. The more freebees we accept while down here the harder that

Life is not easy because it is a test, and will always be a test.

Are there 'lawyers' that can intervene/plead the case for people's life, while they live?
Unlike down here on earth, our rap sheet is self-evident; no lawyer can change that, and need
not apply. Some of us are taken behind the woodshed now and then for a whoopin, or for the
politically correct, on intervention.

Any place higher than earth is a hate and envy free zone. There is no sharing in higher places,
everyone has whatever they need or desire, gifts from the gods flow freely to them.

While down here, whatever we have is "given to us" also. If we happen to share something we
have, it is because it was "given" to us to share. Like asking dad or mom for money and then
giving some of the money to another sibling, the money didn't come from you it came from a
parent...a parent that "earned" the money. We do earn things while down here but most of us
earned things in other lifetimes and are now spending such credits earned on earth in this life.
Everything is by design, talent, money and poverty are no accidents, they are given, created,
for each person who has such things.
Work of equal value is not all monied in this world, but unless it’s all free time with the
energy to pursue outside interests its work.
The whole economic world is a trap, there are many traps. Though for any who have the
opportunity to carve out possibilities and the health, and ability to do so, this is wonderful,
and it's also a gift. People who can accomplish things, or have opportunities to succeed,
should be very grateful for those opportunities, and if they have health, and energy, these are
things to give thanks for, as they're precious, and often overlooked. Gratitude and humility is
good for everyone.

There is nothing more painful than to see a hungry child or people struggling to make a living,
and if I could change that I would, as most people would.
Nevertheless, all life situations are "created" by higher beings, the good guys and gals
watching over all humanity. Nothing happens for no reason. Nothing wrong with helping
others, which mostly helps the helper.

In order to change our life path - is there always a negotiation phase?

Not if you have connections.

Are we choosing our wife before we come here and are ball chained or it depends on
"freedom" the person may have and attraction issue?
Attractions issues often lead to ball and chain, next time read the fine print more than once.
Humans can't choose to leave earth not even in suicide. Earth has always been a prison for
humans it was created a prison. Some humans do end up learning a thing or two while here in
prison, which is time well spent for those who do.
Few are here on vacation, most are here to let go of anger and hate, no matter the sugar
coating we choose to put on the anger so that we can justify it.
Humans, who judge others, including the rich and ruthless, have judged wrongly. We can
only judge one person on this planet and that person stares back at us from the mirror.
Judging others is never kindness. Judging anyone is a waste of time.

The only thing equal on earth is cattle, and they exist only for food and beasts of burden.

Only Milton types can enslave planets, humans can't even do it here on earth, never have,
regardless what it says in the history books or Hollywood subterfuge.
Illusions for many are tightly sealed and expose proof.

During old times, as is true today, some people have fun; some exist only for the pain they
can conjure up.
Collective guilt keeps the herd in line for the slaughter. The slaughter of precious time wasted.

It's more satisfying to point the finger at others than ourselves, or to the true culprits. If we
can't know ourselves, how can we know the real culprits? Oh, yeah, from the media,
politicians, Hollywood and our spiritual leaders, they know.

Believing in nothing is no sin. Most believe in the wrong things anyway. This life is a
test/speed trap, and to know too much defeats the purpose of the test/speed trap. Cities need
the revenue from the speed traps and in reality need more speeders to fill their coffers. Those
who don't speed and don't break the laws, don't have to pay.
Granted, many people break the law and never get caught and don't have to pay while here on
earth....lucky souls.

Some people get to know simply because they sent me $19.95 for all the secrets they ever
wanted to know about the universe and as an added bonus a sneak preview of John's panty
In hindsight, I think I would have done far better, money wise, with the panty fetish than the
boring secrets of the universe.
About learning the beat of the world, forget it, everyone has their own beat they prefer to the edge. There is an edge.
There are many layers to the edge which ceases to be amusing after awhile, that's why few
stick around this nuthouse. And I don't blame them, I try and not stick around too.
How many people go through army basic training and do time in the military so that the rest
can sleep at night? Not many and fewer all the time. Rome fell when it began importing
soldiers from other lands to do the fighting and securing her boarders for its citizens who
didn't want anything to do with military duty. Eventually the foreign military turned on its
host and the dark ages of having to go to church on Sunday began.
America has entered that gray zone.

Should I be happy to have the bumpy road?

Is this a pleasant distraction from utopia?
Not happy, but grateful for whatever crumbs one receives, perhaps. Earth is not a pleasant
distraction from utopia.
Most souls do not go through the many types of meat grinders we have here on earth, only
special souls do.
There are so many renegade brands. Only on death will we know our colours. Earth is only
one crowded bug infested prison out of billions in this galaxy.

What is the difference between this universe and a video game or virtual reality?
Is this universe in a sense sort of the same concept as a video game?
Only on lower planets are games played. Higher up life becomes tangible and games
unnecessary and monotonous.
Most are not here to wake up at all, if you haven't noticed. For many, a moment or two of
reality, is too much to handle, and it's back to the bottle of delusions.
Most have not read the fine print in their contract, or claim they haven't because of the many
stipulations, stipulations that might have sounded doable until the rubber hits the pavement,
that is.
The fact is nothing is free down here. Everything we do has a price tag.
Plenty of tortured souls from the past are walking the streets today, and reside on every corner
of the world, tortured still, no strata of society is without them.
How we feel is not an indication of where we are or where we are heading, spiritually
speaking. Making the best of how we feel at any given moment is all we can do while here.
Everything that happens to us is for a reason, may not have anything to do with deserving.
“We are not here to get respect; we are here to give respect, even when we don't get any in
return. Those who follow those rules move up and those who don't move somewhere else. No
one said moving up was easy.”
Everything we receive in our lives is a gift. Some gifts we would rather not have yet those are
the ones that are the most important. Our lovers are mostly chosen for us, but along the way
we have other encounters and they all matter in the big picture. "Always" appreciate the joy
that comes your way and more will follow, in the same package or other packages. "Everyone
takes their own journey, and those who are ridiculed and laughed at often have been on the
right track. There is a reason they call that road straight and narrow, few people walk it."

Life as we know it is a lie, because life as we know it is not important. What is important is
what we do or don't do in this life.

"Mostly", children choose their parents.

We choose our parents for the lives we will be molded into.
It would sound more logical that we chose our children right?
Logic has nothing to do with it.
What if you choose your kids but then the woman happens to be infertile? Is this where one of
those miracles comes along?
If the deal is brokered before we come here and we keep our end of the bargain then that will
not be a problem. Miracles? Every second of our existence is a miracle.

Children are blessing for parents, those that recognize the blessing that is. Parents are teachers
to their children, even the worse kind of parents end up teaching their children a thing or two.
As in they don't want to emulate their parents.
It seems that if you'd want to learn certain things, you'd need to be aware of the type of
parents they are, and could be.
We choose our parents to learn some lessons and for many other reasons. We just might want
to be in their lives again. But we don't always get to choose our parents. We get assigned to

They don't call this planet Terra for nothing, Terra meaning dirt, the stuff we are made of,
dust to dust.

Yes, we are affected by objects and things around us. Some give us pleasure some evoke past
feelings from other lives, good and bad.

Beauty is in the eye of the owner of that eye. We are not machines, well, kind of. Many of our
emotions are hardwired. But we can override the software in our minds and create beauty
where it doesn't exist.
Do all of our (humans) 'subconscious minds' react the same way when we see certain 3D or
2D objects?
Many do, but not all.
Does every living being in the physical-universe look at things the same way, depending on
their level of awareness?

There are latent reasons we enjoy what we do.

Is the biggest influence after delivery and in the first 13 years?

Some people don't start growing until they are in their fifties. Our environment is not what we
are, it does influence us to a certain degree, but we bring with us most of what we have,
intellectually speaking, from the other side.

It said that within a millisecond of seeing a baby's face every human brain goes into a instant
flurry of extreme emotions (a natural high, without drugs), which is too fast for the conscious
mind to override the emotions. They said, that this is why humans' treat babies so special, it's
Many babies are fresh out of heaven and that is the attraction. Instinct works for those who
don't believe there is a heaven. Also the special family bond goes way back, and it's like a
family reunion.
Are there any other things that have that effect on us? An effect so quick/instant, that our
normal conscious mind can't override it? If so, what are those things?
Love at first sight, instant rapport with a stranger. Some people we feel better being around,
because we been around them before in some other life. Same with the negative feelings.

What's so special about the humanoid body?

It's functional, it's work clothes. The higher beings don't use them.
Are human bodies the ultimate pain machine?
No, but it's up there.
The worst kind of pain is not physiological, but ethereal, mental, which does not require a
meat brain.

It is easy to be bored in prison and in school, and that is what this planet is.

How often do we change genders during every lifetime?

Some more than others, some never change.
Do we stay males or females for all of our lifetimes?
Some do some don't. Sometimes you have a choice sometimes you don't.

Some of us were abusive to others in a previous life and didn't know how it felt on the
receiving end.
That is why humans have no right to judge anyone, because we don't know that the people we
judge may in fact not be worse than we are, or once were.

Many situations we find ourselves in are traps, never go for the cheese.

We are not ranked by the date we enter this planet, but by the shine our souls give off, and the
number of people who feel that positive radiance of ours.
Positive energy is not a gender thing, it's a soul thing.

Does our soul affect how our eyes look?


Music directors have to be Type A or you can't attempt herding the music cats.
Type A's are perfectionists, and anger pushes that element in them. Is it real anger, yes,
hateful, sometimes. And that's the difference. Our subconscious hides many truths from us
and feeds us what we want and "need". The subconscious is powerful, more so than a Jennie
in a bottle. It will give us our hearts desires, riches beyond our wildest dreams, and sorrows
too. It will give us poverty, hate, and envy. Awareness and the more of it we have can change
all the rules, and sometimes the subconscious becomes confused and in extreme cased needs
to be rebooted. That's where the Miltons, guides, and renegades come in. Those interested
parties want to claim what is rightfully theirs.

Is it worth it to raise our vibrational level?

We can raise our awareness by walking the straight and narrow but not our vibrations, unless
we drink a lot of caffeinated drinks.

It will take most of eternity to escape this cycle even if we are on the right track.
Some are way low but that don't mean that others can't make a quick turnaround. The details
are in the attitude.

To evolve off this planet, the up/down, right/wrong, happy/sad, hot/cold, anger/understanding
Lear/?dual stuff etc....ET is in control and we will experience whatever they deem necessary--
so shut up and take it and spin it positive?
That be it.

We are unique but with many basic similarities because we are essentially family. But those
of us that have the most problems waste time looking and pointing at other peoples' problems.
It's not our job to call the kettle black.

If you see someone doing wrong call the police. If someone is stealing a purse and you see it
happening do something about it. If you want to further be involved in crime stopping become
a police officer or a prosecuting attorney. Most importantly keep you own nose clean so as not
to gross out other people.

There are oodles of lost souls on this planet and it will take awhile before they see the light.

Is it true that if you visualize something repeatedly you will manifest it later?
Yes we manifest things that occupy our minds the most, good and bad things. So the moment
a bad thought comes lurking into your head stomp it out like a nasty bug.

Thoughts even if directed at others only affect the person generating the thoughts. Negative
energy is a boomerang, always hurts those who send it or have it in their possession.

Earth is a testing ground to determine our next hunting ground, or it’s a place strictly for
Why some people are extroverts and some introverts?
Gives the extroverts something to gloat about and feel special. The introverts aren't
commenting and looking away. Some of us pick our personalities, others are assigned
personalities. We can improve on what we come equipped with if we put forth the effort.

Don't waste this fantastic gift, this life, that was given to each of us. Those who don't take full
advantage of what they are given will not be given better things. It makes no matter our
station in life or any handicaps we may have, this life is short, and what comes next will blow
those moving up away, in a fantastic way. It really is way cool!

Becoming a martyr is not a sure way up the ladder, many suicide bombers believe they are
doing right by god.
Most of us know better. Live a good life, don't add to other peoples' problems, help some
people out now and then, for the heck of it. That's it! Moving up the ladder is not rocket
science nor does it need to be painful.

The palm of the hand is a manifesto of software loaded into our unique bodies during our
birth, a materials list of sorts.

Who are we answerable to for our actions?

A throw the book at you kind of judge, yourself. Sure you might think you will go easy on
yourself, but the reason you are here is because you had a voice in the matter somewhere
along the line.

Social drinking and hanging with your work buddies is fine but not at the expense of family.

Many of us are snot nosed spoiled brats in dire need of manners. ETs are drill instructors with
loads of Kleenex boxes, the good ETs that is. Sorry but some of this stuff is verbatim from
Yoo-Hoo breath, I just work here.

Why did people look so much different back in the days, excluding their style of clothing,
hairstyle and accessories? It seem like it was a whole different breed of people back then.
They also looked older too.
Two major upgrades were done, one huge one during and after the Second World War. Before
the war people around the world were not much different than the people in the 1800s. The
war changed that. During the Fifties and Sixties the early age of television, drugs and the
make love not war generation another upgrade was made. People began to age slower. So
those old looking youth of the Sixties and Seventies actually are much younger and healthier
than their parents could ever dream of being. We change with technology, the more
technology released into the planet the more we adapt to it.

Attitude is the key. Those who are always bummed out will deteriorate [age] faster.

How would you describe a life that was not wasted?

When we miss out on family fun and love, those are the things most souls despair about once
on the other side.

Many of us are here to only tweak a few details. We do it on earth type planets because our
actions while here are real and true and indisputably documented.
Does every personality that earth-level humans can have exist on planet earth now?
More or less. Most of us will only run into a few types because we only run into a few people
in our whole lives, out of the nearly 7 billion on this planet.

How many times would you say that someone has done the exact same things as me in the
Countless times, we are unique but not that unique.
At any given time, how many physical bodies in the galaxy look exactly like mine?
Millions, and quite a few on this planet too.

Negative thoughts come with high price tags. Someone can wish bad things on others and
make them happen by doing them harm. But the real damage is to those who wish bad on
others and more so those who wish and do bad on others. Best to try and think the good stuff
about people, even those you dislike, and eventually only good stuff will come your way.

What about people living in big cities where the level of stress is way up high and more and
more people die of heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure at a younger age?
Quality of life is usually better in large cities where there are more things to do and see.
Obviously that doesn't apply to those in bad neighbourhoods. The age thing is not across the
board, some age better, some do not, most of it is how we live and our attitude toward others.
Most of the friends I grew up with have died before they turned forty. They lived fast and
dangerous, and they were not the nicest people. They say that the good die young, well I
know for a fact that is not always the case.

How much does your physical body have to do with your life mission here on Earth?
A whole lot.

Sometimes we get thrown into the deep end of the pool, to see if we can swim.

Don't the good people outweigh the bad?

Planet wide, no, the bad outweigh.
Many are on earth strictly for punishment and are on no path at all. After they serve their time
they will be put on a path for testing in another life.

Those going in the right direction are much more calm, few things get them agitated, and
down deep inside they know.

How can I find my place in this life?

How can I find out what I am here for?
Focus that energy into something you enjoy doing. If you don't know what you enjoy then try
things out until you find what you like.

Do most humans have to undergo some primitive "cave-dwellers'" phase before leaving these
nursery-type planets?
Many have already been there. How do you like your steak? Bloody? Well done?

Our thoughts are always monitored but who monitors them?

Is it some ET's, or mainly the Other Side?
For the most part our guides do the monitoring. But our thoughts can be picked up by
scavenger renegades also.
Is our time here, and therefore our time of dying, dependent upon our achieving this state?
When the meter runs out of quarters we die. Achievement has nothing to do with anything.
Do we remain past our expiration date in order to provide service to others?
Is the timing of attainment of understanding simply unrelated to our time of moving on?
True blue enlightenment is rarely achieved at these levels. We are here to take out the trash,
and if we wish to have some fun while doing that, fine, but having a good time and
understanding anything is optional and not a requirement.
If achievement means nothing, then why are you saying that people should "make something
of themselves"?
Achievement is what it is but when our coins run out we don't get an extension to finish our
master piece in progress. That was the answer to the question put to me. On another note that
is why procrastination is bad. If we continue to put things off, things we would like to do in
life, we may not get to finish what we start. If each day was treated like a gift, and they would
be if we knew they were numbered, life would be a whole other reality.
Most are aware that people die, it happens every second, that should be a clue that our own
days left on this planet are also numbered and ticking away. Understandably, most would
prefer to not be aware of that little fact.
The reason we all feel invincible and that it's always the other guy that will die, is simple. We
really never die, we only change our shirt and identity. Those we leave behind are the ones
who despair, but in turn they will do the same. Knowing our exit date would be a huge
distraction that's why for most of us it's kept on the back burner of the mind, where it should
be. Most people look forward to retirement their whole lives and many do get to enjoy
retirement, but many others don't. They become restless and bored. Some of us know when
we fulfilled our lives here, others fret with regret and find little peace in slowing down,
perhaps knowing down deep inside that they have not accomplished what they should have. If
you are at peace then enjoy, if not find out why not and get your peace, if you can.

Why do some babies sleep and eat better than others? Why do some babies cry more even if
they are treated equally?
It's all about the souls inside those babies.

I have pretty clear image what I want to do in this life. What are the chances that I will
100 %, we all achieve 100 % of what consumes our minds whatever that be.

Are we always fulfil our purpose? Or just what we think about?

Most people don't know their purpose in life, and we fulfil our aspirations, realizing them or
not, our sorrows and regrets if not. Whatever they may be we will fulfil them, that "is" our

You say we ultimately judge ourselves, but we're brought here in 'ships' and told things we decide our next life conditions and lessons when judging ourselves?
We each have our degree of input.

What is predetermined for the next life carried out exactly?

Attitude can make it worse or better, on Earth that is, other places have other rules and
How can one who endeavours to reach the highest ideals make sound judgments in dealing
with those who are sentient and those who are not, when the world presents him a dangerous
jumble, lacking in identifying characteristics?
This is 101 integrity planet, kind of midrange, those who master the basics, or at the very least
struggle with them, have a conscious, get shown a bigger slice of the pie, if not while here
then next time for sure.

Those who do evil to themselves or others are not good. Hate and envy damages the person
doing the hating and such. Your soul is a gift, and if you trash the gift there are increasing
consequences. Say your dad or mom bought you a nice cool sports car and you didn't take
care of it, they might just take it away from you. And then you will have to take the metro, the
bus, or use the old thumb to get a ride. Or walk. Lots of lost souls out there bumming rides.

Why is it that in this life we come across people from our past lives?
Why do the souls follow each other?
Some come.
What's the "exact" percentage number of couples, married and dating that are together
because of true love?
10 percent.

It's easy to make people happy, just hand them a wad of cash and stand back and watch the
big smile on their faces. And they say money doesn't make people happy. . Anyway, making
others happy is much easier than making ourselves happy. But those who make others happy
are usually happy too. But let’s not get slap happy here!

We were created happy, "we" let it slip away. We can reclaim as much or all of if we wish to-
--mind over matter is real.

If our trials are sentences, and many of them are, we can still get out on good behaviour.

Is perfection, total purity, necessary before we move up for good?

Heck no, just the small basics of loving yourself and others is a ticket to better things here and
now and later on.

What sort of 'vacation life' a human soul would have?

Those people we despise because they have it all, and a bag or two of chips.
They are not being tested, it really is a vacation, fun in the sun for watch the big smile on their
whole lives whiles here, the lucky stiffs!

Everything in this life is preparation for the next life. That's why every little thing we do "here
and now" matters. Doing the right things pays big dividends.

Why do siblings always fight each other? Is it soul related?

Envy, ego, hate, which are soul related in that we use those emotions (software) against those
we oppose. How? We are what we feel toward others, we and our soul are one.
Our emotions are software, not part of the soul, but they do affect the soul. If we use the hate
emotion the soul is blemished by it. When a rock hits your car, the rock is not the car, but it
will put a dent in the car.
If any one of us were to judge someone a hateful, envious fool, would it not follow that we
possess same qualities? Or not? Who can truly judge a hateful, envious fool? Are we not to
show compassion? Not throw stones? Where is the dividing line between recognition and
judgment? If I think someone is hateful or envious, wouldn't I simply be recognizing or would
I be judging?
Talk about walking on water lol. This is the stuff that divides us from those above us.
Nevertheless here is an example that even deities have problems with such concepts:
Jesus, myth or real, that is for each to decide. Anyway, Jesus preached love and forgiveness
all day long up until he was crucified. Yet he made judgments on his competition, the priests
of his day. He constantly called them to task, called them hypocrites, deceivers and thieves,
which they were. Some people would say he is a god and therefore he can judge us making
others happy is much easier than making ourselves happy. But he also said "those who is
without sin cast the first stone." Jesus was without sin, therefore he could cast the first stone
right? Is that what he was saying? No, he was saying no one is without sin, therefore no one
has a right to stone another sinner.
Confused yet? lol. Jesus the man or the myth set an example for his followers, and could see
straight into the hearts of man. He knew who had integrity and who didn't, therefore he could
in fact make judgment calls. We mere immortals like to wear rose colored glasses when
judging those we like or want to like, therefore we are blind when it comes to seeing integrity
in those we don't like, and integrity in those we do like.

If the humans who control the earth and make the big decisions know the truth (because they
work with the ET's), why are they killing much people, being corrupted, having hate, etc?
They know that with these actions their souls will not go to upper levels.
Why do people steal, kill, rape when they know they will go to jail if they get caught? Some
don't believe they will get caught.

Most people alive today have done military duty in prior lives, or have been adversely
affected by armies. I was in the US Army as a young lad, and I was a Roman soldier.
(I was a soldier my whole life which was true for many soldiers in those days. I don't
remember my rank. The time period was around the first century BC. I prefer not to divulge
more). We have all had our stripes, many will again.

It is obvious that the majority of humanity will never choose to change for the better.
Eventually most will get sick of their lives and make changes. They will do it here and now or
in other lifetimes. However many it takes.

We are thinking of how to colonize planets and meet otherworldly beings, isn't that like
getting ahead of ourselves?
If we were the ones doing it, but we are not, we are being allowed out of the crib, to poke
around the backyard.

If something not good is done to you for no apparent reason, which is usually just denial, then
it's payback from a previous engagement. Even little things add up like a snowball coming
down a mountain.

We are thinking of how to colonize planets and meet otherworldly beings, isn't that like
getting ahead of ourselves?
If we were the ones doing it, but we are not, we are being allowed out of the crib, to poke
around the backyard.
Can’t anything be done about all these banking collapses and tornados? Why is disaster
needed in progression?
We are still on planet earth, not utopia. This planet grades on the curve-ball. Hence all the
problems that come our way. We get flattened by them or we dodge them the best we can.
That's what puts hair on our chest, or rips it out. Ouch!
Everything going on now is in preparation for the next stage of human illusion.

Who’s running the show?

For instance take your average human body, who runs it? The brain? Who runs the brain? Not
the soul, the soul rides in the passenger seat for the most part; most of us ride in the backseat.
lol. There are many things that function on their own like Earth's ecology, with a tweak here
and there by Milton types. Scary isn't it.
What do we really control in our bodies? Everything operates on its own via the brain. All we
do is put fuel in, let the doctors check under the hood now and then and that's it. We all do
things like drive across town and half the time we don't remember doing it. But we certainly
are the proverbial backseat driver, and we are there with the middle finger when it's needed
The brain doesn't need a lot of input from us to function, it has all the software uploaded into
it. I could go deeper but I think it would be distracting and really not pertinent to our reason
for being..

Humans are not qualified in the justification department when it comes to killing. Those in the
military follow orders and therefore are exempt (to a point). As I said earlier all of us come
here to die, how we die depends on why we came here in the first place. No human knows the
circumstances of another human so no human can know that a death is justified or not. The
fact is "all" death is justified and approved by higher up entities. I could expand on it but I
don't think most of us are ready for what I said the in the previous sentence.

We in 3D land see death as a negative. And the horrible war type atrocities as pure evil. I'm
certainly not going to argue that war is not evil, it is big time evil, and lusted over by evil
people. But this is a war planet, always has been and will be for a long time to come, it is
what we are, even those of us who are not in the front lines are part of it because of what is in

The seeds of war are pervasive in most of us, just try talking politics, football, your boss, John
Lear, religion, and see what happens.

Do you think that this is as bad as it will get for most of us on this thread?
As bad as it gets or as good as it gets is in the mind of the beholder.

Were we purposely created to go astray and have flaws?

No, but we were/are allowed to be flawed. Why? Look at our perfect lovable darling little
children, for example. Look at them again as teenagers. What went wrong? Nothing, it's
called freewill. Freedom comes with potholes and lots of graffiti paint.

In 3D land we see "nothing" as it really is.

Are the flaws we are here to fix originating within us?
We own all of our flaws. No one can give us a flaw. When people do bad things to us, how
we react determines our flaws or lack of flaws. No one can make us bad, nor make us good.
What we are or what we become is our own creation. However, all the tools and life situations
are provided to us or created for us. Try telling that to Judge Judy.

Our playpen is not done for aliens, it's done for us, so that we know what we are all about.

If we don't apply some effort, our lives will play out with negative influences from other

Like computer programs, we can make changes and upgrades in the operation systems via
deeds and attitude.

Those trapped in Third World conditions have little say in their predicament. Those foolishly
led to such treachery are deceiving themselves and their countrymen and their testing will be
much more severe. Negatives take us through the long road of hell.

Will doing what we think is the right thing, even through adverse circumstances, helps us on
the other side?
If it helps us and those around us in a positive and constructive way in the here and now, then

Some of us are here to learn we are in school and have freewill, many are here doing time,
hard time, and they are controlled, their misuse of freewill put them in bondage in a previous

It's best to count our blessing and not our problems because we get more of what we
appreciate in life. But we also get more of what we disparage in life. You have student loans
weighing you down, some people have poverty, no clean water, no air condition when it's hot,
no heat when it's cold. No food when they are hungry. Some of those people don't even
complain, not that it would help.

Some on this planet will eventually join their ranks and change the way things are done in the
universe, not! lol. When we are young we see injustice all around us, when we grow old we
are the injustice that the new young people see. Every generation is the same, only the
technology changes.

What happens to people who go to jail for a crime they didn't commit?
What is the reason for this happening to a person?
Would it be a debt from a previous life?
There is a rhyme and reason for everything that happens to us.

The reason most of us are disappointed idealists is because we believe that life is unfair. But
life is not unfair. Everyone here has an equal chance to make it up the ladder, even those
without legs. We are not here on earth to feed our bellies, live in fancy houses, drive cool
cars, eat the best food, get married and have children, watch football, play games. But all
those things are fine for those who wish and can do them. We are mainly here to improve our
long term existence in this universe because we are going to be in it for a long long, time, in
fact forever. Yet many of us get bogged down on envy, hate, and the life is not fair thing.
What we do in this life is important. We need jobs and education so that we can have food
and shelter, and a cool ride. Those who work hard and buy expensive cars are not the enemy
of society, they in fact help the economy.
People have jobs building cars, houses, toasters, washing machines, etc. Without jobs no one
eats, no one has shelter, period.
Why should some have it better than others you might ask, why can't we all be equal and
happy? Well, because this is not utopia, never will be. Those who get it right while here will
move up to a utopia class planet. Earth is a prison mostly; no one can leave without being
paroled out of here via death.
Everyone will be paroled eventually, some will come back for another stretch, some will
move up to better places, some down to far worse places. Life is unfair only for those who
don't grasp the great gift, opportunity, that life is. Helping those less fortunate is
commendable for those who do the helping, not for those who do the finger pointing.

Many knew what they were getting into before they got here. And they came anyway lol.

We all tend to look for the answers to life that suits our character and our personal flaws best,
which are usually the wrong answers, but they make us feel good. Those who offer up the best
scapegoats get the most votes. After all, why take the blame for our own shortcoming if we
can pin them on someone else? It worked beautifully for Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro,
Putin, Chavez, and a whole lot of other tyrants. Blaming others solves all our problems, well,
maybe not.

Earth is not Utopia and this learning goes on forever. Groundhog day for those who need
remedial attention?
Without the alarm clock.

No real good or bad, just our conditioned (left over life) perceptions that need adjustments.
The game, movie, play of this life is ET driven?
Soul driven.
So most of us 3D's are looking, seeking answers when we are just supposed to play the part
and be aware of playing the part?
Rules are for sissies.

Those who are moving up, up and away have perfected the good attitude routine, and "do not"
leave this planet because they are sick and tired of it, they leave it because they are ready for
more joy in their soul, the kind of joy not available on this level.
That may be a difficult pill to swallow for those use to mental pain and suffering but that's the
gist of it. We need to at least plant the seeds of happiness while in the fertilizer of crap we call
terra (Earth). The prettiest flowers are those with the best fertilizer are they not? And who
among us has not been planted into crappy dirt? Manure (Difficult life situations).

I have no idea how I am going to learn how to love my parents, I don't even like them very
much, and I sure as hell don't understand them, and I cannot even bring myself to pick up the
phone and talk to them.
If you only had one very important purpose in life that you needed to take care of what would
that be? There is a mother lode of love hiding underneath the anger/ hate. This love goes back
way before this life but has stalled in this life. You have been given the crowbar to break it
loose again.
If a loved one was hanging by a thread at the edge of a cliff you don't split hairs on who did
what, you jump in and save them!
Is there anyone else in your family that can resolve this family problem? If not then it's your
job to swallow the pride and do the job that needs to be done. Then life will be a holiday all
year long, but not until then.

Would you and others agree that the most destructive individuals/groups automatically stop
themselves from progressing?
Very true, many choose to go down with the ship rather than chance rocking the boat and
getting the look.

How it’s possible not to be angry when violently wronged by others?

Negative emotions are cumulative they grow over the years and snowball, sometimes
manifesting into certain situations. Most people don't want to believe it but we attract negative
or positive situation to ourselves. If negative it can be a viscous circle to break because we
tend to get an attitude and keep the negativity well fed.

Negative thoughts, even when we think they are warranted, do harm to the person in
possession of them. Negative thoughts damage the soul.

Humans are inherently good and we do need money to exist on this type of planet, life sucks
if you don't have money for food, shelter, a cool ride and Vodka.
We are humans filled with flaws, and while we are here to work on those flaws we need to
earn a living, at least most of us do.

Does Earth's position in space affect the humans & animals personalities and physical make-
up on this planet?

Why the different human races of the world?

There is a story behind it, like everything else, a big story. They indicate where we hail from.
We were genetically manipulated physically but in terms of a soul encasement it really has no
That would be a touchy subject, don't you think?
It seems as if the Caucasian race(s)? of the world are sitting on top of the power pyramid
while other races have been conquered, exterminated and so on.
Were all races created for a reason?
If ET's have set races for aliens like, Nordics, Greys, Reptilians, etc. Doesn't that mean that
humans have set races too like, Blacks, Whites, Asians etc?
weren't you a Roman soldier in your other life and now you're an Italian? Coincidence? I
think not.
True not a coincident. Yes there is something to the race thing, but not necessarily a bad
Is there one race that is pure human?
Will most of us be the same race that we are now for the rest of our lifetimes to come?
Not necessarily.
Once race tells us which renegade tribe we hailed from, does that mean different ETs' rule
over different races of humans?
Why are some souls incarnated as females in this realm?
are most of the females here to be punished more than the males here?
Each soul is challenged where it needs the challenge most.

When battles are fought between good & evil by human armies, is every human fighting on
the good side good and every human fighting on the bad side evil?
It's never that cut and dry. There are good and bad on both sides.

Old habits are hard to break. But like a slab of marble you can chip away at them and make a
David. That's the long and hard way.
If you made a movie of your life, say the last 20 years or so. You have all this film and you
only want to keep the best parts during your editing. Now can you live your life from now on
using only the "best" parts of that film? Many of our problems is dragging our past filthy
ways into our present situations. Mentally we don't want to let go. You have heard the saying
"today is the first day of the rest of your life". Make your life better one day at a time,
eventually your new life will be filled with refreshing clean water.

The Mother lode of positive energy sits inside all of us waiting to be released and used, just
pop the cork! The first huge disappointment we have after we die is seeing how little of the
good wine we did drink, and all the corked bottles that we didn't drink when we had the

Most of us get bogged down because we got shafted by family, friends or someone else. For
all the pain we endure over the years holding on to that anger. How much would we be
willing to pay to remove a portion of all that pain? More than likely a heck of a lot more than
what we brooded over. Screw the principle of the matter and reclaim what is rightfully yours.
Piece of mind and whatever else that makes you happy.

Wouldn't it be easier on people if they knew why they were here and that their current
condition corresponds to their personal trajectory?
It really would, that is why they don't allow it.
Why can't we remember where we were before and how we ended up here?
The distraction would spoil the fun.

Mongoloid children are not here for school or doing time, they have special assignments that
has more to do with their appointed care takers than themselves.

If the crowd you hang with is making you crazy then find some other crowd. We are here to
enjoy this life as much as possible. We are not here to fall for every fear monger that comes
along, their only job is to steal happiness and peace of mind from others.
Misery loves company and miserable people like making others miserable too. Don't fall for
it! Sure life can be tough, but those who laugh at life's problems win!

Is there any way of telling how much intelligence a human has or is capable having?
It's not about how much intelligence we have. We own none of it anyway, we only borrow
what we have or use.
How can I elevate my brain frequency to top-notch psychic levels?
Think nothing but good about "everyone" you meet, that's the only way.
Are there any natural ways where you can permanently change your brain waves besides
Do the right thing every opportunity you get.

Everything simply comes our way when we are ready for it and can recognize it. We are not
here to impress and knock the socks off a higher being. We are here to humble ourselves from
our negative urges via discipline. Only then will our spiritual eyes begin to focus. But, many
things of the supernatural remain forbidden fruit for those in this Earthly garden. What fruits
we will get to eat and enjoy depends on what we plant into our souls while here in the dirt of

Are we really "burnt toast", and this is as good as it gets for our type (of soul)?
Most only feel like burnt toast, but it gets way better than this for most.
Way, way better!

Are our lost memories of the current 3D life we have, recoverable again in this current
iteration by ourselves?
Some memories are stored in the brain, those that are lost, in some circumstance, can be
recovered by humans via drugs and hypnosis.
If memories are recoverable, how does one go about doing this? What conditions are optimal,
to enable a human in memory recovery of 3d memories from this iteration? How works the
memory base or is it beyond 3D comprehension?
That's highly prized information especially to law enforcement and off limits.

Does your neighbour do exactly the same as you do? We are influenced by our "hood" but not
everyone is the same other than peer pressure and the urge to conform to those around us---no
one likes to stick out too much.

People start smoking and drinking and other things not because of some instinct, but because
they want to fit in. Then we get hooked and they do become desires. We create our own
desires and bad or good habits.

Emotions are built into our brains, our thoughts are soul speak.

Are our bodies simply vessels for our soul to experience life in?
For some it's more like endure.

Is our soul so beautifully connected to our bodies that the thoughts of our bodies, desires,
reflexes, instinct, etc. may be mistaken as our actual soul's desires? Mistaken for sure.

Our thoughts are monitored 24/7 no matter where we are or what we are doing. All seven
billion of us.

Does 'ET' care if I'm grateful? Does this do anything for me and my journey?
Those who are grateful get more to be grateful for, those who complain and are never happy
get more to complain and never be happy for. The higher ups give us our hearts desires. And
yes they do enjoy and appreciate those who appreciate the gifts they are given.
Retirement: how unfortunate it is for someone who had worked hard to achieve their goals
and then passed on before he had a chance to enjoy them. But I thought that he had passed
the grade and got to move on to greener pastures.
Those are the fortunate ones, millions of people slowly rot away in storage facilities we call
nursing homes, tormented and kept alive by drug infusions and food unfit for the palate.
When we fall under the care of others due to our shortcomings or circumstances beyond our
control, or so we tell ourselves, the price is high.

Moderate and occasional anxiety is normal, we all get it now and then, especially with all the
things happening around the world and in our faces via the media, Internet and friends and
The best remedy is stopping and smelling the roses, enjoying some down time, go to the zoo,
walk a nature trail and feed the mosquitos. Don't take life too seriously because it really is
only a game designed to weed out the cheaters. Enjoy the little things and eventually they will
become the big things in your life to enjoy.

Our planet is more than 12 billion years of age, but who's counting.

If you could have a theme song for the way you view life, what would it be and why?
Jimmy Durante, "Make Someone Happy". Because if you can make just one person happy,
then you will be happy too.

What makes the human body age, if there is no such thing as time?
Everything has an expiration date in 3D land.

Ever since I was a child, I can (for lack of a better word) relax my eyes and see these tiny
points of light flying around. Kinda like tiny little flying bugs.
"My god it's filled with Stars" And stars are filled with tiny and some not so tiny entities that
radiate energy like fireflies.

Is there any significance to a birthmark that a person might have? Does it relate to anything
from the past or what not?
From the past yes, but also while in the womb---what mommy does or goes through, stress,
trauma and a few other things will leave impressions like spots on an apple.

Our children, all of us, have to find our own way out of the woods, since when have "most"
children ever listened to their parents.

Are the variety of ethnic groups on planet earth the result of other planetary systems?
Some are.
Does every race and ethnic group come from different groups of ET's?
Some do.

What race on Earth has the most amount of ET DNA?

All DNA is extraterrestrial.

Is everyone that is suffering from poverty in 3rd world countries evil?

Are there any good souls that are suffering from poverty in 3rd world countries?
Money can buy freedom, that's why most people like money. Wealth is not evil, the higher up
the ladder we go once we leave here the more we have, not less. We are all children of the
wealthiest universe in existence, there is shortage of nothing. Here on earth some people have
more than others. Not a coincident or an accident of birth. Most don't believe they deserve any
better than what they have. In some places on earth that is true, but that is not true for
everyone. We tend to get what we settle for in life. And blame others for what we lack.

Why do they want us to so badly eliminate hate & envy if they are nothing but mere tools?
They check our tool box and see which tools have the most wear and tear and have us verify
it. Then they tell us where to go.

The idea of different races coming from different places, taken to its logical conclusion, could
result in you being labelled a racist by some. Yet, if it is true, is it not more important to
represent reality than to play to ignorance?
The renegades are very powerful and they do control the media and Hollywood. You play by
their rules or you play alone. I don't mind being a loner.

Those who don't lose their head or their soul in this life will enjoy immensely the next life.
If we look for the bad in people and situations that is what we will find, if we look for the
good in people and situation that is what we find, it really is that simple.

For some Earth is a school, for others it is prison, some do soft time and some do hard time.
Those doing hard time are not here to learn they are being punished. They may get back into
school in their next life if they are on good behaviour.
Where will those who die in prisons or institutions go after this life?
Most likely back here or some other lower level planet or moon.
What if someone is "wrongfully" accused? It still is no accident or coincidence they are
imprisoned right.
You know those people who manage to get away with murder? Well, it catches up to them in
other lives, other situations.
Would someone here in prison most likely be poor and barely surviving, or in prison for life.
Do people here for prison often end up in prison here?
Yes to all but many can break out of that prison with a little effort and change of attitude.

What about genocide, are the people who die in-mass repaying a debt or balancing

Who we are is what we do, our deeds, our attitude, some instincts can be a crutch, an excuse,
a survival mechanism. Survival of the flesh is of little importance and not really in our hands.

Like computers we come with the basic software package pre installed. Some of us get
additional software unique to our situations. We then pick and choose which software we use
or abuse.

Would you say a good attitude to have is to just live with what we have in life, try to be
positive, and work on our integrity? Oh, and to find joy?
Enjoy what you have or go out and pick more apples if you want to make apple pie.
What is the thing we are here to work on, anyway, our soul?
We are here to find and do what we enjoy doing and not making too much of a fuss while
doing it.

Is there a price or burden for reading this information? If so, what?

Even in school the teacher gives most of the answers to what is in the test. Those who pay
attention get the better grades. That's not cheating.

What does E.T. want us to learn from children dying of starvation/famine?

Humility, compassion, sharing and most importantly gratitude for "everything" in our lives.

You have said we have tools that need to be put to use in order to improve ourselves. Can you
give us examples of some of these tools?
The one tool that hardly gets used is a power tool. We have the power to be whatever we want
to be. It's real deal magical stuff and most will kick themselves at the end of the game when
they realize they didn't use that one powerful tool.

I have been guided to speak with those who have passed on countless times. Many of them did
not know what was going on. Also, will I gain brownie points for being placed in someone
else's shoes?
That's a gift, no brownie points for gifts.

If I know that what I really fear is death, but, then I can remind myself I am immortal; then I
becomes grateful, and defence and attack are meaningless?
Death is meaningless because we have little control over it, another difficult concept for us.

We can learn to be grateful for everything because life and even the toughest circumstances
are truly illusions/ lessons, right?

Could some/most/all epiphanies be chalked up as a download from the database?


Every earthling has their own program of tests. Pass them or get bounced to other planets or
places--every program dovetails on this Earth planet that alone is a huge concept--Et
And so few of us appreciate the complexity and beauty of it all.

Everything in our lives comes from that spigot. We attract and or create most of the things in
our lives. Things, ideas, desires imprinted in our minds eventually materialize out of this
massive reserve of pixie dust. Never try to keep up with the Jones, that's envy and gets you
nowhere. Create your own castles. Everything comes from the ether zone.

Missing out on the enjoyment of life is the biggest regrets most have when they are presented
their final bill. Metaphorically speaking they could have had more chocolate cake and other
deserts that they paid for but didn't enjoy. Tough cookies, you snooze you lose, someone once
The people who come here to pay their cake after doing messing things on other places, they
were Renegades in one time and change sides?
Negative forces/entities are kind of like stepping into dog droppings, you can scrape them off
but the smell lingers.
Can renegades mess with your personal life and luck sometimes so you can come back to
their side?
What else they got to do? And it often works.

We are here to strut our stuff believing that the video camera is turned off.

Have some of us been put here to watch or stop something? And how or what, are we suppose
to do that?
We tail and watch one suspicious looking individual while here, only one thank god! And
what a huge job that is!!! You can find that weasel in the mirror, but don't tell any one.

Spontaneous combustion - real, myth?

Real, those it happens to don't live to tell the renegade side of the story.

Language is software uploaded into the speech centers. We can learn most any language
simply by being immersed in it because all the pertinent info is already in our brains. But
some of us can't even get one language right. It's all about what we want to learn or use.

If a person thinks about another specific person (say an infatuation, lover, enemy or what
have you) will that person be more likely to think about you in a reciprocal manner?
So if you think about hating them, will they feel hate toward you without any physical
If you feel/think you love them, will they feel that love without physically interacting?
Yes, may not lead to marriage or even a date, but it can.
Thinking good thoughts about others works wonders, and hating them without seeing them
works equally well too.

Some cool dude once said, "All we have to fear is fear itself" or something like that.
Renegades and their human progeny inject fear at every turn in our lives. But it's we and our
freewill that chooses to fall for or rise above such nonsense.

The higher up we rise the less we take life so seriously. They really are a cutup up there. The
more you realize how silly most of our problems are the funnier the problems become. For
some, life is no laughing matter, and they find out too late that it should have been.

Were John Lennon or the Beatles in general directly inspired or controlled by ET? If so, to
what purpose?
They came in with a gift and a free pass to life and to share their gift.

Many hateful and evil people die young and many saints, good people live long prosperous
lives. When and how we die is due to other things.

Was Jiminy Cricket right - always let your conscience be your guide? Or, can the voice of a
person's conscience be a culturally manufactured and sometimes misguiding thing?
If it were easy the payoff wouldn't be so great. Jiminy Cricket wasn't affective at all, and
neither is following our conscience because few even believe they have one and don't speak
its language anyway. Being a pain in the ass to others, getting even, giving inferior tomatoes
from your garden to family, friends and neighbours and keeping the good ones for your
kitchen, not caring that the noise you or your pet makes bothers others, litterbugs,
considerations of others or lack thereof, etc. It's the little things in life that make us who we
are and where we go from here.

We create nothing, which can be a real ego deflator for most of us. We are given or we
borrow via the ether everything. But that don't mean we aren't going to use some elbow grease
to get what we think we want.

While we are on Earth do we mistakenly believe that our emotions are part of our souls? Isn't
the way you react to those emotions the soul part of things?
People do believe that we own our emotions not realizing that our emotions can end up
owning us if we let them.
Our thoughts and addictions create our illusionary reality and make our lives what they are.
No government or anything else has that kind of power over us, it's all our baby. Some people
don't like changing their own diapers, and prefer to walk bowlegged instead.

Many believe that we are all one big happy family, but there are many divisions a whole
bunch. There are many levels of souls and many different requirements. Some are
dictatorships, the one we are in not so much. But for some I'm sure it feels that way.

Everything we have is given to us, everything we acquire we are allowed to have. Keeping it
is a whole other story.

If we achieve our heart's desires, house, great job, food out the wazoo, our favourite team
going to the Super bowl and still have hate in us we have achieved nothing.

Does our career path generally have a bearing on the next life?
The games and toys that we play with while here has little to do with where we go from here.
How we play the games and use our toys determines our next vocation or vacation.

For those who would have no idea why they are here and do not attempt to change their
"Hate, Greed and Envy" part. In other words flunk school. Would renegades be drawn to that
departing soul and mess with it while it is in transit? Like, if you want your hand out of the
"cookie jar", you have to let go of the "cookie"?
They seldom wait for the soul to make its journey away from here before they begin circling
like vultures and start picking at the dying flesh and stinky soul. Once dead other creatures
like jackals, coyotes, vermin and insects may join the feast. Some souls get the message
quickly during these dark moments and are given another chance and the vermin shooed
away. Some souls are so lost that they continue to rot and parts of them are carried off by
disgusting ghoulish creatures. Why do we love Halloween so much? If we knew how real
those spooky creatures were we would think twice before tricking.

How often do we receive good advice from parents, teachers, coaches and preachers? And
bad advice too. What we do with info that comes our way, is use it to our advantage or abuse
it, let it go in one ear and out the other. We know the destination of most tips that are or could
be helpful. When you find something that is helpful to you use it. Many times things come
into our lives just at the right moment. There are no coincidences.

It seems 90% of us are just blind and unable to help ourselves. Where is all the knowledge
that is stored in us?
Our actions will determine what our eyes are allowed to see, and our minds allowed to
understand. But nothing is instantaneous, it takes a lot of crawling before we walk.

Earth is hell, the real hell. But there are many levels of hell on this planet. Some have to work
harder to get a piece of the scraps that fall from the table. We are presented with hundreds of
choices every day. Many are hate/envy choices; some are endurance, patience, perseverance.
Every choice adds or takes away from our progress.

Is there anything we can do to improve our senses or mind or whatever you what to call it,
that will give us our own access to knowledge?
We are swimming in knowledge, the library, the Internet, etc. The higher up knowledge is a
whole other matter and that is given or taken from us depending on our temperament and
gratitude quotient/level.

Is waking people up a really good idea?

There is no danger of waking people up at this level, nudging them/us in the right direction is

We are here to focus on the wonderful stuff while we trudge through that other not so
wonderful gunk.

Many of our situations are due us, payback with a twist of lemon.

We can always find a reason to feel bad about someone. Anything that raises our ire damages
soul tissue, justifiably so according to the rule book.

Have we had bad experiences with dinosaur type creatures in previous lives?
Yes and other more familiar creatures too like lions tigers and bears.
Those are experiences best forgotten and not regurgitated. Take a lion for instance, sometimes
it keeps you alive and licks you, savouring you before it takes the first nibble. Not fun. Some
other types of creatures are much worse and beyond perverse and I don't want to go there. In
China and some other countries they throw live animals into lion pens for the enjoyment and
entertainment of tourist. All involved best enjoy their blood lust because their turn in such
similar situations is not far off and with interest.

Do we get to see/access the rule book at any point?

Sometimes in our dreams.

Those who think they have found enlightenment are people who are ripe to sell things like the
Brooklyn Bridge to. They say one is born every minute.

Since thoughts aren't the soul, does this mean we're not responsible for them?
Emotions are not the soul, thoughts belong to us, the soul, but there is a loophole, we can ask
for advice.
We lost many privileges when we were sent down here.

Everyone gets their fair share of hints, most ignore the hints that require effort and hard work.
Most prefer to go straight to the candy shop hints.

Work becomes work when we don't want to do it. Work becomes enjoyable play when we
look forward to it. Some people find that love connection down on this level which takes
some of the edge off this life and makes time go by faster. There is no drudgery work at
higher levels, only labour of love.

Are there consequences to our otherwise innocent pastimes here on earth?

There are consequences when we don't grab the tiger of our desires by the tail.
Are the consequences of not doing this severe?
Squandered opportunities thrown in our lap is one of our biggest regrets, especially if we are
sent back to try and try again until we make them happen.
And the opposite more so. We pay for our mistakes, but we pay double if we mess up and
make it more difficult for others.
Are some activities (like racing) inherently evil or frowned upon by ET?
If you are doing it on a race track and not on the street, then there is no evil in it.
Any legitimate occupation or pastime is fair game. Do what makes you happy that's why we
are here.

The clues and magic stuff happens to all of us all of the time. Why don't we get it? Dog
watching a fan?
When we want to build a dog house for the dog, or a club house for the kids we know what it
will take to do so. Some lumber, some nails and the desire to do it verses watching the game
and drinking a few cool ones.
When we ask the gods for humility lol yeah right, that's what all of us want lol anyway, when
we ask for those kinds of things, like control your anger, be more understanding etc. Higher
virtue stuff, then we will need to be careful because we may be put into situations that will
test and force us into these ideals kicking and screaming. Flipping the switch is not how we
attain virtue, we learn it the hard way.

It seems our joy and success rub off on those around us and take them in a positive direction
in their own lives.
Those who temper their anger, eliminate hate and envy, have got it made, and have no reason
to piddle around on lower level type hellholes. Such people will not be coming back here
unless they want to.

What about this earth bound personality?

A facade we use to swim in these waters.
Does the soul desire that Abarnard/personality should be healing in anyway or just behaving
in a kind, gracious, patient, grateful manner?
Abarnard, do what is right concerning others, whether they deserve it or not. Don't hold
grudges more than a day, then clear the table.
Is the purpose to heal the "fear" and the "doubt" or recognize I am more than a body, and
that kick-starts the healing?
Be aware that each soul was created by a loving higher being, should we do less? Sure there
are many assholes out there but best not to join them.
Healing is feeling good about yourself, and not judging others unless you have jury duty.
Why is the Earth veil so thick for us potential super ET's?
Hell is real, but the veil is mostly between the ears and lodged in pretty darn tight for most of
This Hell is our last chance or a deciding up or down place?

Getting it requires a life change most of us are not quite ready to make. How much alienating
of friends and family can one man or woman take for crying out loud! And for what damn it?

It seems to me that the more we progress on this path the more challenging will be the
situations presented to us, and every time ET or spirit guides can raise it a notch until we get
to our breaking point. Is the breaking point the point?
We are challenged in different ways the higher we progress but the living and conditions are
out of this world. Here on earth we face challenges mostly due to our attitude and outlook on
life. Those who go across the grain are challenged more in prison settings than those who
don't and try to get along.

We are allowed to defend ourselves, family, friends, country and property. But will be judged
on how we do it.

We can't change the way others feel about us, only what we feel about them. We need do no
more. Wish them well and mean it, and move on.

We are energy, always; we perceive different levels of energy from our vantage point here in
dunce-ville. Well, some do, most don't perceive anything other than their next meal, if that.

How can the freedom to choose and the idea that there are no coincidences exist
Contradictions give us continuity because life is filled with contradictions. We only need look
at our political leaders to know that.

Bad is not meant to happen. Bad happens because we lit the fuse somewhere up the line.
Happenings/payback is not instantaneous, they sit and wait and plot, sometimes for weeks,
years, and then they come out of nowhere like a brick from the sky. And we ask why did this
happen to me? I'm a good person; help old ladies cross the street and such things. Go to
church every Sunday, or Saturday, or pray toward Mecca five times a day, what more can
they expect? No one expects anything from us. It is we who should expect better from us. And
that's no coincidence or free will conundrum. It's simple basic good natured stuff. Semantics,
jargon or reason will not change that.

If people would remove that one thing [judging others] in their lives they would see a whole
other world out there. Humans are not judge material, it's really not our job or business
because we get it wrong most of the time.

Presence to this planet: It really has to do with how we treated others in some other
That's why most of us are on the big rock.
We are here to be accountable for our actions, and plotting our trajectory to our next star
system. Some of us boomerang.
We are not meant to be saints but we are free to try.

Many of us have crossed paths countless times.

No matter how good we are here, all those evil things in our soul will not be fully purged until
we are on to the next higher up planet or wherever we go?
Sad but true.

While I've been here this time around, no matter how much good you do or bring out in your
daily life, I still have hateful feelings or thoughts about certain things. Then I sit there after
the thought runs through my head and think, "damnit, I don't really like those
feelings/thoughts, why don't they just go away....why can't I just have happy thoughts all the
time about the world, family, friends, people in general, situations, etc"
Many don't even differentiate between those emotions, those who do have the
advantage/responsibility, which is a good thing.
What about evil things that happen to your family members by the hand of another?
Do what is in your power or desire, to help your family member or whoever, then let go of the
hate/rage, which only hurts the person in possession of those emotions.
Always back your brother or loved one, but don't fall for evil traps that create rage/hate. That's
all they are. Any situation that causes us distress is a test, always. Why do I give answers to
the test? Because they allow it. If they allow it it's not cheating.
Defend yourself/family and then drop the rage/hate, no one needs carry those loaded guns

I would never want to hurt another soul out there but are these the types of cases that ET
takes into consideration when it comes to judgment later? What are we supposed to do in a
situation like that?
Such things don't happen willy nilly, nor do they happen without a reason, design.
Nevertheless, how we handle those situations is under a microscope.

If one does evil in the name of loyalty to family are there no excuses then?
Zero excuses for evil deeds.

An honest soul would know that revenge is not right. Correct?

Once we take the bait we are soiled.
This "loyalty to family guilt trip" has played havoc with a lot of people.
They are tough choices. Is anything of value in life ever easy? Actually yes. Most of us do
understand between right and wrong. And we are free to choose.
Is trying to avoid "toxic" people a good thing to do?
If you have done your best, your true blue best, then move on.
At what point do I say "enough is enough" and separate myself from these emotional
At the point of your choosing. No one is expected to go down with the ship unless they are the
ones that steered it into the iceberg.
Try sending positive mental energy to destructive people, you may be their last hope before
the renegades drag their carcass off into the dark woods.
You don't need physical contact, but you need to remove "all" negative feels you have for
them. See them in a positive light regardless that they are struggling in total darkness. Do it
for yourself, do it for them.
They are not beyond help while they still breaths. Granted, not many are up to such
challenges. Clear the mind field first before going in, should you decide to go in.
It's easy to be friends with those who are easy to get along with. But those assholes are the
ones that really need friends, because they are going places where there will be none. Those
who have the strength, the courage to help such lost souls without regrets or expectations of
reward will have accomplished something worthwhile, while here in hell.
Are there ET's out there who come across entities that are "beyond help"? Is that even
Souls do fall through the cracks regularly, and are dealt with on other levels.

Everything is an illusion for a reason. How best to test us? If we knew why we were here
most would act differently. We need a blind test. So why am I spilling the beans? Perhaps
another blind test.

Many need control; they need their little bubbles of illusions. Nothing wrong with that. And
many of those in those bubbles will move up and out of such places as we have on earth.

Attitude is 99.999... of every situation we face. Sure we can try and take the shortcuts in life,
but that only postpones the inevitable. The snow ball does get larger the longer we let it roll
past us. Change your attitude and work/problems become play. It's much more fun than being
dragged chained behind a pickup?

Souls are weighed down by the caked on dirt of misdeeds, present and past, we are here to
cake more on or wash some off.

Our dirt bodies are on loan to us, we have to give the dirt back when we are through with it.

Why we reincarnate on Earth? It's because the soul is in need of nourishment, otherwise it
will die?
We are given many chances to polish up our act, then it's the shredder's turn.

Any institution that takes on responsibility for the individual is a hindrance to soul growth.
We have political and religious institutions that do that. We also have souls who flock/ run to
such institutions because they wish to be carried rather than walk and talk their own game. Its
human level weakness to let someone else take the blame and do the hard work. Jesus took
our sins off our backs and placed them on his. Mohamed and those who came after him,
planned every detail for his followers on how they "will" live their lives. Stalin and Hitler did
the same thing, took the burden off the people and told them how to think and act, and people
loved them for it. Who is to blame? The institutions/leaders, or those who seek/demand that
others remove the burdens we placed on our own shoulders/souls?

People who travel on the astral plain or those who leave their body supposedly in spirit and
visit other places in the universe? Remote viewing or outer body experiences etc? Does this
really happen and is it possible?
It happens.
Some people believe that they can make it happen but they are only experiencing alien
contact. But ET's/spirits, remain in the background, hidden.

What happens if we fail a test? -Another chance at a similar test, demoted..?

For the first test that you fail it's a slap on the wrist. After that it's to the mine with John
behind the shed.

We are here because we have this love affair with those evil emotions. Some of us need our
noses rubbed into our own crap over and over again before we get a clue, but only a clue, we
tend to be slow.

Pride and prejudice is our two strong suits and the most difficult to rid ourselves of. We have
to step out of the line to do so, and that can be unnerving, especially when those on the other
side of the line look at you as the fool.

We are the beneficiaries of all our actions, there is no better deal than that for here and now
and in the future.

We can give up our bodies to other entities if we wish but usually we get ejected and placed
somewhere else. That was not what happened to Lobsang (Tibetan Lama), he simply used an

How do we make bad situations seem like play as you suggested in one of your past answers?
Copious amounts of Mad Dog 20/20 and or drugs.

I sort of get the idea that E.T. is letting me remember things, yet the time frame may not be the
night of the "dream/memory" right?

Can we build on becoming more awake, or is it evolutionary?

We can't do anything, they have to hand it to us, give us the understanding.
But what good would it do other than provide a little bit of entertainment? If you could teach
a five year old calculus, what's the child going to do with that knowledge? Impress his five
year old friends lol.

Why do some people get 'freaked out' when they see blood and others don't?
Some fear death more than others.

Everyone receives a fair chance, many fair chances in fact.

We are put here to see how often we repeat our past mistakes, we are graded on the curve ball.
Yeah I've used that one before.

I wonder what I have done to deserve in coming here.

Most of us would not appreciate that info being out on the net. And graciously they don't even
tell us, less we brag about it and make things worse for ourselves. We still struggle with that
ego thing here you know.
What are some of the things we have done to come here?
Excepting for those on vacation most here were not angelic in past lives.
Most of us are here to fess up to our hidden hate, envious souls and ego trips. Many will not
fess up but they will be shown just how much of that stuff they carry inside of them at check
out time.
Cheer up; all those despicable things on this planet do not exist on higher up places. Higher
ups don't eat animals, nor veggies either, only angel food.

Soul is inherently good for the most part and that our emotions are "software" built into this
body. Ok then, can't we just somehow ignore those evil emotions?
Most people do ignore them, that's the problem.
If we know it is wrong to have them, and we don't enjoy them we are on the right track.
People do tend to enjoy other people's misery. We are all guilty of that, most don't even
recognize it because it has become part of what they are.

Excommunicating ourselves from friends and family is not necessary because that could
create other problems, like "I am better than them" (ego) and isolation is not good. But we
don't have to get in the deep end of the cesspool either.

Those deep into the halls of hell are usually the last to know where they are and how deep
they have penetrated. It's a shocker when those blinders come off.

Gloom doom scenarios are the way of it on Earth. Addictions to them are human nature. The
fear factor is part of the game and if we are pushed out of our comfort amnesia, we get some
hard lessons to understand and overcome or face "Spot" on?
Spot on.

This is a kick ass experience that will repeat until we get it?
Not quite like Ground Hog Day, for us the rules and scene change with each new gig.

Everyone is a form of energy (souls etc) How does one get more energy?
By unloading baggage.
How does one lose energy?
Evil thoughts and deeds.

We were created perfect, some of us were tested for reasons we will discover when the test is
over. There are many levels of perfect, and many reasons we go through testing. A large
portion of souls never get tested. Everything is given to us even our perfection, unless we go
though testing, then we earn it. How much we earn depends on knowledge hidden in our
lockers, for lack of a 3D word.

What are the most common flaws we exhibit?

Envy. Most envious feelings are harmless, but from envy comes all other flaws. Hate, greed,
loathing, jealousy, murder, rape, stealing, depression, suicide, lying, cheating, etc. We are
given everything, we have everything, we will know just how rich we all are when we wake
up from this dream. When we see how much we abused the envy card we will be filled with
shame. Wanting something is not envy; all of us want better things in our lives and are free to
pursue those things we want. Envy is not wanting others to have more than you. Envy is
despising others that have more than you. The funny thing, it's all illusion with an expiration

Earth will never be utopia. Earth will always be Alcatraz. But there are many levels on this
prison/hellhole/school. Things will get better for millions who are not doing hard time.
Wouldn't a more appropriate wording for this world be "Boot Camp," "Boarding School," or
"Extended Detention" rather than "Hell"?
For some that is what this place is most of the time.
The idea of "Hell" is one of pure negativity, suffering, and pain, which isn't the case
everywhere in this world.
Not everywhere but prevalent nonetheless.
The best part of the hell we have at this level is that it has a short duration. Those other hells
below can last much longer.

Many souls are not here to learn, they are here strictly for the tormenting. A precursor to what
may lay ahead for them should they go further down the tube to other hells below. They will
be shown these things after they leave here. Kind of like a scared straight deal.

Do you think ET left a door open, for those who want to walk through?
The door is always open all we need do is walk in, pull up a chair to the banquet and dig into
the feast. Life is a feast, even here in this place called earth. It's all illusion; why not make it a
good illusion. Then it becomes real.

There are infant souls here but most have been around the block a few times and have gotten
lost. And then there are those looking for advanced degrees.

It seems logical that being a more experienced soul would have a purpose, and perhaps that
purpose is some sort of higher calling.
The higher calling is often a trap, an ego trap. All souls are called to a higher standard, those
on this earth journey anyway. And the door to it is small and low to the ground. It takes a
certain amount of humility to bend down low enough to just reach the handle.

Most of us don't like bad, but when we are with friends and relatives we don't want to be seen
as the pushover, the wimp, the woose. And who can blame us? We associate bad with
courage, daring and cool. That's why bad also means good. We all crave power and respect,
we crave respect, we need respect, we demand respect, it's a birthright lol Respect is not a
birthright or a right at all. But respect is good when we show respect to others. Do we ever
show respect to those who demand or think they deserve respect? Only under duress or on the
wrong end of a police baton.

We have a set amount of time on this planet this time around so it would seem that vaccines,
diseases, etc., have no real bearing on this life here, is this true??
We have a set time but the quality of life is not set, so taking care of the old or new body is
Always ask the doc if what they are prescribing is absolutely necessary. If not then skip it.

We tend to take credit for many things that are not ours to take credit for. We can't take our
next breath without the ok of a higher being.

We are in hell and not allowed to see what we did....?

Not many privileges in hell town. And zero privileges for many. Mostly for those who don't
yet know where they are, and might be going.

Fear can be a carryover from other faraway places in other times. Fear has many, many faces,
and comes to us via multimedia too. Most fears are a waste of time and can be worked
through with a little effort.
But fear also keeps us on our predetermined path and out of other paths we might wish to
take. It's no coincident that most people have stage fright and fear of speaking in public. Most
of us are not here to pontificate. Only one of many fears that forces us to keep our nose where
it shouldn't be, and will not be allowed to be. Well, we can give "Toast Masters" a shot.
How do we know when to conquer our fears, or just accept them because they are actually
keeping us on the best path?
Some people go years without making headway against certain fears and end up creating
havoc in their lives. That's a clue to put that sucker on the back burner and focus on other
stuff, like your strengths and what you enjoy doing. For example, feeling ashamed because
your friends have jumped out of an airplane and you haven't due to fear is a stupid waste of
energy. Do what you like, do what you are good at, and if it comes easy there is a reason, it's
your gift, use it. You can push the envelop if you wish, but that's a choice not a requirement in

Is it wrong of me to prefer the wake to the funeral, and how can I communicate to them that
their way of mourning is not the only way to show respect for the dead?
Everyone is going to grieve differently. We should rejoice when a loved one moves to higher
ground. But love is powerful stuff and letting go even when we know they are better off is not
easy for all. Many people abandon their religious beliefs when they lose a near and dear one.
There is little anyone can do to comfort others over death, and dangerous to try. Will they
understand your point of view no matter how you sugar coat it? Rarely.

If we are all going to be shocked when we die, is there something wrong with living like men
while alive? If so what?
Well the other gender for one lol. I know what you mean and what you did took guts. Do
everything within the law to make it is my motto. Sure some times the law is corrupt, but you
play by their rules or take your chances breaking their rules. That's the only choices we have.

Is there any way of knowing if I am living a downgrade or an upgrade in life on this

We know when we are on the ship drinking tea with our guides and talking about old times.
But the amnesia tea works wonders.

It's not been a bad life in spite of the hellishness I have experienced, which I might add was
laid upon me by others and not me dishing it out. I have taken a lot of abuse! I can honestly
state, I have never done to others what’s been done to me and that's why I sleep like a baby at
night in spite of it all.
We dish it out in one life and get shanghaied on another life. Sometime it all happens in one
go around but not always.

Emotions are software. Cold or no emotions is a clue to our last heartless gig. This life is a
chance to get on the positive emotion train. The state of the soul determines what software
upgrades the next model comes with.

People on this planet are herded into pens/cultures/beliefs, for reason I'm not at liberty to
speak on. And many of them will go to places based on some of those beliefs/practices they
grow up under. Heaven/utopia is not the next destination for huge numbers on earth. More
schooling/prison/hell, is.
Earth is a soulless mechanism for ecological life. We are here to be food for the mosquitoes
and fleas. Especially when we are out taking care of the flora and fauna.

Earth doesn't belong to any one race. Humans are put here by higher beings to spoil each
other, to test each other, and if there is room and time, to love each other. Not a human strong
point, that's why "all" of us are "down" here.

Aren't there any real deal things we should be concerned about?

Yes, our next vacation spot, where we go from here. There are many choices, wonderful
places to choose from if we could only remember where we put those dang brochures!

Why would souls be sent here?

For past misdeeds on this planet and on other planets. For example, many from the First and
Second world wars are here now. Many crimes were committed during those wars and
payback is happening.

Why do our auras change colours depending on what mood we're in?
Moods are frequencies like radio waves.
Does that mean that every colour has a certain type of energy attach to it?
Kind of.

What’s the best approach to dropping soul baggage? Positive attitude or just 'letting it go'?
We are weighed by how we are perceived by others, those who know us, not those we fooled.
We tend to give ourselves more slack than we deserve.
Are most of us here mere sheep, mere toddlers with little to no comprehension of the
consequences of our deeds and feelings?

We have many sensations in 3D reality, some people have more than others. Some can hear
notes on a violin that elude others. Depends on what gifts we come into this world with.

Most of us had experienced a few lives as humans here or elsewhere. Have we, in fact, existed
for long eons and experienced the multiverse not just as humans but as a myriad other forms?
If so, most of us or just a few on this rock?
Some have.

We choose to start smoking cigarettes because it's cool and we wish to impress our friends.
Then we are hooked in that disgusting habit. Same with drugs, booze, sex, hate, envy, etc.
Things we do, grow on us, then make us numb and we search out more stimulants to quench
the fire of desire. The exact opposite of going in the other direction, where joy is infinite and
never goes numb.

Some of us play that card plenty. Ignorance of the law doesn't get us off the charges here on
earth. Playing the victim don't works with the higher ups either.

They may put their two cents in, not much more.

Is there any kind of Soul Polarity happening - IE Negative Polarity (service to self) / Positive
Polarity (service to others). Are we being Push towards a Negative Polarity here?
On an individual scale in some countries. Other countries souls are herded around.
If we fear or at the least feel uncomfortable in social situations and around certain people, is
this a sign to keep us on track?
Some people pound their heads on brick walls their whole lives before they realized what's
the use. Some of us simply don't want to get the memo because we are told we can be
whatever we want to be, even president of the United States. Really? It don't hurt to try
but wasting a life chasing your tail is pointless when there are few or no returns on
Same with opposite feelings of confidence. What if those feelings collide?
Those feelings always collide. If that were not so we would be on easy street and avoid most
of the turmoil in our lives. Find what you "enjoy" doing and put all your eggs in that basket. If
you are not having fun doing something, knots in your stomach, depressed about your life
because of it, then find something else. It really is that simple. We are not here to be martyrs
we are here to enjoy life, well some are.

Pure freedom is an alien concept on this level and most fear and shun it. As children, we
loved our freedom and the world was an adventure to behold, life was good. As we grow up
freedoms are removed, school, work and government bureaucracy. The higher up the soul
moves the more freedom we acquire and we once again have the joy we briefly touched as

Despite the fact that our human bodies are designed perfectly to fit our soul and they retain
information in DNA and our brains and the external books, painting, poems, inventions we
make they are still just rental cars to us, to be discarded like a smelly sock some day. Where
does the soul, aside from anything 3-D hold its information?
A secret locker.

We are here in a state of amnesia, and anything that is given is wiped away from the
conscious mind. So I am not surprised that human kind does not progress. In fact how can
there even be progress?
If it was easy there would be no point. Life is difficult because we are difficult. The more
difficult we are the more difficult life will be for us.
It's the little things that we do that adds up and clears away some of the fog in life. Some can
do it quickly, some it takes a long stinking time. The higher ups have all the time in the world
to wait for us to make up our minds.

When an act of kindness is true, verses one tinged with self. Like in Candid Camera, we are
caught in the act when we least expect it. That is truth.

Can an entity re-incarnate into all the races, black, brown, white, yellow, red? Is there a
chance I have experienced multiple cultures and colours?
Some do some don't, a very complex issue.

Once we really get the idea of the hugeness and incomprehensible of "it" all...Dealing with
the mundane is tough and boring?
Dealing with the mundane should be a cinch. Take pleasure in knowing it's all a game, enjoy
the game, the seasons, the holidays. Ignorance is really not bliss, just look around at those
who are clueless, do they have real bliss?

We are children on a playground; some of us eventually grow up.

You passed a huge chunk. That this US election may result in a fasten your seat belt/ sh-t
hitting the fan future scenario. I get the same feeling and hear you loud and clear. I know,
nothing we can't handle but...Yes, we all have the ability to screen the movie positively....Are
you allowed to elaborate on this?
Not really.

Politicians do not create the laws of the universe just participate like the rest of us right?
Some sell their souls for a chance at some respect and power. But that don't mean we have to
go along, or get hateful with them. We all eat what we put on our plate.
There are no accidents no coincidences, so if any country and its inhabitants has bill to pay, it
is time to pay right?
That's how it works sometimes.
Can we get beyond that victim, blame mentality as a 3-D?
We can.

When our tude goes south so does our compassion.

The world is always in a state of madness, souls are not of this world and don't need be part of
the madness. Good attitude is a compass away from the madness.
It may not feel like it sometimes but we have complete choice in the matter of attitude.
Hard to hate someone or something when we have a good attitude.

The only thing that evolves is human delusions and illusions.

We are all from space that is why Earth feels strange to most of us.

Can you tell us the true origin of the Anglo Saxon type peoples?
What was their original purpose?
They were seeded like the rest of the inhabitants on Earth from exiled races in this solar
system. Purpose? Survival of the fittest.

Is there an inner world with other organic beings?

Yes there is.
Is it then possible to sail or fly through the opening and visit this world?
Humans could never find it. We have to be taken there.

Intuition... A hint from our guides?

And that anti-guides may distort or use to mislead us?
Intuition is vague and can be deceiving. It's all we get down here. Intuition is not necessary
higher up.
Is intuition a means of communication with our guides?
Smoke signals would be more helpful, lol.

The less we focus on the crazy world around us and keep a positive face the more bread
crumbs [at other places or amazing things] we get.
It's amazing what we have at our disposal but don't see the trees because the forest keeps
getting in the way. As someone once said.

Enjoy the little things in life, the big things come later.
Can you tell us to whom ET's we belong (body & soul) as individual people? (Latinos,
Americans, Europeans, Chinese, Japanese)
Temporarily speaking we belong to a host of entities that remain nameless.

Any ET or human that advises to run and hide are not on the level. That's the first clue. We
are not here to hide from trouble, if and when it comes knocking on our door. If trouble wants
your butt it will find it. Most of the time when we confront our illusions/problems, they melt
away like butter on a hot stove. The opposite is true when we run and hide. They hunt us
down like a posse and drag us through the streets in chains and humiliation. Never run from a
bully, metaphorically speaking, and life will be much more peaceful and joyful.

What percentage of the things our imaginations create are sent to us by higher beings?
If we don't have personal experience with them from the past then they were sent to us.
Perhaps for a future encounter in a galaxy far, far away. For those who want more drama in
their lives. Yes we can create our next vacation/nightmare with our runaway desires.
Are our imaginations simply interacting with another dimension somehow and thus,
channelling things that are in fact real?
That too.
Some of us would love to take credit for our "creativity" but it simply is not ours. Our desires
and our past lives dictate what we download from the universal Internet/ether zones.
When you say everything we can imagine exists, are you expressing the vastness of existence
only, or are you also expressing that our imaginations are linked to real entities and thus
linked to real existence and thus can only imagine real things?
In so many words, yes.
By saying all that we can imagine exists, are you more expressing the vastness of everything,
or the limitations of our imaginations?
Everything exists, our imaginations are like cables/phone lines to the master computer/server
Do ET’s give the imagination to Earth via dreams at a set time? The whole sci-fi thing didn't
really exist a few centuries ago...
Dreams, the ether/subconscious mind and by people we rub elbows with.

How do we know that human bodies don't rank on the top ten list of worst places to put a
That bodies are in the top ten worst places to be? How about top five.
What is the top ten list of worst places to put a soul?
A toothpick that is being chewed on by someone with bad breath. Any animal being chased,
captured and slowly eaten by lions, tigers and bears, oh my. A male praying mantis.
Dinosaurs. Demons. Maggots. Vultures. Humans. Pets. Insects. Those who think they know-

Why does a human body need a soul to be able to move?

A human body doesn't need a soul to function. ET’s can operate an empty body remotely as I
pointed out in my first book. Zombies would be a good description. They have used such
zombies to fight wars, to conquer cities and nations. To build things. Without disrupting the
flow and freaking out the "normal" people. Zombies/human clones that look like indigenous
people, fit right in.

Life is much nicer for those who lighten up at every turn of events.
Who originally created humans, what extraterrestrial species was that and how long ago?
There are many hands in the cookie jar of creation. The process has been going on forever,
and that's a long time, when in the time zone, that is. And it's still going on.
Were we once apes like people said and genetically altered to evolve into what we are today?
Maybe a combination of both natural evolution being a species like an animal just evolved at
a higher level like an advanced ape and then extraterrestrials added their DNA to further
create us?
Can you explain the way humans became what they are today and how we evolved over
thousands of years?
Zero evolving. A little bit of manipulation here and there by the many dregs of the solar
system, yeah.
You mentioned that some of the hybrids living on earth in the past had elongated skulls so
maybe they were just more evolved than we were? Someday will humans also have elongated
Humans will not evolve into coneheads or other such freaks.
So I take it that you are saying humans were totally and completely engineered / created and
placed here just like the animals were? They never evolved, were only changed a little bit
throughout history?

I’m assuming that we once were unaware like animals were and then somehow woke up or
became conscious through evolution is that partly right?
Not quite.

“Plants and rocks exist in the 1st density. This begins with the 1st density which is the density
of consciousness, the mineral and water life upon the planet learning from fire and wind the
awareness of being. Animals exist in the 2nd density. On the planet second density beings
begin to move about within and upon its being. Finally we humans exist in the 3rd density.
The 2nd density strives towards the 3rd density which is the density of self-- consciousness or
Could any of that be true?
There is a whole lot of density going on there, but not much more.

Blemishes, scars and other anomalies can reach into this life from the past. Also subtle scars
that shouldn't be there may be remnants of other worldly encounters.

When we no longer view ourselves as victims and appreciate the little and big things in our
life, chances are we have begun activating those higher principles, and using the tools in the

There are no coincidences, we are all here for a reason.

That's right we are here for a very important reason, beer and pizza! And go Cubs! Really, life
is good for those who don't take things too seriously. We pull the strings on many of our
illusions/delusions, might as well make them fun if we can.

Earth only has a small sampling of the races that are in this galaxy. There is a story behind the
many races but it's too big a story and Milton doesn't want to go into for awhile.
Is there a reason why most of the indigenous people of the Earth are being wiped out?
During the Second World War more than 50 million people died. We are born into this planet
and we die out of this planet. Sometimes individually, sometimes in clusters.

We live in a nutty planet, how we suppose to act? And what is normal anyway? One man's
normal is another man's lunacy and vice versa. Lol.

We come in with certain packaged deals depending where we are sent and what we will do.
The rest we pick up from those around us.

Dogma like, "Patriotism", "fighting terrorism", "9/11", etc.,etc.....Has America lost its way so
much that we can't see through such political jargon!?
No, not those things, at least not for some.
Any reason as to why the founding principles have lost their affect?
Scapegoating has become more popular.
Is it designed by the higher ups to be this way?
The higher ups help it along when the herd moves and thinks as one.
The masses create the future they and their offspring will live in or endure.

"Humans are here to determine where we go after the moment of death, which is related to
how much more information and truths we become aware of, or not." Which means this info
you give us here is a true Gift. Does it mean that thanks to this we increase our awareness
and therefore chances to go higher up once on the other side, given of course we use it the
right way (which is the only thing that really matters I suppose).
Those who use insider information certainly have the advantage. The difference is there is no
law against doing the right thing when it comes to life situations.
Will it help enhancing our communication with higher entities through the subconscious?
Does it open a little bit of access to what sits in there (is it what you mean then, by "lifting the
curtain a tad")
When we feed ourselves a consistent positive diet we become more in tune with the powers of
the universe and doors open more freely for us.
We certainly didn't walk to this planet, we were brought here or dumped here from other
places in the galaxy. By default everyone is an experiencer. And we certainly will be going
back to the galactic existence once our blinders come off.

Nothing wrong with searching for answers, heck, everyone is doing that, regardless what they
believe about life, here or there.

I realize that the question is not just "how much am I allowed to know" but also and mostly
maybe "how much do I really want to know"....
Exactly! Many are shown things in their past lives and afterward beg for a memory wipe.
Otherwise their lives down here would be pointless and or unbearable because of the
additional baggage. How many of us are held back by our little insecurities and guilt trips we
acquired while in this life? Who wants more? Yeah, I know, we all want to remember the
joyrides, me too.

What is the cause of sleepwalking?

For the most part not ET related. Stress, drugs and other body anomalies is the culprit.
Is the current population of souls living on this planet the highest that the planet has ever
seen? Was there a time when the Earth had a greater population than now?
This is a small population in comparison to past ones. But it's very young still and only a
fraction of what it will become in the centuries ahead.

The goal is simple, don't cheat people you are dealing with. Don't hate those who you think
have more than you. Concentrate on what is on your plate and not what is on other people's
plates. That's your clue.
Is that meant as a generic clue that everyone should follow or was it meant especially for me?
After all I may just be here on Earth for a vacation and not serving time, right?
It was meant for those who read it and understood it. Even though many know those things to
be true few let them sink in and become part of what they are, while here in la la land. If your
life is a splendid piece of cake with all the icing and you can eat as much of it as you wish
without side effects, you are on vacation.

You said that ET has saved/healed you after several car accidents and even falling off a cliff.
Intervention happens often across the board, some people know it, some think themselves
lucky. Luck, good and bad, are silly 3D ideas with no reality to them.

Why did ET create humans with vestigial parts like the appendix?
Why do we have tornadoes and hurricanes? What good are they? The appendix has a function
as do tornadoes and hurricanes, regardless whether anyone understands those functions or not.
The appendix collects certain minute sediments that were more prevalent in the past, and may
be again in the future. Speaking in general here so don't take offense anyone. Humans have
more or less the same amount of brain mass yet some use lots of it and some use very little.
Isn't ET smart enough to make us without unneeded organs or did they just get lazy and cut
They cut corners on some bodies more than others. Lol. Each body is customized for each
soul, warts and all. Goosebumps do serve a purpose even on hairless apes, they let us know
it's time to put more clothing on.

Most people alive today are walking around with memory implants/distortions, of what reality
really is. And they don't have any delusions of extraterrestrials other than what they see on
television or other media. That reality is blocked from their minds.

Anything is possible for anybody and everybody on this rock. But some of us are simply
nearer to the truth than most.

The refusal to take responsibility for one's own life and then move on from that, is the reasons
for angst, worry and remorse.

Extraterrestrially speaking, if this body is going to lay down (eternally) why in world should I
worry about anything?
No reason to worry if we have turned our backs on evil.
Extraterrestrially speaking will those who choose to act their hatred out against groups
merely repeat 3-D?
There is a lot of hell in 3D, not covered by "merely".
There are no victims per say. We only pay up what we owe.
Many souls from World War I & II are alive now harbouring remnants of the past.

Did the inhumanity that took place in the early United States (enslavement/KKK) and the
atrocities in WWII Germany have associated karmic ties?
Karma can have a nasty kick to it.

Everyone on this planet will face up to their own shortcomings equally. That's the only time
equality counts.

There are no shortage of "whys" out there. Why birth defects, why tall people, why midgets,
why multiple bodies fused together at birth. Part of what we understand as history is defined
by our bodies' continuity. Our human bodies are off the shelf like chassis of an automobile
with upgrades and downgrades and a tinge of that particular group of renegade ET’s that bred
us, branded us into their coven. Like Ford, GM, Mazda, Honda, Chrysler, etc.

We come into this life with a predetermined plan. During the course of this plan we can
change it, make it better or make it worse, or let it play out.
We are free to change our attitude from bad to good, our evil intentions and desires from bad
to good, or we can let our lives drift into madness and sadness. That is what free will is about.

Everyone has been inside a fantastical ship from out of the heavens. Most have simply
forgotten their trip here because of the great erasure period of childhood.
Everyone has their own ship of mind bogglingly capabilities just waiting for them on
graduation day.

The Internet is a basic concept of how the universe dispenses information and ideas. All
human brains are wireless devices connected to other wireless devises. That will become
more and more apparent as time goes by and we enter into slivers of what we call the future.
The future is like a carrot dangled in front of the donkey, it entices us to move forward in
understanding our place in the sun.

Is the Sun that rises in the morning and sets in the evening an Illusion?

When we change the plan [for our life] by changing ourselves, anything can happen.
So the many murders, deaths through war and everything taking place are in fact accidents
that can’t be stopped even by the extraterrestrials because of the law of free will?
ET in some instances will intervene, but mostly they will let things play out to their
There are no accidents a most difficult concept in the 3D zone.

No time, all illusion--dimensions weaving in and out according to our vacation,

predetermined plan, or prison sentence...etc.. What are these repetitive human 3D re-run
movies "groundhog days” of mistakes/pains/guilt which turn into future anxieties all about?
It does count how often we make the same mistakes over and over again. Those who can get
over the hurdles quicker and move to the next one, get more doggy treats.

Advantages stare down everyone. Most people blink and never take them.
"Power of Now" author, Eckhart Tolle says when you are done suffering, your brain becomes
a tool. You see everything in the timeless moment as it is and you accept, allow, and say yes to
whatever....Because....that is reality, so why argue with it?
Most don't.
Your brain is a tool to the next drink of water, step to the bathroom, or planning a trip--not a
reminder of how you fricked up in the past or how you project anxiety to the future.
Ground Hog Day scenario.

Sometimes I wonder if I am burning off some other beings sh-t?

Typical human delusion. I call it scapegoating.

How old is the earth according to Milton?

Six billion five hundred million sixty-two hundred thousand two hundred and fifty one years
old yesterday.

Is this the whole point of the "sifter?" Do we as humans assign judgment based on who is
"good" and who is "bad," while the truth is that some souls simply have what it takes to make
it and some souls do not?
That's why there is a revolving door called reincarnation. Some souls take longer to get it.

You mentioned that some of us come here on vacation, do they know of their circumstance, or
do they just have deep seeded feeling (programming) that all is all right in the universe?
Some of them know some are clueless but very content.
If they are on vacation can they screw up their chances of leaving here by doing things
Not really.
Those on vacation have no problems and they don't screw the pooch, either. Many people
have somewhat good and even great lives but are not good people. Kind of like having a
credit card and not making payments on it and letting the interest build up.

Many of us have splainin to do at check out time. But those who turn themselves around will
be ahead of the game.

Why do ET just want, haha, to prank some people and let them see stuff while others just on
one side of you try to but, hehe, they go away (well cloak themselves up again)?
They mess with you because you took notice of them.

Anything that weights us down like regrets can steal our focus. What is done is done, we can't
erase the past, only improve the future, and cut down on what we will need to payback.
I assumed it meant that instead of not regretting past wrongs that you had ignored or
committed, it means to not do the things that you would regret. Is that a fair assumption of the
fact or are you really implying something else, like read between the lines or something of
that nature.
I try to be literal unless it's a sensitive area.

Dropping negatives from our lives takes a load off our donkey as it meanders through life.

There is no random, nor luck in life.

Choices and attitude dictate what becomes available on our menu. Milton and his underlings
serve up the entrees.

You have stated that the devil is on our shoulder as well as the angel whispering into our
The angel whispers, the devil has a mouth like a boom box.
Does that mean every thought that we have is influenced by those two or more entities?
You know how some people give you good sound advice and some give you bad crappy
advice. It don't matter where we pick up the info, it only matters what we do with the info,
and which info we choose to use.
It does matter what we cloud our mind up with, which always remains in our power. We can
hang with people who have bad attitudes, the devil types and let them influence us, or not.
Evil thoughts enter our minds "always", unless we are some kind of goody goody saint. What
we do with those evil thoughts is what counts. If we give them an inch they might want more.

Having to unlearn what we have learned definitely makes a whole lot more sense because
once you have re-programmed yourself it becomes second nature to not have those thoughts
or am I just reaching?
We certainly can change but there is often plenty of relapse before it sticks, for those who
Best to change before we die unless we like singing the same old song.

Why are the higher ups allowing this battle?

Why do our children not understand the battles between father and mother?
They will after they step into those shoes.

What is our job once we get a piece of this game?

Once you "get" a piece of the game you will know. But not while on this side.

Everything worthwhile is a huge test.

I think all on board get the drips, and then overtime get amnesia....What is that?
Amnesia is a numbers game. All of us can be nice and good sometimes. That's not good
enough. Well, it is for down here.

How does one handle or play with the illusions of bad/good, right/wrong, etc.?
One at a time, with integrity. If we were perfect it wouldn't be a problem. No one will ace
these tests, but each test will determine our next one.

Unfortunately no one gets any guarantees in 3D. We "will" roll with the punches one way or
the other. Fear only complicates things and creates more drama and stress in our lives, which
can in itself facilitate or make worse the things we fear. The fact is that everything that
happens to us has been calculated and approved by beings higher up. They know our
situations because they create them. Yes, everything is a test and how difficult a test becomes
depends on our strength and attitude during the test. Sometimes focusing on others and
helping them with their problems relieves our own fears.

Our main reason for being here is to prove to "ourselves" what we are made of. We will not
know that until we die and are shown how we treated others.
For most this life is a blind test, a sting operation.
Doesn't it defeat the purpose of a sting operation to tell people about it?
Knowing what the laws are don't stop many from breaking the laws. How many people drive
the speed limit? The governor of Illinois knew what he was doing was wrong and the
penalties if he got caught. Didn't stop him nor does it stop millions of others from doing the
wrong thing when they know better.
Are some of the tests more important than others?
Tests are basic and repetitive life situations. Most have little meaning individually.
Accumulatively, they make us what we are.

Infinity reduces for me, the earthly details to a veritable nothingness or absence. Is that
because of guidance, do you suppose?
There is a lot more to "nothingness" than meets the eye. And the guidance we get down here
can't meet the eye.

All the corpses I saw in Ken Burns PBS special "The War" was beyond understanding. The
lessons we beings learn from our deeds and misdeeds can only be what we leave such a planet
with, right?
Kind of.

If all human races started from the renegades at various locations / times then why were
humans always the creation of them and not other types of life forms?
There are many other life forms on this planet that keep a low profile in the human psyche.
And no for instances.

Have humans always been the dominant life form or have there been others that have been
removed? What type were they?
Dino and some slimy types without bone structure have come and gone. But there are many
planets in other solar systems that have infinitely more types of "dominant" forms that are not
human/monkey types.

Is the whole Devil/bad spirit caution to be taken seriously?

It only takes one bad move to screw up a life or two. Road rage, drunk driving, rioting for the
fun of it. The list is long.

What is ET allowing us to have for real, for us, you, me.

Whatever we are willing to work for and truly believe we deserve.

The "human condition": Are we hard wired/software with things like depression, paranoia,
ego and general confusion, fear, general dis-comboober-ation and much etc? Now all of this
is going on in my own head, it becomes a really busy place up there in my noggin. This
happens to me about once a year, not a really comfortable place, but if I get too complacent I
don't go anywhere either. It does shut out "the sunlight of the spirit". My friend (guide) of
many years tells me that perhaps I will make the leap to another level. Is that possible?
When we hit a higher tune in our present lives we do get a physiological "dis-comboober-
ation". Some people have nervous breakdowns or mid-life crises because they don't
understand what is going on in their heads. Relax, it comes and goes and doesn't affect us
negatively. But it can be a roller coaster ride sometimes.
Most of the time if we take the time, we need to remove the focus from ourselves and put it on
others. And things get back in the groove.
It seems to me that the real battle is with-in my own human head?
Waking up is real hard to do, that's why most avoid it if they can. The mind is pure magic but
locked in a human container for a time. But the mind/soul is indestructible by us unless we
throw it on the fire of hate. As long as we feed it positive energy it will flourish and
grow...with growing pains, and that's all that mind chatter is for the most part.

Souls, that's what we are. Few understand the significance of a soul while here on earth. A
soul is one heck of a thing, more powerful than a thousand supermen, more fantastic than all
the wonders of the world and even the galaxies. It's big, very big. It's so amazing they can
squeeze all that into a clueless human brain.

Do I have to be in whatever life’s assignments to get to play with one of those relay cool light
sabers they use in star wars, I'd love to be a Jedi in any life lol
Being good is the easy part, and we all know just how easy that is right lol.
Try Special Forces for a few months and multiply that a few hundred times
and then you might be in the running.
We all know how tough our Special Forces Operators are for any country, especially the US.
What I wanted to know was if being a Jedi in one of those galaxies like that is really THAT
difficult as you state?
Only a few that try out for Special Forces here in the states get in. Even fewer get to be Jedi
type material.
What about the body they use while they're a Jedi? Is it more advanced?
The bodies are more advanced and so is the training.
The Jedi have souls like we do but more advanced?
As bodies advance so do souls. Souls at those levels are different, become different.
Star wars movies where the Jedi are falling from insane heights and still manage to get up
and walk around. Anything similar to falling like that and we're dead here on earth, why not
for the Jedi?
They are like superman without the cape.
How much more do we have to advance our soul from this earth level to get to a place like
Much more.
Can you expand on the Force in these "Star Wars" type places? Seems like it would be some
form of energy.
It's the same force that permeates throughout the galaxy, some just know how to tap into it
better than most.
Does not doing a stint in the special forces/military here bar us from potential chances at
being a Jedi?
No it don't bar us.
You told that people from those realities where Jedi exist can't come to places like Earth, but
does it ever happen?
They have no power on this level, it would be like superman going to planet Krypton. Besides
they are not allowed to come here. They have their own play area, much more advanced and
challenging but nevertheless, it’s still a playground. Also, they exist in the same kind of
illusions but more real life fantasy than we have here on Earth.
They are a few notches above us, better bodies and more fine tuned souls. That is how it is
more real. More intensity, more alive than we are.
Why do the bodies have to be more advanced?? Couldn't they use a "body bag" like we have
The body bags we have on Earth are inferior.
Pain is all in the mind and those higher up in physical bodies are more in control of the mind
than we are.
They understand how to use the force.
Do they have more regular contact with their guides than we do?
Less need of guides.
Are you saying that eventually we will not need them to watch over us?
The more aware we become the less hand holding we need.
At what point do they let us out on our own in the universe?
The universe was created for us to enjoy and explore, alone if we choose, when we are mature
enough to choose.
I would think that at that point we never really lose any contact with them, at that point in our
soul progression anyway, am I correct?
We have as much or as little contact as we desire.
Do they retain more memories of being on places like earth?
Sometimes, but most don't want the distractions and prefer to focus more on their existing
Why does the soul have to be more advanced for those "realities"?
Such souls require high levels of integrity.
Why can't we tap into it here?
A few can.
I guess I can't say that no one here can access that energy but it just seems like we're not
allowed at all?
It helps if we get help from above.
Is there a way for us to tap into this force as well?
Lots of determination and focus, but still we can only tap small amounts of it.
Are you thinking of going to one of those realities your next time around?

Will reading this forum in any way affect the process we go through at death?
Yes, we have the ‘go to the head of the line’ clearance.

Earth, for all of us, seems to be perfectly designed for Kindergartners to learn to hold hands
while we mercilessly kill the road raged SOB's who gets in our way. Hell of a Hallmark Card.
Yes, but at least "we care to send the very best" it's a Hallmark card right.

Fear is what steals away the gift of life and all its possibilities. Screw fear and live life!

Life provides us with all we need and want, but it will not serve it up to us, we have to make
the effort to get what we want. The apple tree makes the apples but the tree will not eat the
apples for us. The apples will fall off the tree and rot if no one picks them.

Suffering is not necessary and should be avoided whenever possible. Just fly right whenever
you can and don't add to your past indiscretions. That will reflect on the tab.
We are not here to be martyrs, we are here to enjoy life and not make it difficult for others to
enjoy life.
A life without hate is a vacation.
Can some people simply be here for a lifetime or so just to 'brush up' some things or mature
their soul before going somewhere better?
Do you know what their lives generally look like?
Could be anybody.

We are living the final exam, those who fail this exam will get more exams, the rest will move
up and out of the classroom. We are not here to take exams for others; everyone has to take
their own exams.

We certainly don't create music and art down here, we are inspired by higher beings.
Humanity's destiny is not in the hands of artists. Artists are allowed to follow their desires as
are the rest of us.

Memories from past lives do intrude into this life, via dreams and via visits from past
acquaintances. Whether we follow our past or try and create and build something new is up to
each of us to decide. Nostalgia is a powerful potion to resist. That's why we look up at the
stars; many memories are hidden in them.

True reality is mind bogglingly simple, we make it infinitely complex by silly beliefs and
desires, some of us more guilty of it than others.

What is happening out there?

Humanity is happening.
No one's plate is clean and we are all in the same cafeteria line.

Some day we will all look back and say "I lost sleep over that?" lol.

Past is reverie, nostalgia, could, should have done whatever--a general you f**ked up Man
feelings/emotions? Punishment?

Is it normal for siblings, specifically my brother and myself, to have the same thoughts?
It happens more than most realize.

I have "felt" things outside of my body before; like a TV turning on or something like that. It's
like a vibration or electricity thing, I'm not sure but it's pretty cool.
It's the same energy that makes things happen in our lives when we apply elbow grease and
focus on what we want to be in life, this life. We can only do one life at a time.

Quote from Yoda: "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
Is that a good way to live life down here?
The fact that we don't lose anything but continue to gain more and more of everything we
love and enjoy, the fear of losing something or someone is silly. But that attitude can be
viewed as callus in a world hooked on emotion and drama.
If we let go of our fear of losing, fear of dying, etc., there would be no reason to worry about
It's a fine line and not everyone can walk it. Sometimes the fear of losing the love of another
keeps us on our toes. If we didn't fear losing our jobs why bother showing up for work? For
those who lack discipline and maturity, fear is necessary.
But fear leads hate and anger towards others and yourself. What does it take for people to see
past the fear mongering and all that in this world?
I little humility goes a long way in that department.

What’s the logic behind little kids dying?

Why they don't get to grow old like the majority of people?
Babies and children that die young don't need to be here longer than they are. They may have
come in for a brief time to help a family member, or they had a few small things to do before
moving up and away.

What’s the deal with nipples on men exactly?

Off the shelf versatile unisex bodies can go either way via X, Y chromosomes. Cuts down on

Negative emotions are like texts books in school. Don't need the books once we graduate.
Negative emotions have no purpose in the non-physical realm.

Have human military people ever been 'lifted' off Earth and taken to other realities
Yes, civilians too.

Military commanders and anyone else that intentionally or because of ego trip creates
problems for others, they will be accountable. It works the other way too. If our actions end
up helping others that's a good thing.

Pride is the belief that we create our own special talents and abilities. Everything we have,
everything we are, is a gift from above.

Competition pushes us to be better and create better mouse traps. It's not necessary to force a
competing business out of business to be successful. Look at how many gas stations and
restaurants we have. Competition keeps prices low otherwise we have a monopoly creating
inferior and expensive stuff like food, housing, cars, etc. Competition in love, work, athletics,
in life is what this place is all about. How we deal with it is what matters.
Any ideas on how a person can live without competing?
Not in 3D land.
Do we pay for getting something for ourselves through competition?
When we play by the golden rules and don't cheat others, we win.

Is there anything we truly have down here, that originates with us?
We were given our bodies, our minds, and the software to make things happen. We are not
our bodies, our minds or the software, nor the products that comes from that conglomeration.
Everything in life is a gift, all we need do is take the gift and mold it into something we can
enjoy, or not.

Those who learn late in life have cheated themselves out of most of their life/gift and will
probably want to do it over again. For their own good.
Each life is extremely important and those that are wasted must be made up. The sooner we
wake up to the fact that life is a gift the better for all concerned.
Is free-will more valid than gloom and doom predictions?
Gloom and doom is inferior info to exploit a human weakness, which is fear.

If there are no accidents or coincidences then what is the explanation for the violence, same
as always, control?
There hasn't been one single day on this planet that fighting was not in it. There will never be
a day on this planet that fighting is not in it (while inhabited). Peace of "mind" is an individual
thing for those who earn it. Once truly earned they "leave" this blood lust planet behind.
The current wars going on do not enchant me anymore than famine does. I think helping
others is more important.
Poverty and famine war against the soul.

Many will not tell others about the thoughts they have because most people would not
understand or believe it, plus, we like knowing or believing that our thoughts belong to us
alone. Most of us would freak if we knew that the whole universe could tap what is on our

Fear is the big hurdle and can be chipped away at but not fully conquered while in this place,
not allowed. Yeah, I know, some think they are fearless lol but that's because they have been
shielded and remain fast asleep.

I've been doing some searching for a good jump-start. It seems there may have been some
tools put in place for just that! Problem is, most of us don't recognize it as such -- and
therefore they're prohibited as well as exploited. No respect for these powerful tools!
For the most part those powerful tools are kept out of human hands for a "good" reason.
Powerful tools they are. Respect them by leaving them alone, or not. I'm such a prude.

All the obstacles/opportunities placed into our paths are intentionally and uniquely placed
props. How we perform on stage around all the props is telling of what we are.

Does attraction/love down here between a couple have much to do with souls?
Yes, but that don't mean we can't get it wrong.

How does someone try to increase their awareness?

It's something that happens over time as we become more conscious of our actions and
feelings toward others and situations. Anger is normal, hate is not, wanting things is normal;
coveting what others have is not. Understanding our emotions and why they rule over us is

They say the only constant is change, I say it's death and taxes.

Have you ever been inside of a penitentiary? Earth is the Big, big house

Not everyone is on the same page of what enjoyment is.

There is a hell planet, and we are on it. Luckily we each hold the keys to get off this rock but
first we must turn our hell into something more pleasant. That's our test, our reason for being
here in the first place.
Our lives were given to us as gifts. Who gets the "ultimate" rewards from our sacrifices? We

There are many planets that have zero sunlight. No matter how bad we have it here we still
have some sunshine to look forward to. Granted those down under are roasting right now, but
hey, that's life.

The funny part is that everyone is free, most just don't know it or don't want it.

It's the little things that make the big differences in our lives.

There is a reason they partition the play ground for little tykes and bigger kids.

"Ask not what your government can do for you, ask what you can do for your government"
John F. Kennedy. Those words and concepts have fallen on deaf ears the minute they were
spoken. When we demand to be taken care of by our governments we will need to get
comfortable with a boot up our ass.
Expecting more from others than we are willing to do ourselves is like the blind leading the
blind, morally speaking.

You've said that ET are able to implant sperm, ovaries and indeed embryos, so do you think
its possible that these people can have been 'engineered' to be that way? Possibly as a host
for a particular soul or maybe as a test for those around them? Or could they be some species
of ET?
All of the above, but also Karma in the here and now, for things of the here and now. Many
people don't want to hear this, but hate often hidden deep within the soul, and not seen by
others, those near and dear, can and will boil up and turn people into empty shells. Their hope
lies in their next life, for those that don't snap out of it while here. No one is hopeless. “Karma
is not always carried by those who appear to be mis-fortunate, but by those who are most
affected by such individuals. However, many of us are here to learn something and are not
being punished. Some learning situation only feel like punishment, especially if we are not
learning something from the situations we are "placed" into.”
I've known a few people like this, some for many years. They truly create havoc for those
around them, but not necessarily with any malicious intent, they just seem to be totally
disconnected from the emotions and feelings of others.
When they serve no purpose of their own, then, they are instruments used specifically on
those they affect the most.

The hell that is placed into our lives is never by accident, we learn from it or get destroyed by
it. It really is our choice.

We are not here to serve a higher purpose and save mankind, we are here to be served by
higher ups. Unlike humans who call themselves public servants while ruling over us as kings,
higher entities work behind the scenes. Hey that rhymes!

Descendants of several renegade dynasties we are. A subject too deep in doo doo and
politically unacceptable to speak much about. I did mention that there were two major
players/powers like political parties, angling for control of the planet, those wishing more
technological enhancement and prosperity for the masses and those wanting more austerity
for the human cattle. Guess who is winning at the moment.
Can you at least use an allegorical story so we can get the jist of it. We won't know which
race is which.
An allegorical story? Man, that's like a lot of work dude!
Is one of these sides malevolent/bad?
Yes, but they come off as good and nice with all the right spice. The Trojan Horse, not the
rubber, works every time.
I'm going to say that what you mean by descendants is creations.
We are creations of renegade ET's. Some of us were created for the sole purpose of being
servants, some slaves, and some literally cattle for the slaughter.
It would seem that way, especially for those who see themselves as servants, slaves and cattle.
The higher ups serve and slave over us cattle. It's all done with mirrors. We cattle have this
crazy idea that to be someone of importance we must rule over other people. How silly of us.
What you mean by masses is happy, well kept and extra useful slaves and servants.
What good is a servant with an attitude? I would just as well serve myself...
But there are a few, a very few that carry an actual direct bloodline of the ET's due to
possible experimental or just lustful breeding between renegade ET's and their creations.
Could you comment?
Oh, if it were only as simple as that.

We don't have a "right" to happiness but there is no law against being happy. It's certainly free
for the taking and we can drink as much of it as we wish while here. Once we move up from
this level we will swim in happiness, that's what the universe is made of, not that dark matter
crap some Astro physicists try to sell us.

The world can go to hell in a hand basket, or via a wink, smile and smooth talking, but we as
individuals can float about the chaos and avoid the hell. After all it's all illusion, unless we
sell out cheap.

What kind of abilities humans would have if we could have better access to our souls?
Unlimited abilities. Since we are in full possession of our souls, well some of us, we have
unlimited possibilities even now. But we let ourselves be dumbed down by the media, the
politicians and mostly by Hollywood, via the blame game. It's always someone else's fault. I
blame Milton for all my woes.

A pure soul has the ability to repair it's so called physical body at will. But pure souls don't
hang out on these lower levels much, but they do come here. Nevertheless, it can happen in
lesser souls too with some behind the scenes ET help.

All I ask of others is that they let me govern myself. Is that so wrong?
It is on this planet and many other planets lower down.
In the eyes of whom, humans or ET's?
The only eyes that count.
Control and who has it, is in the mind of the beholder. Even in prison our minds are free, or
What could I possibly learn from being willfully governed over by faulty humans?
Humans who are more aware of the big picture understand the mind of the lesser soul "faulty
humans". And are not tormented by such flaws in others, but understanding of them.
So lesser souls or "faulty humans" are people who have not yet raped, killed, starved, stolen,
beaten, hurt or gassed others to become enlightened in understanding?
If we are talking gang initiation, yeah.

"Forced servitude" is the biggest illusion of them all. Nevertheless, those who believe they are
being used by others, are in that place in the mind that put them there in the first place, and
are living their "own" nightmare. The mind can rise above anything and everything! But that
takes effort.

It's all mental. If you think someone is ruling your life then it's a done deal.

Fear works very well to control the masses, the drug cartels are using it now in Mexico very
affectively. Who will stand up to them and kick their asses? Once the grip is tight there is no
easy way out.

The world doesn't owe us anything, neither does ET.

We all want to kick some ass, the disagreement comes on whose ass do we kick? It's that dam
point of view thing. We all have our own ideas on what is right and what is wrong. Would it
be right for the north Koreans to rise up and Kick Kim's ass? Absolutely.

Some of us can also choose a faction that will govern over us.
All of us do more or less.
Do the different factions have different rules to their governance?
Most certainly.
But are we not? Is not joining and having faith in Christianity, Islam or Judaism that different
from joining a gang?
Come to think of it the nuns did have a killer instinct.
The same for Capitalism, socialism, and communism or any other organization for that
Some of us do fight for what we believe in, the rest get a free ride.
Did not you say yourself that you had to reaffirm your loyalty to your faction of ET'S?
Milton did hint that next time he might leave me out in space. I've been loyal ever since.
How many wars, lies and spy's have been the deaths of so many people. All because they were
rooting for their own team.
A bunch!
Do I have to choose among this to progress?
Or can I just use what I need and live the best I can?
Use your free will.

Back when I was growing up one of the big shot mobsters in my neighbourhood made sure
that my family had a loaf of fresh Italian bread every morning. He and many of the others also
put large amounts of money into the church donation box. Their good deeds did not wash
away their evil deeds. We don't barter for our souls down here on earth. We earn our way up
the ladder the old fashion way. Hard work and integrity, no short cuts.
Why work with fisherman if you can keep the price of fish high with tyranny. After all you
can't stop it why not exploit it on both sides.
Why not indeed, after all, that's what most lost souls down here do.

We give freely and with love or we give nothing at all.

It's a crazy mixed up world. People who should be fighting, don't, and people who have no
reason to fight, do. It's all about "real" freedom or lack thereof.

Do the ET’s try and give us what we want even though our motives are so tainted with hate
and greed and fear?
Especially when we act out of fear and hate do we get our noses rubbed into the mess.
In that respect are we truly responsible for what we get? Is it a majority rules thing?
It is a majority rule thing. When the majority gets it wrong everyone pays the price. Hitler,
Stalin, Castro and many others were put into power by angry people, the rest is history.
If I don't check my own motives when I make a decision on something, a bit of hate and greed
and revenge sneaks in. The consequences of my outcomes have been really crappy.
We all been there done that, and a few of us know that.

Even in the bowels of hell we can have peace of mind, body and soul.
Will the majority ever figure that out? No.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" thing ... what's with our appearance anyway - part of the
Looks are always deceiving. A human flaw/reality that we are stuck with down here is self
preservation. We tend to look for weaknesses in others to exploit them to our advantage when
we can. We all do it instinctively, some have perfected it. Looks and character traits make up
our defence system to thwart others, like porcupines sharp quills, or a turtle shell, or octopus
ink, or skunk stink. There is more to looks and our bodies and why we have "chosen" to be
placed into them, yeah, that's right many of us picked them lol. That's whole other can of
worms that I will leave alone for now.

The whole of my male conditioning (education, experiences, expectations) became an illusion

the past few years--thought I was going nuts.
This is not an easy concept to communicate, but I was thinking too much and not just going
with the flow. My past, future projections were scary and all imagined and got me stuck.
LOL! When the bottom falls out of your illusions in the middle of big successes, there are
huge prided vestiges of blame, hate, envy.
Your focus on watching your thoughts of fear runs deep throughout your writings. While in
the bubble, fear happens. Outside the bubble, fear still happens--but is handled differently,
There is more fear outside the bubble, that's why we tend to run to one bubble after another,
looking for that illusive haven. We can't live on this crazy planet without fear, the best we can
do is not let it ruin or run our lives. Those that claim they have no fear usually fear the most,
they hide it well. Fear is mostly in our heads. When we run from a perceived danger our fear
intensifies. When we stand our ground the fear often subsides. It's all psychological crap.
Now if there is a lion loose, get the hell out of there.

If life was easy none of us would be here now. Life is not easy for the same reasons that being
in prison is not easy. Prison is designed to keep inmates from coming back. And yet the
prisons are filled with repeat offenders. Why are we so easily offended by others? That is the
root of most of our problems. The powers will throw gasoline on our hate and other issues.
The more issues we have the more fire we get. That's why it's best to snuff out ill feelings and
envy before they snuff us out.
The mind can be a loose cannon. And each day is a new challenge. We conquer one day only
to be given another day to conquer again and again. We eat every day, we sleep every night,
the sun rises and sets every day. We must conquer our issues every stinking day! Does it ever
get easier? For some it does. Is there magic we can use? Yes. But we each must find it on our

Is selling something for more than it's worth actually cheating someone or is this just the
nature of capitalism?
Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them.
Capitalism/competition often makes things cheaper and more affordable to the masses.

How do we, as individuals, know that our own 'big picture' has not been corrupted?
If we are not on the level with others, the higher ups are not on the level with us.
Who or what corrupts our view? Ourselves and our selfish desires?
The buck stops there.

How do we know whether or not we are skipping merrily down the road to hell, clutching our
anti-guides hand?
Scary how many people are doing just that. The fact is the good are protected and looked
after. That don't mean that bad things will not happen to good people. After all, Earth is not
paradise, it’s a training ground, to determine where we go from here.

Are some, all, most of us, at some level, really that bad?
Smelly socks are smelly socks for a reason.

You indicate it's just a higher maturity level we have to attain, but also hint that we were/are
Yeah but we can take the 5th, and often do.

Third World is where maggots have their work cut out.

Deceivers don't go much higher up than this level.

What I mean when I said "being on the level with others" is that we don't cheat or screw
others over. That we deal fairly with those people we come into contact with. How we treat
others down here is how we will be treated by the higher ups while we are down here. The
"what goes around comes around" thing, also known as Karma.

What is real freedom? Does it have to do with our attitude?

There are various levels of freedom here on earth. People in places like North Korea and Cuba
have zero freedom to come and go as they please. For them the only freedom is attitude. In
places like America we have lots of personal freedom but very little soul freedom. The soul is
free no matter what confines the body or the mind. However, most will not know or
appreciate such freedom until they exit this world and move up. It's like finding love and
happiness, they exist all around us in abundance, but few understand the dynamics of
harnessing such gifts and enjoying them.
The universe has given us everything. We all have been given a dowry. We want more love,
give more love, more happiness, make more people happy. More blessings in our lives, be a
blessing to others. We lack in nothing, we have everything already, all we need do is buff off
the tarnish from the silver spoons. Taking the spoons out of our arse would be a good start.
Only a small percentage of people remain untouched by the fires of hell that flicker on this
planet. Good for them.

How much of our lives is our own creation? How much was conditioned and instilled in us?
A 100% our own creation. Conditioning? Tell it to the judge.

Some of us are tested a little more than others and our living conditions and where we live are
part of the curriculum. Prosperity or lack thereof is only icing on the cake or lack thereof.

Some people are clueless and they are generous sharing their clueless-ness with others. The
higher up "spiritually" speaking that we go, the more prosperity we have. Prosperity is good.
Granted, evil people can be prosperous while here on earth but they can't enjoy it, nor have it
when they leave here. Angels and gods live in immaculate palaces lacking in nothing.

Austerity and misery are for places like earth. So are hate and envy. Many of us spend more
time being pissed off about what others have and not doing things to better our own lives.

Viewing an old interview of Ayn Rand shocked me into realizing just how far toward national
insanity we have progressed. Is it just my pessimism acting on my mood, or have we turned
the corner and are now speeding toward an austerity model ourselves? Does this mean the
Milton faction has lost?
Unlike us saps down here on earth that must adjust to the changing tides of political change
Milton gets to keep his bonuses even though his side fumbled the ball. C'est la vie.

Renegades are the only entities that require worshiping. Well, ok, some human spiritual
leaders, rock bands, movie stars and politicians do too. Even if we are subjected to leaders
that need our worship we can still do the right thing. When we leave this planet we can't point
fingers and blame it on our gullibility of evil doers.

Are you saying that most in 1st world countries are still quite limited in their freedom because
they are in a prison of their own mind and body? They don't recognize their soul aspect which
is where freedom is found?
Freedom and prosperity mean little when our souls are not free. Hence, the most prosperous
country in the world, the US, is filled with unhappiness. Far too many people with plenty of
goodies on their plates are too focused on other peoples' plates. We not only want more in our
life we also want our neighbours to have less than we have. Kindergartners never are satisfied
with their own toys they want the other kid’s toys too.

This Austerity thing being imposed, for how long will it last?
Austerity once out of the bag don't like crawling back in on its own. It's up to us to grab that
wild cat and put it back into the bag. Some will be hammered by the ongoing mistakes and
general cluelessness of those we handed the economic keys to. But the ship isn't going down.
Does it mean that the current economic crisis and the Israel Vs (put a name here) war of the
week is related right?
It means a new boss is in town, not a human boss. But they do choose their own cabinet
members and administrators that are human, kind of.
Wouldn’t this help explain SOME of the havoc that keeps happening in our world?
Some of the havoc is due to the skeletons in our own closets. Most of us look hard to find
things we have done in our lives to merit some of the situations we find ourselves in. The
problem is our closets are huge and span many lifetimes. Many countries began as prison
camps, where undesirables where dropped off and abandoned. Over time, communities
developed and cities grew, prospered, and became respectable, more or less. The same thing
happened with this planet.

Before we come down to this world we have full consciousness but most will not remember
anything at all. A few people do. Some of these memories will linger into our early childhood,
where most of our past gets washed away as we begin to focus on our new reality.

When we be in kindergarten here on Earth everything is new to us. The fact is we all have
come to Earth from other planets and other star systems. Sometimes we even remember a few
things about our past lives and write about them and/or make movies about them. Some
attribute such stuff as talent or wild imaginations. They are wrong. Earth has been here for a
long time with many past civilizations that have come and gone. Most of them have been
annihilated, but the fighting continues without human knowledge. We humans are somewhat
living sheltered lives because what is going on all around us doesn't really concern us.

The problem is that too many of us are more concerned about what other's are doing wrong
and not taking a better look in the mirror to see what we are doing wrong. We come into this
life "alone" we leave this life "alone". That should be a clue that we are here to fix ourselves
first and foremost. The rest of the nearly seven billion lost souls on this planet are here to do
the same. Lost souls can't help anyone until they themselves are fixed. But not like "fixed" as
in having your pet fixed!

What inhibiting factor keeps people from achieving their dreams?

They lose focus, don't stick with one thing and make it happen. We tend to get discouraged
when things don't happen quickly and jump from job to job, or idea to idea. Pick something
and make it happen, in the long run. Yeah, I know there are people rotting on the vine that
they have been on for their whole lives. That's because they are waiting for someone else to
make things happen for them.
I have seen people that work hard, are good people, and have big dreams but never get there.
I can't help but wonder why.
Hard work verses smart work makes a difference. Also it depends on the country or cell block
one lives in. The overlords in N. Korea, Cuba, Asia, Africa and many places south of the
border, don't allow much or any freedom to move up. Being good will help move us up the
ladder of existence but it don't guarantee smoothed sailing while down here. In fact, for many
quite the opposite.

We exist to serve our "own" agenda, and then, when it don't work out, we like blaming

Mid-life crisis, just another speed bump along life's highway, for most, nothing more than

Some people need to repress their feeling touchy side, especially in these highly litigious
times we live in.

Earth is screwed up because too many are expecting someone to create a Utopia world for us
and make everything peachy. Don't anyone hold their breath. No money no honey. Money is
the grease that keeps the economic gears from freezing up. That's the way it rolls on this
The only constant is pocket change. Many millionaires and billionaires have lost it all, and
they will be replaced by those that had nothing at all. But gain often comes with pain too.
Nothing easy or guaranteed on this crazy planet.

Everything is an ET construct. We humans are clueless on the basic economic construct of

simple supply and demand, and yet we claim to understand the complexities of planet Earth
and how it works. Sure, whatever LOL.
Is this whole Earth economic ouch ET driven?
And them cattle prods not only hurt they are so demeaning.

Earth can be a hell? We just got a beautiful planet with streams, blue skies and flora and
And a heck of a lot of wind trying to blow us off this miserable planet lol.

I have lost all and it ain't so bad--makes me grateful for simple stuff.
Losing everything is the "in" thing right now, everyone is doing it.

Wealth has been affectively demonized by the average Joe and Jane, so why are so many of
us Joe's and Jane's making a big deal that it flew the coop? Maybe we were hoping it would
happen to someone else and not to us personally. Misery loves company and it doesn't
discriminate between rich, poor or middle ground when it comes to town.

What is the deal with Russia? It’s strange that all the “Caucasian” nations are sort of loosely
allied but then you have Russia which supports a lot of perceived evil in the world (Iran,
Zimbabwe, Syria, Sudan etc) and opposes USA, Europe, U.K etc. What is ET's plans/purpose
for Russia?
Greed for what others had is what's wrong with Russia. Stalin was sent in to lead the envious
masses to kill, rape, rob, and plunder, each other. The USSR has been a hellhole ever since.
The sins of the fathers and mothers are carried forward many generations before the maggots
feeding off human hate have their fill.

I don't think many believe that humans have much if any control of what is going on down
here. And who in their right mind would want to claim they have control of this wicked
cauldron of a planet? Other than some foolish religious or political control freak, ego nuts.
Nevertheless, we still control our own souls, the rest we leave here when we leave. What we
leave with is ours, so best leave the contraband behind less we be stopped and our baggage
checked at the gate.

We earthlings seem to have few 'moral' qualms about capturing / breeding / torturing lab
animals and occasional humans in the name of science, etc. Is it likely that older, more
advanced races of whomever’s are exploiting us earthlings perhaps for their own survival or
even amusement?
Renegades be them. They enjoy tormenting us and torturing us, and are free to do so. It builds
our character or sinks our ship. They take few prisoners, those that can't take it are obliterated.

Humans as a species are contained inside this solar system. No one gets out alive, physically
speaking. Earthlings will never "go where no man or woman has gone before." There is no
such place. Every square inch of the universe has been visited by some entity and claimed.
When you said that sometimes human bodies were reused, or something to that effect: do they
change the gender and edit them accordingly? Do they change skin/eye/hair colour, etc, to
make them look as different as possible? Also would humans who are reused act similar to the
other people who have the same body?
All of the above, and yes. I talked about scientists in my first book that used Alien modified
human bodies of mortally injured people during some black ops situations.
Someone who had been reused, is it likely that they would be famous? Because if they were
famous and someone was using the famous person's reused body, would there be a chance
they might notice?
The reuse of bodies is minute. The vast majority need not be concerned, we are given a brand
new body at birth and we remain it that body till death do us part.

Some dude once said "life was like a box of chocolates." Well, that life should be so sweet,
when we bite into all those surprises.

Technology and ingenuity flourishes under capitalism (free enterprise). Sure ET gives us our
technology, but we have to earn it and work for it here in 3D land. There are better economic
systems the higher we go, but at these lower levels of existence Capitalism is the best system.
Communism is the worst.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same." Does this apply to everything? What
does it not apply to?
It applies to everything. Everything has always existed, we only see things differently
depending on our perspective or lack of perspective.
If I wanted to donate money for those in Africa...does this ONLY make me feel good and not
change anything? Why does it not change anything?
It changes you.
We cause the rules to change on the playground which will affect people and policies, but in
the big picture nothing really changes but ourselves.

Everything we do we do for a reason, the reason is what counts in the big picture. Who we
vote for, why we give to others. These are complex issues that most will not understand. How
much effort we put into things that we do tell a lot about who we are. Most of us go with the
crowd because there is less current pushing against us when we do.
Our actions do help us and those around us, but the world will remain the same. We are here
to change ourselves because no one else can do it for us. We may wish to take credit for
helping others but credit is not due us. Any power we have to help others is "given" to us by
higher ups, we don't own it, therefore we can't cash it.
This stuff is not easy to comprehend and for some it can be discouraging as in "what's the
use." When we are "allowed" to help others it's a gift to us, not those we helped, or think we
helped. Yeah, sometimes it’s much easier being a couch potato than trying to figure out what
the hell sleeper is talking about. lol It's that dang wine! I really should cut back on it. This is
an area where ambiguity is called for because it can easily be misconstrued.

I have a theory about what is going on Mexico. Could it be that the purpose of president
Calderon’s administration is to destroy the existing drug cartels and replace them with new
ones that could be controlled by the government, like in the good old days?
To put a stake into the heart of drug cartels and corrupt government officials, Mexico needs to
legalize the cash cow drug trade. They would have to contend with America but there is no
other way at this point. America needs to do the same. Drug use would go down by losing
some of its bad boy appeal. The tax on the drugs would help the economy in both countries.
Drug use has never been higher, laws only make drug lords and those they payoff very rich.

When we give our best tomatoes to others and even to our own family members, it's not easy.
Why should we give the best tomatoes from our garden? We did all the work while they
watched television. For one we don't have to give our tomatoes to anyone, eat them and enjoy
the fruits of your labour. Nothing wrong with that. But if you do decide to give your tomatoes
to those slackers, give them your best tomatoes or give them nothing. You will make a better
impression than giving people bad or blemished produce or services. We are here to treat
people kindly and be helpful if we can, when we are given the means, the grace, from higher
ups to do so.
Ultimately everything we do for others or ourselves benefits us. On this plane of existence
there is no other option. And that is taken into account by the big wigs above. Where we get
into deep doodoo is when we make life more difficult for others by lying, cheating, and
tripping them up for our own personal gain. Only the higher ups can help others, sometimes
they use us to help others, so who should get the credit? The higher ups don't need the credit,
and since we also were helped in the transaction of by being given the ability to help others,
receiving additional credit isn't happening. Hey, I didn't make the rules.

Just because everything is happening at the same time doesn't mean we will be aware of
what's happening. Talk about what a multitasking job that would be! Milton can and he is
always on coffee break. Everything comes in a cocoon. We all have our own cocoon and exist
in only one place at a time, well sorta. As do the planets, moons, solar systems and galaxies,
helps keep things from becoming viscous, like our economy is doing right now.
Super strings, electrons, protons, leptons, quarks, gluons, bosons buddies and a host of other
spooky elementary particle stuff, make up the Amniotic sac that keeps us in our own little
cozy time zones, while in the so-called physical realm.

The problem with democracy is that it gives freedom to the enemies of democracy to
relentlessly attack democracy. The Internet allows the exchange of ideas and the sugar coated
ideas against capitalism have been swallowed by many, many people. In this life you get what
you pay for or fall for.

If we let go of all our baggage earlier than planned, can we die early to move on?

If you know you are in a video game, the death of the character means little, does it not?
Few know they are in a video game, those that suspect they might be will never know for sure
until they die.

If my father would have explained these concepts to me as a young boy I think my life would
have been more focused on integrity. What is the best way to tell loved ones?
There is no best way to tell loved ones. We can lead people to water but until they are thirsty
they will not drink. Which can be a good thing. There are many competing wells for people to
drink from or drown in. The path to righteousness and happiness is not a given, it's earned.
How could you illustrate these concepts to kids without telling them like you told us?
I spent quality time with them at every opportunity. And told them things.
Many of us do throw away our lives and it has nothing to do with a real or imagined saviour.
Couch potatoes, sports fanatics and the pursuit of nirvana.

When children respect their parents and like being around them it’s because the parents took
the time to build a fun relationship with them without spoiling them. Children with a solid
foundation will find their way through the land-mines life sets for us.

Nothing wrong with curiosity about the stars, heck that's where we are all from and long to
return. UFOs represent freedom to travel to the stars and planets, very real phenomena. Yet
that truth is bothersome for many grounded people. lol

We should focus on things that make us happy. Making others happy, a girlfriend or someone
special in your life is a good start.

Turning into unfeeling robots is not the way to go. We all have ups and downs in our lives.
We control our emotions and not become victims of them and life will work out fine. Our
emotions don't belong to us, they were created for us to deal with. How we deal with our
emotions determines our quality of life. Our quality of life determines if we move up, or down
or go round and round.

People that enjoy life are better off than those who don't. Life is a gift to be enjoyed whenever
possible. Pain and suffering is for lower places. The higher we go the more fun existence

You mentioned that we are not really in the driver seat of our 'meat sack' bodies *nods to
Tommy* (man, that is neat stuff). Are we in the driver seat of our Astral Body?
Not completely.
Does the Astral Body interface with the 'meat sack' body via the endocrine system?
Are our Chakras directly connected to the endocrine system?
If we had Chakras they might be.

We tend to think too much. Paddling up stream puts hair on our chest but sometimes sitting
back and enjoying the scenery is good medicine.

Past and future memories are not so important as they can only occur in our present
thoughts---Past as conditioned responses and future as projected thoughts---both made
up....staged, movies, stories?
It was much simpler in the old days, where a psychiatrist could blame all our problems on our
upbringing and our parent's sexual repressions or lack thereof.

The no hate and envy thing shows its face all the time within us...whether we notice or not?
If we were perfect would the gods treat us so badly?

Maybe sportsoholics and daytime drama queens on the cable are not so bad after all. Focus on
other people's problems and not so much on your own problems.

Really face your underlying fears. Eventually they may go away?

Or grow if you give them too much attention.
Just because we forget don't mean that the gears are not turning behind the scenes, as in the
subconscious mind.

Earth like prison planets will be our torture or learning classrooms until we...get what?
The correct boot size up our derriere. This is extremely complex, this learning thing. It's not
memorization and figuring out calculations and formulas. Many answers to the test are not
given out.

Infestation....ominous, in a few generations this earthling group will venture out to
be annihilated unless we do what? Or, is this just the nature of this type of planet's existence?
Annihilation is part of the package of the adventure itch.

Earth is not utopia, it's a hellhole of unrest, poverty, hatred, envy and slackers. There are some
pockets of happiness and prosperity here and there but there are plenty who wish to extinguish
even those. It's a fine line choosing which side we join up with. We all have to make that
individual call and live with the consequences.

Why can't we all just let those things go and focus on the integrity and values of a person?
Only in a perfect world, this one ain't it.

From learning from you of course the info that was scooped from the other side of the
curtain... are we judged even more strict for having learned your message? I for one think we
should be, and I know you've said before just because we know something doesn't mean we
are gonna work for it if we don't wanna. What’s the dope on that?
If Judge Judy was on the bench up there, then the answer would be yes. Otherwise no.

All actions are up to the individual right?

The buck stops at our doorstep "always". "Most" when they are at the pearly gates and have to
get past Judge Judy with their excuses, forget-about- it! Ain't happening.

Are we just naughty two year olds? Or are we real deviant shits, with a horrid, timeless
record banished to a 3d time zone? Seeking out an existence toward understanding (loving)
everybody, thing, place, etc?
Are we shielded/veiled /prisoners to just learn something or are we being played with?

Conservative vs. Liberal...?

The blind leading the blind, well they take turns.

Are we just one aspect of a huge, connected soul experiencing?

Are we being acclimated through a 3d (balanced opposite) towards evolution to an all is one,
one for all?

At an early age we remain in open contact with otherworldly beings. Some of us are still
negotiating and working out details that are in store for us.
If we are to move on, doesn't that imply that we break the ET contract? Move on to our own
"Kick it into fourth gear"?
Contracts are made to be broken, job security for those lawyer cats. Why live a lame hateful
life when we can live a fun happy life and move higher as additional benefits for doing so? If
you are living with a bad contract then break the sucker, and stop being one.

Please define "knowing yourself”?

That's a dark alley few have the cojones to walk down alone, it’s not Sesame street. Good
thing we don't have to do it alone and all in one night.

Denial is the only constant in 3D land.

Being charitable is "always" a good thing. Even when those who take charity squander it.
Don't we all. All of us have what some higher up allows us to have or provides to us. There
really are no rich, poor, or middle class, only perceptions of such. Many happy, solidly good
people have nothing to give but a smile. What we do with what we are "given" is up to us.
The details of why we do what we do is worked out later, after we move up.

Will most of us be given the opportunity to make it up to those we let down in our past? (in
this life)
This life or the next one if the hurt is deep. We will not always get the opportunity to fix
things in this life. If we get the opportunity we should take it.
Should we try to contact, to reach all those we "wronged" and offer our unconditional help,
and apologies? The past cannot be changed, what's done's, what to do?
It's not always necessary to make contact, but if you are comfortable with it then do it.
Sending good vibes their way is a start.

All the undesirables from the other 2 solar systems being dumped here, is this going to make
life here on earth more unpleasant over the next while since the bad ratio will be increasing?
A large part of the world was and is unpleasant.

Yesterday I came across an excellent deal on the net. I purchased it and felt great about my
good fortune. Then today I came across the same thing in better condition and cheaper
elsewhere. Then I became aware of how I was creating my own feelings about the whole
situation. How I felt about it was all in my imagination. Does this apply to absolutely
everything we have feelings about?
It would appear so.
Why would ET create that sort of software?
They know us all too well.
What function does it serve?
It shows us an aspect, a sliver, of what motivates our insecurities. Souls are extremely
complex and need a lot of pounding in the foundry.
What does it teach us as souls?
Not much, but every little morsel adds up....eventually....maybe.

Quoting Beethoven "there is no logic". Earthlings desire and expect the easy logic thing?
And why the hell not!

Earthlings have become a predominantly left brain chatter/existence? We are supposed

logical, 2+2 =4, TV, conditioned, fearful, past, future messes? Yep/Nopes?
Well look what is popular on television, doesn't that say it all about the human condition?

We are ET's and just a piece of the puzzle scene--made up?

Yeah, but we have lost our wings, some never had them and the rest of us our here trying to
find ourselves. Duh! Take a look in the mirror if you are lost. Then again, looking in the
mirror, at ourselves, can be freaky man! Oh jeez, it’s best for most to not stray too far from
our bubble, seriously.

ET 's help us balance our existence--for good or bad?

Our choice, and some of us really love choice.

Someone is hypnotizing us regular folk?

Those same people that wipe our noses and our butts. And we often say thank you, or not.

Who and for what reason is playing this big story?

Individually it's really not that big of a story.

Take advantage of what you do know and enjoy life. For most it's only a game, and all we
need do is play fair.

Every curve ball thrown at us is a gift. How we choose to see our predicament makes the
difference and dictates our quality or lack thereof, of our life.

We don't have power, but we can tap into the universal power sometimes.
Life is a mind game, and those that mind the good, can tap some "real" power....eventually.

Reincarnation is just another word, for nothing left to do.... until we wake up?
Janis Joplin and her Bobby McGee sang the blues because nothing ain't free.

It doesn’t matter what you visit or not, or get around to doing or not, you are not going to miss
out on anything. Whatever it is we wish to do and see we will, if not here and now, then
elsewhere at some other time and place.
You know you are on the right track for it all so why sweat the small details?

Is all that is said and done known to the prime creator (whoever he/she is)?
Kind of but if that got out it might spoil all the fun of living our lives---so tell no one!
Good & Evil / Right & Wrong

Of course there is good and evil.

Good is the trickiest game of all. Hence the old saying, "the road to hell is paved with 'good'

We become accountable for our actions/emotions the moment we become aware of right and

What force is above good and evil?

Nothing is above "good". Evil and rage are lower level 3D poop.

Being aware of right and wrong is the most important, the rest is fluff and not worth losing
sleep over.

We all like to be bad now and then----that’s why we are here in the first place---if we wanted
to be like the angels we wouldn’t be “down” here.

Awareness of right and wrong is only one small step, implementation is the big one we
wrestle with.

If evil was plastered all over the face of bad people that would make things easy on us
wouldn't it? The wolf often comes disguised like the sheep it hopes to eat.

Why are some folks convinced that it is inherently 'evil' in nature?

Because it’s a play ground for the paranormal and on that playground are many kinds of
entities including bullies. For those with evil tendencies and some without them, who enter
these “privileged” domains “uninvited”, they may attract the bullies----or not, sometimes they
are simply turned away by a bouncer type.

You know that saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”
Some of us mean well but we are stupid, and do things without thinking---we all fall into that
category now and then, it's human nature.
Do we get off scot free when others get hurt by our naïve actions?

Good and evil are illusions and nothing more than programs running on this computer we call
earth. However, there are rewards and consequences on our actions based on that program----
murder, rape and a host of other criminal activity will not get you brownie points on the other
Your next tour of duty is determined by your actions on this place----more and better
opportunities or fewer and crappy ones.

Evil comes in many forms and usually stalk their prey in packs like hyenas.
Evil exist in the souls of men and women, that’s the ball and chain holding us here---unless
you are on vacation.

Hitler was a soldier, a painter, a politician and an author but he excelled at maniacal dictator
He orchestrated a cast of millions to do his bidding-----when it was all said and done more
than fifty million people lost their lives and countless others were left destitute and crippled
He was the face of pure evil and millions chose between good and evil during his time on this
Many of those that chose evil never participated in that war or killed anyone----but neither did
they stand up against him or what he stood for
Many of those who chose evil have since died and have been returned to this planet----some
of the worst have been terminated----they literally lost their souls
We all chose between good and evil----many that choose evil will not lose their souls but
some will wish they did.
Serial killers and rapists are wolves amongst the sheep-----are they evil? -----Without a doubt-
----but if they get a book deal or a movie made about them----the books will be best sellers
and the movie a hit.
We deplore violence and at the same time lust over it-----it’s the subtle speed traps that catch
the most violators of freewill.
Why does any tyrant exist?
There have been thousands throughout history and there are hundreds and thousands running
around today------they are the face of evil, they are pawns of god for those who believe in god
or ET.
One man’s tyrant is another man’s saviour or world changer
Napoleon, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and any number of other dictators past and present were
tyrants to some and saviours to others.
The fact is no one is on the same page on what the world should be or how to make it a
peaceful and prosperous world for everyone---millions of us disagree on nearly everything.
All the tyrants of the past and present didn’t get the backing of their people by telling them
they were tyrants---they got the backing by telling them they would create a peaceful and
prosperous world---lol
These tyrants painted themselves as saviours of the downtrodden by making deceitful
As far as the overlords and others we deem evil, well for those who have a vote use it but the
problem is that one man’s hero is often another man’s oppressor---therefore someone is
always going to feel the edge of the sword.
Was Stalin a liberator or a tyrant? Hitler a liberator or tyrant?, Castro a liberator or tyrant?
Hugo Chavez a liberator or tyrant? Bush a liberator or tyrant?
All of them are both, for some they are liberators, for others they are tyrants.

The bottom line is that humans are not here to change the world; we are here to be changed by
the circumstances we find ourselves in, in this world.
Those that claim they hold the solutions to all the worlds woes are simply tyrants in sheep
clothing looking for their next meal ticket and the victims that will pay for it.
Or they are contestants on a Miss America contest---lol
The world will change and become a better place only when more people change and become
better people.

How does anyone live?

One day at a time.

The battle over good and evil continues here on earth and each of us have to decided which
side we will be on while on this planet---for those keeping score those choosing evil remain in
the majority---they have always been in the majority because evil is more alluring than boring
What many of us forget is that evil has no power over us unless we allow ourselves to be
seduced by it----and it goes by several names but the two main ones are envy and hate.

Often what we perceive to be evil is in reality the exact opposite, it works the other way
around too, good is not always good for us.

The dilemma is that for there to be good we need evil otherwise how do we distinguish
between the two.

Evil is a human concept and was created by ET as a tool----if you wish to place god in the slot
of ET that works too.
Evil is anything that we are afraid of and don’t understand.
Who decides what is evil---politicians? World leaders with their own agendas? Hollywood? Is
the left evil or is the right evil? Depends on which side you butter your bread---lol
Once we figure out who or what is evil let's get rid of it, but first we may need to take a closer
look in that bathroom mirror and make sure it’s not that mug looking back at us that’s got it
all wrong.

Most of us believe our political view correct and good, and the other misguided and perhaps

There are evil entities but most have been rounded up and taken off this planet---most of the
evil that remains is inside humans---and they have no power whatsoever
Even the evil entities have no power over anyone---we can’t push off the blame of our
misdeeds on some scapegoat named Satan, Lucifer, Bill Clinton, or W.

The mob needs a victim to sacrifice for their own sins; the witch hunter crowd needs to be
validated by finding someone to lynch, even if they have to invent a crime.

Few will admit they are the root of their own evil---can you blame them---lol

Fear of fire and brimstone sells many books and so does the blame game “the devil made me
do it”.

Why so many have such a strong fascination with darkness, or so called 'evil'?
Reminiscing about their past life or lives. Sad to say.

If demons are taken out of the equation most traditional belief systems would fall.
The devil can’t make anyone do anything---people have to take responsibility for their own
actions and bad deeds and stop with the scapegoat drivel that “the devil made me do it”

Why do you think humans are in lockdown? Remove your blinders many humans belong in
lockdown, and many of them know it.

There is no way for a human soul to become a goddess of darkness---all human evil and
darkness is contained on earth----and evil humans come back to earth and may revisit the evil
they did to others in a previous tour on themselves---evil is a boomerang that returns to the
sender every single time---the longer it takes to return the bigger it gets---much better if it hits
you while you are here after you have done it---it can get nasty if it is allowed to pick up
speed and hits you in the next life or god forbid other lives---it can leapfrog on you---not

If you love your life as it is keep on doing whatever you have been doing---if not find Jesus,
Buda, Krishna, Mohammad, anything but evil---evil sucks and remains contained in your soul
while you are here on earth and faithfully awaits your return when you die and come back

All demons on earth are human, in the old days they created scapegoats to carry sins away
from the village.
Some of us can’t believe we posses evil thoughts and possibilities so we like the adage “the
devil made me do it”----amazing how many people believe that lie to themselves.

We need to blame external forces for our problems---like the devil, or Hitler, or Bush, or
Clinton---or ET. We often project on others the hate and incompetence we have in our own
souls---Hitler was the face of a nation gone mad---those millions of booths marching across
Europe were not done by one man---yet most only blame one man.

We have been ingrained from childhood that there is a “dark side”, a “devil”, an evil force
that takes over our souls.
To scare away or appease these evil spirits humans have sacrificed animals and weaker
humans on altars to the gods.
There have been witch hunts throughout history to rid mankind of the, “dark side”.
Because this external evil “idea” is so deeply ingrain in most of us it makes this a taboo
subject---and difficult to discus.
Nevertheless, any evil person can mend their ways, and get back on track.

Could it be possible that a soul was assigned to finding truth compliance with the other side
of the coin?
They may have signed up for it but that don’t mean they are going to like it----

Who gauges "Good and Bad"?

Your flaws if any will be as plain to you as a swollen thumb having been hit by a hammer.
Most know what bad is----hate, envy, stealing, killing, lying, cheating, etc-----good is the
opposite of those things----helping others just for the heck of it----being happy, encouraging
others and yourself----for the fun of it----having fun and being happy----when you would
rather not be----taking advantage of the gifts given to you, etc

Evil has to be earned it cannot be implanted or forced upon anyone.

We become evil on our own, we can’t bargain with Satan to become a rock star, CEO,
president or anything else but we can pursue our hearts desires ruthlessly and achieve money
and fame---but on our way out we will be presented with a bill---due in full

What we don’t understand we fear and perceive as evil, and ETs fit the profile.

Good and perceived bad happens to everyone on this planet, sometimes even to those on
vacation here, it’s all part of the deal whether we like it or not.
The only battles going on are between lower entities a few notches above humans and a few
below, but mostly by human level types.
The concept of good and evil was created as a tool to weed out the bad apples, oranges,
peaches and prunes.

Inhuman activity, so called "work of the devil": It’s called passing the buck, people not
wanting to take responsibility for their own actions or shortcomings. We are all free spirits
here on earth and the devil can’t make us do anything we don’t already want to do.

Most of us are not tested that close to home [ie feeling no hate against your child’s killer]
because few would pass, even those who are more aware [of the Big picture].

This is a prison planet but serial killers are home grown, and a product of this planet’s lack of
take responsibility for one's own actions mentality. Many have this crazy belief that they are
not accountable for their actions, and in certain ways they are encourage to blame their
shortcoming on others---and some end up doing so literally, with guns blazing, forked tongues
wagging, and stupid pandering legislation that encourages more hate.
ETs keep serial killer types confined to planets like earth where they originated
I know many don’t buy my rant about ET or anything else, but it’s not about me or ET, it’s
about living in a world rampant of madness and maintaining a view of the cup of water as
half-full---or half empty for those that can’t stand happiness or happy people.
Misery loves company---that’s an invitation you pass up---or not
What is sanity? Certainly not something prevalent here on earth---lol
Sanity is what the majority agree on; it’s a kind of click. In reality sanity is something that
exists on other planets and other places than earth. We are all a bit touched down here;
otherwise we wouldn’t be here---
Whether we like it or not all will be pardoned and released from this third rock. Age has
nothing do with when we get off this rock; some are here a few weeks others are stuck here
until they literally fall apart in some hellhole nursing home.
Now, there are some who are assigned the gruesome task of grim reaper like the person you
mentioned above, but many chose that path out of shear hatred that accumulated in their souls,
and two birds are taken care of in those situations---they act out their rage and in so doing
perform a dreadful and perverse deed---in the minds of us humans.
Death is the bane of loved ones left behind but it’s freedom for the departed---for some

Most of us are going to be pushed to those limits [the point of indistinguishableness] ---some
will snap, some will learn something about themselves just before they snap---that is a crucial

We must look at the bigger picture---no one escapes from their dirty deeds and some will pay
for a long time, perhaps more than one life time for an act they commit in a few minutes.
The victim more than likely never felt any pain regardless that it appeared so, and is now in a
much much better place than this prison.

Pain, Suffering, Agonisation: It is more agonisation to you and those who loved the person
agonizing, often souls are removed from the body before all the suffering moves in, regardless
of how it appears to us.
Why do we need to suffer, for instance when a loved one dies or is hurt?
It’s different for everyone and we will only know that answer after we are paroled from earth.
There is no good reason for suffering yet know anyone that enjoys seeing others suffer ? Be
truthful---how many enjoyed immensely when Paris Hilton was forced to go to jail---raise
your hands----
It don’t matter whether she deserved to go, that’s beside the point---many of us enjoy when
others fall or stumble
Ever been to a baseball game, football game, hockey game, boxing, wrestling? Do we like it
when the other team or person sustains injuries?
What about all the blockbuster movies like “Chainsaw massacre” etc
Why do we live in a world with suffering, we like it---but few will ever admit it
You are asking about the horrible poverty, car crashes and the horrors of many life situations
in general---trust me, we don't want to go there.
Why the pain? A constant reminder that if you do the time it’s a crime. And the more time
you do on planets like earth the more pain you will have to endure. Human bodies are pain
machines---for those few that haven’t noticed yet—
If something is not painful why move away from it? We don't make the pain up, the pain is
real---except for a few hypochondriacs who may exaggerate from time to time.
Why was this pain put upon human beings in the first place?
Certainly not as a reward.
Is ET having fun with this/us?
Those who enjoy our pain have no power to create it unless we have been given over to them
to be toyed with.
Is Et garnering energy from us ?
As if we have any kind of energy they could use, or even want---in the cosmic realm we are
lepers infected with hate envy and other chronic stinking diseases.
Suffering is wasted if we get nothing out of it, some of us do.
Pain also serves a purpose.
Both psychological and physiological pain identifies areas of distress and where work needs
to be done via our cells in the physical application, and via higher or lower entities in the
psychological---mind---soul zones.
A human body is designed for physical and mental pain and life will throw a bunch of pain at
us. We have to work at making our life less painful. Hate creates pain envy creates pain.
Traffic, weather, mother nature on a rampage and unemployment creates pain. Life cares not
if we enjoy ourselves or relish in our pain. Society, governments, mother Teresa nor John can
make our pain go away.
Much of suffering is illusion, but you never know if there is a human type soul inside an
animal receiving some payback. Do one to others and it will be doubly or more done back to
you. No ifs, ands or buts. The good stuff works that way too.
Is it possible for us to eliminate pain completely from the human body, no matter what type of
torture we're going through?
A few can.
How is it done?
Mind/soul, over matter. Soul is superior, matter inferior.
Some ET’s believe we can stand more pain, and many humans agree with that philosophy and
are helping to bring it on.

It is true that one bad apple can spoil those around it, but it’s also true that some good humans
can benefit those bad apples.
Very few on this planet are pure of heart and mind, and we all need to smooth those rough
edges we have, and we do so with a mixture of soft souls and abrasive souls too.
Lust is like a food craving, we need food to remain alive, and we need lust to motivate us to
contribute to the next generation of people---and we are rewarded for that effort---for the most
Lust is no more evil than a food crave---these animal traits are software loaded into our
human bodies and are not part of the soul
However, people abuse food and become obese, and people abuse lust and harm themselves
and others when they become reckless---AIDs, rape etc.
It’s all about self-control, discipline, moderation and a genuine regard for the welfare of
others---when we do things for others we never go wrong, it's when we do things egotistically
for our own selfish desires that things never go right.

Wal-Mart is a brick and mortar corporation and although it is an entity for tax and other legal
purposes in the eyes of the law, it nevertheless is not a human and therefore not evil. Only
people can be evil.

This life is a rat maze of choices between right and wrong and it is lopsided because most of
the rats are stuck at one end of it---the wrong end---but few want to leave the wrong end
because that is where all the action is---they don’t care that it smells to high heaven because
of all the crap---it’s more important to look cool to the other rats than to wimp out and go to
higher and cleaner pastures.

Good and evil are confined to dimensions such as the one we are in while on this planet. ----
something extraordinary exists above “good and evil”. So how would you propose I put that
into mere words?
We first must breach the barrier that keeps us from understanding the value of integrity---
those able to jump through that hoop will glean a sliver of that strange soft stuff that the gods
lay their head on.

Good and bad are what we do to ourselves or to others---and by doing so we give meaning to
the words.
No one can impose good on us nor bad on us---it don’t matter if we are soldiers under orders,
it boils down to simple choices we make even when we are following orders.
All of us only have one master over us and we see that master every time we look in the
mirror---is that an evil master or a good master looking back at us ? It’s our choice.

Would I go down a level or two for doing bad things to evil people?
Anyone able to discern an evil or a good soul has god like qualities and are not on earth unless
they are on vacation, or on the job.
So how would any of us know if we were fighting against good or evil?
Whoever fights against the “elite” and deposes them will in turn be the new “elite”. Where
does it end? It never ends in war like planets like earth---have you noticed?

Is it a soul issue or is it mostly in the human DNA/genetics to go after negative things?

Soul issue.

The positive-negative and good-evil polarities are a rule kind of law in Universe? Are they
complementary forces?
They are not complimentary, and they only operate at lower levels.

A tyrant by any other name is still a tyrant. Those fooled by them eventually get a boot up
their arse. Tyrants always speak of helping one segment of society at the expense of another
segment of society, as Stalin and Hitler did. The fact is there is plenty for everyone. Robbing
Peter to pay Paul only leaves both Peter and Paul in the same sinking stinking boat.
Nevertheless, we are in situations created specifically for us and no tyrant or anyone else will
change that. But some of us have the ability to change our circumstances with good
A tyrant always has a lot of hate in his or her speeches.

Evil doesn't float at all, it's only a tool, a toy used on lower levels of existence. Evil has ZERO
power and is pure illusion. But those immersed in it are in REAL hell.

Doing right and wrong on the other side is not an issue, it simply doesn't happen in timeless
zones. We do time on lower levels like Earth to learn right from wrong using the element of

Kindness and generosity are rewards in themselves, those who have such traits are better off
than those who don’t.

Doesn't such judgment involve the subjective determination of 'good' and 'evil'?
It does.
How can such things be absolute?
In 3D land, they can't be absolute. Higher ups don't have those restrictive colored glasses;
they see straight into the human soul and know our true intentions.
Humans can't judge humans other than our little games that we play down here. Those who
judge us upstairs are pure and have no prejudices/hang-ups or politics.
Integrity / Doing the right thing

The only truth is integrity, there is no other.

They know when we reach integrity puberty---and it’s pretty much at the level of real puberty.

Do the right thing in every situation---everything else don’t matter much

What attributes does ET think are particularly attractive in human beings? What behavior do
they applaud? Integrity.

You are doing the right thing when it’s right for those you love and depend on you.

There is only one all encompassing truth, integrity---those who have it and manage to hold on
to it even in the depths of tribulation will be unstoppable in their ascent to higher places.

Life is a case of doing the right thing in every situation you are presented with.

Doing the right thing in all situations should not be painful, awkward perhaps, until you get
the hang of it.

Integrity is doing what you “know” to be the right thing in every situation you find yourself
in---barring things that are not under your control---depending on the laws that govern your
ability to act that are contradictory to what you know to be right, as in military duty and such.

Unfortunately the truth doesn’t buy much in the way of job security or profits in the minds of
some folks.
What would lawyers do if everyone told the truth? They wouldn’t have many cases---What
about car mechanics? You aren’t getting paid if you don’t find a problem under the hood to
Doctors have high overhead and so do hospitals and they need lots and lots of sick people to
pay for it all.
So it’s hard to turn away a sucker even if he is not sick or there is nothing wrong with the car,
or he really didn’t injure himself at work.
Things like that wouldn’t happen if people knew someone was watching and taking notes
Some might even suspect that this life is nothing but a sting operation---
Integrity pays large dividends---too bad so few invest in it.

Humans are not experiments---humans are in training to find out if they qualify to be human--
-if they do, they get to move up the ladder and do the real neat stuff.
All it takes is to do the right thing in every situation---over and over again even when we
would rather not because the people we have to deal with don’t merit it.
This life will throw stuff at us all the time until we die---how much they throw at us depends
on what they think we can handle---they do let up and life can be enjoyable---but that is not
any indication that you have earned it---because good and bad happen to all of us regardless
Simply do the right thing in every situation---that is valuable info very few get---and fewer
But doing the right thing can be embarrassing and some people will see it as weakness---the
right thing is not easy, and very few can stomach doing it more than once or twice before they
get back in line with everyone else.
Integrity pays great dividends in the short and long run.
Sorry didn’t mean to get on the old soapbox.

What is the purpose of living with integrity?

I have to say that one almost floored me---it’s a great question!
But you have to answer that---is it important to you that your banker, baby sitter,
congressmen, friends, boss, employees, those who teach your children, etc have integrity?

Is it a burden to do the right thing in every situation? ---Say at the store the clerk gave you
back change for a twenty but you only gave her a ten---what is the right thing to do?

All you need do is do the right thing from now on---and everything in your past [lives] will
not matter---what matters is what you do from now on.
If you don’t hate and envy anyone integrity should be easy.

“Doing the right thing 100% of the time” is difficult?

If it was easy the payoff wouldn’t be so fantastic

When people do things without integrity they are working the other side of the spiritual fence.

Life on earth is a job and not one that pays all that well either, but there are no short cuts
around it and the only way out of the maze is that icky stuff called integrity.

Earth is not the final test for integrity, on earth we only get a whiff of it so that later on we
have an inkling of what it is and then we will be tested---in a very different reality to what we
have here.
Nevertheless, integrity or the little we can muster while here will serve us well while here and
get us a seat in the next class above this one. Whereas those who don’t have a clue get to
repeat this grade level.

We don’t feel the guilt thing much while we are here but when we cross over it becomes
excruciatingly obvious and our shame unbearable---and we willing with tails between our legs
return to places like earth and try to do better---but we forget---and that’s the key to integrity--
-is it real or is it Memorex.

Discretion and the motive of our actions is also part of integrity, and those can be difficult to
distinguish between.
Sometimes staying out of it is the best option, when life and limb are not part of the equation.

True integrity never slaps back---if we threw out an arm attempting to pat ourselves on the
back---chances are it was not true or real----we are not impartial judges of our own goodness.
The straight and narrow is a tough row to hoe---but straight it will be before we get a “glance”
of the golden ring.

"Real" integrity vs unreal integrity:

The nuts and bolts of integrity are doing it without the fluff. Many of us do things because of
the reward factor, kind of like bartering---I do this I get that. Few of us make the jump from
that Pavlov’s dog trick. It takes awhile and only comes to those able to go the distance,
removing hate and envy completely from the system, most tire of it after awhile and fall off
the turnip truck.

Integrity is the main reason for this game we play, everything else of “real value” comes after,
even while here on earth.

Integrity is not to cheat others, we give five and get back ten, most would feel lucky, but
someone got screwed in the deal.
Is it virtuous to give the short end of the stick to someone or to take the short end for
Do we look for the best piece of pie for ourselves or do we give the best piece of the pie to
our friends and family?---how we treat and view others is integrity, or lack thereof.
Do we fight and stand up for ourselves and others? Certainly but evil people do the same for
themselves too.
Unfortunately most things are done out of selfish concerns and not out of true benevolence for
others. We all have to make those calls.

So, is integrity the key to understand better that other half and raise our level of awareness?
Or is it just the way out of that blue rock?
Both, but most people will not step high enough into integrity to be able to see far and wide---
because that would make them too different from those around them---and we all care about
what people think about us, especially those people we work with and those "friends" of ours.

Integrity is the choices we make with the information we receive.

Integrity is basic stuff really and many have mastered it with little effort. For instance, we
expect our banker not to steal from us and therefore we entrust our money with them, yeah I
know the money is FDIC insured, well the banker’s eyes did look a little shifty.
We expect our baby sitter to take care of our precious children when we are away from them,
but do we really know we can depend on them even when they come with good references?
Ok so integrity is a tad complicated when it comes too spotting those who claim to have it.
But wouldn’t it be nice if more people did have it? Dang tootin’
Integrity is what we want most in other people, so that our lives would go smoother, so if we
do what we expect from others we will have a handle on integrity

The real integrity can’t be taken away, it can be given up, and often is when the going gets too
tough to handle.

Integrity does have so many layers to it, but we humans only need to peel off a few of the top
layers while here on earth, to make this life better for us and those around us, by not stepping
on toes.

There is only one story that counts, and that story is Integrity---that is all that matters,
everything else is distracting fluff.

Every time someone gets on our nerves we are being tested to see how we react and handle it-
--this life is not practice it’s the real deal and the tests are not always easy---
Forgive those who don’t deserve it and you will be ahead of the game, and it might even get
easier eventually.
Integrity is key. No human knows us as we know ourselves. Can we justify stealing, cheating
or any number of unsavoury things when we believe others are doing it to us? A conflict in
that mental arena is telling.

Doing right should make this life easier, especially when sleeping, or trying to sleep. Good
people sleep better, worry less. Those who judge us are not anal, they know, they can tell
good intentions and bad intentions. So relax, enjoy life when you can and don't sweat the
small details.

Integrity is that thing we demand from others when dealing with them. We expect and want
them to be upfront with us. We don't want them to cheat us. We expect them to do what they
say they will do. Those who do that have integrity. Pain comes to those who don't have true
blue integrity. But some pain is for back taxes, past and present.

Integrity is not standard issue, it's something we earn individually through self discipline and
zero finger pointing.

Many ordinary people are not even sure what integrity is. No one has to give anything up but
their attitude and skewered perspective.
Hate, Envy & Ego

We humans are held in places like earth because of the weight of our egos---how else would
we respond?

Envy, greed, hate, etc, remain here on earth and turn to dust along with the meat that was your
spacesuit---the only thing you take with you to your next hangout is whatever love and
goodness you managed to create while here.
Now those moving in the other direction that's a different story.

Yes, Illusion of human progress exists solely to feed our own cataloging of exploits.
Why do ETs feed this addiction to self importance?
ET feeds that addiction because there is a high demand for it---
There is more than one reason [to that], there are too many reason to list, but the main one is
that without ego nothing will happen, ego is the accelerant that motivates, and is not in itself

Any selfish tendency or any other fault, keeps people attached to the ball and chain---our
human bodies, for as long as it takes before we become free agents and sprout wings.

We all need a little ego to get through the day, but over indulging will take us down the hard

Once you break free from the ball and chain of hate and envy, you can chose to go wherever
your heart desires---but often you do so with certain stipulations---for a certain length of time,
and for a specific reason---you may be here now under such a scenario---many people are---

Feel good compassion is the elixir that intoxicates the ego of those that sport their every deed
prominently on their chests---for the entire world to see, but they often fall flat of real
substance or effectiveness.
True humanitarians seldom boast and remain hidden in their actions----

I like to paint a rosy picture because it is a rosy picture, but here on earth rosy is offensive to
people who are buried deep in hate, envy, and self-righteousness that they can’t see the abyss
for their ego, and then it’s too late
That’s primarily what this life is about to down grade the ego centric chaff and upgrade the
self-effacing wheat----sneaky aren’t they---

Yes, “We're in a kind of motley mixing pot”, we like to hate people who we deem selfish to
cover our own selfish reality. That’s why we humans make lousy judges and juries for that
matter. We all carry certain prejudices and are seldom partial.
Primarily we have this weakness because we can’t see a person’s true motivation for doing
what they do. Many people do things only for show, charity towards others is one of them---
tax deductions don’t’ count---
A persons wealth or lack thereof is no indication of what they are made of, yet we tend to
judge on that criteria alone.

It’s not about rich and poor it’s about hate and envy, which you seem to have plenty of both.
There are good rich people and bad rich people; there are good poor people and bad poor
But those who hate for whatever reason are all bad

Envy is the lamest excuse in the world to hate---and it’s a scam that has infected humanity
even before the bible legend of Cain and Able.

It is amazing how many solid “good” people hide a very dark secret deep inside, which is
hate, envy, greed, and ego.

It’s easy to hate those who have more than us but someone is always going to have more than
us, even rich people hate those who are richer than them---lol
Every day average hard working Americans who live pay check to pay check are hated
around the world by those who have less than them---there are Billions of people who live in
staggering poverty in third world countries, and many of them hate Americans period !
Because even poor Americans have it way better than they do.
Here in America those that make twenty-thousand a year hate those that make fifty-thousand
a year, those that make fifty-thousand hate those that make one-hundred-thousand and on and
on---it seems we all have a reason to hate someone
Most of us who look in the mirror and see a good person often choose to neglect our ugly
side, because we can justify our hateful feelings because everyone else hates those dang rich
people whoever they are---problem is all of us are richer than someone, and those someone’s
hate us
We are not "down" here on earth because we love too much, we are "down" here because we
love to hate.

We went to a small church and the congregation as well as the pastor was solid good people,
they would do anything for you.
But their hate came out whenever the word rich came up, they despised people of wealth and
high standing---even though some of them were very wealthy and pillars of the community---
made absolutely no sense
The pastor was the most envious and hateful person of all once he got behind the pulpit. He
preached about the sins of excess, and mostly about those new houses going up in a new
subdivision that cost three-hundred-thousand dollars and shamefully had three car garages---
when he was able to do just fine with two---lol
This guy was dead serious and every week we had to endure a similar tirade against bad rich
I’m the average middle class American that pretty much lives pay check to pay check and the
minister and the others could not understand why I didn’t also despise the rich
I always believed that church was about loving people---all people, not just the members of
the church
I tolerated it because my wife and children liked the church and the people, as I did too, but
they where oblivious to the politics---as it seems are most.
Despite the political dogma we continued going to that church for several years because the
people were genuinely nice, despite being hateful sinners of the rich---
My wife and I were very fortunate because our children were delightful in every way which
made us the envy of the congregation. So in that respect envy was not a bad thing---
Hate is a cancer on the soul, but how do we know good hate from bad hate? Obviously there
is no good hate yet everyone of us indulge hate on one level or other---so we must believe
there is good hate
A clue of bad hate is when it clouds our mind, makes us feel like crap, and we end up kicking
the dog, the spouse or the kids. Hate needs a victim and the first victim is the one infested
with it and then all those around that infected person.
Many of us don’t let it get that bad or far but many do, hence all the crime going on in this
world, and at a neighbourhood near you.

War is hell and there always will be war because this planet is filled with people who love to
hate, and envy what others have so they take or destroy what they don’t have.---the misery
loves company thing
Defending yourself or your country is not hate, it’s a duty. However, many believe fighting
for any reason is never justified, and believe they could live under whatever system a new
aggressor imposes on them---which is fine, and if they are the majority then that is the way it
will be---its been done that way for thousands of years and nothing is going to change.

If anger motivates us to do something like helping someone in that situation then it’s useful---
unfortunately most anger is the road rage kind, we get pissed over small things and act
impulsively and recklessly.
There certainly is no shortage of idiots on this planet and I have been on both sides of that
coin, the ahole and the near victim of other aholes.
Anger is a fuse box breaker for many instance and then resets when the smoke clears---that’s
normal and not an indication of evil----unless we take it to the next level and turn it into
vengeance---road rage, spouse rage, society rage, etc.
We are allowed a bit of anger as long as we don’t take it to the next level---because
sometimes even one time is all it takes to change lives big time and the consequences can be
horrendous in the here and now.
Anger is normal, holding on to it is not. Treat it like a hot burning ember in your hands. The
longer you hold on to it the more damage it will do to you.

Ego is always searching for happiness but finds it elusive.

Everyone is free to do that but they don’t have to, and many refuse to because they have
bigger issues on their plate like hate, envy, and ego that they prefer to feast on.

Those who have a greed problem will have to work it out before they move up to higher
ground---the greed of others is no excuse to live a bad life---money is not the problem people
with attitude is the problem.

Unfortunately our egos ratchet up exponentially above and beyond our degree of expertise---
expertise bestowed upon us by our learning institutions often obsessed with the status quo.

There are three things many of us humans have in common, hatred, envy and ego, those three
things unite us---whoever breaks free from the big three get to move to bigger and better
Some can justify holding on to all three---and we are free to do so---but anyone of those balls
and chains by themselves will keep us prisoners, and cheat us out of fantastic things that await
those able to sit at the big table and join in the feast.
There is a category of ETs that exist only to bring us whatever we crave into our lives, be it
happiness, or madness---granted who wants madness in their lives? No one obviously, but
some of our evil choices can end us there. What is evil? Evil is ego, hate, and envy.
Is it bad to want the good life?
The things books like “The Secret” promise? Heck no---
How are those “good” things manifested?
Mostly the old fashion way, perseverance, and more perseverance---until you reach your goal,
desire, happiness, or whatever it is you want in your life that brings honest pleasure.
Who rewards us?
It’s not ET, and we are not gods, so you do the math.

Competition is a way to facility a better product and service for the consumer, you and me.
Envy is a copout often used to justify hate.

Most people are not much more than cattle now---but those able to cut free of hate envy, ego,
and paranoia, life will only get better.

The beast [from the Bible] has been taken care of a long time ago. We are now stomping out
the remnants of that beast---which resides mostly inside of humans; we even have names for
these remnants---hate, envy, ego, and paranoia.

Hate is what drags souls to the living hell that exists mostly between the ears.

Would you say a thief or killer is a “bad boy” while taking in mind he was raised by a rapist
and his mother was killed in front of him, and no one cares about him?
There is no reason to hate regardless of what hell our lives have been---and until we remove
hate from our souls we will be anchored to planets and situations such as those you

Should people take pleasure from helping the other people, or is that indicative of ego?
That is an easy trap to fall into---and is a touchy subject to breach because we all cherish
doing good for others and then taking credit for it.
But this life is a tricky business and integrity has to be real and there are many variations and
situation that will expose any and all flaws---that’s why we have many life times to get it
Any time we help someone we in fact helped ourselves---so the pat on the back we like giving
ourselves is over the top and undeserved---

Bottom line, feel the stupid hates and selfish arrogant envies--forgive and shut up!
Pretty simple, hard to do....
That is an excellent mantra---
If it were easy then any politician could do it, and where would that get us?

We are allowed to indulge in some ego as long as we don’t let it ooze out our ears---

Most humans on earth are slaves---slaves to hate, envy and ego

The “only” way out of slavery is to kill those elements from within---nothing else will free

The people that are having the real fun have found the brass ring.
I use to have some of that fun you are talking about but jumped out. My friends continued
with the fun and by the time they were 30 they looked and acted like they were 60.
Few of them are left; most kicked the bucket before turning 45. They say the good die young-
--I know for a fact they weren’t good---and their fun turned into misery and poverty in no
time at all.

What is hate?
Hate is resentment of someone or something, it’s the need for revenge, it’s jealous act or
irrational fear. It’s a reaction to having been done wrong. Hate is normal and we all “suffer” it
from time to time but some get entangled in it and can’t seem to let go.
Bottom line, hate is punishment to the one who holds on to it like a hot potato, or a live
electrical wire---because they are the ones who suffer it’s burning consequences in the here
and now and later too.
Jealousy is portrayed well in the story of Cain and Able, so is hate
Jealousy is the false belief that all people on earth are equal---and that all should suffer
equally without a reward system.
A jealous person believes that they know who merits and who doesn’t---a judgment call no
human has a right or the ability to make.

If one does succeed at removing hate and envy, does goodwill just naturally replace that void
without effort?
No, but we will see things a bit clearer and our minds more at rest, and from there goodwill is
easier for us.

When you get hate and envy by the throat and strangle some of the life out of them, ego might
get the message, and easy away from your bad a_ss, if you get the drift.

How does one know how big there ego is?

We all need a little ego to get through the day; it’s when we feel all that and a boxcar load of
chips that we may want to reconsider if our head is big enough to handle all those brain
fattening calories.

Hate certainly is part of being a human being.

We acquire hate from family, from jobs, from lovers, from society, but no matter where we
pick it up from when we hold on to it, it eats our soul like acid, and many people’s souls look
like Swiss cheese by the time they get old and grey.

We have to experienced ego and then despise it when we see how ugly it looks on others
before we get it figured out.
The crazy thing about it is some of us do get want we think we want or need----but mostly not
for ourselves but to try and astound others, and that’s usually a big letdown. Once off this nut
house we finally get everything we really want and enjoy---some do it before---the show offs-

The worst thing humans can do is dying while clutching on to hate.

All who have harmed someone will pay in due time, therefore hating them will do them
nothing. Hate is a boomerang that chops off the head of those who throw it or use it.
If someone feels guilt and hates himself because of the guilt of past things, he needs to let that
go and forgive himself. Hate in any form is pure evil, and no one has to hold on to evil.
Can anything good come from hate?
Murder, rape and torture are surely excellent reasons to hate, but then what, revenge? Hey I’m
Italian I know all about revenge and family pride, it’s tradition. But unfortunately it doesn’t
fix anything only makes things worse.

All things that happen to us which give rise to hate in any degree is for the purpose of rising
above hate?
It sucks but that is the deal.

Ego with a good dose of humility thrown in now and then works fine, it’s when we drink ego
straight up that it will eat our insides like cheap rot gut whiskey.
Integrity vs. ego is like oil and water, not a good mix but some people try and make it work.

We are reminded everyday what hate is all about---not by the faceless gods up in the sky but
by those like ourselves, so called humans, who sell out for a bit of perceived glory, power or
Hate and envy is real and when taken to extremes are very ugly.

How much of us searching for the truth are still trapped by the ego?
All of us. We all need some ego to get through the day in 3D land, but like any drug high, less
is way better. Those who move up from here will work a bit more on the ego thing so the less
we have the easier it will be in our next class.
Does E.T. or our guides help us with that?
Guides will throw ego in your face often, but for the tough ego cases the devils advocates take
on the case.

For many that are down here, focus on self is the problem and an ego trap. One of the
toughest lessons we have is dealing with our own ego. Letting go of our self-awareness---and
self-importance. Focusing on the bigger picture is the better road.
Notice how children are self-absorbed? And notice how people who we know that are self-
absorbed and egocentric tend to get on our nerves?
We love celebrities because we would love to be like them, we hate them because they think
they are all that and a bag of chips and salsa. What a quandary life can be.

Ego is a flaw that is tolerated at lower levels because like caffeine, it motivates us to push
ahead and accomplish things, but it’s easily abused---how many of us like ego maniacs?
Ego completely evaporates the higher up we go.

If envy and hate are strangers to you then that is a marker that you are advanced---but we are
not allowed to know what level we are---less we stumble.

Nothing wrong with wanting and having stuff, the universe and existence is filled with neat
things to play with and or fill our den up with.
We cross the line with envy when we hate those who have more than we. People only
get/have what they are allowed to have. Some people choke on what they have. It's
perspective and attitude that counts.
We are all here to calm down our hate and envy. Even the meekest person has buttons that can
be pushed, and chips that can form on their shoulders. Envy is part of what humans are, and
we will be shown just how much when we get our final review. Nevertheless we all have
strengths and weakness, and sometimes the zodiac hits the nail on the head, or so we would
like to believe.

Envy is despising people who have what you don't have but want. Wanting to do things is not
envy, it's what we are here for, to find out what we like and do it. Obviously most of us don't
get to do the cool things like rock stars, and rocket scientists, or astronauts. The things that
fascinate us now are things that we will get to do if not here and now, in future lives - for
those moving in the right direction.

Some people need a little hate and envy with their coffee, it's human nature, that's why this
world is the way it is.

This fear, hate, and envy we have in us is not crazy glued to us, we are free to move to higher
spiritual levels at will, but what fun is that?

Anger, frustration, hate, envy, and greed. How do you release those types of things /
By knowing that they are simple tests thrown at you like a baseball going a hundred miles an
hour. Duck and get out of the way, or take the hit.

Is there any way for us humans to permanently eliminate our emotions? Like love, lust, hate
and envy?
No can't eliminate them completely, only tame them.

You have stated we must get over the issue of envy - but I would say that I, like most on this
forum, would be envious of the information / knowledge that has been presented to you .
I only pass the stuff along.
Thirst for knowledge is not a capital offence. Envy is bad when we do harm to ourselves or to
those we envy, like Cain did to Able.

I had some personal issues of hate / jealousy that I had long buried from 15 years ago and the
little buggers have been trying to open the old wounds and stir trouble, with negative thoughts
and similar situations with me lately.
Is this the sort of thing they do?
The bad chaps are loud and boisterous, the good chaps are quiet and shy. It sucks but that is
how it works.
Do you think they take offense when they resurface these issues if I tell them to #### off and
ignore them and stay on the positive side of things? Or does that make them angry and place
more bad stuff in front of you?
We are fair game until death do us part. When we get mouthy with them they can turn up the
“Fair Game”? Not much sport in tripping up a blind man is there?
No sport at all when trying to snag a spiritually blind fish in barrel. But surprisingly some fish
put up a fight against belligerent temptations and manage to swim upstream.

Ego is software. We all have it uploaded into us. Some of us use it more than others as we do
with hate and envy.

We are individuals, so how do we let go of the ego boosting thing?

Like a muscle, the more we use it the stronger it becomes in our lives. When you notice ego
coming to the surface put it back into the box. Same with hate and all those other negatives
that make our lives miserable. Becoming aware of them when they appear is a step in the right

About negative emotions, particularly hatred, actually doing damage to a person's soul. Is it
possible to completely repair that damage within one lifetime?
It is possible.
Simple it is not, but the payoff is fantastic.

I remember when I was bad, I was popular. I remember being bad specifically to impress
chicks, or friends. I didn't even like doing it, but I knew that's what the people want. What
does a guy do?
This planet is a test planet. What will we sell out to achieve our desires.

No one dies one second sooner than they are suppose to-----or lives one second longer than
they are allotted.
No one works a minute longer than their sentence calls for.
Nothing is carved into the headstone until we die.
There are no accidents in anything we experience here on earth including life and death.
Every second of our lives is measured precisely, although our actions will determine what
ingredients are thrown into the mix

Is our life on planet Earth predestined?

To a certain degree, but some will break free and excel from the original program and move
way up, others will fall further into the abyss due mostly to arrogance, but the majority will do
well to stay the course, which is neither hot nor cold, and perhaps a wasted life---nevertheless,
it’s the little things that count the most because they do add up like pennies from heaven.

Is our future predetermined and known in the realms above this one?
It is and if we keep to it we have failed and will come back and try again---the purpose of this
life is to improve on it not stick with the predestined plan---or deviate down from it either

It’s not over until it’s over and free will allows for us to break free of our mediocre destiny.

The future is written in stone only for those who have failed to make improvements in their
lives---therefore the future remains a mystery for all but the slackers.

Is our death predetermined?

For most it is---but nothing is written in stone, some end up going early and some get

We come here with a pre-agreed itinerary----but are free to change it---if we don’t we will
only get another one similar to what we came in with---can get monotonous if you know what
I mean---but then again there are many people who love their lives here---too each their own.

Our future is predetermined but we can change it, make it better or worse, sometimes they
might show us some possible outcomes of our deviated paths.

The outcome doesn’t change if we put our lives on autopilot and only do enough to get by,
making little or no effort to create something cool from the lump of clay we get.
However, there are consequences to a wasted life, even if we think our lives are worthless---
they are not, they are gifts disguised as worthless or meaningless ----but we can cement them
in that way if we are not careful--
We need to appreciate what we have no matter how little it may seem---look at small tree seed
and what it can turn into---just using dirt to do it with.

For the most part and for most lives there is a predetermined ending, but nothing is written in
stone until we are under the tombstone. So there is leeway in certain situations.

Until our day with destiny we are like superman and will not die---unless we test destiny and
jump off a ten story building, then all bets are off.
Is the only possible way to die before your time suicide?
That’s about it.

How much of our earth life is predetermined?

All of it if we don’t get off our butts and upgrade it.

No one dies before their due date, which is seldom determined by a human.

Are such things as our job, the place we end up living in etc. predestined? Are they a set
part of our contract down here?
Even the toothpaste we use, or not. Everything we have or lack is part of the contract. Where
we live and how we live is no accident or coincident. Nevertheless, nothing is written in
stone, and as I said in the past, we are predestined with a clause. Lawyers upstairs are
shrewder than what we have down here.

No one will die until their time is up but we can be injured or become ill due to our lifestyle
and choices that we make.

We are in control of our destiny, everything we do puts us on that path, to nowhere or


Our destiny doesn't reside in this video game we call life. It resides in a safe place elsewhere.

Déjà-Vu did you really do that once before? Have you seen “Ground hog day”? Think that’s
not possible, think again and again and again....

There are more than six billion souls on earth, how do we know if they all have experienced

That’s a life marker---can’t give any more details for now

Most of us come to earth with an itinerary but it’s not set in stone, the original itinerary is
marked with déjà vu. In other words even different roads we might take will intersect at
certain points. It’s actually much more complex than that and I may expound on it further
sometime down the road.

Because many of us come here with a predetermined destiny---blueprint---much of our lives

are known before we are born. Some of us change our destiny when we deviate for the better
by improving ourselves and some of us go in the other direction---we decided to go for the
gusto and to heck with the rest of the world.
Déjà Vu is a marker from the original blueprint. Those who have many of them have not
deviated much from their predetermined destiny. That’s not necessarily a good or bad thing,
but it is a neutral thing.
Our lives can interlace like a double helix where we stick with the destiny for the most part
but deviate in and out of it.

It’s kind of a life marker, perhaps a turning point, or just a blip before or after hitting one of
life’s little potholes.

Most of us come to earth with an itinerary but it’s not set in stone. The original itinerary is
marked with déjà vu. In other words even different roads we might take will intersect at
certain points. It’s actually much more complex than that and I may expound on it further
sometime down the road.

Most of our lives have been mapped out for us. If we don't stray too much we will see sign
posts, markers along our paths. We fall off or stray from out paths and go on higher or lower
paths, depending on our attitudes in life.
Sometimes that will trigger a déjà vu. Déjà vu is also a close encounter with your guide; they
spilled coffee on the keyboard of your essence and shorted out a time-line chip.
Guardian Angels

From what I know everyone has a guide unless they are higher up the food chain---the guide
often remains in the shadow and most of the time the person is not aware of them.

Most of the stuff we do is things we like or want to do---mostly that little voice in your head
is you---lol

Your guides will open up some other doors for you---they usually do---without having to
make direct contact.

What is the easiest way to for everyone here to get in touch with their guides?
Cold hard cash, in small denominations---lol
Not knocking any of those things [Meditation, Crystals, Special potions, Chants] but none of
them will work---they might entice a lonely poltergeist or two to come visit but not ETs.
If ET or guide wants to let you in on something they have their unique ways of doing that---
other ETs like Milton can’t step on toes---unless they are mine---he has no problem there.

We all have so called guides but we can’t depend on them to keep us from making misstates
or getting into trouble---sometimes they even push us into mistakes or things we would rather
not do.

They often pull us out of harm's way and sometimes leave a calling card---a memory---and
when they are near their energy envelops ours---and that good feeling is the stuff dreams are
made of---

Everyone has a companion, who do you think is taking notes for the deposition at checkout

Most angels on this level---earth, are subordinate to higher up angels and they get their
messages and instructions from them---the big cheese delegates and delegates---have any idea
just how big this universe and its billions of dimensions really is? ---If you do you are the
only one---lol

Angels are territorial and don’t take kindly to others treading where they fear to tread------I
crack myself up---NO, I don't take crack!

Angels and ET are one and the same---sometimes.

Do people have guides that could be from the "other team"?

Oh yeah, and we’re not running neck and neck, Milton doesn’t belong to the majority, and
never has, but there seems to be a lot of grey area for my little mind to swim in even while I
don’t receive but a fraction of the strategic details.

We all have our bodyguards/ soul protectors if you will, that work with us and against us if
need be. Sometimes they are the escorts to far worst places should we deserve such a service.
They are completely impartial otherwise they would not have the job----most are not like
Milton. But they will help us reach our goals whether good or bad, their jobs are to serve our
desires---but, they will depending on where our heart is give us ample warning shots over our
head when we stray.
But only so many before they let us fall and then they will take us as far down as need be even
into the pits of hell where people remain until they can’t stand it any longer and decide to
work their way back up from that pit.

Entities that are assigned to you remain with you every day of your life---naturally if they
made their presence known it would be distracting and your life would then be in vain
Sometimes they appear when you are under mental stress or at a crossroad, they may appear
only to startle you, give you a kick---but they often sit with you and have chats, which they
erase after the session---but leave you with a new perspective, or part of the puzzle/solution to
your problem---your message has been passed along.

There are no bad guides.

Not one single human thought goes undetected 24/7---every human is covered [by some ET]
whether they believe or not. Every prayer or request is granted---eventually---but not always
to the liking or knowledge of the person making that request.

Guardians and teachers are only one facet of the huge picture of employment opportunities---
for lack of a better term, most will not be in those fields, choosing to endeavour in other

No one is ever alone, not even for a second.

Sometimes I have random thoughts and answers in my mind that I think aren’t mine, do you
think maybe it is my guide? How to be sure of that?
No way to be sure, they like it that way.

They are right next to you all the time, sometimes encouraging you other times slapping you
upside the head---which really pisses off some people.

Unlike some parents that will do the homework for their children to help them keep their
“unearned” grades up our guides will not do our homework for us---never.

When you refer to our "guides" are you referring to actual aliens who are assigned to watch
us or to some sort of spirit guide that is from another plane of existence? Are they the same?
Some of us have both kinds---the tough cases like me------ Some spirit guides are family from
way back and have no other dealings here on earth other than the one person they are helping
There is a difference, many entities we call ET are high level and have more latitude and can
assist across the board with a number of things and with more people.
Spirit guides usually are exclusive and have limited abilities and privileges. They also don't
stick around for the duration and may only make short visits. So we do have more than one
spirit guide---and some have a whole lot.
Are some souls better looked after? Kind of---the more souls, people, we helped in past lives
and in this life, the more guides that want to help us in this life---love binds many, and the
more you bind with the better off you will be.---this is stuff they don’t like out in the open
because it may sound elitist to some. But it’s no different down here---people with more
friends do better than those with fewer.
Nevertheless integrity is key---key to having more people who like you.

A spirit guide is exclusive to each individual, they also have fewer powers and there are more
than one and sometimes several for each person, as they don’t usually go the full distance
with each soul. They can be replaced and often they have other things that may take them
away. ETs are usually higher up the ladder and sometimes provide assistance to guides.

Say is it possible to make an ET really mad? Like if they give us hints and info for some
reason and we just totally defy all of the reasonable out comes.
Interestingly enough some do get peeved, mostly the guides.

Does Milton [and ET guides] get bored of our whining?

Milton’s use to it, but many personal guides put cotton in their ears---

Can it be that sometimes our own living parents are our soul guides and they just don't know

How do get in contact with ET / guardian?

It’s one of those “we will call you” type deals. But in your dreams you can be in contact with
certain entities. Just don’t confront them; they like to remain in the background. People with
dirty plates should not seek them out until their plates are clean more or less.
They might take you in the back room where there are mountains of dirty plates that need
washing---talk about a nightmare!

It is possible to get in touch with our own 'Miltons', but they are old fashion and prefer to
make the first move. They also need a reason.

Everyone has someone watching their back to a certain extent.

We all have entities watching over us and they don’t let the bad entities in---unless your soul
is pure evil and the bad ones have your number.

We all have personal assistants and they interact behind the scenes dropping hints and
opening doors for us. Some people are barely aware of this and miss out on opportunities for a
happier life; some as yourself have taken notice and perhaps advantage of some of their hints.

Do our ET guides ever ditch us?

They can get replaced, but someone is always there, even during our darkest hour when we
feel completely abandoned.

Everyone has their “advisers”. And for the most part they will remain hidden----but once you
figure out what miracle you wish to make happen in your life and do the leg work they may
pitch in some ideas---like Milton, they love their coffee breaks and seldom do the heavy work
for us.

Where exactly do the higher beings reside where they can look over us?
There isn’t one place and they multi-task.
How many people can one being look over simultaneously?
Will our "guides" see this and maybe give us a little taste of what you have experienced or at
least be more showing in our lives?
You mean will they finally get a clue and get off their butts? I don’t know, some of them like
keeping the lid on tight and people in the dark, as is evidence from some of the total blindness
that prevails in the desperate minds of a few tantrum happy sceptics---

Everyone has a guide and Milton types oversee many guides---guides keep a very low profile,
and doubly so for Milton types.
They hash many things over with us via dreams.
They know everything you have---they see all, but they often don’t react in the way we would
like, or get excited about things the way we do.

They know what is on your mind, we can’t hide anything from them---the good the bad and
the ugly---they know it all---the know it alls---

Do the guides like us?

More so than anyone on this planet.
Did they choose to guide us or were they chosen to?
They volunteer.

They are subtle but not always---when we screw up they are there to make sure we pay for it--
-that’s not what we want but that is how they work---they are not here to do it for us but they
sometimes put people into our lives who will give us advice like coaches, teachers, parents,
friends etc. When that fails they may bring out the baseball bat and kick some--ass.

Their purpose is to keep an eye on us and whisper in our ears the things we wish to hear---in
other words if you want to be bad they may encourage it and then let you take the heat.
For those who walk the straight and narrow or at least try to they might throw some
opportunities their way. Certainly bad people get opportunities also but they don’t get to enjoy
them as much nor keep them.

We have personal guides and Milton types rule over them.

How do we summon our own Milton?
With extreme caution, less they actually show up.

They do protect us to a certain degree before they let us feel the fire we play with.

Everyone has at least one.

Our guides are watchdogs.

They keep an eye on the whole planet.
For what reason?
Have you seen what some of us human types are capable of---

No one can impede our paths but they can throw obstacles in our paths all day long if they see
a need to.
Your guides can mess with you, or let you know that life is no coincidence, one little blurb at
a time. Guides know everything about you, your quirks, strength and weaknesses, and what
you will fall for. They be mischievous.
(Lots of people see the 11:11, they have guides too.)

Guides have a job, and they will root out whatever needs rooting out by any means, and make
people's lives living hells without a second thought. Reminds me of Catholic nuns in grade
school before political correctness took away their rulers.

I may have doubts as to the nature and activities of the higher worlds and "divinities" (since
there are so many versions from organized religions). But I have no doubt as to the existence
of my guide - because of at least one event when my guide intervened - by saving me and my
wife from a fatal car crash. While driving to work one early morning, I had micro-sleep and
was woken up by a jolt when my car sideswiped an oncoming van carrying school children.
All I suffered was busted a tire and a slight dent. The other vehicle was only slightly damaged
and its occupants were unhurt. So therein lies my belief in my guide. Oh, they are real. Then
again, luck has nothing to do with anything.

Are our guides usually the same ones, or same one, for extended periods of existence while
maturing, for the equivalent of hundreds or thousands of incarnations/incarcerations? Or are
they multiple souls/persons/entities, maybe with no special connection with us (just blokes on
the payroll, sort of)?
Blokes on the payroll mostly and hardly ever for the duration, turnover can be high.

The number of guides for a person depends on the amount of help/care that person needs.

Deceased relatives can be a part of a guide team, at least part of the time.

Are the higher ups in some way playful and child like in the way they behave in general?
Very much.

Guides are but a breath away, and we often visit with them during our dreams stages.
Sometimes they’re people that you already know and have interacted with in the past.

Many guides will come from the ranks of humans that are on earth now.

Guides are important for those on planet earth situations. Once we move up and away from
this situation the need for guides diminishes. But guides are simply friends and relatives, and
they will always be in our lives, as friends and relatives, but not looking over our shoulders.

They hear our requests, but most of them are hard of hearing. Sometimes persistence pays off,
sometimes it don't.

If my parents passed away and they are trying to help me, can they do it before coming back?
Sometimes they guide us from the other side, and even meet with us in our dreams or on
ships. Because time is an illusion those who have died and went to the other side could have
lived many lives on other places and then returned to the in between place and still be a guide.

Is there any way we can ask our guides to give a personal sign that they are there?
Our guides love their anonymity and most importantly their coffee breaks. Watching over us
is down time not work time for them, and they would like to keep it that way. Picture a
teenage babysitter watching over a toddler, feed, change diaper, put baby to bed, so that they
can get on the cell phone and talk to their friends. The important stuff lol.

How does this work? Are their ET's that monitor our thoughts and automatically give us what
we think about most?
Our guides have input in that department.
The trick is to remain focused, and that's the trick, many lose interest when they don't get
immediate results. Also, if you are not a good person, or trying to be, it will backfire.
Apparently the more 'real' you make your visualizations, the faster you will attain your
True for many. 97.765% of the topics and questioned covered mean little to the here and now.
We have been given all of the answers we need yet we refuse to just suck it up and do the
right thing. Why is doing the right thing so difficult? That's a question not aimed at anyone

Most guides are ordinary souls, often family, that pop in now and then to give moral support,
a little advice in the ear and so on.

Are our personal guides usually below Milton's rank?

Way below, some of them even come back and break more rocks.

Do we, as in us on this earth, ever go help others from lower planets? As in do we guide
Sometimes, some of us try out our wings while here and help others here on earth.
if so is this also why we don't remember some dreams because we do it while sleeping?
Could be.

There are beings high up in your family tree that act like councillors and they will present you
with options/ curriculum, or a well earned vacation.

Believe it or not your personal guide can throw curve balls to you. They are attempting to get
us to focus on what is really important in our lives. Bad or good, they will feed that pimple in
our soul until it explodes or fades away. The best way to get to us is mess with our money or
our honey.

We all have advisers guides and anti guides that will advise or drop hints
into our baskets of thoughts. We are free to pick and choose. That little devil on one shoulder
and the angel on the other, they are real.
Anti guides get us into trouble when we take their advice. Most of the time it's obvious that it
is bad advice, we do it anyway.

The higher ups care about the internal damage that festering anger does to the soul.

Every human being has spirit guides or guardians. Good or bad?

Depends on what?
Depends on the health/condition of the soul.
Can family/friends who have passed on become like some ET's and can see inside us and our
deep secrets?
We are never alone, not even for one second. Don't worry they have seen it all a billion times.
None of us are so unique that we do anything that hasn't been done Ad infinitum, a gazzilion
times before.

They come in many disguises, usually the ones we least expect.

Every soul has their own anal guardian with a sharp pencil and writing pad.

Do guides and anti guides interact (or even fight) in the sense that they may live on the same
plane of existence?.
Kind of like lawyers that battle while you are in the room, but afterwards hang out at the same
pub joking about the case.
Is it ever possible for us to have direct contact with our guides, at a conscious level, or is it
just not authorized?
Those boots that find their way up our dairies when we least expect them are usually from
them. A casual conversation over tea does happen but not often and they don't tell you who
they are.

At the time of death, do we get to see our guides?

We will see them.

Why have many of the people on this forum been guided here by our guides?
Kickbacks under the table.

Do they [guardians, ETs] really hear us and allow things to happen?

They really do.

Higher beings radiate light and love. We are free to call them whatever we wish or believe.

Do Anti-Guides place negative thoughts / emotions into your mind to try and stir up trouble?
Yes they do.

Picking the difference between Guides and Anti-Guides is a cool concept. I got a solution to a
problem from my Guide yesterday just by asking. They pop the answer into your mind from
out of the blue. Mine likes to deliver answers / messages first thing in the morning when I
wake up. Is that how they work?
They can give us answerers immediately or take months and years to do so. Why? Because
they can.

If I ask my guides for more awareness, will they grant it (will they lift the curtain more) or
will they discourage me, or will they send me a few curveballs to see if I'm ready. It must be
worth something, otherwise why would we all waste our time here trying to grasp something
that is not for us to grasp, so I choose to be optimistic.
All of the above including the waste time part for those who simply don't get it.

Higher beings enter our lower level but are not part of it.
Your guide knows who you are and so do those on the other side. Once we get on the other
side some will know instantly some will need to acclimate.

Guides don't abandon anyone; they are not here for poker night or to socialize with us openly.

Guides speak to us in dreams and through other people or situations. We touch a hot pot and it
burns us. Next time we are more careful, or not. We rob a store, get caught, go to jail. If we
don't get caught we will be slapped around by bad situations that will come out of the
woodwork to torment us.
Yes bad things happen to good people. Most of us believe we are good people, heck our
moms love us, well some of us. Those doing right or try to do right by others will have no
need to talk to an invisible being. Believe me most people would not like having a
conversation with a ghost, it’s freaky! Guides are in the same category as ghosts. Their main
function is to take notes on what you do in your life. When we do right consistently over time
they open certain doors and opportunities for us, when we do wrong even once, they get some
human to put a boot up our ass.

Evil guides are random and drop in and out like transients. Lots of hobos loitering in the
psychic alleys.
Are they always around?
Do the good and bad guides talk friendly to one another?
Some do.
Can we not remove bad influence at all while here?

ET guides will not do the work for us and many of the questions they receive are for lotto
numbers or good tips on the stock market. Lol. They talk to us all the time, but do we ever
really listen when it's not what we want to hear?

Why do our guides take us on astral travels, what purpose do they serve?
To meet family on the other side of the tracks. They enjoy visiting with us now and then.
I suppose anti-guides take us on Astral travels too?
Yes, those nightmares we blame on the anchovy pizza.
Why do they let us remember sometimes?
It's their prerogative.

Guardian Angels...guardians. ...Guards! Most guards are there to keep the prisoners
incarcerated and although some guards may be more or less understanding of their charge,
it's a job?
Not just any job.

Is there a mixed hierarchical blend of ET guardians at work, individually, with each of us?

Our guides change often throughout our lives, sometimes with our circumstances. Some of
them come back to earth to work on some unfinished business themselves. Depressing isn't it.

Are our coffee broke guardians shaking their heads in disgust?

Some are.
Are they laughing? Are they lovingly waiting us out?
They have all the time in the world and so do we, whether we like it or not. We create more
time when we are not having fun.

When I was around 11 I would have dreams of being watched in my room and finally one
night I sensed something was coming so I pulled the cover over my head....when I pulled it
down there was a woman with silverish blue skin there who started shaking him violently, I
broke away and rushed to my parents room. What do these events mean?
Some of these beings are personal guides. Why do they let themselves be seen by some and
not by others? Well everyone sees them, most don't want to remember and memory is
repressed for them....sometimes.
We are also visited by family, friends and enemies from our past lives. There is a host of other
stuff that goes on behind our screened memories which has to do with this life and the one we
are headed for at the speed of light. We are not aware at how fast things are happening
because we are "frozen" in 3D mindset. Beings all around us are not.
Animals & Wilderness

New species are discovered frequently and also mythical beasts---- but sorry no details.

For the most part animals are complex machines without souls----but souls can enter into
them voluntarily---for numerous reasons, also souls can be stored or imprisoned temporarily
inside animals before being taken elsewhere. Stop rolling them eyes---

Cows are vegetarian doesn’t seem to do make them any more aware, or smarter.
Humans are not built to be vegetarian exclusively, but some can tolerate it. What we eat
doesn’t make us what we are spiritually, but as you know it can affect our physical and mental
health because the human machine requires the proper fuel to operate at peak performance.

Roads don’t exist in the small brains that power chickens---and if chickens did have road
concept they would not cross the road or if they did they would look both ways before
crossing---or would they---lol

Animals are not challenged other than for survival and they are programmed with instinct for
that which includes sucking up to humans for food and shelter. Dogs have a purpose which
was to aid humans in hunting and protection, now they are mostly companions. The horse and
camel were designed for human use, without them life would have been much more difficult.
In many parts of the world they are still essential.

Most animals can be taught, they learn in the same way we humans do by repetition, which
doesn’t require a soul, any robot and computer can learn, a small electronic silicon chip has
more IQ than any human will ever have.

The dolphin is where some humans go when they die---lol---dolphins have it made, they live
very well and know all about us humans.
We swim in a similar ocean as do the dolphins but much larger, the universe. Like the oceans
here on earth our universe teams with life, yet we humans remain unaware of its existence,
our minds don’t stretch that far. In comparison to a dolphin’s ability to know its surroundings
we humans come up short.
Dolphins know their place in the universe, as do all animals, plants and everything in
between, except humans---how many of us know our place in the universe?
They are horny suckers and are lucky that fire and brimstone hasn’t rained down on them like
in Sodom and Gomorra---
Dolphins have a certain type of soul spirit, where many who vacation here choose to reside
for a time.

Human type entities have orbs, and those orbs can enter into animal machinery because that is
all animals are machinery. Animals don’t need souls to operate they run on auto pilot.

I probably incur more hate towards me on this one issue than I do with religion and politics
put together
But nevertheless animals are highly complex machines like the vegetation and insects. They
are all part of the ecosystem and the food chain---which humans are not---or at least shouldn’t
Projecting emotions on nothing more than a complex biological machine is not wasted love
because many animals are affectionate and return the love---naturally that is a survival
mechanism---but we do the same thing.

This has large implications for PETA's beliefs

Not to mention countries like India where the cow is sacred—and millions of people go
Without the easy food source we call animals life on this planet could not exist, human or
otherwise---which is not true on higher planets---this is a savage planet, designed that way.

Animals do feel pain and anyone that would mistreat animals would also mistreat humans.

Animals and plants are a much higher life form---machine, than anything we humans
construct like computers or a Lamborghini---which I know I could love---lol

Only machines, animals and insects are equal.

Even though animals don’t have souls of their own they are often used by higher entities kind
of like a hand puppet to reach into this dimension and interact with humans, who need or want
that non-human unconditional love in their lives. It’s complex stuff.

Some primitive cultures seem to have recognized that 'spirits' sometimes seem to 'talk'
through animals and some folks, as the ancients used divination to explain certain behaviours
of animals and birds, etc., and also perhaps this is why it was taboo in some native aboriginal
cultures to do harm to anyone who was considered to be 'loco', etc., because they were
considered to be messengers of the 'gods', etc., and therefore somewhat sacred?
So true.

We can program our cars, elevators and kitchen appliances with personality as you know.
When our coffee maker says “good morning”, our elevator tells us “have a nice day” and our
cars insist that we buckle up for our safety---what is one to think?
Are we not touched by this mechanical concern and interest for our wellbeing?
My stereo greets me with “hello” whenever I turn it on---and “good bye” when I turn it off---
we are now the best of friends---
At higher levels of technology our machinery will be as lifelike as we are willing to tolerate.
Some people will not want to be around such machines, others will fall in love with them.---to
each his own.

What separates all the biological living machines on this planet is the soul---humans have
souls and animals, insects and vegetation do not.
Souls on earth are here to be pounded and prodded towards perfection, animals are not, they
operate on instinct---and they can be accessed by higher entities for a verity of reasons.

I know that this is a can of worms for most if not all pet owners. I had a dog many many years
ago, and it died and I grieved as if it were family.
And it was family in some bizarre way but I didn’t know it then. The dog was a vehicle for
some family member higher up the ladder to interact with me on a level I was comfortable
with---had they materialized in front of me like a ghost I would have freaked out.
I’m not implying that all pets have dead family members inside of them---could be anyone
from the other side, or no one at all. Most pets are simply pets, toys, companions, helpers---
and nothing more.

Animals are not here to learn anything---can you say the same for humans?

Are the same ETs responsible for creating our bodies responsible for creating animals?
It’s another department in the organization.

Animals are part of the ecosystem of earth---they eat things with seeds in them and spread the
seed around---birds are really good at getting seeds distributed across large landmasses.
Animals are also a very important food source for other animals and humans. Without horses,
camels, and cattle humans would not have been able to do much before the industrial age.

Cats leave their scent at every opportunity---

The owner has the cat’s scent on him, also the cat knows from where its food comes from---a
survival mechanism

Entities from our past can and do enter into our pets---they feel like family because sometimes
they are family---not everyone wants that version either---and like all the other stuff I write no
one has to believe any of it---my stuff certainly is not required reading---

All the world is a stage for “human souls” only.

Animals are part of the furniture and they obviously have ecological purposes
Nevertheless I love animals and nature even though trees plants animals and insects are
nothing but high tech gadgets and stage props---created for us.
They represent real things in real realities----that exist forever---not like down here where
everything decays and dies.
If it weren’t for plants and animals this existence would be a gloomy existence---and there are
such gloomy places. Not everyone appreciates beauty and other wonderful things that have
been put here for our enjoyment---and that’s their loss
If you enjoy and work with animals that is a gift to you---animals don’t have souls but they
are part of the mysterious energy that makes life here and elsewhere worthwhile

Hibernating machines like bears are programmed to use very little energy during their sleep---
and their animal “spirits” doesn’t go anywhere---it turns off like a light bulb. Only a few vital
circuits in the brain remain on as the bear idles---hibernates.

Do trees, rocks, etc. talk to shamans and receive meaningful answers about how to live as
humans because they do represent, or derive from, eternal realities ?
People talk to their plants all the time, I don’t, but I have had discussions with my hammer in
the past, when it hit my hand instead of the nail---the hammer maintains that it was all my
fault---to this day !---there is no reasoning with a hammer !---
I am a tree hugger, when my neighbours aren’t looking anyway---
This life would suck without natural streams forests and lakes---and we still have those things
because of people with integrity---
And there are people with integrity on both sides of that environmental and highly political
Some souls have been inside animals before they were placed into human containers---plenty
of souls are stored inside animals now---but human souls do not progress from animals.

A fellow on vacation met his death last month only a short way from here by hitting one of our
largest (wild) land mammals with his car. We have all been bitten, scratched, stepped on or
poisoned by one of earth's critters.
Perhaps it’s payback, I had a friend who killed his first deer and then died from a heart attack
hauling the deer to his truck.

Animals are beasts of burden doing work for humans, they are food, they are companions, and
they have a host of other things they do for the planet---spread seeds and are a vital part of the
ecosystem of earth.

Why do we need the ones that bite, sting, envenomate or scare the dickens out us?
To keep us out of the forests---and our backyards---
Some not so happy souls are stored in some of those containers and they have bad attitude.

Each cell in a blade of grass has a schematic a diagram that tells it what to do, like a computer
telling a robot what to do.

Butterflies are fascinating and delightful and often adjust the moods of those who take notice
of them.

The animals are here for us but are they here for us for sport as well?
Humans use to be used for sport in the old days still happens covertly---but society kind of
frowns on hanging human trophies on walls.
Hunting strictly for sport and not food is not a nice thing to do.

Is there any way to tell if one of your pets is hosting a soul?

Some people can tell, but they may not attribute it to family, even though they treat the pet as
if it were.
Do our deceased relatives use the animal’s bodies to visit us? If we are not aware they are in
there, what is the point?
Not everything is for our benefit alone and it’s a way for them to touch us physically. ----Most
people are not ready to believe that past loved ones can re-enter this existence, especially as
pets. There are myriads of paranormal things going on that people need "not" know or
"understand", right under our noses.
There are a lot of animals on this planet and most never come in contact with humans. Souls
are stored inside “some” animals including fish and birds, while they wait for their next
assignment or further punishment.

Do we have the ability to visit people via animals when we are in a dream state?
There are no limits to what we are allowed to experience while in the dream vortex---only
what we are allowed to remember----and make sense of.

New species are being added to this planet to this very day but they are also released from
storage on this planet like time release, everything in its time. Most of this is sea life. The rest
is plant and insects.
Some new discoveries have not been announced yet because they are aberrations.
Bugs are cool in their environment and add enchantment to a walk through the forest, or your
backyard. But we humans have the right to be a tad territorial when it comes to our abode, and
what crawls around in it.

Our intelligence, those lucky to have some of it, is on loan to us. And so too with the
Dolphins and Whales, it’s all software.

Beings (man, animal, plant, insects and smaller) are not performing as they were intended to
Humans perhaps but insects, animals and vegetation are programmed and are performing
according to design, even those pesky mosquitoes that suck my blood when I’m in my garden.
They certainly have their jobs to do, and are well compensated with my blood---I have sent
quite a few back to their maker------they don’t seem to bother Milton though, that bloodless
coffee drinking freak.

What is driving the bee phenomena?

Some new fangled pesticides mixed in with solar activity, but the shortage will pass.
Nevertheless, many other insects pollinate too but they don’t produce honey for those with a
hankering for the sweet stuff.

Go pick a leaf off a tree---that is super duper alien technology.

Souls from our past or loved ones on the other side have the ability to enter into our pets and
interact with us earthlings. They don’t necessarily remain in the pets or animals; they can
come and go like putting on a sock puppet.

All life forms including humans have survival instincts, and those instincts are used in ways
that benefit the animal. A good example is master slave relationship, where the master has
total control including life and death over the slave. In many of those instances slaves treat
their masters kindly and lovingly, whether there is love there or not, mostly not.
But concerning pets it works the other way too.
Some humans are slaves to their pets, and the pets love it, and know what it takes to keep the
relationship mutually beneficial.

Are starfish in a different dimension or time level?

They are one dimensional, and that’s plenty for them.
Do ETs see us as slow as we see starfish?
They can move us around like chess pieces and we like the starfish never know it.
If ET's are in a higher time (vibration) that makes them super fast and us really slow like a
starfish ET's could fly, walk and swim all around us, so many of them without cloaking or
anything and we would never see them right ?...................
Correct but they can slow down to our speed and interact with us, Milton says it’s a drag----

Once we leave this plane of existence we will know who and how we have been monitored.
Those that have mistreated animals and humans, not to mentions other things, will be amazed
on the painful details that have been recorded about their actions. There is a lot more to
animals that will not be revealed.
Nevertheless, animals remain an ecological and necessary food source for humans and other
Animals are not here to grow in awareness, many of us humans can barely achieve that during
our whole lives, and yet our sole purpose for being here is to grow our spiritual awareness.
Only humans are here to reach high consciousness. But higher beings can enter into insects
and animals, and can also place souls into such creatures for many reasons including “time-

Everything biological that is on this planet is food and fair game---we human are also food for
animals and insects, and in some cases other humans. And on the way out we feed the worms.

Even though some cultures hold animals in high esteem cows have one main purpose and
food be that purpose.

A flower unfolds without being aware of its own beauty.

Plants and animals have something but nothing like souls, unless a soul was plugged into
them for a variety of reasons.

Do we see the same pets we have had in this life, in a next life, and why?
If you want to you can.

Is there a mysterious other side to Trees?

Walking through a forest can be a mystical and magical treat as much as looking into a star
filled night sky.
Everything in this dimension is created with the same type of matter, which oozes delightful
energy for those who care to take notice. But the only trees that talk to each other are the ones
on the Wizard of Oz.
All things were created for our pleasure---but few realize that while in this life and miss out
big time.

Some things are designed to adapt on their own, some things get upgraded by ET caretakers,
and also new species are placed here whole rather than having evolved.

Some pets surrogate old acquaintances who visit us via them. Pets are put into peoples' lives
for many reasons.

Does matter naturally gravitate towards other matter that follows the same or similar
geometric patterns? I always thought that this was how every animal knows its place and why
we usually are naturally more comfortable around people who look like us. We are hardwired
with that stuff, as are animals.
Animals have a subconscious mind, that is where most of their software is.

Anything that has a brain has a sub-brain too.

Souls sometimes come and visit us through our pets or just come to be around us. Are they
attracted to our soul and that's what they want to be near?
They show up to provide comfort to us. They don't necessarily remain in the pet or wherever,
they come and go.

Is there more to our connection with Earth, nature than meets our senses?
The reasons people see strange things in the forests is because there are strange things in the
forest. Pixies, fairies, goblins, etc. Well there goes my reputation.

Do Crystals have any sort of magic power or are they just a plain old rock?
Crystals such as Piezoelectric have many levels of Hertz, and been used in radio stations to
broadcast music and sound invisibly to our homes and cars. That's magical stuff right?
Do they give us special healing and mystical powers, no. But like a placebo, if you believe
they help you then they might.

For the most part animals in the wild live their wholes lives in fear of other animals or in fear
of starvation. Most animals are not pampered as they are in Western societies. The vast
majority, billions of them exist as part of the ecosystem/food for other animals, insects,
humans. Humans are food too, and in the past more so than now were consumed by animals.
Many of us are regularly feasted on by insects. Insects are the real top of the food chain
creatures, nibbling on us while we live and finishing us off when we die.
This is not the Garden of Eden, this is hell, and all creatures are subject to hellish lives and
conditions. That mandate is in the charter of planet earth.
I have no sympathy for those who cause pain to humans, animals or insects. My two cents of
info is to try and minimize pain whenever I can. Earth is a cesspool of pain and hate.
Those who don't know/understand the mechanism behind the things that are going on are
tortured by what they see. Not a coincident. Some of it lies in former lives and actions, guilt
perhaps of things they have done.

Do the animals feel pain the same as humans?

Yes they feel pain. Some are not aware of pain in the same way we are unless they were put
into their situations for painful reasons.

When a human soul is inserted into an animal or insect does it know it once was human or is
it totally unaware and can't remember past lives?
Some of them are more aware than we are about why we are here. They can't blab.

If a human soul is inside of an animal that animal would be much smarter or is that soul
unable to know any better being inside of a dog or cat and perhaps it doesn't have the brain
capacity only using the brain of a cat or dog?
Souls are dumbed down even when placed into human brains. The brain is what we have to
work with. Still, some humans with similar brains are much smarter than other humans. It all
depends on what they let you know or remember.

That is horrible to know we are living in hell and that some people will be placed in these
animals and literally be cut up alive in pieces with horrible pain.
The rabbit hole is a strange place, more so for those who don't know they are in it.
Is this rabbit hole that you speak of is the soul itself?
The rabbit hole is the hall of mirrors that the soul travels through during a lifetime. Alice in
wonderland followed the rabbit down that hole.
That means some of these animals could be past family members and we are torturously
killing them and eating them, is that correct?
That is correct.
Not much sympathy from the higher ups or ET's if they are allowing all of this to happen don't
you think?
The worst thing we can do to children is spoil them rotten. Why is that?
Why does giving children all they want and letting them do as they please mess them up?
There is an answer but not a suitable one for 3D land. There really is gain with pain. For some
that is all they understand. Failing that it's off to the dumpster.

Animals and insects are not being tested, only we humans are.

Would only a small fraction of the insects/animals that exist in these hells have a soul of some
kind experiencing a form of torment/negativity?
A bunch of them are here for the constant fear factor, but not to learn from it, only experience

We are allowed self-defense against insects, animals even people, when attacked. Killing bugs
that have invaded our space is not evil. Killing for food is not evil, killing for sport is. Many
children kill small animals and rip the legs off grasshoppers and then feed them to ants,
enjoying watching them eaten alive. Some look back with regrets, some don't. All little pieces
of the big puzzle.

My back yard fall Forrest is beautiful. Nice to notice it....Hell, I've been here for 15
years...sort of understood its beauty....but the idea of it all being bio-tech illusion blows my
Those bio-tech illusions are gifts, pure and simple, soak them into your soul.

Animals feel pain, but if they have no soul and are basically like a machine then how could
they feel pain?
Survival instinct, keeps the ecosystem from getting its panties all bunched up.
Do you think they are just programmed to act like they feel pain upon death or injury? Like
they are in pain/suffering but when in actuality there is nothing inside of them feeling it only
software running the body?
Yes, but that's no excuse for harming animals for pleasure.

What about animals that have evolved? Have any of them evolved at all or is that just another
Not a lie, only stage prop illusions.
Nothing evolves but was created exactly the way it was?
That is correct. Nevertheless some traits and spare parts are used in more than one creature.

How all the life came to be on the planet?

All life was catered.

What do the higher ups think when we destroy old forests and make many species of animals
Humans don't have the power to create animals and vegetation nor to exterminate them, that's
done by higher ups.

Are we meant to really be preserving all this stuff or is it fair game as the population
It's not fair game, never was, never will be for us humans. Still, many believe differently and
are free to believe what they wish.
The planet with all its wondrous fauna and flora has been around a long time and will be
around a long time with all its wondrous fauna and flora after our shift is up. New plants and
animals will be added once we leave and this planet will be a paradise for many Millenniums.
- IV -

Death is the only adventure---lol
I think that’s a quote from “Indiana Jones”

The 4th dimension is the soul.

The mind, the soul---the thing that is you or whatever you wish to call it is the 4 dimension.

After death, we wake up to a new reality.

Death is the number one concern that most everyone share-----when we wake from a dream
we cease to exist in that dream world----we die and wake up. That's the same with this life, at
death we wake up to another existence-----there is no true death-----only a continuous stream
of life with many branches and realities.

What is a human body?------Mostly water and a few minerals----when it dies it goes back to
the earth from which it came-----the soul is all that remains----the soul can exist on its own or
it can be caged into another body.

There is no beginning and there is no end----we exist in a loop, both the chicken and the egg
are one. Just don’t tell that to those fast food fried chicken places.
For there to be nothing something has to be----there in no light if there is no darkness
The loop is infinite and if you live forever and you will, you will never experience the same
thing twice unless you want to.

There is no death----and some come back to this place, others will remain in the spiritual
sector----and continue their work from there----some become other types of beings working in
this solar system or one of the trillions of others.

Your soul is priceless and there is a huge amount of energy being expanded on your behalf---
as is true for all of us.

Souls and beings are one and the same.

There are rules for everything----otherwise we would know only chaos and cease to exist.
In essence all souls are one----like a family unit----with good apples and bad----always
working on the bad ones.

Many of us have been on the turnip truck more than once---reincarnation from other planets.

We can talk to loved ones that have passed on simply by thinking about them.

Are you asking if earth is hell? ------for some it is.

There are lots of things humans can do on their own; astral projection is not one of them.
Moving the soul out of body is not sacking groceries, it’s not even in the abilities of “rocket
scientist” this is the realm of the gods-----ETs.

We have a soul and so do ETs-----unless they are pure machine.

ETs are capable of inter-dimensional travel------we are too, our souls can travel on that super

The other side is not that much different than here-----for most.
For those expecting to sit around playing the harp----it's going to be a big shocker----people
have jobs over there too------oh horror of horrors-----unless you like staying busy, productive
and creative----then it will be like heaven.

Many people believe that if they are good and believe in certain things that they will be
rewarded for all eternity with playing the harp on a soft cloud forever and ever----others that
they will be given a bunch of virgins to play with----their own personal cat house----and still
others are hoping that they will not have to come back as insects. Then there are those that
believe this life is it---you die and become worm food.
None of that stuff is true but most will not be allowed to know it until they die---and get their

They do allow individuals to 'move' to other planets within current lifetimes, in extraordinary
situations----but some of these people are dragged kicking and screaming to their new
location----for reasons I don't know.
There is no eternal hell like in the bible but there are some places and conditions even on
earth that feel like hell is forever.
The vast majority of those on this planet are not going to any place like hell once they leave
this hell----most are moving to a better place.
Hell is reserved for a few bad asses, but even then it’s not eternal, although it may seem like
Lucifer is a myth.

Who evaluates on the other side?

You will be one of the judges on the panel----the harshest judges on the panel----and a throw
the book at you kind of judge----once you cross over your flaws will glow like hot coals----
and it is your responsibility to correct those flaws----no one else can do it for you.
It will be forced up on us by ET, not a bearded old man with an attitude and a smote
As a comparison to what you label a contradiction, take the military, most people would never
complete military basic training if it were up to them----many are forced through it kicking
and screaming---yet now days everyone in the military volunteered to go through basic
Most are glad that they weren’t let off the hook---and are proud of their accomplishment----
that they needed persuasive encouragement to get through----for their benefit.

There is no old bearded man running the whole show, or a mother earth---and there is no hell-
---but some of us will have to put ourselves into hellish predicaments to remove our flaws---if
we don’t do it voluntarily it will be forced up on us----

When you are in school don’t you do self evaluations---along with teacher evaluations, and
parent evaluations? Between lives there are evaluations by a number of entities that know
you, and help you.

Some will return to this planet or other cities that get built in the next thousand years---so
either way it will be a fun time for most---but not everyone.

The great thing about dieing is that it only last a few seconds and then you are alive again
somewhere else.
The place you wake up in will be a temporary place----a fantastic city that you will never
want to leave.
You will be in spirit form and in complete ecstasy----you may be there for a short time or
hundreds of earth years (time as we know it is nonexistent there)
From there you will be sent to any number of planets, or back to this one.

Our souls are attached to the bodies we resided in, we are here inside a machine we call a
human body----the pain is real, the joy is real, hate and love are real----
They say you can’t take it with you when you die----not quite true, everyone leaves earth with
plenty of baggage----all the pain you caused to others and yourself, and all the joy you created
for you and others---that all goes with you when you die.

The souls are inserted after birth, but sometimes just before the baby comes out. Stillborn and
babies that are aborted have no souls
Premature birth: Like any other birth, when the body is ready the soul is inserted.
Some babies get a soul just before they come out the womb, most after they come out, hours
days and weeks, depends on the soul and the situation.
The soul is inserted at any point up to a month after birth, sometimes before birth, and
sometimes after a month, most within the first week.
The soul is strapped in---but I can’t divulge the means of how it’s done---that’s more info
than people can stand.

Abortion : Humans lack the power to kill a soul even if the soul is in the baby at the time of
abortion the soul would simply go to another suitable container---but souls are not parcelled
out to babies when abortion is anticipated, it would be pointless.

You are here in your body and when you die there is a period that you go through before you
regain complete awareness of who you are----some reach this awareness immediately upon
death others spend more time grasping what they are----a kind of limbo.

ETs have jobs like us---but not the eight to five kind----they love their jobs----once you leave
earth depending on who you are and what you have accomplished during your existence here
and other places you may have the pick of great jobs or return here or some other planet and
be a rock star or president----or a coal miner, dishwasher---etc

There are new souls but billions on earth today have been around for some time.

In the in-between zone depending on your level you will interact with many entities---family
and friends from past lives and future ones----on this earth or one of the many others.

What humans see and understand as difficult situation needing resolution----carries little
weight on the other side----like a child s complaints or simple naive curiosities.

The dead as we call them are more alive and aware than anyone on earth.

Some people have to die to learn how to live-----those who have died are more alive than
those who are on this planet---and think that they are alive.
Life and death are both illusion.
Because the universe is so big and the possibilities endless---it's really not a far stretch to
believe that you will only live your life once-----but that’s not to say you can’t relive your life
an infinite amount of times----you can.
Go to any beach in the world and pick up a grain of sand----throw it into the ocean-----what
are the chances that you will ever pick up that same grain of sand?
Most souls have better things to do than wait for a grain of sand to come back to their hand, or
live the same life over and over again
That’s why memory is wiped clean when entering into planets like earth----so that you can
concentrate on this life-----as if it were your first time.
Much of existence is that way----you don’t know that it’s forever----and you can’t know until
you die.
Unless ET showed you
BTW, human based reasoning, mathematics and physics do not apply on the other side---
On earth the existence of a soul is contradictory to all scientific absolutes and theories----it
does not compute.

When you die you will see friends and family on the other side that are in the in between
place----staging area before you or they go elsewhere----and you will be fully aware of those
you left behind----as much as you want to be----until you enter a new life.

If you return to earth or another planet like it your memory will be wiped----but the higher the
level you achieve you retain more and more----regardless of where you go.

In the staging area you and others will decided what’s best for you----take it easy in the
staging area----go visit other planets in physical or spirit form including this planet----or move
on to other advanced planets-----if you are really good you might even get to be a super star.
Taking it easy means exploring----vacationing with loved ones on the other side----not
working----you do work on the other side----not everyone hates working here on earth so
work is not necessarily a four letter word.
No fear on that level.
No one wants to leave that place----some don’t have a choice----some do so for personal
reasons----some to be super stars on planets like earth-----and for any number of challenges or
experiences including fighting in a war.
If you are in that plane of existence you will be aware of loved ones as much as you wish to
be----no alarms will go off----you will know and will be there to greet them.
Not everyone has a choice----we don’t let our young children walk across the street by
themselves, we also don’t let them decided whether or not they will go to school----if we did
most of them would chose not to get an education.
You can travel with anyone you wish if they are there
You can revisit any moment in any of your lives
Some things will be answered----others you will have to find the answers yourself.

The plateau is infinite and there is no end of knowledge

Souls are very durable and not easily extinguished----but they can be.
Life on earth and on other levels is difficult when there are unresolved issues in your soul----
in the in-between zone you can see these issues more clearly-----while here you have to search
your soul to root out those problems----most would rather not

You never stop be you when you die----you will be aware of more than what you are aware of
All your memories will be intact and crystal clear----unlike they are here on earth.
You will know I was right.

You can be a poltergeist and come back here and mess with those playing with Ouija boards.

There is no end to the universe but not so for souls, however most souls are salvageable.

For the most part the soul is not inserted until the baby is born----the body is only a machine--
---we don’t enter cars while they are on the assembly line
It’s not always the choice of the soul where they will be put----once they are inserted they
have to deal with their situation----no matter what it is.
There are higher powers many strata of them-----a chain of command of sorts----if you are
religious than you may see it as such-----but after you are there long enough to acclimate you
will see things much differently than you do now.

People like Hitler and serial killers are souls that have taken on horrific jobs----like Satan----
Satan is an ET with a job----but he really isn’t the Satan of the bible that will be locked away
in a pit for a thousand years----he is only another soul----one that’s been around a long time.

The brain is a machine that controls the body-----the brain is like the command center, the
cockpit, without a soul the brain is a machine without a pilot
Electricity and all matter----one and the same-----is a creation and subservient feature of the
spiritual or spirit or soul-----the only thing that is real is the soul.

You are your soul-----the thinking part of you is your soul----your soul with blinders while
you are on this planet

No soul equals machine.

You don’t achieve stardom because you reached a higher level of nirvana----you can be a star
in the same way you chose to be the hero in a video game.
Once you are on the other side you have certain options and life choices you can choose from
for your next life----perhaps you might want to be a leader of a country, a general in some
army, a school teacher, or a janitor. Depending on what level of consciousness you are----
determines how many things you can pick from----and the quality of those things
You can also be someone who is selfless, like a mother Theresa----or return to earth to help a
family member or friend
After you make your choice you will be placed into circumstances that lead you to those
positions in life.
Anything you chose is not a guarantee of success or happiness----you have to make those
things happen for yourself-----once you are in the shoes of a world leader or super stars like
John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin you will learn that those lofty positions are not
necessarily easy street.

Unlike stars most souls live forever----some die for a number of reasons including
extinguishing themselves----freewill having got the best of them and they refuse to go on.
Who creates souls? A god? A committee of super beings? A soul machine? A mad scientist?
Souls are created in a similar way as we procreate here on earth----through immense love----
on earth it takes the love of two people to reproduce a human machine---body----and then a
soul is inserted.
Creating a soul is accomplished by a number of souls who have reached a high level of
unconditional love----and this soul becomes a part of their community----or family.

Humans could make a machine [human body] through cloning but they never will have the
ability to transfer the soul from one body to the next----without ET.
Hypothetically if ET allows humans to successful clone a human a soul of ET’s choosing will
be placed into the body.

Once you leave this life you don’t need a mechanical or physical contraption to exist.

The soul is advance beyond what we are allowed to do here on earth

The soul has been to neighboring stars and other galaxies----unless you are brand new.

Life goes on without machines or human type bodies---for most life is forever and although
you may not travel between the stars while on earth and in human form you will travel to
other stars in other lives----most likely you have unless you are fairly new to the universe.

ET can insert a soul into anything even a piece of wood.

ET can’t lie, not so for humans-----when we die it’s not over----it’s never over unless
somewhere down the line you decided to pull the plug----or you are so bad that they give up
on you----which is rare.

The natural state for all souls is an orb of energy-----from this orb of energy we can take any
shape and travel anywhere we choose----with certain limitations.

Will you be forced to see someone against your will on the other side?
On the other side all your fears and anger are gone with the wind----while you are there----and
you will be the best of friends-----however many centuries may pass before you cross paths
again [with someone you don’t like]----in the staging area of existence
Everyone you come into contact with on earth has a connection to you from the other side
You can’t control what type of person she/he is nor how she/he feels about you----but you can
control how you feel about her/him----you don’t have to be with her/him but you should
forgive any transgressions or ill feelings you have about her/him----even if its her/him fault---
-otherwise you may have to deal with that issue again-----everything has to be resolved in
order to move up-----especially anger between two people-----disagreement is ok.

Life never ends unless you opt out or are thrown out----most souls remain in the universe for a
long time----even forever.

In reality the dead are more aware than we are so in essence we are dead and they are alive
They can hear and see us----anytime you think of someone that you knew that passed over----
died-----they can hear you-----if they are in the in-between area-----some souls stay there for a
long time.
They can’t interfere with our lives too much but depending on how determined you are for
some help or answers they can enter your dreams and in some situations be the instigators of
your abduction----it’s the only way to physically touch someone on the other side
If someone from the other side meets you that way and tries to slap some sense into you your
conscious mind will be terrified but your unconscious self will get the message.
Souls are not overflowing with love and compassion if they were they wouldn’t be on earth.
We souls have some love and compassion but nothing to brag about----how many people have
you met that are overflowing with it? -----if so for how long are they able to overflow with it?

Human instruments can’t detect the soul; they cannot detect the real existence which is full of
boundaries----on the other side there is not boundaries.

Soul enters at the very last minute----sometimes they watch the birth of their body and don’t
enter for a few hours after or as in some cases a few days after.

Orbs are souls----when we leave our bodies we are spheres of exotic energy.

When people die they might end up on another planet for their next life experience.

Souls come from a place like heaven, where souls are in various stages of physical spiritual
energy depending on their level of enlightenment.

Souls are on their own for the most part---every soul knows its limits----where they can go
and what they can do
Undesirables and those in trouble are escorted by ETs and may have no freedom but to reenter
earth or another planet
Most entering earth are designated where they will be born and under what conditions---there
is no tossing of the dice.

Physics do not apply to souls----those souls that are free to travel do so according to their
level of privilege---some travel in ships others get around through will----they can travel light
years at the speed of thought----they can materialize or remain invisible
Ever feel like someone is watching you when you are alone? -----No human is ever alone.

Bad souls vibrate at higher frequencies than humans.

There are no statistical equations for the soul as there is with planets and stars, we can even
calculate to a certain degree what matter can do----but not what it is once we take it to the
quantum level and beyond
The stuff souls are made of will always remain far deep behind that quantum curtain, more so
than the mystical strings, superstrings, bosons and fermions----and the stuff dreams are made
Yes you have to be in the ranks of ET to know what souls are.

Our souls are individual entities----each with individual privileges and access to higher
knowledge depending on individual achievements and enlightenment
Like the different stages of human development from infant----knowing nothing-----to old
age-----a bit more wiser----theoretically
With more knowledge comes more freedom----this concept has limitation here on earth but
not in the afterlife.

As individuals we have access to the universal energies depending on our level of

achievement but we remain uniquely separate from it-----we are not part of a matrix or a
cosmic machine-----in the same way that we are not a part of our house or apartment but we
live in them
Our individuality is similar to what we have here on earth----many of us can come and go as
we please limited only by our financial abilities
Likewise we are limited in our abilities to move about the spiritual and pseudo physical
realities by our enlightenment quotient----or currency.

On the other side of the curtain we find purity and truth, pain and anguish gone and our
consciousness fully intact----we are on vacation for a time, then we contemplate our next
curtain call----are we ready?----the curtains are many and can be no less confusing than a
house of mirrors for those who indulged to much wine of folly and pride while on earth.

Everything we wish and dream of while here is real and easily accessible at levels above this
existence, even things we consider science fiction or imaginary. As humans we have fragile
bodies but in fact we are like superman----indestructible and could if we chose go into a Black
hole and exit----simply for the experience----something matter and light can’t do---our
essence is more exotic than matter and matter is darn exotic and baffling to our greatest minds
If we have trouble getting our heads around matter how much more something considerably
more exotic?

On the other side of the curtain the vast majority of souls---people if you will, live like kings.
Most are richer than Midas, would make Bill Gates look like a pauper in comparison.

The memory wipe depends on the level you are at----the higher ups can retain some memory--
--and those higher still have complete access to all their memories and keys to a vast reservoir
of knowledge.

If you don’t want to come back [to Earth], once you are on the other side you empathize with
those that are struggling on places like earth but you are not affected by what they have to go
through because you will understand it’s necessary like giving a child a shot.

You will have to take all that up with your parole officer when you get off this rock---if you
get one that is---if you don’t get one you get another stretch in the big house----and there is no

Many humans when they leave earth----die, will go directly to a utopia planet and retain most
of their memories of the life they had here---or they can choose to block it out.

ET can also place a soul into any machine---as containment, for example, and that soul may
or may not be aware of where it is.
Only souls are aware----some barely.

The soul consumes no energy, instead it creates energy and can manipulate matter----the
higher up the soul is.

No one on earth knows what level of soul they are, including me.

The life span in hell is short in human years but for those in it seems much longer---hell has
its purpose and that’s why it exists----eventually they may move it to another place off this
planet but hell like prisons go hand in hand with planets in the category that earth is.

The human fascination with space is the result of the fact that we all have been out in it.
Movies and books on space travel is in many ways reminiscing about our past---what’s wrong
with that? Also every one of us will return to space---sci-fi is not only for bedtime stories---
but a reminder of that fact.

The transition [from being to soul] doesn’t have all the bells and whistles---literally---as it did
at one time [for me].

What immediately happens at the moment of death and what level of consciousness from there
on do we have?
Depends on your status and who you are---good, bad or ugly---kidding about the ugly part---
Some will go directly into another babies’ body, some will be shown the town---galaxy, and
then their new home, others---the real bad and ugly ones will do hard time on a much worse
planet than earth.
Awareness never ceases---it only changes---if you go back into a baby you will have
awareness but a completely blank slate---a new chance to do what you put off doing before
you died
If you get the tour of the town your awareness becomes magnified and pleasurable---your joy
will exceed anything you ever experienced here on earth tenfold !
I don’t want to talk about that other place---but for most it’s not permanent---from there you
go back to square one.

Do souls ripen like fruit on the vine and/or mature like a good aged wine?
That’s a great analogy, and now I have a craving for a glass of the good stuff---lol

After the initial shock [of death] it will feel like you never left home and family.

There are some lost souls that are permitted to wonder lose on earth and other places for
various reasons but they are on a kind of leash and can only travel so far.

Ethnicity is only skin deep, and doesn’t penetrate down to the soul.

Once you get to heaven you will find that things have changed and now each virgin gets their
pick of hunks---lol

A soul is another matter [not a machine], many people don’t believe they have souls let alone
anything called a universe having one.

Souls are created somewhere near the center of the galaxy where the energy levels of billions
of higher beings combine into an inter-dimensional flux that is hotter that billions of suns.
Those are not Milton’s exact words---only my best guess of what he told me.

Those hoping to be revived sometime in the future [using cryogenic methods] got their wish
early they were revived soon after death and depending on their circumstances they were
recycled back on this planet or moved off planet---and had a good laugh at their silly attempt
to cheat death---lol
The souls of those cryogenically frozen : It’s the same as anyone that dies they are sent to
their next place under the sun---the frozen body---meat will never live again.
There are older and younger souls and new ones are created every now and then---how often I
don’t know.

There is no eternal hell---every situation has an expiration date---souls that are beyond
redemption are decommissioned, terminated, they cease to be---but the bizarre process of
eventual elimination can take eons.

Both we and ET win points to the next level?

Win-win situation, you could say that in a roundabout way---when children do well it reflects
on the parents.

When someone dies and his soul is sent back to earth to find a new host body, it’s not
random; most are placed with parents that will bring up that new soul in certain ways and
under certain conditions---
Do they put with certain people that are around their stage of progression?
Yes and no on the stage of progression, sometimes they do but not always.

Could someone who is almost ready to leave this planet get stuck with someone who is far far
from it?

Entities at the higher levels do not reincarnate to levels such as we have here on earth---in fact
there is no ceiling and they continue indefinitely to ascend to ever higher levels---beyond
human ability to comprehend.

Power trips are for lower level entities---and the gods need not fear losing their bliss---bliss is
eternal for them and only increases---never decreases.

Whether we are gods or not doesn’t matter because we have available to us at higher levels
more than any god could wish for, let alone what a human could ever wish for.
The powers that created this universe have invited all to partake in the banquet for eternity;
their only request is that we wear proper attire.

Things are happening on many levels below human awareness, some good and some not so
good---nevertheless souls cannot ever be compromised, they retain their “universal” rights.

Souls are not exclusively transported and dropped on the edge of the galaxy for newbies and
recycles, and criminals---there are plenty hangouts near the center also---and not all new souls
get put through the wringer---and there are many versions of wringers for those that do.

The soul ‘remembers' everything about itself and others too in death for most, moving in the
direction of nirvana----a little and nothing for those who are not.

The clock stops the minute we enter back into space, can’t make any changes then.

Only one soul per body, in the case of schizophrenics or multiple personalities it’s the same
soul. Everyone has more than one facet: mad, happy, sad, all the same person but different
shades of the same persona.
Souls can also be exchanged, taken out of the containers, and then replaced by other souls or
programs for the duration of the containers life as well. It’s against the rules, but as I have
written in my book it does happen.

There are no soul eaters that’s plain silly.

[Entities uses souls for] slave labor and contract employment---goes on in many places
including here on earth.

Souls can have an identity crisis during immature stages of its existence: Happens all the time,
and can become worse when certain humans with certain degrees with job security on their
mind get hold of such people.

Can any soul having had near about a million reincarnations be able to remember them all
during certain 'special' states of being?
Clearly as a bell.

There is a lot of cross over that takes place [in the soul progress] for infinite amount of

If there is an afterlife and your soul can exist after your physical body is gone, how come you
cannot console your family and loved ones?
Because that would tip them off and others that there is an afterlife---that remains a secret for
the vast majority---it sucks but that is the way the enlightened that are running the show at the
highest levels of existence designed it.
Even if they know it will not make them feel better. Example, my aunt lost a child at a young
age and could not be consoled. She was a religious person and believed in the afterlife, and
knew her child was ok on the other side but it made no difference she wanted her child here
on earth with her---love binds us tightly and there is no easy departure.

Those who have passed often visit us in our dreams.

Old souls don’t stumble around much, they know the ropes, and most of them on this planet
live very well, earth is their oyster, they are on vacation or chose to live here for various
Should they stay away from these dreaded hell holes?
Perhaps some of them are here because they can alleviate some of the misery---more so than
some humans who only talk and do nothing
Old souls that have a difficult time figuring things out and keep getting recycled are probably
not on earth, at least not in large numbers.
Young souls, well that’s the rest of us.

What happens if a soul cannot be fixed, it gets returned to the manufacturer

There is no final frontier, life exist as far as the mind can conceive in this endless and very
real universe---for those that don’t waste this time and place while here the trip from earth
will be mind blowing beyond description.
Many get the full tour of this solar system before they leave it, and it’s all free.
No external spirit can possess anyone, not possible, human brains have only one seat---and
cannot hold more than one entity at a time---there is a formula that proves it but I can’t think
of it at the moment---lol

When we leave the monkey suits behind---lol----we leave the flaws associated with that suit
behind also---our bodies are vehicles and remain separate from us---our souls---when a car
has mechanical problems those problems don’t transfer to the owner---the owner can get the
car repaired or get a new one.

If a soul makes several incarnations, it’s learning at a slower pace----eventually it, the soul,
will get to a point where it becomes fed up and gets with the program, or sloughs off into
oblivion---everyone gets clued in, and given ample opportunities to grasp the big picture---but
everyone is also free to ignore those clues---no one is dragged kicking and screaming to a
utopia planet.

Those on the right track get rest and relaxation between stints on planets like earth---that
break or vacation can last a long time---many human centuries, or only a few human years.
Pinpointing time is tricky on this side of the coin because time as we know it doesn’t exist in
those in between places.

Where anyone goes from here is up to them to a certain extent, and their school counselor.

Everyone on their death bed gets visited before they cross over---except for those coming
right back---they will experience darkness for a time and then returned just in time for a butt

For those that manage to make this life worthwhile their next one will be that much more so---
don’t underestimate what this life has to offer because this one determines your next
challenge and adventure

If souls were created equal they would be like robots, chickens, or cows.

A blank slate would be close to it but the soul is such a complex phenomena that only those
stirring the pot know what really goes into the brew, and souls are not brewed from one single
pot, but many.

We are all unique; there is only one of us in this whole universe regardless of those who
believe otherwise, that spark is the one thing that binds us---everyone gets the same spark---to
do with it as we each see fit---some squander it, others end up dancing with the gods---same

Once out of the pot we are self-made in a mind numbingly fantastic never ending story that
keeps getting better for eternity---or not---some of the tests we get put through shakes out all
but the toughest of spark bearers

All souls are made from the freshest ingredients, we are not meatloaf---

Non-existence is some of the strangest stuff out there and is beyond human brain
comprehension---and I can’t even begin to explain it here. Yes some souls get socked away
into that zone. And since time is irrelevant---don’t ask for how long---
Everyone has equal opportunities while remaining unique---souls are not cookie-cutter robots.

There is no “new beginning” only new experiences, new challenges on many different planets
and planes of existence.

When you sleep and dream where did the dream come from and where does it go when you
wake up ?
We wake up into what we call reality and we interact with things and people that make our
reality seem real---yet most are not quite satisfied with that feeling believing that we are
mortal---therefore where do we go from here when we wake up from this transitory life ?
From here we go to some place that is real, where things are solid as steel, hard as rocks, yet
we transcend them as if they are whiffs of smoke, we are pure energy where time has no
meaning, nor is there an Alpha, and Omega, beginning and ending---everything simply is------
until we drop back into a dream state called life on some dreamy or nightmarish planet like
earth---sweet dreams----
Bend your mind around that----

There is no assignment, no deadline; everyone gets to their utopia planet when they are good
and ready---some people like to dawdle.

Once you reach a utopia planet your have arrived and all the rules change---you don’t die any
more unless you volunteer to come to sub planets like earth and be part of the human race---
but chances are you may retain the knowledge of why you are here. Utopia planets are spring
boards to higher levels of existence and most continue to move up the ladder of pure

New souls come from other star systems in our neck of the woods of the Milky Way.
Few advanced souls come here or get sent here; still the numbers are in the millions

When leaving earth many go to a staging area for their next assignment, depending on what
level they are on or have attained while on earth they can hang out there and visit with people
they know or past family members---often one and the same. How long one remains there
depends on the privilege they have earned during their entire existence.

Some people consider death to be a bad thing, certainly when it’s unexpected and a loved one
it can’t be viewed as anything but bad.
Unfortunately that is the only way off this rock and into our next challenge

Is there some difference in how souls grow in these different environments?

It’s never arbitrary, everything we encounter is part of what we become, and we have to build
on those perceived failures or real successes.

Human type entities have orbs, and those orbs can enter into animal machinery because that is
all animals are machinery. Animals don’t need souls to operate they run on auto pilot.
Some day here on earth most everything we interact with, washing machine, toasters, ovens,
cook tops, cars, computers, lawn furniture etc will have artificial personalities built in. We can
do that now but most people are not ready and would get annoyed with talking machinery, but
that will change.
Everything is a machine, even the wood desk holding your desktop computer---nevertheless,
the matrix doesn’t have us, we have the matrix---

As far as exclusive clubs, well, when we leave this planet we go to our next destination by

ET is the gate keeper to the afterlife, and to the adventure of inner and outer space throughout
the galaxy and beyond.

Some will go to second grade next school year, some will be freshmen in high school, college,
some will graduate college and enter the workforce---and do whatever the heck they want in
this big galaxy.
Millions of people are entering into ET status every second.

Knowledge is power, and patients a virtue, and they make a great combination for

The afterlife is the real deal; this life is a dress rehearsal of sorts.
The afterlife came first, and has always existed, from there bloom physical consciousness
where ordinary souls would be sent to earth like planets for refinement.

The paranormal is a membrane that separates this life and the other life, there are certain souls
that can collect there---but they are not there by accident, they are put there in a kind of time
out scenario before they are allowed to move across. They can be mischievous while there.
Most don’t know where or what they are, you think there is confusion on this end, they are
deep into.
They crave what they no longer have and are clueless on how to satisfy what cannot be

The scheme of things is much bigger than any one soul regardless of the level they may
inhabit---in the scheme of things---

Once we reach a certain level we remember nearly everything---some people on earth have
some memories of other times and places---without regression---regression is tricky and
anything can be projected in the mind by ET or human therapist, so the person never really
knows. But if the memories are there from birth they are usually real.
Regressions often only show the horror stuff basically to keep people from prying. If you get
regressed you will find things, but rarely the joyrides I speak of. Be prepared to have the crap
scared out of you. During abductions things get blocked for good reason.
Once on the other side and a few notches above humanity the choice is ours if we wish to
experience a certain thing without the distraction of memories and knowledge---in the sense
of roll playing in a theme park or planet environment. Or we could chose to come to planets
like earth and live out a particular life---with all the ups and downs it will entail. In those
situations once you choose the program it’s a done deal until it plays out.

A piece of wood could possess a soul if ET wanted to insert one in to it. Souls can be put into
any animal or machine for reasons that are to far out there to go into right now---but that’s not
the natural order of things---assuming there is such a thing.
Soul mass is exotic energy which leaves no trace elements that can be detected---unless of
course you have Ghost Busting technology at your disposal---lol
Granted poltergeist emit, leak out certain vibrations or strange material but that’s because they
are stuck inside a dimensional membrane like flypaper, that just happens to contain poltergeist
icky stuff---

Do all new souls begin at the same “level” but just have different dynamics, or faults ?
In a world fixated on the concept of equality that’s a tough question to answer without
generating some heat or hurt feelings.
Nevertheless many do begin on the same level and are made of the same stuff primarily, but
there seems to be other classes of beings that are made of different material---to put it gently,
and are held to different standards. However, everyone on earth in this particular era and time
has come from similar molds, I’m told.
Everyone is unique from the beginning, we are not exact replicas, and we remain unique

Many here now will be back and share some of that fun---and heartache too---that’s the kind
of planet this is.
Those who move up from here will be neck deep in fun.

Before we are allowed to move to a certain level we need reach a certain purity and that takes
many processes---games if you will.

Assignments [of souls on Uranus] are not like those here on earth, they are multi-faceted and
come in layers that are separated by time intervals, sometimes months, mostly by years. They
are like individual surprise packages that only reveal themselves when they are half
completed. I can’t say more than that

Those on their way off this rock have achieve peace of mind, have no hate, envy or ego in
their soul---

The soul encompasses every cell in the body and enters and leaves through the cranium.

Each one of us [souls] is unique and we have unique traits and energy signatures

The soul can be detected but not by human technology---the more one looks into human
knowledge and abilities the more they are going to see nothing at all---like peering deep into
the atom. The soul resides in a similar place, and is beyond human technology to quantify it.

Those of us here who are open minded and believe in other life forms/worlds/civilisations etc,
does that mean our souls are at a higher level than those who only believe in say, what
religion teaches them ?
Not really

Everybody will eventually have a “Total Recall” ---most just before they get their next

We have an inbuilt GPS for our souls.

We don’t reincarnate to other timelines because time is “irrelevant”.

Do we inhabit different races/genders in our reincarnations?
Yes we are cross-dressers and the race thing is nothing but skin, facade, yet we sure get
attached to our own kind---lol

No two souls are alike and we remain unique in many ways and talents, regardless of our

How big is the standard soul family? Thousands? millions?

If you can comprehend how big an average galaxy is you can get the gist of the size of each
family---but we are all related---the more aware we become the large the family gets.

Most of us fear leaving this life, but the fear has nothing to do where we go from here.
Most everyone meets up with loved ones and since time has no barring on the other side, it
will be as if we never were apart---but most will be off to other worlds and other lives after a
brief pause.
How much of a pause anyone gets depends on their level of purity.

Are we allowed to go to our own funerals?

Most are in attendance at their own funerals body---and---soul---some would rather not be but
for some it’s mandatory that they be there.

Nothing physical which includes electronics can penetrate the soul---the soul is a highly
unique substance that is “not” pervious to matter---no matter what---

What does the soul do?

The person behind those fingers typing on this internet board is the soul---you---behind the
controls pushing the buttons of hate, of love, of envy, of joy---we are in control of the
software inside the human brain.

Our souls thrive on freedom in the here and now, and certainly for when we leave this
hellhole, that is why many of us tolerate this life---

The human soul does not evolve out of flesh, out of matter, as he seems too eluded.
It’s actually the other way, matter comes from the spirit, and is molded to suit whatever needs
are at the moment.
And the Alpha and Omega, beginning and ending, are illusions and have no reality outside of
human concepts and understanding.
Certainly I could expound on this with many pages of material but I’m only one man with two
hands, and Milton refuses to spring for a secretary or two---

Those moving up from here remember their lives, until they re-enter into other lives---but it
all depends on your level how much you remember---obviously once we move to certain
heights there are things we would like to erase permanently from our record---there are
certain conditions but you can.

All souls are created equal; they are all smart at the beginning. But all souls are put through
tests on this planet and on other planets, and it’s the tests that determine what their lives will
be like.
Many people don’t believe they have a soul much less know---or care---what the heck it is.
A little bit about the soul, you whoever is reading this are a soul in what we call physical
form---there really is no physical---only stages of ethereal---we perceive solid things for
instance our desks our computers our thick skulls and so on------ but solid is an illusion, what
we see in the mirror is too.
Some of the earlier containers Neanderthals for instance held "thicker" souls
Believe it or not things can get a lot thicker---and I’m speaking souls---most human souls on
earth today are not of that classification---and variation
I’m sure that has cleared it up------believe me it is not easy putting into words concepts that
don’t exist in the human mind---I might even end up looking like a fool or something if I
don’t get it right---but then again how do you get it right if we are not on the same page to
begin with ?
There is a madness to my reasons---

Souls are the only thing that are not matter, or machine.
But there are things above the soul and there are many different types of souls---that I can’t go
into---but something too scoff about for those who don’t even believe in soul’s period---

There are many souls in hibernation---between lives--- for some reasons.

What does a "brand new soul" know? Is there some basic training before entering the human
Souls come off the production line knowing as much as a fourteen year old girl---
“everything” that there is to know---lol
But we are not information vessels we are integrity vessels---or nothing at all.
All knowledge exists---souls do not bring knowledge into the world they borrow it---take it
from the vault or are given some of it as a gift.
There is a kind of basic training before life on earth type planets begins.

The souls plus many bags of chips are way beyond the physical silicon and flesh and blood
stuff.---they don’t even associate with such matter------I’m so bad---

When the pre-assignment "overview" is given, is more than one possible future detailed?
You are going on the premise that the gods know every possible outcome therefore why waste
time with any particular soul ?---Because it is the soul that needs to know what it is made of
and what it needs to accomplish, and how.

Every soul learns a little bit more about itself during each life.

Does a human soul always get redirected to a human body?

Only if the human is coming into a similar level---there are many varieties of containers
above human and below human---that are not ET type---also not the scope of this thread
What are the chances of a human on Earth being redirected to a grey or reptilian body?
Humans don’t generally go there but under certain circumstances they might do a stint.

The tunnel [seen after death] reflects the speed we travel to our temporary port of call---there
is no tunnel per say.
When we first enter the other side entities make the transition easy for us by meeting our
individual expectations whatever they may be.
Is there sound and touch when in spirit form ?
More so than while in human form. The human body blocks out so much of the good stuff
that the shock of real love, peace, touch, etc, takes some getting used to when we crossover.

If we humans truly understood what a fantastic thing a soul is we would be ashamed to treat it
the way we do.
If we owned a Lamborghini we would take care of it as if it were a god---it’s one fine superb
machine that makes any human lucky enough to have one feel really special---almost god like
when behind the wheel---
The soul is a billion times more cool than a billion Lamborghinis---yet look how we treat it.
The soul is built to last forever, and it is built to take us anywhere in this galaxy, it will allow
us to hobnob with the real gods---
But the true value of the soul remains hidden for most humans while here on earth---and will
remain hidden until we each earn our place in the universe----which it is one heck of a place
So why is it important to fine tune the soul without all the shortcuts? Because it is a fantastic
vehicle that will give mere mortals access to the stars---once we get handed the keys that is.
Hyperbole the naysayers will say---quite the opposite, all my hyperbole doesn’t even scratch
the surface to what awaits us in the heavens.

Do you know everything about the infinite possibilities that most souls will have in the many
dimensions they will explore for eternity?
No I don’t----

Our reality is sooooo different when we move to those relevant levels----that nothing we
understand now will apply.

ET could make earth one in an instant but utopia is not a training camp---earth is a training
camp and cannot be utopia.
When I was building houses I also helped build houses for “Habitat for Humanity” . And one
time I suggested that it wouldn’t take much more to add a one car garaged to each house, and
I was told by the powers running that show that it would be too much luxury—and that was
not the purpose of the program---which was to build basic living spaces for those in need of a
roof over their heads.
Kind of the same principle that applies here on earth---spiritually speaking----not materially
speaking---whether people are rich, poor or somewhere between never enters into any
equation whatsoever concerning the big picture.

It is said that being a human is an extremely rare opportunity because one can attain
enlightenment while human.
That’s an example of a myth that really is a myth---

Male female bodies are mostly for procreation purposes, yet we do have many distinctions
that have nothing to do with reproduction---which are obvious to some and not to others.
Anyway these distinctions and traits become more blurred at higher levels while we still
remain unique---I have attempted to cross this rift gently but explaining a dimension of
existence so far removed from this one is almost futile---but I will continue to work on it---

Souls in their purist forms are the essence the apex of technology, and can traverse space and
dimensions at will---once we advance a few notches higher than what we have here on earth
we can do it on our own.
Once a soul becomes unbounded to a body in such way as bloodletting, can it be manipulated
in some manner as to give these dark entities you have spoken of power of some sort? Or is
some other energy released in the un-bonding process that helps feed these creatures? This
seems likely, otherwise, why bother with such a messy affair?
It’s a perverted mocking ritual with many undertones and stipulations.

Is the “source” just a huge playing field, empty slate, a void where we play out the "get to
unconditional love" collective game?
It’s a heck of a lot more than that---but few of us have a yardstick to measure with and we try
to project what we see in this world into the next one----oranges and apples.

A human clone would have a new soul put into it as if it were a newborn baby.

Do human souls only reincarnate into other human bodies?

Mostly but they can put you into animals and other things.

Two souls don’t create another soul, souls are created elsewhere and enter into human babies
when they are born, or shortly after.
We pickup traits from our parents but those things are mostly surface blemishes that never
penetrate into the soul.

We start out at the top---perfect in every way---just like Mary Poppins.

From there we are kicked out of the nest and have to learn to fly.
For those that don’t learn to fly right there are wild animals that will stalk them and maybe eat
them---best to pay attentions and learn to fly out of trouble---those that dawdle have no idea
what they open themselves up to.

Why weren't souls just made perfect to live free in this ever expanding universe?
Because the gods don’t want to hang out with zombies, they want real people to share their
marvellous universe with---people that will appreciate what they will get because they will
know what it took to get it. ---and those souls will know without a doubt that they did not earn
everything they are getting. Nonetheless, the gift is real and ours to do as we wish with it---
This life is a gift and an opportunity---some will fail to treat it as such and spend their whole
lives complaining that it sucks---like children with too many toys a few days after Christmas.
If we don’t appreciate the little cheap things we will never get the real expensive big things to
play with---so there---

How are souls formed?

They tell me that there are many kinds of souls, and they are manufactured in different places
and by various means. Some souls are created inside the furnaces of stars by upper echelon

Are new souls recycled from old ones?

No, a soul can only be used by one being, and should that being lose it or give it up---its
retired. It's possible that the soul--the person, can be reactivated again.

Do 2 older souls get together and form a new baby soul?

More like a bunch of souls are involved in the process.
Like going to a large airport, destination spots for souls are much more numerous [than only
in spiritual world].

All matter is alive, but all matter doesn’t have soul, the earth has no soul, nor identity other
than terra

How does a person go about losing her soul?

Refusing to get with the program over a long period of time, letting evil take control of them.
Giving up is easy we see people here doing it a lot. Some souls get into anger and can’t seem
to let go of it, and they spiral downward---getting out is not easy but it does happen---but
nothingness is some crazy stuff in itself.

Where does the soul go when it is given up or lost?

Sometimes in storage, sometimes in the shredder.
Most of us on earth are in a kind of storage now because we can’t leave this planet at will---
there are many levels of storage below this dimension.
Souls can be stored in animals and in containers inside of huge ships in space, on moons, and
in planets.
Does a soul know when it is going into the shredder?
Most of the time it knows and is given alternatives in some situations.
Are the entities that accompany a soul being shredded penalized in any way for a soul having
that sort of outcome?
No, because the same guides don’t follow us especially when we are moving down the ladder.
The further our descent the tougher the guards.
Some murdering type of soul ends up in the shredder.
If their souls can't be destroyed, what exactly happens to them? I just can't wrap my head
around what it would be like to not exist.
There is a dimension exclusively for dead souls, and that’s where they go.
How many of us humans understand what the heck "existence" is?
Non-existence is a much more bizarre concept and a real place.

The mystery of souls is multi-dimensional and surprising---even high entities get surprised
now and then---so yes, there are souls that somehow get it very quickly and avoid places like
earth completely.

Those who reach higher levels of integrity and awareness, do opt to go to more fantastic

When we move on after death, we do remember our loved ones.

If we were to express love in a long term relationship would we have that relationship in the
next life or remember who we loved or in the free zone before we take on another life, etc?
You would remember until you entered the next slice of time.
What if one were to love God, Ala, etc.?
Of the hundreds of belief systems on earth all of them will be shattered to one degree or other.

For those that earned heaven they will have it---no one is disappointed when they get to the
other side with what they find there----but we are disappointed when we discover our flaws
don’t hide very well next to that bright light that greets us.
The pure love on the other side fills to overflowing any and all voids.
There is no real death, to the horror of those who wish there were---knowing that they have
not lived a virtuous life perhaps---
Obviously we can believe whatever we feel is convenient, or to spare our minds of the guilt
should every second of our existed be recorded as it most certainly is.
Fear not, we are allowed many indiscretions, and remedies for them
But like the existence of extraterrestrials life after death is privileged knowledge that few will
get to indulge in while here on earth.

Will reincarnation ever be proven?

Many people get to visit loved ones on the other side and only remember them as dreams---
“some” people receiving these privileges know without a doubt after the visit.
It’s possible that info will be made world known in the future, but not the near future.

Galaxies are mostly physical nurseries and playgrounds of many levels but we do not remain
in them when we move through dimensions of higher existence.
As you move away do conditions get more and more sluggish, heavy, and hellish?
I grew up in a large city, moved to the suburbs then moved back into the city, then moved
back to the suburbs---it was more sluggish and hellish living in the city, but there were more
things to do in the city, and the drive was much longer in the suburbs. Not really.

When we graduate for prison planet high school and go on to the next level do we get to keep
our memories from our lives on the planets or do they get swiped again?
The higher up you go the more you have access to your past mischief---
Are we Ok with those we have left behind? Like our children, is there so much love and a
different understanding that we are at peace with the past?
Depends on what terms we leave them with. Some of us get angry with parents, children
aunts, uncles, siblings, etc. And don’t let go of those feelings---once we pass over that is like
hot burning coals in our souls---best to be on good terms with all family members regardless
of our stubbornness to hold on to grudges.
From the other side no reasons will do to undo the pain of guilt---some actually feel so bad
that they come back as a child or in some other capacity just to try and ease their own pain or
that of the person who is hurting.
Those who leave on good terms with the most people in their families are those who find the
best kind of peace.

Most bad souls know they are bad, and some enjoy being bad---but their lives usually suck
behind the sometimes happy and “defiant” façade---where resides hell.

Some souls are not allowed or are prevented from causing injury to others---such souls have
passed certain thresholds in other lives or perhaps this one, which is a real good thing for this
life and the next one.

The soul has substance and therefore some weight, not matter but something that affects and
interacts to a degree with matter----when a soul passes through solid objects they can feel the

Souls are stored inside animals, but also family members from the other side can interact with
us via pets, and so can other entities.
Our souls are made from infinite loving energy, and we are free to call that energy God or
whatever we wish.

Does the human soul leave the animal body before death or at that time?
If the soul is there on its own accord it can come and go as it wishes, and they often do---only
showing up at critical stages.

If the universe and ETs can create anything, why not create evolved souls that are already
I’ll put that in the suggestion box because I like that idea too---
There are entities that are created that way, in fact all of us are, but not all of us go thought the
ringer as we do here on earth and on other planets. There are many reason why these things
happen and most are way above our little human brains to understand but for a small example
why do people volunteer to go through military boot camp? Why do some of us spend years
in schools to be doctors, lawyers, nurses, architects, scientists, race car drivers, sky divers,
All of us do those things because they are not easy, and to prove to ourselves that we can do
But once we make the commitment we are in for the duration
To earn a certain level in this universe big things are required of us.

The other side will be quite the surprise for most and if they had a jaw to drop it would make
one heck of a thump when it hit the floor.

On the other side things are so clear that it takes adjusting to, but once adjusted we will laugh
at all the “tinker toys” that make up this universe---the toys that brilliant minds are racking
their brains trying to understand like physics, astronomy, mathematics, aeronautics, etc.

The only ones that will get a laugh are us when we get our life reviewed and see the silly stuff
we stumbled over in this life---but then it might not be funny at all.

Many souls are inserted while in the womb, but not all----those inserted early had fewer
options to pick from.

Can we be re-born 2000 years ago (for example)?

Not on this planet but into a planet that is at that stage---say the Roman era, yes.
Is it highly unlikely to be reborn here?
Not really, many never leave this solar system, they are stored here and then returned to active

Is there a certain day that all souls are given a body?

No certain day, and all souls don’t get physical human type bodies---ever.

The 49th day of a pregnancy there is an incredible surge of dimethyltryptamine in the brain of
the fetus. Dr. Rick Strassman correlates this to the soul entering the body as a very similar or
the same amount of DMT is released in your brain during an NDE.
The soul never enters that early, DMT is a psychological stimulant like a primer for the brain,
not the soul.
Do you also believe a soul can be halved? Would you then also be a spitting image of all of
your past lives if you believe in reincarnation?
We do in many instances keep some semblance of our past lives but splitting the soul is not
something I’m aware of.

Some souls are obsessed with fighting, they like the blood and gore, and therefore we get
what we crave---when there is evil intent, or ego intent, evil will be done to that soul.
There are fun diversions at higher levels even war type games/ good versus evil type stuff,
where ego and lust for blood is not a factor.

We can only know how old our souls are when we are out of circulation, out of our monkey

Human souls have to become something else, a much higher version of soul, where things get
mighty interesting. However, human souls a few notches up from here can be soul guides and
do other things, life fetch coffee---

I have an aged relative that is suffering from Alzheimer's. She can only seem to remember
portions of her life from say, 40 years ago. It's been my experience with her, that she recalls
either happy moments or times she may have struggled with integrity. On other occasions, she
seems like an all together completely different person, nothing like she used to be.
In instances like this, is it possible that a soul has checked out early before a body dies?
Souls regularly check out early once in those conditions, but they can under certain
circumstance re-enter their bodies for short appearances, sometimes just before their bodies
Is it possible for another soul to check in before the body is used up?
Yes, nursing homes have valet entities in some of the human bodies that reside in those
places. Some are souls in storage that have reduced awareness levels, like that of young
children. They are harmless like a newborn baby.
Where does the soul of the original occupant go during those times?
To the other side with other family members, if they so merit, otherwise their flame is turned
down and they stay in the body until it dies, or they get recycled into another life.
What other occasions might a valet entity be used?
Those who sell their souls to evil can be claimed before their bodies die.
Are they ever occupying the body at the same time as the original soul?
Two souls in cramped quarters would be like hell, they do weird things like that on lower
levels but not generally on this level.
Anything to do with say, a person having a split personality?
We all have split personalities, the happy one, the sad one, the angry one, and the normal one.
And since normal is not normal for everyone the list goes on----but we are one soul
Can I request one of those so my soul can take a vacation some time?
Sure but eviction sometimes can get messy, and dragged through the courts, and they always
trash the place, we are better off if we don’t sublease our abode--
Are any valet entities used while a person is out of their body during a dream state?
Don’t need them when the body is in sleep mode.

Things do get easier and a heck of a lot more fun the higher up we go---and we don’t have to
raise our hands to go to the potty.
If we've been here forever, aren't we all family more or less?
More or less, some less than more. The universe and the life forms in it are so huge we
humans can’t begin to understand but one grain of sand of it all.
We humans belong to a single category of souls, well, maybe more than one, out of billions of
different kinds of souls---we are not all from the same tree, or from the same family, nor are
we all one.

Most don’t know what a regular soul is---how would I describe a different type of soul. I
think I gave some info in a previous post, not much but a little.
Anyway, Milton’s soul is much more that say my soul, will my soul ever be like Milton’s soul
? Maybe maybe not. He has done things that I may never do, may never want to do, and may
never be able to do. So his soul will always be different.
There are entities much higher and more complex than Milton and way different in ways that
there are not enough books to explain it. Well perhaps not even one book.
Then to make things more complex there are souls completely removed from the tree we
inhabit in our little corner of the universe. There are many many billions of different kinds
and types of trees in the jungle of the universe, and they all bear different fruits and nuts---and
the universe goes forever, and there are billions of dimensions all with their own universes
filled with unique trees, fruits and nuts.

There are many sources for souls, kind of like salt water fish and fresh water fish, and add all
the strange kinds of sea creatures in the oceans and multiply that by a very big number, and
you will still be way off.

The only thing that is equal in this universe is cockroaches, there are no equal souls everyone
is unique, some souls are lower than roaches, some higher.

Any entity that requires subservience usually resides at lower levels like here on earth.

After major wars and natural disasters many souls that didn’t make the grade come right back
in---in waves if you wish. There are both old and new souls on this planet, because a soul is
old, don’t always mean it’s on the level---some souls are determined to meander and squander
for eternity---

Some souls never go to prison planets or schools such as we have here on earth. They do other
things and become different types of entities altogether ---very complicated to explain
Few brand new souls go directly to earth type planets; instead they lounge around the campus
cafeteria for lack of a better concept.

The blood keeps the soul from escaping the body, but certain ETs have the keys and can let a
soul out for a brief time, while the body remains alive.
Once the body dies the soul is released and captured by entities and directed by them to their
next port of call. A few are allowed to haunt certain places for various reasons.

Some souls instantly move to a new dimension.

The brain is the cockpit for the soul.

The entities that accompany souls when they leave the body are of another Milton’s type
They resemble angels to some devils to others, but many see nothing until they get to their

What will our 'job' be in general in the universe and how will we differ from Milton at the
same stage of development?
Our jobs will be what we choose, and so too our reality, which is nothing like what we have
here on earth.

Are the eyes truly the window to our soul?

The eyes are the window to our illusions here on earth and cloud much of everything we see.
The soul needs no eyes, and once it leaves the body it can truly see things as they really are---
-which is splendid for those moving up, and horrifying for those moving down.

The rhyme and reason of why and how souls tarnish remains hidden knowledge because it
can’t be painted with a broad brush, way too many variables are involved.

Souls once off this planet do not live in one reality like they do here on earth-------not !
Reality changes big time the higher up the ladder we go.

Many souls will get a stopover with family in those super clusters or elsewhere before their
next job
But there are things way greater than hobnobbing in star clusters [mentioned in my blog], and
that takes a lot to beat.

If you are not shoved back down into this planet or another one instantly chances are you will
take a big break before you venture back into skin.
You next spot may be your choice---life on earth is nothing compared to what other kinds of
existences are, even in the learning stages that are available to many of us after here. Some are
much longer and others way shorter.

In the break time what might one be doing?

Kind of like a vacation, a coffee break away from the hassles of pain and worry. Or some
light duties. It’s a big place over there and no telling what you might end up doing until you
get there.

We don’t see souls because that would be very distracting to our illusions here on earth. Our
souls are very magical and paranormal in nature---people freak out when they see the
paranormal---yet we see it every time we look in the mirror and look at other people----freaky

Can a soul only grow when it is in a body?

No, there are many levels that are done without the body we are stuck in while here on earth.

Are there ever fights between the brain and the soul?
We have competing advisers that speak sweet and good things in our ears and we also have
Bevis and Butthead types that speak bull# in our ears. Guess who makes the most noise to be

Some believe that we have split souls, be in more than one place at a time. Something in that
order can be true way up the ladder but not with us down here. What we see in the mirror is
all there is, but during some tests done while we sleep we may encounter someone that looks
just like us, and that is very scary, because then we see what we really look like.

One day when we become a really advanced soul will we able to create our own Universe and
the life forms in it?
Like in a virtual world and create living creatures with souls so that we can torment them?

Are there any differences in the way older souls and younger souls act?
Yes there is, but not always in a good way.
Would a soul that’s been around longer act more mature than a newer soul?
More so than not.
I've always been somewhat of a mature person, even when I was younger. Is that an
indication of an older soul?
That is an indication, but not verification, some people are here to tidy up a few things and
don’t have the burdens that afflict many nor the baggage weighting them down, and they are
both old and young.

If you came into that body some time after the birth, what soul was occupying the body of the
baby before you replaced it?
A body can be kept “warm” for a certain time while the soul is out gallivanting with certain
entities. My body was custom made for me as is true for everyone who gets a body. And it
was kept “warm” until I got shoved inside of it, and then I felt the chill of life nipping at my

There is no human without a soul, well, not many. But there are souls without human bodies.
A body needs a soul, but a soul needs no body---
Souls do have freewill, that’s about the only thing of value that is free in this world.

Does the soul affects how the body looks in some degree?
Yes the soul does resemble us in some ways---and in certain ways that are best left
They only show some of what you look like from the exterior---if we get a peek of our true
souls they often have to blank that out, or they leave them as nightmares.
Certain facial feature will give clues but most people will not be able to identify which ones.
A retarded person who is the most pure innocent soul looks like a freak and that the people
who i know who are most demented usually look so good looking (from the outside) you
would have never expected them to be evil, and this never seems to fell.
That’s because humans lack the “judgment” gene. Looks are always deceiving---for us
humans anyway. There is no way for us to know or see what is inside the soul of another
Therefore, we need to give everyone the benefit of the doubt---if for no other reason than to
lift the burden of judgment off of our own shoulders.
Easy to say but hard to do? Even we humans don’t put much value on things that are “easy”,
for good reason.
Does that mean we run and hide from evil people---say we see someone stealing a purse----
heck no, run the sucker down and hold them for the cops---but you don’t need to hate the evil
person, that’s not your job or anyone’s job.
As a matter of fact most people in my life who were messed and demented have been 10's---
and usually the caring people or genuine people in my life are the ones that people confused
for being (evil) or having hidden agendas. So what's with this pattern of opposites?
To teach us a lesson in our lack of judgment skills---part of the illusions of life that haunt
souls at this level of non-reality

No one wants our souls---one soul is enough for eternity, and everyone only gets one soul---
no one can have more than one soul, not even the mythological devil.

Humans have human souls and ETs have more advanced souls---there are many many kinds
of souls, but way to complicated and time consuming to talk about on this thread.
Yes, human beings have earthly souls.

Souls are created by way high up beings, but where and how is a secret.

What we call physical is only a thinker form of spiritual like in hard head. Souls never stop
learning and growing---but with many breaks in between.

We all start as souls---bodies come way after for most.

What happens to atheist and non believers when they die?

When they separate the wheat from the chaff they don’t care what you believe or don’t
believe, only how good or how bad you been---kind of like Santa Clause, except they leave
more than a hunk of coal in the stockings if you been bad.
They don’t care about colour, sex or religion, they will treat or mistreat everyone equally on
merit alone.

If we only knew the immense happiness many people step into when they step out of this life-
--our lives would be very different and less burdensome.

How long (in earth time) do most us get to stay in the spirit realm, once we die, before we get
reincarnated to a new body?
For some it feels like an eternity of bliss even when it’s only one day here on earth. Time is
very strange stuff for those of us snarled in it while in human form.

In the spirit realm is it impossible to feel pain since we are in spirit form?
Not in pure spirit but there are many levels of spirit including what we call our physical
bodies---which is a heavy version of spirit---we could all use to knock off a few pounds---

What happens when we reach the breaking point of no return how do the god's handle this
situation? Do any souls on earth ever reach that point and are consider to far gone to help?
Those who reach and then pass into that breaking point are so far into themselves that they
don’t know where they are, their mantra is pure hate for all---they see no good in anyone and
fall head first into the pit of darkness---those going up see good in everyone---even if it’s not
there, that’s the difference between good and evil.
There is a point of no return for souls and a very strange and slow process of decomposing for
souls in the pit
You said that our awareness affects how much soul mass we have (or something of that
nature) can you explain that more, our soul has got stronger?
We don’t get stronger we get lighter spiritually speaking, as we toss out worry hate and envy
life becomes less of a hassle and we start noticing the beauty that has always been around us--
-that same beauty we often trampled over and cursed it for getting in our way----

Our human bodies are containers with a few small holes poked through so that we can see just
enough to get by. The weight of our souls determine the number of holes punched into our

How do "perfect" souls/spirits become imperfect?

Perfect souls are kind of like babies they are pure and innocent but as they grow up they
become full of themselves, and I’m not talking diapers, well, yeah that too. We have to learn
to take out the trash that builds up inside of our souls and move away from the concept that
the world and the universe revolves around us----and that’s quite a rude awaking for some.

Whatever affects our physical bodies doesn’t affect our souls---our souls can only be cleaned
up by our good deeds and actions---nothing else works.

How far up the 1 to 100 ladder of soul progression do the beings who judge us sit?
For most cases there are two judges, all the “indisputable” evidence is laid out on the table by
a high up entity and the other one is you---it’s a slam dunk case and only takes a moment.
The toughest judge in the room will be you---and we often throw the book at ourselves---even
for the little things.
Yes Milton judged a few souls and few were in the mood for popcorn---but some were and
they got whatever they wanted for free at the concession stand. And considering what that
stuff costs that's one heck of a blessing----

All those who died were in the same destiny boat from day one. To try and rationalize such
with the few tools available in our human minds is madness.

A few moments before we die most of us get to see our death before it happens---exactly as
we saw it before we were born.

How can you tell where your soul ranks?

We can only know when we are on the other side and radiate freely.

Souls are not made of matter or its sister light---souls are of a much higher and exotic form of
energy that cannot be quantified.

Human souls are not made of earthly elements. Souls are not even the same kind of energy
that we find on this planet---souls are not from this planet and their essence unquantifiable by
human minds.
Nothing on earth to compare souls with.

Is it only allowed to meet all those families and friends again on certain very special
occasions and for very special selected souls?
Depends on if we are ashamed or proud of ourselves. Many will meet with family the moment
they leave earth. Some will want to run and hide---our blemishes can be like open sores.
However, our families will not shun us regardless our imperfections.
All of us are imperfect to some degree but if we are also arrogant while here arrogances turns
into pure humiliation on the other side---painful humiliation.
Those of us who are imperfect but have cast off our arrogance and turned ourselves around
will not feel the painful shame and will be greeted with open arms and pure love by many
family members.
Before we die family comes to prepare us---somewhat, and at death they take us from this
planet and zoom us to other parts of this solar system or to some other part of the galaxy---if
not into another dimension.
Not everyone will get the family, depends on where the hell they are going.
Most of us will be in shock and confused for a period and things unfold slowly as we become
aware of an old yet new reality.

What you feel for your present spouse or lover will not change when you die, but will
increase tenfold in love.
On the other side things are way different than they are here on earth----we are family but not
brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, and daughters. We are pure energy
filled with love for all those around us, our family members, who were any number of those
designations on earth or elsewhere.
Love is love no matter how you slice it.
Down here we are starving when it comes to true love and are stingy with it---only sharing a
bit of it when others put some love on our table.
What most of us fail to realize is that we have endless love inside of us, and the more we give
the more we have and are aware of.
It’s crazy how some people hoard love---and end up dying without ever having any---yet they
were sitting on the mother load---as we all are.

Many will surpass Milton’s level.

We will have the same kind of freedom and choices as we move up.

Matter keeps us grounded to this solar system and our bodies are matter, but we can detach
from matter and remain “aware” and “inside” of this 3D universe. Permeating to higher
dimensions is the stuff of higher souls, and so is understanding it.
Once out of our containers we enter another dimension, yet we remain focused on 3D until or
unless we remain there and become acclimated---as we do when we die.

Does a soul have gender?

Gender seems to have little purpose at the higher levels but at the lower ends like on earth its
purpose is clear---and an ego trap for both genders who tend to view the other as the dumber
of the two---
Most genders like being the one they are and there is crossover but things get hazy on the why
and how we end up as one or the other---I have no recall of ever being female in past lives,
I’m also not aware of most of my past.

Souls are immortal period and cannot be killed or destroyed unless they hit the skids and
become evil, and then they are put through a long process of elimination. Once we reach a
certain level, falling into evil becomes impossible.
How far the immortalness of our soul goes?
Forever---life never ends except for those who are evil. But we can’t compare life with what
most of us experience here on earth---this is not life---life is fantastic, life is joy and love all
the time---forever---life on earth is a side show, a testing ground and ends quicker than most
realize---so try and do it right.

There are many types and kinds of souls, and some never touch places like earth but no one
can be manipulated. Souls are manipulation proof---we hold all the cards concerning our
destinations---so point no fingers unless it's point at self.

Things will improve for many but not for most, this Alcatraz [earth] has not been

The soul spectrum is huge and indefinable in its complexity and diversity, human type souls
make up only one small sliver of that endless spectrum.
If there are different types of souls, then it seems only logical that they serve different
Yes that is true to a degree, but like here on earth gender, colour and ethnicity doesn’t keep us
from doing the same jobs.
What is the highest level one soul can reach? Is there one or not?
There is no glass ceiling or level---dimensions are infinite and we can explore them.
What next? Everything ---the universe is a gigantic candy store and we are children in that
There are billions of super souls and they never tire of their blissful state.

If a soul/being is evil and being shredded is it exterminated for good?

Sometimes they get stored away.
Who is creating new souls, why and from what?
Higher up entities make and break souls, the how and why is between them
Are there higher level beings/energies then souls?

Only lower level souls are restricted, higher up souls have complete freedom to do what they
wish to do---including becoming a human on earth---but with zero problems, and they can
leave anytime they want.

A soul is never lonely at the top---that’s a human misconception.

Will all these question be answered after we leave this rock?

Or some of them are a mystery even for the higher beings?
Some people will get more revelation than others, depends on our standing and how much
baggage we are burdened with.
The mystery and awe remain even for higher beings
Life is the greatest gift imaginable and why we were given this gift is not important, what is
important is not to toss it away---and many are doing that---they have no idea what they are
throwing away---mistaken in their belief that life on earth is all there is---behind the curtain
resides treasure beyond anything Hollywood can conjure up.

What’s the difference between a human soul and a human-hybrid/et, soul?

Not much.

You only get one soul, and it lasts forever, unless it goes south.
We judge things by our limited view of things on earth, and can’t grasp what lays ahead on
other planes of existence---and mere words will not do justice.

Many things will be crystal clear when we go up from earth but it’s a big universe we are in
and there are billions of them out there---how much of your small slice of the world down
here that is right in front of you that you understand?

So then you wake up and die...???

Yeah, just like when we die and wake up on the other side, life is different, better, more
pleasant and fun, as it should be. Whether you’re in icy cold Chicago or on some other planet
sporting a new harp

When we die and we are in our pure energy form, can we materialize as what ever want with
just our thoughts?
Humans can’t do that.

Do we have any say in the kind of life we will be taking up again?

Depends what you have to negotiate with when you get to the table.

I've read that the aliens are attempting to "grow" our souls. I would assume they have a
specific need for mature souls.
Like a bird having grown its chicks they need to push us out of the nest to make room for
more chicks.
How are they collected?
Depends on the baggage, some ride coach, some in baggage------some on first-class alien
Baggage is evil, hate, envy, selfishness, etc. all the things we hate in other people but don’t
mind dabbling in ourselves.

Many go from one life to the next without a “vacation” between---because not all of us earn a

Is it possible for a soul to inhabit a physical body one time before being destroyed after
There are many other process involved before a soul hits the trash compactor.

Is it true when they say "You only live once" or "you only get one shot"?
Has no other meaning than yeah right--- some people only wish it were that easy because they
know not what a fantastic gift life is.
For the most part is the process by which souls enter physical bodies a systematic process
where there is no "choice" or "reason" involved?
There is always a reason, and sometimes a choice.

Are all the Grey aliens and some Nordics on earth now and before, from Orion were a
abomination---and are they trying to use earth as a soul farm, to use human souls' as a
energy source, is this true?
Many rumours are half truths but certain souls at the beginning of this three ring circus on
earth were squeezed in ways our delicate stomachs couldn’t handle and certainly could not
I also heard that the ones that want to exploit us (mainly Greys) are in control now.
No one has come forward to claim who is in control of this mess---
I also heard that a big battle between both factions are near.
The battle to move souls forward is ongoing and never ending

There are many types of souls and they all have unique beginnings and ingredients---human
type souls are only one of many thousands of different kinds. Some souls are birthed via stars.
They come in many shapes and sizes but orb is standard.

Souls exist in a state of bliss for an extended period before they enter the smelter of physical
life, some never do.

Do they just automatically put all known knowledge of everything in this newly created soul?
Knowledge is like an ocean and we are fish in the ocean---the fish are not the ocean.

How quick does it take to get past the checkout line?

Depends how much contraband they find in our luggage. It can be instantaneous or as much
as several earth days.

Everyone you came across in your past lives and people who have passed away in your
current will say “HEY ! HEY ! HEY ! Look who has come back to life !" instead of "Hey !
HEY ! HEY ! Look who's dead !"

Could shadow be a reflection of your soul? Does this mean anything?

Means nothing.

If I do not live to my full expectations in this life, and have to do a next life, will I know what I
did wrong in my past life?
For the most part no.
If we are capable of making the same mistake then we are allowed to make it again and again-
--but no cheating like in Ground Hog day. We do things because it’s in us to do them not
because we need a map out of this hall of mirrors.
Those few who leave here with zero baggage can do what they want on the other side. But
even saints leave with some baggage, the less carry on the better.

Soul growth happens through testing.

Have you noticed that those who avoid responsibility and never take chances or grab
opportunities are the people that have the worst kind of lives and complain the most?
Testing builds soul mass.
Testing becomes much more fun the higher up we go.

Aliens own our bodies, who owns our souls?

We own our own soul and they can’t tamper with them in any way shape or form without our
consent. Those who break those covenants are hunted down and dealt with severally.

What will be the role of the particular kind of souls found on this planet when they mature?
What will our cool job be when we are ready?
The sky is not the limit, and we chose from a smorgasbord of things we enjoy doing. We can
also do that while on earth for practice---find what you like and enjoy.
No one can sell their soul, and if anyone buys a soul there is a slightly used Brooklyn Bridge
that most people would be more than happy to sell them.
We can’t even sell our souls to the devil---but we can give them up to evil all day long if we
wish---and then we pay.

[After death] we don’t wake up from a dream and that’s not the sensation we will have as we
do in some dreams. Being sucked through a tunnel is more accurate even though it’s not a
tunnel but rapid movement from one place to another place.

Do MOST human souls spend hundreds or even thousands of lives on Earth or a similar type
planet, or does learning take place in many kinds of environments, being 3dTerra type just
one? For most souls, that is.
Earth is only one ride at the amusement park, and certainly not one of the best or more
thrilling rides in boot camp.
When we pass away, some say that we see our relatives and friends who have passed before
us for a brief time and this is a joyous moment. How can this happen if they all certainly back
on earth or far away?
You get to see those who are in the lobby, not those who have reincarnated elsewhere, unless
you receive the privilege and have the time to look in on them in their new habitat.
Home is not in this universe but elsewhere. However, we do have much family in this galaxy
in many shades of physical and less physical states of being that we will hang out with as we
make our journey home. "Life is not a destination but a journey", someone once said, but the
real fun don't happen until we reach our final destination, home!
Both negative and positive, is necessary for a soul to ripen and mature properly before
Do people enter lives on their own choice to experience/learn 'negative' emotions like grief
via disconnection of relationships?
And a whole slew of other things/issues.
There are various stages of awareness while on this planet, young, old, damaged, normal and
so on. Anyone can look around and easily know that to be true. Once we leave this bondage
none of those apply....for long, depending on destination. During intermissions, we feel alive,
whole and exhilarated with profound clarity, a taste of the clarity that awaits. A clarity unlike
anyone on earth can appreciate while here in confusionville.
The higher ups don't need no stinking rules, standards, or regulations, they are the ones that
make and implement the rules, standards, and regulation we down here must and "will" abide
by. Milton types can bypass rules.

Just remember that you and everyone else has a bazillion people they are related to on the
other side, and they all like/love you, and they know you are very special and look forward to
meeting up with you. We have it all, most just don't know it and live very impoverished lives
down here.

The embarrassment factor, once on the other side, gets most.

As is true in so-called normal lives, all people are asleep in this world but don't know they are
asleep. When they wake up, die, and glimpse the other side they will remember their time on
earth every painful and pleasant second of it as clear as homemade pie hot out of the oven,
Infinite numbers of souls never see or exposed to the dirty existence as found on lower planets
as earth. Why? Because.
Is it most likely/probable that when we are set free from this reform school/boot camp
will we 'wake up' as a new 3d human baby somewhere with our memories erased like an etch
a sketch and have another go at it?
Very probable for those in deep sleep.
Are there other possibilities?
Possibilities abound for those with keys to unlock their own shackles.
You know when your kid is out playing in the mud having a good old time, then rushes to the
dinner table filth and all, kind of puts a damper on the corn on the cob, mashed potatoes,
gravy, and roast beef. So you take the kid out and hose him down. Granted Utopia is not for
everyone, especially those with dirty hands muddy shoes and lacking a pilot's license to fly to
higher ground.
Sure getting dirty in Utopia is not possible. But if you are dirty getting into Utopia is not

Those moving up go to utopia class planets from here, physical and non physical. Eventually
we move to higher non physical realms and never look back.

The higher dimensionally we are the more stable and relaxed we become. We get a taste of it
in our dreams. Nightmares are another subject altogether.

When you're in-between lives, are you allowed to observe potential parents?

What's at the top at the highest level?

There is no ceiling. We are in a very big, big existence with no top or bottom. There is no
explaining what it is like even a few notches up from here but its uber fantastic.

There will never be a time or space in the universe when they stop creating souls.
No limit on how many souls can be created or how many souls can inhabit the physical
universe, and this universe will never be overcrowded.

Negatives beings don't go very high, only a few notches above humans.

Is the soul different from thoughts?

No, but there is way more to the soul than we are aware of while here.

The body and brain are the hardware, not the soul.

Would it be possible for me to have my next life in a different era, say the sixties or an age
prior to this one?
If that is what you want.

If a person does poorly, could they be put back to an era with less technology and comforts?
Not Necessarily.

Can you live in whichever type of civilization you choose? (depending on your level)

Those who make the grade now can come back with some ego and flaunt their "borrowed"
talent and gifts.
Souls last forever if not shredded.

I just can't grasp never dying.

That is 3D.

A soul moving up increases in energy indefinitely.

Which is worse, living life as a human on Earth or living in the dead realm?
There is no comparison; the dead zone is not a place to strive for. The deeper one goes into it
the harder it is to get out. It's like a tar pit, you suffocate slowly. Why are such horrors
allowed? Everything possible is done to keep such things from happening.

Will "our" human souls be human souls forever or will they eventually involve into something
We change from the toddler to a teenager to an adult, to an old geezer. We change, but we
keep those components.

Is a "Star Wars" type of reality a higher up level than being on planets like Earth?? If so, do
those souls like "Jedi's" and all that know about their ET companions or do they get the
memory wipe before they enter a new body?
There are many levels, some strictly entertainment and those involved are not aware. And
those that are more real with real consequences and rewards, like here on earth.

When we dump that garbage, that baggage we carry around with us we don't come back to
earth type hell holes.
All souls of our type get our fair share of hardship and then no more, for those who move in
the right direction that is.

Will most of us be humans and/or animals for the rest of our incarnations because we have a
'human soul'?

What is the difference between a Human/Earth soul and other Solar System soul, the next in
They are nicer and cleaner, they sparkle.

Describing the different souls is difficult because we are stuck in a 3D brain. Souls in this
solar system and other places are multi-dimensional and there is no graphics or words that can
show higher dimensions, well, none that I have figured out yet.

How can the body of a baby move inside his/her moms belly without having a soul "attached"
to it and how come that after it is born and still has no soul can move and doesn't get damage
until the soul is attached to it after a week or even longer?
In certain situations, 'temp' entity is inserted to keep the body warm.
The book gives the basics and not in-depth situations or answers. There is a lot more to the
birthing process that was not covered in the book.
How do we gain "all knowledge"?
Is it like learning on this level or is it imparted to us instantaneously?
All knowledge exists, and we drink it in instantly, but we have to be able to reach the water
fountain for a good long drink.

Do we have names that we keep?

We all have one name.
Would we recognize our name if we heard it?
Yes, but that only happens when we make our exit.

Do human souls chum around with other types when not here in 3D or are we all segregated?
The higher up we go the more we encounter. We are segregated by our energy levels. Higher
ups can transcend those barriers.

Your new body will reflect your new challenges, it will not look like the one you have now
unless you have to repeat this grade. But even then there will be some changes.

When we stand before beings from above, our flaws glow like hot coals, and we see right
through our deceptions, those we have gotten comfortable with. Can get real ugly for some

The soul goes through much change; we are not what we started out as.

What do our souls value most on this Earth?

A security blanket.

How the Hierarchy of soul growth works?

Nothing like it works here on earth. Most movement is up and away like hot air balloons
never looking back after a certain height is attained. There is huge freedom in this universe
that can only boggle the mind of us down here who cling to safety and security. How does one
begin to explain such concepts?

Our souls change but they do not morph into other types of souls. Like in
the oceans there are many kinds of fish, so too in the universe there are many kinds of souls. I
don't know if Milton will ever let me go deeper into
explaining such things and differences.

When a human soul moves up, definitely off the training wheels, are they capable of
retrieving/re-living, to any extent they wished, the whole gamut of incarnations in the
playpens and elsewhere?
Like home movies but real, yes they can.
We can lose some experiences, memories via our selfish actions. But those who progress
significantly can recall, relive, whatever they wish.

Are our souls' positive achievements lost or retested/reassessed several times when we
Those who don't get the basics get more scrutiny.
How do you break the cycle of reincarnation?
Completely eliminate hate and envy. Other flaws are worked on at higher levels, more
pleasant levels.

Can higher ups see inside our very hearts?

They can see inside every cell in our bodies, and into our very essence, our souls.

There seems to be good versus evil here on Earth, but is there evil higher up?
There is a glass ceiling for evil, and it cannot penetrate that ceiling. Which is a few notches
above where we are here on earth.

All painful and/or hard situations will disappear someday, the props will be taken down, the
illusions washed away, and we stand alone in front of a supreme being with our excuses.

Who or what created the very first souls?

The universal love machine. A concept of multi-D, as in dimensional, proportions. Above and
beyond 3D perception. Love is the most fun thing we have in this world yet it is the most
ignored---what's with that? How can such souls pretend to know the real love deal when they
squander the love they are allowed to have on this level? We have to clean our plate before
we get desert.
When human souls are first created surely they have no memory of anything or do they have
an awareness of some things?
They have much more awareness than we have on this level.
Our type is not created in batches. But we do come with roots which tie us to other souls,
members. Nevertheless, we are families within larger families, within larger families and so

The Garden of Eden is the first playpen for souls, the type of souls that we are.
Is this place a 3D land, a planet?
They exist mostly in a spiritual zones like in heaven.
They are places somewhere in other dimensions, but there are some in this material galaxy
Are souls there in human bondage, or something like it?
They have certain freedoms with boundaries.
After staying there, do they have to begin the experience of the universe at low levels, with
free will, and concepts/tools like good and evil?
Some do some don't.
Do all human type souls have to follow this pattern?
Human type souls yes but there are exceptions to every rule for myriads of reasons.

After Integrity, Hate & Envy are in check and one moves up a notch, what is the next thing we
have to work on in our development?
You will have a long relaxing fun vacation to ponder your next journey.

Are higher-ups the only ET's that can take souls outside of their body before the body dies, or
can the mid-levels and renegades do it too?
Mid-levels and renegades can with limits.
Are the length of a life and the moment of death something the soul decides before
Those in school picked their time slot, those in prison received their time slot. Most doing
hard time will never read stuff like what's on this board.

Once a soul starts walking the straight, narrow path of integrity, how many more lives would
they have to experience on this kind of planets, in learning mode, on average? A few more? a
hundred? None?
Depends on what goal one has in the universe. Few know their options while here. There are
infinite levels of achievement and once we reach a certain level of goodness we don't have to
do anything else unless we want to.
Most of us are here to find out what level of goodness we are at. We get a full and detailed
report when we die.

Some souls excel faster than others and benefit from it. It's always been that way. Take your
average school. Some children enjoy learning and excel, the show offs lol, some are
disruptive, some are lazy, some are hateful and mean. Yet they are put into the same
classroom, for the most part anyway. I was disruptive, lazy and hateful and look at me now---
yeah no justice in this world lol. Where was I? Oh yeah, lets see what point am I trying to
make. The stinking classroom disruption thing. Sometimes disruption is a good thing,
sometimes not. The bottom line we are individuals, and we learn differently. Therefore we
move up or down at our own pace. The merry-go-round, the Earth we are on, will continue to
turn at the same rate regardless of who is riding on it. We are free to jump off once we get
tired of going in circles over and over again. Some jump right back on, go figure. It's a small,
small world, and some are OK with small, why should those who wish for more have to
conform with the small minded crowd until they die?

Are human type souls deliberately created to experience the universe in that way?
They are.

The higher up we go the more scattered and different we become. We all enjoy company, well
some don't, but anyway, family and friends are nice but getting away from it all and finding or
creating your own unique corner of the galaxy or universe is supreme being stuff. That's why
the big guy doesn't come around often, he has his angels do it.

Much higher beings who create their own 'corners' of the Universe...what do they enjoy?
Planets to live on? The colours of space nebulas?
We mere immortals can't begin to imagine their playground.

If a soul on the other side was able to communicate with a soul on this side, and the soul on
this side received and understood that message, what would that say about the soul on this
That the soul wasn't fast asleep, as most are.
Say that two nights after getting this message from the other side, the soul on this side was
taken to an amazing place for a meeting with the other soul, and this took place in the form of
a high definition dream, what would that mean?
That the soul received an extraordinary gift.

Many of those who have died cannot communicate with those on this side because of their
soul level. Soul level has much to do with it. Nevertheless, many on this side need some soul
level to receive and understand such messages also.

Are many human beings also soulless, or relatively so?

Relatively soulless is a good way to put it. A damaged soul, a sick soul, immature soul, the
plain Jane arse of a soul, etc, are other ways to put it.

When we exit this planet we are presented a bill, due and payable for our deeds. Some people
don't get much of a bill, but others have to put it on their credit cards, and those Guido's
upstairs charge huge interest rates. . Many don't care until they see what that bill entails for
their next encore. Am I trying to scare anyone straight? Shit no, I only answer questions.
Those who don't want my type of answers should not ask me questions, just saying.

Souls don't always reincarnate to the same planet, we move around depending on available
curriculum, not all lessons are taught in one planet or solar system.

I can't wait to see the world that souls live on a stage up from here.
It will be worth the wait.

How do souls come to exist?

A process way above 3D comprehension. How many comprehend how a human body comes
into existence? Such takes place right before our eyes and under our noses every second of the
day. No human understands it other than via a sex act.

Every body cloned or otherwise is custom made for the soul that will inhabit the body.

Can complex individuals exist minus the soul?

The universe is filled with soulless complex machinery such as in the movie 2001 A space
Odyssey, the HAL dude. Nevertheless souls can be inserted into such things, or anything of
matter for that matter.

It's hard to understand why we are souls anyway... we reincarnate, but it's not like we choose
to be a soul is it?
There is a complicated story behind that choosing to be a soul bit. Too complicated.
Before we are souls, Do we have a consciousness?
There is a seed of consciousness for lack of a better word.

We will see loved ones many times between incarnations.

If ET's were to put my soul into another adult-body, would I instantly forget all memories and
knowledge that I have in my current body?
You would retain your memories, even those in the subconscious in your other body.

I would think that the "time" spent on earth, in essence, would not exist. So, from a higher
point of view, all of our lives here would essentially be simultaneous and instant. If that is the
case, then could we think of this and other "schoolyards" as being more or less an
instantaneous filter that the gods use to distil or refine a batch of souls?
That's one way to put it.
Is all of this we experience as humans less than a moment in the creation process?
A moment can be an eternity, and eternity endless moments. Good thing most of the moments
are good ones, right?
On the other side we don't crave or gravitate to things, we simply have things we are
interested in.

So are we "bee" like, and swarm when we're in the other form?
Without the sting. We are certainly not drones and swarming is optional, but it's a cool place
to be seen and interact with the family, no quarrels, just sharing stories.

I saw the same grandmother that told me bees make honey in a dream sequence last night.
She told me she started smoking cigarettes, and needed to quit. She did not smoke while alive.
Do people on the other side take up vices?
She could be in another life. We do visit people in other incarnations during sleep.

"Depends on how much crap we try to sneak out of here with when we die." By that, do you
mean trying to take possessions/money/fame with us, or by refusing to drop grudges etc?
Refusing to drop grudges.

Is it true that what we do here can affect our past lives as well as our present and future?
If we made progress in the past and then fall off the turnip truck during this gig, it affects our
past progress.

Higher up everything is provided and they lack in nothing. Work is done for the pleasure of it,
no illness, learning is pleasurable, it's real utopia. On lower planets like earth we earn our
living with blood, sweat, and tears, if need be. No free lunches and those who do manage to
get free lunches will certainly pay for them by coming back to the rock.

The 4th dimension is where the soul resides while occupying 3D space within the brain. The
soul has the ability to think outside the 3D box we call life, but it doesn't have the ability to
put into expressions and equations of 4D because of its restrictions placed on it in 3D land.

Stars don't have a soul; they have something far, far different. And I can't get into it.

Are human souls allowed to come here after they've greatly evolved spiritually? If so, do they
come on ships, free to come and leave as they please?
Yes and yes, many come here often.
Would they normally wear a "human suit" or be in their "orbs" mode?
Both forms.

Are human souls way up the ladder able to create and/or manipulate things in the universe;
create souls, life, etc?
Some can but not all.

Can the soul just take over like that or is that just wishful thinking on my part?
When we hit the highs while on stage the soul forgets that it is inside a ball and chain and you
are more in tune with the real you. Life should be like that always, it is like that higher up,
effortless and enjoyable all the time. All we need do is get in the grove, in tune with the
universe. New age sappy, whatever makes you happy.

What is the purpose of life once the soul gets to higher planets?
It's not the same for everyone, we will find out when we get there.
Bodies are for lower level souls, but a few notches above us bodies are near perfect.

On average how many soul relatives do we have on Earth?

Hundreds and thousands.
How often we meet them?
Depends on where we live and how much interaction we have with other people.

Who decides if we move on or not, never to return back to this rock?

One of the shining stars high up in the family tree makes the ultimate call.

The thing that makes a soul a soul is the fact that it is not a dimension but rather an observer
of the dimensions?
That's right, in a dimensional kind of way.

Is 3D matter and 4D the dimension for observation of 3D?

3D is observable from all the higher dimensions---those that our 4D mind can't see while in
3D space.

Your soul is a gift to you, so it is yours.

Many people don't believe in the soul, some people know they have a soul some don't.
Those who know or think they have a soul also have a responsibility, a conscious. Some
would rather not have that kind of burden. They think if they pretend not to know that they
will not be accountable. Big surprise when they die.

Immortality is a very strange concept for 3D and 4D, takes some getting use to.

When people die and they arrive to the other side, how many are surprised that they have
caused much misery to others?
Nearly 100%. We all come up short in that department.
What will they do in that kind of situation?
Depends on how heavy the pain of regret is. If it's too much to bear, they may fall back down
here as a new family member in the family they caused the most pain.

Our soul is much more than what we are aware of while in 3D space. Inside our bag of tricks
located in the ether, subconscious zone is more of us, it just doesn't all fit through the keyhole.

Are we only allowed to alter our life contract for specific reasons? If so, which ones? Can we
stay on longer to help others? Or is judged on a case-by-case basis?
That's a guide issue and usually can only be negotiated at or near point of death.

When soul is on the other side how much one's personality changes?
A whole lot, you wouldn't recognize yourself.
Do we still think about our favourite films, food etc. with warm feelings? Or do we get totally
apathetic with those things?
Do you miss drawing and colouring pumpkins and staying within the lines? At one time that
was great fun lol.
Can we sort of re-live, as in fully remembering, those things that gave us pleasurable
moments while here, with that exact pleasure, even if they are minuscule by comparison with
pixie land?
We can bring all of our past memories back to life and relive them without the pain of reliving
them, only the good parts if we choose.
There will be a heck of a lot to choose from all the accumulated lives we lived. That's why
making great memories is key to each life regardless of our life situations. Memories are not
the icing on the cake, but they are certainly cookies in the cookie jar.

Human bodies are nothing but dust blowing in the wind, the soul gives that dust some
direction. Or not.

At the next level...sort of the same with a few more perks and the leftover beliefs, judgments
about ourselves and others...getting along much better?
Even one step above this life is a way smoother ride.

Is one step above still basically terrestrial, we are on places that look like Earth, with similar
systems of life?
A higher standard of living on earth type planets and for some they will live it here on earth.

When we are moving up we always get an extended break to enjoy the family and other things
we love doing before diving back in. We can go to any era on other planets/dimensions.
By family you mean our deceased ones from THAT lifetime, or you mean all the relatives that
we ever lived with?
Depends on who is in the neighbourhood, the family is huge and souls are in a constant flow
of coming and going.

What are the biggest differences between souls on the other side and souls on Earth?
They don't have to hear all the gloom and doom stuff on the other side.

When I do leave this place, will it hurt?

It depends on the quantity and quality of soul lesions when we pass through the filters. Those
who die restfully in their sleep don't necessarily have it easy. And those who die brutally or
slowly don't necessarily have real pain. For most it will not hurt, and the little pain if there is
any, will be replaced instantly with indescribable joy.

You say parts are carried off, but my impression what the soul/spirit or whatever, was the
final 'thing' we end up as, so is there other components of the soul?
The soul has components, secret components. But like the Scarecrow on the Wizard of Oz we
can get scattered in the wind if we are too flaky.
Can a bad arse soul just say, "I'm joining you guys now, and will do what you do".
There is no "joining" them, they snatch you and put your head through one of those old
fashioned washing machine ringers as a howdy partner. Human souls are never equal with
them and are toyed and tormented by those evil devils for however long they own them.

I take it once our actions are done, the karma will play out. But can the effects be lessened or
Karma is real and ill feelings are ill feelings that will come back on those who have them, no
ifs, ands or buts.
Is it our free will which, when we want forgiveness and redemption, allows higher ups to get
us out?
It's our sincerity and willingness to mend our ways.
Not really, like trying to stop an avalanche.
Even though people's reactions and situations seem completely spontaneous, would you say
that nothing can happen to us that is not our karma? In other words, everything is completely
As unfair as that sounds to a lot of people that's it in a nut shell.
We move up only after we remove the stains we have accumulated. The idea that some
religions have that our stains and sins have been paid for is wrong. We are forgiven, but we
must make amends too. Many people take that loophole of forgive and forget thinking that
they can get away with murder and other atrocities by simply asking for forgiveness on their
death bed. It don't work that way, you play, you pay.

Does enlightenment have anything to do with getting rid of karma?

Moving up and away from these lower existences with the basics, enlightenment comes later.

Can soul tissue be healed?

With some elbow grease.

Do you know what it's like to have a life review?

Yes, but life reviews are personal.

Can you explain that in between place? Are we allowed to know this place? Is that our job to
find out here on earth?
We are there in our dreams, lost because we are fish out of water.
Do the ET's exist/live in that in between?
They are always between even when they visit.

The power of life and death concerning the soul is governed by E.T. or a confederation of
Of sorts.

The soul is whole and complete right?

For the most part and for some that is true.

The good vs. evil in the higher realms. Is the whole universe really based on a polarity of that
type or is it just one way of simplifying things so we can understand it from our limited mind's
point of view?
Evil/ignorance is only tolerated a few notches above us to allow for the renegades, who do
serve a purpose. There is no Yin and Yang and dark verse light at higher levels. Everything is
balanced in light period. The evil renegades know this but it don't matter. Look at us humans,
and some of those who have every advantage in life, best education, silver spoon, all the best
toys, seem to comprehend right and wrong and yet they can be cauldrons of hate and envy,
pure evil just below the skin.
Does it mean that those higher ups doing evil will one day fall into the human realm (are a
bunch of us doing time here, ex-renegades?) or a lower one. When caught or at the end of
their rope? Or is it just a complete different realm?
All of the above and then some.
Can you list the Hierarchy of Souls.. if there is such a thing
Souls rise, for lack of a 3D term, indefinitely, there is no ceiling per say.

Souls don't start in 3D, we begin our journey higher up, in the land of milk and honey, Garden
of Eden kind of places. Only a segment of souls travel these hard knock roads. Some souls
have never tasted dirt and all the crap that goes with it and never will. It's something that
happens there that brings us here or to other such places.

For most life here is relatively good for a period of incarceration, the food can be quite good
and the scenery delightful.
There are nearly 7 billion people on this rock; "most" do not see light at the end of the tunnel,
or delight in beautiful scenery.

Darkness that clouds the soul to a point that crying for help is not even considered. Many evil
people and not so evil people live in that kind of darkness. If a spark of remorse is picked up
higher ups do intervene.

Those above are aware of those below, but they don't feel what we feel because they know
what we don't know. Like a baby crying, we understand that most of the crying is due to it
being a baby, not much else.
It’s hard to tell who is highest or in the most ideal position.....but that's probably 3d
Yup, 3D thinking, moving up is not a competition, nor do they brag about who is smarter or
how much more of their brain they use like in the movie "Defending Your Life".

Aches and pains, fatigue and sickness are 3D or lower afflictions. A clean soul is pure joy
24/7, and the best part is that there is no 24/7 or 9 to 5?

About the smell theme in your posts - 'stinking souls', 'smell still lingering'...can the soul
really give off something similar to a 'smell' depending on what it's done and where it's been?
It certainly can, more than simply metaphorical.

Is this something that can be done to all souls at any place in time, they can be summoned to a
ship to interact with someone?
Yes, but they do it willingly. But what if more than one person wants to
chat with them at the same time piece of cake.

Is there a war for souls in the astral plane?

Yes there are battles.

The human being has two souls: "somatic soul" linked cell-by-cell to the body and the "astral
soul" linked to the somatic soul by the silver cord. Is this true?
I don't know anything about a silver cord.

Why the "astral plane" exists?

It's a back door to our rabbit hole.
Does the astral plane exist on other planets?
It does.
Do some souls arrive at the moment of conception and stay the 9 months before birth? Or do
they generally join the fetus later?
Generally a few weeks before birth or after birth. Some souls get to come and go frequently
during the first year. Being stuck inside a baby is a cleansing experience/buffer into this
reality. Those not here for hard time do get more respite and don't need as much buffer time.

I would really like to learn how to leave my body and at least visit the neighbourhood well if
Without the right guide it's a dangerous place to be. I have never sought to do it and can't
advise on how to do it or make the contact. Human beings have no such rights while down
here but many get to take those flights anyway, mostly via dreams. If you want it bad enough
your guide has the power to make it happen. However, baggage can be an issue.

If a soul is inserted to a piece of machinery, how could it "die" and be liberated to pursue its
Take out the batteries. Souls are put into machines and taken out of them just like in our
physical bodies, which are biological machines with an expiration date.
What if the body can't die, how does the soul make its exit?
Those put into machines are either serving some purpose, or incarceration, if not both. They
do their jobs and or serve their time.

As for the other side part of the questions, when we're there do we get to talk to people we met
in this life, at any time? To make amends, say things to family members, etc.?
Yes we spend time with family, friends and others, mostly talking about the weather, and why
there isn't any :-) and other things too including making amends.

Do most new souls go down for regrooving? Ten percent? A third?

After we reach a certain level there is no "falling" back down, ever.

A lot of souls don't even go through this process that we now find ourselves in, and there are
rewards for the souls that do pass these tests at the end of them. There is no hate or envy on
the higher levels so it is not like we can blow them a raspberry when we finish and say I am
better than you for going through this. So what can the rewards be when everyone at those
levels already has everything they could ever want and are already perfect?
I will use the army as an example. There are many levels, ranks, status in the military.
Airborne for those who jump out of airplanes, Ranger and Green Berets for those in Special
Forces, etc. Most in the military are not envious of those designations, granted some are.
Everyone has their specialties and functions. We are not one big fat entity; we are individuals
with our own destinies/destinations. Souls that do not opt for these lower levels can and do
other things. Btw, not all souls have options or choices where they will be sent. The why,
what and where is beyond the scope of this board.

Can you describe to us the process of death?

There is no one port of call but a whole bunch. Some are processed from here. Some go
directly to their next assignment. Many go to a terminal like place and are met by family and
friends. Some go to the light and are welcomed by a glowing loving being/beings. Some are
hauled off by scary creatures. Many possibilities.
Is it possible that many of us have already lived as animals in past lives? If so, could we have
lived even millions of years ago as animals and even been eaten by say Dinosaurs or other
type creatures? Could some of us have actually been placed inside a dinosaur?
All of the above for some.
If we have lived as animals or insects is it possible many of us have also lived as ET's as well?
You mentioned that you were living on Uranus before this lifetime is it possible that some of
us have a past life like that as well or are you one of a kind on this planet and there are only a
few of you to go around?
We are all extraterrestrials, only our dirt/dust that we are wearing as our
flesh is indigenous to earth. I am one of a kind but so are you and everyone else :-) We have
adorned other costumes reptilian and such, not all but some of us.

How many lives would you say we have lived? Billions, millions, never-ending amount of lives
Those numbers don't fit most on this planet.

Did we at one point just exist or were we created at one point or have we always existed in
one form or another as intelligence?
An element of what we are has always existed, will always exist, even those shredded.
If we were created by something or someone do you know by who? Would that make that
being or whatever it is that created our souls the official creator or God in a way?
I realize that many need there to be one source for everything, like the big bang, or one eternal
God. It's way more complicated than that.

Is there Soul Growth / Evolution that determines where souls should be placed to maximized
growth potential?
Yes, many blind tests. We do the crime then shown why we will be doing some time. Soul
growth is not happening via chants and meditation, it happens on the battlefield of life.

Higher souls have access to everything they need or want. There is no need or want, what a
paradox to have!

Every day, thousands of souls are harvested off this rock. Souls are always in season.

Souls are put in bodies just after birth. Does this mean we are not in the womb for 9 months,
but we 'walk onto a life' so to speak?
Some go in prior to birth but don't necessarily stay there the whole time.

The soul is real, nothing else on earth is, including lessons, the higher up we go the more real
it gets.

Pure souls can visit Earth and do. The rest of us have issues.

Are there other forms of life beyond that of a soul? And can we as souls progress to those
other forms of life or are we stuck as souls?
There are other forms beyond souls. Some will transcend, some will not. It's a huge
playground up there, transcending is not for everyone, and everyone is fine with that.
If we as souls can progress to higher forms of life beyond that of a soul does it happen along
the same lines of bacteria progressing to an animal?
Not even in the ballpark. Getting our heads around what a soul is, is difficult enough. Going
beyond a soul stage of existence is a horse of a far different colour. No I don't know what that
means, ask the Wizard of Oz ?

On the other side things don't age, nothing changes. Sounds boring but it's way not.

They are extremely compassionate on the other side and will give us breaks out the wazoo if
they think we deserve them.

Are aliens just higher souls who started off on a soul farm like earth, or one of the copies of
Not all souls get farmed out, or a boot or two up their arse in boot camp.

About utopia planets - do we remember more when there, and can we remember/meet those
we met in this life?
We remember a whole heck of a lot more, and we do visit with friends and family if and when
they are on that level with us or higher.

In higher dimensions we can look at things and see the mechanism behind them. Kind of like
X-ray vision.
Is it actually something visual (like you visualize it in your mind) or would you describe it
more like enhanced awareness, like a solid intuition of what's behind and how it operates---or
is there just no room for interpretation: it just is there for you to see...?
It's as natural as looking out over a 3D landscape with a heck of a lot more detail and
information about the things you see and interact with.

Do you mean that in this dimension of higher consciousness, nothing can be concealed, like
emotions, lies, you are all exposed, naked as a deer... and is it why we are being tested in 3D,
to see if we could actually take it at a higher level? Clean up your slate first and step up to the
next level?
That level is free of deceptions, and people are free to achieve their hearts desires without
pesky distractions of any kind.

What are emotions like in 4D and if there is actually such a thing as emotions there? Is anger
part of the picture in higher levels, and envy, hate...?
Those things are quarantined on lower planets.

Do the higher souls belong to someone else on the scale?

They do but there is a realm of autonomy higher up.

When we die and move on, will we find out all the answers then? Will we remember past
Those who move forward will get a huge surprise and shock. How much of a shock depends
how long they been away. There is a lot of information out there to know and understand. We
will know mostly what concerns us the most and go from there.
The higher up we go the more clearance to information we get.
Will we be all knowing? Will we ever know it all?
Some will, most will not. But being a know-it-all is not the real purpose in life.

Science has come up with a gadget that is said to induce lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is
the ability to be aware that you are dreaming and then control it. This thing is worn at night
and monitors your eye movement. When it detects REM it flashes to attempt to tell you that
you are dreaming. When REM stops it wakes you up so you have better recall. Is this playing
with fire or harmless fun?
It's a way for them to get into our minds and reprogram us.
There is good and bad with everything, the good souls get the good, the bad souls the bad.
Sometimes there is crossover. For the most part it is harmless and useless for detecting the
real meaning of dreams. But it could help with certain psychological problems or trigger an
OBE and create a psychological problem, or adventure.
There are many variables and unknowns because souls are not equal and carry different kinds
of baggage. For some this is an opportunity to peek into the unknown world of the
paranormal, good or bad.

Have some of us on this board been immediate family members in past lives?
Yes and some future family members too. Don't ask it's too complicated. Milton will not spill
any names though.

Do souls really just grow from life evolving until they reach a level of consciousness?

It don't matter where we die, retrieval is the same in space, on dry land or under water.

The rules are quite different further up. For instance, individuality is the norm, following the
herd is not.

Souls are accepting of other souls, regardless. No judgment whatsoever. The universe is not a
melting pot of cultural ideology.

Souls have many interesting proprieties and we add to them as we make our way through
existence. Yes those we see or don't see in the skies are vehicles, transports for immature

Many souls fly freely like pixies. Size does matter but what we see with 3D eyes is but a pin
prick in the fabric of space with light shining through it, the rest remains hidden.

The sky is not the limit, unfortunately, we make our own limit.

How do other beings react to our past mistakes?

How do we handle our "issues" when we are on the other side?
Issues are not allowed on the other side. We leave our issues at the door, and take them back
up after the scolding. But the scolding is done with love and affection.

The soul, the we, in the soup of existence, are not atoms or the kind of energy that lights up
our houses and burns our toast. We are a special type of energy that is not definable by
physics, well, neither is the common everyday energy.

What constitutes our 'family' outside of 3D? Is it all the souls that were created in a single
Several batches for lack of a suitable word.

To advance to the state of Nirvana-like existence we have to get that other stuff completely
out of our system. Or else we don't go to Nirvana. It really is an exclusive club.
What is the percentage of people, in the past year, that have died, whom have successfully
transited from earthbound life iterations to a utopia planet or existence for their next
More than what you might expect.

Bodies are baggage for those not on vacation. We keep our deep dark secrets tucked away
inside of them.

Is someone more likely to be reborn to a different race on this planet or the same race on
another planet?
There is some crossover.

When you are on the other side of the curtain with no illusion what does it feel like can you
still remember? How do you see this life on the other side of the curtain?
Like watching small children on a playground. They have grand ideas of becoming
superheroes, they have fun and play, fight, cry big tears. The next day the same thing.

Who, what and where of the soul creation process?

You have diet Coke, Cherry Coke, regular Coke, and cocaine/coke. A lot depends on the
supplier. A bunch of higher up entities get together in a cosmic Woodstock love fest minus all
the crap. That is only one of the methods for certain types of souls that reside here on earth,
there are many other ways and means of soul creation that are not disclosed.

Souls are prohibited from sharing certain gifts to those not ready to receive or hear about such
gifts. The biblical parable about don't cast pearls for swine to trample over is very true. I got
trampled at ATS trying to share some pearls.

Those who get to choose their next lives usually are on the upswing. Those who go postal
don't get to choose much of anything, especially where they end up. Can we parallel our
former lives, kind of be in two places at once? It feels like it sometimes but no. However,
there are different kinds of souls higher up that operate on multiple frequencies and
dimensions. We are not those types of souls. Some will be.

Are good souls tasked with the job that Hitler and his henchmen were given?
It happens.

Do the rules apply for all souls everywhere? I mean the basic things.
We have rules for those in grade school, different rules for those in high school, and laxer
rules for those in college. Once out of college and the learning zones, the rules change again.
Same with the universe.

There are many types of souls, some never get thrown in the mud of terra type planets. There
are also many other species that are challenged in prison planets and moons, and other places.

Most of us are asleep in our little nightmares we call reality. Nevertheless, other realities
while we are alive in this one are much more intense and therefore nightmarish for some more
than others. But once we wake up from this life / dream/nightmare, we are in a crystal clear
zone. We have mind blowing clarity, peace and tranquillity. Some get to stay there for awhile
before moving up or down the ladder.
Is the 'crystal clear zone' synonymous with seamless unity of all being (i.e. no perceptions of
duality or separation)? And is this 3-D dance all a matter of perceptions-gone-wild?
The crystal clear zone is a temporary zone where we are shown many things depending on
where we go from there, many questions about existence become clear.
That zone is where we go after we die, some of us anyway. Things will make perfect sense
regardless of the next destination.

Everything is a form of spirit, even this earthly physical illusion.

When we go before the review board, do we see/feel the results of knowingly wrong decisions
made in this life?
Reviews for those going south can be very brief depending on the crime, the hell place is what
feels like an eternity.

Nothing hides on the other side and we are fully aware of what and who we are.
But we are all in the same boat and most of our flaws are pointed out to us without judgment.
Most people don't need worry about their small flaws, we all have them.

This galaxy is a big playground and we can pick and choose and be whatever we wish to be
once we graduate.

Many that move from this time zone move into another time zone. Like getting off a subway
train and into another train. That's one small facet of the goings on in this universe. The whole
concept gets jumbled up in 3D. We need more D's to unfold it on to, to better see and
understand how it really works.

Karma is real, we get what we deserve in this life or the next. Astral travels are real, they
happen all the time, mostly during sleep via personal guides. A third eye is simply another
way of seeing things, the big picture. But also can be subverted and lets us see only what we
wish to see and not the real picture. If the soul is pure it sees things much clearer, if not it only
sees what it wants to see and seldom the truth.

Do we all go through a similar experience when we die? Does that process always follow
similar path or do different "families" have different ways to handle that process?
For the most part it's similar. But we are all on different levels, therefore we will comprehend
the same thing differently, kind of like we do here on earth. One person sees a cup half full
the other half empty, kind of thing.
So are we just pawns in a cosmic game of chess,... or more like players in a football match
where the result is unknown ,and our ET backers/relatives cheer from the stands hoping their
team will win.
Most of us feel like pawns, but that excuse will not cut it when we are in front of the big
Kahuna judge. And we think Judge Judy has a bad attitude and bad hair day! We are on the
playing field every minute of our lives, we score and we fumble. No one can claim our
victories or our failures, regardless of our individual circumstances or the dang blasted
stinking economy.
Will the outcome depend on us or them?
It's all us baby!
If we were able to touch a soul we would be touching supernatural magic. There is a lot of
power in the soul, and we all have one of our own!
Down here in the big house we are soon programmed into believing we are descendants of
apes. Apes eat their own scat, not much magic there.

Are humans the only species in the cosmos with souls?

There are many other beings without human qualities that have souls.

When we are done with this little go-around and go before the big cheeses and they show us
all our good/bad deeds...I believe you said they do not pass judgment on us but make us
realize what we have done well....or not. I guess I'm not understanding how it's not a
judgment. My personal belief from what you have said is that these higher-ups have been
there, done that and have no desire or need to "pass judgment" on us as they have seen it all
before. I am assuming that they have no real opinion either way as it's up to us to fix
ourselves. But on the other hand, it's not a lack of caring on their part either....quite the
opposite I think. Am I even close??
Not much different than raising a child, once you get past the terrible twos, and then the real
roller coaster ride, through the teens. Or so I hear. I got lucky, my children were a blast the
whole nine yards.
say for example we do a little better than last time and maybe we have to come back down
here for another joyride....I know you said we choose to come back here but it would seem
that if we didn't want to then our choice gets an "override", for lack of a better term. Is this
When we fail to see the errors of our ways and make adjustments, yes, they make them for us.
That's why they get paid the big bucks.

Is the life review really shocking?

The life review is extremely shocking. Most of us really hide our true feelings and motives
well while here. But we can't on the other side. Nevertheless, most of us have the same
embarrassing stains on our sheets. After all, we are only human.

Can a soul go through a black hole intact?

Sure can.

When souls living down here in human form are "attacked" by ET, does that ultimately serve
a non-negative purpose for that soul?
Both negative and positive. Depends where the soul is going from here. Sometimes they get
primed early, months, years before the exit date.

A soul "knows" or is able to intellectualize about their flaws, yet may find it really hard to
change when living here. Is "help" given in the way of bringing out that which is "rotten" via
boisterous negative input and life situations?
Every means is used for that purpose for some, but not for everyone.

Are souls down here created with the flaws or a tendency to, or is it our exclusive, very
personal botch?
The buck stops hard and cold with each of us. That's a very painful realization for a whole lot
of folks when they reach those pearly gates.

There are many types of souls far different than human type souls. Human type souls can be
and are placed into animal meat sacks. But there is something else going on inside of animals
that I have yet to touch on (can’t say anymore). Nevertheless, there are some new life forms
that are silicon based and will need to be put through some kind of boot-camp.

You say we are judged, well reviewed really, on our progress, being that we are shut out of
our past memories and what/who we really are is it silly for me to ask if we are actually also
involved in our own review process?
We are involved in the judgment process and have input on what we plan to do about it.
Otherwise we choose between hanging or firing squad. But little angels like John get passed
right on through without judgment.

Most Earthlings do not get to play or understand that inconceivable concept for many soul
life’s? Is it a soul life? Is it a group get together play date science project?
Yes, yes, no.

Do we have the same soul throughout our many different existences?


Is anyone’s soul just an aspect, part or is it all of the whole picture?

The whole picture is far too large for one soul, but we can nibble around the edges for a time
before we become part of it, or not.

The soul is not anesthetized and the soul is not the brain, which can be drugged up.

At the pearly gates many will claim that they didn't know. Then they are shown hundreds of
examples that prove otherwise. There are speed limit signs everywhere. Many choose to
ignore them.

Does it add to our baggage in wanting to know these things about ET’s?
Baggage is our emotions, like hate, envy, bad attitude, and ego, etc. Everything else is fair

Are the centers of galaxies the realms of higher ET, the places where souls are created and
the 3d "space-time" fabric originates?
That is one facet on a diamond with billions of facets. The fabric thing is a myth but there is
an element of elementary particle truth to it.

Souls and containers are matched ethnically and some other variations too. There is no
negative connotation with such divisions, and races do interbreed, creating other types of
Is there a reason why a type of soul will fit better in a particular race?
Sometimes its culture, specific learning arrangements etc.
You once said that people tend to stick to their own kind of container types, and yes, that is
evident in the broad landscape of our planet. But why is it that we tend to stick to this norm?
Pure prejudice. Some truth to that but it has to do with past lives, family connections and
where we originated.
Is there something special about a container that is a mix race?
All containers are special, and yes.
Like fingerprints we are tagged by our race for reasons we can only know when we die.
Does the average Joe trying to move up the ladder get to look back at his previous lives?
Between lives we stand naked before truth. That same truth we are all clamouring to get a
hold of while we are here. Some of us are scorched by the heat that truth puts out.
Are those memories kept locked up?
Those that are pure, like everyone on this board, can see whatever they want to see.
When one is on the 'other' side (provided they are moving up) do they look back at this
particular life on earth as a distant memory?......because their current existence is just soooo
overwhelmingly kewl?!
Those that want this life to be a distant memory are those that might volunteer to come back
and try and undue the reasons they wish it would just go away. Volunteer in the way the
military volunteer’s people. That's why turning our sorrows around and making them
blessings instead, is a great investment in our future. Things are way kewl when baggage is
not an issue.

When we are on the other side, how do we choose which container is most suitable for us?
Very carefully.

To get to Utopia, do we have to be born again or can we just be teleported into a new body
already grown up?
Both scenarios and more.
Do people ever grow old there?
Depends on the plan. There are many kinds of utopias, and they are all good.
What’s a normal day like?
Everything we would like a day here to be. There is no 9 to 5, no workday as we have here.
We choose what we wish to do. No sickness, poverty, hate, envy or fear. Endless billions of
souls live such lives now and forever. Humans on these levels have no idea what waits for
them out there.

When souls are created by higher entities, are these new in their individuality, but made from
pre-existing elements with levels of awareness on their own right?
Kind of.

Are souls created to exist within the multiverse with the purpose of shaping particular, though
infinite in number, experiences for a given level of autonomous awareness (pre-existing,
everlasting and transcendental)?
One could say that.

When a soul is created to what planet do they go first, must they go to earth type planets
before going to utopia?
Only certain types of souls are put through hell.

We all can sell our souls problem is their true value remains with the soul---there is nothing
tangible to say a Satan, in a person's soul.
Selling a soul in the literal sense of the word is not a possibility.
Now cheating yourself out of a good and prosperous life is allowed, but never encouraged by
the wardens---any warden abusing their powers will lose them immediately.

The only way to get something in this universe is to earn it---there are no deals or selling your
soul---no one wants or can have your soul.
Your soul is non negotiable and only has value to you.
Near Death Experiences (NDE)
& Out-of-the-body Experiences (OBE)

Near death experiences are great for getting basic insider information----like there is life after
death-----but they are very brief journeys into the next life----like entering a hallway of a
house but not seeing the actual rooms in the house.
Most people that have near death experiences don’t remember much about them but do
remember feeling unconditional love----which is real.

Out of body experiences (near-death) that has been led by terrifying entities into a hellish
nightmare. Is this just a test/trick by the extra-terrestrials?
It’s not a test or a trick but a real place---a real destination on the wrong side of the tracks---
how long one spends in that real hell depends why they were sent there in the first place.
It certainly may feel like this hellish place is for all eternity for those who go there---and for a
few it might be, but for the vast majority that goes there it is only temporary---there are many
variations and levels of these hellish chambers---a few of the minimum security ones are
located here on earth.

In these out of body experiences do you feel the "dropping" sensation as if you were on a
rollercoaster while re-entering your body?
More of a tingly feeling, but it depends how long one is out of their body.
Re-entering the human ball and chain is a drag once you feel the complete freedom,
weightlessness, and no pain that is our souls.
When this is done during sleep we don’t feel the same trauma of re-entry, although sometimes
we feel like we been worked all night in a salt mine.
When this is done while fully awake the trauma is both physiological and psychological---it’s
freaky stuff to say the least---I always need a glass of that special wine afterwards---

Is it a great relief being out of your body?

Indescribable freedom---but never try it alone---

Is it dangerous?
For one it can’t be done alone, they are there but keep out of sight. It only becomes dangerous
if you push passed the barriers they set up, and go to places you might not be ready for.
Most of the time they don’t let you go there---depends on who the guides are---and that’s the
trick---are they evil, are you evil---evil people are fair game.
Sometimes friendly relatives are the ones who take us to the holding pen, so we see them only
briefly---which sucks big time.

The things that keep us from hellish deals like soul isolation is a clean nose, a good soul, a
happy soul, gets us out of the loop and into real life.

We have every reason to be happy because life is a very short side trip---unless we are
ingrates, then all bets are off.

We are created with a happy soul---but to keep it we must earn it by being happy---is that so
much to ask---
Sure, this happy stuff can be draining for those that have lost touch with it, but it grows on
you after awhile.
I have had a few OBEs, and most people have them, all people do. Remembering them is not
pleasant for most, and remains blocked.
People "never" create their own OBEs. People are taken out of their bodies by higher or
negative lower beings. We can call up an OBE but those who do so never know who will take
them for a ride. Those whose souls are not up to par can get a nasty ride. The memories might
get blocked but not the experience, which will be stored for another time.
I try to keep my OBEs down to a minimum helps keep me grounded. OBEs are fun when
given to you. Trying to make one happen spontaneously could create unintended problems.

When I'm having an OBE, how do I know I have been taken out by a higher being or a lower
You don't.

How can I make an higher entity to help me and thus have a great OBE?
We can't make anything happen. What we are makes things happen, opens doors, or slams
them shut.

How many humans on the planet actually have conscious out of body experiences?
How many people actually have real control over this aspect of their lives?
No human has that freedom to do it consciously while awake or unconsciously during their
sleep time without the assistance of spirits or other paranormal type entities.
We humans have “real control” of squat, but we have freewill on how we deal with squat.
Back in the 70’s it was LSD that gave people the illusion of freedom to fly alone.

What’s the point of a NDE?

Get our attention for a brief moment---sometimes it can start an avalanche and a perspective

There are many kinds of chambers we are put into while we wait for our next gig. Some are
more tormenting than others, some are tranquil.
However, being inside of an alien ship while still alive has similar sensations.

Why do 30% of people who have NDE have a hellish experience of torture and torment? What
are they really experiencing? Is it real?
Not real but a hint of what may be should the person not make changes.

Being out of body, how does it compare to being in body?

Like a ton of bricks or not, the human body is truly a ball and chain.
Is it more perfect than this body?
Infinitely more perfect, zero illness, knowledge up the wazoo.

How do you travel - are you bound by gravity like in the physical?
Depends on the soul baggage, those who lose all the luggage have no restrictions whatsoever,
be it gravity or barriers like physical objects.

How do you feel getting back into body?

Like crap, but then you get use to it again.
Can OBEs (always given to us) be trips for fun?
They are treats most of the time.

NDE are small glances into the other side and very little information is captured. Once we are
over there after death, we see things more clearly.

Can you speculate on why I have such a strong ESP? I have at times told a person exactly
what they were doing and what time they were thinking of me.
Being aware of it is part of the equation.

I guess I would say to anyone who may ascribe the word "powers" to this phenomenon, would
benefit more to see it as a gift.
It's standard equipment on human brains. Some know about it, most don't.
Does it make sense that I lose this gift when I am being judgmental or critical, or behaving in
a hostile way?
Our attitudes cloud many blessings.
Are the guides attempting to let me in on something?
They got nothing better to do. But they love it when they don't need to do anything and we do
it right, on our own.

What happens when our souls show back up and there's someone in our skin?
Best to be on the good side of the coin, makes it easier to overpower any squatters.

Perhaps the question should be why are there billions of diverse life forms on planet earth---
bacteria, plant, animal, insect and the new one on the block nanotechnology.
If our planet is so mind boggling varied in ideas and life forms how much more so the infinite
universe we live in?
For some my stories will be nothing but delusional leaps of fantasy, for others perhaps a bit of
an eye opener of what is out there in the billions of star systems, which are astonishingly
similar to our own, yet some incredibly and vastly more advanced.

There are many life forms in the solar system.

I suppose anything is possible.

Airplanes and everything we call leading edge technology has always existed--- thousands,
millions, and billions of years ago throughout the galaxy---they are only new toys for earth.

I remember crystal type structures----not much about the people.

However I have seen places more in line with earth, human looking people in what we would
call futuristic cities

Planets like earth and humans similar to us are the most common species in the galaxy-----the
planets with life number in the billions.
In other words we are not unique.

From what I learned life has been around forever, trillions of years.
That contradicts the age of the universe (according to our scientist) by a whole lot----so I don't
know if I misunderstood, but I figured they would know more than we----we haven't hatched
form this planet yet---what the heck could we know about anything in the universe?
Go to any city on this planet and they have their own unique buildings and traditions----but
they have one thing in common---crime, hate, rape, robbery, love, poverty, abundance, etc.
I never asked that question but I do know that there are many levels----there are millions of
planets much more primitive than this one and millions much more advanced.
On this planet we have the whole gamut----from primitive villages----to modern cities----I
assume that would be true throughout the galaxy.

There are thousands of ET ships on earth, on the moon, in orbit around the planet and
throughout the solar system.
They are not flying around without our knowledge-----lots of people know about them.

There are thousands of alien ships buzzing all over the place right here on earth and our
technology can’t detect them.

This galaxy as well as most of aliens are very complex-----but not chaotic. There is structure
and accountability-----unfortunately there are outlaws too.

There are millions of solar systems that are pure Utopias-----whether earth will be turned into
one----I have no idea.

There are millions of planets in this galaxy just like earth-----same type of people----same
type of problems.
No doubt there are battles going on-----there are billions of solar systems in this galaxy which
equate to hundreds of millions of highly advanced races-----chances are disputes happen.

It's possible that the universe is not only infinite----but that it has always existed-----
constantly remaking itself at the centers of galaxies and exploding stars.
So in essence intelligent life could have existed for trillions upon trillions of earth years----
which signifies absolutely nothing in the scheme of things.
So that leaves only one conclusion of who the top dog is----it’s Hillary Clinton.
There are ETs that will back me up on that.

Picking up primitive ET civilizations:

There is no need for the primitives to communicate with each other----for one the distance
will never be traversed and physical contact completely out of the question.

I hate to ruffle feathers but there isn’t one point where all power emerges from---the universe
is billions of times larger than what is perceive by mortals----it is really a big place----and it is
occupied my billions of distinct energy forces like a school of jelly fish
Human reality is a pinprick on a strand of vibrations that make up the smallest part of an
atom----super reality is the outward universe

There are many planets exactly like earth, so much so that if ET plucked you from this one
and placed you into one of the others you wouldn’t’ know until you tried to find your house
and make contact with your family and friends---they wouldn’t be there.

Planets are created for human habitation.

There are planets at every stage of so called evolution----many people will remain with a
planet from beginning to end----start out as a member of a primitive tribe and end up cruising
around the solar system.
This story would make a nice fairytale if it weren’t true.

A city large or small is like a galaxy and there are many galaxy some large some small
Each city has enough daycare centers to service the needs of the cities, each galaxy has more
than enough ETs to service all the needs of each solar system.

There are many solar systems that have multiple suns, and there are star clusters where
“Boldly Going to other stars in fantastic Star Trek kind of ship” is a reality.

Billions of planets have technology far more advanced than earth.

There are billions of planets like earth filled with people like us humans----and at every stage
of existence----cowboys and Indians, Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, Normans
If you were like ET and had a ship you could fly to any number of planets and visit any era
that has happened on earth----not time travel----they exist in those periods today----will they
progress exactly as they have on earth---some will some will not

There are infinite types of life forms out there----mind boggling numbers and verities.

The planets like earth populated with humans at this level of understanding are just as clueless
as people of this world----but there are many civilization far more aware of the universe and
they know about life on other planets----and they travel to other planets---there are many tour
ships that visit earth----we call them swap gas, blimps, or the planet Venus----

We humans are not the smartest apple on the tree but we are not alone----the galactic tree is
full of such apples.

We know what horrific things some humans are capable of doing on this planet----and they do
these deeds with limited human abilities----all of us know better yet certain opportunities or
occasions snag us and we show our true selves----few have pretty portraits
Planets on higher planes of existence have more opportunities and those entities have more
abilities to shine or their blemishes to show and some of those blemishes are doosies.

A vacation world is a place you never want to leave----it’s nonstop pleasure, void of fear,
envy and hate----a place where your dreams are reality----there are billions of such planets
and places
Planets like earth are not at the bottom of the heap but they are nowhere near the middle, from
which everything is better----a vacation world would be somewhere in the middle.

ETs have many places on moons and planets and huge space cities in and around this solar
system----many of them harbored exiled and imprisoned peoples from certain places in the
galaxy----some of these people were eventually relocated on earth----some are still located in
places in this solar system----chilling if they were able to escape and make it to earth----but
highly unlikely thanks to the huge contingent of good ETs patrolling earth and the whole solar

Utopia already exists on billions of worlds in this galaxy.

If you were taken off this planet and put down onto a planet that is at the same level as earth
you wouldn't know you ever left earth.

There are humans on other planets in this solar system which are working with ETs and there
are humans being held captive----imprisoned----these are not people you would want to be
ETs are everywhere in this solar system, you’d think they owned the place.

There are higher levels of existence which are occupied by advanced souls.
No comparison to humans whatsoever, they are entities made of exotic energy for lack of
words, they exist in complete ecstasy and manipulate matter and other energies to their will
and desire.
It’s all happening in this universe but on many different dimensions----that may contradict
many beliefs and theories but nevertheless that’s the info I’m getting.

Those on a higher level of awareness get more information that they can digest without the
heartburn that seems to afflict the “normal” crowd who are unable to confront anything they
can’t feel smell or taste.

Planets like earth are places low on the totem pole and have few if any privileges ---- galaxies
are kind of like societies with schools----elementary, middle school, high school and college--
--the higher up the more freedoms and privileges one has.
If solar system planets are indeed inhabited, how do they escape our probes?
Our probes only show what those in charge what shown, plus many of the cities on other
planet that I have seen can easily be camouflaged

Every single organisms on earth is alien to earth, all life forms were brought here in ET ships.

There are millions of planets in this galaxy alone that are just like earth, filled with humans
just like us.
There are millions of planets just like earth with similar flaws and problems---but the vast
majority of planets in our galaxy are utopia planets and all the people on them live beautiful
lives. And many from this planet will move to one of the utopia planets after their successful
completion of this tour of duty here on earth.
How some planets like earth may have addressed their economic issues?
Same as here on earth---they never solve it. If they are not utopia planets there is no
permanent solutions because many decisions remain in the hands of the inhabitants---and
most inhabitants like on earth don’t agree on much of anything---I would say that was
programmed in but the sad fact it’s not.
All planets on this level are treated more or less the same---like a large city with hundreds of
schools all following a basic plan---yet the principle and teachers have some unique input on
how things get done in their own schools.
There are many levels higher and lower, and ETs are known and interact on the higher up
ones and also the very bottom ones.
Planets on the same level as earth remain equally fast asleep more or less---until they enter the
space phase and construct cities away from the home planet.
All lower level planets have similar animal life to test the test worthy.
There are millions of planets just like earth being put into use for the first time as we speak.
And old ones being recycled too----it’s a process that will never end regardless of what some
scientists believe---and that’s only what is going on in this dimension.
How are we going when compared to other planets at the same point in history / time in
If you were to be dropped onto one of those planets that are on the same level and stage as
earth you might not even notice you were on another planet---some are exactly the same down
to the cigarette butts along the highways and bums on the street corners.
And then there is every stage in-between, some are doing much better and some much worse.
Some have more diversity and some have none at all---all the birds are of one feather. There
is so much going on in this one galaxy that humans would be astounded if they knew.
It would be also interesting to have a conversation with someone on another world at the
same stage of development.
It does happen, but those things don’t make the papers.
Are languages ET based?
We are given language from above, and all planets like earth have the same or similar
speaking abilities.
There are billions of worlds just like earth, people could be taken to any number of them and
they would not know it. It happens plenty.
Where are these planets?
The planets are in the Milky Way; real planets some like earth others much bigger or smaller
than earth. Some people get to go off galaxy in their dreams, and other more bizarre places,
not often.
Intelligent life in this solar system goes back countless millions of years and earth was a real
Jurassic park. Also entities of higher level than humans resided here, and they had the means
to travel to any part of this solar system---as did most of the inhabitants of this sun.

Humans are in many places in this solar system---for many reason that have nothing to do
with labor because they have machines that do the hard work---some are in exile, some are
students, some on vacation from earth or other planets and moons, and some I can’t talk
There are billions of other planets just like ours in the universe with people just like us leading
similar lives. It’s impossible for it not to be possible---lol
There is a multitude of languages like here on earth and they speak English, French, Italian,
Spanish, Chinese Japanese, etc.
They have oceans and seas and lakes their continents are a bit different.
They have presidents and countries? Exactly like here on earth.
They have cars and airplanes.
Do they have women’s liberation?
It’s men’s lib over there---lol
If Milton or some other ET blindfolded and dropped you off on any of several millions of
planets that are at a similar stage as earth---say 2007, you would not know you were on an
alien planet---that’s how similar they are.
There are planets that are Jurassic parks, eighteen century, Roman era etc. And millions of
planets are completely and bizarrely much more dissimilar.
Did humans ever exist in an un-orchestrated stat ?
Bazillions live that way at every moment of existence but not on planets like earth.
Human type beings make up a good portion of this galaxy, and there is no particular reason
they get recycled here verses other similar star systems except that they may be following
family and friends when allowed. They come from various backgrounds and evolutionary
stages below and above where we are now here on earth.
If I get specific I will offend many so for now I will not elaborate but it don’t take much to see
some of the immense challenges most of the people in this world have to endure every day of
their lives.
Earth and other planets in this solar system has off-and-on been populated by humans or
human type entities for millions of years.
There are human type planets a notch above us that are far more aware.
Sometimes via dreams and out of body, we interact with other humans from different planets.
The human model is prevalent in the universe.
On utopia planets, humans have similar features as we have, but no genitalia, no reproduction.
Are there humans out there but at a more advanced level?
Yes, in several stages above us.
Have more developed humans limited their own judgment by accepting the idea that all men
are created equal, thus hiding the reality of the jungle around them?
Feel good political posturing/manoeuvring gets the vote/gravy train, every time.
Can you name or give us a hint as to which planets/moons are close to the same stage as we
are here?
None. There are a few similarities but the neighbourhoods are very different.
Which planet/moon in this solar system has it the worst?
That cannot be scaled. Which country in this world has it the worst? And do all the
inhabitants in that country have it equally bad?
Are the more advanced humans of the universe involved with the spiritual affairs of it?
Where are the hottest human women located in the universe and have you been there?
There is this quaint little planet on the far edge of the universe a bazillion light years from
earth. Totally out of this world for fine dining and romance. Ask about it at check out time.
Tell them Sleeper sent you.

Is this planet the only prison planet in this solar system?

There are other planets, even moons that serve as prisons.
We are not the biggest dunces, we get to see sunshine, and the four magnificent seasons, and a
whole lot more of fun things we get. Some souls haven't seen sunshine in a long time, nor
other fun diversion like we get here on the Third Rock. For dunces we really got it made,
well, those who open their eyes a smidge do.
Have we all been through that stage and progressed from there to where we are today?
Many will go there from here, those who live out their lives in mind darkness and never
bother to look up and appreciate the beauty around them on sunny days, will do without it for
a time.

We have nothing to do with the “why” of the multitude of entities that exist all around us.
Earth is simply one of billions of similar planets in the sea of one galaxy filled with every
kind of sea creature unimaginable.

This galaxy is a cornucopia of diversity---and mind numbingly similarity.

The stars are real and bursting with every conceivable life form---95% is unconceivable

What is the purpose of planet's having a dynamic cultural progression?

Illusion, and sense of history---people on planets like earth remain clueless for the most part
about the big picture---they also have sleepers---lol
To what end must each world vary so greatly or not?
It provides cushy jobs for historians---literally

Millions of years ago this solar system was a Disney world on steroids, filled with fantastic
real life theme parks on many of the moons and planets.

There are many planets that have dinosaurs and other far more exotic creatures that are open
to the intergalactic community---free of charge---only drawback is you have to provide your
own transportation---or hitch a ride with someone you know with those kinds of wheels to
make that kind of journey---lol

I have seen eggs come out of chickens and I have seen chicks come out of eggs. What a
So you have to look at it from a different angle, the prototype, the drawing, the blueprints,
The evolution---first comes the idea, then the concept, the drawing, prototype and finally
working model.
Once you have all the details and list of ingredients you are ready to mix them up and produce
the finished product.
Well that’s how we humans might do it---lol
The gods take a different approach---they visualize it and materialize it---the roster and
chicken come first with all the built in apparatus to replicate once they mate. Now the hard
part, try and convince others that it happens that way---
Some of the diversity on earth reflects a fraction of the diversity in this corner of the galaxy.

By some estimates there are at least 200 Billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy---and many
people are holding on to the belief that only one of those stars---the one we live near harbours
life---and we consider ourselves intelligent ?
There certainly is a lot of unused space out there---and I’m talking about the space between
the ears---

Utopia planets are not called utopia for nothing, everything is near perfect on the first level
utopia planets, higher up than that sex ceases to exist---sex is a pacifier for the lower level
entities like humans---and always comes with a catch.
Utopia planets are for those that have made it and broken the cycle of reincarnation. People in
those planets come from the staging area fully form and never age. They chose what they
wish to do, whatever makes them happy. There are no children there because everyone is like
a child, yet they are adults. There are no countries or social order of any kind, people exist
playing and working----all work is play, everyone gets along everyone is on the same page,
everyone is truly equal, and they don’t have to prove it in any way shape of form. They can
also chose assignments on planets like earth. I could write a dozen books on it but don’t have
the time.

This solar system is a mirror image to millions of other solar system in this Milky Way
But each planet like earth is in various stages of technological existence---some are pre-
history, some in the Classical stages, others in the Dark ages, Middle ages or Renascence,
Industrial revolutions, modern like our time and many are at higher futuristic levels exploring
and building cities in space.
Souls that are stuck in the reincarnation mode get shuffled around these lower type planets
across the galaxy.
Many planets are similar to the point that if you were taken to one most would not know they
were on another planet, another solar system.

There are low level planets where souls are not recycled, but not merely end.

There are other planets with soul bearing life on them, to what extent I will not specify----

Who planted the seed of all life that exists in this universe?
A character similar to Johnny apple seed, very well liked throughout the universe but
somewhat eccentric. I apologize if that sounds sarcastic---but it was done in a similar fashion
by higher beings whose job it is to spread the seeds. If you prefer to call it god so be it but it
was and is being carried out by many individual entities.

There are millions of planets that have no killers, rapist, thieves, or crime of any kind, they are
not utopia, which there are many of those planets out there too, but much better than earth.

Are there planets where souls don't make particular ‘mistakes’?

Plenty of those places exist.

If you consider that the universe has been around for a long time, forever as a matter of fact---
and that’s sleeper fact for the skeptics---lol, then machines built machines for a very long
So who built the very first machine---well that’s easy, energy---the real exotic kind at the very
top of the universal food chain---and I’m not talking Mc Donald’s---lol
A tree is a machine, a leaf is a machine---machines with abilities to reproduce forever---in
whatever environment they are designed for.

Does our science fiction (Star Trek, Star Wars and such) have any basis in ET reality?
There are many fantasy planets in our galaxy where people do live like that---there really is
no such thing as fiction.

Is there 1 Supreme Being that rules over the universe?

I’m going to be politically correct with that answer---lol
For a large portion of humanity there is only one Supreme Being running shotgun over the
whole universe---

ETs are garrisoned here and in space for the sole purpose of weeding out or keeping out
undesirables whose only desires are to spoil the soup, there are some humans involved in that
program but it remains under ET and their highly unique weapons---humans do shoot at ET
UFOs but they never hit them, and even if they did our weapons are squirt guns against them.

There are many of “very old intelligences” in the physical realm but higher up in the spiritual
realm there is no ceiling and we enter into the consciousness of multiple dimensions and
realities---to a point where there is no turning back---so no way of knowing---at least not at
these lower levels

All of the planets in this Solar system are inhabited to a certain degree.
Some of the inhabitants have that capability to be on different dimensions than earth.
More than one or two are human, just like us.
Are they at the same evolution, meaning are they prisons--meaning shielded learning places
or for other purposes ?
All of the above and then some.
Do most inhabited planets have more than one sentient (humanlike) beings?
All of them do, just like here on earth, except here on earth the differences are stealth and

The “Gala party”: The guest list is wide and varied and the event has been going on for a
couple of years already---with no signs of slowing anytime soon.
How much does it have to do with our daily lives?
I would assume that more people would wake up from all the noise going on all around us---
but it sure don’t look like it.
Just because they are supreme beings don’t mean they don’t like to party hard and loud---lol

Everything is alive to one degree or other, but there are bazillions of inexplicable things in the
billions of dimensions that only hint at the real big huge gigantic picture, that we are only a
microscopic part of.

All matter is “alive”---so all planets are alive---but matter doesn’t have a soul.

H2o is abundant all over the rest of our galaxy.

What is the ultimate source of life?
Darwinism contributed to the reawakening of secularism in the Western world and gave legs
to Humanism but Darwin himself believed god was the source of life.
So whether one believes life originated via Mother Earth or from some cosmic unknown god
the one truth remains the same----it don’t matter what one believes because everything came
from the cosmic unknown including the earth and everything on it.
And that’s where everyone and everything will return to.

What are ETs doing to our sun and why?

They are harvesting and they are sowing amongst a thousand other things they are doing.
What they are harvesting is not for human mental consumption. Besides it’s high on the
ridicule factor gauge and I was told not to tell.

Is there a galactic or planetary federation of sorts?

Lots of them, and we are under the jurisdiction of one.

There are many large “space alien” Winnebago type cities scattered throughout this solar
system. Some hide in the asteroid belt others hide behind moons and planets----many hide
near and around the sun---these ships are light years ahead of us concerning technology and
their ships are indestructible.

The universe is really really big and there is a heck of a lot of things going on including
giving free reign to people and planets to falter or prosper on their own. But in our corner of
the universe, specifically our galaxy which itself is mind boggling huge, that kind of daring
and freedom is reserved for people and planets further up the tree from where we are.
Plenty of planets have “Star Trek” existences---and people from earth will graduate to some
of them if that’s what they want and earn a shot at.

There are many anomalies in space that have been seen and documented yet few believe they
are alien.

Most people really don’t care about other life in the universe---try talking about it and many
will think you nuts.

It is statistically “impossible” that humans are the only so called “intelligent” life in the
universe---not to mention pretty dang silly.

Earth is in a soup bowl filled with many kinds of entities who watch over the planet like
wasps over a nest---but there are many who are here visiting---like going back to an old
school or neighbourhood.

Are their cooperative operations between multiple races involving humans?

Yes kind of

A third kind of being in our dimension would be androids---although some do have the
appearance of one of the genders---for looks and personality only.
No way of describing what goes on in other dimensions other than to say every unconceivable
thing is going on somewhere---conceivable too.
Everything has life force---auras, humans have the additional soul, which increases and
decreases in energy via mood, some may see the energy change like the light spectrum, in
varying degrees of the spectrum.

Everything imaginable is out there somewhere----which accounts for a fraction of what’s out
there, the rest and vast majority of what exist in this galaxy alone remains unconceivable to
the human mind.

Not all planets have the blood lust theme that we have on planets like earth---and the wars are
part of that hidden and not so hidden lust everyone on this planet have or had in a previous
life, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

Do ET's have a planet where they enter bodies for fun like role-playing fun?
Most ETs are above and beyond that, but souls a bit higher up than us do have infinite
Is there a planet where elves and dwarfs and dragons really exist?
Yes, and many from earth will go there from here---but they are not play things over there.
The people that go to this place, are they going up or down?
It’s no game down there---

Are there planets with two species, human and non-human, living together or at war?
Everything imaginable exists in the universe, why? Because that’s the way it has always been.

Everything is inhabited by some form of intelligent life or entities including the sun and some
of the comets.

Has there been the destruction of solar systems or even galaxies in wars or the like for
example, with the loss of multiple billions of people?
Solar systems yes, galaxies no.
They have battles, this solar system has been through several, they call them clean up
operations to remove certain entities that hide in the clefts of the rocks.

Everything is possible even the impossible.

The friendliest people in this Solar System don’t inhabit a planet but reside in huge ships.

How do the planets that are on the edge of the solar system like where I was from generate
life if they are not heated by the sun?
Advanced races create whatever energy they need no matter where they are, they also use
internal heat and energy that large masses or planets generate.

Is there any lower level planets where the pain exceeds that of miserable earth, where not
even death will allow your soul to escape, and you still keep suffering far beyond
comprehension of any physical human on earth ?
Death is certainly a privilege that not everyone earns or even accepts. Most on this level are
not quite in that category. But there are such places in this dimension and in others further
down the rat hole.
The galaxy is a very busy place, lot of activity going on---but impossible to see from our
playpen here on earth.

Here on earth we are cut off from the really cool stuff that is prevalent on many other worlds
only a few notches above where we are.

Have you ever heard of the Galactic Federation?

On Star Wars.
Each galaxy has their own, but they are nothing like we have in our movies.
Galaxies are huge with billions and billions of star systems like ours and many more way
different---and things are run like an apple tree

There’s no point in torpedoing an abandoned planet which leads me to assume that everyone
will be in the middle of their daily doings when this happens.
It’s not only planet earth that will get cleaned up but other planets and moons, and space cities
that will too.
Are anyone set to survive?
Yes, they always leave remnant genes for the next batch
Will the souls be "lifted" before hitting the button and if not...what’s the point of letting
everyone experience that kind of havoc?
Some souls will be “raptured” as they are every single day right before the pain of death hits
them. Others will experience the full weight of the pain and horror of their demise if they
deserve it, as they do now.

Is it common on other planets to be married?

Very common, but there are many planets higher up and lower down that don’t have it.

How does a Utopian Planet differ from Earth as in the way of plants and scenery?
The main difference is that the bugs and animals don’t bother the people, the flora and fauna
are exquisite.

No utopia planets in this solar system but there are cities on and orbiting some of the planets
that are utopia in flavour.

Large ships are inside the solar system in stealth mode, but no need to worry.

There are ETs on every planet and moon in our solar system.

Are there any planets in this solar system that are 'less' spiritually advanced than us on
Hard to believe but yes there are less advanced in this system. Most of the advanced are in
other star systems in the Milky Way.
Is basically every planet a mix of low and higher forms like earth?
More and less.
Just as how you say there a civilizations living inside mother earth, and we and an infinite
beyond an infinite of life exist in this infinite small universe, does anything live on the
outskirts/surface of the verse, as we do on earth?
Infinite stuff. The verse is a drop in the ocean.
Which Planet in our Solar System has the most Souls living on it at the moment?
On the surface, Earth does.
This universe is filled with fantasy planets where souls live out their fantasies. Star Wars is
real and so is everything imaginable and more so unimaginable while on this crib planet.

Do protocols rule every being in the Universe?

Are the makers of the protocols bound by them (if indeed anyone 'made' them)?
Not bound by them.
Do the protocols inhibit higher beings from interfering with us directly?
Yes. And no this is not a contradiction of the first and second question. Confusing only in 3D

Everything our 3D minds can imagine existed and still does in this galaxy. Our 3D mind can
only imagine a drop in the ocean of what is real and alive this very moment, in the past and
forever. Artist and sculptors paint and craft things, blurs that they have seen or been part of in
this life or previous lives.

In this galaxy every stage of human type existence is going on at this moment. Those higher
up can visit many of these places. We can too in our dreams. We forget because we can't
bring higher dimension stuff into lower dimension realities.

Are all the humans on utopia planets heterosexual? Or are some of them bi-sexual and homo-
I was wondering when someone was going to ask me that. And I'm not going to answer it...

Was this universe we, mere infants can acknowledge, created by entities way above Milton
Most certainly.

Are other civilizations that are millions (plural) of years ahead of us that are still 3-D?
Yes, and 1D, 2D, 4D, 5D and so on and on.

Is there a Confederation / Federation of Planets?

Only on Star Wars lower type planets, where souls live out their Star Buck fantasies.
Is there a Council that super-sees everything?
Things work way different in higher D places. There is no "committee" type meetings and

Are there beings capable of encompassing the whole universe?

There are.

There are other planets with other inhabitants experiencing worse conditions right?
There are.

Do all inhabited planets come with their own battery pack or generated sort of energy that fits
whatever their planet life and dimension needs?
They sure do, that technology thing is widespread. Energy is the most abundant thing in the
universe. All space oozes energy like a saturated sponge dripping water. We humans moan
and groan about lack of energy yet we swim in it like fish in the oceans.
We have all been taught that the further away from the sun, the colder the planet is. Past
Pluto would be colder than a witch's..
True it's chilly out there but they have technology to thaw out the chill.
Besides not all entities are created equal, some are created for cold, some for hot. Higher
entities are not bothered by hot or cold.

Do the cities on the Moon, Uranus, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, basically everything out there in
our solar system exist in the 3rd dimension or in other
dimensions unseen by our telescopes from earth?
From our perspective it does look huge and unmanageable. Well, it is for us down here lol.
Nevertheless, there is intelligence behind the facade of everything large and small.

Do all the beings living in the solar system know all about Earth and each other and do they
come to watch us... can they watch us without even coming here?
Some know more than others. Beings from other planets visit for play, work and subversion.
All of Earth is cablecast to other planets.

Are there planets where the ET's on the Axis side [nazi like] have won?
At these lower levels "good" is irrelevant to the big picture, souls will suffer and learn either
way even if based on collective misguided desires.

Are Star wars type worlds still within the realm of illusion?

About that planet where people are childlike. When you said the people from that planet are
childlike, you meant they are little people, or they have a child like mind?
Usually I mean it as a place where we are filled with wonder and excitement. We are children
of a wondrous universe. Most of us down here on the rock have amnesia. Like when we grow
up, we forget the fun we had as small children.

Star Sirius is in the history of the Dogon tribe, and apparently ancient pagan Arabs used to
worship it.
There are many exiles and their progeny here from that star system.

Why do the civilizations that exist in the outer areas of the solar system not claim the earth for
They do and often visit here.
Surely it would be better to be living on a habitable planet over living in a doomed or
underground city regardless of the technology they have. Why do they prefer living out there?
Some don't have a choice; those that do live very well no matter the distance from the sun.
Besides, they can be near or far in a matter of minutes to wherever they wish to be.
Is their technology just that good that where they live is superior to our environmental
conditions here?
Their technology is that good and way better. They own technology, and dish it out. They use
the trickle down method.

What does science know? Lol. There is a whole lot of things going on in that huge playground
we call galaxies. There are zero star systems that are not populated with some form of highly
intelligent entities. We think we are pretty smart here on Earth. We are as smart as an egg is to
a chicken. Now a chicken may not be all that smart but it's smarter than the egg, sorta.

There are a whole lot of things on this planet that defy earthly explanation, yet most people
don't seem bothered by that. The ET’s don't need to hide everything to remain incognito.

Capitalism is common in the galaxy, so is communism and all the rest of the isms.

Will the general population of earth ever be aware that there are alien civilizations on earth,
the moon, mars, throughout the solar system?
There is plenty of evidence and yet most remain oblivious to that fact. The mind creates a
protective bubble for people to live inside of and most use that function. Which is cool; this is
some crazy weird stuff for the 3D brain.

There are some intelligent civilizations in this solar system that are much more in the dark
than humans.
Could you name what planet/moon in this solar system these beings belong too?
They don't belong to any planets, moons or space stations. They infest where they can but
mostly in deep space niches.

Is there a form of higher existence "outside" the universe with its infinite dimensions?
There are many, many such things.

Are there entities of any kind that are "bigger" than the whole infinite multiverse?
Might those entities be responsible for the dynamics and structure, to a given extent, of the
multiverse and the souls in it?
Yes and no. Many big things come from small spaces without a big or small bang.

Is there a form of higher existence "outside" the universe with its infinite dimensions?
There are many, many such things.
Are there entities of any kind that are "bigger" than the whole infinite multiverse?
Might those entities be responsible for the dynamics and structure, to a given extent, of the
multiverse and the souls in it?
Yes and no. Many big things come from small spaces without a big or small bang.
- VI -

Extraterrestrials / Aliens
They do exist!
Well, not like in the movies, they don’t follow proper protocol and physically land in your
backyard and say “take me to your leader”.
We humans are unique and come with different expectations on what is suitable evidence,
anyway some of us want to believe and some would rather remain in the safety of our cultural
bubble. The vast majority in fact will remain asleep to reality and continue to live in the
illusions crafted for us by religions, scientists, and politicians---to each his or her own.
There are those that know something is going on because they have experienced alien contact
on one level or other and they want to know more. Unfortunately it’s from this group that
come the worst kind of skeptics; demanding proof, they want to be able to kick the tires and
take a test drive in an alien ship before they invest any more of their emotions into the belief
of ET.
Then there are the primadonnas, they are far too intelligent and important to fall for such
rubbish as aliens from space. For them extraterrestrial existence implies the inferiority of
humans, and that is not acceptable for them.
It only implies that in the minds of the skeptics who are offended by the idea this planet is
nothing more than a playground, a prison, or both.
For some the real conundrum is why contactees are not on the same page with their stories?
Reasonable inquiry
But it’s also fair to ask why aren’t scientists, theologians, politicians and countries on the
same page concerning their perspective beliefs, fields of expertise, or sovereignty issues?
Earth is being visited by many extraterrestrial entities that are also not on the same page with
each other, let alone with humans, therefore conflicting accounts with contactees are the norm
not the exception.

There are many aliens, I have no idea how many different types.

ETs have always been here-----they are everywhere.

To us ETs are like gods, but they don’t require worship like the ones we have here on earth.

My reason for posting is to tell those interested that extraterrestrials are real-------they are
real------they are real.

All humans know when an alien is near them----most haven’t associated the feeling with the
Fear comes after, that may be why most people miss the early signs or triggers in the central
nervous system. However you have to be near them, inside their magnetic "like" field.
The sensation is subtle, once you identify it you never forget.
The aliens carry some kind of electrical charge-----and they radiate this field---there is a
subtle physiological effect on the human body when they are near.
When they get to close----it may be love !----kidding.
You know how in psychology 101 most first year students associate the symptoms they read
in that book with things they are feeling---it’s a mind trip that can easily become internalized.
If I describe it here or even in a u2u it can created false expectations or worse paranoia---so
beware that this feeling is mostly not of ET origin
For one, ETs create havoc with electronics but some ETs have the ability to tone down their
aura---but not completely.
For instance they can be in your car in human form and the car is fine most of the time but for
no reason it shuts down, then starts back up.
Some of the physical feeling they create are stomach cramps when they are next to you and go
away when they move away from you---this is when they are in human form.
Abductees will not feel it because most sensations are blocked.
Now if your lover gets next to you and your abdomen cramps up it doesn’t necessarily mean
you are next to an alien being---

We can't acknowledge ET’s-----they have total control of the encounter----that’s why the
governments of the world don't like them----they love their technology exchange program
though. The exchange is one way-----they get nothing from us----we get everything from
them. Like a child parent relationship----the children receive-----the parents give and give and

The aliens never told me where they were from.

ETs are vegetarians.

Compared to humans, aliens are perfect, they don't make mistakes.

Real extraterrestrials don't make mistakes, only those produced in Hollywood do.
Do ET's ever make mistakes?
None that they would admit too---
It's hard for us down here to imagine such a realm where mistakes don't exist but it's real.

The ETs I know avoid some scary alien movies because they are terrifying, even Milton
started shunning glasses half filled with water after watching “Signs”

The truth hurts and there are lots of boo-boos concerning this ET subject. I’m in murky waters
here in the ATS conspiracy world, and until the water clear all I have to offer is personal

Are we humans all “aliens”?

The answer is no.

ET has been around for billions of years they haven’t just fallen off the turnip truck---they
probably know a few more things than we do.

The connotations of the words like extraterrestrial and UFO are usually incorrect and have
little to do with the entities that are visiting earth from faraway places or other dimensions.
ETs are not human they are something very different, they have powers beyond description
and they are not here to experiment on us or out of simple curiosity---those are human type

The extraterrestrials are not going to take over this planet, it’s possible they have always had
some control of this planet and the inhabitants.
What do they look like? Whatever they want to look like.
I had contact with them but in an altered state of mind, and telepathic communications.
You have to really be drunk or drugged up to meet them face to face----they provided the
altered state telepathically, otherwise no communication was possible.
That is only one reason governments don’t talk about extraterrestrials; they don’t know what
they are and have zero ability to defend against them.
What government is going to admit they are inferior? Really inferior, like an ant against an
Governments are terrified of the aliens----should they tell that to the people?
The governments are not calling the shots----never have---never will.
If the aliens wanted to make contact with the general population there is nothing stopping
them----they don't want to-----yet.

Aliens are not here to do harm----if they were a snap of the finger would eliminate all life on
this planet. They are not planning to take control of this planet; control was theirs from day
The aliens have no intention of conquering the human race, nor would they be concerned
about preserving infrastructure if they did----in comparison to them we live in caves.
However, they are involved in world affairs, nothing happens without their knowledge and
possibly their approval.

The military is eager to know as much as possible about aliens, like everyone else they can’t
quite get a handle on them and they are scared to death of that fact.

I’m not good about remembering human faces of strangers; let alone what the aliens looked
like, under bizarre circumstances. I don’t recall seeing any lizard types, or the big bug eyed
ones reported by most people that have been abducted.
I have been approached by normal looking people on base and civilian life that “stopped
time” as we know it, and took me onboard a ship.
I may have been around those weird looking aliens and if so for some reason unknown to me
their images have been blocked from my conscience.

The aliens don't want to create panic in the military establishment and they try to be
diplomatic----letting the military know who they have an interest in----it's like diplomats here
on earth they have immunity but there is protocol that must be followed.
You have seen how nervous the US and the USSR were during the cold war----having to
share the same planet in not easy.
The aliens know our paranoia and as far as I have been able to determine they don't want to
rock the boat.
However, the waters are turbulent----and the military does not trust the aliens----for obvious

[Aliens] are not unique----but they come in many verities----do the math----450 billion star
systems in our galaxy-----there are lots of what we call aliens out there.

I know that the government is concerned about protecting its people here on earth----that's
their job.
They fire on aliens all the time, after all they don't know who the aliens are and the aliens
routinely violate protected air space in every country. The aliens are intruders on earth----the
military has contact with a fraction of the aliens that visit this planet----so there is a nervous
trigger finger in the military.
If, as many people believe, they want to make this planet a peaceful place-----they could have-
----but all the wars we have and had, have been supervised by them, made possible by them,
and perhaps formulated by them-----to what ends only they know.
Believe it or not-----they are in control of everything, if they want this planet to be utopia it is
in their power-----they can also make it into a hellhole.
From what I have learned they are not here to make themselves known to the majority of the
people of the world-----they don’t have to have contact with any governments, they only do so
because of some higher extraterrestrial protocol. They can do their work without humanity
knowing about them.
Since they have made contact with certain governments and individuals it seems practical that
they have intensions of making themselves known at some point-----I have no information on
Perhaps humans need to make a physiological leap before we can handle them face to face. A
leap that will not happen until we hatch from this egg we call planet earth and move out into
the solar system.

Aliens are probably as fragile as tissue paper but brawn and strength are nothing against a far
superior race.
We cage lions, tigers and bears (oh--) because they can tear us apart in seconds----however,
these animals are at a disadvantage to our superior brains, and we can do as we please with
Can the animal kingdom ever rise up against us because of their claws, sharp teeth, and
superior strength? Sure they can kill one or two people---- who are careless, otherwise No.
Aliens are never careless around humans, but they have fallen victim to other aliens (UFO

You take your kids to the zoo and the best thing that can happen is hearing the roar of a lion---
--that's entertaining to us-----as long as the lion is behind bars.
The lion is not wishing us a nice day, it’s also not chewing us out----its letting us know it
would like to just chew on us.
A human chewing out an alien might be entertaining for the aliens if it were possible.
From what I have seen humans are totally docile around aliens and one hundred percent under
their control----once in the ship.

ETs can get into your head and access everything in there----like a computer hack.
So plotting against them is impossible.
Some ETs are essential to humans, and I believe that if they were not here shielding us earth
and humans might look much different, perhaps more chaos, more poverty----life might me
like it was in the Dark Ages.

The aliens I had contact with looked human, those on the ship were usually a distance from
me and their faces blurred. Don't recall ever seeing a Reptilian.
Reptilians are not related to the dinosaur, but they have the appearance of reptiles, the ones I
have run across were extremely friendly and they were small about three feet tall.
The reptilians are only one in thousands of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy. What they
are doing here on earth I don’t know, why they have made contact with me I don’t know yet,
Milton said he will tell me someday. Is the queen of England a reptilian, I doubt it.
True evil can be found in terrestrials here on earth commonly referred to as humans, look
around you who do you see doing the evil in this world? And no they are not lizards from
space hiding in human skins-------stop looking for scapegoats and take responsibility for your
own life.
There is no reptilian agenda.
Reptilians are not running the show, at most they are stage hands if that.
"shapeshifting reptilians": Kind of or real and here, but I must withhold the details until a later
time. For now I don’t have the time or desire to share all the "un-sordid" details, way too
much stuff---sorry I am---
David Icke is way off base, Bush and the Royals are human as are all leaders regardless what
we think of them.
The Reptilians that have come my way were small and incredibly friendly and delightful.
The whole idea of Reptilian beings is strange and freaky stuff especially to us hairless apes.
Yet they are real, but not necessarily what is being pushed mostly for political propaganda
There is no “NWO” and we are not slaves or under the control of the Reptilians.
Regardless of how nuts the world is or gets, the only one in control of us is the person we see
in the mirror.
Most of the ET entities on this planet are simply “maintenance mechanics”---janitors, for the
Reptiles are picky and exclusive on who joins their ranks. There are more than one kind of
reptile species and the ones that frequent earth legally are small, cute and extremely wise.
Their integrity threshold is among the highest. And as you mentioned they do love to have
They are not presently taking applications but would gladly put those they receive in the file.
They accept applications telepathically only.
If you wish to hang with the renegade ones be sure to stipulate that in your résumé’
It could take awhile and you may need to be paroled off this planet before you can enter their
Reptilians have been given a bad rap.
I have met a few; they were very small and lively, nothing but fun to be with.
BTW, nothing controls us, humans are stuck on this planet and others like it because they/we
refuse to let go of our baggage. That’s all that is weighing us down.
To Reptilians we humans taste like chicken, but the good news is they are sick and tired of
chicken---so we are off their snack tray, there is even rumor they are going veg
Sorry about the sarcasm but most humans, the half way decent ones anyway, are not on any
ET food platter.
The lizards aren't bothered by us, there is plenty of room down there (in DUMBS).
What about this supposed "interview" with a reptilian? They say the Triangle shaped UFOs
are ours and human attempts at ARVs. They also claim the cigar shaped ones are the
reptilians that reside underground. Would this be correct?
The interview may have been real, but the info is way off. I don’t wish to clarify.
Yes Reptilians are on earth.
They are not native to earth but some do hang out here and there.
They were here way before humans and have not left, but some have been rooted out.
Reptilians are not all bad, and some are very good.
If Reptilians were eating people they would have ate the people who claimed to have seen
these things. Reptilians are incredibly smart and resourceful and cannot be infiltrated by any
human’s period.
Why have TPTB manufactured this misrepresentation of their species?
There is truth interwoven in most things---but clarity and the real reasons remain obscure, and
for most unknown, because understanding requires understanding---and that is lacking.
Does simply knowing about this sort of thing put people at risk?
This is the kind of info that is put out there by black ops to make us ufo nuts look like ufo nuts
and paranoid nuts at that.
World leaders are not Reptilians but some do have tea with them.
I can’t talk much about reptilians as a whole because they are a complex and varied species
and there are many levels of them. Many of them far exceed the integrity and goodness of all
humans so not sure why they get such a bad rap, perhaps it’s a smear campaign of sorts by the
renegades. We humans have a knack for elevating the bad and tarnishing the good don’t we ?
Nevertheless, few humans have enough information to make those kinds of judgments, and
regardless of what evils we conjure up in our minds about aliens and other humans the only
evil we need be worried about is our own----once we have a handle on it “nothing” can touch
Some entities like dressing up in freaky looking lizard costumes but they are harmless.
Do you think all those powerful reptilians let this information get out? OK...whatever.
The powers that run the show down here will demonize whomever they choose, don't you
think. Reptilians have gotten a bad rap since time began, some of them deserve it, but there
are many Reptilian races and some are very good. Few if any humans know who the good
souls are and toss their lot with the bad almost every time. We humans are pitiful judges of
There are some real cuties in the Reptilian clans. Nothing like what has been portrayed in the
UFO media and in scripture. However there are many types and not all are angelic.
Are the reptilians really behind most governments today?
They have some input.
What is the reason they want to control humans?
Many humans want to be controlled, taken care of. It's easy street, or so so many believe.
Are the ET's from Roswell at war with them?
There are several warring factions but no.
Who got here first humans or reptilians?
Was there a time were both humans and reptilians lived together?
Wherever humans are there be reptilians overtly or covertly.
There are good and bad Reptilians. Some can wear human clothing, some can't. They have
wisdom and magic technology.
Are Reptilians in charge of the human model?
Some of it.
You said wherever there are Humans there are reptiles (I’m assuming the intelligent ET
reptiles). What is this connection? Eco system are we food for them, do they control us. What
is their agenda?
Some of them bring wisdom, some deception. They control those who need control. They eat
those that need to be eaten.
Who are the reptilians and why do they always accompany us?
They have a stake in our physical evolution.
Stake or Steak?
I hear we taste more like chicken than a juicy porterhouse steak. These are hard times though
and some Aliens have had to cut back on the prime beef.
Are you referring to "reptiles," or actual reptiles?
I'm talking about the Alien freaks from space.

It's not that big a deal for ETs to be omnipotent, they have the technology.
ETs barging into your house uninvited would never be acceptable to humans?
Have you noticed that cameras are going up everywhere in your city? Have you ever driven in
a neighborhood without seeing a single cop and the moment you go over the speed limit they
are right there on you?
ETs are infinitely more attune to humanity than that, however, to what degree they get
involved, I don't know.
ETs never barge in-----they permeate into your room. Apparently their concepts of privacy
and individual rights are vastly different than ours----and the powers that be "alien protocol"
must allow it.
We hold a power over our children----we discipline them, go into their room without asking
and treat them badly------as they often interpret our actions towards them-----when if fact we
are only looking out for their well being.
It's a matter of perspective.

Aliens don’t hypnotize, they program like software into a computer hard drive. But, only in
extreme circumstances-----we still have freewill, and their purpose is not to create robots out
of us.
Nothing works better than fear as an immobilizer.

We would all like to think we could control our situations but not true, an example would be a
pride of lions----some meaner than others-----however, their disposition makes no difference
to us----we can cage them, sedate them, operate on them, kill them---do anything we wish to
them, even eat them.
Humans have a mind and humans can outwit other humans-----unfortunately and I know no
one wants to hear or believe it but ETs hold all the cards. Perhaps there are humans able to
condition themselves better----after all we are all unique----I haven’t run into any.
I see no reason to be afraid of them but we are. Pick up a turtle on the road and move it to
safety off the road----the turtle knows not that you save its life----it pees out of fear because
something strange picked it up.

It may be difficult to believe but politics is not unique to humans. ETs are not supposed to soil
their hands with war----but I know they were involved. ETs have been active in every
conflict, from what I have learned. Because of the number of other aliens on this planet earth
could me a large chess game-----confusing, I know.

Many aliens remain incognito [to the military].

The aliens don’t talk with their mouths, they use their minds instead.
Aliens communicate with humans everyday----on many different levels-----they can talk to us
and do----they don’t feel the need to talk to everyone.
How often have you talked to the president of the US, the pope, or other high ups? If the
president or the pope had a one on one conversation with an alien yesterday do you think the
world would know about it other than them and a few top advisers?
Aliens can make communications easy, they can make themselves look like humans, and chat
with you at your favorite drinking hole. How often do they do that and those they are taking to
know? Many don’t know they are taking to ETs and ETs do it plenty.
At this very moment and every minute of the day ETs are talking with humans----most just
don’t know it.
I think there is a misconception about what the ETs will do. What they will not do is
transform our way of life into their way of life in a day, year, decade, or century---ies.
We have a large portion of the world living like they did four thousand years ago----simple
huts, no sanitation, no clean and running water, mind-boggling poverty----why don’t the
advanced nations of the world cooperate and bring them into the twenty-first century?
Because not everyone thinks they should interfere with sovereign nations, regardless on how
bad off they are.
There is disagreement among the ETs about the level of interference they partake in on this
planet as well.
Personally I think everyone should be brought up to a minimum of civilized standards-----and
if it were up to me I would love to see this world taken into a way of life similar to that of the
ETs----they exist in what we call utopia.
From what I can tell, they are going to gradually and ever-so-slowly take us there-----most
will not see it unfolding.

ETs assisted in the development of the atom bomb, without them we wouldn’t have nuclear
physics. They also allowed the US to drop the bomb on Japan. In affect they allowed a
nuclear war to take place, whether they would allow it again is anyone’s guess.

Don't you believe that we are getting assistance from the ETs?
It's subtle but it's non-stop.

We have nothing that they need or could use----it’s simply their job to do whatever they are
doing here on earth-----so why don’t they fix every little problem humans have------that’s not
their job.

The "non-helpers" [ETs] are a mysterious bunch, what is their angle----what do they want
from us, surly they have ulterior motives, as you say-----I can't answer for all of them-----I
don't know all of them.
But, from the ones I know about they too have jobs to perform on this planet.
An example for me was my basic training in the army-----the worst time in my life-----the DIs
were spawns of Satan------they hated us and on many times it seem they tried to kill us rather
than train us-----it wasn't until I got out of basic training that I realized how valuable that hell-
hole was----and they really didn't hate us or try to kill us-----they actually liked us and were
preparing us to survive a hellish war, should we end up there.

There are more than one race of ETs here [on Earth] because there are many programs

They interact with those they use as vehicles to bring things into this planet, like technology,
and higher awareness.

ETs are not concerned about the speed of human development, nor are they fearful that we
will bring our belligerence into the galaxy and contaminate the waters of blissful peace loving
advanced cultures.
Our belligerence and war mongering is nothing but child play, rough-housing on the
playground. There are no ETs concerned about us causing mischief.

There is no evidence of ETs. We don’t see the magic at work behind every day phenomenon
like simple things as plants. Flowers sprout from nowhere, leaves turn energy from the sun
into apples oranges and grapes----popping them out from wood----the process is slow-----
nevertheless, it happens without our understanding it.
ETs deliver incrementally-----they don’t drive up in a stealth bomber and hand us the keys,
they put ideas in many people’s heads spread over many years.

ET is not going to accelerate dispensing information to bring about Utopia in a single swoop,
there is a process, and they follow that process.

ETs have introduced themselves to quite a few people.

I don’t believe ETs are molesting anyone; however, they are quite intense super beings and
exceedingly intimidating.

[If ETs talked about themselves, and helped us, openly], Humans would cease being
productive in the presence of ETs. Expecting them to create the perfect world----and why not
they have the capability to turn our whole way of live around-----but that’s not what they are
here to do. How would they explain to humanity that they can make earth into a paradise----
but they just don’t feel like it?

ETs know us inside and out, better than we know ourselves-----that’s why they have limited
contact with us.
ETs come in many different flavors, some care deeply-----most are indifferent-----it’s a job----
-then there are those that plain don’t like us-----why? Have no idea.

I have to admit I don't know much about the Zetans, there is a lot of stuff written and I have
only scratched the surface.

Are we being conditioned for violence to be used in an intergalactic future war?

The ETs have millions of years of technological superiority to humans-----believe me they
can fight their own battles.

They are capable of inter-dimensional travel------we are too, our souls can travel on that super

They are not here to turn this planet into utopia-----what you see is what we get-----the
illusion of what many perceive as life----is only that-----an illusion.

They nurse us through life because there is no other way to get us from point A to point B.
ETs are technical advisers, teachers, slave drivers, your best friend and your worst nightmare.
They don’t sit back and watch-----they are neck deep in mankind’s affairs.
They mind the crib, and are now preparing the house so that we can crawl around some of the
rooms. As is obvious to most of us the next few decades we’ll be stepping out of the crib and
venturing into space.
They are preparing the way----but will remain behind the stage scenery-----so not to distract.

Who controls aliens and tells them what they can and cannot do to us?
There is a hierarchy----the upper echelons remain shrouded in mystery, much like the ETs.
The hierarchy we have on earth serves mostly as a mechanism to pass the buck. It works
differently at higher levels.
Is this "echelon" of earthly origin, are we talking about humans like most of us or are these off
world entities? It’s a hodgepodge of humans, hybrids and ETs.

ETs are not softies-----they are more in the tough-love business.

ETs were here way before 15,000BC - 7,000BC. They worked openly among the native
experiments and had colonies, cities with all the magical apparatus of their home planet. More
than one race of ETs resided on earth and some believe that perhaps some battles took place
between a few of them. That may have happened. But I am inclined to the more probable
scenario which is that the ETs didn’t have a battle, or an accident, they simply destroyed
much of the evidence of their existence.
They never left, but as humans became aware of their surroundings the opulent life style of
ETs clashed with the primitive lives of humans. ETs blended into the societies they worked
with, as priest, senators, teachers, and other notables. Smaller colonies continued to remain in
areas devoid of human population.
They live amongst us to this day, in our primitive cities, but some chose to commute; it’s a
short ride to any of the planetary suburbs and mother ships in the solar system.

ET’s biological clock runs on a different frequency, assuming they have one-----while on the
ship their bodies are not weighed down by gravity so they need less energy than if they
existed only on earth as humans do.

ETs as far as I know don't sleep at all.

ETs in human costume off ship could fool anyone, they are eccentric but for the most part
they communicate like humans----they talk.
Worker drones are part of the program-----they do the manual, tedious and dirty work.
Drones are soulless machines that operate on their own like a washing machine or space
probes that function at the discretion of ET

ETs manipulate the same way your boss, teacher, or parents do----to get you to do something
you don’t want to do. Are they manipulating mankind-----yes-----that’s why they are here----
to entice us into space, like a mother bird nudges its young to take flight out of the next.
Am I the pupil? Nah----more like cheap labor.

It’s their job [to balance us out]----plus they don’t get tired and bored like humans do------I
believe they enjoy it immensely-----they have excellent working conditions-----fantastic
equipment, travel benefits and a great retirement plan. Actually I’m only guessing at that last
I love gardening, for me it's not a job, that's why I don't get tired of it.
The ETs don’t have to get comfortable with us-----we have to get comfortable with them-----
that’s a pretty big leap-----and it will only take place over time. I don’t know where they are
concerning their level of spirituality, I believe it to be quite high, much of our contact is with
their machines----which are intelligent but lacking in that area.

The ones I am aware of are not in need of anything we have, instead they provide incremental
information that we need to advance to the next stage. These ETs are not from a dieing planet-
----they are from highly advance systems in this galaxy in need of nothing.
There is a higher power that rules over our solar system and this planet and it’s not a bunch of
greedy people hording resources unless they are ETs or put in place by ET.
There are no humans calling the shots----that’s only a smoke screen.

Many ETs have thousands and millions of years on us-----don’t you think that they could
simply create or make any DNA they need?

Will Smith kicked their butt in the movie Independence Day, and Sigourney Weaver handled
that freaky alien in three episodes of Alien, very well.
When people think ETs they use the only references they have which are from television,
movies, and fiction novels.

Praying mantis aliens, not aware of them.

I have little recollection of the facial features of any of the ETs.

I don't know if they are hideous I don't recall exactly what they look like----but there is
something about them that brings the fear of god to the surface.

They can throw you off a sky skyscraper just for the experience (yours)----and then make it
all better. Figuratively speaking.

They are not affected by placing cups of water around the house----they cannot be locked into
a room-----nor can earthly germs harm them----they created the germs.
Their minds are not affected by the earth’s environment at all-----however lots of humans are;
allergies, colds and flu etc.
ETs have been in “their” atmosphere here on earth eons before humans and are well adapted
to it. ETs don’t get sick, or disoriented.

Alien ships have been shot down on this planet------since human technology can’t do it that
leaves other ETs.
I haven’t seen any of their weapons, they don’t need them against us-----and I don’t think they
(those other ETs) can use them on us.

Our lives do not revolved around ETs. They do their jobs-----we have to do our jobs on terra
firma. It's ok to believe in something but don't become obsessed with it------believe it or not
I'm not obsessed with ETs-----I just put a little information out and it grew rapidly----much
more than I expected.

I don’t think aliens are god-----I know they are not. They never claimed to me that they are.

ETs and their machines will not hurt you----that's not their purpose. If you are evil or have
done something bad then you will have to make amends----if not don't worry about them-----
they may be there to protect you.

Because of the nature of what they are-----humans have a natural fear of them-----"fear not"
because there is nothing to fear.

ETs show themselves every single day, they are in constant contact with certain people on this
planet in an advisory capacity. However, most don’t know they are dealing with ETs.
Once upon a time there was a blue planet “third rock from the sun” and all of its people
believed they were at the center of the universe, and why not the sun (star) circled their fair
planet once every day, surely that meant that the gods favored them out of all the other star
No one would think that was a fairytale yet it was what the average person believed for eons.
Now days we know that the sun is stationary yet we still believe we are at the center of the
universe----millions still believe that the gods have favored us above the rest of the billion
times billions of star systems out there, left them all empty and void except for ours.

What sounds like a fairytale is in fact a true story----most people really believe that. Oh there
are many that are willing to believe that there is a possibility that some of those planets have
microbes and other inferior life forms but drawing the line at intelligent life like us or
This thread is about aliens from space that have traveled billions of miles in fantastic
machines and they have been doing it for thousands of years and will be doing it for
thousands of years to come.
They do this without human approval because they were here first and they are infinitely more
complex than humans----an adult does not need to ask his five year old child permission to do
anything----can such a child give any usable advice to the adult? The child depends
completely on the adult----without ever understanding anything about that adult.
And that’s no fairytale!

Let me put it this way----I know there are thousands of aliens coming and going, and living on
this planet---lots of people know.
What are the odds that nothing is ever found by the civilian population---litter, UFO parts and
alien bodies? Nothing is found because they make no mistakes. Ships and aliens or most
likely androids from crashed ET vehicles that are in possession of various governments and
their militaries are planted for the purpose of the awaking process mankind is undergoing.
I don’t know how many alien species there are visiting this planet and I doubt anyone knows--
--four to five hundred billion star systems in this galaxy equates to countless possibilities.

Nevertheless without extraterrestrials humans are nothing. The difference between humans
and ET is that ET needs not to have recognition----they do everything while keeping
themselves hidden in the background.

No one wants to admit that ET has been in control, not even those that know ET is real and
been around for some time.

The ETs that are here, the ones that make contact with humans are strictly business and show
no signs of gender. There are alien tourists but they don't have any contact with humans that I
know of.
The aliens that are in human “uniforms” have bodies that are anatomically correct but whether
they function or are sterile I don't know, my feeling is they are sterile.
How they procreated on their planets is a blank.
However they do have facilities in our solar system that house hybrids, many of them, but
these hybrids are not for this planet or for this solar system.

Extraterrestrials don’t have doctors and hospitals as we do on earth. They don’t get sick or ill,
their bodies and minds fix things before they break.
Accidents are practically nonexistent for ET
Philosophy is for those who can only guess about life and the universe----ET knows

Many creatures we call aliens or ET are machines----drones and have the personality of a wet
rag, they don't communicate at all they only process humans or their souls.
Those that have communicated with me telepathically have an appearance that is impossible
for me to describe. Of all the pictures or drawings that I have seen on the internet none ring a
bell for me---for some reason ET will not let me remember their faces.

ETs do get on line and chat----most humans don’t know about ET and that they can
communicate directly with ET so ET uses the conventional means of communication---
incognito---prayer no matter which god it’s directed to goes to ET----sometimes ET responses
to those requests.

Many humans “get a job” with ETs, and they are fully cognizant of their duties with them,
and there are thousands that carryout ET orders without a clue that they are working for a
higher cause----their paycheck may come from an IBM or government agency or some fast
food restaurant but they work for ET
You may have a job with ET---it’s their call on how much you will know about them.

Trial and error is a human level activity so ET is not out there experimenting----one might
think that it could be extremely boring living an existence where everything has been figured
out---and they might be right----but someone has to do it.

ET can be standing right next to you and you wouldn't know it----most people are clueless of
ET existence, let alone their presence.

ET controls the situation they don't make mistakes and get caught on camera.

Could there be EBEs who make mistakes?

None will admit to it.

ETs are unique as everyone else----what is reported by abductees is window dressing----they

can take on any appearance----same with their drones and machines.

ET isn’t trying to help, they have been helping.

Earth would be like a school yard without supervision----absolute chaos---a hell no human
would be able to escape from.

Many ETs were humans at one time on this planet.

ET has always coexisted with humans.

ET is alien to humans----humans are not alien to ET.

When talking about ET the intellect differential is vast----like talking to a pet that doesn’t
know you-----the animal---human----is spooked easily
But there are some that take human form and make conversation possible----many people
have had contact with them they just don t know it.
They all know how to interact with humans; intimidation when it happens is intentional.

If you could see from where they are coming from----their cities-----cultural centers----
entertainment districts, etc, we come up a bit short
Remember how fascinating the play ground at the park was when you were young-----how
about today? -----ET was once or twice in our shoes

ETs are emissaries from the other side----other planets in other star systems and dimensions in
this universe
I would say that they are of the spirit type of existence except that everything is a spirit
existence of one form or other----matter is only another level of that kind of energy.

ETs are the original two-face----they can be both good and bad----but they are always right----
and looking out for your best interest.

So far, there is no evidence they're doing anything other than what they want.
It’s their show.

ET for the most part remains behind the scenes-----that’s why everyone has human parents
and guardians.

The chicken domesticated or not is at the mercy of man----man and woman can keep the
chicken and make it a pet or they can fatten and eat it
Using the chicken as a metaphor for humans and man for ET----the chicken is SOL and lives
at the whim of man-----there is nothing the chicken-----or for that matter, man, can do about
I just happen to know ET is not cannibalistic------but altruistic.

ET can’t lie.

There are many planets with intelligent life but not all of them have the freedom to leave their
solar system.
Those that can leave are able to visit other planets like earth on tourist visas but they can’t
interact with humans
Then there are renegades that get through the cracks----gypsies, etc that seem to escape or fly
under the radar of the authorities
The ones that feed us information don’t come with name tags----they operate behind the
smokescreen of all those other aliens reported by abductees.

There are billions of species and thousands that visit earth every day-----most come here for
the heck of it----others to visit the place they use to live on in previous lives
There are many that seed information to this planet----I don’t know them personally.

Biological machines do the grunt work, the tedious jobs----like the robots that build cars along
side of humans on the assembly line.
Humans use many robots and are getting close to making artificial intelligence so that robots
can think on their own----ET is much more advance they created the human machine and
human type robots which have the ability to operate ships alone----like intelligent probes.
ET physiology is vastly different than human----no human can manhandle an ET-----nor
interrogate an ET----it would be more believable that a tribe of pigmies captured one of our
generals and held him captive-----generals have many layers of protection around them with
state of the art firepower----ET is more untouchable than a thousand generals.

Without ET, humans are up a creek without a paddle.

They made the bodies we reside in.

ETs don’t need anything we have------Do you think beings with the ability to travel hundreds
of light years came here to get ideas from us?

They know everything we know because they are the architects of us----the whales, monkeys
and such. Humans on the other hand are curious because they don’t know much.
Humans studying ETs is equivalent to ants studying humans----ants would never get it.

ETs with souls are like us on the other side but while they are on this plane they use physical
bodies-----much different than ours
They can go from what we call a physical state to an ethereal one----which they do while in
flight or passing through walls.

Everything is under ET control because ET is part of us----our extended family.

There are places, planets, existences, where people similar to humans know without doubt the
things you ask-----some of those people----entities are on this planet.

ETs fought wars on our behalf in regards to the protection of our planet from "ROGUE ETs".
They also have diverted asteroids and shielded us from destruction----any asteroids hitting
this planet in a major way is not by accident

They don’t travel in physical bodies so space travel is not horrible for them.

ET can communicate with anyone.

Their bodies can be killed or damaged but not by humans, their physiology is not like ours----
they don’t feel pain.

If one of us were put up against an ET would we have the upper hand in strength or would
Like a lion tamer in a cage with lions----the lions could tear the men apart but the tamer has
the mental advantage----ET always has the advantage----has anyone ever beat the crap out of
an ET and showed it to anyone?----out of the thousands of abductees it never happened even

They understand humor and irony and to them everything is funny-----nevertheless their
innocent laughter can cause fear-----have you ever laughed at an animal-----they don’t get it
and become afraid.

They are helping us with our erratic emotional problems

They empathize with us
They admire love, despise anger and loathe jealousy.

ET human helpers do the harvesting of biological material.

They have no reason to be gloom, they know who they are and their lives are near perfect if
not perfect.
To them everything is amusing----like drill instructors they put on a mean face for the recruits
but back at the office they joke with each other
They laugh at me but not as much as many humans who read this thread.

They can be sweet and cuddly but also your worst nightmare----talk about two-faced.

They see the big picture, with torture, murder and rape, and know that all pain and suffering is
temporary----do we go off the deep end every time a child falls and scrapes his knee? Some
children act as if it’s the end of the world especially if there is blood..

They must love fools because they are in charge of several billion of them 

They don’t enjoy our wallowing in the mud but as soon as we tire of it they will hose us

ET is neither left nor right in the political spectrum----they are in fact apolitical.

It is correct to say that “The Lord [“ET”] works in mysterious ways”

Could an ET take on a more permanent position in someone's life, appearing human, eating,
sleeping, having a normal job, and even marry and have children with that person /human?
Yes, and he would never know it-----suspect it maybe.
They are in total control of any situation they are in-----without those around them knowing it.

For them, having a human physiology is like going from one vehicle to the another one----
sometimes I drive my wife’s car because she has me blocked in
Their bodies are not like human bodies but they can enter into a human clone like we change
They create a human body from DNA they acquired from an abductee and go into it ----it’s
new and never used.

ET doesn’t kill for no reason, and even with a reason rarely do they do it----they have rules
and accountability.

There is no humanly way possible to understand the ETs ----do we truly understand other
humans? How then can we understand a far superior life form as ETs?

The aliens don’t plan to use us as slaves in the future.

They don’t plan to teach us how to live with them. We already live with them.

Love: ET’s love it------had to say it.

Anyway, there is nothing higher than love-----it encompasses everything-----they have a much
higher appreciation and understanding for it than us.
However, they are asexual----unless they are on some assignment and in a human type body.

They hear you request and comply but if they were giving you pertinent info that they wanted
you to use you would remember.

They sometimes do seize control of a person's mind, and say what they want to say, do what
they want to do, and then exit the body they used, and the person is none the wiser. They can
and do----but that’s not the way they normally operate.

ET has always used clones for themselves and for humans that work for them to enter into.
Those clones are in tubes of liquid in a sort of cryogenic state----zits and all.
They have thousands of clones----in a population of 6 and a half billion people they’ve had no
trouble remaining incognito.
They have been doing it for millions of years on many planets.
A clone would be given a new soul, twins have individual souls---regardless that they might
act like one person even when separated living in different countries.
Are the clones here copied from a small group of people?
They have special projects going on all over the solar system, most are hybrids designed for
specific purposes, or uses. But can’t elaborate.

Any number of things can cause static, interference and mixed-signals on televisions depends
on whether the signal is coming in through cable lines or from airwaves
Ghosts and ET sometimes cause electrical interference but most of the time the problem is
terrestrial equipment or human..

They exist mostly as energy, but they also have bodies they enter into for reasons only they
know---and those bodies are more advance than the human body----they don’t need
nourishment as we do, nor do they have the bodily functions----completely different anatomy.

ETs move at a higher rate of frequency than humans because of the level of energy they exist
at-----their high frequency is not a measure of their enlightenment.

There are many types of ET but the most frequent are kind of blue-collar, they are not
management they do the grunt work. They use ships because they are dealing with physical
humans, and the ships are platforms for their base of operations
Also there are many kinds of physical realities, not human but similar----from other star
systems a few notches up from humans that visit earth on tour ships.

The ETs that are in my life are small, humanoid with a bluish hue, sometimes they seem to
have spots----they are not made of the same stuff we humans are made of, they seem to be
something in between physical and ethereal---they can move through physical objects yet they
can hold onto physical objects.

For one the galaxy is huge and we can’t pick up a fraction of the bazillions of signals and
energy waves emanating from all over the place
Second they are in our skies, orbiting and flying all over the space above us----in our cities yet
no one seems to detect them
NASA and SETI and several governments know about ET flying around earth, and they have
picked up some signals, but they are not ready to disclose those things to the general public
because it would make earthlings look inferior----ET respects that and therefore are going
alone with our governments’ wishes.

Aliens appear more often in large cities than it does in out of the way places like Stonehenge.

They are not photogenic----literally.

They use the phone, the fax, watch television and surf the net----when in Rome you play like
the Romans.

ETs certainly view these forums.

ETs are way laid back and are not on an emotional roller coaster as humans tend to be.

An entity like ET can enter into any machine---animal/insect/etc, to interact with humans for a
verity of reasons and purposes.

Much of the literature about aliens portrays androids, so they don't seem to mind about that.
Although, we humans crack them up.

I have never seen little green men or women, however small and a shade of blue types visit
with me now and then, the rest of the space cowboys are in human costume.

ET knows what is in the heart and mind of a person----more than the person.

It’s their job to be interested in us----every soul has potential and they are here to squeeze that
out of us.

ETs have to entertain themselves somehow---and I’m being serious.

The ETs that are assigned to this planet, the ones I’m aware of, have full access to the magic
whereas most humans don’t---have you taken a closer look and humanity lately? ---lots of
clueless going around like a virus.

The space-dudes follow orders like everyone else, where the buck stops no one really knows--
-but it really wasn’t with President Truman---

They were here before humans, they never left, and they will be the last to leave earth.

There is a “they” and an “us” because not all of “us” will become “they.”
And they are simply higher up the food chain---they are highly advanced souls on various
levels---but in the mix there are numerable soulless and synthetic entities with autonomy---
that remain a mystery even for some ETs. In other words it seems that maybe god does play
with dice.

The fact is even those who believe and have experienced ETs will seldom admit it-----the
subject remains taboo for the general population.
Times are changing; more people believe or want to believe in extraterrestrials, so there is
more acceptance.
Still if you are in a certain job like airline pilot, teacher, clergy, CEO, scientist, politics, and
the military----talking ET stuff is a sure route to early retirement-----without the benefits.

I’m only vaguely aware of other ETs, which suits me.

ETs don’t die---they simply move up the ladder---they are pure energy and only use bodies
like we use clothing.

Are ETs not concerned about the pace we ruin our world from an ecological point?
Do you get concerned when you go and visit friends---on how they keep their house? Well
you may but what can you do other than point it out and then be told to get out---lol
ETs have lots of powers and they do much behind the scenes---and certain factions also
disagree on how much to get involved. Nevertheless, they will not let the planet tank.

They can heal humans with an "incurable" disease and often do---but they don’t get the credit
for it.
They can split you in half like a slab of beef and put you back together without leaving any
Putting limbs back on happens only if there are no witnesses---like in a battle or car accident.
Why don’t they do it for everyone---because they would have to expose themselves to
mankind and they are not ready to do that yet.

There are many big shot ETs flying around this planet and this solar system not all of them
use ships, and if they do they can park them and stroll around as orbs

ETs like to entertain us in many ways, and some can be borderline obnoxious sometimes

What on Earth is of value to ET?

Something of enormous worth, a biological substance called Homo Sapiens.

ETs are stealthily, and will only let themselves be seen in good company---lol or by those
they want to see them.

ET is not coming they never left. And they continue to work with people every day, and have
been since day one.

What are common names for an ET?

I didn't want this list to get out but you twist my arm: Michael Jackson, Hillary Clinton, Bush,
Jolie, and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Some of those people above have already been speculated about---I'm here to confirm it---lol
Most ETs don’t have common names.

ETs, and I’m talking the higher ups like Milton, have far surpassed what we call the arts---
they live in not stop ecstasy---in realities we humans can never grasp---Milton gave me
glimpses of his world---but like trying to grab hold of air with ones hands I’m not able to put
them into words.

Remember the biblical patriarchs Abraham, Jacob and Isaac? They all had multiple wives and
concubines and were instructed to spread their seed to the ends of the earth---or there bouts.
ET is doing it on a larger scale.
There are more than two factions and the main players are for the most part on the same team-
--but it gets fuzzy trying to explain the differences on the level that earth is---down here every
little thing is a big deal to us, but higher up it's pocket change.

Aliens do have entertainment places but I did not see any walking rugs or the strange
creatures like in Star Wars---only human types---

Have you noticed how many people have a clown phobia? ETs are pranksters---even as high
up as Milton.
They don’t do it out of meanness---at least not always---it is a tool ---and for now I will leave
it there.

Many ETs are pure energy and are not affected by matter in any form including the sun.

ETs can do a blanket mind alter.

ETs don’t need agreements with anyone.

ET uses telepathy to control but they also have some strange items that defy description that
fly out from them.

ETs don't reproduce, their ranks are filled from a reservoir of highly evolved beings---that
have been there and done nearly everything.
Yeah they don't have all the fun we do---but they wouldn’t trade places with any of us for all
the tea at the center of the galaxy---lol

How their "skin" feels? Clammy---lol

I know that I have touched them and they touched me but nothing registers or it’s blocked for
some reason---Milton tried to hug me once and I pulled back---I may have hurt his feelings.

ET has people working alongside doctors and scientist---people like me---human that will
intercept what needs to remain veiled.

Even they don’t know the end story ---for everyone.

Everything they do is voluntary, and even though I have called it a job in the past it’s more of
a pleasure for them---everything is a pleasure for them. A concept nearly impossible for us
schmucks stuck at earth level to appreciate or understand---lol

ETs are total energy and are for the most part indestructible.
They are pure energy---it doesn’t get more powerful than that.

Aliens are so secretive because they maintain the illusion so people can concentrate on this
life---you heard the saying life is a stage? They are the set designers.

They love what they do.

ETs at Milton’s level manipulate dimensions like fish manipulate water, and birds the air. We
humans don’t have those capabilities if we did some of us would vibrate ourselves off this

Milton tries to give me a focused perspective of material and avoids the black ops fluff and
folklore whenever possible---therefore I’m left with sketchy details on the fringe phenomena
of ET---for now

How does an entity "wait" in a timeless reality?

Some of us get dizzy when we multitask-----they have no time constraints as we do but they
interface with bazillions of tasks simultaneously----how they manage pulling things out of the
tornado of information they exist in is simply a supernatural phenomena without human
explanation---unless what I just said suits you.

If you met Milton you and most anyone else would have an intestinal meltdown and would
most likely go into shock---ETs are mind altering strange super entities that are really not
designed for casual human interfacing

Most super entities are not evil---they are simply unfathomable

Managing planets is like any other high level job, there is upward mobility, so the ETs here
today are not the same as those that were here in the past and so on.

The Miltons’ live a carnival life nonstop, never a dull moment for them, and they live in pure
ecstasy---not the drug---lol

The “aliens” didn’t create your situation, those in charge of earth are like wardens, they only
process souls sent to this third rock from some other planet.

Much knowledge is acquired in physical bodies similar to what we have here on earth. After a
certain level in the range of the Miltons, increased awareness happens much differently---and
no words to explain it on this level.

We put dirty clothes in a washing machine push a few buttons and let it do the work, many
entities are like that, they are machines doing the dirty and monotonous work.

ETs know who they are.

There are grays that are simply robots, but they can be used as suits by higher and lower
beings too.
But as far as ETs not understanding the concepts of individuality, loyalty and love, that’s
completely false. These are higher beings than humans, they know and understand everything
that humans do plus a whole lot more.
That’s like saying adults don’t understand the emotions of their young---not talking about
That’s the way it is, and that has many hot under the collar.

ETs the ones that count, those with the real power over planets such as earth are 100 percent
altruistic---our advancement or lack thereof has nothing to do with their upward mobility.
There is a strange soup of lower level ETs but they are not the ones calling the shots---they
have no real or imagined power. And there is no competition between them and the ones in

Dimensional beings run things a tad differently than what we call consortiums and
federations---the galaxy is not really divided up in sectors, but more so on levels of
enlightenment---if that makes any sense.

ETs on Milton’s level are pure mind---and no matter---lol---they don’t have any ailments.

There are ETs in human costume, the Pleiadians and Nordics and the host of others I can’t
comment on---other than to say few things are as they seem.
And the thing that is so unfair is that they can eat all they want and remain slim----

Any alien that needs study the properties of matter are on the same level as humans and
therefore must be humans disguised as aliens. That would be like our scientists going back to
kindergarten or first grade to try and advance their understanding of life.
But pure thought is on the right track, that’s basic ET knowledge.

ETs reside in the same place with the creator energy, some here on earth wish to call that
energy God. ETs are fully aware of this energy that permeates all living and non-living matter
that makes up the universe.

They are not hiding it, most are afraid to face it.

ETs can deflect bad karma and direct it back to the sender tenfold, happens often---

War with ET would last about five seconds all they need do is show themselves and there
would be a worldwide mental meltdown.
I know most think they could handle it but the fact is most can’t handle it.
But handling it is not the issue, dealing with it is.
ET didn’t knock those buildings down; they also didn’t stop those who did.

ET does have more control over what’s going on than most people if they knew would be
comfortable with.

ETs and UFOs remain in the realm of science fiction for many, and the average person can’t
be bothered with such nonsense---which is understandable because for most people that is
where the ET phenomena will reside.
Nevertheless, ETs are as much of the human fabric as are plants and animals; they just don’t
need or crave attention, and are happy blending into the wall paper---but some of them do

What could you teach an alien?


What colour underpants most aliens wear?

Same as humans hot pink, white, etc, but less the skid marks---

Surly you have met people that have never made a mistake---those are the ones we hate---lol
Shouldn’t we be doing something to help ET with the set-up?
That would be like getting your two year old up on the roof with you to re-roof the house
They have it under control regardless of what we perceive down here.

ET machinery don’t make mistakes, but they have human qualities like sense of humour, and
they love pranks---they also do things that make us think and wonder

ETs are benevolent---but for those that know they are evil benevolent is scary stuff

Is there anything that ET doesn't understand?

Yes they have, at the moment Paris Hilton has them baffled---lol, I would name others but
then that would be a political statement, so I will pass---
As far as anything else---no, or at least that they will admit too---

ET don’t have the authority to kill souls, but they can capture and hold certain people and
other subordinate ETs, but that is a whole other area. Much of the hoopla is in the delivering
of technology, how soon and how much.

Androids: They supersede human intelligence but remain incapable of insubordination. They
don’t possess a soul they are simply machines and can never be anything else.
If androids are capable of independent thought, albeit artificial, would they also be capable of
artificial actions ?
That’s a human concept and belief, a Hal 9000 can never become human or a machine that
developed a consciousness on its own, however, ET can stick a soul into anything in which
case it would not be a machine but a living entity living in a nightmare. Now in other solar
systems stranger things do happen.
They have been used in many battles, in the past as well as present, on earth and in many
other places.

Are ET sort of caught up at a different more understanding at a more complex level--but

caught up in the same paradigm as us just the same?
Whether they are or not doesn’t affect why we are here nor our program, and that is all that
matters, after all small children do not understand the complexities that encompass the lives of
their parents.

ETs don’t need food nor anything else from humans or the earth---it would be like rich people
panhandling in third world countries, makes no sense at all

There are many entities involved on planet earth, however, none of them rule over it like
some kind of monarch. Things don’t work that way in the universe

In reality we are all extraterrestrial, we did not originate on this planet, and therefore
extraterrestrial implying they are from other planets and we are not is a false statement

They tend to be modest and don't want me blabbing about how they really look.

They have a glow to them depending on what suit they are wearing, and they surround
themselves with intense light, in other words when you enter their space or vehicle the light is
nearly blinding---but our eyes adjust quickly---the mind on the other hand, not as fast---lol
This galaxy is filled with intelligent life therefore life from the Pleiadies visiting here is

There is something about seeing a real ET that sticks to the human mind like gum in your
hair---you never forget it even though you might want too---they are way too different for
most human minds to comprehend
There is strangeness about them impossible to describe, they have a kind of euphoria/horror
quality to them. They up load a filter into the human minds of those they abduct and those
they hang with, or work with.
There are no authentic ET photos or footage anywhere---they can’t be photographed---they
are not made of the same material humans are made of

They are either lower level helpers or spoilers, and not in short supply.

At levels of the highest entities they are pure benevolent and not the hateful and vengeful
gods depicted in our literature.
The gods that have inspired and awed humans here on earth are entities on Milton’s level

The gene pool is vast across the galaxy and continues to grow as races mix it up like they do
here on earth---can’t tell you the first ones on earth; they wish to keep them a secret so as to
remain impartial
Like who was the first to discover America ?---well several nationalities are clamouring for
that honour---there is enough bickering on this planet why add more to the pile ?

If it was possible to get them on film boards like this one would not exist because everyone
would know---they don’t want everyone to know.
No one will ever catch them off guard and not for lack of trying, the paparazzi have been
around for more than sixty years looking for that one opportunity that would make them rich
and famous

They do play games [of hierarchy] at higher levels but only in the sense that a good soup
needs many elements to make it good---even bitter herbs.

Inhabitants of all other planets know about earth inside and out, earth is the only system with
blinders on the population because most can’t be disturbed from their sleep---
Some can and do monitor all our media including ATS, mostly for the entertainment factor---
lol---the same reason that most of us humans hang here---

ETs and their helpers don’t have blood---their physiology is nothing like that of humans.

Some ETs think they are god and all that until they are left with the check and then try to
squirm out of paying it….

I don’t want to dash anyone’s hopes but I haven’t seen any legit photos of ET entities yet, but
I also haven’t seen all the photos out there---and don’t particularly care too, it’s bad enough I
have to sit through aunt Gertrude’s vacation photos every time we go visit her---not her real
name btw---
Is there a “Non-interference” [of aliens on humanity] ploy?
There is no such thing.

The earth covered with billions of us humans remains a mysterious place---how many of us
really know what is on this planet? And I’m talking about the stuff we can see---ETs are all
over this planet too, how many are aware of that fact?

Are Zeta's real or a fabrication?

A bit of both

I agree that "higher being" would be a better choice than “ET”, but it would be confusing for
some mainly because most of us don’t have a UFO thingy to get around in like those higher
entities do.
And many remain in the belief that “Planet of the Apes” is not merely a movie but somewhat
of a reality.

ET allow more sightings because they like to tease some out of their denial mode.

Are any sort of ancients/alien/ET's going to return from the distant past to cleanse the earth
of all the corruption and the like?
Not going to happen----however, the earth and the space around it is buzzing with copious
numbers of extraterrestrials from across the galaxy like never before. There is a gala event of
sorts in progress but they are not here to make a big splash concerning major or abrupt
planetary changes---at least not in any way that most humans will wake up and take notice of.
I can’t elaborate anymore on that.

All humans have souls, but there are entities that look human that indeed have no souls.

Real ETs don’t dance or eat quiche.

If ET is on timeless time, are they dipping in and out for work purposes other than to help
(another agenda) and do they like doing this?
There are so many variables, functions, fronts, and whatnots going on so there is no one or
two answers to that question.

I use the term ET loosely----mostly meaning that they are entities not inhabiting this planet
but come here or are summoned here. They are higher beings---most of the time.

What about the advanced civilizations such as those in the Draco, Zeta Reticuli and Sirius
star systems?
They are on much higher levels than earth classed planets and they have the freedom to travel
to other stars

Are the soulless humanoids here on the planet here for observation and information?
Kind of, they do the mundane and dirty work that is beneath the dignity of the higher up
entities------but if you’ve seen some of the dirty work they have to do you would understand
why they have machines do it for them---please don’t ask for the gory details.
They have very boring lives like our washing machines, computers, cars, airplanes---they
exist only to serve their masters.
ETs hold all the cards and call all the shots, but once again they find the need to work with us
in secret, sounds just a little too convenient for me.
It sounds convenient because it is convenient---they worked most of the bugs out of the
system many eons ago---now things are moving along quite smoothly---well kind of---

Empirical data only works for those on the same page as each other---for instance take your
house cat---it sees no difference between your house and a cave---the microwave, refrigerator,
stove, makes no more sense to it than a rock in the backyard.
But we humans are smarter than a cat you might say----we certainly are---but the cat is on one
page, humans are on another page and ET is in a whole other book---on the very top shelf---
where most people can’t seem to reach it.

Some ETs are souls higher up the ladder; other ETs have never been in our shoes.

ETs cannot kill humans ?

Well that is technically true, but ETs and black ops do join forces and kill---but the people
they eliminate are not necessarily always people just because they might look like people---
ET kills ET, humans kill humans.

ETs in human bodies and grew up just like humans in certain parts of this planet.

ETs are 100% immune to anything human, so are their ships---but they can knock their own
ships out.
Some ET bodies are as fragile as tissue paper---but not to humans---ETs have gadgets and
they have powerful minds that can stop anything and everything human.

The food we eat is nothing more than concentrated sunshine. Some entities can absorb more
of it than normal humans who must consume it from plants and animals rather than directly.
Humans on earth can do without food for a few weeks, but become susceptible to ailments---
humans are not designed to operate without food
Entities on other more advance worlds do not need food for nourishment---but they do
sometimes eat for pleasure.
What makes it possible is energy levels of the mind---which is capable of manipulating
energy that covers every inch of the universe---like that shock you get when walking on

Can these aliens take you out of existence as in kill the soul and if so what is it like to not
Yes they can and it’s a bit like lurk mode---think genie in a bottle.
The soul is not easy to snuff out and some remnant of it continues to exist, and they are kept
in some alien container somewhere near the center of each galaxy---
If you go there they might issue you a PO Box for any correspondence that might be allowed-
--but why? Not sure who you could contact, certainly not your congressman.

ETs, management of souls & creation of bodies:

The complexities of managing a planet with nearly seven billion people on it require a
regiment of specialized entities. Some are guides some are family some are machines some
are simply visitors and tourist---but the vast majority of ETs are involved in stuff few can ever
imagine because it’s not for mankind to know.
Some ETs have assigned thousands of souls to manage at a time.
After a soul's assignment is completed, would the assigned ET be responsible for the next
incarnation of the soul?
At upper levels they sometimes remain involved.
Is more than one alien species responsible for creating human bodies on earth?
Yes but they don’t like to advertise those little details.
It is not allowed for us to know which species created us.
The reason for creating our containers?
To keep us from escaping earth until our gig is up---and some container are strictly pain
What are our creators (ET) biggest hopes for human kind?
They hope that we grow up and stop whining--------this doesn’t sound like I’m whining does
They engineer everything in our galaxy.
What gives these beings the right to lock us in a box?
If they didn’t have the right or the authority then we wouldn’t be here.

Do ETs predict the future among themselves or do they just let our lives play out as they do?
They step in often.

ETs have no rules as we understand rules.

Some aliens are communist---the spiteful ones.

ETs have jobs, they are not really political but they may influence certain leaders to take their
flocks to the depths of depredation as did Stalin and Hitler and many others before and since.
They don’t vote and there is no democracy as we have here in America and a few other
places---for those who believe we really have democracy.
Who or what rules over ET? What is their political power structure?
That’s quite a mouth full and if I ever have spare time I might try and fill in a few of the

They are kind of ruled under a sort of benevolent dictatorship.

Some have more free time than others.
Their living is taken care of and their work is like play.

The buck can certainly be passed infinitely up to a higher level---so if you start passing the
buck today no matter how high up the ladder you go you will never catch up with that buck---
so you better be sure before you turn loose of that puppy---you will never see it again.

They come in all sizes and many are small and short.

Do they use weapons?

Against each other but not normally on humans unless they are black ops.
Unless you have evil intentions they can’t do you any harm---

(Yes we are stinky to them.)

The particular Gray looking thing is often only a suit that even humans can enter into.

ET travel via dimensions not through time.

There are many more than 11 races of ET and many are renegades but with limited power.
Nevertheless they are a nuisance.

Extraterrestrials are everywhere like insects around a lamppost at night. Except most humans
don’t see them, cloaking is a real phenomena.
There are also thousands in hiding here on earth and on other planets and moons, as well as
cruising in the darkness of space

Survivor entities of the crashed ufos were android like and left behind, the actual ETs were
taken away by those that shot down the craft.
They are not treated bad, they are prized and valuable high tech equipment---those in
possession of them know that.
“Those survivors/prisoners permit themselves if necessary to be killed, many of them would,
many of the species. And the reason to do that is to protect us to hurt ourselves” (Clifford
Stone]. If this all is true?
Not true. They are absolute absolutely capable to rescue them wherever and whenever they
want ---no ET good or evil can be taken or harmed by humans.

Humans were never discovered by any ETs we were put here.

Are there entities with called super-powers with telekinesis and stuff?
To say the least, yes, all of them.

They have stuff all over space that would freak the hell out of humans that’s why some probes
get wacked.
It is their moon, their earth and their solar system---they put us here, and they will let us play
on some of the other planets and moons.

They are midlevel ETs in charge of this planet, not sure how many are involved.

There are many kinds of ET, but they are extremely camera shy, and they can’t be captured on
film unless they allow it---and that is rare that any would allow it---ship is another story, they
often let them be seen.

Do the aliens have bubble gum in cubes or thin sticks?

Depends on what level you are at---

How do ET's get around on their planets?

Like I described in the blog, plus every conceivable method is used on various planets and
star systems. But entities like Milton can use whatever public transportation is available or
simply use their dimension jumping capabilities.

There are many kinds and levels of ET some worked their way up like us others are
something very different than us.

When you create your own universe then you can make the rules---

They are good, bad and ugly----which has nothing to do with why we humans are here---
You know how certain creatures like Dracula have no reflection in the mirror---same with
ETs, their image don’t show up on film or digital---unless they want it too.
If I could get a picture I certainly would post it.

We can make a statement to them if others would do it also.

They could see it even if you hid it in your heart.

They certainly do have an image problem due to Hollywood and a few who had the unholy
cr_p scared out of them. But they are trying a new campaign using a smart a-ss like me to
deliver it. They just don’t have the budget to get the big talent---

There are two or more factions that are monitoring us, and they operate like politicians on
steroids sometimes.

These higher beings that are over this planet and others are a few notches above Milton. How
they actually operate is mysterious, but they seem to give plenty of leeway to Milton and his
counterparts. The renegades are not part of the ruling entities, and are looses cannons which
present other types of problems, and contribute to some of the ongoing wars and skirmishes
on earth and off earth.

They certainly know [Milton’s visits to me] and are letting it happen.
The funny thing about higher up entities is that they are so laid back, and don’t have the hang
ups we humans get hung up on---in a way they are bureaucratic, yet many like Milton seem to
do as they please.

What does the work?

Androids and other types of machines do nearly everything.

They are the ones who govern or planet and others but who is above them?
Ever get on the phone with some government agency and then get passed around like a hot
potato in and endless maze of “it’s not my department but let me connect you with so and
so.”---kind of like that

We don't have nor do we do anything they haven't seen a billion times already---
There is “nothing new under the sun”---a wise old saying indeed

Starships are buzzing around this planet for the past few years as if they were going to come
down here and clean house or something---maybe that’s what they have been doing.

Do Milton and other multidimensional beings need relationships and love from others or is
that only a human requirement?
They don’t need it because they have it, and have a whole lot of it. Humans have no idea what
love is, we only get a dumbed down pathetic version of it---and often screw that up---

Does ET acknowledge a god?

If they do they keep it to themselves.

Since they crashed their ship they have a preference for the USA?
America carries a big stick, not by accident.
Are ET's, by using "pure" thought, able to control reality, there ships, etc ? I am thinking they
really don't need mechanical means to do any of this
At higher levels they don’t but when working around these levels they use machinery suited
for the “so called” physical world.

Are there any ETs that know they are ETs that are public figures in the world?
They remain behind the scenes drinking coffee and eating donuts like Milton does, and yet
they never gain an ounce---so unfair!

ETs know where everyone is without implants; our MO is in our DNA.

We humans intimidate each other with our eyes, they do it much better.

Mostly but not all ETs leave an energy footprint---there are things way beyond the energy we
humans are able to pick up or sense, an infinity of them.

Humans harbouring evil will not feel good around the good ETs, they will feel pure terror.
And evil people will feel at easy around evil entities---like old buddies, until the moment of
no return, and then they get mighty ugly and wicked fast, but then it’s too late---for the
wanabe bad boy, or girl.

Is it true that the ET would step in if a nuclear war was to occur or would they allow us to go
No one gets off this planet that easily. They have allowed it in the past and will allow it in the
future, but not on a worldwide scale.

All ETs vibrate higher than we humans do, and they are not detectable by us unless they slow
down a bit so that we can tune them in.

Can ET's had a hand in making movies?

They still do, even if most of it is way off because humans don’t like the real version as much
as the action packed ones where we blast those pesky space aliens to smithereens----

In the old days ETs walked among the people and dropped hints, gave advice and moved
mountains, and let others take the credit, kind of like today.
Most were in human form and many did take on mythical forms too that we still like to
believe they were only myths, makes us feel less creeped out.
The gods give us the building blocks to create or make whatever we set our mind and hands to
do---and they throw in the mind and hands for free.

Are E.T.s the great architects of Karma, what goes around comes around
Only like a snowball gaining momentum coming off a mountain, most will not see it coming
until their next life.
Best to put out those small fires while we are here because they do become infernos---talk
about your hot and cold Karmatic metaphors---

Did the ETs set a limit as to how many races they want on this planet at one time?
There is no limit and they can add to it as they did in ancient times.
Are there advanced ET's that Milton is not able to see or meet?
Oh yeah, lots of uppity types---

Do ET's ever have pets in the same way that we have a pet dog, cat or bird?
Not pets like we have on earth but some interesting escorts and companions.

There are plenty in human form roaming in our midst; those lucky to get near them can
sometimes feel the magic that radiates from these “people”.

Do ET's, soul guides or other types of entities ever fall in love or get crushes on us?
It’s been known to happen.

Everything about extraterrestrials is weird, even their saucers, which can change and become
something very different as they manipulate space and dimensions.

Do High level ETs see the Universe like we see the Earth?
They see the universe any which way they wish.

What is ET's view of violence, aggressiveness, or even manipulating situations for power in
any form?
When they come across such behaviour they throw gas on that fire so that it will burn itself
out quicker.

We have heard the stories of the missile silos being shut down. Did the ET do anything more
impressive that we did not hear about?
They most certainly did.

How do ET's get this crumb trail to happen so easy if there are so many things involved?
Like going into a candy store with a dime and trying to decide what to buy---very painful
We need to focus on what we really want, and then realize that a dime doesn’t buy much.
If we become aware that the crumbs we pick up and eat are a trail is it a good thing or a bad
For those who are satisfied with crumbs, it’s a bad thing, because the universe is a never
ending feast.

Are we being manipulated by ET beings?

Only to the extent that we need to be.
Are they truly altruistic?
So much so that it boggles the human mind and creates fear in us.

Does the ET often walk amongst us on the street?

They use human looking bodies.
They radiate a high energy field that can affect electrical things of an earlier vintage, but some
of the newer electronics are shielded from this energy serge and will not be affected. Also
some humans are sensitive and their physiology is disturbed, not going to give details because
many of these symptoms are also normal everyday stuff.

ETs can be as sweet as pie, or as horrid as we are---they will match us, and sometimes out do
us in whatever game we wish to play.
Do the ET ever leave something around for an average person to find?
Not often, but they always take it back.

The many aliens that do come here, are not to get tangled in the mess we put ourselves into..
Or did they make this mess themselves?
They made some of the mess, but no matter who makes the mess we have to clean it up.

Why do certain entity's need to use human body's as suits when they can just use mind over
matter instead and appear as any solid being that they want?
There are genetic reasons for doing so, something to do with multi-tasking.

Can you tell me how ET's that are able to travel the galaxy can still do things that they should
not when they know better?
They have slightly more freedom than we humans but can’t go anywhere without the higher
ups giving them some slack on the leash.

We don’t own our bodies, we are leasing them. ETs also have the right to make repairs and
adjustments to our bodies. Eventually they will kick us out and take our bodies back---dust to
dust kind of thing.

The higher ups do not marry, no reason for it.

Why the ET activity IS MORE frequent IN THE Nordic places?

They only think that, but it’s not true.

ETs can dance on the head of a pin and bathe inside of solar flares; they just don’t like to brag
about it.

Some ETs are vegetarians, some eat only animal blood, but the higher up ones do not eat
anything, they run on pure inexhaustible energy.

There are many extraterrestrials orbiting this planet and always have.

They don't like being called "Elders" it sounds old and they do not age at all over there. Time
is a funny thing and we certainly can't grasp what it is on this side of the fence.
I have no idea who created me and no one has come forth to claim me------other than my
sweet earthly mother that is.

Are their goals beyond human understanding?

That’s an understatement.

The higher ups that deal with us on planets like earth are locals and from our own solar
system and galaxy.

Did different ET’s create different races and the race that we are, is the group/factions of
ET’s that created us?
Not completely how it works.
ETs do not project through us, they are not emotional, at least not in the same way we humans
are. And we are not harvested, they send a limo to pick us up---for some anyway.

Do higher level entities have someone above them?

There is always a bigger fish---

Do higher level entities can undo the things that they have done? Or travel to the future?
The higher entities have cart blank to do as they see fit but changing the past and tampering
with the future is a strange realm with proper protocol involved.

Why do they do strange things to cattle?

Mischievous entities on the run are some and black programs others. Animal blood has useful
properties for biological cultures in a similar context as a mosquito uses blood.
And then of course some wild animals like blood as do bats.

The aliens have always been in control of playpen/prison earth in their own crazy and strange
way behind the scenes. They do let us make a mess of things and they will make us clean up
our room every now and then, but they will remain behind the curtain.
Some humans could handle aliens coming out of the woodwork but most could not.

The ETs don’t take kindly at being called “debris” but they are use to that kind of jargon,
swamp gas, test dummies, weather balloons, Venus, etc---it’s simply amazing
what people will believe when it comes from an official source.

Certain ETs use certain faces in 3d to fit in.

Why do the ET's of earth require worship?

Makes them feel special.
What do they get out of it besides their ego inflated?
That’s about it.
Do they get some type of energy out of the people who worship them?
In the form of tax deductions.

Why are ET's tricksters?

Because we are easy.

Are there really inherent universal truths in every immortal entity?

There certainly is not many of those inherent things on this level of existence---the real
inherent truths is what sets many a bowels free during abductions.

Are there any Godzilla sized aliens?

There are many bigger things inside of this immense Milky Way galaxy of ours.

What can we, as humans, use to defend ourselves against any mean hungry aliens?
We humans can’t do anything but there is a garrison or two posted here on earth to protect
Extraterrestrials are immune to our cannons.
If we weren’t protected by other ETs, this nursery of humanity would be gone in seconds
But so what, our souls would go unfettered to are predetermined destinations and we would
recycle to other lives and existences.
Do some ETs really have a taste for us and consume humans or certain types of humans thus
accounting for some of the millions of missing kids and people?
That would make a great movie and put all of Hollywood's horror films in the suitable for
young children category, in comparison.
Why some ETs wear black hooded cloaks?
They wear them when they are around other very scary looking ETs.
So does that mean that they look even scarier? Or does the black cloak mean something?
The only reason to wear such is cold climate or to hide the fact that brains spilled out of their
head and they only have an ugly dark hole back there.
Do ETs have the power to build planets, if so, is it common practice, or are they solely in
charge of controlling certain mechanisms they didn't create?
Can they create ships or other structures way bigger than planets?
Like bunny rabbits they pop such things out nonstop.

Do higher beings control everything in the universe as far as where mid-level ET's or
renegades clans are sent to, or who they can kill off, and/or control?
Who or what are these high level ET's?
They are the light of the universe.

The Nordics/Aryans ET's produce hybrid and human bodies, and then put souls inside of
Those humans who go to the dark side are inserted into these bodies.

Those in higher dimensions see us as slow pokes, and we don't see them unless they slow
If a 3rd Dimensional Being went to a 4th Dimensional realm/city what would it look like to
the 3d being?
Like a dream.

What's the magic behind 3D?

Human souls.

Is 3D built so that we never get bored?

Boring is a trait most of us have while in 3D space. But we don't have to follow those rules.

Is it true that three different sets of ET's control 3 different parts of Earth?
All the different races of ET on earth now and in the past have never had control. Control
comes from the top brass in a land faraway. The three or more stooges that think and wish
they ran things down here are nothing but goofballs.

Do ET's ever get bored of monitoring humans?

There is high turnover.
What stops beings from getting bored of the 3D universe?
Purpose, and knowing it.

The higher up don't have the emotion software. A concept difficult to imagine for us
emotional fanatics here on earth.
Are ET's trying to better man kind?
No they are not. They provide a place, this earth for us to better ourselves.

Why do ET's shut down missile silos?

To prevent an accident. Nuclear exchange has to be approved by them. It's never in human
hands, few would believe that.

All life in 3d land is ET created. The universe and entities in it have always existed; yet, most
mechanisms are operated or created by ET. Do they create then the macro structures in the
universe, maybe the ones in this corner of the multiverse?
In a roundabout way we can pin it on them, but who be the them is the key, and that door is

Our souls are created, what about ET's?

ET's are advanced souls that have existed forever when considering that millions and billions
of years, earth years, add up to zero. Dang that ET math! lol.

Other dimensional beings see the physical world the way it really is, a stage.

What would Earth be like if ET's were not here?

A much worse hellhole run by anarchistic renegades. Kindergarten without a teacher/

Did the different ET's in charge of populating the earth consult each other so that we could
all be of one species?
They didn't consult, they were all of the general make up that was allowed to nest here and

The Greys are a universal maintenance droid used by several types of ET's, the good, the bad
and the black op.

Abductees say ET's walk among us, all over the world, disguised. Only the very sensitive can
sense their ET nature. Just how common are these disguised ET's?
Common enough.
They are in every village, more so in the larger cities.
Do they all communicate and work together?
Not necessarily, many are on individual missions.

Is there is an ET on Earth who doesn't know about it?

More than six billion of them. Humans are extraterrestrials; no one is from this planet. We
only use the earth dirt for out exterior, our bodies.
Can he reject his assignment?
Many do.
Became evil by himself?
Most certainly.
Yeah I know you are talking about the ET's like Milton. No to all of the above.

Did the ET's make a stop at FERMI too?

They like to make visits there.
ET is working within a no time knowing? Past/present/future all at once and at there
Multi tasking is no biggie when you control the sands of time in the hourglass.

Are the Above ET guides higher up than the visiting UFO groups?
Way above.
Many visiting ET's are entities on a cruise liner checking out the sights.

Do entities near or higher than 'Milton's' level ever come to Earth? As in directly/incarnate.
Never, but they do visit now and then in human form.

Can ET's make any human body on Earth last forever without aging if they wanted too?
They could.

How do ET's reproduce? Do they re-clone each other? Create more of them?
And other unspeakable ways too.

Can ET's/Aliens breathe in space or only on certain planets?

Some of the renegade tribes have those issues.

The ET game is at play. What is it that they want now?

Our hides. They certainly don't want our stock portfolio lol. Just kidding, they don't want
anything from us, the question should be what do we want from ourselves. The sky is not the
limit, regardless of the madness that swirls all around us. It is still all illusion to judge our
individual substance. And I'm not talking vodka as that substance.

I had somehow thought afterlife occurrences and E.T. phenomena were separate. When you
say E.T., are you speaking of a collective?
Yes, there are many supernatural entities involved including family members that have passed
over recently, that influence our lives in positive and negative ways depending on our deeds
and attitude. We attract to us what we feel inside.

Do ET's, the higher ups, etc.. have similar monitory concepts because I cannot see how more
evolved beings could be so materialistic based.
Money and bartering for goods, labour and such is a low level thing. A very few notches
above us it's all gravy train. The universe is filthy rich beyond human comprehension to
believe or understand, and we are all family inheriting that kingdom. But first we are watched
to see how we handle the little things we are given to play with down here.

Do different orders of ET's know what other orders of ET's are up too? In other words, did
Milton know that Russia was going to attack Georgia?
Yes and said so years before it happened back at ATS in one of the thousands of political
posts. Most likely not in one of my threads however. So don't ask for it.
Can ET's stop a bad situation before it happens? Like Stalin and Hitler's reign? Within
protocol. They did try but evil souls outnumbered the good ones.

How many different groups of ET's warden planet Earth?

More than a dozen.
Are ET's and black ops the only ones who can read our thoughts or are there others that can
do it too?
Most higher entities can pick up what we are thinking, that's how they know who to circle if
they be the renegade vultures.

Do creatures like that in the Alien movie really exist?

Every single one of them.
Is there anything like that around that even Milton would not like to come across out there?
None that he will admit to. But what we humans have seen in the movies is child's play, there
is some really bad stuff out there.
The scariest are the ones you don't see, and they swallow you whole, and you enter into a very
complex digestion trap. I don't want to spoil the ending.

ET's do not parish but they can be captured and terminated, that's a whole bizarre process in
itself. For humans death is simply an upgrade or downgrade in rank.

Ancient cultures used to have the 'gods'/'intelligences' controlling things, like the weather. Is
there any truth to ET's controlling the rain?
The earth wouldn't spin without supernatural influence, everything is controlled by the

If my soul were to be placed in an ET body, how would knowledge come to me?

Their bodysuits are equipped with many gadgets they are.

What’s the difference between a human soul and an ET soul?

Does the ET soul have more energy?

ET's are free to do as they please, go where they want. The negative ones have restrictions,
but way more freedom than humans. Lots more energy.

Is it the big difference btw ET's and us humans, that they are not bound, whatever they can
think of they manifest, they ARE what they "think" or imagine or project, like there is no
separation between the mind and reality in their dimension ? And what makes them travel and
do stuff so fast...
Or so it might appear as such to those in 3Dville. A dog or cat sees us walking to our car, get
in and disappearing into the ether. Did we manifest our car? No, but how would the cat or dog

Which movie or TV show best resembles the ET reality?

None that I have seen yet have even come close, not even Close Encounters.

Do ET's see other ET's and just understand the game of tech and get along.....I guess they
would because they are in the same dimension—they earned it?
They earned it or they were born to the job.

Some ET's are there to counteract the system?

Some exist to rock the boat.

Do ET's think Earth humans are ugly?

Renegades don't like us all that much, makes their jobs easier and more fun.
ETs can appear as the tooth fairy, God, Jesus, Mohamed, Joseph Smith, Buddha, The Virgin
Mary, you name it they can do it.

Both ET good and renegades are on a job...they are on the payroll of the same who pays the
bills (that’s how I understand it).
Yeah we put them on the payroll, like our elected officials, to work for us. But once they get
into office they eat our lunch and snacks too. Those who promise the most deliver the least.

What happened in Tunguska 1908?

A nest of nasty entities got shredded.
They were on the run, their time was up, they were removed. Happened many times in the
past, still going on via human military operations, and will continue to go on far into the
future. Goes on in space all the time. When humans get into space we will see more evidence,
well, some people will see it.

How do ET's and highers see space? Is it really big and dark like we see (but the stars still
look fascinating), or is there a different angle or dimension for them?
We only see 3D of it, not much. The higher ups see the full spectrum. It's a much different
world/existence up there. What does a child in a crib see inside the house? What does an adult
see in the same house? Dirty dishes, messy unkempt rooms lol.

Many ET's on this planet are horrible monsters, much more so than what Hollywood portrays.
The worse part, them monsters can't be killed by humans.
The Predator type species in this universe, do they really exist?
They do.
What type of planets are they allowed to "hunt" on?
Lower planets like earth.
Does that kind of "hunting" happen here on earth by alien beings like the Predator?
If it does, is it monitored by black ops/higher up ET here on earth?
Hunting season is always in season here on earth. They are monitored and like fishing and
game licenses for humans, there is an age and certain other restrictions.
So the higher up give these things (the group) all this technology and abilities that are far
beyond our comprehension just so that they can continue to do their evil work?
Yes the little devils have higher tech than humans.
Why is it that they don't have to face the consequences of their blood lust and violent actions?
Some of them get rounded up now and then and terminated. The infestation is large because
humans draw such flies.
There is nothing good about envy and hate. That's why there are so many flies around here.
You say the Predator creature from the Predator movies is real and hunts in this solar system.
You seemed to have had specific knowledge of them. would you say that about any monster
our minds could imagine?
Yes, but our minds can only imagine a fraction of what is out there in this universe that goes
on forever.
Is there something specific about the Predator to this solar system?
Everything doesn't exist everywhere. They don't let just any predator into kindergarten
Were the creators of that movie channelling previous soul experience with the creatures or
was the creature sent to their imaginations by other beings?
ET’s can clone human?
They clone.
Do they have the capability of cloning our souls? Is that possible?

Higher beings can enter earth any way they choose. Many do so in balls of energy like the
good witch in the Wizard of Oz.

Is what people claim about the Pleadians and Andromedans imagination / fantasy?
I'm not up on everything being said about them.
The Pleadians and Andromedans claim that earth has and is being controlled by basically
evil ET’s and using mankind when they should have never interfered with earth and evolution
in the first place. They have intentionally dumbed us down and altered our DNA so that we
cannot spiritually awaken and evolve in the right direction? Using us as a resource and earth
as a farm claiming ownership over what is not rightfully theirs. Is that a Possibility?
For certain segments of society some of that is true.

There was a big ET presence in 1952 where they made a few deposits after the big war WW2.
That war was about routing certain ET factions behind the axis powers.
A lot of subtle upgrades where being done back then.

Did the aliens who now look over us begin as humans on this planet before moving onto their
higher state?
Some of them did.

There are billions and billions of species of aliens out there and many that have come and
gone to this planet. As in say New York City? How many different races of people pass
through that city every day but don't stay? I have seen a few, some that I would prefer not to
see again.

I heard about the two army personnel who once died instantly from a heart attack after seeing
a particularly fearsome alien and was wondering do you know where I could see even a
sketch of it.
All Aliens are freaky to 3D minds.
A sketch only makes them look 10 pounds fatter and you think certain humans are touchy
about how they look they don't allow sketches or pictures for that and other reasons.

Do aliens watch our telly?

Sure they do.
Did they enjoy War Of The Worlds, Independence Day, Aliens, Predator,? Etc
They think Sigourney Weaver is hot!
What about Space Balls and Star Trek or even Red Dwarf?
Space Balls is too close to home, made them uncomfortable.

Do aliens have a sense of humor?

That's about all the sense they have.
If I got abducted and said "Hello big face" would they laugh or just roll their eyes?
They might zap you with their ray gun.
From the Extra-Terrestrial perspective; what makes an inhabitant push their agenda on
others; fear, hatred, envy?
The need for respect and power.
From an Extra-Terrestrial perspective are hatred and envy a combination of; thoughts,
feelings and behaviours?
Soul defects/blemishes/sickness.
Extra-terrestrially speaking, what group is best to be with; the invader, the enslavers, the
greedy ones, the ones who are always so materialistic that they are always pushing their
Whichever one brings us to our knees/humility/compassion. Most will try them all, over and
over again.
It’s easy to spot what group may be up to some Nazi like behaviours throughout time. No
matter what continent or space-time appearance, no?
They are simply tools regardless the façade.
I am thinking in terms of the sh** hitting the fan. Extra-Terrestrially speaking the Hell/Prison
planets are immersed in it already right? The Sh** hit the fan a long time ago...
Shit hitting the fan makes its rounds, and makes house calls to both humans and renegades.
Is it not just that it's SEEMINGLY hitting the fan (The chickens coming home to roost) but
what really is happening is "what goes around comes around." If this time frame has beings
that were here or somewhere else dishing it out it is time to pay the piper?
The piper gets paid whenever they feel like it. Like Guido. No rhyme no reason.

How do we really know which of them are truly on our side if any?
Many of them are not on our side. But they serve us, help us with our vanity, hate, blood lust,
whatever we need to explore and expand in our lives, they are there for us.

Are they the only reason humans exist?

Humans exist for much much bigger reasons. Extraterrestrial are mostly unpaid
servants/slaves to our individual desires.

How old is the ET civilization and were they once in the same boat, if you will, as we are
They are sticking with 35, but they look way way older to me. Some of them have been
through this earthly boot camp a few times.

How about military, doctors, scientists and so on, could some of them be ET’s or possibly
even clones but controlled by ET‘s?
Somewhat but not in any significant numbers. There are more easier ways to get messages

ET’s have always bred with humans, still do. For reasons not for disclosure.

Are the Annunaki still around today? How about the Nordics and Lyrians? What other human
looking races are watching over earth?
Yes and many are watching, interacting and such.
What are the Annunaki up to nowadays? Where did they come from? Are they the quarantine
resulting infestation on mars or is it the Bigfoot creatures or something else?
Are all of the Nordics negatives?
They are not all negative as is true with the reptilians. They come in many flavors depending
on who they are interacting with, and for what reasons and protocol.
How could a group that has close ties to the native, indigenous groups, and wants us to grow
up and get rid of corruption, power and pollution, and adopt a moneyless resource economy
be negative?
They exploit our naive side.

Is there a higher authority that simply operates in the higher levels that allows certain things?
Certain people/societies are catered to due to ancient beliefs and remain fearful of moving
away from certain antiquated lifestyles.

A supposed back op has come forward saying all ET’s are negative and geared towards a
takeover of our planet to use us all as slaves for food and resources.
We call it Third World and there are many entities that would like to make the whole planet
that way. Their operatives always come dressed in sheep clothing with big smiles and
promises of 3D land utopia for the taking.

Most greys are simply doing "maintenance" on certain humans and have no evil intentions.

The Hopi talk about Ant men living underground and also some people say when they are
abducted by the greys they see insectoid type beings present in the room or in the ship?
There are such creatures.
Is it possible that the greys are part insectoid since their eyes are big black bug eyes? They
tend to look like praying mantis or fly eyes to be honest. Abductees also state they feel like
those eyes are penetrating into their minds and paralyzing them.
Yes and yes.
Many other abductees have mentioned the insectoid type beings having mind control over
them making them do something for instance, and when asked, some abductees stated they
believe the greys and insectoid beings live underground, they didn't believe they were from
outer space but right here on earth.
Many are quarantined here.
Is it possible that the greys are part insect part dolphin/human or another species that were
created here on earth and not necessarily from Zeta Reticuli?
Some are a hodgepodge like building a bicycle from a scrap shop. No longer Zeta material.

What is the most prominent species and how many would you estimate are out there? I know
you don't usually give these things up, but throw us some real crumbs!
We know them as reptilian and they eat bugs.

Did all of the advanced ET's have to go through this phase?

No. Some go through officers training, some are happy being privates, some go for special
forces and jump deep into enemy territory.

Much literature and paintings showing or talking about super beings has been destroyed,
again as is true today. Many of the geniuses like Michael Angelo and Leonardo Da Vinci did
have personal ET contact but kept quiet.
Is this type of stuff just passed off by religious leaders as some type of hoax or false objects in
the paintings?
By those who are concerned with their reputations, yes.
What are Chupacabras? ET’s or genetic experiments?
Not genetic experiments.

ET uses and plays our earth kindergarten emotions?

They play one mean concerto of violins, Stradivariuses to boot!

Is the Milton or ET space ship merely a way to interface with us?

Yes but there is much more to them.
The ship is an alive tool run by its captain’s intents?

ET's in our world are perfect?

Not the bad boys but the rest yes.
They do not make mistakes on the 3d.

Obviously ET can eradicate at will. Why let us or certain dark programs play out this
scenario without our knowledge?
Does the principle consult with the elementary grade school children on managing the school?
Ok, in a few areas they do.

Having all the powers/ships that ET’s do, do they find it hard to do what they have to?
Not at all, they live in the 24/7 fun zone, mostly because they are not constrained in 24/7.

Who - what race was responsible for the Washington Flap in 1952? What was the point of it?
They made a few deposits around the world that year. They were locals from other planets in
this solar system.

What is ET's stake on this planet--what purpose for us? Time lords?
Like politicians, they wish to serve us lol.

We all know ET visits everyday but specifically like a Jedi or something coming to our little
solar system and flying around. Seems that the fact that they interact with various life forms
everyday in their reality that this type of "sight seeing" would be normal to them.
The ET’s good and bad that we have here are totally different, no games, no fantasy, it’s the
real deal.

ET is giving this world a shake, rattle and roll right now. Thanks for giving it a positive spin.
The shake, rattle and roll is intentional. We role with it or get rolled over by it. Good thing we
are indestructible.

ET can only say what is probable?

"Probable" ends on 3D. The higher ups somehow "know" every outcome.
Is it because ET is so in control of the game, and the game plan, that only what they choose to
happen, will happen?
Something like that.
When I see the balls of light that are just as you describe in "a day with an Extraterrestrial",
are they always ET?
For the most part.
What explanations can you supply regarding these balls of light?
Who or what are they?
Can they only be Souls?
Does anything else exist in a pure energy state like that?
Yes, probes, vehicles and a few other things.
Is size is a giveaway to the sophistication of the entity?
To a certain degree but there are other elements. The top brass doesn't travel via plasma; they
travel first class, devoid of what we call matter and energy.

Are these lower level ET's (yet higher up compared to earthlings) in direct communication
with the big guys?
The big guys are all ears but excuses go right through them without hitting a note. Sorry to
hear about the wheel falling off the trike, bummer! But that was funny lol.

Why do ET's serve us? Do they do it because they like to?

Higher beings always serve lower beings. Humans have that concept turned upside down;
who serves who? The child or the parent? The parents serve the child otherwise the child
would die or go astray. The teacher serves the student, teaches the student.

If most ET's have telepathy, do they have the ability to shield themselves?
Yes they do.

Why does ET have black eyes or is it some sort of protective lens to shield their eyes?
Helps them see in the dark, where they do most of their work.

If ET’s are living among us like a typical family would with children that we least expect, how
did they have children?
They snatch them from other parents at the mall. Never let young children out of your sight in
crowded places! Well, ok that's not how it happens. This phenomenon is not as wide spread as
that. But Aliens and hybrids can be inserted here and there without even family members
knowing about it. Check suspicious family members behind the ears. If they have gills that
might be a clue.
Are the children living with them ET’s also? So are they all ET’s and the children’s bodies
also special bodies or clones?
My stuff works in the context that I put it in and is also part of the question that I make the
statement on. Answers and questions are symbiotic and don't often apply to other answers or
queries outside of the context. That's why I can answer similar but different questions
hundreds of times with slightly different but symbiotic matches. Say what! I should have been
a lawyer, lol.

Are there any ET’s in power positions or celebrity positions?

There are.
Could some of the actors actually be ET’s in disguise?
The movie "Men in Black" exposed a few.
Presidents, congressmen, governors, military officials etc?
A few.
Could you list the name of a renegade and/or good alien that is a public figure that we would
They really don't want that info out there.

Do they ever watch our TV signals? I guess they have a good laugh.
They have seen it all, we are not that funny down here, quite the opposite.

Do the ET’s run the show 100% on earth?

And then some.
It sounds like they have control of everything and can do anything they want.
And they do it so well. Very few people are aware of that fact.
They have control of the meat and potatoes but we have full control of our souls, and the soul
is all that matters in the big picture.

ET’s disguise themselves as creatures like big foot, dogs, wolves and some other types
including human. They do chase us and we do run, but we can't get away and they catch us
every time. Most of us don't remember being cornered and captured, but we do remember the
fear, terror and sometimes the running, usually in dreams. There is a reason they stir up the
adrenalin inside of us before they pounce (can’t say anymore)
Nevertheless, good souls are protected even if they do get the bogeys scared out of them. Life
is a very strange and complex phenomena and certain protocol is equally strange for a 3D

When ET do a cleaning on planet (yes the cleaning crew) what happens actually, they just
blow everything up, they give warnings to the people (dream stuff so they can correct their
behaviors) or what exactly happens?
That's not due to happen for a few thousand more years. And how they do it is a closely
guarded secret.

Why is that most aliens are preaching about humanity destroying the planet and us needing to
change our ways, you seem to think the environmental thing is overblown which must come
from your ET experience so why are there forces so focused on this?
Some are renegade with ulterior motives. The same renegades that divide and conquer by
creating racial tensions between countries and people, rich and poor, male and female, right
and wrong, yin and yang. It's their job to stir the pot and get the adrenalin roiling. Sometimes
all that shit turns out to be fertilizer for the next generation of souls to flourish or suffocate in.

To the "higher ups", everything is one system, not even an issue?

Higher ups are all connected and one?

Are aliens allowed to invade/conquer other planets or will the good aliens monitoring the
beings on that planet intervene?
Has this happened before where the invaders succeeded? Even in this solar system?
How did ET’s evolve...they start like human souls and then go up in the scale, or they are very
different and were created for the patrol and maintenance of planets and lower 3d souls?
We humans only know a grain of sand about that aspect. Too big to elaborate on.

Only entities that are way up the scale of existence can travel intergalactic.
Alien conflicts & Renegades

ETs here on earth are not all on the same page and sometimes they bring their skirmishes
down here---but most of them follow a semblance of protocol to a degree---and adhere to
keep their disagreements restrained and out of the public conscious.
Are there intergalactic dog fights?
Oh yeah

Is the battle between more than three entities?

Most certainly.
Are the higher ups watching us earthlings or the battling entities?
They watch everything and have already made bets on the Super Bowl. Don't ask they won't
tell be either.
Do we get a say in any of this? Just keep our noses clean and hope they are ind to us?
Isn't that a tall enough order for us mere immortals, lol?

Aliens do battle each other.

Too many cooks spoil the soup and there are squabbles between the cooks---egos evaporate at
a certain level and even though entities like Milton don’t have much ego they have enough.
We live in a politically correct world so for now I can’t step on those cobblestones.
There are some pretty bad entities out there that would chew a Lucifer up and spit it out like
chewing gum. These bad asses have been rounded up and taken off this planet and put
elsewhere---the last of them only a few hundred years ago, by the Milton entities.
They’ taken away because earth has been repopulated---urban renewal---lol
Many remain locked up on some planets in this part of town, the rest those that escaped
before the final round up could still be in the neighborhood---solar system.

Their trademark was human sacrifice and cannibalism, they love blood sport---gladiator stuff,
and often consumed whole villages to quench their insatiable lust for blood. They were left
alone until their desire spilled over into populations not of their own.
I’m not dropping names to protect the innocent and to keep from offending any race that
might believe themselves decedents---any descendent has been highly diluted, but not
completely, lust for blood remains a plague on this planet.

Why were they here?

Have you noticed in some large cities where there are abandoned warehouses or other such
buildings? Sometimes these places get taken over by local gangs or other unsavory types.
Earth has been home to several civilizations and between them it is barren for eons. During
these barren times it becomes infested with highly evolved beings---and highly undesirable
ones who are usually on the run and roam around looking for vacant places to park their
carcasses. It took nearly ten thousand years to rid them from earth this last time---all that
paperwork and bureaucracy stuff---some truth to that but the real reason was that their
technology is near equal to the Miltons, and they continued to move to less populated places
on earth and other bodies in this solar system to avoid capture.
They get here with what we call UFOs.

There was really no war between ETs for prominence of earth---more of a cleanup action to
remove some of the worse of the undesirables that had infested the planet.
Supposedly there are no really bad ETs getting through the net surrounding earth.

Much of ritual sacrifice was perpetrated by the ETs that were evicted, and some of it is held
on to or reawakened by humans fascinated by blood lust

There is no chance of a hostile alien invasion---and such force would easily be defeated
before it reached this solar system.

The arm wrestling continues but not for full disclosure, more on how much technology to
drop down here---whether to pick up the pace or slow it down.

All the details would fill volumes of books that no one would ever have the time or desire to
Nevertheless the good guys are in control albeit there is squabbling on how to deal with the
lesser non human beings which tend to be like computer viruses which try to gum up or slow
down the works.

Snares [to catch the enemies or material into member of the other group] are used by both
sides---but those with integrity have nothing to fear, they are snare proof.

The negative beings are always on the run, they are limited on what they can have and their
achievements only bring more problems for them.
I’m talking about entities that exist between the cracks of existence, humans know them as
evil, but they have no power at all and leach off human misery because it’s the only emotion
they are allowed to wallow in.
They are like rats in the gutter, always on the run and hiding mostly in places uninhabited by
humans off planet, but they also hang out here on earth too.
Like fog over a lake they cannot ascend to any significant height or level---they remain many
notches below a Milton entity---why do they even exist? Why do we have litter?

There are no high up negative entities, they all hit a very low ceiling.

Bad boy ETs exist in a kind of outcast status and have zero upward mobility, some are higher
than humans but not by much---they are kind of a fluke, like pond scum---no real purpose
other than the icky factor.

The ETs in lockdown know who they are.

Are there Chaos entities in the universe? Beings so warped that they crave nothing but Death,
Destruction and Chaos, roaming the universe?
Yes they are out there; they hang out on planets that are abandoned or out of service for a
time. Many were on earth hundreds and thousands of years ago, and were run off this planet
once it was put back in use.
They have high tech machines, ships and abilities but they lack matureable souls and cannot
advance spiritually from where they are. When captured they are decommissioned from
According to Milton they are a minor irritation to life on planets like earth and mostly keep to
themselves to avoid capture. It’s possible that a few remain in hiding between the cracks of
this planet and even abduct occasionally. That’s why seeking out random contact with
supernatural entities is not advisable---IMO.
There was a lot of activity on earth at the end of the last ice age; the earth was infested with
many renegade aliens when a new crop of humans were being seeded here. Many mixed
breed body suits where created and sent elsewhere in this solar system. Others were scattered
to the four corner of this planet. There were many more than twenty two prototypes used to
infuse the multitude of cultures on this planet.

There are bad ETs I call them renegades, but they have very little if any power here on earth
and if they do take someone they can’t hold them for very long before they get rounded up
and the human returned to their bedroom intact.
They’re out there but their bark is muted for the most part, and they have been de-clawed and

There are people who volunteer to go off planet, but the only ones taken against their will are
renegade ETs in human disguise or hybrids of a renegade band of ETs. The earth does have
an immune system and certain “viruses” are taken out of the body for the protection of the

Like in society, there are those that think they are bad asses but they are more a menace to
themselves than anyone else.
Humans are off limits to them, the most they might get away with is some body fluids to grow
their own repair parts since they are cut-off from the higher source---when caught they cease
to exist.

Renegades infested this planet while it was in hibernation and remained here up until it was
reactivated and placed back into use. But most of them were rounded up and taken elsewhere
away from this planet.
The eradicated entities were human and hybrid types, they bred the bodies and lived in them
but their spirits were from other star systems in this galaxy. They also experimented with
freakish animal hybrids, sometimes mixing animal with human for cruel and bizarre sport.
Obviously most of their stuff was destroyed with them, but there are a few items out there, in
someone’s collection, or sitting unnoticed on a bookshelf.

Renegades are an enigma for lower level entities but represent nothing at higher levels---
whom created everything including the renegades. Without viruses human bodies as well as
computer software would stagnate. There are certain accelerants on lower level planets that
defy human will to comprehend---not that we as humans can’t understand---we just would
rather not.

There are bad ETs but they have little or no power here on earth as they did hundreds of years
ago, most have been moved off planet, the rest de-clawed.

As we are all aware there have been spurts of knowledge, awareness, technology, inspiration,
most of it coming in as needed, some snuck in the back door---earth is not sealed tight and
certain entities permeate in and out via an assortment of means and reasons
In other words on certain levels and for mysterious reasons god does play with dice---makes
things more interesting.

There were several extraterrestrial flights over Germany lately (2007) but they are being quiet
and going about their business as usual.
There are the lost ETs and then the competing ETs. The competing ETs are allied against the
bad/lost ones, and there are many variations of these type entities. Some of the undesirables
are part human part something else. They may have souls or some semblance of what is left of
a soul that has become ragged from being on the run.
Why are these undesirable entities allowed to exist? Some of them provided services; also
their numbers grow as lost souls fall further away and become unreachable. Eventually they
get rounded up and taken somewhere for disposal---it’s an ongoing process
The competing ETs seem to prefer more third world like conditions for mankind. They
believe harsh conditions are a sure way to enlightenment, or complete failure---not for all but
for many more people. Monks who practiced self-denial and mutilation on themselves are
good examples of these ideas.
Unfortunately what is going on behind the scenes is not so black and white---it’s incredibly
complex stuff to try and explain without me sounding political or insensitive

Not all ETs are from the lost pool---a few are.

ETs hide behind identities they themselves often create. People fear demons and the
underworld---especially in the old days when most people knew that they were heading
there.---because they were.
In the old days entities were more upfront and open and whole cities knew they were destined
to lower places---where unpleasant entities, demons if you must, tormented people more so
than the simple torments some humans experience here on earth when their lives are off track.
There are ET demons but it’s only a job for them
Personally I would avoid talking with anything that was proud of the fact they are demons.
And I might take the hint and change my ways---

Who are the competing ETs competing against and for what prize?
There is no prize---and billions of souls undergoing fermentation is no walk in the park for
those in charge of making the brew if you know what I mean.
Billions of souls each with their own complexities and issues is a challenge of immense
proportions even for those who are enlightened---besides, most of these earth type planets are
not managed by the higher ups----more like middle managers.
Does the competition get low-handed?
All the time---those running the show are not here to be tested---and they can bend the rules
without breaking them for the tough cases.
Is the other side endless political struggles as well?
Only for those working these kinds of hellholes.

Can’t be a higher being without integrity---the renegades are not higher beings.

Have I heard of the "other" aliens who want to put a stop to this?
I certainly have, we call them snake oil slickers---they have the easy solutions for every

Do ET races share technology and information with each other?

There are breakaway factions---renegades that are out of the main loop, and they often need
beg, borrow and steal whatever they can get.
Some of these beings require technology to traverse dimensions unlike some of the others that
can and do without technology (we don't require technology either). In a sense they are
considered a nuisance and would mean they would eventually be left behind (Alex Collier) is
that true?
They certainly have missed the boat---but it’s from lack of technology and integrity that they
have these problems, not the other way.----Technologically speaking they live in the dark

Since these ET's would be considered "evil", they are still more spiritually advanced than us,
able to perform telekinesis, telepathy, and more.

The renegades are the scraps under the table; we mean to clean them up but as soon as you do
there are more.

The renegades are not in the hierarchy anymore.

At the upper levels they don’t fight at all---at the midrange they squabble over details---but it
can get nasty below those two very large areas.

The battles between good and evil are isolated to solar systems such as ours and fought by
ETs and black ops on both sides of the line. The complexities of why when and how are too
numerous to mention and understand
But there are higher up planets that do indulge in Star Wars type fantasies with cool toys and

Renegades do invade planets like Pirates in the seas.

Phil Schneider said we are at war with ETs currently.

Not sure where Schneider is coming from but we have always been at war with evil ETs and
will always be---that's a fact of life for planets in this category. Many of these ETs are
imbedded in certain cultures and hidden behind hateful ideologies.

It’s not a stalemate, the benevolent beings have never lost control but as soon as they put out
one fire others ignite. We have law and order in our cities yet we still have criminals---and
always will.

Renegade ET's are not the same race, there are several different ones, including the X factor
ones---the “something elses”.

Many of them were squatters exiled from other star systems that made their home on earth
while earth rested---some were run off when earth was repopulated, others became part of
humanity, blended their seed with humans----

Where do malevolent "Prison-guard" entities come in?

It’s a union contract thing---they want their piece of the action---

There are probes to detect other unauthorized ETs.

The pyramids were created by those entities that were evicted from Earth and Mars, but some
are still on Mars, and on Earth.
There are renegade ETs that have always soured small blocks of mankind, and continue to do
so with the help of humans. These small fires are put out whenever possible around the world.

ETs fight wars using these humans know that the ETs are using them? How does
this lend itself to free will?
Most don’t know but nevertheless are fully accountable for their actions.

When "renegades beings" intrude into the tightly controlled area in this solar system, are they
just slippery and hard to catch?
They are slippery but they are tolerated to a certain degree because of the “freewill clause”---
and humans can summon them and often do.
But once in they take advantage and spread like parasites and become a cleanup effort.
Do they run between dimensional planes or just fly in using ships?
Why does the squad running our output allow this to continue?

If beyond this physical world is abounding love then what is that in relation to the not-so-nice
renegade ETs, entities and beings that don’t have good intentions.... do they deny this state of
The evil ones are isolated mostly to the physical realms and some of the lower spiritual
realms---they have little to no freedom and exist in a very chaotic and desperate state.

Maybe bad entities are looking for recruits.

More like recruits looking for bad entities to hang out with.

What is the difference between the Lower ET's that are collected up and us?
Some of the “fallen angels” have never been human they are of another element and mystery
in this huge huge huge universe and dimensional Pandora’s Box.
Why are Lower ET's still troublesome when they would be more aware of the consequences?
Why do people that go to prison and hate being behind bars with a passion return to the
slammer once they get out? ---some souls and other type entities are really dense.
Are they killed off and their souls returned to places like here?
No, many of them are killed off and it’s over---kind of, but their remnants never come back to
earth like planets, kind of, well maybe.

The blue ones are cool, the other ones are doing the work and are neutral, the bad ones come
around to claim what belongs to them. Sometimes there is a fight between them while the
abductee is actually pulled back and forth between the two entities. These are people on the
fence of right and wrong and can go either way. It may sound ridiculous but those things do

Is the war going on with ETs going on all over the world in different ways?
There is much activity in many hot spots and it will increase
Is there one going on in Mexico?
Lots of hot spots south of the boarder.
Could Mexico one day be divided into north and south?
There will be changes and with change comes pain like in childbirth.
The big picture is way more complex concerning why the tolerance for the bad entities. But
the fact is someone has to do the dirty work in the galaxy and there are many levels of dirty
laundry that needs cleaning and scrubbing. And that’s some of the reason for the unsavoury
and abrasive entities.

There are entities that have fallen through the cracks that are on the lookout for trouble and
new friends---but they are monitored for the most part and we really need to want to be their
friends before they can meat hook us.

When bad ET's are put into indefinite storage are they awaiting something like what we would
consider a trial verdict?
No, the trial is over, it’s something unexplainable in human terms.

They are attracted to high concentrations of hate and help fan the flames.
For many around the world they have never stopped being full circle, can they gain the upper
hand on the rest of the world? yes they can.
The higher ups could turn them off in an instant and make life here all nice and pretty but that
don’t mean that they will. Unfortunately some souls need to go through hell fire to learn that
fire really hurts.

Is there are a secret space war between dracos/grays vs humans/pleiadians?

There are some feuds going on in plain sight around the world. The bigger stuff is none of our
concern and way over our heads to understand or do anything about.

Is the Sumerian gods EA considered a renegade ET?

Not a renegade exactly but his significance concerning earth has passed, and he relishes being
a myth.

On one hand, you mention the never ending squabbles with renegades and in the post above
mine you said: "It’s not war because it's one sided and we have nothing to say about it." I am
confused as to which one it is: one-sided or never-ending battles?
The squabbles end when the game is over and the cleanup crew is sent in to dismantle the
props, the tinsel, and the rest of the illusions.

The renegades fill a purpose and they also carry certain elements that are useful---like the
benefits of nuclear power for our sciences and power needs and it’s uglier side.

Fallen angels [renegades] come in every shape, colour and gene pool.

How many orders of renegade ETs are there?

Hundreds, but they haven’t all made it to earth.

What parts of the world do they inhabit?

Like fleas they manage to find warm bodies to suck on everywhere on earth

Is this a chess game with good ETs and bad ones?

The bad ones are not allowed to play chess---it would be difficult for them because they are
always on the run.
Most of them don’t know how it will end for them.
This world will not be compromised to lower level beings whose only power is the bluff.

They can’t take even one soul---but souls are freewilled to join them if they so choose but
seldom know that they are joining up with such desperadoes.
When caught they are sent elsewhere for shredding.

What is the difference between these two factions named in your scenario, in regards to Earth
and the interaction with it? Do these two factions have name?
They don't use names.
Kind of like a political campaign, mudsling and dirty tricks---however, those are simplistic
terms, there are very complex backroom dealing going on. To us it may seem sinister and can
be concerning certain entities---these entities are more like machines and not of the same stuff
human souls are made from.
How do they differ in the way they want this rock to proceed in the future ?
Technological advancement and third world austerity
They never compromise, each deliver what is demanded of them to deliver---if that be
austerity so be it.
Why the disagreement over this particular rock?
The same or similar things go on in all earth type planets in the galaxy, nothing special about

There are many renegades on this planet and in the space around it. Some of them are
tolerated more than others. They do serve certain despicable functions that I have mention
often throughout this thread.

Are the renegades way beyond redemption?

They have crossed the line from where few return.
They are allowed to do what they do, and then inevitably, are sent to the no-zone, the
Kind of.

Some have been around a long time on this side of the tracks.

Nordics, Grays, Oriental/Eskimos, Reptilians, all of them would fall in the renegade category.

There are many entities not of the renegade genre that remain nameless. Renegades are not
out to hurt us, they can't. But they welcome converts to their cause.

If an African came to live in America, would he still be under the control of the rogue ET's?
We can escape rogue created economic conditions by moving to other countries, but that
would be in the cards for that soul because the soul change while here or it was part of the
deal made before hand, his or her destiny.

Star Wars is very real, but nothing like the Hollywood stuff.

The souls who take "human" form in these Star Wars type realities are they restricted to a
certain area within "X" number of solar systems or galaxies, etc.?? Or are they too far away
from these "prison" type planets?
They have boundaries, like race cars must remain within the race track. But they don't
necessarily know they have boundaries.
Renegades sometimes use humanoid bodies and sometimes just stay in their soul form.

What ET race has the most renegades in it?

They all have more than enough.

Why are they allowed to last so long doing the terrible things that they do? Why give them a
chance at redemption?
As long as there is demand for them and their services they will continue to exist and spread.
Shit happens, but renegades are part of the freewill deal. Souls are free to squander their
inheritance, they are also free to change and clean up their mess, and come home.

Most everyone on this planet has Renegade background. And yes good things do come from
such. We get the best flowers when manure is mixed into the fertilizer.
Do most of us still hail from renegade tribes?
Look out your window, watch the news, listen to what people talk about. Now answer your
own question.

Will all renegades eventually be shredded or will some be here for eternity, on orders from
the higher-ups?
Many will be here for eternity, like lifers in the big house.
No room for the surprise factor?
The moment we pass to the other side, big surprise factor for us, not them.
Why is that renegades can only rise a few notches above humans? What stops them from
rising higher, higher ups or the universe rejecting their soul from going to certain to
The same thing that keeps animals below humans.

Are they still tampering with human DNA?

That is part of what they do to provide shelter, containers, for their own, but the good guys do
it too.

Some mention a race of beings interbreeding with humans creating a hybrid race and this
hybrid race (most pure blooded of them) remain in power around the world and have been
since the "beginning" of civilization on Earth.
They have been said to be the men pulling the strings behind the curtain orchestrating wars,
the holocaust, 9/11 and other big events in history.
There is some truth to that but so what? It has nothing to do with why we are here. No one
controls our souls but the bearer of the soul. Our souls attract to us what we reflect out of
them. If love, then love, if hate, then hate, if envy, then envy. It all adds up, a little justified
hate here and there and then we are owners of such evil. A little love put out here and there
and the same thing applies.

What were the other reasons for the renegade's genetic?

That's for a whole other book that I may never get around to writing.

Renegades are in every planet in this solar system. But are they also in every planet in the
galaxy and the universe?
Why do ET's use humans to fight wars for them?
Why don't they just kill each other off directly?
Why can't they capture other rival ET's and put their soul somewhere where it can't cause any
ET's fight our wars for us, not the other way around. Our blood lust is what attracts renegades
to us. Our negativity draws negative beings into our sphere, our earth, our neighbourhood, our
country, our nations, and into our personal lives.

Why haven't the rival renegade clans wiped each other out yet? It doesn't make any sense.
Same reasons the Bloods and Crips haven't wiped each other out, all the new young blood
enticed to join.

Do the renegades ever mature to a point where they realize their actions are senseless?
Some do, but there are consequences with a price tag. Much cheaper to keep the nose clean,
take the bullying and forgo being a cool-fool chump.

Are the leaders of slummy communist and/or 3rd world countries, renegades in human

If renegades are truly messed up souls, how did they beat the ugly cycle of reincarnation?
Getting kicked out of school is not a good thing.

Are Andromedans, Pleiadians and Plejarans also renegades? Few people are saying that
their guides (in this life) are those Pleiadians.
Renegades are known by their messages. They instil fear and division woven in their
messages. Such are not of the true light.

What’s the difference between mid-levels and renegades?

Our bodies have infections and antibodies that fight infections, both are killers. Infections
destroy the body, antibodies defend the body.

If I were to go to a country like Mexico in an renegade controlled part, would my fate be in

the hands of the renegades because of me stepping foot into their territory?
There are no coincidences, if you go there and experience some negativity it’s for a reason.
What's the difference between renegade controlled areas and mid-level controlled areas? Do
the renegades have more input on human thoughts in their zones?
Birds of a feather flock together. Most of us have plotted our flight path in a previous life
which led to our destination point in this life. We are now plotting our next flight path with
our deeds and creeds.

The renegades are very powerful and they do control the media and Hollywood.
Placing fear into the minds of souls is a renegade trademark, and very affective.

Are all the ET guards that are here now, here because of order from the higher ups?
Yes, but there are loopholes and battles ongoing in the heavens above us.

Can other mid level and renegade ET's come to Earth and try to seize power from the mid-
levels and renegades that are already here?
There are those that make attempts.
Are the Crips and the Bloods at risk of losing something? Why do they even exist? Society
certainly doesn't need them. Yet every city has that putrid infestation.

What does it take for renegades to be exterminated if they work for higher ups?
When they cross the line, don't follow protocol/instructions/warnings.

Can renegades be captured by rival renegades?

They can.
What can rival renegades ET's do to them while they're in captivity?
Anything short of killing them. They lack the power of life and death concerning the soul.

Everything that ET's do is fun-work then what are the reasons for the mid-levels and renegade
wars? (not exactly mid level vs. renegades but all those groups vs. each other)
Are those ET's that are warring at risk of losing something?
Renegades are well compensated for messing with us, this is after all hell, their domain. If we
are looking for an easy way out forget it, there is none.

Do all tech advanced ET's have this ability to read us and other entities thoughts?
Our basket case of a mind is child's play for Higher D's, they know us, and know what we
want; they just keep adding pennies, more than two, into our baskets.
They can read lower level entities and humans but not higher ups.

What happens if our soul is given to renegade ET's? Can they do anything (and I mean
anything) they want to it?
Depends if there are "any" higher entities who wish to interfere, if not, then renegades are free
to play down and dirty.
How long can they have control over our soul?
Indefinitely, they can take the soul from this earth hell when you die, to worse hells below and
even bring you back here in another life for even more tormenting. Best to scrape evil off
before it gets deep into your skin.
What's the percentage of human souls on Earth that are currently in the hands of renegades?
A very large number.

The evil ET’s or rogues whatever, do they understand the law of attraction?
Very well.
If so when the evil ET’s are out hurting people do they realize that they will also pay for their
sins, so to speak, we all pay for our mistakes sooner or later so this would apply to the law of
attraction. Justice finally served on those who played unfairly?
Some of them have passed over that threshold into pure evil.
Why would rogues want to have bad things happen to them knowing that if they hurt others it
will only fall upon their own heads in due time?
Heck humans do that all the time, gang wars, revenge. How many of us have taken revenge?
Where does it end? It can go back and forth and spread like a virus.
Do they enjoy the pain and suffering or is it part of their job to go around destroying souls,
are they even held accountable or are they employed to do what they do?
They enjoy it in a perverse kind of way. It's a job they are allowed to do with those human
souls who are walking the line on the road of evil.
Are the Renegades / Other factions looking to take over?
They have the power now.
If the renegades are running the show, will the ET's need to find some "balance" somewhere
along the line?
We have the choice to go with the chaotic flow, or swim upstream against the flow and make
our own balance. This planet has always been off balance, we can't change that because of the
negative energy dominating this planet. But we can detach from that tit and rise above it.

Is it possible if it weren't for us and our magnate toward all of this greed, envy and hate that
the renegades would have no reason to be here? What I mean is aren't we giving them their
power over us by continuously coming back to our living bodies? Perhaps that is one of the
lessons we are here to remedy to finally get rid of these maggots.
The work of maggots is never done. Just think of all the rotting animal flesh there would be
piling up if flies and their maggot offspring where out drinking coffee and eating donuts
instead. Earth like planets have been processing maggot food for billions and billions of years.
And will be doing so for billions and billions of years. It's the nature of this existence. The
good thing is that we can get off this maggot merry-go-round when we get sick and tired of it.
And go to places where maggots don't get into our food. Still, we can enjoy our lives while in
maggotville, just keep a fly swatter handy.
The maggots I speak of are renegades that feed on people's souls. Every country has them,
some more than others.
Oliver North did his part in removing some renegades South of the border.
But in the end the renegades and their human counterparts won. Austerity now rules. Hey,
some people like austerity in their lives.
Take society. There have always been societies throughout history. And each society has
always had its prisons. There will always be that element in the type of souls that we are. Why
do some people obey laws and some people flaunt them? For the sake of argument let’s say
that these law breakers and the upstanding citizens had equal opportunities and treatment in
life. It still happens. Therefore we have prisons on earth and prison planets. This will never
change. Been going on forever and will continue forever.
That's only true on lower levels. Higher up it's all good. Those who break free of the chains of
ignorance and hate will move up and away from darkness and evil. And never return!

Where the renegades are from, obviously someone has to play the villain down here on planet
pantomime. Which ET races apply for that job?
It's an equal opportunity employer running the show down here. They are always looking for
good help, or is that bad help? I hate it when one word has more than one meaning. It's so

The renegades can pick up human brain waves but not Milton's. Milton and his level ET’s can
pick up the whole spectrum.

Are most of the ET's that are watching over us on the same team just playing a good cop/bad
Yeah. But the renegades can act nice too. The selling your soul to the devil kind of thing.

Offering up your first born seems to work with the renegades. The good ET’s can't be bribed
for some reason.
Haven’t you mentioned that renegades control the media?
Our brains or lack thereof, is free game.

As for the predator like beings on earth, are they related to the small refrigerator like UFO's
that are in Brazil and appear to hunt local hunters who are hiding in the trees ...burning them
with their beams (as shown in Jacques Vallee's Confrontation book).
I haven't seen Vallee's confrontation book. Depends what the local hunters have in their souls.

Who are those renegades, are they just a good cop/bad cop kick ass tag team (taking turns?
flipping coins on their role with us?)
Yes and NO.

You have said that there is some extremely evil aliens that are the stuff of nightmares out
there and if they made their way to earth it would be bone chilling. Have any of these evil
aliens ever attempted/came over to earth and if so could you give a description of them and
what happened (did the good aliens stop them before they got here)?
The maggots have their jobs and they in turn are cleaned up.
Have any of these ultra bad renegades actually attempted this on earth? And were they
stopped before they got here? or did they get to do their thing here for a period of time?
They were allowed to trash the place.

This planet does have many desirable amenities and makes a nice place for renegade
squatters. But a full blown Armageddon armada is not in the works.

If real good ET's can change bodies like clothes at will, do renegade ET’s too?
They can.

In what way do most/all of us here "hail from" a certain renegade tribe?

Yes, well, some.
Were we also, very evil creatures, criminals under their "protection"?
Some, many.
Were we the renegades themselves?
Were we created (our souls) by them, or they just stick with us due to our unholy nature?
They can't create souls, only mess with them.

We think we humans are a basket case, the renegades are the basket. An area far too bizarre
for drips. Unless Milton gives me a huge raise and faster fingers it ain't happening.
The Conquistadors destroyed some real telling stuff about one particular sect of renegades.
Some stuff is best left hidden.

What is the real deal about this renegades...

The real deal is that they suck. And their numbers are increasing because the harvest is

We think we humans are a basket case, the renegades are the basket. An area far too bizarre
for drips. Unless Milton gives me a huge raise and faster fingers it ain't happening.

The Conquistadors destroyed some real telling stuff about one particular sect of renegades.
Some stuff is best left hidden.
Is there a taboo among good ET to talk about this stuff, or its way too bizarre to us earthlings
to understand it. As far as I know in my lives long time ago, I was a renegade but something
happen and choose the good side (I still remember that) are there more people that made this
choice (I suppose millions)?
As you know it's cool to be bad. But it gets old and cold fast. Some get to leave the dark side
but it's much harder going up than it is going down.

What is stopping the Renegades from causing a World War? It would be easy for them to
simulate a missile type attack in the USA, Russia or China for example.
Not that easy.

Why do ET’s fight amongst themselves? Shouldn’t they be setting an example for us humans?
They are. This is a bloodthirsty war planet, always has been and always will be. Those who
want worldwide peace need to move up to utopia grade planets in a nicer neighbourhood.

I think the little 'war planet' thing they've got going here sucks. My take is that the situation
here is in their interests and not the interests of the inhabitants.
True for the renegades.

I have a hard time not considering the ET faction that represents the 'War
Planet status quo' (aka, the NWO and illuminati) as 'bad guys'. After all, look what they have
to do to maintain the 'bloodthirsty environment.'
Everyone has a job to do.

There are factions out there menacing this planet but they are on the defensive and will
remain there.

Prince Phillip the queen of England's husband said in interview "If I was to be reincarnated I
would like to come back as a deadly disease to help solve world over population"-quote from
A Jones documentary, Endgame. Some say he's probably senile however I think he could be
Saving the planet from human infestation is a common goal of humans not renegades.

Drug cartels and communism are run by the same type people renegades hang out with.

The renegades have high tech but they don't like sharing it with humans.

NATO is infested with renegades.

The big picture is hidden from most people. And the battles between good and evil continue
to rage behind human perceptions and the ability to understand.

Any ET can be a renegade just like any human from any race can be good or bad?
Not all ET’s fit into those categories, some ET’s never cross the lines.

Hybrids are real, they have human features.

They are hybrids because they are a product of human and alien material-----their souls are
not hybrid----the souls occupy a different machine the only difference is that they have a
higher awareness than humans once they enter the new machine----hybrid
Certain souls are captured after they leave the human body----died and are placed into the
hybrid units and sent elsewhere in the galaxy.

Hybrids are but a sliver of the program.

Are any of hybrids ever placed back here after their development?
No, and sometimes, depends on what type of hybrids they are, but most go elsewhere.
Do they just forget about themselves being half us/half another species, and not even care to
be near their other parent? Or perhaps they aren't even aware?
All of the above and then some.

Many hybrids have alien features and work at other levels some are ETs that visit and work
on earth behind the scenes---humans would be disturbed seeing them
The hybrids that are born on earth look and act like other humans, they in effect are human
but they may avoid human doctors simply because they rarely need see a doctor.

Hybrids built for human habitation are nearly indistinguishable to other humans on the human
perception level anyway---they would need to be put under a microscope to be detected---but
that would not be allowed.

Hybrids are not here for points or to better themselves at least not on a human level. Things
don’t bother them much or at all, even though some don’t know they are half-breeds.

Some of them have special jobs and assignments and are not generally being tested other than
to blend in.
Are there tests usually more difficult than the average persons?
Depends on what jobs they have.

Some hybrids know that they’re hybrids.

They are not all here for the same reason as we humans---school /prison.

Can hybrids use mind over matter like their ET relatives naturally?
Some can.

How many hybrids are there on earth currently?


How can you identify a hybrid---what physical traits give them away?
Hybrids on earth look human.

Hybrids are mostly for off planet stuff, but those who are here perform certain functions that
they are not aware of.
Where do the hybrid children live that are the result of the abduction (taking of sperm/ova
samples) phenomena? Will they come and live with us one day?
Most of them are tasked, created to live in space and other types of environments unlike what
we have on earth. Can't divulge much more

Will some of us who are the parents of hybrid children visit with our offspring after
transitioning out of this form? Or presently in "dreams".
Most of us will and do get that privilege.
But we only contribute DNA, well ok, they just take it, after all, it really don't belong to us.
UFOS & Spaceships

Aliens have fantastic mind-boggling flying machines.

A UFO can appear anywhere-----there are no accidental sightings.

I don’t know nothing about their technology, other than it seems to be some exotic magnetic
wave system that can cloak and move through solid objects.

Inside the ship is real life Alice in Wonderland stuff. Distinguishing what is real or
imaginary is impossible. It’s another dimension like the Twilight Zone.
Perhaps everything is real, but while inside the ship the atmosphere is like a drug induced
experience and difficult to differentiate between reality and imaginary. The minute you step
out of the craft the mind goes back to normal.
Two realms can be confusing at first.
The ship I was in was about thirty feet wide, but once inside the ship was much larger.
The propulsion system is magnetic wave of sorts, and runs on a mixture of pixy dust, far to
complex to explain or understand. Reverse engineering is a long way off on that system.
When I use the word “pixy dust” I’m talking in a higher language like metaphorical, not Peter
Pan. Since we are the inferior race here describing fantastical things (to us) where words have
yet to be invented to describe them---------silly words like pixy dust will have to do.
Everything is pixie dust----most just don’t know it.
How would you describe nuclear physics to a tribe of aborigines whose highest form of
technology is throwing a spear?
There is a huge gulf, gap, void, space or whatever you wish to call it between human
technology and alien technology.
Explaining things I saw and experienced in the alien ship is not simple----I’ve already been
torpedoed for using the words Pixy Dust.
I will write more about my experience when I find the correct words to describe it.
The ship is pure magic---- there is no fatigue, you can go twenty-four seven without ever
being tired.
I don’t know how to describe them taking me from point A to point B----inside the ship. I
could have said they “beamed me up” but that’s been over used.
There is no sensation of movement and the ship is in space in seconds, if that.
As you know here on earth metabolism is nonstop to meet the demands of mind and body
But in space----inside ET’s ship things are different-----the body and the mind require a
fraction of the energy-----and that fraction seems to be met from the glow of energy radiated
by the ship.
Going into the ship is physiologically easier on the system than leaving. There is a difference-
---adjusting to the gravity and the metabolism going from near hibernation back up to full
speed creates a drain on energy-----but it's usually of short duration----however there were
times I felt like I worked in the coal mines for a couple of shifts.
There is a noticeable difference in the bodily products.
I never floated, nor was I aware of a gravitational pull. There is no up, down or sideways in
space but there is a sense of equilibrium, standing up and walking is the same as if you are on
earth-----less any fatigue, so the gravity or whatever force that keeps you from bouncing about
the ship hardly taxes the muscles.
There was no sensation of moving when the ship beamed around at neck-break speeds-----
there are no harnesses that I was aware of-----I wasn't strapped into a seat-----I never saw a
seat-----perhaps they take them out only for the VIPs.
I'm thinking that since there is little if any wear-and-tear on the body while in the ship that the
ageing process is suspended during those moments, hours, or days with ET.
Emf [produced by these crafts] is very strong but there are other factors, the human senses are
much more keen and we humans are not use to keen senses, which creates confusion as the
brain is bombarded with new information.
Inside the ship I found no instrumentation as what we would have in a cockpit of an airplane--
--there was nothing on the ship that I could determine to be instrumentation---the ship moved
by brain waves----they let me play a little bit with it
Compared to our world their world is total magic.
The craft is round, has a corridor on the perimeter with windows every two feet, and several
rooms in the interior, massage room, billiard room and some really weird and strange rooms
used for mind expansion.
The billiard room is one of the most mind-boggling things on the ship----it zooms around
space and earth and yet the balls are not affected by the movement---you have to see it to
believe it, that’s why I never mentioned it before---I’m sure I will get some flak like when I
talked about the pixie dust----I tell only the truth and if I said there was a billiard table on the
ship then there was.
why is a billiard table on an alien ship so hard to comprehend? ETs can put anything in their
ships even a herd of elephants -------you have to understand I’m human and I can be amused
by childish posters. Is it really that hard to fathom that there could be relaxation and
entertainment areas on a spaceship?
They don't have food as we know it, and I don't ever remember eating or even being hungry
while on the ship.
Metabolism is suspended while in the ship, and the body is sustained by some kind of energy
field that is like a mist in the artificial atmosphere inside the craft

You have to get the mental tour first otherwise the mind and body tends to lockup in the
presents of ETs.

I prefer the small crafts [Thirty or forty feet in diameter] to the big ones because the small
ones are like limos, they have all the gizmos and there is more privacy.

There is a reason no one has photos of the inside of ET ships the energy levels are too high
and bizarre, the image doesn’t stick or form to any known material, digital cameras are no

We don’t understand their technology because when we are placed into this planet those
memories are erased for the duration of life while here.

I know they are helpless leaders, concerning the aliens.

The craft had no seats, and no cockpit. It operated on its own, perhaps controlled by telepathy,
not sure.

All I can do is tell some of my story, I was in a ship, the ship flew away from this planet while
I was in it----there was no sensation of movement---no g-force.
I was standing up looking out one of the port holes and in seconds I was in space, the force
didn't knock me down.
I don't know if it's a dimensional shift or if it has something to do with the high magnetic
energy on the ship that somehow alters or interferes with the electrical circuits in the human
The ship is definitely a dreamland but it can be a chamber of horrors----many unknowns
inside the ship.
There were others perhaps four or five, on the ship but we didn’t speak to each other. They
were preoccupied with stuff, I was in contact with an alien, the size of a six year old child, I
don’t recall what it told me. It was not a question and answer session, it told me things and
that was it. I had other encounters but I can’t go into every detail.
Even though I was in army uniform those who gave me access to the ship acted like they
didn’t trust me, so there was little conversation between us.
They were not allowed access to the ship when it flew into space, perhaps they were jealous.
The electrical force I felt had nothing to do with the movement of the ship; I felt it while the
ship was parked in the VIP parking space on one of the military bases, and at other times.
Besides being disoriented at times the ship was a comfortable place-----the materials were
soft, it seem to be somewhere between organic and synthetic----with very strange properties---
-like standing on a cloud----if you can imagine that.
I was never formally questioned by military people but I have observed certain “special”
military people abducting other humans “for specific programming.”
I knew they were human because aliens radiate energy that affects humans psychologically
and physiologically, and these particular soldiers didn’t.
We had infrequent conversation about human stuff-----they never talked shop.
The army didn’t allow anything-----from what I could tell they went along with whatever the
aliens wanted----the aliens were training them.

We have stealth aircraft designed to avoid radar and other forms of detection because we wish
to remain incognito during reconnaissance.
The ETs have the ability to mask their ships in infinite ways, including making them very
difficult to photograph. They are invisible most of the time and uncloak only when they want
certain people to see them-----however, they don’t allow clear photos of their ships because
they are not ready to make full contact.

While in space the human brain somehow detects the loss of gravity and the absence of
darkness-----and we can literally go without sleeping for long periods
Because of the lack of gravity and the brightness on the ship, the mind and body are not
taxed-----no jetlag----no fatigue, no mental exhaustion.
What does that translate to? Less food and drink-----I don't recall ever eating or drinking on
the ship-----obviously to keep the kidneys from failing there must be some system that
compensates for that.
The flip side to joyrides, if you're gone any length of time-----earth can be a drag both
mentally and physically.

I would imagine the AWACS’ pick up many unidentified flying objects while they scan the
skies for possible hostile aircraft---from both terrestrial and extraterrestrial origins.

All ships have the capability of defense or weaponry.

The ship by its nature is a weapon/tool----they use the power of the ship to do many things---
as they have in the past----build cities or destroy them.

[to drive a UFO] is like learning to drive a stick while on a hill---lol

It is all telepathic controlled---you mentally have to wear the ship like a body suit—the human
body works the same way---the mind---the occupant---you control the body---it takes a couple
of years for babies to figure it out before they can walk without running into things---lol
Out in space is a good place to practice, not much to hit---and it didn’t take two years.

Where to spot UFOs?

I don’t have specific information because there are literally thousands of UFOs in our skies
every day. And the only ones that get caught on film have been photo shopped.

I don’t recall hearing music in the ship, it is very quiet mostly but there are sounds during
certain periods---I can’t describe them.

There has always been activity but more people are paying attention to the sky lately, and the
debunkers are in the spotlight with their usual suspects---they should get things quieted down
soon and everyone can go back to living their lives in peace again.
In my opinion there hasn’t been an increase [of sightings], only more people paying attention.

Most never see the alien ship above their heads---they have better things to do.

ET ships show up in many places and especially where there are wars and natural or
manmade catastrophes like the World Trade Center and the tsunami.
Why ? Like sharks in the oceans they gobble up souls cast overboard from their human
containers, and ferry them to new realities.

99.9 % of all ET ships are cloaked---if they all uncloaked at once humans would go into
cardiac arrest, the skies are filled with them.

Some ships are so bright it’s like walking into the sun without shades, once inside the clarity
is mind boggling and consequently very disorienting because the human mind does not
comprehend such clarity, it takes awhile to get use to.

UFOs like to tease.

The thousands of ufos consist of many levels of duties they are here to perform every second
of every day, and the rest are tourist from other planets, other stars.

Military and black ops have “ufo replica crafts”

Metallic organism might be a way to describe ET vehicles because they are neither metal nor
organic, but an exotic amalgamation of the two “ideas” we humans think we are familiar with.
Synthetic and organic are in fact one and the same at the quantum stage anyway, but appear
differently at our much slower rate---level we humans perceive things at--- relativity speak.
ET ships are both solid and ethereal and completely unnatural to our human perceptions on
how things should work in our 3-D limited life. Solid is utter illusion and where our physics
and understanding outside of 3-D hit against the proverbial figment of the mind but real
obstacle of a brick wall, that separates us and the bigger picture of existence.
There are ships that are robotic in nature and conceive offspring as needed to perform
whatever duties assigned to them. How they come into existence is a whole other chapter.

The craft sighted above O'Hare Airport in November, 2006 was extraterrestrial.
Why hover over a busy airport?
They like attention------certain people wanted them to make an appearance for their own need
to know situation and they got lucky--- People from different parts of the world got a view,
their names remain unknown to protect the innocent---or at the very least their identity---the
rest is what legends are made of like that of Roswell in 1947, and Washington DC in 1952,
and a bunch of others---enough people have see the godly phenomena over O’ Hare and some
of them now know, but most will not talk about it---they don’t need too---no one can add to
what they saw with their own eyes.
They show themselves every day but not like O’hare---If I told Milton would kill me.
ET was at O’Hare, and lost their luggage so they may not return---
Ever since the O’Hare incident more people in Chicago have taken notice of the skies.
It was a real extraterrestrial craft, and part of its purpose was to make a statement and a
confirmation to certain people at the airport that day---they did a few other things as well---
that curiously have not been mentioned, in other words those who know have remained in the
shadows, and they didn’t have too. I’m not a tattletale so unless they come forward it may
never be known.

C2C craft : Nothing extraterrestrial there

“Real” UFOs show up under every spectrum contained in light because they control all
aspects on how and who sees them.

The skies and space are buzzing with ETs, if they all made themselves visible all at once pure
unadulterated panic would consume this planet.
ET operated craft can hide from all mechanical devices including UV, so people will never
see the full scope of the armada in our skies even with UV.
But the awareness level is being brought up a few notches every day that goes by, and it’s not
for me to spoil the surprise. Should someone prematurely or accidently turn the lights on it
would look like the movie “Independence Day”. ----I don’t believe the world is ready for that.

Their ships are a heck of a lot slipperier than the speed of light.

How would one go about getting inside a UFO or even seeing one?
You need to contact your congressmen and ask really nicely---if that don’t work become
invaluable in a high tech industry and “they” might recruit you.
There are other ways but they rarely let you remember and it often happens early mornings---
but I can’t arrange the deal for anyone other than select relatives---and none of them are
interested---go figure !
I might be stretching a bit on that last part---

We had some very strange storms in Chicago the past few days.
Although they were just storms, the lightening above the clouds was way different than
anything I have ever seen.
Static electricity is an excellent shield to cover large activity over cities.

ET ships have their own dimensions---they are not portals to other dimensions.---that may
sound contradictory but I’m not sure how else to explain it.

ET ships are not made of solid matter as is our stuff---we can go through them and never
know it----but might get a tingly feeling when we do, or not.
Did you see green windows on ships?
Green tinted windows possibly, throughout the structure, but colours are not fixed and do
change---very strange materials for human senses---and human moods.

Renegades shot down by other ETs are some [of the ET crafts in possession of humans]. Like
shooting ducks and letting the hound have them.

In 1952 the year I came to earth------dozens of UFOs flew over the white house as well as
over many other countries---most people refused to believe.
UFOs are seen every day yet most people still don’t believe.
If they land they will have to take over because all governments would be powerless and
would melt down. I think it best they keep their distance and don’t get close and personal---
they would do things a lot differently than what humans do---they are very strict and mean
when they are on the job----humans are use to being treated with kid gloves---ETs don’t use

I don’t wish to belittle but there are prerequisites for a reason---no one goes from simple math
straight into calculus, well some maybe but not most.
Even a real tour inside of a “UFO” would not convince “most” people---they would chalk it
up as a dizzy spell, or indigestion from last night’s pizza.
The new one on the block, “all UFOs are manmade”. ---------will wonders ever cease!
If I by chance I commandeered a piece of that wreckage -- Am I obligated to come forth it??
Or should I hide it.
You wouldn’t be allowed to do either.
I would hang it over my fireplace mantel.

Small orb type craft that can be spotted using infrared cameras in the sky.
They are both ours and theirs but we can’t see most of theirs even with infrared---that would
be scary if we did.
They are doing their jobs, which also includes keeping unwanted entities off this planet.

All real ET ships are interstellar but some escort and scout for the big ones exclusively.
What is the design philosophy behind using a disc shaped hull?
While in earth's atmosphere stealth be the reason, but their shape is not fixed unless it be

ET ships don’t make a sonic boom because they are not matter as a matter of fact.

How are these ships built?

Some of them are cloned.

The big one ships in this solar system can hold a few earth sized planets in their hull with
plenty of room left over, ships in other parts of the galaxy have no size restrictions, and there
is always a bigger one out there.

The discs can fly thru solid objects, and they got bad a-ss weaponry.

How big are their "fleets”?

We don’t want to go there---
UFOs and all ET stuff are sentient on their own.

Black triangles are a few that are terrestrial, striped down and smaller versions of the
extraterrestrial kind. Humans are on both versions for training and black ops thingies.

There is no rhyme or reason why some get to see UFOs and others don’t.

Alien ships are impervious and pervious at the same time, but they don't seem to follow any
rules or protocol that we humans can comprehend.

UFOs use cloud camouflage a lot.

If it’s their intention to hide why make the clouds look like a ship?
They mostly don't, but it could happen.
Most clouds are simply clouds, and clouds take on many shapes that may interest us, or even
scare us.

Do ET craft often take on the appearance of our aircraft and helicopters?

They like twirly birds for some reason.

UFO orb phenomenon: Some are entities some are ball lightning, which can be one and the
Are they from another planet or are they a life form from this planet?
They many have lived here in the past, now they are visiting, some work here. They can also
morph into other things.
We humans change color depending on whether we are angry, sad, embarrassed or happy.
The higher up we go the more colorful we get---
Why do the ufo orbs usually seem to come down in coloured pairs?
Travel companions.

The ships operated by higher beings have no fixed shape and can change from solid to
ethereal instantly.
A typical galaxy consists of billions of star systems and many star systems have Star Wars
type of ships of every kind and shape imaginable.

They morph their ships to look like helicopters sometimes so as not to attract attention when
they uncloak and to throw off any tails.

What is being caught on tape lately in the foreground and background of people with this
paranormal SPIKES that fly by like bugs, faster than any insect. They look smooth like
metallic metal shafts with pointed ends, something like translucent wings and its only visible
on digital or video tape.
Recon doohickeys.
They are not monitoring humans it's a joint operation.

How much do you think one of those crazy spaceships cost?

If the taxpayer had to pay it would cost trillions and they would only get a bad imitation with
limited capabilities, and never know they are in use or even in existence. Real ET ships cost
nothing and do everything. Most people don't know about them either, even those that get free
rides in them.
Huge structures, ships, beyond etc., are they built by means such as "growing" or random
thought and BAM, it appears?
Yes and then some, many levels and processes including mundane low-level robotics.
Theirs been a lot of activity in the skies lately to say the least in Europe and the Middle East,
do you as to know why they make themselves visible like this in public during broad daylight?
It was a record breaker of activity, mostly unnoticed. Rogue and non-rogue have passed
through, some stopped in for a peek/peak.

Why did ET craft begin to operate more overtly after WWII?

The whole world was upgraded during and after that war.

People here and around the world are distracted by the political parades, the American
economy, which affects the whole world, and all this crazy weather. UFOs are blasé. And if
people take pictures of them ATS will debunk them, so what's the point? Pilots can't talk
about them, nor should anyone else; less those they tell snicker behind their backs. It's a
perfect plan that works well don't you think?

There are many types and levels of ships. Look at the disparity of technology we have here on
Earth. It's that way throughout the galaxy.

So all the sightings that are in the world of UFO's are only Renegade ships or there are good
guys too showing of their intergalactic Ferraris??? Or good guys always stay behind the
renegades to see what happens?
Good guys show off their Lamborghinis, that's how you know they are the good guys.

Are ET Space Craft like that of Milton's still, improving?

Can't improve on perfection.
Milton uses the same one he used millions of year ago, and without a tune up.
A vanity craft, knowing Milton one would think so, but not really.
Who actually makes them and how are they made?
Trade secret.
How did Milton acquire his ship?
Some ET numskull left the keys in it. Now it belongs to Milton.
What is the power or fuel source of Milton's ship?
Nothing that would be in our physics books.

There are different models and levels of ships. The renegades have ships that can be shot
down and damaged by other ET's. The ship Milton absconded with can't be shot down or
damaged period.

How are ET ships made?

Like fruit on a vine.

Is there a method we could adopt to help us tune into seeing cloaked UFOs more often?
It's all on their end; there is nothing we can do to make it happen.
Could just knowing that they are there help in doing this?
Nope, the cloaking happens in our minds. They can let one person see them or a crowd of
people see them.

What happened back in 1942 with the 'Battle for LA'?

America was a staunch pacifist back then and was willing to let Europe go down in flames via
the Axis powers/renegades. America was thinking of getting into the war after the attack on
Pearl Harbor a few weeks earlier but there was plenty of resistance. The LA thing was one of
many other little things including the sinking of passenger ships that were done to spook
America off its arse and into the war.

The UFO phenomenon is our people playing with ET gifts?

Our people wish, but they do get a few toys to lust over.

Many people believe that UFOs are from earth already, some day that might be cemented into
the illusion.

Actually seems like a lot of interesting activities going on. Are the ETs being extra busy?
More people looking up at the skies lately and just happen to notice more celestial seasoning.
Earth is like a salad bowl, lots of stuff/seasoning gets thrown in or added for flavoring,
periodically. It helps build character, and perhaps vocabulary for the 3 word crusaders.

I have seen pictures on other web sites showing large cylindrical objects in orbit of places
such as the rings of Saturn or the sun for example. Would you agree that these are large ET
Yes those are ET ships, a very small fraction of ships that are swimming in the fishbowl of
this solar system.

Is there any significance to the color of the ET/UFO's we see?

Color can indicate something about the ET’s, but nothing that we humans can do with the
info. It's between them.

ET ships are transformers. They are used to speed us up and slow them down for the purpose
of interacting?
Potty training, and just as scary when we go through it here on Earth. lol.

Higher up ET's do not need ships. UFO's are not higher ups, but the "next generation" of our
development? And/Or, our black op hidden simple technology?
Yeah, kind of, but no. Sure whatever.

The technology focused ET really seem to be going to town in this country now. Looking at
the style and the way things look what is the difference in ET in Japan compared to the USA?
Or is this just a result in the different origins of the two races?
They have their own Roswell-type stash of goodies.

Triangular craft are not a new development, they been around forever even during the Dino

Are some of the moons, planets, asteroids, etc in our solar system in fact camouflaged ET
About the book

I wrote that book with information made available to me twelve years ago---I didn’t know
who my contact was at that time and some of the info is strange because it was a very odd
experienced for me---it came at me out of nowhere, and I was told to write it the best way I
could---up until then I hadn’t written much of anything. I wrote the manuscript in two months
and put in away on the top shelf of my closet where it stayed until 1997, and I took it out,
dusted it off and published it.

It came out in June of 1997, the fiftieth anniversary of the Roswell crash---which I didn’t
realize until my publisher begged me to go to Roswell and sell my book---I did not do that. I
was uncomfortable about talking ET stuff because of the stigma.

I wrote it 12 years ago in 1995, it sat in my closet for two years and I published it in 1997.
I self-published the book---I don’t have a book press in my basement I used a book publisher
to publish my manuscript and paid them lots of money---which by the way I have yet to

I wrote the info they gave me---and they dumped a lot of info on me and much of it never
made it into that book---I did my best to interpret what was very weird and confusing stuff.
I was aware of ET on certain levels my whole life but that info came at me out of the blue. I
wasn’t a writer and didn’t even know how to approach it---I was told to sit and write.
I knew many people would resist believing my first book on the NT. And I was told it was a
stepping stone---I believed it was too much too soon and did nothing to advertise the book or
push it in any way---unlike my first book that book cost me nothing to publish it and is listed
on Barnes and Noble as well as all other book outlets due to the efforts of the publisher---not

I didn’t know who it was I was dealing with at that time. The book is not about me, I was
given a huge amount of info about Roswell, and very little explanation other than to put it in
my best words possible and write it---then wait. That’s what I did.

The stuff that remains unpublished was different from the material in that book, kind of a step
two deal---a step I have little desire to take because I don’t think it's necessary, besides there
is other stuff I prefer to write about.

They had given me a bunch of info in the early part of 1995 about Roswell and I stored it
away on a shelf in my hall closet because I didn’t want to get involved in the ET disclosure
thing or with ufo nut people.

The material sat on the shelf collecting dust so they sent in the big guns to get me off my rear
and publish that material. I thought sending in a whole armada was a bit rash and over blown.
But apparently that’s what it took to get me to blow the dust off those documents and try and
make sense of them and put that info into a manuscript.

I published that book in May of 1997---just in time for the 50th anniversary of the Roswell
incident. The armada hung around for the big event that took place in July of that year, then
they up and left---funny thing many of the people in Roswell that year were not ufo nuts---
they were aliens dressed in human costumes.

The media poked fun at the event, and most Americans got a good hardy laugh at the news
feeds---but the joke was on them---all the proof was there right under everyone’s noses----
It was not a success and remains unknown for the most part because I have done little to get
the word out. They told be to go to Roswell for the 50th anniversary but I had no intention of
doing that, I did not want to be associated with ufo nuts---yes I did care what people thought
about me---still do--- But I did go to Roswell two years later and ended up selling a few books
to the local bookstores.

Were all the instruments in the ship actual tools the ET used or were they special made for
those who would find them?
They were specific tools for human use.

Does the government still have the ship and the equipment or did the ETs take it back?
They still have it and continue to play with it.
For some reason they didn’t want me talking about the drones, perhaps so as not to freak out
those who are in possession of them. The drones remain alive and well, fully operational deep
in the bowels of the secret government, taking notes---
The best thing about that kind of ET surgery is that it’s always outpatient---
If fear is what you are after look no further than the human medical establishment, ETs never
get it wrong.
Granted, the book can get a bit graphic but few ever feel any pain or are ever made aware of
those things.

What happens to the soul of a person who's been in the Frankenstein chamber of the craft?
The chamber is pure paranormal and operates under different laws than what we are aware of
in our physical world. But Frankenstein had an alien gizmo inserted to keep it alive.

I understood that there was some device wrapped around his intestinal tract and lungs to
keep him alive. But he sounded fairly lobotomized. What is the purpose of this? Is it to
operate the human or place someone else in it?
The soul was released from that body and allowed to move forward or wherever it was to go
to next.
Although human bodies mostly never are reused they allowed some to be use for training

Who are the ETs that Bill Smith worked with in that spaceship and what is the type of matrix
they referred to when they spoke of their "superiors" that give them orders.
They are a faction of the overseers of this solar system.

How does Milton compare to them in the hierarchy matrix? Isn't the idea of a "hierarchy" of
an illusion also?
There is a hierarchy and Milton be higher up than them.

Do protein enzymes (inserted into humans) have to do with programming (software)? Can
you elaborate a bit?
Can’t elaborate.
What type of inoculations is it that ET gives to humans in order to categorize them for their
Depends on the human and the hybrids, and whom will come in contact with them.

Why are some (rare) humans so sensitive to aliens that the ETs must use humans to inoculate
them with antihistamine? In other words, what makes them different than the majority of
Some of them are primed to be carriers of certain biological things.

What reaction do they have if ET were to approach them without the anti-histamine?
No permanent damage is done.

"Our life force entities are a much different energy" (compared to other life forms). Can you
Like in the electromagnetic spectrum so are souls.

Why is it that the scientists who were placed in the borrowed bodies for training experienced
clairvoyance and mental telepathy ?
Because they were not attached to the body---once out of our bodies we are clairvoyant.
The bodies were equipped with alien devices that turbo charged them.

Was this part of their training purpose - to see what life could be without baggage?
Had nothing to do with personal baggage, they were being trained for certain jobs by black
The baggage we carry is inside of our souls and not part of our bodies.

I wrote Whisper in the Galaxy (In league with a UFO 1st edition) in 1995, published it in 1997
and someone in Hollywood signed it up for a movie in 1998. Then it got shelved.

About your recent edition of your book, was there a lot added to this recent version?
It's the same story with additional elements.

You were one of those guys watching others get whipped up and down in fast motion by ET in
the spaceship ER room?
More times than I wish to remember.

You were allowed to see miraculous nursing home cures, because you were on the committee
(or a part of) that studied the ET ship/craft stuff?
Me part of a committee? Yeah right. I don't think so.

The aliens are garrisoned on this planet and on the moon. They have bases in several countries
in cooperation with those governments. They let us play with their toys, take them for a spin,
learn a few things along the way on how to improve our technology.
I know they are stationed here because I was in their ships.

Friendly fire kills thousands of soldiers in war, although we are not at war with the aliens
some military people believe we should be. And those that were killed at Dulce may have
been victims of that type of tragedy.

Aliens are not allowed to kill humans (intergalactic protocol) -----although, in some cases
they have provided support.

They obviously have jobs to do here on this planet, giving us bits and pieces of information to
improve out technology, medicine, education, war machine, etc.

I have been to lots of places where ETs are "hiding out”. Most of these places I only see from
the inside so I really don't know where they are located. I'm never aware of everything in
those places-----not being a smart a--, but they don't have signs telling you where you are-----
the ETs don't believe that to be pertinent information to give us----especially since what they
are doing is obviously secret.

It’s a busy place down under [underground here in the USA].

Any benevolent alien presence in ex-Yugoslavian area?

Not any more or less than anywhere else that I am aware of.

Maybe some assume that ET is only in America because of the technological advantage but
that is not the way it works.
Earth is on many different levels of development only in the eyes of us humans---but not so
for higher up entities who can actually see with their eyes.

Arizona has lots of desert to hide things, plus the reptilians like the dry heat.

We've supposedly got many of military submarines all over the oceans. Are these able to see
the various underwater bases the ETs supposedly have? Are there areas they know to stay
away from?
There is some hide and seek going on for those who don’t have the clearance.

New Mexico is a hotbed of UFO activity - is it mostly US black ops stuff?

It’s mostly extraterrestrials.

What is up with Pensecola, Florida ? It appears that UFOs are such a natural occurrence
there that nobody even thinks twice about it when they see one.
It’s a portal for the bats. Bats live in crevices and so do certain entities.
Several types of species do live there, most of them remain unknown, and they would love to
keep it that way. Why then did I lift up that curtain a bit? For the heck of it, everything I do is
for the heck of it, whatever the heck the heck means is the question without an answer
No, I’m not trying to be cute, well maybe I was when I was much younger---

Australia was a base for very high up entities that didn’t require human sacrifice type
structures, or any physical structures, they worked from their huge ships that are cities in
themselves. The big ships don’t park there anymore but the smaller ones still do.
Australia was a base camp; from there they travelled to other places on earth to keep on eye
on things, and to interfere where they saw fit.
Are you saying that some higher entities do require human sacrifice?
On a daily basis even to this day, but blood is not always spilled during modern day rituals.
Instead we sell our souls for promises made by despots around the world, who wish to rule
over us in exchange for being appointed our babysitters.
There might be a few Reptilians living and hiding in the outback there.
Would there be advanced people based on the form of the Marsupials?
They can take on any look they want, or that suits the situation.

Most of the really cool surprises will be kept hidden by the scientists that will get to play with
them, and get paid for doing so---so unfair---

Are there hidden underwater ET bases as well as underground? Is this where most ET’s
reside while watching over earth?
Some can't afford the penthouse views.

Aliens love all the military bases, it's the PX military exchanges they are really after lol.

I have seen some strange things flying over Fort Jackson, and there are always 2 big bright
lights out in the sky at night and I know for a fact they aren't stars, they look like ships. A few
people saw it in training and we watched them but they didn't want to believe they were ships.
Do you have any comment on that? I even for a split second saw a round ball appear out of
the blue and come in by a telephone poll and swerve around it and go right back up into the
heavens. Any comments on that one?
Milton can't confirm such things without causing me problems (can’t say any more).

Area 51 is famous because lots of people believe that’s where----if aliens are really visiting
earth----they are hiding out.

Roswell happened and the ETs recovered were biological machines with no souls-----most of
what abductees come in contact with are these types of alien equipment.

They purposely crashed a few dumbed-down ships with lifelike androids----we wouldn’t
know the difference.

Ships and aliens or most likely androids from crashed ET vehicles that are in possession of
various governments and their militaries are planted for the purpose of the awaking process
mankind is undergoing.

There were two ships and six biological machines----the crash was staged for the purpose that
it achieved-----it made every newspaper in the world----disclosure of sorts
But too much knowledge is not a good thing and the cover up was implemented by ET not the
army air force----the idea of other life was planted in the human psyche
Meanwhile a large amount of new technology was handed over to America using the crashed

Would it be possible to use astral projection to get into secret government facilities such as
Area 51, Dulce, etc?
No because black ops can detect and counter or block it..

The ET's that crashed in Roswell and countless locations around the world were not ready,
and were made to be unwilling participants in a game they themselves often played without
proper authorization---which was making contact with humans. In their end they got their

Area 51 is a red herring to other more important locations----yet much ET stuff still goes on
I have no information on what happened at Dulce.

Dulce may be the least place ET activity is going on----too much publicity.

Something happened at Dulce but it wasn’t between humans and ETs.

You have heard of the term “friendly fire”, a huge number in war zones are killed by their
own side.----that’s very embarrassing and can you imagine the public outcry if real numbers
were ever to be released?---it’s a sad fact of battle.

It was mostly a black ops fiasco, happens a lot but gets cleaned up quickly and efficiently now

ET is not a threat to national security but if the average person who is oblivious of ET should
ever know that they exist and are infinitely superior that would be a problem.

The US builds fighter jets and sells a few to our allies but what they sell are inferior to what
the US has
Likewise the air force and the army both have ET ships that they recovered from crash sites.
But what they have are junk that the ETs let them acquire through supposed crashes
ETs land their ships on many military installations, army navy, air force, and marines; ET has
VIP parking privileges at all military bases in the world
No military or government owns any real ET ships----however some are allowed certain and
restricted access.
The military and our government has no say on who can enter the ships----ET makes all those
I know my story is unbelievable if you want the real truth tune into one of the major news

Every president beginning with George Washington knew and met with ET---so have other
world leaders.

The military is a big community of people with the same mixture of religious beliefs as the
civilian world. That’s true with the top brass. Some believe that Armageddon is just around
the corner, others don’t know what to believe-----but those that know and deal with ETs are
the most confused of all. It’s like being in a lion's den with no weapons for defense. These
lions (ETs) can consume us in seconds should they wish to but that is not why they are here.

The government can’t tell the people about aliens because they know little about aliens----
look how much flack I’m getting for telling my two-cents.

They only have contact with a few of the visitors to this planet.

There are people who are allowed (or at least can get away with) to mess around with this
alien technology. It’s not a job you apply for, nor can you get in through a government
agency, ET chooses those who work for them----no negotiations, no contracts-----most don’t
know that they work for ET.

ET talks to certain leaders every single day, they make suggestions and those requests are
carried out without hesitation or resistance-----sounds creepy but that is the way it has always
been done.

Those that are running the show pretty much know everything----or at least they think they
do-----they are incredibly humble for know-it-alls.
Some knew/know, others met with the human costumed ETS.

The US military is terrified of all ETs----yet they have regular contact with many.

There are many ETs down here and some have government jobs.

They have a few ET vehicles on loan to the US.

ET is a silent partner in our space program.

The government has no choice but to cooperate with ET.

The military doesn’t own the ships but they have “diplomatic” relations with the aliens, the
aliens have parking privileges on any military base. However, they don’t control who can
enter the ships.

I can’t blow the lid on the military because all but a very few know or even understand what
ET is---some of them think I’m ET---that’s how much they know.

All the governments know about them, and there is a certain level of communication taking
place. But don’t get upset with the gov---it’s not their call to divulge the info.

Only those with vital info that crossed the line need worry---or not.

Those people in high government positions are human with all the baggage that comes with
being human.

Black ops puts out misleading info mixed in with real info on a regular basis and it inevitably
gets picked up by ufologist and others interested in the phenomena, who then share that
misleading info with various media.
Much of the misleading info was the scary stuff.
World governments are not selling innocent men, women and children to aliens to do as they
wish with them---certain governments do a good enough job of that on their own---in the
open, hence third world.

Factions of government allowed to have contact with aliens on a normal conscious level did
nothing to be considered, ETs groom those they intend to work with and place them in
positions where contact takes place, whether that be in government or other institutions that
facilitate technological advancement.

ET is veiling/hiding what we see in [space] images, NASA and black ops get some of the

Leaders don’t necessarily know that much more than those they lead, most of them don’t have
the information many people are clamouring for----but would like to, in the mean time they
will act like they are in the know, otherwise people might panic.

ETs are involved with the U.S. govt ---to the nth degree------well not to alarm the general
public exact number and degree remains classified. Trust me, most people would be very
upset if they knew---and really freak out if they truly believed because for most ET fellows
are not nice, one only needs consult Hollywood to know that---lol

The people we vote for and put into office remain for the most part out of the loop---so
blaming them for any cover up is futile.
The governments are reaping alien technology on a regular basis but they don’t hoard all of it,
we the public use it every day in our computers, airplanes, sciences, medicines and nearly
everything else that makes modern life possible, and which ET doesn’t get any credit for.

Do the entities/humans in the US monitor/abduct/watch people outside of the US or is this left

to other organisations?
There are many compartments and the left hand never knows what the right hand is doing, or
the other way around---there is competition and boo coo cloak and dagger.
But there is a head, a top echelon that runs the show----but they are deep in the rabbit hole.

There are plenty of people in the upper crust that know---

A few congressmen know and they do show some stuff to “special” dignitaries.
In America we have the Congress, and in your neck of the woods you have Parliament---these
are people who represent the people---you---in theory anyway.
Will they show you a “UFO”? ---probably not. Have they see UFOs, a few have seen them
and fewer still have entered into one of them bad boys.
They can’t admit to it because if they do they will lose their jobs.

Is there anyone in our government that has the info you have?
Not that I’m aware of---but anyone spouting what I do would be on thin ice if they were in
public office.

Our weapons are water guns against all ETs.

There is no government that knows everything, they know a few things---and are shaking in
their boots with the little they know.

They are in contact with the good guys and the bad guys.

The government knows --- painfully so--- that our solar system is inhabited ---but they have
no way of explaining it so they keep quiet.

George W. Bush was aware of ET presence, he was not only a random idiot.

ETs have their own wing in the White House---there is more than East and West wings for
those not in the know---

Those at the top in the government know that extraterrestrials are real. I certainly know they
are real, and so do many others who been inside their ships and been places.

The government doesn’t really know much about them either, but so that everyone don’t get
freaked out knowing that the leaders are not on top of things the gov does hide the little they
do know.

Are all main countries of the world with regular contacts with Ets, or they participate in some
kind of solar system convention / reunion / federation...?
There are a few dignitaries from certain countries that go on special jaunts.
How much is the President, Vice President, Secretaries of Defense and state, aware of what’s
going on behind the scenes ? Are they mostly figure heads that take care of the external stuff
and are kept in the dark?
Yes they are in the dark, but the dark pays the bills all the same, and is less work.
They don’t know, and they are only suppressing the facts that they don’t know what ETs are
about other than some minor details.
If they let people know that there are ETs then people will demand answers that the gov can’t
supply---and that would be a very scary thing.
Our governments couldn’t enter into any deals with the extraterrestrials because ET holds all
the cards, they can take whatever they want and do whatever they wish and there is nothing
humans could do about it.

Countries can't hide E.T., only ETs hide themselves until otherwise so what’s the top dogs so
nervous for, if other countries such as Russia already poses ET material, what’s the secret.
The secret to safeguard are human history on earth?
It’s like yelling fire in a crowded theatre, it’s best to keep quiet and tell the theatre patrons one
at a time, to leave the theatre, to keep panic at a minimum.

Military testing grounds make nice cozy places for certain visitors who are impervious to our

What was the purpose of Reagan's statement about the threat of ET's in the 80's at the United
To let the people of the world know that we are all in the same boat and that our differences
are cosmetic---and should space aliens show up at our door step we would easy unite, proving
that our difference are only cosmetic---get it “cosmetic” as in cosmic---

Do you think world government (s) will come blatantly out and say, ETs exist?
Some have, and more will, and then they will be voted out of office---

Do you think many of our government officials and leaders are ET’s piloting human bodies?
Not really, they are for the most part clueless like the rest of us.
Men in black

So called UFO researchers are doing most of the covering up-----never met a men in black,
however I did have military people-----in uniform keep tabs on me a few years back but they
have since stopped.

What sort of things do you have to do to attract the attention of the MIB?
Be in possession of tangible alien material, and you won’t be for long.

Who are they exactly ?

Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are two of them but they may deny it.
Oh, you mean are they human or the other guys, well just look at them, do they look human?
Especially that one called Rip Torn----what kind of human name is that----

Men in black are real. They drink a lot of coffee, eat donuts, get fat and feel important. Their
jobs are so easy, nothing like in the two movies.

Are MIB's renegade ET’s?

Not normally but all they need do is get them some cool dark shades and who would know.
Or like there humanoid drones (like agent smiths from the matrix)
More in that category.

As for all the inventors who are still working on devices, what should they do to protect
themselves against these renegade types?
I would be more concerned with the human types.

Is there a MIW / White Hats out there that prevents, try’s to prevent renegade interference?
Yeah, but they are always out on some dang coffee break.
Crop Circles

Graffiti from the stars, personal messages to certain humans.

There are two old men with a plank and rope that go out every night after being kicked out of
their local pub and vandalize innocent wheat fields-----at least that is what many in the media
are buying and peddling to the world
ETs have made a significant number of them.
Crop circles are made by ET and some are made by humans in ships and equipment provided
by ET-----some are coded messages like billboards for other ETs and humans who work for
ET, some are nothing more than graffiti made by bored humans playing with cool alien stuff.
A very few are made by college students or old men.

A way of communicating not so primitive that no human outside the program has been able to

Not one single grain is damage when ET makes them.

Crop circles are messages for those not so dense to pick up on the fact that humans are not
alone in the galaxy----and that ET is here----
Someday I may explain them/decipher them.

The official line is that two old geezers with some old ragged rope and termite eaten boards
are the masterminds of those highly complex designs---who am I to argue with such a
profound deduction as that?----lol

Most crop circles are real and they carry exclusive messages for certain humans and other
entities---they are more than cosmic art they are enlightening and confirmation on many
levels for many souls.

They are not warnings.

They are everywhere but Europe has limited agriculture space and most people report them,
so when a text message from the gods needs maximum exposure England is the place to do it.

Some are simple and personal love notes to humans. Most are graffiti to let the world know---
those somewhat awake anyway, that we are being watched.
Not so much warning to other ETs---the renegades know to stay away and are aware of the
consequences if and when they get caught.

Some are obvious messages from extraterrestrials telling those who are interested in knowing
that they are here.

Crop circles do not affect earth’s magnetic field, they act as instruction and warnings to other
entities---like gang graffiti in turf wars.

How do they create magnetic abnormalities (ie recharging batteries and bending crops)?
Trade secret.
Are some crop circles man made with ET tech?
Black ops in conjunction with or on the hunt.

Does this crop circle that appeared in

Wiltshire in 2007 really depict the hallway
of Milton's ship?
Yes it does, the color was different and they
had some statuary which turned out to be
Did Milton do this crop circle?
He hasn't claimed it.
I just found this link to a news article about
the crop circle, they named it "The Temple"
because of its resemblance to a Masonic
It has nothing to do with a Masonic Lodge
and everything to do with a day with an
Why on earth would the hallway of Milton's ship appear as a crop circle in Wiltshire?
It's was as good a place as any.
Does he know who or what did do it?
One of his underlings.

Can they show us things that represent principles we all can understand and live by
(emphasis on all)?
That's not the main reason they are here.
Will there be some sort of healing context involved with what they are attempting to
Is this a spiritual healing or meat sack healings?
When the spirit is high so is the cargo/meat sack. Do we need to roll around inside a crop
circle to soak up the energy? No. It's all between the ears and inside the subconscious mind
chip. When a farmer throws out seeds not all the seeds germinate.

One aspect of some Crop circles is mind melding on a subconscious level with a large portion
of humanity consciously. I can't drip much on them they are like morning dew and evaporate
quickly like Alien gadgets do. The pictures taken of the crop circles only tell a fraction of the
story behind the cosmic magic that created them.

The crop circles deliver messages on many levels. The basic level is "DUH" ET is here! lol.
The entire earth is not ready for the "DUH".
Are you saying that there are subliminal messages coded into crop circles that are meant for
humans? Well, apart from the fact that they're saying "we're here …duh."
Subliminal forces act on us every second of our lives, incrementally. It's the grease that
propels us from point A to B. Those few that are aware of crop circles exist on a higher plane
from the sea of those who are not. Its additional elements, flowers on our life path. And a
whole lot more down the road.
Like deciphering a dream, we can't because the landscape is on a higher dimension. But we
are part of that higher dimension like a child is part of the adult world without knowing it. No,
I didn't smoke anything.
Strangely enough, the vast majority seem to be in Wiltshire, the rest in Oxfordshire, is there a
particular reason why the ET's like Wiltshire so much?
Because, lol.
Does Wiltshire have something to do with Lay Lines?
Many hundreds of stone rings and glyphs erected many thousands of years in the British Isles
and elsewhere are now gone, erased by certain ideological challenged peoples throughout the
ages. Some crop circles are replicas of these ancient stone devices (can’t say anymore).
- VII -

Alien contact is a BIG DEAL, but for those of us that “claim” to have it, it’s a COMPLEX

We are not always fascinated by the prospect of our relationship with “highly mysterious
beings.” Aliens are not like the neighbors next door, friendly or otherwise.
Aliens can be your worst nightmare or they can be like angels from heaven.
The majority of people that come into contact with aliens-----are terrified beyond belief for
having done so, and have no desire to ever experience aliens again. So be careful what you
wish for !
This is not Disney Land, few people ever what to return after their first visit-----not for the
faint of heart.

On the other hand some like myself have had enjoyable times-----fantastic experiences----and
look forward to more contact-----but not always, there have been some hellish rides, where I
was taken “kicking and screaming.” And I never want to go there again-----wherever there

Here is an experiment for those wishing to know a “tiny” bit of the feeling of an alien
encounter. At night, no moon out, in the dark, in the woods, no lights around you, no
flashlight------by yourself----anticipate an alien touching your hand.
You can go into a dark basement (at night) alone and experience the same effect, if no one
else is in the house.
Stand in the quite darkness for fifteen minutes----you might force an encounter.
You may also have a heart attack.

Making up a story is easy-----there are millions of fiction writers and story tellers.
Writing or relating alien contact is so difficult----that’s why there are so many skeptics and
that’s why there are few that make the mistake I did by attempting to tell my story.
We are not allowed----or our human brains can’t grasp and hold onto the mind-boggling
things we see and experience when we are with aliens----in their machines or in their cities,
planets, etc.
We live in two realities-----and information does not transfer from one of the realities to the
other very well.
There are huge gaps-----how do we fill them in?
[I use] copouts [and they] are used often because they are true. Most contactees remember
nothing of their experiences-----and those that have tried regression are not getting accurate
information---aliens and sometimes the government can implant fake scenarios during

What if someone handed you the keys to a Lamborghini and said enjoy the ride and let you
take the car for a day, a week. Most people would have an orgasm on the spot.
As nice as a Lamborghini is an alien space ship is a billion times cooler.
Unfortunately most people who are taken into a UFO are so freaked out they crap in their
pants. The anal probing is a clean-up job.
They don’t enjoy the experience at all.
Ever pick up a turtle or bird and see the terror in their eyes----they know you are going to eat
them and they let loose. That is how most respond to alien contact.
There is no taking anything from the ship-----every object is a living thing, biological or
machine----and they would not allow themselves to be taken-----would you put something
like that in your pocket?

I have no idea how many [abducted / abductions] are on his planet----but I know there are
many thousands.

There are many entities in the abduction business, including some governments.
Reasons for abductions are as varied as those doing the abducting. Certain experiments can't
be done openly in a free society-----there is lots of paper work, red tape, and bureaucracy.
People could get sued, and it just doesn't look good all around. Most of these experiments are
done with alien equipment by humans, and if the humans botch something the aliens fix it.
Compared to human hospitals abductees are in excellent hands.
Most abductees remember nothing of the experiment, and in most cases are better off after the
visit, for instance, no more cancer in the person.
Some aliens care little about terrifying their subjects because they know they will wipe away
all memory of the experience. It’s like dealing with government personnel, they treat people
like cattle because they can, unfortunately they don't erase the experience from our memories.
Abductions are negative because there is no control of the situation, and panic can set in,
followed by the survival instinct of kicking, screaming, yelling, biting and punching-----to no
avail, they simply carry you away.
Sometimes they encase you in a rubbery substance (the movie "Fire in the Sky" is dead on).
This substance instantly immobilizes you, yet you remain conscience, you can’t see anything
because of the cocoon you are in.
Every experience and encounter is unique, some pleasant others you don't want to go there but
What separates the good from the bad encounters is the level of autonomy they allow you.

Aliens work at night and in the daylight but mostly late at night, when you are sleeping. The
human mind can handle alien contact better from a semi-sleep state, and that’s where they
keep you for the duration of time spent with them.
It takes a mighty large hair up your butt to meet an alien while you are wide awake.
It don't matter how bad you think you are (around other humans) when you are in the presents
of an alien you are a small helpless creature----in shock with fear.
I have been present at some abductions and I have seen large grown men cry like babies-----
even before anything was done to them----just being in the presence of an alien.
Aliens take lots of getting use to.
I have had alien contact all of my life and I still never know what to expect from them.

Anyone who sees an alien ship (UFO) close [enough] more than likely has been inside the
craft, and possibly taken on a leisurely cruse around the solar system.
Or they were programmed for something, repaired of something (illness, disease, etc) or even
damaged for reasons only the aliens know. They also take sperm, eggs and fetuses.

Those types of encounters usually, can, may, include a trip to the inside of an alien ship.
For the most part abductions are harmless-----and can be extremely beneficial.

Why the selective help?

Good question.
[Military] don’t fake abductions; humans have been trained to perform certain covert
operations, which include abductions. This is one item I should have left out of my disclosure,
so I won’t elaborate much on it now.

I am surprised that more people who claim to have been abducted don't remember more-----
without regression.
That makes it difficult for people to believe those that do remember.

You want a free ticket on an alien’s ship? ----VIP treatment, and all that other stuff.
You got it-------how bad do you want it? ------do you want to remember the whole thing?
It could be a wild ride, better be sure-----like anything in this world if you really really want it
you will get it.
Get yourself in a quite dark place----no weapons, flashlights or other people around feel the
presents of an ET----I can't guarantee which of the ETs will show up, that's the gamble you
take if you don't know any, you might get lucky and none show up.
Sometimes you can force on encounter, and baby then you will know the truth !
If it doesn’t happen the first try----keep at it.
BTW I don’t recommend it.
There are people that would pay lots of money if they could erase the few memories they have
of alien contact.

Aliens have jobs to do-----they are not here to play footsies with us. When they abduct people
it is strictly business, however some of them have a sense of humor and pranks are not out of
the question.

Why are you on here? Has something happened to you that you can't explain? Most human
specimens don't know they have ever had contact with ETs-----some have bits and pieces of
memories of aliens, others only a strange feeling or deep curiosity.

Abductees remember what they are allowed to remember, nothing more, nothing less.
The fact is there are numerous people that remember more than they are willing to talk about.
They know about ETs very well and don't need additional information to validate their
experiences. In other words they are not going to be searching internet sites for UFO
information, or reading UFO books.
Many of these people are professionals in respectable leadership positions and will never
divulge what they know-----they don't have to------if they did they would compromise their
standing in the community. They are the same people that would call you crazy if you
mentioned anything about ETs and UFOs around them. They shield themselves well.

The people who are searching for the "truth" about aliens are those with bits and pieces of
memories of their encounters, and are trying to make sense of what happened to them, or is
happening to them-----some believe they are losing their minds, and need to know if ETs are
ETs in addition to whatever else they do with these people, intentionally leave broken
memories in them as part of their (ETs) program to slowly condition mankind to
extraterrestrial reality.
Thousands of these people with their cumulative UFO stories (not enough information to fill
in the puzzle) make up the catalyst that fuels the UFO phenomena.
Because of them there are millions of people aware that something is going on-----even
though these millions of people have never seen or experienced UFOs and ETs themselves.
I don't know the particulars of how or why they choose who they do.

Most contactees can only give brief statements of their experiences----nine-five percent of
what most experience is blocked from memory------regression only reveals what the aliens
allow and most of the time info from regression is only stuff the ETs put there for that
purpose-----ETs are not as dumb as some people think.
But ETs will dictate information telepathically like questions asked of them-----seeing is
believing, they know this and don’t want much of their stuff described on the front pages of

Abductions are not always measured in hours-----they can be a few seconds or a few minutes
in duration-----therefore no lost time.

Abductions are mostly positive-----regardless of the fear and other bizarre things that may
take place during an ET encounter.
Many of them are a one shot deal----and it never happens again.

There are lots of [ET looking-like] machines out there involved in abductions as part of the
ET workforce.

ETs like to make us [abductees] look foolish----they give us just enough information to
achieve that.

As you know our biological clocks are triggered by daylight and nighttime based on the
earth's rotation. [Some] people have problems conforming to that cycle----perhaps they spend
more time out there than they think.

[On the ship] are highly advance machines that are difficult for the human mind to
comprehended----it would be like your dishwasher moving about the house collecting dirty
dishes, or your car running errands, changing its own oil, taking the dog out for a walk.
Drones process abducted humans like nurses taking your temperature and blood pressure
before the doctor sees you.
Like some nurses they are impersonal----it’s a job-----and they scare the crap out of those they

For abductees, the altered state is possibly brought on by confusion, extreme fear, and
disorientation. Something like giving a long speech at the Academy awards-----times ten.
Many of my encounters were anxiety free and my state of mind was normal----they can make
things very comfortable, much of the fear that abductees remember and report is due to the
drones that process them-----fear is also used to block out many of the things that go on in the
The state of mind is not dream like, its normal like, with blank spaces, however, some
instances have no earthly description-----there are regions of the mind most people know
nothing about until ET takes you there----then try and hang on to your sanity.....!

From what I have seen [Abduction] tends to run in families, my two children have no clue, yet
I know they are involved. Most people have no idea they have been abducted----some
remember a little, others more----but never by accident.
Another clue is the deep need to know or remember what they have experienced-----while in
Everyone loves to look at the stars---- which has nothing to do with ET visitation, but those
that have seen the stars from another perspective other than from earth have a strong desire to
do so again.

Visiting with ETs is not always the adventure one finds in movies like “Lost In Space”.
Sometimes they forget their manners.

ETs can pick you up and even visit with you in Time Square in broad daylight if they wish----
-without anyone seeing them except you.
You don't need an ET to feel fear late at night in a dark forest alone by yourself with no
weapons or flashlights.
But if you can handle that for about a half hour or more you will have a tiny bit of an idea of
what abductees feel when ETs pick them up.
Perhaps they control the situation by projecting things into the mind----because they can make
it a pleasant experience as well.

ETs are not here to entertain us that is why most abductees don't remember much-----there is
nothing good to remember in many encounters.
You don't have to do anything for them to notice you they know who you are and deal with
you according to whatever reason they are in contact with you.
They make the call on how much you will remember----if you remember little or nothing-----
then that's for your own good.
Any concerns or requests you have---they know about-----forcing an encounter can be a
double edge sword------you know without a doubt they are real but the encounter may not be
a positive one and you might even beg them to erase it. Why are some encounters so bad-----
because they might show you something about yourself-----you would rather not know.

[If] they have an interest in you only they know what that is, however, it may not be necessary
for you to remember what and why they have this connection with you.
They always work behind the scenes----in a few cases they will gradually let you remember
things----but it can be a slow and long process-----they are extremely different than us-----
their appearance----the energy they emit----they talk into your mind------they know your
thoughts-----there is no casual conversation-----as we humans are use to.
They may sense that you really want to remember more and are conditioning you for that
eventuality----assuming it is they that are putting those ideas in your head and not you.
Nevertheless, no need to lose sleep, there is nothing you can do about them----they can’t and
will not harm you.
In the mean time enjoy life, don’t fret over anything-----most people forget to take advantage
of the things we can control.

Lots of people have been taken into the sky in ships---it’s been going on for thousands of
years. The trip usually doesn’t last long and they bring you back.

Much of the pain comes from the horrendous fear triggered by the mighty strange alien
encounter. That fear intensifies the whole experience----the slightest touch or movement
around the person is cause for alarm and panic. In the midst of the terror one can create all
kinds of horrific scenarios.
It also depends on who is doing the abducting and for what purpose----but the vast majority of
those taken are retuned in the same physical condition as they were before the encounter.
Some will be better off, perhaps leave with a slight improvement to their DNA or a physical
ailment repaired.
Other than a slight skin blemish on a few abductees little other evidence of the abduction

Those that want to meet ETs have the glamorized version in their minds----“Star Trek” and
space travel in fantastic ships by entities that have figured it all out---utopia.
Which is all true---fantastic trips for some, and the ETs do live in utopia compared to us.
Regretfully they are not here to provide joy rides to the inhabitants of earth, although for some
that is one of the benefits of the encounters.
ETs have jobs to do, complex jobs* which include taking people against their will. Only in a
few democratic societies do humans have the illusion of “rights”----in the rest of the world no
such fantasy exists, apparently ETs don’t follow that line of thinking either.
(*Since they are illegal and have no work visas they could get into big trouble if I tell)

ET doesn’t need to show themselves openly, they haven't for thousands of years.
However, they have contact with thousands of people every day----those people don't talk
about it.

You never know, maybe ET will sneak in when you are not looking and fix you up. It
happens all the time.

There are physical abductions and there are spiritual abductions where your body remains in
bed and they take your soul for a joy ride. Either abduction can be difficult to wake from----if
you panic---lot of people panic.

What are abductions? They are opportunities to visit with people on the other side---they are
sessions to help you get through a hardship or a difficult problem----and again a gamut of
other reasons.

You may have had contact with drones, they are unpleasant, they do a job and kick you out
the door when they are through with you. But usually they only treat adults that way.

I hear many stories where people describe abductions at an early age and being afraid---many
visits are for medical procedures----ET doesn’t use anesthesia so that may explain the fear.
We humans are afraid of a lot of things including life itself----you can only imagine when
faced with something extraterrestrial---with brains that are not wired for that kind of
No point fearing ET they have your best interest in mind----even the drones can't hurt you.

ET can take anyone to any place in the galaxy and the universe if they want to---and they do.
The human body never leaves the solar system, when ET takes people out of this solar system
the body remains in a container usually off planet, and the soul is the only thing that travels.

Humans are taken to other planets every day and returned on the same day----some remember
their experiences, most don't.
ET is aware of those that wish contact----when and if that ever takes place with any certain
individual is known only by them.
At this stage of the game and for the foreseeable future contact with humans is mostly
They have the ability to communicate with everyone but they know the big picture and they
operate within those parameters---concerning those they make contact with.

Have you ever been out of contact with people you know? ---Family friends work associates--
-if not face to face we keep in touch with them by cell phones
ET stays in touch with slightly more advanced technology.

ET knows the breaking point of those they come in contact with----they never push pass that

My ET encounter hasn’t dramatically impacted my life, but I have known them before I was
born, and they maintain regular contact with me----I’m kind of acclimated to them----
nevertheless, their presents can be extremely intimidating at times----especially when they are
not in human costume.
Human intimidation in comparison is child’s play.
I’m sure you haven’t read many abduction accounts where the abductee was delighted about
the contact
The contrast of intellect between ET and the human level mind makes casual conversation
nearly impossible and most of the time unpleasant
I know that’s not what you want to hear.

There are abductees that have problems integrating what they have received during an
abduction, perhaps they were told to change certain destructive behaviors and they refuse to
do so----and then they are unsure of what is causing their inner conflict----
Under those conditions ET may let them remember parts of their abduction----to let them
know-----and others, those that eventually will hear their story, that humans are not alone in
the universe----for ET it's like hitting two birds with one stone.
Most of the abductions people hear about are from those people----the ones that remember the
nightmares, the probes, the scary aliens and their ships.
The abductions no one hears about are those from people that are pillars of the community,
scientist with breakthroughs in their fields of research, etc,
ET abductions serve primarily to inject new ideas and technology into the world and to help
individuals who are seeking assistance with certain personal problems
Helping people doesn’t always mean treating them with kid gloves----sometimes the best
medicine leaves a bad taste.

You have all the power you can handle----some people can handle lots of power, others need
assistance at every turn----welfare for instance.
Everything they do for you is for you----not for them
America dropped two atom bombs on Japan----Japan is America’s closes ally----and not
because they fear America.
It was fear at the beginning but once they realized that America wasn’t going to finish them
off and instead helped them rebuild their economy fear turned to respect.
Japan was under the spell of the wicked witch of the East and once that spell was broken
Japan became a democracy and its people set free.
Only ET knows when you are ready-----but being ready is not a prerequisite for an encounter
Can you imagine the line that would form if ET had an open door policy?

Chances are if you have seen a UFO up close you have been inside it.

ET encounters are for a number of reasons but many are used to----how should I put----take
you behind the barn-----they are intimidating for a reason-----sometimes you are forced to
confront situations you would never confront on your own.
For one ETs don’t look like ETs on the other side because the mind sees them differently----
during earthly encounters humans see them with a human mind-----and the human mind does
not comprehend the supernatural---ghosts, ETs, and other freaky stuff that is not normal.

Secret governments do abduct people and animals for various reasons but they don’t have to
leave evidence, neither does ET.

Some abductions are encounters with loved ones that have passed away.
Also ET can take on any shape and personality they wish-----I remember touring the solar
system with my grandmother-----I was young about ten and she was still alive and living in
Italy while I was in the US----I never was able to ask her if she remembered an episode like
that----she lived many years after but I would never see her again.

Some people are taken more than others and they have the ability to remember more but those
experiences are best left in the subconscious mind where they don’t interfere with the present
illusions of this life otherwise what’s the point of this existence?

Most visits take place during REM or when coming out of that stage of sleep----some people
like to call it sleep paralysis because they don’t understand the supernatural world-----
however there are sleep disorders as well.
Sleep Paralysis is what the doctors call it because they can’t afford to admit it’s ET or don’t
know about ET contact.
More so than most people want to believe it’s triggered by the ETs, but so that I don’t get
slammed by the medical professionals I will only say that some are and some are not---yet the
doctors have no idea what causes it, perhaps living near a pond of swamp gas---lol
No one knows what sleep paralysis is and naturally doctors have to give an explanation to
their patients, and that explanation certainly will not be alien abductions---heck I wouldn’t
even go to a doctor who spouted out ET stuff---lol not that I go to doctors but that’s another
The ET type sleep paralysis rarely is regular as showing up on specific days on a weekly
Sometimes these things get botched especially if humans are involved. Nevertheless, sleep
paralysis is common even with ETs---because some things need the person to be somewhat
conscious during a procedure.
Many are side-effect of an abduction.
Sleep paralysis can happen at both ends, coming and going, but it don’t always mean your
soul is going anywhere. All abductions don’t have the paralysis, and paralysis can be
controlled if the fear is controlled.

If you were abducted and were allowed to remember some of those you encountered during
the abduction you might recognize your abductors as old friends or family from another life.
Some locations are more convenient that others especially if they are going to have extended
encounters with you----over months or years
When they want you in a certain place or location they make things happen the will get you
there----new job----new location----vacation whatever it takes
Many ETs are family members or friends from the past and they can be helpful but asking for
help and then getting it may not seem like they are being helpful-----if you have stage fright
and ask for them to help you they may put you in more uncomfortable situations where you
have to stand up and talk to people----that’s how they help.

The most advanced photographic equipment on earth is the human mind yet you see how
difficult it is for those who have been abducted to remember their experiences while on ET
ships. Some do better than others because there are exceptions to every rule and ET makes the

Many people have found being face to face with an ET the most terrifying experience in their
life short of a nightmare.
No one knows what is going on between an ET and the person they are in contact with---it’s
between the two of them and no one else
Teachers can be intimidating----in some countries they are tyrannical----I went to a Catholic
school when I was young----an encounter with a nun was to be avoided at all cost----they
could do with a simple twelve inch ruler what no one else on this planet could do-----put the
fear of god in you.

If you have seen one up close than you have been inside----and that is one heck of a ride----if
they let you remember any of it.

Why do ET needs to make some experiences so scary that they can seem like a nightmare?
That is the only way to get some peoples’ attention
But much of the fear is unwarranted----humans tend to fear many things for little reason----
that's why many of us are here-----to work on that.
Why do they abduct and scare the hell out of humans if they don't have to?
Good question.

They keep the abductee unconscious in many circumstances but sometimes they need them to
be conscious----for psychological acrobatics that they will be put through.

[The reason of abduction] varies with each individual; it could be a health issue, a learning
experience, a kick in the butt, a reunion of some kind or simply a pleasure ride, a treat.

You are getting only one side of the story when some abductees tell it----have you met any
humans that don’t exaggerate a little or a lot?
No one gets raped in the literal meaning of the word-----sex happens during some encounters
for the purpose of hybrids or other population enhancing basis----the individual may or may
not agree to what is happening but it’s not rape in the sense that they are being violated and
abused----it’s done for a reason and they have been doing it that way forever.

During an encounter, they wouldn’t drop hints, that’s against protocol, if they met with you
appearing completely human it would be to give you some advice or direction-----it may
sound like chit-chat but they transmit information directly into your subconscious mind----
When you met these aliens, they did tell you what plans, if any they had for the future of
Some of the details on the plans are on this thread, the rest would take up more space than this
board would allow, not to mention the time I have yet to find to jot it all down.

However I would not tell your spouse that you, her/him and children were abducted, if I were
you, nor would I tell the children----let them ask you.
My advice is to never tell family members things they aren’t ready to hear because people get
divorced for things of this nature.

They are not vampires but most people that are abducted don’t remember what really
happened, and many of the things that go on while in the ship are extremely strange to the
human mind.

When you know they are not going to hurt you----why fear them?
The ride is much more enjoyable when you are not afraid----the drawback is that it goes by
Also abductions are numbered, you only get so many and then they stop.

They have no reason to tell anything----if they do they are not real ET---unless they show you
otherwise by taking you into a ship or taking on their true form.

ET uses the good cop bad cop routine but they mostly do it on their ships and then they wipe
your memory of most of it----only your unconscious mind knows the pertinent information
that was imparted to you.

Since they have your best interest as their job there is no need to fear them----children fear
going to the doctor because it’s a strange place with strange people and sharp needles-----yet
the doctors are not there to hurt them.

ETs do not choose people according to their date of birth.

I have read reports of abductees that say they remember painful episodes while stretched out
on a surgical type table, and I may have witnessed similar situations while on a ship but ET
usually doesn’t let people remember the pain----those that have reported pain are people that
have undergone regression and uncovered painful memories----some of those memories are
fake memories
ET can do many things without inflicting pain, and they can create memories that are painful
yet they are not real.

I wish more people would remember more because then I wouldn’t feel so lonely in my
Loneliness doesn’t stimulate alien contact only loneliness----which btw I’m not lonely I have
many friends and acquaintances, however, I do value time alone.

Many abductions are for alien healings reason.

If I was abducted and taken on a lengthy starflight, what could I expect to be on the menu,
and do you have any recommendations?
You will not be taking any long trips but that doesn’t mean you will not be abducted---think
you are ready for it?

They are calling some abductions night terrors---lol---which they are---terror, for those that
don’t know what is happening to them. ET can block the terror completely---if it’s them doing
the abduction---sometimes black ops that have tracked the ETs will swoop in right after the
ETs leave and try to figure out what ET did---that may be were some of the terror comes in---
if they botch it.
There are many other reasons for the terror that I may cover later, too much stuff.
Most night terrors are situations that we have deep rooted fears over and have nothing to do
with evil entities, or any entities. These fears bubble up into our night time hours because the
brain has to make sense of all our fears and try to deal with them.
More than likely your mind is trying to make sense of your fears by playing them over and
over again. In a few cases stuff from a previous life is allowed to seep into this one---but these
are not evil entities, only situations that someone working with you decided you need some
catch up homework.

Many times the memories are not released until days, months or years later.

There are always variables, for instance everyone here on earth even if they are new
hatchlings were created somewhere else out in our galaxy and brought here and installed into
a human baby---the story of the stork bringing babies is basically on the money---lol
So everyone has outer space experience and that's why we all gaze up at the stars and marvel
knowing we are somehow a part of it.

Many people have similar experiences that I have.

ETs are under orders and why they let some have memories and others not is a huge mystery,
but you can ask.

I have never asked to be contacted, and I believe most abductees have not asked either---it’s
pretty much ETs call as far as I know.

Don’t seek ETs out, and do your best to remain calm---most of the problems happen when
people panic---and become unreachable.

ETs show me stuff all the time for no particular reason---they like showing what they have---
ever get a new car and you can’t wait to show all your friends?----lol
Perhaps they are showing people something that will not makes sense until a few weeks,
months, or years down the road, and then it will hit them.
Whatever they are giving you is for you, work on it, figure it out, and if it has a purpose it will
eventually become clear.

Resistance is fear based, and it only complicates the situation for the person being contacted--
-never for the ET.
ET cannot be restricted or stopped---grant it, some have prayed and believe that it ended the
encounter, but it only is blocked from their mind. The more fear the more gets blocked.
Nevertheless they block out many good things too.
You need to ask “dark faces”, if they continue to remain anonymous tell them to leave---
people sometimes put “open signs” up and you never know who will park their carcass in
your life or your house.

Some people get to remember the beginning and or the end of it, kind of letting you know
they are there.

Millions have interacted with off earth beings in this lifetime, however many are keeping it to

They don’t want all the symptoms to be known---obviously if I give them out, more that I
have already, people will associate them with contact when it probably is not. They also don’t
want me to give that info under the table via u2u.
The question you should ask yourself is are you seeking contact? And for what purpose? ---
Entertainment is not one they like to entertain---
If they are not giving you more clear expressions then ignore it and them if you can---they
know where to find you if need be.

Some Native Americans are more open to that phenomenon---it runs in their culture, and they
are more apt to speak openly.
Many other cultures don’t have the same roots or beliefs, and people who talk openly about
ET are shunned and ridiculed by their own people, even family members will tell other family
members to shut up---and keep their delusions to themselves---fearing that the family name
will be tarnished.
It is a cultural stigma, or lack thereof, because I have been told that there is no ethnic
discrimination concerning abductions.

The paralysis is paralyzing fear---ET need only enter the room to trigger it, if there are others
in the room with the intended abductee they are kept asleep or blocked to what is happening.
So that not everyone that goes through it believe they are being visited by ET it’s possible for
certain nightmares to created similar effects.
In either case the paralysis can be overcome by controlling the fear---easier said than done---
but nevertheless it works.
I don’t mean to imply that the abduction stops if one control their fear---when you control the
fear it is usually a blissful experience---if you are calm and let it unfold it’s pure magic---
unfortunately few get to the bliss part.

The discrepancies about abductions have nothing to do with ethnicity and they are not equally
distributed by demographics.

There is no running away from ET, from humans acting as ET it’s possible.

The problem with giving ET symptoms of communication is that they don’t always apply to
ET. And I’m not allowed to tell somebody if he’s/she’s having such a contact---per Milton

Pleasurable abductions are blocked out better otherwise those experiencing them would look
forward to more---and focus less on things in this life---things that cannot compete with the
ET playground.
ETs don’t have time to slack off and hide in people's houses---usually they come get their
business done and leave in a matter of minutes, hours at the most.

I have two children and when I took them to the doctor or dentist they always were afraid of
them---like may children are---often the doctors or dentist did something that made them cry--
-when they were very young---that hurt me more than what ET does---because ET makes no
mistakes---humans do.

It’s not unusual that they would tell you things it’s unusual when they allow you to remember
things and info.
They often open the curtain a little to let you know things are not as they seem---which is a
privilege most don’t get.

Everyone had a trip in space and everyone will get many more trips.

If you see one of those entities [little green men, reptilians, etc] you will not be able to run.

Abductions happen often and most people would rather not talk about it when it happens to
them----it’s an experienced unlike anything they are use to, and most cannot handle it.

They will push the envelope most of the time to see how much you can take, but because
encounters are not part of the learning curve for this life they are not critical, and therefore
most are erased from memory---regression for those that undergo it is mostly alternate
memories and not what actually happens.
Acclimation helps us get to the next stage, but each stage is all the more challenging than the
last. However, that’s not to say the experience is always bad or even ever bad, they could all
be good or great experiences---and those are usually blocked 100%, otherwise this earth
would lose whatever luster it had for you.
Never seek them out, that’s when things can get hairy and scary.

Milton type entities take people into space on a regular basis, for a number of reasons but
mostly to familiarize them with space in preparation for their next assignment somewhere in
one of the billions of star systems in this galaxy.
This training can begin during childhood or near the end of the person’s time here, or
anywhere in between.
You have been out there more than once and you will be out there many more times before
you get your final traveling papers off this rock.

For now any trip one gets is blanked out completely for most---until the final exit when the
illusions of this life fall away and are replaced with the reality that we belong to the most
fantastic family of beings in a vast galactic wonderland.
Forgive me for watering down my description of what is really out there; don’t want to be
accused of hyperbole---

Have ETs made contact with shaman while on peyote?

Absolutely, as well as others on any number of hallucinogens---but that has nothing to do
with the substance itself, sober people are contacted just as often if not more.

Those in childhood and those in their second childhood, have frequent contact with entities on
the other side.
Is there a way one can contact these extra terrestrials?
That would be like giving out the phone number of Britney Spears---she probably wouldn’t
appreciate all the calls.
But unlike Britney, they know who you are; they know more about you than you know about
yourself. And they determine how much contact to have with you and how much if any they
will leave with you to remember.

Just hang up on them if they are not giving you info you need or want.

We are in contact, most remain in denial---which is not a bad thing, and it sure makes life less
complicated for them. Not everyone needs to know what is going on behind the curtain while
the actors parade on stage entertaining the audience.

All Contactees are not necessarily Abductees?

We live in a politically correct society here in America and some people are easily offended
when we categorize people into groups that infer one is less equal than the other. There is no
such thing as equal in a universe where we move up strictly based on personal qualities. And
we are all here for different reasons and goals, or lack thereof, so few of us are equal---but the
illusion looks good on political paper---lol
Yes there are but there are more than two distinct groups of people who interface with ET
willingly or unwillingly. And then there are other categories where people are abducted by
human black ops people exclusively and subgroups that are taken by ET and followed up on
by human black ops people. And then there are pesky renegades that sometimes snatch
people---but they are usually caught and the people abducted by them may go through some
detoxifying by other ETs---these people are not in any program.
Some are long term, some short, some only one shot.

A lot of people are contacted but most of the awareness breakthrough is via media, books and

Those who would “openly” admit to believing in ETs or having experienced them remain a
small fraction of the total population on this planet---so we are not even up to “Baby steps”

It’s rare that they would identify themselves and especially under negative conditions, if that’s
what they were---it would be like bank robbers removing their mask and introducing
themselves to the people in the bank during a hold up

Most are abducted during sleep because it’s easier on them, the person being abducted---and
many associate their experience as a dream.

Everyone gets a trip to earth and away from earth via ships or other paranormal means. But
not everyone gets taken between those two points, some only get visited once, others any
number of times---there is no rhyme or reason because we are all unique with unique
situations, and encounters are designed around those parameters.

Is there any way to unlock our memories, or contact our alien friends?
Yup, and they are the ones that determine what you know or remember---when you talk in
your head you talk to them---if they answer you know it’s time for the straight jacket---
Not all heart attacks are from clogged arteries or bad hearts---some people die the moment
they are visited. Everyone will be visited the very moment their tour is up.
But, many will be visited before that moment just for kicks and be shown some neat stuff.
Miltie hinted to that happening, to say more I risk too much.

If they appeared in your space while you are fully awake at your computer or during daily
activities the moment you become aware of them you go into a dream like state. But they
usually visit after you go to bed and catch you just before you doze off.

Milton and entities like him are giving tours all the time, but they come with conditions, they
can’t interfere with your learning assignments here on earth, so most people that get the ride
of their lives have to postpone the bigger part of that memory, and it will only be felt as a
good feeling or awesome dream.
The real dream or nightmare is this life, and some of us even get to choose which one it will

[If you have already seen them], you will see them again unless you don’t want to, if so they
will simply block the memory and dream.

They may let you remember some things as a way to verify they are paying attention to you
and your life. Will they give you a full blown memory of your past or joy rides you have been
on----not likely because then this life will really be a drag for you.

Most ET contact is with I robot type equipment, they do the routine maintenance on this

Most human physiological quirks are “not” ET encounters

A face to face is too disruptive for most that’s why few remember them. But they have ways
of responding to request that resemble earthly things, like a new acquaintance, a new idea, a
new job, an opportunity, or epiphany.
Their plan for you is your plan for you because ultimately it is you that benefits or loses out.

You always receive what you ask for---but there are no shortcuts, if you ask to be a lion tamer
then you have to get in the cage with the lions. If you want to rub elbows with presidents and
world leaders you have to develop the contacts, the wit and courage to play with the big boys
or girls.
Many ask and when the opportunities appear they run the other way
Interface with an ET is not an easy gig, and most run away in abject horror---not because ETs
are monsters but because they are the face of god and most are not ready.

ET doesn’t leave marks and that is mostly true, but not always true, however most marks are
done by humans and machines, also they are not for tracking purposes---for now I have to
reframe from giving more details.

Controlling the fear:

There is nothing to fear said Churchill but fear itself---and they were up against a monster
Hitler machine that was eating Europe alive. If there ever was a reason for fear those were
definitely the days to do it. Yet they were told not to fear---what the heck do we have to fear
in comparison? Aliens from space that will jump out of our chest---lol---perhaps we should
fear Hollywood---

If you don’t want them around they will not mess with you, they will not even come over to
your house. If you were in the program they can take you off of it.---your house is old and
makes noises, but new houses do too.
Everyone is afraid of the dark to a certain degree because we can’t see what is making the
noises---plus we all have over active imaginations when things go bump in the night.
ETs haven’t eaten anyone yet that I know of----lol

Why won’t they let us remember?

Because some of the visits take place behind the proverbial woodshed and are best left in the
subconscious where they will do the most good
The joy rides are a privilege that apparently few get to remember---or those that do aren’t
talking perhaps because there is no need.

It has little to do with being able to handle them or the info they may share---if they handed
you their full blown technology there is nothing you could do with it---it would be like giving
a laptop to a two year old---and I am that two year old---lol

No one has to play their game, that’s why they remain incognito.

There is no rhyme or reason why they visit who they do, and for those they don’t visit or
block the memory of the visit there is no answer that would satisfy.

Hell is not fire it’s a very cold, lonely place that is void of other souls and is not the same for
everyone. Some abductions are visits to such places kind of the scared straight type of deal
The other side of the coin is better, the good side where they take people to visit other planets
and relatives like in my blog
They seem to let people remember the bad trips far more often the good ones, and that’s
mostly their call regardless of what we want---even though sometimes they will ask knowing
they will not let us remember.
Never is a long time, most everyone will get a visit they will remember, when escorted off
this planet, but millions will get to remember parts of their fantastic voyages before departure
and remain quiet less people think them nuts.

Cattle mutilations: There are some unauthorized ETs that manage to sneak into this planet,
and there are black ops that do unauthorized things also.
Cattle mutilations are as it seems, always executed with a very precise surgical operation and
as witness accounts say sometime in a very short timeframe.
Is it realistic to assume that these mutilations where / are done at the same time by some of
the instruments of where you speak in your magnificent book ”In league with a UFO”.
So, that each instrument perform its own precise surgical operation.
Yes those instrument have been used for that, I have given some of the reasons in past posts
but other reasons are off limits.
Do you know anything about Cattle and Human Mutilations all over the world and the
Proves extraterrestrials aren't vegetarians, and certainly picky.
There are many reasons people are taken and one word doesn’t cover it, but abduction

There are many entities that remain faceless and difficult to pin down as far as the description
you give, but many of these beings are machines and of little consequence to the encounter
itself other than facilitating the mundane details that most abductees experience.

Abductions are all joyrides because they all add something to us---but those who are here on
vacation don’t go on joyrides, they are exempt for the most part of carrying burdens---that’s
why I call it a vacation.

Anything we humans recover would be mixed with screen memories, that’s why regression is

Many individuals who have personal encounters seem to exhibit allergic reactions of some
kind after the event. (Sneezing, running noses, skin issues, rashes, headaches, etc.)
Several things trigger those reactions, being in space inside ships moving at mind and body
altering speeds, being exposed to physiological altering elements and situations
Also there are taboo deals going on in the black ops department for research purposes that
could never be carried out in the open yet remain important to human development---it’s a
good thing few believe these things possible---lol
ETs emit things that do affect some more than others, and so does the environment inside
their ships---and the places in this solar system they take people---for a variety of reason or

ETs created our immune systems and they often tweak it because they have nothing better to

Many encounters are out of body, and not physical---but that in itself creates physiological
imbalances that can trigger certain things.

Many females have claimed to bear ET children - or to have been 'robbed' of a child while in
their womb. Are these women actually bearing children and later find that their child was
taken from them. Some of these women also have scarring when they are examined by a
Gynaecologist, without ever haven gave birth before. Are they attention hounds, is it really
happening, or do they just have unusual fetishes?
All of the above, fetishes, hounds and hybrid births
Hybrids and other types of humans are being birthed constantly and the women taken off
planet to give birth most of the time---for reasons beyond the scope of this thread

Missing time is not a prerequisite to abduction because when you see them is not necessarily
at the start---they can put that memory in at any point of the duration of the visit. Often in
these situations they take you out of the house and into their ship via a vortex and physical
bodies travel in it thought walls and air. Why and where they take people is privileged info.

Because of the fear and sometimes fight that people put up they simply drag them through the
vortex and into the ship---for those that can control their fear those strange encounters turn out
to be pleasurable experiences---but most of the details of what goes on will be blanked out---
Being taken out of body as was your brother is better because you don’t have to deal with the
adrenalin factor---and flying like superman is a fantastic experience---but they never last long

The how and why of abductions is a tightly held secret they rarely share.

Most times those “persons” in the background during abductions are machines waiting for
instructions---simple instruments used by ETs to do the dirty work.

If you were abducted, what took place is privileged info for you alone.

Abductions can lead to flying as part of the encounter but most people are only allowed to
remember the “actual” experience as a dream.

We can’t block out the experience, not even the bad stuff, they do the blocking, and some do
it better than others, depending on who they are ET or human.

They block out the good stuff more thoroughly than the scary stuff. This life does not
compare with joyrides to other places---places that are utopia, which would severally
complicate living in this life. It’s ok to dream about a better place but we are here to prove
ourselves worthy of that better place---we are owed nothing but a right to prove our worth.

Many encounters and abductions concern our progress or lack of progress, and many of those
messages are left behind in dreams and nightmares for us to pick through.

ET choose 100% of the time who is abducted.

There are criteria of a personal nature that determines who and why an abduction takes places,
which is privileged information between the parties involved. Then there are many programs
that involve genetics that reach back several generations of that individual. They also have the
black ops, knife and dagger intrigue section, and naturally most of that is top secret, but
skimming some minor details off the edges is allowed.
Some programs in the unmentionable sectors do have a prescription to fulfil, or a set quota of
particular humans to take.
Do these prescriptions sometimes involve biological materials ?
Without getting into the gory details, yes.

ET have contacted thousands if not millions of people who for reasons of their own wish not
to talk about it.
There was, there is and there will be “some form of mass contact” ---they rarely leave a
calling card though.

ETs have billions of earth type nurseries and prisons in this galaxy alone.

Why is it another species (not human) is using humans to breed?

Because most of those who are being bred are not for earth but for other places in this solar
Different conditions require different bodies---also some humans who die will be put into
some of these modified bodies. Please don’t ask why because I can't say for now. They use
humans because humans have the DNA that melds with the other entities, it makes a good
combination and medium---especially when some of those bodies will be inhabited by
humans---the shock will be minimized.

Why is it happening without a human's knowledge or consent ?

For the reason few would give consent---especially if they understood the mechanics or
rational. You have to remember few humans believe there are extraterrestrial in our midst,
and fewer still would be willing to undergo these procedures.
But not all abductions are done by extraterrestrials, humans are doing them too and they
concern human things ----also off-limits

The anal probe----that’s how they initiate you into the club---have you ever had to pledge into
a collage fraternity? The anal probe is nothing in caparison to some pledge requirements --- --
--and I’m not even going to get into the real bizarre stuff required by some military units and
other secret organizations.
You got to get passed the anal probe before you get the proof.
It has nothing to do with sex or body functions---it’s more a mind job because most humans
are “anal” in their way of thinking---especially concerning the big picture.

Would visiting a place close to a "base" pose and further danger for being taken or is
geographical location not an issue at all?
It’s not an issue but they do keep certain people and entities away from certain places---in
other words some people are quarantined to certain cities, countries---without knowing it.

There are entities that can claim us under certain circumstances---if they are obviously
stopped, therefore you are not a lost cause---take every opportunity to move in the right

Most people can’t handle being inside of a UFO because their ships exist between our reality
and their reality---our reality is also their reality. But their reality is definitely not our reality--
-and can be extremely freaky.

Sometimes they use implants on people they monitor for any number of reasons including
medical, but they seldom do what you describe---if something malfunctions they fix it pronto
so as not raise suspicions.
I don’t have implants so I can’t relate.

Humans are not fed food when they get taken by ETs---unless they enter into other planets for
extended periods.

Most who have been inside UFOs are not allowed to remember because those over them have
deemed it and there are countless reasons that are not mine to give.
Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean you’ve been left out.
Some visits are horrific and it’s a blessing that you don’t remember but others are quite nice.
Once you been in the candy store nothing else will do---you don’t remember but you still
crave it
How would you focus on this life if you were allowed to remember all the sensations in the
candy store?
Under what circumstances do they reveal themselves?
Almost any circumstance---but they decide what if anything those they interact with will

Seeing a UFO is not required---most abductees never see them coming---or leaving.
Whether you have been inside one is not for me to say---I know I have told others in the past
but they prefer I not tell.

The reality of the people near or in the vehicles changes and they interpret that as engines and
other machinery stopping.
My watch seems to stop inside of a ship because time as we understand it ceases---and the
poor watch doesn’t know what to do---it can't keep time because time doesn't exist in ET
But there are exceptions to every rule especially when black ops is involved.

What were the purposes of the human mutilations that John Lear talks when the abduction
phenomena began?
I'm not familiar with that story.

More awareness doesn’t automatically translate into more memory awareness. Perhaps a good
hefty bribe under the table to your favourite ET--lol
There is no rhyme or reason why some get scant memories or none, and others get plenty,
seems unfair.

To whom (of them) can we turn when we have an intense calling for more information?
For one on one dialogue you need to know their real name---they have to give it to you, and
most of them don’t do that for obvious reasons, Milton is not his real name.
But they hear you and most of the time they respond but not always in ways we believe
helpful. They are most helpful with earthly things that facilitate our needs and desires in the
here and now.
But first we need to take physical steps---do the hard work, come up with that new mouse
trap---or whatever else we want to do.
People who spend all their time meditating don’t build houses, or desks or much of anything
else that is useful---this is a physical world and we have to get physical---at least some of the
time, in order to make things happen----in our lives and for humanity.

A visit is not essential for most, and remembering it hardly ever happens when it does
happen---and yes you can just say no should you somehow become aware of it.
Most of the horror stories we hear from abductees are worse than the bite

What purpose does an implant serve?

Implants are use by others---but ET uses them for a number of reasons, including medical.
The few that have implants are on some human program, most people do not have implants
even if they had ET contact. Very few people have implants.

Do ETs frown upon psychics, witch doctors, shamans, and cultures that indulge in deep
Only if they mislead people for personal gain---
“You’re lying in bed and you think things are there, say you're facing towards the wall and
you're convinced that something is staring at the back of your head, is it just paranoia?”
99.99999% of the time it is paranoia. ETs and black ops don’t lurk in the shadows they have
better things to do. When they strike they are in and out in a flash--most of the time.
If they don't let you know then they don't want you to know---

Do the ET's change our anatomy when it's necessary without even coming in contact? Like
DNA ETs work behind the scene----tweaking away like a grandmother quilting.

All true contactees bring an element of truth to the table, some more than others. The big
picture concerning life in this galaxy is so immense that sometimes it appears like there is a
lot of contradiction between abductees---but like putting a complex puzzle together---
individual pieces make little sense until more of the puzzle is filled in.

Can the tendency to fidget have anything to do with ET contact?


What was the purpose of grey abductions in the 50's and present?
Some of those renegade ETs that were run off this planet did and do pilfer things from human
Since they are on the run constantly they have difficulties and shortages and like insects in
need of our body fluids to prosper they stealthy dive in and steal stuff from animals and
Why would they need to steal from human/animal bodies when surely they can manipulate
other materials to suit them anywhere else in the galaxy?
Because many things have been cut off to them and they have to jerry-rig their way.

What did they need our body fluids for?

They make hybrids and clones and other stuff for their own use, and or agenda

They drop hints that will move us forward---mostly in dreams or visits that they block out---if
we continue to ignore the hints then they will trip us up.

People only know what they can handle, and no more---a lot of people are shown things and
they crap all over themselves---so the memory is erased.

Hollywood horror is kid’s stuff, and many can’t get enough of those kind of movies because
they know they are fiction. I’m certain most people don’t crap themselves at the movie
theatres watching horror movies. But most do when confronted with extraterrestrial beings---
and the ETs don’t even have a chainsaw---their presence alone does it

I have seen some pretty tough characters cry like six month old babies when they were in the
presence of these mighty strange entities---
Nevertheless, they don’t laugh at us unless we are really full of ourselves, and then they laugh
so hard it brings down the house---usually around the one they are laughing at.

Your higher self is mute and hides in your subconscious mind. But he/she hears and sees very
well---when they hear and see what they want and expect, they might drop you some hints, or
Believe me a full blown conversation with them can make us feel small, that’s why they keep
quiet and in the background.
Their jobs are mostly to take notes---they rarely hand out cheat sheets or good advice and
often let us learn things the hard way, that way our mistakes are more memorable.

How could you stop them from cheating by reading our minds though?
It’s brawn over brain with ETs, Chewbacca is a good example, the team that can intimidate
the other team wins---ripping arms out of sockets is acceptable gamesmanship.
Still think you can put a team together? So that they can pull it apart---

Why are abductions stopped when one calls the name of Jesus?
They are not stopped only blocked from the memory. Some do wake up instantly or so they

ETs alter the things they want you to understand---the rest remains blurred.

Everybody gets “sleep tests”; most don’t remember them, which can be a good thing.
In reality there is no sleep for us wicked humans---
Having said that I will say it again, there is no sleep for us humans---only another state of
consciousness. When we enter that sleep state we are taken places---what we refer to as the
dream world because we don’t know any better.
The dream world is a real world, one that don’t make much sense to us because it crosses into
other dimensions----places were we learn things, where we visit with other entities in our past,
and even those who will be in our future.

When ETs enter your space they bring with them a host of magical phenomena that would
blow your mind to bits---that’s why they block out most of it----and only leave tidbits or fear-
--most of the fear is not real but part of the blocking mechanism.

ETs you encounter [in your childhood] blank out of your life so that you could concentrate on
this life. Which is a common practice for these entities that escort “some” of us to this planet
and then hang out with us for a time.
Remembering them is not important---besides what would people think if you talked about
such beings around the office drink fountain---or even to loved ones like your mother----that's
why they go stealth on us.

Even those who had contact remember very little, and most remember nothing at all while in
their conscious state. But their subconscious knows more than it tells about ET encounters.
Sometimes those hidden feelings leak out as curiosities, and sometimes they are insatiable
For those who don’t want to hear that or know that, there is a third option, they watch and
read too much Si-fi stuff---or as you say “innate human curiosity.”

“Dark spots” are vortexes used by entities as doorways into our physical world.
They come in many sizes, and sometimes they lead directly into an alien ship.
All extraterrestrials good and bad have that capability even human black ops. But most people
never see the vortex unless they are being taken through it, and then allowed to remember it.
They use the method specific to the job, if they are moving physical objects---human bodies,
they require certain means of transport, if they are only moving spirits around, or out of body,
they “can” do things differently.
Shouldn’t I know the reason why people get abducted?
Maybe I don't know all that much about it

Why are so many abductions viewed as negative experiences by other abductees?

Because they were hair splitting terrifying---ET encounters are not necessarily a piece of cake
for everyone---most.

They know what we are thinking, but they are the ones that decide who and how someone
gets a visit, many are done during sleep. You know some of those dreams that make perfect
sense while you are in them and then when you wake up they don’t compute ?---It’s because
they sometimes take place in another dimension, and things don’t transfer very well or at all
from one dimension to another.

If you were abducted in presence of other sleeping people, the other would not know it was
happening even if they took your body.

Is fear of ET's a programmed into the human body?

Fear of death keeps us alive---for awhile anyway. Our minds are not built to comprehend the
wonders above 3D---we speculate but have no clue. ETs are creatures of that which our minds
can only speculate, and in the presence of such entities our circuit breakers fry. It’s not that
we are programmed to fear ETs but that we are not programmed to interface with them very
well if at all.
Are ET's allowed to stop or dull the fear when they need to ?
They can phase into our level, and they can give us a cookie and glass of milk, or wine, to
easy our fragile nerves.

Many abductees only come in contact with androids and believe them to be living ETs, which
they are as far as we humans are concerned. But a person from the 1800’s would certainly not
know what to make of our cars, computers, and other appliances that talk to us in a very
elementary way. Androids are much more refined and much more intelligent than we.

I’m adding a tad of comic relief to take the edge off the popular concept of killer aliens
farming our little butts off for their own selfish greedy needs. Another point of view in the
ocean of extraterrestrial idea madness

I have seen some bad asses piss their pants and a whole lot worse. There is no describing
aliens and what their presence does to the human psyche---unless they are in human form, and
then they have much less affect on us. They can neutralize the effect or intensify it but they
seldom need to intensify

When we are visited, do we have to give permission, or did we do it on some initial level
They don’t need permission but sometimes they will honour our wishes, anyone who asked
for assistance will get it. We can always take our case to a higher court via our guides.

Our actions are very loud and our thoughts are heard by those shadowing us. But the best way
to get things you want is similar to mowing the lawn. You can wish the lawn was mowed but
until you get up and show intent, by getting off the couch and dragging the mower out of the
shed and cranking it up nothing happens.
Whatever direction you move in the universe moves with you---hesitation and fear to take
chances or cross wobbling bridges creates couch potatoes.
No one knows the names of higher entities and they like to keep it that way, so you can
address them anyway you wish, god is universally accepted, or any of the other deities works
Nevertheless, names are not required, they hear our thoughts just fine, but they only respond
when they see action and perseverance towards some goal---anything else is a waste of their
coffee break time---and that’s one area they don’t compromise.

Guardians have total control unless we willingly forfeit or give it up voluntarily. Most horrific
memories are screen memories that have nothing to do with reality or what really happened.
In the old days the angels said “fear not” , and they were the good guys---the fact is we fear
these entities not because they are monsters but because they are very different from what we
are use to. So fear not, they have no intention of hurting you, more than likely they are there
to protect you.

Why some people take those events so harsh?

If they made them fun and let us remember then how could we concentrate on the difficult
tasks we must confront while in this classroom? They do let us remember some of the slaps
upside the head though.

Physical blindness doesn’t preclude ET contact, and like most people with sight they too don’t
get to remember many or any details of the places they are taken to.
What kind of experience would they participate in?
The very same [as me], on ET ships all our sense are restored and amplified that’s one of the
reasons visits are disorienting for all who enter.

The so-called abductions, sleep, hyper-soul over-mind experience is part of the testing
That establishes what test will come next.

Why do different contactees seem to have different messages?

Because we all have different souls and therefore see only from those vantage points.

Most abductions are strictly business and not for pleasure and the fear factor is part of the way
they operate.

Some unfortunate abductees do get taken down for weird ET experiments.

Orbs are modes of transporting souls; most don’t notices they are inside an orb when they are
taken places while their bodies' sleep.

No abductees end up flayed unless they are very evil.

Very few people get picked up while awake because of that fear thing. And getting picked up
doesn’t happen often---and when it does it’s quick and painless---they don’t get paid to hide
out in dark corners and goof around---that’s a runaway imagination working overtime.

Most people who get abducted never know it happened to them---they hardly ever leave a
calling card.
Those who get glimpses of those experiences also have much more locked up in their
subconscious mind. But getting that info is nearly impossible if they don’t give it to you.
Some people try to unlock those memories using regression hypnotism but end up getting the
heck scared out of them because the memories are hidden behind fake screen memories that
humans can’t penetrate and extract.

If [the conditions of contact] don’t bother you and they are not telling you to do stupid things
then what the heck, listen in on them.
Not everyone talks about such things even if they notice because people who are asleep
wouldn’t understand, and most people are asleep.
You are not alone in such situations, and why you? Why not you?

Why would aliens want to implant negative screen memories?

It’s to keep us from prying into places we are not allowed to go inside of---our subconscious
world. Like the warning we find in ancient burial sites to keep thieves from looting tombs.

We cannot uncover the truth about abductions via regression because the truth is way too big
to fit inside the small spaces. Even the truth concerning specific abductions.

Believing is not prerequisite to contact, many who do not believe have contact.

After some abductions the only thing people remember are the audible words going on around

Do we get tagged/implanted through the top of the nose?

Some do, but the reasons are best left to conjecture.

Most that have been abducted have zero recall, because their human experience is crucial to
the project they may be involved in.

We rarely see them in the sky---we see them when they enter our bubble and take us places of
their choosing. And so that we don’t lose focus of our lives here on earth they often turn off
the lights when they leave.

Does each person on this planet get taken by ETs at some time in thier lives for an upgrade or
an oil change?
Mostly to get slapped around.

Hell most people in the world already try and speak to some god or another, why not put a
face to their prayers?
ETs could put a human face to their prayers and often do via other humans or “angels” in
disguise. They also let some people see what the face of god looks like during abductions and
it’s never what the people expect and things hit the fan.
Once we die and even those who die briefly (NDE) and then return they see things differently,
it’s a dimensional item, we are either fully into it as in death, or partly as in abductions. And
partly is freaky and if they landed and showed themselves they would be partly, but totally
freaky, and a lot of stuff would hit the fan.
After the initial shock don't you think we'd eventually stomach it?
Most people can’t stomach it, that’s why they don’t remember their visits and end up making
a big mess in the ship---the sad part is that many of the visits are cool to the max, just so
friggin strange to the human psyche.

ETs come in many colours and flavours and summing them is tricky business because you
never know who will show up, and for what purpose.
No matter the door or gate one opens we have the power to shut it if we chose assuming we
didn’t sign any binding contracts

Puking and other things happen during abductions, people are affected differently by space
and the situations they find themselves in, including the strange entities. Most of that stuff is
blocked out.

What would be the purpose of your average Joe coming into contact with such machines/ETs?
It’s kind of like standing in line at the license department and being processed by low-level
machines of the state---the governor doesn’t have time or patients to meet with all his
constituents for such mundane things.

Some people participate unknowingly in certain programs that involved genetic linage---there
is nothing that I can explain on that because it involves only those particular genealogies and
there are many.
Most of the time, machines are the frontlines on these types of encounters and they perform
routine functions that can be terrifying because they take us out of our little bubbles that give
us comfort, and place us in very strange situations. Most of these things get wiped but some
elements of them can be drawn out via regression.
Why must these experiences be so frightening?
Because they are so friggin alien to us, no pun intended.
They are able to come in human form wouldn't that make things easier for those involved?
No it wouldn’t. Would you let some shmoe take you into a strange room and open you up like
a can of tuna?

They take many people on joy rides but they don’t let them remember because we would want
more and more and we would tell all our friends and then they would want joy rides too.---
Where would it end---

Inside an alien ship they remove the layers of denial like flaying the skin off a human body.
No anaesthesia, and we are fully aware, more so than we are normally. It is very painful, most
faint, puke or lose control of their bowels from what they see inside their souls. Certainly no
joy ride. Best that we peel off some of that icky denial stuff on our own first.

In the presence of ET acquaintances, is the human response of fear/loathing due to basic

instinct, fight/flight reaction, difference in energy frequencies, previous memories, or all of
the above?
All of the above and some. But what scares us the most is the image of ourselves that we don't
recognize during our encounters with family or "others" on the other side.
Are all meetings conscious, as in we are fully aware we are standing before an otherworldly
Our minds need the filter that the environment in the ships provide. When we meet them in
their human costume it's different, mostly because we don't know and our minds don't do the
meltdown thing, besides, our flaws remain hidden inside of us, which is the big distraction
when meeting with the good guys that is.

How does Vodka mess up our good connection to ET?

Depends on which ET's we are connecting with, for instance, it works well for Vladimir Putin
and his renegade comrades.

Why is it so terrifying for people, and why the physical experiments? The people in the clips
are reporting who we call 'greys'.
Terrifying because our brain is 3D, and they are not.

I am currently reading Abduction, by John Mack. In it, it appears that in the case histories of
abductees they are constantly being given visions of our world dying from pollution or by a
nuclear holocaust. What purpose could this serve?
It serves Renegade propaganda.

What is the real purpose behind the abduction phenomena?

To visit with those on the other side, to get reviews on how are lives are progressing or
digressing and a billion of other things beyond the scope of 3D understanding that applies to
future and past lives.

Somehow the contactees think if we are told that they are tall, blond and blue eyed we are
suppose to trust them. It sounds insane 7 billion people on a planet some on the internet, most
living a 3rd world existence and we happen to be privy to the world ending data from tall
blond beings. I know E.T. exists but are these renegades comedians or what?
They do have a large following, and that's not funny.

There are reports of horrendous, gruesome experiments and often it's of a sexual nature, but
it is done to children. If we all have karma to deal with why is the law so harsh that children
must suffer these types of experimentation at that early age?
Children look like children but most have been around a long time. Childhood is a memory
wipe of the past and an introduction into this existence. Nevertheless, many things that are
reported by children and adults are only screen memories. Painful and scary they are
Why there is no ET's to help these children?
No harm can come to a pure soul. Pure souls don't come down here but some don't have many
stains. Fear has a purpose but to state it is not politically correct.
Doesn't the universal law wait till kids are old enough to be accountable?
Everyone is accountable, that's why we are down here.
Many women report being raped by beings/creatures, one case a woman said she was
violated by a creature that looked like a pig. Is there no mercy in this universe?
For some there is little or no mercy.
I send white light to all the children that have been so mistreated--"for their own good".
All humans should. We are here to be merciful to others, because higher beings are merciful
to us when we are.
With entities who steal reproductive material from kids, do the kids always notice? Are there
any side effects for those kids later on?

Are abductions mostly done in the best interest of the abductees?

Yes they are, even the horrible ones.
Do some of us "going astray" receive varying degrees of physical and mental punishment
during the abduction?
And after. A miserable life is a clue that we are not on the right path. A politician will tell you
that our problems are due to injustice and create a scapegoat for our personal sins. People fall
for it every time. Fall straight to you know where.

I have a contact who believes she was abducted and they took her unborn child away. Is that
Yes it happens.
They create hybrids for many reasons and for many places in this solar system.
Do they eat human babies?
Some of them like the reptilians or some other more evil races?
Many races do it.
Such children are usually better off, they go to better places, not for experiments.

Are we looked upon as an experiment to them or are we just chickens in the coup and they are
the owners of the farm?
Some of us are chickens and they do own the farm, well they squabble over it. Experiments
are done by humans mostly.
Most of the bad things are done by androids and the pain, although it gets blocked out, serves
a purpose. The purpose depends on the person and their past and present issues.

Quite often, when I am in a very relaxed state in bed, I have woken or semi woken up to my
head seemingly, vibrating? I mean, I feel that my head alone is vibrating and at the same time
a feeling of lifting up out of the bed. I can't explain this, but it scares me sometimes and I
always resist. I nod back off and it starts again. Sometimes I have to go to the loo just to stop
it. I wonder what this is and what would happen if I did not resist. My question is, is this
sensation related to ET contact somehow?
Many people read these threads and may get the wrong ideas about some symptoms that get
described. There are medical conditions that cause some of those things too. If going to the
loo/bathroom stops it then it probably is not an abduction situation. Nevertheless, fear does
complicate things and may make them more intense than they would be otherwise. Try and
relax and if it is a paranormal contact it will be more pleasant and apparent.

Do ET’s need physical bodies to deal with humans like to make clones and things like that?
When they need or want to get physical with humans they do.
Some of the naughty ET’s are confined to the physical realm like humans are.

Is there any way to get a day trip to the stars?

Once you been to the stars and back it's hard to get that out of your system. But like prisoners
doing time in the big house we don't have much freedom other than to look dreamily out
through the prison bars longing for our freedom again. Some will get furloughs now and then
for good behavior or for a personal ass whipping a few will get to remember the ass whipping,
fewer still the joy rides. But they do happen a lot! The joy rides that is.

The energy coming from some ET’s can bring on symptoms like those of Montezuma's

You want to remember the details of the joyrides? It's all in how you ask. However, be careful
what you ask for, these ET’s are freaky ass dudes.

Will anyone else get a trip?

There are plenty on the naughty and nice list that's a guide issue.

About violence in Tijuana and all over Mexico and everywhere. About kidnapping, I heard
that 15 to 20 persons are sequestered every day in
Tijuana! Could it be possible that some of them are made by ET’s, letting them recalling all
the experience in a human fashion?
Not something I care to talk about other than there is an intentional harvest going on.

When they let you remember it's because they want to be seen. Also, if we want them to show
us something they do. I wouldn't encourage it.

What's the reason they need us to get so frightened?

Why does a baby cry when a stranger gets near?

The big shocker in life and one that no one wants to believe is that no one
is equal. And are treated accordingly by those that matter, ET’s. All humans are in a playpen;
in that respect we are all equal. Even still, the care is not equal; some get burped more often
than others.

We meet with otherworldly entities in our dreams and while awake. When they slow down to
our speed we don't get disoriented, when they don't we do.

There are multiple ET experiences correct? So say a person writes their account, is it valid?
It is improbable that nearly 7 billion inhabitants would all be dealing with the same ET’s?
Probable, more or less.
Actually 7 billion is relative to an infinite amount of encounters no? One size does not fit all,

The speed and the overwhelming sensation involved when coming into direct contact with
paranormal beings is very twisted stuff, for those use to strained peas, baby food.

People are hooked up from time to time. But like in Vegas, what happens in Vegas stays in
Vegas. The reason being is because this life tour is very important and we can easily get our
heads lost in the magic filled stars. We get some playground time now and then, but then it’s
back to the books or breaking rocks.

Why do some abductees experience nosebleeds? Or is that a myth?

Not a myth. Rapid altitude and pressure changes, or a rookie removing or replacing an
- VIII –

The aliens don’t want to reveal themselves to us because they know how detrimental that
would be to our development.
If they came out our lives would totally be disrupted----no one would go to work, everything
would come to a standstill-----whose operating the trains, the street lights, delivering the food
to the stores, gas pumps would go dry----and on and on.
Everyone would be so blown away----that they couldn't function.
Could you go about you daily routine if an armada of alien ships suddenly appeared on this
planet? BTW----they are here----incognito for your protection.
They would have to take complete charge of six billion people, reorganize the whole planet
pronto before humans starved to death.
It would not be a pretty picture-----for one, there would be lots of people against what they
would see as an alien invasion and form a resistance movement, in the mean time chaos
would engulf the planet.

Formal alien contact sounds nice but it’s impossible at this stage of human development.

Humans need to cut their teeth in space and become more like the aliens before we can
communicate with them openly.
It will happen.

It is unfolding for sure, people have been primed by television, movies and crop circles for

The truth is coming---but if will not be forced down anyone’s wind pipe or into the space
between the ears.

ETs are slowly making themselves known, eventually they will come out and everyone can
take pictures of the neatto flying machines and them----but I’m thinking it will not be for
some time yet.

ETs don’t allow clear photos of their ships because they are not ready to make full contact.

The population as a whole would revolt against an entity from other worlds-----not everyone
wants ETs down here telling us what to do. The vast majority is not ready.
It is ethical to keep this planet from a mental meltdown, because that’s what would happen if
all of a sudden humanity became aware that there are thousands of ET ships on earth, on the
moon, in orbit around the planet and throughout the solar system.

[They haven’t bothered to ask us about it] because we wouldn’t understand the question.

ETs are the only ones that can disclose their reality to the world.
If ETs wanted full disclosure it would be easy for them to do it----they don't want that-----way
to disruptive, instead they let it permeate out slowly through crop circles, abductions, movies,
books, and people like me who seek lots of attention. Most will not believe----look how long
it took to figure out that the earth moves around the sun and this planet is not flat-----even
though simple instruments and common sense could have disclosed those facts.
Some people will believe-----not because they are easily fooled but because they know
instinctively. Most will continue to graze on the same old sod because that's what everyone
else is doing.
And that's fine like -----they will come around when they are ready----or not.
ETs are not going to make themselves known to the general population of earth anytime soon-
---unless there are major earth changes in the works like natural or economic catastrophe.
Short of that worldwide contact is not going to happen-----it's nowhere nears time for them to
come out.

Ships and aliens or most likely androids from crashed ET vehicles that are in possession of
various governments and their militaries are planted for the purpose of the awaking process
mankind is undergoing.
Nevertheless, it’s a big puzzle and the pieces are highly dispersed among the population----the
awaking process is slow and drawn out, so that a kink in the program doesn’t form and throw
everything off kilter.

If one alien ship showed itself and made it known that extraterrestrials are real earth would be
It would be as if God showed up----everyone would expect Got to take care of their every
need----and God better get to it or the whole shebang will go down the tubes very quickly.
Lot of people have to show up for work so that six billion people don’t starve to death.
That is why proof is not forthcoming.

However, these stories serve a purpose as do movies and books of extraterrestrials regardless
of how far off the mark they might be.
Only a few people at a time need to become aware of what is really going on in this big fat
universe, that way there won’t be any major disruptions.

100% of what I say is true, but there is no chance that the apple cart is going to get over
turned any time soon.
Most people are locked into their illusions----however----ever so slowly, ET unlocks the
minds of thousands of people, and these people suddenly notice that there are billions of stars
in the night sky, and their curiosity begins to unfold.
How many people do you know----need or want their view of the world to come to an end?
No one is going to be dragged "kicking and screaming" into another reality---into the truth of
what life really is about.
Proof would shatter the illusions of this world for all----but all are not ready for the next big

Since ET has always been here they have no need of ambassadors. People are frustrated
because many suspect that something is going on and their governments are not addressing
the ET issue.
Obviously the UN which sees itself as the world representative would throw their hat in the
ring, and Canada needing to show the world that it is a progressive country would do so.
But the leaders are only placating certain citizens and doing some grandstanding in the
process---I doubt that they are serious---or that they are that naïve to think that ET hasn’t
landed because they are confused on who to approach.

If an extraterrestrial craft landed on earth from a star system 50 light years away and made
formal contact----that would rule out everything humans believed in or theorized about----
facts and evidence would be meaningless.
ETs make those kinds of trips regularly.
The fact that there are billions of solar systems and billions of galaxies is common knowledge
Many people are slowly coming around to thinking that perhaps we are not alone.

Full disclosure is not on the table----when and if it will happen they are not saying.

The negative and devastating impact it would have on the world and it would probably ruin a
lot of lives if you think about it.
That’s why full disclosure hasn’t happened.

There will never be full disclosure where ET will announce they are here----disclosure takes
place one soul at a time----in the privacy of their ship.

They can’t allow full disclosure but UFO sightings, mutilations, and alien crashes are part of
the mind games played on humans by both ET and covert organization.

ETs do personal disclosures all the time------they have no reason to do an overt disclosure to
the general population anytime soon----once humans are in space in significant numbers they
will know a little more about the big picture
Presently they are enticing humans to go into space by showing themselves more often to the
astronauts and the space agencies
Once thousands of humans are in space the existence of ETs will be unquestionable----but ET
will continue to remain out of reach----the carrot is very important to get the donkey moving
and keep him moving.

Many are expecting disclosure in a large way but the vast majorities on this planet are not, nor
are they truly aware of the possibility of extraterrestrials residing on earth-----and in sizeable
numbers-----if that were to get out it would scare the sh-t out of a lot of people
The numbers of humans ready for wholesale disclosure are not there and will not be for
In the mean time personal disclosure goes on every day-----however many of those people
have a difficult time with it----even those who believed they were ready for anything have
discovered that they can’t handled it

How long before ET lays to rest that they do in fact exist?

Sorry to say many decades away, however, many know they exist and many more will know--
--for whatever that’s worth.

A seed for change will sprout somewhere in the United States, it will not be publicized unless
someone in the loop - those officials with ET contact leaks bits of it out, not presidential
candidates, only a start of something big - Eventual worldwide implications - that will be
decades in unfolding----it starts this year.
I haven’t been given the clearance to tell more---not even to one person.
But it will be a positive thing.
Truthfully I’m indifferent to that information because it's part of the program and I have
known about the program for some time
We're not talking Armageddon, or anti-Christ, or heaven on earth----nothing like that---it’s in
line with new technology.

Maintaining the status quo is strictly for our benefit, humans.

It’s one day at a time for me, there is no master plan---there is no perfect world nor a perfect
galactic conspiracy or time table for anything.

No one has extraterrestrial proof because ET hasn’t given it to anyone----ET doesn’t want the
proof out there----and until then there will be no proof. Only factual stories like mine.

ET is not interested in proving themselves to the masses, if they were they surely wouldn’t
need humans like me to do it for them.

There is no chance that any significant portion of the population will believe—they will
remain asleep and in the bubble of illusion---as it should be

There is much more to disclosure than ATS.

Worldwide disclosure is not paramount to ET---but they do like to tease---

There are many more sightings of UFOs, and those two old men with the old board and frayed
ropes have been extra busy making mind boggling crop circles around the world in the last
few years.

Full contact encounter? Not even the Miltons know that question---it has to come from higher

No matter the info that permeates onto this planet most will not receive it---the info I bring
remains exclusive to a niche constituency.
Certainly there is much drama and politicking going on here on earth and off---perhaps to
perpetuate confusion---so far they are doing a swell job---lol

Milton tells me no full govt disclosure but there sure is a pick up in the tease factor---not sure
what that is about.
The curtain has been held down tightly and began to raise a bit with Galileo. It’s been rising
slowly ever since. Tesla told everyone he received his info from Martians and they laughed at
him---most are still laughing---but the joke is on them.
There is a huge amount of ET activity going on for the last seven years and it will increase but
Milton doesn’t trust me with the info and keeps tell me nothing is going to happen---I see the
activity but I can’t report on it.

Disclosure hasn’t and shouldn’t happen unless a major restructuring was in the works---I
don’t see that yet.

Should the world be allowed to awaken earth will be transformed into utopia---that’s why I
would be surprised if it happens anytime soon---it would be worldwide amnesty of past
crimes on this life and past lives?
A rare occurrence but it’s been known to happen.

Personal disclosure has picked up and will continue to increase exponentially---not everyone
will remember it but it will be there at a flick of the switch---should ET want to hit that
switch---and turn everyone on like Christmas lights---lol
Milton maintains that will not happen---talk about party pooper.
People were looking for an escape from this planet even two thousand years ago, that’s why a
certain person was crucified, because he didn’t deliver on the big change most were
If something is getting ready to happen I’m out of the loop---

Most of humanity need not know, and live in a protected bubble of illusion---they will know
in due time.

There is disagreement [between ETs] on how much, when, and to whom info is imparted, but
that’s why they get the big bucks----to hash out and make those kinds of calls.

The governments will only disclose what the majority of people want disclosed. Fifteen ufo
nuts chanting on the White House lawn does not equal a majority.
The majority will never step into the shoes of a ufo nut therefore there will never be a public

There is certain energy and anticipation for disclosure on UFO boards but get out in the real
world and most people you meet want nothing to do with the UFO phenomena. They believe
it stupid, ridiculous and insane. If they suspect you believe they might be cordial but behind
your back they are laughing---lol
Those who govern over us know this; they know that ufology is a small insignificant bunch of
Most people see UFO people in the same way and would frown on any elected official that
took extraterrestrial life seriously---the way we UFO nuts do that is.

Is there would be an admission like "we won't argue that they are here we just won't say much
about it cause it might get us in trouble" type thing?
If they did that they would be admitting they have no power or understanding of many things
in our history and our science would be a scam---they can’t afford to do that.
Most people need the assurance that our leaders are on top of most things---humans need a
solid foundation to stand on else we would have a mental meltdown.

France, Brazil and any other such country take their cue from a certain country that I will not
mention, and release inconsequential materials mostly for pacification purposes---nothing
significant will come from any of that material other than more questions and conjecture.
But on a happy note disclosure takes place on a personal level every day, and the curtain rises
ever so slowly by a variety of media for the slow pokes who will eventually get it---that’s
when we roll

What would you do with that information [proof about aliens]? How would you complete this
assignment you now have with that knowledge? You couldn’t. We can’t have our cake and
eat it also; at least not concerning the past otherwise our future is put in jeopardy.
Now having said that we are allowed to speculate and dream, and be entertained with movies
like Aliens and War of the Worlds, still we are allowed to know some things as long as they
don’t compromise our current program, and I think you know a little of the big picture.

Disclosure equals freedom from the cares of this world, would that be a good thing? And if so
for whom?
Disclosure is ongoing, slowly but surely it creeps into the human psyche, anything else would
upset the order of the universe---

Part of the mind expansion program underway since 1947.

The apple cart is turned over every now and then, and as usual most of the apples remain
clueless while it takes place under their noses---lol

Will intelligent life from other worlds reveal themselves soon?

Not to the general public.

ET are not doing a disclosure---and if and when they do it will happen without the build up
they often do with movies---
It’s not up to the US or any other country it's up to the extraterrestrials alone---they call all the

Disclosure on some “level” happens all the time, and to what degree one receives information
depends on need to know or ability to role with the new info.
Most minds are a “bitch” to pry open---even to the obvious

The world economy is a large part of not disclosing, but the vast majority does not need or
want to know what is going on.
Ignorance truly is bliss---what pray-tell would the average person do if their whole world was
turned upside down?

If we can’t handle the mere hints of the ET phenomena how do we handle the real deal?
And yet so many clamours for proof---for disclosure---but our own governments are scared
shitless about this freaky ET stuff---few of them know more about it than the general public
and they too have caught pneumonia from the drizzle of hints.

If info came in neat little packages complete and ready to go---stamped complements from
your friendly neighbourhood extraterrestrials it would spoil the affect.
Why then do ETs allow some of their craft and entities to be seen if they don’t want to spoil
the affect?
They don’t for the vast majority of the population and do for some----why? Because --- but
why? Because, but that’s not fair---who said anything about fair? ---why are they not fair ?
Because---etc, etc, etc.
I didn't make the crazy rules; I only talk about what I have seen and what they let me know
about the big picture---why? Because I don't have a life-------actually I do have a life and I
enjoy my life---writing this stuff is work and I put up with it---why? ---Dam good question---

No full disclosure---believe it or not most don’t want it.

How is the truth revealed to a planet when the ETs think it is time?
Like in the movie “Independence Day”---
Once technology reaches a level where interface becomes easier.

When is Earth going to start seeing bigger signals that we are not alone?
For some the signals have always been apparent. Others will need to adjust their mind to the
reality of the phenomena before they become aware----then the big barrier, the fear factor---
which cannot be completely overcome by the way.
Can you stand in front of a firing squad without a blindfold? Some will say yes but until they
are actually facing loaded guns pointing at them they will never know the terror.

Partial disclosure has been going on for some time, yet few are convinced. I don’t believe
much is going to change until more humans are in space and see things for themselves.

Full disclosure is not forthcoming---at least not the way most people think or expect. For one,
not everyone deserves to know---knowledge is a privilege and not a right.
Those who continue demanding to know do sometimes get their demands met---but if they are
not ready or are undeserving there are consequences
A hint to viewing privileged stuff is in the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark” ---Indiana Jones.
Certainly a fictional movie, but they made some good points about viewing sacred knowledge
at the end of the movie.

If Milton or any high up entity came out and presented themselves to the world—they would
at that moment rule the world any way they wished.
The disruption would be catastrophic----world economies would collapse as people stopped
working and going about their normal activities.
Life as we know it would end abruptly---few would survive the initial shock---few would
survive the aftermath of 6.5 billion people derailed.
But the worst part for those unlucky humans who survived, they will witness a power struggle
that would quickly erupt between the competing ETs that would get very nasty---while that
played out humans would be thrown into the dark ages once more until some order was
restored again perhaps centuries down the line.
Contact is made often, the question is why some get to remember bits and pieces and others
get zilch. I’ve tried to answer that in this thread, but for those who remember nothing no
answer will suffice

Fear is a big part of it, and most are not anywhere near ready. Then there are other things too.
How would people focus on the little things they need to focus on?---the small details that are
requisite before they are allowed to see any, or more of the big picture.

Will there ever be a time where we can see past the curtain?
Everyone when they die---some will really love what they see---some will not be happy
campers and beg for re-entry into planets like earth---again.

There are many ships up there as we speak, and they been there for some time, so I don’t
think they are going to swoop down here and give half the planet a massive heart attack---
They sometimes show themselves to people who are somewhat ripe in their awareness, but
once people reach that awareness they “know” and seldom need or even desire physical proof.
Milton still kind of freaks me out if you can believe that.

Most people believe we are not alone, when they are alone. Most are waiting for others to
cross that line before they openly admit what they really believe---same with the media.

How many years away are we from being formally introduced to real ET's on TV for example
at some kind of formal event?
It hasn’t been put up on the roster yet.
When disclosure will happen, how will it be done?
They are the carrot that we will follow into space---more and more people will know about
this mysterious carrot.

Will we have some form of disclosure before we begin exploring our solar system?
Many already know, more will know as we enter into space in bigger numbers.

What happens on worlds where Disclosure happens too early?

The people turn to salt as did Lot’s wife when she saw things she shouldn’t have.
What would this world be like today if Disclosure had of happened say 5-10 years ago?
A salt mine.
What is the tell tale sign that a Planet is ready for it?
People need to take a real good look at what is going on in this planet with the plain Jane
every day people and then ask themselves that question.
Everyone is focused on the leaders and corporations and being pissed off because they are not
being taken care of---as if we are all a bunch of helpless children in constant need of our
noses being wiped.
ET is not interested in running a nursery---not openly anyway
If we can’t stand on our own two feet and be accountable for our own actions---we are
certainly not ready.

If it's true that the sun and Jupiter are pregnant, and that dark matter/big bang/god particle
doesn't exist then that is as convincing as a UFO land at the Whitehouse.
That stuff would be convincing, but like the existence of ETs, that stuff would upset the order
of this planet, and leaders would have to scramble to explain things fast. Scientists are
reaching a point where hiding stuff will be increasingly more difficult. The easy solution,
keep dumbing down the masses. So far that has worked wonders.

Will the presence of ET's, and their participation in our world be accepted by the general
population any time soon?
Not really.
Will we see ET at the mall, and know him for who he really is?
They love the mall, but they don't like attention.
Get to have a friendly relationship where everybody knows what is going on?
Only in the movies.
This planet is a nursery, sure some of the babies will smile now and then, but it's only swamp
gas. Some are ready for disclosure for a variety of reasons. They want to go back to the stars
from where they came, see some of those wondrous toys ET's get to play with everyday, get
off this stinking looney toons planet, etc. Well, that goes on everyday for some, but most are
terrified silly and beg and scream to see no more. What they often see is the dirty dishes in the
kitchen, messy house, the Honey do list a mile long. Most of us are happy not knowing our
faults and them dang space aliens that's all they talk about. Talk about your busy bodies!
- IX -

Astral Projection can’t happen without ET, it’s an abduction of sorts, where the soul is
siphoned from the body and taken places mostly via a ship or capsule.
ET is behind Astral Projection as we humans understand. Astral Projection is often disguised
as dreams. You also have a well developed ESP ability that you may or may not be aware of.
Astral projection is real and the soul does leave the body but not by itself otherwise it might
never find its way back.
Besides, it takes certain keys to release souls from the body for this to happen
Most of the time the person will not be aware of the entity with the keys.
Feeling fear during it: There are places not meant for human indulgence and if you try and
tread their alone and uninvited you meet the bouncer.
If ETs did not want us to leave our bodies during our lives in the first place, why would they
need a bouncer at all?
ETs take people out of their bodies all the time---humans trying to sneak out of their own
bodies are playing with fire because many entities exist in those dark zones---and sometimes
those bouncers are there to protect the naive from some of those other undesirable entities---
for those who didn’t know any better and were not seeking or invoking the dark ones that is.

ESP is a great gift but it has its drawbacks too----those attuned with other souls can
experience the depression and fear that others have----and confuse those feeling as their own
If you’re feeling down for no good reason perhaps you are overly empathizing with someone.
ESP is available to us and many of us use it without knowing it----our brains broadcast
thoughts----brain waves, like radio stations and some people pick up the waves----have you
ever notice that some people---relatives or close friends seem to be able to read your mind---
or you read theirs?

Everyone has the capacity to know----the soul can tap into the vast library of knowledge that
exists in the universe---seek and you will find----blame others for your predicament and you
will remain buried in ignorance.

ETs can access every power imaginable, humans only a few---and not very well.
Telekinesis is a little tougher for the human brain to master, but it can be done----especially if
you have an ET shill hiding in the background.
The human race as a whole is not scheduled to be wakened anytime soon---however a large
numbers of people have to a certain degree.
Telekinesis and oobe has been around for thousands of years for a select number of humans---
there are more humans now so the numbers of people with rabbits in their hats have also

The endocrine system is leading edge stuff and operates on many levels including EM
spectrum---even though it’s hard wired to the brain it also receives instruction via the brain
wave and that mysterious stuff known as ether.

Seeing the wave is not necessary—for one it’s invisible---the human brain is both a
transmitter and receiver of a vast spectrum of, well, the electromagnetic spectrum---but most
of those circuits in the brain lay dormant and can only be activated by higher non human

“The human brain cannot hold too much information at one time and we need to be
programmed slowly” : It depends on the person, some are fast learners, some are slow
learners and some are no learners. The brain can hold a lot of information, more than anyone
would ever need for this lifetime.

Some of our past memories is in our brains but a larger portion is stored off planet in cosmic
safety deposit boxes.

Just noticing one's mind chatter is a hoot!

Who the hell are you talking to in your head....LOL
Besides talking to yourself there are others but we are familiar with only two of them, one has
a pitch fork the other the woose with the harp that few ever listen too---

The brain is designed to systematically correlate information into the appropriate slot---that
way everyone gets their mail---in other words you get your mail and not your neighbour’s
We humans are not our brain, we only have use of it like we do desktop or laptop computers--
--how many of us are qualified to get into the operating systems of our computers? Even those
who know can and do make mistakes.
We don’t need to get under the hood to drive our cars---especially now days because they are
very complex machines unlike fifty years ago.
We have 24/7 access to our subconscious mind without having to go deep into unchartered
waters---but we are free to do so and explore if we wish.

Do humans use only a small percentage of their potential brain power?

True most of us don’t use much of our brain, yet we have a lot should we dare to accesses it.
Does ET have plans for us to progress to a stage where we use much more brain?
As individuals yes, but not as a race, in other words the whole world will not get an upgrade
or a jump in evolutionary standing.
What would be the potential abilities of someone who can use that increased brain power -
just greater intelligence and memory, or progression to telepathy, ESP, etc?
For some all of the above.
What are our brains really capable of?
More than anyone can imagine, the brain is a portal to some interesting and incredible
material, and for those that can focus on their desires, the power of the brain will make it
happen in the here and now.

We use a lot more than 10% of our brain capacity, who does these studies? And do they get
paid for them? ---
We can use as much or as little as we have up there, some people actually use 100%, many
others use a whole lot less. A brain may be a terrible thing to waste, but it’s a whole lot easier
than using it---
People would be surprised of what they can do with all that gray mass between the ears---it’s
filled with real magic!
What type of abilities would a human have that uses 90-100% of its brain capacity?
To live a fairly decent and productive life while on earth---or go psycho and do drugs because
the brain can be one heck of a ride that’s not suited for everyone at full power----that’s why
most of us don’t have a Lamborghini to drive around town----
The human brain here on earth is medium size, they get bigger on other planets and they can
dispense with most of the electronic gadgetry we humans require in our daily lives.
But there are things in the works concerning our human brains that will not happen until the
turn of this century.
Thoughts originate from the brain.

If the brain is organic, what does that make the mind?

We are talking semantics here, some believe that the mind is the brain some that it’s the soul--
-the fact is we have one brain and one soul---the brain holds most of the data we use on a
daily basis of our existence. The brain is the car, the soul the passenger that drives the car---
some cars have lots of bells and whistles, some don’t. The car supplies the means to get
places, the passenger turns the wheel and presses the pedals and makes the ultimate choices of
where that car ends up going.
The soul is the mind without the preloaded human software.

Hypnosis and regression for specific phobias is affective for those who really want to change
something in their lives and works on the same principle as a sugar pill (placebo). Change is
in our power and if we “know” we have that power via placebo change happens easier.

Some are better at sending telepathic text messages than others, but everyone can do it to one
degree or other.
We are electrical and some of us can affect electrical equipment, and or stir up other entities,
and also ice storms or construction going on down the street will flicker things.

Psionics is a paranormal or a game thing and has no application in our human lives. People
who mess with the paranormal get messed with by the paranormal
Playing a game is not a bad thing but some can be
We are not on earth to develop our supernatural powers---people try anyway.

We can’t use the excuse that we don’t get the full use of our brains anymore science has
finally admitted that humans use 100% of their brains.---and some of us still ain't too smart---

Does remote viewing work?


Do all human brains think/see things the same when we use 100% of it?
In some areas but not all. We are unique and we all have a little bit different perspectives due
to our past lives.
Are memories physically stored in our brain cells?
Some are.
All memories are stored outside the body as well as in the brain. But the brain only has a
copy, and not a very good copy. The brain's main purpose when it comes to memories is
filtering them and only allowing us a certain amount of info about our memories. The brain
itself actually hinders recall, blocks out many things. It is designed to do that. The soul has a
pouch which holds a limited amount of our memories, the bulk is held in other places.

What controls our brains? Allows our brain to function?

The software loaded up into it, the soul only pushes a few buttons like a keyboard on a
computer, as we progress from childhood it becomes second nature and we feel like we are
our body.

The mind is a dimensional thing, the higher up we go the more dimensions we become aware
of. That's all the mind is, more awareness. The connection between entities and their
machines is the subject of some other time.

For the most part we use all of our brain and then some, just to get through this life. There are
certain parts of the brain that are dormant to us but ET’s have access for reasons they keep to
A section is for universal communication but is there any other parts that could give us
superpowers if unlocked.
When we are visited they unlock some of these sections. Sometimes they may leave a section
unlocked for a time.

Our minds can make a higher leap but most of us have a dreadful fear of heights. We get very
uncomfortable beyond our 3D comfort zone.
What is the other reason?
Mind scrambling fear.

Our minds are not ours to lose unless a lawyer is trying to get you a reduced sentence. Reality
is a fickle thing, it can't be quantified or understood by the greatest minds in science, the
harder they look for it the less they find of it. That's why Einstein's hair was always frazzled.
Life is nothing if not confusing. So, most people try not to think about it too much and drink
tea instead.

Do humans have the capability of telekinesis (is it possible to unleash this power or do the
ETs keep it from us).
That would be dangerous stuff in human hands, but there are hybrids that can

When we think or thoughts pop up in our heads do we send out something like thought waves
or some kind of energy/waves?
We do send out mind waves.
If we think really about something can someone else in the room pick up on it, or get the same
Some people can, but they may not know it or admit to it.
Taking notice of things is key. Human thoughts radiate from our brains and some people can
pick them up. ESP stuff.
Much of the ESP stuff is blocked on us. Some people can wiggle more magic out of that
paranormal zone than others via our guides.

What kind of mind waves do we/can we send out?

Extrasensory, stuff difficult to pick up using available technology.

All our thoughts are broadcasts and ET’s and some black ops can easily pick them up. Some
humans can pick up a few. This is an area that remains off limits for most for now.

When we think of others, they sometimes think of us too. The mind wave is very
sophisticated equipment.

Lately I have been more able to enter a sort of daydreaming mode of thinking where I let my
intuition be more free than during normal conscious thought.
Is there some way to enhance my ability to retain these inspirations?
Yes, but like electricity it needs a place to go like an electrical appliance or there is nothing.
Putting the horse before the cart don't work. You need to be specific in your inspirations
because we are swimming in them.
Is this how ET transfers technologies via glimpses of beyond?
There are endless venues ET uses to get tech into our minds and hands. For the average Joe or
Jane, they must have a desire, an idea of what they want and then apply lots of elbow
grease/trial and error and sometimes failure and frustration before anything happens.
Is it normal for me to have this happen, or does it imply some sort of special gift?
There are oodles of special gifts for those with perseverance to find and develop.
I do remember this: what seems to us to be a lifetime of suffering is like a momentary thought
to a higher being -- a mind experiment without physical consequence yet significant and
valuable in its peculiarity and uniqueness.
But can you patent it? And who will pay for such insight? How can it be used here in 3Dville?
There is "zero" time and "zero" suffering, even for us in 3D land. Yeah, I know it don't

What exactly happens when we sleep?

Everything happens.
Our bodies don't really rest all that much. We could lay in bed and not move and we would
still get tired and fall asleep.
The brain does get some rest, the body gets a workout.
You have said we go through maintenance and we get instructions and such, but why is it that
when we don't sleep very strange things happen?
Strange is the name of the game during sleep, whether we sleep or not. The maintenance crew
usually shows up drunk and sometimes they get sloppy.
Why does the brain go nuts when we don't get sleep?
The brain never stops taking in information, even when we sleep. But like any software the
brain needs a reboot now and then to clean out all those loose ends, messed up files. The soul
is not affected but it has to deal with the trash build up inside the control room/brain.

The subconscious is a communications center with higher powers outside of the human body.
That part of the mind is where we receive much of our “intuition” and other pertinent
information that we call creativity, -----and it’s the place where we experience the thing
known as “eureka”, after pondering over a problem and getting an answer.
Prayer uses these same facilities. What is telepathy? Taking with other people or invisible
entities non-verbally. When people pray they usually do so in silent meditation. If they pray
out loud their thoughts are still aimed at certain deities, or objects. All our verbal and non-
verbal communications are monitored by the gods----I prefer to call them ETs.
Telepathy is a variation they use to communicate with humans but they communicate
differently with each other. They always mean to call mom but you know how that goes, and
they tune into CNN for their news---no really---
Full blown telepathy requires a much higher consciousness than most humans have, and will
ever have. It’s mostly used by higher entities that subtly communicate with and listen to us via
telepathy---that’s how they know what we think.

Does this sack of human flesh prevent our telepathy?

Our internal baggage hampers much of our abilities.
Telepathy and other forms of magical interfacing with other humans is facilitated, blocked, or
tampered with by "others" including humans with access to high-tech equipment.
We can't break out of the frequency box without dying and escaping the matter we are
incarcerated in.
Telepathy is standard equipment in the model we humans have.
All our thoughts are telepathically broadcast for those who know how to pick up the signals.
It's in the bandwidth. Most people only have rabbit ears.
Telepathy doesn't keep us honest, our integrity does.

Anytime we bake a cake we manipulated matter with our mind---when we create things we
manipulate matter. This is basic mind over matter, and a few may master it at a higher level
but most will not while at earth level.

The conscious mind remembers little----the unconscious mind remembers everything and
changes take place is a subtle way
What kind of changes?
That’s between you and ET.

The subconscious is a place for many things but it is also like a mailbox where ET puts things
into it that are requested or demanded by our wishes and our actions.
Our subconscious never sleeps, it’s always on and accessible via regular brain channels.
Going into it via meditations and other means can be a mindfield for those not careful or
knowledgeable---and few are knowledgeable.
It can be like going into your computer’s operating systems and not knowing much about
what makes computers work.
Fortunately most don’t know enough to do much damage while visiting the subconscious and
are scared off before they do---
Just remember that while in there you are in the presence of the gods---it’s a church but it can
turned in a nightmare too---the subconscious is a supernatural and sacred place---treat it that
What are some good ways of reaching the subconscious?
Blood sweat and tears---racking the brain day and night until you shake loose a morsel---think
panning for gold, we have to go through a lot of rock and dirt to find our small nuggets.

The subconscious mind is not part of the soul---it’s a module attached to the soul
We get new upgraded modules for each new assignment
Mementoes and a whole lot of other stuff that pertains to each individual soul are stored in
one's "cosmic locker".

It is a house of mirrors where one can lose themselves inside of should they go lurking too
deep---the pressure down there like in the oceans can be treacherous.
Like I mentioned in my last post concerning this strange place its where all of our software is
loaded up in---that controls our emotions, where our physical and spiritual reality can
separate---it’s a place one can meet other mysterious entities that are nameless.
Most people are not even aware of this sacred place inside their heads.

That baffles you? It baffled the Einstein of psychotherapy Sigmund Freud---he never did get
that ego part right.

When we turn a dial on the radio we can pick up hundreds of invisible radio frequencies in the
bandwidth and we know which station the frequencies belong to because they must announce
who they are every few minutes---
In the bandwidth of the subconscious mind there are no regulatory ET agencies certifying
who you tune into, or are in communications with.
So those surfing the subconscious mind take their chances---and they might get lucky---or
not---but will never really know who the heck they are talking with---even if the spirits know
everything about them and their families.

Subconscious mind is not our soul but a peripheral hard drive with lots of cool and scary stuff
in it.

The human subconscious “mind” is a small computer that has wireless access to much bigger
mainframes in this solar system. When little Suzy builds a really cool sand castle on the beach
she too can access this higher “server” if what she is trying to figure out is not available in
here small brain.
We are not conscious to the existence of these cosmic servers to the universe but they are
there anyway.

Our subconscious mind is a conduit to a vast amount of info that remains for the most part
dormant, because some of that stuff is not acceptable to our perceived reality and certainly not
acceptable to society in general. So we repress it or try too---Freudian stuff.
Truth hides inside of that vast reservoir that our wireless brains are hooked up to---but
meditation is not the key to unlock it----virtue and “real” integrity are.

Our sub conscious hardware remains with us, but it performs different functions on different
levels and with each life.
The unconscious mind is part of that world and is at home with the paranormal. The conscious
mind is part of this world and is terrified of the paranormal---the fear you have is real and
natural---but 100 percent unnecessary.

The subconscious is not physical and neither are we, we are just thick headed. The
subconscious is not 3D, and we are. 3D’s can't comprehend what is above them while locked
in that state of mind.

How do they pick which group of ET's that get to program your subconscious?
Our attitude, actions.

Our subconscious is a tool that works on us. It doesn't really control us but delivers to us our
flaws or strengths on a silver platter.

The subconscious mind has connections to high places, a direct connection.

Is the human sub-conscious is naturally more attracted to the color black and/or dark colored
Some of us sleep better in total darkness. Some of us have spent a lot of time in total darkness.
There is much darkness in this universe, and we can hide things in the darkness that we can't
in the light, or so we think.

Is our subconscious mind home to everything that exists in the physical universe?
Not even a drop of what exists do we have.

Our brain is just an organic medium to the subconscious.

Subconscious don’t mind the soul.

Are we in direct use of the subconscious mind when we're in the dreaming dimensions?
We tap it, some.

Can we think of every possible 3D thought with our subconscious mind?

Only on weed lol. A very small portion otherwise the information would burn us to a crisp,
like grabbing hold of a high power overhead electrical wire.

What percent of what humans do on earth is controlled by our subconscious?

The subconscious is information; it doesn't control us no more than a library filled with books.
How many people actually use the library for information? Not many. And those who do only
read a few books of the thousands that are available.

What dimension is the subconscious? Is it a dimension at all, or is it a part of the soul?

It transcends dimensions, unlike the soul which can get hung up, entangled, inside of
dimensions like food stuck on the roof of your mouth.
Are you saying the subconscious is what used to be called "spirit"? There is the spirit, soul,
and body in biblical writings, as you know.
Some people called it ether, not the compounds, but the essence that permeates the universe.
It's a sea of knowledge the soul taps into, some more than others.

The subconscious is like cyberspace in a basic kind of way, with lots of valuable info for
those who don't waste their time surfing porn sites.

Can someone learn how to use the subconscious and have those super abilities?
Humans for the most part can't do what you have described; we are blocked from entering the
stream in any significant conscious way.
If so are there people or ET's who do this?
To a limited degree black ops can with some ET help. ET's have strict protocol in that area.

Soul, Spirit, mind, that order? The subconscious ether fits between (if we are
allowed) where?
We float in it like a fetus in a womb tied to the umbilical cord.

How much input does our subconscious have on our 3D life?

As much as we are willing to use or let. Envision a faucet, we control how much comes
through it. Most of us only let it drip.

People meditate in order to discover a higher awareness in themselves. Millions throughout

the ages prayed to their gods for guidance----and favors.
Meditation and prayer is simply telepathic communications with higher beings. People fixate
on an object or idea and focus energy to it-----sometimes with supernatural results.
Success usually comes to those most determined to get what they desire.
The fact is there are higher beings among us----they have always been around----in various
forms-----spiritual, corporal, and something in-between.
If you ask “nicely” they might give you what you want------after all, they have access to most
of the secrets of the universe.
They don't care what religion you are, or if you have no beliefs whatsoever.

I didn’t contradict myself when I said “People meditate in order to discover a higher
awareness in themselves.”
Meditation is mental communication with a higher power as is prayer. Unless you believe that
the subconscious is just another part of the human brain and dies with the body-----at death----
it doesn’t.

Most forms of meditation are good for the mind and the whole of the nervous and endocrine

About the many 'wise men' (or woman) who did sit in solitude to gain insight:
There are many people who sit in solitude on street corners with cups or holding out their
hands in hopes that passersby will drop a coin or two in them---same difference.
Easy street is always a wasted life, regardless of how we rationalize it

Enlightenment is not achieved through meditation of any kind; enlightenment is earned and
forged in the furnaces of life such as we have on earth
Many who spent their whole lives in meditation hoping to escape reincarnation are back on
good old planet earth----and are now working for a living
The road to enlightenment is filled with blood, sweat, and tears----those who attain it have
callused souls to prove their worth.
Fully enlightened souls don’t frequent places like earth.
There are many different beliefs and concepts to fill the void at some level of the nearly seven
billion souls on this planet.
Some of them are sufficient to carry the person or believer from birth to death. Some people
change horses often in their ride across the desert of life.
But true enlightenment is rare because it doesn’t exist at these levels and it doesn’t need to.
It’s nearly impossible to understand the magnificent intricacies of eternal life while looking
up from the muddy battlefields of human existence.
We crave the understandings of the gods yet we stumble over the very basics of understanding
the humans next to us.
And that’s why we are here, not to understand the gods but to understand ourselves and those
we rub elbows with everyday.
It’s such an easy concept yet many of us fail so miserably at it.
Human enlightenment----yeah right
What is enlightenment? The ability to find information by using the internet is a form of a chicken pecking on the ground for insects. Humans "can't and don't"
create knowledge, they receive it from higher or lower beings. Humans are not gods, higher
beings are not gods either, they too receive the info that they disperse. We are not all "one
with the source". That is a low-level concept. We can't begin to understand the big picture
from down here, and become "enlightened". Only a few hints here and there allowed while in
the bargain basement of life.
Those who spend their time believing they are enlightened and the other shameless masses
not will be their own judge and jury come the pearly gates.
Enlightenment, and the belief that one possesses it, is a very egotistical human fantasy. We all
desperately want to believe we are better than the next guy, it's only human.

What level of awareness, or understanding, or enlightenment can any human achieve while on
Good question, who are the candidates on the world stage? Certainly there are those who
would not seek publicity, therefore how would anyone know?

Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, etc have achieved total and complete awakening to the truth?
We cannot achieve what is not ours to achieve. However, some are given profound
otherworldly wisdom and knowledge, but it don't belong to them.
True enlightenment is not possible on Earth; we can scratch the surface but not much more.
Human souls can't handle enlightenment; it would make them pompous foolish slobs.
Enlightenment is a very strange creature to describe and would be offensive to our 3D minds;
we simply don't get what it really is.
Walking on the water of enlightenment beats drowning in a sea of ignorance. But many
drown in the sea of enlightenment too. Enlightenment is a gift not an achievement.
Doing what is right might be unpopular but it shouldn't be hard work. Enlightenment is not
the reason we are here on Earth. And those who claim enlightenment are those who know
nothing about it. It's quite the paradox trap.

Zen has some good ideas and concepts, and meditation can certainly help many people who
get keyed up by all their caffeine intake or work related stress.
If you find something readymade that works for you go with it, or create your own unique
path because you will be the one who walks it

If meditation were the answer there would be more harmony in this world because meditation
has been tried by many people, both good and bad people.
Meditation is beneficial as a means to relax and perhaps focus ones energies---and some
people are way better at using meditation to improve their lives than others, but they are few.
Nevertheless, meditation for the general public is more a physical elixir and is not used to
cleanse the soul, nor remove hate, envy and ego from it---which can only be done with acute
and “conscious” determination---programming our minds via mantra is not the real deal---a
machine can do as much.

Do different colors and materials really attract different energies?

Not in any significant or spiritualistic way.

Would I be correct in assuming that only through meditation or some type of body stillness
exercise, can we truly hear our soul's thoughts without any or minimal influence from the
That certainly is true for many who feel meditation helps them, but it's not for everyone. We
are in true relationship with our soul when we are doing things that make us happy---without
the hard drugs that is. Not being a pain in someone's' ass is a start. Doing fulfilling work, or
doing nothing at all.
Enjoying a beautiful day in the park, at the mall, in the city or out in country. Anywhere you
are, in any condition you might be in, you can feel good or bad. The soul is much more easier
to please than we give it credit for.

Is it not also true that one can induce such experiences without them by learning to control
one's mind through, meditation and other practices?
As much as we would like we can't initiate ourselves into an exclusive club, we have to be
invited. Doubly so for the most exclusive paranormal clubs in the galaxy. But everyone is free
to jump over the gate and take a peek, just don't get caught.

That’s your brain shuffling through the work load it receives everyday.
But also ET can talk to you without freaking you out----and people in your life that have
passed can also visit you in your dreams.

In dreams we confront many things in our present life and bits and pieces of former lives-----
loved ones that have passed can also meet with us in our dreams.

“While we sleep...we actually "go home" for a brief period to re-energize the soul.”
Not every night and not always to visit family, haven’t you ever gotten out of bed in the
morning and felt like you worked all night in a salt mine?
Some trips are best forgotten.

Most dreams are fracture memories of other places, some are revisiting things on this plane
with others visiting with you from other places---also people we know on earth now are
people we knew on other planets---with the same recognizable features and traits.

Those who have passed often visit us in our dreams.

Dreams are a place sometimes in your head but they can also take place in other dimensions
in a ship, or on physical planets via astral projection accompanied by people you know, or
entities you don’t know, but they know you, and they are conveying info you need whether
you want it or not. Sometimes those experiences end up being perceived as nightmares when
in fact they are things from the past, this life or the one before, or things we may have caused
to others in this life or the one before.

Everything in this life is a preparation for the next life, and in dreams you may get a freakish
glimpse of some of the people or situations that will be part of that next life
But most dreams are for the here and now

[deceased people] talk to us in dreams that’s what people think because they don’t realize that
some dreams are places often inside of ships but also on location---inside hospitals, and those
who see entities do so because they are detached from their bodies and are on the same higher
frequency as the angels or ETs---often one and the same.
They use people to talk for them on the other side---this side for us.

Lots of recent left over dream fragments,,, I have never had much memory of my dreams
so...Salt mines .....LOL
The Salt mines will evaporate like the mirage they are when we clean up the clutter that
torments our waking minds---which blocks out the good stuff in life and some of those long
lost memories too

Most people believe that dreams are the result of our daily struggles and our mind trying to
make sense of it all. Which is true sometimes, but other times dreams are real places on other
planets and other dimensions---minus the lost luggage
Did you dream or did you travel? ---that’s for you to decide.
The purpose of dreaming for humans is twofold. We humans are hit with massive amounts of
info every waking hour---as are animals---and the computer brains of both humans and
animals have to make sense of this information and store it in the appropriate slot.
Humans can be contacted during their sleep by higher entities and we can also delve into
other experiences that are locked away in our subconscious minds---from past lives---visits to
other places, planets and dimensions---most dreams are bizarre because they take place in a
very different reality than what we have here on earth.

Many dreams are not dreams---they may have removed something from your head---or are
trying to get your attention about a physical ailment you might have.

Nightmares are tools used when necessary and for a variety of reasons---so not having them
means they aren’t needed.

Most of us wish we had a metaphysical tune up during the sleep hours but it’s quite the
opposite for many, who feel like they have been trampled by a herd of elephants instead---and
need a medic to get them out of bed in the morning---but have to settle for an obnoxious
alarm clock and a cup of strong coffee.
Do most of us connect more with the universe while sleeping?
More than we will ever admit to. That’s when ideas pop into our heads from nowhere;
relatives that have passed visit us and remain in the background, we interact with strange
people yet somehow we know them until we awake and then have no clue to who the heck
they were.
Sleep time is “visiting hours" here in the big house called earth---
You think that's freaky?
It gets a lot freakier the further down we go into that dark damp basement, where rodents,
snakes and creepy crawly insects rule.
Sometimes the person is taken body and soul, most times they the leave the body behind.

There is no such thing as “just a dream”. All dreams have significance that most of us cannot
figure out in our conscious minds, but info is placed into us that we use unconsciously
throughout our lives.
Intuition comes from dreams that we may never remember---from entities that we don't
remember, from real places that seem like dreams---

Do all dreams have a purpose?

They do but often a purpose not for our conscious understanding.
Are we being conditioned/programmed during these dreams?
In a subtle way even if they are horrifying nightmares.

All ideas and inspiration we often claim as our own is inserted via dreams into our
subconscious---most dreams are not remembered.

Does Talking in sleep mean anything? I do that a lot, one time my dad woke me up from a
dream i was screaming out loud he said but when he woke me up i could not screaming until i
realised where i was could not remember anything about the dream.
You simply want to be heard---unfortunately you may be talking stuff you don’t really want
anyone to hear---
You only remember a dream if they want you too, but most people are clueless on what
dreams are about so remembering is not crucial---the messages are mostly for the
subconscious mind---where from they permeate in bite size into the conscious mind---where
ideas come from.

The lights go on in the mind when the lights go off in the room---

Most dreams are distorted because they resided on other dimensions, dimensions much higher
than the 3D we are accustomed to in our wake state.

Do you know of any techniques to become more aware during dreams?

None that are universal, however, remaining calm and aware might help a few---but that don't
mean they will let you remember once you wake up.

On what degree do ETs manipulate our sleep patterns to be in certain states of mind and what
about those who fall through the cracks and cannot be controlled?
Some people don’t get much manipulation at all; it all depends on needs, wants and
expectation that “remain” individual and unique requirements---be they right or wrong.
And no one really is controlled unless they willingly surrender their freewill to some freaky
mischievous entity.
Missing out on sleep is not falling through the cracks, nor avoiding being controlled---in all
instances anyway,---some people don’t need the sleep or the additional instructions that
comes during sleep.

Sleep is important, and those who don’t get what they “should” can miss out on vital
instructions, not to mention a bit of rest for those lucky few.

We all have many fears that we run away from and they can manifest in dreams but
sometimes dreams show us a smidge of a real clip of how we reacted during a real encounter.

Dreams are taking place in another dimension or in a ship, or on another planet---or in your
bedroom---some dreams are your subconscious talking to you.

When you are talking or visiting [in dreams] with people you don’t know or family and
friends that you do know and they have passed, you are talking and visiting with them for

Are these "dream tests" a true reflection of how good/evil/lazy etc our soul is?
No, our life is the true test, dreams can be R&R, they can be “time out” they can be a kick in
the pants, or a pep talk---the sky is “not” the limit of what dreams can be.

Most people dream in black and white with a bit of color now and then.

Dreams will divulge things like that but that don’t me we need to share such knowledge
unless we are found of ridicule. Also, that info is personal, and only for you. For the most part
it is meaningless to this existence, and may only be a glance of your past or future---or only a
hidden desire.

Family and friends from our past and future pop in all the time in our dreams.
When you dream about someone you know, that person dreams about you at the same time,
and shares the same dream?
Does happen, but you both may interpret the dream differently, or remember different parts of

Most dreams speak the language of our subconscious mind; our submind regurgitates them
back to us in the form or inspirations, intuition, common or uncommon sense. Many streams
flow into our submind from our daily experiences, input from our guides and other concerned
or devilish entities---driven mostly my our desires and intentions whatever they may be.

Can it be possible to meet someone in a dream that will be in our future?

If so what are the probability of that specific person been in our future?
Yes, our future here on earth and later on too. But once you meet the person you will forget
the dream, still, you may feel that there is something familiar about that person.

Dream test is a misnomer, dream instructions is more what it is, kind of like a one on one
tutoring on things concerning this life.

Dreams are mostly for the subconscious mind, sometimes we get let in on the backroom
goings on but not much of it.

Dreams are date sensitive with oodles of information and although we can repeat certain
dreams they are mostly one shot deals and can not be explored or exploited beyond their true
intent, which few can understand what that is.

Some dreams try and help us deal with our fears, things that we may bottle up inside can push
to the surface like a pimple.

Are dreams a type of music?

For some.

Is the quality of our dreams related to the overwhelming urge to sleep late?
Not wanting to get out of that warm comfortable bed and enter that cold cruel world is the

If the messages in the dreams are not obvious then the dreams are for the subconscious mind
to chew on. So let it do the heavy lifting. Most dreams will never make sense to us because
they are raw and we tend to prefer things that are cooked and prepared for us. And that’s what
the subconscious does. A few days, weeks, months, or maybe years and something we been
working on or trying to figure out becomes clear.
Or we will meet someone we were introduced to in our dreams, but will seldom if ever make
the connection, but there maybe something familiar about them.

While we are here in this dimension, when we are asleep it can be in any dimension in your
past lives---or simply the one that is in the ship they take you into, and that’s the Twilight
zone of dimensions.

When they take us out of body can they bring us up to their speed and is that how when we
fall asleep for only two min. a dream can feel like a life time?
We can’t match their speed that’s why dreams are confusing for us, they are all bunched up.
Everyone gets the dream state version but the physical awake type is a real mind blower and
the world around you really stands still while these creatures whisk you away.

Dream are real places and some of them are memories that come lose and float into our sleep
world, some are tests they give us to help figure something out that is gnawing at us. Many
dreams are uploaded into our subconscious mind to be used by our mental operating system,
and therefore we don’t remember them, and don’t need to.

Is there a way to tap into or control the dreams we have?

Not really, but some may believe they can.

Some dream segments are past life episodes, or fragments of them.

Waking up and not be able to move legs at all, really weird feeling: if this had anything to do
with abductions from ET's, or normal dreaming states, etc?
All of the above.

Shared dreams are usually shared experiences inside alien ships.

Some of our dreams rehash previous lives and deaths---lives lost that are then continued in
this life.

Do ET's take shape of thing we are familiar with to communicate to us in dreams?

Sure do.

Dreams only have meaning to the dreamer, but often the dream is stored in the subconscious
to be evaluated later, and may or may not concern this present life.

Vivid dreams of other lives are common because all people on this planet have lived other
lives on other planets. It's a reality most people don't buy. Whatever makes them happy.

Many dreams are real deal places.

We sometimes get to see things [in visions and dreams] we will experience in the future;
sometimes we see what others will experience in the future. Sometimes we see things that
happen on other planets, other places.
Our dreams take us closer to our real home, which is light years from this solar system.
Contrary to many mis-beliefs we are not one big blob all hooked together in a cosmic realm
singing Kum Ba Yah. And don't live together in some heavenly commune. Ok some do. We
are unique and individual souls, well, some more than others. Some prefer to hold on to the
infinite tit that many infant souls suckle on, having great fear of going out into the mind-
blowing vastness of existence without an entourage of like-minded MENSA souls. We all
mature at different levels MENSA types will eventually grow up too...or not.
A dream state is a real state/place, often a room of mirrors.
We do visit Utopian planets and other realms while dreaming. The full impact of visiting
those higher places is filtered out at the 3D level.

Do (can) earthlings dream together at some levels?

Yes, but we remember different aspects of the dream most of the time.
The dream world is a secret garden with no key for entrance, we are taken there, and taken out
with blindfolds on.

Is it possible for 'some' humans to use those dimensions that we pass through while dreaming
to our advantage in an conscious 3D state, if we know how to decipher them correctly?
If allowed we would only get lost in dark freaky places. We are not mature enough to cross
those streets yet.

Black & white or colour dreams: does it mean something?

Not really.

Sometimes we are shown future things, sometimes the past and the present. For no particular
reason. We can't do anything about it anyway. We are not always shown things that we will
encounter. Like watching all the tragedy on the news most of us see it but are not affected

Are the entities and things that we encounter in our dreams real matter and different forms of
Different forms of matter/ energy.

Does the dream world have its own law of physics that it follows, like our 3D physics?
No physics at those levels, which is great for those who hated physics in college lol.

Can everything that happens to us while we're dreaming really happen to us in 3D or in

another dimension somewhere in the universe?
Yes, in the past in the future or not at all.

Can our recurring dreams be about people we had prior lifetimes with?
Past, present and future, they all come knocking in our dreams.

Is there any way we can tell when our dreams are real events?
No but many are real events.

Why are some of us so Dream oriented?

For reasons that many are not ready to admit to, because we are not ready for the answers.

Our dreams tell us of past, present, and future events/lives. Is there a way to differentiate
between them?
Not really.

If we have certain dreams about certain things, should we be cautious or bold in the face of
our fears?
Both, we have to use our judgment, what is at risk? Most times we are not given much time to
think only react.

Could our dreams be revealing our destiny?

Our actions will create our destiny, sometimes dreams may verify that.

Our dreams can also be a form of contact: can you have a hostile contact?
Hostile contact occurs often sometimes by guides attempting to straighten us out, or by the
bad entities trying to claim what they believe is theirs due to degraded soul conditions.
Is contact only used for good?
The good don't get called on the carpet as often.
Many dreams are physical contact. The dream and the contact don't always coincide, you may
have the dream one night but the contact could have been a day, week, month, or even years

Sometimes we are shown things that could be/will be, but not by us. Some people are shown
future events without the specifics.
Could it be a memory and I only think it is a dream?
Could be anything. But we are judged on wilful and careless neglect. Sometimes we conjure
up dreams of things we fear and create a scenario. We are not always conscious of our fears,
but our subconscious is.

Dreams have more to them than face value and are not meant to be understood by the
conscious mind, for the most part. But sometimes the message is clear and apparent like a
solution to fix the toaster you’ve been fretting about for weeks. All other dreams are screens
for a reason, they don't want you to remember what really happened. Most dreams are
software upgrades or downgrades.

Dreams can be like Hieroglyphics, symbols/language and faraway places. But they can't be
accurately deciphered for the same reasons life can't be accurately deciphered, or understood.
All part of the illusion.

If some dreams are screens, why are some of them still completely creepy and bizarre?
Part of the mind games from higher Ds.

I have not remembered one single dream for about the last three weeks. I think it is my fault
because I had a really strange dream that was extremely lengthy, but pretty creepy, so I
'asked' my guides to block my dreams for a while. I have since 'asked' them to at least let me
remember a boring dream.. but nothing. If I keep asking them will they get annoyed with me
and request transfers?
Guides do get moved around for various reasons. Some interns get fidgety.

A dream is another place/dimension.

Sleep is like a pit stop, that's when physical and spiritual maintenance takes places.
As we move to higher places sleep as we know it ceases. Sleep is another dimension that we
don't understand at this stage of the game. Higher up we see lower dimensions on the same
page, clear as pie.

Slipping between the gears of physical and spiritual existence happens a lot but most people
never pick up on it or associate it with something they ate. On the spiritual level we see and
hear things more clearly and we all speak the same language. The many different languages
we have on earth are coatings like on M & Ms. The inside is the same but the coatings have
different colors. The reason some dreams seem more real than others is the same phenomena.

Are the amount of 'nightmares' and 'bad dreams' we have proportional to the amount of
baggage we carry?
Yes and no.
Can one expect all their dreams to be peaches and cream once we let go of all our baggage?
Once we have no baggage our meter stops running here in 3D land.

When dead relatives come in dreams they are real.

"Some" dreams are info for our subconscious mind. What we remember is some spillage of
that info and may have absolutely nothing to do with anything.

Is there any special ET reason behind sleeping disorders? For instance, talking while
When certain entities are rummaging around our subconscious mind they sometimes activate
speech modules for the heck of it. In dream land we interact with such entities, some of us
verbalize these interactions more than others.
When you talk about "certain" entities, can you be more specific?
There are nearly 7 billion ordinary souls on this planet, that's only a drop in the ocean of such
souls. There are many, many more higher and lower and in between entities that have claims
on us or issues with us. That's as specific as I can be for now.
Why would they activate speech modules just for the heck of it? Seems a little weird to me.
Perhaps there's nothing more to it, people just react differently.
Rummaging around the bazillions of neurotic neuron circuitry gets monotonous at times.

In our dreams we see things from the past, present, and future. We interact with many of the
same people through these travels, same souls but different bodies and sometimes
personalities. We also get visits from those who have passed away, sometimes we recognize
them, mostly we don't.

Like everything there are real psychics and not so real ones. Real ones have the ability for two
way communications with ET and other spirits----some good some not.
The problem with some psychics is that they don't know who it is they are talking with.
Some need those things to pick up signs from their spirit guides-----anyone can talk to those
on the other side----the tough part is on the receiving end down here.

Many psychics are pulling legs; others are being toyed with by entities on the other side

There is no way for psychics to know if those they make contact with are good, evil or
neutral---that’s a tricky business they are in---and that’s only the few of them who are legit,
most are not.

Channelling is not what it seems but I don’t want to give away what it is because they told me
not to.

During sleep downloads, is there any kind of filtering system in place?

Depends on the purity level of the channeller, best if they have a good virus software loaded
in their system.
Attitude and integrity is very crucial to good downloads.

Spirituality is a funny thing, no one knows exactly what it is. Although every living thing has
a form of it including the ETs-----unless they are biological machines created as probes, or as
a workforce around the galaxy.
All living things exist at some level of awareness, presumably the higher the level of
awareness the higher the spirituality.
However, spirituality is use as a measure of higher virtue by those who claim to have lots of

Humans were more spiritual a thousand years ago that they are now----many are more aware--
--most are confused.

Here on earth many competing rivals have claimed exclusivity to true “spirituality” and all
those others (those with contrary beliefs) are imposters, heathens, and spawns of Satan.
Mormons, Catholics, all five thousand denominations of Protestants, Jews, Muslims,
Buddhist, Anarchist, Communist, Socialist, Democrats, Republicans and the thousands of
others that I haven’t mentioned.
All these peoples and organizations claim to be more virtuous, more enlightened and
therefore, more spiritual, than their competitors.
In that respect spiritually is nothing more than an ego trip.

Religion is a pacifier for many while they are on earth----it serves a purpose.

Well we have six billion people on earth-----by some estimates about two billion are Muslim,
one billion Christians, and maybe another billion Buddhist that leaves two billion for
everything else.
More than three billion humans believe one god created everything.

Humans did not create religion ETs did-----religion has many purposes-----it lets people know
there is something bigger than them and this earthly existence.
It helps focus groups of people----creating community and purpose.
Those who practice religion tend to be proactive with those who share their beliefs.
Religion tends to make people more generous and “sometimes” more tolerant of others.
They are less likely to engage in criminal activity; instead they tend to be a positive influence
in their community,
The power of religion has also been abused because a large army of like minded followers can
quickly be activated-----most wars are of a religious nature.
There is a higher power but contrary to the beliefs of every religious organization it is not
exclusive to any of them.
ETs created religion as temporary godheads to give direction and meaning to uncivilized man-
----worship and discipline were and are necessary evils for some people.
However----the real Supreme Being or Beings don’t require worship of any kind----worship
and prayers are strictly for the devotees’ benefit-----when it makes them feel good.
The higher powers hear everyone’s cries, requests, desires----and always act on them----
sometimes not in a way that the requester anticipated----that’s why they say be careful what
you ask for.

The Bible:
There is no end time, no Armageddon as talked about in the bible and other ancient literature
with worldwide destruction.
The stories in the Old Testament are metaphors created by ET and given to the tribes of
Israel----the Jews did live in Egypt and ruled it for nearly two centuries---15th and 18th
dynasties they were known as the Hyksos----they were dethroned and chased out of Egypt and
wondered in the desert some fleeing to Palestine where they regrouped----they were given a
mandate and a history
The New Testament was created after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and a faction of the
few remaining Jews known as the Essenes who escaped banded together and were give a new
mandate and a new religion----one that would encompass non-Jews---because there were few
Jews left----the new religion was called Christianity for a man that was named Jesus
However Jesus was not an ET nor was he the Jesus in the scripture----the scripture is 100%
During Jesus’ time the place now called Nazareth was not a town; it was a desert with a few
scattered caves with minimal human habitation. The word Nazareth means offshoot, a branch,
depicting that the Christians were a branch, an offshoot of God’s chosen people, the Jews---
it’s all allegorical.
The bible is mostly written in parables, allegories, and metaphorical, it tells stories with
stories---that confuses many people---not even Jesus’ disciples understood his parables and
they were the most enlightened of Jesus’ followers.
In Canaan God commanded the Israelites to destroy all men women children and their
animals so that the Israelites would not be contaminated with the hundreds of “gods” the
Canaanites worshiped. These manmade gods---god of fire, god of rain, god of pestilence, god
that brings you good crops, gods that bring good luck---and on and on---the pagan Canaanites
had gods for everything in their lives
All these gods made the lives of the Canaanites a mass of confusion and a living hell---in
essence all these manmade gods were evil---evil entities that disrupted the flow of life for the
Canaanites, and made things more complicated than they needed to be
People like Moses understood these things and tried to break the Israelites of this madness,
and metaphorically they go into the promised land of Canaan and kill all the people and their
human made gods---they did not kill the Canaanites literally only metaphorically---people just
don’t seem to get that---
True there is human historical significance in the bible to a certain extent---but the bigger part
of it is allegorical.
Parts of the Bible were inspired by higher beings but most of it was discarded and the final
version of the Bible was written by fallible men.
For those that believe the literal story of Jesus, he was crucified specifically for the offence of
“Blasphemer” by the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish court at that time.
The word “Christ” simply means “savior” or “Messiah” for the Christians.
Although there is a residual of truth in biblical account much of what the bible was talking
about in that particular story was the false gods of the pagans---the gods of water, light, corps,
fertility, incantations, and so on and on---the people of that era sold their souls to those make
believe gods that they themselves invented---some of these god ideas did come from remnants
of the renegade entities but most were plain Jane superstitions made my regular people.
In other words “daughters of men” meaning “mankind” were made love to by the Israelites,
who while being enslaved my one pagan country after another ended up worshiping---selling
their souls---to silly impotent pagan gods of their enemies.
The Israelites were the fallen angels, they were taken out of mankind and where held to higher
standards, yet they saw the “daughters of men”---the pagan deities---and made love to them---
which created offspring of more paganism.
There were no physical giants but plenty of allegorical giant pagan beliefs---the giants they
speak of where the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman gods.
When the Ice age retreated there was a lot of flooding, especially in the Mediterranean---
which use to be where the fabled garden of Eve was---and there was no Mediterranean Sea---
only lush beautiful gardens and many early civilizations that are now unknown.
The flood did wipe away millions of people and their cities, granted some of these people
where renegade offspring.
But to say that evil was destroyed by the flood is so incorrect, Sodom and Gomorra came after
the flood, and so did all the pagans that made up the countries that would torment and enslave
the Jews and other people, like the Babylonians, the Persians, the Egyptians, and Romans.
The world was never cleansed of evil because evil resides in humans, and where there are
humans you will find evil---
Until we fess up and admit that we are the creators of our own misfortune and stop looking
for scapegoats---evil will continue to thrive.
Jesus was an idea with roots from 150 BC and came to full fruition during the European
Renaissance when painters and sculptors put skin and bones, and a face on it.
There was more than one Adam and Eve, and they didn’t come from the center of the
universe, everyone on this planet is from a star systems in the Milky Way galaxy.
Was Jesus born of a virgin birth?
That’s a metaphor---the Jews back two thousand years ago didn’t want anything to do with
Christianity so they would not father another branch of religion---hence the Jewish father
Joseph was not the father. The mother Mary was a virgin---in other words she represents the
outcasts of the world that didn’t have a share of the god of the Jews---they were virgins
concerning a real god. Mary represented the Roman pagan world at the time and had no
Jewish linage of her own.
The Jesus story has it’s roots in the old testament but takes shape about 160 BC with the book
of Maccabees.
The Jewish people were Roman citizens and they had free passage to Roman provinces in
Europe and the Middle East, and therefore were able to spread their gospel with relative ease.
Certain Jewish scribes created Christianity for the non Jewish Roman pagans as a buffer for
Judaism which was catching a lot of heat because of their one God theism---in the multi
theistic world of the Romans---also, the Jews had a rebellious branch called the Zealots that
kept attacking the Romans to get them to leave their lands. It didn’t work and the Jews were
nearly wiped off the earth by the Romans, but Christianity survived because many Romans
converted to it.
Was the bible written at the same time the Christ story was created?
No it wasn’t, many stories were written and most of them were discarded along the way
during several revisions, and to suit the current leaders or turbulent times. Christianity kept
the Jewish religion from disappearing by keeping the Old Testament as part of their religion
for the last two thousand years. Whereas, Judaism was practically extinct until 1947-48, when
it sprang back to life.

Jesus and god are real for some and not real for others.
I don't belong to any organized or disorganized religion for that matter

Religion has its purposes on earth----community----extended family----and many other things

but not for war as many speculate.
Religion as humans know it doesn’t exist at higher levels, the level where ET resides.

I was raised as a Christian, and I understand the purpose of religion but religion is a thing of
earth and other planets that are similar to earth.
All religions and beliefs are fables created by ET as a component of life on earth and millions
of other planets like earth.
Have you read the book of JOB? In that book Satan is one of god’s servants----works for the
big guy.

Jesus was not an ET, nor a man; he is a fable, a well crafted fable by ET.
Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed were real people----Jesus wasn’t---ETs didn’t make that up its
simple and basic history.
Jesus Christ is not God in the flesh.

The idea of prayer came from ET. Essentially prayer is a form of communication with them.
Our thoughts have frequencies like radio transmissions but the frequencies are to high to be
picked up by human equipment----ET picks them up instantly. Six billion plus brains on
earth---and all have their own unique frequency---like finger prints.

Are angels and demons on another level from an ET? do good/bad ET's and humans become
There is no clear-cut way to describe the food chain that exists in existence. No fixed rules for
some, no rules for others, and rules out the wazoo for many. This playground is too dam big
to fail.
Angels and demons are often the same ET, but they can be separate----it all pays the same.

It’s not the institution of Christianity or the other religions and beliefs that are good or bad,
it’s the people that are put into positions and are given the opportunity to be good or bad.

If you say that you believe in Jesus and extraterrestrials, that in itself is a quandary.

The problem is if there are millions or billions of planets similar to earth with say humans like
us on them, then do all of them need to be saved, is there millions of Jesus’ out there or only
That’s a pretty big job for one Jesus
Jesus also tried to back away from being crucified---he ask his father God to “take this cup
from me, if it is your (god’s) will”
If Jesus would have backed out what would have happened to salvation?
The fact is the god that many people idolize would not forsake four or five billion non
believers on this planet alone----condemning them to hell for eternity----what father would be
so cruel to the children he loves----the most I have done with my children was give them a
bad look----and then I felt bad about it.
Eternal damnation----absurd
Even the worst kind of human has a valuable soul----some will take a lot of work to get the
kinks out but most of the time it can be done----and is done
For those that need fire and brimstone to get through the day----sorry---isn’t going to happen.

Satan is an ET with a job----but he really isn’t the Satan of the bible that will be locked away
in a pit for a thousand years----he is only another soul----one that’s been around a long time.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with religious beliefs----or most beliefs-----ET created all
structures and institutions.
Going to church and following the commandments is a good thing because for many the other
side will be like heaven
However, heaven is not exclusive-----all are invited to the father’s table----even those that
don’t believe.

Everybody is full of questions about life even the clergy----most don’t show it.

No one is going to burn in hell for eternity.

Even in the Old Testament god used the word we----insinuating more than one----and he was
not speaking of the Trinity.

I have been accused of making everything I post up-----most of those who attack me are those
who don’t agree with my religion concepts or my political slant-----therefore everything I say
is gibberish, or hateful, or blasphemous, or just plain crazy----my ET stuff
Actually much of what is called Christianity started one hundred and fifty years before the
time allotted to Christ which is about 30AD when he allegedly began his ministry
There was a Jew named Jesus/Judah; In some manuscripts he was know by both names----just
like Saul and Paul are the same person. He was part of the Maccabees clan
Most people know what my beliefs are about that subject----that’s why I’m on many people’s
hit list.
I don’t make things up-----I only tell things that most people don’t want to hear----I would
make a bad politician.
The only fact about Christianity is that it exists----like there is no movie without writing a
screenplay first. The major parts of the Christian screenplay was written after AD70.

“The apostle Paul was in Rome before and after the Fall of Jerusalem preaching in
backrooms about Jesus. Regardless of anyone's faith that is how the Christian religion
All those facts come from the New Testament----not history books.

The Essenes use old manuscripts to construct the New Testament -----the continuity thing----
the New Testament is nothing but the rewrite of the Old Testament.

More than half of religious scholars believe that the Jesus of Christianity was inserted after
Josephus died----and not by Josephus
Josephus was a Jewish general and one of the major fighters against the Romans----but as the
Jewish Zealots got out of control and became the biggest threat to Judaism his loyalties
changed and he became a Roman-----and a Roman historian-----most Jews believed him a
traitor----and he did write favorably about the Romans----otherwise he wouldn’t have
survived for long-----had he wrote about Christianity that too would have offended the
Romans-----if he believed in the Jesus story-----that Jesus was god----he wouldn’t have been
so loyal to the Romans
Unlike many deities of that time and to the present Jesus represents all that is good in
mankind and beyond-----he also represents the fact that there is life after this one-----the
resurrection-----he died and lived again-----went to heaven
The story of Jesus was designed to give hope to a desperate people during very desperate
times-----and it still does today.
But along side good always travels the bad-----the Crusades----deception, false beliefs and
gods----the Holy Roman Empire-----replaced one tyranny with another----but that’s what life
on this planet is all about.

ETs originated all of the religions----the good the bad and the ugly ones----we have minimum
security prisons and maximum security prisons-----some souls on earth need minimal control
some need more.

Are ETs still striving to understand and truly interact with the very essence of the origins all
of creation, of "GOD"?
The only ones striving to understand are on planets like earth and are at the levels of humans.

Have you read the book of Job? In that story god uses evil---Satan as a tool to test Job
In other words god created evil so that man could choose between the two.

The souls on the other side are pure energy and some exhibit more light than others----some
are radiant----when a Christian comes in contact with a radiant being they see Jesus, when a
Buddhist sees a radiant being they see Buddha---a Muslim would see Allah, etc----even when
it’s the same being.

We can call religions BS but ET prefers to call it illusions.

Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away..."
It’s a parable that concerns the divisions of mankind-----Gentiles and Jews
Which later divides again----the Israelites were one people coming out of Egypt eventually
the twelve clans organized into two factions----Judah and Israel
The people of Israel faltered and their nation destroyed, the nation of Judah survived and
those where the people that existed in the land of Palestine when Jesus came into the picture.
There would be another division, a priestly division of the Jewish people-----the Sadducees
and Pharisees
Jesus spoke mostly against those two groups, blaming them for leading the Jews astray
The Sadducees believed that God would establish heaven on earth and place them in charge of
the Gentiles----the first Heaven
The Pharisees believed a little more on the spiritual side but also believed that heaven was
only for the Jews----the second Heaven
Both were mistaken but it would be the Pharisees----which the majority of the Jews belonged
to that would provoke the wrath of Rome-----that nearly extinguished the Jewish people.
Therefore the physical heaven on earth concept and the spiritual-exclusive-heaven passed
Jesus was speaking of a time in the future after the fact because that story wasn’t written until
years after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70-73.

The non-Jews or those that don’t believe in the God of Israel are considered dead.
Jews and those that believe in the God of Israel will not die but live forever in God’s
Talking about the OT when the Israelites entered the Promised Land and killed or converted
the non-Jews in the land of Canaan----the Israelites disobeyed God and did not kill every
woman, child, man and beast as they where told to do----so they attempted to convert some
and enslave those they did not kill.
In essence those that they spared----they ate----an allegory----What belonged to the Jews
became sanctioned and therefore were alive like the Jews.
The grace of God----the chosen----the Jews----for the Christian they are in the light when they
accept Jesus as their savior
Again talking about the nation of Israel----they became two nations----Israel and Judah----
they fought each other and became weak-----Israel became corrupt-----and they both became
easy pickings for the non-Jewish nations of Assyria and Babylonia
Like their brethren the Israelites the Jews of Jesus’ day became divided and were basically in
two camps, the Pharisees, and Sadducees----and they perished-----that’s what they will do----
divided we fall.

Constantine took advantage of the growing numbers of Christians and made it work for him---
he in fact recreated himself in the image of Jesus in a not so subtle way. Nothing original
about that because most Emperors believed themselves gods.

The earthly gods of biblical and secular fame that came down in ships or appeared to people
in the past are not gods only advanced souls.

There is a universal energy that we are all part of but not necessarily a single god.

Those masters of the past that we call enlightened [Jesus, Buddha and others] came to earth
with their “Lights on”; they did not find enlightenment while here on earth.

The "Realms" that the bible describes :

There are innumerable realms of existence and the bible only touched on a few basic ones---
those easily understood by the human mind.

Lots of religions and other ideas started out that way because it was the same entities---ETs---
that brought----bring that information to this planet.

You don't have to worship anything or anyone to move up.

Of all the absurd beliefs most people wrap their whole existence into my story is the sanest---
and true---none of the other belief systems can be proven true.

Faith is 99.9999 % of what the truth is----everything else is filler.

La foi c'est 99.9999 % de ce qu'est la vérité---le reste c'est du remplissage.
Faith is believing in something just for the heck of it, and it should bring pleasure or what
good is it? Hope is someone who is not sure that they deserve better. Patience is willing to
tolerate those less aware of the big picture.

There are lots of stories about god written here on earth, and none of them written by god---

People didn’t want the “Christ” the first time---even with miracles people didn’t believe, and
tortured and killed him. Christ also implies Christianity, and that would alienate---no pun
intended---the rest of the world.
There may be a god in this big bad universe somewhere but like any CEO there are
presidents, and vice presidents and middle and lower managers that handle the small details,
and earth is a very small detail in the huge picture called a universes.

Much of the Christian bible as well as the Old Testament talk about earthly powers---
Babylon, Syria, Egypt, Canaan, Philistines and many others that suppressed and enslaved the
Israelites---those were the powers that were high and mighty and would fall back to earth
once the god of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac evened the score.

I did read a Sci-fi book once while in the army and it was about a world that had become a
utopia, no wars, no illness, no poverty---everything was peachy king yet two people a man a
woman---became renegades and took it upon themselves to bring the utopia world to its
knees---simply because they were not happy---regardless that millions of other people might
have been.
I pretty much stopped reading Sci-fi after that---because there was nothing Sci-fi about it---
there are many people like that---they don’t like something therefore no one else better like it.
The message was obvious humans are only comfortable as long as there is anarchy in their
lives. I don’t believe that but that was the message in the book. It was a modern story of Jesus,
he came and promised peace, love and paradise for eternity, in effect utopia, and was
crucified not only by his detractors but also by his followers. I'm not religious so don't take
that as a plug.

When it was eluded to originally back in the day of the Christ, it simply implied a new
awareness of god---meaning that life continued after death---and that life was good---many if
not most believed they would die and go to some kind of Hades inside the planet.
Technically a literal Rapture takes place every day---hundreds of thousands of people die and
are taken up off planet---some in huge ships.

Prayer---worship if you wish, is talking to higher beings---they hear us---with the added
benefit of no dropped calls---lol---just because they hear doesn’t mean they act---but often
they do---in subtle ways.

Religion as we know it or think we know it will change drastically as a concept by the turn of
the century.

Don’t know much about the Buddhas.

Monks in the Himalayas need permission from a race of aliens in order to explore reality . All
us humans do, monks are no different.
Buddha was not an earthly being.
Buddha like other spiritual leaders did his part to alleviate the hardship of the physical
illusional realities that plague those on this planet---kind of like a prison minister.

I as is true with most Italians was brought up in the Catholic faith. Nevertheless like most I
was not much into religion, but I was curious about the history so I did some research and
finally wrote a book. When I first began to write it I was convinced that Jesus was a real
person and wrote it that way---but as I continued to write information came to me from you
guessed it my ET contacts. My contact with them was sketchy, off and on and I wasn’t sure
where the info was coming from but they laid out the whole story for me. I didn’t write it
down at that time and finished the book I was writing trying to keep a Christian slant on it for
my family’s sake because they are all Christian---I was too but by the end of my manuscript I
realized that Christianity as all religion are only a slivers of the bigger picture of what this
galaxy is all about.
I have written that other information into a manuscript but it remains unpublished.
Nevertheless the book I published has much between the lines and many clues to the origins
of Christianity and all religions.
What percent of this book is from your research and what percent is channeled from ET?
More than half of it, nevertheless I maintained the Christian slant and tweaked in some of my
new revelation.
The manuscript that I have written after that book was published supersedes everything in that
What specific information did the ET contacts give you about Jesus?
It’s in a manuscript collecting dust for now, and until I decide whether or not to publish it I
would rather not talk about it.
I wrote the book mainly to prove Christianity but in the process of my exegesis I learned more
truths than my original intentions---not from simply reading available material but from
supernatural inspiration
Basically that god or the powers that be in this universe did not exclude anyone from the
banquet---the afterlife, paradise, nirvana, or whatever people wished to call it.
Whereas the three major religions believe themselves exclusive with the big guy---I was told
that was poppycock.

The “many mansions in the kingdom of heaven” could be interpreted as the multitude of
faiths and belief systems here on earth, but its deeper and hidden meaning refers to galaxies.

Angels are simply higher entities, messengers, on the same team and level as are my friends---
except Milton thinks he is an angel plus a bag of chips---

The god in the bible has three major religions battling each other over who worships him the
most---lots of competition for his affection going on.----and little to nothing for each other.
Worship is a funny word; we worship money, our lover, food, drugs, Gameboy, cars, and a
host of other meaningless distractions
We also have that whole worship thing turned around when it comes to the belief in a god.
When two people fall in love they sometimes create a child---a creation they end up
worshiping---most of the time anyway
The power, the energy which created us worships us; we are special---regardless whether we
worship that loving energy at the center of the universe in return---same as parent child
relationships between humans, the parent usually loves the child infinitely more than the child
loves the parent.
Now reverence might fit better for the big banana at the top of the heap---and higher up
entities like Milton have reverence galore for the powers that be, more so than any human is
capable of.
So that we don’t get into semantics squabble I know that reverence and worship have similar
meaning but reverence rings better for me.

The Garden of Eden, that’s where it all fell apart for mankind---lol,
There are infinite Garden’s of Eden in this galaxy alone---where no snakes are allowed to
spoil the party.
The wrongs that are committed are dealt with individually by those that perpetrated them.
The “Garden of Eden” was never on earth, many fell from that higher ground and ended up
here on this third rock and are doing hard and soft time.

The Prodigal son is a parable about god and his creation, mankind.

The bible is no coincident, but unbeknownst to King James and others it is mostly a parable---
that should be no surprise because Jesus was the king of parables.

Fire and brimstone is suited more for the Sunday school class or the pulpit and I’m not here to
tell people what they should believe in---that’s a call everyone makes on their own.
If you believe some religion, then go with your beliefs---there is no shame in playing the stay
out of jail card---lol

Religions have their place, without them a large number of people would be lost, many in my
own family.
Religion helps some get over the hump---once over the hump, the other side, things will
become clear.
People with religion already believe in an afterlife, so in some respects they have an
advantage over those that believe this life is it.

Prophesy is self-fulfilling---if enough people believe something they can make it happen as
did the Jewish people under Roman rule.
The Jews of Jesus time believed a Messiah would destroy their enemies and put them at the
top of the heap, all they needed to do was incite Rome and their God would save them and
destroy Rome---they incited Rome and Rome nearly annihilated the whole Jewish nation---so
much so that it took the Jewish people two thousand years to regroup.
Some Christians and Jewish people believe they need to nudge prophesy along as well, and
are eager for Armageddon to trigger the Rapture---same thing the Jews did with Rome.

ETs are not against any religion, or any beliefs---and this garden here on earth is filled with
choices, some choices will be fruitful and enlightening and some will not.

I don’t wish to offend anyone’s religion or beliefs, but I can’t tell a lie, however, I can chose
not to respond.

But many people throughout history have worshiped the sun simply because the sun gives life
to every living thing on this planet.

666 is the number of talents of gold required by King Solomon every year---some people
believed that was evil, especially those taxed by the King---lol
666 is also a reference of the evil Babylonians who enslaved the Israelites, and only a remnant
returned from captivity and were “resurrected”---back to Jerusalem---and they numbered 666.
The only beast we need worry about is of the human variety but even they have no power
over our soul---I would give names but then I would be accused of playing politics---so no
names are forthcoming.
Will there be an incident in the Middle East that will have worldwide implications? Yeah, like
the last 60 years, since Israel became a nation, and sixty years before that as they made
preparations to return to their homeland after nearly two thousand years of exile by the
Self-fulfilling prophecy will once again prevail in that part of the world and will be a catalyst
for transformation

The Tower of Babble allegory had more connotation than simple language diversification----

God is more a human level concept---above human level such formalities are not imperative.

I think most people only want to know just enough to put their minds at easy, any more
complicates things.
Connections to eternity are made on many levels and God is the favourite connection for quite
a few, God is something to hang our hat on while we concentrate on making a living in this
hall of mirrors of an existence.

There are millions of planets in this galaxy alone that are just like earth, filled with humans
just like us---that would require one heck of a bloodbath of unimaginable proportions of
torture and sacrifice---not what I would call befitting a benevolent god.
Personally I think any deity worth its salt would find better things to do than crucifying their
only son--- but then it wouldn’t be “only son” unless the same son had to go through the meat
grinder on all those other planets---ouch ! Seven fold !
Are there Christians, Jews, Moslems, Buddhist, Atheist, Anarchist, Darwinist, etc. on other
planet? Yes, wish as we may, earth is not unique in any way, shape or form. One cherry on a
cherry tree is much like all the other cherries on that same tree, and our galaxy has many
kinds of trees and other exotic plants in its garden.

The Ark of the Covenant was fascinating ET wizardry in the hands of mere humans a few
thousand years ago. That’s one book I would like to write before I get tired of writing.
The Ark of the Covenant is part fable and part real as is every story in the bible. Fable
because many don’t want to believe in the paranormal, and things like the Ark are
The Ark was a contraption incased in earthly precious metal, gold, and was a storage device
where other alien artefacts and tools were kept inside of when not in use. The Ark was also a
tool of war, with the power to defeat or repel all those who threatened the Israelites---when it
was used properly.
It possessed many freakish powers that transported the Israelites safely across barren deserts,
hostile enemy lands and through bodies of water. It was also a very dangerous contraption for
some curious souls who had no business getting near it.
For that reason it was both a blessing and a curse, a kind of hot potato that was eventually
taken away from the Israelites.
The Ark is not in Ethiopia, nor is it in the hands of any human here on earth, nor is it lost in
some desert.
For more you will have to wait for the book, if I ever get around to writing it. I know I suck.
The Ark of the Covenant is a very interesting subject that I can't go into for awhile. If I
decided to continue writing about the Old Testament then I will expand on it.

Noah’s Ark is not in Turkey or anywhere else for that matter. There was no worldwide flood
as talked about in the story.
The story of Noah is pure allegory about baptism washing away the sins of the world---the
animals represent the people of the world, Noah and his family are the chosen people who
save the animals---the pagans from their evil ways---
Most religions are a kind of blueprint on how people should live their lives, but few follow
those blueprints, and the blueprints have been corrupted over the ages. Nevertheless many
need that life line to get through this life.

The other side is filled with beings that radiate love and light and people who die or visit
briefly like NDE, identify them with their belief system, be it Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, the
Virgin Mary, God, etc.
Not only do all roads lead to Rome, but all religions and secular belief systems lead to
nirvana---for the virtuous.

Messing with people’s religious beliefs is delicate, notice how much hate and killing it
generates in this world.

Mohammad was a man, and Buddha an ET.

Like Mohammad, Joseph Smith and Martin Luther were inspired to create offshoots from the
Abraham tree---a sapling planted by ET

So many people on this planet get turned off by church for several reasons, not all churches or
pastors are alike, some are fire and brimstone, those approaches often make people feel bad
and that’s counter to what a church or community of people should do to its members---
putting the fear of god into people is not correct theology.

Few are offended by the idea of helping others but those ideas sometimes get mixed in with
politics and most are offended by politics.
Houses of worship of every denomination are like businesses, to survive and prosper they
need to attract more people, and they compete for them. Some use politics, some fire and
brimstone, some live bands, and some use intimidation.
And unfortunately as we all know when religions and politics collide as they often do on the
world stage they leave a trail of misery in their wake that reaches back thousands of years
Nevertheless, organized religion and other communities of people that come together for the
benefit of others provide sound principles and give their members an extended family to
indulge in--- and that can be a good thing as long as politics is kept out of the pulpit.

Many down here on earth have things backwards concerning the gods or god for those who
only serve one god; those higher up than us adore us, like parents worship and adore their
The higher up the entity the more love and energy they have to share with those below
Pray tell, what do we have down here worthy of offering them ?---not a thing

The gods that have inspired and awed humans here on earth are entities on Milton’s level.

One of the problems with religions: instead of leading people out of darkness they keeps some
of them in it. But for those that don’t take their religious beliefs literally and see the allegories
in the stories for what they are religion can be a good thing for those who need it

Most of our stories religious and secular which have been heavily diluted by succeeding
generations of humans were originally given by physical ET entities---that were viewed as
priests, leaders or sages---they were the gods themselves here on earth in human form
Molech also known as Malcam liked child sacrifice back in the days of the Ammonites, he
was real but not anymore.

God in the biblical sense---harsh, judgmental, hateful, vengeful, and always in need of human
worship is complete fantasy and baloney.
Nevertheless some people need and demand those qualities in their god---so be it---its
harmless as long as those beliefs don’t include damaging other humans in order to please god
There is a huge power that emanates from each solar system, and then something much larger
inside each galaxy, and then the endless universe with an all encompassing mind energy that
is beyond human comprehension and explanation---some on earth would like to keep it formal
and choose to call this energy “God”.
----the rest of us know him/her as Charley---and he never makes us get on our knees and
worship him unless he loses more than two hands of poker----on poker night at his place------
Oh, btw, god is not a he or she, I only use those tags so as not to offend---

Christianity mistakenly believes that a serpent was the cause of the fall of man, via Adam and
But the serpent was a metaphor for greed and envy---Eve and then Adam were tempted by the
lust of their desires to become like the gods---who were filled with knowledge and wisdom ---
by cajoling with the forbidden fruit---in other words the pagan gods, that dominated in the
land of Canaan, where the Israelites came of age and then went astray---fell from grace.

If people had any idea how much blood was spilled two thousand years ago alone, for the
gods of their fathers---nah--- nothing would shock the people of today---

Many religions as well as secular beliefs parallel on the basic concepts of the truth. Because
all of them were originally based on the truth however wayward some of that truth has since

Is the Sumerian god known as Enki / Ea still living?

Certainly, but does not go by that earthly name and much of the legend is more symbolic than
literal---the real name is hidden by request.
Enki is of another order [jumping out of bodies when he dies], and they do things differently
and don't require human type bodies for them to be "alive".
Some of them “gods” where banished to this once barren planet because they didn’t play nice-
--many of us are here for the same reason---birds of a feather kind of thing.
Enki might be hiding out on Mars.
Enki smenki, is out of commission and isn’t battling anyone, not even the Catholics.
Does his reign affect earth?
Not in the least.
Why is his faction spreading propaganda about other factions?
Propaganda comes from other sources, many of them plane Jane human.
What is Enki and the Annukai’s role in our solar system?
Not what they would like it to be.

Prayer is not required at all---prayer is simply a way of communicating with higher beings---
usually asking for favors or forgiveness.
The gods don’t need our prayers---but prayers can bring peace of mind to those who pray---
it’s kind of like meditation without going deep into the cave.
Prayers can be a chore that’s why some monks invented a prayer wheel, they simply spin it
every now and then---
Why in the world would the gods need our prayers? It’s a silly and highly misunderstood
If prayers are not helping you then they have no purpose whatsoever.

The Catholic Church certainly has its faults as do most religious and secular organizations but
to say that they have a monopoly on “Service to self” is preposterous.

Our beliefs no matter how wrong or right carry absolutely no weight at all---believing in
multiple deities or one single deity is simple semantics because none carry any significant
meaning---only what we give them.
We are not here to gain wisdom as I said before, we are here to gain integrity---and any Jesus
or Buddha certainly already had such merit badges otherwise they could not represent what
they represented.

We can train a chicken to play the piano by placing feed on the piano keys---but they only do
it for the reward.
The flaw with religions that offer salvation and blissful heavenly privileges in exchange for
belief in them, and eternal damnation for those that don’t believe in them, is that they are
nothing more than Pavlov’s dog. We all salivate at the thought of a reward and wag our tails
feeling proud of ourselves.
So how do you get people to do the right thing because it is the right thing without the
promise of a cookie and glass of milk?
The gods have struggled with that conundrum for a long time. Therefore they created atheist.

Is the myth about good and evil, the fallen angel thing have truth in it?
Entities to a certain level can and do fall and some of them fall hard and fast. But many of
them retain some of their powers---for awhile---but not from sucking up human souls---

We humans with or human minds like exclusivity and like to believe we have our own
personal god---it’s not that god is jealous, we have managed to turn that around, we are the
jealous ones.
There are literally billions and billions of radiant beings each glowing with pure unadulterated
love---and they each are pure joy to be around. But is there one big all encompassing power? -
---how many power plants do we have on this planet? Millions---Why don’t we have just one?

God is multidimensional and is a projection of expectations.

Were some of the ET's playing the part of gods or were they imbuing some mortals with
special skills?

If love for Christ is true then [believers in him] benefit by living a peaceful and joy filled
lives---something non believes do without. Also, the other side rivals any heaven concept
humans may conjure up on their own.

At the wedding feast Jesus turned water into wine----a metaphor for turning sin into
redemption---hence water---baptism---redemption
Those who merged with Jesus---wedding, would be free from sin
Jesus called his blood wine, and those who drink of the wine, his blood, would be merged
with him and they would be one in god and in heaven
People of that era drank wine more than water because wine was safer to drink than the nasty
dirty water.
So the wine and blood of Christ is a metaphor for eternal salvation---nothing more, and has
nothing to do with human blood.

There is plenty of “hell” here on earth and on lower planets and dimensions.
There is no Christianity type hell---when I talk about hell I mean some very nasty places and
some very nasty entities to deal with. You got to be a real a_hole to get there, or go below
what we have here on earth.
Unfortunately Christianity requires hell and damnation for “eternity” as part of their teaching.
Completely wrong---but they got “some” of the heaven thing right
Every religion has some of it right and most of it wrong, but who’s counting?

How to explain religious phenomena?

In the old day people were accustomed to the “gods” because the gods were real back then,
and still are now, but a tad more subtle.
People see angels and demons because they are real---they just aren’t what some literature has
made them out to be---but close.
Aside from the metaphorical angels and demons, which I haven't fully disclosed, angels and
demons were of the same creatures that haunt bedrooms and night skies even now. The
complexity and nature of the phenomena is broader than what has been written and speculated
on in the last few millennia. Not a can or "worms" I wish to open. If I wasn't so lazy to write it
down, it would make one hell of a movie.
Exorcism is a belief system that the evil in a person is external, and not from within the
person---event thought it’s within and has to be Exorcised out----
In other words evil has no hold on us we have a hold on it---and can let go of it when we are
good and ready---but we want to hold on to it for the fun of it----but once we give evil a
foothold in our souls it kicks back and gets comfortable and never wants to leave because it
likes to be bad too.
Extraterrestrials have extra dimensional capabilities; in essence they can be one and the same.
Those beings designed specifically to facilitate our desires are equipped with some interesting
stuff in their bag of tricks.

Christianity, as is true with other religions, has been very beneficial even with religions’
checkered past, which was no accident. Most people are clueless to what is in their Bibles,
Torahs, Korans, or other religious materials---they just go with the flow.

Do ETs favourites Christianity because it is more in line with their attributes, etc?
Because we live in the Western World that is true, but it’s not true in the Eastern World, they
too have plenty of messages from their gods as well.

Is there a "Divine or Sacred" or is this just a collective spirit of supreme intellect elders
helping us along the way?
There are infinite strata of supreme elders that radiate divine qualities and unspeakable
Do our creators do the "Christ gig" on all the prison planets at a certain time in evolution?
On many planets they have it amazingly similar but there are variations like in finger prints.

Higher entities don’t require worship, or acknowledgement of any kind.

Humans on the other hand can’t get enough praises and acknowledgement---that’s what we
humans are all about---

For some Catholics the Virgin Mary is the mother of “God”. In essence she is God. Kind of
contradictory to the Christian beliefs that spawned here and proclaimed that Jesus was the son
of God, and therefore the one and only true god. But now we have four gods, Jesus, God the
father, the Holy Spirit, and the Virgin Mary. South of the boarder Mary tops them all. Well
that’s because she hasn’t met the gringo Hillary yet---
Anyway I hate messing with people’s religious beliefs, but when asked I can only give a
response. All religious shrines serve multiple purposes and have ET backing. They serve to
unify, to give a purpose to this often meaningless existence, and to create on economy via

Are the ETs that are responsible for the Catholic/Jewish religion the same that are
responsible for the Muslim religion in the middle east?
Not the same ETs.

Jonah was on his way to Nineveh but he was hiding from god in the hull of the boat and the
boat was tossing and turning because of the storm---god's wrath, and those on the boat feared
that god would sink the boat because of the lazy Jonah not wanting to do his bidding in
Nineveh, so they tossed Jonah out the boat and god provided a whale for Jonah where he
remained for 3 days.
There was no uso or whale or big fish, the metaphor has its roots in Moses who resisted his
duties to ultimately free the Israelites and take them across the Red Sea and into the
wilderness---to be judged.

The tower of Babel was a place, the known world around and including the Levant, and was a
way to explain why there were so many languages in the lands that the Israelites journey

Where come from the SUFI Knowledge? What was their purpose?
Like many variations of religions that sprout or deviate from the root core of the original
doctrine SUFI is a deviation of Islamic beliefs instigated by the need to break away from
established tradition by adding their own twist. These inspirations usually have other worldly
origins or tampering.

Whatever we wish or need to be real is real---my mother believes Lourdes and Fatima to be
real and I would never try and change her mind of that, not that I could.
We all have our paths to nirvana and will get there as long as we carry the cross of integrity
on that path with us.

What does "The meek shall inherit the earth" mean?

Well that has never happened although there have been many attempts.
It’s an Old Testament saying that was written to give encouragement to the Israelites against
the Philistines, the Babylonians, the Syrians and the Egyptians amongst many others that
bullied the “meek” Jews throughout most of their early history.
Because Abraham humbled himself to god his seed, offspring, would cover the ends of the
earth---they would inherit the Promised Land---which was Canaan, then Palestine and now
the most volatile place on the planet, the Middle East.
And that’s no place for the meek.
Out of the original context, the meek inheriting the earth is meaningless in our day and age.
Not really, those who walk a higher path inherit the real stuff in life, and we don’t get there if
we are egotistical, which is the opposite of meek.

Constantine used Christianity to his advantage by insinuating he was like the Christ, and was
the root of the Holy Roman Empire and did consolidate much of the Christian letters and
The Council of Trent in the 1500’s had a major impact on the interpretations of the meaning
behind much of the scriptures, and things were removed, added or reinterpreted. And then
came Luther who removed certain writings and books from the Protestant bible, and gave his
own slant and twist to others.
Some of the books of Maccabees are in the Catholic bibles.
Many books written by Jewish Christian scribes that were not kept or were discarded for
various reasons are part of the “Apocrypha” collection.

Luther had ET assistance? What was the purpose of his slant on things?
All people who affect the course of mankind had ET assistance.
The Catholic Church became too powerful and corrupt and needed competition, competition
is a means of changing things.

Sodom and Gomorra was located in the land of Canaan, the Israelites were sent into Canaan
which was called the Promised Land. Their mission was to kill off all the inhabitants of that
land man, woman, child and beast. Leave nothing behind or alive.
Well historically speaking that was the equivalent of a mouse killing and eating an elephant.
The Israelites were not only outnumbered but out gunned by many tribes and people with
standing armies.
Anyway it’s a metaphor for killing the pagan gods that ruled over all the land of Canaan---the
Israelite were told to kill all these beliefs and consolidate their belief into one all powerful
god---one not of this world.
Sodom and Gomorra represented the orgy of mankind with his multi deity perversions---they
fornicated with gods of the earth---the rain god, the solar god, the god of Tupperware parties,-
--they had every conceivable god known to man and animal, and then some---and the word
fornication was used to describe the obsession with the cesspool of gods that the people of
Canaan tarnished themselves in.
Sodom and Gomorra was not a real place---it was a symbol for the lust over paganistic gods
that was rampant in Canaan at the time.
Some of those pagan rituals used human child sacrifice---and that was pure evil.
But a lot of pantheism would be dead against this sort of practice.
Now days but not in the past---also there are many ways to “sacrifice” our children without
butchering them on some altar.
Sodom and Gomorra represent a complete breakdown of human values, sex was only one of
the values. Many religions and even secular beliefs draw from these ancient stories
Any act that lacks integrity is evil---evil is doing wrong to others for personal benefit.
Are ET, in their attempts to evolve mankind, convinced the Israelites to get rid of all the
pagan practices in the land of Canaan, which was described as an orgiastic fornication with
multiple beliefs in multiple gods and ET wanted them to only believe in only one god - a god
not of this world ?
The Israelites failed at the plan, but in doing so the message became firmly implanted into the
Then, through time, it was twisted and misunderstood by mankind to mean fornicating itself
was sinful and became a thing of shame for many interested in the spiritual in today's world.
Yes and a sprinkle of morality was injected into the sexual arena too, for some it was a flood
of morality.
Does ET think there are any healthy moral guidelines, or is all the fornicating and bopping
going on out there in this ever increasingly hedonistic society just alright with our
evolutionary escorts ?
Our evolutionary escorts set up sting operations and will rub our noses in whatever mess we
make with the freedom that they give us to make our mess with.
ETs are neutral, they serve as referees.

Many on earth are on one level of Hell now but the biblical everlasting hell is not real,
although for some of those in it, it feels real.
Heaven is real but if you want to sit around playing the harp you will need to bring your own,
they don’t supply them up there. Heaven is way more fantastic than anyone can imagine.
The devil was created to make people afraid---but there is no devil, only people who act like
demons---and no permanent hell either

This is a big planet filled with Christians, Moslems, Buddhist, atheistic Communist, and a
whole lot more different secular beliefs and cultish religions. All with their own mighty
peculiar leaders.

The bible code thing is getting much more interesting as they are getting deeper into and they
are able to find entire sentences now. What is it and to what end was it made?
Just another thing to keep some of us busy looking for clues to our “collective” future, rather
than focusing on making our “personal” future happen.
It’s all part of being lost in the room of mirrors---only those who are focused will get out, the
others will wonder around.

And the lion shall lay with the sheep (paraphrasing)

The lion and the lamb symbolize the mighty nations that preyed on shepherd nations, as the
Israelites were back in olden days. Their hope was that once god came down to earth that all
people would be treated as equals. Many people are still waiting for a Messiah, not realizing
that salvation comes from within each of us and not from an external source.

The god of the bible is not real, but there is a bunch of goodness that radiates on many levels
of existence.

The spiritualism we have here on earth is only baby steps.

All secular and religious ideas evolved for certain time periods and were influenced both by
the good and bad ET elements and man too.
Much of the bible speak concerning high principalities was aimed at powerful nations during
those times, and those powerful nations fought against each other and the winners claimed the
possessions---people and land, that belonged to the losers. The battles were on going and
principalities changed often.
Also the principalities were ruled by the pagan gods who were not of flesh and blood like
their mortal subjects.
Most of the pagan gods were simply mythological, some were real.
Extraterrestrials were not always as subtle as they are now and most of the literature written
on papyrus and cuneiform tablets depicting them has been destroyed, others remain hidden
Back then it was common to believe that the gods ruled over mankind. Now days we are way
too smart and sophisticated to believe in such nonsense---

Many beliefs overlap because they are the basic spiritual tools on this playing field called
earth. I’m not a Buddhist nor have I read up on Buddhism, I know some of its tenets from
other sources

Many beliefs predict saviours or entities that will manifest for the benefit of their flock, which
is fine and dandy.
But the short of it is that we each are the saviours of our own being---we need no external
source to take us home---we come to earth with two-way tickets, at least most of us do. The
trip back home has already been arranged---whether we get to stay home for any amount of
time depends on how much baggage we bring with us when we leave earth.

Most religions have good points and can be helpful to people who need structure and control
in their lives.

Religion is a tool for planets like earth and has no function at higher levels. Entities above us
don’t need moral codes, entities below us have no morals.

This go-around of mankind was never utopia---the garden of Eden metaphor was elsewhere,
and those expelled came to earth.

The Nephilim had their fifteen minutes of fame and are now washed up and aren’t going or
coming anywhere.

There are many types and kinds of entities and some that are “angels” can be very mysterious
beings that have never been in the flesh.

"A king may move a man. A father may claim a son. But remember that even when those who
move you be kings or men of power...your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand
before God you cannot say, 'But I was told by others to do thus' or that 'virtue was not
convenient at that time'. This will not suffice. Remember that." --King of Jerusalem--
That is a universal truth that has existed for eternity on other planets and other times as well
as many of our early peoples both pagan and religious.

The Burning bush is from where god spoke to Moses. Moses was human and fallible and was
not allowed to enter the Promised Land with his people.
The purpose of religious institutions was and is to breach the concept of an afterlife for it's
members. In that respect, they are successful.

Everyone is already in heaven we never leave. Earth and other hellish places are simply
rooms inside the huge mansion we call existence.

What sort of entity is God, and those that would be more advanced than he is?
For those who believe in the Old Testament God, there is no one higher.

Humans have many different ideas on gods, the three major religions have the same god yet
they don't get along and say that their god is the real god---but he is the same god---the god of
The real power in the universe has no ego to speak of and doesn’t require worship of any
If the real power in the universe has no ego, why do we?
At this level of testing, we need some ego---but only in moderation.

There is some truth in all religious and secular belief systems and therefore overlap.
Some people in ancient times and even now know things because they seen them and
experienced them.

The Biblical Lot was turned to salt for what she saw (alien spacecraft or destruction)? I do
not understand why they would turn her to salt because I would find it funny to listen to her
explain that to friends?
A biblical metaphor like the one “Curiosity killed the cat”. Or magical spells and curses
written on ancient tombs to keep people from tampering with them.

The book about Jesus you wrote under an alias...would you consider it still accurate by what
you know about reality today or better put...was that written during a time contact was being
made with you?
My original intent was to give legitimacy to the Jesus phenomena and then I was shown a few
things and the book became a paradox, but I finished it anyway.
Everything has its time and place by design. Monotheism has not yet run its course of
mayhem on this planet. Much of the wars and crimes come out of the big three mono-
religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three are false religions based on fictional
deities, yet they rule over most of the world's people, or so the leaders and followers of such
institutions believe.
Karma, original sin, all the same once you set foot on this planet.
Is the virgin of Guadalupe, top saint of the Catholic Church in Mexico, the real deal? Some
historians say that she was in invention of the Spanish conquerors in order to control the faith
of the natives.
The real deal with a twist.

When Adam and Eve metaphorically ate of the Tree of Knowledge they metaphorically
became aware of good and evil, their own tendencies toward good and evil. They had two
children, one was good one bad. The bad one Cain, killed the good one Able. Cain was
envious of his brother Able and hated him with a vengeance because of his goodness. Able
was good and did not judge his evil brother. Cain was evil and did judge his good brother. An
early lesson on the "judge not less you be judged" theme.
The "Gods" that the Mayans worshipped like Quetzalcoatl: Most of them were shipped back
to Venus.

Are the Greek gods ET's? Like Zeus?

Might sound silly but yes.
Does that mean that all that we know about Greek mythology was or is real?
There is some metaphor in the mix and some other things that were borrowed from older
civilizations that are now only myths themselves.

Is there a hell? Where does the concept come from?

It comes from way back when pagans ruled the world, heck they still do . There are many
types of hell, and in the old pagan days many believed that when they died they would return
to the innards of this planet to be tormented.
They knew something that most in the modern era have little clue about. The Christians
picked up on it and came up with eternal damnation in hell thing, for those who didn't believe
in Jesus. That's one stiff penalty for lack of faith.
But there are such places, even for Christian believers who killed and tortured in the name of

How many of the heads of religious institutions are in fact ET's/Renegades/Non-humans?

How many, if human, are influenced by the above?
0. However, many have the qualities for initiation into such covens.
How many are on the way to better places and how many are leading negative lives?
On a planet of nearly seven billion souls, and a whole bunch of religious leaders, many of
them run amuck the numbers change daily.
If I was just released from a convent, after growing up there and being "conditioned" to a
Christian religious belief, and it being my first contact with "reality", what would be the best
way of proving that everything I was taught was wrong? Bear in mind that I am already living
a life without "hate, envy & greed", as taught in my convent.

Really we are not here to change other people's belief system, we have trouble enough trying
to understand our own beliefs, and why we have them.

Lucifer/Satan is an ET with a job; evil is a tool, and it's in the book of Job.
Yes, those little stinkers/devils are on the payroll.

When people pray and feel they have their prayers answered, is there any truth to this?
Yes, many prayers get answered, actually all prayers get answered. Some not like we want or
No thought goes unheard. The very moment you think something the thought is captured for
eternity. Talk about your invasion of privacy. We have none.
They never withhold on things asked for. But like lawyers they can twist the meaning to fit
their own ideas on what you really need. That's why the phrase "be careful what you ask for"
is so true.

A miracle is a paranormal happening, every moment of our lives is also a paranormal

happening. Most simply don't see it that way.
Most leaders of religious institutions were visited by higher beings.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all grew rapidly and remain large. Islam is growing faster
than all combined. All three religions are rooted in one man, Abraham. All three religions
have fought tooth and nail against each other and will continue to do so. Why? Because we
are damaged goods and have lost our way.
what is your explanation for all of these people who have been visited by Angels or beings or
people who have claimed to be visited or seen Jesus Christ etc? Are these ET's in disguise?
What is their purpose?
To provide hope, leadership, direction, baby steps into the unknown for many millions of
human souls.
Why all the deception?
Most souls are not ready to know they are in hell.
Is there something sinister about these religions behind everything?
Behind the fastest growing one there is.

Many churches are good for the community. Humans do need symbols and rituals to get
through this difficult life. That's why institutions are created.

You have said there is no God and Jesus Christ is not the creator of this world or the Son of
God but was just a good man. Is that correct?
He was not a man, only a good idea. But I do not wish to take away anyone's beliefs. So I will
say it is my 'opinion'. I can have an opinion.
So if all this is true, who is doing this and pretending to be God and Jesus Christ and for what
That's a conclusion we all must make on our own.
I'm not attempting to get anyone to believe this stuff or change their religious beliefs. I simply
answer questions and tell my story.

Islam and Christianity are tools and don't need to be redeemed, but we individual souls do and
we can only achieve that on our own merits. Those who wish to be treated/taken care of, like
cattle will be slaughtered like cattle. And then come back and start over again, and again.
Hence the religious wars throughout history, and the political wars such as those of Stalin and

About the fastest growing religion that sometimes use hate for their was created
by renegade faction (well lets called a bad archangel or bad et) to counter the other religions
who tend to do more good than harm?
Things get created for us, both bad and good. When we move in mass we are herded in mass.

Jesus is real for those who need him to be real. Christianity was a way to preserve Judaism
because the Jews rebelled against Rome, and therefore were exterminated. Christianity was
created by Jews and later taken over my non-Jews when the few remaining Jews went into

God is many things to many people. No one should change their religion or beliefs for any
reason if they find comfort in the

Many millions of humans have no religious beliefs to fall on. Many have no idea that there is
life after this life. There is hope for all souls, not just those in exclusive clubs/religions. There
is hope for everyone. Everyone is invited to the kingdom/heaven/utopia. Eternal life is not
illusion, it is the real deal, and we are all part of the miracle. All we need do is stake our claim
via our beliefs or whatever.

Why do the 3 major religions in this world, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all sons of
Abraham create the most horrid wars on this planet against each other?
Have been at it for thousands of years, and still going at it. God created Abraham and
promised that his offspring would be prosperous and fill the world with his seed. The world is
filled with evil. Prosperity eludes most. War, poverty and ignorance rule this planet.

I don't wish to take away the idea or reality of "one" God from anyone. The universe is run by
beings that are filled with pure joy and love. God could be one of these beings. Those who
need or desire a one God existence are free to do so. Our beliefs don't contribute to what we
are, our deeds and actions toward others is what counts most. That contradicts Christian
beliefs, which state that deeds mean little and faith means everything. One man Jesus, has
been chosen to be the scapegoat for our collective sins, kind of like our president George
Bush lol. Nice concept why wouldn’t that be popular? Let someone else take the blame for
our individual flaws. Most on this planet are in full agreement of such philosophy and take no
responsibility for their actions. That is one of the biggest problems in this world.

I did plenty of research on history and religion and kept hitting a brick wall, little made any
sense. Then out of the blue I was given a mental key that unlocked some of the secrets behind
the cryptic jargon and politics that most books are written under. The key was given to me
during an ET encounter. I began to rewrite some historical and religious accounts, a
monumental task to say the least, but abruptly stopped a few years ago and began to write
about UFOs instead. There is a rhyme to the reason?

Why on "earth" did humans make up the Jesus story, and how it’s so convincing 2 thousand
years later?
It seemed like a good idea at the time. People had little hope and there were many who were
being wiped out. Christianity survived because the Roman people eventually embraced it and
the Empire Constantine took advantage of that reality and assumed the role of Jesus in a
subtle way. That was the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire.

I saw the brother(Jesus) in an out-of-body-dream: We were in space and he was like a ticket
taker in some sort celestial carnival. I am serious, I saw Jesus Christ playing the part of a
carnie. Could it be I was being informed in E.T. terms that the whole story is just someone
taking us for a ride?
Our beliefs are powerful things, we tend to take ourselves for a ride.
We have to believe in something while riding on the carousel. But we can
jump off anytime we wish. Beliefs are not harmful, they are part of the toys
we play with on this level of existence.

Have you read anywhere in your research how the modern clergy and those who believe the
whole second-coming scenario reconcile the heaven to earth return in detail?
Many clergy don't believe those things but they like the jobs they have.

Could hell be a real place used by ET’s to scare souls in order to bring them back on the right
path or possibly into submission? I have read many NDE’s where people have been taken to
hell and shown they will be there forever if they do not change their lives then taken back.
What role would ET’s play in all of this?
There are lower hells and some last a long time, no death, no specific length or term as in
prison term.
There are several shades of hell on this level. The big bad hell is below what we have here on

Is it possible that religions with heaven and hell were setup under guidance of ET’s in the
first place for this very reason of bringing us the illusion that if we don’t follow their little
commandments and laws we either go up or down?
That's not an illusion.

Could ET’s actually be behind some of the laws of the land and religion?
Did they help give us the so called ten commandments to people/prophets whoever they chose
for their own reason/purpose?
Yes but not for "their" purpose.
It's their jobs to expose us for what we are.

The concepts of good, evil and redemption go way back before Christianity. Paganism had
such concepts, Judaism borrowed and refined them and in Judaism's near extinction two
thousand years ago such ideas were preserved in Christian doctrine.
But deeds are not of the essence of Christian beliefs, simple faith is all that is required. My
message is the exact opposite. Faith has little or no bearing on the soul. The soul can believe
anything it wants. Deeds and how we live our lives and treat others is paramount to our

At the origins of Christianity, was the emphasis on blind faith of the religion's myths, or was
the whole thing merely intended to provide us with a blueprint for how to live?
The original intent was lost in two thousand years of translations and manipulations. The
belief in Jesus should instead be the belief in the afterlife and the punishment and reward that
comes with it. The original intent. But that didn't sell as many books as the latter. Martyrdom
is very important to the spread of any belief system and that was the road taken because it
delivered the most goods. We remember our leaders for the wars and sacrifices they made,
whether true or not. It's the impressions and beliefs that count.

This world can't be a kinder gentler place without full time kinder gentler people. There are
plenty of part time good deed doers, but not the numbers necessary. And many of them fall
off the wagon easily. Religion is not the only place to find deceit, politics is a much larger
cesspool of deceit. And more treacherous and will remain that way for some time to come.

Is it many gods?
Many higher beings.
How is what you are saying any different than polytheism - the belief in many gods? Or, is it
not different other than there is no need for worship?
We worship what we fear. Higher beings have it all they don't need silly 3D worship. But
lower beings do, they crave, demand, worship and respect.

I have family members that are very religious and I don't talk them out of their beliefs. I know
that some people think I'm here to torpedo other belief systems. The fact is if people have a
near and dear belief they should stick with it and not go looking for something else.
Those who are looking for something else are not happy with what they have and are
searching for more info. Those who search are those who will find, eventually, maybe,
depends what they are looking for. That's why arguing politics, religion or evolution with
those who are sold on such ideals is a losing proposition. And no one really has a right to
change someone else's mind if they are happy where they are.

I was shown information about Christianity. Paul/Saul was the originator of much of what
Christianity is today. Jesus translates to Messiah, the savior of the world. The world at that
time was the Jewish world of Israel/Jerusalem. It was under attack by a slew of powers but
Syria and Rome were the main ones during that time. Jesus was a figure that came from the
Maccabean wars 150 years before Jesus/Saul of New Testament fame.
Could he have been a real person that lived on earth but his life story was just changed after
his death to create a religion?
Yes, but nothing like what is in the New Testament.
Are you 100% sure when it comes to this person, if so can you please explain how you found
out exactly?
I'm a 100% sure. I can't divulge exactly how I know.
The story of Jesus opened up the reality of eternal life for many millions of people. That is the
most important message/part, which by the way has been twisted and turned so many times
and ways to fit Emperors, kings and Popes for personal gain during the last two thousand
years. Nevertheless, there is eternal life for those who wish to grab hold of it.

Dogma dies hard because it puts food on the table and a few other choice benefits. Should
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc crash and burn tomorrow the economies of the
world would collapse and become chaotic. The financial problems we have now would pale
big time in comparison.

You mention Jesus, the man, the story, the myth, existed 150 years before what the NT plays
with. Was he an actual entity or a compilation character or an allegorical symbol?
All three, less the miracles. Some of the miracles and parables were added after AD 70.

Constantine legitimized Christianity and created the Holy Roman Empire. He also saw
himself as the "Saviour" which in fact he was. He resurrected Christianity and gave it lasting

Are there any other characters we are missing or are key to the evolution of Christianity?
Yes and they remain unknown for now.

Most do not know that Saul/Paul never knew a Jesus.

Paul represents more than one man, or any man (can't say anymore).
What was Saul/Paul's push. Was he a real being. Was he put here to push an ET mission?
He was claimed to be a high priest, a Pharisee. Which is a key to the puzzle.

Christianity is a continuation of the Old Testament, is the old Testament. Moses had Egyptian
connections and influence, but he is also a metaphor for something else (can't say anymore).

The only thing I have not read of yours is your book on this topic, should I wait for the edited
2nd edition or just buy that one?
I have a subtle religious slant in that book but I also explain some of the miracles and parables
in the New Testament, which voids my slant. The Gospels are a complex code written by and
for the Jews, but the Jews were nearly wiped out and the books fell to the Romans and Greeks
to try and interpret.

I raised my children in the Christian religion and they were really into it. I would have wrote
more about the new and old testaments but didn't want to mess up their beliefs.
I don't want to go deep. But I may dust off some of my old manuscripts now that my children
are older.

Many do believe that Jesus was Essene. Little is known about them because most Jewish
settlements regardless of their leanings were hunted and destroyed by Roman legions. There
is some truth to the Essene connection because the few remaining Jews survived by hiding in
the desert hills.
The code of right and wrong goes further back than the Essenes. Many pagan societies had
such codes. They were mostly ignored like they are now but they were always around. Certain
elements of Judaism, which included the Essenes, did raise such concepts to higher levels.

Many Christian holidays have pagan roots that go back thousands of years before Christianity.

Most Romans before Constantine didn't believe Jesus to be a god. Neither did Constantine.
However, he believed himself to be the son of a god, as did many of the Roman Emperors. By
making Christianity legal he inherited a large group of followers and more power.

Jesus wasn’t a real person but couldn't he have just been shown to the people as a regular
man who lived by some particular code or path?
30 AD or thereabouts few Romans were aware of such a phenomena. They knew about the
Jewish uprisings that flared up now and then in Palestine.

Constantine believed he was the son of god and used the Jesus theme in his administration. He
never came out and said it but implied it in the way he ran his Empire.

I was shown some history that contradicted much of what is behind the big three, Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam. I might finish the manuscript that I started 8 years ago about that
some day. Not interested in going deeper on this board.

Yeshua is another name for Jesus. Both names mean Messiah / savior / teacher / priest. Many
past and present leaders tried to claim that distinction.

Not all Messiahs were of the spiritual kind, many in those days were more pragmatic earth
based types. Especially those in the Jewish faiths.

God or the higher powers are not vengeful. Religions create fear to keep people coming back,
it seems to work. There are many hellish places, earth being one of them. Many of us are here
because "we" were vengeful in some past life.

Islam was created to counter the spread of Christianity, as the Roman Empire turned into a
powerful Christian Machine it began encroaching on Eastern kingdoms and threatened to
disrupt and dislodge many harems and dominate the region.
Monopolies are not good for growth and the counter balance needed to be equally as
powerful. The existing beliefs had no chance so Mohammad entered the picture with Divine
expediency as did Jesus six hundred years earlier. Christianity's roots are much more
complex, but Mohammad understood the power behind the myth and used it well.

Religious organizations move in for the faith kill--And they will temporarily win. Bottom line-
-looks like another clean up on aisle 4. What is ET strategizing here?
A lesson in humility, for those not paying attention.

The Vatican holds many hidden texts and chambers. Christianity collected many artefacts
throughout the ages as they sanitized and converted other cultures. Much of what they
harvested was destroyed but they kept some of the most interesting stuff.
The Vatican like any organization simply wants to survive. A vow of poverty is no fun if you
got no money coming in.

Mary Magdalene is a metaphor for a people, the Samaritans. There was no such person or

My youngest brother left for the Marines and my mother and other brother were very upset
that he left. They got pretty emotional about it and I didn't. To me it was kind of funny because
my brother was giving me crap, saying I was heartless and didn't really care.
The old saying "When in Rome do as the Romans" applies. The Metaphorical Jesus was
crucified by his "own" because he did not fit the human mold, nor the god mold either, when
he refused to destroy Rome and create a heaven on Earth.
Who was asking Jesus to destroy Rome, the Jews? Others?
The Jews were expecting their god to send them a Messiah, a savior, to deliver them from
their oppressors. Rome happened to be the oppressor at that time. The Jews rebelled against
Rome believing that God would come in and save them. It didn't happen and the Jews paid a
heavy price and lost their homeland in the gamble. The survivors escaped to other countries
and Israel was no more, until 1948, two thousand years later.

The Jews were treated well under Roman protection, more or less, but a few of them called
"zealots" stirred up discontent in the Jewish population declaring that only God could rule
over them, the rest is history.

There were hundreds of books and stories about all the characters in the New Testament
called "The Lost Books" or "Apocrypha". Many of those books were destroyed, some
survived. They are based on the characters of the bible, not on real individuals. But more than
a billion people believe those individuals to be real now days because they believe the bible
and go on faith, as have the people in the past. Faith is 100% of what religion is.

The Samaritans were part of the tribes of Israel that were tainted during the Babylonian times
by interbreeding with non Jews during their exile, and therefore shunned by full blooded
When it comes to knowing the real history and grading that knowledge on the curve, the
world remains flat, metaphorically speaking.

ET created the religions for what purpose?

For peace on Earth and good will toward men, women and children. Well, it was a suggestion.

Jesus was also called a Nazarene. If you are drawn to Jesus then go with it. Jesus is not a myth
to millions of people. Overall, Christians are good people.
Jesus represents unconditional love. God, the higher ups or whatever anyone wish to call such
beings have this thing called unconditional love. Many humans would like to but fall short
when they realize what that entails.

I cannot not figure out why a historical (hysterical lol) figure from the Middle East would
matter to me so much, what gives?
Maybe you got a dose of the Holy Ghost.

Was the Book of Hebrews really written by this Barnabus character and NOT Paul?? If it was
written by Barnabus, why would the church lie and say Paul wrote it?
No one really knows who these biblical characters are. Paul is believed to be a Pharisee
named Saul, who persecuted Christians and had an epiphany on his way to Damascus which
turned him into a Christian. Throughout the Old Testament other people had epiphanies on
their way to Damascus too.
The true writers of the New Testament remain unknown outside of conjecture. Paul, Luke,
John, Mathew, Mark, Timothy, James, Peter, Titus, etc. No one really knows who these
people were other than their names were mentioned in New Testament writings. Many other
books with other names were discarded including Barnabas. What's in a name? Many names
in antiquity are aliases...

Catholics do believe in angels and demons, angels being extraterrestrials from heaven and
demons locked in the bowels of the Earth.

That fella Jesus hung out with hookers/prostitutes, tax collectors, boozers and knife carrying
zealot trouble makers. Jesus said that he came here to heal the sick, not the well off,
spiritually speaking. Too bad Jesus was only a myth. But the concepts hold true still.

Jesus said that a man forgiven of a larger debt will love the lender more than the man
forgiven for a lesser debt.
God's forgiveness is greater than man's forgiveness was the meaning of that parable. ET uses
a different yardstick, as did the nuns. lol.

Biblical myths, the Angel thing....This was portrayed as a battle of envy toward some higher
up? These entities were obviously superior beings...Did they have souls? Or was that part of
the problem they had/have with us sleeping kinder on earth?
They had souls and some of them still do. I think we all know about the ongoing battles
between good and evil, if not watch CNN.
The book of Job is a good example on the camaraderie of higher beings, good and bad. But at
the end of the day the "real" bad boys know where they stand, in quick sand.
Are these mythical "angel" archetypes real? Is this part of the ET ambiguous allegorical you
are signaling to us? Is this the same old battle-- still going on?
We humans only get the tame versions of the battles. They are real and ongoing forever and

Any religion or organization that demands its followers to pray, dress, and act like cattle in a
pen, has ulterior motives for the cattle. Human souls are individuals, not cattle or other lives
stock bred to serve other humans' egos.

Eden is a spiritual place from where most of us have come and then gone from. We have since
been looking for our way back to that place, our home. We should have used something more
substantial than bread crumbs. Now getting back home is a tad more complex, but we might
be all the more grown up when we finally do.

What is going on with holy rollers? You know, when people go a Christian gathering and they
get blessed, or feel the Holy Spirit and start rockin' and rollin' all over the place. Flip floppin'
on the ground, laughing out loud, speaking in tongues etc. What is occurring there? It can't
all be a phony show.
It's not phony. We can activate higher or lower powers within us according to our beliefs
mixed in with those invisible beings around us. When we are in pure love mode we can walk
on water or bounce around church pews and not sustain any harm. The soul can override
many things that would ordinarily kill us, like snake bites or other trauma. It's all in the
mind/soul, a very powerful combination. Electricity can be a good thing or a bad thing
depending on how
it is handled. And no human knows what electricity is.

Purgatory is real?
So is heaven and hell.

Casting stones is what the Pharisees and Sadducees did, and Jesus didn’t appreciate the lack
of spirituality in those self-righteous teachers. Just a thought.

The mythological demons are not real, however most of us have a bit of the devil in us.
Demons are mostly an imaginary scapegoat, but they can manifest and become real for certain
people who have stubbornly refused to get their lives in order---these demons will be the
escorts for them to other places, on other planets

Darkness has no power over us.

Darkness is light waiting to happen, pleading to happen
On the other side there is no such thing as darkness---could be tough on those night owls

Possession :
The human brain is a one seater and two souls will not fit in the cockpit---one soul would
have to be ejected for another one to possess a body---and that’s not allowed without the
consent of the title holder.
demonic possession is not real in the biblical Sunday school sense---but it happens in a grim
reaper kind of way.
Our soul or bodies can’t be 'hijacked' by other entities ---but we can turn over the keys---not
recommended because where they place your soul may not be a fun storage area---often this
process is reversed by higher entities but not always.
Those who need fear it don’t until it's too late—they go looking for it mostly to gain some
kind of perceived power over others---that they believe they can use against their enemies via
spells or impress their friends with---they are selling their souls for cheap thrills---but not
selling their souls in the literal sense---no one can do that but they can open up dark recesses
inside their own souls---and that can get bizarre really fast and putting the lid back on it not
Those who look to gain power over others are rapidly going in the downward direction and
the further down one goes the darker it gets---then doors will open and dark things come out
of them
Hate, ego and envy can take people places they will regret big time once they get there and
find they are lost and can’t find their way back---in pure darkness with things that go bump in
the night.
Why would anyone choose to do that ? Because they know not what they do
However, these dark creatures have no power over us unless we search them out and give it to
them willingly.
Why do people get possessed and the spirit causes the body to contort?
Since there really isn't room for more than one soul per body stranger things than that could
happen. Most so-called possessions is something else happening with that soul.
Those who invite such [entities using Ouija boards and other witchcraft paraphernalia] into
their lives can create complications for themselves, those that don’t invite them are off limits
and cannot be harmed.
What about Backmasking (music reversible dark message)?
Also state sponsored propaganda in most third world countries can be bad for the digestive
They say sticks and stones can break bones but words used in propaganda can break moral
Reverse speech, subliminal advertising and things of this nature are only superficial mind
conditioning attempts with zero power over us. Certainly they can have minimal affect at
keeping shoplifting down especially in people who are not predisposed to steal in the first
But for the most part that stuff doesn’t work otherwise freewill would be pointless and there
would be more happy people walking around singing CumByYah

What is the significance of human sacrifices and blood rituals that have been going on for
many eons on this planet in relation to our souls ?
Plain and simple blood lust, many of the early peoples were renegade ETs that were ejected or
escaped from highly advanced civilizations in this solar system eons ago and they remain on
the run or in hiding on planets and moons in this system.
I’m not going to get into the ritual part because I don’t want to, it’s beyond horrible. Most of
the information has been removed but not all of it, some remains hidden in archives for
politically correct reasons; they don’t want to implicate certain human races and some has yet
to surface
Blood and rituals is nothing what people believe it to be---it’s all about the blood.
Blood is the key to physical existence and holds many other mysteries too, and that is why
many cultures past and present experimented with it via rituals and sacrifices, but like the
medieval alchemists who tried to find the key to changing lead and other metals into gold they
have all failed.
Blood rituals and sacrifices are barbaric and plain stupid and achieve absolutely nothing---
humans can’t do anything mystical with blood---it’s an element like gold and the exclusive
domain of higher entities---and I’m not talking about demons, demons are as real as the tooth
Blood is symbolic and has much more than simple life force---and I said I couldn’t expound
on the other elements because it was too much information and required more explanation
that I can give it in this thread.

Much of child molestations is plain sexual perversion by human desires run amuck.

Many things remain hidden for a reason, this is one of them. Many people think they can
handle anything---not so, they simply reject what they can't believe---this is one of those way-
out things that I will not talk about yet.
I don’t like being cryptic but certain subjects are sensitive material that can be upsetting to
some people so until I can frame it in better light I will hold on to it. No u2u on this please.
Nothing secret about symbols, coke, McDonalds, stop signs, Sony, bathrooms, national flags,
etc. Symbols convey meaning for those who know and understand the symbols. We push a
button on a printer, fax with a symbol on it and we produce or send an exact copy like magic.
Symbols are functional more so than black magic.
When people use symbols in spells and such they invite poltergeist into their lives, and it’s
those entities that create the mischief that may be interpreted as magic and power.
Symbols have more meaning for entities on the lower end of the spectrum where we humans
Symbols have as much or as little power over us as we give them---freewill is real and
nothing can defeat it unless we give it the power to do so---once we fall off this turnip truck
called earth the only thing that finger we used so often while here to point at others for
screwing up our lives will be pointed at only one person---that person we see in the mirror.
Some shapes are more aesthetically pleasing to us than others, and shapes certainly make
statements like the Pentagon, pentagram, the cross, the crescent, the pyramid, and the
We are attracted to large cities because of the diversity of shapes and sizes, and the hustle and
bustle of the human wave of energy. Some souls are enriched by it, some are devastated---and
there be your energy.

Dark gods are too numerous to name but most can be found on the internet.
Few of these gods have survived, the rest are in hiding. One word to the wise don’t invoke
names because strains of them still live on between the fabric of this existence ready and
willing to be part of any mischief they are invited to---Guido only breaks legs and sometimes
a head or ribs---these spirit “good fellows” reach into your soul and claw it to shreds---which
may require more than a few lifetimes to repair.

There are no bad guides---evil entities yes---but they have their place and are restricted to who
they can infect.
And those who know they are fair game “know” that they are fair game and are willing
participants in that game.
Unless you are involved in evil spells, black magic, voodoo, blood lust, deep into hate and
high into envy, and those sorts of things you are off limits to these types of entities.

“Evil entities“ walk a fine line and are snapped up and moved off this planet when caught---so
they try and remain stealth and fly below the radar--- messing with the wrong flock is too
These blood suckers are anything but courteous.
They had the earth all to themselves for many millennia until earth was put back into service
and most of them were cleaned up---killed or moved elsewhere---but like gum stuck on the
soul of our shoes even after a good scrubbing traces of them still remain.
They are allowed certain zones in this solar system, earth is not in that zone and when they are
caught they can be terminated.
“Calling forth such beings is the only way they will come”.
That’s a loophole they exploit very well and gives them certain rights to that soul because of
the freewill clause.
All of us have power over them until we willingly and gleefully give it up
Neither evil nor earth level good entity has power over us---we are free agents---and we can
call either force into our camp for assistance.
Unless you put them there yourself and invited them into your life---no evil spells or evil
people or entities can do your soul any harm, and certainly can’t drag you into hell.
When people voluntarily go into trances or seek out contact with other entities be they higher
up ones or lower down scoundrels humans in essence can be used as puppets or mediums for
good information and for bad advice.
Many of the dark entities are lower ranking elements that have mostly been chased out of this
dimension and off this earth---but some remnants and half-breeds remain here and in space
around our planet and in hiding. Also black ops can appear as dark entities.
Plenty of people certainly want to emulate demons and in so doing invite lost and evil entities
into their lives. But the biblical type demon doesn’t exist---eternal damnation is a gig we
personally have to “actively” participate in---it never happens to us---we make it happen---
part of that freewill thing.
"Invite" evil entities into your life is kind of like inviting the pusher man (drug dealer) into
your house---might make some big promises but will only deliver pain and misery.
People deep into hate and envy are good candidates to [summon evil entities / renegades], so
are those obsessed with vengeance.
I actually want to know so that I know not to inadvertently summon anything. Just
daydreaming about the ideas doesn't invite visitations does it?
The average person doesn’t carry with them seething hatred that reeks to high heaven and
becomes a beacon for evil entities.
Unless you invited them to your party they can’t come and will be run off by the other entities
if they come near.
Evil beings can only affect us if we play cards with them, and then want to emulate them---we
hold all the cards, and we play the cards we choose to play---some of us like to cheat at cards
and the evil entities love cheaters and make friends with them.
Evil entities have free reign on evil souls---those who are not evil need not worry.
How and why these entities that come to the negative souls are allowed to do this?. Why don't
they themselves get destroyed since they will be in the uber evil category?
Every soul has some redemption value somewhere and it's the job of disgusting creatures to
expose that value however they see fit. Souls are rescued when they cry out for forgiveness,
or say uncle. Some souls are incredibly stubborn, lost in their own ego and mad with hate, that
they rot in hell for extended periods.
All good souls are looked after and can't be harmed by evil entities. Aside from that life will
happen to us and we will live our lives depending on our predetermined path with some
deviation depending on our deeds and attitude.
Do evil and they will be the best of friends with you, on their terms, naturally. They will slap
us around now and then to try and get a reaction, test our true nature. Like in boot camp.

living your life based on the stars alone can turn people into zombies---the stars say don’t go
outside and therefore people will do as the stars dictate---that’s a zombie.
Horoscopes can be addictive because they seem to know us---uncanny it is, but the gods---the
not so good ones, can play games with people’s minds.
Astrology can be fun and sometimes informative and uplifting for those who don’t base their
lives on it.
Why astrology does still exists?
Because we all want advice from the gods and for some this is how they get it, or think they
get it.
Astrology have credibility only if it don’t rule your life.
Horoscopes can be helpful if they motivate people to do good things. But letting them rule
your life is silly. There is science behind Astrology and some astrologers are very good at
what they do. Sometimes the gods do speak through them, but are they good ones or bad
ones? That's the rub.
Our actions create our future, not the stars.

The Zodiac is fun and sometimes ET or other errant spirits will communicate with people and
give them advice----however since you don’t know where that advice is coming from it would
be risky to bet the farm.
The zodiac is fun for some and nothing at all for others. For those who use it, the good advice
is useful the rest is meaningless.

Those seeking something more than entertainment, well you get what you pay for.
Some do get peace of mind, so a few dollars spent on false info may be worth it for them.

Ouija board is only an object to facilitate or show intent to communicate with dead spirits, in
the dead spirit zone.
Spirits can hear us without such devices and if we seek them out then we give them certain
rights to mess with us. Few if any humans know who the heck they are dealing with or talking
to when they tap into those paranormal radio frequencies.
In other words the paranormal world is real and is occupied with many freaky entities and
dead human train wrecks looking for mischief and whatever else they can take from us,
including peace of mind.
For the most part humans are protected from these things unless they reek with evil intentions
and desires.
Chants, spells, and Ouija boards "can" invite shady or mischievous entities.

Tarot Cards:
For some they are simply playing cards, mostly in Europe.
For others they are mystical and put food on the table---talk about magic. Their origins? Some
would say Renaissance Italy, others ancient Egypt, or Greece, but they go back further than
that. Bored renegade entities performed them. Does it works? No more and no less than
chants, spells, and divination---for those that believe even a plain rock will do. Their purpose?

Numerology is only accurate for some people, sorry. They sometimes use numbers to mess
with us and we fall for it every time.
Are there any secret meanings behind certain numbers that are universal?
The only value is what we give to them---the spirit world doesn’t operate on numbers or
symbols other than to amuse us. Crop Circles and old secular and religious manuscripts did it
and do it for the intrigue value, and in a few cases as subtle communications between certain
entities and humans like secret agent stuff. But at higher levels the significance is not there.
Does each number carry out a particular vibration?
A number is a concept not a physical thing so there is no vibration to it.

I thought the Druids were the good guys. Although some of their practices did seem somewhat
dark. I would like to know if they were aligned with the renegades?
They practiced their magic in the open, that is not allowed.
Were they just left here, or they come here with an agenda in mind?
They were left here.

Who polices Demons and keeps them from doing harm? Who controls them to certain levels
so that they aren't wondering where they aren't allowed?
Higher entities keep tabs on evil spirits for the most part. Birds of a feather hang out together,
and so do evil souls. Evil humans have plenty of unseen company hanging around them that
they are not always aware of.
Transfiguration séances, real or fake, were we really seeing the spirits of our deceased loved
ones, or was it just an elaborate trick?
Some séances can't be faked. The spirits that show up are not always who they claim to be,
but many are.
- XI -

"Human" Science

All our technology came from ET.

What is electricity? No one knows, what is an atom? No one knows----there isn’t much that
humans do know----let alone can prove.
Even scientist have problems with the proof thing, that’s why they are full of theory---to put it

The Wright Brothers were not ET but they knew ETs.

They remember how to build and tweak their flying machine they don’t remember their visit
with ET----the source of the information for the flying machine.
NASA with all their techno toys tried to duplicate what the Wright Brothers did and failed.
Da Vinci [and some others] also had ET mentors but only achieved what they were allowed to
Airplanes and everything we call leading edge technology has always existed--- thousands,
millions, and billions of years ago throughout the galaxy---they are only new toys for earth.
Many humans had ET mentors as did the Wright Brothers.

The big stuff like flight and splitting the atom were big steps for planet earth and were
inspired by larger than human intellect.

Oppenheimer, Fermi and others had ET playmates when they came up with their equations.
Geniuses are not so stupid that they would tell anyone where they get their best ideas---
otherwise they wouldn’t be geniuses----would they?

There would be no military without alien technology. The military (US) receives huge
amounts of information from the aliens----but few understand how that knowledge is
transferred. The aliens don't had our people a set of blueprints and tell them to go build it.
Information is transferred partially threw telepathy, like uploading information on a computer.
I use the word telepathy because we don't have a word to describe higher forms of brain-to-
brain transfers of knowledge, ideas, creativity.

We (I) don't always know who is sending the information----aliens, a super computer on the
ship----a living mind on the ship?
We are like ants cleaning up a piece of candy that has melted on the sidewalk.

Alpha Centauri one of the nearby stars is about 4.3 light years away. For an alien that’s not
very far, for humans with our present technology it would take several lifetimes.
Our probes can travel about 22,000 miles an hour----we don’t have a ship that can carry
humans that fast yet.
But if we did, it would only take about 130,000 years to get to our nearest neighbor, so pack a
big lunch.

Reverse engineering----and I have used the term myself----is misleading-----there is no way

we could reverse engineer their stuff. They simply teach us and show us how to get to the next
step of technology the old fashion way, like teaching a child to ride a bike-----they fall off
until they fine tune their equilibrium. That’s why we have to test things over and over, before
we get it right.
Too test the reverse engineer thing try it yourself reversed engineer your television-----from
scratch, make the resistors, capacitor, transistors, ICs picture tube. That should be simple for
the average person.
And the average person is what our best scientists are when faced with alien technology; they
understand nothing about it.
Televisions have been around for more than fifty years----yet most people have no clue how
they work-----make one from scratch, yeah !

All the breakthroughs on the leading edge of science and technology is not by way of human
ingenuity alone.

The technology that seeps out of our laboratories, universities, corporations comes from
where? Santa Clause, scientist, Einsteins, gods, ETs.
Do you know-----can you point the finger at who is responsible------hundreds of people,
thousands of people-----where do they get their ideas? A whisper, a nudge, hard work, a
breakthrough, a gift-----from Santa Clause---AKA----ET.
Ingenuity comes from hard work, desire, perseverance and luck. What is luck?

Humans have yet to hatch out of this planet yet we believe that we can pick up advanced
extraterrestrial communications. Humans are a few hundred years from that kind of ability.
SETI is the pioneer, but they hardly have any devices to detect exotic ET stuff.

We are not contained on this planet by ETs we are contained on this planet by politicians who
keep us grounded for personal agendas. They would rather spend tax money on other things.
NASA is so fearful that they ground their fleet for years every time a shuttle has a mishap.
The space program belongs to those who are not frightened so easily. The government has the
money but they don't have the will to put people into space.
The chains of containment will not be broken until private enterprise gets into the game.
ETs have been infusing technological information into the hands and minds of people for a
long time-----they teach us how to build and ride a bike but they will not do it for us.
The only thing that is keeping humanity from taking that next big step into the cosmos is the
lack of backbone from the bureaucratic public sector.
Our nuclear technology----given to us by the ETs, is like a small firecracker in the realm of
alien weapons.

Where do ideas come from?

A perceived need and a desire to meet that need is the mother of invention, mother=ET. Many
people ponder a problem until an answer comes to them----some problems take longer than
others, observing spontaneous decay of Uranium, for instance. Had you the opportunity to
talk to Hahn, Meitner, and Fermi, they may have told you they didn’t quite understand how
they came about with some of the stuff they are credited with discovering.

ET showing us how to fly at the speed of light is putting the cart before the horse. Would you
hand you five year old child the keys to the family car? What would humans do with the
ability to fly at the speed of light at our present stage of underdevelopment?

If you believe profoundly that scientist in the past used lots of elbow grease to finagle their
theories and inventions from the basic elements of this planet-----and I agree it was their
efforts and dedication that led them to the answers they so craved and eventually “received”.
But why are you and other scientist not following in their footsteps, doing all the work,
pounding your heads against the wall when you inevitably run into that barrier----that fortress-
---that keeps secrets tightly and stingily from us. Why should ET give you info if they didn’t
give info to your predecessors, as you believe?

How many of us are interested in our children’s music, or the latest fads they are ensnared by?
What if a bunch of MIT guys went to one of those villages, where people still live as they did
in the stone age----and told them about their taste in music, their literature----or the latest
things you discovered in you lab-----I bet they would really be excited.

There is no technology that we can imagine that doesn’t already exist.

Only one hundred years ago indoor plumbing didn’t exist for the vast majority of people.
There were no airplanes----other than a few experimental ones.
Electricity that would revolutionize everything and take mankind into the twenty-first century
was slowly being introduced to mankind by (E)dison and (T)esla.
As you can see ET has been helping-----we didn’t get from horse drown wagons to space
shuttles in less than sixty years by ourselves------.
By putting things into our minds we then turn around and put those things into blueprints,
new inventions, and build a better mouse trap, a faster airplane, etc.

The nuclear physics that came from ET has given us the ability to fight without the use of
ground troops----one or two well placed nuclear or biological weapons can disable any
country and or planet, sending them back to the Stone Age or eternal rest.
If humans can do that think what ETs can do.

100 years ago, this world didn’t need to take a giant leap forward until it reached a critical
mass of population-----and it could not feed, and house the numbers of people coming in
without a major shift in technology. it was the turn of the century.
Humanity is precisely where it should be, technologically speaking. That was true one
hundred years ago, one thousand years ago, etc.

There is no stalemate [in ou governement]------that requires equivalence, we humans aren’t

ETs infuse people on earth with new knowledge at appropriate stages, and it will go on for a
long time------humans are still playing in the sandbox with little shovels and buckets-----but
bigger stuff is coming off the assembly line. Some stuff takes years before the general public
becomes aware of it.
New ideas and technologies continue unabated to be introduced across the board, not only to
the military, but to individuals, entrepreneurs, industry, and universities.
The exotic stuff falls to the military and their contractors because the average Joe shouldn’t be
running around with dangerous materials that only select ET approved scientist and physicists
know how to play with.

Technology is not kept from people by CEOs because they haven’t figured out a way to make
money on it.
Technology is released by ETs-----and controlled by ETs, not greedy humans.
But no one wants to believe stuff like that, nevertheless, that is the way it is.
Mathematics is something that helps us understand the universe and help us use scientific
thought, Math is a system of counting used to number and figure out things in the universe.
But, OUR math system is completely as we know unique to us as humans, and only humans.
By math system, I mean how we use calculations.
The universe isn't math. Math helps us explain the Universe.

What came first the chicken or the egg-----Darwinist believe the egg came first, Creationist
believe it was the chicken.
Scientists believe the universe is about fourteen billion years old and came into existence in a
split second----the Big Bang-----not much different then what the creationist believe. But the
universe could easily be ten times older than that and much more-----who’s counting? If it is
then it throws the big bang theory out the door.

I was able to compare our American technology with alien technology while in the service----
how can I put it---ours tinker toys, theirs pure magic----no comparison---not even close, not in
the ballpark, we are infants they are Einsteins times a thousand.
Even our Sci-Fi stuff like Star Trek is embarrassingly insignificant in comparison.
They have thousands if not millions of years advantage over us----the us military and the
secret governments are afraid of these ETs and their magic machinery.

There is no such thing as new technology, everything already exist somewhere. There are
people and places on earth that don’t have cellular phones and computers----fewer and fewer
places. ET ships exist and some day that magic technology will be just another part of
everyday things like former magic stuff---electricity, the phone, radio, flight, and sliced bread.
The military is playing with some flying machines now that would boggle the minds of
everyone on this planet if they knew about them----ET is releasing fantastic toys at a rapid
rate into the hands of certain governments, only slowing down to give us time to incorporate
their magic into our reality.
Everything we have today is magic, the airplane, computer, electricity life itself ----yet
because people are use to those things they don’t see them for what they are----things of the
supernatural world

They [ETs] have opened the flood gates of technology coming into this planet because earth is
on the brink of hatching out into the solar system----perhaps not as fast as many people would
like----but maintaining the illusion that humans are doing it on their own is important.

Why the aliens won't allow us the technology to leave this solar system?
Why do we have large cities and small towns-----why not build up all the small towns and
make them large cities?----because some people like small towns and some like large cities----
-each presents different challenges and opportunities.

Is a light to mass converter possible?

Yes it’s called a leaf-----high tech stuff those leaves.

Present technology like fusion, solar, hydrogen, ethanol etc, can take up the slack and replace
the need for oil in a few years should it become necessary.
Consumers drive what will be available by what we buy and who we vote for----if everyone
began buying electric or hybrid cars then that’s what would be coming off the assembly lines
Thirty years ago the American publics shut down the nuclear industry----choosing instead to
burn and pollute the air with increased use of fossil fuels----that was a big step backwards in
energy development and advancement
Nevertheless, there are always alternatives because we are surrounded by energy all we need
is the means to tap into it----new technology is the key----and we get the key at the
appropriate time----nanotechnology is the Aladdin’s lamp and will open up many things,
which will create personal freedom in the not to distant future
Composites from nanocarbons and other alloy type materials available now and many more
will come on line as nanotechnology improves and will replace plastics as we know them
Plastics and petroleum byproducts are old news, like whale oil they have served their purpose
but have no place in the future.

The most elaborate theories and beliefs are the ones most believe in----Darwin’s evolution, all
of the religions which more than three quarters of the population of this earth bet their lives
on, and science which consistently explains nothing to anyone but it has been a vehicle to
extrapolate gadgets from matter (play dough) and fanciful theories a plenty----science is a
wonderful toy that keeps us busy while we do our time on this big rock.

There are many groups that work with ETs, most of the people----scientists don’t know it and
believe it is they and their colleagues making the breakthroughs----ETs don’t take credit for
anything they do and they like to keep it that way----nevertheless they let people like me leak
out that reality---not sure why.

There is no such thing as stargates, the only way out of this solar system for humans is death
and ET travels in highly mysterious ways that I have little comprehension about.
Are stargates real and whereabouts are some main ones on Earth?
They never remain in one place.
However ET takes humans out of this realm away from this star but they remove them from
their bodies to do so and puts them back into their bodies when they return.

Computers are not reversed engineered but all our technology is from ET very little from
Roswell, though.
Humans are making computers---ETs have better things to do.

Alien technology is so far ahead of what’s on earth it’s not funny.

Humans receive technology as they need it----only one hundred years ago they only needed
whale oil for their lamps
There are millions of planets just like earth and they too have the same technology---and
computers as we have.

There is no such thing as human technology.

In the United States there are thousands of public schools and most of the schools have the
same textbooks----each school did not create the textbooks they buy them from the publishers
The same technology that earth "receives" other planets like earth receive as well.

The technology we have now is what is required to sustain a planet with 6.5 billion people
more or less----without the present technology earth would be a grave yard.
There was a lot of fantasizing about human flight decades and centuries before it
became reality, same with horseless carriages and computes.
Have you noticed how much trouble we are having building a tiny three bedroom space
station in earth’s orbit that costs bazillions of dollars? We don’t have much technology. But
we do get to use preexisting alien technology in certain off earth places.

ET has not suppressed ideas, there are billions of ideas and theories floating around about life
and death and everything in between---some of them are in heavy competition against each
The vast majority is not buying the fact that extraterrestrials are visiting earth either.

There are some ETs that wish to withhold the quantity and quality of new technology, and
there are other ETs sneaking it in through the back door, Milton for instance.
Technology also gets a bad rap down here on earth, but the fact is technology is only an
improvement on things we need and want---like food production, sanitation, quality of living,
safer cars, faster planes, etc.

Geniuses are not always recognized right off the bat.

We went from horse and buggy to cars and airplanes within the span of less than twenty

We humans don’t even know if there is water on the moon---yet we pretend to know what is
occurring on planets in the furthest reaches of this solar system.
Every single thing we think we know today will be the butt of jokes in less than fifty years.
Rewriting history and science is the only constant.

Cryogenics has its good points but not for extending life after one dies.

How many top scientists are in the know?

Plenty of the top ones, but few will blab, why should they, they have the best of both worlds,

ET interfacing with humans creates an energy vortex. Like in a circuit board there are
different potentials of emery currents, working with and against each other---and we get
music, television, phones and microwaves from all that interaction.

ET technology has been rubbing off on humans for centuries; I swear my dishwashing
machine seems to know what I expect from it.
Now days the big planes fly themselves, cars would drive themselves if the car makers
believed there was a demand for it.

Rudimentary, a dog or cow can't create cars, houses and toasters, etc. Humans can visualize
something and make it happen or create it---it is mind over matter in its most basic form.

Science has yet to catch-of to reality therefore they don’t teach this stuff in schools---lol

There really is no dynamic motion of technology over time----presently there are more people
in the world today living as they did thousands of years ago. Those saddled with higher
technology are challenged at an accelerated rate verse those living simpler pastoral lives.

It’s not in our power to alter earth’s orbit, ever---

How does the soul exist inside of matter? Can a spirit be quantified? Many don’t believe in a
soul, a spirit or the supernatural, magic or miracles because they don’t make sense in this very
real physical world we live in---
How can science explain the afterlife?
It can’t. Science is a toy that makes sense of the basics in this playpen called earth, off earth
and removed from matter our physics don’t apply at all.
The universe we see in our telescopes is partly mirage, mostly illusion, a mass of confusion
and ultimately nothing at all. Yes I have had my one glass of wine---

Everything above an atom is electric, and nuclear fission is at the atomic level, therefore
electric. Below the atom is where things get interesting---

Someone else created the computer that we can’t live without yet we benefit from using that
computer in our business, as a learning tool, or simply for entertainment.
The creation of a thing or idea is not crucial, all things and ideas are simply tools to get us
from A to B---and beyond---lol

Everything was put here for a reason; some occurred in a process that we call “naturally”
other stuff like gold was use as a carrot to get people off their arses and venture where they
would not otherwise go.
Nevertheless, many of the previous advanced civilizations did “not” use oil nor uranium to
power their compartmentalized cities and craft. Oil, coal, natural gas, copper, tin, iron,
uranium, and a host of other stuff are the ingredients mainly for this batch of humans who will
be here for a long time to come

What is the average person going to do if scientist can’t pull more tricks out of that
magician’s hat ? Will some cosmologists break ranks and admit we live in an inconceivable
universe and they know zilch ? Or will they continue to throw the world the nonexistent dark
matter bone and other such fantasies ?

Few believe in the aether or ether anymore, but some may be trying to rename it “dark
Nevertheless there is an invisible force/energy that gives life to everything, some call it god,
others pure energy, or the soul of the universe.
People of science have the most problem with it because it eludes quantification and mocks
them---and few scientists have a sense of humor for such things---lol

Algebraic and geometrical equations are like three D glasses that give us a three dimensional
idea of how things in our world work, should work, or might work---but above the three
dimensions we humans are imbedded into things change so much that the only way to
comprehend them is to be imbedded into them---there really is no other way.
Our geometric models regardless where they take us are still limited by the fact they
originated from a three D perspective.

Einstein only used free energy, his own; he rode a bike to work.
Was Einstein extraterrestrial?
Yes, but so are all of us, he did bring some special gifts with him as we all know.
We are surrounded by free energy, the trick is to capture it---and those who figure out how to
do it charge for their services---know anyone who goes to work and not expect a paycheck for
their services?
If so I would like their phone number---
Einstein finished all the work he was sent to do; he did leave behind many theories for others
to play with, but the big hurdle will be unifying gravity into that strange brew---if they ever
figure out just what the heck gravity is made of.
Newton and Einstein were ahead of their time and most could not grasp their concepts---nor
did they need to, or want too because the effort to payback ratio didn’t add up.
Why it is that such great personage were treated so disrespectfully in their day?
Regardless of intellect, good looks, privilege upbringing, or big wad of cash, respect eludes
That kind of thing go on in our time.
We are not here to be “respected” but to respect.
Einstein got the biggest laugh concerning his equation E=mc², when he discovered that time is

Our space weapons are strictly for terrestrial purposes, that’s all we are allowed, otherwise we
might shoot our eye out---lol

Humans travel for many years in our solar system and beyond with so cold “ARV’s” or
“Alien reproduction vehicles”, Yes that is true.

Nanotechnology will change the world as we know it in mind boggling ways,

Nanotech will change everything, from our clothing never needing washing to our vehicles
becoming crash proof. It will also make space exploration our new toy.
Nano is already here and for all practical purposes it is no less magical than the electricity
running your computers, light bulbs and all those other gadgets we modern folk can't live
Nanotech is our future?
Big time.

Nikola Tesla brought AC electricity when it was most needed at the turn of the century---the
concept was already around but he perfected it and pushed it through when others like Edison
did their best to stop him.
Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi :
Unlike most of their peers they told people the source of their genius--- it came from other off
planet entities---others before them and after them also knew but took the credit for “their”
discoveries---in their defense that is the best course to take because those who kiss and tell
from where comes their smarts get tarred and feathered, and their careers stall or dive.
Tesla came to earth like most of us, but he was preprogrammed and had his work cut out for
him as we all know---to correct the error that Edison was making with his DC power stations
in New York---Edison was working for the other guys---lol
Tesla often talked about his Martian contact---which cost him credibility by the general public
but not the government and military who secretly milked him for info behind closed doors.
His main mission was implementing AC power and he fulfilled that role, everything else was
icing on the cake. He also released more info than he should have but few caught on and it
evaporated away.
He was electrifying. He was instrumental in keeping Tomas Edison from screwing up big
time with his DC fetish. Which was no accident. But as is always the case, everyone knows
who Edison is and few know who Tesla is and what his contributions were.
Tesla had connections with Martians, not sure about his Venus transit.

String theory is only a marker of the distance we humans have so far reached into the
bottomless rabbit hole---and it doesn’t even a scratch the quantum surface of Milton’s world.

Clean energy:
They are arm wrestling about when and how much to let out as we speak---it could happened
before the end of this decade.

Videogames :
they are part of the new learning paradigm for people who are not heavily into the old
paradigm, books.
It’s all part of the grand design to get into people’s heads and make them think---or not.
For the most part they are strictly entertainment, mixed in with a tad of desensitization, and to
a certain extent mind expansion.
What is the purpose from an ET perspective on video games?
As an educational tool they will be great fun, also good for entertainment, but also they make
easy bait for sting operations.
Do you get any positive or negative side effects towards your soul for playing a lot of video
You have to answer that, are you a better human being because of the games you play?

High gas prices at the pump are simply a wakeup call to force us into other already available
energy sources---nevertheless there is plenty of oil available while we make that awkward

The wave of human understanding has always been raised by the social misfits of their time
like Copernicus, Christopher Columbus, Galileo, Vincent Van Gogh, the Wright Brothers,
Henry Ford, Nikola Tesla, etc.

Regardless on how much technology we have or will have earth will remain primitive---even
as we enter into the space age. Our technology is nothing but toys---to keep us busy and to
elevate us up a few notches above the animals, otherwise we will suffer as the population
increases and resources will be stretched to meet the higher demands---
Resources are technology driven and the higher the tech the more and better the resources that
we can develop---which can only be done with technological “toys”.

We are children and we have nuclear warheads---but we also have nuclear science, better
health care, cleaner water---etc, not everywhere but it takes time.
Some have proven they’re already way beyond their emotional maturity with their intellectual
technologies, but most have not.
Unevolved psycho freaks always seem to turn those "toys" into weapons of mass destruction.
There is a lot more to it than that but anyway, if it weren’t for psychos there would be no need
for penal institutions like earth---do all of us deserve to be here ? Apparently.

EMF and other radiations we in the modern world are bombarded with on a daily basis
because of the electrical cocoons we live in, our houses offices, and our cars, is part of the
evolution we are designed to interact with and become part of.
The alternative is to live in huts without electrical appliances, cell phones, heating and air-
conditioning, clean water, waste treatment, hospitals, schools, easy access to food and drink---
all the things that make the rat race possible.
More than a third of the world population lives in huts in third world countries and many
would sell their souls to have air-conditioning and heat, clean water to drink, hospitals,
schools, food and beverage and cell phones.
The rat race sucks but living without it sucks a lot more.
Besides, we are moving towards more radioactive lives as we speed into the future and nearer
to our real home in the stars where those who are ahead of us live and are made of pure
Granted energy can be mishandled and dangerous but for the vast majority of existence
energy is life---but few here on earth get that.

Astronomy has always been a mystery and an unknown to our best minds---it was all theory
and it remains all theory---and so what that we humans remain in the dark concerning science-
--we have been changing our perceptions of the world along with our text books about every
hundred years or so---that’s the way of life on earth and will be for the foreseeable future.

A tree that produces apple, peaches and pears is a machine---it is technology in its purest
Solar cells to produce electricity is technology. Without power plants how would we clean our
water ? Feed our growing populations, treat our sick, teach our children, run our factories etc,
etc, etc.
Without technology this world of nearly seven billion people will turn into a buzzard feast in
the span of a few months.

We really do need technology to solve our problems, have you been to a third world country
lately ? They drink filty water, have no health care, little to no food, and bugs eating at their
flesh night and day----what are they lacking ? Consumerism---the engine that provides the
money to buy things that will improve their lives.
Living worst than animals is not a good and noble thing.

The Cern (Large Hadron Collider):

they will not find the Higgs bosom, particles, nor confirm super symmetry but they will get
some other surprises.
They hope to fill in a big piece of the physics puzzle by detecting the Higgs boson particle,
but they will not find it yet. However they will find some other interesting things that will
open up some new technology in the aero space industry.
Is the collider dangerous? It most certainly is, but mostly from sabotage by those against new
technologies, and those with competing interests in those new technologies.
Why have the ET had us make this?
Helps us understand the basic principles of how matter operates.

Certainly during the next decade we will see some surprising new technology but it doesn’t
take a prognosticator for that tidbit.

Some of the scientists know and are playing dumb---it all pays the same---unless they rock the
boat---then it don’t pay at all---
No manmade machine will “ever” achieve “Hal 9000” type consciousness---machines will
mimic humans and be able to interact as if they had personality and consciousness but that's
where it stops.
These machines will never develop into creatures that can possess or have souls of their own.

Technology does not facilitate our ascendance into integrity ---technology is necessary to
accommodate the huge numbers who are coming into this planet in the next few decades
We can live like animals in third world condition or make life a tad more comfortable for a
larger portion of the inmates.
Some of the drill sergeants in charge of this training camp don’t mind wiping the floor with
every carcass that comes here---others would prefer skipping now and then with putting a
booth up our behinds
Obviously it’s much more complicated than that---but it’s along those lines.

Speed of light: Light is not constant but it moves so fast that’s it’s difficult for humans to
grasp that it naps---and does some other freaky stuff unbecoming light.

Everything in its time. What we call technology is nothing more than a higher state of reality,
and the higher up we go technologically speaking the more aware of our world we become----
worldwide instant communications for example.
More compact computing power is necessary to maintain food, water, and sanitation, at ever
increasing levels, as population in our largest cities grow exponentially---with resources we
have to do more with less, and we can only accomplish that with faster and smarter
Plus all of humanity is looking towards entering space during this century---the final frontier--
-and we can’t do it with bulky equipment and instruments---so nano nano.

Is cold fusion real and viable technology?

A variation of it will be some day.

Gravity is neither wave nor particle---

Gravity is easily manipulated by ET craft all the time, and we already have that tech but not
for public consumption just yet.
Electromagnetic fields are all the rage because they hold all the mysteries of the universe and
yet they are easy to reproduce. Gravity on the other hand refuses to give up any of its mystery
yet without its magic there would be no magnetic fields.
Speed and spin and perhaps a secret ingredient can affect gravitation’s fields strength.
Gravity is the juice squeezed out of matter.
Geometry and tensor calculus certainly helps physicists get a feel for mass and gravity
Time does not warp, and space fabric doesn’t warp either, gravity affects matter and appears
to bend light around planets but not space, there are elusive other elements in the mix that
refract light.
There is nothing static about static.
E=mc2 has helped crack the energy inside of an atom but nevertheless, it is not completely
Energy locked inside of matter does increase with velocity to a point, and then things get
freaky man
That same stuff is behind the juicy gravity banana.
If the answers were easily attained then physicists would not be making the big bucks.
The fun and the money is in the chase
And certainly this stuff is off limits
For those physics students who might happen upon this thread don't try and bend your mind
around what I write, use your text books, less your grades and brain get warped---
How many dimensions does gravity exist in?
Quite a few.
Gravity is that thing that lets us know when we eat too much and makes our scales groan
under our feet.
Gravity is also a quantum element squeezed out of condensed energy.
Doesn't gravity relate to polarization, magnetic poles and interplay of positive and negative?
And this translates in our world to free will?
Gravity emanates from matter, the more matter the more gravity.
What is gravity?
The missing link of matter, and what it really is, matter that is. A physicist that could answer
that question would instantly receive the Nobel Prize and become greater than Einstein.
Does it have a speed like light?
Does it have an electrical nature?
Does it have a relationship with time?

Is teleportation possible?
People are taken up into ships on a regular basis---whole or only their souls. That’s the only
teleportation I’m aware of.

There are no equations or scientific data for stuff that doesn’t exist.
Scientists have only theories about dark matter and dark energy because they need them to
prove that the universe will end
The universe is never going to end, nor collapse into a speck smaller than a pinprick---
There was no big bang, little bang or any other kind of bang that kicked off the universe----
that whole theory lacks bang---

Look at the third world counties---what do they have in common? They all lack technology---
and the people live worse than animals---some of us are free to choose our life styles---but
living like an animal is not a requirement, nor advisable, and certainly doesn’t garner wisdom
or brownie points.
Many have no choice how they live and will have to do the best with what they have.

To say the least exotic energy is all around us, and of course there is no such thing as zero
point energy---because we don’t see or hear it don’t mean matter or its soul--energy, is
sleeping. Matter never sleeps.

ZPE (Zero Point Energy) is real but only slightly more real than any other mass at rest---like
the mass in our furniture or rocks and dirt. All mass hides huge amounts of energy behind its
facade of inert illusion---as you know
Everything we have now existed thousands of years ago somewhere in this solar system and
certainly on millions of planets in this galaxy----the things we will invent tomorrow and a
hundred years from now already exist---somewhere.
Our progression of invention is nothing more than a child learning their ABCs for the first
time---and perhaps some of them think they are the first to do so.

Physicists are up to their eyebrows in reasonable and unreasonable doubt when matter peers
back at them flips them off, and then goes hide
Some physicists have discovered that this world and everything in it is an illusion but they
don’t know how to tell the rest of us that without looking like they have lost it---get it, “lost
it”---the matter that they play within those big expensive colliders just disappears into
Oh, but wait, maybe there is something there after all, stay tuned---no no not to me, to them

As human technology increases it’s easier to show how things work in the universe. We have
servers we have databases, we have the internet we have wireless. We can have a simple
computer with not much memory or capabilities but we can connect that computer to a server
and have access to nearly all the knowledge in the world.

For complex problems these mysterious beings do come down and hold hands with the likes
of DaVinci, the Wright Brothers, Einstein, etc---and then their memories are wiped or they
don’t say anything about these mysterious beings because they don’t need too or are told not
Was it necessary for Edison to have so many failures before he got the light bulb to work ?---
Yes---that’s part of the illusion---plus, he really had to want it bad to get it, otherwise
someone else would have ended up inventing the light bulb
Should ETs hand something readymade to an inventor the inventor would have been burnt at
the stake---as witches or devils---or their reputations tarnished like that of Galileo, or stoned
to death---or called names on threads like this one---

How far are we away from inventing the exotic alloys / metals that you often hear about in ET
Never going to happen, they don’t share that kind of stuff. But we will get some cool alloys as
we enter the space age and tinker more with nano-tech.
What is the missing ingredient of these flexible metals?
For all intents and purposes, magic ---it’s not elements in our periodic table, nor will they be
for some time to come.

What is the reason that the clean / free energy type systems have been kept from us by the
government that the ET gave to them?
Because this planet is not a utopia planet, and physical and mental labour is required of most
everyone, no free lunch on this rock---without a hidden price tag for those who believe they
got over on the system.
If people had access to this technology and their standard of living increased wouldn't there
be less chance of conflict?
Absolutely, this planet would be heaven on earth---problem is heaven on earth planets are a
dime a dozen and they don’t need more of those kinds of planets. Here on earth they can’t
seem to build enough prisons to hold all the new criminals; sorry to say that is true in this
galaxy too.
Will scientists figure out the secrets of the universe and tie them in with atoms and god?
Not likely because they are not looking in the right places, and if by chance they did find the
connection they wouldn’t recognize it. The nuclear glue can be found in the photon.

“There is nothing new under the sun”---an old ET inspired saying that all of us have heard and
most of us agree with---
Technologies that will not arrive on earth for another hundred years already exist all over the
galaxy. Earth remains in the Stone Age technologically speaking compared to “most” other
planets out there.
Certainly humans have to put out some effort to achieve the “right” to information, and those
who do will get a nibble here and there.

Theoretical only applies to human science, ideas and concepts---theory has no meaning off
earth, everything is or isn't and there are no isnt's.

Nuclear capability was given to us by extraterrestrials for use as energy and war.

On the quantum level, what force makes those quantum particles giggle?
Seriously though, any answer would be a joke because the best human minds in physics don’t
get the punch line let alone the physics behind the giggle, because there is no physics in the
giggle relatively speaking.

Will it be ever possible for us to create an A.I, a machine with a soul?


Light and matter are one and the same, they only wear different colored dresses.

Would it be fair to say that the Technology side is slowly winning the battle? Countries like
India & China seem to be making the shift to this side and that is a lot of people.
True, especially for counties that have lived in poverty hellholes for decades because of
misguided bull-crap ideology---they have gotten sick of living like animals and like the taste
of Capitalism much better since it puts food on the table rather than bull-crap ideals.
The vast majority of the people on earth live in Third World conditions because their leaders
shun free market technologies like Capitalism.

An area we can't live without, same as we can't live without flies and their spawn (can’t say
When will we ever see cool robots that help us around the home? How far into the future will
it be until we see humanoid type robots walking around / interacting with people in the street
for example?
Towards the end of this century for most but for some much sooner.
Mans cybernetic best friend is part of a new reality more in line with sheep dogs. (can’t say
Is Japan the country that will lead the way in Robots and bring us our own house hold
androids in the near future?
They have done their part but nano-tech is spreading like a virus and will be exploited and
harnessed by many countries. Even some Third World ones.
Why do ET's have to use people like Tesla, Hughes, Einstein etc. to give us technology? Why
can't ET's just give us all that they know?
Technology is dripped in to enhance the illusion of time.

What will the Internet evolve into in the future? What will it become?
The Borg.

About the impermanence of all matter...Are we creating this matter thing or is ET, or is it
The higher up entities do.

Can the human eye see every color that exists?

The human eye sees practically nothing compared to what exists concerning colors. How
many colors? Billions and billions.
Do more colors and/or a mixture of colors equal more magnetism?
No magnetism on the other side and way more color.

Is ethereal electric?
The first few stages are.

The Philadelphia experiment was a black ops experiment in cloaking. The USS Eldridge had a
sister ship that was used for the experiment. The experiment was a success.

When are the ET's gonna drop for the common peoples anti-gravity / energy generating
A few more decades.

Is spirituality purely related to technology, or is it something else (more related to the soul),
even if it can have something to do with technology?
Technology/matter is the pixie dust, the playground for souls swimming at lower physical
levels of existence. Spirituality is having a clue that we are immortal and accountable for the
gift of life we have been given.

Is there anything else that can create magnetism besides electrons?

Yes but that info is not for public consumption yet.

Looking glass :
No such thing exists for humans.
Did our govt. ever have "looking glass" technology?
Ah, the old crystal ball routine---if they did why are we always in the messes we are in?

Energy flows to those who are focused on what they want, and remain focused until they
achieve it. Our attitude creates magnetism to attract things and people to us, or to repel things
and people from us. The mind is a powerful tool when it doesn’t have things like bad attitude
weighing it down.
Am I correct that charged particles either have a negative or positive charges based on their
"spin" ?
Based on free electrons.
However does it take a negative charge in the first place to be able to create this?
A negative charge is essential.
If magnetism is made possible by the negative charge, then would the muon, tau, and perhaps
even, down-quarks have a potential magnetic force since they all have a negative charge?

Electrons and other leptons and quarks are not elementary my dear Watson but are each a bag
of tricks. Kind of like Santa’s bag of gifts that holds all the toys for every child in the world---
that’s some bag dude !
Physicists “may” get to see a few of the gifts via Hadron next year.

Do you know anything about trans-continental super-speed trains that pass under the ocean?
I have never been in one I prefer to fly---via airlines that is.

Sacred geometry is no more sacred than most of the illusions we like to wrap ourselves into---
but to each his or her own---

Mathematics is a tool to navigate and create things at certain physical dimensions as we have
here on earth, but loses it’s luster and purpose when matter ceases to vibrate and becomes
Math helps us understand certain aspects of what we can't see or conceptualize here in 3D
land. It helps us count the cards of quantum mechanics to make things pop. The brain can
perform mind boggling functions that would put a super computer to shame. The brain
performs such miracles every second of our lives in order to keep our bodies viable. And yet,
most of us can't count worth a dam without a calculator. LOL.

It’s so subtle that many don’t see the transition---like going from horse and buggy to model T-
--from dirigibles to airplanes and then jets. The transition is going on right under our noses---

Do aliens have anything to do with In vitro fertilisation?

It’s their baby------the technology that is---
They don’t have egos like we human and make every effort to make us believe we did it all by
ourselves---kind of like those science class projects we build for our children and let them
take the credit.

Technology is a means to facilitate food, clean water, and transportation to large numbers of
people. As we become a bigger community of humans we can do so like pigs in a pigsty or
with some creature comforts---majority does rule in the first and second world, but the “me”
vote gets us every time.
Technology is not in competition with spirituality---spirituality if real can withstand anything,
including living in a technological world, or third world.
Technology is a resource as is water and clean air, which we can’t achieve without
technology. Technology is the ladder into space and humans are headed into space---at least
those who have technology and use it.
If we had more Reichs and Teslas allowed to “play ball” on earth, we wouldn’t even need the
mule in the first place.
But then earth would be utopia---and earth is not a utopia class planet---for those who want to
live in utopia type planets they need to clean up their résumé while here on the rock.
Some of those people have accomplished plenty, they could have done more but people in
general resisted industrialization and free market enterprises, they wished to remain in the
pastoral lives of their forefathers but that was impossible due to the population growth in the
cities---times were a changing and not everyone was excited about modernization---the
alternative was mass starvation and there was plenty of that.

We have cell phones and big screen televisions and computers in nearly every home because
of Capitalism, otherwise only the rich could afford such luxuries---are these things really
necessary? Hell yes!---

Aliens gave us nuclear technology back in the 1940s.

In reality everything we use is solar---gas, oil, coal, wood, and people come from solar
If we ran out or simply stopped using oil today, tomorrow we will be driving electric cars.
That’s the great thing about Capitalism it will meet and exceed whatever we bipeds demand---
-that good old supply and demand thing.
We will never run out of energy it is the most abundant thing in the universe, the galaxy, the
solar system and on this planet.
The problem is most people love their gas powered cars and therefore that is what
manufacturers deliver to us.
Pure solar power remains inconvenient and until that changes we will burn coal like they did a
hundred years ago---habits are hard to break---

What is mass?
Is it just a gravitational pull?
More like a foot to the backside.

Is E = mc2 the same in every dimension?

It’s not even the same in this dimension---and falls apart shortly out of the gate.

Carbon is in everything that makes up the physical world that we live in here on earth.

Electrons are 4D, not 2D

What would zero point radiation/free energy do to the human body if would used it on
ourselves or absorb it (if possible)?
It would give you a tan.

Space travel has been around forever, even for humans, covertly. Overtly it is coming down
the pike as corporations get into the game of space tourism and open the doors for a few with
the cash or NASA connections.

Anti-matter works in 3D.

Light is matter on a diet.

What's the real purpose of ET letting us bring forth the technology behind cloning?
Food reasons and some other stuff that will become apparent in the near and more so far
future. Stuff that is not acceptable in the current mindset, will be in future times. It takes time
for 3D minds to adapt.
What is it setting the foundations for understanding and making in the future?
It will be a humbling experience for some physicists, but it will also bring forth some very
useful tools for space exploration in the next few decades concerning carbon fibers and super
duper conductivity, which will revolutionize computers and all things electrical. There will
also be some pixie dust that will challenge their minds into the next century.

We have a flawed view of what great things technology is because the renegades bad mouth it
so much. The renegades are limited in what they can have concerning technology and don't
want others to enjoy it. Holiness is the highest form of technology, yeah geeky stuff.

Are the explanations of the world generated by science really so very wrong (solids and
liquids underneath a crust, great heat, iron core generating a magnetic field, plate tectonics,
The two "realities" can coexist, especially in a world of illusions.
Are they hidden intentionally? If so, are they hiding themselves or are they hidden from us by
the ET's?
Look how easily billions of different life forms coexist on this one planet without most people
giving it much thought. Insects, animals, plants, humans, and ET’s out the wazoo, lol.

The thing about science is that scientists don't CARE what the answers are. They are (ideally
- and generally) unbiased. They just try to figure things out based on observations.
Exactly. Just like a child in kindergarten, they have toys to play with also to keep them busy
and learn a few things in the process.

Matter has always existed in one form or other no matter what physicists
say. Matter is funny stuff and only solidifies at lower levels like water does at lower
temperatures. Higher ups can manipulate matter like clay and make whatever they want with
it. Matter is ethereal and not real. The spirit world is real. Most humans think it's the other
way around, silly people.

About water ... I have never heard or seen any explanation for the scenario that causes two
gas molecules to combine and form water in nature. Therefore one could speculate the
creation of water would be 100% ET contrived.
Everything is ET contrived.
It appears to be in abundance in the solar system, on planets on moons. Yet I see no apparent
mechanisms in play that would account for the creation of water in this solar system. If
created elsewhere how does it get here?
From fire comes water, how ironic from the sun comes most of the elements in this solar
system. Also the gas giant planets are key to packaging H20 in what we call moons. Much ice
is located on the frigid fringe of the solar system but can be found all over the place in space.

Is H3 (helium3) just another Higgs Boson scam magician trick or is it a real form of "pixie
Dust" fuel/clean energy...
It's real.
Are we using it?. Are we really gonna mine this stuff. I mean if we’re not allowed to leave the
solar system, does that mean we can still mine it. Like we mine Earth, so to speak. Seems like
so called nations on this rock are going there to mine it for real, China, Russia, USA??? etc.
The stuff is everywhere but in short supply on earth. The moon has lots of it.
Will they/are they/have we already found it/possess it/using it/concealing it.....
It's openly being used in labs.
What fuel/energy materials/commodities can you divulge we may or already be using here?
There is no shortage of conventional energy, but nothing is free in this world for a reason.
H3 is not free nor completely clean or practical for some time yet. For the masses anyway.
Drill enough H3 to supply the earth's power requirements for another 50 years in one day"
type of gadgets.
Not anytime soon.
Has Earths physics already evolved and we’re just still kept in the dark, like mushrooms.
Many don't seem to mind being mushrooms in the dark.

Energy innovations...are new energy sources being suppressed?

Mostly by public opinion, fear and Hollywood propaganda.

It's only when you mix in the human factor that makes energy cost money. Labor, wages,
taxes and a little profit for the investors. Energy has always been free, all you need do is get
out there and grab hold of it. The sun dumps enough energy onto this planet in one day that
would last a lifetime but like always, we are waiting for someone else to do the work for us,
and for free if possible.

You've hinted at the massive increase of technology as we go into this Century. I don't know
what the specifics will be, but will this planet have things in the realm of antigravity tech /
more widely used space travel?
Humans have it now, most will know about such things in the decades ahead.

Frequencies belong to this universe and are dimensions in their own right. But they are not the
building blocks of dimensions.

About super bad scalar weapons - that can travel through hyperspace and hit any target(s)
anywhere ...some can change weather, some can affect minds, some can split the earth right
in half ..
Sounds like our political system. No.

Would this be someday used down the line to artificially introduce the hidden space tech into
We grow into higher tech and it becomes part of our awareness and reality. BlackBerry
phones a short decade ago was alien space tech.

We tend to look at technology as a bad thing, a materialistic earthly trap, when in fact
technology is of the supernatural world. The higher we ascend the more of it we have around
us. Technology is not of this world as most people think.

What is with the entity Fire?

Fire is seductive, we love campfires, sitting by the fireplace, and lighting candles around the
house. Fire gives us heat when we are cold. It's a supernatural phenomena readily available to
Do we have a Fire Lust in a similar way to Blood Lust?
Who doesn't love roasting a bloody steak on a hot fire?

Physical size can be contained, restrained and manipulated. The mind and its dreams, visions,
delusions and ego, can't. Like the disparity of size between the ant and the elephant there are
many such aberrations of sizes in this universe that would boggle the mind. On the down side,
quantum, microbial and such are simply due to our 3D perspective. Those in higher realms of
dimensions can have a summer home on the surface of the fuzzy logic of an electron.

What is the purpose of scientific enquiry?

Entertainment and a pay check for some.

Stem cell research is essential for this planet's immediate future?

Nothing wrong with playing around with stem cells, good will come from it.

Physics is transient, elusive and tricky dickey stuff.

NASA & Space Program

The powers that be don't want the populace to see the sea of magic earth swims in.
NASA is a huge government agency in fear of losing its prestige, power, and taxpayer
If the private sector was allowed in the game twenty years ago there would be hotels on the
moon and in orbit around the earth now.
Governments serve the status quo and are slow to change and adapt
America is the leader in the world only because of private and free enterprise but those
freedoms are being curtailed by the day.
Free enterprise is under attack by those who believe that government is the great equalizer
concerning quality of living and resources.
Unfortunately that is not true----every industry where government rules has lagged far behind
free enterprise
NASA is one of these stagnant government industries
Private industry with a fraction of the trillions of dollars that NASA has received from the
taxpayer would have given America a real and viable space program by now.
NASA failed several times before bringing in the supper computers to figure it out. The
Wright Brothers had something better---ET.
BTW NASA has their own ETs working behind the scenes that’s why they have been put on
hold for so long concerning “official” moon projects..
Perhaps it was the ETs that messed with their initial Wright Brothers experiments.
If I told you then it wouldn’t be a secret. The thing about such secrets is that they are hard if
not impossible to prove, and those that can prove them seem to be accident prone. Anyway,
yeah there is a relationship to mars and a program.
Is Edgar Mitchell right when he says NASA is aware of the presence of ET's?
That is true.

Were we told to "keep away" from the Moon and out space in general?
We didn’t get the get out of jail card, but we were allowed to go just to get a taste of space
They have 'lost' many of their photos from the probe suggests there is heaps going on there.
Plenty is a happening and NASA even knows about some of it.
How is it that our probes do not send bacteria to places like Mars or Titan that could harm
the life forms there?
ET sanitizes all the stuff we send to other planets and moons.

Bush has plans for a Moonbase by 2020-25.

This will be allowed we have the all clear, now it’s up to us.

Most people buy what NASA says, but I wouldn’t say they are stupid---they don’t want to
believe there are aliens out there---they have seen “War of the Worlds."

NASA types airbrushing out "good info" from space photos.....others are doing similar
airbrush jobs to info on the internet or other sources ?
Goes on all the time, but not by me---if they could figure out a way to bump me off I would
be gone.
You should go public and head to head with NASA over evidence that you have seen, that they
wouldn't be able to deny.
If and when that time comes the proof will be overwhelming---NASA already has the proof
but they are not allowed to share it.

We did go to the moon, we were allowed to take a peek---that brave first step to another rock
was more of a mental exercise---“one small step for man, one large leap for mankind”---the
whole world got a kick out of it.
The moon remains an ET outpost so they limit what we can see or do up there until they
relocate some of their stuff.

Intergalactic travel happens all the time for those on higher levels above elementary. Earth is
at or below elementary. We have to leave earth to be above elementary.
Nothing man made has left this solar system; this solar system is way larger than the confines
of Pluto. The probes that have went past Pluto will drift in space like specks of dust and
eventually fall back or drift in the outer regions of this solar system.

We are going back to the moon as soon as they clean up some stuff.

Humans can’t go anywhere in this solar system unescorted, not even to the moon.

Where does the secret space program take off from and how do they avoid the noise and
rocket plumes? Is it easy for this stuff to be kept secret?
They use alien technology not the human stuff we see on the news like the space shuttle that
can only lift small amounts of payload into space.
Why do some have a profound interest in this ET bit?
We yearn for a better place; a place on another planet at another time that we have
subconscious memories of. Just because we are on earth now doesn’t mean we are on the
lowest rungs of the ladder. Most that are somewhat awake have been to better places than
what they may have on earth---and came here exclusively to benefit a family member or
friend---we are allowed to do that.
Most remain fast asleep and cannot comprehend this stuff.

There are some good intentioned ufologists out there but some would not recognize a UFO if
they were dragged into it kicking and screaming.
Some of the cover up comes from the ufo community---if people found out what ET was
really about many of them would look the fools and have to find real jobs---
Many need to perpetuate the Hollywood myth about ET, that’s what they get paid to do.

We are in the technological singularity already, most just don’t know it. Without our very
much smarter than us technology this planet would become a grave yard with several billion
people in it in a matter of months.
Technology increases exponentially for every additional billion of population, and both are
increasing rapidly.
Self replicating machines that out think us are a given, they are here now and many more
complex ones are on the way---scary---shouldn’t be, but that is partly why many abductees
freak out, they are in contact with futurist machinery with cartoonish characteristics that
defies human comprehension.
Once people acclimate to such things as they slowly get incorporated in our everyday
technological world extraterrestrials and their toys will not be so difficult to interface with.

People interested in the UFO phenomena are trying to fill in the missing pieces from past
encounters; that is why they have the burning interest in the first place. Most want answers, or
want more, or want less, depending on the experiences they had----which depends on who did
the abducting and for what purpose.

My accounts and experiences are certainly damaging to UFOlogy because most of what I talk
about contradicts what they talk about. Some of my most critical critics are hardcore ufologist
who need to keep the idea of UFOs and “aliens” in the fairytale category because that’s what
sells seminars and books---

SETI is a waste of time but it pays all the same.

Why does the government allow information leaks to get out? There is so much information
out there on greys, reptilians, Eisenhower's alien meeting, Roswell, etc.
Mostly to muddy the waters.
Is it impossible to cover up every single bit of information on the ET presence?
Not really, ET wants some of it out otherwise nothing would be out.

Ufology in its present form is a mockery to be mocked.

Are UFO researchers playing with fire when dig, dig, dig information that they weren't meant
to have?
For some yes, but if the info sounds outrageous they leave it alone knowing that the average
person will not bite.

What is the purpose of releasing things like the Serpo Project?

Same as movies like Star Wars, and other space alien flicks and books, baby steps.
Alien Technology

We have toys they have the real stuff.

Technology is a tool used in the physical world like we have here on earth---but higher up the
ladder a few notches above the dimensions we claim to understand---technology as we
comprehend it doesn’t exist----you enter an existence of pure magic---and it gets more so the
higher up one goes---the magic never ceases to become more thrilling to the senses the further
we venture

It's more like "what don't the aliens have?"

They have every gadget imaginable, and mostly unimaginable----by human concepts.
Their stuff is so futuristic compared to our stuff, that much of it has life like qualities----
Humans are slowly getting there----we have talking cars, coffee pots, microwaves, etc.
Their stuff can move about, make decisions, communicate, and take many forms-----that
sometimes change in front of your eyes.
Some of the objects have more personality than the alien beings.
This object that came to you took you to the ship------don't know for what.

Nano is ET technology. Humans went from horse draw carriages at the turn of the twenty
century to cars and air travel within that same decade. While humans took bows and accepted
awards for their ingenuity ETs were in the backroom doing most of the work and getting none
of the credit. Nothing has changed.

There are thousands of alien ships buzzing all over the place right here on earth and our
technology can’t detect them, yet we point our equipment at places light years away and we
expect what?
It wasn’t that long ago that we communicated with smoke signals, and cuneiform tablets. The
electromagnetic spectrum is a nice communications vehicle for us today, but it’s not what the
big boys in galaxies faraway play with.

All matter is made of atoms-----atoms are further broken down into quarks----quarks into
strings and strings are nothing but exotic energy vibrations.
In other words matter is only an illusion that is a byproduct of spiritual reality.
ETs have a handle on this phenomenon, they can materialize-----and spiritualize at will.

Science can be a lot of fun, especially the kind of stuff ETs get to play with!

ET stuff has peculiar properties that leave no mental finger prints or physical litter
Once the items leave the ship they have short life spans, some last a few hours some a few
days before they deteriorate and vanish into the air like a gas
The material most of these things are made of is high in energy and extremely unstable in
earth’s environment
However, some items can be stabilized and last much longer when ET chooses to give them
added properties-----sort of like a food preservative.
You can’t keep ET stuff hidden in a drawer, basement or garage unless it’s a duplicate made
of materials that can be found on this planet but these duplicates have few or none of the
properties of the original.
ETs have simple gadgets that have no sources of energy, no batteries and like the Duracell
rabbit they keep going and going---for years---forever---if you can believe that
I don’t know what magic they use but if they turned only a little bit of it lose on earth it would
eliminate nearly all our problems--- It’s not my call---lol

A leaf or blade of grass is simple ET technology.

Try not to think of it that way next time you have tea---lol

From what I have seen ETs can virtually build a city on the sun---and may have for all I

We are sitting on undiscovered ET technology right now, earth.

ETs on Milton’s level do not monitor internet website or other means of human
communications like we humans do---they have the ability to capture and process ungodly
amounts of info in a split second. Where not talking apples and oranges the level of human
tech verses ET tech---we have no vocabulary to describe it.

What would happen if all of a sudden we had no electricity? Several billion people would get
their walking papers off this planet---they would die.
Like the flow of electricity from our power plants to our homes and business supernatural
technology flows into this planet and into our schools, research labs, factories and into our
lives---should that continuity be disrupted things would get uglier.

ET ships and many if not all of their gadgets have qualities that give the impression that they
are living intelligent entities.

There is little that is impossible even to humans at these levels---there certainly is nothing at
all impossible at higher levels of consciousness and technology---
BTW, technology is nothing more than a higher level of understanding---it's not the evil many
like to make it out to be.

Robotic ships replicate smaller version for specific roles. What a fabulous system. Are they
re-integrated after their missions, or kept on as separate entities ?
All of the above, but they also come equipped with self destruct mode---they are quite the
perfect biodegradable elements, vanishing or dissolving into space dust the moment mission is

ET equipment is highly intelligent and capable of making on the spot decisions---but where
there is ET equipment there is also an ET entity in the vicinity that can override it.

There is nothing inherently wrong with new gadgets for those who want them---you should
see some of the gadgets they have on “UFOs” to play with---mind boggling delightful stuff.

How do they manage to convert mass into light energy?

Well the sun does it 24/7
And our human bodies do it too, when we convert the food we eat into electrical pulses,
which powers up all of our cells, and feeds our brains so that we can stare into computer
monitors 24/7---
ETs use a much more exotic system than simple mass conversion---

How do we back engineer their stuff?

We don’t. That would be like back engineering a cartoon---silly
So how do we get their technology into our reality?
That’s another stranger than fiction chapter.

Is there a system that they use that doesn't involve the electromagnetic spectrum?
The electromagnetic spectrum is part of the matter phenomena; ETs use something different
and it has no lag time because it doesn’t operate in the time zone.

What is the level of Technology that Miltons race has achieved?

Well they can create a leaf and a seed.

Were Alien tools only given to the US?

Mostly but other countries got stuff too.

You ever been on extremely long high speed trains off planet, in space? Or are there any
means of transportation such as this and beyond?

Do ET's possess hardware that allows them to "look back" into time as if viewing a movie?
(in this reality, specifically)
They can look up down sideways and around corners because of their higher dimension
status. They can do this without gadgets. But while inside their ship they can show us humans
those very things via gadgets.

Can a 4th dimensional population be less technological advanced then a 3rd Dimensional
No, but technology at higher levels is way different, more seamless.

Do you know much more about secret research groups on Earth who have ET technology -
what do they get up to and how far do they do they get their members?
Many of them use universities and corporate research labs where most anyone with the proper
credentials and education can get into. But before stuff is released to such places it gets
homogenized and sanitized by members of a very exclusive club.
- XII -

Winston Churchill once said that all we have to fear is fear itself.
Lots of fear mongering going on in every level of society---fear sells books, movies,
newspapers and every other news medium----keeps the economies of the world going
Fear is an integral part of human nature---we thrive on fear---Halloween, chain saw massacre,
1984 big brother was going to get us----2000 the millennium fiasco, that never happened and
the religious gloom and doom that goes back thousands of years---but this is the year that it
will really happen----well maybe.
There is nothing extraterrestrial that is going to get humans, eat humans, or enslave humans
However humans are known to do all those things. Still regardless of our circumstance it’s
only temporary
I haven’t read Planet X or zetatalk but if they are taking about aliens doing us harm then they
are selling fear.
Having said that----nothing happens on earth without ET’s input----including wars
On the face of this it may appear that there are contradictions going on---but looking at the big
picture they do everything for the betterment of all humans.

Conspiracy is what makes the world go round, or perhaps that whole thing about the world
going round is a conspiracy---it certainly was during the Inquisition.
Most conspiracies are hyperbole and are pure BS.

Certain things must be allowed to play out, run its course because there is evil on this planet--
-you could call it a sting operation.
Political conspiracies are slowing down the technology; but it will come about, and it will not
crash the economies.

There is so much stuff going on in various parts of the world---some in conjunction with
national governments and some with multiply ET configurations---also disputes between ET
entities. Therefore there is no consensus or clear picture of what is happening on earth—far
too many variables.

There are many human agendas that complicate the mixture as well, and ET often lets them
play themselves out---wars and politics for instance.

The moon landing in 1969:

Yes went to the moon. It wasn’t a hoax, but a little Hollywood magic may have been
When we went to the moon, we most certainly did bump into some of our friends out there.
The US did go to the moon, and the radiation of the Van Allen belts is little more than the fear
mongering in the old days when people were afraid to go out to sea because they would fall
off the edge of the world---assuming they didn’t get eaten by the sea monsters first---lol

Paranoia is rampant, that is why conspiracy sites as this one thrive. People in America have
been “married” to their social security number for more than a half century. Without that
number we pretty much can’t do much of anything---can’t work or buy anything on credit,
can't own a home, etc, etc, etc

Those prone to paranoia need their daily fix of drama, scandal and conspiracy----lucky for
them there are plenty of people willing to sell them something to help them remain
perpetually in their paranoia.
Mind Kontrol:
How the Illuminati creates mind controlled 'Manchurian Candidate' type 'sleepers' who are
sort of programmed to have multiple personalities. They called these alternate egos, 'Alters',
for alter egos. Is it true that a person who has undergone this kind of programming can have
mucho many of these Alters imbedded in them, each programmed for a different function?
So true but the whole idea behind it wasn’t world domination, they just want to sell
aluminium siding to every home owner in the world---and they are getting close to their mark-
--yea team! ---about sixty percent of all homes now have vinyl or aluminium siding—
After WWII the U.S. and other governments continued research in this area and sort of
perfected the technology of creating these 'sleepers'.
Yes but after all that hard work of programming them they couldn’t wake those suckers up---
and therefore they are true “sleepers”. They now have warehouses filled with these worthless
bums that do nothing but sleep day and night
You would be surprised how many people right out of high school sign up for those
assignments---but so few make it through basic training. Those who do make it, end up
working for the postal service---are you getting my drift?
Do our governments currently use mind control technology over its citizens?
Mostly via propaganda---which works very well and doesn’t violate the free will clause.
I think neo-cons have better things to do than try and control people’s minds. As a matter of
fact the only mind that can be controlled is the mind that wants to be controlled.
What if the "Manchurian Candidate" stuff is it real for a guy like me?
Those things do happen but not to the average Joe or Jane, nor are the moles innocent, but
willing parts of the equation.

What ET do, which also involves humans, means nothing---they operate in the background as
they have forever, and even when it spills into the human psyche as do some wars it still boils
down to us and not them.

The last hundred years has been a blizzard of pollutants, lead, asbestos, pesticides,
preservatives, radioactive energy, and now chemtrails----and what do we have to show for it
?---for the most part people are living longer and healthier lives---if this keeps up there will be
no way to feed and care for all these old farts who refuse to die, like they did in the good old
days, before all this chemical madness---
What do the ET's think of this spraying?
They tell me that the sky is not falling, even though, sometimes, it may look like it is.

Sort of a cellphone tower, control net that is going to be battled with incarnated alien souls
via physic this stuff really going on ?
Simple paranoia.

Yes there are D. (deep) U. (underground) M. (military) B. (bases), more than fifty in the US.
In the DUMBs, is it only our military down there? ETs as well? Civilian contractors?
All the above, and below.
There are many large natural caverns that have been converted with the use of concrete and it
takes lots of gravel to make lots of concrete.

Some say below Denver airport there are slave laborers, some being kids.
Not true.
Denver is not going to be government headquarters, and there will not be any Marshall Law.

There are many people who love “fearfest” and they like to propagate fear and paranoia
because they hate their jobs and lives and want everyone around them to do the same.

Paranoia works because many want out of their lives or situations, therefore the concepts of
rapture and doomsday scenarios find many converts.

There is a lot of noise in our lives coming from many directions and we tune in and tune out
what we want to hear and or believe. We can tend to our gardens and live tranquil lives, or we
can party down with the conspiracy crowd---which of the two is more fun and alluring?

How long do you give it before they start drastically filtering the web, or change/retire the
whole internet as we know it completely?
Not going to happen.

It certainly is a game to keep the masses confused and paranoid about life on this planet but
no one is forced to believe all the propaganda. We are what we believe in, and the control
never leaves our hands unless we give it up willingly.
If the info is gloom and doom then it’s baloney and only human propaganda.
Gloom and doom sells books, newspapers and movies---we humans need our daily drama---
and that’s the only real gloom in our lives---which dooms many to unhappy lives.
But what is gonna prevent it ?
There is no stopping paranoia---and that is all it is.

What's going to prevent stuff like Project Blue Beam from occurring?
There will be no rapture, fake or otherwise, and as far as mind manipulation.

Was John Lennon killed by bad Karma or black ops?

Neither, his time was up.

The cure for everything resides in every human mind, most just don’t know it---why they
don’t know it may be a real conspiracy
All that other stuff [Genetically modified food/drugs/electro waves, vaccines, chemtrails etc]
is part of the modern world and modern man, as we become more technologically advanced.
People fear change, always have and some become paranoid.

Free masonry. illuminati etc: Food for the paranoid at heart.

There is no bartering for human fluids---the ETs can take whatever they want whenever they
want it without asking.

Selling conspiracy books and movies is the real conspiracy.

Throughout history we had plagues, wars and bizarre diseases, not to mention freaky natural
disasters to thin out the herd, it’s part of the program they run on this planet and nothing
Conspiracies are bollocks at the soul level, no souls can be compromised by conspiracies.
Physicality is another matter, and certainly projects like Mk-ultra and experiments done by
Hitler and many others are true.
Is that the information about them incorrect or incomplete?
The information is way off, and that’s because many of these things involved hybrids and
other type entities---that cannot be divulged btw.

A good heart is not a complacent heart and concern for others is a duty but walking in the
minefield of false and endless conspiracies is often falling prey to propaganda and more

People like Alex Jones, the guys who made Loose Change and other "truthers" don’t know
the real deal or what really happened.

The so called Japan earthquake that destroyed Fukushima, was that the a cover-up for a
concerted attack against Japan, for offering to enrich uranium for Iran?

Is there such thing as "the illuminati","majic-12"? And if so what is their goal?

Ego trips.

Is there some plan for Canadians?

There is always a plan in the works. Keep your nose clean and they often pass over.

Gloom and doom eats up those that entertained it the most, first. It tends to spread like a virus
to those near it. That's why I try not to push the stuff myself.

You mentioned a secret government, can you describe what they are up to and are they the
Illuminati/Bilderbergers/MJ-12 we hear about?
They were not the ones we needed to worry about. The evil enemy is very shrewd, always.
The masses seem to always follow the wrong piper.
09/11 & Middle-East

It’s part of a war humans have no clue about, nor can I mention.
Most that are involved do not know what is going on---as is true with most wars.
Very few top ranked power brokers that are human know of this manipulation.
ETs are not playing both sides---this is not NWO stuff. There really is two sides to every

Was 911 part of a bigger plan to change the consciousness of the world?
Or was that just the result?
That’ a good point, and there are no accidents unless we insist on making them.
It wasn’t done for the “elite to benefit”. There is a much bigger issue involved, one that has
been ongoing for fifteen thousand years and has not played out yet. The rich and so called
“powerful” have nothing to do with much of anything concerning this world.
Believing as so many seem to do that wealth equates to world power is the biggest illusion of
this generation.

It is a very sensitive issue as are all wars of this magnitude but as long as it remains a
confusing issue all is good.
Obviously a lot of people will not agree with that. Same with the UFO phenomena as long as
most remain confused the lid won’t pop off.
But most big wars are not fought by man alone, they are fought by invisible higher and lower
level entities. Concerning this present war on terror even Milton has told be to shut my yap---
uncharacteristic of him.

There are some claims on the internet of observers spotting hordes (in film and photo
analysis) of UFO’s during the 9/11 event
The main purpose was to take the souls, like in grim reapers, a few may have been spared.

It was a terrorist act against America, nevertheless, nothing happens without the ok from

The real story has yet to be told about any of the events throughout history because all of
history is nothing but stage props.
So sit back and enjoy the show or be part of the show---just don’t let it go to your head---
Many people are disturbed by the senseless loss of life on 911, yet what about the senseless
loss of 912, 913, 914, and every day since and before ?
We are born and we will die those are the only two constants---and we all die on stage

The truth will not be put out there, and will not be found out because 911 is not a human
contrived incident.

That means that the truth movement is a complete hoax and a laughable joke!
They are doing a splendid job of diverting attention from the real truth, that’s why they get the
big bucks---

What happened to all the souls of the people that were killed on 9/11?
The same thing that happens to all souls that die, they move up to better things or elsewhere,
some will come back to earth.
They all went where they deserved to go and some did go to spectacular places but not all.
Did they all have an agreement to participate in this even before coming to earth?
Some did and some knew their fate, but not until the last moments.
We come here from many situations and not all good situations and for me to comment
further would not be right---in the end we will know about ourselves and about those near to


I can’t even talk about why we are really there, not even in private.
USA and Iran: that’s a politically loaded question------no one would believe why they are
there so I’m not telling--- It concerns things not of this world.
What’s going on in the Middle East is a battle of a higher order that few humans care to
Is the fighting in the Middle East really about the control of Stargates?
It’s not about Stargates nor about oil, and I can’t say because it’s politically incorrect info and
most people will not buy it, so I’m not telling---
If Iraq had star gates they would be the super power not America.
Nevertheless, the reason we are there has to do with otherworldly things and that’s all I can
Israel had peace for nearly a thousand years because the Romans nearly wiped them
completely out between 70 and I35 AD, those few that survived were the ones that left the
area and blended into other nations. They returned in full force in 1947 and became a nation
in 1948.
Are the Jews the “chosen"?
Only if God plays favourites---and then what kind of god would that be ?
The Jews don’t have a monopoly on conflict, although they certainly have their share.
It’s no secret that there is a whole lot of conflict going on here on earth and it’s much simpler
if everyone keeps believing it’s all human quarrels.
Will Israel attack Iran, in what he called an "Armageddon"-like situation?

What was the reality of the news that Osama bin Laden died? what really went on?
What goes on every day of the year, pulling the wool over people's eyes and getting a big
laugh at how easy it is. Keeps us sheeple grounded knowing our leaders are on top of
situations that are near and dear to our hearts.
The conflict in the Middle is been ongoing for thousands of years and it has affected people
the whole time, as it does now.

911 'not being a human contrived incident, do the authorities (Earthly) know this?
Yes but the authorities are never in the news.

The Middle East is like watching the neighbors go at it all the freakin time and blaming the
other. Has anyone heard of the Hatfields & McCoys?
Has anyone heard of Cain and Able?

The U.S. has two war fronts (maybe more) and the Gaza Strip warring factions also seem well
supplied. I guess nobody has to worry about a weapons shortage?
Many retirement funds, 401Ks and pension mutual funds have money in them as well as
Social Security from all companies. This is a war planet.

Sorry but no NWO exist, and never will.

NWO---humans have never run anything, never will----earth is a place of learning, a playpen,
can be a wondrous place to explore or a hell hole.

Under a full disclosure scenario a one world government would be instantaneous---but that as
far as I know is not in the works, full disclosure that is.
In reality it has always been a one world government----just at different levels of political,
social, and ethnic awareness.

NWO is a misnomer this world has always been under one rule more or less, some think it
god—their particular god that is. There are powers that influence our leaders but still no one
rules over the individual regardless of what people perceive.
Our leaders get to play out their egos and in return we get to blame them for all our woes---
it’s a fair trade off---
Nevertheless this world will eventually coalesce but not for a long while.

We are a people looking to be saved by others instead of getting off our butts and taking
responsibly for ourselves---people talk about the evil of NWO, yet most of us want all of our
needs met by higher powers---well, that means NWO and big brother---can’t have it both
Big brother will make everything ok with a snap of the finger, all we need do is turn our lives
over to them and become like cattle---cattle don’t need souls they only need fattening up.

There is a segment of leaders with that agenda [planning to minimize the population of earth
through disasters and military rule to have the optimal population of 500,000,000] and
misguided belief. They would prefer to save the earth and the animals over the humans.
Certainly there are plenty of humans not worthy of saving---and that’s precisely why they
have been shipped here---some of those unworthy types are behind this scheme to rid the
planet of people in favour of saving the planet for themselves.---
And who is against saving the planet? No one, only problem is that the planet is not in danger,
it survived millions of years of dinosaur flatulence, millions of asteroids, and hundreds of
volcanic eruptions belching toxic material into the atmosphere year after year since the
beginning of time---and they continue to do so everyday.
Animals as is true with every living thing on this planet were put here and some were taken
out or made to go extinct for reasons few of us would understand.
Anyway the population on this planet is not in human hands to do as we wish---and it will
increase considerably in the coming decades---substantially so---and overall, earth will be a
better place for more people, but not all people.
Beware of the Chicken Littles, they know exactly what they do with their hidden agenda to
take over this planet. And I’m not talking Bushies.

The world is not heading towards a one world government, it has always been a one world
government---most people just don’t realize it or have not yet connected the dots.

The only real dictator suppressing any of us---even in this insane world we live in---is the guy
or gal looking back at us in the mirror every time we look in that mirror.
My take is that it’s always been a one world government, the division of countries and
cultures are not for diversity alone but are for reasons that would not be “acceptable” to the
politically correct crowd. So I will keep it to myself.
Milton doesn’t have a different view.
Milton knows who is running the show and it’s none of the power brokers and wanabes in and
out of the spotlight----who may appear like they are in charge or going to be in charge---
certainly there are lots of puppets out there riding around in limousines---and enjoying the
fanfare and red carpets---that’s about it---but why spoil their fun ?

There is no “mass extinction” in the plans, only subtle changes that few will even notice.

That make believe organization is not implanting in masse---there are six and half billion
people on this planet and very few people at the top care to know their exact location---

One World Gov't is way down the road, those alive now will never see it.

Does a future with FEMA concentration camps need to be the alternative?

Not on this planet, there are no FEMA concentrations camps, and never will be.
Concentration camps is strong language. Under certain natural or civil disaster scenarios,
camps would be put into place. The Americas/Latin are a bit unstable now. Something to
worry about? No, such things have always been in place, and will always be in place.
Congress introduced HR654 about constructing and legalizing FEMA camps. Makes the
conspirators salivate...
The lynching mobs usually get strung up by the ropes they bring to the lynching parties.

How long will it be until we have a one world government and currency?
A very long while, not in our lifetimes or even that of our children’s children.

The illuminati and freemasons get way too much credit for being the provocateurs of the
The NWO is a myth, not real, never going to happen---pure unadulterated propaganda.
What is the significance of free masonry (I know it has ties to the ancient civilizations)?
Zero significance. Some people feel important when they belong to secret organizations.
Woopiedoo doo.

What is the reason of human sacrifice?

To instil fear---just like the propaganda of NWO---simply to instil fear---and it works!

I’ve heard of the “Luciferian plan" of the Free Masons but that also is a fable, not going to

Is this NWO for the betterment of humans as a whole or for the control of the humans as a
In reality and in contrast to what I said above, this world has always been ruled by one power.
All the countries are simply divisions under that power. The power is not human power, not
one tiny little bit. Human leaders are given temporary and illusionary power.
If non-human entities do control the world, why is the situation so discordant?
Because earth is filled with discordant human souls.
The transition from a US type country to a NWO.....lots of resistance??
Zero resistance. Most will not even notice the change. For one, the world has always been one
world rule with separate cell blocks/countries. Some cell blocks are/were much nicer than
New histories are created and slowly assimilated into each cell block.

Regarding what is happening to the U.S. Constitution, is this a process positive or negative?
Positive for some, negative for others. Some people need more personal attention than others,
less freedom. Some prefer more adventure and freedom in their lives.

Got any information regarding the "Council of Nine"?

I get the feeling some of the things you cannot answer have an answer in other places
sometimes right within the person asking the question right?
There is no council of 9 or 6 or 12 or whatever. All questions have the answers we are willing
to accept.

Do freemasons have a distinct bond with the ET’s?

Some do and some don't like the rest of the population. I don't belong to any clubs or clicks,
or Freemasons, or slave-masons for that matter.

How will this planet change under a one world government?

The planet has always been under one government, but it is divided by many cell blocks
(countries). The entities that fight over control of this planet don't really count for much.

Regarding Masonry/secret societies/mystery schools, is the "mystery" an attempt to pass on

the knowledge of the existence of ET and what it all means?
They don't have that knowledge.
Why the Platonic idea of the secrets being held at the top while the masses toil in ignorance?
The top toils there too.
If the "mysteries" are so valuable and important, why force the "brothers" to go through years
of silly, useless rituals to have the "secrets" revealed to them?
The secret is that there are no "real" secrets in their possession.
Is there anything useful or valuable going on in these organizations?
Some of them are philanthropic.

Secret governments do abduct people and animals for various reasons but they don’t have to
leave evidence, neither does ET.

Animal mutilations are common very few are cattle and none are humans with souls.
Mutilations are done mostly by humans in covert operations to extract certain enzymes from
animal tissue-----stuff they need in the field----animals provide fresh material----wild animals
are everywhere and are an easy source for many biological elements.

ETs can do a blanket mind alter and black ops also has the capability with hand held devices
and other means similar to what ET uses---but they are restricted on where and who they use
it on---hence Abu Ghraib could not be covered up.

Black ops are humans who often dress up like aliens and are in possession of certain ET
gadgets. I need say no more.

Black ops abduct for many reasons including experimenting---and they do this with the aid of
craft and gadgets given to them by ET. Occasionally ET will supervise and or fix things the
black ops have botched. But there are no formal or informal agreements.
Most operations are suggest by ETs and followed through by black ops.
Black ops are only concerned about the physical and not so much concerned about inflicting
pain because they can blank most of it out.

I do know that black projects are run by both sides---and once you are in you never get out---
for obvious reasons.

Is Black Ops Global?

Yes, and is off earth as well.

The underground black ops economy, that’s how they get around the minimum wage thing---
lol----only kidding !

Many things are done and manipulated in black projects that concern human genetics and
immune system---that is beyond human understanding---and could never be done in the open
due to human bureaucracy and general paranoia.

CIA's Black Budget : where all of that money is going to every year?
To try and interface with extremely advanced and spookily mysterious beings from other
dimensions inside this very galaxy---the milkshake galaxy---
A trillion dollars is pocket change for them----and does it really mater the amount of money
they spend?---most of it goes back into the economy, jobs, etc.

Advanced Black Op tech:

Is It a USA program ? Is it a multi-national group ? Is this superior tech currently being used
in the Mideast ?
Yes to all
Black ops for the most part do more good than harm---but there is always a reason for the
harm, you need not worry about it because you are not in that crowd.

The "earthly" men found in on Uranus [in A Day with an extraterrestrial] are part of a black
ops thing, most have volunteered to go but they are from a human mixture a tad more
advanced and they are learning new technologies that they may bring back to earth or other
places. They are supplied via ET ships by other humans such as them that are in the program.

Military and black ops have “ufo replica crafts”

People involved in black ops project are humans with minor modifications from earth and
other places.

Black ops is a huge organ with many branches and tentacles, and acts like the glands of the
solar system, some parts of it function well but other parts flare up now and then.

Things are kept in black ops because they would never be acceptable under our present belief
systems---yet many things they do remain necessary.

Human black ops predate our modern era, for those who can get their minds around that.

I was involved in black ops---I need not say more---but, and it’s true, people in those
programs would never admit to it or they would be dead. “C'est la vie”
I was ambushed more than once by people wearing the same uniform as me yet they failed---
and they never fail---theoretically
I was not aware that I was of any real importance back then, kind of like now, and it should
have been easy to take me out as it still is. They don’t tell me anything---lol

Black ops people play for keeps whenever they can---even though they are so deep under
cover that no one can touch them---ever, they still don’t like people taking about them. So
their people will rag to Milton’s people and Milton will take me out for coffee and make jokes
about it---and his jokes are so bad---even worse than mine and John’s put together, if you can
imagine that !---anyway that’s why I don’t like taking about black ops---Sorry, your post
caught me right after I had my one glass of wine---

Did Black ops use the whole alien facade to cover up what they're really doing?
Well if they were able to do these things why don’t they share what they find on boards like
Obviously nothing could be “covered up” or hidden from them if what they state is true,
Anyway, area 51 is a red herring to other more important locations----yet much ET stuff still
goes on there.
And I’m not spilling the beans otherwise I would have to put up with more bad jokes from
you know who.

Yes; the black ops controls the USA war machine and are affiliated with the men in black.

Black ops can appear as dark entities.

Are all black ops human? Does a soul need special qualification to be part of that program?
They are human and a variation of human---some are.
Souls are never picked randomly they are primed for the job from birth.

Black Ops have many interesting gadgets.

Black ops are the secret governments that operate on all planets in stealth mode. They do
things that are considered unacceptable to the general populations.
They consist of ETs, humans, and a variety of between the sheets phenomena---that has no
category so I can’t go into it.
Overall they are benevolent; at least that is the intent---they often take care of the crap
governments don’t have the cahones to do in the open.

Most of the 'black ops' are 'sleepers' who really don't remember what their alternate egos do
half the time, right ? (Like the 'Men in Black', etc.)
That’s a myth, everyone in black ops have and know how to pick memory locks. They learn
that in the first two weeks of black ops training.

Are the black ops preventing the U.S. from terrorist attacks?

There are different types of black ops that are not military but they operate like military, but
much more discipline.
Do they handle different things like the weather, politics, fashion, the mood of the population
and religion?
Like a machine.
If they work our culture like a machine, why do they care?
The benefits are out of this world for some, and the money is not bad either.

Black Ops is not one big fat organization there are many of them and the right hand never
knows what the left hand is up to, and there are many hands in the pot.

Like the military and civilian police they do a job and they get paid for it, plus job satisfaction
for some. Not much else to it. There are many scientists who dabble and or straddle both
covertly and overtly in their perspective fields.

Black ops and inter-dimensional programmers use mirrors to split personalities into
dissociative states in their subjects. It is like the mirror behind the mirror fragmenting into
We don’t need any help with that, we all do it really well on our own.

Some black ops take commands from entities out of this world.

Is there a purpose for studying twins by ETs or black ops? What info are they looking for?
Not by ET, but black ops certainly, they are looking to understand the brain wave phenomena.

Whatever black ops has was given to them or left for them to find---by both sides, and there
are more than two concerning both sides.
Why are black ops spiking our pharmaceuticals? What do they hope to accomplish, and does
it coincide with the revamping of the next generation of humans, or is that a separate or
different agenda?
There is a large shopping list of agendas that have both long term and short term
consequences, both good and bad. But the physical bodies we resided in are not the issue that
should concern us, no more than our cars---we are in charge of doing the basic maintenance
on our cars, but the complexities under the hood is for the mechanics---and they take their
orders from higher ups
Besides, the clunkers we are in are not why we are here; we are here to negotiate a much
better vehicle for our next ride.

The Philadelphia Experiment:

Electromagnetic radiation manipulation in the hands of amateurs.

Project Montauk:
Physiological warfare that didn’t work very well and was scrapped.

Who many people actually know what all of the separate black ops programs are actually
No humans know the intricacies other than their small parts and they are faceless.

Are most people in black ops here on earth, on missions?

They are prequalified but not all of them are aware of that fact.

Can a non mission soul be a part of black ops?

Not generally but there are a few exceptions but never via résumé.

What do the "local operatives" intend to do with the gene pool?


Can black ops detect where certain ETs have been or if you had a conservation/contact with
any of them?
It’s part of their jobs to know what is going on in their assigned sector of earth. But the higher
up ETs can block them out and that really pisses them off.

Does Black Ops use special communication to skull techniques that make many believe they
are consulting with higher beings?
No but some human politicians do------believing they are the higher beings---

Black ops always speak in code, which changes daily.

Why is the government creating so many underground bases and tunnels that extend for
There is covert infrastructure behind the overt infrastructure.

Is black ops mostly human run or a joint effort of many beings?

Are there human black ops there with technology which lets them permeate into bedrooms
and such?
Yes black ops can do that, but guides sometimes mess with us too.

Whilst we get to play with "so called new PC technology" do the boys in black projects get to
play with new toys, such as "to the moon and back in 5 nano-secs"?
Some of them really love their jobs.
- XIII -

Most if not all folklore is based on some truth because ETs come in many sizes and shapes,
the good ones and the bad ones.

People enjoy being afraid of things that are not real, not so sure about the real stuff---

If you could put on magic glasses you would see a soup of entities everywhere you looked----
like a crowded dial on your radio----each entity representing a frequency
They know the rules of the game and can observe but not interfere with humans----unless the
contact is initiated by a human----in which case the human may become an object for fun---

Bigfoot / Sasquatch / Yeti:

The creatures known as Bigfoot are real---Their origins? how about Mars.
They are an endangered species, and are elusive for that reason, they have been de-clawed.
They’re not dimensional travellers.
They have ships and can travel to certain planets, but most are tagged.
They are not related to humans.
Their bodies are never found for the same reason ETs and their stuff are never found---unless
it’s left there to be found like Roswell and other places.
Those who have see Bigfoot or any number of their relatives have had a very close encounter
that was erased from their memory and don’t know how lucky they are for that erasure, but
they sometimes let them remember that they saw them.
That’s all I have to say for awhile, that’s a subject I should avoid.
There is nothing wrong with Sasquatch other than earth is a lot warmer than Mars, and their
furry hides get itchy, and this solar system warming isn’t helping.
They are supernatural creatures.
They are smarter than the average bear.
They hold some earthly and non-earthly powers.
Some work for the secret government.
Why do Bigfoots come to earth?
Because they can.
We have stuff here that they don’t have on Mars.
Why are they not supposed to come here?
Not all of them are barred.
When they come to earth, they live under ground and in their ships too.
On Mars, they live underground, on the surface and in space stations above the planet.
Sasquatch is Martians but like the faces on Mars that got debunked via different camera
angles they may try and subterfuge Bigfoot too.
I envision Bigfoots to be smelly, huge beasts.....but to think they might be much more
intelligent and able to fly spacecraft is pretty cool.
They think we humans smell, go figure.
You hear about bigfoot encounters and how they like to throw rocks as warnings.....pretty low
tech for a space riding ape!!!
The alternative is much worse.
Do they just play the primitive man game to get by in the wild, while they're really much more
That is the game.
They love truffles.
Do you think one day any of them will be captured alive or is that possible?
Only if they allow one to be captured like they have with a few alien ships and androids.
Are those Mars rovers still wandering around the surface, or are the Bigfoots playing with
them like toys?
For the most part they leave them alone, they know what they are.
It’s a tad chillier on Mars and the fur coats come in handy.
They have their duties.
Some belong to the maintenance department.
An encounter with one would certainly be horrendous and nothing like in the movie “Harry
and the Hendersons”.
Does Bigfoot live underground like the ET’s? Maybe even with some of the ET’s? If so do
they have their own spaceships and ET technology etc?
Yes to all.
Where is Bigfoot from?
From this solar system.

Mexican Flying Humanoid video:

I can’t comment on that specific incident but paranormal phenomena is more prevalent and in
the open in third world countries because people in those regions remain connected to certain
traditions and function at different levels---many continue to invoke gods and spirits into their
lives and villages---entities that bring complications and other elements into the mix, kind of
like a computer virus.
There is stuff going on south Mexico border, some of it includes neutralizing certain entities.

Any other life forms on our level on the ladder that we, as humans, would consider odd?
Oh yeah, but I’m unsure how to elaborate further concerning that oddity, at this time.

Vampires are real; they have been on earth before this last tour of humans started their
procession through here. And they remain alive and well today
If I was serious about making money in the writing business I would write about the “real”
vampires instead of my silly version of ET-------but then no one would be able to go to bed
without an Uzi locked and loaded with a few clips filled with silver bullets.
Unfortunately the real vampires can’t be stopped by mere mortals with their silver bullets and
wooden stakes---nor crucifixions or mirrors---not even garlic
I can’t give away those details for awhile but they don’t live in caves---they live in cities and
they don’t look anything like Dracula---and I’m not talking about the human wanabees---
some of them can fly and do fly at night.
They do look human, and they do lurk were human zombies tend to roam.
I don’t think you need worry about vampires, vampires know who the zombies are and only
follow them around like vultures circling---few if any people see these things.
Human zombies are humans with very sick souls---bordering on being lost. Once these souls
pass a point of no return they are fair game to other types of entities---entities that are very
difficult and disturbing to describe.
When the vampires attack and people go missing does anyone care about these people? Are
they on milk cartons?
When people enter this “dead zone” they usually have exhausted anyone that cares or cared
about them. They don’t end up on milk cartons.
Vampires don’t need human food but they can eat it. They also don’t need the blood, but the
blood is key for what they do---and most humans don’t want to know the whole story about
blood---I know that this sounds like a teaser but it’s not.
Scared is not the half of it---most humans have no clue what being scared is. The real stuff
doesn’t wash off, you don’t wake up from it like a nightmare, and it sticks to you like skin.
And I haven’t even breached the blood part.
They can take physical form and show themselves---but those that see them see nothing more
before they are taken away.
Was their human form a result of shape shifting?
More like mind over matter, but I guess it’s the same thing.
They can be whatever they wish to be, even a pretty butterfly.
Can all multi dimensional beings...from ETs such as Milton to vampires manipulate matter
and become whatever they want?
Pretty much.
Does this require any effort on their part?
No effort, it’s basic 101 mind over matter for them.
It has nothing to do with science, science is but a toy to keep us preoccupied on lower level
planets such as earth.
It is not magic for them either, it’s simply part of their existence like sight and smell is for us.
When you talk about vampires do you think of "people" that are psychic vampires feeding
upon our life energy? Like absorbing it from the environment, thru emotions etc? Or are you
talking about blood drinking human/et/hybrids?
Both kinds can feed on our weaknesses and draw us out into the open like egotistical fools
and then gun us down because they often have the advantage. Many of us fall for those traps;
road rage is a good example.
This evil, perceived or real only has the power to toy with us, we have the power to resist it
and not fall into the trap. These things happen at work, at home, at parties, at church,
anywhere and everywhere.
Those are a few of the ploys they use to teach us or draw out the worst or best in us---like it or
not that’s how things are done on this rock.
Hate, rage and folly are the most used tools in our inventory because they require little
discipline----and that’s the inventory we have to deal with on this planet the most, to avoid
going to the creepy and spooky principal's office.

All those silly stories we have heard while growing up about the boogieman are nonsense
Not quite.

The mothman:
A wayward extraterrestrial with an evil fetish.
Sometimes ETs drop in to forewarn of impending catastrophe, sometimes they create such.

The gargoyles represent the demons that stalk mankind, but they should represent the demons
that are mankind.
If we fail to see the light of goodness then we are doomed to see the hell of darkness, and in
that darkness are demons, for lack of a better term.
For most that enter that hell from earth their stay may be short term, but it will feel like an

Shadow beings/entities/people are that people are stating to see now days:
Some people open up doors to the supernatural world sometimes unintentionally and these
beings remain on standby, perhaps waiting for an additional invite.
Some are poltergeist lost themselves but may feel some attachment to the person they are
There are ETs that will hide in dark corners but if so they have no legitimate reason for being
there---unless they smell evil and then they are stalking---wating for the big slip up.
For those who have this problem and are not evil, they have nothing to worry about because
all of us are being watched by the good entities---even if it don’t seem that way.
If they are lurking and hiding in the shadows, they have way too much time on their hands,
and must be from the slacker group.
Most of the time these entities are simply passing through our space perhaps late for some
ghoulish appointment. If they notice that you noticed they might stop and check you out. They
could also be figments of the imagination, as is much of life?
Shadow people are entities on the fast track. Higher beings move much faster than us human
turtles. Those who do catch a glimpse of them need not worry unless they been doing things
to reel such creatures in, like in a séance.

Are you positive all these black ops and evil ET, vampires whatnot are not a threat to your
average Joe people?
Evil and vampire types are for those so far gone they are not aware enough to ask these kind
of questions, or even have those concerns.

Real monsters are neck deep into breaking rocks that the sun doesn’t shine for them on a
sunny day.
Hannibal type beings are a whole other category than human.

No Jersey devil---but many paranormal occurrences by other phantoms in those parts get
attributed to the Jersey devil.

Folkloric Elves & Goblins and the like were ETs, the good the bad and the very ugly.

What is the story behind Dragons?

Fire breathing dragons are still around today and mostly used by the military.

Such creatures as centaurs, satyrs, minotaurs and so on in artistic iconography were not part of
the ecology of earth, but they were real and some of them were brought here, some created
here for the games people played. Real games, like those in the Roman coliseums but much
more bizarre.
Many freakish creatures were hunted, or did the hunting in the open or in elaborate mazes
underground or inside structures. This is only the tip of the iceberg of the goings on but like
many cans I can't open it further.
These creatures do exist in other parts of the universe. They exist in this galaxy.
They function more like animals than people.
They can communicate with humans.
They don’t develop social structures or languages.
They have their language, but like all animals and humans for that matter they didn't create it.
Were the mythical creatures freakish experiments rather than species destined to live normal
lives as the different animals and humans do here on earth now?
True for this planet.
How long ago did the games take place involving the mythical animals in Renaissance
For eons here and other places and still going on in other places.
Were the painters depicting them from firsthand experience, or from stories?
The ones that were created here on earth were artificially manufactured, and were more like
animals than people if I understood correctly. In such a case, how does a soul choose to
inhabit a body that is neither human nor animal?
Souls of another order can horse around as they like or choose. There are also many darker
reasons as well as enlightened ones.

Jacques Vallée appears convinced that the ancient encounters with sprites, elves, fairies (even
visions of the virgin Mary or Fatima) and the like were actually the same thing as present day
encounters with UFOs and aliens. They were interpreted differently because the
interpretations corresponded to the mentality of the times.
That is true. Also many things we classify today as paranormal, ghosts and strange creatures,
big foot, etc, are also various extraterrestrial/dimensional entities.
He also thinks that aliens are not from other planets but from other dimensions, and that our
experience with space-time makes this difficult for us to conceive.
Depends on the level of the aliens, some are from other planets in this solar system and from
other solar systems. Not all of them got here on their own, some are/were brought here, exiled
here thousands of years ago.

Paranormal entities and other stuff flies around in the same soup bowl we reside in. Some of
us catch glimpses of these things. Most people choose to ignore them, some are freaked out
by them. Sometimes our guides, most of the time has nothing to do with us.

We meet with otherworldly entities in our dreams and while awake. When they slow down to
our speed we don't get disoriented, when they don't we do.

There is a whole lot of strangeness going on. The realm is huge and I stay away from large
parts of the realm when I can.

As much as we would like to think we are alone, it’s just not possible : we live in a spirit
filled universe and some of those spirits can manifest into physical bodies----ET operates in
those parameters.

When you die you can revisit any place that you wish----before you are reassigned to another
If you died or were involved in something sinister you may return on your own or perhaps
sent there for some kind of resolution
Some people are attuned to other souls more than what is normal and sometimes they pick up
the vibrations of these poltergeist.
Poltergeist can be mischievous----so can humans.

Poltergeist can be what we call ghosts and even ETs.

Ouija boards are toys-----for both humans and poltergeist-----can you trust either?
Ouija boards are nothing but wood and plastic-----in the few cases where poltergeist answer
questions the answers are playful or devious. I wouldn’t recommend using such a device to
make serious decisions in your life
Poltergeist can hear your thoughts when you seek them out----a door often best left closed.

Any number of things can cause static, interference and mixed-signals on televisions depends
on whether the signal is coming in through cable lines or from airwaves
Ghosts and ET sometimes cause electrical interference but most of the time the problem is
terrestrial equipment or human..

ET can see ghost but ghost can only see ET if ET lets them. Ghost can be lingering on this
planet for many reasons----but ET, ghost and humans have the same soul, what separates us is
the level we currently are in possession of.

Poltergeists vibrate at higher frequencies than humans.

Ghosts are souls allowed to wonder around for a certain amount of time until they come to
some understanding of what is holding them here.

Ghost are souls left behind to work things out before they are forced to move on---it’s both a
privilege and a curse.

Black Eyed Kids:

There are many reasons that “human” eyes can become all black including artificial means via
drugs and contact lens, some people like to freak out other people too. But because physical
features in humans are wide and varied making a generalization that black eyed people who
may be plagued with a freak of nature condition are potential spawns of Satan---would be
Nevertheless, entities with interesting features and personalities, yet human looking do come
into “certain” people’s lives for various reasons---even those people who have no idea why
these “entities” have come knocking---or wish not to connect the dots.
These encounters are not always evil in nature but may be evoked---forced to manifest,
because of some deep desire---sexual, monetary, hatred, greed, envy---taken to the extreme---
forgive me if I don’t go into further detail

Disembodied voices are [often] family on the other side poking through the membrane into
this side---some people might mistakenly call them poltergeist because they can manifest
body and voice into our reality here on earth.

If we do receive a communication from the other side they would make sure we remember
what it is that they wanted to pass on to us right?
The info is usually placed into the subconscious where it permeates into the conscious mind
over time---when it may come out as a “eureka” moment, or remain subtle and incremental.
We cannot have open unobstructed channels with those on the other side otherwise this life
would be mute and pointless.
Those important to us are never out of touch unless they are back in new lives and in the same
boat we are. But if they are not incarnate they know everything about us---our thoughts too----
should they want them--
But on our end we have to be content with any crumbs they may be allowed to toss our way
via dreams---before the birds get to them---and the birds will eat most of the crumbs.

In death, why can't we simply escape and do whatever the hell we want instead of being
sentenced to more of the same?
Some have been allowed to escape; we call them ghosts---lost between realities.
Between realities is not a good place to be and those stuck there are more miserable than they
were while here in physical form---they are left there until they beg and plead to be
reincarnated and given another chance.

Once the poltergeist gets on the bioplasmic field of a person, is there any way to permanently
remove it - or is that just the price to pay and have to live with it?
Unfortunately we have to wear some of our battle scars regardless on why we got them until
we exit even if we make amends. If the amends stick then they will fall away like a scab
during our exit debriefing.

There are many flavours of poltergeist, some are lost souls left here for a certain amount of
time, some are visiting old hangouts for the fun of it. Some are nasties peeking through the
curtain looking for a party to crash, and sell their merchandise to angry humans.

How come they do not move on? How come they are not reborn or moved up or down?
Some souls are allowed to remain here to ponder what happened to them; some are kept here
to ponder what they have done. They don’t exist in the same time zone as the living and
therefore length of time is irrelevant for them. Some are not aware that they are ghost or that
they are dead.
There are spooks that have passed and don’t know it yet.
Also there are some people who think they are alive and technically and physically they are---
but they are already dead even though they walk among us.
This planet is filled with zombies---zombies being people with no purpose in this life, and no
love for anyone---love is life---abundant love is abundant life
The spark of life is the love we have in us---even a spark is good---but to hobnob with the
gods at higher levels of existence that spark needs to be a blowtorch.
Entities pay us visits now and then; children are more sensitive to such beings. There is a
"real" reason children fear the dark and some adults too. But no need to fear, unless you have
accumulated plenty of negative baggage.

Ghosts and demonic possession is real. I have said in the past that demons can't inhabit us
while we are in our own skin, but they can claim our bodies once our souls have been taken
out of them to some other place, for a time or longer.
The story that was turned into a book and later the screenplay for 'Exorcist' as an example?
The pea soup was fake. Most such stories never make the press.

Ghost are souls visiting this zone, or are stuck in this zone, for a certain time. Both and more,
incidents are "allowed" by higher ups. Demons are evil souls looking for what they can't have
anymore, which is life. They are confined in certain places including inside of human skin.

Do ghosts understand how they are perceived in our 3D world?

Some perceive nothing at all, they are lost.
Do they retain the same knowledge one might get after death when things are clearer and our
place in the universe easier to understand? Or are they sent back to haunt without that
knowledge of the afterlife?
Things are only clear for those souls moving up.
- XIV -

What real purpose does history have?
History is an interpretation of those writing it, and it is often distorted to fit a particular belief
or agenda. Had Hitler won the war there would be a whole different history today. Also the
historical beliefs we have today differ in many countries---same history---different
History is a tool used by humans---and ET.

We don’t talk about alternative history on a regular basis but history as we presume to know it
is mostly false.

There have been many civilizations on earth----the early ones have been wiped clean from
this planet-----millions of earth years ago-----like an old house that is hundreds of years old
earth has seen many remodels and upgrades.

Does each civilization peak?

There is no goal to reach, after awhile it withers away like fruit fallen from the tree----and the
infrastructure dissolves back into the ground or is removed by teams of ETs.
Then there’s a place where the most undesirables are sent initially, eventually they form the
villages, cities and nations, the rest is history.

This planet was/is use as a prison----in antiquity many thousands and hundreds of thousands
of years earth was infinitely more brutal than now, and even our early civilization----those
that casually tortured and sacrificed humans for religious, political, or simply entertainment---
-would have been horrified had they known what went on.

Humans need something to believe and ETs created illusions throughout history----everything
is staged.

The war on communism was an ideology conflict----communism verses democracy, although

religion played a part the bigger issue was ideology---on a worldwide scale---Vietnam was the
battle ground where a lot of the steam and tension was released between the two super
powers, America and the USSR

Every single civilization has been put on on earth one human at a time---well maybe not one
at a time---since there are millions being born into this world as we speak---lol

The USSR had built fences around its country with machinegun towers and barbed wire
fences to keep people from escaping---that should shed a bit of light on how evil that country
was. And ET did help in the dismantling of it.
The former USSR is 90% frozen hell hole that no one could traverse without dieing in that
Siberian wasteland----nevertheless desperation to get out of the Hell known as the USSR
countless thousands if not millions took their chances and froze to death in their attempts to
escape. No fence was needed in those parts of Russia.
Russia was much smaller when it was converted to USSR, and continued to grow as it
gobbled up nearby countries since its inception.
Many were shot trying to escape from the Berlin wall---to West Berlin and freedom---very
few made it
Most ended up tangled in barbed wire and filled with bullet holes from the machine gun
towers---good old communism
Hitler’s Germany sold their souls to certain questionable ET entities---for reasons not yet
allowed to be known---if ever. Hitler was a tool of unspeakable horror covertly inserted like a
seed into a patch of earth that was fertile for such a creature. In the old days they used
maggots to eat skin infections.
You mentioned that certain dictators like Hitler and Stalin were given certain tools by ET's
for more persuasion over their people. What exactly were those tools that were given to them
by ET's?
The fail safe tools that have always worked wonders for tyrants, get people to intensify their
innate hate and envy of others. People fall for such slick talkers time and again. Granted many
leaders of all stripes pontificate such things, but what separates the chaff from the wheat in the
sheep are those who burn with hate in their heart at the end of the day and those who don't.

Our generation grew up watching “Father Knows Best”, “My Three Sons” “Leave it to
Beaver”, “The Partridge Family”, etc.
Did those shows prepare us for what was coming? ----Vietnam War, the Age of Aquarius, free
love, and a drug culture...
More like a rude awakening---

The Sixties may have been the most manmade evil decade in American history. The riots of
68 turned my city, a vibrant and beautiful downtown into a hellhole and ghost town nearly
over night, and it’s only now starting to crawl back to life after thirty nine years.

Why is the blatant truth about our recent U.S. history/current events being distorted,
overblown, under reported and dumbed down--without question?
Because it can be.

Many history books are misleading because most of the real history books were destroyed by
people that didn’t want the truth out there---so the real story will never be known.

Russia and the US are and have been in competition, they are neither on the same page nor on
the same side, had America been the one to fold, Russia---the former USSR would have taken
over the world and we would now have a one world government. ET didn’t let that happen.

The world has never been a nice place for all, all the time. Somewhere in the world it has
always been “like the days of Noah” one only needs to look at history.

The reason there are so many castles with moats was because of the numbers of criminals
dropped off on this planet. Human history is pure violence with a few pockets of tranquillity.
Even humans relocated their criminals and undesirables on other lands.
Those who were not part of the herd were victims of the herd.
Societies basically formed for protection against bandits, and other societies. And those kinds
of structures require leaders.

In10,500 BC, a planetary shift took place moving earth out of the Ice Age and placing it back
online for human habitation.
It was done gradually over a few centuries---the exact time and procedure is a highly guarded
Earth was not a fun place to be during that period and many centuries after, as certain entities
that had infested this planet were systematically eradicated by hellish and what we might
consider today as ritualistic procedure.
That’s the brief of it; the long version would take many books to cover it all.
Between Ice Ages there are many tropical and temperate periods that last a very long time.
They are used to give the earth rest after a long period of habitation by animals and other
entities including humans. Planets are put into dormant or semi-dormant states for a variety of

Much of the real history was destroyed by natural and artificial disasters as well as religious
fanatics and other conquering parties who wished to supersede the old ideas with new ones,
theirs. Every generation and every country rewrites history to suit their biases.

All wars tend to be holocaust in nature, one country or belief against another, winner take all
But in the big picture the rise of Hitler was a test to see if the world was ready for a one world
government, as we all know it was not. The world will be “one” eventually, and will be tested
periodically until it happens.

Era of mind expansion was not by chance but by design, and so was the Vietnam War and
everything else we see as real.
Most of the CEOs of the top corporations and world leaders today had their mind expanded
during that era as flower children fighting against the establishment of their fathers, that very
establishment they would soon take over---and are now equally despises by this generation---
life is a never ending circle of the same thing---change---problem is change is elusive and
never really happens.

The past is real, it happened, but what do we really know about it ? The Pyramids, Noah’s
Ark, Atlantis, worldwide flood, cavemen, dragons, religions, aliens seeding life here---there is
very little agreement on these items and most everything else in human history.

A paradigm shift is a perception or real change in a previous belief of reality in any field of
thought or science--- spiritual shift, Technological shift, Scientific shift and then some.

I don’t know which generation of humans we are at now, but many of the early ones were at
far more advanced stages than we are, they had access to the space super highway system.

There is only one constant and that is that nothing changes but the slave masters, or wardens
if you prefer.

Have you something like a timetable of earth and therefore human history?
Yes but it is so far from what we have in our history books that I don’t wish to open that can
of worms for some time yet.

Our democracy is not a pipe dream---even though many who live in it take it for granted
because they don’t really understand what it is or how it works---kind of like our young
children who exist unfettered by the everyday challenges imposed on their parents.

Historians don’t know about it [some huge catastrophe that has not been even dealt with by
historians} and only a few humans do, I have hinted about it here
Mayans as well as others that are not even known about packed up and left---coming and
going was much easier back when the planet was sparsely populated.
To avoid offending some people I will not be specific but some “peoples” were run off this
planet, or killed off, others just moved to higher grazing grounds, other planets in this solar
system, and to other stars.

Armenians like many early people who were settled on earth millennia’s back have roots that
remain mysterious---and practices and traditions that made them victims as well as conquers
of other peoples---mainly nomadic tribes in the lands of Canaan against competing Semites---
not sure about the “watcher” angle, but there is a lot of stuff that must remain hidden because
rumours, half truths, and outright lies are not doing any favours for the present day

JFK say and his famous "going to the Moon speech":

Too bad he didn’t know we were already there---lol---nevertheless that was a great speech
from a wise and courageous man who also said “Ask not what your country can do for you
but what can you do for your country”---why then are many people asking “what is my
country doing for me lately”

There are certain guardians of truth around the world but the big story is in Egypt, and for that
truth to surface would mean Egyptians would need to give up claims to their most cherished
artefacts---and then the domino effect of other nations and cultures having to do the same, not
to mention all the religions taking a fall
It would get messy fast
A big time natural disaster that would bring earth to its knees might work---then the survivors
could start from scratch---new gods would land and take over the planet---just like they did
fifteen thousand years ago
Personally I would prefer a whole other scenario---

What really happened to the Library of Alexandria what happened to all the books ?
Most of us would like to believe that religious zealots destroyed contradictory and competing
ideologies or those jealous rulers destroyed what they couldn’t have or understand. Some
truth to that but much of history---the little we know, would be skewed by the very history
written in those books should that history be available today.
Not all those books and artefacts were removed off planet or destroyed; some remain hidden
in the private libraries here on earth of a few powerful people.

Are there any books out there with truth to them about the earth's history ?
Yes but they are not available to the general public---same with the existence of ETs, they are
everywhere on this planet yet few seem to know about them.

The thing about those illegal aliens [men] from Mexico is that they are willing to die for
meager wages in the USA---because in their own countries those meager American wages go
a long way.
Those of them that manage to make it into this country feel themselves blessed beyond
anything spoiled Americans such as yourself could ever understand.

A 'new' civilization starts with higher up entities that create small communities and rule over
them for centuries. Then depending on what level the planet is, will determine how barbaric it
starts and remains.
Archaeologists just found a 4.000BC ancient city in Iran. This supposedly destroyed their
previous ideas about the Mesopotamia cradle thing. Any views on that?
I have mentioned something about Mesopotamia somewhere but my comments on it would be
politically unsavoury especially concerning that particular era.

The American Indians are not Asians or Europeans and they didn’t cross the Bering Strait---
but unless we stuff some peotie into a peace pipe and smoke it I can’t tell you from where
they hail

The Native American Indians, whose ancestors are still with us, would certainly be something
of great interest to those of us who would like to know more about their past.
You know not what you ask---and so I have to leave it there---there is forbidden knowledge---
especially at these politically correct levels we are restrained to in the western world.

I would think that eventually, through perseverance and lessons learned, a civilization would
eventually gain the rights to explore the vast depths of the universe(s) unfettered.
That’s what those confined to the playground or prison yard yearn for.

Is it true that once a civilization reaches a certain point all the members of that world become
one? A single consciousness.
Not really, we come and go as individuals. Many people here now will not be here when it’s
all said and done---or when they close up shop.

What was the first race to inhabitate the Earth?

They were here before the dinosaurs, I could say Adam and that would be as valid as any
other name---btw Eve came a long time after Adam.

Where are the Akashic Records located?

Off planet.

Would you say Archetypes is the language of Hyperspace?

The language before the Tower of Babble----the universal language, yes there is such a thing.

How much outward influence ET had during early civilization (as we know it).
100%, but not always a positive influence
Many ETs back then were evil and where run off this planet. Also back then people were
aware that the gods came from the heavens it was part of life. Most of those kinds of records
have been destroyed.
Today there are still pockets of humanity that are more aware of those things, but don’t feel
the need to talk about it outside of their select core.
Earthlings as a whole don’t need to know those things because many are simply doing time
here, and others need to focus on the basics of life because that’s what they are being tested

There are layers of covert and overt powers both human and extraterrestrial. There are
obviously many economic levels on this planet and they are not all by accident, some are
imposed others we fall for.
We are about 150 years into the modern era, which began with the pre-industrial age, and will
last until about the end of this century when we will be able to go outside of the house and
play with fewer restrictions---the moon, mars, a space station or two.
The old pastoral ways die hard, industrial revolution, the first and second world wars, the
hundreds of other wars, and the present and future wars as other backward countries that have
lagged for one reason or other are forced out of the old ways and into modern space age ways.
---lots of unhappy campers out in the world still because change sucks, but that will end when
space travel becomes the focus of most of the people on earth.

How do we (humans) get to the end of an iteration or era? In simpler terms, how do we go
from billions of humans to does it usually end? How does ET do it?
Through attrition----over a long period of time----not cataclysmic via human atomic war, or
asteroids hitting earth---although they have done that with certain races that were deemed
Animal life such as dinosaurs and other shifts in the world ecology are different matters.

Hitler orchestrated and brought out the hate, and envy locked deep inside peoples’ souls and
spit that venom out onto the world for all to see and experience, as did Stalin, Mussolini and
others, but Hitler did it more profoundly. Hitler was a tool, the can opener to that festering can
of worms called hate, envy and ego.
Hitler was a tool, not to expose himself but to expose defects within those whose lives became
entangled in his madness and made it their own madness. The same stench that exposed evil
souls also exposed exemplary ones in the maddening process.
If Hitler was merely deluded into thinking he's off the hook and a catalyst, and that one must
never harm another or be the cause of their ruination, or dig pits for them, Love does not
harm ever, then how would he be dealt with? Would he be forced kicking and screaming into
a child sacrifice? Or someone starving to death in Cambodia? Or a homeless child in the
Philippines rounded up on the street and shot in the night?
Those who latched onto his lust for evil, yes, if not worse places on darker worlds.
Nevertheless, not all people in dire straits come with such baggage, but other kinds of
baggage or situations no human can know or understand.
Hitler was not killed or replaced.
The Mayas were evicted; they were always late with the rent, and then their blood rituals got
blood all over the walls and carpet, they simply had to go.

Is the geography books description of Pangea just an illusion? Was the earth once a large
mass of land?
H2O was added to the planet.
They used a lot of buckets over a long period of time to move material onto this planet for the
purpose of terraforming earth.

Does he know if any of the following were inspired by ET's ?

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Old and New Testaments, Grimm's Fairy Tales, any of
Shakespeare's works
All of the above plus everything else that has come from the hands and minds of humans.
Unless there is a human out there that created their own body and mind---but no one has come
forward to claim that ability so far.
Why Greeks and Romans named some gods by planets, why specific planets like Mars as God
of War?
Mars has always looked a bit menacing in the night sky, but also the Greeks and Romans
were students to many of the Egyptian mysteries concerning visitors from space, information
that was later destroyed by superstitious book burning fools.
Anyway some of the information concerned entities and dealings about Mars and some other
local planets. No further details.

There are some populations that are extremely old on this planet that have higher
percentages of rH neg blood, like the basque and others. do you know anything about this?
The Basque remained isolated from much of the rest of Europe historically speaking, and
didn’t mix it up much concerning genes and blood type. They are a strain of people from the
days of Atlantis for those that believe there was such a place. The Romans and other ancient
powers left them alone and not by accident, so that their dna and other carriers like them
would be preserved for future time, like now. But it’s not for me to say why.

Why were Nazis interested in studying twins (supposedly this research is ongoing)?
Twins tend to be more in tune with each other in a supernatural way regardless of distance
between them. What makes that possible is the curiosity, and how does one manipulate or
recreate that magic, is what Hitler was, and others are after.

It seems in the last 100 years this planet, America in particular, have seen incredible changes
in every aspect of life, more so than in all the centuries combined,....
It was all according to plan, the haphazard of it all is an illusion, as is much of what ails other
countries around the world who are struggling---kicking and screaming as they are dragged
into the modern era.

"The sun rises in the East and sets in the West, literally now and into the future"
It means that the leader of the Western world, the US is being sacked from within, by its own
people, and I’m not talking about the leaders, but those who choose their leaders.

How many great civilizations have been on this Earth before Atlantis?
What do you think the ET will let remain from this civilization after it is gone to confuse the
people of the next? (Like the pyramids have for us)
More pyramids.

Our history is filled with very tough times, and some of those people from the past are back,
and here now.

Do you know about the Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, where they true...
They seem familiar but not enough for me to comment on.
However, many epics are based on real happenings, more or less.

Romulus and Remus and the Giant She wolf founding of Rome myth:
Mere pieces of the puzzle under the veneer of worldly myths behind the props...smokescreens
holding up the pillars of the cradle of humanity, myths are. Yet more real than the illusions
that myths portray. That's a minuscule drip. Uncovering the "true" skin of the myths would
turn this world inside out and the honchos, well, Milton, don't want that.
Many people who have never been to Europe and eastern countries, and have no intention of
ever going, will never know how much more high tech those ancient people were than we.
The pantheon---is not a mistake nor is it low tech. This is an ET plain as the nose on your face
as are some of the cathedrals, statues, reliefs, city streets, castles, forts, ramparts, roads,
viaducts, sanitation, is staring right at you... 2000 year old ....and better than most of what
exists currently in most of our world.
So this next (our) ET earth phase was simply a higher tech dump?
A little more than that.
Is this what our ET creators do on this type of planet? The illusion of evolution?
And they do it well.
Approximately 50 million people lost their lives during that war. The Jews lost about 6
million. As a percentage they did lose more people. But that is not important because we don't
really die. Most who died during that time are now alive again and back on Terra Firma,
The war was a test of human character. Many failed that test, many passed the test.

Russia wants back what it lost back when the evil Empire fell, and they will do whatever need
be to get those countries they originally stole, back.

Where are examples of ET's like Milton work with people on the world stage, where we can
see the positive things of people on the way up?
There are many such entities and people in every country. They are seldom on the front pages,
they don't seek attention. But their main objective is to increase trade and communications
between countries. They never seek short term feel good and pat me on the back approaches,
as do some attention seeking rock stars, and other Hollywood celebrities and politicians.

The Roman Empire as most know was a brutal zero tolerance machine.
More so than its counterpart the USA is. Both the US and the Roman Empire were created to
stamp out certain renegade regimes. The Romans had a simple rule, the Roman way or the
highway. The highway was complete obliteration of those unwilling or unable to comply with
the then basic principles of what a civilization was about.
The Romans were hated back then and they still are today. America is hated for the same
reasons. We tend to hate our wardens, or anyone with power over us. But unfortunately most
humans are like teenagers gone awry, they like vandalizing, and have little respect for others.
Pillaging and raping was rampant all over Europe, Rome brought stability and civility to those
countries they dragged into the Empire. Gladiators and brutality in the arenas was done to
tame the blood lust of the people of that era. Today our blood lust has not diminished much or
at all. We satisfy it via movies, games, and live action shots around the world via news teams
and the Internet.

Are 3-4M year-old human fossils, just what roamed this earth at the beginning of this last
human batch?
There is always some traffic and overlap of entities between epochs.
After each decommission, do humans re-start at a very primitive level, so that later, scientists
in more advanced groups can speculate on a "natural evolution of the species"?
Sense of history is part of it but there are other more profound reasons that Milton doesn't
want to talk about.
So, species here which differ only by a fraction of a percent in their gene code are brought to
the planet as they are, and no evolution or other link between them exists?

Will evidence of ancient, advanced prehistoric civilizations be officially acknowledged some

time during this century?
Perhaps. Some anthropologists have decided that the caveman was much more complex than
previous beliefs. How much will get out no one knows, nevertheless, the little evidence that is
out is overwhelming for those who wish to acknowledge it.

For how long do you thing Mexicans will have to endure these tough violent times?
Some areas will improve faster than others, but Mexico as a whole needs much cleansing still.
Crime is tolerated because it has deep roots and touches many average families, who depend
on it, have sold out to it. Zero tolerance is needed, but not forthcoming anytime soon because
of what I said above.
Mexico had deep problems that go back before its inception, before the Conquistadors.
Mexico has been sick for a long, long time. Most people have short memories about that.
Everything is going to poop in Mexico little by little laws are starting to be enforced.
Some will rise above the poop, some will become part of the poop. Did someone say that life
was fair? I did. I lived in the poop, looked up to the big poops, the gangsters that ruled my
town. Most of them are now dead poop.
Why are drug cartels so frowned on when corporations like the FDA are around?
Those who think they are here to change the ways of the world will be disappointed. The
world is a stage, and those who don't realize that are the stooges on the stage.
There is too much confusion for either system to work well. Sometimes the house has to burn
down to the ground before a new one is built.

The US has created all the problems of the world? The worst part is that so many people
believe that, even blue blooded Americans. America is certainly the favorite scapegoat, so be
it. That will not change, but that is not the problem, the problem is not nationalized---it is
individualized---each individual has situations they will deal with, like it or not. How they/we
deal with our issues will determine the next hole we craw into.
Everyone plays the blame game, Russian is blaming America for invading Georgia lol---and
guess what, many people are falling for it. And they will all. The blame game ends up kicking
us where it hurts the most. In our souls.
A lot of money was made by drug lords selling their drugs to Americans. That is not a good
thing. That is not integrity. Helping other people with money that helped destroy other people
is not a good thing. It's a slippery slide downward. Admiring such people is being in the same
boat as they are when it sinks lower into the bowels of evil. But we are all free to do it.
America is not perfect because human beings are not perfect. Humans will account for their
lack of integrity by higher beings who know what integrity is. The rest of us judge others with
jaundice eyes. We are swayed by agendas, propaganda and sweet talk and seldom the truth.

In the long run, North America will unify.

Will America be united as Europe in this century?
Not if the renegades have anything to do with it. They divide and then conquer. Most people
don't think it's a good idea, they have been affectively divided.

The Sumerians engineered some humans, the rest were competing entities around the world
from around the solar system and a few from other stars.
Neanderthals shared certain physical features but they were containers for something much
different that what we call souls. Some of the earlier containers Neanderthals held "thicker"
There were many varieties of containers similar to man, all designed for special purposes and
reasons ---but here I go again---I’m not telling, so there---
Neanderthals were containers for certain enzymes and they and others like them will be back
when humans are extinguished.
Were they just a vehicle for souls a level down from us and had served their purpose?
Kind of.
Why didn't Neanderthals make use of their powerful intellect to develop an advanced
They weren't given such information.
Were they fully aware of their purpose on the playpen?
Survive it.
Did they feel happy about life and enjoy it?
They did get some happy moments, not many.
Were their looks as primitive/brutal as are now depicted?
Their mothers didn't think so.
Were they mostly good or more like wild savages?
On the savage side.
Were they cannibalistic?
Neanderthal man was exterminated and didn’t merge into today's man.
School was over for those souls.
Neanderthals had a specific purpose, that purpose is what came to an end.
Were Neanderthals spiritually more advanced than current humans?
They were more advanced; it doesn't take much to live in a pampered modern life. They were
put here stripped of every convenience and made to exist like the animals, but with intellect.
Were Neanderthal souls of the human kind?
A version.
Do the last stages of human school involve a stint in a Neanderthal-like act?
Not for all.
For more than just one life?
Was Neanderthal man more intellectually more developed than today's man?
Yes, and they had to endure much more of their wild side.

Homo Sapiens are a whole other ballgame [than Neanderthals].

Has Homo sapiens, or a version of it, been here on Earth for a few million years, or for
hundreds, even a few billion?
Even a few billion, but they clean up the place fairly well, or they don't get their deposit back.

What do ET's think about the unification process of Europe?

Naturally they play their part in that, but what are the specific reasons?
Same as in America, melting pot stuff but in a slow cooker. What we do now is for the future
generations of souls. Which many of us here now will be part of---like it or not.

Were there journeys by European, Asian and African (Egyptian) to America before
Yes they came/ brought over.
How began the population of the cultures in Meso-America?
Seeds from above and beyond the oceans.

How advanced were the souls of Aristotle, Socrates and Plato?

On a scale of 1 to 10, they were a 2, most on earth are number 1. Hey being number 1 is not

If Greek gods were ET's what kind of place was Olympus?

Akin to Atlantis.

What was the deal with Heracles?

Your not so typical powerful son of a god, got everything he wanted.
Was he a hybrid?

Was Hitler brought to South America?

Do you know how many people want that info? And the repercussions of such an answer? "I
know nothing" as Sergeant Schultz would say.
What test of human character did he have to take?
Those who fought in the war and those caught up in it were the ones being tested not Hitler.
He was the sheep dog.
Hitler had physical contact with extraterrestrial beings in human costume.
Hitler and what he stood for is not very popular for the vast majority of humans.
BTW he was only one of many ruling thugs, including those who willingly followed him.
Is Hitler still alive on this planet in the here and now?
He is not on earth at the moment, he didn't die yesterday, and he lived too long.
About the contract that he signed....are some souls, possibly higher up beings, could be tasked
to come to an "earth" type planet and assume the role of a "Hitler" type person to help carry
out certain agenda's, operations, while they're here? Do they get extra points or something
for taking on a role like that?
Happens all the time and we don't work on the brownie point system. It's done for the heck of
it, or something else not suitable for talking about.
Would Hitler still have done what Hitler did no matter what soul was placed inside of Hitler's

Was this a failure of the people?? Failure of good ET to stop the renegades?? Was this
country set up to follow the same path as the Roman Empire, i.e. go from a republic where the
people decide, to a democracy and eventually to a oligarchy with one person in charge?
(dictator, emperor)
It was created to be a world power to counteract the European powers, which it did perfectly
since its creation against France, Spain and England, and again in the 1st and 2nd world wars
against Germany, Italy and Japan. And then USSR and China, where our ground forces fought
those super powers in Korea and Vietnam during the Cold War.
It's all one big game to catch the cheaters. But for those who want to feel like they have a say
in running things, they can run for a political position, which will give them a "taste" of power
and prestige, the biggest illusions of them all, and the most dangerous for the soul.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the end of the world right? Not for us but certainly for plenty
Japanese citizens.
It was the end of the illusions of life for them and the beginning of real eternal life for those
who didn't need to come back for a spanking of more illusion.

Do modern human beings look exactly the same way as humans in the ancient times?
They haven't done much of a model change.
Were the humans of ancient Egypt smarter than the humans of today?
A lot smarter where it counted like knowing more about the underworld, and the gods from
the sky. Today they would be locked up in loony bins.

Were the ancient Mayans elongated skulls hybrids or ET's?

Hybrids. Some were human vain attempts to look fashionable, important, a precursor to
This epoch of humans, can we find some of the earliest writings or translations from that
There are some in private collections as well as hidden government vaults.

Does India have the oldest written record?


What's more pleasurable, being a elite American today or being a Roman emperor around 30
Elite American.

Did the Egyptians of the last 5,000 years openly use machines powered by electricity or other
They had things far more advanced than what we have now.

Did the Romans of two millennia ago also enjoy some form of technology, akin to what we
had, maybe, around the turn of the twentieth century?
The upper crust enjoyed but didn't share many modern conveniences.

Human progress is totally, completely 100 % illusion. Like we have now, modern cities in
some parts of the world and Third World in other parts of the world. Always been that way.
BTW, skyscrapers, traffic jams and fast elevators are not exclusive signs of advanced living

Are Aryans direct descendants of a specific extraterrestrial race maybe the Nordics or

How was the cause of the fire of the city of Rome in Nero's time, what really happened?
Fires were not that uncommon in Rome and other large cities where shelters and shanty towns
made of wood and crammed together was the norm. There was a large fire and a lot of
damage including Nero's palace. Nero and some others were involved but not for Nero's new
palace, more for urban renewal.
How is it possible for there to be other planets just like earth? Well if Darwin is correct then
it’s impossible.
Darwin did his job very well, so well that millions will go to the grave believing in
Darwinism---and get the shock of their lives when they see him on the other side---perhaps
playing Darwinism on some other planet.
Darwin was wrong, nothing evolved from slime.
The thing about a book is that anyone can write anything they want----all they need is a few
other people to agree with them.
Every important discovery that has been written concerning Darwinism has a slew of books
with counter opinions, proposals, theories, and discoveries to show otherwise
Much of Darwinism is a matter of opinion and nothing else
A lot has been invested in the belief of Darwinism
All countries have come to depend on that false religion----life as we know it from the day we
are born depends on the belief of Darwinism
Darwinism is ingrained in our institutions and without it the house of cards will fall
That’s why it is forbidden to teach anything else in American public schools and public
A lot is riding on Darwinism but like all false doctrines Darwinism’s time is about up and it
will eventually come crashing down by the weight of its absurdity.
We did not evolve from slime over millions of years-----Darwin laughs every time someone
says that.
Darwin was wrong----by design.
There is no such thing as evolution, everything is made---and sometimes improved upon---but
that’s illusion.
Darwin was wrong and spent his last days sobbing over the bible his theories helped to make
a mockery of.
Talk about two clueless ships crashing into each other on the dark waters called earth.
Darwin and his minions are not even in the ballpark of reality. In fact no one could have
gotten it more wrong. And yet such is taught in every public school around the world. Except
for the soul part.
Are you saying that natural genetic mutation and Darwin's process of Natural Selection have
never lead to the rise of a new species on Earth?
That is what I'm saying.
Scientific evidence would seem to be very clear on the subject, including the existence of
transitional fossils and DNA evidence.
Take the evolution of cars. The Model T cars have continued to improve and change every
year. Every year something new is added to the old/concept. Is the model T blood related with
those cars that came later? Each model year is a completely different car even if it shares
similar features.
Occasionally babies are born with an evolutionary throwback tails! Looked at as an
evolutionary leftover from an ancestral, bigger-jawed predecessor, wisdom teeth make sense.
These things seem to me pretty clear evidence of evolution for me.
Not only clear evidence for you but for millions of other humans. That was/is the plan.
Sleeper makes mad scientists sounds.
The human body came hairless, well more or less, I have some uncles that are pretty darn
hairy. Anyway, we came hairless so that we would get off our duffs and use our noggin to
make ourselves clothing/animal skins and other habitats for humanity. We were "given" the
smarts to get out of the weather and into shelter. There was only one catch, we had to build it
ourselves or steal what we wanted. That's where the war machine was born.
The tree of evolution is only meaningful to those who connect the dots to satisfy their own
need to understand where they came from. There are many dots one can connect, and make
anything plausible. I was inside really cool spaceships and saw life on other planets. I don't
need to connect any stinking dots to make me whole.
If ET created man, why did he bother with all the trilobites, dinosaurs and 99% of all species
ever to have existed on Earth which are now extinct? If he is in the business of soul-tending a
few hundred million years of Earth history seems like an awful waste of time. Why didn't they
start right out with the model-T humans instead of trilobites?
Earth's ecosystem is complex, well to 3D it is. And to get all those cool fossils in all those
rocks it takes time. Since they control time like the fed controls money, they can print as
much as they like or need.
The problem with your analogy is that the wisdom teeth are allegedly consciously designed.
You still have not explained why we have them in our 'model'. Evolution does explain it.
One version of human or other has been on this planet for millions of years. We call most of
them ape men because we don't know any better. In fact some of them were smarter than the
present version of man. So why did ET leave the wisdom teeth? To give Darwin something to
chew on. Seriously. That's why religions have legs to stand on too. But if we dare to look
closer at the legs religion and Darwinism or any other beliefs including physics, we would
find cracks in their facades. It's all illusions created for us boneheads.
I have yet to see any information that you have put forth that is evidence against evolution, or
supports intelligent creation.
It is not my job or desire to change people's minds about their beliefs in religion or evolution.
A huge amount of infrastructure went into creating such illusions for good reason.
Why bother with the fossils? Why didn't they just whip up the human race a couple hundred
million years ago and get started with the soul- shepherding?
When you advance to higher hunting grounds you can do it your way.
Why do evolutionists even give a crap? If Darwin was right what difference could it possible
make? A random chaos ruled accidental universe? In the Darwin world your Mother, Father,
Sister, Brother has no more connection to you than the turd you flushed down the toilet this
morning. No thanks, kill me now.
Well put and that should be the trump card for evolution. Who cares about all the toys, bells
and whistles of science and the wonders of the universe if man is but an accident of nature
with only one life to live. A turd has better prospects in such a meaningless universe. If we
simply die and there is nothing more then we were never alive to begin with. Certainly a
paradox, or should be for the thinking mind.
Is evolution of all life on this planet an illusion?
Are you saying that nothing has ever changed on earth ever?
Animals, birds, fish, plants, flowers?
Things have been tweaked. But many things are wholly their own regardless of similarities or
so called evolution.

In olden days when cities built walls and moats to protect their people things have changed
little. Now we have more advanced modes that are physiological as in the Cold War where the
concept and reality of mutual destruction kept countries in line. As those shields come down
other measures take their place.

The vast majority of Americans will not have lost any of the rights that their parents and
grandparents had. Actually there are many more freedoms now than there ever was before,
believe it or not. In the old days few people dared challenge government authority.
The generation that is running things today are the flower children of the Sixties who had
their own revolution against the previous generation. Every other generation wants their own
revolution. It's like the child parent thing, as the child grows up he/she revolts against the
unjust powers of the parents.

Why did our forefather's revolt and die for this freedom thing?
They did the job that was required of them at that time and received their just rewards. As will
be true with all of us. In comparison to previous times Americans live Utopian lives. But that
ship has run a ground and it will take some quick thinking and action to pull if back off the
rocks. A revolution of mind not of lead.
I know, it's all part of the big universal plan and I can fully accept that, already have. But why
is this happening?
Because people want to receive the best tomatoes, but they don't want to give them.

It's amazing that America has withstood so much diversity for this long. There are multitude
of ideas of what makes for a good society and now there are a lot more voters vying for their
own ideas of how to get there. Right or wrong, and always right for some and wrong for
others, this boat will continue to float, one way or another. Just hang on for the occasional

How long has man been on earth?

Millions of years with many clean up jobs between.

What turned ethnic groups into what they are today?

Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian, Arabian, Jewish, Russian, Filipino, Malaysian, Vietnamese,
Egyptian, Ethiopian, Finish, Polynesian, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Indonesian, Korean,
Jamaican, African, Romanian, Mexican, there are roughly 249 countries/territories/regions.
What makes each and every group different from another?
Original clans, some created here some imported or exiled here. All human bodies were build
on earth with pride, or not.
Is this all illusion?
Do Chinese really have slanted eyes?
Are certain groups taller, shorter, darker, lighter, different than others?
There are roughly 249 countries/territories/regions with many ethnic groups/tribes with such
diversification/ distinctiveness differing in biological differences that it is hard to imagine this
is all illusion.
A movie set in Hollywood, say Star Wars. Lots of props, computer animation and actors. The
actors are real everything else is plywood and computer software.
Would the renegades create the different races as a way to further divide and burn hatred into
people? Or was it more of a hierarchy/sorting function?
A little bit of both and a lot more reasons that I will skip.

Has this earth ever been covered in futuristic cities way beyond where we are now that were
just very well cleaned up?
Many times.
Why is our Real History hidden?
So that most can sleep at night.

Could you shed some light on ancient cultures as far back as Neolithic times and perhaps
further? Regarding the spiral? What was so significant about this as it shows up in different
cultures throughout the world like Ireland, USA, Scotland, Malta, Mycenae etc, etc as well as
pictographic monuments throughout the world.
What does it mean?
The spiral represents the solar system, and travel through a twisting tunnel at a high rate of
speed, things people remember seeing and doing and expressing such things in a rudimentary

What's your take on the TV channels that give all the conventional history and science - do
they know more than they let on?
They know bunk.

About the counter-balance of events and peoples, does that involve race?
Yes and no.

Our (USA) connection to Israel was flawed--way to much of our money going there. Never
could figure the connections. A simple USA reason/excuse to care about freeing people or a
reason for mid-east military bases re-oil interests?
If it was for the oil we wouldn't have complicated the whole thing for a tiny speck of land
called Israel. Israel came into existence because of Harry Truman. He didn't want to be part or
the creation of a new Jewish nation in the very heart of Islam but was talked into it. A higher
power did want it to happen and the rest is history, the year was 1947, in 1948 Israel came
back to life after two thousand years of being scattered around the world. In 1947 Truman was
made aware of ET.

The entire Gaza thing is another holocaust.

Few will ever know the real picture while in this life.
It's ET’s fight for the most part.

Without the USA there would be no Israel.

What would the middle east be like now if Israel had not been formed in the late 1940's?
Would no Israel have meant that aggression may have been channelled out to other areas
instead of being contained in the region?
The region would have become part of the USSR. The USSR would not have fallen, America
would have. A nuclear holocaust in the 1970s, most likely.
Israel has been a thorn in mankind for thousands of years, and has been hated and envied its
whole existence by nearly every race on Earth. I can't disclose the reason.
The individual humans involved are put through it for their own personal reasons?
Does it have anything to do with the 15,000 year thing you mentioned, as well as Earth's
future wellbeing?
Yes and no.
Some people say that the Jews are primarily Eastern European in genetic origin, and that
therefore they do not have a direct ancestral link to the land that is Israel. Recent genetic
testing has allegedly proven that they do indeed descend from the original Israelites. Is this
Not a hundred percent but many of them are descendants.
It seems that what we are witnessing is, in essence, a tribal conflict between closely related
neighbors. If, as you have implied, the Jews have a special place in ET's earthly kindergarten,
then is their status the result of their belief system or of their genetics? Or is it something
Something else (can’t say anymore).

Did et have anything to do with the local events here in New York recently? the plane landing
in the Hudson Inches.
There were some personal guides working overtime on that one.

What would a austerity type civilization be like in all its glory if their model was developed to
its fullest unhindered?
We have several fully developed austerity models here on earth. We call them Third World
What is the theology of the higher ups in the austerity type model as to why they think their
system is better in developing souls to a higher level?
Pure meanness, like drill sergeants.
Renegades are ground troops for austerity and misery, it's a job.

Has there ever been an 'evil' president of the U.S.?

Not evil, misguided, quite a few.

The USA was not by accident, it was in the plans thousands of years ago. I could go into more
details but then I wouldn't have a life.

Hitler didn't open any doors to other realities. But they did sell out to renegades.

What was the best thing that roman life had to offer?
The technology was superb. The architecture, food, wine, and song, incredible. Life was short
and tasty. People understood that life and death were one and the same. There was plenty evil
in the mix, as always, even now.

Twelve thousand years ago the world had many advanced communities. Most remain buried
in the oceans, seas, and under the sands and mountains.
The idea that our generation is the most advance civilization ever on this planet is refuted by
the evidence in front of us all over this world. And yet most don't seem to "want" to get it.
The ape theory is more appealing.
Mythology is more fact than myth. Gobekli Tepe is not Eden, but those who built it were
more aware of the real Eden than most people alive today.

Zimbabwe killed off and ran off many of the people that created and maintained that
breadbasket. Mugabe has his political head up his ass like so many others that have promised
their people utopia by killing those that produce the food, the money and the honey we all
want out of life.
Is Obama actually a "natural born citizen" of the United States as the Constitution requires
for eligibility to hold his current office? I know in the overall scheme of things this is largely
irrelevant, especially individually.
However, if we're not supposed to really know the truth going on behind the scenes and I
can't say that I fully understand but I have some idea, then all we can "worry" about or focus
on is the state of our country and ourselves and our family and given that, I think that
Obama's eligibility is something that needs to be proven if we're going to actually uphold our
principles and values.
This is a touchy area and keeping the lid from blowing off takes precedence. The civil war has
never ended only put on the back burner where it continues to boil over now and then.
For me, as well as other people, it's a moral ethics and integrity check. But given
the integrity level of some of our leaders, I doubt this will go anywhere. On the other hand I
can understand why they would keep this would stir up a hornets nest I think, would
you agree?
It would stir up a bigger civil war.

I have heard rumors about the Nazis escaping to Antarctica and Mars and setting up bases
there. Is there any truth to this?
I never said that. They lost the war, some escaped, some were relocated here and there, most
are dead and recycled.

During the Third Reich many people believed themselves untouchable, you certainly wouldn't
want to be in their shoes today.

Why are the Somalian pirates not being exterminated? Given our CIA, FBI, extra-ordinary
devises, it would seem a no brainier to annihilate that small renegade faction?
Big lack of backbone. Besides, the international community created the problem by giving the
pirates millions of dollars in ransom. They created the problem by giving the pirates a huge
incentive to keep kidnapping more people. There is a sucker born every second who think
they can negotiate with evil.

The American Civil War was a human transition point as most major wars are. Those who
fought in it and those affected by its sheer brutality and pure insanity had purchased their
tickets in a previous life. The players had nothing to do with the outcome or the reasons
behind the war. I had no part in it.

North Korea is a big problem, but mostly to themselves.

When you get into Earth myths, archetypes, giants, lost history...there was an historical,
scientific, political, religious black out put on this Earth?
For good reason.

People in archaic times knew much more about the demons and the angels than they do now
because they lived openly among them. Now days we exist deep inside our Hollywood
influenced egos, blinded by prejudices and feel good ideologies. But what the heck, whatever
it takes to get by. Nevertheless, there are millions of good people on this planet, even if they
don't fully realize it.
There were many such pockets of "utopia" throughout the history of this planet most not
know of. In earlier times it was easy for Milton types to openly set up camps, towns and
magnificent cities while performing their duties here. But just because such places existed in
tranquillity while inside their camps don't mean they didn't get their hands dirty and bloody
while tending their flocks outside the camps.

My question has to do with the Articles of Confederation that were written when the US was
founded. Here is a link to what I believe is a good transcript of them.
After reading them, it seems like the plan for this country to essentially take over the Roman
Empire's role as the world super power/evil doer destroyer would not have worked. I say this
because our present constitution provides for a central government to be permanent while the
AofC provide for extremely limited government and overwhelming states' rights. I'm not sure
if you have any background information on the Articles but I was curious as to why they were
not kept?
Like computer software they were obsolete soon after they were written.
I believe that the revolution was just some sort of gruesome formality to give us the illusion of
freedom in the United States. Would you agree?
Everything is an illusion including freedom. The real question is how much "real" freedom
does any one individual deserve?
Do you think this country would have been better off with the Articles of Confederation?
Since this has been repeated on many other planets, do any of them ever really commit strictly
to those Articles or even the Constitution forever?
My question is really about freedom in the US and its image around the world as the
democracy dispenser. How can we go around trying to portray this image when we do not
respect the "democratic" rights of Iraqis, Palestinians, etc.?
Renegade propaganda.

The Chinese people came close to full democracy and then stopped just like that tank did.
That tank didn’t run over that one person but because the nation of people hesitated in their
fight for freedom the government ran them over, and herded them back into their communist
pens like cattle. China survived because it found and is sucking on the Capitalist tit, otherwise
it would be just another third world country in hellish poverty.
Monuments & Ancient Sites

Many early dynasties and some not so early ones have been run by extraterrestrials.

Most of ET stuff was removed and hidden on this planet and off. Some of it is known about
by antiquities people and governments.

The Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge were not built by men they were built by ETs and use
by ETs to teach certain skills to the latest batch of humans and also for unspeakable
castigation for special entities: the creatures did not all have physical bodies----however some
were advanced souls---not the fallen angels of biblical fame-----some were used for
secreting/synthesizing hybrid DNA.
The Pyramids were not tombs for Pharaohs, they were holding pens for powerful creatures.
Humans didn’t build the pyramids.
The pyramids as well as other structures are alien artifacts.
The pyramids identified this planet the same way we identify nuclear or other hazardous
materials----this was not a planet for casual visitors----it was kind of like Alcatraz when it was
in operation----a dangerous and unpleasant place to be.
The pyramids are the most prominent ET constructs on earth---undeniable proof---yet that’s
not good enough for a whole bunch of people---lol
They are not tombs for the Pharaohs, they were used for a horrific purpose---and they were
containers for some bizarre entities---but that’s a whole other book and story that is yet to be
authorized for release.
There is much buried in those Egyptian sands and remain secrets for a reason.
The Pyramids being a prison: I can’t talk about it without tons more words---way too many
for this tread and this board.
What is their main purpose?
To inspire awe in mankind, but their original purpose which there are many, had a sinister
edge that would not be welcomed in our sensitive PC world today.
We never knew how to build them, and we couldn’t do it with our present technology---oh
sure there are those that claim they can---there is one in every crowd
The fact is the pyramids we see in Giza today are but a gutted shell of the magical structures
they were when they were first built.
What method was used to cut stone so precisely in ancient buildings?
They weren’t cut with human type tools.
Is there a big room underneath the Sphinx and what is in it?
There is a room or two, what’s in it? Stuff the antiquities director of Giza to filter out, but the
good stuff has already been removed.
I don't have info on black pyramids.
Egyptian hieroglyphs: what the hell was a helicopter and flying vehicles doing in Egypt back
Same as today, transportation, the Egyptians were remnants of a highly advanced civilization
that was mostly wiped off the earth via floods and attacks from above
Where are they now?
Incinerated with most of the other advanced stuff from back then.
All the pyramids on earth have been decommissioned.
The pyramids are multi-faceted machines and have served myriads of applications, still
serving btw. But that's not a weather question.
What did the Lion-head sphinx represent that's on the rogue Et pyramid of Egypt. And you
said that it represents masculinity/male energy. Does it represent the age of Leo too?
Constellation of Leo.
Pyramids have been decommissioned, stripped of their vitals. They’re not tombs in the way
we understand tombs. A subject deeper than I wish to go into.
Pyramid structures exist on all planets?
Not all.
Pyramids were/ are still an important balancing energetic force for the Earths existence?
Only for the existence of the tourist trade of Egypt and other countries that have them.
Pyramids are simply monuments a reminder of past stuff?
That too.
Pyramids were used through rituals to generate connections for some inhabitants to do a
"jump start" towards a bigger picture?
Not really.
Were the Egyptians who supposedly built, manifested, constructed the pyramids first, second
generation or left over Atlantians?
Some were, some were more recent transplants.
Do you know what people are doing deep, deep underground where hidden chambers are
found - like under the pyramids and in other ancient areas?
I don't know.
The purpose of the pyramids served higher beings, not humans (can’t say any more).
The horrors that went on in the pyramids, who was carrying these out? And who were they
doing them to and why?
It was worldwide and extensive bill collecting from past due accounts from some interesting

Stone Henge has been all of the above [Church, meeting place, a place to worship the Sun, to
sacrifice lambs or mortals, a landing pad] after it was decommissioned and then abandoned by
the ET staff.
Originally it was enclosed and a much larger and complex structure that was used as a
training facility and other unspeakable things. Unspeakable being the key word.
The Stonehenge had many adapted uses over the years, but its original purpose concerned
varied entities expressing base sadistic pleasures on each other in a maze hall of mirrors type
environment, humans/animals were then added to the mix. Can't go any deeper.
How did they get the stones and lintels there?
With technological ease.
They removed all of the evidence and knew that humans would claim the rest as their own.
[You think] Stonehenge wasn’t their best work? ----neither are human bodies----some things
are created inferior on purpose.
The Druids didn't build Stonehenge. I can't divulge the dark side of the stones.

The Sphinx was put there more than 10 thousand years before the Egyptians and the head is
the work of a Pharaoh who constructed his own likeness over the original head---what was
left of it. Milton said it was his likeness originally but I’m going to discount that---ha ha.
Anyway he did promise to tell me what the original head was but hasn’t yet.
Is there still hidden knowledge hidden under places like the Sphinx?
There is hidden knowledge in a leaf, if we can't crack that which is accessible to us no point in
looking for more advanced stuff.
It was part of a civilization that predated Pharaonic Egypt, but a root of it.
Cities of antiquity were destroyed for reasons surpassing simple looting and conquering.
Some things remain buried in the sands of time and in private secret collections. But most of
the cool stuff was taken off earth.

Easter Island was simply an ET outpost, one of the more active ones until the 1700s. The
island was also used to isolate certain humans----
I don’t know for what purpose.

Atlantis was real but not located in the Bahamas. I can’t tell anymore about it.
If I was to give it out it could easily be verified and I would be thrown into the public
spotlight---now we don’t want that do we---
I can’t tell anyone not even my closest friends---there are UFOs parked in many places here
on earth do you want the info too---lol
My statement that it exists in not arrogant, many people believe it and some even know were
it is and are remaining quite also.
Did ET create the Atlantians?
Sure did.
Did they provide the Atlantians with any of the technology that they supposedly had?
Did they destroy Atlantis? For what reason and how did they do it?
Yes they did, Atlantis was a base camp from where they engineered many of the cultures that
sprouted up on earth.
They destroyed it because the work was done, and they could not leave all that neat stuff they
had to be found.
They destroyed it with “fire and brimstone” for lack of a modern term.
Atlantis didn’t drop the ball [as according to Edgar Cayce], they were involved in setting up
many of the early civilizations and when they were done they destroyed the evidence of their
existence like the tape in “Mission Impossible”.
For some reason ETs don’t want that info about Atlantis out yet, we haven’t been “officially”
back to the moon for many years for similar reasons. They only removed the obvious signs,
which have kept their existence in the realm of fables, where it will remain until they feel the
time is right.
Atlantis was only one of many highly advanced civilizations that were erased before the so
called “dawn of civilized man” about ten thousand years ago.
If Atlantis came and went before this iteration of humanity, how is it that we 'know' about it?
Because many people who were not of that city did visit and remembered it---many other
cities continued afterward that was not a part of them. Additionally info was passed down
orally by mysterious people to other people.
Atlantis was in the Mediterranean and parts of the Atlantic, it was deliberately destroyed, no
other details thanks.
The Atlantians were not necessarily the good guys, but they were certainly exiles from other
places as where others that came after them.
Atlantis was destroyed to make way for others. But not all of them perished, they where given
other dominions elsewhere and here on earth.
I can’t explain how the Atlantians used crystals.
The Atlantians and many others finished their work and were run off or moved off, and their
operations put out of commission since they were far more advanced than the batch that was
being started up.
Souls from Atlantis were dispersed to other realities and some have come back to earth.
All Atlantean’s features have been bred away.
Atlantis have the oldest written record.
Was Atlantis destroyed because it was infiltrated with renegades?
What exactly was Plato's Atlantis story?
Info passed down through the ages both written and oral about an advance civilization.

What did they worship back then?

The same as all high up entities worship---their progeny.

The ancient temples were not built to worship the gods; they were built by the gods that came
here from various star systems.

Peru (Nasca lines, Machu Piccu, etc):

Those types of markers were use in many places around the world and many have been erased
by population expansion and ETs; they identified certain specific situations that were taking
place via code.

Does city of Shambala (Agartha) exist in the inner world?

There are many types of beings, some renegade, and many cities with forbidden names.

Earth was a real Jurassic park.

They were terminated; after all, they had a long and prosperous run on this planet.

Many species survived, including some dinosaurs, that were engineered into birds. Birds were
made with some leftover Dino parts.
What some people call evolution is nothing more than manufactured, engineered, and birds as
we know them today were manufactured some time after the Jurassic period
No one said it was a clean sweep; they took out the really big and dangerous stuff as well as
other life forms that had no business in the next phase of life on earth.

Milton doesn’t make dinosaurs, that’s another department.

This solar system was more active than it is now, it was once filled with what we call
futuristic societies inhabiting many of the planets, moons and space stations, earth was a
different kind of zoo back then---
Earth was the zoo for free entertainment to all the inhabitants of this solar system.

Dinosaurs and all life forms on this planet were created primarily to build up the earth’s
ecosystem, the zoo and theme park was secondary

Once their work was over they were shut down, but humans of a higher level did live here
during the whole Jurassic era.

Plenty of “people” did plenty of oohs and ahs because those dinosaurs and all the other
creatures were put here on earth “exclusively” for the purposes of humans and other entities to
Earth was the real Jurassic park of this solar system.

I haven’t seen dinosaurs but I have been told that there are plenty of planets right now that
have dinosaurs and other interesting creatures located throughout the galaxy. But I’m not
believing it until I see them with my own eyes----

The purpose of the Dinosaurs?

Twofold, same as our zoos, and the ecological equation
What was it that killed them off?
The zoo was closed when the purpose of the dino was over.
They severed a purpose and that was it---there are dinosaurs and other such creatures on many
planets across the galaxy right now, acting as zoos and ecological machinery in the
terraforming process.

Dinosaurs have existed forever and they are on several planets in the galaxy at this very
moment. Only a few were put on earth. There are some on/in earth now, but nothing like in
the past.

Yes dinosaurs have intelligence. Like more than a dog or a porpoise.

They didn't shrink down into birds however some did have bird like features and feathers.
They were colorful, many of them were poisonous and some were stealth. Some human type
souls got their start as blood thirsty animals.

Earth was a zoo and there were inhabitants here and many visitors from other places in the
solar system.

Did dinos "call it a day" around 65M years ago, or much earlier?
Some types were taken out of commission earlier, others later.

Dinosaurs were not from evolution but from direct creation?

To the last T-Rex bone. Humans believe that birds have evolved from Dino because of the
feathers, claws, and feet. Some humans have way too much time on their hands.

America lost the war in Vietnam but because of that war the world was spared a nuclear

Some ETs supplied Stalin and then Hitler and others with certain unnatural abilities to create

We only have atomic bomb because they were given to us by high ups to stop the earthly
residual lower downs.

Wars serve a larger purpose beyond the individual.

We would only be giving more and more potentially dangerous toys to more and more
immature humans. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Outlawing weapons removes guns from the law abiding citizens, not the dangerous criminals,
same concept.
This planet was never a peaceful place, from the beginning before technology the parable of
Cain and Able, spoke about brothers killing each other because one envied what the other had.
People killed more people with knives and swords over women, slaves and plunder for
thousands of years because they had nothing better to do.
The world will continue to be the same even when we get into space---because this is a war
planet, and for the most part humans sent here are here because they/we, crave plunder and
the blood that is shed getting it.
Have you noticed what movies and games are most popular ?
Nevertheless, we are here to rise above the crap or sink deeper into---we really do have

Some wars are allowed to happen some are encouraged to happen---no explanation would
suit---as you know.

What the heck are we going to do without a little propaganda with our breakfast cereal each
Each generation has their own “impending gloom and doom” ---check your history books.
Will this one be the “big one” the one that ends the world as we know it ?
Certainly will be for a very few, but the majority will live on to see the next end of the world
scenario and the next and the next and the next----forever---wars are the only constant on
planets like earth----for those who are sick and tired of wars---well, clean up your act and
don’t come back here---

The Cold war was real, the enemy was real, and life on earth would have changed
dramatically for humans, concerning living standards and conditions had it went the other
We humans never really know what is going on and are told things that make sense to us in
political jargon.
Most major wars are in fact fought by extraterrestrials via humans and countries.
If it worked so well last century, what are the chances this B.S "War on Terror" is just
another 'cold war' of today manufactured to take the public attention away from alien/UFO
phenomena and a reason to spend vast amounts on their covert "space programs" ?
This is a real war against forces and principalities not of earth but certainly the bulk of
humanity will be the beneficiaries or the victims depending on the outcome.

Did a certain amount of the Nazi power structure relocate to the US after WWII?
Both Nazi and Communist have come to these shores before and after that war, and they are
stronger than ever but their organizations use other names and slogans, which are more

Was Japan and Italy allied with the same ET's that the Germans were allied with during
Are those countries still under control of the same ET's or did the ET's just use them and
Asia, Middle East, Africa, Indonesia, South America and some other places harbor them still.

There are many reasons for wars but the main reason is to change things big time. Change the
landscape, old ideas, habits, culture, history gets washed away, and a new one begins.
Sometimes better sometimes not. These are battles between good and evil ET's with the help
of good and evil humans.

Yes, ETs were involved with the American Civil War.

What was going on from their point of view and what was at stake?
Bad blood on both sides needed spilling.
What would the USA be like now if the outcome to the war had been the opposite?
There was no other possible outcome. The whole thing was orchestrated. Mission

Whatever happened to Napoleon Bonaparte?

He is still working on removing his hand from his jacket on some other planet.
What was the purpose of Napoleonic wars from ET perspective?
As most wars, mix up the seed, DNA, spread it around.

Pearl Harbor was allowed to take place. A few top people knew about, crafted it. Americans
were big time pacifists and only an attack on American soil would slap Americans out of
slumber. WW2 was about many things including a power struggle with certain
extraterrestrials. America was not powerful before the war and miraculously became a super
power very quickly. Germany also became a super power in a short time. A fact few people
have noticed.

There are many countries at war and it don't do much for their economies. Italy got into the
war game a decade before Germany and they never amounted to anything but a liability for
Hitler. Look at all the fighting that has gone on since throughout the world, look at the USSR,
they were pure war economy and it broke them. Both Germany and the US were propped up
by extraterrestrial powers on chessboard earth for a specific purpose.
Since the bad ET's were "helping" the Axis powers, and going with the rumors that Hitler had
scientists working on "recovered" UFO/ET craft, why didn't they win or advance that stuff
further in order to win?
America had its own arsenal of ET goodies, which kept the USSR in check and stopped
Japan. The USSR was a false ally. If Hitler hadn't betrayed Russia, he would have won. But
he knew he would eventually have to muzzle Russia, his timing was off.
Since there are worlds like earth where the "Axis" powers won, why didn't it happen that way
this time around?
Like snowflakes every situation even though similar, is different and has different outcomes
depending on the players.
Both gov'ts were propped up by ET during WW2 but in what way?
Technological breakthroughs was key.

I was under the impression that it was our own secret intelligence services that destroyed, or
at least weakened severely, the USSR's economy, is that not true?
Communism is not a very good economy to begin with. It was only for the fact that they had a
large arsenal of nuclear missiles pointed at Europe and the US that gave them super power
status. What broke them was that they couldn't keep up with the US military. The USSR was
a Third World Country with nukes, it was never anything more than that. That is what made
them very dangerous.

Will a nuclear bomb ever be used in warfare on Earth?

It did happen in the Second World War. And yes.

What was going on behind the scenes in WW1? You mentioned that Hitler ,in WW2 had sold
Germany out to renegades but what was the ET connection in WW1?
Growing pains. Industrialization took the world from childhood into the teen years. And teens
(countries) need their space even if they have to infringe on your space to get it.
- XV -

The future in not written in stone---but time is relevant or irrelevant if you prefer---lol
There are layers of reality, dimensions and therefore many strange things are possible---but
not explainable in human terms. ETs do have the ability to see in what we understand to be
the future, but it’s not---if that makes any sense. Anyway there is more than one future for
everyone here on earth---but that does not apply to people like Milton on higher levels---I told
you it was bizarre---lol

There is no “darkness” only what you allow to be dark is dark---your mind is pure light and
only you have the power to dim that light.

Is petroleum really decayed biomass or something different?

Hydrocarbons are from space as are most elements found on earth. Some are products of
biomass but much of it was designed, catered, and installed for the purpose it is being used by
us humans now. Part of the baby step program back to the stars.

Economical Crisis:
The problem is too few people in and out of power really understand how things work---even
simple economics might as well be nuclear physics---therefore it is a miracle that we have
done so well for so long---perhaps ignorance is finally catching up with us.
“Our government is broken. It is a corrupt sham run by bribes, etc., and our politicians have
all been bought off, etc.”
Wow! That’s never happened before---
“Our government has allowed the middle class to get screwed, over and over again in recent
years, no jobs, no health insurance, no education, no decent housing, screwed... just terrorism
and eternal wars, and plenty of war profiteering.”
You know there is something screwy here, many business go out of business because of lack
of quality people---or any people for that matter.
Back in 1957 my dad made the mistake of bringing his small bakery business from Italy to
New Jersey and shut it down three years later because the bakers he hired kept showing up
late and drunk.
When his bakery went south we nearly starved to death and did not recoup for over a decade
I lost my business for the same reason, I built houses ----and carpenters---the few that I could
find, failed to show up for work and I paid them top wages---when they were there that is.
So forgive me if I don’t buy the “there are no jobs” line.
When America sneezes the rest of the world catches cold---in other words if our economy
goes south things in Italy and elsewhere get worse----that’s a simple economic reality---
For those who bother reading up on history they will know that the world has always been in
some recession somewhere.
Recessions also are imminent every time an elections rolls around ---have you not noticed that
After the crash of 1929 some folks put their money inside their mattresses---personally I think
hard liquor would be the way to go---especially for all those nervous Chicken Littles.
Gold has little to do with our monetary systems other than provide an illusion to back up
paper money. Oil could be used for the same thing or water, where water is scarce. In
America the FDIC guarantees the money we put into the banks. But if everyone cashed out at
the same time the guarantee would be void. It's all illusion to keep money flowing and panic
in check.
Is this an ET clean up?
It was only a small snowball three years ago. The Federal reserve went from zero prime to 6.5
interest rate hike. They hiked rates feverishly not giving people time to lock into fixed rates.
A flying high robust economy was forced into a stall, and now a nose dive over the false fear
of inflation. The Federal Reserve bungled it big time, destroyed untold trillions of dollars of
equity in housing and in the institutions that supported that industry. Had a foreign country
did a small tiny fraction of that kind of damage we would have nuked them off this planet.
Funny thing the Federal Reserve is not getting much if any of the blame. BTW I'm not against
the Federal Reserve itself, it was not a conspiracy, it was plain Jane human error big time.
The world is not going to end. The stock market will bounce around but it will not collapse.
The financial game around the world is changing, and change of this magnitude can be
frightening. Economics is just as elusive to economists as gravity is to physicists. It's all about
micro and macro, small and large, theories is all they have. Economics got too big and
confusing for the economists. There is no unifying Higgs boson particle for economics either.
Breaking the back of Capitalism is a trademark of renegades. Many right here in America
have contributed to negative vibes against Capitalism. In fact most people around the world
despise Capitalism. Capitalism is the best engine to prosperity and freedom, anything else
delivers much, much less of both. ET's help bring about what the masses "think" they want.
90% of the financial calamity going on now is fear based; panic is the best way to bring down
a company or a country, if you can get enough of the herd to stampede.
Panic is in play but no real lasting damage will happen other than shattering some nerves.
People and businesses will lose money, and people and businesses will make money.
The cards get shuffled now and then, everything is by design.
Once hyperbole about collapsing world economies dies down things will get back to normal,
more or less.

The future is much brighter than most prognosticators are talking about, the earth will never
be down to 500 million, the population will continue to increases throughout this century and
into the next when it might stabilize.

There is a wild ride before us, some will despair, some will not. It's all how we chose to view
this life, this world, this illusion designed to make or break each one of us.

Many things out there to knock us off focus----we are all looking for those short cuts---it’s
best for those that don’t find them.

Prophecies have two functions one is to control people the other to sell them something---both
strategies have been very successful

"Each person will receive a mark in their hand or forehead and cannot buy or sell without it".
It was up for a time long past, and has no meaning whatsoever now or future time.

1984 and 2000 [and 2012] where the big ones that were going to clean our whistle--- Humans
thrive on “doom and gloom”.

Those prone to paranoia and panic----run for the hill !----the rest of us keep doing what you
are doing---life will continue with its ups and downs as it always has.
Those who jump out of the boat every time a little wave hits it will never catch any fish.

Divining or predicting the future has always been a lucrative occupation. And some of those
who do it are certainly clever with their sleight of hand techniques. Most magicians never do
real magic but the good ones always draw a crowd because they are good.
The future and what it will consist of is an individual thing, and those blindsided by future
prospects are not attending to the present, which ultimately will produce their future.
While we are distracted by what is in one of the magician’s hands the other hand is busy
picking our pocket. Lose the present and you have no future.

I don’t wish to squash people’s hopes and dreams but there is no special galactic alignment
going to take place on any specific year---heck it could happen tomorrow---or not---

It's mind bogglingly how many people have bitten into that apple of doom and gloom. Such
prophecies are self fulfilling as what we are seeing unfold now.

Why do humans insist on the future predictions?

Takes our minds off our problems, and keeps us from having to solving them.
Planet X / Nibiru

Is the recently discovered 10th planet ancient NIBIRU?


Planet X also known as Nibiru is fabled to be a planet past Pluto, from where one of the
earlier civilizations on earth called the Sumerians had their beginnings.

No comets of any significant size will hit the earth, but the fear of that will spur space age
technology on earth along with other space programs.
ET will not let a comet destroy earth, that’s one of their many functions on this outpost of

Planet X is not the cause of earth’s weather anomalies which are sun related. But there are
such planets swimming in deep dark space in the periphery of this solar system---lurking….

No planet X heading this way and our planet is not going to be destroyed by anyone or

Planet X not happening---and even if it did who the heck wants to live underground with the
other paranoid sardines? If people think that life sucks now it would certainly suck big time if
any of those crazy things did happen to the planet---and the lucky ones would be those that
died and went to a better place.
lighten up dude the sky is not falling---but all of us will die when are sentence is up and we
will go to another place---many to a much better place.
In the mean time make the best of this life---it’s a gift, don’t blow it because of some
misguided fear.

Is planet X the same as Nibiru or the Doomsday planet?

They are interchangeable, good for the confusion factor.
There are planets and then there are planets. Some stick around, some move around as big

Will the aliens show themselves openly around 2012?

I would be surprised-----however a lot more people will be working with them and know it.

2012 will be only one more year that we have to pay taxes, get up and go to work, take
vacations, be happy about the good things that are happening and sad about the bad things.

The year 2012 has many people excited about earth changes but what they are telling me
doesn’t portent anything significant----certainly there will be many more thousands of humans
made aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life----other than that I’m getting nothing.

Life on earth has never stopped changing and never will, most never even notice. 2012 will
not be much different.

Don’t hold your breath on 2012, ---it will be the most unspectacular year on record.

2012 will be the most uneventful year of this century for all but a few.

Is there something you are not telling us that is going to happen between now and then?
Nothing that most people aren’t already aware of like AIDS, and one or two other viruses, and
a natural disaster here and there, and perhaps a bit of escalation in the political hotspots, But
no major worldwide catastrophes from space, or nuclear obliteration of earth. The vast
majority of mankind will simply trod on right past 2012 as if it were just another year.

Why a lot of people are attaching to the 2012 Mayan end-of-cycle calendar?
I’m not getting any sense of “urgency” of any kind, heck if Milton was any more laidback he
would be dead. It’s more a reflection of the personality of the individuals that are picking up
these signals, than the reality of these signals.
I think it serves more of a human political point of view, than a reality, or ET point of view.
Why the heck would ETs be concerned? They orchestrate everything that is going on in this
planet---if they want to change something really bad they need only snap their fingers, or call
in their markers.

Is it true that Earth is moving through a higher energy zone in the galaxy and around 2012
will reach the critical point?
Not true.
End of the World

We are entering a phase of phenomenal change-----the problems on this planet are only a
distraction----not a deterrent to what is ahead. While many fear the future and believe that life
on this world is going down the toilet fantastic changes will happen right under their noses.
Many will participate----many will run and hide fearing the change.

There is no end time, no Armageddon as talked about in the bible and other ancient literature
with worldwide destruction. However, there will be a major shift in technology and standard
of living as we gear up to meet the challenges of space travel.
Most people will not even notice, so for those waiting for the big change or revolution or to be
taken into the sky by a savior-----is not going to happen.
Armageddon is basically genocide or the killing of an entire race which has occurred on a
regular basis throughout history even to modern times---going on today---and will in the
An explanation is not forthcoming because an explanation would not suit most.

There is no major conflict in the works outside of the war on terror.

A worldwide nuclear holocaust is not going to happen.

The world is not on any path to destruction---some humans may think we have that kind of
power over the earth but we don’t.

ET will not allow the earth to be destroyed by us, other ETs, or asteroids.

Life as we know it here on earth will continue for thousands of years before the big eraser
comes in.

You must admit that we humans love drama in our lives and therefore are drawn to those who
make careers out of peddling disaster stories, which create drama for us.
Because of our innate insecurities we are easy prey for "gloom and doom" type propaganda.
The world is not going down the tubes---hit a few road bumps as it always has yes---the
population is not going to decrease it will increase---and the standard of living will increase
substantially for more and more people for the next several decades and then go into high gear
for many hundreds of years into the future---for those who plan on being here that long things
will be a whole lot better---space cities and all those other bells and whistles that futuristic
planets get.
A word to the wise---whenever a Chicken Little approaches run in the other direction---they
only want your money and your soul---if they can get it.

Would ET allow a worldwide nuclear war or a giant disaster like a huge meteor strike to
This planet will sustain as much or as little as they allow---worldwide damage is out of the

Humans are not going to be extinguished for many thousands of years yet.

Personally I think some people take life way to seriously, especially the young ones. They
seem to be concerned with the pace things are changing in this world---well things will be
changing even faster technologically speaking so strap on the seatbelt and take your motion
sickness pills.
Or stop reading the headlines, the only thing that really changes in the headlines is the date---
the same end of the world sh_t has been on the front pages since the invention of the printing
press---now it’s all over the internet---run hide the sky is falling---the NWO is coming to take
you away---the rapture is due any minute now---Britney Spears is having yet another bad hair
day----it just never stops ! What's a guy or gal to do ----how about just laugh it off---

Pole shift should make a cool movie, but not much else.
Yes a pole shift will happen, but not a concern for several generations.

What will be different this time with our civilization to prevent it in ending like Atlantis and
We are talking apples and oranges, Atlantis was apples and we are oranges. And we oranges
have a mandate to populate not only this planet but space, moons and other planets in this
system. And then they will torpedo us to smithereens, but we have quite a few centuries to go

This batch of humanity we are part of is slated to be here for many more millennia before the
plug gets pulled. Certainly there will be wars, famine, pestilence, diseases, and natural
disasters as in the past but nothing catastrophic---earth’s population will continue to increase
and become more prosperous, even though certain entities and humans will try and derail that
progress as they always have with political shenanigans.

A lot of people seem to think things are getting worse---but compared to what? The Dark
Ages, the First and Second world wars? Korea and Vietnam? Things are always bad because
we inmates are no angels---

What is the purpose of all these stories about, pole shifts, 2012, planet Nibiru? Is it just to
distract people from something else? Or keep them perpetually scared?
Both. We humans love drama, and most of us would like something big to happen because we
are bored with life, and any potential dramatic change excites us.

The destruction of the world has never been in human hands, only the destruction of human
souls via fear and division. Divide and conquer by race, by economic status, by religion, by
hate, and mostly by envy.

If End is coming do you telling us?

End comes individually for the most part. And no I would not tell. But the end of the world is
not near, the beginning maybe.
Future of Mankind

Humans are on the verge of stepping into space-----there is a lot of stuff to know about that
next big leap.

Once we get into space and set up colonies on Mars and the moon----China, US, UN, EU,
Japan, India, and others----do you think it’s going to be smooth sailing?

We are centuries away from populating our two closes rocks, the moon and Mars. Thousands
of years away from being able to leave our solar system-----which will not happen until ETs
give us the know-how to traverse light years in days. By then humanity will understand their
place in the galaxy a little better, and know we are only a small fish in a big ocean.

There are millions of solar systems that are pure Utopias-----whether earth will be turned into
one----I have no idea.

There will be disagreements, conflicts, and wars over land and boarders on those planets.
Eventually Mars and the moon will unify under their own flags and separate from earthlings.
That has been the pattern for thousands of years----who believes that will change?

The world will never be a perfect place-----in the minds of everyone-----your idea of utopia,
right and wrong, true happiness------is not shared by the six billion and growing other fellow
earthlings------with their unique perspective of those same ideals.
I live in a prosperous country-----amongst people who have good and great living conditions--
---yet if you talk to them some are not happy, they are concerned about the future, the
economy, their children, gridlock in the large cities, the politicians, getting sick, getting old,
In general humans tend to be pessimistic about life----regardless of their economic condition,
there are plenty of optimists-----but they are the exception.
Therefore there never will be a Promised Land that will suit everyone here on earth.
ET took mankind-----kicking and screaming through the Industrial Revolution, they will take
mankind into space-----regardless of the unfinished problems many perceive we still have on
Not to say that we as individuals, communities and nations shouldn’t do everything we
possibly can to help our fellow man-----after all, that is the fine line that separates man from
However, many of the answers to the problems on earth will only be found in space-----in
zero gravity, and super clean labs-----from which will emerge new advances in medicine,
electronics, and agriculture-----all there for the picking.

What I mean by “hatching from this nursery” is spreading out into the solar system, building
cities on other planets, moons and in space. Eventually creating a mega complex of cities
containing billions of people.
The purpose of humanity is to design and build the extraterrestrial structures and in so doing
add exponentially to our collective knowledge as we discover and work with new and exotic
materials found on the other planets.
Humans are individual cells creating a bigger self, like cells that multiply and fill-in the
cranium of a human brain.
Thousands of years from now the solar system will be glowing with human activity----and a
greater range of intelligence.
We will then be closer to understanding our origins and what it is that pulls the strings.

Capitalism is not going to collapse; resources are created as they are needed by industrialized
and free countries.

Eventually people on earth will build cities on many of the moons and planets in the solar
system but the human race will never leave this solar system----alive.
Many people alive today will move on to other more advanced planets and solar systems and
enjoy contact with a multitude of other life forms-----things that will boggle the mind even
once the human blinders are removed.

Even after humans build cities throughout the solar system, “Boldly traveling in a star ship
out of this solar system” is unlikely in a physical body.

There was lots of darkness before and during WW2 and ET lifted the shades a bit and let
some light into the world, they will continue to lift the blinders from the human race little by
little, and as the blinders go so will the shackles of institutionalize ignorance.
Profound change visits earth every few decades and fifty years from now people will look
back and not believe how dumb mankind was at the turn of this century
Of course excluding all those who read this ----and agree with me.

Will humans ever create a mechanical replacement for themselves for the purpose of
extending their lives?
No, it’s not allowed.

Humans on this planet will not travel outside this solar system while they are alive or in
human bodies. This is not Hollywood, Star Trek type of travel is not in the cards for earth.

If you wish to increase your odds of getting into space in any meaningful way you should
concentrate on fields of study that will place you in those coveted positions-----humans will
not travel further than Mars until the next century----unless they are taken by ET.

We will be going into space soon thanks to ET.

Humans will never be allowed out of the playpen known as our solar system----the only
primitive life forms we will encounter are on this planet.
We need ET technology to get out of this solar system and they are not giving it-----
nevertheless it will take the next thousand years to explore this solar system-----and the next
few thousands of years to build cities on many of the moons in this solar system.

People are becoming more comfortable with the idea of space exploration----some are getting
frustrated because it’s taking so long---but many see man in space as a waste of time and
money----there is no consensus or unified push in any particular direction.

With large populations large cities are the only way----sanitation, clean water, resources etc.
Earth will have a population of over twelve billion by the end of this century----cities will be
much larger, more efficient and safer.
Humans will mass produce ufo's for every human in the future, like we now mass produce
cars. But a human like Ford will get the credit.

The aliens won’t take all of humanity to another planet to live on.

Humans are being prepped for bigger things now like building cities in space and other
planets----still many decades away but they plant the seeds early.

Overpopulation has nothing to do with anything and there is no such thing----ETs control
how many people are on this planet and they can put a whole lot more down here, which is
the plan. More people will be born than die and the population of humans will grow
considerably in the next hundred years.
Sure there is a population reducing event, it’s called birth control.
Thousands of people die every day, more in some countries than others, many moving up to
far better planets.
But no worldwide pardons are scheduled.
There is a certain amount of push and pull by higher entities but much of everything works
like a wound up clock. At one time populations of squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and such were
controlled by wolves, foxes, dogs and bobcats, now it’s done with the automobile---a natural
progression, same effect.
Ripe fruit falls off the vine by itself or from a push by a breeze ---and sometimes it gets
picked by human hands.
Sorry for the long wind of an explanation but the fact is there are many things in play and
many are automatic, built in, and just happen---and to keep things interesting some things are
complete surprises---even for the upper entities.
For those living in the biggest cities in the world it certainly is crowded but this planet can
hold more than twice that number and it will---but in a few decades the technology will allow
for it.
The world has always been plagued by wars, disease, and catastrophes, will there be an
increase? Yup, but that's not going to slow down the population growth, which is going to
expand considerably by the end of this century.
This planet will more than double in population in the next two centuries, without advanced
technology this planet will not be able to sustain that population---the population of earth will
increase there is no stopping it, so this world has two choices, more Third World Countries or
less---those who fight technology will have more poverty to deal with.

That life on earth, which remains a prison of sorts, will improve considerably in this century
because a new class of humans are going to be put down here----so this isn’t necessarily great
news for the present population but those new humans are going to be the offspring of people
living today----and we tend to want the best for our offspring.

We are entering a new era and some of the old illusions/props are outdated and are slowly
being deconstructed----yes there will be new illusions and props so that the vast majority can
remain in their protective bubble of reality.

Quite a bit believe it or not, only one hundred years ago the whole world was a few notches
below animals concerning many of the basics like food, shelter and sanitation, today only a
portion of the world remains in those primitive conditions. Many like to demonize technology
yet technology is what will make this planet a bit more humane
Crowded cities and traffic parking lots, failed schools systems etc., are the result of human
bureaucracy not technology----some of these systems will need to fail completely before they
get improved on.

New technology: is it going to be the kind that makes all the non-tech people go "WOW" or is
it just a better way of doing something?
There is a "WOW" factor.

There is work going on in Mexico that most people are not aware of----Mexico is prime real
estate----has lots of tarnish at the moment but in a few decades the tarnish will come off and
the diamond in the rough will shine.

Perhaps your great great great grand children might make it to Jupiter---by that time they will
have the technology to put a city anywhere they wish including on the planet Jupiter---but
they might find it already populated.

Religion as we know it or think we know it will change drastically as a concept by the turn of
the century.

Our current civilization is not going to be erased; it’s just starting to get interesting---in the
next few hundred years we humans get let out of playpen earth and start exploring the inner
planets and moons in preparation of the coming thousands of years of colonizing the whole
solar system---many alive today will be back many times and be part of this unfolding of

There is no big paradigm shift in the offing for earth.

In my opinion there will not be a third world war (WW3), ever, plenty of skirmishes, and
saber rattling however.
Like WW2, we can be taken into that nightmare if necessary.
What IF WW3 starts and you were wrong?
Giving a war a label means little, earth has always been at war and remains at war, and will
continue to be at war for a long time.
Just like our human bodies when our immune system stops fighting the germs, our body will
Some infections take more fighting than others.
The world has always been at war at some level, and things are not going to change anytime
soon---all out war is not going to happen.
WW3 has been going on since WW2 stopped. This is a prison war planet and therefore turf
wars are part of the games people play.

Will there ever be a nuclear attack on the US?

No major nuclear attack on the US.

Will Utopia ever be established?

Not in this century.

Obviously for the Western world moving towards a cashless society is almost a done deal---
except for some pocket change.
Eventually as the world becomes smaller the instability of money and economies will stabilize
but that will take some time to happen, unless a new world order is ordained, in the short term
nothing is going to change.

If you notice most alien movies show the eventual defeat of the bad aliens, otherwise we
might stop going to see those kinds of movies---we need humanity to survive no matter what--
-and in that respect those movies are good because mankind will survive and much more.
In reality the Hollywood aliens are our inner demons that we must and will conquer while on

No one is going to run this planet into the ground or anywhere else.

As we move into a new reality at least for those grounded in their earthly beliefs the boat will
get rocked and more people will become aware that there is something really big out there in
our puny little Milky Way galaxy filled with billions of star systems.
Right now many still have trouble seeing the galaxy for what it is because of all those dang
stars in the way---lol

Humans will go to Mars and other planets and moons in this system as well as build many
satellite cities in space---and it will not be hidden as it is now---lol---but they will not know
about much of what is going on in this solar system for a long time yet.

Sorry to say but nothing manmade will ever reach another star system.

Our solar system is so vast that it will be millennia after we move into it in significant
numbers that we might run into others---besides the other inhabitants hold the upper hand and
can keep their distance.
The outer planets, the gassy ones and their moons will remain way out of reach for a long
long time.
Mars will be an eye opener, but not sure how much will be let out of the bag once we get

Just because the Western World exist in calmer waters doesn’t mean the vast majority on this
planet do or ever did. Granted the waters will not remain calm indefinitely but that is the
nature and adventure of earthly ways.
Will the world change in a big way? Yes! Somewhere in the world big changes are happening
right now, tomorrow, next week, next year… Many of us want the world to change big time,
ET to land in mass and enlighten us---anything, because we are bored with our lives---we
seek change.
Well rejoice, because change is coming---one day at a time---

Most of world energy corporations will convert to “new energies” with the times.
Money has nothing to do with the mother of invention---certainly there are humans and other
entities holding back things but everything has it’s time and place, and once that time comes
hell or high water will not stop the next wave.

The economy is solid regardless of pessimistic perceptions and will keep going up regardless
of the bumps and chicken littles
The whole world is undergoing huge improvements which will keep most people busy for the
next two hundred years---when things will really pick up speed.
There is a lot of negative propaganda out there because there are many who would like to
throw a monkey wrench into the works but they will fail as they always do.

Earth is not utopia, as we all know, and it never will be, not in 200 years or a thousand years.

The future as is true with the present and the past will be good for some and bad for some, but
overall it will be a much better place for more people as technology unfolds and makes it

Every major city in America is undergoing massive building projects---in areas that were
cancerous---urban renewal is a good thing.

Certainly there is room for surprise in the big picture if for no other reason but to keep things

This planet will never be utopia, but it doesn’t’ need be hell either---much of how this planet
turns out remains in human hands---but not the population---many more souls are being
shipped to earth and the numbers will increase---whether we like it or not.

Technology will make life more comfortable for more people but it will not make life better
for all---that’s up to each individual to do---regardless of what burdens they are saddled with.

This is a war planet and will remain a war planet for many generations to come.

As humans enter the space age and venture into space chips and other exotic new technology
will be imbedded into clothing and into human bodies---bulk computers and even small palm
pilots are too large to carry---and will not be practical in an advance society.
The human brain is a super complex electrical computer, and as our technology improves we
will simply add microscopic modules that will connect people to the internet and to a larger
base of knowledge based programs.
It’s part of the evolution that all planets on this level go through---earth is on schedule for this

In reality there will be more freedom than there is now---right now every person on this planet
is a potential terrorist because no one knows anything about them/us---have you been to an
airport lately ?---Nuns, doctors, lawyers, children little old granny---everyone is guilty until
proven they are not carrying---

We are moving towards the space age at a rapid pace, and our technological gadgets will
continue to advance.
The coming generations will be building space cities and settling on other worlds---can’t do
that without oodles of new technology.

There will be catastrophes, famines, wars, flooding and all that other crap that has plagued
this world for eons---in our present and future
But until the lions (Republicans) lay with the Donkeys (Democrats) in peaceful pastures no
significant change will be in the offing.
As a species we have no purpose---we will not evolve to a higher order, we never will become
a society as portrayed in “Star Trek” and go where no man has ever gone before.---there is no
such thing as unexplored space in our galaxy---everything is accounted for.
We will however get to play in our solar system, build cities in space and on other planets and
To play with the big boys we need to graduate from this solar system---and we do that
individually, not as a species or race.
Many star systems above ours get to play with the “Star Trek” class toys.

When or will there be a global enlightenment in our lifetime?

It happens all the time---why do so few even notice?

We will see more of this as nations and leaders seize the “high” ground of popular culture and
beliefs. Leaders of the past and of the present have harness the “god” angle and were
successful because a majority of the people already believed the concept
The paranormal is becoming the norm and third world non democratic countries will be the
first to jump into those waters because they can
There is a faction of entities that are promoting this bizarre behaviour.
This takes the cake.
This is the cake of the future for this apple as religion was a few centuries ago.
Sometimes it’s best that governments keep denying the existence of the paranormal and ET,
rather than embrace them and becoming the authority and mouthpiece for them.

Average life span on earth will increase for some, for others it will decrease---

Is anything going to happen to either us humans or the Earth when we pass thru the galactic
plane soon? (Sometimes called the "photon belt")
We will get some new crop circles but that’s it.

Will we ever be equal as a civilization to Greys, Reptilians, Sirians, etc ?

Earth is a training camp, punishment camp, for most and although parts of it will appear to
advance much of it will not for a long while. Humanity is not here to advance as a unit, race
or planet, but as individuals on an individual basis. We came into the planet alone and we
leave it alone---in more ways than one. So the answer to the question is no.

Are changes like “A shift in consciousness” in plan for humanity?

Yes they are and have already started.

The only “biological weapon of mass destruction” we need worry about is the one between
the ears.
Has this newly engineered 'killer' virus been turned loose on the unsuspecting population yet?
You mean the killer virus that causes paranoia? Or like the killer tomatoes? I loved that movie
btw, anyway, I do think the killer paranoia virus has been turned loose---

The way to the stars is a done deal, the bridge has been constructed. We can’t reinvent that
wheel even if we wanted to and that’s not our purpose in this life.
We are temporarily guests of a star, our sun, but all the stars were created for our pleasure like
in the Garden of Eden. And like in the Garden of Eden, we can look but not taste of all the
delights in it just yet.
Every day brings something new to the table for those who care to take notice. This century is
going to see many mind boggling things come to pass, but like the airplane and computer,
once things of fairytales---now plane Jane ordinary stuff, so too will the new toys become.
Should a---“from the future” captain Kirk and his crew try to enter earth space with his star-
classed ship he will be prevented by higher up entities who have many of their own fleets
stationed there---
Be nice if they would give the world a sneak peek and take some of the burden off my typing

This will be an eye opening century, lots of new tricks coming out of the bag that will bend
the mind.
Plenty of wars on the horizon---but not worldwide or big deal except for those directly
affected. However, my job is not foretelling the future---

Money in one form or other will remain relevant on earth into the next century and then it will
be called something else like credits, which still must be earned like money.

Humans are going to build all over the place, under and above the oceans, on the moon, on
Mars and cities in space---exciting times await mankind and womankind too---
Most aren’t aware of the “strange” things that are on dry land and in our skies, but the oceans
and seas will be mighty interesting habitats because of the sea life.

If the Mayan calendar has been interpreted correctly this is the time that our consciousness
will be at its maximum.
Why wait that long to open up our consciousness? Besides, that’s an individual thing, and we
each must turn that key on our own.
Also, many people alive today are not going to be alive in 2012, so are they going to miss out
on this gala event?

Our carbon footprint will be wiped clean when the earth is put back into mothballs.

Aren't you concerned about the genetically modified foods, pesticides, water, electromagnetic
pollution, etc?
The hyperbole behind some of that stuff is more frightening.

Is there a chance that within the next three or four decades there'll be a radical change in the
type of energy used for cars, planes, etc...
Very good chance.
There are solutions to every problem when politics don’t get in the way, and that is what
stymies many innovations---but certain people like to put the blame elsewhere and therefore
keep more people in the world living in poverty and misery---these blind leaders do a good
job of leading the blind to disaster
Nevertheless, many things are in the works to solve the water problem for many but not for

Will the evil power brokers be stopped by ET intervention?

Not going to happen, some misinform people are stirring things up that are not true.
There is way too much sugar in people’s diets and they are hyper, and perhaps a tad paranoid.
Are we going to be like the movie "Children of Men"?
I haven’t seen that movie, but many movies are pure bull#

We humans are being slowly conditioned to what we call magic---what we have today and
could not live without like cell phones and advice from Dr. Phil would be considered magic
and witchcraft two hundred years ago.
What we will have a hundred years in the future would make today’s people crap in their
pants. The kind of stuff ET has in their ships is crazy mind blowing stuff and we could not
handle it and would pass out if we saw it or came in contact with it. It happens every day.

Individual lives have more than one scenario possibilities, but the important parts of the
planetary itinerary will remain unchanged.

What differences will humans have 100-200 years from now?

I was afraid someone would ask that, well here goes...
We will all look and act like Richard Simmons 
We are not going to lose our human diversity but we will be more malleable to our
environment because of our advanced modes of transportation on earth and off.

Do we end up with holographic games where we are in the game and cannot tell the
difference from real life?
Most people have no clue what real life is, and it certainly isn’t inside a virtual box.

How long until eBay is intergalactic and we can buy and sell with other star systems?
Should be any day now---

What do the ET have in store for us over the next 20 years?

Prime us for space.

For how long the U/S will last?

A long long long time.

Anomalies happen every day, most just don’t care to notice. Some are waiting for the big
Kahuna, a rapture, a second coming, the age of Aquarius via ETs or some other earthly
phenomena---and there certainly is much going on in the skies and heavens above, but heck
they had their party boats up there for decades---although they have been getting more rowdy
in the last few years
Awareness is increasing and so is curiosity of what is it that is out there---well it’s the big
carrot being dangled.

When humanity will come to a spiritual awareness?

As a group never because souls are coming in every day to begin serving their sentences.
Souls awaken all the time believe it or not.

When humans reach outside of earth and inhabit planets in this solar system will we be made
up of hybrids of sorts or tuned-up humans--
A little bit of both, and then some other stuff too---space is a funny place and those who spend
long periods in it will conform to it with some physiological and psychological tweaks here
and there
Will ETs always run the show in the universe or will there ever be a point where humans have
some say so?
We humans only have say in where our soul goes from here, nothing else.

Will we be going into the Age of Aquarius any time soon?

This world has always been a basket case, and will remain a basket case for some time.
However, we as individuals are free to enter Aquarius whenever we are ready and willing to
do so in the here and now.

This planet will continue doing what it does best for a long time, as it has in the past. Subtle
change will happen but as usual few will take notice. Look how much change has taken place
in the last fifty years. That is how things happen.

Will there ever be another war on Earth that is more brutal than WW2?

Earthlings will colonize space and wars will continue on earth and in space.
We will enter the space age, but the "we" does not include the vast number of billions on this
planet, only a minute segment. The disparity of technology will not change significantly from
what we have today. Most people live like they did thousands of years ago and will continue
to do so for the rest of this century and into the next. There will be plenty of work for ditch

The more baggage we let go of, the more endorphins get released into our soul, so the trade
off should work in your favor, unless you wash away those endorphins with buckets of vodka.

When will the next major upgrade in human genetics take place?
When we get into space in a significant way, about two hundred years from now. But it's
ongoing, and some will hit sooner than others.

How much of the future have you been previe to? Isn't the future in flux?
More than I need to know. The future is not in flux, but some regional situations can change,
be changed.

The mega structures will be cities within themselves completely replacing some cities. They
will be more energy efficient, less traffic, mostly commuter. People will work, live and play
within the structure. They will not appear in any significant way until the mid of this century.

In the future what is the political situation with US, China, Russia and Europe? Any major
changes on the world stage?
No major changes.
Will China and Russia ever be democratic states?
Democracy is losing its luster to the illusion of security around the world. China and Russia
will have some internal conflict concerning democracy but it will pass, no real or lasting

What sorts of Events are in flux for the future?

Positive verses negative human energy is what creates the future.
Will genetically modified crops cause us dire problems in the future?

200 yrs. from now when the next significant update for humans takes place, what race will be
majority here in America?
Will the same races that are here today on Earth be here in the future?

Will technologies to scrub our environment be used in time to avoid severe human
consequences from pollution?

Will the U.S. Constitution still exist and be relevant two hundred years from now?
Priorities change over time. Religious freedom and inalienable rights were very important to
the early Americans because they came from lands that didn't have such principles. Religious
freedoms are what will unravel this country now, not unify it. Inalienable rights, few even
know what that means anymore and are being replaced by Politically Correct dogma.
America was once a beacon of freedom and prosperity for the whole world. That has since
turned into envy and loathing. Even many Americans loath America. The founding principles
have lost their luster and meaning.
Several advanced civilizations were crushed and we are remnants of such calamities and
wayward peoples. Our history, the little that is known, is one continuous battle after another.
A continuation of blood lust and thievery since day one and into our future. Many float above
this melee to a certain degree and don't feel the sting, but we are all a part of it nonetheless.
We each breakaway from that collective beast on our own, or continue rolling with it into
Crushed how?? Higher ups had enough of them?
The parties, the constant noise late into the night. The landlord got fed up.
Perhaps the advanced civilizations of the time just wiped each other out??
That came later when different races of humans and stranded renegades fought over land and
booty. The humans usually got/get the short end of that stick. But all is fair in love and war,
they say.

Is there a bigger, higher up plan here on Earth?

Not for awhile.

Looks like Earth is in for one hell of a ride right now?

Unlike WW1 and WW2, the un-Civil War, Napoleon, the Dark Ages and all that other junk
we are glad not to revisit.

You said that ET were planning another upgrade to homo-sapiens in the next few years. I was
wondering whether they do this over a period of time or whether everyone born after a
certain date automatically gets the new hardware.
The upgrades are not distributed evenly and are usually an annoyance to societies who
demand we all be equal and conform equally.
I should ask my daughter to hold off starting a family so that she gets the latest model
Such power is never in our hands. What will be, concerning our offspring, is a reflection of
that soul coming into the new body, regardless when or how they enter this zone of existence.
You said that man is going to colonize the Moon and Mars and that there are beings already
living on these places and ancient structures (face, pyramids etc). What is going to happen to
these civilizations and structures when we arrive?
There has been some disagreement on what will remain and allowed to be known. A monkey
wrench has been tossed into the economic gears of earth to slow money creation down. Lots
of money is key to space exploration.

We are not here for the purpose of going into space as humans, but that will happen.

Like the Roman Empire, British Empire etc before it, will the U.S.A be replaced in its role as
global leader?
The US is shirking its duties and may eventually forfeit its dominance. The people rule and
that is where the people are now. China is an emerging super power whose people wouldn't
mind being number one and stepping up to the plate for world domination. But they have a
ways to go yet. A good thing? No.

How humans are going to colonize the moon. This is intriguing because if John Lear is right
about the moon, then how can such things as atmosphere, saffron–colored sky, lakes etc. be
explained to the general public?
The general public will be a little less in the dark by then. Heck, the idea that Earth is not the
centre of the universe has already begun to thaw. Just the other day it was in the news that life
might exist throughout the galaxy. LOL. And one day humanity might actually come to the
conclusion that evolutionary microbial life is not the gig scientists have been peddling. Baby

The US economy and the dollar will "not" collapse.

Will martial law be declared in the US?

No, certain states, maybe.

Will the US merge with Canada & Mexico and a new denomination currency emerge, the so
called Amero dollar?
The three countries have been linked for some time. Consummation sometime in the future.

What kind of things must we look out for in the near future being a citizen of the US?
Lots of fear mongering going on, many have and many are falling for it. Avoid the doom and
gloom crowd if possible. Their aim is to bring down the US economy and create havoc around
the world. They have done very well so far.
Trouble finds those who run and hide. The best game is to face the problems as they come
otherwise they build up and overwhelm us. The sky only falls on Chicken Little. And there is
certainly no shortage of those kinds of chickens. “Joining a gang is easy getting out of the
gang is difficult. Gang members can make your life miserable and even kill you off.
Renegades operate on those principles. All of us belong to one of the camps, the renegade
camp or the other camp and leaving either camp stirs up the campers. And they can mess with
our restful sleep and our lives too.”

In the last century before the curtain comes down on this civilization, what will our level of
advancement be?
Where will we be at with technology?
At the ceiling for this class of existence. Androids will be common and more real than
What will our achievements be?
As they are now, individual achievements, everything else is stage props.
Do we ever get to the stage where we can teleport ourselves from one ,place to another, Star
Trek style?
We will have teleport capabilities to a degree but not like Star Trek.
How much of the solar system will we have colonized?
It's mostly colonized now. But we will be allowed to infest parts of it.
How do they even bring down the curtain on an advanced civilization scattered in different
places of the solar system all at once?
They don't. People can exist on planets and moons and not be aware of things going on all
around them. As is the case now.
It would have to be one heck of a war.
That too is always ongoing.

Will earthlings be given priority over other civilizations throughout the solar system (will be
allowed to colonize every planet in the solar system?)
No priority and not every planet and moon.
Why are we allowed this?
For the thrill of it. Space exploration is way cool.
We exist with aliens here on earth and don't know it; it will be the same when we go
elsewhere. Some people will know more about some of the many types of aliens but only a

Are humans as a whole gradually going higher up the ladder from generation to generation
while on Earth. For example, can we presume that 2000 years ago people had more
hate/envy/ego and less integrity than people of today?
What side of the train tracks do you live on? There is a lot more evil on this planet than at any
time previous due to the larger numbers of inmates doing hard time here.

Earth's habitability will never diminish, well not for a long, long time and will have nothing to
do with humans.

Humans definitely aren't making the changes. Will ET intervene? How?

ET’s intervene all the time.

A solar flare (like the Carrington Event) would destroy technological capacity to pollute, for
a few years. As well as many millions of human lives.
Yeah, when this humanity shift is over, but not a minute before.

Are things going to get bad and hot and heavy for most on planet earth?
Not much more than they already are.
Climate Changes & Natural disasters

I’m all for a climate change it’s been darn cold in my neck of the woods---I am looking
forward to warmer weather.
Nevertheless, worldwide climate is changing, happens every ten thousand years or so---
whether we like it or not.

The next Ice Age is a long time off, we still have lots of work to do here on earth as well as
build outpost and cities in certain parts of the solar system.
There is no set cycle for ice ages, we are not going to see an Ice age for thousands of years, so
unless you plan I living that long, or coming back here you need not worry.
Hollywood got it wrong again, as usual; you might want to stock up on sunscreen though.

ET can influence the weather on this planet, have and do---but only on certain occasions for
specific reasons, usually to cloak activities they are engaged in, or in battles---but most of the
time they stay out of it. They are not behind global warming, that’s mostly Mother Nature in
one of her cycles---triggered by solar cycles.

Is global warming real or just a variation in the solar cycle?

The sun is the culprit.

Nuclear power is not the reason for Global Warming---totally out of the question.

Are we contributing to climate change?

Forests fires and volcanic eruptions contribute more in a week than all of humanity in a few
decades. Plus the sun has a lot to do with it---it is currently in a hot spell.

Many countries are benefiting from the global warming, so they will probably let it roll for

The Asian Tsunami [of 2044] was natural.

What is really causing the global warming?

The sun that is a tad warmer now days, the forest fires that we have every day of every year
somewhere around the world, the volcanoes that erupt constantly as part of the ecosystem for
this planet, rude cattle that belch out certain gases nonstop, the antique combustible car
engines, the outdated power plants that burn coal, and the hot air coming from certain political
groups that tend to create problems rather than solve them.

I'm loving this global warming, I have flowers still blooming in my backyard, in December!

Do we face an imminent eruption at Yellowstone?

Not imminent.

When will we be allowed to see an averted disaster of major scale, thus alerting us to the
presence of our protectors?
Not anytime soon, if ever.
Is it possible the world's oil/water supplies could run out or is that just illusion?
Depends where in the world one lives. But for the most part, no.

The supposed so called global warming crisis? Is this a sham?

It's a political thing as is most things looking to garner power. Global warming and cooling is
a natural planetary cycle.

Earth quakes happen every day, most are natural.

Will the solar "killshot" occur, with the sun emitting some very large solar flares. The first
series of flares will take down all electrical infrastructure. People may need to be
underground, and have fresh sources of water to survive.
Not happening.
- XVI -

The ETs know the cure for everything that ails us, they could make everything right on this
planet with little effort----why don’t they?
What would a sudden cure for cancer and other diseases do to our economy? Countless
billions of dollars are spent researching these plagues in the US alone---trillions more
throughout the world.
Thousands of scientist, lab assistants, nurses, doctors, janitors, would be out of work.
Hospitals, pharmaceuticals, supporting industries would go bankrupt. The domino effect
would take down home builders, bankers, and the slew of industry that supports them.
Any major and abrupt change on our planet would be devastating.

The pharmaceuticals are like every other industry, they make good stuff and bad stuff but in
the long run humans move forward----ever so slowly, except for the last 100 years where we
had a spurt.

Doctors have a purpose but they are only one small part of the equation to good health.
America with its state of the are health industry has more sick people than Third World
Therefore the best health care is not the total solution.

Human minds are equipped to fix many things that ail mankind----the human mind is
designed to fix anything and some day when people realize the power that resides in their
head health care will be obsolete----the vast majority is not there yet----but many are.

AIDS/HIV are like everything else----created by ETs-----why----you have to ask them.

The cure for AIDS existed before the disease.
This in one of those dilemmas that is difficult to explain in human terms and in human
concepts because both homosexually and aids are creations by our makers. And involve
complex morality issues not associated with the victims alone but by those who make
judgments too.
Infection with the HIV virus will continue for a time and then stop.
Population control is not its purpose. Its purpose is… apparently I can't speak it.

Many cancers disappear if they are not detected---once detected and treatment begins the
treatment plus the psychological trauma of believing you are dyeing---is what kills many.
Cancer like everything on earth is by design----I don’t think anyone signs up for it---but you
never know.
Some cancer patients die rapidly when told they have cancer----others don’t-----it’s a case of
mind over matter----if we believe something strong enough we make it happen.
Is giving cancer to someone part of the retaliation for such open research?
Not always retaliation but the end result is the same.

ET have the cure for everything and they can unlock cures for anyone---if those in need ask
nicely and then believe it possible----but that’s the hard part, belief is a powerful tool but most
on this planet don’t have it in them to use that mental resource to their advantage.
To have the cure to all of them, but so do humans.
Much of humanity is addicted to drugs and hospitals---and people continue to demand more
and more drugs for every little thing that bothers them---which in turn creates more health
problems----side effects and drug interaction is the leading cause of hospital stays.
Secondly what would happen if a cure for all diseases came along? The economies of some of
the world powers would crash and massive starvation would inflict the world----hence new
diseases are introduced at certain intervals to keep that from happening
It’s simple economics for now and will not change until we make major leaps in technology
which will radically change our economic system---still a few decades down the road
Only then will humanity “miraculously” find cures for every kind of illness and disease----
even thought they have always been available.

Suffering is an alarm clock telling us we better wake up and smell the coffee.

All traps [of life, ie depression] come with an escape door---which opens from the inside and
is never locked, most can simply walk out when they’ve had enough.
Depression is no more than an alarm clock that keeps ringing until we hit the fed up button to
make it stop. You can take pills and go to the shrink but that can be a revolving door if the
root cause is not taken care of.
If we round up all the insane people in the world we would need a world equal in size to this
one to put them all in.
Certainly there are people beyond hope---me for instance---lol---but because you are on
threads like this one you are one of two things, you have a hidden agenda, or you wish to find
a solution to a real problem---I’m no doctor and have not solicited you but my advice is solid
and free---since you know you have a problem then the problem is in your power to deal with
Depression is normal and common---but it should not be abused or overly indulged, like
anything else, if you over do it, it will get the best of you.
If your depression is attitude driven than only a change in attitude will help, if it is driven by
drugs and alcohol, that’s a whole other story and you will need help, if it’s your diet, a simple
change of eating habits usually helps. If it’s this thread---then there is no help---
Depression hits everyone at one time or other, granted there are those who are chronically
depressed, perhaps because of chemical imbalance, brain injury, or their political candidate
lost the election---

What will happen to people that take antidepressants for long periods of time in the future?
will they go mad? will they get worst?
Some might even get better. Depends on the root cause of their illness. All illness is soul out
of kilter stuff. Some are so far out of kilter that drugs may be their only hope while in this life.

Mental illness as we humans perceive it, is a chemical imbalance, injury or disease to the
The schizophrenic brain is like a television with a bad circuit or is out of focus compared to
other brains---but [xxx] makes a great and valid point---some brains operate on higher or
lower levels of reality than the so called normal brain.
The old saying that there is a fine line between genius and madness is true---because the
genius is often at a level that those around them don’t comprehend---and they appear
eccentric or whacko to us normal people---notice how I include myself with the normal
Regardless of what speed your brain is running at, you---your soul---remains completely
intact and normal---brain malfunctions or whatever one wishes to call them are temporary
quirks that can end during this life but if not they end at the exit door to the next life.
Mental illness or mentally altered ---it’s a designed flaw or modification---humans can cause
this to happen to them by drug use---abuse of liquor, diet, mental anguish, or are put into a
body at birth customized for that purpose. There are no accidents unless a person was
intentionally careless and caused the accident---otherwise mental illness from accidents are
part of the contract or addendums to the original contract.
But so called mental illness is an advanced challenge that must be met for those who have to
deal with it.
I know I’m going to get into trouble with the head doctors with this post but what the heck.
Are psychiatric diseases and illnesses (like bi-polar disorder) real or are they something we
manifest through our own lives?
Both, some are due to illness and accident brain injury and such. Some we create for
attention---and then make real with drug use from overzealous doctors or the corner drug
If they are real then what purpose do they have other than creating misery?
That is one of the purposes.
Can't these kinds of disorders prevent people from living well, bettering themselves, and
staying positive?
Once the damage is done the challenges can be immense---and for some insurmountable.
Their best hope is good people around them.
The human brain has circuit breakers---a fuse box that trips when we become angry or our
emotions pile up, or we have a nutrient deficiency in our blood supply causing our minds to
crash or get fuzzy.
Bi-Polar episodes could be caused by lack of a good diet or damaged liver and other body
parts including the brain.
We have all experienced other people around us getting angry---don’t they kind of go nuts?---
and a whole other personality comes out
After they calm down they are back to normal---whatever normal is that is---lol
Too bad few professionals teach that---but unfortunately curing or minimizing such problems
in people doesn’t translate to job security---for some.
What can be the best way to work with most mental illness, bipolar, multiple personalities,
hearing voices, seeing devils, hallucination?
Our mental illness increases proportionally to the number of maladjusted people around us or
in our lives, including psychologist---
Sanity is a perspective more than anything else.
Certainly there are severe cases of brain damage due to accidents, drug abuse, including and
especially prescribed drugs, illness, and birth defects. And then the other extreme----those
who crave attention, or wish to be taken care of by others, who are often more sane than the
doctors falling all over themselves trying to help these mental hypochondriacs
For those who haven’t noticed this world is filled with nut cases, on the job, in the home, at
school, at the malls, in the congress, on the highways, and on the internet---like me---
I recommend the movie “K-PAX” starring Kevin Spacey, and look for the bluebird---

Some mental illness can be transcended simply via mind over matter---the brain is matter and
all matter is subject to the mind---soul---for those who wish to harness that power---they can.
Those severely afflicted, their accountability has been postponed.
Mental illness, and other mental states is not a subject most of us humans are wired to
understand---and could not accept the reality that is taking place. But I can say that severe
cases of autism or other mental situations, the person is not tethered to the body exclusively,
they straddle both planes of existence, this one here on earth and the one on the other side---
but unlike me they can’t talk about it---
Some people [like those with schizophrenia or bi-polar situations or even mentally challenged
individuals] ---except those obsessed with anger and hate---are actually only partially here on
this plane, they straddle two or more realities and are here for reasons that have nothing to do
with “them” and more to do with those whose lives they are entwined with here on earth.

For some people any illness or perceived illness is all they have---take that away from them
and their lives become empty---sad but true

Human genetics is complex stuff---humans certainly don’t know much about it, but ET does.

The medical community tends to use lots of hype across the board---for a number of reasons,
but none of them are good reasons.
We live in a sue-happy society with oodles of hypochondriacs---and doctors are stuck in
between the two---so they act funny and not always in the best interest of those they serve.
The short of it---people who get more sun in their lives are better off than those who get less
Many cancer cures are worse than the cancer---there are fewer deaths from cancer now days
because some doctors have figured that out.

What significance does the solar plexus have in the human body?
None at all but that is only my gut feeling------It is not for me to tell people what to believe.

Cut back on donut runs and drink more chamomile tea and your whole outlook on life will
improve tenfold ---

Hypnosis to quit smoking and other human modifications is well and good for those unwilling
to do it on their own.

We cannot live without food and drink for extended periods, nor is it wise to do so---for those
that don’t have to.

Some of diseases are caused by lifestyle---some to keep our immune system up to par, and if
it kills you then it was your time to go.

Chamomile is good for tummy aches.

The higher ups create this mish mash of viruses we have on earth to keep others out.
Antibodies do have a bigger purpose than holding microbes at bay, they also keep certain
undesirable entities at a disadvantage----there is truth behind the movie “War of the Worlds”
concerning deadly human germs.

People in a coma:
Some are stuck because loved ones don’t want to let go of them, but they often are not in their
bodies and have long gone. They may come back for brief periods, and a few do come back
and stay a little longer but most of what they saw is blanked out.
What happens with body and soul when it remains in a coma for years?
The soul can leave the body and go to another place and a temp soul, which is not a real soul
put in its place.

Every cell in our human body is ET engineered.

What are the consequences of fairly bad alcoholism?
Liver damage, brain damage, marriage and relationship damage, can be a social pariah, and
certainly soul damage.
“Everything in moderation”, definitely a wise old saying.

Accepting a blood transfusion or organ transplants from another person could create more
than a risk of diseases?
Most don’t have a choice they take the blood transfusion or organ or die, some don’t even
have that choice, and it’s made for them.
There is a physical and a spiritual impact but nothing I can get into, way too many details.

GMFs, microwave towers (or whatever name you want to give them), pesticides, heavy
metals, and lord knows what else, are okay for our bodies, or just that the damage is
Highly exaggerated for most, intentionally damaging for others.
These substances are quite harmful to the human body in the quantities that are currently
being introduced into our systems. HMs in high quantities create irreversible, long-term
damage, yet interestingly, make us more radio-conductible.
There are no accidents and some souls are being put through the ringer---no pun intended, and
others are being slowly modified via what we call conventional means.
How toxins, manipulated ELFs, HMs, and unknown protein enzymes from GMFs are
"revamping our bodies»?
1 percent physiological, 99 percent psychological
The pollution is more real for some and much less for others---things will continue to change
and some will adapt and others will not, its part of the prison upgrades that will be taking
place here on earth for the next two centuries.
Things go out of style or they constantly get upgraded. Why are we not using the computers
of the sixties and seventies anymore?
Same with human bodies, they get model changes with upgrades for different periods---and
certain elements are added to the soup to give it different flavours and abilities.
They say “the only constant is change”, and we humans hate and resist both physical and
spiritual change---with a passion
I love clichés

Do the prison upgrades mean to make our bodies more radio conductible?
You mean radio active----
Our minds and bodies are gradually being modified for the space age of those who are coming
after us. The Next few generations will have offspring that will benefit from what torments
some of us now. We are the foundation of better things to come, not necessarily the
beneficiaries, unless we come back here in future lives.

Why has vaccinations come to the forefront of both public and occult research ?
The higher battles with a cause incidentally, have introduced complexities of a physiological
nature via hidden hybrids. Hybrids that are a necessary part of the next few chapters in human
history and coming on line now.
Why are governments taking away people's rights to choose for their own children?
I have been against this but who am I. Anyway, there are no human rights other than on
political stationary.
How do vaccines either contribute or negate to the "revamping" of the next generation of
bodies being brought in ?
Not even those who give the order to administer them know that information.

The problem with many is that they are hypochondriacs and run to the doctor at the sign of
every sniffle or ache and demand medications.
Humans pollute their own bodies with the foods they eat and all the needless medications
from those horrid legal drug pushers---who only provide what the consumers demand.
Again, our worst enemies are usually those who look back at us from the mirror
What should we do to help our jalopies along---cut back on all those things that make life
worth living like sweets, and power drinks filled with caffeine----and don’t do drugs the legal
or illegal ones---if you don’t have to.
Taking the clunker for a walk is both a mental and physical enhancer.

Our bodies can take a lot of abuse and so we give them lots of it. What we eat is not as
important as how much we eat. Moderation is the key.
There is no one best way that works universally concerning enhancement because we all live
in different environments and eat different foods. But most problems arise from too much
food, or too little food.

Vitamins are helpful for some but can be dangerous if the body gets overwhelmed with what
it don’t need or want.

Biblical fasting is a metaphor for cleansing the soul from ideas and concepts and has nothing
to do with food---but many have applied it to food. Some food fasting may be helpful for a
few but for many it can do irreparable damage to both body and mind if taken to the extreme.
Along with dietary instruction was a dose of allegorical speak---pigs represent the Gentile
world and their obsession with hundreds of pagan gods and rituals---and that’s why they were
not to eat swine---in other words avoid paganism---which had nothing to do with hogs---but
the idea stuck and is adhered to, to this day by the big three religions, and now the vegans too
Food fasting for more than a few days is asking for trouble, human bodies require
nourishment---most biblical speak glorifying the concept of fasting pertained to “other”
competing religious beliefs---people in the old days gorged themselves on all kinds of gods
and rituals---and fasting was a way to wean them away from them and concentrate on one
Food in moderation and variety is the best way to remain healthy.
I think most of us know by now that many studies are biased to our beliefs, wants, and needs.
Vegan diets are great for some but not for all people.
Many of us love the taste of meat because human bodies are designed to eat meat.
Humans are not strictly carnivores, we can eat grains and vegetables too.
Over eating meat or anything else, will created problems in human bodies. But those who
exercise regularly have fewer problems than those who don’t, regardless of what they eat.
The consumption of meat is a sensitive issue and certainly, I am not proposing that people eat
meat or all of their vegetables either. Eat what makes you happy.
I’m no advocate of one or the other, personally I like meat and potatoes with my wine.
What makes festivities fun and enjoyable is the food. Food makes people happy at weddings,
at football games, at nights out on the town, when we are with family---food makes it all fun
and everyone happy.
People without food or not enough food are never happy---I grew up with little food in the
pantry---those were not happy days.
Happy is having food on the table.
Go check out the vibes in a factory farm: not very happy vibes that get packaged into people's
diets, i can assure you.
Vibes from millions of starving people are much worse---and many of them are starving
because of misguide political, religious and personal ideals that exist only in the minds and
have no bearing on reality.
The bible also says that what goes into our mouths is not important---only what comes out of
our mouths is.

Many of us die from the everyday stresses we curl ourselves up into, what we eat and drink is
secondary to our eventual demise.

There is more involved in Alzheimer’s than brain cell atrophy from age. Some is punishment
some is a blessing. As we get older regret for the past and fear for the future take their toll.

Humans are not cows yet we love cow milk---well I don’t---

Humans have always to some degree been lactose intolerant but they are in denial because
they love cheese and ice cream and are willing to put up with the discomfort, assuming they
know what is causing it.

Healing our bodies requires a simple little detail like healing our souls/mind, first. Mind over
matter is what it's all about and to have even a tiny bit of that magic requires clear blue
conscious, and no baggage.

Many do just fine in the health department but hardly of their own doing, it was in their
contract. Eating right and exercise are fine, but have little to do with real health when the soul
has issues. Health is a gift, and so is sickness, when it's working off bad karma.
Nevertheless, attitude and keeping it good, regardless of the lows helps. The gods will gladly
kick you when you are down and out, and lift you up when you are defiant in the face of
adversity. Wimps move down or stay this universe moving up spiritually and
mentally, is "all" that counts.

All matter has vibrations, more or less is what defines what that matter represents, wood,
flesh, steel, or swamp gas. Healing comes from something different...something without the
vibration factor. If kindness healed people there would be far few sick people because we
would deploy kind people to the sick, rather than the hit and mostly miss, doctors.
With more purity or attempts to refine the silver of our spirit to love, is this where access to
healing is possible?
No, there is a little more red tape involved in the process.

I have these moments where i can almost see objects as the props Lou says that they are. you
know I’ll be at a concert or something and suddenly things kind of slow down for a split
second and everything i see around me looks flat and cell shaded. colours are a bit of a blur
and i can almost see the stands holding everything up. A river of people standee's, seems odd,
but like i said i kind of shrug it off.
Happens. Most people see a doctor or a shrink and receive medications for it when it happens
to them. Few talk about it for obvious reasons, wishing to keep jobs and friends. Mischievous
guides and or mysterious physical or vaporous entities rubbing elbows.

Are all diseases such as cancer, light/energy that can be easily fixed?
When will the ET's let the cure for all things such as diseases out for public consumption?
Well because this earth is not a utopia classed planet that is not high on the agenda. But
common sense, diet, exercise and as few drugs as possible and most people can live well.
99.9% is mental.

Is Sickness all mind over matter?

100% mind over matter. But few believe that, and therefore it don't work for them.
Nevertheless it is much more than simply thinking it. It takes some serious mental power for
most to achieve it. Some can do it easier than others. Discipline is important.

Can light be used to fix every problem the 'human body' has?
No, but the mind/soul can.

What do you see in the near future in medical advancements for mood / mental disorders?
Any synthetic mood medicine regardless of advancement will only exacerbate the problems.
Pills are the problem not the antidote. But many want and demand a quick fix to their deep
rooted soul problems. We get what we pay for.

If we were in perfect harmony with our bodies there would be no pharmaceutical industry,
and there is nothing bigger or more pervasive that pharmaceuticals.

The human body was designed as a carnivore, no ifs ands or buts. We can eat anything, and
that's the problem most of us eat too much of everything lol that's why many of us have
digestion problems. Spiritually has nothing to do with what we eat, not one bit. Most of that
"don't eat meat" stuff is political agenda. A balanced diet is key to good health, with a good
solid exercise program to keep everything running smooth.

We now have 'modern' medicine, but only recently (last 50 years or so). Did ET ever give any
information on how to treat/repair the human body to those who lived long ago?
In many ways they had better treatment, fewer hypochondriacs.
For the most part the body is self healing when there is proper nutrition and exercise. We
sometimes make things worse by over treating, or treating incorrectly. Job security kind of
stuff for the medical profession.

Is obsessive-compulsive disorder related to soul?

What is the soul-reason for such things?
Some can't let go of certain stimulating activities even if they are or become oppressive. Like
smoking, drinking and drug use doesn't do anything good for us but they fill in some need and
give life some meaning, or so some believe. Some of the compulsive stuff is a carry over from
beyond, A built up guilt trip from here or there. Much of it is harmless and remains here when
we leave, because there are no sock drawers on the other side.

Is ET dripping a more simple cure for most illnesses?

There is no cure for hypochondria. Many medical problems are caused by drug interaction
with foods and other drugs that are over the counter and prescription. And good health is good

Why does it seem there’s a huge increase of Autism these days?

In the old days people didn't showcase problems as much as we do today. Today we exploit
and tend to magnify social paranoia and other debilitating mental weaknesses and disabilities.
Is there something going wrong with the Body Containers?
More so what is in the containers? We are what we are willing to believe we are. Containers
reflect to the world what is inside them.
Is this being put into play to teach some lessons for the parents / individual?
Every situation is a stage prop. How and why we do what we do is very telling of each soul.
Those dealing with such situations will break or come out stronger.
Any chance we can get some insider (Milton) intel on how to help out people with autism?
And wreck a whole industry? Snake oil business has gone high tech and the demand for more
of it keeps growing. Milton is forbidden from interfering with it.

Are the renegades putting something in the water?

And in the mind too. Many illnesses are over the counter, metaphorically speaking.

Dying of something is part of the human contract. What we die of is partly free will and our
own doing.

I was in perfect health last year. Ex wife insisted that at my age, do Dr's and tests. So I did
them, and promptly got sick.
Unfortunately that is true. If you want to go where all the sickies are go to a hospital, it's not
only hypnotic stuff, however that is a part of it.
Doctors are only human, yet we still let them open us up. Well, doctors do serve a purpose.
Today I did a full spectrum blood screening test draw (a wellness package) and my supposed
healthy veins blew two times. there's a phsssst... sound unlike any I have ever heard--
scared them and me. I guess I was in better shape than they were.
Years ago I took my perfectly ruining car in for a mechanical inspection that is required by
the state every year. It ran like crap after the inspection. The mechanics are only human.

What is this medical push?

Hypochondriacs. And people living longer and having more age related real and imagined
problems too.

What we put into our mouths is not as bad as what comes out of them. A biblical quote.

Keeping our energy/vibration level high is key to good health? ...and other
spiritual gooiness ...and maybe some of the crop circles are helping us raise our energy
If people enjoy being around us its not because of something in the water. It's an energy that
even the meat sacks can't restrain forever. Eventually we energize and burst out of these meat
sack cocoons and turn into butterflies.

Are humans supposed to be drinking cow’s milk and what is the best diet for maximum
There is no one diet fits all. Attitude and exercise are key to physical wellbeing for those
allowed to have wellbeing and most of us are allowed.

Physically healing oneself:

Most of us have access to that kind of power, but if the soul is not right that power is fleeting.

DNA is like a barcode, it identifies our basic equipment package, our location (earth) our
manufacture (which ET species) and a lot more.
That is why many people involved with ET go back several generations.

DNA is complex for us but not for them (Aliens). They do manipulate our DNA----for us----
they also use it on intermediate species----human/alien breeds----but I don’t know much about

Everyone shares the DNA of their parents----ET created human bodies a long time ago---and
they are self-perpetuating----using sex as the carrot to keep the humans from depleting.

ETs tweak the human genome every now and then we call it DNA mutations---but many of
the subjects will not be found out by the human medical establishment---they are funneled to
a doctor in the ET program, and there are plenty alongside their human counterparts.

Nothing simple about DNA, we humans have identified it and have vague ideas about it but
the surface to knowing the magic behind it has yet to be scratched.
There are soul tags within DNA unique to each person and the info in them changes.

Blood is physical life as we all know, But it has a sinister role too---which is forbidden
knowledge that should not be spilt for now, or ever.

Blood is the key to physical existence and holds many other mysteries too.

A theory about blood, that it is the anchor or glue that holds the soul in place somehow in the
human form. This seems relevant when one takes into account certain bloodletting sacrificial
rights practiced by various cultures and peoples throughout history, and seems related to the
grizzlier aspects of certain monsters throughout our collective folklores, that might be loosely
based on facts, such as vampires, werewolves, demonology and some ghost tales. Also, when
one takes into account the many ways of dying, which include injuries involving blood
spillages and/or degradation of blood through disease, this also seems to support this idea,
that blood may serve more purpose to our existences, abstractly speaking, than just physically
transporting oxygen, nutrients and hormones to various cells and organs in our bodies.
You defiantly hit near the mark on that one---
How close to the mark am I in understanding?
I ask, not because of some dark or grim purpose, merely out of curiosity in an attempt to
better understand the relation of the soul/spiritual to the physical, because clearly, both must
be closely related.
This is borderline treading on forbidden knowledge---and you certainly have scratched that
Blood is a tool that has a more sinister role than most are ready to hear and definitely not
ready for total recall. So I will continue to remain silent about it and let others speculate---
people can tolerate speculation a lot better---

The story about blood is crazy mind blowing stuff---not something I can talk about or cover in
this thread---perhaps a blog perhaps a book---but it will be a very touchy thing and will piss
off lots of people---who will call me mean things because they will not want to understand---
I have barely nudged the apple cart with my ET stuff not even upturning it and still it cause so
much grief to so many---this blood thing may push them over the edge.
A book may be the best place for it that way only those that want this stuff will have it---but
the book will be under an alias and I will not talk about it here so that I don’t get accused of
trying to make money off my books

Blood always draws a crowd, why is that?

I can’t simply give the secrets of the blood because it’s way too politically incorrect and
borderline morally disturbing and distasteful. I realize that the more I attempt to explain my
reasoning the more it tickles the curiosity bug, so I’m in a catch 22.
I’m usually more careful of what gets out of the bag, but this bloody cat got out over some
poster’s simple and innocent question and refuses to go back in the bag.
Blood keeps the likes of the dead alive, Dracula is dead.

Our blood types are consequences of our genes that come from our parental units.

Why does the combination of certain Rh-factors cause serious problems in a new born?
A mechanism to curtail the flow of inferior genes when the pool is too small and too close to
home, diversity in genes works better.

Human blood craves the soul; blood stalks the dead like Dracula stalks the living. Dracula is
dead, and remains dead even after draining the blood of his victims, because he drinks the
blood of the living dead. Dracula is real, and he lives, and he and his minions are always on
the lookout for the living dead, those lost souls wondering the dark alleys of life, like crickets
inside an aquarium, filled with hungry reptilian creatures.

The blood keeps the soul from escaping the body.

Blood is the first gate that keeps the soul from straying off.

Blood is versatile and has many interesting qualities depending on whether it’s animal or
human blood. But I can’t just blurt it all out because it is way way too politically incorrect and
very offensive as I have mentioned before.
Nevertheless, blood is the earthly gate keeper of naughty souls, yet it is lusted over and craved
by the dead, but not for the purpose of retaining life.

Blood is a containment medium and there are many levels of containment, and many blood
types remain unknown to the general population.

I can’t give a reply about the blood, or its substitute without offending many.

Our DNA gets tweaked on a regular basis based on the weight of our souls---remaining fit and
trim is not easy.

There is no junk DNA, some DNA is stealth by design.

Can the ET sort of 'flick a switch' so to speak and re-program our DNA?
Kind of.
New evidence came from The Human Genome Foundation that showed that junk DNA is
actually contains extra-terrestrial material.
They don’t know how to tell the people that it’s all extraterrestrial, and they better not or they
will get their helixes put where the sun don’t shine.

Blood cells are what bind us to our physical prison cells, which btw have lots of carbon, both
the blood cells and the prison bars---one and the same really.

Is Their input on Human DNA restricted to some worlds, to all of them, to the human
archetype in the infinite universe?
Yes but it is complicated because of the many facets involved.

DNA is a biological blueprint and factory, the matrix of our awareness. Blood keeps us
prisoners inside that matrix.

Does our DNA/physical make up affect our spiritual body/soul?

No. but our soul will affect those things.

Since blood keeps our soul's contained in our body, and since the rogue ET's like blood so
much, would I be far off to say that the renegades used blood in the ancient times to torture
humans and/or other entities and keep them imprisoned in their body's for as long as
Yes and a whole bunch of other stuff.

How does blood affect us spiritually?

Blood keeps us locked up in our bodies because most of us "down" here
are not very spiritual, even those who go to church every Sunday or Saturday or pray five
times toward Mecca know little if anything about spirituality.

Is our DNA a compilation of past/present/future stuff that is being watched by ET and

There is residue of such in our DNA.

Where we came from and a whole lot of other info is coded in our DNA. Why? Because.

Are Earthlings' DNA really based on evolving Apes, or a derivative (there's that word again)
of ET's fun and games creation sport?
A derivative for the illusion that it is.

Vaccines.. Good or Bad?

Depends on which side of the vaccine one is on. Some are good some are required for school.

DNA is a lower level thing.

Transfusions don’t affect the soul. We don't inherit karma from others via body parts or
blood. Personality changes sometimes do occur for other reasons.
Are they merely part of the human experience and therefore useful to ascension?
Blood from others doesn't affect ascension.
What happens to a person who receives, say, three pints of blood from three different people
during a surgery?
There are a few instances where people die, the soul leaves the body and another soul takes its
place. This is rare and has little to do with the blood (can’t say anymore). Not something
anyone needs lose sleep over.

There is more to blood than meats the eye. and no I didn't misspell the word.

The blood serves a purpose, the DNA and race serve their own purpose. To break it down
would open a can of worms and I already run off more people with my slanderous ass as it is.

I smoked a little marijuana [smoked a little pot in the army] until I was told by one of the
aliens to stop. They never said why on the herb.
I also liked drinking, and they told me to cut back on that, you would have thought they were
my mother. I was never injured or given drugs other than the vaccinations the military gives
out in basic training and when they ship you overseas.
I haven’t given up the drink----I cut back-----intoxication made the encounter more palatable.
I’m not knocking or judging anyone about drug use but they continue to tell me it’s not the
way to go.
Their message isn’t for me, I have no desire for narcotics or any kind of stimulants, and I only
take the occasional Advil and one glass of wine with my dinner.
There are many synthetic and organic drugs that will do many things but taking the soul out of
the solar system is a stretch.

However, being under the influence of drugs does make it easier to be in the presence of ETs-
---but ET can do that without drugs.

Some people believe certain synthetic drugs or natural ones like peyote, mushrooms,
marijuana, etc, help them make higher connections with the gods, or themselves. Probably
works for some to a certain degree.
Nevertheless all stimulants are primarily a form of escape from the illusions of this so called
real world.
What we ingest affects both brain and body but not spirit---the spirit rules over physical every

Marijuana & mushrooms & peyote are traps that lead some to squander this life; no mind can
expand if it’s not sober.

There is no ET law against getting high otherwise they wouldn’t have put those planets here--
-they have their purposes, medicinal, and some traditional, but unfortunately they are easy to
abuse, and for most they are a drain on their soul---not a good thing for those wanting to
increase soul mass.
The only way to increase soul mass is to become pure in heart---an incredibly alien concept
for many of us to grasp and achieve.

What is the purpose of these drugs here?

Demand and supply is part of the equation. The rest is black projects---that too no one would

Why marijuana and alcohol? To escape? Is it a tease? What is alcoholism?

Everything has a purpose and a reason---and a trade-off---

A wise saying of old, “it’s not what we put into our mouths that foul us but what comes out of
And I agree---however, certain drugs and abuses of food and drink do hinder many a souls.
And who here on earth can afford to be hindered?
Drug abuse puts the abuser at a disadvantage---the soul needs constant attention and drug
abuse is like child abuse and neglect. A heavy price is paid in this life and the one that follows
for this or any kind of willful neglect---but people can change their ways anytime and undo
"some" of the damage.

I have some friends whose kids that got pretty messed up on crystal meth.
If there was only a way to make a commercial to warn people that the law is the least of their
worries when they choose to flush themselves down the toilet---it’s what’s in the sewer that
they need worry about.

Drugs (like DMT) and stimulants are recreational, abused stimulants are detrimental.
You may expand your mind, and make contact with strange entities----worse they can make
contact with you----this is not a fruitful way to get information from the other side.
People find enlightenment in a glass of beer, a case of beer even more so. Talk to any crack
head and ask them what they have seen. DMT is more respectful and some people do get to
see the face of the gods behind the curtain...pulling their chains. Some believe that to be
enlightenment or derivative of it.

Personally I think many drugs should be legal. Laws do nothing to stop drug use and are a
waste of taxpayer money, but it's all part of the grand illusion and a sting of sorts.
Weed is not alright. All stimulants even the legal ones come with a price tag. Some people
believe that if it's natural then its ok, well shit is natural. But I wouldn't smoke it. All that stuff
that makes us feel good alters something in the brain, and in the soul. Best not mess with the
soul, we are stuck with it for a long time.
Marijuana steals or alters memories. When you are young you don't have many memories and
those you have may not seem important. But they are important.
Can you say how long the effects last on our soul if someone smoked for a while and then
What is lost or altered remains that way.
It doesn't help on the soul level. Yes a lot of cool very successful people do drugs and they are
doing just fine---that's what they think.
There are many hallucinogenics out there that can open doors to the supernatural world. But
you don't know who you are communicating with. Best not talk to strangers in them freaky
places between dimensions. Sometimes those doors are difficult to close once opened.

We get a peek of other dimensions using certain drugs, but those who do will lose something
in return. The trade off is not worth it by a long shot. I have never done such drugs but I have
been around people that have, I grew up in the Sixties and drug experimentation was at fever
pitch. Most of those around me that indulged in the stuff never functioned well in society.
Attitude was part of it but the drugs made their lives worse.

Many people have asked about the weed. And I have stated that weed steals memories, and
mostly the good memories, the ones we are here to make and keep. most weed is tainted with
hallucinogenics, chemicals that most people wouldn't feed to rats. And the "highs" can be
very scary for beginners until they get use to feeling insane. For some strange reason that
makes a lot of people happy.

What are your/Milton’s views on drug and alcohol abusers?

We are all on our own paths to destruction or fulfilment, part of the free will gig.
All brain stimulants including my beloved wine come with a price tag. The soul cannot be
stimulated by any Earthly substance. All that is being entertained is the flesh, the gray matter
that can and will be deceived.

It's like a box of chocolates, when eating them they make you feel like you entered into a
heavenly dimension. But after awhile that pleasure turns into a fat butt. Chocolate makes you
feel good, and some say it's good for your heart. Nevertheless there are consequences. The
consequences depend on the drugs and the extent of abuse. We are here to expand our souls,
not blunt them. Certain stimulants blunt soul growth.

The evidence of what drugs do to humans is found in all large cities. And
what we see is only the tip of the iceberg. The outward human devastation is only a thin
facade of tormented souls, and the hell they have fallen into. Many insist that such things will
never happen to them because their ego is stronger than the soul. That's why the forbidden
fruit is placed into the garden.

Certain hallucinogenic substances seem to the user to short circuit the ego and allow one to
see beyond those limitations. Is it true that what one "sees" under their influence can be real
and not just hallucinations?
There really are no hallucinations. Everything we see, regardless the trigger, has some basis.
But not necessarily the stuff we are looking or hoping for. We also don't know who or what is
providing the show. Like a Venus fly trap there are many enticing traps in 3D land.

The world’s number one drug of choice is Methamphetamine. Alcohol and drug addiction are
major problems. Society doesn't cure addictions as much as it incorporates the issues.
Meaning everyone from pharmaceuticals to drug cartels make money by not healing.
True they certainly know how to keep some of us coming back for more. But the fact remains
that each one of us are responsible for our own actions and run away desires.

Many addicts don't want treatment, they want something better, newer and
cheaper. People who want to quit will quit without the use of other drugs, if
they "really" want to quit. Personally I believe that many drugs should be
legalized, and the potential consequences printed on each label.
Prohibition doesn't work.

Am I losing points selling home grown marijuana?

Breaking the law of the land can have moral implications as well as legal ones.
- XVII -

Steven Spielberg's Taken is so far off the mark that even the military with their vast resources
could not come close to matching the depth of deception in that one film.
It’s mostly fear mongering concerning extraterrestrials but there are bits and pieces that fit
into the real puzzle as is true with most movies. But overall it's pure baloney.
Steven Spielberg can give you more details, crisp dialog and lots of visual effects----that's
what most people want.
Perhaps Spielberg works for the aliens.
The truth is not as polished, can be boring, definitely lacking in detail----and would not make
a good movie unless it was pumped full of "fabricated" material.
Sorry but I'm not a fancy movie director or screen writer.

War of the Worlds----Hollywood’s version of ET-----not going to happen.

Never heard of the book Above Black.

Dan Sherman is telling the truth

Lacerta Files : There is no reason for me to have information about the Lacerta files, I read
them, they seem to be in line with things I have experienced, so there may be truth in them.

Phillip Krapf's story: I haven’t read Krapf’s book, but “The Contact has begun” implies
something new is about to happen-----in the old day the aliens are the gods of mythology.
Nevertheless, in this New Age environment many people need the affirmation of “Contact”
because the gods (for many) no longer apply.

Living in Bogalla is better.

Yeah, fishing and hunting 24/7 sounds great, it’s those added benefits that suck----lots of flies
and mosquitoes buzzing around them non-stop, human poop all over the place, the putrid
smell might be good for clearing up the sinuses but that’s probably not a good thing.
They drink water that the EPA would classify as a hazard to life as we know it, they eat food
that fido would run from. They sweat and are sticky all the time during the day, and freeze
their buns off at night.
There are a few benefits to the rat race.

I saw Michael Jackson on MIB, his nose has nothing to do with anything, his face is melting.
He really is a closet extraterrestrial.

Prophet Yahweh: He had the power that all of us have----to make fools of ourselves.

Project Serpo Project Exchange Program:

I have read bits and pieces of that tread, but there was no exchange as mention in that tread
and others.
The government has sent certain scientist on learning expeditions with ET, however most
trips off planet are by ordinary people who then return a bit less ordinary.

Roswell, battle of LA in 1947, and the "black triangles" :

Most if not all of them were real----but then again how would I know?
The sherman ranch in Utah: There are thousands of ETs on this planet every second of the
day----coming, going and permanently garrisoned----strange things happen for many reasons-
---mostly to keep people away or to deflect attention from other places.

There is no “Starship Capricorn”----sorry.

The Iarga story is science fiction.

Colonel Philip J. Corso told the truth----however, he was given little information about ETs.
He talks about items taken from the crash site, which were left there to be found by the
military, gifts from ET, who then helped the scientists put them into human applications while
ET remained behind the scene---

There are people that can’t see the forest because all the trees are in the way----so is Stanton
Friedman. Stanton has made a career of debunking UFOs and he has people lapping up his
nonsense like school boys chasing girls.
It doesn’t take any skills to be a bull in a china shop destroying the good china with the bad
and that’s all Stanton Freidman is.

I've heard of Zecharia Sitchin.

Haven’t read him.

I may have watched two or three episodes of X-Files when it first came out---not really
familiar with it.

The latest false profit want-to-be is David goodpasture, he promotes his website on this board
and uses lots of appropriate words like love, world peace, god is good, and we will change the
He calls himself a star child and invites other star children to join his messianic ego trip.

Is Dennis Rodman really an alien?

As far as I know Rodman is a US citizen.

Whitley Strieber's experiences:

I haven't read his books but I did see the movie---Communion. That movie captured the
essence of the ET experience.
I can verify the blue dwarfs, they are fast critters and seem to always be in a hurry---they are
also incredibly agreeable, very likable, not sure why they visited me---they took me off planet
and into a city but I don’t know more than that, I think they work for Milton but he has not
verified or denied it. This happened a few months ago before I wrote the script.
Out of all the ETs they were the only ones that didn’t create terror by their presence. Don’t
know what Whitley said about them---probably the exact opposite of what I just wrote---lol

John Lear is well connected and knows a lot. John is wide awake.
John is my half brother but he refuses to share the mine with me---but offered to pitch my
blog as fair compensation, now you know---lol
Ok John is not my real half brother---
John Lear is not right on everything he said but some of it.
John has his sources and reasons and I have mine, and sometimes the two clash because my
info can be intentionally ambiguous
John and I are good friends and as long as he sees things my way we will remain friends------
John knows I’m kidding---
Certainly John has been off planet with ETs but I’m not privy to any details.
John gets much of his info from terrestrials as he has often stated.
He is not all that funny really and not the fashion queen he makes out to be either, but
nevertheless he is one smart and solid cookie in this earthly box filled with crumbs.
John takes a lot of heat for some outlandish things he stands behind including me. But that's
because John has been there and done a lot more than they let him remember. And like all
abductees even though he can't remember details he still knows.

Off my soapbox----never heard of a spirit molecule.

Those claiming that they are starseeds are not----ET is not here to inflate the ego of a few----
the true starseeds don’t advertise.
They are angels to some demons to others.
The human equivalents also are very elusive and hidden amongst us, and come without the
boastful gene. They will never be known by other humans as such.

Star Wars and other similar movies have opened up many minds to the reality of what is in
the huge galaxy we live in---in a sci-fi way. We have to crawl before we can walk and sci-fi is
the crawl part.
How connected and to whom the Star Wars director was?
He had outside advisers.

The space-dudes follow orders like everyone else, where the buck stops no one really knows--
-but it really wasn’t with President Truman---

Star Maker: I have not see it, but if it’s recommend I will try and get to it---time is of the
essence---and on earth there is never enough of it---time that is---lol

John Hutchinson probably spent lots of time with ET and thought that he could duplicate what
he saw on their ships and their cities here on earth---but he could not.

Billy Meier: At one time I made comments on certain people buy I have been asked by my
boss not to debunk willy-nilly so I will curtail for now.
Haven’t read much of his stuff.
Someone using that name has put me on their foe list----what more can I say---

Binaural programming: I prefer not to comment one way or other on it---but I will say to each
his or her own.

I’m not aware of a generation ship sent out by the US to another star system.
None of that is true---sorry---

Wilbert Brokhouse Smith: Never heard of it until now.

Not familiar with Stan Deyo.

Danny Crain (also known as Dr. Dan Burisch) and his book "My Son and an Alien!"
Not familiar with that book or his involvement in black projects.
Are there really time travelling aliens called P45 and P52 types ? P45 meaning beings that
have come back from 45,000 years in the future and P52 meaning back from 52,000 years ?
Dan describes a lot of details of the P9 conference where we negotiated with a few different
alien races. What's puzzling is how vivid and believable Dan comes off telling his stories. I
truly think he believes what he's saying, but it doesn't jive with your info.
While ETs can manipulate time somewhat the things mentioned [by Dan Burisch] are
certainly not happening. Granted anyone coming into contact with ETs and being taken to
other worlds much more advanced than earth may believe that they visited future earth.

I'm familiar with Edgar Cayce, and because of some of the things he claims that I know are
not true I wonder about his sources.
But he was smart and there were certain things he could not say---in other words had he
claimed that Jesus was not a real person his credibility would have gone down the proverbial
Only a fool messes with any of the three major religious icons---and I be that fool
And rather than bang heads with Ed Cayce fans I will reframe from further remarks about his
Edgar Cayce stated he was reincarnated several times and even had brothers and sisters. Can
you please elaborate on this?
Edgar Cayce was simply wrong about that.
are saying that Edgar Cayce was wrong on everything or his words were misinterpreted ?
I was only referring to that one question not all of Cayce’s material, which I have not read
I don’t have info on the entity known as Ra, whom Edgar Cayce channelled.
Cayce wrote or dictated lots of material and I haven’t gotten the chance to sit down and read
much of it. Some of what I read is what people have quoted from his stuff on ATS and
elsewhere. A few things I read contradicted my sources and I’m biased to my sources.
Concerning his karma teachings, I am not familiar with them at all.
He did have otherworldly contact.
Cayce labelled us travellers of the Universe who had come across Earth and decided to check
it out.
For a few that’s true but for most that is not true----many were put here kicking and screaming
and some haven’t stopped screaming yet.
“While in a pure energy form we were able to materialize into our Earthly form and take the
shape of Humans, yet also able to unmaterialize back into a pure energy state. Others who
materialized took the form of half human half animal types of beings.”
I call them renegades.
“Man was created in five different areas of the world at the same time. (Five areas for the five
different races of white, black, yellow, brown, and red peoples.)”
That’s the politically correct way to put it and I will leave it there.
Cayce stated that karma is a universal law, and that all we do unto others we will meet if not
in this life then the next until the karma becomes balanced.
True but we need not do anything to others to get a big foot put up our hinnies---there are
many other things that are equally important, like laziness and not taking advantage of gifts
and opportunities that are given to everyone.
Around this same time two sects of people began to form, the "sons of the law of one" and the
"sons of Belial". The sons of the law of one believed in equality and the sons of Belial
believed in slavery. The victims of the sons of Belial where the beings who took the form of
half human half animal.
The old good versus evil routine, Cain and Able, Democrats and Republicans, Leftwing and
Rightwing, Christians and Moslems, Spiritualist and Secularist. Obama and Clinton---
If only good and evil were clear cut we wouldn’t have so many things that divide us---and
that’s where the real evil comes into play---and it don’t look like that’s about to change
anytime soon
This initial conflict created a battle of karma that humans are still battling today and that
most if not all of us is here dealing with our karma and will continue to do so until we balance
(no matter how many lifetimes it takes). After such time has come to pass we will begin to
remember who we truly are and what our place is in existence and will follow through
Sounds about right.
Last I heard Edgar Cayce found the Atlantians, their planet that is, and was having a
wonderful time there with them, and has forgone interspecies meddling.

Time loop due to reptilian “accident”:

It’s totally untrue---- Most anything is possible somewhere in this universe but not that
scenario and not in our corner of the galaxy.

Dr. Phil and them others have mainstream because mainstream are mostly asleep to concepts
beyond ground level---earth, and are easier to entertain.
The Annees of the world know there is more to life than what simply meets the human eye
and they are teased by those in the mainstream who often believe themselves the superior
intellects, because they don’t fall for things they can’t see, touch, or taste. In other words by
those who are limited in understanding the bigger picture in which life is only a pixel of the
real show.
Those viewing only a pixel of the show are making judgments on those who can see a larger
slice of reality---what’s wrong with this picture---

We The Arcturians: A True Experience: I haven’t read it.

Bob Lazar is legit, even more than he realizes.

Above Top Secret of Timothy Good: I read parts of if many moons ago, I have many books
and I know it’s in one of my bookshelves. He has my book, he and Linda Moulton and some
other ufologist have ordered direct from me years ago. How’s that for a shameful plug---

Travis Walton: I have seen the movie from his experience (Fire in the Sky) and most of it was
accurate, except they didn’t drop him off naked, as they showed him towards the end of the
movie. Stories like Travis’ are true, but I haven’t seen a green one yet, but that doesn’t mean
they don’t exist.
Travis went for a ride and was shown some bizarre stuff, he came back and explained it the
best he could, and I have to say extremely accurate, having seen and been through some of
what he has.
They allowed him to remember so that he could come back and have a movie made about his
ordeal, they also made sure he had witnesses---something most abductees don’t have.
But to judge his story about that tanker filled with human gore---and equate that to evil ETs is
unrealistic. First of all inside that ship exist many dimensions and the ship was a dimensional
transport, and people were cocooned for the trip---matter as we know it becomes like jelly,
and soupy under certain conditions.
Once Travis escaped from the protection of the cocoon who knows what his physical body
looked like, he may have expanded like a water balloon---and if so lots of reconstruction took
place to get him back to normal.
Travis Walton was lucky he came back after a ride through the solar system, if all his
memories were released to him he would know that.

I’m not familiar with Dick Criswell.

I don’t get much opportunity to listen Coast to coast.

Good website:

Hollywood is a lost cause that promotes self-centered ideology for young and old minds alike.

Don’t know the book Urantia.

Indigo Children: It’s a click like Mensa, people wanting to feel special---unlike me---
There are plenty of talented children in this day and age but if they are true star children you
will know them by their humble manner and not by their intellect---which they will have but
they don’t put it in your face.
What is the job of the indigo childs?
To promote goodwill and not judge, hate, or envy others.
I haven’t met any Indigo Children.

Don’t know about Alien Agenda, his theories and thread speak for themselves, some posters
claim success others didn’t. ETs can be contacted but that don’t mean they will respond,
Agenda was adamant that they would respond to everyone, I disagreed with Agenda on that.

Close Encounters of the third kind: I have seen the movie, but it did not happen like that at all,
no pomp no exchange of people---it did make for a good movie and visual effects, and it did
capture the essence of extraterrestrials and some of their toys.

I love Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, especially that part when they arrive on that one
planet and shovels come out of the ground and smack them in the face every time they get an
idea in their heads---almost like real life---
On planets Vogon, I believe, every time a thought or idea came into their heads they were
smacked down by a shovel that came out of the ground, if you haven’t seen it rent the movie--
-that scene was priceless--- The rest of the movie was good too.
I missed out on most of the television series and caught the tail end before it ended so I had to
see the movie when it came out. The movie is goofy but nevertheless very enjoyable; I bought
the dvd and have watched it several times since---lol
Douglas Adams (creator): I know nothing about him but his subtle messages in the little I
have seen definitely comes from a highly enlighten mind---far too many miss out on those
simple truths from the likes of the Douglas Adams, and the simple joys that seep out from
those truths
Two thumbs up for Douglas Adams.
I like the last movie 'Hitchhiker Guide To The Galaxy' but I haven't read any of the books.
Don’t know who Robert Anton Wilson is ["Bottom line is that you cannot escape your own
self - crawling in the corner waiting till it goes away does not work."] but sounds like they
figured it out.

I’ve never heard of Lobsang Rampa.

I did a brief search on him and there is a ton of material that he wrote, he was definitely an
enlighten individual who had otherworldly connections. My contacts confirm that he did but
they will not elaborate further.

I don’t know anything about “John Milton” or “Paradise lost and found”

I have heard of George Adamski and may have one of his books in my collection boxed up
somewhere, but I have not read it yet, and may never read it because there are so many other
books on my list to read --- and what I have heard about some of them books here on ATS
they are way off the mark concerning extraterrestrials---

My favourite science fiction movie: "The Day the Earth Stood Still", I have the DVD.

Lynn Grabhorn:
Not sure where she is coming from and wish I had the time to read her stuff.

Have you heard of the Owls vs. the Roosters ? *

Milton would obviously be a Rooster.
Well the Owls certainly have it locked up don’t you think ? There are hardly any Roosters out
there, but plenty of chickens---chicken littles that is---lol

Graham Hancock’s 'Fingerprints Of The Gods':

Those concepts and theories are off base---the “good” ETs have never been usurped---many
of us want that to be so because of all the wreckage we see in history, and today around the
world---but like in the past much of what people perceive about the world is off base---way

Zeitgeist movie: Haven’t even heard of it, perhaps I should get out more often---lol

I haven’t read the Urantia Book.

Signs: Silly movie, where the producer M. Night Shyamalan who plays a part in the movie,
locks an alien in a pantry, and the alien can’t get out---what a waste of superior alien
technology---beings able to cross time, space and dimensions at will, get snared behind an old
wooden door ---lol
And water is the alien’s down fall, yet they came to a planet covered with it. An obvious
reference to baptism, where water washes away sin---good thing I was baptized in a church
when I was a baby----keeps me safe from them sinful “aliens”----

Jim Sparks is Paranoid.

His views of the world are borderline paranoia on certain issues, and many people share
similar views with him. He has good ideas but they are over shadowed by his contacts who
are leading him somewhat astray concerning humanity’s place in the scheme of things. His
contacts have a renegade flavour to them.
We are drawn towards beliefs we can live with and we humans have a smorgasbord of beliefs
to choose from because of our diverse nature and needs. His material is part of that
smorgasbord people can choose from.

George Green: Not familiar with Green and lack the time to be.

David Wilcock has found his peace---if others can attain inner harmony from his material
more power to them.
Is there any truth regarding his physics and "channellings”?
Well, He seems like a nice guy.

Milton William (Bill) Cooper:.

The little I have read so far---and I may not read much more---for reasons I can’t explain.
Anyway most of what I have read about the speech he gave on Nov. 1989, is true. Including
his account of when he was in Vietnam and saw UFOs around the Tacan River near the DMZ
Well Milton was over there in his “alien helicopter” and so was I.---but that’s a whole other
story that I haven’t figured out how to tell yet without having to plead the 5th.
But then again who is going to believe a ufo nut like me---

The movie The Exorcist was a major coup for the Catholic Church, it put fear into many
people when it first came out and church attendance increases significantly at our parish
alone. I saw the movie a few years ago for the first time, and have since given up eating peas.

I’m not familiar with Stewart Swerdlow.

Alex Collier: I may have heard his name tossed around but not up on what he talks about. And
I would rather not give an opinion on other people’s points of view.

Condoleezza Rice is all human---like the rest of us.

Tunguska event (1908):

Not a meteor or comet.
But I suppose not many would believe it was a “fire and brimstone” type of action---A big-ass
explosion of a renegade ship.

Are the UFOs in the Haiti video for real?

No, the real ones are much cooler.

ZetaTalk are exploiting real problems and turning them into propaganda---that’s not ET
speak---that’s home-grown everyday politicking for the upcoming presidential elections---

There Is no such a thing as a "Cosmic Pulse".

Not familiar with Charles Hall or the tall whites he speaks of.

What is Kool aid ?

I was wondering when that question was going to surface and that day has finally arrived---
Originally it was meant as cruel yet cute joke that mothers used on their children to give them
red blue or green mustaches.
It’s also a cheap sweat concoction for little ones that can down gallons of liquid an hour in
those hot summer afternoons.
But like most good things---for mothers anyway, everything eventually gets corrupted and
cool aid is no exception.
Some evil cult leader probably one who had one too many cool aid mustaches while growing
up and some other kids made fun of him----ended up taking his perverted hate and redirected
it to his followers---poisoning them in some mass suicide using cool aid.
I was fortunate that I grew up in such poverty that we couldn’t even afford cheap cool aid---
we were lucky to get water to drink---but enough about me---

Were Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Washington aware of their purpose here
on Earth? Did they know about ET?
They certainly were aware, and they did know about the little green men---

Sufism: Never heard of it, sounds like a good teaching.

Don’t know Michael Newton.

I don’t know anything about Ashtar Sheran if he does exist.

Never heard of the planet Khoom and the Ohalu Council.

Do I know the number of your auric lattice structure?

My what?

Willy Wonka, one of my favorite movies---

The Annunaki? They get way too much press---

We have The Fifth Element on dvd, it’s one of my wife’s favorite movies----it’s a good
movie, funny, strange for sure---and way off the mark---but the cabbie is cool---

Fatima events: No hologram, they were there, and they were not renegade.

2001 A Space Odyssey has some truth, however HAL will not dream in the sequel 2010 The
Year we Make Contact.
The monolith in the movie is a metaphor for bringing intelligence into planets like earth.

The Discovery and History channels get paid to keep the lid on.

I have not see Pan's Labyrinth, someone told me it was propaganda, so I didn't bother,
perhaps I'll check it out now anyway.

"Tahoe Drone Sightings" and the "Isaac CARET" papers? CGI.

George Gourdjieff: Not familiar with him

Didn’t see the movie Rapture.

Was Jimi Hendrix ET?
No, he got more gift than he could handle.

Robert Bigelow: The sky is the limit or should be but we humans have done a great job of
entangling every good idea and enterprise with oodles of bureaucratic red tape and
environmentalist sabotage, which will put a damper on space exploration by the private
sector. Will he ever be profitable in the space venture ? No

Haven't read Castaneda's books.

Haven’t heard of Dr. George King.

Haven't heard of Donald Walsch ("Conversations with God")

I wouldn’t trade shoes with Paris Hilton.

The number 1111 has no particular meaning to me or Milton.

Communion and Fire in the Sky are no propaganda, and quite accurate---however, the reasons
and meaning behind them were lost in translation, but that’s normal.

Prince is not from this world, but he is mistaken when he says “in this life you are on your
own”. Some of us may wish that was true---
Also, we get hints to move on to other things if what we are doing is not making ends meet.
I don’t think Prince would like you revealing his secrets of not being from here...he is very
I don't think he would mind.

The following project names mean nothing to me : MP2000 or MP3000.

Project grudge: It still lives but in a more subtle way, and some of its adherents work under
the guise of sceptics attacking or making fun of UFO nuts.

I don’t know Leo Zagami.

Bob Dean and Marcia Schafer's interviews: I watched some of the third interview and Marcia
seemed excited about her experiences, nothing I can add to that.

Not familiar with Gibran.

Project Camelot is not any more disinfo than other media concerning ufology and the
supernatural world. I have not seen most of what’s on there but I’m sure they act as outlets for
some strange things in this life. And in so doing there will be agents that get on there with bad
info---that stuff goes with the territory.
Are they close [to truth] or Charlatans?
Not for me to say.
Many of the Project Camelot videos are fairly convincing, but don't agree with your insider
There are differing agendas in the human scheme of things as well as with extraterrestrials
who have their own conflicting programs.
Why do we have so many presidential candidates all with their own unique if not often flawed
ideas on how to run this country ?
We have to make choices about our leaders, about our friends about our associates, about our
religious beliefs---and so too on life in general.
including extraterrestrials.
Lots of confusion going on but that is what this life is about---there is only one reason for
being here on earth---and our misguided beliefs and delusions carry no consequences if we
abide by it---integrity---everything else is simply entertainment.

The self study course called “A course in miracles”:

I agree with its basic tenets the ones mentioned in Wikipedia, but disagree with the source of
inspiration. Nevertheless, it sounds like a real good book.

I have yet to hear Rush Limbaugh speak but I have heard a lot about him.

Not familiar with David Sereda’s claims concerning the NASA footage (shuttle mission, STS-
75 on February 25th, 1996).

I never heard of Dr. Michael Wolf nor of his technique.

I never read the Akasha chronicles, or whatever they are.

Dr Richard J. Boylan claims that he is Councillor of Earth.

I’ll put it this way, there is no councillor appointed to earth and much of what is in that letter
is silly.

What is your opinion on singer Lady Gaga?

It appears that most everyone is Gaga about Lady Gaga. I've seen a picture of her wearing
meat over her meat. A profound statement I must say. I know in good conscious I should drop
everything I'm doing to find out more about this human phenomena. I will ponder further.
Mother Theresa was far from perfect and may have returned to good old earth and she
certainly put lots of effort into moving upward.

Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a good guy?

Evil dude.

What is Saddam Hussein doing these days? Reincarnated to another, planet? Earth?
He is looking for his Shangri La in all the wrong places.

Vlad the Impaler has a couple of hangouts besides earth. Comes and goes.

Is it possible that George Adamski, Howard Menger among others were brought to the moon
in another dimension and maybe it took a while for them to adjust or something? Possibly out
of the human body or can a human body visit other dimensions?
They were and their bodies too, but only the essence goes to higher dimensions.
Is that why we can’t see anything on the moon or mars when maybe there is lush forests,
mountains, cities, rivers, lakes just like John Lear talks about?
That's partly the reason.
The Wizard of Oz is a great movie about life. We search our whole lives for things that we
already have within us: Virtue, kindness and smarts. All we need do is activate the preloaded

What about Rael (aka Jean-Claude Vorilhon) and his alien cult?
Maintaining the ridicule factor high on the ET phenomena is the purpose of many such

Edgar Mitchell was on the moon, but not the coveted sixth man on the moon. Many, many
have been there before him, incognito and no fanfare.

Have you ever heard of the Skinwalker ranch? (The NIDS investigation shown in the book
hunt for the skinwalker) or those similar to it where ranchers are plagued by big foots, cattle
mutilations, strange creatures, portals/windows to other realities and UFO's, strange orbs
that killed the ranchers dogs and spy on the residents. What is happening/going on in these
They stopped paying protection money.

I'm sure Obama enjoys being worshiped, goes well with all the red carpet and Air Force One.

Ayn Rand: I never followed up on her. Most prophets are in it for the profits. Yeah I sell
books but I could make a lot more working at Wall mart two hours a month. That’s what I get
for not being a profit, I mean prophet.
Lou Baldin's Books

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