DI108 Introduction To Internet and Mobile Technologies: Unit Information and Learning Guide
DI108 Introduction To Internet and Mobile Technologies: Unit Information and Learning Guide
DI108 Introduction To Internet and Mobile Technologies: Unit Information and Learning Guide
Trimester 3 2012
Unit coordinator Associate Professor Dr. Kevin Wong School of Information Technology Contact details Email: k.wong@murdoch.edu.au Room: ECL 4.049 Phone: (08) 9360 6100
Published by Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, 2012 This publication is copyright. Except as permitted by the Copyright Act no part of it may in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other means be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast or transmitted without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Unit Information
This information should be read in conjunction with the online learning materials which can be found on your MyUnits page.
Unit overview Welcome to DI108, Introduction to Internet and Mobile Technologies. Information technology is making Internet and mobile technologies more and more accessible and usable every day. Internet and mobile technologies are playing an increasingly important role in all walks of life including business, industry, education, art and entertainment. This unit will give you an introduction to these technologies and how you can create some Internet contents. This unit also introduces the concept of digital media as a combination of text, graphics and sound for use to develop Internet content. This unit introduces the fundamentals of the Internet, interactive web applications, mobile applications and the basics of digital content development for Internet and mobile applications. Tools and techniques used for developing Internet and mobile applications are introduced. Topics include: overview of Internet and mobile technologies; overview of digital content; HTML and XHTML; CSS; web authoring tools; interactive web application; javascript; and mobile application development. The treatment of topics in this unit is introductory with an emphasis on breadth rather than depth. It is hoped that upon successful completion of this unit, you will feel interested to learn more, and apply the knowledge gained in your future work involving Internet and Mobile Technologies.
Prerequisites Nil. Some knowledge of computers would be helpful but if you do not have any prior knowledge, please seek help from the unit coordinator, lecturer and your tutor. Aims and objectives The broad aims of this unit are: 1. 2. 3. To introduce the fundamentals of Internet and Mobile technologies; To introduce the terminologies of the information, documents and file formats used on the Internet; To teach the essential concepts and techniques of developing Internet and Mobile content using HTML, CSS, Javascript and software tools.
At the conclusion of the course, student should: be a knowledgeable user of the Internet, the World Wide Web, and Mobile Internet. have acquired some ability to extend your Internet knowledge and skills unassisted. be able to develop Internet Content using HTML, CSS, Javascript and software tools. be able to appreciate societal and some business issues relating to Internet and Mobile technologies. Generic learning objectives This unit will contribute to the development of the following Graduate Attributes: See http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Educational-Development/Preparing-toteach/Graduate-attributes/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Communication Critical and creative thinking Independent and lifelong learning Interdisciplinarity Knowledge of a field of study (sub-category)
Murdoch University Unit coordinator Associate Professor Dr. Kevin Wong School of Information Technology Murdoch University TEL: (08) 9360 6100 Office: ECL Building, Room 4.049 Email: k.wong@murdoch.edu.au Lecturer and Tutor Your lecturer and tutors name and contact details.
Technical Help For technical difficulties with the online materials please contact the unit coordinator by email (k.wong@murdoch.edu.au) or through LMS helpdesk. For computing and lab difficulties, contact the IT service desk at (08) 9360 2000 or email ITservicedesk@murdoch.edu.au How to study this unit You should spend 10-12 hours per week on this unit. For the first 5-6 weeks of the semester, you may want to spend more time than that. From experience, students who spend more time in the beginning find it easier later on. There are some general resources that can guide your study in the university. See http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Student-life/Study-successfully/Resources/ Seeking help: If you have difficulty with any learning activities or lecturing materials, you should seek help from your tutor or lecturer immediately. Never leave the problems too late in the trimester.
Learning activities Lectures: There are two hours of lectures per week. Tutorials: There are two hours of tutorial (laboratory) sessions per week, the second hour of which is unsupervised. It is during the supervised tutorial sessions that you will be able to receive help from your tutor as you study the unit and demonstrate to your tutor mastery of the appropriate topics. Assessment: There is one assignment and one project. While working on these, you are encouraged to demonstrate and discuss what you are doing with your tutor so that you can get feedback and ensure that you are on the right track. There is assessed tutorial work throughout the trimester. Attendance Although attendance at all classes is not compulsory it is highly advisable that all lectures and tutorial sessions be attended. From experience, students who attended most of the lectures and tutorial sessions find it easier to pass the unit.
Unit timetable The following is a list of unit topics with an approximate lecture schedule. It should help you to plan your study over the trimester. However, the unit coordinator may do some adjustment during the semester. Changes will be put up at the LMS when available. Please note that the topics do not correspond to the teaching weeks, as some topics will require more than one week to complete. Topics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Topic Title Introduction to the Internet and the Web Introduction to HTML Developing Web Pages Cascading Style Sheets Web Designing Process Introduction to Digital Media Overview of Web authoring tools Introduction to XHTML Introduction to Interactive Web Application Introduction to Mobile Application Development
Copies of the lectures will be made available on-line at LMS. Online Resources
All materials will be available through LMS through the unit web site.
Computing resources For information about the computer labs, see http://www.murdoch.edu.au/studentit/labs.html. Be aware that all network access (including Internet) is logged automatically by the computer system. Accessing material which contravenes State of Commonwealth laws is strictly prohibited. Do not download material that has no relevance to this unit as you may be billed for excessive downloads. You should also be aware that security cameras monitor computer laboratories 24 hours a day.
Assessment processes
Assessment components You will be assessed on the basis of: Assessment Description Tutorials / Submission Practical tutorials Assignment Project Examination Value of 10% Due Date Available during semester 4:00pm Friday of Week 6 4:00pm Friday of Week 13 Assessment period
Creating a simple 15% Website Creating advance 30% and interactive Website Closed Book 45% Written Assessment
The assignment, project and practical exercises will be made available to you during the trimester.
Submission deadlines for continuous assessment components There can be some variation on the due time (or date) for the exercises. You will be given notice of this, if any. Make sure to keep a copy of all your work handed in for assessment in case they get mislaid or for any reason cannot be found. Extensions You should contact the Unit Coordinator by email for an extension of the submission deadline, if you believe you will be unable to meet the deadline due to some valid reason (needs to be provided). This should be done before the due date. Unless you have obtained a prior extension to the submission deadline, be advised that late submissions normally incur a penalty of 5% of the total possible marks per day. When submitting work that has been given an extension, you must attach the unit coordinators written reply granting the extension after the unit cover sheet. Please note that extensions given over the phone or in person do not count. Unit Cover sheet The unit cover sheet will be available on LMS and is required to be submitted with each assessment. Examination The final examination will be a two-hour closed book examination covering all aspects of the unit. The examination is held during the university examination period. You will be advised about the precise format of the examination during the final lecture. Note that you are required to bring your Student Card with you when sitting the final examination. In accordance with University regulations, you may review your marked examination script with the unit coordinator after results for the semester have been released. For further information about examinations, see http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Student-life/Get-organised/About-exams/.
Determination of the final grade Your final grade for the unit will be reported by a letter grade. In order to pass the unit you must 1. sit the final examination, and 2. obtain an overall aggregate of at least 50%. See Section 11 of the Assessment Policy regarding grades http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Educational-technologies/Assessment-Policy/ You should read these carefully to understand the level you have to perform for each grade. There may be some minor variation in the Notional Percentage scores for each grade to allow allocation of grades to actual occurring score boundaries. Assessment roles and responsibilities Please refer to the Assessment Policy links document http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Educational-technologies/Assessment-Policy/ Academic Integrity Murdoch University encourages its students and staff to pursue the highest standards of integrity in all academic activity. Academic integrity involves behaving ethically and honestly in scholarship and relies on respect for others ideas through proper acknowledgement and referencing of publications. Lack of academic integrity, including the examples listed below, can lead to serious penalties. Find out more about how to reference properly and avoid plagiarism at: http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Student-life/Study-successfully/Referencing-and-citing/
Inappropriate or inadequate acknowledgement of original work including: Material copied word for word without any acknowledgement of its source Material paraphrased without appropriate acknowledgement of its source Images, designs, experimental results, computer code etc used or adapted without acknowledgement of the source.
An assignment written by a third party and represented by a student as her or his own work. Material copied from another students assignment with her or his knowledge. Material copied from another students assignment or work without that persons knowledge.
Adapted from Section 9.3 of the Assessment Policy, Plagiarism and Collusion http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Educational-technologies/Assessment-Policy/ Plagiarism-checking software The University uses software called Turnitin which checks for plagiarism. The Coordinator may have added a link to Turnitin in your online unit. Please note that when you or your Unit Coordinator submit assignments electronically to Turnitin, a copy of your work is retained on the database to check collusion and future plagiarism. The University has a legal agreement with Turnitin that it will not share or reproduce student work in any form. Advice on using Turnitin can be found at http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Educational-technologies/Turnitin/ Non-discriminatory language Please refer to http://our.murdoch.edu.au/Student-life/Rights-and-responsibilities/Yourresponsibilities/Non-discriminatory-language-guidelines
Student appeals Murdoch University encourages students to resolve issues initially through their Unit Coordinator and/or appropriate Faculty staff member. In cases where this is not possible, the University has in place a Student Appeals process. This process is a mechanism open to all Murdoch University students and there is no fee. The fundamental principles of this process include: 1. natural justice and procedural fairness; 2. transparency and accountability; 3. the provision of regular procedural review; and 4. the enhancement of the appeals process and outcomes. An appeal is not a merits based review, in other words, the committee will not reconsider a students performance to determine whether a different grade should be awarded. Rather, it is a procedural review and will investigate whether proper process has been followed. In cases where the appeal of a student is upheld by the Student Appeals Committee, the committee will consider what remedy, if any, is appropriate. Students seeking a review of a grade or mark are instead encouraged to follow the procedures set out in the Universitys complaint process at http://www.murdoch.edu.au/vco/secretariat/complaints/ Information on the Student Appeals process can be http://www.murdoch.edu.au/vco/secretariat/appeals/appeals.html Student grievance handling procedures Please refer to: http://www.oss.murdoch.edu.au/grievances/ Conscientious objection in teaching and assessment (This relates to an objection based on an individuals deep moral conviction of what is right and wrong) For guidelines on conscientious objection, see http://www.murdoch.edu.au/vco/secretariat/admin/gdelines/consciobj.html found at