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BRB Application

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Buckling-Restrained Braces and Applications

T. Takeuchi and A. Wada, Japan Society of Seismic Isolation, 2017

Buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) have recently seen increasing use worldwide as

ductile seismic resistant members and this year celebrates the 30th anniversary from the
first application in 1987. In his occasion, we have organized a textbook summarizing the
latest knowledge on the design and application of BRBs. This book will be available
through JSSI (mail to contactjssi@jssi.or.jp, JPY3,000+shipping cost).

ルコ、ルーマニア、イタリア等において適用が始まっています。最初の実用化から 30 周年となる今年、
contactjssi@jssi.or.jp までメールください(価格税込 3,000 円+送料)。
Contents 目次
Chapter 1: Composition and history of buckling-restrained braces /しくみと開発の歴史 1
1.1 Composition of buckling-restrained braces
1.2 History of development
1.3 Types of BRBs
Chapter 2: Restrainer design and clearances /座屈拘束材の設計とクリアランス 11
2.1 Restrainer design
2.2 Debonding gap
2.3 Core material and overstrength
2.4 Hysteresis models for analysis
2.5 Quality requirement for stable hysteresis
Chapter 3: Local bulging failure /局部崩壊の防止 25
3.1 Failure caused by high mode buckling
3.2 Estimation on outward force (Demand)
3.3 High mode buckling wave length estimation
3.4 Estimation on steel tube resistance against the outward force (Capacity)
3.5 Test results and evaluations
3.6 Required mortar strength for local pressure
3.7 Local buckling criterion for circular restrainer
3.8 Summary
Chapter 4: Connection design and global stability /接合部設計と全体安定性の確保 47
4.1 Typical connection details and design forces
4.2 Global instability including connections
4.3 Stability condition with one-way configuration
4.4 Stability condition with chevron configuration
4.5 Evaluations for key parameters
4.6 Connection design against in-plane deformation
Chapter 5: Cumulative deformation capacity /累積繰返し変形性能 87
5.1 Low-cycle fatigue fracture of BRB
5.2 Effects of the clearance
5.3 Effects of the length
Chapter 6: Performance test specification for BRB /性能確認試験とクライテリア 111
6.1 Test configurations
6.2 Test menu and loading protocol
6.3 Qualification requirements
6.4 Post earthquake inspection
Chapter 7: BRBF Applications /座屈拘束ブレースを用いた構造デザイン 123
7.1 Damage tolerant concept /損傷制御設計
7.2 Response evaluation of BRBF /等価設計化手法による応答評価
7.3 Seismic retrofit with BRBs /座屈拘束ブレースによる耐震改修
7.4 Response Evaluation of BRBs Retrofit for RC Frames / RC 耐震改修時の応答評価
7.5 Direct Connections to RC Frames /RC 架構への直接接合
7.6 Applications for truss and spatial structures /空間構造への応用
7.7 Spine frame concepts /心棒構造への応用
Appendix /付録 223
A1 Typical BRB details /代表的な座屈拘束ブレースの標準図
A2 Rotational spring at connections /接合部回転剛性の評価
A3 BRB buckling capacity /接合部を含む弾性座屈荷重
Index 235

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