Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Cyanobacteria 1
2.3 Fungi
2.4 Algae
2.5 Bryophytes
2.6 Pteridophytes
2.7 Summary
2.8 Terminal Questions
2.9 Answers
In Unit 1 you learnt about the origin of life, diversity of living things, classification of
organisms and what are the different groups of organisms that are studied by botanists.
The rest of this course on plant diversity is devoted to a study of individual groups,
namely, algae, fungi, bryophytes and pteridophytes. The gymnosperms and angiosperms
are discussed in Plant Diversity - 2.
In this Unit you are briefly introduced to the characteristics of the different groups, from
cyanobacteria to the pteridophytes. Table 1.2 gives a broad outline of classification of
organisms into kingdoms and divisions. In this Unit current views on further
classification of different groups are summarised. You will note that modem
classification schemes are strongly phylogenetic and try to bring out the evolutionary
history and relationship among the various taxa in each group.
The purpose of this Unit is to give an overview of the different groups of organisms
you will be studying. These groups are: 1) The cyanobacteria which rue prokaryotic and
along with bacteria, are members of the kingdom Monem 2) The fun$ which are
eukaryotic and nonphotosynthetic members of the fungal kingdom. 3) The algae, all of
which are eukaryotes, photosynthetic and may be unicellular or multicellular in
organisation. All these are members of the kingdom Protista. 4) The bryophytes which
are true land plants that produce embryos but do not have highly developed vascular
tissues for conduction of food and water, and 5) The pteridophytes which have cmbryos
and well-developed vascular tissues. They include the familiar ferns and a number of
allied plants of ancient lineages. The bryophytes and pteridophytes are true m e ~ b e r sof
the plant kingdom.
0 bjectives
The cyanobacteria are true bacteria (singular, bacterium). They are prokaryotes and do
not possess a true nucleus or membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria or
plastids. Like other prokaryotes they have 70s ribosomes. Although there are other
bacteria which can photosynthesise, the cynaobacteria are unique in possessing the
pigment chlorophyll a. This pigment is also present in algae and plants and is
responsible for the evolution of oxygen during photosynthesis. The photosynthetic
bacteria possess a different kind of pigment, bacteriochlorophyll which does not permit
oxygen evolution during bacterial photosynthesis.
The term "cyan" in cyanobacteria refers to the colour, blue. Cyanobacteria possess
certain accessory pigments such as phycocyanin and phycoerythrin. The presence of
these pigments and chlorophyll a together impart characteristic colour to these
organisms. It is for this reason that the cyanobacteria are commonly known as blue-
green algae. Like true algae they also evolve oxygen during photosynthesis and often
occupy habitats where algae occur, in fresh, marine and brackish water bodies and on
moist soil surface. However, true algae are eukaryotic and the two are not immediately
Since the affinities of the cyanobacteria are with the other bacteria we must briefly
examine these organisms for a more complete picture of the position of cyanobacteria in
the world of living things. About 4,000 species of ba~teriahave been described so far.
These include about 1,700 species of cyanobacteria. Although small in number of
species, bacteria are the most abundant of all organisms. They are also the most ancient.
(Not the amoeba, which is a eukaryote of later origin). Bacteria are known in the fossil
record as far back as 3.5 billion years ago. Bacteria are mo?phologically and
anatomically the simplest of organisms. Yet, metabolically they are very diverse. Many
bacteria are identified not by the morphology of the individuals but by tlieir
characteristics in culture.
Bacteria are very small, ranging in size between 1 to few pm. A most unusual discovery
was made in 1993 of a bacterium living in the intestinal tracts of a surgeonfish that is
600 pm in length! Bacteria vary in shape. Some are rod-shaped, others spherical and yet
others spiral or even comma-shaped. Tiny as they are, bacteria are responsible for
activities that strongly affect our lives. Many are agents of serious diseases of human
beings, animals and plants. Others ferment food and are thus useful in making varied
products such as curd or 'idli' as well as many industrial chemicals. Some are the
source of life-saving antibiotics.
The American scientist Carl Woese considers that the differences between the
archaebacteria and the eubacteria are as fundamental as between these groups and the
eukaryotes. Thus, life on this planet is considered to comprise of three ancient and
primary lineages. The three ancient domains are shown in Fig. 2.1. The cyanobacteria
are members of thc true bacterial lineage. The archaebacteria includc rncrnbcrs that live
in most unusual environments such as very hot and acidic pools or in waters with
extremely high salt contcnts. Some members of this group livc in deep sca vents several
k~lomctresbelow the ocean surface. The bacteria which produce methane gas are called
Diversity of Plants and Cyanobacteria are of great evo1utionaryL~ntere&. According to the endosymbiont theory
Relatea organims some ancestral cyanobacterial cells becdQe the pfastids of different algal groups. The
plastids of red algae resemble the cells of 6anobacteria and both possess chlorophyll a
and biliproteins. The green algae and plants possess both chlorophylls a and 6.
Although most cyanobacteria possess only chlorophyll a at least three organisms are
known to contain both the chlorophylls. Pmchlomn didemni live as symbionts in the
gut walls of sea squirts. Pmchlomthrix hollandica was recently discovered in lakes in
Holland. More recently Prochlomcoccus was discovered as a free-floating fo'm in open
seas. All these ~r~anisms'possess chlorophylls a and 6,and their cclls resemble the
chloroplasts of green algae and plants. For this reason, some authors describe them as
prochlorophytes and include the three genera in n separate division or class. Some
ancestral prochlor'ophyte was perhaps the endosymbiont that cvolvcd into the green
plant chloroplast.
Fig. 2.1 :.Three domaim of organisms representing ancient and primary linclya.
SAQ 2.1
Indicate whether the following statements are true (nor false (F)by pacing the
appropiiate letters in the space provided.
Fungi are a vast assemblage of 95,000 oiganisms. All of them completely lack
phqtosynthesis. They are heterotrophs that depend upon other living or dead matter for
nutrition. As parasites many are serious pathogens on other plants. As saprotrophs they,
along with bacteria, degrade dead organisms and release organic chemicals and
nutrient elements so they can be recycled. About 13,500 fungal species have a unique
association with some algal partners resulting in symbiotic structures known as lichens.
The majority of higher plants possess mycorrhizal association where some species of
fungi live as symbionts inside or around the roots.
Fungi are eukaryotes. They are an ancient group. Fossil evidence shows that all major
fungal groups known today had already evolved by the end of the Paleozoic era, about
280 million years ago. At a time when all living things were grouped under either th:
animal or the plant kingdom the fungi were thought to be plants. We now place all
fungi in the kingdom, Fungi (Myceate). Members of this kingdom lack plastids. They
are mostly filamentous in construction. Except in one group their walls contain chitin
rather than cellulose. Fungi do not store starch as plants do. Thc filaincntous structures
that make up the fungal body are known as mycelia (singular, mycelium). Although the
filaments arc microscopic, the extensive growth of fungal mycelium can.be seen as a
fuzzy mass. The reproductive bodies of some fungi such as the mushrooms are made up
of well defined aggregates of mycelia. Complex tissues and organs characteristic of the
plants are never found among the fungi. Fungi reproduce by spores (before you read on
have a good look at the figures of fungi in Unit 7, Block 2).
In spite of the many features that seem to unite the members of the fungal kingdom the
fungi are a heterogenous group. Fungi are classified into 7 divisions (Table 1.2).
Relationships among thesc groups are shown in Fig. 2.2. Thc slimc molds
(Myxomycota) are not true fungi. They appcar to have evolved indcpcndcntly from some
protozoan ancestors. In their vegetative phasc the slimc iliolds lack a cell wall. The
wall-less cells aggregate to form an amocha-likc mass that moves around and engulfs
bacteria and othcr organia matter. Two groups of slime molds arc known: the plasmodia1
slime molds with a multinuclcatc truc plaslnodium and the ccllular slime molds. The
vegetative body of ccllular slime molds is a pscudoplasmodium whcre the aggregating
cells retain their ccll membranes and individuality. Slimc molds produce motile spores.
I The oornycetes or water molds diffcr from other fungi by the possession of cellulose in
their ce)l walls. The fungal body is diploid rather than haploid as in other true fungi.
k These (nd othcr fcaares of reproduction and metabolism suggest that the oomycetes are
not reldtcd to othcr fungal groups. They might havc evolvcd from some green or
11 yellow-green algal ancestors after losing thcicplastids.
The chytrids arc simplc watcr molds that live as parasitcs or saprotrophs. Becausc they
possess motilc sporcs they are oftcn classified with the oomycctes. Howcver, thc
chytrids have chitin and their filaments arc haploid. Thcy arc probably distantly rclated
to the brcad molds and other true fungi.
Fungi reproduce ascxually and sexually. In scxual rcproduction thc ascolilycctcs producc
characteristic structurcs known as asci (singular. ascus). Basidia are thc cquivalcnt
structurcs among thc basidiomycctcs. A fungal spccics can he assigncd to cithcr one of
thcse groups only whcn thcy producc an ascus or hasidium. A vast nu~nhcrof fungi.
about 22,000 spccics, rcproducc only ascxually, or- scxual cyclc has not hccn ohscrvcd
yet. Becausc their lifc cyclc is impcrl'cctly known and thcy cannot he assigned with
confidcncc to cithcr onc of thc groups thcy arc known as Fungi Imperfecti. Thc
divisional nrune Dcutcrolnycota is olicii used Ibr this group of i~npcrfcctlirngi. Whcn
thc sexual lifc cyclc is known thc spccics is i\~t(l~~~i\ticiilly
assig~icdto-cithcr the
scorn ycetcs or thc hasidio~nycctcs.
Lichens are unique organisms consisting of a fungal and an algal partner. Less than 40 Introduction to Cyanobacteda.
algal or cyanobacterial species enter into this association. Yet, there are about 13,500 Fungi, Algae and Lower Plants
species of lichens! The characteristic form of each lichen appears to be determined by
the fungal component. About 2% of the species have either a basidiomycete or an
imperfect fungus as the fungal partner. The remaining 98% of lichens are composed of
ascomycete species. The lichens are not considered to be a separate taxonomic category.
Rather, they are treated as members of the respective fungal divisions, and the name of
a lichen refers to the name of its fungal partner.
In Table 2.2 the fungi are divided into 7 formal divisions. In other classifications only
two divisions are recognised, the Myxomycota (slime molds) and Eumycota (true fungi).
The latter is divided into subdivisions and classes etc.
SAQ 2.2
Fill in the blanks with suitable sentences.
i) Cell walls of most fungi contain ........................ rather than cellulose.
ii) Fungi are heterotrophs and obtain their carbon compounds as .......................; or
Algac are eukaryotes. Most algae live in marine and fresh water habitats. In the five-
kingdom system described in Fig. 1.3 all algae are included in the kingdom Protista.
This is clearly an artificial grouping, for some of the green algae are more related to
true plants than to other algae. Some algal members such as the unicellular euglenoids
and cryptomonads are probably protozoans th?t acquired plastids through endosymbiosis.
Indeed of the 36 genera of euglenoids 25 genera do not possess chloroplasts and live as
There are about 24,000 species of algae described so far. The algae as a group is
autotrophic, synthesising food through photosynthesis. During photosynthesis they evolve
oxygen as the plants do. Plants and algae differ in many respects. One major difference
bctween the two groups concerns the way in which reproductive structures are
organised. The reproductive structures of algae are not covered by a protective sterile
tissue. Instead all cells are converted into spores or gametes. In plants a sterile jacket
is present iis an essential part of reproductive structures.
How can we classify this vast assemblage of algae? Phycologists (also known as
illgalogists), use a variety of characters to help delimit the diffcrent algal groups. These
are summarised below.
Diversi'ty of Plants a d
Related Organisms
Chlorophylls a and c
Chlorophylls a an
Ancestral Eukaryotes
with Chloroplasts
Food reserves. Different algal groups store food as starch, oils etc.
Cell wall. The cell walls may contain cellulose or other polysaccharides. Some algae
have naked cells. Cell walls may be incrusted with silica. calcium carbona:e and scaley
Flagella. The number and kinds of flagella as well the location of flagella are helpful.
Whiplash flagella have a smooth surface while the tinsel flagella possess fine hairs.
Flagella are completely lacking in the red algae (Fig. 2.4).
Introduction to Cymobpcterio,
Fmgi, A@ md Lower Plants
Pig. 2.4 : Structure and arrangement of lhgella in different algal groups. Note that a
flagellum can be smootb or feathery. Flagella are inserted tcrmindly or laterally
and singIy or more tbpo one per cell.
Cell division. Four different kinds of cytokinesis are known in algal groups: furrowing,
cell division by phycoplast and two kinds of phragmoplasts (Fig. 2.5)
Diversity of Plnnte and
Life cycle. The morphology of the haploid and diploid generations also helps in the
recognition of, different algal groups, Reproduction in algae is covered in detail in Unit
4 of Block 1-B, Algae.
Figure 2.3 summarises one possible scheme of relationships among the different algal
groups. 'Ihe red algae (Rhodophyta) probably evolved from some ancestral eukaryotes
after the symbiotic acquisition of a cyanobacterial cell as the chloroplast. Red algal
chloroplasts are remarkably similar to cyanobacterial cells in ultrastructure and chemical
Introduction to Cyanobacteria,
Fungi, Algae and Lower Plants
'rllylil koitl
Several algal groups treated as divisions in Table 1.2 are sometimes collectively known
as chromophytee. The chromophytes are characterised by the presence of chlorophyll a
and c 'Ihis group includes the cryptomonads (Cryptophyta), dinoflagellates (Dinophyta),
diatoms and golden-brown algae (Chrysophyceae), yellow-green algae (Xanthophyta) and
brown algae (Phaeophyta). Unlike the red algae all the chromophytes possess motile
cells at some stage of theii life cycles. The dinoflagellates do not possess histones that
are' characteristic 'of other eukaryotes. ' h e chromosomes remain permanently condensed.
These and other features suggest that the dinofrcrgellates might represent an independent
line of evolution.
The green algae (Chlorophyceae) and the euglenoids (Euglenophyceae) possess both
chiorophyll a and 6.In-this respect they resemble higher plants. However, the
euglenoids are probably more related to the protozoans. The green algae include an
important subgroup, the charophytes, which is considered to'be the ancestors of hue
plants. As discussed earlier the plastids of green algae might have originated from tens
similar to Prochlomn by endosymbiosis. This prokaryote is unusual in possessing both
chlorophylls a and b. Many green algae including champhytes and red algae are known
from fossils dated to be 400 million yeam old.
In Table 1.2 we have grouped algae uada 8 different divisions, Some authors ncognise
only 4 divisibns: Chromophyta, Rhodophyta, Euglenophyta and Chlorophyta and include
others as classes under Chromophyta It should be emphasised that while phycologist~
may study the bluelycen algae' (cyanobacteria) along with other algal groups the
cyanobacteria are true prokaryotes related to the bacteria and are hence members of the
kingdom Monera.
SAQ 2.3
Match the words in colump A with 'the most suitable words in column B
Cdurrm A CdUrrrnB
Bryophytcs arc true plants. Three other groups of organisms are also members of %
plant kingdom. These arc the ptcridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. ~ogeiher
lhcy are also known as land plants and embryophytes.All members of the above four
groups of plants produce a multiccllular embryo that is nutritionally dependent upon the
maternal tissue and represents the next sporophytic geoeration. The embryos within the I
seeds of flowering plants are familiar to you. I
The bryophytes differ from the other embryophytes by the absence of specialised II
Some botanists restrict the term 'land plants' to vascular land plants. However, it is Introduction to Cyanobacteria,
more desirable to include the bryophytes also as land plants. Land plants have recently Fund, Algae and k ~ w e rPlants
bcen defined as photosynthetic organisms customarily living on land and having
retations with other plants living on land. Land plants have several adaptations that
enable them to survive on a terrestrial habitat. These include protective coverings over
the plant body and pores known as stomata. Land plants must obtain water from the
soil. To prevent evaporation and desiccation the epidermis of land plants is covered with
a highly water impermeable cuticle. Spores and pollen are minute reproductive cells
released into the air. Their walls too are made up of one of the most resistant organic
chemicals known, sporopollenin. In order to regulate entry of carbondioxide and exit of
water vapour the epidermis is also provided with stomata. A stornatal apparatus consists
of two kidney-shaped cells surrounding'a pore. Most land plants including many
bryophytes possess stomata.
One of the most interesting fields of plant biology is the study of the origin of land
plants. Fossil evidence indicates that authentic land plants lived about 400-430 million
years ago. During this period known as the Silurian there were small, dichotomously
branched plants known as Cooksonia. Cooksottia was a vascular I?nd plant.
Microfossils of spores, cuticles and conductive tubes have been discovered from 450-
470 million year old sediments suggesting that land plants might have existed millions
of years before the arrival of Cooksonia. Bryophytes are not known from such early
periods. This may be because the fragile thallus of the bryophytes may not have been
well preserved in fossils.
Scientists now believe that land plants might have originated from some fresh water
algal members about 470 million years ago. They were probably derived from green
algal ancestors of the group related to modem green algae such as the stoneworts
(Chum and Nitella) and Coleochaete. These charophyccan members share several
structural and biochemical similarities with the land plants. The ancestors of land plants
might have resembled some modern Coleochaete. The earliest land plants would have
been nonvascular embryophytes, not unlike some liverworts. It is likely that two
subsequent lines of evolution might have resulted in the bryophyte and vascular land
plant groups.
There are about 23,000 species of bryophytes described so far. All these are small green*
plants, measuring in centimetres, and devoid of roots. They occur in a variety of moist
terrestrial habitats. As is true of other land plants they are multicellular and
parenchymatous. Life cycle consists of a prominent gametophytic and less prominent
sporophytic alternation of generations. Bryophytes include the familiar mosses, the less
familiar liverworts and hornworts. Bryologists consider these three groups to be closely
relatettaid classify them as three classes under the division Bryophyta.
Division: Bryophyta
Classes: Hepaticopsida (liverworts)
Anthocerotopsida (hornworts)
Bryopsida (mosses)
Some bryologists who consider members of the three classes to be much less related to
each other elevate them to divisional levels: 1.Hepatqphyta 2. Anthocerotophyta, and 3.
Bryophyta. In species abundance the bryophytes are dominated by mosses (14.000)
.foilowed by liverworts (8,500) and hornworts (350).
Pteridophytes are vascular land plants. Unlike the bryophytes they possess typical xylem
and phloem tissue characteristic of vascular plants. Like the bryophytes they qre also
embryophytes. Pteridophytes &produce by spores but never by seeds. Thus, it 'is
convenient to further classify the vascular plants into non-seed producing pteridophytes
(also known as vascular cryptogarnes) and seed producing gymnosperms and
angiosperms. The later two groups will be discussed in the course Plant Diversity - 2.
Diversity or Plants and The pteridophytes include ferns and their allies. In Table 1.2 the fern allies are classified
Relil~rd organ^ under three divisions: Psilotophyta, Lycopodiophyta and Equisetophyta. There are about
1.000 species of fern allies. They are descendants of very ancient groups of vascular
plants and are therefore of great interest to students of plant evolution (Fig. 2.7). About
10.000 species of ferns are included in the division. Pterophyta. We have a rich
collection of fossils that represent many extinct members of pteridophytes including
major groups that are known only from fossils. In recent years scientists have studied
these groups in detail and have established possible evolutionary relationships among
the early vascular plants (Fig. 2.1 1). Although you may not study representatives of all
these groups it is essential that we list the major divisions of living and extinct
pteridophytes to fully comprehend the diversity and importance of early vascular plants:
Extinct pteridophytes known only from fossil record
Tr~nss~c 248
Pernuan 286
Carbon~fcrous 360
Lomcr 408
4 14
428 rrachc~ds/
---------I------------ -------------- -------
Cambrian 590
Fig. 2.7: Geological time chart. This chart illustrates the time of appearance of land plant8
andAdifferent group of vascular plants. Time is given in millions of years ago
IMXAL (After Gensel and Andrewsl
Living pteridophytes lntroduetioa 'bcy8dm&&
I Psilotophyta Fungi, A l e e .ad Lower P b b
Some members of the fossil pteridophytes are illustrated in Figs. 2.8- 2.10. The
geological time chart (Fig. 2.7) is an important aid in our understanding of the history
of plant life. The chart depicts not only the time when various plant groups evolved
or became extinct but also the relationships among the different groups and the
4 abundance of species in each group during the course of its history. You should also
refer to Figure 2.1 1 that presents a simplified version of possible evolutionary
relationships among extinct and living land plants.
The earliest group of vascular plants known from about 420 million-year-old
I sedimentary rocks is the rhyniophytes. The earliest and best known genus of this group
is Cooksonia (Fig. 2.9).
The genus Rhyrlia evolved soon after. These early vascular plants had adaptations suited
to live on land. In addition to cuticle, stomata. sporopollenin and a multicellular body
these plants also possessed true xylem tissue consisting of lignified tracheids. The
rhyniophytes might have evolved from more primitive vascular plants which in turn
might have evolved from some ancestral bryophytcs or directly from some ancestral
green algae. A number of well preserved fossils from the Rhynic chert indicate that
some of thcm are gametophytes rather than sporophytes (Fig. 2.9). It is likely that
plants superficially resembling each other might have represented haploid and diploid
generations of the same species.
Another major Devonian vascular plant group was ,the zostcrophyllophytes. It is likely
that an offshoot of this group developed into the lycopodiophytcs (lycopods). The
lycopods were a successful group that dominated the earth's vegetation in the
Carhonifcrous period (Fig. 2.10). Today the lycopods are represented by only about 200
'species. About 700 species of Selaginella and more than 60 species of Isoetes are
usually studied along with Lycopodium. However, these are more directly related to the
rhyniophytes rather than to the zosterophyllophytes.
The trimerophytes also evolved from the rhyniophytes (Fig. 2.1 1 ). This is an important
group from which three major vascular plant groups cvoivcd - the equisetophytes, ferns
and seed plants. The former is now represented hy the single genus Equisetunl with
about 15 species. Calantites was a giant member of this group that lived during the
Carboniferous period (Fig. 2.10).
Cooksonia . a rhyniophyte
. -
Fig. 2.9 : Reconstruction of three members of early vascular planta representing three
, important groups of evolutionary inierest
Diversity of Plants and
Related Organisms
Fig. 2.10 : Reconstruction of Carboniferous lycopods and equisetophyte. AL three were very
large plants
Introduction to Cyanobacteria,
Fungi, Algae and Lower Plants
Rhyniophytcs Zosterophyllophytes
e) bryophyte
In this unit you have learnt
An overview of the position and classification of proLaryotes, fungi, algae.
bryophytcs and pteridophytes are presented.
Cyanobacteria are prokaryotes related to other bacteria 'Ihey possess chlorophyll a
and evolve oxygen during photosynthesis much like the euhyotic hi* plants.
Cyanobacteria-like cells might have been the ancestors of the different kinds of
chloroplasts found ,in modem algae.
Fungi are e k y o t e s and nonphotosyntkh'c..
The slime molds and oomycetes, although included in the fun@ kingdorn, represent
distinct lines of evolution, the former from protozoa and the latter from
some algal group.
0 'Lhe higher fungi, zygomycetes, ascomycetes and basidiomycetes lack flagellated
cells and appear to be evolutionarily related to each other.
Lichens are composed of fungal and algal partners. Most lichens have an Introdaetion to Cy~oltacterIa,
ascomycete as the fungal component. The fungal component appears to determine Fund, A]-c snd LOW E'huhh
the morphology of a lichen.
A large number of fungi which do not reproduce sexually or whose sexual cycles
have not yet been discovered are placed in the group, Deuteromycetes.
Algae are eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms. The differences between algal
groups can be traced back to their symbiotic acquisition of prokaryotic cells with
different chlorophylls.
The chromophytes, rhodophytes and chlorophytes are distinguished by the presence
of chloropbylls a and c, a and d and a and b respectively.
The prokaryotic Prochloron which has chlorophylls a and b represent the kind of'
ancestral cells that might have evolved into plastids of the green algae and land
The charophycean line of the green algae led to the evolution of land plants.
Bryophytes and pteridophytes are land plants. Both possess multicellular embryos
and hence are known as embryophytes. The bryophytes are nonvascular plants.
L n d plants evolved about 450 million years ago. Among the adaptations that
helped colonise the land were a multicellular plant body, protective cuticle, stomata
for gas exchange and resistant spore wall with sporopollenin. Vascular
tissues evolved later in the vascular land plants.
The ferns and their allies are descendants of ancient vascular, nonsaed bearing .
plants. The Devonian period witnessed the emergence of rhyniophytes from which
several vascular plant groups evolved, leading ultimately to vascular seed plants, the
gymnosperms and angiosperms.
1. Why are cyanobacteria grouped with bacteria rather than with algae?
2. With the help of a diagram show the possible evolutionary relationships among the
various fungal groups.
3. What are the characters useful in the classification of various algal groups? What
chloroplast pigments are characteristic of different algal divisions?
Diversity of Plants and- 4. What arc land plants? What adaptations were useful in the colonization of land by
RelateW~anisms early plants?
5. Describe the major course of evolution among the vascular plant groups.
Self-Assessment Questions
2 i) F i ) F (iii) F, (iv) T, (v) T.
2.2 (i) chitin, (ii) saprotrophs, parasites, (iii) mycorrhizae, lichens (iv) oomycete,
(v) zygomycetes, ascomycetes, basidiomycetes.
Terminal Questions
1. Refer to section 2.2.
2. Refer to section 2.3
Accessory Pigment :a pigment that absorbs light energy and transfers it to chlorophyll,
e.g., carotenoids and xanthophylls in higher plants.
Coleochaete :An advanced green algae which has an upright system and a prostrate
creeping system that anchors the plant in the substratum.
Gram's Stain : A stain used in the study of bacteria. Bacteria which take the violet stain
are gram-positive while others that do pot are gram-negative. Gram-positive bacteria are
more readily killed by antibiotics.
Gram-Positive Bacterium : A bacterium that stains purple with Gram stain and it usually
lacks an outer covering on its cell wall whereas Gram-negative bacterium stains pi* with
Gram stain and usually has an outer covering on its cell wall.
Mycorrhiza :The symbiotic association which may occur between a fungus and the roots
of certain higher plants, especially trees.
Sporophfle :The stage of an alternation of generations found in most plants, in which the
diploid plant (2n)produces spores by meiosis which then germinate to produce the
gametophyte. ,
Sporopollenin :An oxidation polymer of carotenoid pigments and carotenoid esters found
in spores and pollen grain walls that resists attack by most acids and is stable at temperatures
up to 300"C.