Lecture 1423813120
Lecture 1423813120
Lecture 1423813120
School of Engineering
PROGRAMME – B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering
IV Semester 2018-19
Course Handout
Dated: 28/12/2018
Course Code : CSE206
Course Name : Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Credit Structure : 3-0-0-3
Instructor-in-charge : Sanjeev Kaulgud
Instructors : Dr. Narasimha Murthy M S, Dr. Deepak. S. Sakkari, Prof.
Ramaksrishna, Prof. Poornima
Learning Objectives:
Upon studying this course, students will
Identify types of Microcomputers and Microcontrollers, their features and
Demonstrate basic programming applications for Microprocessors and
Demonstrate Interfacing systems for Microprocessors
Apply programming skills to develop complex microprocessor applications.
Learning Outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to
Comprehend the architecture of 8086 microprocessor and discriminate it
from a microcontrollers
Design and develop assembly language code to solve problems
Interface various devices to x86 family with 8255
Design and develop solutions to problems using 8051 microcontroller
3. Syllabus :
Module-1 : Introduction
Oganisation of Computer Systems, architecture of computers, RISC and CISC,
microprocessor evolution. 8086 Microprocessor architecture: main features of 8086,
pin diagram description, 8086 internal architecture. Commented [DSS1]: Identify types of microcomputers,
their features and architecture.
Module-2 : Introduction to programming 8086
Instructions set, addressing modes, naming data and addresses, assembly language
program development tools. Commented [DSS2]: Demonstrate basic programming
applications of ALP
Module-3 : Implementing standard program structure in 8086 assembly language
Simple sequence programs, Jumps, flags, and conditional jumps, unconditional
jumps, instruction description, if-then else and multiple if then else programs, while
do programs, repeate until programs, strings, procedure and macros. Commented [DSS3]: Apply programming skills to
develop complex microprocessor applications
Module-4: I/O Intefacing and Introduction to Microcontroller
Basic I/O interface, programmable peripheral interface, and
programming.microcontroller versus general purpose microprocessor, overview of
8051 family, 8051 assembly language programming. Commented [DSS4]: Demonstrate interfacing system for
Identify types of microcontrollers
Demonstrate programming skills to develop a
microcontroller application
4. Instructional Pedagogy : Chalk and talk, Teaching through conversation,
through Indicators of Contextualization, through joint production activity, and power
point presentation.
5. Books :
Text Book(s):
T1: Douglas V Hall SSSP Rao, “ Microprocessor and Interfacing”, 3 rd editon, Mc Graw
Hill , Higer Education, 2012.
T2:Barry B Brey, “ The Intel Microprocessors”, 8 th edition, Pearson , 2014.
Reference Book(s):
R1:Muhammad Ali Mazidi,” Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”,First
Impression,Pearson Education.
R2:Ramesh Goanker ”
6. Session Plan :
No. Learn Objectives Topics to be covered Resources
1. To familiarize the MPCcourse detail of the course,
objecives , outcomes
T1, T2, R1,R2
and description of
2. Familiar with organization of Organization of T1: Ch1
computer system computer systems
3. understanding the different Van Neumann and T1: Ch1
architecture Hardvard architecture
4. To learn and understand RISC and CISC, T1:Ch1
instruction set architecture, Evolution of
microprocessor evolution Microprocessor
5. Explore 8086 architecture 8086 internal T1: Ch2
architecture , main
6. --do-- Cond.. T1: Ch2
7. Understand pin details of 8086 Pin description of 8086 T1: Ch2
8. --do-- Contd..
9. Reviewof previous topics
10. Know categories of insutruction Insturction sets of 8086
T1: Ch3
set of 8086
11. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch3
12. Understand different ways of Addressing modes
retrieving data
13. --do-- Contd., naming data
and addresses
14. Understand how assembler Assembly level language
program executed program development T1:Ch3
15. Self study topic 8 bit microprocessors vs
T1 & T2:Ch1
16 bit microprocessors
16. Review of previous topics
17. Program using 8086 Simple sequence
instructions for simple programs T1:Ch4
18. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4
19. Know different control
Jump instructions T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
20. Understand flag register format 8086 flag register T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
21. Explore more on conditional Conditional jumps,
and unconditional jump Uunconditional jumps, T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
instructions instruction
22. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
23. Understanding if-then else if-then else and multiple
statement if then else programs
24. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
25. Know how while do and repeate While do programs and
until works in assembler imple repeate until programs
26. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
27. Explore string handling
Strings T1:Ch5
functions in 8086
28. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch5
29. Understand how to write
Pocedure and Macros T1:Ch5
subroutine in assembler
30. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch5
31. Memory Read and
Self study topic Memory Write Cycle of T1 & T2 :Ch2
32. Review of previous topics
33. Understand how I/O is Basic I/O interface
T2: Ch 11
performed in assembler using 8255
34. Explore 8255 PPI Introdcution to
T2: Ch 11
peripheral interface and
its mode of operations
35. --do-- Contd.. T2: Ch 11
36. I/O Programming using
Learn I/O programming T2: Ch 11
37. --do-- Contd..
T2: Ch 11
38. Simple Program to
Self study topic T2: Ch 11
interface 8255 and 8086
39. Know concept of Introduction to
R1: Ch 13
microcontroller microcontroller
40. Microcontroller versus
Differentiate between MP and
general purpose R1: Ch 13
41. Learn the architecture of 8051
Overview of 8051 MC R1: Ch 13
42. Solve simple problems using 8051 assembly
R1: Ch 14
MC language programming
43. --do-- Contd..
R1: Ch 14
44. Simple programs to
Self study topic understand instruction R1: Ch 14,15
set of 8051MC
45. Review of previous topics
Component Weight Marks Date & Time Venue
Test -1 60 20 20
Test-2 60 20 20
End Semester
180 40 40
Assignments NA 10 10
Quiz NA 10 10
Note: Date,Time and Venue will be announced later