Assignment-7 JEE MAINS
Assignment-7 JEE MAINS
Assignment-7 JEE MAINS
4. A 1 kg ball hangs in equilibrium from two
NLM & Friction strings PM and QM as shown in the figure.
(Take g = 10 m/s2). Calculate the tensions
1. An electric fan is placed on a boat which is T1 and T2 in the strings -
stationary on the surface of water on a
lake and air is blown with it on the sails of P Q
30º 60º
the boat. Which of the following statement
is correct -
(A) the boat will move with uniform velocity T1 T2
(B) the boat will move with uniform 1 kg
(C) the boat will remain stationary (A) 5N, 5N (B) 5 3 N, 5 3 N
(D) The boat will move irregularly
(C) 5N, 5 3 N (D) 5 3 N, 5 N
2. Ten coins are placed on top of each other
on a horizontal table. If the mass of each 5. The two pulley arrangements for lifting the
coin is 10 gm and acceleration due to gravity mass m are shown in fig. (a) (b) .The mass
is 10 m/s2. What is the magnitude and of the rope is negligible. In fig (a) the mass
direction of the force on the 7 th coin is lifted up by attaching a mass 2m to the
(counted from the bottom) due to all the other end of the rope, while in Fig. (b) mass
coins above it ? m is lifted up by pulling the other end with
(A) 0.7 N vertically downwards a constant downward force F = 2mg. The
(B) 0.7 N vertically upwards acceleration of the arrangement of the two
(C) 0.3 N vertically downwards masses is -
(D) 0.3 N vertically upwards
mg 2mg mg 2mg
30º (a) (b)
(A) same in both the cases
(B) g/3 in Fig. (a) and in Fig. (b)
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14. Refer to the system shown in figure. The
ratio of tentions T1 and T2 is- m
mgsin mgcos
T1 T1 f
T2 mg
m1 m2
(A) 2 mg sin (B) mg sin
(C) mg cos (D) 2 mg cos
m1 m2
(A) (B) 19. Two trolleys of mass m and 3m are
m1 m2 m1 m2 connected by a spring. They were
compressed and released at once when they
m1 m2 move off in opposite directions and come to
(C) (D)
m2 m1 rest after covering distances S 1 , S 2
respectively. Assuming the coefficient of
15. A dynamometer D is attached to two blocks friction to be uniform, the ratio of distances
of masses 6 kg and 4 kg. Forces of 20 N S1 : S2 is-
and 10 N are applied on the blocks as shown (A) 1 : 9 (B) 9 : 1
(C) 3 : 1 (D) 1 : 3
in figure. The dynamometer reads –
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engine of the plane for take-off is - 26. Two masses m and M are attached to strings
as shown in the figure. In equilibrium tan
v 2
v 2
(A) M g 2l (B) M g 2l is :
v 2
v 2
(C) M g 2l (D) M g 2l
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remain at rest, if
29. In the figure shown the velocity of different
blocks is shown. The velocity of C is
6 m/s
4 m/s
A B C D m1 m2 m3
(A) 6 m/s (B) 4 m/s 1 1 1
(C) 0 m/s (D) none of these (A) m m m (B) m1 = m2 + m3
1 2 3
30. A particle of mass 50 gram moves on a
straight line. The variation of speed with
time is shown in figure. find the force acting 4 1 1 1 2 3
(C) m m m (D)
on the particle at t = 2, 4 and 6 seconds. 1 2 3 m 3 m 2 m1
33. Find the acceleration of 3 kg mass when
acceleration of 2 kg mass is 2 ms–2 as shown
15 in figure.
10 3 kg 2 kg 10N
5 2ms
1 1
32. In the arrangement shown in figure, pulleys (C) 2 tan (D) tan
0 0
are massless and frictionless and threads
are inextensible. The Block of mass m1 will
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36. A truck starting from rest moves with an
acceleration of 5 m/s2 for 1 sec and then
moves with constant velocity. The velocity
w.r.t. ground v/s time graph for block in truck
is (Assume that block does not fall off the
5 m/s
1 sec
3 m/s
1 sec
5 m/s
2.5 sec
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30 14. A running man has half the kinetic energy
20 of that of a boy of half of his mass. The
10 man speeds up by 1m/s so as to have same
0 K.E. as that of the boy. The original speed
1 2 3 4
Load(kg) of the man will be
(A)0.1 kg/cm (B) 5 kg/cm
(A) 2m/s (B) ( 2 1) m / s
(C) 0.3 kg/cm (D)1 kg/cm
1 1
11. A force-time graph for a linear motion is (C) ( 2 1) m / s (D) m/s
shown in figure where the segments are
circular. The linear momentum gained 15. The spring extends by x on loading, then
between zero and 8 second is energy stored by the spring is : (if T is the
tension in spring and k is spring constant)
Force (newtons)
Time (second) T2 T2
(A) (B)
2 4 6 8 2k 2k 2
–2 2k 2T 2
(C) 2 (D)
T k
(A)–2 newton × second
(B) Zero newton × second
16. A batsman hits a sixer and the ball touches
(C) +4 newton × second
the ground outside the cricket ground. Which
(D) –6 newton × second
of the following graph describes the variation
of the cricket ball’s vertical velocity v with
12. Adjacent figure shows the force-
time between the time t1 as it hits the bat
displacement graph of a moving body, the
and time t2 when it touches the ground
work done in displacing body from x 0 to
x 35 m is equal to
(A) t1 t2
Force (N)
(B) t1 t2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (m)
(A) 50 J (B) 25 J t2
(C) 287.5 J (D) 200 J (C) t1 t
(D) t1
h2 . The area of either base is A. The work
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(A) At point away from the origin, the particle be-
is in unstable equilibrium
(B) For any finite non-zero value of x, there 20
is a force directed away from the origin
(C) If its total mechanical energy is k/2, it
has its minimum kinetic energy at the origin 0 1 2 3 4 x(m)
(D) For small displacements from x = 0, the
motion is simple harmonic (A) 50 J (B) 40 J
(C)20 J (D)10 J
18. The kinetic energy acquired by a mass m in
22. A particle is dropped from a height h. A
traveling a certain distance d starting from
constant horizontal velocity is given to the
rest under the action of a constant force is
particle. Taking g to be constant every
directly proportional to where, kinetic energy E of the particle w. r.
(A) m (B)Independent of m t. time t is correctly shown in -
(C) 1 / m (D) m F F
h (C) (D)
(A) mg (B) mg 1
d t t
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four times the velocity of m1
1 e2 1e2
(A) h 2
(B) h 2
(C) When m 1 m 2 and m 2 at rest, there will
1e 1 e
be maximum transfer of K.E.
2 2 (D) When collision is oblique and m 2 at rest
h 1e h 1e
(C) 2 2 (D) 2 2 with m 1 m 2 , after collision the balls move
1 e 1e
in opposite directions
26. A body of mass M 1 collides elastically with 30. A ball hits the floor and rebounds after
inelastic collision. In this case
another mass M 2 at rest. There is maximum (A) The momentum of the ball just after the
transfer of energy when collision is the same as that just before the
(A) M 1 M 2
(B) The mechanical energy of the ball
(B) M 1 M 2 remains the same in the collision
(C) The total momentum of the ball and the
(C) M 1 M 2 earth is conserved
(D) Same for all values of M 1 and M 2 (D) The total energy of the ball and the
earth is conserved
27. Two particles having position vectors 31. A body of mass m moving with velocity v
collides head on with another body of mass
r1 (3ˆi 5 ˆj) metres and r2 (5ˆi 3 ˆj) metres
2m which is initially at rest. The ratio of K.E.
of colliding body before and after collision
are moving with velocities v1 (4ˆi 3 ˆj) m / s and
will be
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1
v 2 ( ˆi 7 ˆj) m / s. If they collide after 2
(C) 4 : 1 (D) 9 : 1
seconds, the value of ' ' is
32. A set of n identical cubical blocks lies at
(A) 2 (B) 4
rest parallel to each other along a line on a
(C) 6 (D) 8 smooth horizontal surface. The separation
between the near surfaces of any two
28. A bag (mass M) hangs by a long thread and adjacent blocks is L. The block at one end
a bullet (mass m) comes horizontally with is given a speed v towards the next one at
velocity v and gets caught in the bag. Then time t 0 . All collisions are completely
inelastic, then
for the combined (bag + bullet) system
(n 1)L
mvM (A) The last block starts moving at t
(A) Momentum is v
M m
(B) The last block starts moving at
mv 2 n(n 1)L
(B) Kinetic energy is t
2 2v
(C) The centre of mass of the system will
mv (M m ) have a final speed v
(C) Momentum is (D) The centre of mass of the system will
m 2v 2 have a final speed
(D) Kinetic energy is n
2(M m )
33. Two particles A and B initially at rest move
29. Which one of the following statement does towards each other under a mutual force of
not hold good when two balls of masses m1 attraction. At the instant when the speed
and m 2 undergo elastic collision of A is v and the speed of B is 2v, the speed
(A) When m 1 m 2 and m 2 at rest, there of centre of mass of the system is
will be maximum transfer of momentum
(B) When m 1 m 2 and m 2 at rest, after (A) Zero (B) v
collision the ball of mass m 2 moves with (C) 1.5v (D) 3v
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(A) (B)
3 3
(C) (D)
3 3
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