Strength - Moment
Strength - Moment
Strength - Moment
DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201713103011
Abstract. During fluid flow from larger to smaller diameter pipes, a drop
in pressure is experienced. High pressure drop across bit indicated high
energy loss in the hydraulic system and also a setback to ROP performance.
This is inefficient and pressure pumps would have to be of bigger sizing to
make up for the losses. Present form of pressure drop models is in terms of
mud density, flow rate, and total flow area. The objective of this paper is
focused on the analysis of CFD simulation and to propose optimized
parameters for improved ROP. Single phase flow study of Yield Power Law
mud rheology was simulated at bottom hole of horizontal section. Parametric
study on mud rheology was carried using DOE. Design points of DOE were
sampled mostly using Latin Hypercube Sampling and a few by Central
Composite Design. It is found that Kriging Response Surface method
generated the best regression model where the predicted values are closest
to the observed values and has the lowest Maximum Relative Residual
(0.000336%). Inlet velocity and Power Index have significant effect on
pressure drop. Consistency Index showed moderate effect while Yield Stress
showed small effect to pressure drop. This research has proven that pressure
loss model should take into account of mud rheology. Further research can
be done with PDC bit rotation and its effect on mud behaviour.
1 Introduction
In the oil and gas industry, drilling cost and time are of major concerns. Operators of this
field have their focuses centred on minimizing the overall drilling cost while maintaining
safe practices and environmental friendly operations. Rate of Penetration (ROP) is a measure
of drilling speed. Based on the relationship between drilling cost and ROP, it had been shown
that maximizing the ROP will result in minimizing the drilling cost [1]. Studies have been
done on factors affecting ROP. These factors are categorized into bit design parameters and
operational parameters. Bit design parameters that significantly affect ROP are Junk Slot
Area (JSA) and Bit Size (BS). Operational parameters are Weight on Bit (WOB), Rotation
of drill bit (RPM), Hydraulic Horsepower (HHP), Flow Rate, Nozzle Size, and Mud Weight
(MW) [2]. High ROP would generate high rate of cuttings and vice versa. The removal of
cuttings is undeniably necessary so that the bit can be in direct contact with bottom hole
formation and drill deeper and faster. Cuttings are removed as mud circulates to the top and
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MATEC Web of Conferences 131, 03011 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201713103011
carries the cuttings along. When cuttings accumulate at bottom hole, Equivalent Circulating
Density (ECD) increases and ROP decreases. Besides that, bit hydraulics plays an important
role during drilling. Good bit hydraulics help jet through the formation, keep the PDC cutters
cool and clean, and prevents the JSA and nozzles from clogging up and balling. Moreover,
mud rheology plays a huge role in drilling as well. Two main mud properties that have direct
impact to removal of cuttings are viscosity and gel strength. Mud viscosity and gel strength
primarily suspense cuttings and effectively sweeps the cuttings out of hole.
There are many issues during operations like bit hydraulics is crucial for the removal of
cuttings and cutting the PDC cutters. With poor bit hydraulics, PDC bit may face problems
like bit balling and plugged nozzle. These phenomena are the obstruction of JSA and nozzles
which are caused by poor cuttings removal away from the PDC bit. Another issue is high
pressure drop across bit nozzles is an indication of energy loss in the hydraulic system. If it
is inefficient, then the pressure pumps have to be of bigger sizing to make up for the losses.
How does mud rheology affect pressure drop across bit nozzles? From the issues discussed,
the objectives of this investigation comprises of (i) to develop a CAD and CFD model for a
typical PDC bit, (ii) to develop regression models for the pressure loss around the PDC bit,
and (iii) to analyze the CFD simulation result and propose optimized parameters for improved
ROP. The scopes of study based on the objectives can be simplified as (i) PDC bit size of 8.5
inches with length of CAD model 5 times the diameter of PDC bit, (ii) Single phase flow,
(iii) Flow rate: 100 to 1000gpm and (iv) Mud rheological parameters (Yield Stress,
Consistency Index, and Power Index).
MATEC Web of Conferences 131, 03011 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201713103011
Table 1. Previous studies on Pressure Drop Models. Where ∆Pb is bit nozzle jets pressure loss
(lb/in2); HHP is horse power at bit (hp); MW is mud weight (lb/gal); Vn is velocity of mud (ft/s); Q is
flow rate of mud (gpm); TFA is total flow area of bit nozzles (in2); Cd is coefficient of bit nozzles
(0.95 or 1.00 or 1.03 unitless); ROP is rate of penetration (ft/hr); RPM is drill bit rotation per minute
Source Equations Remark
()( ) = 0.8 (Conventional Bit)
[13] =
11884( )( ) = 0.95 (Jet Bit)
()( )
[14-16] = = 1.03
12032( )( )
()( )
[17] = -
8795[()( . )( )]
2 Methodology
MATEC Web of Conferences 131, 03011 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201713103011
of properties for faster simulation time. Once the solver parameters are settled, hybrid
initialization method is initialized and followed by the run of calculation. This optimization
aims to reduce needless simulation time and produce consistent results. Validity of the results
can be justified with small percentage error of less than five percent amongst all convergence
criteria. In ANSYS Fluent, the solver used is pressure-based with absolute velocity
formulation running in steady state of time. Since this research only revolves around single
phase flow, the multiphase model is turned off. Viscous model of realizable -epsilon is
selected with standard wall functions and default values for constants. Density of all muds
are fixed to 1198 kg/m3. Viscosity of the muds are governed by YPL. Inlet velocity is varied
according to flow rate over a fixed TFA as in Table 2.
In the parametric study simulations, various muds rheology which are governed by yield
power law are collected from past studies and compiled into upper and lower bounds as
tabulated in Table 3. These upper and lower bounds were inputted into ANSYS’ Design of
Experiments program. Latin Hypercube Sampling design is chosen as it brings about no two
points of equal value. Central Composite Design is used as backup when some of LHS’
design points do not show expected results.
Table 2. Varying flow rate and inlet velocity over fixed TFA for preliminary simulations.
Flow Rate, (gpm) 300 400 500 600 700 800
Inlet Velocity, (ft/s) 35.30 47.03 58.79 70.55 82.31 94.07
Table 3. Upper and lower bound mud rheology variables govern by Yield Power Law for parametric
study simulations.
Mud Rheology Unit Min. Max Average
Volume Flow Rate, gpm 100 1000 550
Inlet Velocity, m/s 2.5 40 21.25
Yield Stress, τ Pa 0.35 12 6.175
Consistency Index, 0.031 9 4.5155
Power Low Exponent, - 0.2 0.9 0.55
Based on mesh independence study, mesh size of 0.06 provides consistent results within
optimal time. Hence, further simulations are conducted using this particular mesh size. Flow
rate of muds ranged from 300 to 800 gpm. Inlet velocities were calculated over the fixed TFA
of CAD PDC bit model. Inlet pressures were recorded while values for outlet pressures were
offset away from outlet boundary. This is because direct collection of data from the outlet
boundary may give inaccurate data.
When mud flow rate increases, the pressure drop across bit increases. However, both
simulations on water based mud (WBM) rheology show smaller pressure drop across bit
nozzles as flow rate increases as shown in Fig. 1(a). The smaller the shear stress () of WBM,
the smaller the pressure drop. Rheological properties have significant positive effect on
pressure drop; up to 50% reduction in losses. The pressure drop points for the present study
are shown in Fig. 2(a).
MATEC Web of Conferences 131, 03011 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201713103011
Predicted Values
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Observed Values
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) Graph of Flow Rate against Pressure Drop across PDC Bit Nozzles for WBM B & D. (b)
Goodness of Fit generated over Kriging Response Surface Types.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Pressure drop data points for this study. The outlet plane is offset away from the outlet to
avoid boundary conditions and to obtain more accurate data. (b) Top and bottom represents overall
input parameters at minimum and maximum each respectively.
MATEC Web of Conferences 131, 03011 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201713103011
between the parameters. Based on the generated charts, there are unnoticeable or insignificant
differences between ∆Pb1 & ∆Pb2. This is because majority of pressure drop (Max = 265759
Pa) occurs nearer to the PDC bit while minority of pressure drop (Max = 13344 Pa) occurs
away from the bit. Minor pressure drop is approximately 5% of the total pressure drop across
the bit.
Vin & ∆Pb have the strongest correlation in all cases. Around the bit, ∆Pb1 & ∆Pb2 increases
as Vin increases. However, away from the bit, ∆Pb3 increases as Vin increases until 34 m/s and
then ∆Pb3 decreases. This shows that Vin has very strong positive effect on ∆Pb around the bit
and slightly less effective away from the bit. To avoid large pressure drop across bit, flow
velocity should be to a minimum 2.5 m/s.
τo & ∆Pb show the good correlation in all cases. ∆Pb1, ∆Pb2, & ∆Pb3 increase as τo increases.
∆Pb1, ∆Pb2, & ∆Pb3 peak when τo is 5.6 Pa and then ∆Pb1, ∆Pb2, & ∆Pb3 decrease as τo increases.
τo has positive and negative effect on ∆Pb1, ∆Pb2, & ∆Pb3. The value of τo should be away from
5.6 Pa; either very small or large value. τo is better off at 11.25 Pa; the higher the better.
K & ∆Pb also show the good correlation in all cases. ∆Pb1, ∆Pb2, & ∆Pb3 decrease slightly
as K increases until 2.5 and then ∆Pb1, ∆Pb2, & ∆Pb3 increase as τo increases. To minimize
pressure drop across bit, value should be kept low; approximately 2.5
MATEC Web of Conferences 131, 03011 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201713103011
The recommendations from this research is further research on the effect of drill bit
rotation (RPM) and its effect on the mud behavior should be considered as it was not
considered in previous study.
The Authors are thankful to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS for facilities provided for the research.
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