Intensive Interaction
Intensive Interaction
Intensive Interaction
Intensive Interaction
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Intensive Interaction Recording Sheets
Room Manager: This role will be undertaken by different people each session.
This person stands back a little, and does not take part in the Intensive Interaction.
They will monitor the pupils who are not engaged in 1:1 Intensive Interaction,
ensuring that they are engaging in the available activities safely. The RM also
takes care of any other difficulties, visitors arriving etc. The RM may make notes
and observations on each pupils individual recording sheet.
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Intensive Interaction Recording Sheets
learners, but looking for the best moments to start to join in with the pupils in play
and other activities, choosing the best moments sensitively and tactically.
The session will proceed in this way, with the adults flexibly joining and leaving
individual pupils or groups as they judge it from the pupils’ point of view. At the
end of the session each practitioner will be asked to fill in the Framework for
Recognising Attainment in Intensive Interaction.
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Intensive Interaction Recording Sheets
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Intensive Interaction Recording Sheets
Intensive Interaction
Child-Centred Learning and Activity Session (CCLAS) Plan
Key Stage: 2
Individual pupils: These will be devised after the initial period of Intensive
Interaction has taken place.
Term Planning
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Intensive Interaction Recording Sheets
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Intensive Interaction Recording Sheets
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