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Dr. B. A. Tech.


M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)
M. Tech(Computer Science)
M. Tech. (Computer Science & IT)
M. Tech. (Computer Science & Engg.)
w.e.f. July 2017

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

Department of Computer Engineering

Master of Technology (Computer Engineering)
Sr No Code Course Name Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Semester I
1 MTCE1101 Computer Algorithms 3 1 4 20 20 60 100
2 MTCE1102 Machine Learning 3 1 4 20 20 60 100
3 MTCE1103 Advanced Computer 3 1 4 20 20 60 100
4 MTCE1104 Elective I 3 3 20 20 60 100
5 MTCE1105 Elective II 3 3 20 20 60 100
6 MTCE1106 Communication Skill 2 2 25 25 50
7 MTCE1107 Software Lab I 4 2 25 25 50
Total 17 4 3 22 150 100 300 50 600
Semester II
1 MTCE1201 Data Science 3 1 4 20 20 60 100
2 MTCE1202 Software Architecture 3 1 4 20 20 60 100
3 MTCE1203 Elective III 3 3 20 20 60 100
4 MTCE1204 Elective IV 3 3 20 20 60 100
5 MTCE1205 Elective V 3 3 20 20 60 100
7 MTCE1207 Software Lab II 4 2 50 50 100
8 MT CE1208 Seminar I 4 2 50 50 100
Total 15 8 2 21 200 100 300 100 700
Semester III
1 MTCE2101 Project Management and 2 50 50 100
Intellectual Property
Rights (Self Study)
3 MTCE2103 Project- I 10 50 50 100
Total 12 100 100 200
Semester IV
1 MTCE2201 Project-II 20 100 100 200
Total 20 100 100 200

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

List of Electives
Elective 1 Elective 2
1. Cloud Computing 1. Intrusion Detection System
2. Game Theory 2. Model Checking
3. Natural Language Processing 3. Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Reasoning
4. Social Network Analysis 4. High Performance Computing
Elective 3 Elective 4
1. Software Testing 1. Introduction to Cognitive System
2. Algorithms for Big Data-structures 2. Virtual Reality
3. Software Language Engineering 3. Mobile Computing
4. Cryptography and Network 4. Storage Systems
Elective 5:
1. Functional Programming
2. Object Oriented Systems
3. Reinforcement Learning
4. Pattern Recognition

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

MTCE1101: Computer Algorithms

L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 CA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Data-structures.
Course Contents
Advanced Data Structures: Red-Black Trees, B-Trees, Binomial Heap, Fibonacci Heap Data
Structures for Disjoint Sets.
Graph algorithm: Search algorithms, computation of strongly connected components, shortest
distance algorithms, minimum spanning tree algorithms.
Network-flow algorithm: Ford-Fulkerson method; preflow-push algorithm
Geometric algorithm: convex-hull computation, line-segment intersection computation, closest-pair
String matching: Rabin Karp algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Boyer-Moore algorithm
Matrix algorithms: Strassen’s multiplication algorithm, LU decomposition, inverse computation
Polynomial computation algorithms: multiplication using DFT, division
Number theoretic algorithms: division, solution of modular linear equation, primality testing.
1. Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, "Introduction to Algorithms", McGraw Hill.
2. Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman, " The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms", Addison Wesley.
NPTEL Course
1. Computer Algorithms – 2 by Prof. Shashank K. Mehta, IIT Kanpur.

MTCE1102: Introduction to Machine Learning

L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Basic programming skills (in Python), algorithm design, basics of probability &
Course Contents
Introduction: Basic definitions, types of learning, hypothesis space and inductive bias, evaluation,
Linear regression, Decision trees, overfitting.
Instance based learning, Feature reduction, Feature Selection, Collaborative filtering based

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

Probability and Bayes learning, Evaluation Measures, Hypothesis Testing.
Logistic Regression, Linear Classification, Support Vector Machine, Kernel function and Kernel SVM.
Neural network: Perceptron, multilayer network, backpropagation, introduction to deep neural
Computational learning theory, PAC learning model, Sample complexity, VC Dimension, Ensemble
learning ad methods.
Clustering: k-means, adaptive hierarchical clustering, Gaussian mixture model.
Expectation Maximization, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning.
1. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman. The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2e, 2008.
2. Christopher Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. 2e.
3. Machine Learning. Tom Mitchell. First Edition, McGraw- Hill, 1997.
4. Introduction to Machine Learning Edition 2, by Ethem Alpaydin.
5. Darren Cook Practical Machine Learning with H2O Oreilly 2017
NPTEL Courses:
1. Introduction to Machine Learning by Dr. Balaraman Ravindran, IIT Madras.
2. Introduction to Machine Learning by Prof. S. Sarkar, IIT Kharagpur.
MTCE1103: Advanced Computer Network
L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Computer Network.
Course Contents
Review to Fundamentals of Computer N/Ws, TCP/IP reference model, Interior and Exterior Gateways
routing application layered protocols such as DHCP, BOOTP OSI, TCP/IP, ATMX.25, frame relay,
switching techniques in communication system.
Fundamentals of Optical Networks, SONET/SDH Introduction, TDM Networks elements, Generation
of optical N/W’s.
Introduction to key optical node Organization and key other terms, Cross connect Terminology, brief
introduction to TDM and WDM, Evolution of optical system, Key Attributes of optical fiber, Digital
Multiplexing Hierarchy, Characterization of optical fiber, timing and Synchronization.

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

Fiber Optic Technologies History, Basic fundamentals Operation, Physical properties, networking
elements. Wavelength Division Multiplexing Principle of Operation, CDM/DWDM, and WDM
networks elements, Impairments and Compensation in WDM.
SONET/ SDH Multiservice platform. Protection / Restoration and diversity in optical N/W’s,
MPLS/GMPLS introduction.

1. Optical Networks Control, Bala Rajagopalan, Gerg Bernstein, Debanjan saha.
2. Optical Networks and WDM, Walter J. Goralski, McGraw-Hill 2001.
3. Computer Networks: A System Approach, Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie, Morgan
4. WDM Optical Networks: Concepts, Design and Algorithms, C. Siva Ram Murthy, Prentice Hall
of New Jersey USA.
MTCE1104: Cloud Computing (Elective I)
L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Distributed Systems, Computer Networks
Course Contents
Unit1: Introduction to distributed and cluster computing, Basics of the emerging cloud
computing paradigm, Cloud Benefits (10)
Unit 2: Virtualization concepts and types, KVM, VM Scheduling (8)
Unit 3: Disaster Recovery, Scaling (6)
Unit 4: Cloud security, Regulatory and compliance issues, VM Security Issues (6)
Unit 5: Latest Research Paper Topics (10

Text Books:
1. Cloud Computing, Michael Miller, Pearson, 2012
2. Cloud Computing: Implementation, Management, and Security, , John Ritting house and James
F.Ransome, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, 2009
3. Dan Kusnetzky , “Virtualization: A Manager’s Guide”, 1st Edition ,O’Reilly,2011
4. Tim Mather Cloud Security and Privacy, Oreilly 2015

1. Barrie Sosinsky, “Cloud Computing Bible”, 1 st Edition ,Wiley India Pvt Ltd,2011.
2. Robert Elsenpeter, Toby J. Velte, Anthony T. Velte, “Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach”, 1st
Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education, 2011.

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

4. Handbook of Cloud Computing , Borko Furht, Armando Escalante , Springer, 2010

NPTEL/Open Course Course

1. Yogesh Simmhan, Introduction to Cloud Computing, www.serc.iisc.ac.i/~simmhan

MTCE1104: Game Theory: (Elective-1)

L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
1 Introduction and Outline of the Course, Definitions, Utilities, Rationality, Intelligence, Common
Knowledge, Classification of Games
I. NON-COOPERATIVE GAME THEORY Extensive Form Game Strategic Form Games with
Illustrative Examples Dominant Strategy Equilibria Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium with Illustrative
Examples and Key Results Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium with Illustrative Examples and Key
Results such as the Nash Theorem Computation of Nash Equilibria and introduction to algorithmic
theory Matrix Games: Saddle Points, Minimax Theorem Bayesian Games, Bayesian Nash
Equilibrium Evolutionary Game Theory (ESS Strategies) Repeated Game
II. MECHANISM DESIGN The Mechanism Design Environment Social Choice Functions with
Illustrative Examples Implementation of Social Choice Functions Incentive Compatibility and
Revelation Theorem 6 Gibbard-Satterthwaite and Arrow Impossibility Theorem
Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) Mechanisms Bayesian Mechanisms (dAGVA) Revenue Equivalence
Theorem Myerson Optimal Auction Further Topics in Mechanism Design
PART III: COOPERATIVE GAME THEORY Correlated Strategies and Correlated Equilibrium
The Nash Bargaining Problem Coalitional Games (Transferable Utility Games) The Core The
Shapley Value Other Solution Concepts: Kernel, Nucleolus To Probe Further and Conclusion
Reference Books
1. Martin J. Osborne. An Introduction to Game Theory. Oxford University Press. Indian Edition,
2. Roger B. Myerson. Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict. Harvard University Press, 1991.
3. Y. Narahari, Dinesh Garg, Ramasuri Narayanam, Hastagiri Prakash.
4. Game Theoretic Problems in Network Economics and Mechanism Design Solutions. Springer,

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

London, 2009.
NPTEL/Open Course

1. http://lcm.csa.iisc.ernet.in/gametheory/index.html

Natural Language Processing

L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: A previous course on Artificial Intelligence will help. Courses of Data Structures and
Algorithms should have been done. Exposure to Linguistics is useful, though not mandatory.
Course Contents
Introduction, Machine Learning and NLP, ArgMax Computation WSD: WordNet, Wordnet;
Application in Query Expansion, Wiktionary; semantic relatedness, Measures of WordNet Similarity,
Similarity Measures, Resnick's work on WordNet Similarity, Parsing Algorithms, Evidence for Deeper
Top Down Parsing Algorithms, Noun Structure; Top Down Parsing Algorithms, Non-noun Structure
and Parsing Algorithms, Probabilistic parsing; sequence labeling, PCFG, Training issues;
Arguments and Adjuncts, Probabilistic parsing; inside-outside probabilities, Speech : Phonetics, HMM,
Morphology, Graphical Models for Sequence Labelling in NLP, Phonetics, Consonants (place and
manner of articulation) and Vowels, Forward Backward probability;
Viterbi Algorithm, Phonology, Sentiment Analysis and Opinions on the Web, Machine Translation and
MT Tools - GIZA++ and Moses, Text Entailment, POS Tagging, Phonology;
ASR, Speech Synthesis, HMM and Viterbi, Precision, Recall, F-score, Map, Semantic Relations; UNL;
Towards Dependency Parsing, Universal Networking Language, Semantic Role Extraction, Baum
Welch Algorithm; HMM training.
1. Allen, James, Natural Language Understanding, Second Edition, Benjamin/Cumming, 1995.
2. Charniack, Eugene, Statistical Language Learning, MIT Press, 1993.
3. Jurafsky, Dan and Martin, James, Speech and Language Processing, Second Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2008.
4. Manning, Christopher and Heinrich, Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing, MIT Press, 1999.

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

NPTEL Course:
1. Natural Language Processing by Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay.
MTCE1104: Social Network Analysis (Elective I)
L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents

Introduction, Network Analysis.

Properties of Social Networks.
Community Analysis.
Case Study: Citation Networks.

1. Networks: An Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.
2. Evolution of Networks, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.
3. The structure and function of complex networks, SIAM Review 45, 167-256, 2003.
4. Statistical mechanics of complex networks, Rev. Mod. Phys., 74(1), 2002.
5. Social Network Analysis for Startup Tsvetovat, 2015 Oreilly.

NPTEL Course:
1. Complex Network : Theory and Application by Prof. Animesh Mukherjee, IIT Kharagpur.
MTCE1105: Intrusion Detection System (Elective 2)
L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Intruder types, intrusion methods, processes and detection, message integrity and authentication, honey
General IDS model, data mining based IDS, Denning model, data mining framework for constructing
features and models for intrusion detection systems
Unsupervised anomaly detection, CV5 clustering, SVM, probabilistic and statistical modeling, general
IDS model and taxonomy, evaluation of IDS, cost sensitive IDS.
NBAD, specification based and rate based DDOS, scans/probes, predicting attacks, network based

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

anomaly detection, stealthy surveillance detection; Defending against DOS attacks in scout:
signature-based solutions, snort rules.
Host-based anomaly detection, taxonomy of security flaws in software, self-modeling system calls for
intrusion detection with dynamic window size.
Secure intrusion detection systems, network security, secure intrusion detection environment, secure
policy manager, secure IDS sensor, alarm management, intrusion detection system signatures, sensor
configuration, signature and intrusion detection configuration, IP blocking configuration, intrusion
detection system architecture
Reference Books

1. Endorf, C., Schultz E. and Mellander J., “Intrusion Detection and Prevention,” McGraw-Hill.
2. Bhatnagar, K., “Cisco Security”, Course Technology. 2002
3. Marchette, D. J., “Computer Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring: A Statistical
Viewpoint”, Springer. 2001
4. Rash, M., Orebaugh, A. and Clark, G., “Intrusion Prevention and Active Response: Deploying
Network and Host IPS”, Syngress. 2005
5. Cooper, M., Northcutt, S., Fearnow, M. and Frederick, K., “Intrusion Signatures and Analysis”,
Sams. 2001
MTCE1105: Model Checking (Elective 2)
L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic algorithms and finite-state machines preferable
Course Contents
Modeling systems as Finite-state machines, Using the model-checker NuSMV, Linear-time properties
for verification, Regular properties – automata over finite words, Omega-regular properties – automata
over infinite words, Model checking omega-regular properties, Linear Temporal Logic (LTL),
Algorithms for LTL, Computation Tree Logic (CTL), Algorithms for LTL, Models with timing
constraints – timed automata, More on timed automata, Probabilistic models I, Probabilistic models II,
Probabilistic models III.

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

1. Principles of Model-checking, Christel Baier and Joost-Pieter Katoen, MIT Press (2008).
NPTEL Course:
1. Model Checking by Prof. B. Srivathsan, CMI.
MTCE1105 Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Some exposure to formal languages, logic and programming.
Course Contents
Introduction: Introduction to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and Formal Logics.
Propositional Logic: Language, Semantics and Reasoning, Syntax and Truth Values, Valid Arguments
and Proof Systems, Rules of Inference and Natural Deduction, Axiomatic Systems and Hilbert Style
Proofs, The Tableau Method, The Resolution Refutation Method.
First Order Logic(FOL): Syntax, Semantics, Entailment and Models, Proof Systems, Forward
Chaining, Unification, Forward Chaining Rule Based Systems, The Rete Algorithm, Programming in a
Rule Based Language, The OPS5 Expert System Shell.
Representation in FOL: Skolemization, Knowledge Representation, Properties and Categories,
Reification and Abstract Entities, Resource Description Framework(RDF), Event Calculus: Reasoning
About Change.
Mapping Natural Language to FOL: Understanding=Fulfilling Expectations, Conceptual
Dependency (CD) Theory, Understanding Language, Conceptual Analysis: Mapping English to CD
Programming in Logic: Deductive Retrieval in Backward Chaining, Logic Programming, Prolog,
Depth First Search and Efficiency Issues, Controlling Search, The Cut Operator in Prolog.
Theorem Proving in FOL: Incompleteness of Forward and Backward Chaining, The Resolution
Refutation Method for FOL, Clause Form and The Resolution Rule, FOL with Equality, Complexity.
Knowledge Structures: Semantic Nets using Frames, Scripts, Script Applier Mechanism(SAM),
Goals, Plans and Actions, Plan Applier Mechanism(PAM): Expectations and Recognition, PAM: Top
Down and Bottom Up Reasoning.
Ontology and Description Logics: A Description Logic, Normalisation, Structure Matching,
Classification, A-box Reasoning, Extensions, ALC, Further Extensions.
Inheritance: Taxonomies and Inheritance, Beliefs, Credulous and Skeptical Reasoning.
Default Reasoning: Introduction to Default Reasoning, Circumscription, Minimal Models, The Event
Calculus Revisited, Default Logic, Autoepistemc Logic.
Reasoning in Multi-agent Systems: Epistemic Logic: Kripke Semantics in a Multi Agent Scenario,
The Muddy Children Puzzle.

1. Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2004.
2. Deepak Khemani. A First Course in Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill Education (India),
NPTEL Course

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

MTCE1105: High Performance Computing (Elective 2)

L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Computer programming, Data structures.
Course Contents
Program Execution: Program, Compilation, Object files, Function call and return, Address space,
Data and its representation.
Computer Organization: Memory, Registers, Instruction set architecture, Instruction processing.
Pipelined Processors: Pipelining, Structural, data and control hazards, Impact on programming.
Virtual Memory: Use of memory by programs, Address translation, Paging.
Cache Memory: Organization, impact on programming, virtual caches.
Operating Systems: Processes and system calls, Process management.
Program Profiling
File Systems: Disk management, Name management, Protection.
Parallel Architecture: Inter-process communication, Synchronization, Mutual exclusion, Basics of
parallel architecture, Parallel programming with message passing using MPI.
1. J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Morgan
2. A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating System Concepts, John Wiley.
3. R. E. Bryant and D. R. O’Hallaron, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective, Prentice

NPTEL Course:
1. High Performance Computing by Prof. Mathew Jacob, IISc Bangalore.

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

Semester II
MTCE1201: Data Science
L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Data Mining Patterns: Cluster Analysis, Anomaly Detection, Association Rules,
Data Mining Sequences:
Text Mining: Text mining Text Clusters
Data Analysis: Simple regression, Multiple Regression, Multivariate Regression Analysis, Robust
Regression, Correlation, Clustering.
Data Viualization: R graphics, Plotting, Scatter Plots Bar Charts and Plots 3D graphics
Machine Learning: Data Partitioning Predicting events with machine learning, Supervised and
Unsupervised learning.

Reference Books
1. Dan Toomey, R for Data Science, Packit First Edition Publishing 2014 NPTEL/Open Course
2. Hadley Wickham et al R for Data Science Oreilly 2016
3. Richard Cotton Learning R Oreilly 2013

MTCE1202: Software Architecture
L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Review of Software Engineering, Various Definitions of Software Architecture, Architecture
Documentation: SEI Framework, Module View, Component and Connector View, Deployment View,
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: Layer, MVC, Pipe-Filter, Publish/Scriber, Presentation
Abstraction and Control Patterns, Software Architecture quality Attributes, Evaluating Software
Architecture, Architecture Decisions, Architecture Knowledge Management, Technology Architectures.
Reference Books

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

1. Paul Clements, Documenting Software Architecture, Addison Wesley

2. Fran Buschman Pattern Oriented Software Architecture Vol I

MTCE1203 Software Testing (Elective 3)

L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Introduction: Principles of testing, Software development life cycle models.
Types of testing: White box testing - Static testing, Structural testing, Black box testing–Requirement
based testing, positive and negative testing, boundary value analysis, decision tables, equivalence
partitioning, state based or graph based testing, compatibility testing, user documentation testing,
domain testing.
Integration testing: top down integration, bottom up integration, bi-directional integration, system
integration System and Acceptance testing–functional testing–design/architecture verification, business
vertical testing, deployment testing, beta testing, certification standards and testing for compliance;
Non-functional testing: setting up the configuration, coming up with entry/exit criteria, balancing key
resources, scalability testing, reliability testing, stress testing, interoperability testing;
Acceptance testing: acceptance criteria, selecting test cases for acceptance testing, executing
acceptance tests.
Performance testing: collecting requirement, writing test cases, automating performance test cases,
analyzing the performance test results, performance benchmarking, capacity planning.
Regression testing: erforming an initial smoke or sanity test, understanding criteria for selecting the
test cases, classifying test cases, methodology for selecting test cases, resetting the test cases for
regression testing Test planning, management, execution and reporting.
Test metrics and measurements.

1. Srinivasan Desikan, Gopalaswamy Ramesh, “Software Tesing Principles and Practices”,
Pearson Education.
2. William Perry, “Effective Methods for Software Testing”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995.
MTCE1203 Algorithm for Big Data (Elective3)

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60

Prerequisites: Algorithms, probability theory.
Course Contents
Intro to Probability Theory, Tail bounds with Applications, Markov Chains and Random Walks.
Randomized Algorithms against an Oblivious Adversary, Pairwise Independence and Universal
Hashing, The Streaming Model, Approximate Counting, Approximate Median.
Flajolet Martin-Distinct Sampling, Alon-Mattias-Szegedy Sketch, Bloom Filters, Count-min Sketch,
Property Testing Model, Local search and testing connectivity.
Enforce and Test Techique: Biclique and Bipartiteness Testing.
Random Walks and Testing Bipartiteness & Expansion, Regularity Lemma and Testing, Triangle
Freeness, Boolean Functions, BLR test for Linearity.
1. Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis, by
Mitzenmacher and Upfal.
2. Algorithmic and Analysis Techniques in Property Testing, by Dana Ron.
3. Synopses for Massive Data: Samples, Histograms, Wavelets, Sketches, by Graham Cormode,
Minos Garofalakis, Peter J. Haas and Chris Jermaine.
NPTEL Course:
1. Algorithms for Big Data by Prof. John Augustine, IIT Madras.
MTCE1203 Real-Time System (Elective 3)
L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Programming and Data Structures, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture and
Organization, Computer Communication, and Database Systems.
Course Contents
Introduction: What is Real Time System?, Application of Real Time System, A Basic Model of Real
Time System, Characteristics of Real Time System, Safety and Relibility, Types of Real-Time Tasks,
Timing Constraints, Modelling Timing Constraints.

Real-Time Task Scheduling: Concept, Types of real time task and their characteristics, Task
scheduling, Clock-Driven Scheduling, Hybrid Schedulers, Event-driven scheduling, EDF scheduling,
Rate monotonic System, Issue associate with RMA, Issue in using RMA in practical situations.

Handling Resource Sharing and Dependencies Among Real-Time Tasks: Resource Sharing Among

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

Real-time Tasks, Priority Inversion, Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP), Higher Locker Protocol (HLP),
Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP), Difference types of Priority Inversion under PCP, Important features of
PCP, Some issues in Using A Resource Sharing Protocol.

Scheduling Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor and Distributed Systems: Multiprocessor task

Allocation, Dynamic Allocation of Tasks, Fault Tolerant Scheduling of Tasks, Clocks in Distributed
Real Time Systems, Centralized Clock Synchronization, Distributed Clock Synchronization.

Commercial Real-Time Operating Systems: Time Services, Features of Real Time Operating
System, Unix as a Real Time Operating System, UNIX-based Real-Time Operating System, Wndows
as a Real-Time Operating System, POSIX, A Survey of contemporary Real-Time Operating System,
Benchmarking Real-Time System.

Real-Time Communication: Examples of Real-Time Communication in Applications, Basic

Concepts, Real-Time Communication in LAN, Soft Real-Time Communication in LAN, Hard
Real-Time Communication in LAN, Bounded Access Protocol, Performance Comparison, Real-Time
Communication over Internet, Routing, Multicast Routing, Resource Reservation, Traffic Shaping and
Policing, Scheduling Mechanism, QoS Models.

Real-Time Databases: Examples applications of Real-Time Databases, Review of Basic Database

Concepts, Real-Time Databases, Real-Time Databases Application Design Issues, Characteristics of
Temporal Data, Concurrency Control in Real-Time Databases, Commercial Real-Time Databases.

1. Rajib Mall, "Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice," Pearson, 2008.
2. Jane W. Liu, "Real-Time Systems" Pearson Education, 2001.
3. Krishna and Shin, "Real-TIme Systems," Tata McGraw Hill. 1999.

NPTEL Course:
1. Real Time Systems by Prof. Rajib Mall, IIT Kharagpur.

MTCE1203 Cryptography and Network Security (Elective 3)

L:3 T:1 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Introduction: Basic objectives of cryptography, secret-key and public-key cryptography, one-way and
trapdoor one-way functions, cryptanalysis, attack models, classical cryptography. Block ciphers: Modes
of operation, DES and its variants, RCS, IDEA, SAFER, FEAL, BlowFish, AES, linear and differential
cryptanalysis. Stream ciphers: Stream ciphers based on linear feedback shift registers, SEAL,
unconditional security. Message digest: Properties of hash functions, MD2, MD5 and SHA-1, keyed

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

hash functions, attacks on hash functions. Public-key parameters: Modular arithmetic, gcd, primality
testing, Chinese remainder theorem, modular square roots, finite fields. Intractable problems: Integer
factorization problem, RSA problem, modular square root problem, discrete logarithm problem,
Diffie-Hellman problem, known algorithms for solving the intractable problems. Public-key
encryption: RSA, Rabin and EIGamal schemes, side channel attacks. Key exchange: Diffie-Hellman
and MQV algorithms. Digital signatures: RSA, DAS and NR signature schemes, blind and undeniable
signatures. Entity authentication: Passwords, challenge-response algorithms, zero-knowledge protocols.
Standards: IEEE, RSA and ISO standards. Network issues: Certification, public-key infrastructure
(PKI), secured socket layer (SSL), Kerberos. Advanced topics: Elliptic and hyper-elliptic curve
cryptography, number field sieve, lattices and their applications in cryptography, hidden monomial
cryptosystems, cryptographically secure random number generators.
Text Books:
1. Cryptography and Network Security, William Stallings, Prentice Hall of India
2. Cryptography and Network Security, Forouzan, Tata McGraw-Hill
3. Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World, Charlie Kaufman, Prentice Hall Series
NPTEL course
Prof. D. Mukhopadhyay, Cryptography and Network Security.

MTCE1204 Introduction to Cognitive Science (Elective 4)

L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Introduction to Computing.
Course Contents
Philosophical Issues (fundamental assumptions underlying differing theories), Cognitive Psychology
(experiments revealing computational processes underlying cognition), Neuroscience (understanding at
the micro-level; wetware), Computational intelligence (simulation and testing of cognitive models),
Linguistics (a prime window into cognition is through language).
Perception: Embodiment; From qualia to representation.
Space, Time and Language: Spatial and Temporal categories.
Categorization and Concepts: Prototype Theory, Objects and Events.
Language: Lexical structure, compositionality, and semantics.

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

Learning: Developmental models.

Evolution of social convention: Multi-Agent Games, Speech Acts, Diachronic Processes.

1. Wilson, Robert A., & Keil, Frank C. (eds.), The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences
(MITECS), MIT Press, 2001 [Primary text; available on Cognet].
2. Bowerman, Melissa and Stephen C. Levinson, Language Acquisition and Conceptual
Development, Cambridge University Press 2001.
3. Sternberg, Robert J., Cognitive Psychology, 4th ed., Cengage Learning India, 2008.
4. Gardenfors, Peter, Conceptual Spaces: The Geometry of Thought, MIT Press, 2000, 317 pages.
MTCE1204 Virtual Reality (Elective 4)
L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Basic maths and exposure to engineering.
Course Contents
Introduction: Course mechanics, Goals and VR definitions, Historical perspective, Birds-eye
view(general), Birds-eye view(hardware), Birds-eye view(software), Birds-eye view(sensation and

Geometry of Virtual Worlds: Geometric modeling, Transforming models, Matrix algebra and 2D
rotations, 3D rotations and yaw, pitch, and roll, Axis-angle representations, Quaternions, Converting
and multiplying rotations, Homogeneous transforms, The chain of viewing transforms, Eye transforms,
Canonical view transform, Viewport transform.

Light and Optics: Three interpretations of light, Refraction, Simple lenses, Diopters, Imaging,
properties of lenses, Lens aberrations, Optical system of eyes.

Visual Physiology: Photoreceptors, Sufficient resolution for VR, Light intensity, Eye movements, Eye
movement issues for VR, Neuroscience of vision.

Visual Perception: Depth perception, Motion perception, Frame rates and displays.

Tracking Systems: Overview, Orientation tracking, Tilt drift correction, Yaw drift correction, Tracking
with a camera, Perspective n-point problem, Filtering, Lighthouse approach.

Visual Rendering: Visual Rendering-Overview, Shading models, Rasterization, Pixel shading,

VR-specific problems, Distortion shading, Post-rendering image warp.

Audio: Physics and physiology, Auditory perception, Auditory localization, Rendering, Spatialization

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

and display, Combining other senses.

Interfaces: Interfaces overview, Locomotion, Manipulation, System control, Social interaction,

Evaluation of VR Systems.

1. http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/vr/
2. George Mather, Foundations of Sensation and Perception: Psychology Press; 2nd edition, 2009.
3. Peter Shirley, Michael Ashikhmin, and Steve Marschner, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics,
A K Peters/CRC Press; 3 edition, 2009.

NPTEL Course:
1. Virtual Reality by Prof. Steven LaValle, IIT Madras.

MTCE104 Mobile Computing (Elective 4)

L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Java Programming, Operating Systems, Basic knowledge on socket connection.
Course Contents
Introduction to mobile computing, installing of required software and preparing the working
environment, creatingyour first Android Application.
Layouts, Views, Resources.
Activities, Intents.
Background tasks, Connecting to the Internet.
Fragments, Preferences.
User Interaction – input, menu items, custom views.
User Experience – themes and styles, material design, adaptive layouts, accessibility, localization,
debuggingthe UI.
Storing Data, SQLite database.
Sharing Data, content resolvers and providers, loaders to load data.
Services, background work, alarms, broadcast receivers.
Notification, widgets, transferring data efficiently, publishing app.

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

Multiple form factors, sensors, Google cloud messaging, monetizing your app.
1. Android Programming (Big Nerd Ranch Guide), by Phillips, Stewart, Hardy and Marsicano.
2. Android Programming – Pushing the limits by Hellman.
NPTEL Course:
1. Mobile Computing by Prof. Pushpendra Singh, IIITD.
MTCE104 Storage System (Elective 4)
L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Operating System.
Course Contents
Introduction: History: computing, networking, storage, Need for storage networking, SAN, NAS,
SAN/NAS Convergence, Distributed Storage Systems, Mainframe/proprietary vs. open storage,
Storage Industry Organizations and Major Vendors Market, Storage networking strategy (SAN/NAS or
Distr storage), Impact of Regulations: existing and new.

Technology: Storage components, Data organization: File vs. Block, Object; Data store; Searchable
models, Storage Devices (including fixed content storage devices), File Systems, Volume Managers,
RAID systems, Caches, Prefetching.

Network Components: Connectivity: switches, directors, highly available systems, Fibre Channel,
1GE/10GE, Metro-ethernet, Aggregation, Infiniband.

Error Management: Disk Error Mgmt, RAID Error Mgmt, Distr Systems Error Mgmt

Highly available and Disaster-tolerant designs: Ordered writes, Soft updates and Transactions, 2
phase, 3 phase, Paxos commit protocols, Impossibility Results from Distributed Systems, Choose 2 of
3: Availability, Consistency and Partition Tolerance.

Layering and Interfaces in Storage Protocols: SCSI 1/2/3SNIA model.

SAN Components: Fibre Channel, IP-based Storage (iSCSI, FCIP, etc.), Examples, NAS: NFS, CIFS,

Large Storage Systems: Google FS/BigTable, Cloud/Web-based systems (Amazon S3), FS+DB
convergence, Programming models: Hadoop

Archival Systems: Content addressable storage, Backup: serverless, LAN free, LAN Replication
issues, Storage Security, Storage Management, Device Management, NAS Management,
Virtualization : Virtualization solutions, SAN Management: Storage Provisioning, Storage Migration,

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere


NPTEL Course:
1. Storage Systems by Dr. K. Gopinath, IISc Bangalore.

MTCE105 Functional Programming (Elective 5)

L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Introduction to Haskell and the ghci interpreter
Defining functions: guards, pattern matching and recursion
Lists, strings and tuples 4. Types and polymorphim
Higher order functions on lists: map, filter, list comprehension
Computation as rewriting, lazy evaluation and infinite data structures
Conditional polymorphism and type classes
User defined datatypes: lists, queues, trees
Input/output and the ghc compiler
Reference Books
MTCE1205 Object-Oriented System (Elective 5)
L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Review of programming practices and code-reuse; Object model and object-oriented concepts;
Object-oriented programming languages and implementation; Object-oriented analyses and design
using UML structural, behavioral and architectural modeling; Unified development process, Software
reuse design patterns, components and framework; Distributed object computing, interoperability and
middle ware standards COM/DCOM and CORBA; Object-oriented database system data model, object
definition and query language, object-relational system.


Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

1. Object Oriented System Analysis, Sally Shlaer, Prentice Hall PTR.

2. Object Oriented System Analysis and Design using UML, Simon Bennett, McGraw-Hill.

MTCE205 Reinforcement Learning (Elective 5)

L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Course Contents
Introduction, Bandit algorithms – UCB, PAC, Bandit algorithms –Median Elimination, Policy
Gradient, Full RL & MDPs, Full RL & MDPs, Dynamic Programming & TD Methods, Eligibility
Traces, Function Approximation, Least Squares Methods, Fitted Q, DQN & Policy Gradient for Full
RL, Hierarchical RL, POMDPs.

1. R. S. Sutton and A. G. Barto. Reinforcement Learning - An Introduction. MIT Press. 1998.

NPTEL Course:
1. Reinforcement Learning by Dr. B. Ravindran, IIT Madras.
MTCE1205 Pattern Recognition (Elective 5)
L:3 T:0 P:0 MSE:20 IA:20 ESE:60
Prerequisites: Vector spaces and Linear Algebra, Algorithms, Probability theory, Statistics.
Course Contents
Introduction and mathematical preliminaries: What is pattern recognition?, Clustering vs.
Classification; Applications; Linear Algebra, vector spaces, probability theory, estimation techniques,
Decision Boundaries, Decision region / Metric spaces/ distances.
Classification: Bayes decision rule, Normal Distribution, Error probability, Error rate, Minimum
distance classifier, Mahalanobis distance; K-NN Classifier, Linear discriminant functions and
Non-linear decision boundaries. Mahalanobis Distance, K-NN Classifier, Fisher’s LDA, Single and
Multilayer perceptron, training set and test sets, standardization and normalization.
Clustering: Basics of Clustering; similarity/dissimilarity measures, clustering criteria, Different
distance functions and similarity measures, Minimum within cluster distance criterion, K-means
clustering, single linkage and complete linkage clustering, MST, K-medoids, DBSCAN, Visualization

Dr. B. A. Tech. University-Lonere

of datasets, existence of unique clusters or no clusters.

Feature selection: Problem statement and Uses, Probabilistic separability based criterion functions,
interclass distance based criterion functions, Branch and bound algorithm, sequential forward/backward
selection algorithms, (l,r) algorithm. Probabilistic separability based criterion functions, interclass
distance based criterion functions.
Feature Extraction: PCA, Kernel PCA.
Recent advances in PR: Structural PR, SVMs, FCM, Soft-computing and Neuro-fuzzy techniques,
and real-life examples.

1. R.O.Duda, P.E.Hart and D.G.Stork, Pattern Classification, John Wiley, 2001.
2. Statistical pattern Recognition; K. Fukunaga; Academic Press, 2000.
3. S.Theodoridis and K.Koutroumbas, Pattern Recognition, 4th Ed., Academic Press, 2009.
NPTEL Course:
1. Pattern Recognition by Prof. Sukhendu Das and Prof. C.A. Murthy, IIT Madras.


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