Low-Cost Inkjet Process For 3-D Printing
Low-Cost Inkjet Process For 3-D Printing
Low-Cost Inkjet Process For 3-D Printing
Schmitt, C. T. (2016). Low-Cost Inkjet Process for 3-D Printing. Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate
Honors Theses Retrieved from https://scholarworks.uark.edu/meeguht/54
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This paper presents a low-cost 3-D inkjet process design. Current commercially
available 3-D inkjet printers (e.g., Objet Connex) that are capable of multi-material printing are
expensive and out-of-reach of most consumers. While fused deposition modeling and other
extrusion-based hybrid processes for multi-material printing are becoming available, these
techniques are slow and relatively low-resolution. This research attempts to fill the gap by
presenting a simple and low-cost solution to bring desktop 3-D inkjet to the community by
utilizing components from an Epson inkjet printer. The mechanical system was designed with
maximum utilization of the Epson carriage system with the addition of a third axis. A 3rd party
ink supply system was used in replacement of the standard ink cartridges and an integrated UV
LED curing system was developed. Finally, a simple software control system was implemented
using Arduino. Costs were managed by exploiting the original driver electronics, power supply,
First and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. Wenchao Zhou for introducing me to this
exciting field of study. His dedication as a teacher and commitment to the project has helped
and inspired me tremendously. Dr. Zhou’s team of undergraduate and graduate students at
the AM3 lab has been a great work environment for advice, support, and comradery.
Exposure to the many diverse projects at the lab has taught me immensely, as well as given
I would also like to thank Danny Mora for his assistance with mechanical design, and
Garrett Urban for his experience with Arduino. Without them, and their many hours of help,
this project would not be where it is today. Many thanks also go to Zachary Zelenka and Joe
Moquin, for their electrical and software help, especially with regards to the UV LED modules
and voltage divider. Their knowledge and consultation was extremely valuable to me.
Finally, many thanks to the Honors College (including Walton Family Foundation) and
Arkansas Department of Higher Education for their generous scholarships. The Fellowship
and Governor’s Scholarship have made it possible for me to focus on my studies without any
financial burden. It has been both an honor and a humbling experience to live and learn here
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................................ iii
Figures ........................................................................................................................................................................... v
Tables .......................................................................................................................................................................... vii
Chapter 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of Additive Manufacturing ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Current Capabilities .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Open Source Revolution ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Motivation for Study ................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2. Design Overview ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Epson’s System ........................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 WF30 Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.2 WF30 Mechanical System ............................................................................................................. 11
2.1.3 WF30 Electrical System & Print Head ..................................................................................... 14
2.2 Mechanical System .................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.1 X-Y Stage ............................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.2 Z-stage ................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.2.3 Mechanical Endstops ....................................................................................................................... 23
2.2.4 Ink Supply System ............................................................................................................................ 24
2.3 Electrical System ....................................................................................................................................... 25
2.3.1 Arduino MEGA 2560 & RAMPS 1.4 ............................................................................................ 26
2.3.2 Voltage Divider .................................................................................................................................. 26
2.3.3 Photo-curing System ....................................................................................................................... 30
2.4 Software ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Chapter 3. Results & Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 35
3.1 Results ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
3.2 Discussion ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
Chapter 4. Conclusion & Future Work .......................................................................................................... 39
4.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.2 Future Work ................................................................................................................................................ 40
Appendix A. Software Code ............................................................................................................................... 42
Appendix B. Optocoupler Circuit Design ..................................................................................................... 43
References ................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 1-1. CAD model of teapot, showing smooth surface features [2]…………………………………….2
Figure 1-2. Teapot printed using Stratasys uPrint SE Plus, showing horizontal layering…………..3
Figure 1-3. Helmets printed using Connex3 in full-color photopolymer material [6]…………………4
Figure 1-4. Tower of Pisa, printed on Ultimaker 2, surface artifacts exist on tower's loggia………5
Figure 2-5. Print head assembly – Nozzle Plate (top), CN5 & CN7 connectors (bottom right)….15
Figure 2-7. CN5 Circuit snippet, CHA and CHB may be located [23] ……………………………………….16
Figure 2-8. CN7 Circuit snippet, LAT, NCHG, SI1, SI2, and SI3 may be located [23] ………………….17
Figure 2-10. Epson “main frame assembly” (upside down), used as X-stage [20] ……………………18
Figure 2-11. Carriage mounts left and right, designed with the freedom of AM………………………19
Figure 2-12. X-Y stage assembled, NEMA 17 motor and drive shaft (bottom right) ………………20
Figure 2-13. Carriage mount (left) connected to timing belt on its underside………………………...21
Figure 2-14. Z-stage design: base mount (in red), build plate frame (in blue) ………………………21
Figure 2-16. X-Y-Z stages of printer with build plate…………………………………..…………………………23
Figure 2-18. Epson CISS, supply lines exit the top of the cartridge top units (left) to a major
Figure 2-21. Voltage divider into side of RAMPS – black (GND), yellow (A10) ………………………29
Figure 2-23. Left: UV photo-curing circuit, Right: lumped element model [24] ………………………30
Figure B-1. Proposed twin optocoupler design for isolating Epson/Arduino circuits………………43
Chapter One.
become increasingly popular in the recent years. Its capability to turn a computerized virtual
model into existence with relative speed and ease is revolutionary. There are a wide range
(FDM), selective laser sintering (SLS), and inkjet (binder jetting or material jetting), to name
a few. AM processes share the similarity that they are layer-based manufacturing methods,
in which three-dimensional parts are built through the sequential deposition of two-
dimensional layers of material. These layers are literally cross-sections of the final part –
and as layers become increasingly thin, the 3-D print will appear to more closely represent
the original computer aided design (CAD) model (Figure 1-1). The final physical part (Figure
1-2) can thus be considered an approximation of the initial virtual data [1].
Figure 1-1. CAD model of teapot, showing smooth surface features [2]
There are numerous benefits to 3D printing that make it an attractive tool for
designers. AM’s layer-based approach allows for the creation of complex geometries that
designers can prototype and redesign with enhanced speed and freedom. Finally, AM has
the potential to allow anyone to design, build, and create – consolidating what used to be the
need for a large workspace and a wide variety of tools into a single instrument that can
Figure 1-2. Teapot printed using Stratasys uPrint SE Plus, showing horizontal layering
Since the invention of the first commercial SLA machine in 1986 by Chuck Hull (who
went on to found 3DSystems) [3], current capabilities of rapid prototyping has increased
tremendously. From improvements in speed, build volume, cost, materials and part
strength, AM machine are starting to close the gap with traditional methods, such as injection
molding, in terms of final part accuracy, quality, and end-usability. Direct Metal Printing
(DMP) is a technology that allows one to create metal and ceramic parts – that has proved
The Objet Connex series by Stratasys are currently the only printers on the market
capable of multiple material printing in high-resolution. In addition, these printers can print
in multiple colors simultaneously. A sample print from a Connex3 is shown below in Figure
Figure 1-3. Helmets printed using Connex3 in full-color photopolymer material [6]
Build resolution of an Objet 500 Connex3, the series flagship, for example, is 600 DPI in the
X- and Y-axes and 1600 DPI in the Z-axis. Layer thickness is down to 16-micron resolution,
for smooth surface features and minimal artifacts. Using inkjet print heads, the printer is
capable of using a wide variety of materials with properties that are rigid, flexible, thermal
resistant, and even translucent [7]. A preventative price tag of over a quarter-million USD,
however, limits this powerful technology from many potential consumers [8].
and design professionals. Recently, however, the market for consumer-levels printers has
grown considerably with the help of a strong open-source community. The RepRap printer
replicating printer [9]. Here, enthusiasts can communicate, post instructions, and offer
RepRap site, due to the technology’s inherent simplicity and low-cost. MakerBot (now
acquired by Stratasys) spawned from the RepRap project, and is focused on producing low-
cost FDM printers. The MakerBot Replicator printer uses a 0.4mm nozzle with 100-micron
layer resolution at a cost of USD$2899 [10]. The MakerBot, and other similar FDM printers
such as Ultimaker, are optimized for depositing polylactic acid (PLA) and acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene (ABS). These thermoplastics are easy to extrude, are available in a wide
variety of colors, and are relatively inexpensive. Figure 1-4 shows the capability of an
Figure 1-4. Tower of Pisa, printed on Ultimaker 2, surface artifacts exist on tower's loggia
However, unlike their more expensive counterparts, these printers are not capable of multi-
material printing. A printer called the Fab@Home was created to address this issue. Like
RepRap, Fab@Home is also entirely open-source, and was the first multi-material printer
available [11]. This project has since seemed to have fallen by the wayside, as their website
The ultimate goal is to make the 3-D printer as simple-to-use and commonplace as an
performance and precision that rivals the expensive industrial printers of today. Low-cost
FDM printers are widely available, however FDM performance is inherently slow because it
“requires material to be plotted in a point-wise, vector fashion that involves many changes
The two most common types of inkjet technology available are piezoelectric inkjet
and thermal inkjet (also known as bubble jet). In a piezoelectric inkjet print head, the
piezoelectric element sits atop a thin diaphragm that is positioned above the nozzle. One of
the most common piezoelectric materials is lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a man-made
ceramic. Its efficiency in reception and transmission makes it an ideal material for
transducers, converting an electrical signal into mechanical vibrations [13]. In an inkjet print
head, a voltage is applied to the PZT, causing the diaphragm to bend upwards, drawing in ink
from a reservoir located above the mechanism. Subsequently, an opposite voltage is applied,
causing the diaphragm to invert rapidly, expelling a single droplet of ink [14], as illustrated
in Figure 1-5.
A thermal inkjet print head shares similar ink plumbing, however a small heating element
sits in place of the PZT, as shown in Figure 1-6. This heater (essentially a power resistor),
vaporizes the ink generating a pressure increase, thus causing a droplet to be ejected [15].
The issue with this thermal inkjet process is that the heaters have a short lifetime, due the
high electrical currents necessary to run the heating elements [14, 16]. Manufacturers try to
solve this issue by packaging the print head as part of the cartridge, in order to ensure that
it is replaced regularly. An additional issue is that thermal inkjet can’t be used with heat-
sensitive materials [14]. The thermal inkjet process can be found in nearly all consumer-
level desktop office (2-D) printers from companies like Hewlett-Packard, Lexmark, and
Epson first introduced their "Micro Piezo” technology in the early 1990s [17]. The
piezoelectric inkjet process does not alter the chemical composition of the jetted material
and has the ability to be finely tuned in order to produce adequate pressure for droplet
generation [15]. Additionally, PZT print heads have a low operating temperature, increasing
reliability and allowing for the print head to be integrated into the machine [14]. Epson has
used this technology in their entire lineup of desktop office printers since 1993 with the
release of the Epson Stylus 800 [17]. Utilizing the print head and components in these
relatively inexpensive machines, one could build a 3-D inkjet printer at a fraction of the price
of current offerings. This paper presents a low-cost inkjet process for additive
manufacturing, part of a larger and ongoing effort to eventually bring the desktop 3-D printer
Chapter Two.
Design Overview
To create something that creates is an exceptional task. In order to make the 3-D
printer like an appliance, it should be simple to use and unobtrusive in the user’s life –
subtle and overt. Furthermore, to develop a product for the mass-market presents a
utilization of off-the-shelf components is crucial in order to manage costs. The printer was
made with this design philosophy in mind. Parts such as the print head, driver electronics,
power supply, and X-stage motor and feedback mechanism were all sourced from an Epson
printer and are discussed in Section 2.1. Section 2.2 details the mechanical system that was built
around these components, providing three axes of motion, as well as an ink supply system for the
print head. Section 2.3 presents the open-source Arduino platform that was chosen for
controlling the stepper motors, the voltage divider for reading Epson’s signals, and the integrated
photo-curing system. Finally, Section 2.4 outlines the software ideology, as well as some basic
calculations for keeping the X- and Y-stage in sync using Arduino. Arduino’s vibrant
community of users, especially amongst “RepRappers”, made it an ideal platform for this
project. This project may very well be the first inkjet RepRap incorporating a Micro Piezo print
head [18].
The desktop inkjet printer chosen for this project was the Epson WorkForce 30
(WF30). The relatively large amount of information available on this printer was the main
reason for choosing this model at the time. A similar project, the MultiFab, conducted at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, used the WF30 print head because of its high
performance and low cost [19]. In addition, a service manual was obtained for the WF30,
aiding substantially in the understanding of the printer’s mechanical and electrical systems.
Epson. The print head is Epson’s F3-3 Mach Turbo II, containing 540 nozzles, divided into 3
rows of 180 nozzles each. The print head accepts 5 ink cartridges: cyan, magenta, yellow,
and two cartridges of black (CMYK). The first and second row are both devoted to black,
while the third row is subdivided equally into 3 nozzle banks for cyan, magenta, and yellow
(60 nozzles each), shown in Figure 2-1 [20]. The print head can eject droplets of 6 pl, 13 pl,
The WF30 shares the same printer mechanism with the Epson Stylus C110, C120,
D120, Office B30, T30, T33, and ME Office 70 [20]. The printer may be divided up into the
print head, carriage mechanism, paper loading mechanism, paper feed mechanism, and ink
Similar to most 2-D printers, the carriage unit with print head traverses along a
metal main frame assembly, driven by a timing belt and DC motor (CR motor). In the
transverse direction, paper feeds in through a series of rollers, driven by another DC motor
(PF motor). During the printer initialization sequence, nozzle priming, and after printing
completes, the carriage unit travels back to its “home position” above the waste ink system.
This is where it is stored when the printer is off. The waste ink system (Figure 2-3)
contains a deployable wiper, rubber cap, pump, and waste ink chamber.
This system is surprisingly intricate. As the carriage unit travels back to the waste ink
system, the PF motor reverses direction, causing the wiper to raise by a cam. This rubber
wiper, essentially a squeegee, cleans the nozzle plate of residual ink. When the carriage
reaches the end of its travel, it bumps the cap slider, thus pulling the rubber cap up into the
nozzle plate, forming a seal. The PF motor then spins in a rapid state, driving the pump
unit, which removes any waste ink through a mesh screen in the cap and into a reservoir
underneath. This act of drawing ink from the channels and applying suction to the nozzle
plate helps to mitigate the PZT print head susceptibility to entrapped air [22]. Finally, the
carriage lock lever raises, securing the carriage in its home position. This means that the
PF motor serves two functions – to feed paper past the print head and to drive the waste
2.1.3 WF30 Electrical System & Print Head
The main circuit board of the WF30 (Figure 2-4) is where the analog drive waveform
for the PZTs is created, printer interfaces with the PC, and is the central hub for all of the
The main ribbon cables CN6, CN7, and CN5 (each with 17, 17, and 18 leads, respectively)
connect the main board to the carriage unit, with CN5 and CN7 connecting directly to the
print head (Figure 2-5). CN6 splits at the carriage unit and goes to the CR Scale (optical
sensor for X-stage feedback) and the Head FFC Connector for reading the ink cartridges.
Other important nomenclature on the main board: CN8 connects to CR motor, CN9 to PF
motor, CN10 to PF encoder sensor, and CN3 to paper empty (PE) sensor.
Figure 2-5. Print head assembly – Nozzle Plate (top), CN5 & CN7 connectors (bottom right)
The print head utilizes a trapezoidal analog waveform for driving the PZTs and a
series of digital signals for nozzle selection and droplet size. One period of the analog
In order to control printing, there are eight digital signals: NCHG, LAT, CHA, CHB, SI1, SI2,
SI3, and CK. Their corresponding pins on CN5 and CN7 may be seen in Figures 2-7 and 2-8,
respectively. NCHG determines whether the analog waveform activated the ink chambers.
CHA, CHB, and LAT show the start of a sub-waveform. SI1, SI2, and SI3 are responsible for
specifying drop size. Finally, CK is the signal of the clock [19]. This information about
Figure 2-7. CN5 Circuit snippet, CHA and CHB may be located [23]
Figure 2-8. CN7 Circuit snippet, LAT, NCHG, SI1, SI2, and SI3 may be located [23]
The WF30 is powered by a 42VDC power supply. The high voltage is necessary for
driving the PZTs. As mentioned briefly in section 2.1.2, there are two 42V DC motors: the CR
and PF motor. The CR motor has a photo interrupter sensor with a resolution of 180
pulse/inch [20] for use as a feedback mechanism on the carriage unit’s whereabouts.
Similarly, the PF motor has a rotary photo interrupter sensor for tracking motor movement.
The paper empty (PE) sensor is another photo interrupter for detecting the top and bottom
edge of sheets of paper. These components are pointed out in Figure 2-9.
2.2 Mechanical System
The idea was for maximum utilization of the Epson components in order to minimize
costs. The entire “main frame assembly”, containing the carriage unit with print head, CR
motor, and CR Encoder Sensor was taken from the Epson printer. In addition, the power
supply and main board unit were utilized. The 3-D printer was designed according to a
Cartesian coordinate system, with the three axes situated perpendicular to one another.
In Epson’s system, the printing surface is fed under the fixed print carriage.
Conversely, for this 3-D printer, the print carriage should instead be moved over the fixed
printing surface (build plate). With this idea of relative motion in mind, the entire main
frame assembly was lifted from the Epson printer. It was unmodified with the intention that
it would be the ideal X-stage, since motor and feedback mechanism were already integrated
(CR motor and CR Scale, respectively). The main frame may be seen in the Figure 2-10 (CR
Figure 2-10. Epson “main frame assembly” (upside down), used as X-stage [20]
The main frame (hereinafter referred to as the carriage) assembly is made out of sheet-metal,
thus subject to flex, as it was clearly not intended by Epson to be moved about. Several
iterations of 3-D printed carriage mounts (Figure 2-11) were created so that the carriage
assembly could slide transversely along some smooth rod in the Y-direction using press-fit
bearings. These brackets take on somewhat odd shapes in order to integrate with the
carriage assembly and as well as reduce flex and distribute load via four linear bearings (two
per mount).
Figure 2-11. Carriage mounts left and right, designed with the freedom of AM
Belt connection points were positioned on the bottom side of both of the carriage
mounts. Since the carriage assembly is relatively heavy, driving it from both sides was
necessary. Commonly found in RepRap printers, GT2 pulleys and timing belts were used to
create the Y-stage, driven by a NEMA 17 stepper motor. Figure 2-12 shows the fully
Figure 2-12. X-Y stage assembled, NEMA 17 motor and drive shaft (bottom right)
The NEMA 17 stepper motor connects to a drive shaft via a short closed-loop timing belt.
The drive shaft then connects to the underside of both carriage mounts (Figure 2-13) via
timing belt, thus powering the carriage from both ends. This design results in smooth Y-
stage travel.
Figure 2-13. Carriage mount (left) connected to timing belt on its underside
2.2.2 Z-stage
decoupled from the X-Y stage (Figure 2-14). This allows for some freedom in its placement
underneath the X-Y stage, as well as an ability to be utilized in future 3-D printer designs.
Figure 2-14. Z-stage design: base mount (in red), build plate frame (in blue)
A base mount for the Z stepper motor was 3-D printed that supports two smooth rods. The
base mount attaches to a base plate of medium-density fiberboard (MDF) by 4 screws, one
at each corner. The motor was directly connected to a lead screw via a segment of vinyl
tubing. In order to keep costs down, the X-Y stage was mounted above the Z-stage using 2
in. x 4 in. lumber. The entire assembly was then mounted to a MDF base plate. The printer
assembly can be seen below in Figure 2-15. An 8 in. x 8 in. MDF build plate (Figure 2-16) sits
atop the build plate frame (in blue). As the X-Y stage travels over the build plate, the Z-stage
2.2.3 Mechanical Endstops
Basic mechanical switches were fitted at each end of the Y-stage motion, as a
preventative safety stop mechanism to prevent the motor from burning out in the event the
These mechanical endstops were packaged with the RAMPS 1.4 and are commonly found
on most RepRap printers. The endstops have three pins: S (signal), + (positive), and –
(ground). The + pin accepts 5V from the Arduino. The S pin outputs 0V (low) or 5V (high)
if triggered. RAMPS 1.4 makes connecting endstops easy by providing S, +, and – male
connector pins on the board. For reference, Table 2-1 lists the analog pins on Arduino that
RAMPS uses. For purposes of this project, only two endstops for Ymin and Ymax were
A 3rd party Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS) was obtained. The CISS effectively
tricks the Epson into thinking it is a genuine cartridge by using the same cartridge contact
modules of a genuine cartridge. It replaces the individual cyan, magenta, yellow, and two
black cartridges with an entire packaged unit. The CISS has a much larger ink reservoir than
a standard cartridge – supply lines extend from the tops of the cartridge sub-units to a major
reservoir. The major reservoir is easy to fill with different inks/materials (Figure 2-18). In
addition, the CISS has a reset button that tells the printer that it is refilled, whether or not
there is actually ink present. This is useful for testing printer operations without actually
jetting material. After loading ink into the CISS, air in the supply lines must be drawn out
using a syringe, simultaneously filling the cartridge sub-units with ink. The major reservoir
must be positioned approximately the same elevation as the cartridges print head. If the
major reservoir is positioned too high, unwanted ink may drip from the print head when not
in operation. If it is too low, the PZTs may have trouble drawing in ink. The CISS may be
Figure 2-18. Epson CISS, supply lines exit the top of the cartridge top units (left) to a major
2.3 Electrical System
In order to manage costs, the main board unit from the WF30 was used because it
already contains the driver electronics to activate the print head. This eliminates the need
to design a custom board that is capable of producing the trapezoidal analog waveform and
digital signals that control printing. In addition, the main board integrates with a PC via USB,
allowing one to easily send image slices from computer to printer (further explained in
Section 2.4).
The Arduino MEGA 2560 microcontroller and RAMPS 1.4 (RepRap Arduino Mega
Pololu Shield) combination was chosen based on its open-source and popularity among the
RepRap community. An inexpensive 400W, 12V standard PC power supply was sourced for
powering the RAMPS. The RAMPS provides an interface between the microcontroller and
stepper motors. NEMA 17 stepper motors were used for the Y- and Z-stages.
One design challenge was getting the X- and Y-stages to move in sync. Since the X-
stage is operated by the Epson main board and the Y-stage by the Arduino, the Arduino had
to somehow be able to read and interpret the signals of the Epson. Therefore, the objective
was to figure out how to be able to read the signals of the PF motor. This is because, in
Epson’s system, the PF motor can be thought of as their Y-stage motor (the carriage holds the
print head as it travels along the X-direction, as paper feeds transversely in the Y-direction).
If the PF motor’s signals could be read, the Arduino could interpret that information, and
then, in turn, drive the Y-stage stepper motor. The reasoning behind not using the PF motor
as the Y-stage motor is because returning the carriage assembly to its starting position
An issue, however, is the large voltage differential that exists between the Epson and
Arduino. Since the PF motor operates at a voltage of 42V and the Arduino MEGA 2560’s
analog pin can only accept 5V maximum, a solution had to be developed to either (1)
electrically isolate the two systems or (2) reduce this voltage differential without affecting
either system. Either way, it had to do-so at a frequency that could keep pace with Epson’s
X-stage movement.
Epson’s circuit from the Arduino. A twin 4N35 optocoupler circuit was designed that
would allow the Arduino to read the PF motor’s movement and direction (Appendix B).
However, testing revealed the optocoupler to be unreliable, possibly due to its reliance on
Another solution was a voltage divider. A capture of the signal sent to the PF motor
may be seen in Figure 2-19, where Vin,max = 45V and Vin,min = 17V, approximately.
To keep maximum output voltage of the voltage divider under 5V and avoid high current
flow into the Arduino, resistance values R1=220kΩ and R2=10kΩ were used, based off the
𝑉"#$,&'( = 𝑉*+,&'( (1)
,. /,-
Following Equation 1, Vout,max = 1.96V and similarly, Vout,min = 0.74V, both sufficiently less than
When connected, RAMPS commands nearly all of the Arduino’s analog pins. Fortunately, it
does not use pin A9, A10, A11, and A12. This voltage divider design used A10 as the analog
input from the Epson. Since the RAMPS does not have pass-through connections for these
pins, the wire has to be wrapped around the RAMP’s support pin and smashed between the
RAMPS and Arduino for a secure connection, as shown more clearly in Figure 2-21 and 2-22.
Figure 2-21. Voltage divider into side of RAMPS – black (GND), yellow (A10)
This configuration produced excellent results, with Arduino’s Serial Monitor outputting a
clean “0” (when PF motor is feeding paper) and “361” when it is in idle (on a scale of 0 to
1023). This large difference in the “analogRead()” inputs allowed for code that was
relatively tolerant. This means that if there were ever any analog signal less than “200”, for
example, the Y-stepper was instructed to move (because 0 is less than 200). If the signal was
over “200” (since 361 is greater than 200) then the Y-stepper was told to hold position. The
Similar to the large-scale industrial 3-D inkjet printers, photo-curable polymer was
the logical material to use in this setup. Therefore, a photo-curing system had to be
developed. UV LEDs seemed to be the most reliable and economical choice for this project.
Two banks of 6 LEDs at 390 nm wavelength, connected in parallel with a bipolar junction
transistor (BC547) and 67 Ω resistor, were designed. The circuit of the photo-curing system
may be seen in Figure 2-23, designed for 12V DC input from the PC power supply.
Figure 2-23. Left: UV photo-curing circuit, Right: lumped element model [24]
The 390 nm wavelength UV LEDs were selected based on their similarity with the
405 nm violet laser found in the FormLabs 1+ printer [25]. Using OrCAD PSpice Designer
voltage simulation and sweeping the resistance (R7) required in Figure 2-23, the 67 Ω
value for the resistor was calculated. Sweeping the resistance allowed for the optimal
resistor to be selected for the circuit. After successfully testing the circuit on a breadboard
resin (viscosity 850-900 cP, Figure 2-24 [25]), the circuit was created on an Accurate A427
CNC PCB router, located in John A. White, Jr. Engineering Hall, University of Arkansas. This
allowed for a robust and compact design that could easily be mounted on the underside of
The PCB have power, ground, and signal pins on both sides for a design that integrates
willingly with many future 3-D printer designs (Figure 2-25). A simple mount was created
(Figure 2-26) that gives the modules the proper angle towards the print area when glued to
Figure 2-25. UV LED PCB design [24] Figure 2-26. UV LED mount design
Figure 2-27. UV LED mounts installed Figure 2-28. UV LED on print head
2.4 Software
In order to simplify the systems necessary to develop this 3-D printer, the idea was
to “trick” the printer into thinking it was doing nothing different from its original intention.
In addition, the main goal was to develop a machine that can print 2-D layers of JPEG
images over-and-over again to develop a 3-D object. The process for taking a 3-D model
and converting it into slices and then into JPEG images that could be sent to the printer was
of less-importance to the author. As a proof of concept, the author’s intentions were to load
JPEGs of various geometries into Microsoft Word and feed those images directly to the
Epson main board. Each JPEG “slice” would be on its own page in Word, with multiple
pages (a.k.a. a “ream”) stacking to form the 3-D object. This creates a straightforward
The Epson PF motor moves approximately 1mm for each “step” during a high
quality printing sequence. This was determined from some basic experiments in which a
ballpoint pen was held lightly above some paper the PF motor was feeding during a 2-D
test print. The markings measured consistently to be 1mm in length. The NEMA 17 motor
used for the Y-stage completes a full-rotation from 12,800 steps in Arduino IDE, equating to
In order to move the Y-stage 1mm as well, the 22.4mm diameter pulley needs to rotate
1𝑚𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙 = 2𝜋 ∙ 22.4𝑚𝑚 ∙
∴ 𝑥 = 2.5578 𝑑𝑒𝑔.
Multiplying this number by steps/degree of the NEMA 17, this equates to approximately 91
35.55 ×2.5578 𝑑𝑒𝑔. = 90.93 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝𝑠
In other words, 91 steps on the stepper motor equates to 1mm of travel on the Y-stage. A
way to think of how this works is: (1) the Epson main board sends a signal to the CR motor
telling the X-stage to make a pass, during which the PF motor remains idle; (2) at the end of
the pass, the PF motor is instructed to move 1mm; (3) simultaneously with Step 2, the
Arduino reads and interprets the PF motor’s signal, thus driving the Y-stage. An important
note is that the print head can print in both directions, thus the PF motor will move once
for each pass of the X-stage (meaning, once for a pass and once again for a return pass).
This process repeats until the carriage reaches the end of the Y-stage, which is
approximately 2 full rotations of the pulley (which is 25,600 steps on the motor or
approximately 281mm of travel). The software was coded in Arduino IDE and may be
found in Appendix A.
Chapter Three.
3.1 Results
Shortly after the printer had been fully designed and built, and before significant
testing was conducted, an unfortunate issue with cartridge recognition arose. The printer
suddenly refused to communicate with the CISS as well as genuine Epson cartridges,
halting any ability to print. A second WF30 had also been purchased for spare parts in case
an event such as this occurred. However, within just a week of using the spare parts from
the backup printer, the same issue occurred, despite careful disassembly and procedures to
eliminate electrostatic discharge. After discovering of similar issues with other users of the
WF30, the author has hypothesized that this issue may be due to planned obsolescence by
Epson. The author has proposed some solutions in Section 4.2 for future work.
Despite this ill-fated circumstance, several photographs were obtained before the
cartridge failure, indicating some positive results. Figure 3-1 shows a photo of a nozzle
check pattern conducted. The gaps in the lines suggest many of the nozzle were still
clogged after an attempt at using Objet Cleaning Fluid to test jetting higher-viscosity
material. The nozzles and ink reservoirs were in the process of being cleaned with
isopropyl alcohol (IPA), which is the reason for the faded prints. Figure 3-1 is the result of
IPA mixed with Objet Cleaning Fluid and some residual black ink.
Figure 3-1. Nozzle check pattern printed
Shortly after, in order to continue purging the nozzles, a rectangle was printed (Figure 3-3).
The result appears to be a gradient; however this is due to the IPA diluting the residual
Figure 3-3. Rectangle printed
These results suggest that the Arduino is interpreting Epson’s signals correctly from
the PF motor. The X-stage and Y-stage are in sync. A video captured by the author shows
the printer reaching the end of the Y-stage, returning back to its initial position at the
completion of a “page”, dropping the Z-stage, and continuing on the next page.
3.2 Discussion
Due to the cartridge malfunction, testing of the printer ceased until the issue could be
resolved. The plan was to test the printer using Stratasys materials: VeroWhitePlus RGD835
(Part No. OBJ-04054) photopolymer resin, since it is used in the Objet30 3-D inkjet printer,
purchasing and testing of this material was not followed-through with as it costs USD$300
for two 1kg cartridges, with no guarantee of compatibility. The author agrees that this high
Ideally, a custom in-house photopolymer material would be created for this printer,
taking into account jettability and curability with the UV LED system. A dimensionless
number called the Ohnesorge number (Oh) is one way, to some extent, determine if a
material is jettable. The Ohnesorge is related to the Reynolds and Weber numbers [15],
denoted by
𝑂ℎ = = [26]
where μ is the dynamic viscosity, ρ is the density, σ is the surface tension, and Lc is the
The author recognizes that simply sourcing a material that works with the printer is
a very important aspect, whether or not it follows the low-cost philosophy. This matter will
Chapter Four.
4.1 Conclusion
First and foremost, this project attempted to design and build something that doesn’t
exist, with minimal experience and a low-budget. While the project hit an unfortunate wall
just as the printer was nearing completion, there are several contributions that were made.
This paper has presented a genuinely low-cost method for inkjet 3-D printing that has
promise and potential. The author believes the hardware in desktop inkjet printers is
entirely capable of becoming multi-material manufacturing devices, and that the prices of
printers like the Stratasys Object Connex series could be significantly reduced with the
This project also leaves behind hardware that can be utilized in future printer designs.
The Y- and Z-stages were designed with the ability to be easily modified or taken from the
printer for use on new iterations. The simple, modular design also allows for significant
From a learning perspective, this project has provided the author with a rather
extensive knowledge of the operations and mechanisms of the WF30 that are not readily
available on the Internet. The idiosyncrasies of the printer were discovered through many
hours of dissection and tinkering. Additionally, the knowledge acquired about Arduino and
RAMPS has inspired the author to use these devices in future projects. Although there is still
much work to be done and much that could be improved, this paper has laid the foundation
history and current status for use as a reference for the next student willing to take on the
As with any research, there is always more to be done. Firstly, the author suggests
abandoning the WF30 printer, as the hardware is nearly 8 years old and parts are becoming
increasingly difficult and expensive to acquire. For reasons unknown, a used WF30 on the
Internet can be double or more of its original MSRP. In addition, if the hypothesis that
planned obsolescence killed the WF30 is true, then it should most definitely be avoided. A
much newer, inexpensive Epson printer model would be the best choice for hardware
moving forward, as print head technology has presumably changed very little. Something
like the Expression Home XP-420, one of Epson’s budget printers (approximately USD$50
currently) would be a viable option. The main downside might be the many features that
even low-cost printers of today have – such as touchscreens and Wi-Fi. The WF30 benefits
by not having these distractions from its focused intent. They simply add complexity to the
circuitry that will have to be dissected and understood. Nevertheless, printer functions are
likely quite similar, allowing the carriage from the new printer to be mounted on this frame
and similar code to be used to read its signals. The author admits that this project relied
heavily on Epson’s functions for driving the print head, X-stage, and software from PC to
printer. If reliance on the Epson main board was eliminated, then theoretically the WF30
hardware should still be adequate. This brings up the second suggestion – taking over the
print head entirely via Arduino. This process is already underway, with Garrett Urban
spearheading this operation. A more complete understanding of the printer electronics and
circuitry is necessary for this. The high voltage driving waveform that the WF30 main board
creates would have to be simulated with Arduino. The ability to alter the waveform, though,
would allow for precise tuning of the PZTs to the jetted material in question. This flexibility
photopolymer formulated for the print head could help optimize the printing process.
Multiple print heads could even be added to the carriage for increased build speed and
coverage. Complete control of the print head would provide the ultimate freedom and truly
Appendix A
Software Code
#include <Stepper.h>
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN 56
#define Y_MIN_PIN 14
#define Y_MAX_PIN 15
Stepper X_STEPPER(12800, 54, 55); //Z-stepper motor, using X pins for convenience
Stepper Y_STEPPER(12800, 60, 61); //Y-stepper motor
const int Y_Trigger_Input = 10;//analog input from Epson for Y-stage movement
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize the serial port:
if (stepCount == maxStep){
Y_STEPPER.step(-91*stepCount); //returns the Y-stage to initial position
stepCount = 0; //resets stepCount
Serial.print("Completed Page: ");
Appendix B
Figure B-1. Proposed twin optocoupler design for isolating Epson/Arduino circuits
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