A New Relationship With Jesus: Lesson 1 Being Born
A New Relationship With Jesus: Lesson 1 Being Born
A New Relationship With Jesus: Lesson 1 Being Born
Being Born:
A New Relationship
With Jesus
Jim pushed himself from his desk, swiveled his chair toward
the window and sighed as he surveyed the city eighteen
stories below. He had this feeling he couldn’t define. Was it
restlessness, boredom, despondency or what? He ought to
feel good, he told himself. He had a successful career, good
health, acceptable marriage, nice kids, money. The “good life”
people called it. So why this vague discontent? Had he
missed something?
Note: The Bibles referenced in these studies are the King James Version (KJV), the New
International Version (NIV), and the New King James Version (NKJV)
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What is the result of being a sinner? Romans
How does the Bible describe this life? Romans 6:23 (KJV 1174; NIV 799; NKJV 1089)
6:23, last part (KJV 1174; NIV 799; NKJV 1089)
This life is called “eternal life” which comes Sounds hopeless, doesn’t it? We’re all sinners. We
“through Jesus” and is a “gift of God”. can’t change ourselves and the wages of sin is
Can you get this gift by earning it or deserving it?
Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV 1216; NIV 827; NKJV 1125) This is why God must give us eternal life. Trying
to repair or improve an old life won’t work. It
_________________________________________________________ takes a whole new life to live a truly good life.
This is why Jesus said, “You must be born again”.
_________________________________________________________ (John 3:3,5) And this new birth experience is the
gift God wants to give us because He loves us.
The Bible says this gift is “not from yourself” and
“not by works”. In other words, you can’t earn it
and you don’t deserve it. The reason you can’t
earn it and don’t deserve it is because:
How does God feel about the world? John 3:16
What is sin? 1 John 3:4 (KJV 1267; NIV 863; NKJV 1169)
God loves sinners but what does sin do to our
relationship with Him? Isaiah 59:2 (KJV 777; NIV 527;
_________________________________________________________ NKJV 716)
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
Not only does the Bible say everybody is a sinner, _________________________________________________________
and therefore a law breaker, it also says we don’t
know how to do any better!
Sin separates people from God, but what did God
What does this verse say about our ability to do do to save us?
what is right? Proverbs 14:12(KJV 696; NIV 458;
NKJV 616)
Keep reading.
Page 2
God gave His Son, Jesus, to the world. How can you get this new life? 1 John 5:11-13
(KJV 1269; NIV 864; NKJV 1171)
Who is Jesus?
In what form did Jesus come to earth? John 1:1-
3,14 (KJV 1097; NIV 750; NKJV 1025) ________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ These verses say that if you have the Son, you
have life.
How do you get Him? John 1:12 (KJV 1097; NIV 750;
Jesus came to earth in the form of a man. Yet, He NKJV 1025)
was more than a man. He was God. John 1:1-3 says
that He existed as God before He came to earth. ________________________________________________________
What power did He have? Hebrews 1:2 (KJV 1243;
NIV 846; NKJV 1147)
___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Jesus is the one who created the world. Do you Receiving and believing Jesus involves head
begin to see why He has such interest in people? knowledge and heart action. It means that you
believe He has a better life for you. You act on
It’s because He made us and He doesn’t want to lose that belief by exchanging your way of living for
any of us! His way of living.
It mans that you ask:
What did Jesus do?
What did He come to do? Matthew 1:21 (KJV 991;
Jesus to be your Savior
NIV 681; NKJV 935)
Telling him you’re sorry for your sins and asking
___________________________________________________________ Him to forgive you.
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DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU? _________________________________________________________
In the space below, write out what you want to say When you do this, what are you promised? 1
to God, then use it as the basis for your prayer: John 5:11-13 (KJV 1269; NIV 864; NKJV 1171)
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