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School of Engineering
PROGRAMME – B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering
IV Semester 2018-19
Course Handout
Dated: 28/12/2018
Course Code : CSE206
Course Name : Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Credit Structure : 3-0-0-3
Instructor-in-charge : Sanjeev Kaulgud
Instructors : Dr. Narasimha Murthy M S, Dr. Deepak. S. Sakkari, Prof.
Ramaksrishna, Prof. Poornima

1. Learning Objectives and Outcomes of the Course :

Learning Objectives:
Upon studying this course, students will
 Identify types of Microcomputers and Microcontrollers, their features and
 Demonstrate basic programming applications for Microprocessors and
 Demonstrate Interfacing systems for Microprocessors
 Apply programming skills to develop complex microprocessor applications.

Learning Outcomes:
After studying this course, students will be able to
 Comprehend the architecture of 8086 microprocessor and discriminate it
from a microcontrollers
 Design and develop assembly language code to solve problems
 Interface various devices to x86 family with 8255
 Design and develop solutions to problems using 8051 microcontroller

2. Course Description : This course is aimed at understanding the architecture and

instruction set of typical 16-bit microprocessor. It also deals with assembly language
programming using a 8086 macro-assembler. Further, it focuses on input-output
techniques and important programmable support chips used in microprocessor-based
systems along with interfacing concepts using 8255. Also students will learn the
architecture of 8051 microcontroller.

3. Syllabus :

Module-1 : Introduction
Oganisation of Computer Systems, architecture of computers, RISC and CISC,
microprocessor evolution. 8086 Microprocessor architecture: main features of 8086,
pin diagram description, 8086 internal architecture. Commented [DSS1]: Identify types of microcomputers,
their features and architecture.
Module-2 : Introduction to programming 8086
Instructions set, addressing modes, naming data and addresses, assembly language
program development tools. Commented [DSS2]: Demonstrate basic programming
applications of ALP
Module-3 : Implementing standard program structure in 8086 assembly language
Simple sequence programs, Jumps, flags, and conditional jumps, unconditional
jumps, instruction description, if-then else and multiple if then else programs, while
do programs, repeate until programs, strings, procedure and macros. Commented [DSS3]: Apply programming skills to
develop complex microprocessor applications
Module-4: I/O Intefacing and Introduction to Microcontroller
Basic I/O interface, programmable peripheral interface, and
programming.microcontroller versus general purpose microprocessor, overview of
8051 family, 8051 assembly language programming. Commented [DSS4]: Demonstrate interfacing system for
Identify types of microcontrollers
Demonstrate programming skills to develop a
microcontroller application
4. Instructional Pedagogy : Chalk and talk, Teaching through conversation,
through Indicators of Contextualization, through joint production activity, and power
point presentation.

5. Books :

Text Book(s):
T1: Douglas V Hall SSSP Rao, “ Microprocessor and Interfacing”, 3 rd editon, Mc Graw
Hill , Higer Education, 2012.
T2:Barry B Brey, “ The Intel Microprocessors”, 8 th edition, Pearson , 2014.

Reference Book(s):
R1:Muhammad Ali Mazidi,” Microprocessors and Microcontrollers”,First
Impression,Pearson Education.
R2:Ramesh Goanker ”

6. Session Plan :

No. Learn Objectives Topics to be covered Resources
1. To familiarize the MPCcourse detail of the course,
objecives , outcomes
T1, T2, R1,R2
and description of
2. Familiar with organization of Organization of T1: Ch1
computer system computer systems
3. understanding the different Van Neumann and T1: Ch1
architecture Hardvard architecture
4. To learn and understand RISC and CISC, T1:Ch1
instruction set architecture, Evolution of
microprocessor evolution Microprocessor
5. Explore 8086 architecture 8086 internal T1: Ch2
architecture , main
6. --do-- Cond.. T1: Ch2
7. Understand pin details of 8086 Pin description of 8086 T1: Ch2
8. --do-- Contd..
9. Reviewof previous topics
10. Know categories of insutruction Insturction sets of 8086
T1: Ch3
set of 8086
11. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch3
12. Understand different ways of Addressing modes
retrieving data
13. --do-- Contd., naming data
and addresses
14. Understand how assembler Assembly level language
program executed program development T1:Ch3
15. Self study topic 8 bit microprocessors vs
T1 & T2:Ch1
16 bit microprocessors
16. Review of previous topics
17. Program using 8086 Simple sequence
instructions for simple programs T1:Ch4
18. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4
19. Know different control
Jump instructions T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
20. Understand flag register format 8086 flag register T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
21. Explore more on conditional Conditional jumps,
and unconditional jump Uunconditional jumps, T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
instructions instruction
22. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6

23. Understanding if-then else if-then else and multiple
statement if then else programs
24. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
25. Know how while do and repeate While do programs and
until works in assembler imple repeate until programs
26. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch4&T2:Ch6
27. Explore string handling
Strings T1:Ch5
functions in 8086
28. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch5
29. Understand how to write
Pocedure and Macros T1:Ch5
subroutine in assembler
30. --do-- Contd.. T1:Ch5
31. Memory Read and
Self study topic Memory Write Cycle of T1 & T2 :Ch2
32. Review of previous topics
33. Understand how I/O is Basic I/O interface
T2: Ch 11
performed in assembler using 8255
34. Explore 8255 PPI Introdcution to
T2: Ch 11
peripheral interface and
its mode of operations
35. --do-- Contd.. T2: Ch 11
36. I/O Programming using
Learn I/O programming T2: Ch 11
37. --do-- Contd..
T2: Ch 11
38. Simple Program to
Self study topic T2: Ch 11
interface 8255 and 8086
39. Know concept of Introduction to
R1: Ch 13
microcontroller microcontroller
40. Microcontroller versus
Differentiate between MP and
general purpose R1: Ch 13
41. Learn the architecture of 8051
Overview of 8051 MC R1: Ch 13
42. Solve simple problems using 8051 assembly
R1: Ch 14
MC language programming
43. --do-- Contd..
R1: Ch 14
44. Simple programs to
Self study topic understand instruction R1: Ch 14,15
set of 8051MC
45. Review of previous topics

7. Self Learn topics :

Sl Self Study Topic Source
1 8 bit microprocessors vs 16 bit
T1 & T2:Ch1
2 Memory Read and Memory Write Cycle
T1 & T2 :Ch 2
of 8086
3 Simple Program to interface 8255 and
T3 & R3
4 Simple programs to understand
T3 & R3
instruction set of 8051


Component Weight Marks Date & Time Venue
Test -1 60 20 20
Test-2 60 20 20
End Semester
180 40 40
Assignments NA 10 10
Quiz NA 10 10
Note: Date,Time and Venue will be announced later

9. Chamber consultation hour : Will be announced in class

10. Notices : All course related informations will be displayed on the SoE notice board
11. Make-up Policy
(i) Make-up will be granted for genuine reasons, only when prior-permission is
obtained from Instructor-in-charge and approving the permission is at the discretion
of Instructor-in-charge.
(ii) No make-up for Assignment and Quiz
12. Note : Students should come prepared with the basics of the topics that will be
coverd in the next class


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