Maximizing Preemergence Herbicide Performance in Tall Fescue

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Maximizing Preemergence Herbicide Performance in Tall Fescue

Tim R. Murphy
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
The University of Georgia

Preemergence herbicides form the base of a chemical weed control program for summer annual weeds
in tall fescue and are used primarily to control annual grasses and certain annual broadleaf weeds. They
persist in the soil and control susceptible weeds for two to six months. The length of control depends
on the specific chemical being used, soil, physical and chemical properties, soil moisture levels, and soil
temperatures. The soil persistence of these herbicides is advantageous in terms of length of weed
control; however, it may be a disadvantage if seeding or sodding operations are planned for a treated
site. Newly-seeded tall fescue has a low tolerance to most preemergence herbicides (siduron is a
noted exception). Appropriate waiting periods after herbicide application are required before
reestablishing the site with tall fescue. The herbicide label should be consulted to determine the length
of time required before establishment operations can be conducted safely.

Each year there are instances where for some reason preemergence herbicides fail to control weeds or
injury occurs to tall fescue. Why? Well let’s examine the factors that will maximize the effectiveness of
a preemergence herbicide.

I. Preemergence herbicides must be applied prior to weed seed germination. The mode of
action for most preemergence herbicides (e.g., bensulide, benefin, dithiopyr, oryzalin, pendimethalin,
prodiamine) is the inhibition of certain phases of cell division during the seed germination process. As
the weed seed germinates, the herbicide is absorbed by the root or shoot, cell division is blocked,
growth is inhibited and eventually the immature seedling dies. Emerged weeds visible at the time of
application are not controlled by preemergence herbicides. Although the majority of herbicides may be
classified as preemergence or postemergence chemicals, dithiopyr is the exception for tall fescue
preemergence herbicides. Dithiopyr will control seedling crabgrass (prior to tiller development), but
will not control seedling goosegrass.

II. Application Timing. The various species of crabgrass and goosegrass are among the most
troublesome annual grass weeds in turf. Crabgrass initiates spring germination when soil temperatures
at a 4-inch depth reach 53 to 58oF . This can occur from mid-February to late April in most areas of
the southeastern United States. Goosegrass germinates at soil temperatures of 60 to 65oF. Because of
higher temperature requirements for germination, goosegrass normally germinates two-to-eight weeks
later in spring than crabgrass. The old rule of thumb is to apply the preemergence herbicide two weeks
before crabgrass seed germination. Preemergence herbicides begin to degrade when exposed to the
environment primarily by microbial decomposition. Degradation is higher under warm, moist soil
conditions and lower under cool, dry soil conditions. Early is always better than late with respect to
preemergence application for summer annual grass weeds!
III. Application Frequency. In Georgia and most other southern states, repeat applications have been
shown to increase control of crabgrass and goosegrass, particularly if soil seed populations of these
species is high. While research has shown that December and January applications can provide
effective control of crabgrass in bermudagrass in the following summer months, research has also
shown that applying ½ the recommended rate at the normal application time and again 6 to 8 weeks
later will improve crabgrass and goosegrass control for most products. Some research has also shown
that after the use of normal herbicide application rates for one or two years in bermudagrass,
subsequent yearly rates may be reduced. However, this research has not been conducted in tall fescue.

IV. Tall Fescue Tolerance. When considering any herbicide, the first consideration is the tolerance
of the desirable turfgrass species to the chemical in question. As a general rule, preemergence
herbicides are not as phytotoxic to established tall fescue as certain postemergence herbicides.
However, the tolerance of fall-seeded tall fescue to several preemergence herbicides applied in the
spring months is low. Seedling tall fescue has a lower level of tolerance to preemergence herbicides
than well-established tall fescue. Research conducted in Georgia has shown that tall fescue seeded
from mid-September through mid-October was tolerant to most preemergence herbicides applied the
following early March. However, if tall fescue was seeded in mid-November, most preemergence
herbicides applied in early March caused moderate to severe injury expressed as stand reduction.
Reference to the herbicide label will show recommended turfgrass species and time intervals that are
required to prevent injury from time of seeding and herbicide application date.

V. Weed Species. In general, crabgrass is easier to control with preemergence herbicides than
goosegrass. Herbicides that have consistently controlled crabgrass in most university tests include
members of the dinitroaniline herbicide family (benefin, oryzalin, benefin + oryzalin, benefin + trifluralin,
prodiamine, pendimethalin), dithiopyr, bensulide and oxadiazon. High levels (>80%) of goosegrass
control have consistently occurred with oxadiazon, prodiamine, dithiopyr, pendimethalin, oryzalin and
benefin + oryzalin.

VI. Aerification. Core aeration generally has not been recommended or practiced following a
preemergence herbicide application. Core aeration was believed to disrupt the herbicide barrier in the
soil and stimulate weed emergence. B. J. Johnson with the University of Georgia reported in 1987 that
core aeration immediately prior to or one, two, three, or four months after applications of benefin,
bensulide, DCPA, and bensulide + oxadiazon to common bermudagrass did not stimulate large
crabgrass emergence. Aeration at one or two months after application increased large crabgrass cover
5% for oxadiazon at 2.0 lbs. ai/acre, but not at 4.0 lbs. ai/acre. In a related Georgia study, it was
shown that core aeration at one, two, or three months after an application of oxadiazon did not
decrease goosegrass control on a 'Tifgreen' bermudagrass putting green. In Michigan, core aeration, or
vertical mowing, immediately or one month after an application of benefin, bensulide, or DCPA did not
affect large crabgrass control in annual bluegrass. A study conducted in North Carolina showed that
aeration did not affect the activity of several preemergence herbicides in controlling crabgrass species in

either 'Tifgreen' or common bermudagrass. However, in creeping bentgrass, significantly greater
amounts of crabgrass occurred in aerified plots with the cores returned than in plots not aerified, or
aerified plots with the cores removed. While most herbicide labels do not recommend aeration after
preemergence herbicide application, university-conducted research in bermudagrass has not shown an
adverse effect on crabgrass control. Results can vary between turfgrass species, research plots and
commercial turfgrass sites and there may be situations where core aeration after preemergence
herbicide application could stimulate crabgrass and goosegrass emergence. But, if the site requires
aeration to encourage tall fescue growth and development, then it should be done. If crabgrass or
goosegrass emerges, there are excellent postemergence herbicides that can be used.

VII. Herbicide Formulation Type. Preemergence herbicides are available as a sprayable or dry
formulation. Dry formulations consist of the herbicide impregnated on an inert carrier such as clay or
various analyses of fertilizer. Herbicide/fertilizer carrier products have become extremely popular in the
turfgrass industry. Applying a herbicide/fertilizer product is convenient and enables two operations to be
conducted at the same time. In general, sprayable and granular formulations of preemergence
herbicides are equally effective in control susceptible weeds. But keep in
mind that regardless of the formulation, herbicides must be uniformly applied to the site for acceptable
control. Uniform coverage is usually easier to achieve with a spray than with a granular application.
Several factors impact the results obtained with a herbicide formulated on a
fertilizer carrier. Of these, application uniformity and percent load of the herbicide are the most critical.
Application uniformity is determined by particle size, uniformity of particle size, and application
equipment. Particle size and uniformity of particle size is determined by the
manufacturer or formulator. As particle size decreases, the density of particles per unit area increases.
Uniform particle sizes are equally important to prevent ballistic segregation. Research conducted in
Mississippi showed that southern crabgrass control increased to a point
then leveled off as particle size of a dry fertilizer/herbicide product decreased. In other words extremely
small particle sizes were not necessary to achieve high levels of control. This research concluded that
with dithiopyr and oryzalin a particle size 465 particles per gram or greater was necessary to achieve
high levels of control. For prodiamine, a particle size of 165 particles per gram or more was sufficient.
For oxadiazon, a size fraction of either 58 or 165 particles per gram or greater were equivalent in
activity on southern crabgrass.

Another key factor to effective performance of the fertilizer/herbicide product is the percent load of the
herbicide. High load products usually are applied at a lower amount of total material per acre than a
low load product. Research conducted in North Carolina showed that
prodiamine formulated on a 0.29G product controlled smooth crabgrass better than when formulated as
0.5G product. The increase in smooth crabgrass control was attributable to the better coverage with
0.29G product.

VIII. Proper Maintenance and Fungicide Use. Following recommended cultural practices that
promote normal tall fescue growth and development will enable it to compete with weeds. The first line

of defense against weed infestations has been, and probably always will be, a thick, healthy, properly
maintained turfgrass. Adherence to recommended soil fertility and pH levels, proper irrigation,
controlling other pests, and mowing at the correct height and frequency will improve the effectiveness of
most chemical weed control programs. The use of herbicides in the absence of proper turfgrass
maintenance practices may provide weed control but the eventual goal of a high quality, aesthetically-
appealing turfgrass will not be achieved. Field experiments conducted for two years in Georgia showed
that the use of azoxystrobin (Heritage) improved the efficacy of pendimethalin in controlling smooth
crabgrass in established ‘Ky 31' tall fescue. Sequential (+) and single treatments of pendimethalin at
1.5 + 1.5 and 3.0, prodiamine at 0.65 + 0.5 and 1.15 and oxadiazon at 2.0 + 2.0 and 4.0 lbs. ai/acre
were evaluated. Single treatments were applied on February 16, 1999 and February 23, 2000.
Sequential treatments were applied 8 weeks later. Azoxystrobin at 4.0 oz. product/acre was applied to
one-half of the plots in late May, June and July. Azoxystrobin effectively reduced the infestation level of
brown patch until late August and increased smooth crabgrass control at the late August evaluation 10
to 20% for pendimethalin compared to pendimethalin at the same rates with no azoxystrobin.
Prodiamine and oxadiazon at all rates, with or without azoxystrobin, provided equivalent levels of
smooth crabgrass control. This study showed that controlling brown patch in tall fescue will improve
the control of smooth crabgrass in tall fescue with pendimethalin. However, no increase in smooth
crabgrass control occurred when brown patch was controlled in tall fescue treated with either single or
sequential applications of prodiamine and oxadiazon.

Maximum control of summer annual weeds with preemergence herbicides in tall fescue can be achieved
by following these basic guidelines:

1. Apply the product at the recommended time and rate. Weather varies from year to year and it
may be necessary to apply earlier than normal. Reference to 30 day weather forecasts can help with
this decision.

2. Apply the product before rain is expected or water it in with ½ inch of irrigation water.
Numerous instances of poor weed control occur each year because of the lack of rain or an irrigation
event within 7 days of preemergence application. Additionally, irrigating-in
the herbicide is an excellent method to prevent losses due to volatility and lateral herbicide leaching.
Turfgrass preemergence herbicides essentially do not leach in downward direction beyond a depth of 2
to 3 inches due to binding to soil colloids and organic matter. But they can move laterally, particularly if
heavy rainfall occurs shortly after application. Thus, irrigation will usually improve weed control and will
help to prevent lateral movement.

3. Calibrate all application equipment. Uniform application is critical to achieving good weed

4. If fertilizer/herbicide formulations are to be used, select a product that has uniform particle
size and a sufficient number of particles that will ensure even, uniform application. Also, be

sure that the herbicide load is sufficient to apply the recommended rate of the product. There is good
data that indicates that dithiopyr rates can be reduced if applied on a dry granular carrier. However,
with most other preemergence herbicides the amount of active ingredient applied per acre should be the
same either for sprayable or dry formulations.

5. Delay mowing until after a rainfall or irrigation event. Studies have shown that mowing and
bagging operations can remove significant quantities of a preemergence herbicide if conducted before
the herbicide is moved into the soil by rain or irrigation water.

6. Properly maintain the turfgrass. Following recommended cultural practices that promote normal
turfgrass growth and development will enable the turfgrass to compete with weeds. The first line of
defense against weed infestations has been, and probably always will be, a thick, healthy, properly
maintained turfgrass. Adherence to recommended soil fertility and pH levels, proper irrigation,
controlling other pests, and mowing at the correct height and frequency will improve the effectiveness of
most chemical weed control programs. The use of herbicides in the absence of proper turfgrass
maintenance practices may provide weed control but the eventual goal of a high quality, aesthetically-
appealing turfgrass will not be achieved.

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