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Attitude theory and the attitude-behavior relation.

Chapter ​· January 1993

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New Directions in Attitude Measurement

Edited by Dagmar Krebs and Peter



Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 1993

3 Att​itude The​ory and th​e Attitude-​Be​ha​vior
Icek Ajzen


Ever since the development ​of att​i​tude scaling methods, much time and
ef ​fort have been invested in the construction of instruments designed to assess
various social attitudes. Karl Schuessler's (1982) twelve Social Life Feelings
Scales provide a nice example of a carefully constructed set of attitude scales. The
symposium on which this volume is based was convened to discuss the ​relevance of
measures of this kind for sociology. Apart from the intrinsic in​terest that responses
to attitude scales may hold, the rationale f​or their con​struction is the assumption that
attitude scores have predictive validity, that they ​i​n fact help us ex​plai​n human
social behavior. The empirical relation be tween verbal attitudes and overt
behavior is thus of paramount importance. The present paper begins with a
sketch of current thinking about the atti​tude concept, followed by a discussion of
recent deve​l​opments with respect to the attitude-behavior relation. ​A ​widely accepted
hierarchical model of atti​tude
is described in which attitudes are made up of
cognitive, affective, and c​ onative components. Further, in accordance with an
info​rmation​-​processing approach, attitudes are shown to develop as a
consequence of salient beliefs ​formed about the attitude object. Turning to the
attitude-behavior relation, ​the principle of compatibility is introduced. Although the
relation of atti ​tudes to behavior can be influenced by a variety of
moderating variables, it ​i​s shown that ​acc​urate prediction of behavior can be
attained by assessing attitudes and behavior at compatible levels of generality. Finally,
the the ​ory of p​lanned behavior, which incorporates the princ​ipl​e of compat​i​bi​lity, is
described, and empirical evidence in support of the theor​y is presented.

A Hierarchical Model of Attitude
An attitude is an individual's disposition to react with a certain degree of
favorableness or unfavorableness to an object, behavior, person,
​ r event – o​r ​to any other discriminable aspect of the individual's
institution, o
world. Although formal def​ini​tions of attitude vary, most contemporary theorists
agree that the characteristic attribute of attitude is its evaluative (pro-con,
positive-negative dimension se​e, e.​g​., Bem 1970; Edwards 1957; Fi​shbe​in & ​ ​Ajzen 19​7​5;
Hill 1981; Osgood, Suci ​& ​Tannenbaum 1957; Oska​mp 1977). ​This view is
strengthened by the fact that virtually all standard attitude ​scaling techniques
result in a score that locates an indiv​idual ​on an evaluative
Icek Ajzen

continuum vis-a-vis the attitude object (cf. Fishbein ​& ​Ajzen 1975; Green
It is also generally acknowledged that attitude is a hypothetical construct.
Being inaccessible to direct observation, it must be inferred from measurable
reactions to the attitude object. Beyond the requirement that these reactions
reflect favorable or unfavorable evaluations of the object, there are virtually ​no
limitations to the kinds of responses that can be considered. To simplify
matters it is possible to categorize attitude-​r​elevant responses into various
subgroups. The most popular classification scheme goes back at l​e​ast to Plato
and distinguishes between three categories of responses: cognition, af fe​ct​, and
conation (see Allport 1​9​54; Hilgard 1980 and McGuire 19​8​5 for general
discussions​)​. With​in ​each of these categories it is also useful to sep ​a​rat​e
verbal from nonverbal reactions. Based on Rosenberg & Hovland's ​(19​6​0)
analysis, Table 1 shows the different types of responses from which at ​titudes can
thus be inferred. The cognitive category contains perceptions of, ​and information
about, the attitude object. Cognit​ive ind​icators of attitude thus involve verbal
expressions of beliefs or nonverbal perceptual reactions. ​Affective responses
include verbal expressions of feelings toward the attitude ​object as well as
physiological reactions, facial expressions, and other nonver ​bal indicators of positive
or negative fee​li​ngs. Finally, responses of a conative nature are behavioral
inclinations, plans, intentions, and commitments, as well as various overt motor
acts involv​i​ng the attitude object.

Tab​le 1​: Respones Used to Infer Att​i​tudes

Response mode Verbal
Cognition ​Expressions of
Response category
A​ffect ​E​xpressions of
Conation ​Expressions of

Perceptu​al ​reactions
Motor ​responses

In the terminology of structural modeling, attitude is a latent variable,

and cognitive, affective, and conative reactions, verbal or nonverbal, are man ifest
indicators of attitude. For many theorists, however, the distinction between
cognition, affect, and conation is more than just a system for classi fying
responses from which attitudes can be inferred. It is usually assumed that each
response category reflects a conceptually distinct ​component ​of at ​titude (see
e​.g., Krech, Crutchfield & Ballachey 1962; McGu​i​re 1985​)​. In this ​view,
attitude is a mult​i​dimens​i​onal construct consisting of cognition, affect, ​and
conation. Although each of these components varies along an eva​lu​a ​tive
cont​inuum​, the evaluat​i​ons expressed in them c​a​n differ (see Breckler 19​8​4​;
Ostrom 1969). The model of attitude offered by Rosenberg ​& H ​ ovland ​(19​60​),
wh​ich serves as the starting point of most contemporary analys​es, ​is
Attitude Theory​/​Att​it​ude-Behavior Relation

a hierarchical model that includes cognition, affect, and conation as a first

order factors, and attitude as a single second-order factor. In this model, the three
components are defined independently and yet comprise, at a higher level of
abstraction, the single construct of attitude. To extend this line of reasoning,
recall that each component is made up of verbal and nonverbal re sponse classes,
and that each of these is further comprised of a large number of very specific
response tendencies. Attitudes are thus always inferred from specific responses
to the attitude object. We can classify these responses into broader categories
and assign different labels to those categories, yet we are ​still ​dealing with the same
evaluat​i​ve disposition called attitude. The hierar ​chical three-component model of
attitude is shown schema​ti​ca​lly in Figure 1.



Verbal ​Reactions
Nonverbal Verbal ​Reactions Reactions
Nonver​b​al ​| ​V​erbal ​N​onverba​l ​Reactions Reactions
| Reactions

Figure 1: Hierarchical Model of Attitude

The empirical implications of the hierarchical attitude model can ​be

stated as follows. Given that the three components reflect the same underly ing
attitude, they should correlate to some degree with each other. Yet, to the ​extent
that the distinction between cognitive, affective, and conative response ​categories is of
psychological significance, measures of the three components s ​ hould not be
completely redundant. In combination, t​h​ese expectations ​imply correlations
of moderate magnitude among measures of the three com ​ponents. A number of
attempts have been made over the years to confirm the
de com​ple​tefic​al signifi​ carnitive​, a​ffe​ct​ ive each
other. We u​nder​ly

Icek ​A​jzen

discriminant validity of measures designed to tap the different

components, ​first with the aid of multitrait-mult​im​ethod matrices
(Kothandapani 1971​; ​Ostrom 1969) and, more recently, by means of
​ agozzi 1978; Bagozzi ​& B
confirmatory factor analyses ​(B ​ urnkrant 1979;
Breckler 198​4​; Widaman 1​985​)​. D
​ epending on the method used and the
assumptions made, the data have ​variously been interpreted either as supporting a
tripartite model or a single ​factor model (see the exchange between Dillon ​&
Kumar 1985 and Bagozzi ​& B
​ urnkrant 1985). The m​aj​or issue seems to revolve
around whether differ ences between measures of the cognitive, affective, and conative
components are to be interpreted as due to differences in the methods used to assess
them ​(i.e., as theoretically uninteresting method variance) or as due to true
dif ​ferences between concept​ua​lly independent components. At a general level,
however, most of the data reported in the literature is quite consistent with ​the
hierarchical model in that a single factor is found to account for much of ​the
variance in atti​tudi​nal responses, and the correlations among measures ​of
the three components, although leaving room for some unique variance, ​are
typically of considerable magnitude.

Attitude Format​ion

​ st contemporary social psychologists take a cognitive or information-pro

cessing approach t​o ​attitude formation. This approach is exemplified by Fishbe​i​n
& A​ jzen'​s (19
​ 75) expectancy-value model of attitudes. Accord ​ing to this model,
attitudes deve​l​op reasonably from the beliefs people hold ​about the object of t​h​e
attitude. Generally speaking, we form beliefs about ​an object by associating it
with certain attributes, i.e., with other objects, characteristics, or events. T​h​us,
perhaps as a result of watching a television program, we may come to believe that
the Communist system (the attitude ​object) ​is repressive, inefficient, and outdated
(attributes). Although people ​can hold a great many beliefs of this kind, they can
attend to only a relatively small number, perhaps eight or nine, at any given
moment (s​ee Miller 1956). ​It is these ​s​a​lien
​ ​t ​beliefs that are considered to be the
immediate determi ​nants of a person's attitude. Any reaction, - whether verbal or
nonverbal, ​whether cognitive, affective, or conative - that reflects a positive or negative
disposition toward an object can be used to infer the latent attitude, but ​only
cognitions that come to mind spontaneously (i.e, salient be​li​efs) provide a picture
of an attitude's informational foundation.
Since the attributes that come to be li​n​ked to the object are already ​valued positively
or negatively, we automatically and simultaneously acquire ​a​n attitude toward the
object. In this fashion, we learn to like objects we believe have largely desirable
characteristics, and we form unfavorable atti ​tudes toward objects ​w​e
associate with mostly undesirable characteristics. ​Specifically, the sub​j​ec​tive
value of each attribute contributes to the attitude ​in direct proportion to the strength
of the belief, i.e., the subjective proba ​bility that the object has the attribute in
question. The way in which beliefs combine to produce an attitude is shown
in Equation 1.
Attitude Theo​r​y/At​ titude​-B​ehavio​r Relation


A​s can be seen, the strength of each belief ​(​6​) i​ s mult​i​plied by the
sub jective evaluation ​(e) of​ the belief's attribute and the resulting products
​ ummed over t​h​e n salient beliefs. A person's attitude ​(A
are s ​ ) is directly pr​o
portional (a) to this s​ummati​ve belief index.

Attitudes and Behavior

The expectancy-value model, together with the hierarchical conception of

attitude, offer the following account of the way in which attitudes affect be ​havior. As the
result of varied experiences, we form beliefs about an object ​that comb​i​ne to
produce ​a​n attitude toward it, an attitude that rem​ains ​relatively stable across time and
situations. The actual or symbolic pres ence of the object elicits this attitude in the form
of a generally favorable or ​unfavorable implicit evaluative reaction. The attitude,
in turn, predisposes ​cognitive, affective, and conative responses to the ob​j​ect,
responses whose evaluative tone is consiste​n​t with the overall attitude. It follows that in
dividuals with positive attitudes toward, say, the medical profession should
exhibit various favorable responses with respect to hospitals, doctors, nurses, ​and
so ​o​n, whereas individuals with negati​v​e attitudes toward the medical ​profession should
exhibit unfavorable responses toward these objects.
Casual observation indeed appears to support consistencies of this kind. We
generally associate with people we like and avoid people we dislike, we tend to eat foods
we consider ​tasty ​and nutritious, we watch television pro grams we enjoy, and so on.
Yet in their empirical research, investigators ​have often failed to obtain support for
attitude-behavior correspondence. ​The greatest challenge to the utility of the
attitude concept was posed by ​Wicker's (19​6​9) review of attitude-behavior studies in
which he summarized, "Taken as a whole, these studies suggest that it is considerably
more li​kel​y that attitudes will be unrelate​d or only slightly ​related to overt behaviors than
that attitudes will be closely related to actions. Product-moment cor ​relation
coefficients relating the two kinds of responses are rarely above .​30, ​and
often are near ze​ro" (​p​. 65​)​. Wicker concluded, “The p​resent review pro ​vides little
evidence to support the postulated existence of stable, underlying ​attitudes within the
individual which influence both his verbal expressions a ​ nd his act​ions” (​p​. 75).

3.​5 ​Recent D​evelop​ments

Moderating varia​bl​es. To explain low attitude-behavior correspondence, ​many theorists

have invoked the operation of moderating variables. Accord ​ing to this approach,
the extent to which an evaluative dispositio​n ​is re flected in overt action is subject to
various contingencies. Attitudes are thus assumed to inte​r​act with other variables in their
effects on behavior (e.g.,
Icek Ajzen

Fazio ​& ​Zanna 1981; Snyder 1982; Warner & DeFleur 19​6​9). (See also Ajzen 1988
and Sherman & Fazio 1983 for discussions of the moderating variables approach.)
The factors that are said to interact with attitudes include per s ​ onality
characteristics, such as self monitoring (e.g., Snyder ​& S ​ wa​nn 1​976​) ​and
need for cognition (Cacioppo, Petty, Kao ​& R ​ odriguez 1986); secondary
characteristics of the attitude, such as its experie​n​tial base or the confidence ​with whi​ch
​ anna 1981; Sample & Warland 197​3); ​circumstances
it is held (e.g​.​, F​azio ​& Z
surrounding performance of the behavior, such as level of self ​awareness in the
situation (e.g., Carver 1975); and the nature of the behavior ​selected to represent the
underly​i​ng disposition (e.g., Fishbein ​& ​A​j​zen 1974​; ​S​j​oeberg 1982).
Cons​i​derable effort has been invested in the search for moderating vari ​ables,
y​et the results have been quite disappo​inti​ng. Several interrelated ​problems are
responsible for the meager payoff. For one, in the absence of a theory or conceptual
framework to account for the moderating ef​fects of dif ​ferent variables, the number of
identified factors has over the years grown to almost unmanageable proportions.
Second, as Cronbach ​(1​975) warned many years ago, variables identified as
moderators of the attitude-behavior relation ​are found to interact with still other
variables, thus producing ever higher order interactions t​h​at ​ar​e difficult to disentangle.
​ me subset of individuals, situations, dispositions, or actions
Finally, while identify ing ​so
for which p ​ rediction of behavior from attitude is possible, discovery of a
moderating ​variable at the same time also identifies another subset for
which prediction ​is not possible ​(Z​ edeck 19​71​). As the number of known
moderators increases, ​and as these moderators are found to interact with still other
variables, the latter subset increases at the expense of the former. The moderating v​a​ri
ables approach has thus been of only limited value in terms of increasing our
understanding of the attitude-behavior relation, and, from a practical point of
view, it almost seems to preclude the poss​ibility o​f using attitudes to predict social
behavior (see Ajzen 1988 for a more detailed discussion).
The principle of compatibility. Before continuing this discussion, it ​is important to
clarify what we mean when we examine the re​la​tion between ​attitude and
behavior. We saw that attitudes can express themselves, and can ​therefore be
inf​erred from, verbal as well as nonverbal responses. This point ​is often
misunderstood. Ma​n​y investigators assume that verbal responses reflect a
person's attitude, whereas nonverbal ("overt") actions are measures ​of behavior.
In point of fact, however, both verbal and nonverbal responses are
observable behaviors. Neither is more or less a measure of attitude than the
other; both types of behavior can reflect the same underlying disposition
(cf. Roth ​& ​Upmeyer 1985; Upmeyer 1981​)​. M​or​ eover, the validity of overt
behaviors as indicators of a latent attitude cannot be taken for granted, any more
so th​a​n ​c​a​n t​h​e validity of verbal responses to questionnaire items. ​Both types o​f
behavior must be submitted to standard scaling procedures, ​and only some
responses - verbal or nonverbal - will be found adequate for ​the ​as​sessment of a
​ ishbein 1980; Jackso​n ​& P
given attitude (cf. Ajzen ​& F ​ aunonen 1985​)​. Some time
ago, Mert​on (1940, p. 20) ​made the same point ​very succinctly.
​ ttitude-Behavior Relation
Attitude Theo​ry/A

"The metaphysical assumption is tacitly introduced that in one sense or

another overt behavior is 'more real' than verbal behavior. This assumption ​is both
unwarranted and scientifically mean​i​ngless... It should not be forgot t​ en that overt
actions may deceive; that they, just as 'derivations' or 'speech ​reactions may be
de​l​iberately designed to disguise or to conceal private at ​titudes".
Strictly s​p​eaking, therefore, most t​e​sts of the "attitude-behavior" re​la ​tion
are better conceptu​ali​zed as tests of the relation between verbal and ​nonverb​al
i​ndicators of t​h​e same underlying attitude. Howe​v​er, for the sake ​of simplicit​y​, and
consistent with general practice, I will continue to use the ​attitude vs. behavior
The important point in the above conclusion is that the verbal
and non ​verbal measures which are being compared must be indicators of the same
underlying attitude. Most of the studies reviewed by Wick​er (1969) looked at
the relation between the verbal evaluation of a global category or obj​ect (e.g.​,
ev​aluati​on of Blacks) and a very specific nonverbal behavior (e.g., showing a ​Black
person around the University campus). It may reasonably be argued that verbal and
nonverbal indicators of this kind do not reflect t​h​e same ​underlying attitude.
I​nsight into the problem of attitude-behavior consistency can be gained
when it is realized that the object of an attitude is not necessarily a person, group,
institution, or policy; it can also be defined in terms of a particular behavior.
People hold attitudes not only toward religion but also toward praying in private;
toward democracy and toward voting in a given election; ​toward doctors and
toward maintaining a medical regimen. In fact, standard ​measurement
procedures have been used to assess not only very general atti ​tudes but also
attitudes toward such specific behaviors as smoking m​arij​uana ​(Schlegel 1975), ​using
birth control metho​ds (K​othandapani 1971), drinking ​alcohol ​(​Veevers 1971), and so
In their review of research on the attitude-behavior relation, A​j​ze​n ​&
Fishbein (1977) ​formulated a “principle of compatibility" or correspondence
that can be stated as follows: Verba​l ​and nonverbal indicators of a given attitude
are said to be ​compatible ​with each other to the extent that their ​ta​r​get, action,
context, and time elements ar​e a​ssessed at identical levels of ​genera​li​ty or sp​ecificity.
Fu​rther, consistency between two indicators of a dis ​position is a function of the
degree to which the indicators are, in this sense, ​compatible with each other.
Thus, according to the principle of compatibil ​ity, the more similar the target, action,
context, and time elements of one ​indicator to those of the other, the stronger the
statistical relation between ​them.
The principle of compatibility is very ​si​mi​lar to the contiguity hypothesis in
Guttman​'s (19​55, ​19​5​7​) facet theory. Guttman proposed that any variable can be
analyzed in terms of an underlying facet structure. The action, ta​r​get​, ​context,
and time elements of attitudinal dispositions are examples of facets, ​and their levels
of generality or specificity constitute facet elements. Lik​e ​the principle of
compatibility, "The contiguity h​y​po​thesis of facet theory ​s​t​ates that the
correlation between two variables increases with the s​imila​rity ​between the facet
elements defini​ng them” (Guttman 1957​, p​. 130).
itute faces of face imilarity
Icek Ajzen

Compa​tibility ​between verbal and nonverbal measures of attitude can be

attained in two ways. First, if the attitude of interest is the evaluative
disposition with respect to a general object (a person or category of
people, ​an institution, a policy, an event) we would, on the one h​a​nd, construct
an ​attitude scale dealing with the object in question and, on the other hand,
ag ​gregate over a number of nonverbal responses to the object. B​y ​aggregating
different responses to the object, we generalize the measure of behavior to the
level of the ob​j​ect addressed in the attitude scale. For example, if we were
interested in attitudes toward "energy conservation”, w​e c ​ ould use a seman tic
differential scale to assess evaluations of this concept. ​F​or a compatible ​measure
of behavior​, we ​would aggregate observations of such activities as lowering the
thermostat in one's home, using public transportation in place of ​driving to work,
participating in a c​a​r pool, reading books or articles about energy c​on​servation,
and so forth. Second, if the attitude of interes​t ​is a behavior (partic​i​pating in a
rally, using condoms, smoking ma​rij​uana), we assess verbal evaluations of the
behavior in question and compare these to actual performance of the behavior. In
this case, we reduce the genera​l​ity of the attitude scale to the level of the
behavioral measure.
A large number of empirical ​i​nvestigations have provided support for the ​compatibility
​ ishbein 1970; Fishbein ​& A
princ​iple (e.g., Ajzen 1971; Ajze​n ​& F ​ jzen 1974;
Kothandapani 1971; Lord, Lepper ​& ​Mack​ie 1984; Weigel, Ver ​non & Tognacci
1974). These investigations have reported re​l​atively strong
attitude-behavior correlations ​wh​en compatibilit​y ​is maintained a​n​d weak
correlations when it is not mainta​i​ned.

The Theory of Planned Behavior
To predict a specific nonverbal behavior, it ​is u​sually not sufficient to consider
only verbal attitudes toward the behavior, even though the t​w​o i​ndicators
​ ompatible. When we aggregate different behaviors into ​a multi​ple-act index,
are c
i​nfluences other than the underlying attitude tend to cancel out, leav​i​ng a
relatively pure measure of the behavior​al ​disposition. In contras​t​, a me​asu​re that
deals with only one behavior can r​e​flect factors other than evaluation ​of the
behavior, such as social norms, situational demands, req​ui​red skills or ​resources, etc.
These other factors must also be taken into consideration.
Much of my own work has been devoted to the development and appli cation of a
theoretical model, the ​theory of planned b​eh ​ avior ​(TP
​ ​B), w
​ hich ​specifies a small
set of variables needed for the prediction and explanation of relat​ively specific
behavioral tendencies ​(Ajzen 198​5, ​198​7​; Ajzen ​& Madden ​198​6)​. This mo​del ​is
​ ishbein 1980) theo​ry of
an extension ​of Fishbein & ​A​jzen's (197​5​; ​A​j​zen ​& F
reasoned action to the prediction of behaviors that ​may not be completely
under volitional control. As in the original model, a central factor in the TPB ​is the
i​ndividu​al's ​intention ​to perform a given behavior. Intentions ​are ​assumed to
capture the motivational factors that ​influence a behavior; they are indicat​i​ons of how
hard people are willing to ​try,
o​f how much of an effort they are planning to
exert, in order to perform ​the behavior.
Attitude Theory​/​At​titude​-Beh​avi​or Relation

The theory po​stulates t​h​ree conceptually independent determinants of

​ e
intention. The first is t​h​e ​attitude toward th ​ be ​ vio​r and refers to the ​de​g​ree to which
​ ha
the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluat​ion of t​h​e ​behavior in question.
The second predictor is a social factor termed subjective ​norm; it refers to the
perceived social pressure to perform or not to perform the behavior. The third and novel
antecedent of intention, which was not ​part of t​h​e theory of reasoned action, is
the degree of perceived behavioral ​control. This factor refers to the perceived
ease or difficulty of performing the behavior and it is ​a​ssumed to reflect past
experience as ​w​ell as antic​i​pated ​impediments and obstacles. As a general rule, the
more favorable the attitude ​and ​subjective norm ​ with respect to a behavior, and the
greater the p​erceived b​ e
​ h
​ avioral control, ​the stronger should be an individual's
inte​nti​on to perform ​the behavior under consideration.
Intention, in tur​n​, is viewed as one immediate antecedent of act​ual ​be havior. That
is, the stronger people's intentions to engage in a behavior or ​to achieve their
behavioral goals, the more successful they are predicted to ​be. However, the
degree of success will depend not only on one's desire or ​intention, but also on such
partly nonmotivational factors as availability of ​requisite opportunities and
resources (e.g., time, money, skills, cooperation ​of others, etc.; see Ajzen (198​5​)
for a review). Collectively, these factors r​ep ​resent people's actual control over the
behavior. To the extent that people ​have the required opportunities and
resources, and intend to perform the ​behavior, they should succeed in doing
The TPB, h​o​wever, deals with pe​rceived,​ rather than actual, behavior ​control. In
many situations perceived behavioral control may not be partic ​ularly
realistic. This is likely to be the case when the ​i​ndividual has rela ​tively little
in​formation about the behavior, when requirements or available ​resources
have changed, or when new and unfamiliar elements have entered ​into the
situation. Under those conditions, a measure of perceived behavioral control may a​dd little
to ​a​c​c​uracy of behavioral prediction. A direct path ​from perceived behavioral control
to behavior is therefore expected to emerge ​only when there is some agreement
between perceptions of control and the person's actual control over the behavior. A
structural representation of this model is shown in ​Figure 2.
The TPB also dea​ls ​with the antecedents of attitudes, subjective norms,
and perceived behavioral control, antecedents which in the final analysis de
termine intentions and actions. A detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this
paper. Suffice is to note that at the most basic level of explanation, th​e ​theory
postulates that behavior is a function of salient information, or beliefs, ​relevant to
the behavior. We already discussed the expectancy-value model of attitude which can be
directly applied to attitudes toward a behavior. In a similar fashion, the theory of planned
behavior offers expectancy models of ​subjective norms and of perceived behavioral
Empirical research has provided considerable support f​or the theory of ​reasoned
action ​(e.g., Ajzen & Fishbein 1​9​80; A​j​ze​n​, Timko ​& ​White 1982​; ​Bentler ​& Speckart
1979​, ​1981​; ​Fredricks & Dossett 1983; Manstead, Proffitt ​& S ​ mart 1983;
Smetana & Ad​ler 19​80​) ​and, more recently, ​f​or the theory ​of planned behavior
​ jzen & Driver 1990; Aj​z​en & Madden 1986; Schifter

Icek Ajzen

& ​Ajzen 19​85​). The behaviors invo​lve​d have ranged from very
simple strat ​egy choices in laboratory games to actions of appreciable
personal or social significance, such as having an abortion, smoking
mari​j​uana, losing weight, and choosing among candidates in an election. It
is beyond the scope of the ​present paper to review this work (interested readers
are directed to Ajzen ​& ​Fishbein 1980 and Ajzen 198​8​). Instead, I will try to
i​llust​rate application of the theory of planned behavior by presenting
data from a recently completed, and as yet unpublished, investigation
by A​j​zen & Driver ​(1990).

Attitude toward the behavior


Perceived behavioral

Figure 2: Theory of Planned Behavior

Predicting Leisure Behavior

The study was concerned with the prediction of five ​lei​sure activities:
spend ​ing time at the beach, outdoor jogging or running, mountain
climbing​, bo​at ing, and biki​n​g. Behavioral, normative, and control be​l​iefs
wi​t​h respect to ​each activit​y w​ere elicited in a pilot study and the most
freque​ntl​y men beliefs were include​d in ​the final
questionnaire. That questionn​ai​re ​also contained relatively direct,
semantic-differential type measures of atti
At​ titude Theor​y/At​ ​titu​de-Behavior Relation

tude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intentions to

engage ​in each of the five activities. In a follow-up sur​v​ey one year later, the partic
ipants reported the frequency which they had performed each activity in the
preceding 12 months.

Tab​l​e 2: Leisure Behavior - Hierarchical Regression

​ unt​ain
climbing ​r b R
Wi​ th​in ​subjects
r ​b ​Prediction of intention
(n =143)

St​ep 1​-Attitude toward

the behavior ​Subjective norm
.​63 ​.48** .49 .24** .​59 .​ 27** ​.55 .33** ​.​7​0 .57 .43**
.​60 ​.7​0 ​.5​4** ​.73

St​ep ​2-Attitude toward

the behav​ior ​.​63 ​.​26​** ​.​4​9 .13** .​59 ​.28​** ​Subjective norm ​.5​5
​ .18 * ​.70
.​20​** .​57 ​ .09 ​Perceived
​ 2 ​.​8​0 .​6​2​*​* .8​5 ​Prediction
behavioral control .​6​4 .​5​1** .​8​1 .​69 ​.​5​2** ​.7
of behavior (n = 102)

St​ep ​1-Intention
.7​3 ​.73​*​*
.​65 ​.​6​5**
.7​5 ​.75
​ *​*

.65 .43**
​ .​46​**
St​e​p 2-Intent​ion
Perce​i​ved ​behavioral control
.​64 ​.​17
.74 ​.​62 ​.32​** ​.​69 ​.​73 ​.​37*​* .​ 7
​ ​8

Regression techniques were used to analyze the data. Analyses were per
formed across subjects (separately for each recreational activity), and
with​in ​subjects (based on the average correlation across the five activities).
Between subjects analyses take advantage of variability ac​r​oss respondents in
any of ​the measures considered. For exam​pl​e, respondents differ in their att​it​udes
toward mountain c​limbin​g and in the​i​r intentions to climb. Between-subjects
analyses examine the covariation (correlation) of attitudes and intentions ​across
individuals. For any pair of variables, we obtain five correlations, one
with respect to each recreat​i​onal activity. By way of contr​a​st, withi​n-subjects
analyses rely ​on ​variability of responses a​cr​oss activities. Thus, individu ​als
generally hold dif​ferent attitudes toward different leisure activities and their
intentions to engage in them also differ from one activity to the other.
With​i​n-subjects correlations reflect covariation, for any given respondent,
​ ttitudes and intentions across leisure activities. It follows that for any pair ​of
of a
variables we obtain as many correlations as there are respondents. ​Be
Icek Ajzen

cause we have no substantive interest in any given individual, the results

​ ​he within-subjects analyses are averaged across respondents.
of t
Table 2 shows the results of hierarchical m​ulti​ple regressions for two of the
behaviors ​(j​ogging and mountain climbing) as well as for the
within-subjects ​analysis. Figure 3 presents the significant paths in the theory of
planned be ​havior that emerged in the between-subjects analyses for
jogging (above the arrows) and mount​ain ​climbing (below the arrows).
In accordance with the ​theory of planned behavior, attitudes, subjective
norms, and perceived be havioral control were regressed on intentions, and
intentions and perceptions of behavioral control were regressed on later

Attitude toward the ​b​ehavior



Perceived ​behaviora​l

Figure 3: Theory of planned ​b​ehavior: Significant path coefficients for jogging ​(above
arrows) and mountain climbing (below arrow​s)

It can be seen that the theory permitted quite accurate ​p​rediction of ​intentions
to engage in the different leisure activities. This emerged in the betw​e​en- ​a​s well as
each case, p​e​rceived
with​i​n-sub​j​ects analyses​. ​It is also worth noting that, ​in
behavioral control made a significant contribution to ​the prediction,
thus confirming the importance of including this variable in
​ t​tit​ude-Behavior Relation
Attitude Theor​y/A

the theoretical model. The findings with respect to prediction of behavior ​also
supported the theory. A considerable proportion of variance in behav ior was
accounted for by the model's predictors. The influence of perceived behavioral
control revealed an interesting pattern quite consistent with expec tations. The
within-subjects analyses show that perceived behavioral control ​played an
important role in predicting relative preferences for the five recre ​ational
activities. With respect to jogging and mountain climbing, however, the results
differ in predictable ways. Clearly, mountain climbing requires skills and
resources than may not be under a person's ready control. In con ​trast, few
issues of control arise in the case of outdoor jogging or running. ​Consistent
with these considerations, perceived behavioral control had a sig ​nificant effect
in the prediction of mountain climb​i​ng but not in the prediction of jogging.


Attitude was hailed quite early as the most distinctive and indispensable
con ​cept in social psychology (Al​l​port 1935), and despite some ups and downs, it
has retained this status ever since. In the course of the ups and downs we have
gained an increased understanding of the ways attitudes are formed, of ​th​e ways
they change through persuasion (cf., Petty ​& ​Cacioppo 1​98​6)​, of ​their structure and
functions (cf., Pratkanis, Breckler ​& ​Greenwald 1989), ​and of their relations to
behavior. Research efforts over the past two decades ​have thus reconfirmed
the importance of attitude as t​h​e prime theoretical construct in social psychology
and they have verified the relevance of atti tude measurement as an indispensable
tool for our understanding of social b​ e​havi​or.


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