2008 Narrative Task (Practice)

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English Communications Karoonda Area School

NAME:_____________________________ TEACHER: Jane Hodge

Text Production Task 2 Narrative (Supervised )

Narrative can be written for different purposes. For this task you can choose to write the narrative
as a newspaper narrative, anecdotal narrative or fictional narrative.
Select one of the options below and write a short story with appeal and interest using the
conventions and structure of narrative.

Word Limit. 750- 1000 words.

1. A Disaster at Sea
2. Youthful Misadventure
3. The Funeral
4. The Deserted beach
5. A Strange, dark place
6. Her face felt cold and waxy to touch

Criteria for assessment:

Students’ performance in Text Production will be judged by the extent to which they demonstrate:
(a) Understanding
1. To what extent does the student recognise the structural, conventional and linguistic features
of different text types ?
2. To what extent does the student understand the purpose of different text types?
(b) Application
1. How effectively does the student reproduce the structural, conventional and linguistic features of
different text types?
2. How imaginative and original is each text produced by the student?
3. How versatile is the student in producing texts for different contexts, audiences and purposes
(c) Communication
1. How accurate and fluent is the student’s expression?
2. How appropriate are the student’s form and register for audience and purpose?

Teacher Comment:

Assessment Grade:

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