JOU 4364 Advanced Web Apps s2019
JOU 4364 Advanced Web Apps s2019
JOU 4364 Advanced Web Apps s2019
JOU 4364 | Spring 2019 | Section 2F03 | Class number 16413 | 2056 Weimer Hall
Tuesdays 11:45 a.m.–2:45 p.m. (periods 5, 6, 7)
Course Description
This course adds server-side (back-end) web skills to the client-side (front-end) web skills students have
developed in the preceding course, with the goal of developing web apps that include a server-side
component to support presentations of stories and large data sets for media organizations. Web
scraping is also covered to enable journalists to gather open data from the web for analysis and/or
informing audiences.
Course Objectives
In this course, students learn how to:
1. Use SQL (Structured Query Language) to create databases and to read/write data for use in
applications for media audiences.
2. Scrape websites to collect public data (such as government data for an informed electorate) that
can be stored, analyzed and reused, as is typically done in media organizations.
3. Write custom programs in Python for communications applications.
4. Create server-side web apps suitable for media industries using Flask, a Python framework,
which is widely used by journalism organizations including the Los Angeles Times.
5. Solve problems in setting up and using command-line tools to support innovative storytelling.
Mobile devices must be turned OFF and placed out of sight during class. Do not check text messages,
social media, email, etc., during class, as your instructor considers this quite rude and therefore grounds
Students are expected to use their own laptop computer during class. However, if you are seen checking
social media or any other sites unrelated to the immediate topics being discussed in class, penalties may
be imposed. Penalties range from a warning (first offense) to grade point deductions. It is hoped you will
get the most value possible out of your in-class time.
See Attendance and participation under “Course Requirements” below for grading specifics.
UF Attendance Policies
NOTE: Assignment deadlines in Canvas are usually set for 11:59 p.m. If you submit after the deadline,
your assignment is late.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty of any kind is not tolerated in this course. It will be reported to the student’s
department chair and to the university’s Dean of Students. It will result in a failing grade for this course.
Web Scraping with Python: Collecting More Data from the Modern Web, 2nd edition, by Ryan
Mitchell (O’Reilly, 2018) — make sure you have the SECOND EDITION
All students are expected to possess their own copy of each book, whether printed or electronic. Quiz
questions are taken from the books and other assigned materials. Students might need to use the book
during class. Books might be cheaper at Amazon than elsewhere.
Web hosting
Students must have full-service web hosting. The recommended provider is Reclaim Hosting. Your
professor receives no kickbacks or other deals from Reclaim. Shared hosting costs $30/year and includes
registration for one domain. Domains must be renewed yearly or they will expire. Other hosting
companies are acceptable if they provide SSH access and provide MySQL (or MariaDB) via phpMyAdmin.
Each student must have his or her own GitHub account.
All students in this course must own a laptop they can bring to class with them. A tablet will NOT be
sufficient for this course. Any operating system is okay, but Mac OSX is strongly preferred. For assistance
with your operating system or hardware, please use the UF Computing Help Desk if you cannot solve a
problem. Bring your power cord to class with you.
Headphones or earbuds
During class, you might find you need to watch or re-watch videos. For this reason, please be sure to
always bring headphones or earbuds with you.
Course Requirements
Read this entire document in the first week of classes. If anything is not clear to you, ask me for
clarification on or before Jan. 11, 2019. This syllabus is a contract between you and me.
There will be a weekly quiz. Quizzes are in Canvas and are always open-book. Quizzes cover the assigned
readings or videos for the coming week. These are always listed in the module’s “Assigned readings”
document in Canvas. Deadlines are in Canvas. Any quiz not submitted by the deadline is graded 0.
There will be a mix of assignments in this course, somewhat different from Intro to Web Apps.
Sometimes the assignment is largely done during class (when a new technology is introduced). In some
cases, the work for one assignment will span two weeks (when you are applying what you learned).
Sometimes the assignment is a set of exercises you must complete.
Assignments are provided in Canvas along with exact deadlines. It will be necessary for students to work
on all assignments outside class to complete them. Students are encouraged to help one another on
assignments but NOT to give solutions to others. Please look ahead and be prepared to spend
substantially more time on some assignments than others. Study groups are a great idea!
Once during the semester, each student will be responsible for presenting an interesting web app or
website that uses back-end technologies. The student is responsible for finding and “deconstructing” the
app/site and telling the class what is interesting, admirable, especially cool, etc. The purpose of the
presentation is to inspire the class and show how current web technologies and techniques are used.
Students are encouraged not only to view source but also to find “how we made this” articles or
interviews about the app/site. Students might contact the makers of the app/site and interview them.
Think of this as a show-and-tell that educates the whole class and offers creative inspiration.
Final project
In the final three weeks of the course, each student will produce and complete a web project suitable
for your professional portfolio. The project must include at least two of the following: Python, web
scraping, a SQL database, a Flask app. It may also include web forms, JavaScript, Bootstrap and any
additional technologies you desire. The project must be live and functional at your domain by the
Your final project should be included in your professional portfolio. For that reason, you are strongly
encouraged to think ahead about a suitable topic You should choose a topic that interests you — but it
should also be of interest to others. Note that this project must use the technologies from this course in
a substantial way.
Course Evaluations
Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10
criteria. These evaluations are conducted online:
All projects are due on Monday, April 29, at 11:59 p.m. This is the Monday of finals week.
Weekly topics are subject to change. Please check in Canvas for the latest updates.