Research Article
Colloids are small suspended particles in water which cannot be settled or removed 1. Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran,
naturally due to their light weight and stability. These particles pose some degree of Tehran, Iran
stability and cause water turbidity. There are some concerns regarding colloid 2. Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran,
removal efficiency in water treatment plants of Iran. In this study, the effectiveness Tehran, Iran
of aluminium sulfate and poly-aluminum chloride was evaluated at different pH
values and coagulant dosage in order to find optimal operational conditions for low
to high turbidity waters. The influence of lime, as a coagulant aid, on coagulation * Corresponding Author
process was also studied. A set of jar test experiments was conducted to find the Ali Daryabeigi Zand
optimal pH and coagulant dosage. Results demonstrated that coagulation process Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran,
can assure turbidity removal from low to medium turbidity waters effectively using Tehran, Iran
relatively low levels of aluminium sulfate and poly-aluminum chloride (10 to 20 E-mail:
mg/L). Turbidity removal efficiency still remained high when the initial turbidities
of water were increased to 500 and 1000 NTU. Results showed that turbidity
removal is dependent on pH, coagulant dosage, as well as initial turbidity of water
for both used coagulants. The highest turbidity removal efficiency was within 82.9-
99.0% for alum and 93.8-99.6% for poly-aluminum chloride over the applied range
of turbidity. Both applied coagulants demonstrated promising performance in tur-
bidity removal from water; however, poly-aluminum chloride showed better per-
formance compared to aluminium sulfate. The results of the current study can be
used as a baseline data for drinking water treatment facilities which uses these two
types of coagulants.
Submission Date: 7/11/2015
Keywords: Coagulation, Aluminium Sulfate, Poly-Aluminum Chloride, Turbidity,
Accepted Date: 9/12/2015
values of COD using 150 mg/L aluminum sulfate at a pH Results and Discussion
range of 5-8 [9]. The coagulation process is generally Turbidity removal efficiency as a function of aluminium
influenced by the type of colloids in suspension, pH, sulfate dose at pH range of 4-8 is shown in the Figure 1.
chemical composition of the water, the type of coagulant Initial turbidities of water samples were adjusted to be 10,
and coagulant aid, and mixing intensity and duration 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 NTU. Initial turbidities of 10
provided for chemical dispersion and floc formation [6]. and 50 NTU, 100 and 200 NTU, and 500 and 1000 NTU
The main objective of this study was to compare the were respectively considered as low, medium, and highly
effectiveness of poly-aluminum chloride (PAC) and turbidity levels in water, based on the applied turbidity
aluminum sulfate (alum) in reducing turbidity levels in levels. However, this classification may be somewhat dif-
synthetic water. PAC and alum are extensively used in ferent in other texts. High initial turbidities were consid-
water treatment plants in Iran. Their performance was ered in this research because such high turbidities com-
evaluated at different pH values and coagulant dosage in monly occur in many storm waters [11, 12]. Low turbidity
order to find optimal operational conditions for low to waters are usually hard to coagulate due to low concentra-
highly turbidity waters. The influence of lime, as a coagu- tions of stable particles. Turbidity can be synthetically
lant aid, in accompany with alum and PAC was also stud- added to the water to form heavier flocs which can be
ied. settled [4, 13]. However, in the current study the lowest
applied turbidity i.e. 10 NTU was not too low to disturb
Materials and Methods coagulation process. The best performance of alum was
Jar test experiments were conducted within a pH range of observed at pH 7 over the selected range of turbidity but
4-8. Aluminium sulfate and poly-aluminum chloride were its performance decreased to some extent at pH values of
used in the current study, as the most common types of 4, 5, and 8. Coagulation efficiency of alum at pH 6 was
coagulants used in many water treatment plants. Distilled almost close to that of at pH 7. The highest turbidity re-
water was used in this study to avoid probable interference moval was attained at pH 7 when 10 mg/L alum was used
of any elements in water with turbidity removal. Desired except for initial turbidity of 1000 NTU. The optimum
turbidity was provided synthetically by kaolin powder. A alum dosage was higher (20 mg/L) for initial turbidity of
calibration curve of the turbidity versus kaolin concentra- 1000 NTU which was the lowest required dosage obtained
tion was obtained. Sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid the highest turbidity removal. The best performance of
were used for pH adjustment. Prepared samples were alum in removing turbidity from water was obtained at pH
placed in a 1000 ml beaker and stirred at 350 rpm for 1 7 following by pH 6. The coagulation efficiency of alum
min (rapid mixing). The mixing speed was reduced to 30 remained almost constant within the dosage range of 10 to
rpm for 20 min for flocculation (slow mixing). Within 5 40 mg/L at pH range of 4-8 (Fig. 1). In other words, results
min from the beginning of flocculation pH was checked showed that alum dosage range for good coagulation was
and adjusted (if necessary) to keep the desired pH value almost wide in this study. However, over-dosing was
±0.05 units. Any floc formed was allowed to settle for 45 observed for low to medium turbidity waters when 50
min. Supernatant samples were taken from 20 mm below mg/L alum was used. Turbidity removal efficiency was
the water surface for turbidity measurements. Supernatant slightly decreased by increasing alum concentration from
turbidity was measured with a HACH 2100A turbidimeter 40 to 50 mg/L, e.g. turbidity removal decreased from
and expressed in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). 97.1% to 95.7% at pH 6 (initial turbidity of 100 NTU).
Residual turbidity was used as the indicator of perfor- This reduction may be attributed to charge reversal and
mance. The optimal pH and dose for turbidity removal restabilization of colloidal particles due to overdosing as
with both aluminium sulfate and PAC were attained by the also suggested by some other authors [8]. Overdosing can
jar test experiments. In addition, lime was also used in disrupt this phenomenon, therefore fairly precise control of
accompany with alum and PAC at optimum pH values to coagulant dosage should be considered in water treatment
investigate its influence on coagulation process and turbid- plants. At the optimum condition (optimal dose and pH),
ity removal efficiency. All jar test experiments were con- turbidity removal efficiencies of alum were 98.5, 99, 98.3,
ducted at room temperature because low temperature may 82.9, 86.3, 84.3 percent for initial turbidities of 10, 50,
have an adverse effect on coagulation and flocculation 100, 200, 500, and 1000 NTU, respectively. Results
kinetics as suggested by Kang and Cleasby (1995) [10]. indicated that turbidity removal efficiency was varied by
Experimental characteristics for the jar test experiments in pH, alum dose and initial turbidity of water. The obtained
this research were summarized in Table 1. results are in accordance with those obtained by Volk et
al., (2000) which were indicated that the pH of coagulation
Table 1. Experimental characteristics for jar test experiments was the most influential parameter affect NOM removal
conducted in this study from water [14]. They also suggested that the amount of
NOM removed from water is also dependent on the type of
coagulant. They used aluminium and iron salts as
coagulants in their jar test experiments. In coagulation
study conducted by Annadurai et al., (2004) simultaneous
removal of turbidity and humic acid from high turbidity
synthetic raw water was investigated using another alu-
minium salt, i.e. polyaluminum chloride (PACl) [11].
178 Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports, Volume 2, Issue 3, Summer 2015
Ali Daryabeigi Zand, et al. Comparing Aluminium Sulfate and Poly-Aluminium Chloride
(a) (f)
8 400
Initial Turbidity = 10 NTU Initial Turbidity = 1000 NTU
Residual Turbidity (NTU)
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Alum Dose (mg/l) Alum Dose (mg/l)
120 pH=4
1.5 pH=4 pH=5
pH=5 80 pH=6
1 pH=6 pH=7
pH=7 pH=8
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 Poly-aluminum Chloride Dose (mg/l)
Poly-aluminum Chloride Dose (mg/l)
similar pattern for both alum and PAC. Coagulation and
pH=5 flocculation processes are primary and cost-effective pro-
pH=6 cesses in water treatment plants which can effectively re-
5 move turbidity from low to high turbidity waters when
operational condition is optimized. Optimization of pH and
coagulant dose may increase the coagulation efficiency
0 10 20 30 40 50 and reduce the sludge volume and subsequently sludge
Poly-aluminum Chloride Dose (mg/l) management costs. Coagulant aids may improve coagula-
tion process and turbidity removal. But it should be
considered that coagulant aids should not increase water
(d) treatment costs significantly. Their accessibility and
Initial Turbidity = 200 NTU preparation procedure should also be considered when
Residual Turbidity (NTU)
selecting a coagulant aid. Lime was selected as the coagu-
lant aid in this study because it is easily accessible and
40 pH=6 widely used in water treatment industry in Iran as well as
pH=7 many other countries.
20 Preliminary jar test experiments obtained the optimal level
of 5 mg/L for lime. Lime was applied only at optimal pH
0 values for both alum and PAC. Table 2 indicated that lime
0 10 20 30 40 50
Poly-aluminum Chloride Dose (mg/l)
(5 mg/L), as a cost-effective coagulant aid, improved
coagulation efficiency and turbidity removal to some
178 Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports, Volume 2, Issue 3, Summer 2015
Ali Daryabeigi Zand, et al. Comparing Aluminium Sulfate and Poly-Aluminium Chloride
Table 2. Variation of turbidity removal after coagulation process due to addition of 5 mg/L lime (%).
Special thanks to the Vice President Office for Research of
University of Tehran for their support.
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