Thesis File
Thesis File
Thesis File
I, the undersigned declare that this thesis is my original work, and has not been presented for a
degree in this or any other university, and all sources of materials used for the thesis have been
fully acknowledged.
Cost Effective Frequency control of Micro Hydro Power Plant
I would like to express my honest and open gratitude to my advisor, Doctor Mengesha Mamo,
for his believe in me, support, guidance and sharing of his knowledge during the whole work
time of the thesis. He gave me key ideas that helped me to observe the main points in the thesis
I would also like to thank the academic staff of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
colleagues for their comments and advice starting from the thesis proposal to seminar
presentation. The comments really helped me to work hard on my thesis.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my family and friends for their support.
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................................. ii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. v
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. vi
List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... vii
List of Notations/Symbols ............................................................................................................. ix
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Objective of the thesis .......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1. General Objective .......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2. Specific Objective.......................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Outline of the thesis............................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Micro Hydro Power Plant .................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1. Components of Micro Hydro Power Plant .................................................................... 4
2.3 PI Controller ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.4 Fuzzy Logic Controller ....................................................................................................... 11
2.4.1 Fuzzification ................................................................................................................. 13
2.4.2 Rule Base ...................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.3 Fuzzy Inference ............................................................................................................ 15
2.4.4 Defuzzification ............................................................................................................. 16
2.5 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) ........................................................................... 18
2.5.1 VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) ...................................................... 18
2.5.2 ModelSim-Altera .......................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Cost Analysis....................................................................................................................... 19
2.7 Previous works .................................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 3 Mathematical Model of the MHPP ......................................................................... 23
List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 1 Types of Turbine ................................................................................................................ 9
Table 2 Induction generator characteristics [18] .......................................................................... 28
Table 3 Membership function universe of discourse of error ....................................................... 40
Table 4 Membership function universe of discourse of change in frequency error ..................... 41
Table 5 Membership function universe of discourse of demand power ....................................... 41
Table 6 Fuzzy Rule ....................................................................................................................... 42
Table 7 Membership function universe of discourse of change in output proportional gain ....... 44
Table 8 Membership function universe of discourse of change in integral gain .......................... 45
Table 9 Membership function universe of discourse of change in Xs .......................................... 45
Table 10 Membership function universe of discourse of h........................................................... 47
Table 11 Membership function universe of discourse of InpD1, InpD2 and InpD3 .................... 47
Table 12 Membership function universe of discourse of output variable D1,D2 and D3 ............ 47
Table 13 steady state and transient performance of frequency controller for 75% load changes 50
Table 14 steady state and transient performance of frequency controller for 15% load changes 52
Table 15 Comparison between PI and Fuzzy for 75% load change ............................................. 54
Table 16 Comparison between PI and Fuzzy for 15% load change ............................................. 54
List of Abbreviations
IG………………………………………Induction Generator
FL………………………………………………Fuzzy Logic
MF…………...……………………….Membership Function
OTP…………………….………….One-time Programmable
A/D……………………………………….Analog to digital
D/A……………………………………….Digital to Analog
NB…………………………………………....Negative Big
NM………………………….…………...Negative medium
NS…………………………………..………Negative small
PS………………………………………...…Positive small
PM…………………………….…………Positive medium
PB……………………………………………..Positive big
List of Notations/Symbols
Pout……………………………………………….output Power
𝜌……………………………………………………….density of water
G……………………….…………….gravitational acceleration
ω……………………………………………….rotational speed
Q……………………………………………………....Flow rate
Ai………………………………..……………cross-section area
v…………………………………………………....water speed
V……………………………………………...electrical voltage
Micro Hydro-Power Plants (MHPPs) are a reliable solution for supplying small power
consumers in areas located far from the distribution grid. However controlling frequency of the
generated power is one of the main problems in micro hydro power plants. This thesis presents a
control structure that ensures the frequency regulation of an induction generator (IG). Induction
generator is chosen over synchronous generator because it has an advantage with price,
robustness, simpler starting and controlling mechanism.
The main work of this thesis is to design a cost effective frequency controller for MHPP. For the
control of the frequency, a fuzzy logic controller is used. The controller is modeled, designed and
simulated to be simple, fast response fuzzy logic based frequency control system and lower cost.
For lower cost, the fuzzy logic controller is realized using Field Programmable gate array rather
than microcontrollers.
The frequency controller controls frequency of the micro hydro-power plant nearly constant.
When the flow of water is minimum, the controller is designed to prevent component from
damage by initiating a shutdown. It is observed from the simulation results that the overshoot of
the fuzzy controller for 75% load change and 0.2 m3/s flow rate is 2.74%, 3.04% and 3.46% and
the settling times are 20.87, 27.65 and 39.82 seconds. Moreover, the comparison of fuzzy logic
controller and PI controller is observed.
The fuzzy logic controller has been coded, compiled and simulated in VHDL using ModelSim-
Altera. From simulation result, the system inferred maximum operating frequency is 5 MHz with
a critical path of 199.3 ns.
Key words: Micro Hydro-power plant, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Induction Generator, VHDL
1.1 Background
Well-being of people living in urban and rural areas depends upon availability of energy. Energy
is a very important factor for the developing of a country. This is because shortage of energy
restricts people to use technologies. And if people have no access to technologies, there life
would be hard to live. For the developing countries like Ethiopia energy is a main source for
development. Especially for economic growth energy plays a big role, industries, hospitals,
railways, universities, transportation and other organization use energy in daily works. So energy
is an essential for countries all over the world.
The problem of increasing need for electricity is best addressed by encouraging energy
conservation and the development of alternate energy sources. Other choices are building large
scale hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear plants. All of this has major environmental, social and
economic costs. The interest in distributed generation and renewable energy systems, such as
mini-hydro, wind, solar, biomass and wave units have increased considerably for many reasons.
Among them climate change, population growth, continuous need for energy and the harmful
effect of the use of fossil fuels to the environment are reasons for renewable energy systems.
In Ethiopia hydro power plant is a main source of energy. But there are other renewable source
of energy such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal source of energy. But the desire for
energy by the people is not fully satisfied. Especially those people living in rural areas of
Ethiopia don’t have the access to electricity. This is because; the expansion of central electricity
grid to areas that do not have electricity is either financially not possible or practical as these
locations are geographically isolated and have a very low power demand and insufficient EEP’s
power supply [1].
The water in small rivers can be used for electrical power generation using small hydro power
plants. Small hydro generation plays an important role in electrification of rural and remote areas
in developing countries. In rural areas of Ethiopia there are rivers which are used for only
agricultural purpose but these rivers can be used for Small hydro generation. Small hydro
generation can be Mini Hydro Power Plant, Micro Hydro Power Plant and Pico Hydro Power
Plant. The generating capacity of Small hydro is up to 10 megawatts (MWs) [2]. The Mini Hydro
is usually scaled less than 1000 kilowatts (KWs), and the Micro Hydro is less than 100 kilowatts
(KWs) [2].
Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP) supplies electricity to small community in rural area (Dolf,
2012). Micro Hydro Power can be made on small streams, canals and river branch in the
mountainous areas. Micro Hydro Power technology does not require the building of dam,
reservoir or the storage of water. This makes Micro Hydro Power technology advantageous. The
running water is only sidetracked from a river through a power channel towards a power house.
The water that is used to run a turbine is taken from the same river with no loss. It requires no
ignition of fuel of gas. Only water is used which is the natural source our country Ethiopia is rich
The impact of generating power from Micro Hydro Power Plant is to keep the parameters of
power plants output power within their permissible limits. It is very important keeping the
parameters of the output power for appropriate performance and effective use. In large
hydropower system the mechanical governor is used to control the flow of water across the
turbine to match the power produced to the demand from the grid. But mechanical control
system is complicated to reduce and smaller account tends to be as expensive as the larger ones,
this is because the cost per kW rises abruptly as the size is reduced. Mechanical control system is
not a good choice for cost effective Micro Hydro Power Plant.
There are different types of frequency controllers. The frequency can be controlled by governors.
The electronic load controllers (ELC) govern the frequency by regulating the electrical load
connected to the generator of the alternating current. Therefore, they maintain a constant
electrical load on the generator in spite of changing users’ load. The other governor which is the
turbine governor, it governs by remain constant on the gate opening position to produce just the
necessary power according to the connected load. This former governor takes a long time to
stabilize the output and it becomes insufficient in case of large load variations where the stability
of the system could be completely lost. So turbine governor has its own problem. Also The ELC
waste useful energy that can be used gainfully. There are frequency controllers which are locally
factory-made. But these are not wealthy and industrialized.
This thesis works on the low cost frequency control design. This frequency controller is cost
effective, fast frequency control and fewer complexes. MHPP needs control to preserve an
uninterrupted power at rated frequency. When there is modification on the grid load, variation
are caused between turbine power output and the load [3].Also the water level affects the output
frequency. When the users connect machines that need high levels of power, there will be large
drop of frequency. The proposed fuzzy controller is designed to prevent all of these problems by
keeping the frequency of the Micro Hydro Power Plant nearly constant. The fuzzy controller is
an effective control in order to assure a good level of control. Furthermore the proposed
controller is less expensive when compared with the frequency governors.
1. To study the Micro Hydro Power Plant model based on the mathematical equations.
2. To design a fuzzy controller using MATLAB (Fuzzy Inference System).
3. To code using the language VHDL.
4. To evaluate the performance of the controller using ModelSim-Altera.
1.4 Outline of the thesis
Chapter 1 which is the Introduction includes the background, problem description and the
objective as well as the contribution of the thesis.
Chapter 2 the Literature review chapter begins with the introduction of MHPP and followed by
the mathematical model of the MHPP and closed by the literature review.
The third is Chapter 3 which is the Methodology; it starts with the introduction and followed by
the description of fuzzy logic controller and FPGA.
The design of the controller takes place in Chapter 4, which is sub categorized by introduction,
fuzzy logic controller design included fuzzifier design, rule and Defuzzification design.
Chapter 5 is dedicated to the evaluation of the performance of the fuzzy logic controller, the
result obtained and a discussion is also held in this chapter.
The last is Chapter 6, in this chapter the conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for
future work are all presented.
Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
In today’s life electricity plays an important role. In the wake of the issue of climate change,
environmental degradation, population growth and non-stop need for electricity have made the
renewable energy a top and important topic in the world. Micro Hydro Power Plant generation is
one of the best finding of a renewable energy. Detail on MHPP and part of the components of
MHPP are presented in this chapter. In addition, the mathematical model of the MHPP, different
works on MHPP by different researches and unique aspects of the thesis are discussed in this
Micro Hydro Power Plant is the best option for providing a reliable and cheap energy to the rural
communities of Ethiopia. In rural area of Ethiopia, the rivers are used for agricultural purpose,
drinking for humans as well as animals and for washing clothes. But these rivers can be a source
of energy. The geography of Ethiopia, with mountainous areas interconnected with rivers,
streams and canals make MHPP implementation appropriate. Ethiopia has a population of 94
million, 85% of which living in the rural areas. The rate of electrification in the country is 10%
and for rural Ethiopia it is almost zero (less than 1%) [6]. This 85% rural area people have very
small chance to get electricity through the national grid. Also extending the national grid to rural
area seems economically and mechanically not possible. Because of this, MHPPs could play a
vital role to electrify off-grid rural areas of Ethiopia [1].
A water turbine that converts the energy of flowing or failing water into mechanical
energy that drives a generator, which generates electrical power-this is the heart of a
micro hydropower system.
A control mechanism to provide stable electrical power
Electrical transmission lines to deliver the power to its destination
A canal, tunnel and/or penstock, which carries the water to the powerhouse in
developments where the powerhouse is located at a distance downstream from the intake.
Canals are generally excavated and follow the controls of the existing terrain. Tunnels are
underground and excavated by drilling and blasting or by using a tunnel-boring machine.
Penstocks, which convey water under pressure, can be made of steel, iron, fiberglass,
plastics, concrete or wood.
A forebay tank and trash rack to filter debris and prevent it from being drawn into the
turbine at the penstock pipe intake
A penstock pipe to convey the water to the powerhouse
The intake should be well located to prevent debris and high flows from being funneled into the
intake. The intake may have a gate to allow the system to be dewatered for inspection and
maintenance. Figure 2.2 shows an Example of an intake of a MHPP.
This is an excavated canals built of concrete, stone or would metal sheet. Most power conduits
have enough slopes for water to flow. A pipe can also be used as a low pressure power conduit.
It connects the intake and forebay.
This is a basin located fast before the entrance to the penstock. It could be simple excavated area
or pond or made of reinforced concrete. It maybe or may not exist and serves as a settling basin
for sand and silt which damage turbine blades. It can also serve as storage.
This is meant to get rid of excess water in the forebay. The spillway water must be safely
directed to prevent excessive erosion of the forebay.
This is pipe that conveys water under high pressure to the turbine wire mesh of reasonable
strength should be put in front of the penstock to sieve unsettled sand. It can be installed above/
below the ground excessive template expansion of joints. Gates and valves can be incorporated
at the end of the penstock.
Power house
This serves as an Engine room. It protects the turbine, generator and other electrical/machinery
equipment. It could also have a workshop/office/sanitary and other facilitates.
Tail race
This is a short, open canal that leads water from power course back to the stream.
Hydropower is an environmentally friendly and efficient way to supply surrounding areas with
power and electricity to live their daily lives. Engineers have the ability to produce mechanisms
or create environments that cause water to produce energy naturally, which can be transferred
into a generator to produce electricity. One way of producing this water energy is through use of
a turbine. A turbine is a mechanism that accepts moving water, and contains a wheel or rotor that
spins as the water impacts one of its blades. The faster the flow rates of water, the higher the
frequency of the wheel or rotor. This rotation drives a shaft connected to the generator which
ultimately produces power. There are guide vanes or wicker gates that can control the flow of
water impacting the blades and therefore output power, which ultimately controls the efficiency
of the turbine.
Figure 2.0.3: Kaplan turbine and electrical generator cut-away view [9]
All components of a hydropower system revolve around the turbine. The turbine converts
hydraulic power from the water flowing from the reservoirs into mechanical shaft-power for the
generator. There are different types of water turbines; they can be used in micro hydro
installations. The turbine selection is contingent on the head of water, the volume of flow, and
such factors [10].The hydraulic turbine classified according to the basis of energy intake as
impulse turbine and reaction turbine. According to the direction of flow of water;axial flow
turbines, radial flow turbines, tangential flow turbines and mixed flow turbines.According to the
specific speed of the turbine, low specific speed turbine, medium specific speed turbine and high
specific speed turbine. Also they are classified according to the water head and quality of water
available as high head and small quantity of water flow, medium head and medium flow rate,
low head and large flow rate.
Impulse turbine: the pressure of liquid does not change while flowing through the rotor of the
machine. The total head of the entering fluid is changed into a great velocity head at the exit of
the supply nozzle. One example of impulse turbine is Pelton wheel.
Reaction turbine: the pressure of liquid changes while it flows through the rotor of the machine.
The change in fluid velocity and reduction in its pressure causes a reaction on the turbine blades;
this is where the name reaction turbine may have been derived. Francis and Kaplan turbines can
be an example of reaction turbine. In a reaction type turbine there are two types of energy
conversions. First, the turbine is completely submerged in water, which creates a pressure drop
between the inlet and outlet that is converted into axial power, also called the reactive part.
Secondly, impulse forces are created because of changes in velocity vectors when the water
flows between the turbine blades
The selection of turbine depends mainly on the plant’s head and available flow.
Most of these machines have vertical shafts although some smaller machines of this type have
horizontal shaft. The fluid enters from the penstock (pipeline leading to the turbine from the
reservoir at high altitude) to a spiral casing which completely surrounds the runner. This casing
is known as scroll casing or volute. The cross-sectional area of this casing decreases uniformly
along the circumference to keep the fluid velocity constant in magnitude along its path towards
the stay bane. This is so because the rate of flow along the fluid path in the volute decreases due
to continuous entry or the fluid to the runner through the openings of the stay vanes. This is one
of the main features that differentiate a Francis from other turbine types, only a part of the total
specific energy at the inlet of the turbine is converted to kinetic energy before the runner is
reached. The guide banes can also be used to regulate the flow rate.
Water flow is directed toward the runner by the stay vanes as it moves along the spiral casing,
and then it passed through the wicket gates. The basic purpose of the wicket gate is to convert a
part of pressure energy of the fluid to the kinetic energy and then to direct the fluid on to the
runner blades at the angle appropriate to the design. Moreover, they are pivoted and can be
turned by a suitable governing mechanism to regulate the flow while the load changes. The
wicket gates impart a tangential velocity and hence an angular momentum to the water before its
entry to the runner.
It is the main part of the turbine that has blades on its periphery. During operation, runner rotates
and produces power. For a mixed flow type Francis Turbine, the flow in the runner is not purely
radial but a combination of radial and axial. The flow is inward, i.e. from the periphery towards
the Centre. The main direction of flow changes as water passes through the runner and is finally
turned into the axial direction while entering the draft tube.
Considering runner generates torque of T with a rotational speed of N (rev/s), then power
obtained from the runner can be expressed as:
T = F*r (2.2.2)
For a turbine:
Fluid Input Power = Mechanical loss + Hydraulic losses + useful shaft power output
There are two types of generators used in hydroelectricity power generation. They are
synchronous generators and induction generators. Induction machines are the most used electro-
mechanical device. An induction generator is simple and rugged design, low-cost, low
maintenance and direct connection to an Ac power sources. Synchronous generators are
generators which are mostly used in large scale power generation. Synchronous are used in most
MHPP because it has the ability to establish its own operating voltage and maintain frequency
while it is operating in a remote location. Whereas when the power output levels are generally
low (less than 10 MW), induction generators are widely used. Both synchronous and induction
generators have the ability to be used connected to the grid or standalone operation [17].
An actuator is an element of a machine that is in charge for moving and controlling a mechanism
or system. It requires a control signal and a source of energy to operate. The control signal might
be electric voltage or current, air or human power. It is a mechanical device that takes energy and
converts it into some kind of motion.
Drive Systems
The drive system couples the turbine to the generator. At one end, it allows the turbine to spin at
the velocity that delivers the best efficiency. At the other end, it drives the generator at the
velocity that produces correct voltage and frequency (frequency applies to alternating current
systems only).The most efficient and reliable drive system is a direct, 1 to 1 coupling between
the turbine and generator. This is possible for many sites, but not for all head and flow
combinations. In many situations, especially with AC systems, it is necessary to adjust the
transfer ration so that both turbine and generator run at their optimum (but different) speeds.
These types of drive systems can use gears, chains, or belts, each of which introduces additional
efficiency losses into the system. Belt systems tend to be more popular because of their lower
cost [18].
2.3 PI Controller
A controller in the forward path, which changes the controller output corresponding to the
proportional plus integral of the error signal is called PI controller. The PI controller increases
the order of the system, increases the type of the system and reduces steady state error
tremendously for same type of inputs.
based on crisp sets of “true and false”, fuzzy logic views problems as a degree of “truth”, or
“fuzzy sets of true and false. It provides a simple way to arrive at a definite conclusion and does
not require precise, noise-free information and can be programmed safely. The output control of
FL is a smooth control function a wide range of input data. [24-26].
Fuzzy controllers are used to control consumer products, such as washing machines, video
cameras, and rice cookers, as well as industrial processes, such as cement kilns, underground
trains, and robots. Fuzzy control is a control method based on fuzzy logic. Just as fuzzy logic can
be described simply as “computing with words rather than numbers”; fuzzy control can be
described simply as “control with sentences rather than equations”. A fuzzy controller can
include empirical rules, and that is especially useful in operator controlled plants.
Today control systems are usually described by mathematical models that follow the laws of
physics, stochastic models or models which have emerged from mathematical logic. A general
difficulty of such constructed model is how to move from a given problem to a proper
mathematical model. Undoubtedly, today’s advanced computer technology makes it possible;
however managing such systems is still too complex. These complex systems can be simplified
by employing a tolerance margin for a reasonable amount of imprecision, vagueness and
uncertainty during the modeling phase. As an outcome, not completely perfect system comes to
existence; nevertheless in most of the cases it is capable of solving the problem in appropriate
way. Even missing input information has already tuned out to be satisfactory in knowledge-based
Fuzzy logic allows to lower complexity by allowing the use of imperfect information in sensible
way. It can be implemented in hardware, software or a combination of both. In other words,
fuzzy logic approach to problems’ control mimics how a person would make decisions, only
much faster.
In control systems, the inputs to the systems are the error and the change in the error of the
feedback loop, while the output is the control action. The general architecture of a fuzzy control
is depicted in figure 2.4. To implement fuzzy logic technique to a real application requires the
following three steps:
Fuzzification – convert classical data or crisp data into fuzzy data or membership
functions (MF).
Fuzzy Inference Process – combine membership functions with the control rules to
derive the fuzzy output.
Defuzzification – use different methods to calculate each associated output and put them
into a table: the lookup. Pick up the output from the look-up table based on the current
input during an application.
2.4.1 Fuzzification
Fuzzification is the process of making a crisp quantity ‗fuzzy‘. We do this by simply recognizing
that many of the quantities that we consider to be crisp and deterministic are actually not
deterministic at all: they carry considerable uncertainty. If the form of uncertainty happens to
arise because of imprecision, ambiguity, or vagueness, then the variable is probably fuzzy and
can be represented by a membership function.
In the real world, several devices such as a digital voltmeter generate crisp data, but these data
are subject to experimental error. The information shown in Figure 2.5 shows one possible range
of errors for a typical voltage reading and the associated membership function that might
represent such imprecision.
Since the membership function essentially embodies all fuzziness for a particular fuzzy set, its
description is the essence of a fuzzy property or operation. Just as there are an infinite number of
ways to characterize fuzziness, there are an infinite number of ways to graphically depict the
membership functions that describe this fuzziness. The most common forms of membership
functions are those that are normal, monotonic and symmetrical.
Because of the importance of the “shape” of the membership function, a great deal of attention
has been focused on development of these functions. The membership functions associate a
weighting factor with values of each input and the effective rules. These weighting factors
determine the degree of influence or degree of membership (DOM) each active rule has. By
computing the logical product of the membership weights for each active rule, a set of fuzzy
output response magnitudes are produced. All that remains is to combine and defuzzify these
output responses [27]
If x is A then y is Z,
Where A is a set of conditions that have to be satisfied and Z is a set of consequences that can be
inferred. In rule with multiple parts, fuzzy operators are used to combine more than one input:
AND = min, OR = max and NOT = additive complement. Geometrical demonstration of fuzzy
operators is shown in figure 2.6
The rule base is a simple graphical tool for mapping the fuzzy logic control system rules. It
accommodates two or more input variables and expresses their logical product (AND or OR) as
one output response variable. The degree of membership for rule matrix output can take value of
maximum, minimum of the degree of previous of the rule [28]. It is often probable, that after
evaluation of all the rules applicable to the input, we get more than one value for the degree of
membership. In this case, the simulation has to take into consideration, all three possibilities, the
minimum, the maximum or an average of the membership-degrees.
Mamdani method
Below examples ate based on two fuzzy control rules in the form of
Then the overall system output is calculated by the individual rule outputs,
Sugeno method
Below examples are based on two fuzzy control rules in the form of
The firing levels of the rule are calculated in the same way as in Mamdani method, based on
(2.4.1) and (2.4.2) equations. The individual rule outputs are calculated from the below
If there are n rules in the rule matrix, the crisp control result derived from the following
𝑖=1 𝛼𝑖𝑧𝑖
zo= ∑𝑛
𝑖=1 𝛼𝑖
The Sugeno method works well with linear techniques, as it is computationally efficient. It is
suitable to apply optimization and adaptive techniques. Furthermore, it guarantees continuity of
the output surface and it is well suited to mathematical analysis. An advantage of the Mamdani
method is that is it intuitive and has widespread of acceptance. It can be well suited to human
input [27].
2.4.4 Defuzzification
Defuzzification task is to find one single crisp value that summarizes the fuzzy set. There are
several mathematical techniques available: centroid, bisector, mean, maximum, maximum and
weighted average. Figure 2.7 demonstrate illustration of how values for each method are chosen.
Centroid Defuzzification is the most commonly used method, as it is very accurate. It provides
center of the area under the curve of membership function. For complex membership functions it
puts high demands on computation. It can be expressed by the following formula,
∫ 𝜇𝑖(𝑥)𝑥𝑑𝑥
zo = (2.4.9)
∫ 𝜇𝑖(𝑥)𝑑𝑥
Bisector defuzzification uses vertical line that divides area under the curve into two equal areas.
𝑧 𝛽
∫𝛼 𝜇𝐴(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 = ∫𝑧 𝜇𝐴(𝑥)𝑑𝑥 (2.4.10)
Mean of maximum defuzzification method uses the average value of the aggregated membership
function outputs.
∫𝑥′ 𝑥𝑑𝑥
zo= . (2.4.11)
∫𝑥′ 𝑑𝑥′
Smallest of maximum defuzzification method uses the minimum value of the aggregated
membership function outputs.
Largest of maximum defuzzification method uses the minimum value of the aggregated
membership function outputs.
Weighted average defuzzification method, based on peak value of each fuzzy sets, calculates
weighted sum of these peak values [29]. According to these weight values and the degree of
membership for fuzzy output, the crisp value of output is determined by the formula
∑ 𝜇(𝑥)𝑖∗𝑊𝑖
zo= ∑ 𝜇(𝑥)𝑖
Where 𝜇 i is the degree of membership in output singleton i, Wi and is the fuzzy output weight
value for the output singleton i. [27].
A Field Programmable Gate Array is a digital integrated circuit that can be programmed to do
any type of digital function. When the FPGA-based system is used for implementing the desired
FLC, many possible designs can be tried due to the reusability of the FPGA. Often, a hardware
implementation on the FPGA-based system is supported by many existing EDA tools for
modeling, synthesis, verification, and implementation. The major advantage of using the EDA
tools is that the same hardware description language code for modeling can be directly used for
synthesis, verification, and implementation. Also, the general architecture of the FLC is invariant
except for the change in the number of input and output variables, the number of fuzzy terms, the
membership functions, the bit resolutions, and the control rule base according to the different
applications. The FPGA consists of three major configurable elements:
1) Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) arranged in an array that provides the functional elements
and implements most of the logic in an FPGA.
2) Input-output blocks (IOBs) that provide the interface between the package pins and internal
signal lines.
3) Programmable interconnect resources that provide routing path to connect inputs and outputs
of CLBs and IOBs onto the appropriate network.
building units of a VHDL design. Within these design blocks a logic circuit of function can be
easily described.
A VHDL design begins with an Entity block that describes the interface for the design. The
interface defines the input and output logic signals of the circuit being designed. The
Architecture block describes the internal operation of the design. Within these blocks are
numerous other functional blocks used to build the design elements of the logic circuit being
After the design is created, it can be simulated and synthesized to check its logical operation.
Simulation is a bare bones type of test to see if the basic logic works according to design and
concept. Synthesis allows timing factors and other influences of actual field programmable gate
array (FPGA) devices to affect the simulation thereby doing a more thorough type of check
before the design is committed to the FPGA or similar device.
2.5.2 ModelSim-Altera
ModelSim is a multi-language HDL simulation environment, for simulation of hardware
description languages such as VHDL, Verilog and SystemC, and includes a built-in C debugger
[33]. ModelSim can be used independently, or in conjunction with Intel Quartus Prime, Xilinx
ISE or Xilinx Vivado [34]. In this thesis the ModelSim is in conjunction with Quartus II.
Simulation is performed using the graphical user interface (GUI), or automatically using scripts.
STATCOM controlled by the fuzzy controller reduces the peak reactive power injection by
almost 60 Mvar. Based on a typical conservative price of 50 $/kvar, this reduction results in
approximate savings of $4000 [37].
The need to supply a growing population with sufficient fresh water in the context of increasing
water scarcity and declining water quality has brought sustainable water resources management
to the forefront of the global development agenda. For centuries, dams have played a key role in
human development, bringing about significant social and economic improvements. About 30-
40% of irrigated land worldwide relies on water stored behind dams (World Commission on
Dams, 2000) and hydropower accounted for 16% of world electricity in 2008 (IEA, 2010).
Moreover, water is not equally distributed around the world. Some countries have more water
than others, but most have enough water to meet people’s needs. What they don’t always have is
the means to make that water available to people. Rich, developed countries can tap into hard-to-
reach sources of water much more easily than poor, less-developed countries, where people often
don’t have enough money to dig wells or build dams to create reservoirs.
The fuzzy controller is used first to regulate the frequency output of the plant in spite of
changing user loads. Second, it limits the waste of the available water. Whereas the ballast loads
are usually resistive electrical loads used to heat water which make the water evaporate. The
fuzzy controller is design in chapter four of this thesis. It is able to maintain MHPP frequency in
spite of the load variations. In addition, it minimizes the waste of water by limiting the dissipated
power on the ballast load. The fuzzy supervisor manages to use the available water based on
consumer demand.
1. Alex Jose and Dr. Jayaprakash, discussed Depletion of fossil fuels, pollution due to
fossil fuels, and awareness about non-conventional source, and abundance of water
sources in hilly areas changed the attention to renewable source of energy.
Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydro power; the
production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or
flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy, accounting for 16
percent of global electricity generation 3,427 terawatt-hours of electricity production in
2012. Small hydro is the development of hydroelectric power on a scale serving a small
community or industrial plant. The definition of a small hydro project varies but a
generating capacity of up to 10 megawatts (MW) is generally accepted as the upper limit
of what can be termed small hydro. According to present survey, nearly two billion
people in the world have no access to electrical energy. The great majority of these live
in isolated rural areas in developing countries, where conventional grid-extension
electricity supply is not economically viable, and small diesel sets may be inappropriate
due to fuel costs, absence of reliable supplies, and a general lack of technical support. An
important characteristic of rural energy demand is its low density: particularly in remote
districts, provision must be made for a large number of users with low levels of demand,
leading to the need for a wide range of scheme sizes for small power generation for
differing household densities.
2. I. Salhi, S. Doubabi, proposed Automatic generation control (AGC) to control
frequency of MHPP by using conventional governors such as mechanical-hydraulic
governors, electro-hydraulic governors, purely mechanical and servo motor types.
Mechanical hydraulic governors are sophisticated devices which are generally used in
large hydro power plants. They require heavy maintenance and are expensive to install,
making their usage in micro hydro power systems complex and uneconomical. Electro-
hydraulic governors are also complex and expensive devices that require precision
design. Mechanical governors incorporate a massive fly ball arrangement and usually do
not provide flow control. They require an elaborate set of complex guide vanes, inlet
valves and jet deflectors. The above three types of conventional governing systems
therefore, because of their cost and complexity, are not ideally suited for frequency
control of standalone, micro hydro power systems where cost is a sensitive issue.
3. Shrikant S. Katre and Dr. V.N. Bapat, reviews the operation of Induction generators in
grid connected and self-excitation mode is well known. In many countries induction
generators are used for electrical power generation by wind energy. Low cost, robustness
and ease of maintenance are attractive features of induction generators. Even though
these generators are used at some places for micro hydro power generation, very small
scale generation known as Pico hydro generation offers excellent opportunity for them.
Slip ring induction motors are used for micro power generation and squirrel cage
induction motors are used for Pico power generation. These generators have an inherent
problem of terminal voltage variation with increase in load.
4. S. Mbabazi and j. Leary, proposed a self-tuning fuzzy PI controller, which is the
combination of a conventional PI controller and a fuzzy controller. A load-frequency
control based model using linear turbine assuming inelastic water column was proposed
for isolated small hydropower plants. The controller is easy and effective to adjust the
parameters of PI controller and could be applied to the system with various nonlinearities
and wide range of parameter variations.
5. V. Pandey, developed load control mode for MHPP. In load control mode, a ballast load
is controlled so that the total load connected to the synchronous generator is kept
constant; consequently, the frequency remains nearly constant. This method is simple,
less cost and fast response. However because of the presence of electronic switches, this
technique introduces harmonics into the electrical system. The presence of these
harmonics will cause overheating of electrical equipment connected to the system and of
the generator. In addition to this during minimum demand of power a lot of energy is
wasted on ballast load, which could have been utilized by the rural communities for
different purpose.
6. G.M. Masters presented a paper that proposed fuzzy controller to control the position of
servo motors with spear valves to achieve automatic generation control. Proposed fuzzy
controller will select the appropriate PI gain parameters throughout the operation of the
plant. The input for this selection is the position of the gate opening. Based on the
frequency and the demand power, the controller controls the servomotor in order to close
or open the gate opening. This is usually applied in isolated, small hydro power systems.
However, their complexity and cost is still higher for the application to standalone, micro
hydro power systems.
7. Ayele Nigussie presented load control mode for MHPP. In load control mode, a ballast
load is controlled so that the total load connected to the synchronous generator is kept
constant. The controller is simulated using MATLAB and implemented using microchip
PIC16F877A. however using ballast load has its own effect which is, during minimum
demand of power a lot of energy is wasted on ballast load, which could have been
utilized by the rural communities for different purpose.
8. Jemal Hayato presented a paper that proposed fuzzy logic controller to tune the
parameters of PI controller for frequency control of a micro hydropower plant and to
supervise the energy dissipated on the ballast load. however using ballast load has its own
effect which is, during minimum demand of power a lot of energy is wasted on ballast
load, which could have been utilized by the rural communities for different purpose.
9. Yalemzerfe Getnet presented a paper on the designing and simulation of fuzzy logic
based frequency controller for standalone micro hydro power plant. A simple, less cost
and fast response fuzzy logic based frequency control system is modeled, designed and
simulated. The frequency controller controls flow rate of water by acting on electric
valves and keep the frequency of the micro hydropower system nearly constant. But
implementation was not done in this paper.
In this thesis, fuzzy logic controller is proposed to control the frequency of micro hydro power plant.
Because of their less cost and less complexity, they are ideally suited for frequency control of
standalone, micro hydro power systems where cost is a sensitive issue.
Mathematical Model of the MHPP
For the design and analysis of a control system, the first step that has to be done is the
mathematical modeling. It is a method of simulating real-life situations with mathematical
equations to forecast their future behavior. It uses mathematical equations such as state space,
differential equation and transfer function. In this thesis accurate mathematical representation of
power system components is significant for dynamic and transient stability studies. State space
modeling is applied for both linear and non-linear systems. Solving differential equations are
complicated and bulky, but the transfer function modeling is quite easy when compared to
differential equation modeling.
The MHPP is a non-linear system; it is also a non-stationary system that has a defining feature
which varies to a large extent with the unpredictable load on it and this make it hard to design an
efficient and accurate controller [3]. In this thesis, the linearity of the majority of the proposed
hydro power model is considered. The linear model representation of the components of the
micro hydropower system is presented. This model is based on the mathematical equations that
contain the whole operation of MHPP.
The measurement of Head (H) and Flow (Q) is important for the modeling of the system. An
essential requirement for MHPP generation is a continuous water supply from a stream with a
combination of adequate Head (H) over a reasonable stretch of the stream and adequate flow (Q)
to meet expected power demand.
Measuring Head (H):- Head is the vertical distance that waterfalls the forebay or intake the
turbine. It is measured in meters. The gross Head (H) is the maximum available vertical fall in
the water, from the upstream level to the downstream level. The actual head seen by a turbine
will be slightly less than the gross head due to losses incurred when transferring the water into
and away from the machine. Trigonometric method and Carpenter’s level are methods for
measuring Head (H).
Measuring Flow (Q):- Flow rate is the quantity of water available in a stream or river and may
vary widely over the course of a day, week, month and year. In order to adequately assess the
minimum continuous power output to be expected from the micro-hydropower system, the
minimum quantity of water available must be determined. The purpose of a hydrology study is to
predict the variation in the flow during the year. It is important to know the mean stream flow
and the extreme high- and l0w-flow rates.
Environmental and climatic factors and human activities in the watershed determine the amount
and characteristics of stream flow on a day-to-day and seasonal basis. Generally, unless
considering a storage reservoir, it should be used the lowest mean annual flow as the basis for the
system design. There are a variety of techniques for measuring stream flow rate; the most
commonly used include the Bucket or container method; the Velocity-Area float method; the
Weir method and the Current meter method.
As parameters describing the mass transfer and energy transfer in the turbine we will consider
the water flow through the turbine Q and the moment M generated by the turbine and that is
transmitted to the electrical generator. The moment developed by the turbine is a function of the
water flow, the runner blade angle and the net head. These variables can expressed as non-linear
functions of the turbine rotational speed N, the turbine gate position G and the net head H of the
hydro system.
𝑄 = 𝑄(𝐻, 𝑁, 𝐺) (3.1)
𝑀 = 𝑀(𝐻, 𝑁, 𝐺) (3.2)
Through linearization of the equation (3.1) and (3.2) around the steady state values, we obtain:
𝜕𝑄 𝜕𝑄 𝜕𝑄
∆𝑄 = 𝜕𝐻 ∆𝐻 + 𝜕𝑁 ∆𝑁 + 𝜕𝐺 ∆𝐺 (3.3 a)
Which represent the non-dimensional variations of the parameters around the steady state
𝜕𝑄 𝜕𝑄 𝜕𝑄 𝜕𝑀 𝜕𝑀 𝜕𝑀
a11 = ,a12 = ,a13 = ,a21 = ,a22 = ,a23 =
𝜕𝐻 𝜕𝑁 𝜕𝐺 𝜕𝐻 𝜕𝑁 𝜕𝐺
The partial derivatives of flow and moment with respect to net head, turbine gate position and
rotational speed are called turbine coefficients which are a21, a22, anda23. This coefficients stand
for the nonlinear characteristics of a hydraulic turbine. Based on the operating conditions of the
turbine comparative to gate opening position and rotational speed the partial derivatives vary.
The partial derivative of the moment M with respect to the gate position G is called turbine gain.
The turbine gain is significant parameter for an accurate approximation of hydro power plants
dynamics. It has to be measured carefully. The turbine coefficients have an influence on the
model accuracy. The value of the turbine coefficients have to be measured precisely on the field
or taken from model tests. The effect of the partial derivative of the water flow through the
turbine with respect to rotational speed is usually considered to be negligible. The partial
derivative of moment with respect to rotational speed is known as turbine self-regulation. In inter
connected power system the hydraulic units are matched with the system as a result the rotational
speed is nearly one and usually neglected. So that the above equations (3.3 b) and (3.4 b) is
simplified to the below equations [11, 12],
The hydraulic feed system of the turbine has a complex geometrical configuration, consisting of
pipes or canals with different shapes and cross-sections. Therefore, the feed system will be
considered as a pipe with a constant cross-section and the length equal with real length of the
studied system. In order to consider this, it is necessary that the real system and the equivalent
system to contain the same water mass. Let consider m1, m2,…,mn the water masses in the pipe
zones having the lengths l1, l2,…,ln and cross-sections A1, A2,…,An of the real feed system. The
equivalent system will have the length L= l1 + l2+…+ ln and cross-section A, conveniently
In this case, the mass conservation law in both systems will lead to the equation:
Since the water can be considered incompressible, the water flow through the turbine Qi through
each pipe segment with cross-section Ai is identical and equal with the flow Q through the
equivalent pipe
Where v is the water speed in the equivalent pipe, and vi is the speed in each segment of the real
The dynamic pressure loss can be computed considering the inertia force of the water exerted on
the cross-section of the pipe:
𝐿∗𝛾 𝑑𝑣
Fi= -m*a = -L*A*𝜌*a = -A (3.10)
𝑔 𝑑𝑡
Where L is the length of the penstock or the feed canal, A is the cross-section of the penstock,
𝛾 is the specific gravity of water (1000 Kgf/m3), a is the water acceleration in the equivalent
pipe, and g=9.81 m/s2is the gravitational acceleration. The dynamic pressure loss can be
expresses as:
Fi 𝛾∗𝐿 𝑑𝑣 𝛾∗𝐿 ∑ 𝑙𝑖 𝑑𝑄
Hd = =- . 𝑑𝑡 = - (3.11)
𝐴 𝑔 𝑔 ∑ 𝑙𝑖∗𝐴𝑖 𝑑𝑡
Or in non-dimensional form:
hd= -Tw 𝑑𝑡 (3.13)
Where Tw is the water time constant of the hydropower system. It represents the time required for
a head to accelerate the water in the penstock from standstill to the velocity. Tw varies with load.
Usually Tw at full load lies between 0.5 s and 4 s. For load controlled micro hydro power
systems, the water time remains constant. And the variables have the following meaning:
∆𝐻𝑑 ∆𝑄 𝑄𝑜 𝜌𝐿 ∑ 𝑙𝑖
hd = ,q= , Tw= [s] (3.14)
𝐻𝑑𝑜 𝑄𝑜 𝐻𝑑𝑜 ∑ 𝑙𝑖𝐴𝑖
It must be noted that this is a simplified method to compute the hydraulic pressure loss, which
can be used for run-of-the river hydropower plants, with small water head [13].
Replacing (3.15) in (3.3 a) and (3.4 a) and doing some simple calculations, we obtain:
𝑎₁₂ 𝑎₁₃
𝑞(𝑠) = 1+𝑎₁₁𝑇𝑤𝑠 𝑛(𝑠) + 1+𝑎₁₁𝑇𝑤𝑠 𝑔(𝑠) (3.16)
𝑎₁₂𝑇𝑤𝑠 𝑎₁₃𝑇𝑤𝑠
hd(s) = − 1+𝑎₁₁𝑇𝑤𝑠 𝑛(𝑠) − 1+𝑎₁₁𝑇𝑤𝑠 𝑔(𝑠) (3.17)
𝑎₁₂𝑇𝑤𝑠 𝑎₁₃𝑇𝑤𝑠
𝑚(𝑠) = (𝑎₂₁ − 1+𝑎₁₁𝑇𝑤𝑠) 𝑛(𝑠) + (𝑎₂₃ − 1+𝑎₁₁𝑇𝑤𝑠) 𝑔(𝑠) (3.18)
The mechanical power generated by the turbine can be calculated with the relation
P =ɳ ∗ 𝛾 ∗ 𝑄 ∗ 𝐻,
This can be used to obtain the linearized relations for variations of these values around the steady
state values:
On the other hand, the mechanical power can be determined using the relation P = M𝜔=2𝜋M*N,
which can be used to obtain the linearized relations for variations of these values around the
steady state values:
2𝜋𝑁𝑜 (2𝜋𝑁𝑜)²
𝑛= 𝑝− 𝑚 (3.20)
𝑃 𝑃𝑜
Where Po=Mo.wois the steady state power generated by the turbine for a given steady state flow
Qo and a steady state head Ho, and No is the steady state rotational speed. The transfer functions
T for different modules are given by the following relation:
For an ideal turbine, without losses, the coefficients aij resulted from the partial derivatives in
equation (3.14-3.18) have the following values: a11=0.5; a12=a13=1; a21=1.5; a23=1. In this case
the transfer functions are given by the following relation:
1 1
𝑇𝑞𝑛(𝑠) = , 𝑇𝑞𝑔(𝑠) = , 𝑇ℎ𝑛(𝑠)
1 + 0.5𝑇𝑤𝑠 1 + 0.5𝑇𝑤𝑠
=− (3.22)
1 + 0.5𝑇𝑤𝑠
𝑇𝑚𝑛(𝑠) = 1.5 − 1+0.5𝑇𝑤𝑠 (3.23)
Using these relations, the block diagram of the hydraulic turbine, for small variation operation
around the steady state point, where the transfer functions for different is as follows: [13]
𝑇𝑚𝑔(𝑠) = 1+0.5𝑇𝑤𝑠 (3.24)
Vds = RsIs + (3.25a)
Vqs = RsIqs + (3.25b)
0 = RrIdr - 𝜔𝑟𝞿qr+ (3.26)
0 = RrIqr - 𝜔𝑟𝞿qr+ (3.27)
In this equations subscript “s” refers to the stator and “r” the rotor.
idql are the d line currents in the d-q frame reference frame,
qidqc are the electric charge in the d-q frame reference frame,
C is the capacitance of capacitor excitation.
𝐽 = Tem - B𝜔m - Tm (3.32)
With: = 𝜔m
Tt is the torque produced by the turbine (Nm), from equation (3.33) the turbine torque less the
rotational losses at 𝜔m= 𝜔sm. It is this torque Tm that is converted into electromagnetic torque.
If, due to some disturbance, Tm>Te then the rotor accelerates: if Tm<Te then it decelerates.
Rotor speed
𝜔m= 𝜔sm + ∆ 𝜔m= 𝜔sm+ (3.34)
Where 𝛿 mis the rotor angle expressed in mechanical radians and ∆ 𝜔m= is the speed deviation
in mechanical radians per second.
After substitution,
𝑑²𝛿𝑚 𝑑𝛿𝑚 𝜔sm 𝜔sm
J 𝜔sm + 𝜔smB = Pm- Pe (3.35)
𝑑𝑡² 𝑑𝑡 𝜔m 𝜔m
During a disturbance the speed of the machine is normally quite close to synchronous speed so
that 𝜔m ≈ 𝜔smand also the combined rotor and load viscous friction coefficient is almost zero
equation (3.35) becomes,
J 𝜔sm = Pm- Pe (3.36)
The coefficient J 𝜔smis the angular momentum of the rotor at synchronous speed and, when
given the symbol M, allows equation (3.36) to be written as
M = Pm- Pe (3.37)
The inertia constant is given the symbol H defined as the stored kinetic energy in mega joules
(MJ) at synchronous speed divided by the machine rating S in megavolt-ampere (MVA) so that
0.5𝐽𝜔𝑠𝑚² 2HS
H= and M = ωsm (3.38)
The power angle and angular speed can be expressed in electrical radians and electrical radians
per second respectively, rather than their mechanical equivalent, by substituting
𝛿𝑚 𝜔𝑠𝑚
𝛿 = 𝑝 And 𝜔s= 𝑝⁄ (3.39)
⁄2 2
Where, p is the number of poles. Introducing the inertia constant and substituting equations
(3.39) into equation (3.37), we will obtain:
2HS d²δ
= Pm- Pe (3.40)
ωr dt²
The equations in (3.40) can be rationalized by defining an inertia coefficient M and damping
power Pd such that,
2HS 𝑑𝛿
M= , Pd = D 𝑑𝑡 (3.41)
Often it is more convenient to replace the second-order differential equation (3.42) by two first-
order equations:
M = Pm - Pe – Pd (3.43)
= ∆ω
When inserting M = ωsm into equation (3.43),
2HS d∆ω
= Pm - Pe – Pd (3.44)
ωsm dt
Dividing throughout by S, the MVA rating of the machine or equation (3.44) becomes,
2H d∆ω
= Pm - Pe – Pd (3.45)
ωsm dt
With the Laplace transformation, the generator model will become [19],
∆ωr= (3.47)
The figure below represents the generator model coupled with the turbine,
𝑑𝛿 𝑑𝛿
Recalling that, Pd = D 𝑑𝑡 , and = ∆𝜔
According to Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, the sum of all drops equals zero. Using KVL, the
mathematical equation can be given as [21],
E – VR - VL= 0 (3.4.1)
Where VR= RI
dt dt
= (3.4.3)
dt L(Xa)
When the power is low, no power supply E is connected to the circuit. The inductor will operate
as a source and current will flow through the loop until the energy has been absorbed in the
circuit. Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law, the mathematical expression can be derived:
dI 𝑑L(Xa)
-IR- L(Xa)dt - I =0 (3.4.4)
F = Ma (3.4.5)
dv dSa²
a= = (3.4.6)
dt dt²
dSa dv²
FM- ks(xa– xa0) – b( dt ) - Fo= M dt² (3.4.8)
dSa² FM−ks(Sa−Sao)−b( )−Fo
= (3.4.9)
dt² M
F is net Force
M is mass of the armature
A is the armature’s acceleration
Ks is spring constant
b is the viscous friction coefficient
v is the armature’s velocity
From state space representation, let x=x1, x1 x2 ,x3=I, where the presentation are displacement,
velocity and current flowing through solenoid coil respectively.
x1 x2 (3.4.10)
F b b
x 2 x2 u x (3.4.11)
m m m
𝑎+𝑥1 𝑥1𝐿′
x 3 = (E – x3R- x3x2(𝑎+𝑥1)²) (3.4.12)
When the valve is assumed to be very long the magnetic field is given by
B = μo 𝑙𝑔 (3.4.14)
Combining equation (3.4.4), equation (3.4.13) and equation (3.4.15), the magnetic force can
eventually expressed as,
Fm = 2(𝑙𝑔,𝑜𝑓𝑓−𝑋𝑎)² (3.4.16)
4.1 Introduction
This chapter represents the design of the proposed controller for micro hydro-power plant. In
order to overcome the drawbacks, the proposed fuzzy logic controller is presented to quench the
deviations in the frequency due to different load disturbances.
While it is relatively easy to design a PI controller, the inclusion of fuzzy rules creates many
extra design problems, and although many introductory textbooks explain fuzzy control, there
are few general guidelines for setting the parameters of a simple fuzzy controller. The approach
here is based on three step design procedure that builds on PI control:
To design a fuzzy controller reliable and smart enough, the design has to rely not only on an
accurate MHPP modeling, but also on:
inverting a fuzzy model of the process. This method is restricted to relatively low order
systems, but it provides an explicit solution assuming that fuzzy models of the open and
closed loop systems are available. Another approach is fuzzy identification or fuzzy
model-based control.
Based on learning. The self-organizing controller is an example of a controller that finds
the rules itself. Neural networks are another possibility.
There is no design procedure in fuzzy control such as root-locus design, frequency response
design, pole placement design, or stability margins, because the rules are often non-linear.
Therefore we will settle for describing the basic components and functions of fuzzy controllers,
in order to recognize and understand the various options in commercial software packages for
fuzzy controller design.
of the generator will inform the controller if the actuator valve needs to be on/off or if it is
operating at its initial condition. The other input to the controller is the change of the frequency
error. This input to the controller describes how fast the frequency is changed. And the other
input of the controller which is the disturbance describes the order to open the gate opening
based on how fast the water flow and when it is compared to the rated flow rate of the water, will
inform the controller if the actuator needs to be on/off or if it is operating at its initial condition.
The proposed fuzzy controller has been design to adjust on-line the parameters of proportional
gain Kp and integral gain Ki of a PI controller based on the frequency error e and the change in
frequency ∆e. Kp is the sum of the reference value Kp* and ∆Kp. Ki is the sum of the reference
value Ki* and ∆Ki. Kp* and Ki* are the reference values of the controller.
The other step in Fuzzification is chosen an appropriate membership function for inputs and
outputs. Every element in the universe of discourse is a member of a fuzzy set to some grade,
maybe even zero. The grade of membership for all its members describes a fuzzy set, such as
Negative (N). In fuzzy sets elements are assigned a grade of membership, such that the transition
from membership to non-membership is gradual rather than abrupt. The set of elements that have
a non-zero membership is called the support of the fuzzy set. The function that ties a number to
each element of the universe is called the membership function. According to fuzzy set theory
the choice of the shape and width is subjective, but a few rules of thumb apply. As shown from
the below figures triangular and trapezoidal shapes have been adopted for the membership
functions for all inputs and outputs variables. The shape of the membership function and the
universe of discourse for each function is found by trial and error after many simulations were
The inputs frequency error e and the change in frequency error ∆e are used as numerical
variables from the real system. The inputs are most often hard or crisp measurements from some
measuring equipment, rather than linguistic. To convert numerical values of the inputs to
linguistic variables several fuzzy sets are presented. Because the actual frequency can be higher
than the desired one as well as lower, the error can be negative as well as positive. Values of
error e with a Negative sign mean that the current output frequency Fr(t) has a value above the
reference-point Fref since e = Fref - Fr(t)> 0. Positive value describes the magnitude of the
difference e. Then again, the values of error e with a positive sign mean that the current value of
Fr is below the reference-point value. The change of frequency error ∆e with a negative sign
means that the current output frequency Fr(t) has increased when compared with its previous
value Fr(t-1), since e = -Fr(t) + Fr(t-1) < 0. Values of ∆e with a positive sign mean that Fr(t) has
decreased its value when compared to Fr(t-1). For input e seven fuzzy sets are chosen: negative
big (NB), negative medium (NM), negative small (NS), zero (Z), positive small (PS), positive
medium (PM), and positive big (PB); and three fuzzy sets are chosen for ∆e: negative (N), zero
(Z), positive (P).
From figure 4.2, NB and PB are trapezoidal type and all the remaining membership functions are
triangular type. And from figure 4.3, N and P are trapezoidal type and only Z is triangular type.
The universe of discourse of each membership function is shown in the table below with degree
of membership. The frequency error and change in frequency error are normalized to [-1, 1]and
the input scaling factor for error and change in error are found by trial and error to make the
range of frequency error and change in frequency error normalized. The membership functions
for frequency error and change in frequency error are made more in number in order to activate
only the required actuator valve and to minimize error.
Two subsets, Low (L) and High (H) are used for the input variable Pd. Both this membership
functions are trapezoidal types. The input variable the electrical power is normalized to [0, 0.5]
and the input scaling factor for Pd are also found by trial and error. The figure and table below
shows the shape of the membership function and the universe of discourse of each membership
of the input electrical power respectively.
The fuzzy controller is created to govern via a servo motor the gate opening of the turbine. It
closes the gate opening, not only when the frequency exceeds its nominal value, but also when
Pd exceeds the defined limit which is 20% of the nominal turbine power. This task can be
summarized by the following rules,
Where e is positive when Fr is less than 50Hz; e is negative when Fr is greater than 50 Hz; e is
zero when Fr is equal to 50Hz; Xs positive order to open the gate opening; Xs negative order to
close the gate opening; Xs is zero, position of the gate opening remain unchanged.
The required effect here is to keep the output frequency of the generator at its rated value under
varying loads and varying flow rate of water from the injector to the turbine. From this required
aim, rules are made for every combination of frequency error, change in frequency error and the
electrical power on what the output should be in order to make the frequency become constant.
After rule base construction rule evaluation which focuses on operation in the antecedent of the
fuzzy rules is done. In antecedent part AND/OR fuzzy operation are used, in this design the
AND operation is used.
Out of the seven fuzzy sets NB and PB are made trapezoidal type to accommodate any value
beyond the range. The rule base for the controller is developed and furnished in the table below.
The rules are framed such that, it can be used for scheduling both Kp and Ki.
Seven fuzzy subsets are selected for the output variable change in proportional gain, which are
negative big (NB), negative medium (NM), negative small (NS), zero (Z), positive small (PS),
positive medium (PM), and positive big (PB).
Also seven fuzzy subsets are selected for the output variable change in integral gain, which are
negative big (NB), negative medium (NM), negative small (NS), zero (Z), positive small (PS),
positive medium (PM), and positive big (PB).
Five fuzzy subsets are selected for the output variable ∆Xs, which are negative big (NB),
negative medium (NM), zero (Z), positive medium (PM), and positive big (PB). The universe of
discourse of each membership function is shown in the tables below with degree of membership.
Fuzzy supervisor
The water level on the reservoir might decrease as it might increase depending on the availability
of water on the river. Thus, the generated power would vary considerably. Therefore, undesirable
situations might be occurred, where the generating unit would be no longer able to feed the
consumer loads connected to the mini-grid. To remedy this possible situation, the proposed fuzzy
supervisor, is able either to disconnect or connect the less preferred departures, depending on the
level of the available water.
The level of water “h” is divided into four sets (H1, H2, H3, H4) while the departures of the grid
are three (D1, D2 and D3). D1 is the more preferential departure while D3 is the less preferential.
This task, assured by the fuzzy supervisor, can be summarized by the following rules:
If h is H1 then D1, D2, and D3 are connected.
If h is H2 then D1 and D2: connected, D3: disconnected.
If h is H3 then D1 connected, D2 and D3: disconnected.
if h is H4 then D1, D2, and D3 are disconnected.
Furthermore, the proposed fuzzy supervisor manages the electrical production between the three
departures. The division of the mini-grid into different departures will be also used by the
proposed supervisor to limit the consumed power "Pe", to make sure that it never exceeds the
turbine power. Whenever very large overloads are caused by the users, where the load exceeds
the produced power, the fuzzy supervisor disconnects the less preferential departures (D3) to
avoid large drop of frequency. If the consumed power still exceeds the turbine power, the
supervisor disconnects other less priority departure (D2) and so on. The fuzzy membership
functions for the fuzzy supervisor input parameters (h, InpD1, InpD2 and InpD3) and output
parameters (D1, D2 and D3) are shown in figure below,
Figure 4.0.9 Input membership function for InpD1, InpD2 and InpD3
The universe of discourse of each membership function is shown in the tables below with degree
of membership.
5.1 Introduction
After modeling the Micro Hydro-power Plant, it is simulated in the software Mat Lab Simulink.
The Simulink model shows the simulation of the turbine mechanical power, electromagnetic
power, rotor angular velocity, stator output current, and stator output voltage, the performance of
the MHPP with PI controller and finally the performance of the MHPP with the proposed Fuzzy
Logic Controller. Also the result of the FPGA is discussed.
When the load is rejected from the system the feedback gets back to the power plant the load can
drop suddenly and inversely the frequency increases beyond the nominal set point. The figure
above shows this. The reverse is true, when the load is added the frequency deviation decrease. It
is shown in the figure below.
From the above figure we can see that the frequency decreases when the load is added. This is
because the power source is an AC generator, in this case the load is sufficiently high as
compared then it will causes the frequency to decrease, as it will take more energy for the
generator to be able to cope with the newly increased load, causing the generator rpm to drop and
eventually the frequency drops. The deviations are brought under control by the fuzzy logic
control to ensure quality power to the customers.
Table 13 steady state and transient performance of frequency controller for 75% load
75% load Without Without Without With With With
changes controller controller controller controller controller controller
D=1 D=1.5 D=2 D=1 D=1.5 D=2
Steady state 0.731 0.437 0.316 0 0 0
Overshoot 13.15% 8.7% 6.28% 3.46% 3.04% 2.74%
Settling time Never Never Never 39.82 sec 27.65 sec 20.87 sec
settled settled settled
The frequency deviation of the MHPP without controller and with fuzzy controller for 15% load
addition and 15% load remover is shown in the figure 5.5 and figure 5.6 respectively. The results
are obtained by taking the same assumption taken for the 75% load changes.
The results for 15% load change are revised in table 4.3 below.
Table 14 steady state and transient performance of frequency controller for 15% load
15% load Without Without Without With With With
changes controller controller controller controller controller controller
D=1 D=1.5 D=2 D=1 D=1.5 D=2
Steady state 0.114 0.063 0.037 0 0 0
Overshoot 2.82% 1.55% 0.925% 0.17% 0.05% 0.025%
Settling time Never Never Never 38.12 26.08 19.25
settled settled settled
The fuzzy supervisor manages to use the available water based on consumer demand. Even for
random and large load variations, the proposed control system keeps good dynamics as shown in
the figure below,
The comparison of frequency response of the micro hydropower system with PI controller and
fuzzy controller for a 15% and 75% load rejection is shown in the two figures below. The results
are obtained taking the same assumption for the generator damping constant and the flow rate of
Simulation results for the PI controller and fuzzy controller are revised in the table below. As can
be observed, the settling time and overshoots with the PI controller and the proposed fuzzy
controller are given from the simulation result.
From these results, we can see that the fuzzy logic controller has a better performance compared
to the PI controller.
In the FPGA realization of FLC, upon successful completion of the VHDL coding functional
simulation is performed to verify the correct functionality and to determine the deviation or
tolerance parameters of the fuzzy logic frequency controller using generated test bench which is
the ModelSim-ALTERA.
A set of stimuli as inputs (functional vectors that changes with at fixed time duration) is fed into
the test bench. The waveform in figure 4.15 shows the values of the inputs and the corresponding
output in hex form at the various instances determined by the stimuli in the test bench.
The same test stimuli are used for timing simulation taking into account the propagation delay. In
addition, the simulation at this stage is performed upon nodes that are synthesizable. Slice of the
timing waveform is shown in the figure below,
It is important to note that, the outputs are exactly the same for both functional and timing
simulation. The difference between these two simulations is that there is a noticeable time delay
before the output is available upon the assertion of a set of input. Notice also that the output
requires a period before its value stabilizes.
5.3 Discussion
This section present the discussion on the tests performed on the micro hydro-power plant. The
tests performed on the frequency controller of MHPP were to analyze its performance for load
As it can be seen from figure 5.1 to figure 5.6, the frequency return to its steady state in a short
time. From figure 5.7 and figure 5.8, the frequency returns to its steady state in a very short time
using fuzzy controller rather than PI controller. This demonstrates the capability and
effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy controller for frequency control of micro hydro-power
The tests performed on the controller was to see how the FLC performs to minimize the effect of
frequency deviation on controlling device and other component, which are sensitive for
frequency deviation. When water flow rate is high the system can produce more power and can
supply power for all loads. However, when the flow rate is low and large amount of customer
load are added to the system, the frequency deviation will be high and damage the controlling
device and other component, in order to save this devices which are highly affected by frequency
deviation, the controller isolate all loads except controller load from the system. Therefore, the
controller saves the component by isolating all loads or some of the loads based on the flow rate
of water.
The other test performed on the controller is, to design the controller using VHDL. This is done
due to the controller can be modified to engage different algorithm for further improvements in
the performance of the micro hydro-power plants. The main objective here is, the cost benefit of
MHPP with the proposed controller is analyzed in detail with FPGA. FPGA is better than
microcontroller because it has not been configured to have a particular function during
fabrication. Also FPGA is very flexible, reusable and quicker to acquire.
6.1 Conclusion
In rural areas of Ethiopia, there are rivers which are used for only agricultural purpose but these
rivers can be used for small hydro generation. In our country, there are rural communities still
live without electricity. So these rivers are useful for the generation of small hydro generation.
This thesis worked to develop a cost effective controller for micro hydro generation to rural areas
by using available hydropower resources. When there is load variation, the frequency regulation
of MHPP was a problem. The proposed Fuzzy logic controller is used to improve and maintain
MHPP frequency regulation. The proposed controller can be used for MHPP with different
power output and head by varying the size of the actuator valve. Good transient and steady state
responses for different operating points of the processes can be achieved by increasing the
number of membership functions.
The thesis focused on the cost effectiveness of the system, for this Induction Generator is used
over Synchronous Generator. The advantages are price, robustness simpler starting and control.
The controller was realized using VHDL (ModelSim-Altera), implementing the controller on
FPGA was found cost effective.
A mathematical model of MHPP was expanded and tested through simulation using Matlab
Simulink and ModelSim-Altera. It is observed from the simulation results that the overshoot of
the fuzzy controller for 75% load change and 0.2 m3/s flow rate is 2.74%, 3.04% and 3.46% and
the settling times are 20.87, 27.65 and 39.82 seconds respectively. Moreover, the comparison of
fuzzy logic controller and PI controller is observed. From the simulation results for 75 % load
change the overshoot of the PI controller is 6.82%, 5.43% and 4.42% ant the settling time is
69.8,58.7 and 47.6 seconds respectively.
The controller has been coded, compiled and simulated in VHDL using ModelSim-Altera. At
present the system inferred maximum operating frequency is 5 MHz with a critical path of 199.3
ns. This could take advantage of the high speeds achievable using hardware, and as a result
would be a beneficial and economic investment for designs requiring fuzzy logic.
Simulation results show the feasibility of the proposed fuzzy control system. Even for random
and large load variations, the control system keeps good dynamics as expected. So that the
proposed controller can be recommended as a promising alternative controller to control micro-
hydro power plants in regions where no grid will be installed in the future.
6.2 Recommendation
Even though hydro-power is a main electric generation in Ethiopia, there are almost no micro
hydro power generation in the country. As a recommendation, considering the situation where
many villages still live without electricity, especially those in mountains, but still have the
resource for micro hydro-power generation; the government should give attention for the
exploitation of MHPP.
The cost benefit of micro hydro-power plant with the proposed controller can be analyzed in is
analyzed using VHDL. But it is not implemented, so as a future work, the implementation of the
hardware of this proposed controller can be implemented on the FPGA. In addition, the micro
hydropower plants with the proposed controller can be analyzed in detail for a certain river that
used for rural electrification in Ethiopia, and the hardware of fuzzy logic controller using FPGA
can be developed for micro hydro-power plants on this river.
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