Assignment-7 JEE MAINS

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#7: NLM&FWEP/20/12/2018 Target IIT-JEE/AIIMS 2019

Physics for IIT-JEE by Shiv R. Goel (B.Tech ., IIT-Delhi)

CLASS-XII Date: 20.12.2018

4. A 1 kg ball hangs in equilibrium from two
NLM & Friction strings PM and QM as shown in the figure.
(Take g = 10 m/s2). Calculate the tensions
1. An electric fan is placed on a boat which is T1 and T2 in the strings -
stationary on the surface of water on a
lake and air is blown with it on the sails of P Q
30º 60º
the boat. Which of the following statement
is correct -
(A) the boat will move with uniform velocity T1 T2
(B) the boat will move with uniform 1 kg
(C) the boat will remain stationary (A) 5N, 5N (B) 5 3 N, 5 3 N
(D) The boat will move irregularly
(C) 5N, 5 3 N (D) 5 3 N, 5 N
2. Ten coins are placed on top of each other
on a horizontal table. If the mass of each 5. The two pulley arrangements for lifting the
coin is 10 gm and acceleration due to gravity mass m are shown in fig. (a) (b) .The mass
is 10 m/s2. What is the magnitude and of the rope is negligible. In fig (a) the mass
direction of the force on the 7 th coin is lifted up by attaching a mass 2m to the
(counted from the bottom) due to all the other end of the rope, while in Fig. (b) mass
coins above it ? m is lifted up by pulling the other end with
(A) 0.7 N vertically downwards a constant downward force F = 2mg. The
(B) 0.7 N vertically upwards acceleration of the arrangement of the two
(C) 0.3 N vertically downwards masses is -
(D) 0.3 N vertically upwards

3. An object is in equilibrium under four

concurrent forces in the direction shown in
 
figure. The magnitude of F1 and F2 are – T T T T

m 2m m

mg 2mg mg 2mg
30º (a) (b)
(A) same in both the cases
(B) g/3 in Fig. (a) and in Fig. (b)
 3

(A) zero; 4 3 N (B) 4 3 N; zero 2g g

(C) in Fig.(a) and in Fig. (b)
3 3
(C) 4 3 N; 4 3 N (D) zero , zero
(D) in Fig. (a) and g in Fig. (b)

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6. Figure represents a painter in a crate, which

hangs alongside a building. When the painter
of mass 100 kg pulls the rope, the force exerted
by him on the floor of the crate is 450 N. If 
the weight of the crate is 25 kg, the
acceleration of the painter will be (Take g =
10 ms2) – 2m
m m

(A) 0º (B) 30º

(C) 45º (D) 60º

10. A spacecraft of mass M moving with velocity

v in free space explodes and breaks into
two pieces. After the explosion, a mass m
of the space craft is left stationary. The
velocity of the other part is -
mv Mv
(A) (B)
M m M m
(A) 1 m/s2 (B) 2 m/s2
(C) 3 m/s 2 (D) 4 m/s2 M m Mv
7. In no. 8, find the tension in the rope - (C) (D)
(A) 250 N (B) 500 N

(C) 750 N (D) zero 11. A force F  8iˆ  6 ˆj  10kˆ newton produces
an acceleration of 1 ms–2 in a body. The
8. In the arrangement shown in figure the mass of the body is -
tension in the string connected between B
(A) 10 kg (B) 10 2 kg
and C is –
(C) 10 3 kg (D) 200 kg

12. A machine gun mounted on a 2000 kg car

on a horizontal frictionless surface fires 10
bullets per second. If 10 g be the mass of
2kg B each bullet and 500 ms–1 the velocity of
A 3kg each bullet, then the acceleration of the
car will be -
2kg C
1 1
(A) ms  2 (B) ms  2
g 6g 10 20
(A) (B)
7 7
1 1
(C) ms  2 (D) ms  2
12g 24g 40 60
(C) (D)
7 7
13. A balloon has 5 g of air. A small hole is
9. The pulleys and strings shown in the figure pierced into it. The air escapes at a uniform
are smooth and of neglibile mass. For the rate with a velocity of 4 cm s –1. If the
system to remain in equilibrium, the angle  balloon shrinks completely in 2.5 second,
should be – then the average force acting on the balloon
is -
(A) 2 dyne (B) 50 dyne
(C) 8 dyne (D) 8 N.

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14. Refer to the system shown in figure. The
ratio of tentions T1 and T2 is- m

mgsin  mgcos
T1 T1 f
T2  mg
m1 m2
(A) 2 mg sin  (B) mg sin 
(C) mg cos  (D) 2 mg cos 
m1 m2
(A) (B) 19. Two trolleys of mass m and 3m are
m1  m2 m1  m2 connected by a spring. They were
compressed and released at once when they
m1 m2 move off in opposite directions and come to
(C) (D)
m2 m1 rest after covering distances S 1 , S 2
respectively. Assuming the coefficient of
15. A dynamometer D is attached to two blocks friction to be uniform, the ratio of distances
of masses 6 kg and 4 kg. Forces of 20 N S1 : S2 is-
and 10 N are applied on the blocks as shown (A) 1 : 9 (B) 9 : 1
(C) 3 : 1 (D) 1 : 3
in figure. The dynamometer reads –

D 20. A block of mass m slides down a 30° inclined

6kg plane of length l and coefficient of friction
F =20 N F =10N . With what speed it will reach the bottom
(A) 10 N (B) 20 N
(C) 6 N (D) 14 N (A) 2g (sin   )
16. At the instant t = 0 a force F = kt (k is
(B) 2g sin 
constant) acts on a small body of mass m
resting on a smooth horizontal surface. The (C) 2g ( sin – cos )
time, when body leaves the surface is -
(D) 2g (sin    cos 
F 21. A horizontal force 12 N pushes a block
 weighting ½ kg against a vertical wall. The
m coefficient of static friction between the wall
and the block is 0.5 and the coefficient of
kinetic friction is 0.35. Assuming that the block
(A) mg k sin  (B) k sin  / mg is not moving initially. Which one of the
following choices is correct ? (Take g = 10 m/
(C) mg sin /k (D) mg / k sin  s2)

17. A box is horizontally placed on a horizontal

conveyer belt moving with a speed of 4m/s. If
the coefficient of friction between the box
12N 2
and the belt is 0.8, through what distance will
the block slide without slipping ? (Take g = 10
(A) 1 m (B) 2 m (A) Block moves vertically downwards
(C) 3 m (D) 4 m
(B) Block moves vertically upwards
18. A block of mass ‘m’ is resting on an inclined (C) Block will not move and force exerted
plane as shown in figure. The inclination of on the block by the wall is 13 N
the plane to the horizontal is gradually (D) Block will not move and force exerted
increased. It is found that when angle of on the block by the wall is 6 N
inclination is , the block just begins to slide
down the plane. What is the minimum force 22. An aeroplane of mass M requires a speed v
F applied parallel to the plane that would for take-off. The length of the runway is l
just made the block move up the plane ? and the coefficient of friction between
runway and the tyres is . Assuming that
the plane accelerates uniformly during the
take-off, the minimum force required for the

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engine of the plane for take-off is - 26. Two masses m and M are attached to strings
as shown in the figure. In equilibrium tan 

 v 2  
 v 2 

(A) M  g  2l  (B) M  g  2l is :

   

 v 2  
 v 2 
(C) M  g  2l  (D) M  g  2l 
    

23. Two blocks of masses M and m are connected

to each other by a massless string and spring 45° 45°
of force constant k as shown in the figure.
The spring passes over a frictionless pulley
connected rigidly to the edge of a stationary
block A. The coefficient of friction between (A) 1 + (2M / m) (B) 1 + (2m / M)
block M and the plane horizontal surface of
A is . The block M slides over the horizontal (C) 1 + (M / 2m) (D) None of these
top surface of A and block m slides vertically
downwards with the same speed. The mass 27. A chain of length l is placed on a smooth
M is equal to – spherical surface of radius r with one of its
(A) m M ends fixed at the top of the surface. Length
m r
(B) of chain is assumed to be l  .
 2
A Acceleration of each element of chain when
M m m upper end is released is -
 1
(D) (M + m)
24. A block of mass m lying on a rough horizontal
plane is acted upon by a horizontal force P
and another force Q, inclined at an angle 
to the vertical. The block will remain in
equilibrium, if the coefficient of friction g  r rg  
between it and the surface is – (A)  1– cos  (B)  1– cos 
r    r
g   rg  r
 (C) r  1– sin r  (D)   1– sin  

28. Find the velocity of the hanging block if the

m velocities of the free ends of the rope are
P as indicated in the figure.
(A) (P + Q sin ) / (mg + Q cos) 2m/s
(B) (Pcos  + Q) / (mg – Q sin )
(C) (P + Q cos ) / (mg + Q sin ) 1m/s
(D) (P sin  – Q) / (mg – Q cos )

25. A horizontal force just sufficient to move a

body of mass 4kg lying on a rough horizontal (A) 3/2 m/s  (B) 3/2 m/s 
surface, is applied on it. The coefficient of (C) 1/2 m/s  (D) 1/2 m/s 
static and kinetic friction between the body
and the surface are 0.8 and 0.6 respectively.
If the force continues to act even after the
block has started moving, the acceleration
of the block in m/s2 is -
(A) 1/4 (B) 1/2
(C) 2 (D) 4

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remain at rest, if
29. In the figure shown the velocity of different
blocks is shown. The velocity of C is

6 m/s

4 m/s

A B C D m1 m2 m3
(A) 6 m/s (B) 4 m/s 1 1 1
(C) 0 m/s (D) none of these (A) m  m  m (B) m1 = m2 + m3
1 2 3
30. A particle of mass 50 gram moves on a
straight line. The variation of speed with
time is shown in figure. find the force acting 4 1 1 1 2 3
(C) m  m  m (D)  
on the particle at t = 2, 4 and 6 seconds. 1 2 3 m 3 m 2 m1
33. Find the acceleration of 3 kg mass when
acceleration of 2 kg mass is 2 ms–2 as shown
15 in figure.
10 3 kg 2 kg 10N
5 2ms

0 2 4 6 8 t(s) (A) 3 ms–2 (B) 2 ms–2

(A) 0.25 N along motion, zero, 0.25 opposite (C) 0.5 ms –2 (D) zero
to motion 34. Find the direction of friction forces on each
(B) 0.25 N along motion, zero, 0.25 along to block and the ground (Assume all surfaces
motion are rough and all velocities are with respect
(C) 0.25 N opposite motion, zero, 0.25 along
to ground).
to motion
(D) 0.25 N opposite motion, zero, 0.25
opposite to motion
E 2 m/s
31. Two masses M1 and M2 are attached to the
ends of a light string which passes over a D 1 m/s
massless pulley attached to the top of a C 3 m/s
double inclined smooth plane of angles of
inclination and . The tension in the string B 5 m/s
is :
5 m/s A

35. A small mass slides down an inclined plane


M1 fixed of inclination  with the horizontal. The co-

  efficient of friction is  = 0x where x is the
distance through which the mass slides down
M2 (sin ) g M1(sin  ) g and 0 , a constant. Then the distance
(A) (B) covered by the mass before it stops is :
M1  M2 M1  M2
2 4
M1 M2 (sin   sin  ) g (A)  tan  (B)  tan 
(C) M1  M2 (D) zero 0 0

1 1
32. In the arrangement shown in figure, pulleys (C) 2 tan  (D)  tan 
0 0
are massless and frictionless and threads
are inextensible. The Block of mass m1 will

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36. A truck starting from rest moves with an
acceleration of 5 m/s2 for 1 sec and then
moves with constant velocity. The velocity
w.r.t. ground v/s time graph for block in truck
is (Assume that block does not fall off the

  0.2

5 m/s
1 sec

3 m/s
1 sec

5 m/s
2.5 sec

(D) None of these

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WORK, POWER, ENERGY 6. A body of mass m is moving in a circle of

radius r with a constant speed v. The force
1. A horizontal force of 5 N is required to mv 2
maintain a velocity of 2 m/s for a block of on the body is and is directed towards
10 kg mass sliding over a rough surface.
The work done by this force in one minute the centre. What is the work done by this
is force in moving the body over half the
(A) 600 J (B) 60 J circumference of the circle
(C) 6 J (D) 6000 J
mv 2
(A) (B) Zero
r 2
2. A cord is used to lower vertically a block of
mass M by a distance d with constant
mv 2 r 2
(C) (D)
r2 mv 2
downward acceleration . Work done by
the cord on the block is
7. A particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal
d d circle of radius r under a centripetal force
(A) Mg (B) 3 Mg
4 4
equal to  K / r 2 , where K is a constant. The
d total energy of the particle is
(C)  3 Mg (D) Mgd
3. The energy required to accelerate a car (A) (B) 
2r 2r
from 10 m/s to 20 m/s is how many times
the energy required to accelerate the car K K
from rest to 10 m/s (C)  (D)
r r
(A) Equal (B) 4 times
(C) 2 times (D) 3 times
8. The displacement x of a particle moving in
4. A body of mass 2 kg one dimension under the action of a
slides down a 1m constant force is related to the time t by
curved the equation t  x  3 , where x is in meters
track which is quadrant
and t is in seconds. The work done by the
of a circle of radius 1m
force in the first 6 seconds is
1 metre. All the
(A) 9 J (B) 6 J
surfaces are
frictionless. If the (C)0 J (D) 3 J
body starts from rest, its speed at the
bottom of the track is 9. The relationship between force and position
(A) 4.43 m/sec (B) 2 m/sec is shown in the figure given (in one dimensional
(C) 0.5 m/sec (D) 19.6 m/sec case). The work done by the force in
displacing a body from x = 1 cm to x = 5 cm
5. A wooden block of mass M rests on a
horizontal surface. A bullet of mass m moving
in the horizontal direction strikes and gets
embedded in it. The combined system covers 20
Force (dyne)

a distance x on the surface. If the coefficient 10

of friction between wood and the surface is 0
1 2 3 4 5 6
 , the speed of the bullet at the time of 10
x (cm)
striking the block is (where m is mass of the
(A) 20 ergs (B) 60 ergs
2 Mg 2 mg
(A) (B) (C) 70 ergs (D) 700 ergs
m Mx
10. The pointer reading v/s load graph for a
 M m  spring balance is as given in the figure. The
2 gx  2 mx
(C)  (D) spring constant is
 m  M m

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30 14. A running man has half the kinetic energy
20 of that of a boy of half of his mass. The

10 man speeds up by 1m/s so as to have same
0 K.E. as that of the boy. The original speed
1 2 3 4
Load(kg) of the man will be
(A)0.1 kg/cm (B) 5 kg/cm
(A) 2m/s (B) ( 2  1) m / s
(C) 0.3 kg/cm (D)1 kg/cm

1 1
11. A force-time graph for a linear motion is (C) ( 2  1) m / s (D) m/s
shown in figure where the segments are
circular. The linear momentum gained 15. The spring extends by x on loading, then
between zero and 8 second is energy stored by the spring is : (if T is the
tension in spring and k is spring constant)
Force (newtons)

Time (second) T2 T2
(A) (B)
2 4 6 8 2k 2k 2
–2 2k 2T 2
(C) 2 (D)
T k
(A)–2 newton × second
(B) Zero newton × second
16. A batsman hits a sixer and the ball touches
(C) +4 newton × second
the ground outside the cricket ground. Which
(D) –6 newton × second
of the following graph describes the variation
of the cricket ball’s vertical velocity v with
12. Adjacent figure shows the force-
time between the time t1 as it hits the bat
displacement graph of a moving body, the
and time t2 when it touches the ground
work done in displacing body from x  0 to
x  35 m is equal to

(A) t1 t2

Force (N)


(B) t1 t2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (m)

(A) 50 J (B) 25 J t2
(C) 287.5 J (D) 200 J (C) t1 t

13. Two identical cylindrical vessels with their

bases at same level each contains a liquid
of density . The height of the liquid in one
vessel is h1 and that in the other vessel is

(D) t1
h2 . The area of either base is A. The work

done by gravity in equalizing the levels when

the two vessels are connected, is 17. A particle free to move along the x-axis has
potential energy given by
(A) (h1  h2 )g (B) (h1  h2 )gA 
U ( x)  k[1  exp( x) 2 ] for   x   ,
1 2 1 2
(C) (h1  h2 ) gA  (D) (h1  h2 ) gA  where k is a positive constant of appropriate
2 4
dimensions. Then

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(A) At point away from the origin, the particle be-
is in unstable equilibrium
(B) For any finite non-zero value of x, there 20

is a force directed away from the origin
(C) If its total mechanical energy is k/2, it
has its minimum kinetic energy at the origin 0 1 2 3 4 x(m)
(D) For small displacements from x = 0, the
motion is simple harmonic (A) 50 J (B) 40 J
(C)20 J (D)10 J
18. The kinetic energy acquired by a mass m in
22. A particle is dropped from a height h. A
traveling a certain distance d starting from
constant horizontal velocity is given to the
rest under the action of a constant force is
particle. Taking g to be constant every
directly proportional to where, kinetic energy E of the particle w. r.
(A) m (B)Independent of m t. time t is correctly shown in -

(C) 1 / m (D) m F F

19. An open knife edge of mass ‘m’ is dropped (A) (B)

from a height ‘h’ on a wooden floor. If the t t
blade penetrates upto the depth ‘d’ into the
wood, the average resistance offered by F F
the wood to the knife edge is

 h (C) (D)
(A) mg (B) mg 1  
 d t t

2 23. A rifle bullet loses 1/20th

of its velocity in
 h  h passing through a plank. The least number
(C) mg 1   (D) mg 1  
 d  d  of such planks required just to stop the bullet
(A) 5 (B) 10
20. A toy car of mass 5 kg moves up a ramp
(C) 11 (D) 20-
under the influence of force F plotted
against displacement x. The maximum height 24. A mass of 100g strikes the wall with speed
attained is given by 5m/s at an angle as shown in figure and it
rebounds with the same speed. If the
contact time is 2  10 3 sec , what is the force
x =0 x =11 m applied on the mass by the wall -
60 60°
20 60°
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 x
(A) y max  20m (B) y max  15m
(A) 250 3 N to right (B) 250 N to right
(C) y max  11m (D) y max  5m
21. The graph between the resistive force F
acting on a body and the distance covered (C) 250 3 N to left (D) 250 N to left
by the body is shown in the figure. The 25. particle falls from a height h upon a fixed
mass of the body is 25 kg and initial velocity horizontal plane and rebounds. If e is the
is 2 m/s. When the distance covered by coefficient of restitution, the total distance
the body is 4m, its kinetic energy would travelled before rebounding has stopped is

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four times the velocity of m1
1 e2  1e2 
(A) h 2

 (B) h 2

 (C) When m 1  m 2 and m 2 at rest, there will
1e  1 e 
be maximum transfer of K.E.
 2   2  (D) When collision is oblique and m 2 at rest
h 1e  h 1e 
(C) 2  2  (D) 2  2  with m 1  m 2 , after collision the balls move
1  e  1e 
in opposite directions

26. A body of mass M 1 collides elastically with 30. A ball hits the floor and rebounds after
inelastic collision. In this case
another mass M 2 at rest. There is maximum (A) The momentum of the ball just after the
transfer of energy when collision is the same as that just before the
(A) M 1  M 2
(B) The mechanical energy of the ball
(B) M 1  M 2 remains the same in the collision
(C) The total momentum of the ball and the
(C) M 1  M 2 earth is conserved
(D) Same for all values of M 1 and M 2 (D) The total energy of the ball and the
earth is conserved

27. Two particles having position vectors 31. A body of mass m moving with velocity v
collides head on with another body of mass
r1  (3ˆi  5 ˆj) metres and r2  (5ˆi  3 ˆj) metres
2m which is initially at rest. The ratio of K.E.
of colliding body before and after collision
are moving with velocities v1  (4ˆi  3 ˆj) m / s and
will be
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1
v 2  ( ˆi  7 ˆj) m / s. If they collide after 2
(C) 4 : 1 (D) 9 : 1
seconds, the value of '  ' is
32. A set of n identical cubical blocks lies at
(A) 2 (B) 4
rest parallel to each other along a line on a
(C) 6 (D) 8 smooth horizontal surface. The separation
between the near surfaces of any two
28. A bag (mass M) hangs by a long thread and adjacent blocks is L. The block at one end
a bullet (mass m) comes horizontally with is given a speed v towards the next one at
velocity v and gets caught in the bag. Then time t  0 . All collisions are completely
inelastic, then
for the combined (bag + bullet) system
(n  1)L
mvM (A) The last block starts moving at t 
(A) Momentum is v
M m
(B) The last block starts moving at
mv 2 n(n  1)L
(B) Kinetic energy is t
2 2v
(C) The centre of mass of the system will
mv (M  m ) have a final speed v
(C) Momentum is (D) The centre of mass of the system will
m 2v 2 have a final speed
(D) Kinetic energy is n
2(M  m )
33. Two particles A and B initially at rest move
29. Which one of the following statement does towards each other under a mutual force of
not hold good when two balls of masses m1 attraction. At the instant when the speed
and m 2 undergo elastic collision of A is v and the speed of B is 2v, the speed
(A) When m 1  m 2 and m 2 at rest, there of centre of mass of the system is
will be maximum transfer of momentum
(B) When m 1  m 2 and m 2 at rest, after (A) Zero (B) v
collision the ball of mass m 2 moves with (C) 1.5v (D) 3v

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REV. ASSIG. #7: NLM&FWEP/20/12/2018 Target IIT-JEE/AIIMS 2019

34. Three identical spheres, each of mass 1 kg

are placed touching each other with their
centres on a straight line. Their centres are
marked K, L and M respectively. The distance
of centre of mass of the system from K is

KL  KM  LM KL  KM
(A) (B)
3 3

(C) (D)
3 3

35. Two particles of masses 1kg and 3kg move

towards each other under their mutual force
of attraction. No other force acts on them.
When the relative velocity of approach of
the two particles is 2m/s, their centre of
mass has a velocity of 0.5 m/s. When the
relative velocity of approach becomes 3 m/
s, the velocity of the centre of mass is
(A) 0.5 m/s (B) 0.75 m/s
(C) 1.25 m/s (D) Zero

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REV. ASSIG. #7: NLM&FWEP/20/12/2018 Target IIT-JEE/AIIMS 2019


1. [A]
1. [C]
2. [C]
2. [C]
3. [D]
3. [A] 4. [A]
4. [C] 5. [C]
5. [D] 6. [B]
6. [B] 7. [B]
7. [C] –
8. [C]
8. [C]
9. [A]
9. [C]
10. [A]
10. [B]
11. [B]
11. [B]
12. [C]
12. [C]
13. [D]
13. [C]
14. [C]
14. [A] 15. [A]
15. [D] 16. [C]
16. [D] 17. [D]
17. [A] 18. [B]
18. [A] 19. [C]
19. [B] 20. [C]
20. [D] 21. [D]
21. [C] 22. [A]
22. [A] 23. [C]
23. [B] 24. [C]
24. [A] 25. [A]
25. [C] 26. [C]
26. [A] 27. [D]
27. [B] 28. [D]
28. [A] 29. [B,D]
29. [B] 30. [C]
30. [A] 31. [D]
32. [B,D]
31. [C]
33. [A]
32. [C] 34. [B]
33. [B] 35. [A]
35. [A]
36. [C]

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